#pain gravy discord
hav-vok · 1 year
bs: waking up sucks when everything hurts and stretching doesnt make it better. fingers + feet, knee + ankle and roaming pains
ms: flat
yday: didn't eat any gluten (apart from some gravy at dinner) stomach seems calmer but we shall see.
tday: going to try that last banana and hope my stomach takes it. no gluten again, which means we have to pick dinner carefully.
the discord I'm in with larp buds was always meant to be a select few of them. but someone got added and now we have to open it to everyone. and I'm sad about that. pretty sure I will be retreating even further. so how much will I talk to my friends when I don't see them 4 times a year any more. how much will they want to talk to me, when really they only thing I had in common with most of them was wearing a costume all weekend.
I think even if S writes the equivalent of 'if the glove don't fit' that the company will still hold firm so I can't see us going back anytime soon.
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partial-bouquet · 5 years
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Enjoy these shitty memes i made.
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avacados-art · 5 years
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MCP is a god tier shitposter
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artistfingers · 3 years
Heya! I didn't know you liked tftgs! I'm not very active on discord anymore but if you're not already in pain gravy would you want me to send you the link? (I think you can also get a link from the reddit moderators)
Hi there! Thank you for the offer, but I think I’m okay. I tend to get overwhelmed by big discord servers… or even medium-sized ones haha. I’ve basically taken a step back from all the ones I’ve joined, and don’t really have the capacity to join any new ones at the moment either.
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rita-the-raccoon · 3 years
Hey do you know if the pain gravy discord is still a thing?
it is, but i believe only mods can give out invites. try asking on r/TFTGS for an invite because i know some PG mods are also mods on the subreddit
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kickturns · 3 years
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( evan mock. twenty five. he / him. ) i think i just saw NIKO DE LA LUNA ride by on a golf cart . at least i think it was them . after all , WELCOME TO CHILLIS BY YUNG GRAVY was blasting on the transistor radio . maybe they were on their way to work , i hear they’re a BUSINESS OWNER . but they totally could have been on their way to SNEAK INTO THE EMPLOYEE LOUNGE TO HIDE FROM HIS BUSINESS PARTNERS . guess we’ll never know . you’ll definitely know its them when you see AN EVER PRESENT GRIN, UNDEVELOPED FILM, AND A SMUDGE OF PAINT RIGHT ABOVE THE COLLAR OF HIS DRESS SHIRT  around the country club . let’s just hope they stay off the green after hours or else the sprinklers will get them ! ( pepper. twenty four. eating disorders )
ABOUT THE MUN.  what the fuck is guava 🥺
hello friends. it is i, pepperoni mcpony. i am v tired currently because getting niko’s shit together along with my uterus deciding that now, while my guard is down, is the time to execute it’s lifelong plan to take me out once and for all, has all taken a lot out of me. rip. however, yes, my angel boy niko is here so let’s go crazy let’s go stupid folks!! i have never played neeks outside of discord rp so this is his big tumblr debut, pls go easy on him, and if you suddenly see me forgoing gifs completely, pls look away. but omg okay enough about him for a second, this segment is called about the mun for a reason after all,,, this is my time to shine. to start i have a very irrational but very deep rooted fear of humanoid beings with gills that all started with sharkboy and gill from kim possible, so. thanks disney ig idk. my favourite colour is green but not in a sexy plant milf way, cuz all my plants die, rip timothy you will be missed king. my favourite disney movies are tarzan, lilo and stitch, and big hero 6 because i like pain apparently idk. the only celebrity i’ve ever met was the voice actress for sailor moon in dub, and honestly it was an out of body experience. i also have a v rare bone in my mouth under my tongue that i only discovered wasn’t a thing that everyone had when my dentist said and i quote, ‘tf is that’. good times. anyways yuh okay i think that’s all for today friends 😌 you can find niko’s intro here. also if you see me writing some wcs on it while you’re there.... no you didn’t. 😔✋
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gingerrhd · 4 years
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Direct quote from myself in the pain gravy discord
"EHHHEHEYYYY" while awkwardly shuffling over to some weirdo jack asked him to speak to
but hes wasted and is trying desperately to remember how knees work
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dorkzrul · 4 years
Demigods Deck The Halls
A sweet Percabeth fanfic about the first time that the two families meet, that is for Christmas Dinner at Sally's apartment. Lot of fluff and told mainly from Sally's perspective. Written for DeadKidWalking in the Percabeth Discord Server Secret Santa. Read and Review :) Sally’s P.O.V
I hear the bell ring just as I'm finishing up, setting the table. They must be here! I check the clock and see that it’s exactly 7 PM, they’re perfectly on time. I wipe my hands on my apron as I call out to Percy, “They’re here!”. I hear him scrambling down the stairs, probably fiddling with his hair or tie. He was so nervous when he was getting ready, I was thoroughly amused by it all. But, it’s cute that he wants to look his best for Annabeth. I hear the door open and I hear Percy greeting the Chase’s. I check on the food once more before joining Percy at the door. 
