#page 2799
pesterloglog · 7 months
John Egbert, Nannasprite
Act 5, page 2798-2802
JOHN: nanna, what the heck!!!
NANNASPRITE: Hoo hoo hoo!
NANNASPRITE: John, you remind me so much of your father when he was your age. He was just as easily bested by this crafty old prankstress!
JOHN: really?
NANNASPRITE: Yes. It would be many years before he would take the gambit in an exchange with your nanna.
JOHN: but nanna, did you know he is not really my dad? and also, i am not technically your grandson.
JOHN: you are actually sort of my mother.
NANNASPRITE: Of course I knew this, John! I have known for many years.
NANNASPRITE: I have also known that in a sense, you are my father as well. You were the one to push all those buttons, after all!
JOHN: huh, oh yeah.
JOHN: don't you find it all a little strange?
NANNASPRITE: John, I am the ghost of an old lady with one arm who is dressed like a clown. Why would that seem strange to me?
JOHN: heheh.
JOHN: so where have you been, nanna? i have been looking all over for you.
NANNASPRITE: I have been looking for you too, dear!
JOHN: you have?
NANNASPRITE: Yes! It seems you have been rising through the rungs of your echeladder quite swiftly.
JOHN: yeah!
JOHN: now i am an ectobiolo...
JOHN: ectobiblio... shit!
JOHN: (oops! sorry.)
JOHN: ectobioblobabby sitter.
JOHN: damn it, you know what i mean.
NANNASPRITE: Yes, that is quite high. You have climbed so much faster than I did in my youth. I am so proud of you!
JOHN: thanks!
NANNASPRITE: You should have returned sooner! I could have given you this boon at a much lower rung.
JOHN: boon?
NANNASPRITE: Here, John. Take this.
JOHN: ok. what is it?
NANNASPRITE: You can use it to summon me wherever you go.
NANNASPRITE: Now we needn't endure those long spells without a good visit!
JOHN: oh cool, that is great!
NANNASPRITE: And now, the most important question of all.
NANNASPRITE: When was the last time you have eaten anything, young man??
JOHN: hmm, i guess it has been a good while!
JOHN: i've been snacking on gushers a whole lot. bluh...
JOHN: i never realized how terrible they were, actually.
NANNASPRITE: That is completely unacceptable.
NANNASPRITE: I will prepare you a healthy home cooked meal while you relax in your ghost bed and rescue your paradox sister.
JOHN: oh boy!
NANNASPRITE: What would you like? Name what your heart desires. I will use my spooky ghost powers to make it.
JOHN: wow, hmm...
NANNASPRITE: Why, John! Do you hear that sound?
JOHN: uh... no?
NANNASPRITE: It sounds as if your meal is nearly finished!
JOHN: really? already?
JOHN: naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
0 notes
kelcemenow · 5 months
Drive Me Crazy - Chapter 5.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 2799
Warnings Swearing, smut...all good stuff!
Huge thank you to the Anon who sent this in! They had such amazing words to say about my writing which I massively appreciate and then to top it off, had an incredible request for me! I only have experience with mechanics in the UK, so I've tried my best with this one! "I just recently got interested in Travis K. X reader stories and wanted to let you know, I read all of yours as quickly as I could. They are so well done and I couldn’t help but laugh/giggle and feel through each word you typed out. You’re doing amazing and I’m so glad to have stumbled onto your page. If you have any space for a request, I’d be curious about what Trav would think about having a military (like fighter pilot) or engineer or mechanic girlfriend. I see a lot of stories with him paired with models/singers/social media individuals (which are phenomenal!) but just wondering how he would be with a more tomboy like girlfriend!"
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You spotted Travis in the bar immediately. He had secured one of the secluded booths that ran along the back wall. The bar was dimly lit with numerous candles and deep blue painted walls seemed to enhance the relaxed and cosy atmosphere.
Travis was holding a beer bottle in his large hand, his fingers gently picking at the edge of the label. You wondered for a second if he was nervous, before smiling to yourself.
"Of course he isn't nervous. He does this sort of thing all of the time."
Just as you were about to make your way over to him, his gaze fell on you. He seemed to take a deep breath before his eyes almost disappeared as his mouth moved into a wide grin. He stood up quickly, holding his hand out to warmly greet you. He was dressed casually in a white hoodie and leather jacket, black skinny jeans and comfortable Nike's finishing his look. Your ripped blue jeans and grey sweater seemed to compliment his outfit, and you secretly breathed a sigh a relief.
"Hey." You responded as you took hold of his hand. Travis pulled you closer to him and kissed your cheek lightly, his slightly spicy cologne sticking to you immediately.
You carefully slid into the booth, watching Travis opposite you as he did the same before pushing the second bottle of beer across the table.
"I didn't know what you wanted so I just got you the same as me. I can get you something else though, if you'd prefer." His eyebrows shot up as he craned his neck in search of an available waitress.
You smiled, "Beer is perfect, thank you." Your fingers wiped the cool condensation from the sides of the bottle before picking it up and bringing it to your lips.
Travis kept his eyes on you, watching your every move as you swallowed down the beer. You held your mouth as you nervously laughed a little, almost allowing the beer to escape your lips.
"What?" You said, dabbing the liquid from your mouth with the soft skin on the back of your hand.
Travis smiled and looked down at this hands and he rubbed his palms together, a quiet scratching sound of his slightly calloused skin, "Nothing. I'm just happy you've eventually agreed to go out with me."
"You know, I just said yes so you would stop bugging me." You shrugged, one side of your lips slowly curling upwards.
"It still worked though, didn't it?"
Your cheeks flushed pink as he looked back towards you, one of his glittering eyes winking and rendering you speechless.
"Can I say something?"
You smirked, "Yeah...sure."
Travis leaned in closer to you, resting his elbows against the table, "There's something about you that makes me fall apart."
A heat rose in your face again and he leaned in further, his mouth only inches away from yours.
"I can't stop thinking about our kiss the other night."
"Is this your way of getting another one?" You said in a low whisper, your voice rasping.
Travis grinned and closed the small space between you, his warm lips making contact with yours with a gentle pressure. As your eyelids fluttered closed, you tilted your head to the side and reached out to cradle the side of his face, his stubble prickling against your hand. You could feel him smiling into the kiss, which only spurred you on more, letting your tongue run across his bottom lip and your fingernails drag along his jawline. A fizz of energy rushed through your veins, culminating into a tightness in your core that made you push your thighs together, a throbbing sensation becoming very apparent.
You slowly pulled away from Travis, opening to yours eyes to see that his were still gently closed. His lips were still parted, a short breath escaping them as he eventually looked at you.
"Holy shit." He said with an elated grin, "I could do that all day."
"I'm gonna suggest something..." You started, "...and I don't want you to overthink this or to come up with some skewed opinion of me. But I really just want to head home and fuck you."
Travis immediately widened his eyes, his body leaning back a little.
"You're already overthinking it, I can tell."
He exhaled a laugh, blinking wildly and shaking his head, "Nah, I'm not overthinking it. I just...man, you really know how to make a guy speechless."
You took a long and deep breath, desperately hoping you hadn't been too forward. There was something about Travis that completely relaxed you and made you put your anxious thoughts to one side. You didn't feel the need to be anyone other than yourself in an attempt to please him.
You held your gaze as Travis raised his hand to scratch the back of his neck as his eyes seemed to dart across your features, analysing your expression.
"Take it or leave it, Kelce."
Travis quickly grabbed your hand, "Let's go."
Your fingers rapidly tugged the denim fabric that was covering your lower body as your breaths became more laboured and heavy. A slight grunt left your lips and Travis pulled away from you with narrowed eyebrows.
"You okay?"
You sighed, "Yeah, I just can't get my keys out of my pocket."
Travis chuckled and leaned his body away to allow you better access, "I don't know? Making out against your door is kinda hot?"
"I don't think my neighbours would be too happy." You smirked before glancing across to the grey door not 10 yards away from you, "Although, come to think of it. Frank is a pretty big Chiefs fan, he'd probably be hyped."
After a moment of intense silence, Travis slowly tilted his head and lightly grazed his lips against your neck. Your skin seemed to burn with his touch, a gentle tingle washing over you. As your chest tightened, your fingers found the familiar cool metal and looped themselves around the ring, pulling the keys out with a light jingle. You attempted to turn your body to open your apartment door, but Travis only pushed you further against it, his hands wandering towards your lower back. His solid torso loomed over you and you felt tiny as he seemed to surround you with his large frame.
