Imagine if, while in the zoo, the tributes of the 10th hunger games had spent their time bonding and at some point kinda joked about escaping together? And they all thought out exit strategies and such and even the word they’d use as signal to initiate the plans. They discuss who’s good at what, jokingly dividing tasks between them, with Wovey, Bobbin, and Mizzen getting the task of “stay behind us and don’t die” because they’re the youngest. No one really takes it seriously, they just use the fantasy to escape their horrid reality for a second because it’s nice to imagine all of them can make it out alive, even if they know that’s not the case.
Then the arena bombings happen
Otto and Ginnee probably still die, since they died from schrapnel, but Panlo and Sheaf were far enough away to still be conscious and moving around (that last part is mostly because of adrenaline). Everyone’s caught off-guard, but someone (probably Coral) sees their chance and screams the word they discussed, and all tributes jump into action. Jessup and Lucy Gray still save their respective mentors, but because the tributes are working together the peacekeepers have been taken out so there’s no one to drag them away. Instead, all 21 remaining tributes book it as fast as they can and manage to escape the area before reinforcements arrive. They are now on the run, and cannot show their faces without getting shot on sight, but they’re alive and that’s what matters. Mizzen, Sheaf, and Treech are the best thieves of the group (Mizzen’s small and fast (he was just closer to the snakes than everyone else shut up), Sheaf is described as "a limber little girl", and Treech sneakily stole Dill’s water bottles. That’s my evidence. Also they need more love) and thus go out to scrap together anything that may be helpful.
They, being the overachieving badasses they are, get their hands on futuristic medicine to cure Dill’s tuberculosis faster than the real world ever could and help Hy manage his asthma (because it’s chronic, there’s no way they can find a cure for that just lying around even in the future). I say they’re overachieving, because Sheaf did the back handspring for food, Treech only died because of Lucy’s cheating (still getting 6th(movie)/3d(book) place, and he definitely would’ve killed her and been a real contender for the win if she hadn’t cheated), and Mizzen is 13. A 13-year-old got 5th(book)/4th(movie) place. I rest my case.
They use the newfound supplies to heal their wounds and disinfect them, Jessup doesn’t get rabies because I make the rules here, and things are good. They spend a while utilizing their unique skills to stay hidden until one of two things happen:
1) the mentors, who have gotten quite attached to their assigned tributes, fight for the games to be disbanded and rally the rest of the academy, leading to a better Panem where the Capitol and the districts become a functioning, not-dystopian nation again and everything ends well.
2) the tributes manage to escape the capitol and flee into the woods, letting Lucy Grey lead them to the Covey because ain’t no way they can just go back to their own districts just yet. The covey, being nomadic, is the best place for them to stay until they’ve grown up enough to be unrecognizable from their child selves to anyone who doesn’t actually know them.
Either way, things are better. I wanted to share this because I’m sad that all these wonderful (fictional) children died for the amusement of genuine monsters (and those indoctrinated to believe district people are not people)
Edit because a lot of new people are liking this post: someone wrote it :)
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maidstew · 4 days
tbosas fans are insane because what do you mean you love panlo?? He was mentioned by name like three times and all three times was just the list of tributes
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majorsoapfan · 6 months
In chapter 11 are panlo and sheaf still injured and need someone supporting them as they walk or have their wounds fully healed?
Yes, Panlo and Sheaf are still injured. Now they're both feeling a hell of a lot better than they did two and half days ago at that point (the length of time from when they had arrived at the house to the end of chap 11), but they are still recovering. I do believe that while the duo were badly hurt in the explosion (not as bad as Gaius was obviously, but more severely injured that the other tributes) they still could have survived their injuries if they had been treated by a professional (aka trained to treat humans), had gotten proper medication/supplies meant for humans and were in a location that allowed for proper healing (now the basement wasn't much better, but at least there was no dirt or hay there and they had mattresses/clean sheets).
To sum it up, I think that it was their wounds becoming infected that killed them in the book, and not the injuries themselves.
But now, in this AU, they actually received Capitol medicine to kill any developing infections and their wounds have been cared for by the other tributes, so while the duo are still recovering, they are able to walk some short distances by themselves before they need help.
(The others are aware of this despite the two trying not to make a big deal of it and so neither have heavy bags to carry right now, the stronger tributes are shouldering their load while their injuries heal.)
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spiralling-thoughts · 4 months
i know you’ve talked about otto & ginnee before but i’ve been thinking about them lately so i was wondering if you have any other headcanons to share? i especially like ginnee & i think she and sheaf would have been good friends if they had the chance!