I see Percy blushing as Annabeth teases him and Frederick laughing along with them. “Hi! Welcome!”, I shake Frederick’s wife’s hand. “It's so nice to finally meet you! Thank you for having us over for Christmas dinner in your lovely home, Mrs Blofis. I’m Helen.” “I’m happy you came. Please, call me Sally.” “I hope we’re not early, Sally. Annabeth refused to let us leave any later”, Frederick adds with a laugh. “Oh no! We’re so glad that you came, early or late”, I respond. “It’s nice to meet you Annabeth, Percy talks a lot about you”, I smile at her, as Percy blushes, before bending down to be at eye level with the twins, “Hi, what are your names?” “ I’m Matthew and this is Bobby”, the taller boy tells me enthusiastically.
I offer to take all of their coats as they take off their shoes and enter. “Careful Annabeth! While taking off your coat, don’t mess up the hair you spent a half-hour on”, Frederick comments jokingly. Everyone, except a blushing Annabeth, laughs slightly. “Trying to look good for me, were you Wise Girl?”, Percy teases. “Don’t worry Annabeth, even Percy took an hour to get ready. He was so nervous before you came, his hands were wet with sweat!”, I reassured her. “Mom!”, Percy exclaims with a red face as Annabeth giggles lightly along with everyone else. Paul comes down the stairs just then and introduces himself to everyone as he shakes their hands.
I lead them all to the dining table, where the food is set up in the middle of the table with plates for each seat and cutlery along with it. “I had to add two more chairs because the table only seated six so I hope that it isn’t too tight a fit”, I say apologetically. “Of course not, we’ll all be okay!”, Annabeth quickly adds. As everyone sits down at the table, I uncover the dishes and take out the cutlery for serving. I can see everyone’s gazes on the food I made. “This is wonderful, Sally! It must have taken you ages to make all this”, Helen comments. “Not really, it was fun to make. I’m glad you like it”, I reply with a smile. The past two days, I’d busied myself making the meal, which included turkey and roast beef with drizzled cranberry sauce with a side of gravy, mashed potatoes, carrots and green beans for the main course; and Christmas pudding and fruit cake for dessert.
“Annabeth dear, can you say grace?”, I ask her from across the table. “Sure, Sally!” She says grace and then we all sit down to eat. No one talks much as we all dig into the delicious meal. “This is delicious!”, Paul remarks and everyone else nods and makes sounds of agreement. I blush scarlet, “Thank you so much!” As we eat dinner Helen, Frederick, Paul and I all talk about our respective jobs. We talk about my novels and some of the difficulties Paul faces dealing with and teaching high school kids. I learn that Frederick is an American and Military History professor at West Point and Paul and Frederick exchange notes on their styles of teaching. I also learn that Helen used to be an interior designer before she met Frederick and got married to him. After that, she moved to San Francisco with him and left her old job behind. She also tells me how her ex-husband (Bobby and Matthew’s father) had a drinking problem and is now in jail and she was so happy when she met Frederick and he wasn’t a bit like her first husband and how he has really helped her deal with things and has been a great stepdad to Bobby and Matthew. I also tell her about Gabe and how glad I was when I was finally rid of him, and then how I felt when Paul came along. 