You felt his grip tighten, his fingers bearing down into your flesh. As you rose up onto your tiptoes, your hands reached for the back of his neck, pulling his mouth onto yours.
He smiled into the kiss as you expertly moved your lips across his. The hallway was silent, the only sound being yours and Travis' heavy breathing. Something inside of your core seemed to coil up, ready to release but you swiftly shifted your body weight and retreated from him, gazing up into his twinkling, mesmeric eyes.
"I think we should go inside." You croaked, your breathlessness causing your voice to crack.
Travis' eyes creased into a wide grin, his hands still gripping your waist. With no hesitation, he spun you around to face to door, eager to get you inside of the apartment. You clung to the keys, unlocking the door quickly and swinging the door open, stepping into the darkness. The familiar sweet scent of your home engulfed you as you reached across to turn on the large lamp positioned in the corner. You glanced over your shoulder, watching as Travis glanced around, taking in his surroundings.
"It's not anything fancy...and I'm not exactly an interior designer or anything." You said with a nervous laugh, as you quickly grabbed some oil stained towels that were piled next to the couch and threw them towards the laundry basket.
Travis smirked, his eyes surveying you, "That shit doesn't matter." He reached out for your hand, drawing you closer to him, "Besides, it's kinda hot that you could probably fix my water heater."
You raised your eyebrows as your hands ran over his chest and shoulders, "Really? Is this some sort of fantasy you never knew you had?"
"Something like that." He reached down, treating your lips to a gentle kiss.
You took a few steps backwards, leading him towards your bedroom, his eyes glinting in the dim light. Once he was in the room, you rotated yourself around, pushing him down onto the bed with a gentle thud. Travis lifted his upper body up with his elbows as he watched you slowly peel your sweater from your body, removing it above your head and throwing it down on the floor. Your fingers ran across your erect nipples that were poking against the soft cotton bralette that you were wearing, the excitement pooling in your stomach at Travis' obvious enjoyment of his view. His mouth had gaped open slightly, his eyes glazed and his chest was beginning to rapidly rise and fall.
"Come here." He whispered.
You tipped your head to one side, "Please?"
"P-please." He stuttered.
You smiled and placed your knees onto the bed, lowering your body and began climbing up his body.
"Fuck." Travis groaned.
As you reached his waist, you noted his growing bulge, his jeans stretching with the movement. Your hand ghosted over the throbbing mound as you bit down on your bottom lip, a sharp pain searing through your skin.
Travis shifted himself on the bed, his desperation visually building to an almost unbearable level. His fists grabbed at your sheets, balling them up in his palms as you rose to your feet again. With a slight smirk, you spun around and lowered your jeans, stepping out of them slowly and allowing Travis to gaze at your ass for a moment.
You heard his breath shake and his body move again on the bed, the sheets brushing against each other. You glanced over your shoulder and threw Travis a wink, your mouth quickly moving into a smile.
He sat straight up, his hands reaching out for you, "I need to touch you."
Your stomach fluttered immediately at his words and you obeyed him, straddling his lap and bringing your hands to the back of his head, your fingers stroking the short stubble that peppered his skin. His arms coiled around your waist and pulled you closer to him, his warm breath tickling your neck. The pressure in your core was building and as if Travis was aware, you felt his hips begin to roll underneath you. You reciprocated, grinding yourself against the hard mass in his jeans, a small moan freeing from his lips.
Suddenly, he arose from the bed, holding you up in his strong grasp. He spun you around and laid you onto the mattress, his hands running down your splayed legs. The pace of your breathing quickened as you watched him remove his jacket and hoodie, revealing his hair covered and toned chest. He kept full eye contact, intense and feverish, as he reached for his belt and pulled the leather away from his jeans at an agonisingly slow speed. Your bottom lip quivered in anticipation and you couldn't tear your eyes away from him once his hands released his engorged erection, a small bead of precum glistening against the tip.
Your jaw fell open at his sheer size, his swift movement towards you causing it to bounce slightly. You looked up into his gaze again as he loomed over your body, his mouth connecting to yours with an urgent pressure. His tongue danced against yours, your muscles trembling with ecstasy.
"Seriously you're going to make me cum...and you've barely done anything yet." You gasped.
Travis hummed against your mouth, pulling away to beam down at you, his eyes creasing with his wide smile.
"You're in for a whole lot of trouble then."
Without warning, he reached for your underwear and pulled them down your legs, before unclasping your bralette and tossing it aside. His eyes fell upon your breasts, hazing over as he took in the sight before him. You felt your clit begin to throb as he leaned down and took your right nipple in his mouth, his tongue rolling over the sensitive skin. Your hands brushed against the soft skin of his hips, guiding him in-between your legs. The throbbing intensified as his cock made contact with your slick folds.
Travis responded by moving his hips back and forth, causing your eyes to roll back into your head. Something tightened inside of you and Travis watched your face contort with delight.
"That's it, baby girl."
His low, gruff voice combined with a nickname that you never knew you wanted to hear was enough to make you completely lose control and you screamed out in pleasure as you felt yourself release. Travis glanced down in-between your bodies to see his cock shining with your wetness.
He smiled as he moved his lips closer to your ear, "You need a break?"
You silently shook your head, your eyebrows raised in suspense.
He quickly lifted one of your legs and held it firmly in the crook of his elbow, thrusting his dick inside of you until you were completely full. Your face winced slightly as your walls adjusted to his enormous size. His head was tilted back and his mouth wide open, short breaths pushing out of his lungs. Your fingers dug into his arms, leaving red marks in their wake. Travis tentatively moved his hips backwards, enjoying the feeling of your pussy before looking down to watch himself slowly begin to shift in and out of you. His eyebrows lowered with concentration and you stretched your arms to reach for his face, bringing his eyes to meet yours.
He clenched his jaw as his speed increased, tears beginning to form in your eyes. You whined loudly in response to the growing second orgasm in your abdomen, the sensation spreading across your body. Travis held up with impressive stamina, his athleticism showing as he grunted with every thrust.
You gasped for breath, the sound of your bedframe slamming against the wall ringing in your ears. You were sure you were close to another orgasm but Travis noticed a change in your facial expression and responded by pulling out of you, holding onto your body and flipping you over onto your front.
Before you had a chance to realise what had happened, his hands were gripping onto your thighs and his tongue plunged deep into your pussy. The stubble on his cheeks pressed against your sensitive area and you pushed your face into a pillow, screaming into the soft material. He lapped at your folds, letting the tip of his wet tongue graze against your clit and dragging it up and towards your puckered hole. Your muscles twitched as you clamped your teeth down to stop yourself from wailing any louder. Travis removed his tongue and quickly replaced it with his solid dick again, loud slaps filling the room.
Travis' hands found their way into your hair and a sharp tug on your strands was enough to cause you to release once again. You squealed through your orgasm as Travis continued to thrust with force. He released your hair from his grasp and moved his large hands to hold onto your waist, allowing him to have better control of his motions. You struggled to hold your body up, your muscles weakening through your orgasm but Travis held onto you tightly, his own release growing.
With a sudden and short drive, Travis' hips snapped forward. You heard a loud and wet sound as your cum gushed out and onto your skins. Travis' muscles tightened and his hips juddered as he released into you, long sighs echoing into the room.
"Fuck." He exhaled.
Your upper body collapsed onto the bed, "Yeah, fuck."
Travis carefully pulled himself out of you and reached across to grab a tissue from your nightstand, gently cleaning you up before successfully tossing the tissue into the trashcan. You rolled over onto your back, tugging the comforter towards your body as the cool night air tickled your skin. Travis laid next to you, his rough fingers softly tracing the contours of your face.
Your breathing slowed to a normal pace as you looked deep into Travis' eyes, "This is crazy." You said, as you shook your head.
"Crazy good though, right?" He replied, with a smirk.
You nodded, puckering your lips in a request for a kiss when a loud knock disturbed your from your bliss.
You lowered your eyebrows and lifted your head to look through your bedroom doorway towards the entrance of your home. Travis studied your puzzled expression before turning his head towards the door when another knock resounded.
"Y/N, it's Jordan." A low voice said on the other side of the door.
"Jordan?" You whispered.
"Open the door."
