littlestsnicket · 6 months
You can boop on mobile, it's weird that you can't. I know I had to activate it on the website and then it was in the app so it might be the same bug for you
oooh, i’ve had things like that happen before. i just checked and was able to opt in on my phone web browser but i’m not sure how to actually boop. maybe if i reload the app, it will work… i’ll mess around with it a bit but might have to wait until after work
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gouinisme · 1 year
Ff.net is very popular in Europe, I had never heard of wattpad before entering the anglophone fandom sphere
sérieux?? i had the opposite experience: au collège mes potes irl utilisaient que wattpad et j'avais jamais entendu parler de ff.net avant que j'intègre la fandom anglophone
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soundsfaebutokay · 2 years
Digging deep with The Amazing Devil (an ask game)
1 and 11
Also happy birthday to one of the kindest person I know 💕
Thank you, Charlie, you're so sweet. 🥰
ETA: Wait @spoonietimelordy, I forgot to actually answer the questions before posting, lmao.
1. Song that reminds you of someone who makes you laugh
Drinking Song for the Socially Anxious reminds me of so many musician friends! That sort of vibe in the intro where they're just hanging around, plucking on a guitar and seeing what comes out is a thing that used to happen a lot in my college friend group. Very fond memories with lots of laughter and lovely people. :)
11. Song that makes you hope
Oh, The Calling. It's my anthem for not giving up on becoming the person that I want to be. "I can't wait to show you just how much you can be." I hold on to that a lot.
The ask game is here :)
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rowanthestrange · 8 months
The Master And Margarita Jacket
(Matthew Sweet’s Doctor Who version…but with a frisson of Bulgakov’s)
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It’s done! With every bit of unphotographical glittery metallic paint that I can’t capture on camera even if my iphone skills weren’t rubbish.
@spoonietimelordy, @rearranging-deck-chairs, @bearinabandana and everyone else who Did The Reading of that one ‘I Am The Master’ novel but I’ve forgotten to tag because i’m so sleep deprived i can’t think any more but hopefully other people will, assemble!
Detailed closeups and explanations (with some spoilers) below:
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Starting front top right side (face on). -Margarita herself, biting a mushroom. A more Cockatoo beak than Macaw, with red face instead of white, to make what exactly she is more mysterious. -The Master Who logo here is just gold, any shading didn’t look right when it was so thin.
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Front top right pocket. Purple, of course.
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-Next section down are these three. The ‘Never Stop Growing’ patch is my second favourite patch of the bunch. So many Master Themes, and plot relevant. -Then the little ‘Best Buds’ with the heart in the middle. I was inordinately proud of that idea. (Buds, budding, bigenerated vibe). -And then ‘Obscene Lotus’. That’s mentioned early in the book, and while it’s just described as a big purplish lotus, there’s so much sexual charging in that scene that, well, you gotta.
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Me, reusing the ‘budding’ pun in a different capacity? It’s more likely than you think.
-The cover of the Penguin Clothbound Classic version of the original The Master And Margarita, that took multiple days to complete and so much agony. -The patch is a blank one that I bought, then painted the design to look like one of those stamps people sometimes put in books. Painted the border the same colour, then tea-stained it to look like old paper. Certainly in real life the colour comes out nicely. I couldn’t find his autograph (and sadly there’s an unrelated artist with the same name lol) but he got his doctorate in Wilkie Collins so I just looked up examples of that guy’s writing and tried to give it a bit of that vibe. Hopefully it’s the thought that counts. But hey, if anyone ever meets him and gets me a signature sample I can just redo it.
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General mushroom patch - I like the fire kind of vibe and the looming.
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To the other side!
So. You’re asking what’s with the daisy theme. Fair. So Margarita is also another name for a daisy in some languages. I choose to lean into that because it’s also the widely known symbol of Three - with that scene where he talks to Jo and recounts how a hermit living on a mountain helped dispel his depression by getting him to focus on the beauty of the flower (“and it was the most daisiest daisy”). Given that Three is essentially a character in the book, this felt like the vibe we’re going for. It’s perennial. It also is a healer of bruises and wounds, how can that not be relevant meta wise too to the Master’s new companion, hm? And okay yes, Mikhail does say he’s not a botanist, but if you can think of another way to get that message across other than botanical illustration page…
I like the patch because lightbulb, idea, full of mushrooms etc.