Oh thanks for asking this is my chance to get to talk about something I came up with
I started headcanoning that otto and ginnee are part of a group that call themselves "scavengers of the tunnels " they are a group of kids who loves causing mischief in areas of district 6 and the more adventurous ones steal from the peacekeepers and cause mischief to annoy them then runaway without the peacekeepers noticing them although this is not a recurring practice they always need to come up with well thought out plans for this stunts Otto is part of the group who loves causing mischief and stole supplies from the peacekeepers on few occasions, the group have their secret hideout in a abounded underground tunnel and ginnee like decorationing the hideout with some of their artistic friends each members of the group have their own talents like painting, building from scraps, mechanically smart and some do parkour and gymnastics they also get into typical street kids shenanigans if you are fimalir with ekko and his friends from arcane and riot games this group is like them, they also paint memorials for the children who get reaped s die in the games I also headcanon district 6 as having their own salute similar to district 12 so when Otto and ginnee were reaped their friends did the salute when they were both on stage
I know I said in a previous post that Otto doesn't hate the ring twins.... yeah that changed he hates them with a capital H , he doesn't trust them, he hates that they told him and ginnee to do something to hype the crowd, he is angry that if he managed to win they would benefit from it while he will only have trama and blood on his hands and the lose of his friend he Envy the fact that they never had to work a day in their lives or had to take on the responsibility of providers when they were children he resent how they never witnessed the cruelty he witnessed and how they are involved in the system responsible for his suffering, he wanted to reject the food he got from performing and the what the ring twins have brought them but the need to eat outweight his hatred , Otto was also battling the urge to throw dirt in the faces of the capitol folk who were gawking at them but ginnee stopped him I see her as the more responsible and quieter of the two and she remains neutral towards the ring twins although she too was suspicious of their intentions
I once imagined a scenario where ginnee and panlo were staring at eachother in confusion because they don't understand why Otto and sheaf are at each others throats I also headcanon ginnee as a curious person so maybe she would take the straight route and ask sheaf about the beef between her and Otto and yeah I can see them being friends if given the chance I headcanon that they both have big imaginations and get lost in their own worlds so they would talk about that, I also see ginnee being friends with teslee as they both like making things from junk and are both nerdy , I also see Otto as being friends with circ if given the chance I headcanon that circ too had to take on the responsibility of a provider for his family , Otto is deep down a empathetic person and he empathize with other people who are in a similar situation to his ( I am still trying to figure out why he was beefing with sheaf though but hey none is perfect)
Otto was determined to at least try to win he couldn't go out without a fight whereas ginnee was going to resort to hiding and being sneaky if she went to the games she couldn't accept the idea of killing someone so she was going to resort to out of sight out of mind
These are the new ones I managed to come up with
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sasdaertg · 9 months
The other car going to the zoo
Hy : *coughing cause asthma is a bitch*
Circ : okay who here is the little mother ducker that is coughing?
Sheaf:*has an amused look on her face* a mother what?
Circ : a motherducker! Don't you guys say that when you are annoyed?
Otto *trying to hold back his laughter* no!
Hy : *coughs more*
Facet : okay but seriously who here is coughing?
Hy : asthma is a bitch okay!
Velvereen : oh you poor thing! That must be so hard for you!
Hy : I can't tell if you're sarcastic or not.
Sabyn : of course she's sarcastic you dumb hoe!
Sol : says the bitch who isn't even supposed to be here.
Teslee : can you guys be a little more quit? I'm trying to come up with a idea how to kill somebody slow and painful but not using a weapon!
Ginnee : okay wtf
Otto : please Teslee have mercy with me!
Circ : I'm your district partner you can't kill me!
Panlo : please don't kill me I'm good at making bread!
Facet : that is the dumbest excuse I've heard someone say ever.
Hy : you can kill me if you want I will either way die very slow.
Sol : please don't go emo now hy!
Sabyn : *singing* ~I fell in love with an emo girl~
Velvereen: *also singing*~ I'm in love with an emo girl*
Circ *also suddenly singing* ~I fell in love with an emo girl ~
Everybody(expect for facet) : ~all I want is an emo girl~
Facet : okay wtf is wrong with you people?!
And then they got dumped into the zoo
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boabelboo · 16 days
the ballad of songbirds and snakes in the tua universe — basic info for season 1.
this is a little au i thought up with the help of the lovely @softie-rain and @diiwata !!
before i get into the character descriptions, the characters don't necessarily have the same relationships and personalities as they do in tua canon, just ones reminiscent of them (minus the allison/luther incest, which doesn't exist at all in this au because WEIRDD. no incest welcome here. yuck.)
okayy onto the info now!
the siblings —
panlo as number one / spaceboy -> his power being super-strength makes sense to me considering that i headcanon panlo to do the heavy lifting in his industry. i also believe him to be a good, albeit difficult leader. he's dedicated to being "number one" because its all he's ever known. staying up on the moon alone for four years broke him in ways unimaginable – he truly craves company. unfortunately, his unwavering loyalty to his mother (gaul) can make him do the wrong thing for the "greater good", and blinds him to the blatant abuse that both he and his siblings face. however, at his core, panlo is a good person. his loyalty to gaul falters and he finally realises that he is his own person beyond the academy. he's fiercely protective of his siblings and finally starts doing actual good – outside of the realms of gaul's controlling regime.
brandy as number two / the kraken -> district ten's industry involving knives was the reason brandy was my pick for the trajectory manipulation power – also the fact that she kills arachne with that very weapon. brandy has always been rebellious, killing her mentor is such a diego move. she does not stand for the abuse she faces and she's quick to call out gaul on their mistreatment. however, she has a soft spot for who she regards as their "real mother" – a robot built by gaul to tend to the children's emotional needs and care, dr. kay. brandy is a soul yearning for affection and real friendship with her siblings hidden under a cold vigilante exterior. immensely distrusting and skeptical at first but a great, caring person once she comes out of her shell.