I'm so sorry this has taken so long but I took some time off over Christmas and then it got super crazy with work so I spent a lot of my spare time relaxing and not writing! Here it is, another chapter of my current series and I hope you all enjoy it and it was worth the wait! If you want to be included in my Taglist, just let me know!!
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae @kristencochefski1125 @countrygirl120983 @charmed2000 @nouis-bum @cixrosie @delicateearthquakellama @wordsaresimple-imnot @amylouwho9 @queenisa17 @talicat713 @luvvtrent @purecinnamonextract @savaneafricaine @caelipartem @beyxgrande @caitdaniels @ezgirl1108 @vir-tual @lightsoutstyles @macey234 @s294749w @kelcemesoftly @calirindo @livinginmyfantasies @bernelflo @secretmywritingfictionlawyer @killatravtramp @there-goes-thefighter @unicornblueberry @calirindo @tjkelce87 @kristinamae093 @kmc1989 @ajbird18 @triski73 @ctn26 @kgcaputo07 @abby-splace @bobthe-turmpetman29 @cedricbitch @abby-splace @jmamas92 @bellstwd @killatravsworld @marchmaiden @chimchimmarie @blackstabbath6 @fanficfanatic15 @jessiemariebarnes @mmb219 @vanwritesfan-fiction @futebollover @ks-dreams-fantasies @laurenmcucm @blackstabbath6
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goddamnwebcomics · 11 months
How long is "too long", anyway?
You know, I previously asked what your limit is (you said it’s “about 1000 pages”). Yet, four of the comics you riffed (Alien Dice, Dominic Deegan, Gene Catlow and Spinerette) go past that limit—in fact, those first three are well over 3000 pages.
But I get it, reviewing long-ass comics that just meander on and on gets tiring after a while. So, I did a little digging, and I found 28 webcomics on your rifflist that go past your threshold, all of them still updating regularly (there might be more, these were just the ones that were listed on Piperka). They are, from shortest to longest:
The Rock Cocks (1004 pages), Exiern (1106), Slightly Damned (1120), Mokepon (1181), TwoKinds (1229), Sequential Art (1234), League of Super Redundant Heroes (1284), Sandra and Woo (1373), Latchkey Kingdom (1596), Megatokyo (1608), Rival Angels (1637), Ennui GO! (1801), Namesake (1927), Bittersweet Candy Bowl (2057), The Lounge (2156), Shortpacked! (2164), Housepets! (2206), Endtown (2523), Ava’s Demon (2712), Faux Pas (2778), Drowtales (2799), Yosh! (2867), Carry On (2884), El Goonish Shive (3190), Girl Genius (3258), Addictive Science (3342), Dumbing of Age (4419) and—far and away the longest—Buddies in Big Places (8029).
Additionally, there are two more comics that pass your limit but have officially concluded: Penny and Aggie (1160) and Misfile (4106).
Now, I’m not saying that you should torch all of these from the rifflist; some comics like Slightly Damned, TwoKinds, Sandra and Woo and Bittersweet Candy Bowl would provide an interesting riff, since they either toe the line of quality or have a lot of shit to talk about. Additionally, I know some of these were reader requests, so I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes too much. However, I do think it’d be best to consider when something is just not worth making a commitment for, which comics are boring on top of being insufferably long.
....wait, why the fuck did I do a full brainfart? Obviously the comics I’ve riffed are more than 1000 pages! How stupid could I have been?
Thank you for informing me about these lengths, I am surprised many of these comics are so long, especially Buddies in Big Places, hurgh.
New limit is 10,000. No more, no less.
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tarmizihartanah · 1 year
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amyrastore3 · 1 year
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It takes months to plan that perfect wedding, all the more reason to give a gift that is nothing short of spectacular - an AMYRA product! From meeting loved ones after a long time to dancing with the couple, there will be a million moments to cherish. With those amazing moments, your wedding guests can now take back with them a luxurious AMYRA product that will etch the beautiful memory forever.
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To know more: https://www.theamyrastore.com/pages/amyra-wedding-favors
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subwaysurf45 · 3 years
Winter Makes Ice (Ep.3)
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Summary:  you’re captured after a brawl at the Avengers building, Bucky and others must save you before Hydra makes a new Winter Soldier out of you, Bucky has given up that title.
Words: 2799
Episode: Three
Warning: not much, flashbacks, talks of violence
Masterlist! Winter Makes Ice Episode: Two
Time: 1:00pm 
Date: October 2nd 2024
It didn’t take long for everyone to board the helicopter and for it to take off, no one was lounging around this morning so they assembled quickly. Bucky sat by himself on the heli, the file was still open in his hands with the page turned to Dr. Wright. Bucky looked over the information that was given; he double and triple checked. There was a car waiting for them when they were going to arrive, Bucky would get dropped off and then Steve, Nat, and Wanda would drive around Halifax but would keep watch for a distress signal. Bucky made it clear it would only be him talking to the doctor, he was practicing his script in his head. 
“Five minutes ‘till landing,” the pilot spoke into his headset, the sound went to their ears sounding like a 1940s radio show. 
“Copy,” everyone replied without unison. 
The plane got lower and lower until it touched the ground; it was a private tarmac for primarily military forces and other important people; SHIELD was always allowed to use it. Everyone got off the plane after the propellers began to slow down, Bucky had jumped off once while they were still at top speed and got flung forward but the air. The all black car stood a ways in front of them, they all took their bags and headed over. 
“What a ride…” Steve muttered as he ran his hand against the perfect hood, this car was brand new and probably had never been in the sun before. It wasn’t a low sport car but rather an everyday car that was bullet proof and decked out with an AI on the inside, no one would take a second glance at it but the four of them marveled at how this car could fit in amongst others. The black rims matched the black tires and the black paint, this was Bucky’s dream car. 
They all got in and the ride began, Steve drove while Wanda sat in the back with Bucky, Nat was in the passenger seat playing her music. Every so often Wanda would look over to Bucky, he could see her out of the corner of his eye, she’d give a sympathetic glance and maybe open her mouth as if she was about to say something but chose against it. Bucky had Dr. Wright’s address on the file sheet; he was giving directions to Steve as they drove through the colourful houses. 
They had never seen houses like this, around four to five houses lined up next to each other, each of them were painted a different colour but they looked the same. Flowers grew in little holders under the two window sills at the front of the house, tulips were the most popular, vines would grow on the side where the sun didn’t shine too much and pain would chip around the bottom of the houses. Some houses still had Halloween decorations up, red leaves scattered on the ground and blew everywhere. There was a brown hue to the world around them, pumpkins were scattered on some door steps while other people still had Christmas lights up from last year. 
Bucky tapped Steve’s head rest and the car slowed to a stop, they looked out to their left to see a house that looked like it belonged to the community. It wasn’t modern and square with sleek grey tiles on the outside, it was old and run down. A ghost hung from the single garage light, one pumpkin was sitting on the doorstep. This house didn’t look like one of a nazi group member, nevermind just a person with their doctorate.
Tons of leaves crunched under Bucky’s combat boots, the road was littered with them, it made it seem like it was a red and yellow road. He looked both ways as he crossed even though no cars were on the road except for the military grade undercover car, Bucky looked over his shoulder to see Wanda waving. They were going to head to a farmers market in this town to pass the time, and Bucky would walk over there when he was done. He gave a thumbs up and the car drove away and down the street, he didn’t watch to see it disappear, Bucky only had one thing on his mind and it wasn’t some apple pies Wanda was looking for. 
The driveway looked new as well as the cobblestone walkway, one car was in the driveway and it looked to match the house, no crazy sports car. There was a screen door before an actual green wooden door, Bucky pulled back the screen and didn’t bother with the doorbell, he banged on the door. When he pulled his fist away there was a flake of green paint on his middle finger’s knuckle, a quick swipe and it was gone. Bucky stood back because he saw that in the movies, his back turned to the door as he looked out to the town. It was a lovely day, most people were probably at this farmer’s market, Bucky had never been to one even though you had offered to take him. 
His head whipped back at the door opening, the same man, but only older, opened the door. He looked tired and worn out, this was probably his last Halloween. The cane he was holding was shaking in his grip, the other hand gripped the side of the door extremely tight. You could see the white through the speckled skin. 
“What can I help you with, son?” the old man spoke with a smile, he licked his gums. A Canadian accent seemed almost cartoon-ish. 
