#papa mariano au
hey And, how is Dolores checking Bruno's Room in the papa Bruno au going?
Not well.
“Our house is falling apart, Dolores. I could not care less about the fact that one of you might need to switch your wardrobe to green right now.”
Dolores turned expectantly to Luisa.
Her other cousin shrugged. “Honestly, you guys are being so dramatic about this. Can’t you let this go? It’s been ages.”
“Need I remind you that you were equally, if not more, dramatic than we were literally a few hours ago?” Dolores questioned.
“Look, we’re kinda saving a miracle here, prima.” Luisa huffed. “We don’t really have time to help you find your stupid birth certificate. Some of us have bigger problems. Why would either of us know where that is anyways?”
“Is it not with Abuela?” Mirabel piped up.
“What?” Dolores snapped.
“Abuela keeps all our documentation. The little locked cabinet, bottom left drawer - it is not particularly organised—”
“You’ve seen it? Our birth certificates? What did they say?”
“I saw my birth certificate,” Mirabel corrected, uncomfortable under Dolores’ gaze. “But, if I had to guess, that is where the rest of them would be. You remember when Camilo started claiming I was adopted eight years ago and that you would send me back for not getting a gift? Mama got my birth certificate out to prove I definitely wasn’t going anywhere.”
“What a bitch. I hope I hit him for that.” Luisa muttered.
“You broke his arm twice, actually.” Dolores retorted.
Luisa nodded. “Ah, good, good.”
Rolling her eyes, Dolores headed for the door.
Isabela and Dolores caught each other in the hallway. They stared for a moment in silence.
“Did you find anything?”
“How did things go with the Guzmàns?”
“Well,” the older answered. “Abuela is rearranging a more private affair to prevent someone from ruining it again. I brought some empanadas, his nose is fixed and he forgives me; it’s not my fault the magic is acting up.”
Dolores removed her hand from the nursery handle, approaching Isabela as they walked downstairs together.
“Did you find anything or?”
“Oh. No. I didn’t find anything of use. Apparently Abuela keeps all of our birth certificates locked away in some cabinet.”
“Did you check there?”
“I only just learnt the information. And if Abuela is going to be giving anyone the key, it certainly won’t be me.”
Isabela stopped Dolores from walking.
“You want me to ask her?”
“You are her favourite.”
“And say what? It’ll be suspicious. I’m not getting involved.”
“You are already involved, Isabela. All of the adults know we are trying to work it out. Abuela probably does too.”
“I’m not getting involved.” Isabela insisted, stiffly. “Abuela would tell me if there was something I had to know.”
Her cousin pulled away after that, heading off to inform her parents about her news.
Dolores thought for a moment.
There is no point in trying herself. There is really nobody else Abuela would even consider giving the key to.
But fortunately there can be another Isabela.
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yellowcry · 10 months
[Set in Pedro and Alma swap au]
Isabela: Papa, did you have to fight Bruno to allow Abuelo to marry mom?
Isabela: Just how Mariano is going to fight Luisa for me.
Agustin: Oh, yes. What a wonderful times...
Isabela: How did you manage not to fall on your own sword?
Agustin: Honestly, I have no idea
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evostar · 6 months
Some ideas I had for La Madre Silenciosa
Dolores heard everything from gossip, to cheaters, and abusers. 
She’s always heard abusers whether they were an abusive sibling, spouse, or parent.
 Dolores would cry herself to sleep knowing there were so many people in Encanto who needed help but Alma nor any adult would listen. Mirabel was the last straw, she heard Mirabel crying alone in her room one night a few weeks after her ceremony. She was crying every night, but Dolores didn’t know what to do.
After some long consideration, Dolores took it upon herself to start caring for Mirabel. Pepa was sometimes too tired to play with Camilo so Dolores would take it upon herself to care for him too. Felix had a little more energy so he could watch him from time to time. But it still wasn't often.
So, Dolores started caring for her two kids at precisely 12 years old. It wasn’t hard, Tía Julieta and Tio Agustín were too busy/tired and same for her parents. Alma did take notice and would be a little confused by how much Mirabel spent time with Dolores but never said anything.
When out in public Mirabel would stick close to Camilo, “She’s helping me with my show/ she’s helping me make people laugh” he would say if anyone even TRIED to open their mouth.  
Also, if anyone tries to verbally or physically hurt Mirabel, he has to help her in some way. Dolores told him that he is Mirabel’s older primano and that he has to look after her if she isn’t around. Yeah, he would get in trouble, but he didn’t care, as long as Mira was ok, he was happy.
By the time Antonio came along she was seventeen, and of course, she took him in.
Now when it comes to hiding abused people/kids I'm not sure how it would work. I think at first, Dolores asked Casita to make her room a little bigger and took people in over time.
The ages of people she takes care of range from 5-20+. These are just some ideas, you can tweak them of course.
I’m so happy to have this au! It seems so interesting and adorable🥹 (well half-)
I was thinking that Dolores kinda grew up to be a takecarer of the Encanto children who most likely either get treated bad by their parents or guardian. She’s either a big sister or a mother to a lot of the children, most of the children she has basically grew up with her and they eventually started to call her mother or big sister, most of the older children often help her take care of the others as if like a family, including camilo, Mirabel and Antonio! Camilo and mirabel kind of became a Tia or Tio too in the process.
And if there were any abuse to poeple who are way older then her, she made sure to report them to the police. She did try to do the same with the children but often got rejected because they thought she was just lying or ruining peoples lives so she stopped trying with the children.
The other family members had some suspicions about some stuff but rather brush it off. Isabela and Luisa are always watching though.
I also like to think that when Dolores was 18 she got together with Mariano! Who has also become a big part of the little (rather big) family! He’s like a father figure to most of them, many call him “papa” or “big brother” too! But their favorite word to call him is “gentle giant” all of them knew though that everyone’s favorite was Dolores.
Now I think that casita would have made an extra apartment like room for the little family, it’s somewhere in Dolores room (where it’s most likely hidden) and that casita often helps them take care of the family, such as providing food, making sure they are all comfortable or not left out, and definitely that none of the little ones escape into the house. They love to call casita “Tia casita” or “Tita” for short. There is door in the backyard that also leads into the room so it’s often easier to acces too! (Which ofc, is also hidden!)
Dolores loves to take care of these people, and if she ever felt ill or bad, they always made sure to check on her too :D!