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-‘I Am The Master’ being the name of the book the story is contained in, plus Fun With Identity. -Next the one bit of Real Art that I attempted to copy in glittery acrylics - Magritte’s ‘The Treachery Of Images’ or more commonly known ‘Ceci n’est pas une pipe’. The story not only of the Master’s experiences recently, but the story’s themes of hallucinations and deceptions; as well as being the symbol of Russian!Brigadier. -This patch is great isn’t it? A play on the Master’s apparent alcoholism or Russian blending in as you prefer, and of course, The Lighthouse of Martin!Doctor fame.
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-Mikhail’s guitar for playing Brown Sugar and other ominous inference songs. -The formula triangle of Love, Food, and Music (I couldn’t think of a self-evident way to show his approach to food - Russian dumplings are, well, not exactly distinct). On its side so the glittery pink triangle points in a certain direction because he’s escaped places and I can do ominous inferences too Sweet. -Maybe controversial? There is a failed love story component in here though, that I just couldn’t leave unmarked. The Doctor, K’vo, and Jo all have their parts to play in that.
Now for the arms:
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Here’s the right-side looking-on arm. -I repainted this mushroom patch to be the orange and green of K’vo’s. -You’ve already seen the long image of it above, so here’s just a snippet closeup of the motif that goes along both arms. Daisies linked in a chain with the words ‘daisiest daisy’ (if you wonder why everything’s outlined by the way, a) i like the style, and b) it makes glitter infinitely more legible and clearer to see if there’s a dark matt border around it breaking it up, especially with something as variable coloured as denim). There’s the sunflower in the middle because Margarita loves her sunflower seeds.
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This is the other arm. Margarita holding a margarita in a margarita. What’s more to add? I used my shittest white (mixed with my fabric medium as everything else has been at every step) rather than @yesokayiknow’s excellent suggestion of Liquitex, which has saved me everywhere else, including those light patches. But here shitty kids basics acrylic is translucent enough to do some excellent work pretending to be glass and ice. The parrot patch has been altered to make the beak entirely black and her face red instead of macaw white, to keep her species ambiguous as literary theme demands.
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To the back!
This Master Who logo is bigger, so it has the Master’s purple highlights like bruising.
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Here is a small UNIT patch I modified to be a Russian one, globe focused on their continent (roughly). Sweet just translated the word ‘unit’ for Russian!Brigadier’s group, and the text is the re-cyrilliced version of that.
Skipping to the bottom…
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Here referencing O’s collection of Doctor Information, Sweet adding to that with having distinct scrapbooks. ‘Manuscripts Don’t Burn’ is a line from Bulgakov’s The Master And Margarita (spoken by Satan in fact, mhmm) and became something of a rallying cry for oppressed Russian artists. I have ‘Author Unknown’ for the obvious meta with his and the Doctor’s memories, and likewise, the fact that flames are clearly present and burning lets the viewer come to whatever conclusion they like. #133 was chosen for the simple fact that in my copy of Bulgakov’s novel, and the one depicted on the front of the jacket, it is page 133 which starts the chapter The Hero Enters, where we meet The Master who has renounced all other names (who is very much, as Interference notes, the Doctor). They are glitter paint titles done on Hemline repair patches, black, brown, white, and navy blue. I know anything too painty on that area of the back will risk a lot of wear, and these are easily replaced when necessary (if still hours of lettering).
To the left most side…
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This was the most expensive patch I bought, £12. But worth it. The mushroom stalk is silk.
Here I depicted in silhouette the scene of the Master climbing up to the Doctor on the giant mushroom. I chose silhouette so as not to draw the eye too much. I also added some 2ply black-black glitter cotton as part of his climbing equipment, attached on by some silver stitches for the…things I can’t remember the name of. It gives it a bit more 3D effect, but also keeps the thread close enough it shouldn’t pull on anything.
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And at its base we have a reference to Mikhail’s chosen middle name. I chose to believe it’s relevant, Sweet’s too deep into this for it not to be. This is a cover I edited to highlight the namesake who actually travelled Russia and collected the tales of this book, and indeed, it does include the story of Koschei The Deathless. I edited the robe to be red instead of its original yellow, and added the quintessential Time Lord collar. But I think it’s perfectly passable. This is iron on transfer paper (dark) onto a very light grey polycotton to turn it into a patch. It…*cough* hasn’t had its edges finished or strictly been attached yet, but that’s a bit of handwork I can do as and when.
