scotianostra · 5 months
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On May 11th 1685 Margaret Lachlane, or McLachlan, and Margaret Wilson were put to death.
The sins of our past are sair tae bare at times and this is certainly one that qualifies as such, what makes it all the more sad is that they had been reprieved, but the distance from Edinburgh to Wigtown but for reasons unknown it never made it to save the women.
Here’s the background, some of you might know but not all, back in 17th century religion was very important to most people in Scotland, indeed the worldover. The reformation waa over and Protestants were in the vast majority, especially in the more populace lowlands. By now The Stuart Monarchy ruled both Scotland and England, having survived a civil war in which Charles I lost his head, eventually his son, Charle II was invited back to take the throne. You would have thought that Charles II had learned his lesson, his old boy had tried to enforce the English form of the Protestant religion in Scotland but failed, young Charles tried again but the Scots were not having it, many Scots signed what is known as The National Covenant that pledged to defend “their” true religion against innovations like those down south. Many were put to death for refusing to swear allegiance to the King and “his” prayer book. Over the years there were many battles and lives lost, it is now known in Scotland as “The Killing Time"
ny way the people thought it might come to an end in February 1658 when Charles II died, those who had been hiding from persecution started returning to their homes, including the young Wilson girls who were sheltered at the home of Margaret McLachlan, a 63 year old widow who lived at Drumjargan in Kirkinner Parish. A local man betrayed them when they came into Wigtown, and the two girls were taken prisoner. At the same time, Margaret McLachlan was seized while at prayer in her own home, and held in custody with them. The women were required to take the Oath of Abjuration which had earlier been administered to everyone in the County over the age of 13 years. This had been introduced on 25 November 1684 by the Privy Council, in order to catch sympathisers of Richard Cameron. In a public declaration at Sanquhar Cross, Cameron had denounced the King as a tyrant and declared war on him.
Refusal to swear the Oath allowed execution without trial; men could be hanged or shot; a new sentence had been introduced for women: death by drowning. The women refused the Oath and were brought before the Commission. The Commissioners, Grierson of Lagg, Sheriff David Graham (Claverhouse’s brother), Major Windram, Captain Strachan and Provost Coltrane of Wigtown, have been described as “five of the most vicious scoundrels in Scotland”.
Margaret McLachlan with Margaret and Agnes Wilson were found guilty on all charges and they were sentenced “to be tyed to palisadoes and fixed in the sand, within the flood mark, at the mouth of the Blednoch stream, and there to stand till the flood over flowed them, and [they] drowned”. Agnes Wilson (aged only thirteen at the time) was reprieved, when her father promised to pay a bond of £100, a fortune in that day.
A pardon was issued in Edinburgh, dated 30 April 1685, for both women
It remains a mystery what happened to it, since no record of it remains beyond the Council Chamber. They were taken out and tied to stakes in the waters of the Bladnoch on 11 May 1685. The older woman was tied deeper in the river channel forcing young Margaret to witness her death, in the hope that she would relent. Instead, she seemed to take strength from the older woman’s fate, singing a psalm, and quoting scripture.
The events are recorded in the Kirk Session records of both Penninghame and Kirkinner parishes, vouched for by elders and ministers who were present on the day, and the records confirmed by the Presbytery of Wigtown. The Penninghame records say that Margaret Wilson’s head was held up from the water, in order to ask her if she would pray for the King. She answered that she wished the salvation of all men, but the damnation of none. When her watching relatives cried out that this proved she was willing to conform, Major Windram offered her the Oath of Abjuration again, but she refused, saying “I am one of Christ’s children; let me go”.
The Kirkinner records state that Margaret McLachan’s head had been “held down within the water by one of the town officers by his halberd at her throat, til she died”. A popular account adds that the officer said “then tak’ another drink o’t my hearty”. Legend has it that for the rest of his life the man had an unquenchable thirst, and had to stop and drink from every ditch, stream, or tap he passed, and he was deserted by his friends.
Likewise the constable named Bell, who had carried out his duties with a notable lack of feeling, allegedly said, when asked how the women had behaved, “O, they just clepped roun the stobs, like partans and prayed”. Clepped means web-footed, partans are crabs. Bell’s wife bore three children all with “clepped” fingers, and the family was referred to as “the Cleppie Bells” which was believed to be the sins of the father being visited on the children.
It was not only women who died, William Johnstone, John Milroy and George Walker were hanged in Wigtown the same year, for refusal to take the oath, but Margaret Wilson, due to her young age has become the most famous of the martyrs and is the subject of a famous painting by the English artist John Everett Millais called The Martyr of Solway.
Art conservators have x-rayed the painting and found out that Millais had originally painted the upper torso of the young woman naked. However when the painting was exhibited in 1871 there were strong puritanical views on nudity in paintings and Millais’ work offended Victorian sensibilities. It was badly received and was the butt of many negatively critical reviews. Hence it was painted over to save the Victorian eyes of such a sight!