treech as number three / the rumour -> treech is well-regarded in the fandom as a theatre kid performer, which is exactly why i chose him to have this power. he can persuade anyone just by using the phrase "i heard a rumour" but at what cost? what of his life is real anymore, who would he be without it? he's got everything he had ever wanted, a family of his own, his dream career; the whole world is mouldable in the palm of his hand. deep down, he knows it's wrong. he thought he had escaped the childhood fantasy of the umbrella academy, now he is back to square one. like allison, he's constantly trying to be a better sibling, to right the wrongs of gaul, but it isn't his job. he just needs some rest.
coral as number four / the seancé -> i chose coral to have the power of seeing the dead because of her relationship with mizzen. imagine this, mizzen dying at the age of sixteen, never to be seen again by any of his family except for her. the ghosts take a toll, and she falls into drugs and alcohol to hold them at bay – just the right kind of numbness to keep the pain of everything (mizzen's death especially) at arms length. she's uncaring of people's opinion toward her and unafraid to speak up about something if she believes it's wrong. her childhood fucked her up big time, that trauma combined with being tortured (by ghosts and commission agents) and losing her one true love (mags flanagan) in the vietnam war is enough for her to start trying to turn her life around. no more drugs, she wants answers from gaul on why the children were treated this way.
bobbin as number five / the boy -> bobbin is tiny & capable in the tbosas book – literal embodiment of number five. jokes aside - i chose bobbin to be the five of the story because he seems to be ready to do anything to get home – this is very reminiscent of five murdering a boardroom full of people to get his family safely back to 2019. they are both determined, always scheming and intelligent. bobbin knows what it's like to lose people – he's lost his whole family once over, he's never letting that happen again, come hell or high water, his family are making it out alive. also the idea of bobbin being able to blink (spacial jump) is cool as fuck.
mizzen as number six / the horror -> mizzen died young, we all know that. he died after losing his innocence, being forced to kill and being branded as a monster for it. this is reminiscent of ben's story, being forced to use the horror as a weapon and being the same as it in gaul's mind. they are both kind young boys who wanted to be something more than their situation. mizzen feels trapped whilst being a ghost – constantly trying to regulate coral's bad decisions, standing powerless, helpless on the sidelines. nowhere to go, no way to change (direct quote from ben that i thought fitted him.) he just wants to be seen, to be loved. to be able to experience, rather than endure. also the tentacle thing made me think of district four.
sheaf as number seven / the white violin -> sheaf, like viktor, is always underestimated. both small and "powerless", their whole lives they've been told constantly of how disappointing they are. how weak, how ordinary. sheaf is tired and angry and lost. she knows how everyone views her, and she's sick of it. she's sick of seeing everyone belong apart from her. a spare part. she falls for any kind of attention at all, even from somebody she doesn't truly like. androcles anderson manipulates her to unlock the powers that she has always had and she loses control. everything leading up to that point made her snap. she slits treech's throat by mistake, kills androcles and ends the entire world as we know it. good for her /j. in all seriousness, sheaf learning to accept her powers with her family is a big thing for her and feeling love, real love, helps her understand that neither her or her siblings were ever the problem, gaul was.
other characters —
dr. gaul as reggie / mr(s) monocle -> this one is pretty self-explanatory, she's the main antagonist in tbosas and has an obvious dislike for children. she has an interest in science and is able to invent new species using her knowledge in biology – much like reggie creating pogo.
dr. kay as grace / mom -> i like to think, like reggie knew the human grace, gaul once knew the human dr. kay and became fascinated by her. kay, like grace, is a scientist who develops too much of an attachment to her experiments – grace with pogo, kay with the jabberjays. i believe, once the human kay dies, gaul would remake her into a robot, seeing her motherly care towards her experiments as the same as motherly care towards real children.
harlow the monkey as pogo -> gaul would 100% be able to create a talking, humanlike monkey. the amazing @felixravinstills suggested that the monkey should be called harlow (as in the harlow's cloth vs wire experiment.)
pup as hazel -> he's definitely soft under a hard exterior. after all of those years of killing with vip, he yearns for normalcy. he also really likes donuts.
vipsania as cha-cha -> i love evil women!!! they're both competitive, vindictive and fight dirty. good for them!
io as agnes -> uhhh this was originally meant to be apollo, but i have other plans for both him and diana (wait till i post my lil s2 info thing!) but yeah i think io fits. she's silly + smart! she works in a donut shop! she birdwatches! she's in love with a man who's a time-travelling assasin! the usual!
sol as patch -> they just have those vibes of striving to help people no matter what. they're still in love with that one person who got them but didn't follow the rules.
juno as patrick -> uhh this was originally meant to be coriolanus but i have a different character that he fits. juno gives salty ex vibes. honestly makes sense. also i couldn't think of anyone to fill this role lol.
androcles as leonard -> serial killer vibes. some kind of connection to sheaf. all that.
mags as dave -> uhhhhh i want an excuse to write tragic coralmags sorryyyyy!!!
fabricia whatnot as the handler -> fashion icons who are terrible, horrible people. five & the handler's relationship is somewhat reminiscent of tigris & fabricia's.
chapter one of this fic is coming out soon!! the characters featured in season two/three and who they correspond to will be revealed once s1 is finished (it'll probably be a chapter an episode!)
this fic IS canon divergent, so expect some changes from tua canon. that's all, thank you for reading!