So finally back up to the middle
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I’ve expanded out @spoonlesss-artbook fantastic angel-winged Margarita’s Master art. The Redbubble bag was only that big as it was (hemmed with bostik fabric glue like a true pro and attached as a panel) so it cut off a little, and it didn’t go the whole way anyway, so now we get some endings of the feathers, some all the way up to the arm of the jacket. I tried to blend it into the fire, one creature of both. And trying to get a multidimensional feel, boundary breaking. And again, very glittery irl so plays very well with the fire theme. It was fun when it came to colour-matching particularly the blue wing at the top, because the glitter gives it a bit of a sheen. I blunted it with a few careful washes of black so it still sparkles but is the right colour in most angles.
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The Redbubble edit cuts @spoonietimelordy’s signature, so I copied it from the original and moved it over to the left side in some sparkly silver. Also internet doxxing my real life self on the bottom of the back as my own signature.
Doesn’t look like the sort of thing that would take weeks when you see it all together, but I’m really happy with it. I’m so grateful for everyone who’s shown their brilliant art to me and shared posts about painting all these years, cus it allowed me to absorb stuff and let me come out of the gate swinging! It feels thoroughly addictive. Even if I only know ‘use tiny brush’ for almost everything and glitter metallic is great for hiding sins. (And a ‘Ha!’ in the face of my mother keeping me away from it my whole life because of mess - I never got even a single speck on any clothes that wasn’t this jacket. I could’ve been doing this for years rather than just picking up a brush at the age of thirty-damn-one. But at least I’ve got it now).
And thanks to Matthew Sweet for feeding the worms in my brain too.
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welcome to the fivela appreciation blog!! I’m working on the prompt list for the event & the rules post as we speak
I wanted to ask, when would you rather have the event be held
tags for those who i think would be interested -> @gaishnik , @fivelila , @sunshine-and-christmas-caryls , @howdoioperateher , @outofmemory , @mechkura , @spoonietimelordy , @harrietmjones , @fivelilas , @sevenyearstrawberries , @fivelasanctum
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lansalla · 3 months
okay, as an old whovian I can't get past this
@my-jokes-are-my-armour @spoonietimelordy You should like it too😅
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chaosandwolves · 5 months
Whatever Thursday
I haven't done one of these in a while cause I haven't written much but wanted to share this bit before the next ep comes out
This thought here hasn't left me so I started writing about that moment
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When Eddie closes the loft door behind him he can still feel the air of Buck's relieved sigh dancing through the tiny soft hairs on his neck; he can still feel the way Buck hugged him just that bit tighter when Eddie told him again how proud he is of him, how happy he is for him. And he is. God he is. For years Eddie had been watching Buck struggle with something neither of them could really unveil underneath the layers of trauma and the heavy black cloud of fear that Buck will end up alone and abandoned. Watching Buck without a map in his hands, without even a vague direction trying to find this piece of himself he didn't know was missing and yet constantly returning to the same old worn out paths… It had hurt; both of them. But now, now something has clicked into place. Eddie could see it, could feel it. The breaths Buck let cascade over Eddie's back were deeper and calmer than he's ever witnessed them before. So of course Eddie is happy. Of course he is. He wants nothing more for Buck than to feel whole and like he can stop running after the answers to questions he has no words for. Seeing Buck finally be at ease with himself and the world, that's a wish Eddie has carried with him since he's learned about Abby and it only has grown over the years while he watched Buck running in circles and watched him learn about Daniel and felt his unmoving chest underneath his fingers. It had grown to a point where it had been an ever present aching sore spot in his heart.
But Eddie had wondered in that moment, just for a second, if he had missed anything; how he could've been overlooking this part of Buck. But then he realized that there was no surprise rattling his chest. That prickling feeling scratching at the inner walls of his ribcage, had only appeared when Buck told him that it had been Tommy's kiss that lifted that veil off him. It's not like he hadn't known Tommy is gay. But he didn't expect this. Didn't expect Buck to…. Something sizzles in his chest and he has to rub his sternum to soothe the burn.