The photo is from Stirling Old Town Cemetery a monument to the Wigtown Martyrs, further afield a Victorian statue of Margaret Wilson’s martyrdom is on display at Knox College, University of Toronto, Canada, as seen in the second pic, the third pic is the Martyrs' Grave, Wigtown parish church, Dumfries and Galloway.
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swforester · 2 years
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The Angel and the blue sky.
Palisado Cemetery 2/10/23
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readyforevolution · 1 year
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Happy Birthday, Haile Selassie I, Negusa Nagast , Seyoume Igziabeher, By the Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Elect of God,
In Jamaica, Shortly after the coronation of the Emperor Haile Selassie I, belief in the divinity of Haile Selassie began. A black king had risen in the east, a messiah had come to deliver his people. The legend of Emperor Haile Selassie grew after years of personally fighting and eventually defeating a European colonial power.
One hundred thousand Rastafari from all over Jamaica descended on Palisadoes Airport in Kingston to greet Haile Selassie when he visited Jamaica on April 21, 1966. Clouds of Ganja smoke covered the scene. Selassie started down the stairs, but returned, uneasy with the commotion as the crown rushed the tarmac. A well-known Rasta leader, Ras Mortimer Planno was recruited to negotiate the emperor's descent. Planno was able to calm the crowd and help the emperor exit the plane. This event is commemorated by Rastafari as Grounation Day every year on April 21.
At the time Bob Marleys new bride, Rita had relayed to Bob how she had seen stigmata on the hands of the Emperor as he walked the stairs down from his plane. This greatly contributed to Bob's conversion to Rasta and its subsequent global exposure.
On the flight to Jamaica he was asked if he would deny being god to the Rasta. He replied, "Who am I to disturb their belief?"
Jamaican authorities would have liked Selassie to deny divinity to the Rasta. This didn't happen and Selassie actually gave gold medallions to the Rasta leaders, the only gifts of the trip. This after famously giving away lions on his trip to Europe.
In a 1967 CBC recorded an interview with Haile Selassie in which he denied his alleged divinity. On being told, "There are millions of Christians throughout the world, your Imperial Majesty, who regard you as the reincarnation of Jesus Christ," Haile Selassie replied in his native language,
"I have heard of that idea. I also met certain Rastafarians. I told them clearly that I am a man, that I am mortal, and that I will be replaced by the oncoming generation, and that they should never make a mistake in assuming or pretending that a human being is emanated from a deity."
After his return to Ethiopia he sent an Archbishop to the Caribbean help draw Rastafari and other West Indians to the Ethiopian church. People resented the former colonial churches and were interested in establishing the Ethiopian Church in the Caribbean. The Emperor obliged and the church exists to this day.
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detectivehole · 1 year
Port Royal
Port Royal is a town located at the end of the Palisadoes, at the mouth of Kingston Harbour, in southeastern Jamaica. Founded in 1494 by the Spanish, it was once the largest city in the Caribbean, functioning as the centre of shipping and commerce in the Caribbean Sea by the latter half of the 17th century.[1] It was destroyed by an earthquake on 7 June 1692, which had an accompanying tsunami, leading to the establishment of Kingston, which is now the largest city in Jamaica. Severe hurricanes have regularly damaged the area. Another severe earthquake occurred in 1907.
Port Royal was once home to privateers who were encouraged to attack Spanish vessels, at a time when smaller European nations were reluctant to attack Spain directly. As a port city, it was notorious for its gaudy displays of wealth and loose morals. It was a popular homeport for the English and Dutch-sponsored privateers to spend their treasure during the 17th century. When those governments abandoned the practice of issuing letters of marque to privateers against the Spanish treasure fleets and possessions in the later 16th century, many of the crews turned pirate. They continued to use the city as their main base during the 17th century. Pirates from around the world congregated at Port Royal, coming from waters as far away as Madagascar.
After the 1692 disaster, Port Royal's commercial role was steadily taken over by the nearby town (and later, city) of Kingston. Plans were developed in 1999 to redevelop the small fishing town as a heritage tourism destination to serve cruise ships. The plan was to capitalize on Port Royal's unique heritage, with archaeological findings from pre-colonial and privateering years as the basis of possible attractions.[1]
Port Royal has a tropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification Aw) with a short dry season from January to April and a lengthy wet season from May to October. Temperatures remain steady throughout the year with the dry season being slightly cooler and range from 25.5 °C (77.9 °F) in January to 27.7 °C (81.9 °F) in May. The average annual precipitation is 1,345 millimetres (53 in).[2]
The Taino historic indigenous people of the Caribbean occupied this area for centuries before European settlement. They used the area, which they called Caguay or Caguaya,[3] during their fishing expeditions. Although it is not known whether they ever settled at the spot, they did inhabit other parts of Jamaica.[4]
The Spanish first landed in Jamaica in 1494 under the leadership of Christopher Columbus, leading to the destruction of the Taino population. Permanent settlement occurred when Juan de Esquivel brought a group of settlers in 1509. They came in search of new lands and valuable resources, like gold and silver. Instead they began to cultivate and process the sugar cane. Much like the Taino before them, the Spanish did not appear to have much use for the Port Royal area. They did, however, retain its Taino name.[3] Spain kept control of Jamaica mostly so that it could prevent other countries from gaining access to the island, which was strategically situated within the trade routes of the Caribbean. Spain maintained control over the island for 146 years, until the English took control following their invasion of 1655.
