#palpatine and rey
galactic-rhea · 3 months
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More silly Luke Skysilverfoxwalker doodles
in my mind, almost nothing of the sequels is canon, but Luke is still grumpy and somewhat depressed, his dad tries to help tho
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artist-issues · 11 months
I just NEED everyone to agree with me that Rey's parents are nobody. We should all agree about that. We should collectively, as an audience, say, "clearly the best idea was to have Kylo Ren be a dynastic heir to the major legends of the Force who wants to throw off his family's shadow, while his rival is nobody from nowhere who wants to belong--so we're going to stick with that."
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And then, what should have happened is, Rey can finish her story by being able to say, "My parents might have abandoned me, but that doesn't mean I'm worthless." And eventually Kylo Ren can say, "My family might have been powerful, but I don't have to be," and all those other things that they can bounce off of each other as great foils.
It can keep being a good story about accepting past failures and choosing to grow beyond them.
Let's just all collectively ignore Rey Skypatine because of how silly that was. I mean. If they can just ignore the setups in the previous movie, we can ignore their choices in the conclusion. Right?? Right? Tell me I'm right
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msuolo · 18 days
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
Your most recent comic page makes me wonder what a Rey & Luke vs Vader & Palpatine teamup would look like.
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tarzelladraws · 20 days
Build your own Reylo au!
I had so much fun making these. A lot of the little facts are ideas taken from years of fanfic reading. Let me know what your pair is!
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maingh0st · 1 month
i know i'm not the first to say this, but the acolyte's cancellation has confirmed how tired i am of disney's decision-making when it comes to their content. i know nostalgia is the easiest way to a big payout, but we can only take so many spinoffs before the universe starts to feel too small. but then fresh content—content that's building on the canon by looking to old star wars lore while asking new questions—fizzles out.
it's the sequel trilogy all over again. we're promised something new, something that actually expands the canon rather than just recycling it, even bringing in concepts from legends, and then the rug is ripped out from underneath us & we're punished for ever caring about any of it. silly babygirl! palpatine was always the big bad (don't worry about the fact that this is thematically nonsense and not foreshadowed in any way), and rey isn't a nobody ("your parents sold you because they loved you"), and this isn't a story about how the force transcends human categories and dynasties (represented by a grey jedi force dyad between a legacy skywalker and a nobody orphan from a backwater planet, fulfilling not only balance between light and dark but also transcending the old to become something new). silly idiot!!! rey's a palpatine by birth and a skywalker by self-adoption and god forbid she create her own identity outside of these names our fans recognize. watch as she stands alone on a sand planet that has no personal significance to her, ending her arc almost exactly as she began. but look!! two suns! neat
i don't even know if fanservice is the right word. at a certain point, it just starts to feel like they're quaking in their boots at the thought of doing anything new. i had my gripes with some of the choices in the acolyte, but at least it was unique. it explored a new era and asked questions that star wars has only ever flirted with. like: what happens to the children who are uprooted from their homes at such a young age, yet can't find their place in the jedi order? how does one survive in a supposedly honorable system that nevertheless relies on the repression of some of humanity's most fundamental emotions? is it possible that an organization dictating exactly how one ought to interact with the very life force of the universe... could perhaps be faulty and shortsighted? what happens when the ways of that order clash with other cultures and worldviews? (spoilers: space colonialism). and that's not even to mention the ideas they play with re: the force itself (vergences! plagueis! force witches!)
i know not everyone loved the show, but a lot of people really did care about it. a lot of people, like me, were excited to see these new questions being raised. but forget it—the disney gods have decreed that it didn't hit some magical threshold of streaming hours or reach a "broad enough" audience in the two months it's been out. but don't worry guys. turn your brains off and tune in for the next spinoff 2 chewy 2 bacca
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lokicanyouhearmee · 8 months
God damnn I need to see the high quality version of this Reylo kiss!!! Still can't get over it 😭 ( This image came from the same 4chan guy who leaked TROS spoilers)
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saphronethaleph · 3 months
“I never wanted you dead,” Sheev said, smiling in a grandfatherly sort of way, which he was terrible at. “I wanted you here… Empress Palpatine.”
He gestured. “You will take the throne. It is your birthright to rule here. It is in your blood. Our blood.”
“I haven’t come to lead the Sith,” Rey replied, then there was a loud doom doom doom sound of someone knocking on a door.