(Little art 🩵👌)
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(These two are siblings who’s parents got arrested for drug addiction and abuse, mostly the drug addiction but they are newly members to the family who adapted it quiet quickly)
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brave329 · 7 months
Papa Augustine
This au belongs to @toaverse
I really love this au and i sort of have my own au based on it that’s going to get its own post this is just some ideas and head cannons i had for the main version
The couples started haveng kids when they were twenty instead of thirty
Julieta wears Pink and Magenta like her mother instead of blue like her husband
Bruno’s clothes have blue accents
Alma is trying to get the priest to annul Julieta and Augustíne’s marriage
Augustine and the kids all know Bruno is in the walls
Isabela has divided out a section of her room and given it to her Dad
Mariano and Dolores are already engaged Alma and Julieta are fine with it but Felix and Pepa hate that Dolores told him to ask Augustine for permission to propose instead of them
They keep the entire situation under wraps but their are still some rumors
Alma thinks Augustine is trying to usurp her as holder of the Miracle
She’s turned him into an evil mastermind in her head
The kids aren’t allowed out except with their “parents” or to do their chores
Their all a little socially stunted Mirabel especially since she doesn’t have chores outside Casita
The town sees them as odd since they don’t come out much and when they do they always avoid their parents
People wonder why Augustine hasn’t been seen in years 
Isabela is very overprotective over her father and siblings
Dolores and Mariano were dating for a long time before he proposed
Isabella and Dolores are scared of ending up in a relationship that ends like Julieta and Augustine’s
Mirabel is the one who gets out the least other than Augustine
Mirabels the one who makes their clothes since the ones their given are pink and yellow instead of blue
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queenofthedisneyverse · 8 months
New parent additions to the 'El santuario de los padres au!'
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Werewolf Papa Mariano by gamerbearmira
Papa agustin and mama julieta (and agustin) by @toaverse
(you can find the au here)
The new additions sat in the living room with their kids in tow. They were all told the gist of why they're here and the rules. And safe to say...they are disappointed.
Julieta and agustin had all six of their kids playing outside, Agustin had all six of his kids playing outside, and Mariano had Mirabel and Antonio with him.
"Sooo....from what I got from this. All of us became parents by either seeing being forced to, child neglect, or in alma's case, a tragedy?" Papa Mariano asked as he held 10-month-old Antonio in his arms. His Mirabel was playing outside with her other variants and kids.
"Yep" Pamamilo shrugged as he sipped tea. Julieta looked at this Camilo and she gave him a sympathetic look. She couldn't image HER Camilo or any of her children being forced to care for a baby at a young age.
And yet, she saw versions of all her children in the living room who were literally forced to do such a thing. Mamaisa, Mamalores, Mamabel, Papatonio, Mamaluisa, papabruno...ugh. At least Bruno was of age when he took Antonio and Mirabel in. And Alma was at least in her 60's when she had to care for Mirabel, Luisa, and Isabela.
From the stories she heard, all of her cross dimensional children were very young when they took in a family member as their own...too young.
"And my variants are usually if not always the one causing these things to happen, as well as my children" mamabuela balled her fists as she sat on the couch. "Same with you, si?"
Papa Mariano nodded, Papa Agustin nodded, and the other blue couple nodded as well.
mamabuela (alma) deeply sighed and leaned back on the couch, staring up in the ceiling. "Why am I unbearable in every universe?"
"Why do you guys do here?" Papa agustin asked.
"We mostly come here when things are too stressful or when we don't have anyone in our worlds to watch our kids for a moment. Other than that, we usually have fun here" mamaisa explained.
"We sometimes have pajama parties and play games" Mamaluisa said with a smile
"Eat food and watch funny films" Mamalores added
"Gossip about people or just talk about what's happened recently" Papa Bruno also added.
"This is so...sad" Papa Mariano's shoulders slumped as he took in the information, "not the fun parts but...just..y'know"
"yeah but, we try not to think about it too much" Mamabel shrugged and softly smiled.
"So, let's get your rooms and other things situated. After that you can meet the rest of our children" Mamalores led the newcomers upstairs and mamaisa got some lunch ready for them.
Mamabuela sighed as she took everything in...'why does this keep happening?' she thought to herself
All of it is so sad and common it's comical almost.
Link to other au's
Mamalores (you can find other info in the tags)
Mamaisa (you can also find more info in gamerbearmira's tags)
Papatonio au
(PS. Once everyone is all together all the parents and kids pose for one big photo like the gif above. The photo sits on the kitchen wall like the family tree does in the movie)
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
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I posted 3,666 times in 2022
That's 3,666 more posts than 2021!
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#my asks are open - 3,065 posts
#my asks - 3,053 posts
#encanto - 2,976 posts
#encanto au - 2,896 posts
#au - 2,892 posts
#encanto mirabel - 1,999 posts
#encanto alma - 667 posts
#encanto antonio - 647 posts
#encanto isabela - 455 posts
#encanto dolores - 376 posts
Longest Tag: 72 characters
#shout out to the ones who have been here when i only had like 4 or 5 aus
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hey y'all I got a sort of prologue for the cocoon au! It doesn't have a name yet, but I wanted to show this to y'all anyway. Hope y'all like it, if you feel like I should add or take away something let me know! When I get it done, I'll be posting the Prologue and (hopefully) the first 2 chapters on AO3. By the way, the prologue is short, but usually my chapters are about 1200+ words. Hopefully y'all enjoy this angsty introduction though. :)
Original Au Idea by @raefever ! Go check them out! I got permission to do a fic on this :)
Written by: Me, your truly!
Warnings: None!
Type of Chapter: Angst, Sadness, Hurt/No Comfort, Pain, Grief
Words: 638
Cocoon Au
The Prolouge: Casita Falls.
Cracks shot through Casita. On the ceiling, through the floor, the walls. Everywhere.
Everyone was shocked, but soon frantically were trying to leave. Mirabel, went for the candle. A dresser was about to hit a very scared and confused Antonio, but luckily, Felíx barely caught him.
"We gotta get out here!" He yelled.
Isabela and Camilo shot after Mirabel, only for their powers to fizzle out. They fell to the ground. As Mirabel was about to grab the candle, she looked to see her tío Bruno in the grass by the trees.
"Good, he's out." She thought.
She grabbed the candle.
Dolores shoved Alma out of the way of falling debris, Casita rippling its tiles to push the matriarch out the collapsing threshold of the front door, Dolores left behind.
Julieta and Agustín were screaming for Mirabel to leave the candle, to get out. Casita rolled the floor, making them fly out the door after failed attempts to get back in and grab their children.
Pepa was already out, but called for Dolores and Camilo.
"Camilo? Dolores? Come out, hurry!" She screamed, cloud no longer above her as the magic faded out.
