shiroi---kumo · 1 year
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"I've got you rakkani."
for @forgotten-teammates
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ruhsalseyler · 2 days
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katshuya · 6 months
I'm sure I'm not the only one who is astonished with the very clever arguments and discussions Rhaelya's supporters write and the oh so-called neutrals who are just TOO LOGICAL to blame Rhaegar. He is just a grey character, and we just lack criticism.
How? Well!
Rhaegar isn't to blame because in a dream, he and other kingsguard said it was Jaime's fault. You see how logical it is? The author hints it, so it's the logic truth.
Jaime is the real reason why Elia and her children are dead because he was a kingsguard and being the single sole protector of Elia and her children against his father's army means nothing. Apparently, he can hold them all off with a single command.
Dragonstone is very safe from Aerys even though he is the king, and with single command, they could be brought to him.
Rhaegar took all kingsguard to the Trident because it was war. And in war, you need to win, so you take every knight to assure your winning and leave your family guarded with a single knight who is also under pressure of obeying the king and even if he didn't he is still outnumbered and could be killed or held off.
We can't blame Rhaegar for abandoning them in kingslanding. Why? Because he thought he was going to win! He had a plan. You see?!
And we can't blame him for the rebellion. Why? Because in a different scenario in my mind, it could have been sparked by someone else in different ways! So we can't blame the people responsible for the original scenario.
Anything George says or thinks is the right and logical one, and we can't criticize it for being ridiculous. Because the writer is always right about what he writes. I mean, so what if he thinks dany x drogo was hella sexy? We should think it so, too!
Daemon killing his wife is grey morality.
And many other things, he says, but let's not get into that for now.
So yes. If George says something is logical, then it's logical.
It's very natural for Elia not to feel sad or humiliated when Rhaegar goes to another girl, especially after endangering her life to give him the prophecy children one after another. Her PaLAtOnIC feelings toward him made her ready to risk her life in that certain way. One after another when she had delicate health. She endangered herself with no rest between pregnancies because of these PALATONIC feelings! She wanted to be queen, which is what made her do that, too. There is absolutely no way for her to be hurt. That's just ilogical. Especially for a Dornish.
I read a post from a proclaimed neutral, and oh my god. I just don't understand the ability of these people to write these posts and not feel embarrassed with how logical and unbiased they are.
Let me tell you something. Someone who claims logic will not say Rhaegar never hurt Elia with Lyanna and/or she was totally fine with it.
That's a covered lie. They just like Rhaegar way more than Elia. Not necessary a stan. Simply like him and want others to believe in that supposed logic.
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angelsonthesideline · 7 months
Want to hug you smother my face between those boobies palatonically
I have a 5’ tall co-worker that gets this every time I hug her lol
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albireofirokami · 5 months
Interna rideto
Sidi aŭ kuŝi. Fermu viajn okulojn (nu, unue legu ĝin). Malstreĉiĝu tute. Por malstreĉiĝi dum vi elspiras, movu kien ĝi kondukas vin ĝis via tuta korpo estas en pozicio, kie ĝi ne volas moviĝi ie ajn. Jes, eble vi tiom laciĝos malstreĉiĝi, ke vi volas nenion fari. Nu, bone, tiam nur kuŝu en malstreĉa stato, ankaŭ ĉi tio estas tre grava. Koncentru vian atenton sur la pinto de via nazo. Certiĝu, ke ne estas muskola streĉiĝo sur ambaŭ maldekstraj kaj dekstraj flankoj de la korpo.
Post kelkaj sekundoj, turnu vian atenton al la areo "Tria Okulo" (la punkto inter la brovoj). Ridetu mense. Sentu, ke tiu rideto penetras viajn okulojn. Unue, la maldekstra okulo komencas rideti, sekvita de la dekstra. Levu la angulojn de viaj buŝoj kaj okuloj iomete kaj sentu vian vizaĝon lumiĝi kun rideto. Ĝi disvastiĝas tra la vizaĝo kaj malsupren al la supra palato, kiu malstreĉiĝas dum vi ridetas. Premu la pinton de via lango kontraŭ la alveoloj. Ridetu tra la lango, en la gorĝon, malsupren en la timisan glandon, situantan ĉe la nivelo de la sternumo.
