bugdatabase · 10 months
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oc stuffs
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wolfythewitch · 1 year
wolfy do u have any plans for a diomedes charm
it is an insane idea but oh to make a charm of diomedes and athena driving his chariot
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chouchinobake · 2 years
i'm currently re watching winx club (the cartoon, pls) and lmaooo i dunno how the other countries translated it but french version s2ep20 palladium really asked avalon what made him that heavy between either his intelligence or his butt
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bestfrozentreats2 · 2 years
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Roky Erickson with The Nervebreakers - Live in Dallas 1979
CD2-1 Roky Erickson with Nervebreakers– The Wind And More CD2-2 Roky Erickson with Nervebreakers– Starry Eyes -------------5:52 CD2-3 Roky Erickson with Nervebreakers– Mine Mine Mind------9:39 CD2-4 Roky Erickson with Nervebreakers– Bermuda ----13:19 CD2-5 Roky Erickson with Nervebreakers– Cold Night For Alligators-17:17 CD2-6 Roky Erickson with Nervebreakers– The Interpreter------------21:23 CD2-7 Roky Erickson with Nervebreakers– You're Gonna Miss Me-24:23 CD2-8 Roky Erickson with Nervebreakers– I Walked With A Headhunter CD2-9 Roky Erickson with Nervebreakers– Bo Diddley's A Headhunter CD2-10 Roky Erickson with Nervebreakers– Two-Headed Dog CD2-11 Roky Erickson with Nervebreakers– Bloody Hammer CD2-12 Roky Erickson with Nervebreakers– White Faces
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g00n-king · 6 months
i dont know why i cant get into ttrpgs. i love making little characters, i love acting, i love improv and yes and-ing. maybe its the math? i always hated the math involved. just let me make my guy and have em kill stuff. what the hell is an ACT and why does its rules seem to change
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At a 'Mk.gee' show yesterday // the Hollywood Paladium, LA //
© watermelaine
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swordscomic · 20 days
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Fantasy Travel Guide : Paladium
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readyforevolution · 10 months
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Michael Jackson with Coretta Scott King ( Martin Luther King's widow ) and Redd Foxx at the 6th NAACP Image Awards fund raising dinner held at the Hollywood Paladium, California, where the Jackson 5 received the NAACP Image Award for Best Singing Group on November 18th, 1972. #70s #motown #naacpimageawards
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shipsandanchors · 5 months
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ermm what the hay !
[img id: an illustration featuring princezam and minutetech on lifesteal s5. they are located at "the paladium" near spawn, which is a mesa biome. minute is standing on an obsidian platform, looking down at zam, who is looking up at him. it is raining. in the top right and bottom left corners, there are two perspectives, one of each character, facing the front. /end id]
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plant-lesbian569 · 4 months
Starkid Innit gave everything and more. It was an amazing show. Everyone sounded so good and the energy was incredible. It had a great combination of the chaos we’ve come to expect from the concert versions of Starkid songs but with an added sincerity and professional attitude. There were still jokes and silly arrangements but they put everything into their performances and honestly I would argue it was some of the best vocal performances they’ve put out. My favourite part of the show was the forgotten songs medley but there was not a single dull moment. I honestly could have stayed in the London paladium for hours and hours watching them sing. Getting to see Starkid live has been on my bucket list for a very long time and I’m so glad I finally had the opportunity to experience it. Everyone in the audience seemed so lovely and enthusiastic, I am so grateful to be a part of this community and to be a fan of these amazingly talented
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katerinaaqu · 2 months
Hi there! You seem to be an expert on Greek myths and Odysseus as a character so I was wondering…I hear stories about stuff pre-Iliad and during the war. Like Odysseus pretending to be mad or stabbing Diomedes. Where do I find these stories?
Also if you don’t mind me asking what’s your opinion on Odysseus’ character change in stories besides Homer’s? How do you handle it as a writer yourself when you portray Odysseus?
