schwimmtagebuch · 8 months
Vom Paradiese
Das Wort Paradies stammt vom altpersischen pairidaeza ab, einer Zusammensetzung aus pairi, "rund herum", und daeza, "Mauer". Xenophon, der das Wort als Erster erwähnt, rühmte im 5. Jh. v. Chr. nicht nur die Kriegskunst, sondern auch die Gartenbaukunst des persischen Königs Kyros des Jüngeren. "Wo immer der König sich aufhält... er sorgt für die Einrichtung sogenannter Lustgärten, in denen sich alles Gute findet, was die Erde erzeugt, dort verbringt er den größten Teil seiner Zeit." Er gab das persische pairidaeza auf Griechisch als wieder. In der ersten Bibelübersetzung stand parades für Garten. In der jüdisch-christlichen Tradition verwendet man Paradies als Synonym für den Garten Eden.
Penelope Hobhouse: Der Garten. Eine Kulturgeschichte.
Bis vor kurzem war das Schönbrunnerbad von einer Mauer umgeben, die aber wegen Baufälligkeit und Einsturzgefahr von einem japanisch anmutenden Holzzaun ersetzt wurde.
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indexvirus · 2 years
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I can’t... 
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genshinmp3 · 1 year
Her Wishes from The Unfathomable Sand Dunes Yu-Peng Chen, HOYO-MiX
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sparknightdaily · 1 year
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snowbreeze64 · 2 years
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Genshin Impact SPEEDPAINT || Eternal Oasis
[ID: Digital painting of the eternal oasis, or Orchard of Pairidaeza from Genshin Impact. The painting depicts a small lake surrounded by tree-lined hills at dawn or dusk. In the center of the lake is a small island with a tree growing out of it that twists in an arc and has pink flowers and green leaves. Beyond the tree, the sun lies just above the horizon, surrounded by large white clouds. It casts a pale pinkish yellow light over the rest of the landscape. END ID]
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torgawl · 2 years
still very much obsessed with the ost from the new desert region in sumeru
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nikkibvb · 2 years
Apparently time frozen water equals slip n slide?
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ingsquared · 1 year
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Running out of bujo pages, the illustrations shall be squeezed into crevices of the weekly spread til the end of this year 🤣
Tested my new cheap acrylic markers on guoache and loved it.
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quinncadens · 1 year
Kinda wanna get intoxicated and paint genshin scenery
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mechanicaltrees · 1 year
pairidaeza's dream 🌸
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Hidden in the Sands (Yandere!Naga!Kunikuzushi)
Warnings: Character Death (not reader, not kuni), Some Gore (description of a corpse), Injury (of reader), Monster AU, implied semi-cannibalism (he isn't human but close enough), some blood (mostly not reader's, a little is kuni's), biting, venom, graphic description of venom effects (used on reader non-lethally), kuni-typical insults, venom effects are made up, kuni tries to kill you (at first but doesn't follow through), reader has a semi-near-death experience, threats, kidnapping, imprisonment, nonconsensual touching (SFW ofc), general yandere themes, kunibaby is Not Nice but it's okay because he's hot, reader goes through the wringer... if you prefer soft yandere, this is probably not for you. loosely based on a rp I did with a friend.
Sorry I lied about the rook and sebek HCs. I have Sebek's pretty much done I think, but Rook remains an enigma. Might post them separately, idk.
Kuni's appearance is inspired by the desert horned viper. If the formatting seems a little weird at any point, it's because tumblr messed it up when I copy/pasted it here. Might fix it later.
6.5k words or so.
The Desert of Hadramaveth.
You haven't been here before. You thought the rest of the desert was bad, between the heat which was "enough to melt a mist flower but not really" (paraphrased from a certain fox friend) and the unforgiving terrain.
This was worse, with its near-constant sandstorms. This was the second one today, and you had only just left the Tanit camp. In other areas of the desert, you were begging for a reprieve from the sun, but here, you were almost begging for it back if it meant you didn't have to worry about getting sand in your eyes and throat. It was almost, almost enough to make you consider turning around and dropping the commission.
"Do you want to hear a dry joke?"
If it weren't for your friend here, you probably would. Unfortunately, you can't turn back now that you've gotten his hopes up. The most you can do is slump your shoulders and sigh, suffocating under the endless heat, what little you could see of the sun, and what you knew was coming next.
"Sure, I'll bite."
A large, beaming grin spread across Sanad's face, and you braced yourself.
"A desert."
"That's terrible."
"Oh, come on! It's funny and you know it!"
"Does that even count as a proper j-"
You paused, looking up at the sky. In the distance, you could see a large, beige cloud. Again?
"We need to find shelter. There's a sandstorm coming."
"Well, looks like we're in luck. Where isn't shelter?" he responded.
It was true. You and Sanad were somewhere just north of the Tanit Camps, near Wadi Al-Majuj. Ahead of the both of you was the entrance to a deep canyon, lined with ancient ruins. According to the map, it was called Pairidaeza Canyon. Behind you, there was another entrance to a different canyon, and according to your map, if you went back a ways and to the right, there'd be a third one.
"Come on, let's go! I need to look through these for my thesis!" He rushed, running ahead of you.
"Careful!" you called out. "There might be bandits down there."
He immediately slowed to a stop, sheepishly turning around to move back to his place next to you.
"On second thought, take your time. Just make sure there's nobody else in there."
