#panera spread
beansprean · 11 months
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Fun fact: the Mexican free tailed bat is the fastest mammal in the world.
My Familiar’s Ghost part 49
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1. Close up of vampire Guillermo as he rips his way out of the cloak tied around him, angry and snarling, bloodied stake still clutched in his right hand. 2. Repeat. From somewhere offscreen, between the panels, Nandor speaks: 'Okay, okay, I can see you are still upset with me, but...' Guillermo flips his head left and right, scenting the air with glowing eyes as he searches for Nandor. 3. Low shot from behind Guillermo's shoulder as he whips his head up toward the ceiling. Nandor is pressed up into the corner above the drink machine and a CPR poster, arms and legs spread out as he sticks to the wall spiderman style. He gives Guillermo a nervous grin and continues, 'Do you really want to kill me?' 4. Zoom in on Nandor as a stake flies into frame from below. Nandor quickly poofs into a bat with a 'yeek!' and dodges to one side, eyes wide and panicked. The stake embeds itself two inches into the sheetrock precisely where Nandor's heart had been a moment before. 5. Wide shot from above as Nandor turns toward the viewer and begins to fly frantically away from Guillermo, squeaking, 'Okay, you do! You do!' On the ground below, Guillermo glares after him, fists raised in readiness, before poofing into a bat himself and swooping in after Nandor, fangs bared and eyes glowing. 6a. Mid air bat fighting! Guillermo, his Mexican free tailed bat form about half the size of Nandor's greater noctule bat form, catches up quickly and lashes out with his clawed feet, screeching. Nandor dodges, turning himself in a barrel roll. 6b. Guillermo lunches out with his teeth, snapping at empty air as Nandor launches himself upward in a few harried flaps. 7. Shot from behind as Nandor turns tail and flees, flying toward the open door to the hallway, Guillermo in hot pursuit. 8. Shot from the front as Nandor, in the foreground, flies through the hall back to the main room of the Panera, panicked and grimacing. Guillermo is following close behind, hissing menacingly, his eyes leaving glowing trails as he whips through the air in hairpin turns. 9. Repeat. Nandor emerges into the main room and pauses, slowing his flight as he glances behind him and realizes Guillermo is not there. 10. Guillermo, back in vampire form, ambushes from the side and grabs Nandor with his left hand, smashing and pinning him into a nearby wall before he has a chance to dodge. The wall cracks and buckles with the force of his attack. Nandor opens his tiny little bat mouth as if to cry out in pain. Guillermo snarls open-mouthed, right hand raised with claws out to attack again. /end ID
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mesperyiandevotee · 5 months
🦄unihorns4salenotscam follow
can the nation-people rpf shippers STOP posting their headcanons and fic in the main tag????? People use the main tag for REAL information and news about the reps!
🚬fruityfag follow
says the person wiht a link to their scotnor fics in their pinned
🦄unihorns4salenotscam follow
did I say anything about NOT writing nation-people rpf AT ALL?? No?? I said to keep it out of the 👏MAIN👏 TAG. piss on the poor ass website I swear.
🌋hallgrimskirkjafucksnotredame follow
Yo guys? I think one of the nation-people found this post. Mr France literally posted this an hour ago:
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🥑anavocadothaaaaaaaanks follow
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Hey uh........... did anyone tell the US rep that those panera bred lemonades are hella caffeinated??
how. how many did he drink?
🐗40to50wildhogs follow
He's literally immortal he's fine.
🦬alfredfjoneshater follow
FUCKING 12????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
👻givemeblueflowers follow
He was in the middle of drinking lemonade 13 when he kicked the bucket. Some tiktoker was recording him on a Live
apparently he was with m. Denmark. who. kept drinking more lemonades until the manager cut him off...
🥀valentinorose follow
P sure dude said once he ate hellebore like salad. Not surprised.
i thought he only said that to make historians leave him alone
No no, I believe it
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OK. Let's settle this.
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🎪thenightcircusstolemylunchmoney follow
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Anyone else notice he does this when some senator or w/e pisses him off?
🏒ruscanhockeyrpf follow
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the fbi got him
#war thunder #nation people bs
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❄️snowmiserbottomsurgery follow
not the swifties acting racist af after mr. korea called taylor "that one a-pop artist" 💀💀💀
❄️snowmiserbottomsurgery follow
me looking at the notes ONE FUCKING HOUR after i hit post:
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I'm convinced tswifts has mind control powers like how england sees fairies or miss belarus sees ghosts
🥐iaminlepain follow
Everyone needs to stop spreading around that the nation people have magic powers it's been proven again and again that it's fake.
☕blackcoffeegayweexist follow
realzombiedavie why'd you use an honorific for Miss Belarus but not Mr. England?
Cuz I actually respect Miss Belarus lmao
#RIP to OPs notes #turning off my asks in case england stans come after me again
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📰nationrep-rpf-confessions follow
Dear god wtf is up with all the colonizer/colony (or ex-colony) ships lately??! I know RPF is already a gray area morally, but can we at least not be gross about it?!
This is some of the most low effort bait I've ever seen.
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📎cl1ppyrev1val follow
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Thanks for using my correct pronouns tho ig?
📍geoguessr-lowscore follow
the "schrodinger's country person" is sending me
🗡️teutonicsword follow
#negative tag #nation people mention #doesn't op write liechtenstein x reader? why's anon salty about the pruliech?
if anon's the person i'm thinking of, they selfship with Miss Liechtenstein and harrass anyone else that selfships with her or ships her with another cuntry-person
#oh god i'm p sure i know who anon is #hasn't staff termed them like 6 times? #how many accounts have they made?
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🐻‍❄️hibernatingkumaku follow
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🐻‍❄️hibernatingkumaku follow
@ everyone asking me for the link here it is enjoy.
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seat-safety-switch · 10 months
Good news! After several months of appeals to the bureaucrats, fat cats, and showboaters at City Hall, they have approved my petition. What petition, you ask, your eyes widening in what my socialization exercise book tells me is a look of fear. It is my pedestrian petition.
You see, for the last couple years, delivery robots have been menacing Western civilization. At first, the cute little boxes on wheels would just do tiny fuck-ups. Maybe one would drive through an active crime scene, spreading blood and DNA evidence all over the place as it drove over the body. Perhaps one would adorably smash through a plate glass window of a department store, having detected a faster route to its destination.
The cops were powerless. These things had wheels, and that made them cars. And if there's one thing cops can't do, it's stop cars from behaving badly. After all, the cops drive cars, and if the cops ticket people in cars... they could accidentally ticket a cop, too. So they just held off for awhile. Awhile, that is, until my petition cleared, and By-Law 69-B: Reclassification of Pedestrians Act, was approved. This made the robots into, as you might have guessed, regular old pedestrians, like you and me.
Sure, the first week or so was a bloodbath, as law enforcement opened fire on any robot that so much as beep-booped too close to their cars. After they got tired and had a nap, though, the rest of us got to have our fun, too. For instance, I was waiting at the light the other day, when a Panera Bread-emblazoned robot was slowly toodling across the crosswalk in front of me. I immediately floored it. Working the wheel, I jagged my vehicle into a hard right turn without checking if I had the right of way, heartlessly crushing the robot to a billion pieces of high-impact polycarbonate beneath the knobby offroad tires of my long-wheelbase seven-seat SUV.
