sclfmastery · 4 years
How are you doing with the character - you’re kidding, right? This is hands down the best master blog, if not the best doctor who blog, on the whole damn website. You’re awesome, the boys are awesome, and we love you.
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How am I doing with my character? Tell me in the askbox, and I’ll publish it without comment (accepting!)
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qthewetsprocket · 7 years
pantherpause replied to your photo: mati-river: С Днём Рождения, Джон. Люблю тебя.
It’s from Intruders.
Ah, cheers! :) I thought the background looked a little too sunny for the Lakes (and Simm a little too nicely mature).
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ofstormsandwolves · 7 years
pantherpause replied to your post: I’ve just been asked by my dad and step mum to...
Maybe what they’re trying to say is that they want the pictures to show scale? Like “oh, it fits four 2L bottles of soda, I can use it for shopping,” vs “oh, it’s big enough for my phone and wallet.” Though either way, it sounds like something they could do themselves with a cellphone camera and a ruler.
when I asked them what sort of stuff they wanted in the bags (because i was under the assumption they were being sold as shopping/tote bags) they were like 'oh, toilet rolls... pegs. People could use it as a peg bag!'. So, while I get what you mean (and that would actually be kinda logical) about doing it so people can see how much the bags can hold (although considering they're selling them on a stall, people should be able to see that for themselves), my parents literally meant so that people could see the 'uses' of the bags. Basically, my step-nan has made them out of bits of material she has lying around, which means that on some of the bags, the outside pattern and the pattern of the lining clash/don't really go well together, and my parents were like 'if you take photos of the bag with some pegs in it people will know to use it as a peg bag', but I'm fairly certain that people would work that sort of thing out for themselves. Like, if they're looking for a bag to store kids' toys/pegs/washing etc. then they're gonna buy the bags regardless of whether there are photos proving that they can be used for that, because the people buying the bags are most likely going to be adults and understand that these 'tote' bags can be used to put different things in.
Were it to demonstrate the physical size of the bag, I would see their point, but their words to me were genuinely 'to show people what sort of things they can put in them'. Not how much they can put in them, but physically WHAT to put in them. Which is why I think the idea is stupid. You can put anything in a bag, as long as it's not liquid and likely to spill or stain, and I'm fairly certain people don't need photos to show them that.
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ingravinoveritas · 5 years
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faggghaggg replied to your photoset “done-with-ur-ineffable-bullshit: faggghaggg: pantherpause: Time...”
@ingravinoveritas​, lol! Never too late for me to discuss DT's bi-ness. Is it calculated, I wonder, or do these gay moods just come over him irrepressibly?
I think it has to be the right circumstances/environment for it to come out. One of the things we’ve talked about before (the infamous “...Then I’ll be anyone’s!” quote) suggests his guard goes down when he drinks, and he did have a glass of Bailey’s at the start of this show, so it could just be a function of the more he drinks and/or loosens up, the sluttier and/or gayer he gets...
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petrichormemory · 7 years
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Four Years...
Has it really been that long with this ginger? Wow, it’s been one heck of a road getting here. I changed blog names and even moved and still managed to keep some amazing friends and have such great stories. I have to thank a few of these people specifically for all our grand adventures and their infinite patience along the way. While they are only a piece of the memories I’ve made, they are some that stand out. I’ll try to keep it short but I’ll not make any promises.
@ask-xi / @thenotchdoctor / @notyouroldgirl / @bananasbadgirl
Of course I’d start with you. Did you think, all those years ago, that we could ever get this far? I know I didn’t but I’m so incredibly glad we have. Not only are you one of the people I’ve known here the longest, but you’re easily one of the best friends I’ve made in my adult life. Thank you, Pirate, for giving this weirdo a chance so long ago and being nice to the muse, too. I’ll never regret a day. As precious as XI is to Amy, you are more so to me. My Doctor. 