You chuckle, already starting a reasonable pace down the steep slope into the canyon. "Thought so. Just a reminder, we're leaving immediately once the sandstorm ends, unless we find who or what we're looking for."
Right. What you were looking for. Recently, small groups of travelers and even large caravans were being attacked. Most of the attacks occurred between the Tanit Camp and around the Passage of Ghouls. A few supplies were usually stolen, but that wasn't the worst part.
A few days later, the rotting corpse of one of the travelers or nomads would be found, half-eaten and with a twin set of puncture marks in their throat. Any useful supplies would be missing, but oddly enough, the mora was almost never taken.
Normally, you'd assume that maybe it was just a deranged serial killer, and either the bodies were eaten by wild animals or the culprit was worse than you thought. But it was strange. What serial killer had fangs like that? And if it was a wild animal, what use would they have for supplies like bedrolls and first aid kits?
The survivors usually all said the same thing; they were caught out in the middle of a sandstorm, and all they heard was a scream or shout before one of their friends disappeared. When the body was found, some key survival supplies would be missing as well. When a caravan was attacked, some supplies (and occasionally people) would even be snatched right off the backs of the desert sumpter beasts.
Hence why you and your friend Sanad were out here to crack this strange case. Mostly you, though, since Sanad only wanted to take a gander at the desert ruins for some Akademiya thing. You'd probably have gone alone (or at least tried to, before you decided the mora wasn't worth it) but when he heard that you were going to this section of the desert, he insisted on coming for his thesis or something like that. He helped pay for the trip, and he was paying you personally, so you had no reason to refuse. He was your friend, and good company to boot, even if he was a little bit skittish.
"Well, that might be possible... but you said you didn't even know if the culprit was a person, didn't you?" he inquired, as the both of you passed the first of the ruins in the canyon.
You sighed. "Yeah, I told you all about that already."
A glimmer of excitement appeared in his eyes. "Well, I've been thinking since then, and I remembered this old desert legend! Have you heard of nagas?"
"Nagas?" you parroted.
"Yes, nagas!" He nodded his head. "They're an ancient race of ferocious half-human half-snake people that supposedly existed during the reign of King Deshret. Apparently they were equal parts revered and feared, as wise and strong beings."
You raised a somewhat skeptical brow. "I thought you didn't believe in legends?"
He laughed. "The Akademiya has declared them to be just baseless nonsense, so of course I don't think they actually exist. I just think it's very interesting, and it technically matches what we know..." He trails off, looking around in awe.
"If you want to look around, you can. Tell me if you see or hear anything."
You didn't need to tell him twice. With a rushed "thanks!" and a wave, he was practically bouncing up what probably used to be a set of stairs to a higher level within the ruins, off to your left. In the meantime, you'll look around, see if you can find anything interesting.
You looked up and around, spinning on your heels. From what you've seen of the canyon so far, it's just a straight corridor with partially collapsed stone ruins on both sides, and a fallen wooden bridge that once connected them. You can see several ways to climb up higher and explore the ancient stone buildings, including the way up that Sanad went.
You and Sanad are pretty deep into the canyon at this point, and you have to crane your head just to see the top. As you do this, you notice just how many floors there are in the ruins. Some have crumbled so much they seem almost completely inaccessible. They're so high up, you can't see anything on them from your angle at the bottom.
There's just so many places to hide. The realization makes you tense up a little. Maybe you should have gone up with him.
It's so strange though. The complicated ruins, numerous hiding places, and the nearby water would make this place an ideal camping spot for bandits and thieves. But so far, you haven't seen hide or hair of anyone else. Not even an abandoned camp.
Until somewhere in the ruins, you hear an odd sound. It's hard to make out, and it sounds so much like the normal shifting sand that you almost brush it off as a natural sound in the canyon. But you hear stone crumbling and rocks falling, and you look up, seeing something move on the side of a ledge too far above you to check. It's close enough that some of the rocks hit the ground next to you. You squint, watching the ledge, waiting for whatever it was to move again, but the sound stops. The hair on your neck stands on end–from what, you aren't sure. Sanad is even closer to the source of the sound than you are, but not far away at all. Just out of sight. Was it from him? Or someone watching him?
Or are they watching you?
You're not sure, and you'll check just in case. Sanad doesn't have anything to defend himself with except for a dagger. Without another thought, you surge up the stone steps, hand subconsciously finding its place on the pommel of your sword. When you get up there, you see him standing with a hand on his chin, studying some old glowing contraption you've never seen before.
"Did you hear that?" you ask, breathing just a little heavier than normal.
He turns to you somewhat incredulously, just as fine as ever. "Hear what? I haven't heard anything. Are you alright?"
You calm down a little bit, letting your hand fall from your sword. "I'm fine. I was just worried about you. Didn't you hear that noise? I saw something move up there." You look up at the ledge the rocks came from. You don't see any way to get up there that's safe.
The sand is starting to pour in harder through the massive gap in the canyon ceiling, and the wind is beginning to howl. You and Sanad are slowly being dusted in sand.
"You're a little on edge. Relax! A sandstorm is starting and the wind and sand probably just knocked a few rocks into the canyon or something. It happens all the time." He flashed you a reassuring smile, turning back to... whatever those were on the wall. They're shaped somewhat like bowls, and as sand pours into them, sand also pours out a hole in the side into another one of them. You're not the researcher here, so you ignore it.
You let go of some of the tension in your shoulders, letting out a held breath. "Alright, sorry for bothering you then. Just so you know, if the sandstorm gets any worse, we'll be moving deeper into the canyon to get out of the sand."