Percy and Annabeth are excitedly talking about school and how Annabeth’s father has finally agreed to let her move to New York and attend Goode High School and how Annabeth and her dad are going to be looking for a place for her to stay sometime during their time in Manhattan. Matthew and Bobby are playing some game with their hands and cutlery which results in food falling all over the place and Helen has to stop every few minutes to reprimand them. I tell her that it’s okay and to let them play. It kind of reminds me of Percy at that age and how much fun we would have...
After we are all done eating Matthew and Bobby drag Percy and Annabeth away to play a game of Hungry Hippos and Paul and Helen volunteer to clear up the table and do the dishes in the kitchen. Frederick and I sit in the living room with cups of coffee looking at the four kids laughing and playing happily on the floor. I notice both Percy and Annabeth are playing with only one hand and upon closer inspection, I notice that they’re holding hands under the table. Percy looks at me for a second and I raise my eyebrows at him gesturing to the clasped hands under the table. He blushes and turns back to the game as I laugh at how embarrassed he looks to be caught.
I point this out to Frederick and he laughs heartily. Then he sighs and looks fondly at Annabeth. “I’m so glad that Annabeth decided to come back and forgive me. Also, that the war is over and all the worry and stress is no more.” I nod, “I felt the same way with Percy and more so because he’s Poseidon’s son. But it must have been worse for you, having to part with Annabeth so early on.” Percy had told me about how Annabeth had run away young and I am sure that it must have been extremely hard on Frederick. I have a lot of sympathy for him. 
He replies, “Honestly, at first, it didn’t seem like much. After Athena left her to me, I loved her but I always resented Athena for leaving me with a child I hadn’t wanted at first. Furthermore, to me, she was just a reminder of the time I spent with Athena and as she grew up, she began to look more and more like her mother and it eventually became too much for me to bear. When I met Helen, I was so glad to finally move on from Athena and settle into a normal, non-mythical life that I think I seemed to move on from Annabeth too because she was a reminder of my past and seemed to symbolise all my old feelings and troubles. I did love her but I always put her second, behind Helen and the twins. I think that made her feel as if I didn’t love her at all. Also, my work kept me quite busy and I think Helen always had a grudge against Annabeth as she seemed to her a reminder of my previous relationship with Athena and apparently Annabeth was mistreated by her and the twins hated her too. However, in my perspective, Helen and the twins seemed to be making an effort while Annabeth simply hated them and put all of us in trouble due to her being a demigod. This all lead up to her feeling unwanted and unloved and so she ran away. Helen and the twins didn’t seem to care much and at first, I thought it was just a mood and of course she would come back. When she didn’t, I was very worried and I tried my hardest to find her but I only found her after many years when she wrote to me, and I hear that was because Percy encouraged her to. I am extremely grateful to him for that.
“I was stunned. On one hand, I know that he loved Annabeth to bits and it must have hurt him tremendously when she ran away, but it was also partially his fault for making her feel unloved enough to run away and seemingly preferring Helen and the twins over her. But overall, I do understand his plight and I feel bad for him. As a parent, I understand how painful it would be to lose your child, and at such a young age too. It would break my heart if Percy was to run away and I might not be able to endure it. “I understand your pain, Frederick. When Poseidon left me with Percy, I wanted to run away and create a new life for us where we could be normal and Percy would never have to face the dangers. He also looks just like Poseidon and every time I looked at him, I would be reminded of my past with Poseidon. But I would never have been able to bear him running away. I am sorry for that. I tried my best to prevent that by marrying Gabe. However bad of a husband he may have been, he kept Percy safe and I was grateful for that. Even finally having him learn his true origins and leaving me at twelve hurt me. I cannot begin to understand your pain”, I respond. 
He smiles sadly, “After I finally reconnected with Annabeth, I felt such relief. I had honestly not known if she were alive or dead for those horrible five years. But even after that, I was always filled with worry at the thought of her going on those dangerous missions and quests and after each one, it felt like a great weight had been taken off my shoulders, until I learned she was going on another, more dangerous quest.” I nodded, “With Percy, I was always scared of the Great Prophecy that I had been told off by Grover and every quest seemed more dangerous than the last. I almost wanted to lock him up somewhere secret just so my baby could be safe. I couldn’t bear the thought of something happening to him.” 