Bucky froze as he looked at this man, the sight of him brought him back to his nightmares and everything he’d been through. The name ‘son’ rolled off this man’s tongue and down Bucky’s spine and sent a shiver running all through him, it was obvious this man didn’t know who Bucky was. Bucky almost felt bad that he was bothering him, it was obvious he wasn’t a walker and standing seemed to be his exercise for the day, but at the same time Bucky couldn’t help but think about all the ways he could rip this doctor apart. 
“Son?” the name came again. 
Bucky looked up with a shake of his head, “hello, are you Dr. Wright?” he asked quietly. 
“Yes it is, what do you need?” he didn’t seem freaked out that Bucky knew his name, it was a small town. 
“My name is James Buchanan Barnes,” Bucky started but the man didn’t seem to figure it out, “I am the Winter Soldier- used to be actually…” Bucky added. 
“Are you here to kill me?” the man’s voice shook, “because if you really are him then you have every right to do so,” he stepped back and opened the door for Bucky to walk in. 
“I’m here to talk, you’re not going to die.” Bucky walked in and kicked off his combat boots, he’d heard it’s a thing in Canada to take your shoes off in the house. He also heard there was bagged milk which didn’t make any sense to him, but he wasn’t about to argue. 
“That’s always good to hear, eh?” the accent slipped out again, it was weird for Bucky to see this man who haunted him just laughing. “Would you like some hot chocolate?” Dr. Wright asked as he made his way into the kitchen. 
His house was small, not many walls as one room just faded into another. Knick-knacks littered shelves and tables, everything brought a homey feel to it all, the house was very lived in. “No thanks,” Bucky waved up a hand to signal no. 
The doctor came and sat across from him, Bucky was sitting on a chair while Dr. Wright took the sofa, they both were wrapped in plastic. It made a squeaky sound when either of them moved but it didn’t seem to bother the doctor at all, Bucky one final time before swearing he wasn’t going to move again and hear that annoying sound. Both of Bucky’s hands were clasped in front of him, he felt too large and bulky for this petite chair, his fingers fiddled with each other. He’d pick and poke at the massive gloves he wore, his long sleeve was covering everything he needed. 
“So, Dr. Wright-”
“Jacob, son,” he corrected, “though I am a doctor,” Jacob hesitated, “I go by Jacob.”
“Is that your real first name?” Bucky asked, he was met with a smile and nod, “then call me Bucky, please.” Bucky smiled back, there was a growing tension between the both of them but they chose to ignore it. 
“Nice to meet you, Bucky.” Jacob seemed to relax at the name, he was scared of Bucky and Bucky could tell. This man had seen Bucky train for years on end, and Jacob knew what the Winter Soldier was capable of. “What do you need to talk to me about?” his cane rested beside him, his hand found its way there and just held it. 
“I need to talk to you about Hydra, any information you have on the Iceland base- or any base in Halifax, Iceland, Greenland, and there’s one more…” Bucky brought a gloved hand to his stubbled chin, the leather making a rough noise when it brushed against the facial hair. “Oh! It was Newfoundland, anything you knew about those four places.” 
Jacob thought for a moment, he didn’t have stubble to rub. Though he was old it was obvious he still thought that it was the old days, hair slicked back and a very fresh shave, facial hair wasn’t allowed unless you had grown it out in private. Bucky had always remembered Howard Stark’s mustache; he couldn’t picture him without it. 
“I mean, I was just a scientist, I ran labs and tested things on animals. I didn’t come up with the world ending plans, I was never told the reason for what I was doing, I was just told to do it.” Jacob sounded worried, “when I used to work for Hydra I was worried for my life everyday, they were so paranoid all the time that someone could be a rat. If you said ‘hail Hydra’ a little too quietly then you’d have a bullet between your eyes, I just kept my head down and did what I was told.” Jacob’s hand got increasingly tighter on the handle of his cane. 
“Was there something new they were working on?” Bucky asked, and he pulled out a little flip book to keep track. 
“I quit a total of ten years ago, when I was seventy-one, the only thing they were thinking of was keeping you in their grasp, there was no other plan.” Jacob shrugged, “Hydra couldn’t see a life source without you, they never intended on losing you the way they did.” 
“So you have no idea what they could possibly be working on, at all?” the hope Bucky had was falling, this was the only lead they knew and if all he could say was there was never a plan B, you were screwed.
“I’m sorry Bucky, I really want to help, but I just don’t know.” Jacob stood and walked back to the kitchen. He filled a glass of water and grabbed three pills from a container before heading back over to his seat. 
“Out of the four places I mentioned, Iceland, Greenland, Halifax, and Newfoundland,” Bucky paused and watched Jacob mutter them to himself and then take the pills, “which one is the strongest?”
Jacob swallowed his pills with water, “Iceland.” without any hesitation, no second guess, nothing giving away he was lying for didn’t know. “Iceland was hell for me, it has the best of the best for agents, scientists, and…” he glanced out the window, “cells and tourture.” 
Bucky shot up right away, he headed to the door. Jacob followed him, glass still in his hand. When Bucky was about to leave Jacob placed a hand on his shoulder. When Bucky turned back around the hand traveled along the center of his chest, “I'm not wired, Jacob.” Bucky eased. 
“Some things just come second nature, son.” Jacob kept his head down, “y’know, I never wanted to hurt you. I thought I was making my old man proud, but I never stopped to realize what I was doing was actually wrong.” Jacob looked up with glossy eyes, “I actually wanted to find you at some point because I know I was the one who woke you up last, I remember clearly the way you looked, right then, I knew I needed to leave that place.” Jacob shuffled over and stood completely square to Bucky, Bucky just looked down at Jacob with a face of horror. The man Bucky saw every night was crying and apologizing to him, he didn’t know anyone who worked with Hydra had a heart. “I’m sorry for everything I did to you,” Jacob reached in his back pocket, he had placed the glass of water on a side table. “Here, take some money-”
“No, none of that, Jacob, really,” Bucky held his hands out, “you’re forgiven, don’t worry about all that, I just need to find someone.” Bucky reached for the door. 
“What do you mean?” Jacob fished in his wallet. 
“Hydra stole my girlfriend, I think she's in Iceland.” Bucky’s eyebrows knitted together at Jacob who was given him a coin. 
“I think you’re right,” Jacob dropped the coin in Bucky’s palm before closing the door, the screen door creaked as it shut quickly with the wind. 
Time: 2:33pm
Date: October 2nd 2024
Steve, Nat, and Wanda were walking around on the closed road, stands of every fruit and pastry lined the streets. Wanda was on top of the moon, she had a tote bag with some apple turnovers in them, that was really all she wanted. Nat had actually bought something too, Steve was genuinely surprised when Nat bought some earrings from a vendor, they were very small and dainty moons that would go in her ear lobes. Steve didn’t buy anything but just liked walking around, there was a lot to see but in a good way, no screens or jumbotrons, just people being people. 
As Bucky made eye contact with Steve, Steve’s phone rang. Nat and Wanda rushed up to Bucky and were asking how it went, but the unknown caller was what Steve was focusing on. 
“Steve Rogers,” Steve lowered his voice. 
“Captain Rogers,” an all too familiar voice hit his ear. 
“King T’Challa?” Steve turned his back to the group. 
“We have three Hydra agents in custody, they tried to take out my sister,” his accent flowed and bounced as he talked.
“Keep them in the cells, we’re on our way.” 
“Will there be more of them?” T’Challa asked before he could hang up. 
“I don’t know, but hold them and don’t kill them, they might be our only hope.” Steve said his goodbyes and hung up. 
When he turned back to Bucky and the rest of them, they seemed scared, Bucky had overheard Steve’s call, super hearing, and was looking at him weird. 
“What was that?” Bucky asked. 
“King T’Challa, says there was an attempted hit on Shuri, doesn’t know where they came from but they want her.” Steve shoved his phone in his back pocket, “what did you find?” 
Bucky just held up a silver coin, “we’re going to Iceland.” 
“We need to go to Wakanda,” Steve stepped forward. 
“Not all four of us,” Nat pulled everyone aside from the farmer’s market, “I’ll go with Steve to Wakadna, you go with Wanda to Iceland. We’ll be talking and before you ambush the Hydra base in Iceland we’ll confirm y/n is in there, deal?” She looked to the other three. 
Winter Makes Ice tag list: @small-death-and-codeine​ @commonintrest​ @buckyys-doll​  @lil-baby-nor
let me know if you want a tag!
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sayosdreams · 4 years
Sand and Stardust - Chapter 11
Word Count: 2799
Chapter Index
ACOTAR Masterlist
“What about your mother’s name?”