@theta-x / @shamanvladek
You’re not getting away from this either. I’ve written with you nearly as long and I’ve not regretted a single day. Pond will always pride herself on the level of trust and understanding she has with X. It was hard earned and she’ll fight the universe on his behalf if the husband doesn’t get there first. And you, Will, are nearly indescribable. I’m just so glad for the times where stars could align long enough for us to talk. Even on a garbage day you manage to find ways to make me smile. It’s either witchcraft or a testament to how amazing you are both as a writer and a friend. Keep shining, bright star. 
@masterfulxrhythm / @icyxmischief
Yes, you’re next, so sit down and hold on. This is going to be good. First and foremost, I need to thank you for trusting me. A ship like ours really could have been a disaster in the making right from the start. But it wasn’t. Something sort of magical happened between them and it’s quickly risen to be one of the most beautiful stories I’ve ever written. And just look at us now! You are a joy and pleasure to write with in each and every verse. You’re also a magnificent friend. Thank you for not being completely freaked out by my weirdness and enthusiasm. And yes, I’m already planning my next trip. You’re stuck with me, lol. 
@thexthdoctor / @rosegundays / @theuniverseis
I don’t really know where to begin so I’ll pick a spot in the middle. You should know how much I love who you are and what you do by now. Your Rose breaks my heart in the same breath that your Ten gives me life. It’s ridiculously unfair and I wouldn’t want it any other way. More important than any written story is the friends you make along the way and you, dear Hunt, are one of the very best. Mi princesa, estoy tan feliz que finalmente estás con tu reina. <3 
Just because you’re not writing anymore doesn’t mean you get off the hook. I’ll just keep it short. Old school brats like us are one of a kind and I’m so glad you’re still my friend. I’ll never forget and I’ll never let you forget either. Writing on this site may be how we met, but being a wonderful person kept you my friend. I survived a lot of garbage and long work shifts being able to talk to you and I’ll always be thankful for that. You are so strong and smart and lovely. One day at a time, dear. You can do this and you’re not alone. I wish both of you all my best every single day.
@fobwatchedcenturion / @arkytiorforeman
Oh hai. Your Rory is the most precious thing on the face of this Earth and needs to be protected and loved at all costs, okay? And your Master is such a little shit. No one can tell you how to write them except you. And I’ve been a fan of these boys longer than we’ve actually been talking so hush your face with that creeping self-doubt. Ryker, you’re dealing with a lot of garbage right now but you’re not the garbage. You’re not even close to garbage. You’re amazing and creative and lovely and I wish you many hugs and happy days. 
Maaaaaaaams!!!!!!!! We have orbited around each other’s universes for ages and I’m so glad we finally got around to talking. You are one of the kindest people on the planet. I know your River in Gallifrey best and love her nearly as much as her not Mum does. Because of who you are and the heart you put into what you do, she really comes to life. It’s been great getting to know you, too. I can only hope for greater adventures in the future.
I’d also like to give a special shout out and thanks to @dear-indies. If it weren’t for the work you do and the fandom lists you make, I never would have met these people nor made such great friendships. 
I don’t always get a chance to talk to everyone the way I like. Life isn’t that easy. So here is a list (in no particular order and not all inclusive) of the people I enjoy on my dash and some I have the pleasure of writing with in my lucky days. You’ve all made my time here memorable and I can’t wait to see what’s in the future for all of us.
@sonoftwotimelords​ / @differentfacesameman / @verycleveridea / @felixtredecim / @centurionpond  / @greyedtimelord /  @the-vampire-timelord / @noteveryonedies / @sepulchrebound / @watchedcreationburn / @thousandfxces / @deathbyanyname / @iwillbebrave / @burningxcourage / @pantherpause / @askthesyraxian / @theagentturnedwanderer / @thiefofgallifrey / @thiefofnobility / @shewhowalkedtheearth / @drthetasigma10 / @wildmoored / @thetacrisis / @pondelistic / @thenobleallie / @theshadowofgallifrey / @nineandrunning / @melodyandpond / @talktoten / 
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alez-on-mars · 7 years
The Doctor Fall Headcanon
Simm!Master didn’t actually give Missy the full blast, she will be able to regenerate. Maybe she's not even dead.
