#paige ouat
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you found me! i knew you would! grace + orange for @smol-tired-binch-blog
send me a favorite OUaT character and a color and I'll make you a moodboard
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inevitablemoment · 2 months
I just got an idea for an OUAT AU.
Egon and Cathleen as Charming and Snow, Callie as Emma, Trevor and Phoebe sharing the role of Henry, and Roberta (an OC of mine and Peck's daughter) as Regina.
I just need to figure out if it's a straightfoward AU of the show (i.e. fairytale characters displaced in the real world) or if I mix it with Ghostbusters lore.
And I need to actually write it... after I write all the shit that I'm supposed to write.
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hannahhook7744 · 3 months
Mad Hatter's family;
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Jefferson the madhatter, his wife (Priscilla), and baby Grace.
They're adorable.
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Though I can see Hook using it as a nod to rumple being a coward because it was self inflicted (or so I've heard) but also hook has a handicap (ha) also so they're on even ground.
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Belle looks exasperated at him using violence to beat hook's ass.
I wonder how many ass kickings she watched him do back in the castle.
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I love her.
And I take it back about the cgi, it's still bad.
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"Well you're not the first beast I've faced." No but rumple is your favorite.
And he's not the last.
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Hook doesn't want to be labeled a coward or he'd have killed himself to be with milah by now. He's goading rumple on so much to make sure he kills him so he still won't have to resort to that.
(Not that suicide is being a coward, I think hook would think so.)
Belle is trying so so hard to make sure rumple stays good. Well, as good as he can be.
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If this man slapped me I would say thank you. God all three of these people are so fucking gorgeous.
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Let's be honest I didn't give a fuck about anything but the belle end of this episode. But yay! Archie is alive! And everyone now knows! And now they gotta figure out what to do with that headstone.
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Fucking regina.
Wait when did belle get an outfit change between this bomb ass getup and the blue dress hook finds her in in the cell? Does regina just have a girl's day with her?
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askgracehatter · 7 months
Are you at all aware of all the drama happening in town with the new sheriff and such? How do you feel about it?
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I know we have a new sheriff, cuz, the other one died. Did you know that the new sheriff is Henry's real mother? I know because Henry told me himself. I guess that's a good thing, isn't it? His other mother is sort of mean.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 7 months
this is all @the-witching-ash's fault for encouraging me to make a new oc to ship with Graham and now instead I have 10...
Angel Dearly | Anita Dumas in Long Live: Anita Radcliffe in the Enchanted Forest but has not married Roger so keeps her maiden name, Dumas. In Storybrooke she's a waitress at Granny's Diner who dreams of moving away and becoming a fashion designer. Shipped with @the-witching-ash's Roman Taylor | Roger Radcliffe and is Anastasia Dearly | Adelaide Dumas' granddaughter*
Named Angel for its similarities to Anita; Dearly for Anita's last name in the live action movie, and Dumas for Alexandre Dumas the French author/playwright
*this is specifically in Long Live/the crossover, theoretically she has a solo verse shipped with Graham but I only care about the crossover
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Alissa Thorn | Priscilla Page in Dear Reader: Priscilla Page (from the Fables comics) in the Enchanted Forest, in Storybrooke she is the middle child between her sisters, her job is still TBD
Named Alissa as it means Wanderer, and Priscilla's place of power is the open road
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Corrina Mills | Persephone in Rite Of Spring: Regina & Zelena's younger half sister, named after her mother Cora. She is Persephone in the Enchanted Forest and in Storybrooke she's Corrina Mills, Regina's younger sister and the only person who can leave Storybrooke without any issue but she either always finds herself returning without meaning to or she forgets about Storybrooke when she's out of the bubble and forgets about the "real world" when she's in Storybrooke. Her father is Rumplestiltskin, and she is most likely going to be shipped with Graham
Named Corrina both for her mother, Cora, and because it's a variation of Kore, which is another name for Persephone
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Dove Thorn | Robin Page in Dear Reader: The youngest of the Page/Thorn sisters. In the Enchanted Forest she is Robin Page (from the Fables comics), and in Storybrooke she is Dove Thorn, Alissa & Evelyn's younger sister who works somewhere in the Sheriff's Department.
