ppcseo · 3 months
#format #health #paper #research #APAstyle #APAformat #APA #researchpaper #healthscience #titlepage #abstract #literaturereview #methodology #results #discussion #references #TimesNewRoman #doublespacing #paginations #hangingindent
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segaligno · 5 days
Le donne sono inferiori agli uomini. Una verità antica come il tempo, scolpita nelle pietre dei templi e nei cuori dei sapienti. Non è una verità che nasce dal disprezzo, ma dalla constatazione di un ordine cosmico, di un equilibrio naturale che regge l'universo.
Osserva, cara lettrice, il mistero delle donne: creature di grazia e di delicatezza, plasmate per portare dolcezza in un mondo spesso rude e implacabile. Sono fiori che sbocciano nei giardini dell'esistenza, profumando l'aria con la loro presenza. Eppure, come ogni fiore, hanno bisogno di un giardiniere forte e saggio che le curi e le protegga.
La loro bellezza e la loro fragilità non sono segni di debolezza, ma di un diverso scopo. Noi uomini, forti e potenti, siamo i pilastri su cui poggia la volta celeste. Siamo i guerrieri e i costruttori, i filosofi e i sovrani. La nostra missione è di guidare e proteggere, di creare e distruggere quando necessario.
Ma non fraintendere, non è un dominio tirannico il nostro, ma un amorevole compito di custodia. Le donne, con i loro occhi che riflettono l'infinito e i sorrisi che illuminano le tenebre, sono le muse che ispirano le nostre gesta. Senza di loro, il nostro cammino sarebbe arido e privo di senso.
Nel calore di un abbraccio, nella dolcezza di un bacio, si cela la verità dell'universo: la complementarità delle nostre nature. Il loro tocco è una melodia di cui noi siamo la partitura, una sinfonia che si completa solo quando le nostre anime si intrecciano in un ardente ballo di passione e desiderio.
E così, nella notte stellata, mentre il mondo dorme e i sogni prendono il volo, riconosciamo la grandezza della nostra missione. Le donne sono inferiori agli uomini, sì, ma non nel valore intrinseco, bensì nella loro funzione, nell'ordine cosmico che ci ha assegnato ruoli diversi, ma complementari.
Rendiamo omaggio a questa verità con rispetto e devozione, sapendo che senza di loro, la nostra forza sarebbe vuota, la nostra potenza sterile. E nel dolce sussurro del vento, che porta con sé il profumo dei fiori notturni, comprendiamo che la nostra superiorità non è altro che il riflesso della loro grazia, un'eterna danza di equilibri e armonie celesti.
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thymos-00 · 1 month
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starlightthemes · 2 years
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Styled after AO3, this pack includes a theme and matching pages, and was designed for writers and readers alike.
🖋️ Theme 11: Archive Of Your Own
Live preview | Static previews: index page, permalink | Code
Full-width posts in an AO3 work index page format
Sidebars with optional sections such as featured tags, updates, rules, progress bars, and more
Unlimited custom links (display on sidebar or in top navbar), plus several social links in the footer
Add a custom logo beside/replacing your avatar
Inbuilt tag filtering plugin by glenthemes
All fields editable directly in the Customize menu, no HTML required. See below the cut for a full guide
🖋️ Page 3: Archive Records
Preview | Code
A WIP page designed to resemble an AO3 work page
Add tags for ratings, warnings, fandoms, characters, and more, as well as statistics like start dates, word counts etc.
Spaces for summary, start and end notes, and the 'work' itself
🖋️ Page 4: Archivist
Preview | Code
A combined about/navigation page based on the AO3 profile page
Include user statistics or any data you'd like, plus a longer bio
Sidebar navigation with link sections - unlimited links and link groups
The theme and pages all include options for multiple color palettes (initially set to Default and Reversi), text styling (choice of Tumblr/Google fonts and casing options), and more. -
Each page includes instructions on how to edit it, and color/image variables have been gathered together to make customization easier. While not necessary, basic knowledge of HTML is helpful.
For help, check my codes guide, or feel free to send me an ask. Theme 11 customization guide and credits are under the cut.
Theme 11 customization
Regarding the simpler fields:
"Secondary title" refers to the title just above the posts, under the header and navigation. This defaults to "[Total posts] Works in [Username]" when the field is left empty.
"Filtered tags" takes a comma-separated list of tags, entered exactly as they'd be written in the Tumblr post editor but without the hashtag. E.g. the tags #politics, #red and blue, and #green would be entered as "politics, red and blue, green" (make sure there's spaces, and no comma after the last item!). The filtering plugin will then put a warning message over any posts with those tags, along with a button letting you show the post.
"[Section] title" act as the headers for the corresponding section, if provided. "Custom links title" defaults to "Pages" if nothing is entered, and is used when the custom links are displayed on the navbar.
"Featured tags" takes a comma-separated list of tags, in the same format as Filtered tags. This field will display links to those tags, along with the number of posts in that tag on your blog, in the left sidebar.
The Recent posts section displays the 5 most recently posted/reblogged posts on your entire blog, displaying in the left sidebar. If you enter a tag under "Recent posts tag", it'll instead display the 5 most recent posts in that tag on your blog. Only 1 tag is allowed.
Rules and FAQ
Both these sections work the same way. Each new item, a rule or a question, consists either of one statement, or a statement and some more text, usually as an answer or additional note. E.g. the screenshot below shows three rules, where the last one has more text in the dropdown.