My, oh, my! Calling me an "expert" is definitely a stretch! You are the most kind. It is true that I have a degree and a post-graduate degree in archeology but I have to admit that I have a lot of dusting off to do in my knowledge in regards to many different sources and asks like yours allow me all the more to research and better myself! So thank you both for the compliment and the opportunity to answer this question!
[Warning for a long text. Please bear with me! ^_^]
It is true that stories of pre-Iliad are rescued more from post-homeric sources (which makes sense given that many researchers actually point at Homer as the oldest known source for epics even than Hesiod, although th discussion is still going on). The only pre-Iliad events we actually know in regards to Odysseus from Homer is his naming from his father Autolycus in Rhapsody/Book 19, his scar from the boar and his trip to Messina in which he receives his infamous bow as a gift.
A large number of works in regards to Odysseus come from sources such as the Epic Cycle, which is the closest we have to the epic tradition however there is a large number of sources coming from Romans such as Pausanias (who mentions how Odysseus takes Penelope as a wife) but most of all Higenius and Pseudo-Appolodorus. There are others sources as well but mostly come from entertainment department such as the theatrical writers of 5th century BC such as Eurypedes who use the events of the myths to create their dramas. By n large I tend to separate those because they are just for entertainment reasons (pretty much like the...adaptations from nowadays! Hahaha although those are valid interpretations as well)
A large number of stories that show Odysseus as the most devious and scheming fellow come from roman sources. No surprise there that his fake madness story comes mainly from Higenius, Fabulae (which is also the writer who mentions the story of how Odysseus frames Palamedes for treason to get back at him for unmasking his scheme). The story of him trying to stab Diomedes at the back seems to be mostly apparent in later roman times historians and researchers. More specific I find more reference for the augustian times writer Conon, who claims that Odysseus tried to stab Diomedes in the back in order to take the full credit for the stealing of the Paladium of Athena. Diomedes sees the shadow of his sword reflected by the moonlight and repels Odysseus. This event apparently seems to be giving the name to a proverb that we call "Diomedes's necessity" (διομήδεια ανάγκη) which basically means that you do something unpleasant because you have no choice (given that Diomedes knew that Odysseus was essential for the taking of Troy he didn't try to injure him back even if Odysseus backstabbed him)
By n large the wave of anti-Odysseus narrative did start by many of the classical greek plays because they wanted to create propaganda for the straightforward battle, something that Odysseus didn't always stand for but it definitely skyrocketed with Virgil's Aenead, in which Odysseus is more often whatnot referred to as "cruel" or "deceitful" and he is depicted more or less as a villain. And as we see from sources like Higenius, Odysseus keeps being pretty much a shady till villanious figure in many roman texts mainly because of his connection to Troy since he took Troy with trickery and from Troy escaped Aeneas, the mythological progenitor of Rome (aka Odysseus is a villain for roman literature because he took their origin city from them)
Well I believe you can read and study these stories to your local libraries but if you do not have much time I would suggest you the site that I often use to see the original texts called perseus.tufts . It is a very useful site that has most of classics even in the native tongue and you can also research names and terms and find them faster through the site. It often has some useful commentary as well.
If I mind?! I am honored when people ask my inspiration! ^_^
Well in my humble opinion I think Homer's Odysseus is the most solid Odysseus. I do see both his good and his bad side and we can see that despite the fact he is undoubtedly the hero, he is also deeply flawed and one can both relate to him but also critisize him for what he does. Now for the rest of the stories I believe we must take some of them with a grain of salt depending on what the poem or work was about. For example using Eurypedes's plays to make an assumption about Odysseus's saga seems to me equivalent on using Shakespere to learn about King Richard or James Cameron to learn about American history. One can recognize the creators' research but in the end of the day dramas are plays that are supposed to cause emotions to the audience for their pleasure (which ironically was also what the homeric poems originally were) so certain details on characters' personalties might have been over-sensationalized for the sakes of dramatics or pass the messages they wanted to pass.