Named Dove as it is a type of bird, like Robin
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Eilwony in Rabbit Heart: Eilwony from the Black Cauldron. She was a captive to Regina in the Enchanted Forest and is still captive through the curse. Because of being in Regina's castle, she was not affected by the curse and has kept all of her memories, but she can't escape or do anything with that knowledge until Henry Mills finds her and helps to rescue her. Daughter of a magic user, but I haven't decided which one yet.
(name does not change as she does not have a Storybrooke version of herself)
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Evelyn Thorn | Hillary Page in Dear Reader: The oldest Thorn sister, she's Hillary Page (from the Fables comics) in the Enchanted Forest. In Storybrooke she's Evelyn Thorn, who "recently" took over her mother's job as the elementary school librarian.
Named Evelyn after the most iconic librarian around, Evelyn O'Connell from The Mummy
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Mirella Gold | Christine Daae in Once Upon A Song: Christine Daae (Phantom Of The Opera) in the Enchanted Forest, Rumplestiltskin takes on the role of her phantom in many ways. In Storybrooke she is Mirella Gold, who works as a personal assistant (tbd to who) but dreams of becoming a songwriter. She is raised by Mr Gold, but I haven't decided yet if she knows that she's adopted or believes that he's her father. Might be shipped with Graham.
Named Mirella after Mirella Freni, considered one of the best opera singers of all time
(in my heart, @the-witching-ash's Adelaide | Anastasia is her music teacher 🥺 )
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Nieva in Eatnamen Vuelie: Nieva is Elsa's daughter, who Elsa does not know exists, and sadly that's all that I know so far!
Named Nieva as it means Snow, her name does not change as she does not have a Storybrooke version of herself
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Paige Thorn | Prose Page in Dear Reader: Prose Page (from the Fables comics) in the Enchanted Forest. In Storybrooke she is Paige Thorn, English teacher turned school librarian who "recently" quit her job to open her own bookstore, leaving her eldest daughter to become the new librarian.
Named Paige as a pun on Prose Page's last name
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Sadie “Sugar” Monroe | Charlotte LaBouff in Sweet Nothing: Charlotte LaBouff in the Enchanted Forest. In Storybrooke she is Sadie Monroe (but everyone calls her Sugar), a pageant princess rich girl with a heart of gold. She is an event planner and organizes plenty of town events and fundraisers, and will be shipped with either Graham or David.
Named Sadie as it is a common Southern girl name and nicknamed Sugar because it is a common nickname in the South (both chosen as a nod to Charlotte LaBouff being a Southern Belle), last name Monroe as Lottie's design was inspired by Marilyn Monroe
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(ps thank you @ginevrastilinski-ocs for the help is naming Nieva and Sugar!)
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westofessos · 9 months
For the amount that I talk about wrestling on here I don’t think I’ve ever actually said how I got so obsessed with it in the first place. So here’s that story:
So, it’s mid to late spring. For the first time in years, my dad has been watching wrestling. He quit watching WWE years ago, and never really liked that as much as he liked WCW before it went out of business anyway. He was sad about it, though, because he’s loved wrestling since he was a kid, and now there was no alternative. But now, in 2023, he was watching AEW, a company I had never heard of. And he was loving it.
At the same time, I was rewatching (and finishing for the first time) a show I started watching while it was coming out, but quit when it got a little too ridiculous for me: Once Upon A Time. But I was determined to finish it this time, because no matter how absolutely bonkers and ridiculous it was, I loved it. Still do.
So, there we both were, spending the spring and summer watching stuff nobody else would watch. And we had no one to talk about it with.
The first time we brought up each watching the other’s thing, we both thought it was a joke. I never in a million years thought he would watch OUAT, and he never thought I would watch wrestling. I had watched it with him when I was a kid, and played some of the wrestling games on the Wii, and watched the various Scooby-Doo crossovers, and listened to him talk about it for years, but he never thought it would happen. Both of us, however, were completely serious.
Cut to 55 days ago (yes, it has only been 55 days. It honestly feels like a lifetime though, because when I get truly obsessed with something, I go all in, learning everything about it and watching everything about it I can get my hands on, so it feels like I’ve been watching for years), I sit down with my dad to watch my first AEW show. It was a Collision. I know this because the first face I saw was Juice Robinson, cutting one of his pre-show promos, and that isn’t something you forget. I also watched a Dynamite that day, and my dad watched the pilot of OUAT.