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thatthingilovewith · 7 days
Having Cirnlo thoughts
Circ x Panlo if you couldn’t tell
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darlingsnow0 · 3 months
all the tributes with bows
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diiwata · 7 days
eddie.... looks at u with my big eyes
do u have any fc ideas for panlo & sheaf? totally ok if not, js wondering!!
district 9 tributes re-imagined?!
BEL! i didn't at first, but i thought of a couple just for you (and for me to indulge in). i saw your tags on your "little guy sheaf" post, in which you said d9 could have some south asian or middle eastern influence, so i have two fancasts per character to account for that headcanon, and to be more similar to the actors in the movie!
sheaf 1
young!avi lake. i know the book described her as smaller, so i tried finding someone that matched the vibe of a younger version of the actress :) imagine this cutie doing a handstand
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sheaf 2
yasmeen fletcher. she's on the older side, which i thought matched movie!sheaf while also adhering to your middle eastern!d9 hc. she is half lebanese.
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panlo 1
tenzing norgay trainor. he has roots in nepal and tibet on his mother's side, me thinks! both panlos match your south asian!d9 hc, by the way. he just gives me panlo vibes <3
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panlo 2
zain iqbal. loved his soft, older brother vibes in these pictures, which i think match the posts you have on his personality. he plays an indian character in agggtm, which i assume is his ethnicity too!
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tumblingghosts · 2 months
heyy backpacks!!! i've been having some sheaf time travel thoughts lately, where she tries to stop herself and panlo dying in the bombing so they actually have a chance to participate and work their plan (headcanon that they would've worked together during the games).
it works but she keeps getting so close in the games. seeing panlo die over and over again. she slowly realises that maybe surviving the bombing and playing the games isn't what she needs to do. she - and the other tributes who, begrudgingly, she's become quite fond of - need to escape.
hope u don't mind me leaving this here !!
hi bel!! (sorry it took me forever to reply!)
omg sheaf in a time loop!! here we go-
the very first time sheaf dies (book events), it's succumbing to her injuries after the bombing. she barely lives past otto (who clearly has issues with her for some reason), and wakes up back on the train. it takes her a bit to realize that she's back, rather than just waking up from a horrific nightmare, but as events start to repeat, she starts to plan. she's got a second chance, and she can't afford to waste it!
sheaf tries to subtly save brandy, just to spare herself and everyone from that terrible "funeral", but it doesn't work. she thinks she's subverted the event when brandy gets her hands on the cheese sandwich without slitting arachne's throat, but arachne doesn't magically learn a lesson, and is back the next day taunting brandy again, this time with a bottle of water. sheaf should have expected that brandy would not take the taunts lying down, knife or no knife, and when brandy smashes the bottle on the bars and stabs arachne in the throat, it is almost instinct when she grabs panlo and pulls him to the ground, right before the peacekeepers open fire.
sheaf might not have known brandy, but it's still awful watching the girl get filled with bullets. twice over now. she does manage survive the arena bombing this time, and save panlo too, so that's a plus. she makes it all the way to the arena and thinks the odds are alright. alliances have been made, but she and panlo are working together, so they can make it far, she hopes. she barely makes it a minute into the games thanks to otto, who shoots her with a crossbow. she stumbles, and he shoots her again. sheaf has no idea what his problem is. she dies, and wakes back up on the train.
it's at this point that she realizes that it wasn't a second chance, it was potentially unlimited chances. she's the only one who is being sent back like this as far as she knows, so she must be sent back for a reason, right? maybe this is a kindness, something in the universe saying that she should get to go home. so that's what she plans to do, she will win these games and go home. even if the only people that would have missed her were the others at the orphanage. even if most of d9 didn't want her back.
so she tries again. sheaf has a grudge against otto by this point, because seriously, what is that guy's deal? why is he so intent on hating her when she can't think of a single thing that she's done to him? she tries to save brandy again. it doesn't work. she makes it past the arena bombing, but it isn't enough to save panlo. he gets out with injuries, and the vet the capitol sends doesn't do enough for him, and he succumbs to his injuries. sheaf isn't prepared to go into the arena without him, and ends up dying to coral & co.
she wakes up back at the train again. she tries harder to save brandy, and succeeds! it takes snapping at arachne and shouting until the capitol girl leaves in a huff, but brandy is alive. it sparks up an alliance, and sheaf gets to know tanner and brandy better. panlo is hesitant at first, but more allies means a higher chance of survival, right? that's good, at least at the start. no one wants to talk about the case of what happens if it comes down to the four of them.
things go sideways at the arena bombing. arachne is still bitter that sheaf shouted at her (rightfully so) and makes sure that she and brandy are far away from sheaf/androcles in the arena tour. sheaf manages to save herself and panlo, but arachne and brandy die in the bombing. tanner is not doing well in the aftermath of brandy's death, and the alliance turns shaky. they're still allied when they go in, but when the three of them end up in a fight against coral and mizzen, sheaf gets injured in the process. panlo gets worried over her, and that hesitation is enough for coral to kill him. sheaf doesn't survive much past that.
