#page 66
thedemonsmasquerade · 6 months
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Page 66: The Tail Never Lies
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tekbros-sketchbook · 2 months
What can you tell us about your catsona?
ooohhh, tbh I dont have much information about Kris, but he's just me, but as a anthromorphic domestic shorthair cat species, he also has his own feral form but only often being used especially only on some worlds.
He's more on shy-introvert type of a character but often likes to be acompanied with anyone he's comfortable.
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A bit of lore like he's a creator of his own AU, some of my current and future OCs might know about him, some are not.
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In MLP world he's always on feral cat form usually just strolling around Equestria as a stray cat (Will need to update proper cat reference for this)
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some other unnecessary (and perhaps NSFW-ish) information below
Stuffs like his romantic and sexual preference. In terms of romantic feeling he's pretty much okay with anyone, though not really actively looking for it but he might caught on it whenever someone took interest with him.
Sexual preference wise... im not really sure, its kind of confusing, but I guess he's fine with any gender its just he's not always looking forward to it, though he cooperates anyways :v
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"S-sex? uhhh.. mmm.. I mean sure? I dont mind with any of you, though I mostly prefer feminine type, I'm fine with any gender"
Fun fact, when cat allows you to rub their belly means they trust you, but anthro Kris' definition means submission, means you' have a go signa're free to touch wherever you like temporarily. How temporary? maybe a day or two.
Feral kris however is just the usual cat behaviour, and no, I dont allow NSFW stuff on feral kris >:v
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izzywhisker · 17 days
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Hello page 66
You know when you draw something and it doesn't look like what you pictured in your mind? ....... Yeah, that's this page. But I don't think I could ever manifest it "perfectly". I'm just so happy to finally deliver the line "my sword is not my only weapon" in a release.
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summer--vacation · 1 month
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ftwkcomic · 10 months
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The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog pg 66
Watch your Ego, or else it'll grow bigger than Eggman's mustache. Hope you guys enjoy. c: Portfolio: https://ftwkcomicbooks.myportfolio.com
Socials and comms info https://ftwkcomic.carrd.co/
Posted using PostyBirb
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vowcomic · 1 year
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d-team · 2 years
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sharry-arry-odd · 17 days
"You're Irish, Allan. Richard isn't your king, and England isn't your country. And I haven't seen much of this honor you claim." He looked mortally wounded. "Have I ever acted dishonorably to you, fair thief?" "It doesn't count if you suspect she'd cut your hands off," David grunted. "It counts"" Allan and I said at once. "What about men?" I asked him. "Are you saying men are not crafted by God?" It might have been the sun, but I could have sworn he colored up a bit. And as someone who hid her blushes fair often, I figured I knew better than most. "Men are the crudest castoffs of God's work, I must say," Allan said. David chuckled. Allan frowned. "Are we there yet?" I glared at him. "Does it look like we're there yet?"
Lion Heart, by A.C. Gaughen
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pesterloglog · 4 months
Vrissy Maryam-Lalonde, Vriska Serket, Tavros Crocker
Page 66-67
VRISSY: Fuck that guy, am I right?
VRISKA: I am in no place to 8egrudge a man his cathartic ass-kicking moment, but that was a loud fucking scream.
VRISSY: No kidding. My ears are STILL ringing from your 8ig attempt at breaking the sound 8arrier.
VRISKA: Yeah, yeah. It was impressive, he loved kicking dead clown ass just like you thought, wh8tever.
VRISKA: That’s all good, but the point is we need to hit the 8ricks 8efore someone comes over to try and award us with the loudest squealers award.
TAVROS: Yes, you’re quite right,
TAVROS: the both of you
VRISSY: Soooooooo, the trunk?
TAVROS: Pleasure to meet you,, Vriska,
TAVROS: So sorry to have skipped that, um,, step,
TAVROS: I got, ah,,, bit caught up in the moment,
TAVROS: I appreciate your patience,
VRISKA: I would say “anytime,” but let’s just get through this and never move a corpse again, yeah?
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It is what it is, Annabelle tells herself. It's a phrase she often finds comforting. It reminds her to accept the truth rather than struggle against it. But now, it sort of pisses her off. Sometimes, what is is something that shouldn't be. It should never have been. It only is because of messed-up reasons going back messed-up generations, old reasons, reasons that don't jibe with this world today. Sometimes, an is should have been gone long, long ago, and needs to be - immediately and forcefully and with not a minute to lose - changed.