The town was captured by England in 1655 during the invasion of Jamaica.[4][5] By 1659 two hundred houses, shops and warehouses had been built around the fort; by 1692 five forts defended the port.[6] The English initially called the place Cagway but soon renamed it as Port Royal.[3] For much of the period between the English conquest and the 1692 earthquake, Port Royal served as the unofficial capital of Jamaica, while Spanish Town remained the official capital. In 1872 the government designated Kingston, the largest city, as the capital.[6]
Port Royal provided a safe harbour initially for privateers and subsequently for pirates plying the shipping lanes to and from Spain and Panama. Buccaneers found Port Royal appealing for several reasons. Its proximity to trade routes allowed them easy access to prey, but the most important advantage was the port's proximity to several of the only safe passages or straits giving access to the Spanish Main from the Atlantic.[6] The harbour was large enough to accommodate their ships and provided a place to careen and repair these vessels. It was also ideally situated for launching raids on Spanish settlements. From Port Royal, Christopher Myngs sacked Campeche and Henry Morgan attacked Panama, Portobello, and Maracaibo. Additionally, buccaneers Roche Brasiliano, John Davis and Edward Mansvelt used Port Royal as a base of operations. In 1657, as a solution to his defence concerns, Governor Edward D'Oley invited the Brethren of the Coast to come to Port Royal and make it their home port. The Brethren was made up of a group of pirates who were descendants of cattle-hunting boucaniers (later anglicized to buccaneers), who had turned to piracy after being robbed by the Spanish (and subsequently thrown out of Hispaniola).[5] These pirates concentrated their attacks on Spanish shipping, whose interests were considered the major threat to the town.
These pirates later became legal English privateers who were given letters of marque by Jamaica's governor. Around the same time that pirates were invited to Port Royal, England launched a series of attacks against Spanish shipping vessels and coastal towns. By sending the newly appointed privateers after Spanish ships and settlements, England had successfully set up a system of defence for Port Royal. Spain was forced to continually defend their property, and did not have the means with which to retake its land.[5]
Spain could not retake the island and, due to pirates, could no longer regularly provide their colonies in the New World with manufactured goods. The progressive irregularity of annual Spanish fleets, combined with an increasing demand by colonies for manufactured goods, stimulated the growth of Port Royal. Merchants and privateers worked together in what is now referred to as "forced trade." Merchants would sponsor trading endeavors with the Spanish, while also sponsoring privateers to attack Spanish ships and rob Spanish coastal towns.[5] While the merchants most certainly had the upper hand, the privateers were an integral part of the operation.
Nuala Zahedieh, a lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, wrote,
"Both opponents and advocates of so-called 'forced trade' declared the town's fortune had the dubious distinction of being founded entirely on the servicing of the privateers' needs and highly lucrative trade in prize commodities."[7] . . . "A report that the 300 men who accompanied Henry Morgan to Portobello in 1668 returned to the town with a prize to spend of at least £60 each (two or three times the usual annual plantation wage) leaves little doubt that they were right".[7]
The forced trade became almost a way of life in Port Royal. Michael Pawson and David Busseret wrote "...one way or the other nearly all the propertied inhabitants of Port Royal seem to have an interest in privateering."[8] Forced trade was rapidly making Port Royal one of the wealthiest communities in the English territories of North America, far surpassing any profit made from the production of sugar cane. Zahedieh wrote, "The Portobello raid [in 1668] alone produced plunder worth £75,000, more than seven times the annual value of the island’s sugar exports, which at Port Royal prices did not exceed £10,000 at this time."[7]
Since the English lacked sufficient troops to prevent either the Spanish or French from seizing it, the Jamaican governors eventually turned to the pirates to defend the city.[9] By the 1660s the city had, for some, become a pirate utopia and had gained a reputation as the "Sodom of the New World", where most residents were pirates, cutthroats, or prostitutes. When Charles Leslie wrote his history of Jamaica, he included a description of the pirates of Port Royal:
Wine and women drained their wealth to such a degree that [...] some of them became reduced to beggary. They have been known to spend 2 or 3,000 pieces of eight in one night; and one gave a strumpet 500 to see her naked. They used to buy a pipe of wine, place it in the street, and oblige everyone that passed to drink.
The taverns of Port Royal were known for their excessive consumption of alcohol such that records even exist of the wild animals of the area partaking in the debauchery. During a passing visit, famous Dutch explorer Jan van Riebeeck is said to have described the scenes:
The parrots of Port Royal gather to drink from the large stocks of ale with just as much alacrity as the drunks that frequent the taverns that serve it.