I'll never forget the pitiful moans it made as it died, nor will I forget the incredible sandwich that it contained within. And the best part is that it was free of both guilt and any legal complications, thanks to the state's tacit endorsement of vehicular manslaughter. After all, driving a car is hard enough: why add uncomfortable laws about having to look out for other road users?
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always-omo · 11 months
My first involuntary wetting
I’ve been holding for years but I’ve never been able to wet myself without making a conscience decision. Today I decided I was going to change that.
I woke up with a full bladder and tossed and turned in bed till I had to get up to go pee. Maybe this weakened my bladder?
I ran by Panera and got a 30 oz dr pepper and a 20 oz water and then went to get my nails done by the end of the hour my urge was barely 1/10
I decided to waste some time by going in and out of shops around the area. At this point my Dr Pepper was finished but I still had 20 oz of water to drink
I took my cup of water with me into target and told myself I would browse until all my water was gone (I’m a slow drinker) once the water was finished I was at a 4/10
I continued my shopping, this time I headed to the mall my urge was around 6/10 by the time I got there and I was just trying not to look suspicious
I then went into a department store and that’s when the urge REALLY hit me. I walked around for a solid 45 minutes sweating and blushing and trying to look normal. My goal was to stay away from the bathroom until I couldn’t hold without potty dancing. My urethra was tingling and I felt like I had a balloon in my belly.
At 2:45 I couldn’t take it anymore and rushed to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet and the piss trickled slowly out of me. I stopped my stream when I felt that most of the piss was out of me. I left the store at a 3/10
On the way home I ran by Starbucks and got a venti refresher and sipped on it in the drive. When I got home I was at a 5/10 and decided to ramp things up a notch.
I drew a bath and locked the bathroom door and finished my Starbucks and a glass of water. I stripped down into nothing but a white body suit with snaps at the crotch. Once the water and refresher hit my bladder I was at a 8/10.
Soon I got frantic. I went from sitting down to pacing and couldn’t stop rubbing my crotch or else I knew I’d piss everywhere. My urethra felt exhausted and I knew I wouldn’t last much longer.
I bent over the sink and that’s when I felt it. Relief. The best feeling I’ve ever felt. The tiniest little dribble pushed its way out of my bladder and into my bodysuit. I rubbed the small wet patch until I felt it again. This time it was a little bit larger. I could barely stand up straight I had to potty so bad. I sat on the potty with my bodysuit still on and relaxed. I wasn’t trying to pee, just trying to torture myself. But then I started spraying. Piss got all over my bodysuit and on the rim of the potty.
I let out about half of my potty before I stopped. I sat back down and rubbed myself for a little. Then it hit me again and I decided to stand in the tub and spread my pussy lips and spray piss all over the shower. Eventually my stream ended but I knew I still had some potty in me so I tinkled all down my legs and hands and it felt sooo good.
Now it’s 5:00 and I’m at a 4/10 and I hope that my bladder is too weak to hold much more potty inside tonight!
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oliveroctavius · 11 months
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Let's look briefly at the Coffee Bean in Spider-Man comics!
Contrary to popular memory, Peter's college pals initially met up at a diner called the Silver Spoon (ASM 44, but also 46, 52, possibly 125).
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The spread at the top of this post takes a lot from this place's layout. But as newcomer MJ might have pointed out, diners are so fifties. The modern teen needed someplace cooler and edgier to hang out. Somewhere more underground. Literally.
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Maps place The Coffee Bean alternately in East Village or Tribeca. The beret and glasses? The lowercase Dante's Inferno quote? The wall-hung guitar? So hipster. Wait, wrong decade. So beatnik.
The OG Bean didn't show up much more frequently than the Silver Spoon (ASM 53, 59, and 82, most notably), but it's the one that stuck in the cultural imagination. I enjoy Tim Sale's take in Spider-Man: Blue with the unfinished basement look and cult film posters.
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In early modern flashbacks, the location is plagued by a specific continuity problem: "then [character] leaps through the WINDOW!" from new writers who missed the fact that it's below ground. In ASM Annual '96, JRSr complies by raising the ceiling a level!
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The Sensational Spider-Man Annual's approach to the Coffee Bean makes me a bit sad. Dialogue repeatedly emphasizes its unique character and long history and how well MJ knows the place. But it's drawn aboveground and totally generic. (This from an issue with a dozen Silver Age panels directly traced!)
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It's not the first time that happens, but here feels like a critical failure of show-don't-tell. The eventual window smash is worth it, but... I'd argue this would work better set at the Silver Spoon (where MJ actually met the gang, old in an uncool way, aboveground) instead.
Brand New Day reestablishes a solid sense of place for the Coffee Bean. Brick and glass entryway, a logo that's less beatnik and more Starbuck, and an interior that reminds me of a Panera Bread.
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(If it's supposed to be canon that the new more corporate look is due to renovations by Harry, that's been lost in the shuffle. But it would make sense to me. His effort at impressing Norman with a plan to make the Bean a chain store circa ASM 569 would extend his trend of editorializing his own memories.)
While it still teleports between Astor Place and Tribeca, this version has now had more consistent (and just more) appearances than the original. And, of course, it has a beautiful bank of windows to—
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Ah, that's more like it.
The Coffee Bean has become a symbol of innocent nostalgia and a happier past. It was also (as designed by Romita Sr) a virtual bunker: not until 1977 would superheroics be written to take place inside the Coffee Bean. (ASM Annual #11—Romita Jr's first ever penciling job on Spider-Man, interestingly.)
As a silver age icon, the location was physically safe and interruption-free in a way that even Peter's apartments and Aunt May's house couldn't be. The architecture—and how it's changed—has been a large part of that symbolism, underappreciated as it sometimes is.
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I keep forgetting to post my spreads lately, so enjoy this one from a couple weeks ago along with the book I finished a bit ago as well.
Also, the chocolate croissant from Panera Bread, 10/10 would recommend 🤤
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becomingkatie · 2 months
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Eclipse Trip 2024 || Burlington, VT
Burlington is one of the few places I think Ken and I could agree to move to. (I love Atlanta and would move back in a heartbeat but Ken won’t go south of here; I don’t really want to move time zones and go west.) My uncle and his husband live here (I always say “my uncles” but then people think it’s a big chunk of my family, but no it’s just the one couple) and we visited them once pre-pandemic. They showed us around and I talked for ages about moving up there. I still love it.
We originally planned to go to Ohio and do Cedar Point, but it’s not open this early in the year. So last April, a year out, we paid like $300 a night for a holiday inn express in south Burlington. It was completely booked, along with everywhere else. It was hands-down the busiest I’ve ever seen a hotel breakfast. Every seat at every table full!
I convinced Ken to agree to a glass blowing class and it was a highlight for sure! We made cups! It’s one of those crafts that I just don’t know how anyone gets into unless they have a family member who does it. Like, the entry into it just seems so tough. But a one-hour class was a really good insight into it.
On Sunday we scoped out potential viewing spots. We picked a park on the lake 3 miles from our hotel so we could walk there and back and not deal with parking. We were there around 4:30, so later than the eclipse would be the next day, but could still get an idea of where the sun would be in the sky when thinking of potential spots to sit and watch. It was funny, us and everyone else walking around, whispering because we didn’t want to share our thoughts about where we planned to be.