Ridetu al la timusa glando. Ridetu al via koro. Ridetu per viaj pulmoj. Mense ĉirkaŭu ilin per pura blanka koloro kaj sentu kiel ili mem komencas rideti. Ridetu al la hepato. Ridetu al la renoj. Ridetu al la lieno (la areo de la stomako kaj pankreato).
Lasu la rideton brili en viaj okuloj denove. Nun vi devus lerni gluti salivon laŭ la taoisma metodo. Nia celo estas pliigi salivacion en la buŝo. Ridetante, vi ŝargas vian salivon per energio.
Metu la pinton de via lango inter viaj dentoj kaj lipoj. Faru naŭ cirklajn movojn per via lango. La direkto de movado ne gravas. Poste metu la pinton de via lango ene de viaj dentoj, fermante ilin, kaj faru ses cirklajn movojn per via lango. En ĉi tiu kazo, la direkto de movado de la lango devus esti kontraŭa al la antaŭa. Sentu kiel via buŝo pleniĝas per salivo, kiu funkcios kiel speco de magneto, kiu altiras energion.
Premu la pinton de via lango kontraŭ la supran palaton en la areo de la alveoloj. Enmetu vian mentonon, tenante vian kapon rekta, kaj englutu vian salivon. Sentu kiel la interna rideto el la gorĝo penetras la ezofago en la stomakon. Sentu kiel ĝi disvastiĝas tra ĉiuj digestaj organoj. Ridetu al la maldika intesto, situanta en la meza regiono de la abdomeno kaj proksimume 4,5 m longa.
Ridetu al dupunkto kaj ascendanta dupunkto. Etendu vian rideton de la dekstra koksa osto supren, poste tra la transversa dupunkto maldekstren kaj malsupren la malsuprenirantan dupunkton. La dika intesto ĉirkaŭas la maldikan inteston kaj havas averaĝan longon de 150 cm.
La energio de la rideto devus tiam penetri en la sigmoida kolono, situanta ene de la pelva regiono. Post ĉi tio, la interna rideto penetras la rektumon kaj anuson. Ridetu al via tuta digesta vojo. Levu la angulojn de viaj lipoj kaj okuloj. Ridetu per viaj okuloj kaj direktu la ridetantan energion al la maldekstra hemisfero de via cerbo. Direktu vian internan rideton al la dekstra hemisfero de via cerbo
Foku vian atenton al la longituda fendeto, kiu disigas la maldekstran kaj dekstran hemisferojn de la cerbo. Sentu la energion de la rideto rapidanta en ĝian centran areon. Imagu, ke ambaŭ hemisferoj estas kunigitaj kaj ne apartigitaj per io ajn. Sentu la unuecon de la cerbo kaj mjelo. Direktu la energion de via rideto de la dorso de via kapo al la bazo de via kranio.
Sentu la rideton eniri la mjelon. Ridetu sinsekve al ĉiu el la sep cervikaj vertebroj, iom post iom malaltigante la energion al la spino. Ridetu en la torakajn vertebrojn, iom post iom malsuprenirante al la nivelo de la koro kaj poste al la nivelo de la suna plekso. Sur la nivelo de la umbiliko, ĝi penetras la lumbajn vertebrojn. Ridetu al la triangula osto de la sacro kaj kokciko.
Ridetu dum vi moviĝas supren kaj malsupren per via spino. Ridetu al via nerva sistemo. Sentu ĉiun nervon en via propra korpo - en viaj brakoj, kruroj, fingroj kaj piedfingroj.
Reportu la internan rideton en viajn okulojn kaj poste malfermu ilin malrapide. Frotu viajn manplatojn kune ĝis ili fariĝas varmaj, kaj poste masaĝu vian vizaĝon, frunton, nazon kaj orelojn.
