#hellbound fool
hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Bruno's little girl is all grown up;
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Summary; Even in a world where Claudine didn't grow up on the isle, she and Lefou Deux were destined to meet.
Trigger warning; Kidnapping, implied racism, implied abuse, etc.
Inspired by and meant to be a sequel to @dragoneyes618 's oneshot au where Claudine gets her gift after being adopted by Bruno.
Claudine Esther-Mary Madrigal had few memories of her life before the Madrigals. And all of them were vague.
A Creperie were she did all the work despite being too tiny to reach the stove.
A Church that turned away people who looked different. Turned away people who looked like her new family did.
A closet that was small even for a toddler-- more like a cupboard, actually--filled with crosses thay made her heart tighten.
A looming shadow.
A woman falling.
Another woman teaching her how to speak english and a few other languages in bits and pieces, warning her not to tell him.
None of them painted a pretty picture. Especially not when put together with the faded scars she had and her family's retelling of her 'surprise adoption'.
So it should be no surprise that Claudine never really went digging into her past. Nor should it that she never bothered asking. After all, who would want to know more about such terrible things when there was a high chance that it would only drudge up things that should stay forgotten? Things that they didn't want to know about... Things that they didn't want to remember.
But that didn't mean that she knew nothing about it. About where she came from.
When Prince Ben first made his proclaimation, word traveled fast-- even to the Encanto--and Her Papá had sat her down and finally explained just where he had gotten her.
Claudine had been in shock for awhile afterwards. Not quite knowing what to think about the whole thing.
What was one supposed to think when finding out that they had essitently been kidnapped from a villainous religious zealot who had been locked away among other villians who also had children? Children who weren't lucky enough to have been saved like she had been.
But once that shock wore off, she became invested in every thing to do with the isle. And had quite possibly cheered the loudest when the barrier had been brought down for good.
Which led into the current predicament her family was arguing about where little ears couldn't hear:
New people had come to the Encanto.
All under 30.
3 boys not much older than her (twins 20, lone boy 19).
1 not much younger (16).
1 only nine years old.
1 girl not much younger (15).
And 5 little girls (twins 7, one 6, one 5, and one 3).
All in bad shape, the oldests willing to work. All refusing to say where they came from or how they knew of this place.
Abuela, cautious as ever in her old age, didn't like it. Feared that their sanctuary could be fully exposed if they allowed them to stay.
No one else in the family agreed, even as she tried to get them to see her point of view. She even slipped up and asked Dolores to evasedrop on them, something she hadn't done since Claudine was little.
Of course, Dolores refused and (gently) reminded her that times had changed. And then everyone else had gotten a chance to argue their case.
Tío Agustín and Tía Julieta argued they couldn't stay hidden forever, which Prima Isabela agreed with-- sighting the fact that if these kids and her luv, Bubo, had found them that others would come after. Whether or not they liked it.
Primo Antonio and Camilo along with Prima Dolores and her luv, Mariano, that it was nice to see some new faces around. And that they could do some good for the town.
Luisa and Maribel just thought that they should give them a chance, which Claudine herself silently agreed with.
 Tía Pepa and Tío Félix then made the strongest point. Getting emotional as usual, which was certainly warranted in this situation.
"Mamá, they're your Bisnietos' ages and they clearly need help. How can you be suggesting that we turn them away! Isn't that what the Encanto is for? Protecting people"
Abuela cut in "It's for protecting our people--" but Pepa wasn't having it.
"The moment they stepped foot in the Encanto they became OUR people!"
Félix hastily added in his own two cents "and if the Encanto allowed them in, then they must really need the help. Besides, when has the Encanto ever let anyone dangerous in? How dangerous could a bunch of children even be?"
"We don't even know where they came from!" The Matriarch of the family protested, though it was weaker than it was.
Claudine looked over at her Papá to see what he thought, since he hadn't spoken up yet, just in time to see him stand. He said one thing and one thing only that would shock them all:
"They're from the isle of the lost".
Abuela ended up letting the gaggle of children stay after that and few in the Encanto protested.
They all remembered what Claudine was like when Bruno first brought her here. And even if they didn't, there were things that convinced them not to kick up a fuss about the arrangement.
Things like the scars that varied in age that couldn't be explained away by falls and other bouts of childhood clumsiness that mirrored the faded ones Claudine herself had.
Things like the haunted looks in the older kids' eyes that Claudine saw every day in the mirror in her own reflection.
Things like the slowly fading bruises and the whispers of dead siblings and cousins who never reached adult hood.
Things like the broken arm the littlest boy had and the large hand shaped bruise on the youngest girl's cheek.