Ultimately, it was busy but not insane. We were still quite a bit south of downtown and the university campus, which I think was much more packed. We picked up bagel sandwiches to bring with us and had little portable camp chairs. We got there a bit before noon, and totality was at 3:26. I loved seeing all the dogs. The feeling of community during totality was really cool.
Now that we’ve experienced it, we both say we’d travel under 3 hours to see it again (not the 10 hours we traveled this time), or further if it was somewhere we had family or otherwise already wanted to visit. But we wouldn’t plan more eclipse vacations just to see more eclipses. We’re both really glad we did this one though!
The drive home took 12 hours instead of 10. Since the eclipse was a Monday, travel in was spread out between some people coming in Saturday and some on Sunday, but basically everyone left Tuesday and it was bad traffic. Then we stopped at Panera and discovered they changed the menu and no longer have any of Ken’s favorite items!
Overall a fantastic trip, even with the tough journey home. I’m not allowed to send Ken Zillow links to Burlington homes for a month - he’s convinced the vacation excitement will wear off, and with it my desire to move. But I have a vision of myself in Chelsea boots boiling sap from a tree in my yard to make maple syrup and I will not let go of this imagined Vermont Katie.
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kaseylynnwriting · 2 months
First Meeting- Finn and Yvette
“I think you’re just being pa— FINN, stop!” I slammed on the breaks, sending us both lurching forward into the dashboard.
“What the hell was that for?” I demanded. Before she could answer, something hopped up on the hood. A slender orange and white cat peered at me through the windshield, it’s dark eyes narrowed. I felt a chill go down my spine and spread through my fingers.
She unbuckled and threw open her door.
“Stupid cat—”
Before it could make a move, Adalie had it by the scruff of its neck and brought it back into the car.
“You almost got hit. You got a death wish or what?!” She demanded, holding it out and scolding it as though it had any earthly idea what she was saying.
“Put it down before it scratches you.” I hissed. From the way that it’s fur’d started to fluff up along its tail, I knew that it wasn’t thrilled with being manhandled.
I won’t scratch her. I’ll just bite the end of her nose off.
The voice came from inside my head. I froze, my fingers tense against the steering wheel. With a shaky breath, I pulled up to the exit and started to watch for an opportunity to make a left turn. No way. There’s no way. I imagined it. It was just… my subconscious. Intrusive thoughts. Maybe I’ve been playing too many video games. I leaned forward to see past a line of bushes that blocked the view of the road. One car to the right, three left… Turning was always a bit of a risk, but most students learned how to time it correctly without causing a massive pile up. A few honks were commonplace, but there hadn’t been a wreck since the first day of school- and that was remarkable. I managed to turn and ignored the warning beep from the Jeep Wrangler I’d somewhat cut off.
“We can’t take it all of the way home with us,” I said. Adalie relinquished her hold on the cat, and it had bounded into the backseat.
I hate to break it to ya, but it looks like that’s exactly where I’m going. I watched, in the rearview, as it circled a few times, its claws digging into the faux leather with tiny popping sounds.
You aren’t speaking. I know that. It’s just my subconscious.
I’m glad you’re already sitting down, because I am most definitely the one speaking. Just stay calm. We don’t want you to crash or almost hit any other cats, do we?
“Hey, don’t forget about the Panera order…” Adalie said, motioning to the street ahead. I pulled over into the right turn lane and waited for the cars on the other side to finish crossing over.
This isn’t possible. I gotta be losing it. That’s the only explanation.
Maybe we should start with introductions, first. My name is Yvette and I am your guardian.
What, like guardian angel? I snorted. Adalie turned to look at me, her brow furrowed.
“Are you okay? You got randomly, weirdly quiet all of a sudden. Is it the cat? I don’t think its gonna attack you. We can let her out once we get home. I just don’t want it wandering around near such a busy road where she absolutely will get squashed.”
“Yvette.” I said reflexively. “Her name is Yvette.”
“You named her?”
“It just…feels like a good name.”
“You don’t know if its a girl, anyway. Aren’t most orange cats boys?”
“I just know that she’s a girl, Adalie. I can’t really explain it. I just know that’s what she wants her name to be.”
Her mouth curved into an amused little grin. Turning in the seat, she reached her hand out towards the back. Yvette huffed, her tail swishing back and force as she eyed her fingers with what I could only describe as complete and utter disdain. With a scowl, she pulled her hand back. With a purr, Yvette settled into the seat, curling her paws in under herself. I turned into the parking lot.
“Are you planning on keeping her?”
“I don’t know. We can figure that out later. Go get our food.”
“Why do I have to get it?”
“Because I paid for it, I drove you here. I picked you up from school.”
“You go to the same school. It’s not like it was out of y-”
“Just go and get the damn food. Please.” She mumbled something under her breath, mocking me, no doubt, but got out of the car and slammed the door behind her.
“Okay,” I spun around in the seat. Yvette popped open one eye and stretched out before hopping up onto the center console.
“You’ve got until she comes back to tell me what’s going on. What are you? Why are you hear?”
I can’t answer every question you have right now.
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multitaskingwhore · 2 days
How Sweet - Newjeans
Ik this is the ever controversial kpop machine loving to give us less music and more things to buy however i rly love this little singles album.
anyways... me & a friend bought a ver each and then had some paneras (it was yum the house) and then i redecorated my door
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door reveal
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the spread
but anyways the two songs on the cd are "How Sweet" and "Bubble Gum".
these r two picmixes that use some lyrics of each song, however the tones are entirely different
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from How Sweet
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from Bubble Gum
hope u enjoy & check out my picmix acc :3
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age-of-greta · 2 years
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The Lovers
The Lovers represent relationships and choices. Its appearance in a spread indicates some decision about an existing relationship, a temptation of the heart, or a choice of potential partners. Often an aspect of the querent's life will have to be sacrificed; a bachelor's lifestyle may be sacrificed and a relationship gaine, or one potential partner may be chosen while another is turned down. Whatever the choice, it should not be made lightly, as the ramifications will be lasting
Author’s note: hi!! as always this fic will contain two time jumps, then and today. I proofread, but typos happen! Still planning on posting weekly! Enjoy!
Pairings: Jake x reader & Sam x reader
Warnings: cursing, alcohol consumption, adult content, minors DNI
Word count: 6.8k
Monday was a long day. You had a morning torts class, followed up by yoga, then you were showered and in the office by noon. You didn’t have set hours since you were basically on call 24/7. Your uncle never made you work on weekends or breaks that your colleges had. He wanted you to be a kid as long as you could. It’s not like you didn’t know what you were doing, you had been working there since your freshman year of college. You knew the law, you just had to have a certificate and take an exam to prove it. Your office attire was a bodycon calf-length grey dress with black open-toed heels. However this would not suffice for the concert so in your car you brought one of your favorite outfits. It was a pleather two-piece set. The top looked like a cropped corset and the pants were skin tight with cutouts in the side. You knew it looked amazing on you, but you were nervous about dressing so scandalous hoping it wouldn’t send the wrong message. At around 5 you ordered soup and salad to your desk from Panera for dinner, and at 5:30 everyone had left the office but you. You told your uncle you would lock up because you wanted to study there for a while. When he left you lept up from your desk and headed straight to your car. You grabbed your makeup bag, curling iron, and your outfit plus jewelry. You sat at your desk and began to apply a brown black smokey eye, heavier bronzer, more blush, and a glossy pink lip. Next was your hair, which you put some beachy waves in and sprayed them into place. It was 6:50 at this point and the concert started at 8, you were perfect on time. At 7:10 you walked out of the firm with your outfit and gold jewelry on. You clicked down the street in the same black heels you had been wearing all day just down the block to the theater. You were giddy and excited to see how they performed. When you rounded the corner you were surprised to see a good bit of a line of people outside. You walked up to the box office and told them your name. You were then given a VIP pass and taken in through the side entrance and led to the boy’s dressing room.