“I feel that. When Annabeth and I had our falling out about my move to San Francisco and she left, I was terrified of something happening to her and me not knowing of it. When Percy turned up at my house with his friends and told me Annabeth was in trouble, I almost felt my heart stop. Even after they left, I couldn’t help myself going up to the battlefield and helping her out myself. I wanted to see that she was safe and sound with my own eyes. When I finally met her, it felt like all was right in the world again.” 
“I went through something similar when Percy and Nico came to ask for my blessing for Percy to become immortal with a dip in the Styx because I knew that if something happened, I would only have myself to blame as I was the one who allowed him to do that in the first place. I knew the risk of letting him do it and I knew that there was a chance that he could drown in the Styx but I still let him do it. He wanted it so badly and I knew that I couldn’t stop him but to this day, I fear for what could have happened that day because of my decision. When I didn’t hear back from him, I immediately thought the worst and drove as fast as I could to the Empire State Building to see if it was true. That was when the city fell asleep and after I woke up and saw him, it felt like I was floating. We were in the middle of a war and I almost didn’t care just because he was alright. Letting him go into that building alone was extremely hard and it seemed that I couldn’t breathe properly until the Empire State Building lit up blue and I knew he was okay. I felt like I could finally live again after that. I had been consumed by terror and worry before that and only when I knew he was okay did I feel okay” 
“All the way from San Francisco, I had no idea what was going on in New York and when I saw the news, I knew immediately that something was wrong and I was panicking because Annabeth wasn’t picking up her phone, despite knowing that demigods and technology don’t bode well together. Until she finally Iris messaged me and told me that everything was okay, I felt like I was being pulled apart by anxiety. I felt light-headed at that, I was so overjoyed. I couldn’t wait for the end of summer so that I could finally meet my baby girl. I am so proud of the mature, beautiful strong woman she has become, despite all the hardships she faced. She has come a long way and I am filled with pride at the person she is today.
“I smile at that, “I am equally proud of Percy. He has grown up so much and has become so strong and brave. I know that he’s no longer my little boy anymore and he has blossomed into a wonderful young man. I’m also glad that he has found his match in Annabeth, she’s a wonderful girl and they look very happy together” “I think so too. They make a wonderful couple but I do long for those days when she was just my little girl”. “Don’t we all”, I say, laughing. We get up and go to the kitchen just as Percy and Annabeth disappear into Percy’s room. “Leave the door open”, I say, jokingly. “Mo-o-o-o-o-m”, Percy cries, embarrassed.
Annabeth’s P.O.V
Percy and I were playing Hungry Hippos with Matthew and Bobby when he suddenly tells me to come over to his room because he wants to give me my gift. I’m so glad he got me a gift! I got him one but I wasn’t sure if he would. We get up and I quickly grab my gift for him before we go into his room and just as we reach, we hear Sally call out, “Leave the door open”. I giggle as Percy blushes scarlet and responds to his mom, embarrassed. He tells me to close my eyes and hold out my hands.
I do it and I feel him place a small, velvet box in my hands. I open my eyes and then slowly open the box to find a beautiful pendant made of a piece of red coral. I gasp, “It’s beautiful! I love it so much! Where did you get it, Seaweed Brain?”, I ask him as I hook it onto my camp necklace. “I found it when I was swimming in the sea once”, he said, grinning. “Thank you!”, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer, softly kissing him. He grins wider. “You’re welcome”, he says hugging me tight. 
“Now open my present”, I tell him excitedly, handing the small, festive bag to him. He eagerly pulls out all the colourful paper and tosses it aside, pulling out a box. He opens it to see a thin rope bracelet with a trident charm I had Jake (the head of the Hephaestus cabin) make. “Thanks Wise Girl! It’s so cool!”, he says as he pulls it on. “But that’s not all”, I say excitedly as I press the bottom of the trident’s handle and a little spark of electricity shoots out of the trident onto the wall. It makes a sizzling sound as it hits the wall and leaves a small black mark on it. “Ooops”, I say, guiltily. I turn to Percy to apologize but suddenly feel him lifting me off the ground and twirling me around, tightly hugging me. “That’s awesome! I love it!”, he says grinning widely. I smile widely at him, “I’m so happy you like it.” 