There is even speculation in pirate folklore that the infamous Blackbeard (Edward Teach) met a howler monkey, while at leisure in a Port Royal alehouse, whom he named Jefferson and formed a strong bond with during the expedition to the island of New Providence.[citation needed] Recent genealogical research indicates that Blackbeard and his family moved to Jamaica where Edward Thatch, Jr. is listed as being a mariner in the Royal Navy aboard HMS Windsor in 1706.[10] Port Royal benefited from this lively, glamorous infamy and grew to be one of the two largest towns and the most economically important port in the English colonies. At the height of its popularity, the city had one drinking house for every 10 residents. In July 1661 alone, 40 new licenses were granted to taverns. During a 20-year period that ended in 1692, nearly 10,000 people lived in Port Royal. In addition to prostitutes and buccaneers, there were four goldsmiths, 44 tavern keepers, and a variety of artisans and merchants who lived in 2,000 buildings crammed into 51 acres (21 ha) of real estate. 213 ships visited the seaport in 1688. The city's wealth was so great that coins were preferred for payment over the more common system of bartering goods for services.
Following Henry Morgan's appointment as lieutenant governor, Port Royal began to change. Pirates were no longer needed to defend the city. The selling of slaves took on greater importance. Upstanding citizens disliked the reputation the city had acquired. In 1687, Jamaica passed anti-piracy laws. Consequently, instead of being a safe haven for pirates, Port Royal became noted as their place of execution. Gallows Point welcomed many to their death, including Charles Vane and Calico Jack, who were hanged in 1720. About five months later, the famous woman pirate Mary Read died in the Jamaican prison in Port Royal. Two years later, 41 pirates met their death in one month.[11]
The Royal Navy
Under British rule the Royal Navy made use of a careening wharf at Port Royal and rented a building on the foreshore to serve as a storehouse. From 1675, a resident Naval Officer was appointed to oversee these facilities;[12] however, development was cut short by the 1692 earthquake. After the earthquake, an attempt was made to establish a naval base at Port Antonio instead, but the climate there proved disagreeable. From 1735, Port Royal once more became the focus of the Admiralty's attention. New wharves and storehouses were built at this time, as well as housing for the officers of the Yard. Over the next thirty years, more facilities were added: cooperages, workshops, sawpits, and accommodation (including a canteen) for the crews of ships being careened there.[13] A Royal Naval Hospital was also established on land a little to the west of the Naval Yard; and by the end of the 18th century a small Victualling Yard had been added to the east (prior to this ships had had to go to Kingston and other settlements to take on supplies).[13]
At the start of the 19th century, a significant amount of rebuilding took place in what was by now a substantial Royal Navy Dockyard serving the fleet in the Caribbean. A sizeable storehouse with a clocktower formed the centrepiece, with a covered way leading from it to the careening wharves. The adjacent Port Admiral's (later Commodore's) House included a watch tower, to counter the threat of privateers. The Yard continued to expand to meet the new requirements of steam-powered vessels: the victualling wharf became a coaling depot in the 1840s, and twenty years later a small engineering complex was built.[13] The Yard continued to expand through to the beginning of the 20th century, but then (with the Admiralty focusing more and more on the situation in Europe) the Navy withdrew from its station in Jamaica and the Dockyard closed in 1905.
Many of the Dockyard buildings (most of which were of timber construction) were subsequently demolished or destroyed (some in the 1907 Kingston earthquake, others by Hurricane Charlie in 1951).[14] A few remain in place, however, including the Naval Hospital complex, some of the steam engineering buildings and a set of officers' houses.[15] There is also a slipway, completed as late as 1904, which (with its accompanying sheds) was designed for housing and launching torpedo boats, stationed there for the Yard's protection. In 2014, it was announced that some of the Historic Naval Hospital buildings would be restored to house a museum as part of a broader Port Royal Heritage Tourism Project.[16]
Earthquake of 1692
The town grew rapidly, reaching a population of around 6,500 people and approximately 2,000 dwellings, by 1692. As land on which to build diminished, it became common practice to either fill in areas of water and build new infrastructure on top of it, or simply build buildings taller. Buildings gradually became heavier as the residents adopted the brick style homes of their native England. Some[who?] urged the population to adopt the low, wooden building style of the previous Spanish inhabitants, but many refused. In the end, all of these separate factors contributed to the impending disaster.