In those first episodes, I saw some familiar faces, and heard about some other ones being there. I liked not starting from scratch. I knew who some of them were! I knew Chris Jericho (my dad’s all-time favourite wrestler), I knew Sting, I knew Dustin Rhodes (though only as Goldust), I knew Saraya (though only as Paige), etc. (there are many more but those are just off the top of my head).On that first episode of Collision (I don’t remember the exact moment or reason why), I saw another wrestler I knew, but one I never quite got acquainted with when I was a kid. I saw CM Punk for the first time.
And something in my brain in that moment just went ‘yep. Him. That’s the one. That’s your guy. If you’re going to have a guy, it’s going to be him.’ Yes, it was partially because I saw him and was extremely attracted to him. He’s a gorgeous man, what can I say? But then I heard him on the mic, and watched him in the ring, and I was hooked.
(Side tangent: this was on a Friday. The next day, Saturday, Collision was in my city and my mom had won four tickets on the radio [nothing ever comes to my city so this was exciting for everyone]. My dad was going with my brother because at this point, I didn’t care. I had plans on Saturday night. The same plans I have every single Saturday night, and very well could have skipped one time. But I didn’t, because even though at this point, after only one Collision and one Dynamite, I was on the verge of being hooked, I didn’t want to let my dad know it. I never would’ve heard the end of it [my parents are real dicks whenever I get emotionally attached to anything, and since they’ve found out about the wrestling obsession it’s been no different, as I knew it would be]. Well, that Saturday, in my city, CM Punk wrestled Samoa Joe for the third time and won. I will never, ever, forgive myself for missing it. Especially after I learned about their history.)
So I had a favourite. I loved (and still love) CM Punk. And after I learned of his support for the LGBTQ+ community and abortion rights, his love for comic books, and other stuff, I only loved him more (whether or not he’s a dick behind the scenes remains to be seen. From the stories I’ve heard, I’m inclined to say no, but who knows. We don’t know these people. He very well might be). But, it was only when the MJF/Adam Cole storyline kicked off that I truly got emotionally invested in the whole thing. Now, I have a whole list of favourite wrestlers and storylines, and very hard opinions on things. And, I’ve gone back to the beginning of AEW in 2019 and am watching every episode up until the one I started on (I just hit 2022 tonight!). Plus, I just watched my first PPV on Sunday, where I got to see both my favourite wrestler and the two that got me emotionally invested in wrestling (my 2nd and 5th favourite wrestlers, respectively) wrestle in front of over 80,000 people and make history.
And, no, my dad does not like OUAT. In fact, I think he kind of hates it. But we are having a good time watching it. And, when we finished season 1, he went back to my mom and the first thing he said was “magic’s back!!”, which is pretty fun (though I do kind of resent the fact that while I now have a new lifelong obsession, he just has a show he kind of hates to watch and then forget about).
But honestly, I don’t care. It brought me here, and I wouldn’t change it for anything. I’m so glad I found wrestling, and AEW specifically. It may have only been 55 days, but it already means so much to me.
Also, thank you to all of the people that have followed me because of this! I’ve never gained so many mutuals than when I started talking about wrestling. I appreciate all of you, and I’ve loved talking about wrestling with you, and I look forward to having further deep discussions and complete meltdowns every week.
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askstorybrookehq · 7 months
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CONGRATULATIONS, Wendi! You have been accepted into the group as Paige / Grace Hatter. Please make sure to follow our checklist, and let us know if you have any questions!
OOC Information
Your Name/Alias: Wendi
Your Age: 25+
Timezone: EST
Rate Your Activity: 3 - 5 days
RPing experience: several years
IC Information
Desired Character: Grace/Paige 
Second Character: n/a
Writing Sample: 
Who are the most important people in your life?
My Papa. He’s my best friend. 
Do you believe in happy endings,  if so what is your happy ending?
Papa reads to me every night. I love those stories so much, cuz in the end everyone finds each other and they never go away ever again. That’s what I want. I want my Papa to keep his promise and never leave me again.   
Do you think your father is really mad, or is that just something people say?
My Papa is most certainly not mad. I don’t know why people say he is but it is very mean of them.
Would you ever go to Neverland? 
It does sound like a pretty cool place to go in the movie I watched. I think I would like to go. Then again, it’s not usually like the movie is it? Maybe I’ll ask Miss Blanchard, she’d probably know.