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178 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
Papa Antonio AU
Swap!AU where it's Antonio who has to look after Mirabel.
Like he got his gift and stuff and the engagement is ruined, with Dolores getting with Mariano, but Casita doesn't fall, Bruno stays in the walls and Mirabel is just pushed aside after that. Antonio still hangs out with her and stuff, but Abuela pushes him away from her more and more. The family is wayyyyyy more neglectful and kind of just...forgets she exists. Except for Antonio, he's far too attached to her. Then Mirabel just randomly disappears (much to a now what, 9? 10? yr old Antonio's dismay,), and her portrait on the tree and mural disappear.
Antonio mopes and sobs for a month straight. Then, on Mirabel's birthday, there's just some baby, a newborn laying in his hammock in his room. The baby is Mirabel. He keeps her a secret (he's surprisingly very good at keeping secrets, even from Dolores) and she basically lives in his room til her 1st birthday. On her first birthday, Mariano points to the family tree, where a baby is directly connected to Antonio. Did I mention that during the time he's caring for her before her 1st, he regularly visits Bruno in the walls to ask for help? No? Oh, well, good Tio Bruno (since he had previous child care expeirence).
I still love Mirabel but I also love angst.
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199 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
Isabela, Dolores and Mirabel run into the dining room where the adults were waiting to start lunch.
“Mama! Guess what!” Mirabel said, bouncing in her spot by the doorway, Dolores and Isabela doing the same.
“What is it niña?” Julieta smiled, setting the last plate down.
“We brought our new friend! He’s here!” Mirabel beamed, pointing to the supposed friend that was currently out of the room.
“Oh, did you?” Julieta said, sitting down.
“Oh, you mean that kid you’ve been hanging out with?” Fèlix said, shifting to get a better look at the door.
“Papá! We already told you, he’s a big kid! Like hermano mayor Mariano and you!” Dolores huffed.
“Sure he is,” Fèlix chuckled, rolling his eyes.
As the 3 children in the dining room continued to try and prove he was an adult, the adults could hear Luisa, Camilo and Antonio laughing and squealing, the sounds becoming louder as they got closer to the dining room. They were obviously talking to someone, who they had assumed was their “friend.”
“By the way, what is his name?” Alma said, smiling down at her nietas.
Isabela smiled back, slowing her bouncing slightly. “He said his name is Mr. Pedro! He even has the same last name as us! He looks a lot like Abuelo, but older…so we call him Abuelo!” At the mention of that name, the room froze, save for the 3 little girls giggling. Pepa had a cloud forming, but the girls seemed oblivious to it.
“Isabela what are you—“ Pepa was cut off when Isabela, Mirabel and Dolores ran out of the room, seemingly towards a person.
“Abuelo!” The 3 of them shouted.
The six children had all made it into the room. And as they said, they had their special friend with them, both Luisa and Antonio holding his hand. A tall man who bared a striking resemblance to the man in the large painting by the stairs. He was obviously aged, more than likely just a few years older then Alma. He had white to black hair, and his goatee had streaks of grey in it. He wore all white, save for the ascot and waist scarf, which were a mix of red and maroon. His eyes wrinkled in joy as he gave a warm smile, one that Alma knew far too well.
Camilo smiled brightly as he waved at his family. Gesturing to the elder man next to his prima, he said 3 simple words that seemed to take the breath out of the room.
“We found Abuelo!” Camilo grinned.
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Just an idea for the cocoon AU where Casita/the miracle brings back Pedro and the children find him when they were exploring (set before their ceremony).
All of the adults after Pedro walks in:
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201 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
Mama Mirabel au things
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Antonio drew this for Mirabel on mothers day. Mirabel loved it, and cherished it, but had to get him to make one for Pepa, much to his disdain. At the time he didn't really comprehend that Pepa was his bio mom, and Mirabel didn't want her tía to be upset with her.
270 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Mama Mirabel with a twist
By: Me, @ismaet and @alternaterey
Mama!Mirabel, but instead of just Antonio, it's like all of the village kids 10 and under. All of the townsfolk find it normal for her to have like 10 kids following her around like ducklings. She brings them to Casita, plays games, teaches and sings to them, repairs their clothes and embroiders for them, etc. They call her 'Mamabel'. When her family starts to notice and ask around, the people are just like:
"Oh Mirabel? She's always kinda been like a second mother to the kids, it's cute right?"
And the family starts to notice just how close she is with them, to the point where they wonder if they've just not paid enough attention to realize something as big as that.
Mirabel is called: Mamabel, Mama, Mira, Mirabel
Casita is called: Abuelista, Abuelita, Cassie, Casita
She has about 30 kids that collectively join her over the years, all 10 and under.
Mamabel AU starts when Antonio is born.
!A little bit of an angst alert!
Mirabel is "assigned" to care for Antonio. Pepa and Felix are more like parents of convenience. Julieta is busy and Agustin is too. Abuela doesn't seem to notice a difference, still giving a lot of credit to Pepa and Felix. Mirabel ignores the pained feeling in her heart. She often wonders if her family really cares. But deep down, she knows they don't. Mirabel goes out to town often with Antonio, and an adult is eventually like:
"Can you hold Diego for a moment?"
And Mirabel just holds him while Antonio is shifted to her back. Diego is only ever actually given back to the mother when Mirabel has to go home at the end of the day. Now? She's kind of like the town babysitter (she's not complaining!) And it snowballs from there. The townsfolk still love her though, and give her tips and tricks when they see she's struggling. At about 11, she accumulated about 10 kids and this is about when they started calling her "Mamabel". (She doesn't correct them, the townsfolk even called her that in an adoring manner at times.)
The town built Mirabel her own special little house for her and the children on her 12th birthday, so they can have mass sleepovers. It's like a small house that sits between the town and Casita, a bit towards the back. None of the Madrigal's know it's there because the town kept it a secret. They knew that Abuela would somehow try and pull some "We should turn it into a store!" crap. (Mirabel cried like a baby that day.)
When the Madrigals DO find it, they're surprised. In the scenario that Mirabel goes into a coma after Casita falls, the older kids bring her to the little house (with the other Madrigal's behind them), and settle her into the bed (which is bigger than her small twin sized one in the nursery, which does NOT go unnoticed).