“I don’t want to cover The Beatles. That seems cliche.” You hear Josh say as you walk in the door.
Immediately all eyes are on you, and it’s not hard to figure out why.
“Hello everyone.” You say awkwardly.
Sam coughs really loud. “Sorority girl! You made it and you look uh-wow incredible.” He says as he leans in for a hug.
Then you notice their outfits. Josh is in low rise jeans and a vest with hordes of necklaces. Danny is in black jeans and a white fringe top. Sam is wearing just black dress pants and necklaces, Jake is sitting on the couch with black dress pants with white details on the side with a matching blazer and necklaces. You can feel he’s staring straight into your soul. They all look so good, but Jake has you feeling some type of way.
“Me? You all look incredible. I love the style.” You say as your face flushes a bit when you make eye contact with Jake.
“You’re too kind mama.” Josh says with a smile. “Now back to the setlist for tonight.”
“Let’s grab you a drink.” Sam says as he lightly grabs your wrist and leads you across the room to the bar.
“Wait, are you really still making a setlist when the show starts in thirty minutes?” You say to Sam with a laugh.
He grabs a glass and starts making you a tequila sunrise. “Yes. We like to wait until the last minute to form setlists. Josh says it gets the creative juices flowing, but mostly it just ends in arguments.” He says with a laugh. “Here you are madame. How was your day?”
You take the glass from him. “Thanks Sam. It was okay, pretty typical, nothing really special.”
He smiles at that. “Well now it is.”
You sat with your drink while the boys battled over their setlist. It was amusing to watch Josh, Jake, and Sam bicker while Danny just nodded his head. Eventually they got their 10 minute curtain call so they all headed to side stage for final checks.
“They’re going to take you to your spot, but we’ll see you after the show?” Sam asks as he heads towards the door.
“Absolutely. Break a leg.” You say to him with a smile and he makes a heart with his hands.
Josh and Danny shuffle out the door leaving Jake lingering behind.
“I really like your outfit.” Jake says walking towards you. “Pay attention to the encore.” He says touching your arm and waltzing out the door.
The show had been absolutely electrifying. You knew they would probably be good, but they absolutely exceeded every expectation then some. You were in the VIP pit portion which was essentially you and press. The boys had just finished up “Black Smoke Rising” and they walked off stage. During the concert there had been a few times you made eye contact with Jake. He looked so hot shredding that guitar. Some of the faces he made were obscene, and had your mind long lost in the gutter. You smiled at Sam every time he would look at you, trying to be cool and calm. But seeing Jake in his element like this absolutely fascinated you. He didn’t make you nervous, more like curious. It’s like you were both trying to figure each other out. After a few minutes of chanting, the boys made their way back to the stage. It was time for the encore and you were excited to see what Jake had up his sleeve.
“Shall we do one more?” Josh beamed into the microphone throwing his hands up with flare.
You had to admit Josh had incredible stage presence and knew how to command a room. The crowd cheered and then you heard the first chords of Highway Tune come from Jake’s Les Paul. The energy in the venue went up to a 10 as Josh started belting out the first verse. The song continued and the climax had turned into a jam session. Danny was beating the drums, Sam was plucking at his bass, Josh was smashing his tambourine into his hand, and Jake was playing his guitar… behind his head. You were convinced this was possibly one of the best sights you had ever seen. When the jam session started to calm down a little Jake walked towards the edge of the stage and looked at you. He put his pick in his mouth, cracked a smile, and started strumming the intro chords of “Sunshine of Your Love” by Cream. You felt your heart swell a little, but tried not to feel too sentimental about it. You flashed him a huge smile and slightly swayed to his continuation of the song. You glanced over at Sam who had a confused look on his face. Josh shot him a “just go with it” and soon enough Sam joined in and so did Danny. They played the instrumentals of the song for a few minutes-leading to Jake playing the guitar solo before shifting it back to Highway Tune. They closed out the song and were met with cheers from the audience. They said their goodbyes before exiting the stage. The lights came on and security guards had come to escort you backstage.
When you got backstage everyone was in a great mood.
“That was such a great fucking show!” Danny exclaimed as you walked in the door.
“Indeed. The crowd was great, although Jake you all threw us for a loop with the Cream cover. But it’s good to keep us on our toes I suppose.” Josh said while pouring a drink at the bar cart.
“Sorority girl! How did you like the show?” Sam said, as he came over and embraced you in a tight hug.
You smiled at him. “It was great! You guys are so good, and I really liked the encore.” You looked for Jake’s eyes but he was at the bar making a drink.
“You will have to come to more shows. I think you’re our good luck charm. We haven’t felt this good after a performance in a while.” Sam said, nudging your arm.
You laughed and threw your arms up. “Hey, I’m there. You can call me a fan now.”
You see Jake approaching you with glasses in hand.
“Here. You said you make the best martinis, well I make the best old-fashions.” Jake says, handing you a cocktail.
“Oh thank you.” You say and you take the glass to your lips and drink. “Shit. This is so good Jake. Were you a bartender in your past life?” You say with a laugh.
Jake chuckles at you. “Bartender might be a stretch, but definitely a drunkard.” You laugh at that.
“Well thanks for getting me a drink brother. I’ll be right back.” Sam says to you as he heads for the bar cart.
Jake smirks at you.
“You know you’re a really good guitarist Mr. Kiszka. I enjoyed watching you all play tonight.” You say to Jake playfully as you take another drink.
“What can I say? I’m good with my hands.” Jake jokes back with you also sipping his drink.
You laugh at that. “Is that so? Well I do have a shelf I need hung in my apartment.”
Jake laughs. “I could be of assistance.” He says and stares into your eyes still smiling at you.
“Damn they need some better tequila.” Sam says, walking back over to the two of you. “I have tried to make a decent margarita, but the tequila is all wrong. Do you guys wanna get out of here and stumble to a real bar?” Sam asks.
“I’m game, but I do have class at eleven so I won’t be out too long.” You say tipping back the rest of your old-fashioned.
“What a studious girl you are. Let’s go!” Sam says grabbing your wrist and dragging you. You glance back at Jake and he’s frowning a little bit, but starts to follow Sam towards the door.
The boys had changed out of their stage attire and opted for a little more casual look. You had ended up at a little bar that you suggested right across from your office as you didn’t anticipate it being crowded. It wasn't busy at all, just a few men in suits with pints of beer sat at the bar. You and the boys took a corner booth in the back and you were wedged in between Sam and Jake. Josh insisted on ordering salty dogs for everyone and Danny had ordered pretzel bites for the table. You weren’t necessarily buzzed, but you could feel it coming. When the drinks arrived everyone toasted their glasses to a great show. After the first round of drinks Jake decided to switch to water. This threw you for a loop, but you chalked it up to general tiredness. Sam had ordered tequila sunrises and margaritas for the both of you. When Danny’s pretzel bites arrived you were feeling warm and buzzed.