He turns back to you, somewhat pleading. "But can't I stay? I'm not the one looking for the guy, so you don't need me to come with you, right?"
You expected this, just as you expect that he'll be the one choosing to come with you after what you say next. "Yeah, you could, but if something happens I probably won't be able to hear it if I'm down there."
He freezes, grimacing a bit. "Alright, alright. Let me know when you move on."
As expected.
You chuckle at him with a lopsided smile, turning back to go down the ramp. He was probably right. It seemed like such a silly thing to panic over. Of course sand and rocks would shift and fall in the desert during a sandstorm. That's probably all you saw. You're glad you brought Sanad along and not some other stuck-up researcher who would have made fun of you for it.
When you reach the bottom again, you turn your attention to the ground. Aside from the sounds of the howling wind and pouring sand, you can hear water dripping as it coalesces into the wide but shallow puddle in front of you. That's not what interests you, though.
There's a long indentation in the sand, about as wide as you are, as if something had been dragged through. It extends further into the cave, where the ground becomes rockier and the track disappears.
You crouch down to inspect them further. Chances are, it's probably a large haul of supplies that was too big to properly carry. This place is the perfect hideout for thieves and bandits, so it would be worthwhile to investigate. If you're lucky, it might be the bandit you're looking for.
The canyon starts to darken, so much so that you now have trouble making out the edges of the track. Most of the sunlight that filtered in through the top has disappeared behind a haze. The sound of howling wind grows louder, and the hiss of pouring sand all around you is almost deafening. You've had quite enough of the sand raining on and around you, so you call out for Sanad to come back. It doesn't take him long to come rushing back down the way he came.
"We're heading deeper in to wait out the rest of it," you explain.
He sends a longing look back at where he had come from. "Alright... I see," he concedes, with a dejected slump of his shoulders.
You'll humor him. "Did you find anything interesting?"
He instantly brightens up, excited to talk about whatever he found. "Yes! It's this interesting mechanism that fills with sand. I read about it in a textbook once! It can be opened and closed, but I couldn't figure out how to. I've heard if you can fill them as they were intended to be, you can get treasure from them!"
You two begin moving deeper into the canyon, and you send him a teasing smile. "With the way you're talking, I'd almost think you're the adventurer here."
He shudders. "I could never. At least, not as a full time job. You encounter monsters all the time, don't you?"
"They're not so difficult to deal with, once you're used to seeing them."
"That is not at all reassuring!" He stops to let out a breath. "No, I just want the free mora. Trips like these are expensive."
You sigh. "Well, if you want to, we can at least take a crack at it together on the way out of here."
His eyes light up again. "That's wonderful! We can even split the rewards if we manage to solve it!"
"No more than an hour, though," you warn. "With all the sandstorms, we don't have the time to waste."
"Aww, fair enough." A moment of silence passes, and he turns back to you. "Oh, I almost forgot to ask you! Did you find anything interesting?"
You think back, and the only thing that comes to mind are the tracks.
"Well, a little bit behind us, I found these drag marks. Like someone had dragged a big bag or something, I couldn't tell what."
"Drag marks? Oh, so maybe it really is a naga after all."
You turn to him in exasperation. "Didn't you just say you didn't believe in them? Besides, why'd you even tell me about them if you don't think they exist?"
He laughs. "I'm kidding! I only told you mostly because I wanted to. But I have a more realistic theory too!"
"Really now?" You raised a skeptical brow.
He turns to you, faking a gasp in faux offense. "Why are you looking at me like that? Of course I do! I don't study at the Akademiya for nothing!"
You chuckle. "Oh, go on then. Don't keep me waiting."
"What if the culprit keeps a snake around? Think about it, at the price of a little food, they'd get an unlimited supply of p–Hey! Don't laugh at me! It's not as ridiculous as it sounds!"
Apparently you weren't as good at hiding your snickers as you thought. "No, no, I'm not laughing at you. I was just imagining it in my head. From what I heard, it would have to be a pretty big one based on the size of the puncture wounds and the distance between the fangs."
He crossed his arms, looking away. Guess he didn't quite believe you. "It's not THAT unbelievable, especially in comparison to the naga theory... Haven't you seen the street performers with the snakes in Port Ormos?"
You hold your hands out in a placating gesture. "Okay, okay, you're right, I'm sorry. But your theory doesn't explain everything–what about the half-eaten bodies part? And they almost never take mora either... besides, the street performers use nonvenomous snakes."
"I guess it would be risky, but in theory, venomous snakes can be trained too! Desert dwellers tend to be... fearless. Though..." He puts a hand to his chin in contemplation, looking down. "I'm not quite sure about that other part either. Though it's not as if cannibalism was ever off the table, there's always the chance it was just wild animals that found the body after. As for mora... maybe it's someone who never gets the chance to spend it anyway?"
"Like, a recluse or something?" you pipe up.
"Yeah, exactly! Someone who's completely self-sufficient, who doesn't need to deal with other people to survive. Makes enough sense. They probably get everything they need from the people they're attacking."
At this point, the both of you are up to your ankles in water. The canyon is fairly wide at the bottom and grows so much narrower towards the top that very little sand makes it through, so you take the liberty of brushing as much of it off of you as possible. The both of you pass the last of the stone ruins. Up ahead is just bare, mostly untouched canyon. It's damp enough to support an amount of greenery that seemed a little out of place in the desert. You can still hear the wind howl, but it's a bit quieter here.