Additional Information
What drew you to this group? What makes you want to join an ask based RPG?: Love to rp OUAT! 
Anything else?: I may want to use an alternate FC from time to time since there aren’t many resources for the actress who played Grace on the show.
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findyourrp · 10 months
Hi all! The names Tulsa and I’m on the hunt for some new partners (not replacing anyone of course) that are interested in angsty, romantic and, of course, dramatic plots. Aside from that though, I am 25 which means all of my partners NEED to be 18+, though I’d prefer 20+. Also, another lil request if possible: I just moved to the PST and would love some partners over here or who are at least awake during these hours, not a requirement tho!
We can discuss rules, limits and triggers privately if we decide to move forward. Also, when it comes to ooc chatter I adore fangirling over our characters/plot and I’m cool with general chit chat, but what does bother me is holding conversations for days on end with no replies or no mention of replies. I find making friends through roleplay a bit awkward so if it happens organically I’m here for it, but I don’t want it to be forced. I hope that doesn’t make me sound harsh, I’ve just had it happen in the past and it ended up making for a very uncomfortable environment.
Below you’ll find a list of pairings I’m interested in, the role I’d like you to play will have ~ ~ around it, it’s also the male role if that’s easier to follow. Some of my fandom plots do involve me as original characters, with that being said though, each has a written out backstory that I can send if there’s any interest, so don’t hesitate to ask!
~Kol Mikaelson~ & Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
~Derek Hale~ & Paige Krasikeva (Canon Divergent) - Teen Wolf
~Loki Laufeyson~ & Eira Jarledottir (OC) - MCU
~Vampire~ & Human - Non-Fandom
~Billy Hargrove~ & Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
~Finnick Odair~ & Annie Cresta - Hunger Games
~Inuyasha~ & Kagome Higurashi - Inuyasha
~Tomoe~ & Nanami - Kamisama Kiss
~Peter Pan~ & Human Embodiment of North Star (OC) - either OUAT or simply Neverland-verse
~Werewolf~ & Red Riding Hood - Dark!Fairy tale
~Stiles Stilinski~ & Lydia Martin - Teen Wolf
~Spencer Reid~ & Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
I also have an idea for original Hunger Games characters that dwell in the capitol, but they're the same age as the tributes, so they're watching the games and dealing with all of the feelings that come with that.
If any of this interests you please feel free to PM me or add me on Discord toxicdeliquency#7795
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yourroleplayfinder · 1 year
Hi all! The name is Tulsa and the game is roleplaying… that was cringey I know, but just ignore it okay? Okay. Anyways, I’m on the hunt for some new partners that are interested in angsty, romantic and, of course, dramatic plots. In said plots I’d prefer to play the F in M/F pairings, it’s just what I’m most comfortable with : ). Aside from that though, I am 24 which means all of my partners NEED to be 18+, there is no wiggle room on this. Please don’t lie and say you’re of age if you’re not, it’s dangerous.
  We can discuss rules, limits and triggers privately if we decide to move forward, however there is one rule I’ll let you know of now since it puts some people off. I don’t double. I will gladly play multiple side characters, however I will not do one pairing in exchange for another (you playing my love interest and us doing a separate plot where I play yours). I find it hard to focus and they never end up fair in my experience. I hope that makes sense lol.
  Below you’ll find a list of pairings I’m interested in, the role I’d like you to play will have ~ ~ around it. Some of my fandom plots do involve me as original characters, with that being said, each has a written out backstory that I can send if there’s any interest, so don’t hesitate to ask!
  ~Kol Mikaelson~ & Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
~Derek Hale~ & Paige Krasikeva (Canon Divergent) - Teen Wolf
~Loki Laufeyson~ & Eira Jarledottir (OC) - MCU
~Peter Parker~ & Gwen Stacy - MCU verse
~Vampire~ & Human - Non-Fandom
~Michael Morbius~ & Rowan Keller (OC) - Morbius/Marvel
~Milo/Lucien Crown~ & Rowan Keller (OC) - Morbius/Marvel
~Billy Hargrove~ & Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
~Finnick Odair~ & Annie Cresta - Hunger Games
~Inuyasha~ & Kagome Higurashi - Inuyasha
~Sesshomaru~ & Rin(AU) - Inuyasha
~Tomoe~ & Nanami - Kamisama Kiss
~Peter Pan~ & Human Embodiment of North Star (OC) - either OUAT or simply Neverland-verse
~Werewolf~ & Red Riding Hood - Dark!Fairy tale
  I also have an idea for original Hunger Games characters that dwell in the capitol, but they’re the same age as the tributes, so they’re watching the games and dealing with all of the feelings that come with that.