“Y/n do you want some?” Danny asked, pushing the basket towards you.
“Actually soft pretzels are my absolute weakness, so yes I would like one. Thank you. ” You say back to him after taking a pretzel from the basket.
Danny nods to you and throws up his pretzel stick silently asking to “cheers” it with yours. You oblige and clink your pretzels together giggling.
“Can we get another two margaritas over here?” Sam asks the waitress motioning towards you two.
You finish chewing your pretzel and then look at him. “Fuck Sam I have class and work tomorrow. Are you trying to do me in?” You say to him.
Sam huffs out a laugh. “I feel like it would take a lot more to do you in sorority girl.” Sam says with confidence and throws his arm around you.
“Jake, why have you not had a drink in over an hour? Are you feeling okay?” Josh asks, side-eying him.
“No, I'm good. Just not in a drinking mood tonight I guess.” Jake says nonchalantly.
Josh snickers at this. “That’s a damn first.”
When your margarita arrives you know you have had too much and couldn’t possibly drive yourself home.
“Okay Sam last drink and then I’m calling an Uber.” You say while sipping your margarita.
“Oh shit I forgot your car was still here. That’s your office right across the block isn’t it?” Sam asks you.
“Yes, but there is no way I am driving in this state. I’ll just Uber here early in the morning to get my car.” You say with a laugh.
“Mama I’m not a fan of you Ubering by yourself, especially at this hour.” Josh looks at you with a concerned look.
“Yeah me either.” Sam adds.
Before you can respond you feel a hand on your thigh.
“I can drive you home.” Jake says very casually, and squeezes your thigh a little.
“That’s a good idea. He has only been drinking water for the past hour and then he can just Uber back to the hotel.” Danny says still eating pretzels.
Josh eyes Jake for a moment before clearing his throat and nodding his head.
“That would actually be a huge help. Thank you Jake.” You say looking at him.
He doesn’t return the eye contact, but he hums at your response.
You had finished your margarita, and excused yourself to the bathroom to pee. You stared at yourself in the mirror. You were definitely buzzed, but you were thankful you still looked good. You applied some extra lipstick and blotted your face before returning back outside. Jake stood at the booth waiting for you.
“This was really fun, guys. Thanks for letting me tag along.” You said to the group flashing them a smile.
Sam gets up and hugs you. “It’s our pleasure sorority girl. Get home safe and text me when you make it back okay?” Sam says with a smile.
You salute him. “Will do Sammy.” You say.
He beams a little at the new nickname and salutes you back. You say your goodbyes to Josh and Danny, then hand your keys over to Jake. You two walk out of the bar and you lead him to your car. You drove a white Toyota Rav 4 Hybrid, luxury edition. It was a graduation present. Jake opens your door for you and carefully helps you inside. You smile at him. “Thanks.” He nods his head and walks over to the driver's side.
“This is a nice car.” Jake says as he gets inside and puts his seatbelt on. He motions towards your radio. “May I?”
You nod your head and hand him the aux cord. He scrolls through his phone for a minute before Jimi Hendrix is lowly playing through your car.
You smile at this. “You know I have a cat named Hendrix. He lives back at home with my parents.” You say.
“That’s a pretty badass name for a cat.” Jake says, huffing a laugh. “Did you have fun tonight?” He asks you.
“I did. Maybe even a little too much. I’m going to pay for this in the morning, but nothing a vanilla sweet cream cold brew with almond milk can’t solve.” You say back.
“Is that your coffee order?” Jake asks with his eyes on the road.
“Yes it is. My go-to everytime. Please don’t tell me you’re a coffee snob and you think anyone who drinks anything but black coffee are weenies.”
Jake laughs at you. “First of all, I have never heard a grown adult say the word weenies. Secondly, I am not a coffee snob. In fact I enjoy a pumpkin spice latte just as much as the next guy.”
The rest of the ride back to your apartment consisted of a lot of comfortable conversations. You debated the over-ratedness of pumpkin spice and came to the conclusion that you both loved it too much to hate it. Despite the fact that you both enjoyed liking things that were “different.” You found out Jake was a fall lover just like you and also shared a love for poetry. You had never met anyone like Jake. He was so fascinating to you. He was ridiculously smart, kind, witty, talented, and beyond attractive. He parked your car and walked you up to your apartment. When you got to the door you asked him to come inside while he was waiting on his Uber, and he agreed.
“How long until your Uber is here?” You asked him setting down your bag.
“It says 20 minutes.” Jake says looking down at his phone.
“Okay I’m going to change. Just make yourself at home.” You say to him while walking into your bedroom. You immediately strip out of your concert outfit and pull out your black silk slip gown. You knew it was a little sexy, but you wanted Jake to see it. Then you speed walked into your bathroom and fixed your face, put on deodorant, added body spray, and gargled mouthwash. When you came out Jake was sitting on the couch, but The Zombies were playing on your record player quietly. When he saw you he shifted around in his seat a bit. “You know you look really good in black.” Jake says with his eyes fixated on you.
You grin at him. “Yeah, so do you.” You say sitting down next to him. There wasn’t an inch of space between his legs and yours. You crossed your legs and leaned over to him. “I’m actually pretty sad that you guys are leaving me so soon.” You say, twirling your hair.
“I’ve got to say I didn’t think I would like Atlanta as much as I do. But I know I’ll be back incredibly soon to visit.” Jake says with his eyes flickering from your mouth to your eyes.
“Oh yeah? What do you like so much about Atlanta?” You say to him with a flirty tone.
“I think you know.” He says leaning in closer to you. You can’t help yourself now. You lean in just as close and then his lips are connected to yours. You feel like a million fireworks are going off in your chest. The kiss is soft and sweet, but it continues. You start to deepen the kiss and Jake’s hand finds your hair. He laces his fingers in your hair and gives it a little tug. You moan ever so slightly at this and you can tell that turned Jake on. You put your left hand on his thigh and start rubbing it, you can tell he’s hard. His right hand finds your soft thighs and he runs his hand up under your slip, just lightly massaging your thigh. You can feel how wet you are. You lightly bite his lower lip and Jake lets out a deep breath.
“Jake, cancel your Uber.” You say through kisses.
Jake hums and pulls away. “As much as I would love that, and I know you can feel how much I love that.” He says obviously talking about his hard on. “You have class in the morning and I don’t want to be the reason you miss it or are tired.” He says tucking your hair behind your ear. “And trust me love, if I stayed here tonight you would be exhausted in the morning.” He says giving you a smirk.
You look back at him with lust still full in your eyes and nod your head. “Yeah yeah Mr. responsible I suppose you’re right.” You say trying not to sound disappointed.
He leans over and kisses you softly one more time. “My Uber is five minutes away. I’m going to head down. But just know I’ll be seeing you tomorrow, and I’ll finish thinking of you tonight.” He says with a smirk while getting up.
You giggle at him and walk him towards the door. He kisses you once more before leaving, and your brain feels like scrambled eggs. You take a few Tylenol, wipe off your makeup, and down a glass of water before climbing into bed. Your head is swarming with thoughts but you’re so tired that your eyes get too heavy and sleep wins.