Just as he puts me down, I hear my dad calling out for me. It must be time to leave. I kiss him quickly once more before we come out of the room and walk to the door. I quickly put on my shoes and coat as dad, Helen and the twins say goodbye to Sally and Paul. I hug Sally goodbye and shake hands with Paul to say goodbye. I hug Percy tightly and whisper “Goodbye”, softly into his ear. Dad and Helen once more thank Sally and then we leave. Before we get into the lift to go down, I quickly turn around and blow Percy a kiss. He jokingly pretends to catch it as he waves goodbye one last time. I laugh as I get into the lift. This was the best Christmas ever!
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Pgc: I really REALLY miss pain gravy, but I’ve been gone so long and I can’t be active that much anymore but I wanna come beck SO BAD
Its alright if you can't be super active, but if you want to pop in for an afternoon or just join a call I know people would love to say hello. New or old people alike love to just talk to each other.
If you left the server I can try and see if I could get you an invite, feel free to message me on discord if you do [or just dm me on tumblr]
I hope you're able to at least pop in to say a quick hello anon (:
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mouthydraws · 4 years
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Spencer and Eric art courtesy of HYBRID filling the pain gravy discord server and the subreddit with Spencer/Eric stuff
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bigfootsboytoy · 4 years
Would anybody be willing to send me a link to the Pain Gravy discord server?? I'm actively dying with nobody to discuss tftgs with, please save me.
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partial-bouquet · 5 years
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These are two of my favorite compliments I’ve ever recieved
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avacados-art · 5 years
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Mr. Creepypasta is a god tier shitposter and I had a sudden visceral urge to make this a comic, so, here we are. I’m gonna do a higher quality one eventually.
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gjnnypotter · 5 years
Mashed Parsnips.
This was written for the Hinny Discord Incognito Elf exchange for @thebiwholived. There are some stronger themes and slight language in this, so read with caution (there is some fluff though, I promise). I hope you all have a magical festive season!
The day had started out brilliantly. So brilliantly that he should have known, really, that it wouldn’t stay that way for long. Things never did when he was around.
The feast that Mrs Weasley had cooked up for lunch had been ruined by the arrival of Percy with none other than the Minister himself. It made him feel sick, knowing that the rogue Weasleys arrival was conducted by Scrimgeour in an attempt to get to him, that the manipulative move was made against the family because of him being in their home; and most of all, that their familial love had been taken advantage of. Because of him.
Couldn’t resist dropping in my arse, he thought bitterly. He had returned to the kitchen earlier on to be met by the sight of Percy standing stiffly with mashed parsnips flowing like a stream of lava down his face before he spun on his heel and stormed out after the Minister - all while Mrs Weasley sobbed into her gravy stained apron. His guilt-filled gaze had swept over their faces taking in each one in great detail - Ron, incandescent with rage, had been standing with his hands balled into fists; Bill, his handsome face twisted into one mirroring his shock; Mr Weasley, Fred and George all glowing a bright, furious red.
But it had been Ginny’s expression that made him almost double over. It had been hers that made him stutter a whispered apology and run. She had stared her brother down with something akin to resentment in her eyes, with her brow so narrowed that it made that stare appear even more intense. Her fiery hair rippled slightly as her shoulders rose and fell with each breath she took, her spoon clenched in her white-knuckled grip as a thick, pale substance dripped from it onto the floor. It wasn’t that hard for him to put two and two together.
It wasn’t this, though, that had made his gut twist as though a knife had been plunged into it.
It was when everyone at the table had turned to look at him instead of at each other that she had dropped her eyes to the table and her lip had quivered. It was that one small wobble when she thought no one had been watching that had made his chest clench to the point he had to bite his lip to force down the whimper that was oh-so desperate to slip past his lips.
So here he was now - sitting on his bed while staring out of the window, completely surrounded by orange and feeling like shit. He ran his hand through his hair with a deep sigh, his eyes monitoring the progress of a small snowflake that floated gently down from the grey sky.
The hand that was raking through his hair slowly made its way to his forehead. His fingers lightly traced the jagged scar on his forehead. Something stirred inside him, the same something that he had felt last year when he thought he was being possessed. Self-loathing. He knew it wasn’t just a figment of his imagination, but a fact that whoever he grew to love would suffer.