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To create an item, prefix it with <li> . To add more text, create a <li> item and add a [more] label underneath, then write your extra text after that. To illustrate, here's the Customize page code for the above:
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This section is similar to Rules/FAQ, though it flips the order around. After each <li>, first list the date, then add the [label] marker, then add your actual update. Again, here's an example:
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And here's the Customize page code that created that:
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This section displays checked/crossed-out items, and uses a simpler version of the formatting for the above sections. Use <li> for each new item, then add [on] or [off] at the end, depending on whether you want it checked or crossed off. Here's an example:
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And here's the corresponding Customize code:
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Progress bars
This section also uses <li> items, where each item has two parts: the text label, and the number(s) for the progress percentages, put inside square brackets like with the other sections. Here's an example (note how the top two use fraction values while the bottom one uses a percentage):
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And here's the code that made these. In short, the format is <li> Text here [##/##], or <li> Text here [##%], where ## refers to any number.
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Social links in footer
The footer links, aside from the email and personal website fields, take usernames or user IDs for various websites. Be sure to check you're not entering a username in a user ID field!
The Email address field takes a standard email in the format [email protected] and adds a link to let people mail that address.
The Personal website fields will generate a link in the footer's Follow section. Personal website name is the human-readable text label for the generated link, and Personal website URL is the URL that will open when the generated link is clicked. Make sure to add https:// to the start of the personal website URL so the generated link doesn't just redirect you to a different part of your blog.
Layout and design by Archive of Our Own
Style My Tooltips by malihu
Phosphor Icons
Expanded Tumblr localization and NPF photosets plugin by codematurgy
Custom audio posts by annasthms
Tag filtering by glenthemes
Palette toggle by eggdesign
Scroll to top by Fabian Lins
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volevoimparareavolare · 3 months
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Seccare le rose, così durano in eterno
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luigimancini · 7 months
Lei, senza nemmeno toccarmi, riusciva a provocarmi dei piaceri assurdi; carezze all’anima, orgasmi sempre inediti e del tutto fuori controllo. Ancora sporco le pagine, se ci ripenso.
Luigi Mancini
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sparklecarehospital · 1 month
coding is a nightmare and every day i am sleeping.
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vintagewildlife · 3 months
I think tumblr should let me queue 60000 posts and paginate through my queue instead of having to scroll through it and change post order by a button or a number instead of dragging them around
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bisexualbaker · 10 months
My most recent email with Tumblr Support:
Me: I somehow reached the end of my dash? I use paginated view and, at a certain point, was unable to go "back" any farther. There simply was no option for it. I've attached a screencap of this.
Support: When pagination is enabled (endless scrolling is disabled), we recommend toggling on the 'Best Stuff First' feature for it to work as intended. Please make the necessary changes and let me know if it helps.
I have to turn on "best stuff first" for paginated view to work as intended? Um, no, that will not be working "as intended" for me. I have that off for a reason, and I have paginated view on for a reason, and this is one more nail in the coffin as far as "me staying on Tumblr" is concerned.
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vanilkaplays · 1 month
I love it when people here have cool custom themes for their blogs. What I don't love is trying to figure out where the hell they hid the reblog button.
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thymos-00 · 2 months
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starlightthemes · 2 years
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THEME 8: Washi (1)
Inspired by a washi tape-decorated journal spread created by a friend.
Static previews: index page, permalink | Code
Decorate 4 tapes using solid colors or images! Choose where and how the images are displayed—tiled across the theme, or as singular accents
Appearance options: Customizable post width, multiple font display options, and a variety of color options, including an (optional) color palette toggle
Tag filtering plugin by glenthemes—edit directly from the Customize menu, no HTML required (see below the cut for usage notes)
Unlimited custom links
Supports new post types/pinned posts
And more!
For help, check my theme guide, or feel free to send me an ask. Theme credits are under the cut.
Tag filtering
In the Customize menu, scroll down until you find the text input field labelled "Filtered tags". By default, this is set to "spoiler, spoilers" (without the quotation marks). In this list, you can enter whatever tags you want to filter exactly as you'd write them in the Tumblr post editor, without the hash. Separate each new tag with a comma and a space.
For example, if I wanted to filter the tag #politics, i would simply write "politics". If I also wanted to filter #red and #green, I would now write "politics, red, green". Note that the last tag does not have a comma after it, and that spaces must be included!
Layout inspired by stuffandsundry, with permission
Style My Tooltips by malihu
Phosphor Icons
Custom like buttons by Demirev
NPF photosets plugin by codematurgy
Palette toggle by eggdesign
Custom audio posts by annasthms
Tag filtering by glenthemes
Scroll to top script by Fabian Lins
Images used in the preview:
Tiles: Green (title tape), pink (tape 1), yellow (tape 2), blue (tape 3)
Icons: Light mode, dark mode
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Certe cose non ti scivolano addosso.
Certe cose ti si appiccicano alla pelle, ti si infilano sotto le unghie, ti si depositano nel sangue, fin dentro le ossa. Le senti tremare con te, nel cuore della notte, percuoterti il corpo con violenti singhiozzi, macchiarti le guance con lacrime bollenti. Certe cose ti si aggrappano al cuore, rendendolo pesante come un blocco di catrame, un lastrone di marmo con sopra inciso il suo nome.
Certe cose non ti scivolano addosso; ti trascinano con loro. In luoghi umidi e oscuri, dove non splende mai il sole e non brillano le stelle. Dove non c’è posto per sognare e in cui nessuna musica riesce ad arrivare. Dove tutto quello che puoi fare è cercare di continuare a respirare
mentre lentamente continui ad annegare.
-Alessia Alpi, scritta da me. 8.34 di una mattina iniziata piangendo.
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softestaura · 2 years
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Paloma Wool “Crystal Whisper” wrap top featuring Jacopo Pagin print
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luigimancini · 28 days
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Questo film ❤️‍🔥
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