The next morning your alarm goes off at 9 and you groggily climb out of bed and take a long hot shower. When you get out you start to feel like a human again. You wrap your hair in a towel and put on your robe while brushing your teeth. You hear a knock at your door. You glance over with confusion. Who could that be? You look at your phone. It’s 9:30. What the hell? You rinse your mouth out quickly and head for the door, but when you open it no one is there. Then you glance down. In front of your door is a venti vanilla cream cold brew with almond milk and a breakfast sandwich. You pick up the bag and see it says:
“Mobile order: delivery for Jake”
You had woken up from the late night around 9 and frowned when you reached over and Jake was gone. All you wanted to do was cuddle up to him this morning, well and maybe kiss him again. You decided it was time to get up and make yourself presentable. You headed to Jake’s bathroom and brushed your teeth with the toothbrush that was kept there for you. You know the implications in a relationship when one person has things at the other’s home. Jake had a toothbrush in your bathroom cabinet too. You then washed your face, did some basic skincare, pushed up on your lash extensions, and loosely ran a brush through your hair. Next was deodorant and a spritz of perfume that Jake had sent you one time while he was in Paris on tour. You decided to unpack your clothes a bit, hanging up your dresses that you planned on wearing this weekend. When you finished you realized you were in only one of Jake’s button downs and decided that you should probably wear a little more clothes before going downstairs to greet everyone. You decided on a distressed Black Sabbath t-shirt with some black bike shorts. You knew you would be heading to the venue later so you would have to change eventually. You threw on your black furry slippers and headed downstairs. Josh and Danny were in the kitchen cooking breakfast and Sam was sitting at the island cutting up fruit.
“She’s awake!” Josh yells through the house giving you a smile.
“Yeah good morning princess. Bacon or sausage?” Danny asks you while flipping over sausage patties.
Sam makes a fake gagging noise and you laugh.
“Good morning everyone. I’ll take bacon please Danny.” You say taking a seat next to Sam. Danny nods at you and continues back to cooking. Josh is setting everything out. There are eggs, pancakes (which you can tell are vegan by the way they look), bacon, sausage, and the fruit that Sam is cutting. You look around for a minute before asking, “Where is Jake?”
“Ah lover boy will be back soon. He is out getting coffee for everyone.” Josh says while getting out the syrup.
“How did you sleep last night?” Sam asks while raking his strawberries in a bowl.
“I slept pretty great actually.” You smile to yourself thinking of last night. “How did you sleep Sammy?”
“Oh like a kid on Christmas. I couldn’t wait to get up at 8 and start slaving away on breakfast. Jake’s itinerary is going to kill me.” Sam says back to you with a sigh.
“Wait, this mega breakfast is part of Jake’s itinerary?” You say giggling.
Just then Jake comes through the door with a carrier of coffee in one hand that he’s balancing under his chin and another coffee in his other hand. He locks eyes with you and smiles before walking towards you. He sits down the coffee carrier and hands you the iced coffee in his hand. It’s your favorite from a local Nashville shop with extra cold foam. Jake knows exactly what you like.
“Good morning love.” Jake says kissing your forehead. You notice that Sam looks away fast. He’s probably just tired, he has never been a morning person.
“Good morning Jake. Thank you for the coffee.” You say shooting him a sweet look.
“Of course. I’ll make your plate.” Jake says, then hands everyone their coffees.
You smile into your drink. Jake could be tooth-rottingly sweet. Jake makes your plate; putting a pancake with syrup, a small amount of eggs because he knows you aren’t a huge fan, two pieces of bacon, and a few scoops of fruit before ushering you into the sitting room close to the studio. It was rare that you all ate at the table when the boys cooked. Jake sat your food down on the table and then plopped down next to you on the couch. You placed both of your coffees down on the table. Sam took a seat next to you with Josh next to him and Danny next to Josh.
“I would like to make a toast dear friends.” Josh stated holding his coffee in the air. “To a good weekend. May our days be merry and our drinks overflow. May brother Jake also not have an aneurysm if the itinerary goes awry.”
“Cheers to that, but the itinerary will be followed.” Jake said, holding his coffee in the air.
Everyone laughed and you, Sam, and Danny held your coffee in the air to join the twins. You all started eating your breakfast and the boys started talking about a new song they were working on. You finished your breakfast and were content listening to them talk. They were all musical geniuses as far as you were concerned. Jake had finished his coffee and his hand found his way to your thigh. You and Jake were so complicated. You acted like a couple and to an outsider you looked as if you were in a relationship. You had gotten comfortable with PDA around the boys, which was something you had to get used to. But you have become increasingly paranoid about it in public. The boys don’t get recognized often when you’re with them, but you’re worried one day they will and then questions about you and Jake will start buzzing amongst the fans. It was nearly impossible to explain your situation to anyone. Then god forbid you start seeing leaks of other girls Jake has been with. It would ruin you, so you would rather remain like this. Ignorance is bliss.
“Enough album talk. Are we ready to get on with our day?” Jake says snapping you out of your thoughts. You force back your worries and smile at him.
“What exactly are we doing today?” You say.
“Well” Jake starts, “since we have to go to the venue in a few hours I figured we could go by the farmers market and look around.”
You were a sucker for the farmers market, especially the ones they had in Nashville.
“Sounds good to me. But I think I need to change shoes” you say motioning to your slippers.
After the boys cleaned up breakfast you were all ready to go. You ditched the slippers and threw on your black platform converse and added jewelry and sunglasses. You all piled up in Josh’s jeep. Josh drove, Danny road shotgun as he insisted he was taller than Sam and needed more leg room, you sat in the middle with Jake and Sam on both sides.
“Comfortable Sammy?” You asked Sam playfully as you tried to buckle your seatbelt.
“Oh yeah I’m living the dream back here.” He replied. “Daniel scoot your seat up before my knees break off.”
When you arrived at the farmers market you all sort of split up. You and Jake had gone to look at the soaps and candles, your favorite. Danny and Sam went to try the homemade hot sauces and Josh went straight to the local honey cart. Jake held your hand and the bag of beautiful smelling soaps and candles he had bought for you. Then he dragged you over to the flower cart. There was an assortment of beautiful bouquets wrapped in brown paper. You absolutely loved fresh flowers.
“Will you pick a bouquet to put in the vase on our island?” Jake asked you.
You nodded at him and smiled. You started studying all of the flowers, but eventually ended on white roses. It just fits them.
Jake pulled out his card to pay for the roses and then said, “I’ll also take the largest bouquet of peonies that you have.”
Peonies were your favorite flower. Jake knew how to make you swoon.
“Here you are. Beautiful flowers for my beautiful girl.” He says handing you the two bouquets.
“I love today, so much. I can’t wait for tonight.” You say kissing his cheek.
This is not normal for you to do in public, but the flowers and candles have put you in a great mood. Jake kisses your cheek back, twice, and agrees about how excited he is for you to see them perform again.
When you got back to the house you were a little bummed because you knew the boys would be leaving soon. They had all come back and started taking showers, which was the first step in their show prep. You were in the kitchen putting your flowers in vases, making sure to cut the stems so they all fit correctly. Sam was the first person out and ready. He came out in just a pair of short shorts and wet hair.
“Look at you Martha Stuart.” Sam says as he plopped down in a stool.