Him being here was selfish. He couldn’t stay. He was Harry Potter. The Chosen One with a target on his back, and while that target was still there - he was a danger to everyone around him. He was a liability. Lying to himself and pretending that everything was ok wasn’t an option anymore. He had to face the cold hard truth - he was alone. Sirius dying because of him had put the nail in the coffin. Even the mere thought of his godfather struck a blade of grief through his heart, and no matter how often Hermione prompted him to speak about him - Harry couldn't. He’d rather swallow sand than speak about him. But he’d never admit that out loud.
It hurt.
He winced at the sharp pain in his scar, panicking before taking note of the congealed blood underneath his fingernails. He stood up and paced, wringing his hands, suddenly wanting to be anywhere but The Burrow. He had to get out.
Don’t be stupid, piped up the rational voice in his head, what would that achieve, you’ve tried it before - remember?
He kicked the leg of Ron’s desk in frustration, then immediately regretted it as a fresh wave of pain jolted his toe. Swearing, he dropped back down onto the bed, sneering at the poster of Dragomir Gorgovitch who smiled down at him, carefree and winking.
The faint sound of voices and footsteps from the kitchen wafted up from the bottom floor, but Harry couldn’t find it in himself to join them. He felt exhausted. Drained. Since when had simply getting through each day become so hard? Sometimes he felt like falling asleep, and maybe not waking up again. It was a dangerous thought, he knew that, but it would be kinder than the alternative that had been spelt out for him by the prophecy. And it would bring some level of control back into his life because right now, it felt like he had none. It felt like his voice was lost in amongst the calling of war, and the path that had been laid out for him by Dumbledore wasn’t so much as a path as it were a cage he was trapped in.
And he’d be with Sirius again.
He gave himself a mental shake, pushing his glasses up and sluggishly scrubbing his hands over his face. A quick glance at the clock on the wall told him it was nearing two, and another glance out of the window showed him that the snow was still gently sailing down in intricate swirling patterns.
What a Merry-bloody-Christmas.
He turned back from facing the window, fully intending on lying down and having an impromptu nap when a photo fell directly into his line of sight. It was of the Weasley family when they were in Egypt. He remembered, fondly, Ron waving that blasted newspaper clipping around for weeks at the start of their third year, shoving it into the faces of whoever would look. But it was the red face of the girl in the middle of the shot that was burned into his mind even when he forced his eyes shut.
Even when she plucked that maggot out of his hair his stomach had fluttered. He couldn’t face her though, or her family for that matter, not after that mess at lunch. Not after they had been used by a man of the highest authority just because he, Harry, was in their home. The indignant crease of her brow and the way she had forced herself together made him feel as if he were about to break apart.
It was with these thoughts that a soft, yet firm knock rang through the room.
Speak of the devil.
He scrambled up off of the bed and tugged down the sleeves of the jumper he was wearing, exhaling through his nose as he opened the door.
She looked beautiful standing there, framed by the door as she gently rolled her sleeves up, a soft expression gracing her features. He was sure that Ron would hit him if he were to see inside his head. Harry swung the door open a bit wider, and she stepped into the room. The glaring orange on the walls appeared dull next to her hair which appeared to be ablaze as it swept like a pendulum across her back before settling as she sat on her brother’s bed. He sat on his own bed opposite her, shifting as her chocolatey stare penetrated him like an X-ray.
‘Ron was going to come up and get you, but then mum brought out more Christmas pudding and… well, you know how he is. I swear that stomach of his could still be heard through about half a dozen silencing charms.’ She shrugged with a smirk.
‘Does his stomach ever stop rumbling?’ Harry asked coyly.
‘No, I don’t suppose it does.’
The freckles by her lips shifted as she smiled. They were hypnotising, reminiscent of the stars scattered across the sky.
Ginny leaned forward, her right hand coming up subconsciously to massage her earlobe as she spoke, ‘Lunch wasn’t your fault. I know you think it was.’ She said bluntly, cutting right to the chase.
‘How can you say that? The only reason Scrimgeour came was to speak to me.’ Harry said, confused.