“No,” Nesta replied sharply. “I don’t want to name my daughter after anyone. I want her to be herself.”
“Okay.” Cassian rubbed the back of his neck. “Do you have any ideas?”
“I borrowed some books from the library with different names and meaning. I have a few that I like.” Nesta collected said books from her bookshelf, and placed them on the table in front of Cassian. He flipped through the pages.
“Carina is a nice name,” he remarked absently. “So is Ara.”
Nesta rolled her eyes and let out a huff that sounded slightly like derisive laughter.
“What?” he said defensively.
“Of course you’d want to name our child after a constellation.”
Cassian raised an eyebrow. His expression seemed to say, I am the General of the Night Court’s Illyrian army, you know.
Nesta shrugged one shoulder. More like the puppet of the Night Court’s High Lord.
“Well what names do you like?” His tone was slightly exasperated.
Nesta retrieved a sheet of paper from her bedside table. “Here’s a list I made with some initial ideas.”
The paper had a little less than 20 names with small notes besides them, explaining the meaning or association.
Cassian’s eyes scanned the list. He pointed at a few of them. “I like these.”
Nesta nodded.
“Can we take Emlyn off the list?” he asked sheepishly, his eyes resting on the table. “I, uh, had an ex with that name…”
“Okay,” she agreed, though her jaw tightened. I’m sure if we eliminated all the names of your lovers, there’d be no names left.
Cassian’s eyes glinted. I’m hundreds of years old, darling. What’s your excuse? At least I bothered to learn their names, which is more than can be said for you.
Nesta narrowed her eyes. “How fucking dare you,” she whispered. Her voice was so quiet that only Cassian’s fae ears could pick it up, but it was strong.
Cassian smirked dangerously. “Me? Sweetheart,” he bit out the word provokingly, “I haven’t done anything. Are you jealous?”
Nesta’s expression turned hard. She scoffed, “Jealous? Only in your dreams.”
“You know what my dreams are filled with? You, wrapping your legs around my head, and me making you moan,” he was leaning in towards her now. “Making you cum for me again and again, just like that night…”
Nesta refused to let the blush rise to her cheeks.
“We were drunk.”
“I know. Imagine how much better it’d be if we were both sober,” he purred.
Nesta looked away and took a deep breath.
“Anyway, we need to go buy some baby clothes, and decide what to do about the crib, rocking chair, and any other furniture we might need.”
“Trying to change the topic, Nes?”
“I am actually trying to be a responsible parent and prepare for this child, because I care about her,” she said sharply and accusingly.
Cassian’s lighthearted, flirty expression disappeared. “You don’t think I care about this child?”
Nesta remained silent.
“Of course I care! You think I enjoy lying to my family about where I’m going and hiding parenting books from them? You think I’d stay up thinking about this child, worried about what might happen to them and what kind of parent I’ll be if I didn’t give a shit?”
Cassian seemed deeply offended. “If anything, Nesta, you’re the one that needs to think about how much you care about our daughter.”
“Excuse me?”
“I mean, you’re trying to keep this baby a secret. Don’t you think she deserves a family?”
“Of course I do! That’s why I told you!”
“Yeah, after forcing me not to tell my brothers or my High Lord and High Lady. Do you even understand how it makes me feel to have to lie to them about something like this?”
Nesta suppressed the urge to roll her eyes. She should have known that the Inner Circle was his family, the one he cared about more than anything — including the baby.
“If you want to stop lying,” her voice was frighteningly quiet, “and your family is the most important thing to you, then fine.”
“You want to stop sneaking around and hiding things right? Stop lying about why you’re sleepless? Then fine,” she raised her chin higher, swallowing the urge to cry. “Just stop.” She shrugged. “There’s no need for you to come to appointments with me if you don’t want to. I can find a way to get everything I need to prepare for her, and I can raise her on my own for a while.”
Cassian blinked slowly.
“You can meet her when she’s older,” Nesta continued. “I know that you probably want to be with her as soon as she’s born, but you can’t take her away from me that quickly because she does need to be fed by me. And babies also calm down when they hear their mother’s heartbeat.”
She didn’t want to be saying this. But if Cassian couldn’t keep compromising himself as an honorable male, if these lies were tearing him up inside, then she’d let him go along with her hopes of giving her daughter a proper family with parents.
“I’d obviously want her to spend half her time with me while she’s growing up, but if that’s not-” Nesta gulped, her unfeeling mask slipping due to lack of use. “I want to see her sometimes.”
“Nesta,” Cassian’s voice was too soft. “I’m not going to take her away from you. And yes, I hate lying to my family, and yes, they are important to me. But right now, our daughter is more important. Sure, I’m worried about the millions of dangers out there in the world that could hurt her and the millions of ways I could screw up as a parent, but that doesn’t mean I’d want to miss any part of raising her.”
Nesta debated revealing her own worries, but decided to say, “I’m sure you’ll be an amazing parent. Why are you so worried? I mean, you’re almost 600 years old.”
“Still closer to 500, Nes. And besides, why does age matter?” Cassian asked, smiling.
“I mean, surely you’ve had children before?”
Cassian shook his head. “Fae children are very rare. I’ve never, ah, been in a situation where I was trying to have a child, either, so,” Cassian rubbed the back of his neck. His ears were pink.
“I see,” she replied. She now felt foolish for assuming his age meant he had experience in that area.
Cassian cleared his throat. “Nes, about what you said earlier,” he began. Nesta suppressed the urge to sigh. She didn’t want to revisit their argument.
She decided to interject, “Don’t call me Nes.”
He continued, unphased, “I wanted to thank you for telling me.”
Oh. Nesta just looked away and nodded. I wanted my child to have a father. And you deserved to know.
“And I wanted to let you know that I also want to be- I mean, I also want our daughter to have a family.”
Nesta really did not want to restart the debate about telling the Inner Circle. “Cassian-”
“I mean us. I want us to raise her together.”
Nesta smiled slightly. “Me too.”
Cassian’s eyes were warm. After a moment, he looked around.
“Are you planning on raising her here?” His voice was free of judgement.
“I could, but I was hoping to maybe move somewhere close by that’s a little bit bigger,” she replied.
Cassian asked hesitantly, “Would you be interested in buying a house with me? So that we could live together with the baby?”
Nesta blinked. “Wouldn’t your family notice if you no longer slept in their house?”
“I have my own apartment,” he explained. “I stay there sometimes. It’s not big enough, though.”
Nesta nodded slowly. “Sure.”
Cass grinned. “Okay, let’s add house shopping to the long list of things we need to do.”
Nesta let an amused expression linger on her face.
After a few moments, she rolled her shoulder and straightened her posture.
“So for today, I was thinking that we could visit some of these stores,” Nesta said, pointing to a list Khoniya had made for her. “These ones sell baby clothing, these sell pacifiers and blankets and such items, apparently.”
Cassian just nodded.
Once outside, she wrapped her arms around him and they shot into the air.
Nesta’s jaw dropped.
“Told you it was big,” Brielle whispered.
“Yeah but I didn’t think you meant this huge,” Nesta replied at the same volume.
Khoniya blushed slightly and cleared her throat. “We’ll eat in the regular dining room, if that’s okay with you two.”
They nodded.
They had decided to have the weekly dinner at Khoniya’s house this week, because Elian had to work late and it was easier for Khoniya to just put Yaran to bed and stay home.
Brielle had informed her that Khoniya and Elian lived in a large house, but she had not expected the house to be this grand.
From what Nesta could tell, it had at least 12 bedrooms, 14 bathrooms, 3 studies, a large kitchen and pantry, a formal living room, an informal living room, a formal dining room, an informal dining room, a parlor, a deck, a playroom and a basement. She was sure there were more rooms that she had not noticed.
“Do you mind my asking why you chose this house?” Nesta said, as the three of them sat down at the table and began digging into the food Brielle had brought (Khoniya had also contributed a few dishes, leaving Nesta feeling slightly guilty, but they’d both reassured her that it was fine).