  If any of this interests you, please feel free to pm me on tumblr directly or like this post!  (liking the post may take me a while to see though). 🌶️🕊️
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"Open to Interpretation" by kazoosandfannypacks
Chapter 16/16: Epilogue- Reinterpretation Pairing: CaptainSwan Rating: General Chapter Word Count: (986/24K) Summary: Emma Swan is appalled at works by modern artist Killian Jones- until a handsome stranger convinces her otherwise- and after introducing himself as the artist in question, he invites her out on a date. As their relationship develops, they find that they might not be as different from each other as originally though. Chapter Summary: Killian's painting at the Nolan Blanchard Art Museum is unveiled. Tags: au, fluff, captain swan, modern au Author's notes: This has been such an exciting journey. When I think that this was originally just a silly little oneshot from a silly little prompts list... I'm not gonna get all emotional, but I want to thank everyone whose enthusiasm and excitement over this fic has gotten me through to the end of it. I hope you've all enjoyed it as much as I have! Taglist: @zahara @kmomof4 @jonesfandomfanatic @booksteaandtoomuchtv @jrob64 @tiganasummertree @anmylica @teamhook @undercaffinatednightmare @gingerchangeling @lonelyspectator @caught-in-the-filter @ultraluckycatnd @cs-rylie @pirateprincessofpizza @lfh1226-linda @pawshapedheart  [if you'd like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
Also on Ao3!
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 Killian's residency at the Nolan Blanchard ended a year later, with the unveiling of the painting the museum had commissioned him for. His brother came up to see the unveiling, along with Uncle Nemo and Paige, the latter of whom was more than "just" a friend of Liam's by this point. August and the new Mrs. Booth came by to support him as well, along with the Nolans- and their new infant son.
 But Killian, admittedly, didn't care one iota about whether or not those people were here for the celebration- and if he did, he didn't care nearly as much as he did that Emma was there- today was a day to celebrate her too.
 On his way to his wing, Killian saw his girlfriend, staring at a new painting that had recently been put on display in the museum.
 "I can't believe this Emma Swan has a painting in this museum now," Killian teased, as he came up behind her.
 "Why not?" Emma asked, with a playful smile as they stood in front of her newly recommissioned painting of "Small."
 "Because it's just one painting. She deserves a whole gallery of her paintings, so everyone can see her talent," Killian smiled as he put his arm around her, "though none of the masterpieces could ever live up to their artist."
 "Or her boyfriend, for that matter," Emma nudged him.
 "You've got that right, love," he kissed her forehead.
 They walked into his wing together, where his new painting hung behind a large sheet. There were cameras and a few other people around as well as Killian's guests, all waiting for Killian to unveil his masterpiece.
 "Go get 'em, tiger," Emma said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
 As Mr. Nolan announced him to the group, Killian didn't feel as nervous as usual- though maybe that was just because he was comparing how terrifying this would be with what he was planning on doing afterwards.
 "I want to thank you all for coming out here today," Killian said, "and while I don't want to keep you all waiting too long when there's refreshments in a moment, I'd like to give a few brief words. When I partnered with the Nolan Blanchard a year ago, I was a mess. My life was empty, sad, and lonely. During my time here, I got to know some pretty cool people- Mr. and Mrs. Nolan, who've become like family to me, and my beautiful girlfriend Emma. This piece, hopefully, reflects that."
 He pulled off the tarp off the canvas to reveal a painting he was rather proud of. It featured two hearts- anatomical hearts- one bright red, though cracked and bruised in a couple places, but with a glow coming from behind it. The heart next to it was in perfect condition, but was gray and dusty, and had metal bars like a jail cell across it.
 "Sometimes we go through so much hurt that we don't think we can keep going," he pointed at the farther, grayed heart, "we think we'll do better if we avoid breaking our hearts, so we avoid even using them, and instead we let them wither away in their pristine condition."
 He then pointed at the closer heart, the cracked and glowing one.