You and Sanad pass an opening in the wall to your right, leading to a dead end with a fairly deep pool and what looked to be a crumbled stone bridge.
"Your theory is a little... out there, but some of it definitely makes a good deal of sense."
"It's an early hypothesis! We'll revise it as we find more evidence."
You roll your eyes a bit. "It's alright, I'm not judging you."
You look around again. There's plenty of dry places to stop and rest without worrying about sand, so this should be an adequate place to wait it out.
"Why don't we stop here?"
"Not yet!" Sanad points further into the cave, where it opens up some more, with a rock jutting out of the center of the room, surrounded on one side by a shallow stream of water. "I can see more ruins in there! You can stop there and I can keep looking around."
You sigh, for what felt like the hundredth time. As much as you wanted to rest, it wasn't far away at all. "Alright. But we're still going back to that mechanism immediately once the sandstorm is over."
"I know, I kn–"
From an entrance to another path to your right came a blur, barreling right at Sanad. You have barely enough time to shove him behind you and out of its way before it stops in front of you both, dark claws bared.
Now that you can get a look at it, you realize it's a scarred, shirtless man with a dark head of hair, sharp indigo eyes, and... two pale, straight horns? Looking down, he doesn't have a pair of legs, but a sand-colored snakelike tail with rough scales. Even without the rest of his tail, which was hidden behind him, he's quite literally twice your size.
A naga?
He sneers at your sword as you pull it from your sheath, showing off a long pair of fangs. "A little short, isn't it?" He hisses. "Good luck with that."
"Sanad, get back!" You cry, holding your sword out in front of you threateningly. The naga seemed more amused than anything, simply starting to circle. Watching.
While you backed up to keep the naga from getting between you and Sanad, he hurriedly ran far back the way the both of you came, staying just close enough to watch the both of you.
Without warning, the naga lunged forward, one claw-tipped hand reaching out to swipe at you. You swung your sword at his arm, but missed, just barely grazing his side. Still, it was enough to force him back. He brushed over the superficial wound with one hand, smearing what little blood came from it, taking a look.
You stand there, adrenaline pumping through your veins, unsure of what to do. His reach was almost as long as yours, even though you were the one with the sword. This has to be who you're looking for, but you're beginning to think that you should've brought more people.
When he looks back at you, that cruel sneer is still set in his face, but a glint of annoyance is now present in his eyes.
"Lucky hit. Don't count on it happening again."
He doesn't hesitate, rushing forward immediately. You swing again, but it's too early, and he barely has to slow down before he's coming at you again. He's so close now that he grabs your shoulder, claws digging in hard enough to draw blood, shoving you down. In a blind panic, you're forced to adjust your grip on your sword so that you can bring your arm back and stab into his tail.
Before you even realize what's happened, you're on the ground, wind knocked out of your lungs. The arm that had held your sword is pinned to the ground by one of his hands, the other still holding onto your shoulder. You wheeze pathetically while he leans down and slides his fangs into your throat.
Your sword had bounced off of his scales, barely even leaving a mark.
The first thing you feel in your throat is pain, followed by an overwhelming numbing sensation, only interrupted by pins and needles. He chuckles as you thrash around in his hold, your free hand trying to push him off. The sensation is spreading, from your shoulder down even to your fingertips. The only thing you can do is let out a pained groan.
The pressure, from anything, from his hands on you to your own as you push and hit him, hurts. Like everything that touches you only pushes those pins and needles deeper into your skin. It's this feeling that finally makes you go limp in his hold, giving in. It gives you the chance to look up, focus on anything but him, and see that Sanad has long since abandoned you. Lucky bastard.
You hope that he gets away, at least. Even as the half-snake thing on you pulls away to hold your face in one hand, forcing you to look at him.
"Seems your little friend didn't care for you as much as you cared for him. Don't worry. I'll do you a favor and make sure he gets what's coming to him." You manage to focus on his face, smeared with your blood and that same, ever-present sneer, but with something else behind it. Something vindictive.
You grit your teeth. It stung, even though you knew it was the only reasonable thing for Sanad to do.
It's petty, and it won't do you any favors, but you lift your arm and slap him across the face as hard as you can. The impact alone sends shocks of pain down your arm, but he barely even moves.
Instead, he laughs in your face, dark amusement flitting across his hauntingly beautiful features. "What was that? A love tap? After everything, I'm surprised you can even try." He leans in closer still, your noses almost touching.
"I'm sure you feel proud of yourself, don't you? Good job! I might just leave you for last, then."
Without another word, he dashes off to find Sanad, and all you can do is pray the snake isn't successful. After all, what's a pampered Akademiya researcher to do against a man-eating monster?
You try to stand, but a bone-deep exhaustion pulls at your limbs. You can only get halfway up before your vision starts to go dark and you collapse onto the ground in a graceless heap. The pressure still hurts, a strange buzzing sensation rising alongside the needles and numbness. All you can do to help it is curl onto your side, minimizing your contact with the ground.
You lay there for a while, drifting in and out of consciousness for who knows how long. The pain is fading slightly, but you're not sure if it only feels that way because you're getting used to it.
Maybe you're dying.
A chill goes down your spine at the thought, and you do your best to dismiss it. It isn't hard, not when your thoughts are interrupted by a terrified, blood-curdling scream cut too short to be natural.
It brings you back to your senses. You keep listening, but you can't hear any more noises over the constant sounds of the canyon. Dripping water, falling sand, and the howling wind.