“Sammy, will you accept this rose?” You say dramatically handing a white rose towards him.
He clutches his heart and plays along with your antics. “Always and forever my green thumbed goddess. Speaking of green” he starts, “I may or may not have stocked up on the devil’s lettuce for tomorrow night.”
You look at him with delight. “Sammy, you're my hero.” You say hugging his neck.
You and Sam were definitely the stoners of the group. At one time your favorite thing in the world was getting Josh higher than a kite and asking him his thoughts on space and time. Jake walks down the steps while you're mid-hug with Sam. Then Josh and Danny come out of their rooms.
“Are we ready? The driver is here.” Jake says.
“Yes, let's do this! The time is upon us. We will see you there later mama.” Josh says walking by you and patting your shoulder.
Sam gets up to run and grab his shoes and sweatshirt. You walk over to Jake and wrap your arms around him and he wraps his arms around your waist.
“Good luck tonight Jakey. I’ll see you later.” You say looking into his eyes.
“My luck will be there watching from VIP, and I know my luck will look damn good.” Jake replies while rubbing your back.
He leans in for a kiss like he does before every time he leaves for a show, but this kiss isn’t soft and sweet like usual. Jake kisses you hard and holds you tight. It takes the breath away from you and now you don’t give a shit about the show, you just want Jake to take you upstairs to continue this.
Josh coughs really loudly and your moment is cut short. “The driver is here, we shouldn't keep him waiting any longer.” Josh says walking to the door. Sam is behind him and he doesn’t look up at you when he walks by. Strange. You give Jake a final kiss and release him to head to the door. They pull out and it’s just you there. You decide to go upstairs to take a nap before getting ready for the show and the after party.
When you wake up you have about two hours before you need to leave to head to the venue to see the boys backstage before the show. You climb out of bed and straighten up the blankets and pillows. You head straight for the shower, tonight is a full glam night and you can’t wait to see what Jake thinks of your outfit. You shower and shave/exfoliate your whole body. You put on some oil before getting out and your skin feels the softest it has in a while. You towel dry your hair before lightly blow drying it. Once it’s dry you throw in some texture spray and put your big rollers in. Now it’s time for skincare and makeup. You tone and moisturize, brush your teeth again, then throw on some teeth whitening strips. You shuffle your music and start feeling yourself when Depeche Mode comes on. For makeup you have done a full glam face. Very dewy skin, heavy contour and blush, subtle highlight, a fox eye look made with black eyeshadow, a big mauve glossy lip, and you even added some extra half lashes on top of your extensions. You then put on lotion and luminous skin tint on your whole body. You walked to Jake’s closet and pulled out the dress you would be wearing tonight. It was a small black silk dress. The neckline plunged incredibly low and there was a keyhole cutout just under the cleavage. Jake loved you in black, and you knew tonight would make it hard for him to look anywhere else but you. You smiled at this thought, Jake always made you feel so hot and confident. You slid into your dress and it was skin tight. It hugged your curves so well and your breasts set perfectly in it. You grabbed your black strappy heels that tie around your ankle and put them on. Then you went back to the bathroom and took out your rollers, fluffed your hair, and sprayed a ton of product in it. You finished off by drowning yourself in perfume, taking off your whitening strips, and spraying on extra deodorant. You decided to do gold chunky jewelry putting on large gold bangles on each wrist and thick gold hoops. You were so happy with how you look and found yourself so excited for tonight, even if you did have to see your high school friends. You grabbed your small black YSL purse and stuffed in lip gloss, blotting paper, deodorant, and gum before heading down. You checked your phone and Jake had texted you saying your driver would be pulling up any minute. You walked outside, locked the house up, and waited for your ride.
You arrived at the venue and the driver had dropped you off in the back entrance that would lead to where the boys were. You walked to the door and told them your name before being handed your VIP lanyard pass. You tucked it in your purse hanging half out so it was visible. You walked excitedly to the dressing room so ready to see Jake. You open the door and immediately see… Cole? What the fuck was he doing back here. You then see his brother and their friend. Fuck. Josh must have given them VIP passes, he thought he was a comedian. This meant you would all be sitting in the VIP area together, great.
“Holy shit hey mama! Damn, look at you.” Josh shouts from across the room while walking up to you already in his stage attire.
You survey the whole room. Sam and Danny are on the loveseat scribbling down what you presume is a setlist. Your high school friends are standing around at the bar area which is where Josh just came from, and Jake has his back turned to you sitting on the couch with guitar in hand. When he hears Josh he turns his neck and looks at you with wide eyes.
Josh hugs you and whispers “Before you kill me I genuinely did not intend on giving them backstage passes. That was a venue fuck up.” He says half laughing. You shoot him a glare and then fake a smile at him. He steps away and Jake is right behind him. He wraps you into a tight squeeze with his hands hovering on your hips. “Goddamn angel are you trying to kill me? I mean fuck. You look unbelievable.”
You giggle at him and breath in at the pet name that Jake uses when he’s turned on. “Do you like it? Or is it too much?” You say innocently, rubbing your hands on your dress.
Jake smirks at you and pulls you in closer, peppering kisses on your neck. “Like it? I have half the mind to cancel this goddamn show to take you home just to show you how much I like it.”
You laugh at him and he takes your hand and leads you to the couch. You pass the bar on the way there and wave and say hello at your high school friends who are still talking to Josh. At least he is keeping them entertained, you thought.
“Oh wow you look great!” Danny says as you sit down next to Jake and cross your legs.
“Yeah, you do.” Sam says looking up at you sweetly.
You thank them and then Jake throws his hand over your legs while they finish planning the jam session encore together. Josh takes his seat next to you and your friends from high school trickle in standing around the table sipping whatever cocktails Josh had made for them. Twenty minutes go by and the boys have to head to sound check and final call. Jake kisses your head and grabs his guitar before heading out with the other three. Then security escorts you and the others to your VIP seats. It’s a small section side stage on Jake’s side. On the walk there you make small talk with Cole and he gives you a few compliments.
When you take your seat Cole sits next to you and says, “Soooooo are you and the guitarist dating or something?”
There it was. That question that you hated so much. You decided to play it cool and shook your head and smiled.
“No.” Is all you say and leave it at that. He looks at you curiously but doesn’t press any further. One of the security officers brings you a High Noon and you knew it was compliments of Jake. The lights begin to go down and the show starts.
After an enthralling show, which entailed a moment where Jake walked over to the very edge of the stage and played the solo of “When the Curtain Falls” looking straight at you, you were being escorted backstage again. Of course this meant the high school friends were right behind you. You were irritated at this, but it wasn’t security’s fault, they didn’t know. You were greeted by boys in a great mood still sweaty from the stage.
“That was a hell of a show guys!” Cole says.
“Oh yeah thanks man.” Danny says, looking at you curiously. You nod towards Josh and Danny cracks a smile. Jake hugs you and you giggle and shove him away. “Jake, you're so sweaty oh my god get changed so we can get to the bar.” You say.
He looks down at you and curls his lip. Then you realize what had just happened. You had just announced your plans with your high school friends in the room. Fuck.
“Yes, that's a great idea. Let’s all get changed and get out of here I’m ready to drink!” Josh declares.
“Where are you guys going?” Cole asks.