Khoniya sighed. “This house used to belong to Elian’s family. His paternal grandfather first lived here with his grandmother, and they had three daughters and two sons. They were very wealthy, as I’m sure you can tell, and they had some maids. They also needed guest bedrooms for the illustrious guests that often stopped by their home. After his grandfather passed away during the War about 500 years ago, Elian’s father and mother lived here, with their children of course. Since there was no need for so many bedrooms, they let one of Elian’s father’s sister, who was not yet mated, live with them as well. They still used all these fancy dining rooms and parlors and all that. When Elian’s father died, about 100 years ago, the house belonged to him, as the oldest son. His two sisters already lived with their lovers — one in the outskirts Velaris, the other in the mountains south of Velaris — and his younger brother already lived in his own apartment, but his mother still lived here. To be quite honest, we would have been fine living in an apartment, but his family insisted we live here, since his father left it to him.”
Khoniya looked down at her plate. “Elian invited his mother to continue living here but she didn’t approve of our relationship and did not want to live with us. So now we live here in this huge house, but we only use a fraction of it. It’s a waste, really.”
“Well, it’s a gorgeous house,” Brielle said. “And it’s really safe because of the gates, so that’s good, right?”
“Yes, I suppose,” Khoniya smiled. “It just seems wasteful. I grew up with barely enough, and now I live in a house — a mansion, really — that is the definition of excess. It just doesn’t feel right, sometimes.”
“I understand,” Nesta nodded. “My two sisters and I used to share one bed when we were younger and now she has, like, four houses and dresses in invaluable jewelry and fabrics. It’s fine, I’m happy for her, but it just doesn’t feel right forgetting where you came from, you know? I’m glad we have enough to eat now, but that doesn’t mean everyone does, and it feels wrong to sit at a mahogany table, draped in the finest silks and jewels, being served far too much food by maids.”
Khoniya nodded. “I try not to judge others, and I don’t know your sister. Maybe she really does enjoy that luxury lifestyle,” she said. “But for me, living in luxury makes me feel like a fraud. I mean, this house is fine, because it belonged to the family of the male I love, but like- At the end of the day, even if I’m dressed in the latest fashion, I’m still going to be worried about people jeering at me or attacking me, telling me that I don’t belong here, in the city of their dreams. In the end, no matter what costume I wear, or how much money I hide behind, I’m still a Lower fae from the Autumn Court.”
“Does it happen often?” Nesta asked after a pause. “Do people often try to hurt you just for being you?”
Khoniya bit her lip. “These days, I try to hide my hair and ears, so it’s not that noticeable. Usually, it’s not that bad. Most people won’t openly attack you. They’ll just look at you weirdly, gossip about you, and make unpleasant remarks. I mean, it makes sense that they’re very protective of Velaris — many fae died defending the city and of course, the High Lord gave up his freedom for almost half a century to protect it — but it’s a little sad that they don’t think I can have a place in their dream city. It’s not just that they don’t think my dreams are worth anything, it’s that they don’t even have a place for fae like me in their ideal city.”
Silver lined Khoniya’s eyes.
Brielle grasped one of Khoniya’s hands. Nesta grabbed the other comfortingly.
“Khoniya, I know how difficult it can be. You know, you’re the only reason why I was able to stay here and begin living my dream,” Brielle said. “Sure, there are bigots and xenophobes and haters. But for the people that matter — for Elian, for Yaran — there’s nothing in Velaris for them without you.”
“For me, too. I don’t think you two understand how much I value your friendship,” Nesta said. “I have never really had real friends. And I don’t belong in this world but- but when I’m here, I feel like maybe I can find my place.” Maybe the infinite expanse of days and years before me could be something more than endless self-hatred and loneliness.
The bell clinked as the last customer exited the shop.
Brielle and Nesta slumped to the floor. Today had been a long day, full of irritating customers and having to explain that no, the prices were not up for debate and no, they were not doing to stop selling orange mobiles just because it ‘hurt to look at’ due to its color.
There had been far too much need to explain that yes, all customers had to wait in line, even the ones that were busy. No, the candy was not complimentary, that’s why they put a price on it.
Really, the only good thing about their day was that Khoniya had stopped by at the end of the day. She’d taken one look at their exhausted faces and declared that they were going to go eat out tonight as her treat.
“Do you guys want me to help close up?” Khoniya asked.
Brielle sighed dramatically before getting up. “It’s fine.” She reached out a hand and helped Nesta to her feet. “Let’s just lock up.”
Khoniya assigned herself to clean up duty, and mopped the floor.
As Brielle wrote in her accounting book and Nesta organized the scarves, the former mentioned, “Oh, yeah. I ordered some of the books you suggested.”
“Do you have any suggestions? I know a lot of mine were human authors,” Nesta replied.
“Yeah, I also ordered a few of my favorites. But I think also having human authored books will make our bookshop unique, don’t you think?”
“That’s true. Although if some avid readers adore popular fae authors, we should have some in stock.”
“Are you guys done?” Khoniya called. The floor practically sparkled with cleanliness.
“So, any ideas on what you’re going to name your daughter?” Khoniya asked as they walked down the street.
“A few, but we haven’t decided yet.”
“Might I suggest the name Brielle? It’s delightful and it will remind you of your amazing colleague,” Brielle joked.
“No, I couldn’t tolerate that many Brielles in my life,” Nesta replied, smirking.
They all laughed. Their chuckles seemed to be amplified by the narrow walls of the street they were on, and their joy seeped into the air.
Their laughter was suddenly cut short as something cold pressed against each of their throats — a knife.
Permanent taglist: @grandma-noob-lord // @thewayshedreamed // @courtofjurdan // @maastrash // @awesomelena555 // @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter // @iammissstark // @cass-nes // @perseusannabeth // @bookstantrash // @stardelia // @b00kworm // @ghostlyrose2
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winterswrandomness · 4 years
A Welcome Weight
Analoceit, starting with Logan angst because I can. Tumblr really just needs a colour selection board for text colours, don't they? That should be a future update.
Word Count: 447
Warnings: Feelings of being ignored getting tracked; angst with a happy ending; Poor sleep schedule mentioned; [Let me know if I missed anything]
Pairing: Romantic Analoceit
"2785, 2790, 2795.." 
   Logan sighed, looking at the final three tallies before adding another. "2799." Was that really how many times he'd felt ignored in the past five years? He would have thought it was more, would have hoped it was less.
   Putting down the notepad and picking up the notebook that was still in his drawer, he looked at the more recent dates to find a rate. 
   Well, he found that the dates got closer as the years went onward. "That's a bit troubling," He quietly mused, summoning chart paper with a swipe of his hand over his desk. Picking up a pencil and ruler, he started translating the information into a graph.
   He would have been sitting there for just over two hours when he was finally finished, flipping through every page that had a date recorded, and it was nearly four in the morning.
   Logan stood, hearing a whole series of cracking noises from his aching joints. Stretching his arms to the ceiling, he couldn't help but sigh in relief. Next time he did a graph for this kind of research, he really needed to take breaks throughout, didn't he?
   "Maybe just scale down the research as a whole," He mumbled as he started toward his bed, taking off his glasses to set them on his bedside stand. 
   Soon enough, he was curled up in his white unicorn onesie and cozy blanket, already starting to fall asleep.
   Logan woke up to warmth, keeping his eyes closed as he tried to snuggle closer to both sources. He had a hunch of who they were, but still found himself curious after a minute or so, prying his eyes open to check.
   "I think he's waking up." Logan heard one of his boyfriends say, with that honey sweet voice. He looked down at him, seeing a blurry figure cuddled to his chest with his head under Logan's chin, probably after having ducked under his arm. 
   "Yeah, no shit, Dee." He smiled at the joking comment from his other boyfriend, whose voice was webbed into a quiet hush next to his ear. 
   Turning his head to messily press his nose against Virgil's as he wrapped his arms around Deceit, Logan wondered; "What time is it?"
   "No clue," Deceit mumbled, cuddling even closer. "Just don't stay up so late documenting stuff, it worries us." Tugging his and Virgil's intertwined hands closer, Logan was made aware that he was barred as Virgil flopped over him. 
Though maybe that wasn't a bad thing, if they were stopping him from destroying his mental health. He simply let himself drift off again, surrounded by the warmth of those he loved and cherished most.
Let me know if you want to be added or removed!
General Taglist: @heathers-dorkness-0923 @chumo-cookie
Logan angst: @infinitesimalfalsehoods
118 notes · View notes
ao3feed-swanqueen · 4 years
So This Is Love
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XkE5bA
by emmasyellowbug
Emma Swan and Regina Mills have been best friend's since their childhood, and as they age, they only grow closer being there for each other through the struggles, pain and loves that come with life. Completely clueless that they are perfect for each other, while everyone around them notice it in an instant.