Given that in antiquity greeks used Homer almost like a sole reference for these characters means that they might as well used the homeric poems as their initial stop and enriched it with local traditions in regards to the characters as well as their personal tastes. This can be apparent for example in differences such as that Homer initially wrote that Calypso was forcing herself on Odysseus and yet Hesiod says "they made sweet love", possibly taking over from one or two lines from Homer's work (I had made a small analysis on those in the past). There are also other epics such as Telegony that straight out contradict major points of the Odyssey making many people even here saying that "telegony is not canon" and I agree on the take that yes is a completely different story than the line Homer created, even if it does seem taking the story from where Homer left it.
It is hard to pintpoint how much Homer changed to make his Odysseus and how much of his poems are his invention and how much was the oral traditions he undoubtedly gathered to create his poems so it is hard to tell which accounts of Odysseus were accurate to depict him as cruel and which were not. But I tend to side with Homer's writing given that Homer didn't spare his audience from Odysseus's tendency to cruelty or violence, starting from the beating of Thersytes in Iliad till the murder of the suitors and his preparation for a war with the nobles of the Cephallinians in the Odyssey. It is this lack of overexaggeration on Homer's part which still doesn't sugar-cot his hero's flaws that make me side with his interpretation.
Now as you might have noticed from my own stories (which you can find to my pinned post here if you ever were to honor me with your insight on them!) I mostly use Homer as my source but I do like to selectively read some of the post-homeric sources and pick those that fit the most with the narrative I assume aligns more with Homer. For example in both my story "Guilt" as well in my one-shot "Screams and Shadows in the Night", I use Pausanias as a source for Palamedes's death with the fishing expedition assuming that Odysseus wouldn't risk his own skin to get caught just to frame someone else 10 whole years after Palamedes revealed him as sane. I would imagine more that Odysseus on impulse would push Palamedes in the water and then just let him drown so that he wouldn't get caught along with the personal grudge against him rather than him building an elaborate scheme for him like that. That is because I saw in the Odyssey a guy that seems to be pretty straightforward when it comes to his vengeance (see the suitors) to which he took his time trying to be as just as possible giving the chance on some people to repent on their sins and save their lives.
Maybe I am way too...prejudiced with Odyssey and Iliad but as a general rule I try to read the post-homeric sources and try to analyze which of the actions ellegedly portrayed by Odysseus would have aligned with the spirit of Homer so I try to pick some of those that suit that same line. I hope that makes sense!
Forgive me for the extra long reply and thank you so much for the amazing question! I will have to research some more on that department! I hope in the future to be able to become more specific! Thank you again!
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kandisheek · 13 days
SERIES: Tiny Spy Assassin Steve by copperbadge
Pairing: Steve/Tony, Sam/Bucky Rating: E Words: 89,727 Tags: Pre-Serum Steve, Modern Setting, SHIELD
Summary: An AU in which Steve Rogers was born into the modern day and never received the Serum, but managed to make it into SHIELD as a handpicked protege of senior field agent Abraham Erskine. Along with Phil Coulson, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Peggy Carter, and eventually Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes, Steve still tries to make a difference. Particularly in the life of Tony Stark, who picked up what he thought was an art student in a bar, and ended up dating one of SHIELD's top agents...
Reasons why I love it: If you know copperbadge, then you'd probably agree that they're one of the best Stony authors out there. And this series is one of my favorite works of theirs. Everyone's characterizations are phenomenal, and the dialogue is witty and funny at times and deeply emotional when it needs to be. Plus, the action scenes are absolute perfection. If you don't know these fics, do yourself a favor and delve into the wonderful world of rage duckling Steve, I promise you won't regret it.
This series consists of:
Toy Soldiers
Pairing: Steve/Tony, Sam/Bucky Rating: E Words: 44,241 Tags: Identity Porn, Canon Divergence, Iron Man Movie
Summary: When Steve Rogers, five foot four and a hundred and ten pounds, met Tony Stark in a bar, he didn't expect it to lead to a relationship. Or that Tony would find out he's not an art student during a SHIELD rescue mission in Afghanistan.
Reasons why I love it: The whole set-up of how Steve and Tony meet is so good, I love it. This is one of my favorite twists of the first Ironman movie canon, everything just fits so seamlessly. Steve is an absolute delight, and Tony matches him in every aspect. It's the perfect start to an amazing series, and I really hope you check it out if you haven't yet.