Kaj nun por la inteligentaj, vi ne devas rideti, nur direkti vian atenton, irante same kiel en la interna rideto. Dum kelka tempo, rigardu mense la korpon - interne kaj ekstere. Je la fino, nur imagu, ke ĉio ĉirkaŭ vi estas blanka, tenu la blankan koloron mense ĉirkaŭ via korpo tiel longe kiel vi povas, kiam ĝi disiĝas, fini. Ĉi tio estas pli malfacila praktiko, vi laciĝos translokigi atenton kaj konservi ĝin, vi ne tuj sukcesos kun blanka. Sed ĝi estas multe pli saniga. Ĉi tio estas praktiko de Scientologio. Ĝi estas pli forta ol Faust de Goethe, kaj ĝenerale ĉio, kio ekzistas en la fizika universo. Sed se ĝi ne funkcias, ne rapidu tien. Interna rideto ankaŭ bone funkcias. Kiel, por la etuloj)).
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okitsuminn · 5 months
I love k@ishin /dcmk fandom, keep that stubborn side and be stronger. Ship what you want, believe what you want. Every crumb of them is alright palatonic/romantic
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the-bad-batch-baroness · 10 months
oooo oc x oc?
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one of me gal's Nia! Don't mind if palatonic or AU Romance (ie, if the three stooges of torrent (Rex, Fives, Kix) don't have a thing for her, who would hehehe)
She's quiet and shy at first! And sometimes a little jumpy, and can be inward! She's not had good experiences with exes (though that was two guys that didn't want her just what she was alas, and she still has plenty of good mae relationships) and being judged for how she liked to eat or make her warm drink quite sweet, but she very easily opens up about things with some good genuine encouragement and patience! She's ultimately smiley and is happy to talk about her amethyst birthstone necklace (it's paired with her sister's, which is a garnet) that she fidgets with when she thinks. She joins the GAR after two sieges on her homeplanet and ends up being a jack of most trades (but most medical) for Torrent Company where she slowly gains more confidence. However! Some days do revert back to 'not needed equals not useful therefore equals not wanted in any capacity' due to her exes and she can seem very distracted on those days until proven otherwise <3 Aside from that, pretty low maintenance and a little maternal in the 'why did you do that for? That was stupid' with a little giggle unless she's genuinely been concerned. Then she's either got ad puppy eyes or she gets teary puppy dog eyes.
Hi Kim! Thanks so much for sending an ask 💚 I hope you like who I paired them up with!
I'm giving Nia a bf:
Drip is my beloved little anxious bean of a boy. He is a lover, not a fighter, and really hates his identity as a clone. He would rather be anything other than a clone, because he doesn't like the violence of war. He is, what I would consider, the "softest" of the squad in terms of personality and also very sweet, but he has a lot of insecurities and is afraid to love because he doesn't want to get hurt. He feels he's never good enough or that there's always someone better than him.
I know he would treat Nia right, and help her out of those bad thought spaces. He is so affectionate and loving, and wouldn't mind any of her quirks either. He's very much a home-body and would rather stay in and watch a movie and order pizza, then go out bar hopping like his brothers. I hope she likes cuddles, because he is the biggest cuddle bug. I also think that her medical side would remind him of his brother Chance, and he would find comfort in that.
💙 OC x OC Ask Game💙
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canadianjobbank · 1 year
Apply now: https://canadianjobbank.org/security-guard-26/
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johnlockedinwarstan · 5 years
Prompt Soulmates
The names on his wrist mocked him. He didn't want soulmates. He didn't want to see the disappointed look on their faces as he explained that he was uninterested in sex or romance. Married to his work. So if he didn't use his given name to conceal himself from his soulmates who would care.
John surprised him. When Sherlock explained his feelings on the matter John shrugged. They grew comfortable together quickly. Even if they annoyed each other better then anyone else. They were willing to die for or each other. And Sherlock did.
When Sherlock returned there was Mary. He had both of them. He cherished the time planning their wedding just being close to them. After they married they would probably drift away and that was fine but he would keep both of them as long as possible.
Sherlock shot Magnussen. Once again he was dying for his soulmates. It was only fair to tell them.