Words: 2799, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Emma Swan, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Regina's Father | Henry Mills Sr., Prince Charming | David Nolan, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Abigail | Kathryn Nolan, Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Lily | Lilith Page, Daniel Colter, Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time), Captain Hook | Killian Jones
Relationships: Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XkE5bA
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ao3-feed-shadam · 5 years
by ForMeToPoupon
After an ironically forgettable night together before the battle with Zarkon and a disastrous hook-up attempt in the Blue Lion, Shiro and Allura finally get down to business. ...If you know what I mean. But first! Feelings!
Re:Play is the remaining content from my canceled comic project, Play, posted for completion sake. It includes a few comic pages and panels in progress, most of the raw script from Part 3, a comedic interlude and a short epilogue.
Words: 2799, Chapters: 4/12, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Play
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Allura, Shiro
Relationships: Allura/Shiro, Shallura, past Adam/Shiro mentioned, lance & keith cameo
Additional Tags: script, work out of progress, Sexual Content, canon AU, season 6 noncompliant, season 7 noncompliant
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/17646623
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amyrastore3 · 1 year
Buy Wedding Favors Online in India - The AMYRA Store
It takes months to plan that perfect wedding, all the more reason to give a gift that is nothing short of spectacular - an AMYRA product! From meeting loved ones after a long time to dancing with the couple, there will be a million moments to cherish. With those amazing moments, your wedding guests can now take back with them a luxurious AMYRA product that will etch the beautiful memory forever.
Having done grand weddings in USA, Malaysia, UK & India, we at AMYRA provide the most luxurious gifts for your wedding guests! A perfect note of thanks for everyone who joined you in the celebrations!
Pricing for wedding favors
Pricing varies on the number of pieces you are looking to order. Based on the quantity and the design, for bulk orders our pricing can be expected to be between ₹999 to ₹2799 for potlis and between ₹1899 and ₹2799 for clutches. We strongly believe that every product that leaves our workshop should be of the highest quality. We therefore do not dilute quality of the products, be it 1 or 15 or 150 products in the order. The pricing reflects the same.
To know more: https://www.theamyrastore.com/pages/amyra-wedding-favors
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prajuritdigital · 3 years
Jasa Pembuatan Website Murah di Kabupaten Sampang
https://prajuritdigital.com/?p=2799 Jasa Pembuatan Website Murah di Kabupaten Sampang 081-555-459-716 | Apa Anda sedang mau membuat Jasa Pembuatan Website Murah di Kabupaten Sampang? Untuk dipakai Promo Produk, Jasa atau Profil Perusahaan Anda? Setelah itu Anda mengetik Kata Kunci pada Google, antara lain : Biaya Jasa Pembuatan Website Murah di Kabupaten Sampang, Harga Jasa Pembuatan Website Pribadi Murah di Kabupaten Sampang, Jasa Pembuatan Website Company Profile Murah di Kabupaten Sampang Berkualitas, Jasa Pembuatan Website Developer Murah di Kabupaten Sampang Paling Lengkap. 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Ya, silahkan kontak Kami. Anda cukup membayar jasa untuk pembuatan website. Berapakah Lama Pengerjaan Pembuatan Websitenya? Kalau TIDAK ada antrian dan data sudah dilengkapi, website dapat dikerjakan dalam 1 atau 2 hari. Untuk website custom, lama pengerjaan menyesuaikan sistem yang diinginkan (Semakin kompleks, waktu pengerjaan lebih lama). Apa Saya akan mendapatkan Akses Login ke Websitenya? Ya, tentu saja. 100% hak akses website akan menjadi milik Anda setelah website selesai kami kerjakan. Apakah Ada Maintenance Selanjutnya? Ya, website yang Anda pesan akan kami maintenance secara periodik selama masih menggunakan jasa kami, meliputi upgrade core engine serta update plugin. 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Jasa Pembuatan Website Murah di Area Sulawesi Selatan Area Kami dalam Menjual Jasa Pembuatan Website Murah di Sulawesi Selatan meliputi : Bantaeng, Barru, Bone, Bulukumba, Enrekang, Gowa, Jeneponto, Kepulauan Selayar, Luwu, Luwu Timur, Luwu Utara, Maros, Pangkajene dan Kepulauan, Pinrang, Sidenreng Rappang, Sinjai, Soppeng, Takalar, Tana Toraja, Toraja Utara, Wajo, Kota Makassar, Kota Palopo dan Kota Parepare. Jasa Pembuatan Website Murah di Kawasan Sulawesi Tenggara Sektor Kami dalam Menjual Jasa Pembuatan Website Murah di Sulawesi Tenggara meliputi : Bombana, Buton, Buton Selatan, Buton Tengah, Buton Utara, Kolaka, Kolaka Timur, Kolaka Utara, Konawe, Konawe Kepulauan, Konawe Selatan, Konawe Utara, Muna, Muna Barat, Wakatobi, Kota Bau-Bau dan Kota Kendari. Jasa Pembuatan Website Murah di Sektor Sulawesi Utara Zona Kami dalam Menjual Jasa Pembuatan Website Murah di Sulawesi Utara meliputi : Bolaang Mongondow, Bolaang Mongondow Selatan, Bolaang Mongondow Timur, Bolaang Mongondow Utara, Kepulauan Sangihe, Kepulauan Siau Tagulandang Biaro, Kepulauan Talaud, Minahasa, Minahasa Selatan, Minahasa Tenggara, Minahasa Utara, Kota Bitung, Kota Kotamobagu, Kota Manado dan Kota Tomohon. Jasa Pembuatan Website Murah di Sektor Maluku Kawasan Kami dalam Menjual Jasa Pembuatan Website Murah di Maluku meliputi : Buru, Buru Selatan, Kepulauan Aru, Maluku Barat Daya, Maluku Tengah, Maluku Tenggara, Kepulauan Tanimbar, Seram Bagian Barat, Seram Bagian Timur, Kota Ambon dan Kota Tual. 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jesse-pinkman123 · 3 years
Pharmaceutical Packaging Equipment Market Size Share Trends Forecast 2026
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The Global Pharmaceutical Packaging Equipment Market, by Product (Primary Packaging Equipment, Secondary Packaging Equipment, and Labeling and Serialization Equipment) by Type (Liquids Packaging Equipment, Solid Packaging Equipment, Semi-Solid Packaging Equipment, and Other Products Packaging Equipment), by End User (Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Contract Packaging, Retail Pharmacy, Institutional Pharmacy, and Others), and by Region (North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa) was valued US$ 7.3 Billion in 2018, and is projected to exhibit a CAGR of 8.2% during the forecast period (2018 - 2026) as highlighted in a new report published by.
Pharmaceutical packaging protects products from physical, chemical, and microbiological damage. It is also a medium to present ads and useful details to consumers. In pharmaceutical packaging, customers always prefer efficient packaging that can maintain the quality of the product. Pharmaceutical packaging is very sensitive towards outdoor elements such as light and moisture. For instance, in May 2018, Italy-based IMA Group companies- IMA Life and IMA Active, a companies engaged in design and manufacturing of automatic machines for the processing and packaging of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food, tea and coffee–introduced new sales team in India that focuses on sales and services of solid dose, aseptic processing, filling technology, and freeze-drying solutions. During the launch of these equipment, the company dedicated its special focus on marketing of Quantum, a new non-invasive technique capable of performing quantitative real-time process measurements that was applied to freeze drying and to continuous freeze drying process.
* The sample copy includes: Report Summary, Table of Contents, Segmentation, Competitive Landscape, Report Structure, Methodology.
Request a sample copy of this report: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/2799
Browse 26 Market Data Tables and 31 Figures spread through 188 Pages and in-depth TOC on "Pharmaceutical Packaging Equipment Market, by Product (Primary Packaging Equipment, Secondary Packaging Equipment, and Labeling and Serialization Equipment), by Type (Liquids Packaging Equipment, Solid Packaging Equipment, Semi-Solid Packaging Equipment, and Other Products Packaging Equipment), by End User (Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Contract Packaging, Retail Pharmacy, Institutional Pharmacy, and Others), and by Region (North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa) - Global Forecast to 2026"
Furthermore, key players in the pharmaceutical packaging equipment market are focused on introducing innovative equipment, which offer improved accessibility and speed in pharmaceutical packaging processes. For instance, in December 2018, JVM — a subsidiary of Hanmi Pharmaceutical — introduced NS20 — a pharmaceutical packaging machine, which can prevent packaging errors of pharmaceuticals while speeding up the automatic dispensing procedure and can save wrapping paper. NS20 is based on ACRS- III technology, which automatically recognizes the position of a canister containing a drug. The platform automatically stops packaging when it detects the wrong medication during preparation. The NS20 model is suitable for large pharmacies and hospital pharmacies and comes with the latest automatic sensor and communication technology ACRS-III and ATDPS — a conventional automatic medicine classification and packaging system.