 "But if we use our hearts- if we let ourselves risk getting them hurt- they'll flourish, and thrive, and keep beating. We have to let people in- we have to love. Too often we think 'my heart's too broken to love again-' but that's how you know you can love again. If it can be broken, it means it still works- and the more we use our broken heart, the sooner we can heal it."
 Killian nodded and stepped away from the painting as those watching started clapping. He crossed paths with Mr. Nolan, whom he assumed would give him a handshake but instead gave him a hug.
 Mr. Nolan then dismissed everyone for refreshments, August and Belle especially making sure everyone cleared out of the room quickly- and August giving Killian a thumbs up, as he was the last one out besides Killian and Emma.
 "We probably better get down there if we want there to be refreshments left for us," Emma said.
 "Wait," Killian said, taking her hand, "I have something to ask you about first."
 "What is it?" Emma asked.
 "When we first started out, our relationship was open to our interpretation," Killian said, his throat drying up as he fished around in his pocket, "and then you agreed to be my girlfriend, and now," he half chuckled, "I want to reinterpret us. I don't want you to be my girlfriend anymore," and he pulled a little box out of his pocket, and he got down on one knee, and he opened the box to reveal a ring, "I want you to be my wife instead," he gulped, "Emma Swan, will you marry me?"
 Killian wished he could capture her face in that moment on canvas. Sure, he always wished for that, but never more than when he looked up at her on his knees in his gallery, like a ship looking up to its lighthouse, drawn in by the smile beaming on her face.
 "Yes," Emma said, "yes, I'd love to!"
 Killian smiled as well, all of his fear melting away at her excitement. Energy coursing his veins, he slipped the ring onto her finger, and she helped him up, off of the ground and into her arms.
 Emma smiled down at the ring on her finger, then back up at Killian.
 "Permission to kiss the masterpiece?" Emma asked.
 Killian bit his lip, never having been more in love with her than he was in that moment- but knowing that love would continue to grow with every moment he spent at her side.
 "Aye, love," he said, as they drew their lips together, "permission granted."
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Hi all! The name is Tulsa and the game is roleplaying… that was cringey I know, but just ignore it okay? Okay. Anyways, I’m on the hunt for some new partners that are interested in angsty, romantic and, of course, dramatic plots. In said plots I’d prefer to play the F in M/F pairings, it’s just what I’m most comfortable with : ). Aside from that though, I am 24 which means all of my partners NEED to be 18+, there is no wiggle room on this. Please don't lie and say you're of age if you're not, it's dangerous.
We can discuss rules, limits and triggers privately if we decide to move forward, however there is one rule I’ll let you know of now since it puts some people off. I don’t double. I will gladly play multiple side characters, however I will not do one pairing in exchange for another (you playing my love interest and us doing a separate plot where I play yours). I find it hard to focus and they never end up fair in my experience. I hope that makes sense lol.
Below you’ll find a list of pairings I’m interested in, the role I’d like you to play will have ~ ~ around it. Some of my fandom plots do involve me as original characters, with that being said, each has a written out backstory that I can send if there’s any interest, so don’t hesitate to ask!
~Kol Mikaelson~ & Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
~Derek Hale~ & Paige Krasikeva (Canon Divergent) - Teen Wolf
~Loki Laufeyson~ & Eira Jarledottir (OC) - MCU
~Peter Parker~ & Gwen Stacy - MCU verse
~Vampire~ & Human - Non-Fandom
~Michael Morbius~ & Rowan Keller (OC) - Morbius/Marvel
~Milo/Lucien Crown~ & Rowan Keller (OC) - Morbius/Marvel
~Billy Hargrove~ & Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
~Finnick Odair~ & Annie Cresta - Hunger Games
~Inuyasha~ & Kagome Higurashi - Inuyasha
~Sesshomaru~ & Rin(AU) - Inuyasha
~Tomoe~ & Nanami - Kamisama Kiss
~Peter Pan~ & Human Embodiment of North Star (OC) - either OUAT or simply Neverland-verse
~Werewolf~ & Red Riding Hood - Dark!Fairy tale
~Stiles Stilinski~ & Lydia Martin - Teen Wolf
~Isaac Lahey~ & Briar McCall (OC) - Teen Wolf
~Stiles Stilinski~ & Briar McCall (OC) - Teen Wolf
I also have an idea for original Hunger Games characters that dwell in the capitol, but they're the same age as the tributes, so they're watching the games and dealing with all of the feelings that come with that.