Deb Caletti, A Heart in a Body in the World
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silkentine · 23 days
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An anatomy and lighting practice that turned into Ichiji! 😊❤️🎇✨🔥 I’ve been really inspired by @dannymans66 lately so I’ve got #1 on the mind.
ALSO!!! I HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FREE COMMISSION BELOW (Check it out and see if you can win!)
So I jokingly shared the lineart for this piece with my friend and said that it looked like a page from a coloring book and the idea humored me so much that I decided to hold a competition. I’ll give you all TWO WEEKS (ending June 4th 2024 at 23:59 EST) to color this picture of Ichiji using the blanks provided below and submit your illustrations here on tumblr with the tag #ichijirecolor (and it’s probably best if you @ me as well @silkentine). I’ll judge all the submissions (with the help of my unbiased mom) and the one that I like the best* will receive a free commission from yours truly :) anything you want!!! Feel free to color outside the lines, add stuff to the illustration, use the “wrong” colors, print it out and color it traditionally, whatever floats your snail-boat! 🐌 The only requirement is that my original illustration is included in some way (it doesn’t even have to look like Ichiji at the end, I suppose!)
*If my first place winner declines the prize or fails to respond with a week of the announcement, I’ll move on to the second place and so on and so forth.
Below the Read More, I’ve provided two versions of the lineart with and without the tattoo. Also, they are all 1526x2048 pngs either with a white background or no background at all. To color using a white background, place it as your top layer and set it to a Multiply blending mode, then you can add colors on a layer below without having to fuss with the lineart or delete the background. I’m not going to check if you keep the original size or ratio of the images; I like to work really big, so feel free to compress it if necessary. Feel free to move the watermark around, and it would delight me so if you added yours alongside mine!
Thanks in advance to all who decide to participate!!! I’m so excited to see what you can create!!!
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Also here’s my version without any shading, you could use this too if you wanted to but isn’t it more fun to start blank? Idk I just think this is fun to look at.
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If you made it this far and you’re still not sure if you want to participate or not, let me sweeten the pot and let you know that I’m a very small creator and I’m not expecting to get many submissions, so your chances of winning could be much higher than usual with these kinds of things!!! I’m not someone who judges on technical skill either, it’s purely my own taste that will decide the winner, so don’t let your skill level hold you back! I love funny things and getting to know people in the One Piece community!!! This is all my selfish attempt at making some new friends hahaha!! Thanks for reading all of this 😋🥰 you mean the world to me.
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thirtheenprimes · 8 months
Started Artificial Condition while I was at work and I marked the pages I had notes on so I could make another reread thread.
"ART, who was apparently very interested in the job scenario,"
Yeah I bet ART is super invested in this job scenario. ART, who's night job is fucking over corporations that profit off screwing over innocent people. Who was 100% already on an information run to do something to fuck over some corporation when a rogue SecUnit asked to come on board. I bet that ART is very invested in helping these young scientists that just lost their very important research to someone who is going to try and kill them so they can abuse the remenent detection tech.
And, I bet, ART is very excited to have a construct that is such a good person and hates corporations too and obviously likes to protect humans to do this little side quest that it would otherwise bot be ale to help with.
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twiststreet · 8 months
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Two pages from Fumi Saimon's Tokyo Love Story, discussed here.
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Hey, what are the Vinsmoke boys like in the Pages au?
Ok so I’m pretty sure that I know who is sending me this but I’m not going to say anything just in case my memory is playing tricks on me
But seeing as how I personally feel about the Vinsmokes, I’m going to do Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji.
Also I’m sorry that it took me so long to get to this as I have to be directly in the mood to write this sort of thing
Anywho let’s get into it, shall we?
!-Trigger Warnings-!
Delusions, Kidnapping, Raiding, the Vinsmoke Boys being the Vinsmoke Boys, S*xual Punishments, Overstimulation, Masturbation, Yandere
!-Trigger Warnings-!
So we all know the Vinsmoke Brothers. They’re big, scary, and tough as nails with little to seemingly no capacity for any kind of emotion so it’s really a wonder that they picked up your books in the first place.
I’m going to say that Yonji was the first one to take a look simply because of the hot girl on the cover who was making a rather sexy looking expression as her love interest loomed over her from behind.
In actuality, that sexy expression was the MC looking somewhat terrified of her new partner but it’s not killing his interest any time soon.