If that was Sanad, then since you're already deep within the snake's den, it must be only a matter of time before he gets back...
You're pushing yourself back on your feet before you know it, another rush of adrenaline supporting you. To do what, you're not sure. If you couldn't win before, you certainly can't now. But you're already running as best you can to where you saw Sanad go, though it's more of a relatively fast half-stumble than anything else. Everything still hurts, and beneath the venom you can start to feel your muscles ache too, but if you focus on moving it isn't unbearable.
You forgot your sword. You'd turn back to get it, but even with the adrenaline your limbs feel like lead, and your sword arm is so weak you don't think you could do more than carry it anyway.
You've just reached the ruins again, and looking around at all the nooks and crannies gives you the idea to hide. As sluggish and unarmed as you are, you can't fight anyway. Maybe if you hide long enough, he'll go away. Sanad might still be alive, if you can make it to him.
You don't know how long you were laying there, but if you could hear Sanad, they couldn't have gotten far. That fact is a double-edged sword, you realize. It's been a while since you heard his scream, and if the naga was coming back then it wouldn't be long until you saw him. You don't have much time.
You stagger your way as fast as you can manage to your right. You don't see anywhere to hide down at the bottom, but there are plenty of places above. It's so much harder than walking on flat ground, but you force yourself up a wooden ramp onto a stone platform. There aren't a variety of places to hide here, either, but you don't have the energy to go up any higher.
You hear the water below you being disturbed, in a way too constant to be footsteps, and you quickly duck forward to avoid being seen. You don't dare look, instead opting to slowly move towards a large stone statue to your right, as quietly as possible. With one look back to make sure he hadn't come up to check, you hide behind the stone dais that the statue rested on.
You take a breather, listening for any more sounds. You can't hear the water being disturbed anymore, but the thought of moving alone is both terrifying and exhausting. If you wait too long and he finds you gone, he'll probably come back to look for you. On the other hand, if you leave too early and he hears you...
With this in mind, you rest a few minutes more. The wind is slowing down, and there's less sand in the air than there was when you and Sanad first came through, so the sandstorm has likely stopped. At least the naga won't have that going for him too, once you and Sanad leave.
You'd stay longer, but the anxiety eats at you. It's only a matter of time until the naga comes back, and you don't know what condition Sanad is in.
You get up on shaking legs, your body begging you to sit back down and rest more. You know better, so you force yourself forward, looking over the ledge to make sure he isn't nearby.
You stumble back down the wooden ramp, turning to continue down the path to the exit. You have to stick to the sides of the path, where the sand is highest, just to make sure nobody can hear the sounds of splashing water.
Sanad can't be too far off now. Maybe he'll be in the same state you are, and you both can return to the Tanit camp and get help. You still have your pack on you, but the only thing that might be useful soon is the small first aid kit and the knife.
You really hope you won't need the knife.
Just in case, you pull it out of your pack and put in in your pocket. You're out of the water now, but you've come to a steep hill. The only way out is up. You hope you can make it.
You grit your teeth, sweat dripping down the side of your face as you force yourself up the incline. Onward and upward, you think bitterly. The overused phrase "ad astra abyssosque" parroted endlessly by everyone else at the Adventurer's Guild comes to mind. You never thought you'd make it to the stars or abyss to begin with, but you didn't think your journey would end so soon, either.
Your muscles burn with exhaustion, and you think you can feel the numbness slowly spreading further into your legs. Still, you continue upwards, at a much slower pace, even as you almost collapse a few times.
You come up to a point where the hill flattens out for a short distance. You're panting from the exertion, and you almost breathe a sigh of relief until you see what's in front of you.
Before you know it, you've staggered forward to collapse at his side. He's lying face-down on the ground in a small pool of his own blood.
You turn him over, tears pricking at your eyes, praying his condition wasn't as bad as it seemed. His head lolled to the side, face pale and eyes empty, unmoving. The blood, on the ground and splattered all over the front of his Akademiya robes, still dripped from the massive tear in his neck. It looked like a set of claws had dug into his skin and tore off the front of his throat.
Your breath hitches, and you fall backwards, dropping his body. Tears well up in your eyes. Why hadn't he done the same to you? Why did he do so much worse to-
"So, so loyal. Like a dog running to protect its master. You're adorable, really, even if you're a little late."
You freeze, only turning your head to look over your shoulder at him. He's slowly approaching, a condescending smirk on his lips. Half-dried blood covers one of his hands.
"There's no need to mourn. He was pathetic. Did you know that he only cared enough to fight when it was his life on the line?" He looked distant for a moment, before looking at you with something almost soft in his eyes. It disappeared so fast, you'd almost think you had imagined it, the condescending smirk and mock pity sliding to cover his face once more. "You poor thing. You're better off without him. No need to thank me."
You blink away the tears, an idea coming to mind. You couldn't overpower or outrun him, so there's only one possible option for you. "You're a... you're a lying bastard! What else was he going to do?" You yelled at him, pushing yourself up on unsteady legs to face him, backing over your friend's body.
"Humans are untrustworthy," he croons, following after you. His eyes don't leave you even once. He's sizing you up, and with nothing more than a moment of contemplation, his smirk widens and a victorious glint appears in his narrowed eyes. "He was using you. Once you were no longer useful to him, he discarded you. It's pretty naive to think he left you with any other thought in mind."
You don't dignify that with a response, continuing to back up. One of your hands almost moves down to your pocket, where your knife is hidden, but you stop it before he sees.