Not quite sure where this leads yet but I wanted Eddie to half glance at his own feelings
Tagging some people who might like this
@shortsighted-owl @sagasimon @finduilasclln @theresoneicouldcallking @elvensorceress @hippolotamus @im-not-batman @26-cats-in-a-trenchcoat @spoonietimelordy @eddiebabygirldiaz
If anyone wants to be added or taken off my tag list, please let me know 😊
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bismuth-209 · 10 months
friends, tumblrers, mutuals, i come to announce Charlie / @spoonietimelordy cannot post on any blog rn
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ohmerricat · 4 months
deleted my post accusing D&B of unintentional ableism after re-evaluating it and coming to the conclusion that i was nitpicking. @rowanthestrange @spoonietimelordy thank you for helping me change my mind
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maikaartwork · 1 year
Art-adjecent friends, let’s talk about commission pricing
Recently a post I wrote about Instagram scammers got carried far and wide, which is AWESOME, because it’s raising awareness, but it did point my attention in one direction.
I would like to thank these really awesome people for making me think about this:
@astralmouseart @infocards @everentropy @jicklet @xlynchiex @spoonietimelordy @foervraengd
Their comments and hashtags made me realize something very very important. In the scammer post, I wrote that scammers offer ridiculous amounts of money, like 100 or 300 dollars. Since then I added an edit to the original post, but it doesn’t carry to reblogs. And I think that people need to understand that:
For beginning artists that don’t know how to price stuff $100 absolutely CAN be a ridiculous amount. Take into account that people might not know how to price their work, especially when they’re teenagers, deal with low self-esteem, other unknown issues, or…
… make very simple art, or are very fast with their work, or…
… from a country where it IS a ridiculous amount of money. People on the Internet seem to not realize that minimum wage in American McDonalds might be a stupid amount of cash for someone from countries far less economically lucky.
For example:
Minimum wage in my country (Poland) on the day of this post minimum wage is 21 PLN after tax. That’s 5.19 USD. I’m pretty lucky, honestly. $100 for me is 19 hours of work. Which is how long it would take me to make around 8 artworks of the kind scammers usually request.
Brazil’s hourly rate at current exchange rate is equivalent of 1.67 USD. That’s almost 60 hours to get $100.
I am incredibly grateful that the Internet is trying to bring things up to higher standards. But also, please remember that you might make people feel confused, inadequate, or out of place. Like I often feel when people tell me that I’m undercharging because I judge things by standards I was raised with, even though I try very hard to “not ruin the market” (this is nothing anyone said to me recently but I did get comments like that).
Be kind, don’t judge people by your standards, take into account that not everywhere is the same.
Friends, the people that say we undercharge, to put it simply, are usually right. Especially when we’re new to this, or struggle with self-worth issues, it can be hard to imagine that people could be ready to pay more than your asking price.
Truth that you need to hear is:
You are absolutely worth it.
If you don’t know how to go about commission pricing, @thechekhov wrote a wonderful post about it (their advice posts are great in general!)
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Thank you @spoonietimelordy ❤️❤️
Roach is the GOAT here 😅
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littlestsnicket · 5 days
tagged by @gellavonhamster (thank you :) )
Rules: Go to your (current/main) AO3 account and find the following:
What ratings do you write most of your fics under?
General Audiences (81), so that is the overwhelming majority. idk. i think i factor in the source material to how i rate things. like if i wrote asoue fic with the same amount of sex as the sexy witcher fic i've written i probably would have rated it explicit instead of mature. or netflix witcher fic that contains the word "fuck" often still gets a general audience tag.
What are your top three fandoms?
The Witcher -- All Media Types (31)
A Series of Unfortunate Events -- Lemony Snicket (26)
The Witcher (TV) -- 25
(Community (TV) is next with 21, since there's duplicate witcher tags)
I do write a lot of drabbles so I end up having quite a few works
What is the top character you write about?
Jaskier (21)
What are your top three pairings?
Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier | Dandelion (13)
Annie Edison & Abed Nadir (7)
Beatrice Baudelaire/Lemony Snicket (5)
(and then platonic yennskier also has 5)
(how have i written that much platonic geraskier? probably because i read so much romance about them and then immediately go "ok, but what if they were platonic soulmates (maybe with benefits)?!?")
What are the top three additional tags?