next time, she tries even harder. maybe the solution here is to ally with coral and mizzen? there is plenty of wariness, especially since they killed her, but if they're allies, then she's safe, right? she tries to get herself and panlo in an alliance with them, but coral rebuffs them, saying that she and mizzen bring more advantage to them than they provide to her. she's not wrong, but sheaf is still put off by it. she gets to talking with brandy and tanner again, who are far more wary thinking that they're her "second choice" after seeing her talking with coral. sheaf isn't able to save brandy this time. tanner joins the pack. sheaf dies to otto again. she's seriously hating the boy from six now.
in the next loop, she confronts him over it when he makes a threatening motion to her. panlo sticks up for her, which only seems to make otto angrier. the argument doesn't go anywhere, but otto seems to kill her in the arena even quicker than that second time. it isn't until she sees the way he's glancing at panlo before glaring at her that it clicks.
she is more than a little bitter that the reason otto hated her so much was because he has a crush on panlo. seriously? if that was the case, then she was far from competition, since she had absolutely zero romantic interest in panlo. she tells him so to his face, because she might as well. maybe he wouldn't kill her over it. and if he did, then she'd just wake up back at the train again. otto denies it all, but it doesn't take much to see that he's lying. panlo is more than a little put off by it, but he's still up to ally with sheaf.
she manages to make it a little further in the arena this time. otto avoids her and panlo this time, but their mentors aren't sending food because they're playing safe. sheaf is annoyed, but she isn't like coral and mizzen. she thinks she can kill if it comes down to that, but she doesn't have the same physical strength that panlo does. making enemies by attacking people first is a sure way to die if they fail to finish them off. it's a slow path to starving, and the snakes that come are almost a mercy.
sheaf wakes up in the train and decides that those rainbow snakes are a terrifying way to die. she tries over and over and over again in dozens of different ways, getting further and further into the games with each iteration of events that she finds working. it's one selfish path that sees her as the victor- not saving brandy, hiding with panlo, taking out anyone sneakily in the tunnels if they cross their paths, and being ready to climb and avoid the snakes. lucy gray sings, and the snakes do not attack her. she's done this once before, but now she knows of the snake that lucy gray is hiding up her sleeve and acts quicker. that's it. there's blood on sheaf's hands, of so many lives that it had taken to get to this point, but the games are over.
she's won. she's finally won, and she can go home.
except, she is declared victor, and wakes up back on the train still. sheaf has a bit of a breakdown at that. so many tries, so many repetitions, she's finally been able to win, and that wasn't it? why was she repeating all this if not to get home? and she thinks she understands. it's the same reason that she was not surprised to hear her name. d9 did not want an orphan like her to come back. they wanted someone useful, someone like panlo. all these loops were to get panlo home, she thinks, and she starts again with that new goal.
except- that isn't it either. sheaf takes a dozen tries and a dozen more to get the right set of events for them to survive through it all. then it's down to only the two of them. sheaf and panlo. panlo does not want to die, but he does not want to kill her either. it's fine. sheaf has died plenty, and she knows all the ways to die first. he'll be the victor. he'll get to go home. sheaf will make sure of it. and she takes herself out of the games. sheaf dies, and she wakes again.
sheaf freaks out even harder than she had when she realized that her being victor wasn't the solution. if her winning wasn't the end, and panlo winning wasn't the end, then what was it? and as she's dumped in the capitol zoo, as she goes through the motions all over again, she comes to her realization. sheaf keeps brandy from killing arachne, and she thinks you deserve to go home. sheaf diffuses the one-sided beef with otto and thinks you deserve to go home. sheaf does her best to get them all through the arena bombing, and that thought rights through her mind with each tribute. you deserve to go home, i deserve to go home, we all deserve to go home.
so she starts off with a new plan. get them all out of hunger games. that loop is a bit of a loss, but she wakes up again and immediately talks with the other tributes in the cattle car she's in. (i'm going with d3 in this case) sheaf lays everything out about the time travel and loops. obviously, they're super skeptical, but she's been through this a lot and had gathered a bit of information about circ and teslee. it's not much, but it's definitely more than a girl from a different district should know about them if they truly "just met". and that's enough to create a tentative alliance.
by the time they reach the zoo, they've brainstormed a few ideas, and try to get the other tributes roped in on it. no one wants to die in the arena, but a risky plan where the capitol might to worse to them and their families if caught? it's a hard sell. no one is going to snitch, but not many are willing to join up. at this point, sheaf knows her mentor is useless (at least in regards to wanting to help her), but there's three that she knows always comes around: lucy gray's mentor, marcus's mentor, and brandy's mentor.
arachne is obviously not an option because she has zero sympathy for their situation. just because she consistently appears doesn't mean that sheaf has any interest in trying to appeal to such an unpleasant person. she's been put off by coriolanus from the amount of times that she's seen him act when hopping aboard the tribute truck (she's pretty sure he's only out to help lucy gray, and would see her dead to support "his" tribute).
so that leaves sejanus, and she knows he'll be around with the sandwiches soon. however, sheaf knows she can't talk to him for long without making it suspicious, so they have to get marcus on board the plan. this turns out to be much more difficult than planned because marcus has some personal beef with sejanus, which is where they learn that sejanus is actually from d2.
downside is that marcus is still resistant to talking to sejanus. upside is that the other tributes learning that sejanus is district gets them on board- there's hope there.