Desert Knights
Pairing: Steve/Tony, Sam/Bucky Rating: T Words: 27,366 Tags: Thor's Mighty Hammer, Lying By Omission, Canon Divergence
Summary: Steve is sent to Puente Antiguo on a leadership training exercise, Tony isn't feeling too well, and aliens might be invading.
Reasons why I love it: Inserting Steve and his team into the plot of the first Thor movie is low key genius and makes it a thousand times better. I love how high tensions are the whole time, what with Tony's whole paladium issue being handled almost completely off screen and Steve constantly getting caught up in fight after fight. This fic is amazing, and you should definitely read it.
Tiny Spy Assassin Steve: The Short Stories
Pairing: Steve/Tony, Peggy/Angie Rating: T Words: 8,155 Tags: Anniversaries, Fighting Kink, Puppies
Summary: Several short stories written to prompts, set in the Tiny Spy Assassin Steve universe.
Reasons why I love it: Each and every one of these additions to the series is lovely. I especially enjoyed the one with the Nazi Chihuahua puppies and the one where Tony gets horny over watching Steve fight. Definitely check out all of these, they're wonderful!
Steve Rogers Versus The Multiverse
Pairing: Steve/Tony, Steve/Sam Rating: T Words: 5,573 Tags: Dimension-Hopping, Possible Hallucinations, Alternate Realities
Summary: Agent Steve Rogers, callsign Nomad, has been pushed through a dimensional wall. Fortunately there are a couple of Tonys to set things right...
Reasons why I love it: Getting to see this particular Steve interacting with other canon Steves and Tonys is so much fun. I love the ending in particular and how it leaves what really happened somewhat open to interpretation. This fic is great, and I hope you check it out!
Subtlety Not Our Strong Point
Pairing: Steve/Tony, Sam/Bucky Rating: T Words: 2,944 Tags: Engagement, Marriage Proposal, Brunch
Summary: Bucky is not good at proposing, but once he managed, he and Sam were going to let people find out organically. Unfortunately, Tony Stark has never done anything organically in his life.
Reasons why I love it: I've recced this fic on its own before, but you bet your ass I'm reccing it again. This proposal is the most Bucky thing ever. And Tony casually blowing Sam and Bucky's cover is the most Tony thing ever. This fic is hilarious and sweet at the same time, and if you don't know it yet, you should definitely read it!
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: G Words: 1,448 Tags: Sickfic, Crying, Cherry Lifesavers
Summary: Steve really, really hates being sick.
Reasons why I love it: Aw, this fic makes me want to bundle Steve in a mountain of blankets and feed him cherry candy all day long, the poor thing. Thankfully, Tony's got him covered. I love how stable their relationship is at this point, enough so for Steve to be truly vulnerable with Tony. It's beautiful to see. I really hope you give this series a shot, because it's one of my favorites and deserves all the love in the world!
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magixfairyix · 22 days
Really wish we saw more of the spells that Musa used to fight Stormy on the roof of Alfea in season 2.
Like, special and specific spells that require more skill than flinging spells around.
Actually interesting stuff and interesting lessons like how when Paladium was teaching about them.
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christinaanime · 1 year
Winx club Masterlist
Crystalic Love
Winx Club x Fem!Crystalfairy!OC
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Aisha/ Layla
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Profesor Paladium
Nothing yet
Headcanons:reacting to their female S/O showing on their doorstep badly beaten and battered?
Headcanons: reacting to their female S/O showing on their doorstep badly beaten and battered?
Headcanons:reacting to their female S/O showing on their doorstep badly beaten and battered?
Headcanons:reacting to their female S/O showing on their doorstep badly beaten and battered?
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Wizards of Black Circle
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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doctorcurdlejr · 11 months
Paladium did not exist until Riverdale.
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blankys004 · 11 months
cringetober day 30 prompt vdeogame.
Was inspired by terraria, thought hess in paladium armour would look cool
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