Drabble (41)
Character Study (6)
Canonical Character Death (5)
Does any of this surprise you?
yeah, what the fuck even is that? uh... i should probably get better at tagging my fic. (also i'm pretty sure there are more drabbles than that. yeah... i just checked, there's 75. and that's works that contain exactly 100 words, not counting the many double drabbles or drabble sequences i posted as one work).
tagging: @astaldis, @kuwdora, @mossterious, @spoonietimelordy, @olivia-calidamn
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bismutharts · 8 months
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fret not dear heart
circular gallifreyan again! this is specifically in diflux, an as of yet unreleased update on flux gallifreyan from the same designer.
i wanted to make a birthday present for @spoonietimelordy and they requested this phrase from The Horror and the Wild by The Amazing Devil
under the cut 2 alternative versions!
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gold leaf photo/texture by Dan Cristian Pădureț on Unsplash
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thenightling · 1 year
A theory about "The Ride of The Witcher"
Netflix and Sony music have released the latest Joey Batey song for The Witcher Season 3. The song is to be sung by Jaskier (Joey Batey) and was a collaboration between Joey Batey, Joseph Trapanese (composer), and Percival Schuttenbach (Polish composers and band who did the music for The Witcher 3 video game).
Joey Batey is the front man for his own band that he had before he was ever cast as Jaskier. The band is known as Amazing Devil. And my personal favorite song of theirs is The Horror and the Wild. Anyway, the song was released early and it is probably the most elaborate Jaskier song to date in regard to production values. Only four other Jaskier songs have this much quality. Toss a Coin to your Witcher, Burn Butcher Burn, The Golden One and Song of the Seven. Song of the Seven didn't do quite as well as Netflix hoped. Before I proceed with my theory let me state here and now I cannot speak or read Polish. I barely know that Jaskier translates to Buttercup (though Dandelion is used in the English language video games and novels). I had to find a rough translation of the Polish chanting part of Ride of The Witcher on Tumblr. I would like to thank @spoonietimelordy for the Polish portion.
Now on with my theory. All of the bigger Jaskier songs tell a story. Toss a Coin to your Witcher tells an exaggerated account of Geralt and Jaskier's meeting with the exiled Elven King. Burn Butcher Burn is Jaskier venting his heartbreak at Geralt leaving him on the side of a mountain. Golden One tells the story of the golden dragon encounter from episode six of season one of The Witcher. And Song of the Seven was inspired by the events of The Witcher: Blood Origin. The Ride of The Witcher is no different. We are told a story.
Ride, Witcher, ride With the wind that moves the trees. Ride, Witcher, ride For the child of Destiny. Ride, Witcher, ride With the wind that moves the trees. Ride, Witcher, ride. Bring the storm that sets her free. Sleepless under frozen suns, Treachery and chosen ones. Rise anew, the time has come. To take hold of the skies.
Once betrayed, but not again. Steel restored onto his name. With silver coursing through his veins, And vengeance in his eyes! Ride, Witcher, ride With the wind that moves the trees. Ride, Witcher, ride For the child of Destiny Ride, Witcher, ride With the wind that moves the trees. Ride, Witcher, ride. Bring the storm that sets her free. Twisted lies and sorcery Make no match for Destiny. You won’t rest till worlds collide. So stake your claim and choose a side!
Ride, Witcher, ride With the wind that moves the trees. Ride, Witcher, ride For the child of Destiny. Ride, Witcher, ride With the wind that moves the trees. Ride, Witcher, ride. Bring the storm that sets her free.
(Now with Polish vocals in the background)
Humans more monsters than creatures. Witcher more human than them. Butcher, White Wolf, or a saviour. The Witcher returns in the end!
(The Polish background chanting)
Z ukrytego lasu
Przez góry i ciemność
ruszysz znów
Przez ogień i wodę
Nic cię nie zatrzyma
Dzikość bestii w tobie tkwi
(In Polish repeating)
Szumią lasy, lasy szumią
Szumią lasy, szumią 
Szumią lasy, lasy szumią
Szumią lasy, szumią 
(Jaskier calls out)
Come on!
(Polish chanting chorus repeating)
Szumią lasy, lasy szumią
Szumią lasy, szumią 
Szumią lasy, lasy szumią
Szumią lasy, szumią  (Polish translated:
From the hidden forest Through mountains and darkness You will move again. Through fire and water Nothing will stop you. The wildness of the beast is within you. The forests are humming! The forests are humming! The forests are humming! They are humming! The forests are humming! The forests are humming! The forests are humming! They are humming!