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575 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
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luna-1234s-blog · 2 years
Encanto y the umbrella academy = the candle academy au
Idea loca, que pasa si toda la trama de encanto, ocurre en el mundo de the umbrella academy ? Cabe decir también que son los mismos dones
el primer día de octubre de 1989, nacen 43 niños al rededor del mundo, de mujeres que no estaban embarazadas al iniciar el día, 7 de ellos nacen en Colombia, y son adoptados por la multimillonaria, inventora y filántropa, alma madrigal
Mariano número 1: tiene el poder de hipnotizar a la gente con su belleza, es el más sumiso a alma, al punto de sentir "amor" ,por isabela cuando niños , solo porque alma lo convenció que sería lo mejor, pero inicio una relación con dolores 2 años antes de la muerte de alma, pero esta muere de una forma desconocida, y ahora siente culpa, por lo que aceptaría irse a la luna por una investigación de alma
Luisa numero 2: toda la vida alma la preciono a ayudar a la gente, haciéndola sentir culpable por sus descansos , lo que la lleva a volverse policía, y en las noches una justiciera enmascarada
Isabela número 3: la favorita de alma, que si bien tenía un privilegio sobre sus hermanos, no quita que ahora tenga cierta culpa por esto, al final del día, alma maltrato a sus hermanos ,lo que llevo a la muerte de uno de ellos, mientras alma Apoyó su carrera como modelo, para que la misma alma pueda quedar bien
Camilo número 4: camilo siempre fue de los más débiles,por lo que alma no le tenía las mejores consideraciones , y eso lo llevo a ser un rebelde, y meterse en el mundo de las drogas , pero ahora su hermana Dolores se a impregnado en el, porque?,quien sabe, pero es el único que puede verla ,pero no quiere admitirlo,para no perder el poco respeto que tiene su familia por el
Antonio número 5: jugando con uno de los inventos de alma, termina en el futuro, donde encuentra a sus hermanos muertos, y decide hacer lo posible para regresar, su único amigo es " gato", un peluche de Jaguar que encontró y habla con el, es reclutado por la comisión, tardó varios años en volver, pero cuando regresa, es un niño incluso más joven de lo que era al irse , con un cuerpo, y un poco de mente , de cuatro años
Dolores número 6: esta muerta, lo único que sabe es que aún conserva su don, y su alma está pegada a su irresponsable hermano, siempre trata de aconsejarle, y este siempre la ignora, extraña a mariano, y siempre le ruega a camilo que le diga que está allí, le duele ver a su familia ahora
Mirabel número 7: tiene el poder de controlar la energía que doto a sus hermanos de superpoderes, pero su Catalizador es la música,al ver el peligro, alma decidió usar a mariano para hacerla olvidar, siempre sintió enojo por no ser incluida, y escribió un libro de esos sentimientos ,además de dedicarse al acordeón
Casita :el es una máquina que fue creada por alma, ahora es el mayor domo, y aún queriendo a alma , decide proteger a los niños lo mejor que pudo, aún si eso implica mantener el secreto de mirabel
Julieta: una robot que creo alma, ya que mirabel siempre mataba a las niñeras de carne y hueso , a si que llego julieta, a sido como una madre para los niños, y los a cuidado lo mejor que su programacion le a permitió
Pepa : presidenta de la comisión, interesada en el tema de los súper poderes, recluta a Antonio, y le da una formula incorrecta para volverlo un niño
Felix y Agustín: asesinos de la comisión que buscan matar a Antonio, Félix es muy leal a pepa , ya que son amantes, pero Agustín empieza a dudar cuando se enamora de cierta robot
Bruno : siendo a qui el esposo de la madre de mirabel, ellos soñaban con tener un hijo, y esto fue un milagro , alma a diferencia de los otros niños, la robo, y por sus contactos, nadie pudo regresarle a su hija, cuando su esposa muere ,crea un plan para volver a ver a su hija , pero solo termina en una mirable muy confundida, y el Apocalipsis
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zzzzzzzzzzoom · 3 years
What about a Encanto AU where the grandchildren instead of getting random gifts, they get sub-versions? Example: Camilo gets the gift of shapeshift into natural elements.
Encanto AU: What if the grandkids got gifts related to their parents'?
Thanks for the awesome idea @geluatekurama! Of course, I still kept some aspects of their canon gifts in the movie!
On the day she gets her gift, a variety of medicinal herbs and spices grow at her feet. Her room is a beautiful green garden full of lush grasses and hanging vines, and it reminds Julieta of her own room in a way; she couldn't be prouder.
For the first few months, those are all she can grow, and she uses them to make healing pastes and give the townspeople spices to flavor their food. But soon, she learns how to grow flowers, and not just the normal kind.
Her flowers are special and therapeutic, where just a whiff can relax someone and uplift their mood. So she grows her flowers, pretty and pink, and everyone sings her praises.
As she grows, she forgets how to grow her herbs, because everyone (especially her Abuela) asks for the flowers, nothing else. Her room shifts from a lush jungle to a flower forest, and Julieta worries, but if this is what makes her daughter happy, so be it.
(She's not happy.)
Dolores touches her door and her head fills with everyone's quiet murmurs and excited whispers. And it scares her, but her fear only seems to make the noises louder.
She runs into her room immediately, looking for anything to shut out the noise, and lets out a relieved sigh when the noises don't follow her in.
Her Mama and Papa knock on the door, and she lets only them in, explaining what just happened. When she mentions how the voices got louder when she started to cry, an understanding look passes over Pepa's face. So she requests that the party go on downstairs, and Dolores will join them when she's ready. She's calm when the three decide to come out, and the voices, wonderfully, aren't as overwhelming as before.
She learns how to control her emotions with her mother, because getting upset would only amp up the voices she can't control hearing, and she hates that. By the time she's 10, you can rarely see her be anything but calm. Deathly calm.
(If she locks herself in her room for a week after hearing about Mariano and Isabela's engagement, too scared to face the screams outside, well, that's her business.)
By the time Luisa is 5, the adults already have an inkling of what her gift would be like. They've seen the similarities between Isabela and Dolores' gifts with Julieta and Pepa, and they wonder if Luisa will be the same.
It looks like simple super strength at first, and the parents chalk up the similar gifts as a coincidence. But when Luisa goes out to work for the first time, they instantly see Julieta's healing powers with her.
As she carries carts and donkeys around town, the minor ailments of nearby villagers, like colds or muscle pains, go away. It's about as effective as Isa's healing powers, and nothing like their mother's, but it helps all the same.
And so she's pushed to run all over town, helping and healing her town. The moment she stops moving, her healing powers stop too, and she can't let that happen.
(Sometimes she wishes to slow down, maybe lie down in a hammock and drink some lemonade, but she sees her little sister try her best to move a pot that Luisa was supposed to, and she knows she can't let her carry the burden.)