Your heel hits the sharp incline behind you, where the hill keeps going, and you fall backwards and hit the ground. A derisive snort comes from the snake.
"I've decided what I'm going to do with you. It's much better than what I did to your friend, here. You should thank me, really." He towers over you, leaning down to your level, setting a hand down on the ground next to you. Your hand twitches for your knife.
He watches you for a moment, a quiet, breathy laugh leaving his lips at your frozen state. All you do is stare at him, shaking from the adrenaline. Finally, his other hand comes up to rest on the nape of your neck, pushing you closer to him. You can feel the sticky blood on his fingers.
His eyes glimmer with excitement, and he continues while your hand slowly drifts to your pocket. "You're just helpless. I think I'm going to keep you with me, like a little p-"
You thrust your knife at him, landing a hit on his side while he lurches away. Your blood runs cold. It should have been buried hilt-deep, but instead all you've done is leave a bleeding gash. It's not quite superficial, but it won't stop him, and you know you won't be able to land another.
His lips curl in a snarl as you scramble backwards up the hill. You turn, and start running, but adrenaline can only carry you so far. You feel almost like you're in a nightmare, fully conscious and trying to run but unable to move at any pace that could possibly save you.
It only takes a moment for a large hand to wrap around your ankle, dragging you underneath him. Your face hits the ground and your hands scrabble for purchase, but the dirt and sand only give way beneath your fingers. His other hand finds the wrist with the knife, squeezing tightly enough that you can feel the pain, even underneath the lingering numb, buzzing sensation. You can't feel your hand well enough to keep holding onto the knife. The pins and needles return, and tears prick at your eyes.
He knocks the knife far away from you and flips you over to look at him, dark eyes still burning with anger. "You're alive only because I let you live. Did you really think trying that was smart? Did you finally get it all out of your system, or do you want to try again?"
You try to speak, but the words get caught on the lump in your throat. A hand slams on the ground next to you, and you shrink in on yourself.
"Well?" A glimmer of satisfaction appeared in his eyes, even as his lip curled in a mixture of amusement and contempt. "I'm waiting."
It's all you can do to croak out a few apologies and look away, unable to stand his stare.
A deep chuckle resonates from his chest, and his other face grips your jaw, forcing you to look at him again. "Good enough," he croons. "Looks like it won't be so bad for you, then."
"What? What won't?" you whimper. His hand lets go of your face, drifting down to encircle your neck. Your hands instinctively wrap around his wrist, silently begging him not to squeeze.
That little mocking smile on his face widens. His hand tightens a little, and you panic for a second, but it doesn't go any further. Instead, his eyes grow distant, thinking.
They brighten up again, an idea coming to mind. He laughs quietly to himself, pulling his other hand off the ground and trailing it down your leg. "You can call me... Kunikuzushi. I think I know what I'm going to do with you now."
"Please don't hurt me," you plead, vision blurring with tears. He doesn't even look at you, instead watching his hand as he grabs your calf and pulls it up. "It's a little late for that," he hums, adjusting his grip to hold onto your ankle instead. His fingers are long enough to wrap fully around it and then some.
"I can't watch you all the time, and I need to buy myself enough time to get something to restrain you with... besides, you deserve this anyhow."
You were about to ask him what he meant by that, but with a distressing amount of ease, he twisted your ankle to the side hard enough that you could hear the pop. The pins and needles returned to that area full-force, the buzzing and numbing sensations right behind it. It didn't hurt that much, though. You could feel an ache beneath it all, but it didn't hurt as much as it should have. You were sure you could still walk on it.
Until you looked down, where it was still in his hand, twisted so far to the side that you weren't sure it would ever be the same again. It doesn't hurt that much, but your shoulders still shake and you still start to cry.
"There, there," he murmurs, dropping your ankle to stroke your hair. He leans down lower, a smile a little too sharp to be soft on his lips. "You'll be okay. I wouldn't get a pet if I couldn't take care of it."
You try to push him away. You know you need to do something about your ankle, but he only presses closer, resting more of his weight on you so thay you can't see it anymore. "It's a bit too late for that now, don't you think?" he whispers, leaning in to press his lips against yours, too eager and with too much teeth. You flail a bit, trying to push him off, but he only chuckles into the kiss, biting your lip hard enough to draw blood. An arm wraps around your waist, pushing you closer.
It feels like an eternity, but soon he's sweeping you up and slinging you over his shoulder. He turns around to go back down into the canyon, and you watch Sanad's corpse disappear over the hill.
This time, you can feel him rumble with the force of his laugh.
"I'm going to have so much fun with you."
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herrscherofmagic · 10 months
Maybe I'm just not looking in the right places, but I feel like the idea of the Herrscher of the Void (and maybe by extension Kiana?) having an incredibly beautiful singing voice is something that's hella underrated in fanart/fanfiction
it feels like a kinda random thing, but I keep thinking about it because it was actually shown in the game itself in a pretty old event, the Gemina Invasions event:
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Of course this isn't some fundamental part of HoV's character; it's literally just a one-off scene in a silly side story w/ no connection to the main plot whatsoever. It's not something important to her identity like her high-and-mighty queen attitude, nor is it a meme like the cup noodle stuff.
but I still wish we could see more of this idea of singer-HoV, ever since I saw that scene I couldn't stop thinking about it.
Plus Kiana & HoV already have that strong goddess vibe, like the whole Kiana-becoming-the-goddess-of-Earth thing with HoFi, and HoV just generally fitting the aesthetic of a divine being.