Oooooh! Oooooh!
(in Polish background:)
Jego córka
Więc rusza wiedźmin *(Special note here. This is the first time we actually see the original polish word for "Witcher." "Wiedźmin" is the original title of the book series in the original Polish.) (Translation: His daughter! So The Witcher sets off!
Ride, Witcher, ride With the wind that moves the trees. Ride, Witcher, ride For the child of Destiny. Ride, Witcher, ride With the wind that howls. It howls for thee! Oh, ride, Witcher, ride. Don’t fear that wind. It howls for thee! Don’t fear that wind, it howls for thee! It howls for thee! _____________________________ There are a few special things to note. This song is different from other Jaskier songs. For starters it is the only one to have Polish lyrics even if they're just sung in a background chorus / chant. It's also the first time we hear the original Polish word for Witcher.
The song is also co-written by Percival Schuttenbach, who did The Witcher video game songs. This is their first time writing music for The Witcher Netflix series. And I sincerely doubt they would have hired the original Polish composers just for a typical Jaskier tavern bard song.
No. Something is definitely different here. And it's not just because it has a Heavy Metal-esque Polish chorus and chant. Some fans have speculated that Jaskier will perform this in a tavern but I don't think so.
Now please hear me out. This might be a bit controversial but I always felt The Witcher Netflix series was a bit like a strange cross between Xena: Warrior Princess (for some of the character dynamics and the way the show uses Polish and central to Eastern European folklore the way Xena used Greek and some others), Buffy The Vampire Slayer (for the chosen one aspect and the found family), and a little bit of Highlander: The series (mostly because at least two of the main characters are not aging, the great music, and the sword fights). And this song made me think of something. It actually made me think of the resurrection spell in Buffy The Vampire Slayer season 6 that raised Buffy from the dead, tearing her out of Heaven so that she could again be the hero of the people. ("Here lies the warrior of the people! Let her cross over!") I don't think this is just a Jaskier song. For starters up until this point the "Common" language of The Continent has been English (though in the novels it's probably Polish). So what race is using the Polish language? Is it the Dryads? Is it some Ancient Elvish language? What is the Polish language to this universe since it doesn't sound like the common language of the show? Who is chanting during Jaskier's song? Can you really imagine the Power metal chanting during one of Jaskier's tavern performances? Perhaps. They do look like rock concerts sometimes. Especially in season 2. But instead of "You have been the most beautiful audience. If anyone needs me I'll be at the bar." Instead we have an intense "Come on!" like Jaskier is trying to do something, trying to accomplish something. This is not merely a song. It feels like a spell. Yes, he IS telling the story of The Witcher. The Child of Destiny is Ciri, Geralt's adopted daughter. And "Once betrayed" is probably in regard to Yennefer last season unless Jaskier accidentally betrays him this season because of his new lover's evil inclinations. (Cough.) "You will move again" doesn't seem like a normal lyric. And "The forest is humming." Humming is often a sound described for strong and intense magical energy. I'm not saying that Jaskier is a latent sorcerer but perhaps he's beseeching someone to cast a spell or helping with a spell. And doesn't "Ride, Witcher, ride" sound an awful lot like "Rise, Witcher, rise"? "The Witcher Returns in The End!" And think about the ending of the song. "Don't fear that wind, it howls for thee!" "Thee" isn't a normal lyric for Jaskier. His lyrics are usually very modern sounding compared to the usual language of the characters in the show. And why would Geralt have to fear the wind howling? "Wind howling" is a sly video game reference or... sounds one might hear when being called back to the land of the living.
I think Geralt might get killed and magick will be needed to bring him back. I think Jaskier's new song is a combo anthem and resurrection spell. Maybe they intensify a scene of the Dryads healing Geralt from the novels. There, There's my possibly VERY wrong theory about "The Ride of The Witcher."
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rowanthestrange · 4 months
@spoonietimelordy “someone took a lot of inspiration from the Loki show and went "i can do better", which btw Kate Herron, the director of loki s1, is writing an episode for this season of DW. *go look it up* oh it's episode 6, it's Rogue”
russell seeing a show do wild shit it could have done more with, calling up the director involved and going “hey i hear you share my passions, do you want money and freedom to do it better this time?”
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queen-of-meows · 4 months
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Excuse me, the what ??????
You need to see that, this rabbit hole goes so deep I don't even have words.
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