With the first three grandkids having inherited similar gifts, everyone has their own theories on what Camilo's would be. If you asked Camilo, he would say that since his big sister got an emotion-linked gift, he should get the other half of his Mama's gift: a weather gift.
And he did.
As soon as the magic flows through him, he instinctively transforms himself into a Camilo-shaped blob of water and launches a waterball at his older sister immediately. She retaliates by throwing a shoe at him, which passes through his water-body anyway. So now Dolores is drenched, Camilo is cackling, and Pepa is relieved that her son doesn't have a troublesome gift like them.
He spends a lot of time with his Mama in the first months, trying to emulate her weather clouds. So far, he can turn into water, snow, or wind (he doesn't get how to turn into a rainbow or, you know, the sun, but he's not giving up). He uses the latter the most, breezing through the town and helping out wherever he can.
He can also manipulate the weather to some extent, though not as much as Pepa.
(He stares at the sky sometimes, wondering if he's left a part of himself in the air, never to return, but he can hear his name being called and he slips away, pushing that thought deep, deep down.)
After Mirabel's letdown of a gift ceremony, people worry about Antonio. But Mirabel walks him to his door, and it glows, and magic flows through him, and he's fine.
A cloud appears next to him, and it shapes itself into a toucan, squawking at him. He grins, saying, "I understand you!" and everyone celebrates with the new gift.
He can create animal familiars out of elements of the weather, it seems. With Camilo's guidance, he basically creates an entire forest collection, with birds made of clouds, capybaras made with water, and jaguars made of snow. And he can communicate with real animals through his familiars, so that's a bonus.
He loves his gift. It's all he's ever wanted.
The week before Mirabel's gift ceremony, the town is alight with their own theories. Mirabel loves helping her Mama in the kitchen, so Julieta hopes she gets a cooking-related gift. Her sisters notice how much she likes to sew, so they think she can gift her threads with protection, that'll keep people from getting sick.
It all comes down to nothing when the door disappears before their eyes.
She grows up, she continues to sew and make crafts, she tries to help, but is always pushed aside. She waits on a miracle for 10 years, only to learn she's the harbinger of a curse threatening to break down their entire Encanto.
(Little does she know, she alone has the power to heal the greatest wound their family has. It takes a confrontation with Abuela, a golden butterfly, and a newly constructed Casita for her to realize it.)
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hoodie-2 · 3 years
Part 3 of my Encanto au (name is still in the workshop but I am open to suggestions)
Anyway Mirabel's turn!
The first night away from Casita, Mirabel took shelter beneath the bridge from a storm either conjured by Pepa or by nature's perfect timing. The next day is calm and clear and the first breath she took was the smoothest, sweetest breath Mirabel took in her entire life.
She got strange looks for her damp and dirty clothes and whispers suggested frightful rumors about last nights failed proposal. Making a mental note to apologize to Mariano once she has gotten settled, she goes about offering help to whoever needed it.
Her usual tasks involved child tending, which today involved a lot of questions on where her family was, what happened, why haven't they come to town yet, and mama and papa said this or that but my auntie said no and his uncle's friend said something else and Mariano's nose looks like a bruise peach. She tried to answer the questions as vaguely as possible seeing as it was not her business to speak on behalf of her family. She manages to keep them busy and distracted enough until their parents called them home for supper, some offered an empty seat at their tables or an open bed in payment but she declines saying bread and a fruit would be sufficient enough before returning to the bridge.
It goes on like that for several days as the Madrigals stay cooped up in Casita, once in a while someone would be nominated to go check on them then come back being told that they were fine and will be returning to work any day. Afterward Maribel would be pressed if they words had any weight to them to longer her family stayed away.
"If that is what Abuela said, then it will be." She would reply. In the meantime Mirabel was the one called on to help with chores (almost everything short of moving buildings and crying rain down upon the crops). More and more of the villagers begin to worry about her health, seeing as her clothes were becoming rags and it was no secret she lived under the bridge.
They try to be discreet when telling her to take a break, asking her to keep them company with snacks and drinks. Offering to mend her skirts or to make her something new as payment for her hard work. Even the kids take part in helping with her chores, although with less discretion.
A day comes when Maribel runs into the Gúzmans (is that the right spelling??). Ms. Gúzman is easily miffed at the sight of the Madrigal girl that ruined her son's proposal while Mariano looked... concerned. Eying over his was-to-be sister-in-law, how dirty and unkempt she looked despite her awkward smile. He asks if she is okay.
And like the cracks she saw in Casita's tiles, Mirabel cracked too, breaking down into tears and apologies for ruining the proposal and everything else, saying he should talk to Isabela because there are things he should know but she [Mirabel] can't say. It takes some time to calm her down, he kinda of just lets her ramble on incoherently, one hand on her back and continuously nodding like he understood.
Like the softie he is, and with much convincing to his mother, he insists that Mirabel should stay with them. Mirabel tries to refuse but he isn't having it. His argument being that no young woman should sleep without a roof much less the sister of his beloved.
The rest of the townspeople take this opportunity to gift Mirabel with clothes, soaps, perfumes, crafting supplies, anything for all her hardships. Many of them saying that they shouldn't have relied on her family so much, that it wasn't a surprise that they decided to hide away just to get a break. Mirabel could only smile weakly, thinking of her sisters, her aunt and mama, her cousins. Antonio hadn't even gotten to use his Gift for the town yet.
She gets told to take some time to herself and settle in, taking away everything that kept her busy and distracted, and Ms. Gúzman refusing any help with the housework -still a bit miffed. Mirabel turns to her craft work, her old hobby. She's a little rusty but once she gets into it her work table is quickly filled with plush animals and a few dolls with prettily embroidered clothes. The kids would love the toys.
With permission to borrow a basket she takes the toys into town, talking and laughing with her new neighbors along the way. In no time Mirabel is swarmed with children all compliment her new clothes, some of the older ones awing about how pretty she was. When she started passing out the toys she made the crowd of children grew, some adults even looking their way with curiosity, soon enough she had one left over. Watching pleased at how the children ran off with each other starting different games to involve their new toys.
She decided to take a stroll around town, dodging out of the way of kids chasing each other in "hunting" games. Turning one corner she spots a young couple... but one of them Mirabel could have sworn seeing just earlier talking to the baker.
The longer she watched, unnoticed by the pair, she caught on to familiar habits the one made.
"Camilo?" She called out, slowly approaching them.
The startled look she got proved her theory right, as her disguised cousin tried to refuse it. Mirabel eyed over his companion (guy, girl, take your pick) briefly before looking back to Camilo even less convinced than when he started talking.