"William Sherlock Scott Holmes...If you're looking for baby names."
For the @writersmonth prompt soulmate au
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paintgroove · 4 years
Paint Groove playlist #36 “Altering dusk”
1. Vacilando Con Ayahuasca - Bareto
2. Lisandreando - Chicano Batman
3. Jungle Guitar - The Palatons
4. Suavito - Señor Coconut
5. O Sol na Janela - Piry Reid
6. Echorgan - Ariel Kalma
7. Arabian Fantasy - Daniel Emmanuel
8. Mataisah-hik Sagan - David Darling and The Wulu Bunun
9. Carol Ann - Soft Machine
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exclamaquest · 3 years
Random question What are you thought on the ship Nagito x mikan? Personal I can see it being both palatonic or romantic. They both have similar personalities or rather similar mind set…idk it seems cute
He's gay and she's unstable. I don't see a romantic dynamic (because of y'know that pesky ol' gay coding) and i think a friendship dynamic would rapidly deteriorate unless they were both in like 18 hours of turbotherapy a week. Even then it's dicey. They would need to go through full courses of like intense trauma work and then have to be reintroduced to each other through a door like cats so they can get used to each others' scent before being allowed to interact under heavy supervision.
To put it more succinctly: their similarities are exactly why they should not be allowed alone in a room together.
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giovanniiodice · 6 years
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#cicoria #polpette #palatone #detox #homemade #winter #instafood (presso Casa Iodice) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsY0a24BKpT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jpflw3onc1im
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Like one of the options was like a red emoji heart for like the palatonic I think you're cute and black was I despise your existence and the heart is appearing red for me though it might have went through as a black heart???
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der-papero · 4 years
M: Sosò, tu hê truvat 'a ciorta toja!... Ma tu hê capit si chist te spos?... Nuje ce ne jamm tutte quant a Parigi!... Tutt quante: io, tu, mammà, papà... Finalmente!... Ce accunciamm quatt ove int' a unu piatt!... Tu fai proprie 'a vit r'a signor! La "Madama"! Rint'a 'sti palazz 'e Parigi bellissimi!...
N: Il famoso Palazzo Madama...
M: Mammà e papà, core a core, ca se fann 'e Champs Elysées..
N: Se fann e' "shampe"?
M: E, annaz e arret...
N: Nientemeno?...
M: Doje, tre vvot o journ, tant che tenen a' fa'??...
N: Nun so' tropp?
M: E pur je, sora mia, me lev 'na vot e ppe' ssemp 'a miezz a 'na via! Nun c'a faccie cchiù!... Sto mulann curtiell 'a quann so' nat! Sta' coscie nun m''a sente proprie cchiù!... Noè je già ce aggie pensat: je m'aràp 'nu bellu negozie di generi alimentari: "Marittiello L'Italy". Tutti prodotti tipicamente napulitan: past, pan, uoglie, zuccher, cafè, 'a "rumm"...
N: 'A "rumm"?...
M: E sse capisce! Che vennimme 'e babbà senza rumm?... Furmaggie, pruvulon, ricott, muzzarell... Me faccie venì tutte e juorn a muzzarella fresc da zio Carminuccie 'o cugine 'e papà 'e Mundraon: facimme denar a palat!... Chill 'e Frances so' abituat a sse magnà ciert schifezz: tutt sarzulell 'nzevàt, crem, cremin, 'mbarazz pu' stommac, che sapen 'e purcarie!... Manc 'o ppan tènen!... Se magnane ciert specie 'e sfilatin sereticc, paren grissin abbuffat!
N: Le "baguette"...