He just shot her because he already knows Thirteen. He knows the Doctor is going to survive, and doesn’t really need her help.  So he stopped her, to break her free from the Doctor. 
Once again the Master faked permanent death to break free.
@masterfulxrhythm @pantherpause @karlimeaghan @danae-b @babyjunkyhamlet @drabriel @tuffetu
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a-trichster-life · 7 years
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Aesthetics Phone Pics
a-trichster-life aesthetic :P
I was tagged by @basmathgirl​ Thank you for tagging me! :)
Rules: create your own aesthetic of your interests only using images saved on your device. No browsing and finding images!!
I don’t even know if these people do tags but oh well I’m gonna tag some people anyway...
Tagging : @thingsandtrichotillomania @searching-for-serenity-and-grace @piiinkmans @beinkemen @sexicoolnerd @pantherpause @flowersfalling @forthegaytergood @punktrashbeanie @kiramartinauthor 
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earlgreytea68 · 8 years
pantherpause replied to your post “Advent Drabble 17 - Krampus”
I miss your chaosverse stories! Glad they sneaked into your advent. Thank you!
Thanks! :-)
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sclfmastery · 5 years
pantherpause replied to your post: so like…is there at least promotional material for...
twitter.com/bigfini… is about all you get for now. It says it’s not releasing until 2021.
thaaaank <3 
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qthewetsprocket · 7 years
pantherpause replied to your photo:Anyone know where this is from?
Apparently it’s from filming “trauma” - I think an upcoming miniseries.
Ah, cheers! I’m quite looking forward to that. He does love the angsty roles, does our mister Simm.
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ofstormsandwolves · 7 years
pantherpause replied to your post “.”
I thought the same thing - that there was a lot of repetition besides what you mentioned with Bill and Rose - but it seemed like it was stealing pretty openly from both Midnight and the Waters of Mars, too. I liked it a lot better than previous episodes with Twelve, so am not objecting to any throwbacks to the time of RTD.
Yeah, there were pretty obvious bits from Midnight and Waters of Mars too, and I picked up on both of them, but the repetition/ parallels between Rose and Bill were made even more obvious by the fact that it was the first episode in the series and introducing the new companion (ie. exactly like the episode Rose). But yes, I enjoyed 12′s character more in this ep than most previous eps, and I’ve watched it again since last night and, unlike previous episodes, I still like it after a rewatch so I’m pretty pleased about that!
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alez-on-mars · 7 years
Anyway, since Simm!Master is a Russell T. Davies’ character, I’m not going to take anything Moffat wrote for him as canon.
@masterfulxrhythm @danae-b @tuffetu  @pantherpause @karlimeaghan
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sclfmastery · 5 years
pantherpause replied to your post: //Okay but imagine what the Master would have worn...
I’m picturing an above the knee skirt fashioned after the bottom half of a Dalek held up by pleather suspenders, maybe with some pink go-go boots?
damn what a glorious image 
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sclfmastery · 6 years
pantherpause replied to your post: //I cannot believe no one ever told me about...
I love that whole album.
the only other song I’ve heard from that album is Praying which is fucking REMARKABLE.  
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sclfmastery · 6 years
//This is just another shout-out to @pantherpause for being an unerring source of friendly camaraderie in this community, and for always graciously providing me with high quality imagery and media that they have permitted me to use in my writing posts <3 
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sclfmastery · 7 years
pantherpause replied to your post: //Trauma was amazing, I’m sobbing, Jesus.  If...
also think as a senior member of staff, he’d know that there should have been better communication throughout. It’s also interesting culturally - it’s less lawsuit-happy than America. Poor or not, lawyering up here probably would have gotten him a settlement out of it as the hospital doesn’t want the bad press. But as you said, strong overall.
Agreed on all counts to both your comments.
It was also amazing to me how utterly mundane the setting and events were, yet how surreally chilling.  
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