if he's not actually capitol, then he might actually be willing to help an escape plan, right? (ik this is supposed to be sheaf-centric but my brain inserts sejanus into everything) with the power of peer pressure (aka mizzen's puppy eyes), marcus reluctantly agrees to talk to sejanus. he's very on board an escape plan and tries to help them as best as he can. the only issue is that it's a very clunky plan & it crashes and burns hard.
sheaf wakes up back on the train with dampened spirits. she isn't completely ready to give up just yet though, so the next couple of loops are information gathering loops. she needs everyone on board, which means she needs a quick way for everyone to trust her for the "ideal" loop. once she gets enough knowledge, she tries over from the start, getting everyone caught up with the "i'm a time traveller & here's info i couldn't have known unless you told me" bit, and they're off with another try to get the heck out of the hunger games. they ultimately decide that they can't escape all at once.
the plan ends up being a mix of everything. it's shouting at arachne and laying into her about her behavior, which veers into the behavior of other visitors in the crowd who also thought taunting them with food was "funny". most storm off in anger, but some who were only spectating are uncomfortable (it's not much yet, but it builds). it's talking with sejanus and getting him to bring supplies that circ and teslee can use to hack the cameras. it's getting close with more sympathetic mentors for more food (in the absence of the visitors that they shouted away) to get them supplied for their escape, and invested enough in them to turn a blind eye when they're taken in for those questionnaires and more than a few of them slip away.
it's the panic of some tributes managing to get away leading to more mistakes happening. it's treech slipping away with the keys to the enclosure. it's reaper, marcus, and panlo wearing peacekeeper uniforms to give the illusion that the cage is still guarded (in uniform, no one can really tell the difference if they're not paying close enough attention). it's sejanus getting the tools for circ and teslee that "coincidentally" see the cameras at the zoo conveniently broken. it's sheaf working extra hard to get friendly with androcles that keeps the news from slandering them as badly as it might have otherwise. and it's one night where all these factors collide where the enclosure turns out completely empty, with no guards, no footage as to where they went, and no signs of a breakout by force.
sheaf has lived the path of the arena and the games many, many, many times, but this is the first that they're all out. she doesn't know where to go from here, but if this escape doesn't work- well. she's got plenty more chances to make sure that she gets it right the next time (or the next, or the next). she's quite done trying to win the capitol's games. sheaf plans to break the entire game apart.
i like to think that they escape from there! there's a lot of different ideas that could happen- like maybe after the loop where she ensures that panlo wins, he joins the loop with her. (aka victors join the time loop) or maybe the loop is iterative. every time she does something right, she wakes up at a new later point, rather than back at the train every time. like after gaining the other tributes' trust, the next time she dies, she wakes up already at the enclosure post-get-thier-trust (basically there's "checkpoints" for each correct action).
in any case, sheaf gets all the tributes working together & out of the capitol. gaul's lab mysteriously gets destroyed. the mentors who were quite attached to their tributes have no clue how that could have happened. highbottom doesn't care enough to continue the games, and stopping them is easy when their popularity had been dropping & there is no head gamemaker pushing for its continuation.
this got pretty long, but it was fun to think about! feel free to send any more thoughts- and thanks for sending this ask bel!! :D
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bloodredlolipops · 6 months
Associating TBOSAS tributes with songs from my playlist because I am bored and decided to do this for fun:
(Note: If any of these are your favorite song then you can say that you are the character I gave the song to.)
Facet: I / Me / Myself by Will Wood
Velvereen: Primadonna by Marina and the Diamonds
Marcus: LOOK DON’T TOUCH by Odetari & cade clair
Sabyn: Teen Idle by Marina and the Diamonds
Circ: Be Nice To Me by The Front Bottoms
Teslee: I Am Not a Robot by Marina and the Diamonds
Mizzen: Home or Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown
Coral: She Likes a Boy by Nxdia
Hy: Say It Ain’t So by Weezer
Sol: Cherry Bomb by The Runaways
Otto: Riptide by Vance Joy
Ginnee: Just Dance by Lady Gaga
Treech: Trees by McCafferty
Lamina: Not Strong Enough by boygenius
Bobbin: Bruno is Orange by Hop Along, Queen Ansleis
Wovey: Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos
Panlo: Lovers Rock by TV girl
Sheaf: Oh No! by Marina and the Diamonds
Tanner: Wrecking Ball by Mother Mother
Brandy: Mary by Alex G
Reaper: Twin Size Mattress by The Front Bottoms
Dill: I Bet on Losing Dogs by Mitski
Jessup: Things to Do by Alex G
Lucy Gray: I’ve Had Enough by Melina KB
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For some reason I started imagining a scenario where the tributes and the mentors somehow get trapped together in the arena (without the peacekeepers being there don't ask me how I haven't figured it out) at first the mentors are freaking out meanwhile the tributes are just sitting there being like: we are dead anyway and each group is staying on one side of the arena and don't want to cross the other side however when supplies are sent for the mentors empathize on only the mentors the nicer ones are willing to share with their tribute while the less good ones are complaining and screaming nonstop until the tributes have enough of the screaming and tell them to shut up Bec they are the ones who the capitol is trying to save and send supplies for and the ones who well get to live while if they get out of the arena while they will come back home in boxes and will never get the chance to grow up except one and the tributes who are frustrated with their mentors varbully smack them down until the bad mentors finally shut up and slowly they go from insulting the tributes to trying to have a somewhat casual conversation although with little success idk I am writing this while half asleep so sorry if it's all random and there are dozen of plot holes and I haven't decided if the reason they are all trapped in the arena is Bec of the bombing and where the peacekeepers would be as I am not considering them so sorry if this is all random but it's a scenario that I thought would be somewhat amusing
That's a fantastic setup for a fix-it!! Because the best way to convince people to part with their prejudiced, bigoted beliefs is to let them interact with the people they hate. It forces them to see the humanity in those they've convinced themselves are lesser beings. It's what most of my full fix-it AU's are focused on: forcing the mentors to see what they refuse to accept. The tributes just don't have the power or influence to stop the games, but the mentors do. They have the freedom to actually do something. It's just that they don't, because they only care about their own tribute and are raised to believe in the system. The games are a part of the system. Working within the system means trying to make their own tribute the victor, and it's that mentality that gets all of the tributes except Lucy Gray killed.