"Cami, calm down," her expression softened at him as he shifted to his normal form, guilt in his face. Mirabel looks to Camilo's "friend" and back again. "You should be more careful, disguised or not, rumors will spread."
They both look at her startled and embarrassed. Camilo relaxed first, a weakly humored smile on his face. "You... you won't tell right?"
"Who would I tell?" She asked. "And what would I tell them?"
His smile fell with guilt, his eyes falling to the ground. "Right... Casita misses you, we miss you too."
Mirabel pulls her cousin into a tight hug, it takes him a bit to return it, his face pressing into her neck when he does. "I miss you guys too." She whispers to him.
After a minute or so of catching up, Camilo switching to another disguise, Mirabel gives him the last toy, a plush parrot, for Antonio and a letter.
"Ask him to give it to the rats in the walls," she says with a wink, "they will know what to do with it."
He takes the items confused but nods nonetheless.
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toaverse · 3 years
GASP, would that mean in the two seers au that Antonio would be the one to find Bruno AND Mirabel? To recruit both of their help
He would, actually!
It was only when Antonio was 12 when he started to notice his family's strange morals.
He will be the one to mostly sing "The Family Madrigal", and where he first got confronted with his lost cousin.
Honestly, he would have all her singing parts.
Antonio: "...That's who we are in the family Madrigal!"
Antonio: "Adios!" *feels a kid grab his arm* "Oh..."
little girl: "But what's her gift?" *points at a illustration of young Mirabel*
Antonio: "That's cousin Mirabel, she had left our family Madrigal. But now you all know the family Madrigal! I never meant this to get autobiographical. So just review the family Madrigal! Let's go!"
Kids: "But what about Mirabel?"
Antonio: "It starts with abuela, and then mamá papa handles the weather-"
Kids: "What about Mirabel?"
Antonio: "My tía Julieta can make you feel better with one arepa-"
Kids: "What about Mirabel?"
Antonio: "I got tío Agustin, well, he's accident-prone, but he means well-"
Kids: "What about Mirabel?"
Antonio: "Hey, you said you want to know what everyone does - I've got siblings and cousins and-"
Kids: "Mirabel!"
Antonio: "My prima, Luisa. What's up until evening? She smiles today!"
Kids: "Mirabel!"
Antonio: "My sister Dolores can hear this whole chorus a mile away!"
Kids: "Mirabel!"
Antonio: "Look, it's Mr. Mariano. Well, you can marry my prima if you want to."
Kids: "Mirabel!"
Antonio: "Between you and me she's kinda a prima donna. Yeah I said too much. And thank you, I really gotta go!"
Kids: "Mirabel!"
Antonio: "My family is amazing!"
Kids: "Mirabel!"
Antonio: "And she was in our family so-"
Alma: "Antonio!"
In reality, Antonio also didn't know what happend with Mirabel, so he decided to avoid the question.
One day tho, Casita started to slowly crack, and that was when the Madrigals started talking about Bruno.
Antonio took it upon himself to save his family, so he needed to find his tío Bruno, but he had more questions about his youngest prima...
Um, Mira
What about that Mira?
I really need to know about Mira.
Give me the truth.
Give me the whole truth, Mira!
The song "Waiting on a Miracle" won't be in the Two Seers AU. But maybe Bruno and Mirabel could have a duet where they try to convince Antonio not to go back, and Mirabel singing "Open your eyes!" multiple times.
So, having no other choice left, Antonio went on an adventure with his animal friends to save the magic and Casita!
He's in for quite a surprise when he will see his lost cousin for the first time...
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I’ve many request for some of the popular canon divergence AUs, so this is a poll determining which.
Not doing a Mirabel doesn’t survive Casita’s fall as that’s essentially what Reincarnation AU is for. Same goes for Villain Mirabel, as Jinxed AU already exists.
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yellowcry · 9 months
Hidden and left to rot
"Where are you two going?" Kelley started at her younger family members, that were sneaking into her mom's room Gael looked at her nervously. "I want to fond if there's something wrong. Tía Isabela is expessially upset lately." Kelley starled. "Really? You know what? I'm going to help"
Cracked au
CW: Potentially sensenitive topic
Her hands shook as she kept reading the old diary. She felt like her heart was stabbed with every word. 
Her mom didn't stop loving her dad in the last few years. She never loved him. The only reason behind this marriage was because Bisabuela forced her to. If it weren't for her, Mama and Papa would never marry. Kelley just wouldn't exist. And this realization struck her hard. Her whole life existed only because Isabela was forced to marry a person she never wanted to. Carry a child she never wanted.
She felt her breathing getting heavier as her eyes were reading the neat text again and again. Where mama cried about the upcoming wedding. Not because of happiness, but because she was going to spend her life with Mariano. How she kept insulting a non-existing child that she was carrying under her growing belly. Nineteen-years-old could feel tears welling up in her eyes. Her mom didn't want her. And this realization hurts way too much.
A moment later, this painful sadness started to boil up inside, getting ready to turn into anger. Why didn't mom think about everyone else's feelings? She betrayed Dad, used his love just to make herself a good girl. It wasn't fair for him... For anyone.
Would Isabela force her to marry someone too? Kelley's hand clenched into fists without her wanting to.
"What is wrong?" She gritted her teeth at her cousin's voice. Of course, Gael already sensed her anger... or sadness... or whatever she felt. What did she feel?
"Kelley, what is this?" Leisha asked nervously, not being used to her sister getting so emotional. With a blank face, the eldest passed the diary and looked away, not bothering to see how the teen's face widened in shock. Kelley really didn't want to see her, anyone...
Gael winced in panic as he read the diary as well. He wanted to find something to understand why Tia was unhappy, not to hurt his primo segundo. "Hey, Kelley, it's okay."
"It's fucking not!" She yelled, stomping her foot in rage. Nothing was normal right now. The diary, the truth—Kelly'd rather forget this all. Why couldn't he just shut up and leave those problems be? Apparently, this shit started way before their whole generation was born! Why didn't Gael ignore it like adults always did?
"Listen..." He started trying to help, but Kelley didn't listen to him. She grabbed the diary out of her sister's hands, heading outside.
"Hey!" Leisha let out an indignant yelp that was left unnoticed by Kelley. She had better things to do.
Kelley walked down the stairs, seeing how her mama was fixing the flowers in a vase next to their family photo. "Listen here, mother." She yelled angrily; the word'mother' was bursting with sarcasm. Isabela looked surprised for a moment, but soon her expression got strict.