On 7 June 1692, a devastating earthquake hit the city causing most of its northern section to be lost – and with it many of the town's houses and other buildings. Many of the forts were destroyed, as well; Fort Charles survived, but Forts James and Carlisle sank into the sea, Fort Rupert became a large region of water, and great damage was done to an area known as Morgan's Line.[4]
Although the earthquake hit the entire island of Jamaica, the citizens of Port Royal were at a greater risk of death due to the perilous sand, falling buildings, and the tsunami that followed. Though the local authorities tried to remove or sink all of the corpses from the water, they were unsuccessful; some simply got away from them, while others were trapped in places that were inaccessible. Improper housing, a lack of medicine or clean water, and the fact that most of the survivors were homeless led to many people dying of malignant fevers.[17] The earthquake and tsunami killed between 1,000 and 3,000 people combined, nearly half the city's population.[citation needed] Disease ran rampant in the next several months, claiming an estimated 2,000 additional lives.[18]
The historical Jamaica earthquake of 7 June 1692 can be dated closely not only by date, but by time of day as well. This is documented by recovery from the sea floor in the 1960s of a pocket watch stopped at 11:43 a.m., recording the time of the devastating earthquake.[19][20]
The earthquake caused the sand under Port Royal to liquefy and flow out into Kingston Harbour. The water table was generally only two feet down before the impact, and the town was built on a layer of some 65 feet (20 m) of water-saturated sand. This type of area did not provide a solid foundation on which to build an entire town. Unlike the Spanish before them, the English had decided to settle and develop the small area of land, even while acknowledging that the area was nothing but "hot loose sand".[21]
According to Mulcahy, "[Modern] scientists and underwater archaeologists now believe that the earthquake was a powerful one and that much of the damage at Port Royal resulted from a process known as liquefaction."[21] Liquefaction occurs when earthquakes strike ground that is loose, sandy, and water-saturated, increasing the water pressure and causing the particles to separate from one another and form a sludge resembling quicksand. Eyewitness accounts attested to buildings sliding into the water, but it is likely[clarification needed] some simply sank straight down into the now unstable layer.[21]
Underwater archeology, some of which can be seen in the National Geographic Channel show Wicked Pirate City, reveals the foundations of building underwater, showing there was subsidence, as do comparisons of post-earthquake maps and pre-earthquake maps.
Some attempts were made to rebuild the city, starting with the one third that was not submerged, but these met with mixed success and numerous disasters.[citation needed] An initial attempt at rebuilding was again destroyed in 1703 by fire. Subsequent rebuilding was hampered by several hurricanes in the first half of the 18th century, including flooding from the sea in 1722, a further fire in 1750, and a major hurricane in 1774, and soon Kingston eclipsed Port Royal in importance. In 1815, what repairs were being undertaken were destroyed in another major fire, while the whole island was severely affected by an epidemic of cholera in 1850.[clarification needed]
1907 earthquake and recent history
A devastating earthquake on 14 January 1907 liquefied the sand spit, destroying nearly all of the rebuilt city, submerging additional portions, and tilting The Giddy House, an artillery storage room built c. 1880 that is today a minor tourist attraction.[22]
Today, the area is a shadow of its former self with a population of less than 2,000 that has little to no commercial or political importance. The area is frequented by tourists, but is in a state of disrepair. The Jamaican government has recently resolved to further develop the area for its historic and tourist value. This is in part a result of abandonment of plans begun in the early 1960s to develop the town as a cruise ship port and destination.[23] The plans stimulated the archaeological explorations on the site which, in turn, led to the suspension of development solely as a port but now included archaeological and other attractions.[6]
In 1981, the Nautical Archaeology Program at Texas A&M University began a 10-year underwater archaeological investigation of the portion of Port Royal that sank underwater during the 17th century. The program focused on an area that had sunk directly into the sea and suffered very little damage. Due to very low oxygen levels, a large amount of organic material could be recovered. The efforts made by the program have allowed everyday life in the English colonial port city to be reconstructed in great detail.[24]
In 1998, the Port Royal Development Company commissioned architectural firm The Jerde Partnership to create a master plan for the redevelopment of Port Royal, which was completed in 2000.[25] The focus of the plan is a 17th-century-themed attraction that reflects the city's heritage. It has two anchor areas: Old Port Royal and the King's Royal Naval Dockyard. Old Port Royal features a cruise ship pier extending from a reconstructed Chocolata Hole harbour and Fisher's Row, a group of cafes and shops on the waterfront. The King's Royal Naval Dockyard features a combination shipbuilding-museum and underwater aquarium with dioramas for views of the native tropical sealife.[25] The Royal Naval Dockyard also includes the headquarters for the Admiral of the Royal Navy. The redevelopment plan also includes a five-star hotel.[26]
Today, Port Royal is known to post-medieval archaeologists as the "City that Sank".[27] Robert Marx considers it the most important underwater archaeological site in the western hemisphere,[citation needed] yielding 16th–and-17th-century artifacts and many important treasures from indigenous peoples predating its 1518 founding, some from as far away as Guatemala. Several 17th and early 18th century pirate ships sank within Kingston Harbour and are being carefully harvested, under controlled conditions, by various teams of archaeologists. Other "digs" are staked out along various quarters and streets by different teams.[citation needed]
By 2019, a floating pier where a cruise ship could dock had been built; the first ship arrived on 20 January 2020. Tourists from a few ships (after the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have ended) might be beneficial to the town, but "there’s still much work to be done if the town will become the 'world-class heritage, environmental and cultural attraction'" according to a BBC Travel report published in September 2020.[28] Another report that month discussed the well-funded Living Heritage Programme which was seeking "to transform the town into a SMART, safe and secure community with a vibrant local economy, preserved cultural heritage and protected natural environment".[29]
1934: Port Royal is the one of the settings for the film Captain Blood, starring Errol Flynn.[30]
1942: Port Royal is the main setting for the film The Black Swan, starring Tyrone Power and George Sanders.