M: Le "bacchette", esatto, brava! 'E bacchette!... I Cinesi 'e ghietten e i Frances s' 'e magnan!... Figurat che hann a esser!... Tu immaginat a 'sti Frances quann trasen rint''a putec: "Bonjour, Marittiè... Bonjour Monsiè..." e bell e bbuon, io lle 'mpost 'nu palaton 'e pan cafon 'e San Bastian 'e nu par 'e chil mbuttunat chin chin 'e purpett a rraù cu tutt 'a sarz che lle scorr... Sosò: nuje arrevutamm Parigge!... Aggia fà tant' 'e chilli sorde, ca quann ce ne turnamm 'a ggent ll'hanna venì 'e crocett 'o fegat!... Nunziatì, ce accattamm 'na grande villa a Caivano, gigantesca! Cu' ggiardin e piscina! E dint' 'o giardin ce mettimm pure a Padre Pio cu 'e mman arapùt, accussì, oì: comm 'e Crist o Rio de Gennaro! E tutte sott a Padre Pio ce aggia metter dieci sette nani!... Diece ce n'aggia metter!...
N: Marittiè, tu pienz 'e nanett...
M: Nun te piacen? Chi te piace: Bambi?... Pippo e Topolino?... I tre porcellini?... Maradona a grandezza naturale?... 'O teng: "A cuoll 'e per!" E "'O ggol c'a manell!"... Qual ce vuò metter?...
N: Tu curr tropp ca' fantasie...
- Ci sta un francese, un inglese ed un napoletano, dialogo tra Marittiello e Nunziatella
@vefa321 il riferimento alla cucina francese è pura goliardia napoletana, perdonami 🙏
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akilfikirgezegeni · 4 years
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1. Sen affetsen ben affetmem "Zeze" Şeker Portakalı/ Jose de Vasconcelos
2. Daha on yedi "Holden Coulfield" Çavdar Tarlasında Çocuklar/J. D. Salenger
3. Bir ihtimal daha var "Raif Bey" Kürk Mantolu Madonna/ Sabahattin Ali
4. Ah nerede vah nerede "Josef Şvayk" Aslan Asker Şvayk/ Jaraslov Haşek
5. Yanlızlık benim eski sevgilim "Hanta" Gürültülü Yanlızlık/Bohumil Hrabal
6. Kadınım "Hikmet Benol" Tehlikeli Oyunlar/Oğuz Atay
7. Bak bir varmış bir yokmuş "Ostab Bender" On İki Sandalye/Ilya Ilf, Yevgeni Petrov
8. Aşığınım sana dokunamasam da "Kovalev" Burun/Gogol
9. Odalarda ışıksızım "Selim Işık, Turgut Özben" Tutunamayanlar/Oğuz Atay
10. Seni beklerim öptüğüm yerde "Jean Dominique" Kelebek ve Dalgıç/Jean Dominique Bauby
11. Batsın bu dünya "Akaki Akakiyeviç" Palto/Gogol
12. Namus belası "Bir idam mahkumu" Bir Idam Mahkumunun Son günü/Victor Hugo
13. Cambaz "Jack Griffin" Görünmez Adam
14. Yanarım "İffet" Damga/R. N. Güntekin
15. Konuşamıyorum "Zehra, Mürşit Bey" Acımak/R. N. Güntekin
16. Gözlerin doğuyor gecelerime "Feride" Çalıkuşu/R. N. Güntekin
17. Mapushaneye güneş doğmuyor "Rubashov" Gün Ortasında Yanlızlık/ Arthur Koestler
18. Bi'şey yapmalı "Paul Muaddib" Dune Çöl Gezegeni/Frank Herbert
19. Rüyalar gerçek olsa "George Orr" Rüyanın Öteki Yakası/Ursula K. LeGuin
20. O benim dünyam "Shevek" Mülksüzler/Ursula K. LGuin
21. Leylim ley "Gregor Samsa" Dönüşüm/Franz Kafka
22. Arap saçı "Josef K." Dava/Franz Kafka
23. Anlamazdım "Genly Ai" Karanlığın Sol Eli/Ursula K. LeGuin
24. Derman olayım "Kare" Düz dünya /Edwin A. Abbott
25. Huzurum kalmadı "ibrahim" Huzursuzluk/Zülfü Livaneli
26. Tanrı istemezse "Lazarillo" Tormesli Lazarillo/Anonim
27. Ruhum "Gordon Comstock" Aspidistra/George Orwell
28. Alışamadım "Yargıç" Barbarları Beklerken/ John M. Coetzee
29. Ben ölmeden önce "Ruhi Bey" Ben Ruhi Bey Nasılım?/Edip Cansever
30. Uykusuz her gece "Graham" Efendi Uyanıyor/H. G. Wells
31. Gözyaşlarımızı bitti mi sandın? "Offred" Damızlık Kızın Öyküsü/Margrite Atwood
32. Fesuphanallah "Zaman yolcusu" Zaman Makinesi/H. G. Wells