This isn't helped by the fact that there's an incredibly beautiful track from the Genshin ost called "Oracle of the Void", from Sumeru's Eternal Oasis. It has literally NOTHING to do with HoV or Honkai or anything, but every time I see that music's title and hear the melody (it plays in three pieces: Pairidaeza, Her Wishes, and Oracle of the Void), I think of HoV.
It makes me imagine that somewhere out there in the Sea of Quanta or Imaginary Tree or wherever else, there's some version of HoV that's the oracle of her world (like Aponia but HoV-y?), and that she might've started her life having that peppy kind Kiana attitude, but as Fate™ worked its magic she ended up with the pessimistic HoV personality, and by the end as her world crumbles apart she's unable to do anything to protect anything or anyone she cares about so she just sings haunting elegies in the empty remains of her fallen world... a true "Oracle of the Void".
anyways this is just me being dramatic, nothing new lol
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genshinmp3 · 1 year
Pairidaeza from The Unfathomable Sand Dunes Yu-Peng Chen, HOYO-MiX
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sparknightdaily · 1 year
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fortheloveofarchons · 5 months
Aether brings Xiao to a special area near Mt. Laixin
A special chapter to make it up for Xiao's bday!
- Fluff and angst - Kong | Aether is a ray of sunshine - Pining Xiao | Alatus - Mild sexual content - Light-hearted - Mentioned Lyney and Verr Goldet
Dear Xiao, 
I’ve recently finished my exploration around Chenyu Vale, and the place has delightful scenery! 
I’ve gone through the journey of tea leaves, hiking through mountains of mists, and fought a lot of new creatures. Recently, I’ve stumbled upon a location that reminds me of a place called, “The Orchard of Pairidaeza”, also known as the “Eternal Oasis” back in Sumeru. 
I want you to come with me to witness this familiar feeling I have felt when I explored the Eternal Oasis. 
I thought about calling you at that said time, but if you have free time you can come early if you wish! I don’t want to rush you into things. 
I will be waiting for you near Mt. Laixin. If you look at the next page of this letter, I have the coordinates for this specific place. 
From your traveller, 
What’s so special about that place in Chenyu Vale? A question that Xiao has pondered for the whole afternoon. What was originally a letter that was held in Verr Goldet’s hands, was something special that Xiao had to skim through the letter three times just to be sure. 
An invitation to explore the area around Mt. Laixin. 
A special area, Xiao’s eyes highlighted those words.
Although Xiao hasn’t really ventured deep into Chenyu Bale, he remembered how the gentle breezes carry the fragrance of tea all across the mountains of Liyue, filling the air with the savoury scent. Some say that Chenyu Vale is the fog-robed peaks of the south. The faint perfume and ancient song of jade drifts together along the rivers past Qiaoying Village to the bustling port of Yilong Wharf.  
In a flash of thick dark mists, Xiao teleports himself from the top of the roof of Wangshu Inn, to a place where the first view he sees is the glowing floating jade on the summit of Mt. Laixin, where an arrow of a blue light shines through the sky. A few Sacred Simulacrums that looked to be carved as jade owls were placed on some lands, their shade of jade glowing brighter under the moonlight. 
“The Chiwang Terrace…” Xiao admires the glow of the jade light amidst the destruction of the terrace above, where concrete and jade float into the air around the summit.
Just then, he hears the angry groan of a lawachurl. Xiao immediately turns his head down from the top of a boulder he was standing on, donning his mask, summoning his spear in thin air, prepared for whatever obstacle he’s about to face–
He sees a flash of a yellow light, the outlander’s blade slicing through the lawachurl’s defence with lethal precision. The clash of steel and rock clashes through the air, and Aether immediately jumps up into the air… and pierces his sword directing into its chest! 
With a sorrowful groan, the lawachurl slumps to the ground, its body slowly disintegrating into ashes, gleams of blue and white light casting out of its body. With a heavy heave, Aether stabs his sword onto the soil, sweat dripping down from his chin and neck. 
That serious look of his changes instantly when he sees a gigantic precious chest in front of him, now unlocked for all its glory. 
“Yippie, new loot!” Aether gleefully runs over to the chest, and slowly opens it, revealing all of the artefacts, some mystic enhancement ores, and moras. Xiao slowly walks towards him, his footsteps quiet as he observes the outlander admiring the success of his victory against the lawachurl. 
“Why would anyone want–” Xiao stops himself and changes his sentence, looking at the mountains of Chenyu Vale that are shrouded with clouds. “Forget it, it’s not my concern.” 
Aether’s ears perk up from that familiar voice, and he quickly turns his head to find Xiao behind him, standing within a distance. 
“Xiao! You’re here.” Aether gives him a bright smile, and runs over to him. “I’m glad, I was really worried that you wouldn’t come.” 
“Why would you be worried?” Xiao asks, his jaw flexes and creases form around his eyes, and Aether knows he’s tense. “Do you perhaps not remember, or trust my promise? I told you before, if you ever need me, call me.” 
“I know, I know.” Aether sheepishly rubs the back of his neck. “Even though you have accepted my calls many times, my mind couldn’t help but always think of the second scenario.” 
“...Hmph.” That made Xiao let out a scoff, turning his back away to avoid Aether from seeing his face. 
I’ll never understand mortals’– and your expectation of disappointment. 
Seeing this action from the Vigilant Yaksha, a big, imaginary bead of sweat falls down on Aether’s head from the guilt of his words. Aether slowly walks towards Xiao from behind, in tiptoes. 