The bombing's the only time the tributes and mentors both go into the arena at the same time, so it'd have to happen then if we wanna stick as close to canon as possible. Ain't no way the Capitol's gonna let their precious children be alone in a large space with district people so there would be peacekeepers either way. The best way to handle this is to kill most or all of those peacekeepers via rubble. The first bomb goes off in the entrance rather than near it, effectively collapsing it shut, and the second goes off lower down in the stands. Only the walls to the bottom of the stands collapse, the ceiling stays intact. Possibly a third bomb goes off to create a gap in the ceiling that's too high for anyone to reach.
Maybe Treech and Lamina are sent by the mentors to climb the pile and find a way out? Because the mentors view themselves as smarter and more superior so they try to take the lead and be in control. They wanna send Wovey too but the 22 glares (bc Dill wouldn't glare) burning into their very souls put that idea to rest very quickly. But Lamina and Treech can't make an exit without moving stones which would risk bringing the whole building down on everyone. The mentors refuse to accept "no" until Reaper and Marcus have enough of their shit and threaten them to accept the answer or face the consequences. Sejanus, throughout all of this, is an absolute angel trying to stop his mentors from being jerks. It's not effective, but he's trying, and he only admonishes the mentors that try to threaten back. Not Reaper or Marcus, because of course not. They're well within their rights to be rude to the Capitol kids. So, they're stuck and retreat to their corners because of the mentors.
I think the tributes would want to be with each other while stuck in the arena, but their mentors would stop them because competition and "those other tributes are vile and dangerous district scum and you're different so I can't be around those beasts!" Maybe that's actually the snapping point for one of them? It would show some more selfless characteristics which would make it harder for the mentors to ignore. This kid didn't stand up for themself but for people who they met days ago that'll have to die soon. It's very echo-y in the arena so even spoken words can be heard by everyone. Perhaps, while the tributes like Facet and Panlo are screaming at their horrible mentors for being trash, they reveal some of the horrible living conditions in the districts? Like one of them will go "and not even when we're in the Capitol can we escape you worthless, slimy douchebags depriving us of our basic needs! Not even when you need us fed will you bother inconveniencing yourself in the slightest to be less than the bare minimum requirements for a basic human being!!!!" and it kind of shocks the mentors out of their delusion because the tributes haven't ever been so openly hostile before.
Maybe, if they rant a little further, the other mentors turn to their own tributes and ask if things are really that bad. The answer? "Ha! No. Absolutely not don't worry :). It's worse :D" When Facet straight up tells Livia he hates her and everything about her, and Brandy declares she wishes she'd gone through with slitting Arachne's throat rather than showing mercy, they start to realize just how much the tributes loathe them. It's awkwardly silent for a few minutes when Gaius tries to lighten the mood with one of his "jokes". The mentors laugh. The tributes scowl. Panlo says nothing, merely looks Gaius in the eyes for a few seconds. Then he spits in his face and decks him hard enough to break his nose. Standing up, he goes to sit with Sheaf. The glare he gives when Gaius speaks up indignantly and tries to follow shut him up immediately as he sits down. Something about the previous conversation about not feeding the tributes sits with Vipsania and she turns to Treech. "When I said you should perform for food, I-"
"I know about the prize, Vipsania. It's fine, you don't have to lie." Marcus and Sejanus have spent this quality time to bond and become actual friends (because Sejanus is very funny when he subtly roasts his classmates and Marcus can appreciate that the guy's trying to help them at least) so when Sejanus tries to apologize Marcus merely gives him a hug and assures him that he didn't do anything wrong. Coriolanus' belief in Gaul's theory is destroyed because they're all effectively cornered and this is the most human he's ever seen the tributes act (because he can't not pay attention this time). No one's dead, and even the already starving tributes who were initially denied food haven't done anything drastic or caused any actual harm. Huh... Maybe he should listen to Tigris a little more, she's always been there for him after all. He knows she has the best intentions, whereas Gaul... He's starting to have his doubts about her.
Pup asks Lamina whether she thinks he's been a good mentor, and her answer is along the lines of "Yeah, and you've been a good friend to me." She glances at Treech, and he remembers all the things he so desperately tried to diminish and write off. The way they were always near one another, them sharing all their food (his earned through performance, hers given by Pup), the way they constantly looked over at one another to make sure they were still okay and their obvious concern. They cared about each other, and he was fine with taking someone so clearly important to Lamina away from her because actually questioning the system would've made him uncomfortable. His comfort had been more important to him than her happiness, her mental stability, and possibly her life. Vipsania turns back to Treech. "Do you hate me?" It catches everyone's attention, and he stares at her with an unreadable look on his face before hesitantly saying: "You could've been much worse..." While she knows she'll regret it, she repeats herself. "But do you hate me?" For a few agonizing seconds, you could hear a pin drop while everyone waits for his next words. They don't come. Instead, he merely looks away from her, curling in on himself. It's answer enough.