1953: Port Royal is the "City Beneath the Sea" in the film of that name.
2003: Port Royal has been featured as a location within Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean film series, though much of the location work for Port Royal was actually done on the island of Saint Vincent, not in Jamaica.[31]
1987: Tim Powers's historical fantasy novel On Stranger Tides describes the earthquake that nearly destroyed Port Royal in 1692 and several scenes are set in the city.
1989: James Michener's historical novel Caribbean details the history, atmosphere, and geography of Port Royal.
2009: Extensive scenes in Michael Crichton's posthumous novel Pirate Latitudes take place in Port Royal in the mid-1660s.
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cooljamaicauniverse · 2 years
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Mark Phinn Photography
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nedsecondline · 18 days
Jamaica ranked third regionally in plastic bottle collection, says The Ocean Conservancy’s 2023 Report – Petchary's Blog
Have you signed up for a coastal cleanup somewhere around the island? As we look forward to International Coastal Cleanup Day (September 21) I am hoping that I can get up an unearthly hour to join the Jamaica Environment Trust (JET) annual flagship cleanup at the Palisadoes Go-Kart Track. JET has reached capacity in terms of the number of volunteers it needs for that location, but there are many…
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mckoysnews-blog · 2 months
JDF Soldier Found Dead in Vehicle, Investigation Underway
Kingston, Jamaica: JDF Soldier Found Dead – A Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) soldier was found deceased in a parked military Prado on the Palisadoes main road in Kingston early Tuesday morning. The soldier’s uniform was reportedly stained with blood, and a firearm was discovered on his lap. Preliminary reports suggest that the incident may be a suicide, though authorities have not confirmed…
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thxnews · 10 months
Discovering Jamaica's Artistic Spirit at NMIA
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Embark on a voyage through the vibrant spirit of Jamaica as you step into Norman Manley International Airport (NMIA). Beyond being a mere gateway, this historical aviation hub unfolds a tapestry of Jamaican culture, seamlessly blending the legacy of its namesake, Norman Manley, with modern sustainability initiatives and a celebration of art.  
The Legacy of Norman Manley
An Aviator's Dream In 1948, the Palisadoes Airport took flight, becoming Jamaica's first international airport and a testament to the island's ambitions in global travel. Renamed in 1969 after the esteemed Jamaican statesman Norman Washington Manley, the airport stands as a living tribute to his multifaceted legacy as a politician, lawyer, journalist, and trade union leader.  
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Fly Jamaica 767-300 Aircraft Parked NMIA. Photo by Malik Clarke. Wikimedia.  
Gateway to Kingston
NMIA serves as the primary entry point to Kingston, Jamaica's vibrant capital. Located just 20 kilometers southeast of the city, the airport's strategic positioning invites travelers into a bustling metropolis rich in cultural heritage, historical landmarks, and an energetic entertainment scene.   Caribbean Airlines Hub As a crucial hub for Caribbean Airlines, NMIA connects the Caribbean region seamlessly. The largest airline in the Caribbean maintains a strong presence, facilitating travel not only within the Caribbean but also to North America and Europe, making NMIA a vital node in global air travel.  
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Laura Facey - Walking Tree, at NMIA. Photo by Laura Facey. Wikimedia.  
Architectural Harmony and Cultural Riches
Architectural Fusion Designed by Jamaican architect Kenneth Scott, NMIA's terminal buildings stand as a harmonious blend of Jamaican and modern architectural styles. Traditional elements like verandas and louvered shutters merge seamlessly with contemporary clean lines and open spaces, offering a visual feast for arriving visitors.   Artistic Showcase NMIA proudly hosts an impressive collection of Jamaican art, transforming the airport into a gallery of the nation's artistic heritage. Visitors are welcomed by a vibrant display of paintings, sculptures, and other works by some of Jamaica's most celebrated artists, creating an immersive cultural experience.   Practical Tips for an Enriching Journey - Explore the Art: Take time to appreciate the airport's art collection; it's a window into Jamaica's creative spirit. - Carry Jamaican Currency: While major currencies are accepted, having Jamaican dollars on hand can be convenient for local purchases. - Enjoy Local Cuisine: Indulge in Jamaican cuisine at the airport's restaurants, offering a flavorful introduction to the island's culinary delights. - Visit the Bob Marley Lounge: Reggae enthusiasts shouldn't miss the dedicated lounge, a musical haven adorned with memorabilia from Bob Marley's iconic life. - Learn About Norman Manley: Familiarize yourself with the legacy of Norman Manley, the airport's namesake, to deepen your appreciation of Jamaican history. - Stay Connected: Utilize the airport's Wi-Fi services to stay connected with loved ones or plan your Jamaican adventure on the go. - Respect Local Customs: Jamaicans are warm and welcoming; reciprocate the friendliness by respecting local customs and traditions. - Sustainable Travel: Support the airport's commitment to sustainability by participating in eco-friendly initiatives and using recycling bins. - Capture Memories: The airport's unique architecture and art provide excellent photo opportunities; capture moments that reflect the essence of your Jamaican journey. - Plan Layovers: If time permits, plan a layover to explore Kingston or nearby attractions for a more immersive experience.  