“Oh Vigilant Yaksha, I’m sorry!” Aether calls out his name from behind. 
The yaksha ignores. 
“ General Alatus… Heed my apology, pleaseeee~” Aether purrs the title, turns it into a caress, and Xiao shudders. He could feel Aether’s voice near his ear, and he instinctively turns his head to the side. 
“Xiao Xiao~” Aether whispers in the nape of his ear, making Xiao’s back shiver instantly. Xiao immediately turns away, his expression a mix of fluster and frustration, and a pink hue escapes his ears. 
“What exactly do you want to show me?” Xiao diverts the subject. 
“Come with me!” Aether gives Xiao an excited smile, takes his hand, and runs with him… 
Onto the lake. 
As the moon casts its silvery glow upon the tranquil surface of the lake, Aether steps upon the water, as if defying the laws of nature itself. As time seemed to slow down, Xiao looks down to see Aether’s footsteps leaving shimmering ripples and glows, the faintest whisper of light trailing behind like ethereal footprints upon the surface of the water.
He gazes at the outlander’s back, whose golden, braided hair flies gently in the wind, and the scent of Qingxin touches Xiao’s nose. 
Back in the present time, each of Xiao’s steps reveals the gentle glow that emanated from his feet, casting a soft luminescence upon the water. 
It was as if their very beings were infused with starlight, a celestial aura that illuminated the darkness with its radiant glow. 
Despite the brilliance of their glow, Xiao observes how they remained untouched by the waters below, their feet suspended above the surface as if borne aloft by unseen forces. 
Aether releases his grip, spins, and turns to him with a smile, his hands on his back. 
“Tada! What do you think? I’ve been doing some quests and I managed to find this place!” Aether asks. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” 
Aether’s movements were fluid and graceful, his feet scarcely disturbing the stillness of the lake as he glided effortlessly across its mirrored surface. 
With his heart doing physiologically impossible things, Xiao manages a sentence. “Yes, it is certainly unique compared to the other areas of Liyue. Truthfully, it has been a long time since I have ever heard of Chenyu Vale, so I haven’t…” 
Xiao looked down to find not a drop of water dared to mar his boots, nor did a ripple disturb the perfect reflection of the moon above. 
“Xiao? Have you ever danced–” 
That immediate answer made Aether cast Xiao a long and measuring look, and Xiao keeps his face schooled into a mask of neutrality. 
“...Back then, on some carefree nights,” Xiao explains. “Bosacius would force me to join with them, and I would always refuse. As a general yaksha, it’s silly, senseless, and unwise.” 
“So?” Aether asks, shrugging his arms. “It’s just the two of us, so your reputation won’t be destroyed by some silly dance. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with dancing. I’m almost certain that the other adepti have danced before.”  
Xiao’s heart pounds. Blood surges through his veins. 
“Aether, are you asking…” 
Aether gives him a bow, Fontaine style, and extends a hand up to him.
“Shall we dance, Vigilant Yaksha?” 
Beneath the shimmering glow of the moon, its silver rays painting a celestial pathway upon the surface of the tranquil lake, two figures stood…
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 2 months
In a bit of follow up to my previous question; do any of Teyvat's odd weather phenomenon exist, even though it all has supernatural causes? Like, does Tsurumi have heavier fog? Seirai more frequent storms? Is the area where Apep's sandstorm is just more prone to sandstorms? Has Sumeru ever had a phenomenon similar to Withering, even though they wouldn't have to deal with forbidden knowledge? Also- does the Vourukasha Oasis have anything special about it?
(And a bit related- what do you think of the theory that a nail fell on Tsurumi island, based off of the tree found there that's the same as the ones in Dragonspine, the Chasm, and the Orchard of Pairidaeza?)
answering the last one first because i do sort of subscribe to that theory! even though the nail is nowhere to be seen, it would absolutely explain the time fuckery going on in there if a tree was punctured. that plus the celestia murals sort of seem to hint at that (at least i remember there being celestia murals i might be missremembering and thinking of the stuff under yashiori (i think?))
as for the main question, i think the answer would be an it depends? i think there would absolutely be more sandstorm-prone areas in the desert, and the rainforest could have some ailments that are just from like- humans messing up and going oh wait, no we don't want that, we need to be more environmentally-friendly (this isn't irl so i'm taking the easier route out and saying they got their shit together like ultra fast in teyvat on a good chunk if not most sociopolitical and ecologic problems. this isn't the focus of the fic anyway) idk what the weather on tsurumi was like pre-time fuckery? if it's mentioned, i can't recall- but if we're going with a green dragonspine then we're probably going with a fog-less tsurumi. seirai's storms are the fault of ei and the thunderbird so yeah those aren't there. seirai is a normal and inhabited island for that matter, none of that... y'know.
as for the vorukasha oasis, i'd have to brush up on my desert lore bc if it was formed due to egeria's corpse, then i'm afraid it won't be there. like i know she died in tunigi hollow but her corpse much closer to the oasis than it is there so idk. but if it was a naturally-occuring oasis before egeria and she just- i mean it says the amrita pool 'nourished' the oasis, but like- did it create it? or did it just make it more- like. did it just make it bigger and prettier is my question. if it's the latter then the oasis was there before it just wasn't as pretty and likely didn't have enough energy to sustain the giant fuckoff tree (i forget the name). so it would be just a bigger version of the naturally-ocurring oases around upper and lower setekh
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