He buys it while probably finishing up some kind of work somewhere or just takes it because it’s likely that he doesn’t care then once he’s finished up with his princely paperwork for the day. He heads to his room and starts reading the story.
The man almost put it down at first as he found himself bored by the mutual pining but then the “third love interest” walks onto the scene, a prince whose described as wearing green, red, and blue. He is instantly more interested especially after the prince nearly forces the MC into a relationship with him after kidnapping her.
He is completely rooting for this prince character so much that he practically shouts in happiness whenever the guy enters into a scene although if Yonji had paid attention then he would realize that the prince is the villain of the story who kidnapped the MC.
But of course, he can’t just spend the entire day reading so eventually he has to get up and take care of things but once he’s done. He is rushing back to his room to continue reading and don’t think that Ichiji and Niji haven’t noticed because they do.
Yonji has no reason to want to keep this for himself at the moment so he shows his brothers what he’s been looking at and practically info dumps to them about the contents of the book. He’s of course describing it in his own distorted way so ”The prince is the guy that the MC is going to marry, he’s the best choice! Because she loves him!”
After a while of info dumping, they start to get a bit curious so they decide to steal Yonji’s copy from him and take a look until the servant that they sent out to get copies for them returns.
It’s safe enough to say that in that amount of time, they’ve wound up completely hooked on the story albeit only to watch as the marine and pirate love interest are absolutely wrecked by the prince so he can have what’s rightfully his.
To say that they’re invested too is an understatement as Niji is commonly speeding through his princely duties to get back to reading the story while Ichiji is just bringing the book everywhere with him to take quick looks at it throughout the day whether it be during meal times, during princely duties, or even while training.
Also I hope that you didn’t write any sort of steamy scene between the prince and the MC because lord knows that Niji is going to shamelessly start rubbing to the thought of it like one hand is turning the pages to continue while the other is stroking his cock.
Ichiji and Yonji would never stoop to that level though... They’ll go to their rooms and masturbate to the idea of the MC being ruthlessly fucked by the prince even if you didn’t write the MC being fucked and it was simply a close call...
Also I’d say that chances are that all three of them during their fun will probably start to imagine themselves in the places of the princes in the stories. Pushing the MC into the mattress and fucking her in all sorts of positions as she screams out their name specifically and covers their cock in her slick.
Niji imagines holding the MC up by her thighs and thrusting up into her, he imagines her crying out his name with tears in his eyes and pleading him to go slower but him grinning to himself and going much faster instead. Probably teasingly asking “This is what you wanted, right? Don’t complain when you wanted this~” Maybe throw in a few shocks here and there to make her walls spasm a little around him until he finally cums deep inside of her but lord knows that he’s not stopping there as he’s going to keep fucking her until he finally decides that he’s been satisfied.
Ichiji imagines taking the MC to his bed chambers and putting her into a mating press where she would cling to him and leave scratches down his back that would only encourage him to go harder and deeper. He imagines himself talking about how he wants to fill her and watch her belly swell up with his children only for her to beg him to pull out but he doesn’t listen and instead with one last big thrust, he cums deep inside of her and spends the rest of the night plugging her up with his cock.
Yonji personally imagines saying that he isn’t hungry at dinner time and going to his room where he had tied up the MC, he licks his lips at the sight of her and tells her that he skipped dinner so now she has to feed him. He would eat her out for hours on end making her orgasm over and over again on his tongue until she’s crying from the overstimulation that she’s feeling. But he isn’t entirely cruel as once he’s had his dinner in the form of eating her out then he plans to give her a proper thank you... A thank you that involves even more overstimulation as he leans over her and fucks into her in the doggy style position...
Yeah, their mid masturbation fantasies are detailed and they have no shame about it at all...
But as nice as the story is, all good things have to come to an end at some point because at the end of the day... The prince was the villain of the story and no delusion can change the source material...
So when the MC is rescued from the wedding just before she can say “I Do”, the three of them feel the anger coursing through their veins but nonetheless they stay hopeful... The prince will come out on top and wreck the Marine and Pirate, right?
Wrong! And now there are three very angry princes who just witnessed the worst possible outcome in the story!
They hope to see the prince again that he would come back at the last second but in all of the books after that, he’s completely disappeared with no signs of ever reappearing and not only that but they find that in the last book, the MC gets with the Pirate/Marine!