“Oh yeah we have this little hole in the wall where we go and drink and play pool. It’s very lowkey.” Danny says.
“Feel free to join us if you want.” Josh says to them and you shoot him a glance. You know he is just trying to be nice. Josh would hate for anyone to feel left out. They all three oblige and after the boys change you’re leaving the venue and headed towards the bar for what you know is going to be an eventful night.
* thank you for reading!!!! also I’m seeing Greta today in Knoxville :)
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beansprean · 2 years
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Queening The Pawn part 3
*Sepias ur comic so we know it's the Past* Baby Guillermo’s Disney channel bangs can actually be something so personal…
Part 1-2 Part 3 Part 4-5 Part 6 Part 7
(ID in alt and under cut)
1a. Text at top reads '10 years earlier'; the entire page is in sepia tones. Nandor, looking largely unchanged, sits at one side of a played-out chessboard in the fancy room, next to a window covered with paper. He is leaning his head in his hand, elbow on the table, staring solemnly offscreen. 1b. What he is staring at is Guillermo, now in his early twenties and wearing a scoop neck sweater, oval glasses, and with his hair longer and flopping over his forehead in a side part. He is cleaning some glass cabinets with a feather duster when Nandor calls out, "Guillermo." Guillermo turns, expression open and eager, replying, "Oh! Yes, Master?"
2a. Tight shot over Guillermo's shoulder, the side of his face and upright feather duster framing Nandor in the background, still leaning on his hand and idly picking up a chess piece with the other, looking away. Nandor goes on casually, "You have been with us for some time, yes?" 2b. Reverse shot, Guillermo stands to attention, both arms held straight down, still holding the feather duster as he obediently replies, "Four years next month, Master!" Nandor is in profile in the foreground and just purses his lips in thought, rubbing at his chin. He answers himself, "Yes, at least a year, I'm sure..."
3a. Close up on Nandor as he lifts the chess piece in his hand, a black pawn, up to eye level to inspect it intensely. He furrows his brow and says, "You have done well to serve me, improve yourself, and survive in the vampire world. 3b. Repeat of 2b, Nandor filling half the panel as he stands from his seat, continuing, "I believe you are deserving of a reward. In the background, Guillermo jolts in shock, dropping the feather duster with a clatter, cheeks going bright red as a smile fights its way onto his face. He stutters, "Y-you mean?!" "Yes," Nandor replies. A painting in the background appears to be a version of Fragonard's "The Swing" starring Nadja with her legs spread fully out.
4. Nandor's speech bubble continues over a panel showing a scene further in the past, the sepia tone more dramatic. In an alley with a dumpster, Nandor stands with a grin and a dramatic flair of his cape in front of a younger Guillermo in a Panera apron and hat. Guillermo has his hands clasped in front of him, looking enamored and excited as he stares up at Nandor with shining eyes and pink cheeks. Both 10 years ago Nandor and 14 years ago Nandor say together, "I am going to make you a vampire." /end ID
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miserye · 2 years
How can Panera plain cream cheese spread be so terrible
4 notes · View notes
lizzybeefoodblog · 2 years
July 31, 2022
Note: We need to make a grocery run this week, so we’re trying to eat healthy at restaurants until we can get our meals planned out and our fridge reset and ready for better groceries. I ordered lots of organizational tools, and have a plan in place. We’re just playing a bit of a waiting game so we don’t get overwhelmed. (We means myself and my boyfriend)
Calorie goal for today: 2,222 calories
Panera (380 calories) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
For breakfast, I ordered Panera. I got a sprouted whole grain bagel, topped with oats. It was cut and toasted, with half of a serving of plain cream cheese spread. To drink, I had their frozen strawberry lemonade, which is sweetened with agave. The meal was 380 calories. It was delicious, and I felt satisfied until lunch.
Calories remaining: 1,842 calories
Chipotle (1,470 calories) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This meal is pretty calorie heavy, but it should keep me full for the rest of the day with room in my budget for a snack later tonight. I got a burrito bowl with steak, 1/2 white 1/2 brown rice, black beans, and queso. I also got a bag of chips, and a tortilla on the side. To drink, I got a Coke Zero. I’ve tried other healthier combinations, but I just can’t get behind them; they don’t satisfy my cravings like my preferred bowl does. This meal is delicious, filling, and satisfying.
Calories remaining: 372 calories
Chicken with Green Beans and Potatoes (~370 calories) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This meal was a grilled chicken breast, cooked in olive oil, seasoned with half a lemon, Cavender’s Greek seasoning, garlic, onion, rosemary, parsley, and basil, all to taste. On the side were green beans and mashed potatoes. This is one of my favorite go-to meals. I feel satisfied, though I may need a small snack later.
Calories remaining: 0
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lazarus-lazuli · 2 years
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I posted 23,170 times in 2022
That's 8,894 more posts than 2021!
171 posts created (1%)
22,999 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,337 of my posts in 2022
#our flag means death - 379 posts
#fashion inspo - 47 posts
#kept tags - 24 posts
#wwdits - 20 posts
#what we do in the shadows - 18 posts
#moon knight - 14 posts
#oh my god - 13 posts
#me - 12 posts
#certified iconic post - 11 posts
#heritage post - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#‘’we need to make sure we keep the basic functions of government going’’ yeah based on the soundtrack i doubt that’s what’s happening buddy
My Top Posts in 2022:
need to see the moment where after his abuela described the symptoms of being near a vampire guillermo realized the fire in his heart and los goosebumps he got when nandor walked into that panera bread ten years before was not love at first sight but an intense homicidal rage
376 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
we need to stop woobifying guillermo and acting like nandor is the terrible person. YES nandor is a bastard but literally so is guillermo. they’re both awful people; that’s why they’re so perfect for each other! they deserve each other in both the best and worst way.
480 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
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tumblr today
625 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
it’s been said before but the fact this site used to let you edit other people’s posts is beyond unhinged. the potential for slander was next level, you really could just edit the body of posts that weren’t even your own and it’d look like the OP said it. just casually spread misinformation via reblog, the original post being lost to time. john green cock monologue. sayonara you weeaboo shits. they gave us way too much power. can you imagine if a website let you do that today? people would lose their fucking minds. sure, on twitter you can impersonate anybody, but you have to make your own tweets. they would never let you edit other people’s tweets! that’s stupid! it’s literally the worst feature any social media site could ever have! if it ever happened somewhere else, it would be by accident and fixed immediately! but on old school tumblr? yeah, you could edit someone’s childhood fear from vampires to danny devito, and we all just had to live like that for years. INSANE.
1,216 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
no guides for new twitter users they don’t need to be coddled. figuring this site out on your own is a rite of passage. it weeds out the weak
9,016 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lifestyle-foodies · 2 years
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May 4th, 2024 - Milltown Historical Society Fundraiser Panera Bread - North Brunswick
🥖🍵 Support Milltown Historical Society at Panera Bread on May 4th, 2024, from 4:00 pm to 8:00 PM. Use code FUND4U to donate 25% Save the date and please spread the word! #MilltownHistorical #PaneraFundraiser #PreserveOurPast
Join us at Panera Bread in North Brunswick on May 4th from 4 PM to 8 PM for our fundraiser to aid the Milltown Historical Society. Use code FUND4U at checkout to have 25% of your purchase donated. Enjoy your favorite meals while supporting our History!
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