33. Bana ellerini ver "Kath H." Beni Asla Bırakma/Kazuo İshiguro
34. Ölsem de bir kalsam da bir "D-503" Biz/Yevgeni Zamyatin
35. Paramparça "Ömer, Macide" Içimizdeki Şeytan/Sabahattin Ali
36. Zaman zaman "Hayrı İrdal" Saatleri Ayarlama Enstitüsü/A. Hamdi Tanpınar
37. Seninle bir dakika "Winston Smith" 1984/George Orwell
38. Tutuklu "Bernard Marx" Cesur Yeni Dünya/Aldous Huxley
39. Resimdeki Gözyaşları "Alan Greenmor" Tanrı Daima Tebdil-i Kıyafet Gezer/Laurent Gounelle
40. Bindik bir alamete "Sokrates" Sokrates'in Savunması/Palaton
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bec-writez · 5 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Clare, Shadowhunters, TSC Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Clary/Jace, Alec/Magnus, Izzy/Simon, emma/julian, Mark Blackthorn/Kieran/Cristina Rosales, jem/tessa/will, kit/ty, dru/ash, jocelyn/luke, james herondale/hope lightwoodbane, will herondale/arthur blackthorn-kingson-rosales, charlie herondale/livvy carstairs-blackthorn/ned castel, tessa herondale/eleanor blackthorn-kingson-rosales, sibling relationships - Relationship, Gay Relationships - Relationship, lesbian relationships - Relationship, parent & children relationships, uncle & niece relationships, aunt & niece relationships, uncle & nephew relationships, aunt & nephew relationships, more tags later - Relationship, cousin palatonic relationships, Clace - Relationship, Malec - Relationship, sizzy, jemma, keirarktina, herongarystairs, Kitty - Relationship Characters: Clary Fairchild, Jace Herondale, Alec Lightwood-Bane - Character, Magnus Lightwood-Bane - Character, Isabelle Lightwood, simon lovelace-lightwood, emma carstairs-blackthorn, julian carstairs-blackthorn, Mark Blackthorn, Kieran, Cristina Rosales, Jem Carstairs, Tessa Gray, ghost will herondale, Kit Herondale, ty blackthorn, dru blackthorn-fairchild, ash blackthorn-fairchild, Jocelyn Fairchild, Luke Garroway, charlie herondale - Character, livvy carstairs-blackthorn, ned castel, James Herondale, Hope Lightwood-Bane, Will Herondale, arthur blackthorn-kingson-rosales, tessa herondale, eleanor blackthorn-kingson-rosales, Maryse Lightwood, mina gray-carstairs, Max Lightwood-Bane, Rafael Lightwood-Bane, andrew blackthorn-kingson-rosales, jamie herondale, henry herondale, Céline Herondale, matthew herondale, Ella Herondale, alexa herondale, Sophie Lightwood, robb lightwood, becky lightwood, cordelia carstairs-blackthorn, john carstairs-blackthorn, more to add later - Character Additional Tags: Implied Sexual Content, War, Demons, Shadowhunters - Freeform, Romance, Fighting, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Wholesome family content, Family Drama, Love, A little angst, Next Gen, takes place after the wicked powers, some bad stuff happend Summary:
hey everyone this is a fic that is about the next gen, i wanted to write a story about the tsc couples current and future children, the characters do not belong to me they belong to their fightful owner cassandra clare and where the series, the clace children and sizzy children and keirarktina children and kitty chidren and the two lightwood-bane daughters and the jemma children, and sorry if this is messy it's my first time writing a fanfic and sorry my grammar is bad, so please bear with me and be nice and constructive criticism is welcome.
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