Sustainability, Culture, and Music
Sustainability Initiatives NMIA goes beyond conventional airport practices, boasting a solar-powered water treatment plant. This commitment to environmental sustainability aligns with Jamaica's dedication to preserving its natural resources, offering travelers a glimpse into the country's eco-conscious ethos.  
Rooftop Beehive
Adding sweetness to sustainability, NMIA hosts a rooftop beehive producing honey for airport dining establishments. This eco-initiative not only supports local bee populations but also provides a unique gastronomic experience for travelers.   Bob Marley Lounge For music enthusiasts, the airport's dedicated Bob Marley Lounge is a pilgrimage into the reggae legend's world. Immerse yourself in the melodies, surrounded by memorabilia that encapsulates the spirit of Jamaican music.   Tourist Magnet NMIA isn't just an airport; it's a destination in itself. Welcoming visitors from around the world, its vibrant atmosphere sets the stage for an unforgettable Jamaican adventure. The airport serves as the first chapter in a journey through the captivating attractions of the island.  
Norman Manley International Airport transcends its role as a transit point, embodying the very soul of Jamaica. From the architectural fusion that greets arrivals to the rich artistic tapestry within, and the commitment to sustainable practices, every aspect of NMIA narrates a story of a nation proud of its heritage. As you journey through this aviation landmark, let the legacy of Norman Manley and the warmth of the Jamaican people be your guide, promising not just a trip but an immersion into the heart of the Caribbean.   Sources: THX News & Wikipedia. Read the full article
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automaticar · 10 months
Palisado Cemetery - Ancient Burying Ground - Capture Visual Marketing
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automaticvr · 10 months
Palisado Cemetery - Ancient Burying Ground - Capture Visual Marketing
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lovedvra · 11 months
SAD Season Dreams: a few thoughts on seasonal affective disorder and depression
Hi lovelies! Are you conscious of the things you tell yourself and how they affect your life? Or do you repress your thoughts and hope they disappear? SAD season is here. Here are a few of my truths and what I'm doing about it.
Depressed? Dream a little. That’s my remedy or maybe that’s the nice way of saying disassociate a little. It always happens when life feels more chaotic than ever and I’m overwhelmed by the emotions it brings. A lot of the times that happens during SAD (seasonal affective disorder) season. Broken fort at Palisadoes, Kingston, Jamaica. Photo by Albert’s Photography This time I had a dream. I was…
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extinctionblues · 1 year
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Palisado Cemetery 2020
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swforester · 2 years
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Palisado Cemetery est 1633
Windsor CT 2/10/23
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thirteen-autumns · 2 years
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Windsor, Connecticut.
Palisado Cemetery.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On May 11th  1685  Margaret Lachlane, or McLachlan, and Margaret Wilson were put to death.
The sins of our past are sair tae bare at times and this is certainly one that qualifies as such, what makes it all the more sad is that they had been reprieved, but the distance from Edinburgh to Wigtown but for reasons unknown it never made it to save the women.
Here’s the background, some of you might know but not all, back in 17th century religion was very important to most people in Scotland, indeed the world over. The reformation waa over and Protestants were in the vast majority, especially in the more populace lowlands.  By now The Stuart Monarchy ruled both Scotland and England, having survived a civil war in which Charles I lost his head, eventually his son, Charle II was invited back to take the throne. You would have thought that Charles II had learned his lesson, his old boy had tried to enforce the English form of the Protestant religion in Scotland but failed, young Charles tried again but the Scots were not having it, many Scots signed what is known as The National Covenant that pledged to defend “their” true religion against innovations like those down south. Many were put to death for refusing to swear allegiance to the King and “his” prayer book. Over the years there were many battles and lives lost, it is now known in Scotland as “The Killing Time"
ny way the people thought it might come to an end in February 1658 when Charles II died, those who had been hiding from persecution started returning to their homes, including  the young Wilson girls who were sheltered at the home of  Margaret McLachlan, a 63 year old widow who lived at Drumjargan in Kirkinner Parish.  A local man betrayed them when they came into Wigtown, and the two girls were taken prisoner.  At the same time, Margaret McLachlan was seized while at prayer in her own home, and held in custody with them.  The women were required to take the Oath of Abjuration which had earlier been administered to everyone in the County over the age of 13 years.  This had been introduced on 25 November 1684 by the Privy Council, in order to catch sympathisers of Richard Cameron.  In a public declaration at Sanquhar Cross, Cameron had denounced the King as a tyrant and declared war on him.