All the other tributes look away as well, and that's when it finally actually hits the mentors. Even the tributes with nicer mentors hate them. It's Lucy Gray who explains it. Some of them like their mentors just fine, but due to the circumstances... There's a part of them that can't help but feel resentful towards the Capitol kids. Their privileged lives, their frivolous worries like school projects that somehow take precedent over children who rely on them to survive, the everything about their circumstances and everyone's role in it. The system that caused the suffering and future death of the tributes is the same system that benefits the mentors. And no matter how much said mentors show they care, it clearly wasn't enough to make them even question this unfair world. Silence and inaction can speak much louder than any word or action ever could sometimes. This is one of those times.
I have so many more ideas but I'll cut it off now. Do you want to write this? If not, I'd be interested :) (with credit given ofc). I do have two running stories and 3 things I plan to start writing, but I'd give this precedence over at least 2 of those lmao. But it is your idea so...
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ohdarlings · 1 year
thank god for creep bc pablo honey is such a shit album radiohead would’ve tanked without it
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spiralling-thoughts · 3 months
Livia: why don't you just listen to me you selfish brat?
Facet: I AM THE ONE WHO IS SELFISH? You......you..... GUYS!! COVER THE CHILDREN'S EARS what I am about to say should not be heard by little kids!
*Lucy gray covers wovey 's ears, reaper covers dill's, coral cover mizzens , and jessup cover bobbins and Panlo covers sheafs*
Bobbin: hey why are you covering mine?
Bobbin trying to shake his head out of Jessup's grasp: c'mon jessup I want to hear it besides I have already heard All sorts things from my neighbors
Sheaf: uhhh panlo do you honestly think I am a stranger to bad words?
Livia and the other mentors after Facet use every insult and swear he knows off towards her:
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blockbrickworldsblog · 3 months
Top 5 Panlos Bricks Sets for Kids in 2024
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In the case of block production, few brands can be associated with creativity, quality as well as education, and Panlos name stands out. At BLOCKBRICKWORLD, we know the significance of selecting the ideal toys for your children, and thus, we are eager to present the top five Panlos Bricks sets for kids of 2024. These sets also challenge people with problem-solving skills and other interesting creative skills. 
1. Panlos Space Exploration Kit
A perfect toy for the young aspiring astronauts out there is the Panlos Space Exploration Kit. Here, there exist specific guidelines and parts for making a space shuttle, lunar rover as well as a mini space station. For a child to handle over 500 pieces, he or she has to be patient enough and also be very precise. The look and feel are rather lifelike and detailed, which makes it ideal for children who are enthusiasts of space and science.
2. Panlos Dino Adventure Set
It’s favorite with children and the Panlos Dino Adventure Set attempts to introduce children to dinos among other things. This set is an assortment of different dinosaur figures, beginning with the terrifying T-Rex up to the gigantic Brachiosaurus. This design makes it a colorful and stimulating play as the parts of the play are movable. I think it is a splendid idea to make children familiar with paleontologists and spark their interest in the ancient world.
3. Panlos City Rescue Team
To show how versatile Panlos Bricks is, here are more of its products that would be a great addition to any children’s toy collection for action and adventure: the City Rescue Team set. This particular set entails vehicles used in emergencies such as fire trucks, ambulances, police cars, and rescuers. It can be easily attached to children's beds and children can use it as a toy and simulate different rescue missions. This set entertains everybody while at the same time, it educates people on how they should learn to assist others.
4. Panlos Fantasy Castle
Fairy tales and magical adventures are well portrayed by the Panlos Toys Fantasy Castle set designed for children. This castle had all the elements of imagining from its tall towers, drawbridge, and different carvings on its walls. It is made up of knights and dragons and other creatures that young children can make up their own stories. The line of the castle set allows children to build fantastic castles where they can imagine and have lots of fun pretending.
5. Panlos Robot Warriors
In the epoch of technologies and intelligent equipment, robots are fascinating to young designers. Panlos Robot Warriors set which is just as the name suggests ‘Robot’, comes with several robots each with joints that can be moved and different parts that can be interchanged. Students can assemble and/or design their robots which in turn can help in strengthening the mechanical and engineering aspects of the subject. This set is good for any child’s home library as it is fun yet informative at the same time.
At BLOCKBRICKWORLD we know toys should be excellent in quality, fun, and educational for children. Whether children are traveling through space, going on a dinosaur hunt, or saving the city, Panlos sets promote creativity, problem-solving skills, as well as entertainment. The said block toys are available alongside many other fabulous sets – look at your child’s creativity grow!
Therefore, every parent who brings their child to play with toys from the Panlos Toys company becomes an investor in the creation of a child’s future. Discover our collection and let the building start now!
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boabelboo · 4 months
tanner 🤝 otto
having severe beef w girls because they have a gigantic crush on said girl's district partner and they're jealous of them
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