It is absolutely safe enough to say that all three of them are absolutely pissed about this…
They can't believe that the MC not only completely abandoned the Prince for those two low life’s but she even had the nerve to act like the Prince never even existed in this first place in the ending!
It was unacceptable, horrible, downright disgusting! And most importantly completely unforgivable as well…
Ichiji thinks about finding the author and forcing you to change the story so the Prince who was clearly the best option would win and his brothers agreed with these terms as they nodded along deciding that this was clearly the best course of action
They looked at your books and found not only your full name on the cover but your mailing address as well on the back of the book, it didn’t tell them exactly where you were but it was good enough as it did tell them what island you were on
All that was left to do was go and find you
Their arrival on the island was met with quite a lot of shock as “Holy shit, it’s Germa 66!” and everyone quickly getting out of their way
They might be here for one thing but I feel that they are impatient so if you’re island has some kind of problem like it has a corrupt ruler, maybe there are pirates, bandits, or whatever then they might deal with that real quick so they can demand you as payment for their help
And if there isn’t then they can always have some soldiers raid the island to look for you and bring you to them or they could just look for you themselves and drag you back to Germa before you even knew what hit you
No matter what they decide to do though, it all remains the same and you’re dragged to Germa and made to stand before the three of them like you’re some criminal who fucked up big time
Your heart is pounding in your chest and you just plead for them to not hurt you and to please let you go home as you don’t know what you did and they say that they’ll allow you to go home if you write a new story for them, one where the Prince wins the MC
Very understandably, you’re incredibly confused but there’s not much that you can do so you agree to it then proceed to be locked inside of a room with little else other than a bed, bathroom, a closet, and a desk with writing supplies
You’re there for weeks with routine visits from the prince’s usually separate with occasionally two of them showing up at once and very rarely all three of them showing up at once
Ichiji typically forcing you to sit in his lap as you write which wouldn’t be that much of a problem if he didn’t somewhat try to cop a feel on you when he did by letting his hands drift to the insides of your thighs then refusing to move them
Niji would usually show up before you woke up as sometimes you would wake up staring at his chest which was sometimes clothed and sometimes not, he sometimes had his arm over you and it always hard to tell if he was actually asleep or not because of his sunglasses
Yonji only really would show up during times when you were brought food as he would want to eat with you, he would sometimes try to talk with you and would get visibly upset if you ignored him especially if he was trying to ask you a question
As the days passed on and the book neared completion, you found that they were starting to become more daring with you like Ichiji attempting to rub at you through your clothing as you sat on his lap or waking up to Niji attempting to slip your clothes off while you slept in preparation for something you didn’t even want to think about or even Yonji completely shamelessly asking to eat food off of your body which usually entailed him licking things off of your private areas
Their visits were starting to become more and more frequent as well so you feared what they might do and attempted to ask the King himself, Judge Vinsmoke to be let go early but he refused and you knew that he had would tell the three of them when they were finished with their Prince duties
You rushed as fast as you could to complete the book but just as you finished writing the “D” on The End, all three of them entered into the room at once clearly having been told what you tried to ask Judge for
To prevent suffering a punishment from them, you attempted to tell them that you had finished the story and you could leave but they didn’t listen as they took one look at the story and pulled you out of your chair
You were thrown onto the bed and bounced a little from the collision, they surrounded you on all sides with Ichiji being at your right, Niji at the left, and Yonji standing at the foot of the bed. You were terrified to say the least
You attempted to stutter out that you had a deal and it was time for them to let you go only for them to laugh at you
“Why would we ever let you go after you tried to back out of the deal early?”
“I think she deserves a bit of a punishment for trying to go behind our backs… What do you think?”
“I think that sounds great but she had better do everything that her princes tell her…”
It was after that is when they pounced on you, clothes were quickly discarded and thrown about the room as you were viciously fucked by all three of them for the entire night
Your body covered in sweat, tears, and cum as they took turns abusing your holes alternating cumming deep inside of you and on you
The overstimulation from them was far too great to the point where you couldn’t even hear them refer to you as the name of the books MC instead of your actual name
You had no clue how long they planned on fucking you for but with you placed onto your hands and knees with Yonji underneath you thrusted into you with his cock while his mouth played with your nipples while Ichiji was leaned over from behind biting at your neck as he thrusted into you as well making it double penetration and Niji sat on his knees in front of you thrusting into your mouth making you give him a blowjob
Even with all of this, you knew without a doubt that you were never getting away from them
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vowcomic · 2 years
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