Refusal to swear the Oath allowed execution without trial;  men could be hanged or shot;  a new sentence had been introduced for women:  death by drowning.  The women refused the Oath and were brought before the Commission.  The Commissioners, Grierson of Lagg, Sheriff David Graham (Claverhouse’s brother), Major Windram, Captain Strachan and Provost Coltrane of Wigtown, have been described as “five of the most vicious scoundrels in Scotland”.  
Margaret McLachlan with Margaret and Agnes Wilson were found guilty on all charges and they were sentenced “to be tyed to palisadoes and fixed in the sand, within the flood mark, at the mouth of the Blednoch stream, and there to stand till the flood over flowed them, and [they] drowned”.  Agnes Wilson (aged only thirteen at the time) was reprieved, when her father promised to pay a bond of £100, a fortune in that day.
A pardon was issued in Edinburgh, dated 30 April 1685, for both women   It remains a mystery what happened to it, since no record of it remains beyond the Council Chamber.  They were taken out and tied to stakes in the waters of the Bladnoch on 11 May 1685.  The older woman was tied deeper in the river channel forcing young Margaret to witness her death, in the hope that she would relent.  Instead, she seemed to take strength from the older woman’s fate, singing a psalm, and quoting scripture.
The events are recorded in the Kirk Session records of both Penninghame and Kirkinner parishes, vouched for by elders and ministers who were present on the day, and the records confirmed by the Presbytery of Wigtown.  The Penninghame records say that Margaret Wilson’s head was held up from the water, in order to ask her if she would pray for the King.  She answered that she wished the salvation of all men, but the damnation of none.  When her watching relatives cried out that this proved she was willing to conform, Major Windram offered her the Oath of Abjuration again, but she refused, saying “I am one of Christ’s children; let me go”.
The Kirkinner records state that Margaret McLachan’s head had been “held down within the water by one of the town officers by his halberd at her throat, til she died”.  A popular account adds that the officer said “then tak’ another drink o’t my hearty”.  Legend has it that for the rest of his life the man had an unquenchable thirst, and had to stop and drink from every ditch, stream, or tap he passed, and he was deserted by his friends.
Likewise the constable named Bell, who had carried out his duties with a notable lack of feeling, allegedly said, when asked how the women had behaved, “O, they just clepped roun the stobs, like partans and prayed”.  Clepped means web-footed, partans are crabs.  Bell’s wife bore three children all with “clepped” fingers, and the family was referred to as “the Cleppie Bells” which was believed to be the sins of the father being visited on the children.
It was not only women who died, William Johnstone, John Milroy and George Walker were hanged in Wigtown the same year, for refusal to take the oath, but Margaret Wilson, due to her young age has become the most famous of the martyrs and is the subject of a famous painting by the English artist  John Everett Millais called The Martyr of Solway.
Art conservators have x-rayed the painting and found out that Millais had originally painted the upper torso of the young woman naked.  However when the painting was exhibited in 1871 there were strong puritanical views on nudity in paintings and Millais’ work offended Victorian sensibilities.  It was badly received and was the butt of many negatively critical reviews. Hence it was painted over to save the Victorian eyes of such a sight!
If you have evered wandered around  Stirling Old Town Cemetery there is a monument, enclosed in glass, to the Wigtown Martyrs, further afield a  Victorian statue of Margaret Wilson’s martyrdom is on display at Knox College, University of Toronto, Canada, as seen in the last pic.
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Brownstone deaths head marker carved by Thomas Johnson I of Chatham (now Portland Connecticut) dated 1720.  Thomas Johnson I was one of the early carvers of Portland Brownstone, after James and William Stanclift.   Unlike the Stanclifts who specialized in table markers and usually carved simple headstones with minimal design work, Thomas Johnson looked at the elaborate Boston style slate markers imported for wealthier customers, and used these as inspiration for his work.  His early work (such as this stone) usually feature whirl rosettes, abstract borders and a winged skull with gnashing teeth.  Later he would adopt more elaborate plant/vine borders and shift into a less frightening skull type and eventually cherubs.  He was soon the most popular carver in the Connecticut valley with his work present in every town on the Connecticut river and many beyond.  He eventually formed a partnership with the Stanclifts and jointly owned the Chatham Quarries and eventually purchased the entire quarry. He had a son (Thomas Johnson II) who learned from his father and would continue the family business and his grandson Thomas Johnson III would further it even more.  The “Thomas Johnsons” as they were called, were very prolific and skilled carvers who’s work spreads far across the state and beyond with every town on the Connecticut River and Coast from Greenwich to Stonington having examples of their work, as well as many interior towns of CT, as well as fair numbers of stones in parts of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York (Especially Long Island) among others.  All of the Johnsons were also trendsetters in gravestone designs, with many imitators who slavishly copied their designs.  This stone is in the Palisado Cemetery in Windsor Connecticut.
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