“Who is that?” Palpatine asked.
Then Luke Skywalker entered the room, limned with blue light.
So did his father, Anakin Skywalker, and Leia Organa Solo. And Yoda, hovering along on a spectral hoverchair, and Qui-Gon Jinn, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Count Dooku.
“...um,” Rey began. “Master…s?”
“Rey,” Luke replied, with a nod. “You were right, by the way.”
“What is this?” Palpatine asked, his voice hushed and touched with fear. “What are you doing?”
“You never heard the story of Master Qui-Gon the Insightful?” Anakin asked.
“I’m insightful?” Qui-Gon said, sounding pleased.
“You are certainly something,” Dooku said, as Yoda chuckled.
Palpatine looked like he might be about to have an aneurysm.
“It’s not a story the Sith would have told you,” Anakin went on, with a terrible glee in his tone. “You see, the Light Side is a path to many abilities some would consider to be… supernatural.”
“Got that out of your system?” Obi-Wan asked.
“For now,” Anakin shrugged.
“What-” Palpatine sputtered. “What are you – this isn’t possible! You are dead! It is the Sith who can defy death!”
“The evidence suggests otherwise,” Leia smiled, then cleared her throat. “Sheev Palpatine. We are formally accusing you of-”
“Um,” Rey said, a bit hesitantly. “Sorry to interrupt… I recognize most of you as Jedi, but what is Count Dooku doing here?”
“Probation,” Yoda stated. “Very nicely, he has asked.”
“We are formally,” Leia stressed, “accusing you of, among other assorted crimes, thirty-seven thousand, eight hundred and twenty-seven counts of murder by use of a blunt instrument – to whit, a Clone Army – counting only those who were members of the Jedi Order in good standing at the time of their respective deaths, though we acknowledge that the number murdered on your orders is beyond easy counting. You are accused of treason in times of war and peace alike, of enforced disappearances, of enslavement, of wilful torture, of assorted Crimes Against Sapience, and of Consorting With Ye Powers Of Darknesse, which to my surprise was still on the books of the Old Republic.”
“There are, as the Princess says, many other crimes,” Dooku added. “But we believe those should be enough to be getting on with. For a start.”
Palpatine stared, then laughed.
“You – you are trying me?” he asked. “In what court? By what authority? I am authority! I reject your powerless, toothless threats! I am above punishment!”
“I think we’ll consider that a plea of ‘guilty’, then,” Obi-Wan said. “Wouldn’t you say?”
“That sounds reasonable enough to me,” Qui-Gon agreed. “All right. Grandmaster, if you would do the honours?”
Yoda raised his gimmer stick, and a bolt of lightning hit Palpatine on the head.
The Sith half-stood half-fell out of his chair, trying to hide behind it, then scowled at his own reaction and shot lightning at one of the Force Ghosts.
It passed right through Leia without doing anything at all.
Rey raised her hand.
“Am I still needed here?” she asked.
“You know, I think we can handle this ourselves?” Count Dooku said, courteously, then turned to Palpatine. “Know this, Sidious. You destroyed the Jedi Order, and now the Order will destroy you. If you return, you will be destroyed again. And again. Forty thousand angry ghosts cry out for vengeance.”
Qui-Gon coughed.
“Terminology, Master,” he said.
“Forty thousand annoyed ghosts seek justice,” Count Dooku corrected, as more Force Ghosts began to enter the chamber – walking through the walls in ranks, their ghostly lightsabers held high. “Is that better?”
“It’ll do,” Obi-Wan decided. “We appreciate you making the effort.”
Palpatine did not appreciate him making the effort.
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Barbie (written by Greta Gerwig, delivered by America Ferrera)
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lilibethdrawsreylo · 6 months
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Darkside Deity, full version.
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thatcutenerdygirl · 1 month
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clonebrainrot · 4 months
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msuolo · 10 months
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What's the story?
canonverse au
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fl0-0ra · 6 months
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Tattooist Kylo Ren and Florist Rey
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basementexplorer07 · 16 days
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kazoosandfannypacks · 10 months
star wars sequel trilogy au where rey isn't palpatine's granddaughter, she's his great-niece, because her father is emperor palpatine's nephew, ezra bridger..... *[i am shot by a sniper on the roof and never seen again]*
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