"What's with your tone?"
"Oh, nothing!" She rolled her eyes, glowing quietly, as she stood right in front of Isabela. "Just this." She threw the diary on a cabinet with a loud slap.
"What is..." Isabela started, but her voice got stuck as realization hit her. She gasped in shock, and her face became fearful. "Lelly..." 
The young woman interrupted her. "Don't you fucking 'Lelly' me!" Her voice turned into screaming. How could she use those stupid nicknames right now? Isabela didn't call her 'Lelly' for years. "You lied to me!" She screamed,  anger was boiling up.
"I didn't lie to anyone!" Isabela yelled, causing her daughter to scoff. "And you had no right to look through my stuff!" She demanded, this time a bit more confidently.
"Well, excuse me!" Young woman threw her hands into the air. She felt like her heart was filled with poison and it kept leaking through her brain, splitting out. "It's just really fun to read how your own mother says that she hates you more than anything!" 
"Do you think I've enjoyed this?! I never wanted kids!" 
"Thank you for finally admitting it!" Kelley scoffed, towering over her mother. "You're manipulative bitch!
Isabela's eyes sparkled in rage that she had buried down for so long. "You have no right to talk with me like this." Right now, she didn't feel like she was in her forties; she felt like an angry teenager, filled with hatred.
Her daughter crossed her arms. "Why should I care?! You said you wished I was never born." She wiped her eyes, feeling the tears on her cheeks.
"It's not like this..."
"THEN WHAT IS IT?" Kelley yelled so loudly that she was sure that everyone in the house would hear it. "You're just was too weak to do what you want!"
"...Hey... Can we... just discuss it?" Both women winced at Gael's unsure demand as he slowly walked down to them. "I can feel you two are upset...".
Isabela's voice dropped, but it was still filled with anger. "I am fine."
"I'm not going to just discuss it!" Kelley breathed out. "This bitch deserves to be shouted at."
"Please!" Gael begged, as the true son of his mother, he preferred to keep things calm, but both Isabela and Kel ignored him.
"What about papa?!" Kelley was indignant, clenching her shaking fists. "What would he feel if he knew that you never loved him?" 
It just wasn't fair. Not to her, not to anyone. 
"Do you think it's fun being married to a person you never loved?" Isabela gasped in annoyance. "I wished to be free for years! But sometimes you can't be selfish! Sometimes you have to do things for the family's sake! Even if you hate it!"
Gael stood between them, spreading his arms to create distance between mother and daughter. "Let's all take a deep breath and talk it through." He begged, trying to calm down both women. 
"You know what? I don't care!" Kelley muttered through her teeth. "I'm going into my room. Not like you would care anyway."  
Isabela and Gael stared at how she rushed upstairs. A few seconds later, both of them heard a loud sound of the slamming door.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
In the Claudine Madrigal AU -
So, what happens when Bruno wants to know where Claudine keeps going and finds her going to that workshop place or whatever it was that LeFou was working in? And, you know, she's just showing up, making excuses to go there, "accidentally" dropping toys and then having to bring them in to be fixed, the two of them just standing there avoiding each other's gaze blushing occasionally saying something and then second guessing it....
Well, Bruno figures out what's going on.
("So now what do I do?" Bruno asks helplessly. "Do I talk to her? Do I talk to him? What do I tell him?"
"You tell him if he hurts her you will hurt him right back," says Felix, who gave Mariano quite a talking-to after he proposed to Dolores.
"That's nothing!" laughs Agustin, who had given each of his daughters' respective future husbands several intense warnings the first time he met them. "You tell him that if he so much as says an unkind word to her, he will regret it. In fact, just say you saw horrible things happen to him if he does - then he really won't dare do anything."
"That's not what you told Bubo that time," Bruno points out suspiciously.
"I didn't have to tell him anything - he literally tripped over himself to tell me that he would never harm Isabela and that he would treat her like an angel. He's almost as clumsy as me," Agustin says fondly of his eldest son-in-law.
"That's because Luisa had told him that if he hurt Isabela she would break him. Literally," says Dolores from the corner of the kitchen where she is making herself a cup of coffee.
"Oh," Agustin says.
"Well," Felix says. "First you want to find out what kind of boy he is. He has a brother, right? Go talk to him. Talk to his friends. Ask them how he treats them, how he talks, if he loses his temper a lot, if he's kind to little old ladies who ask him to help them cross the street, if he's had any previous, ah, courtships-"
"Did you do this with Mariano?" Dolores wants to know.
"Actually, I did," Agustin says, "since we all thought he'd be marrying Isabela at the time."
Twelve-year-old Marco, Mariano and Dolores' eldest, poked his head into the kitchen. "So there's this guy in the front who we found trying to slip a note under the door and it has Claudine's name on it?"
"What?" Bruno demanded.
"Overprotective papa, eh?" Felix laughed as Bruno left the kitchen, heading toward the front of the house.
"You were the same," Agustin reminded him, then raised his voice. "You tell him, Bruno!")
So, um, yeah. What would his reaction be?
Tumblr media
It was a toyshop that LeFou was working in.
And you described their interactions almost perfectly. The only thing you were missing about soaring angel/hellbound fool's interactions were how often Lee falls/trips around her and how she doesn't always reveal herself to him. Because again, she was given the gift of invisibility and would definitely use that to her advantage... at least occasionally. In not alot of creepy ways.
And you're right. Bruno definitely would figure out what was going on (with or without a bit of help from his brothers' in law). Which would somehow end up a family discussion because everything ends up a family discussion in this family.
Poor Bruno has no idea what to do because Claudine has never so much has even looked at a boy in anything but a platonic way. So of course, he's stuttering and stumbling, muttering and mumbling, trying desperately to figure out what to do.
And absolutely everyone has their own opinion on that.
Félix and Agustín are just like "use scary words".
Abuela is all glares.
Pepa offers to scare him off with lightning.
Julieta is just all sighs and head shakes in the background.
Maribel is silently planning a way to warn both Lee and Claudine on what is going to happen before it happens without embarrassing either of them or revealing anything unknown.
Isabella is suggesting scaring him with her vines and cactuses.
Antonio is in between scaring Lee with his animals or warning him/Claudine on what the others are planning.
Mariano is already writing an encrypted poem of warning just hoping Lee will get it in time. Bubo is thinking of a way to get it to him.
Dolores is just shaking her head sympathetically, remembering what happened when she got together with Mariano.
And Luisa is already planning on the same talk she gave Mariano and Bubo.
Miguel, Isabella's son who is a tourney player at Auardon, is dying of laughter.