‘Yes,’ she spoke slowly, both hands coming to rest on her knees, ‘but you didn’t ask him to, did you? And you didn’t ask him to bring that git with him. It’s not your fault they came and did that, its that joke of a Minister’s.’
Her belittling of the Minister was like music to his ears, but it failed to distract him from the heavy pressure on his chest. Harry shook his head, breath catching as he saw her frown, ‘If I wasn’t here, then that wouldn't have happened. It would be better if I just… I don’t know… left. You would all be better off if you didn’t know me. I bring what’s going on out there-‘ he gestured vaguely to the window, ‘- so much closer to you. You’d all be safer if I weren’t around.’
‘Oh?’ Ginny said simply, a single dark eyebrow quirking in what looked like mirth, ‘That’s the biggest pile of shit I’ve heard in a long time.’
‘You heard me.’
He was confused. Really bloody confused. And that pointed look she was giving him wasn’t helping. He looked back blankly.
‘What was it that you said? We’d be so much safer if you weren’t around? Need I remind you of last year? Without you, my dad would be dead. And I would be too, don’t forget.’ She said the last part quietly, the mirth fading out from her voice.
‘I didn’t.’
Her eyes bored into his, their soft brown appearing darker to him in the dark grey light from the clouds. He couldn’t tear his eyes away.
He didn’t want to.
Years could have passed for all Harry knew. It was as though time had ground to halt. He saw nothing but her, cared about nothing other than her in that moment. The tight coil of guilt that had wrapped itself around him was loosening, and the fact that he could breathe again went unnoticed as they shared a connection that detailed more than words could ever illustrate.
It was a thud from downstairs that eventually snapped them out of their joint reverie. He felt hot, even though the snow was slowly piling up on the windowsill outside. She looked perfectly composed though, breaking into a grin as she stood up and stopped in front of him.
‘Now - that’s enough moping for today, you’ve used up your daily limit.’
‘Have I really? I was hoping to get another few minutes in.’
Ginny shook her head loftily, crossing her arms as she sauntered to the door, ‘No can do I’m afraid. It’s Christmas after all, we can’t have you holed up in here all afternoon.’
Harry stood up too. He would rather be downstairs with the Weasleys, there was no point in denying it to himself. One in particular. And though the guilt hadn’t fully dissipated, he couldn’t trouble them any further by wallowing.
If that reason hadn’t been enough, the way her eyes lit up when she saw him stand certainly was.
‘If we hurry there might be some pudding left.’ She said as she pulled open the door.
‘I doubt that, not if Ron’s been at it.’
‘I’m sure Mum will have more. She’ll have taken precautions.’
They trekked down the stairs, Harry admiring the way Ginny’s feet lightly danced around the creaky steps. The sounds of the wireless and incomprehensible chatter began to crescendo as they neared the sitting room.
‘Finally,’ Said Ron thickly through a bite of what looked like a mince pie, ‘I was about to come up and get you myself.’
‘Sit down dear and help yourself, there’s still plenty left over.’ Mrs Weasley said kindly, but Harry was disconcerted to see how bloodshot her eyes were. He looked around as a small hand lightly touched his arm, trailing after her as Ginny pulled him over to the table and snatched up a mince pie, staring at him as she took a ridiculously sized bite.
Harry snorted as she struggled to chew, dodging a playful smack that she aimed at his chest. Her hand was covering her mouth as she attempted to stop the overflowing crumbs from escaping past her fingers. Her muffled laughs were endearing.
‘Eyes bigger than your stomach?’ He asked her when she finally swallowed.
‘No, I don’t think so. Got there eventually, didn’t I?’ She said with playful cockiness as she wiped her hands on her thighs.
They joined Ron and the rest of the Weasleys, as well as Lupin and Fleur, plopping down onto the sofa next to the tree, the gnome still glaring down at them from its perch on the top. They spoke of nonsense, the aching feeling that had burdened him earlier on receding as he sat in between Ron and Ginny underneath the colourful paper-chained ceiling.
‘...and then by the time we got there, the poor Muggles had been cornered by them! A right old palaver it caused, the Obliviators had their work cut out for them. This was a few years back, mind you.’
‘Merlin, that’s genius. We could capitalise on this, people would love them. And of course we could modify them so that they aren’t quite as bloodthirsty.’ Fred murmured to George who was nodding enthusiastically, both of them ignoring their mother’s tuts.