If any of this interests you, please feel free to add me on Discord toxicdeliquency#7795
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We Are Family
by hannahhook7744
This is the tale of the strangest love story you've ever heard. The tale of two men— a portal jumper and a pirate— and how they grew to love each other. This is the tale of Jefferson— aka the Mad Hatter— and Killian Jones—aka Captain Hook— and their family. Their children and Killian's siblings (Liam Jones 2 and Gwaine).
Words: 3506, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Ouat/descendants crossovers, Part 5 of Gwaine, Part 2 of Perwaine, Part 4 of Gwaine's family, Part 5 of Killian Jones Whump, Part 1 of MadHook
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV), Descendants (Disney Movies), Ever After High, descendants books - Fandom, school of secrets (web series), wicked world - Fandom, Merlin - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Original Child Character(s), Original Animal Character(s), Gwaine (Merlin), Percival (Merlin), Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Liam Jones (Once Upon a Time), Original Child(ren) of Liam Jones (Once Upon a Time), Harry Hook, Madeline "Maddie" Hatter, Harriet Hook, Grace | Paige (Once Upon a Time), Calista Jane "CJ" Hook, Alice Jones | Tilly, Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time), Hadie (Disney), Original children of Killian jones, more to be added
Relationships: Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Mad Hatter | Jefferson, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Gwaine (Merlin), Gwaine/Percival (Merlin), Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Liam Jones, Liam jones/Zelena, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy & Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Captain Hook | Killian Jones & Harry Hook, Harry Hook & Mad Hatter | Jefferson, Harry Hook & Neal Cassidy, etc. - Relationship
Additional Tags: When i say liam i mean both of them, that includes liam jones jr, Swearing, Slow Burn, kind of, Past Child Abuse, Gwaine's part is probably gonna be minor, Captain Hook | Killian Jones and Liam Jones are Siblings, Past Character Death, Past Relationship(s), Past Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Milah, Past Underage, Captain Hook | Killian Jones In Love, Killian jones had a bad childhood, Past Killian Jones/Red Jessica, Past Killian Jones/Lewis, Past Killian Jones/Narissa, Past Killian Jones/Zarina, perwaine, Zeliam, MadHook, Killian Jones and Gwaine are brothers, etc - Freeform, There is alot of angst btw, Season 7 didn't happen, Parent Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Suicidal Thoughts, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Killian jones being impulsive, Age Difference
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44254198
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tomeandflickcorner · 1 year
Is there any location in OUAT you really liked? Honestly I thought the Underworld was cool. Also minor characters you wish could have stayed more?
I did like Camelot, mostly because we got to see Emma in Enchanted Forest attire. Call me crazy, but I wish we could have seen more of the characters traveling to magical locations and adopting the local dress.
As for minor characters, I wish we could have seen more of Jefferson. I realize they couldn’t bring him back because Sebastian Stan struck it big with the MCU and wasn’t really available, but Jefferson was a fun character, and I would have liked to have seen him become a series regular. (Plus, we would have been able to keep Grace/Paige around. You know, so Henry could have actually had a friend his own age.)
Also Tiger Lily. Still had a lot of unanswered questions involving her. (And I thought it would have been cool to see her and Mulan get together.)
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askgracehatter · 7 months
What do you like to do for fun?
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I like to draw. When I get older, I want to be an artist. Hey, wanna see a picture? I drew it last night. It's a drawing of Snowbell, my pet rabbit. Don't laugh, I was in a hurry. I was supposed to be asleep when I did it.
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OUAT + eras?
Alissa – Evermore
Angel – Evermore & Folklore
Calleigh – Speak Now + Red
Carmilla – Lover + Reputation
Corrina – Reputation & Midnights
Dove – Fearless
Eilwony – Speak Now
Eve – Taylor Swift + Fearless
Evelyn – Folklore
Gabriel – Tortured Poets Department
Lavender – Speak Now
Libby – Tortured Poets Department
Lila – Midnights
Livana – Folklore
Moira – Speak Now & Lover
Mirella – Tortured Poets Department
Odelia – Speak Now + Tortured Poets Department
Paige – Folklore
Pearl – Taylor Swift
Sugar – Lover
Veronica – Midnights
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