And all the other cousins are just off, minding their own business since they're all too young to be apart of this family discussion.
🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁🐀 🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁🐀 🐁🐀
"Well," Félix says. "First you want to find out what kind of boy he is. He has a brother, right? Go talk to him. Talk to his friends. Ask them how he treats them, how he talks, if he loses his temper a lot, if he's kind to little old ladies who ask him to help them cross the street, if he's had any previous, ah, courtships-"
🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁🐀 🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁🐀 🐁🐀
Sorry Félix. That one is gonna be tricky since his friends are all pirates who live in Auardon. And considering that his living siblings, including his brother, are all younger than your eldest grandson 😆 .
His cousins would probably be a better bet but you couldn't be too obvious about it because then they'll get defensive and protective of Lee. Especially the Gaston twins, since they're the oldests.
But then again, they could tell you that he hasn't dated anyone before. How he hasn't even flirted with anyone else before.
But you could also just ask other people in the town, because they could answer that.
Little old ladies could tell you how kind and sweet and polite he is to them and how patient he is with them when crossing the street. And when helping them carry their groceries.
You could ask the children of the town how kind and patient he is with them when they come into their toy shop. How he wipes away their tears and assures them that their toys will be fine. An easy fix and always charges them a fair amount.
You could ask anyone and everyone and they'll tell you that Lee is a kind boy. A clusmy odd one, sure, but still a kind one. A bit slow sometimes but hardworking and supportive and just doing what he can to get by.
Also I would love to see just what Bruno says to Lee after that incident lol.
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brave329 · 1 year
The Vally of the lost
This is basically my idea for a massive crossover of a lot of @toaverse au’s
Many of the casitas in different universes are interconnected and have ways of sharing memories
In most universes the madrigals are a good and loving family
Unfortunately in others some members are cruel and abusive
So some of the casitas who are forced to watch their favorite Madrigals suffer because of an entitled village and so called family members plan prepare and bide their time
This all comes to a head when one of the casitas collapses
It rebuilds itself in a world where non of the madrigals survived the raid and the Encanto does not exist taking its favored madrigals with it
The other casitas then abandon their worlds merging with the first casita and taking their madrigals with them as well
It’s pure chaos and confusion as everyone tries to figure out what happened
In the shitty Pepa au most of the family lost their gifts cause casita took them and then gave them to the family members that deserved it
The other casitas like that idea and copy it
They eventually calm down and start talking about their respective worlds and what it was like
Basically like a giant bonding/group therapy session
They all have some trouble at the beginning with expecting people to act like their counterparts but they work through it
Found family but it’s better versions of your actual family
The village gets started when yellow butterflies start leading refugees of la violencia to the vally
Giftless Julieta
Julieta-Julia (seeing the future from Bruno and Pepa swap)
Augustine-Gus (weather control from his universes Pepa)
Dolores- Lolo
Luisa- Lisa
Mirabel-Mariana (has gift of healing with food)
Green Dolores
Mariano-Diego (weather control)
Fish lady-Ozma (strength from shitty Pepa)
Senora Guzman-Rosá (healing from shitty Pepa)
Sophia and Diego’s sons Hugo and Pedro (1 year old)
Papa Augustine
Augustine-August (healing with food)
Dolores- Carmen
Luisa- Amelia
Mirabel-Mariposa (weather control)
Antonio- Augustine Jr (he picked it himself)
Bruno and Pepa swap
Pepa- Tempest
Felix-Feliz (super hearing)
Mariano-Sol (weather control from shitty Pepa)
Shitty pepa au
Alma-Corazon (shape shifting)
Augustine- Música (super hearing from his worlds Dolores)
Mirabel-Marigold (gift of plants from her worlds Isabela)
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Encanto au I have (most of these are in my oneshot fanfiction; Random Encanto Ideas)
Goddess mirabel
Blind Bruno, deaf Dolores, and mute Antonio (see no, hear no, speak no)
Papa!villain Bruno
Mafia boss Bruno
Mermay au
Bonnie and Claud Dolores and Mariano
Slenderman adopt mirabel
Huntress mirabel
Neko (cat girl) mirabel
Miribel with pepa powers
Mirabel with Bruno powers
Miribel with her mom powers
Mirabel with Medusa and king Midas gift
My version of mirabel gets adopted by the yellow family
A rainbow of love (everyone raise Antonio)
Divorce Julieta and widow Agustin
Murder and cannibal blue couple
The grandkids raid by Bruno
Ghost Bruno
Blind Dolores
Single mom Luisa
Snow White adopted by the madrigal
My version of Pedro live au
Disability au (the fam is disabled and they just vide not angst)
One man band au (Mirabel with everyone gift)
Jack of all trade (Mirabel can take/swap/mute the family’s gifts)
Kidnapped Mirabel and Julieta
There will be more aus. If you have an questions about any Au or like questions of any of the characters sent a comment or a role play
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Guess who's back?! It's me. Looking forward to seeing my AU on ao3! So. . . How you been? I wanted to tell you this before, but I've noticed that some of my AU posts aren't tagged with the au tag, or it's werewolf papa Mariano au tag. Just thought you should know. I love the wolf alma standing over mirabel with her fur puffed out. Your art is so good and makes me happy.-Werewolf Alma and Mirabel Anon
Anyway yeah! Since I’m on fall break, I’ll be working on it! I’ll be posting the next chapter of Cocooned later tonight, and then hopefully get to work on the prologue and first 2 chapters of da werewolf au 📸📸 I always release three to begin with, just to give the readers something to really hold onto until the next update. Also??? Very weird that your au isn’t under the tags, I do tag them?? I’ll go back and see what’s up, and try retaining them so they show up under the tag.
And anyway, I might put Gen 31 on hiatus :(( just until I have a more steady story line to run off of, because right now it’s not as stable as Cocooned and for the werewolf au I have a lot of source material to work off of. I have all these ideas for those two, but none for Mamabel. So :(( I know a lot of people lie, that AU, but I’m really blocked on it.
AND I’M GLAD YOU LIKE ME ART I’M SOBBING??? Definitely wanna draw for this AU more, cause I need to practice drawing more animals in general anyway 😭😭 I might start putting art at the end of chapters on AO3 like I did for that one Cocooned chapter :))
By the way, if you want me to put any hyper-specific things into the AU before I begin writing for it, let me know! I don’t wanna leave any important details out. The art is on my doodle IG ( a majority of it anyway, but you might have to scroll and swipe). BUT I will also be posting previous the art on AO3, so you’ll find it there too ;DDD K BYEEEEE
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