Key Takeaways of the Pharmaceutical Packaging Equipment Market:
The global pharmaceutical packaging equipment market is expected to witness a CAGR of 8.2% during the forecast period (2018 – 2026), owing to increasing need for flexible and integrated packaging equipment
Browse Research Report: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/market-insight/pharmaceutical-packaging-equipment-market-2799
Among product, the primary packaging equipment segment accounted for major market share in 2017. This is mainly attributed to the ease of handling offered by primary pharmaceutical packaging equipment, development of novel forms of drug delivery and biopharmaceuticals, and the increasing norms of and quality criteria. Furthermore, primary packaging performs the central function to protect and preserve products from damage, external hindrance or contamination, spoilage, and chemical imbalances. Primary packaging also helps to store products for long durations and keeps the product completely sealed from the surroundings.
Among type, liquids packaging equipment segment accounted for major market share in 2017. Reagents and kits are integral and inevitable part of pharmaceutical packaging. The demand for reagents and kits is high, owing to their increasing adoption in diagnosis and treatment regime of infectious disease such as HIV diagnostic assay, tuberculosis infection, Zika virus infection, among others. Moreover, high demand for complex formulations, increasing incidences of eye disorders, and development of novel drug delivery systems is expected to boost growth of the segment.      
Among end user, pharmaceutical manufacturing segment held major market share in 2017, and is expected to retain its dominance throughout the forecast period. This is mainly due to the presence of in-house packaging facilities in the manufacturing locations of industry participants. Pharmaceutical manufacturing incurs major demand for packaging equipment due to high end-use consumption of packaging products.  
Some of the major players operating in the global pharmaceutical packaging equipment market include, Robert Bosch GmbH, Industria Macchine Automatiche S.p.A., Marchesini Group S.p.A., Korber AG, MG2 s.r.l., Accutek Packaging Equipment Companies, Inc., Vanguard Pharmaceuticals Machinery, Inc., Romaco Pharmatechnik GmbH, Bausch + Ströbel Maschinenfabrik Ilshofen GmbH+Co. KG, and OPTIMA Packaging Group GmbH
Buy-Now this research report: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/buy-now/2799
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kidneystories2013 · 3 years
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This is Fabry Disease Awareness Month Day #19. On the National Fabry Disease Foundation’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/FabryDisease, we try to post articles from the Fabry Disease News service (https://fabrydiseasenews.com/) and other news services to share them with people who do not subscribe to Fabry Disease News. As usual, when we are really busy with other projects, we sometimes get behind. Here are a few interesting Fabry Disease News articles we did not post on our Facebook page or in another of our communication channels. AVR-RD-01 Gene Therapy Clears Fabry Patient of Toxic Substrate, Trial Report February 9, 2021, https://fabrydiseasenews.com/.../avr-rd-01-gene-therapy.../ In Managing Fabry Symptoms, We Must Leave No Stone Unturned February 17, 2021 https://fabrydiseasenews.com/.../managing-fabry-symptoms.../ New Test Can Detect Antibodies That Limit ERT, Gene Therapy Marc 2, 2021 https://fabrydiseasenews.com/.../freeline-robust-test.../ PRX-102 Safe and Effective Once Monthly Fabry Treatment, Phase 3 Data Show March 12 https://fabrydiseasenews.com/.../prx-102-safe-effective.../ Fabrazyme’s Long-term Benefits to Kidneys, Other Organs Added to US Label March 26, 2021 https://fabrydiseasenews.com/.../fabrazyme-long-term.../ ‘Break a Sweat for Fabry’ and Other Activities Mark Awareness Month April 9, 2021 https://fabrydiseasenews.com/.../activities-mark-fabry.../ First Patient Dosed in Phase 1/2 Trial of 4DMT’s Gene Therapy 4D-310 April 16, 2021 https://fabrydiseasenews.com/.../phase-1-2-trial-of-4dmt.../ Together, we are making a positive difference in the lives of people with Fabry disease and their family members on this road less traveled. Please share our daily e-news and "Like" and "Share" our daily Facebook posts and Twitter tweets at www.facebook.com/FabryDisease and www.twitter.com/FabryDisease1, respectively.  Thank you for your support! Sincerely,  Jerry Walter Founder and President, National Fabry Disease Foundation 1-800-651-9131 or 919-732-2799 [email protected] www.fabrydisease.org (at Hammond, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN5Wtg9jWn2/?igshid=ilgriot693gs
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yurupedia · 6 years
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“alone”の和訳「ひとりぼっち」に否定語の“not”をつけて 「ひとりぼっちではない」 そして、その語感から「市民活動は焦らずのんびり、ゆっくりやろうよ」 という意味もこめられている。
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Titanium Alloys Demand to Witness Marginal decline in Near Term amid COVID-19 Pandemic, Projects Fact.MR
A new study on the Titanium Alloys market provides a detailed overview of the demands and consumptions of various products/services associated with the growth dynamics of the market during the historical period 2013 – 2017. The in-depth market estimation of various opportunities in the segments is expressed in volumes and revenues during the forecast period 2018 to 2027. The insights and analytics on the Titanium Alloys market span several pages. These are covered in numerous sections, including, drivers and restraints, challenges and opportunities, regional segmentation and opportunity assessment, end-use/application prospects analysis, and competitive landscape assessment. The titanium alloys industry is taking a positive growth, with gaining gigantic traction and outgrowing good quality titanium alloys.
Key stakeholders in the Titanium Alloys market including industry players, policymakers, and investors in various countries have been continuously realigning their strategies and approaches to implement them in order to tap into new opportunities. Many in recent months have overhauled their strategies to remain agile in the backdrop of worldwide disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The study also offers scrutiny of the changing government policies amid COVID-19 disruptions. Policymakers in developing and developed nations are framing new regulations to meet the continuing macrocosmic shocks by COVID-19 pandemic. The authors of the report have taken into account the impact analysis of the pandemic, and have elaborated on the trends that will be crucial to the upcoming competitive landscape. New entrants, as well as established players who want to emerge as leaders in the post-COVID era, are taking the impact analysis seriously.
Request to View Sample of Research Report @ https://www.factmr.com/connectus/sample?flag=S&rep_id=2799
The following insights and evaluations are worth knowing for any market participant, helping them in ascertaining the prevailing dynamics and the future trajectories of the Titanium Alloys market. They are a part of the estimations of the opportunities in various segments.
Changing consumer preferences and uptake trends in key industries
Key trends highlighting funding by top investors in various countries
Changing demand and consumption of various product segments
New avenues for investments in various technology and product/service types
Recent regulations in key industries affecting the demand in the Titanium Alloys market
Detailed profiling of various players
Some of the insights and market estimations that make this study unique in approach and effective in guiding stakeholders in understanding the growth dynamics. The study provides:
Assessment of the key regulations and norms by governments and what changes are probable in the post-COVID era
Evaluation of policies in developing and developed nations so as to understand what factors are essential in helping them bounce back to economic growth from a recent slump
Analysis of shares and size of key product segments and the technologies that will help fuel the demands in these segments
An overview of the direction of ongoing and future research and development, both by the private player and public institutions
An in-depth assessment of the economic disruptions that are likely to linger on for months after the COVID-19 pandemic recedes from the world
Technologies and healthcare infrastructures that will help understand the preparedness of various countries toward future such pandemics
Role of next-generation technologies such as artificial intelligence in various end-use industries
The regional segmentation of the Titanium Alloys market is done as follows:
North America
Latin America
On the basis of product types, the Titanium Alloys market report offers insight into major adoption trends for the following segments:
Alpha Alloys
Near Alpha Alloys
Alpha + Beta Alloys
Metastable Beta Alloys
Key end-users covered in the study include:
Aerospace & Defence
Power Generation industry
Chemical Processing
Companies profiled in the report are:
Altemp Alloys, Inc.
Haynes International Inc
Global Titanium Inc.
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