‘I still don’t understand.’ exclaimed Ron
‘Were you not listening, Won-Won? The Muggles were attacked by a swarm of random, weird looking, small metal things, and Dad and Perkins had to set them to rights. It’s not that hard to get.’
‘I got that part thanks-’ He rolled his eyes, ‘-I just don’t understand why someone would charm something so stupid. A biting toaster I can understand, but why use something small and pointless like that to cause trouble when you could use something so much more impressive, you know what I mean?’ He finished. The rest of them all nodded, amused.
‘One of the Obliviators said that they were actually muggle game pieces. I think he said they were from a board game called “Monotily”. I was thinking of going out to find it so we could play it today.’
‘Do you mean Monopoly, Mr Weasley?’ Harry asked smiling, sipping on his eggnog.
Mr Weasley tipped his glass of fire whiskey at him, the amber liquid close to sloshing over the rim, ‘That’s the one, Harry.’
‘I remember the Dursley’s playing it once.’ He said with a wistful sigh.
‘Only the one time?’ Ginny asked. The large, pink sequin hat she got from the cracker she pulled with him was tipping precariously to the side.
‘Yeah. The first time they played it Dudley was so angry that he went bankrupt that he swiped the pieces onto the floor and then stomped on the board until it snapped.’
‘And you’re smiling about that?’
‘It was rather funny,’ He shrugged, ‘and I managed to hide the little pieces without anyone noticing so I could play with them later. The dog was my favourite.’
Ron laughed, as did Fred and George. Ginny laughed too, a loud laugh that forced her to put her eggnog down as she clutched her stomach. Harry’s stomach fluttered pleasantly, and he found himself joining them.
‘How about a good old family game of Kappas and Kelpies while we wait for tea?’
‘We just had lunch a few hours ago, you pig!’ Ginny shot at Ron.
‘And in a few hours from now, I’ll be ready for tea.’ Harry and Ginny shared an exasperated look as Ron left in search of the game.
‘Fred, George - careful before your mother sees.’ Mr Weasley spoke lowly, throwing cautious looks at Mrs Weasley who had disappeared through to the kitchen. But the twins continued chuckling; Fred miming launching something at George, who in turn had the most ridiculous expression of utmost disgust on his face. Harry felt as though he knew exactly which scene it was they were recreating.
‘What the hell do you think you’re doing?’ Ginny snapped. The twins froze.
‘You need to put more oomph into your fling Fred. That amount of effort wouldn’t get it anywhere. More like this-’ She sprang up off of the sofa and closed one eye, flicking her wrist expertly to ping the imaginary substance through the air, ‘-you see?’ Harry laughed at the display.
‘That was some good aim you had by the way. You got him right on the glasses - that’ll be hard to get off.’ He nodded at her, and her cheeks turned slightly pink. It was probably a trick of the light.
‘I’ve honestly never felt anything as satisfying as chucking mashed parsnips at that prick’s face. Not even getting the quaffle through the hoop comes close to it.’ She sighed dreamily, staring up at the ceiling as her hat finally slipped off and dropped to the floor with a soft thump.
‘I second that. I’d happily hand over my bat to do that to him again.’ George agreed, Fred nodding beside him.
‘I should’ve done that to Scrimgeour.’ Harry said after another sip of eggnog.
Ginny tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, Harry watching intently as it slid from behind her ear back to cover her face almost immediately. She impatiently swept it back again, though this time it remained where she wanted it to be.
‘Better yet, greet him next time you see him with a good old fist to the face.’ She said with a smirk.
‘There’s always that.’
The snow was still falling, and Harry could see that Percy and the Minister’s footprints had been almost completely obscured, only a faint imprint remained as the fresh layer blanketed them. His eyes swept over the scene in front of him, the twins and Ginny bantering back and forth; Mr and Mrs Weasley chatting with Lupin on the opposite side of the room; Bill and Fleur sitting on a cosy armchair with their hands entwined and Ron off clattering about somewhere in search of the game. His gaze fell back on Ginny, and the way the twinkling lights from the tree set her face in a golden glow.
Maybe it was a Merry-bloody-Christmas after all.
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