Claudine wasn't sure how to feel about the new arrivals. Other than intrigued and sad, that is.
Would she had turned out as snarky and skittish and bitter as the oldest ones were had her Papá never came to save her?
Or would she have turned out worse somehow? Meeker like Carlos had first been? Quieter like her father had once been?
Or would she had died long before she got to thay point?
The possibilities haunted her, almost as much as the implications of what the new comers' had been through did.
Claudine was a curious girl.
She was even what some would call nosey.
But she just preferred the term 'thorough In her research'.
Which is what she did when someone (a friendly and unsuspecting Luisa) was finally able to pry last names out of the new comers.
Leprince. LeGume. Bimbette.
Those were their last names. Or at least the ones they had given. And with those last names, 18 year old Claudine was able to find a series of documents that proved her father's words true.
As well as many of the rumors that had been flying around town since the children had gotten here.
Birth certificates.
Badly done School Records.
Medical files published by one Harry Badun.
A Kidnapping report on King Ben that named Gil as one of the ones who had nabbed him.
A report on what had happened during the 'Queen of Mean' Incident that named Gil as one of the people who had helped save Auardon.
Missing persons report on all of the kids that were currently in the Encanto.
And most horrifyingly of all, she found obituaries also published by Harry Badun for other relatives of the New comers. Siblings and cousins. Siblings and cousins who didn't make it to 18.
Nine to be exact.
Nine dead kids.
Six Boys.
Three girls.
Claudine wished she never looked.
The LeGume-LePrince-Bimbette cousins settled into the Encanto rather quickly and were met with little resistance, much to their surprise.
They moved into a small, fixxer upper, 'work in progress' house with just enough backyard for the kids to be able to run around in and got to work.
Junior and Bronze became movers and mechanics.
Gil arm wrestled people and babysat for money.
Claire became a seamstress and a duel teacher.
And Lefou Deux or Lee, as he went by now, became a toy maker while their little cousins and siblings went to school.
All of them were less than enthusiastic about becoming high school dropouts but knew that it sadly had to be done. How else were they supposed to be expected to keep a roof over all their heads?
And sure, it wasn't the most glamorous roof-- being thin, uninsulated, and filled with holes. But it was a roof.
And sure, it was crowded since they all had to share rooms but it wasn't all that bad since they didn't have any furniture to crowd it more. And sure, it was so cold that they had to huddle together for warmth most of the time but it was better than nothing.
At least that's what they told themselves until they could get something better.
4 months after the new comers had arrived in the Encanto, Claudine stood outside of the toy shop-- invisible to the naked eye, watching as the tallest and lengthest one ran around the shop. Fixing things.
It had become a habit of hers for reasons she could not explain. One that she wasn't sure her family knew of or would approve of.
She knew it was werid. And that some would even call it a bit creepy but she just couldn't help it.
The redhead worried about him. Had been worrying about him ever since she heard her Abuela and Tías fretting over how he needed to eat more about a month after he arrived in town.
After that, Claudine just hadn't been able to get how thin he was out of her head. So, she had gotten into the habit of following him around and sneaking extra food into his lunch bag and goreceries. And so far, he hadn't seemed to notice.
Which Claudine was thankful for, since she wasn't sure what she'd do if she were ever caught.
Probably turn invisible and stay that way until he forgot what she looked like.
Annnnnnnd she was starting to sound like a stalker, wasn't she?
Claudine swatted that thought out of her head, noticing that it was nearly the boy's lunch break and quickly snuck into the small shop. Making sure to keep a tight grip on her bag when--
Claudine fell back, becoming visible as the contents of her bag spilled everywhere. Mixing with toy parts.
All the color drained out of her face as she slowly lifted her head and spotted the new comer, who was clutching his now bleeding nose and looking at her.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry. I didn't see you there--" the dark haired boy stammered, quickly helping her gather the contents of her bag. Including the wrapped arepas that Claudine had been planning on sneaking into his bag.
Claudine was sure that she was probably as red as her hair by now and waited for him to call her out on being the one who had been sneaking into his bag, dreading it, but to her surprise he said nothing. Holding them out to her.
"Uh gracias. Muy apreciada" she muttered meekly, snatching it back from him and shoving it back into her bag. Where her rats were still hiding, thankfully already.
"No problemo miss. It's the least I could do after rudely running into you like that. I don't know how I could have missed you. I should probably get my eyes checked " He joked, fidgeting with his gloves. Clearly expecting to get yelled at.
Claudine's heart ached, remembering how quick she was to expect the same for things that weren't her fault when she was younger.
"No, no. It was my fault. I should have been paying better attention " she rushed to assure him, not liking the far off look he was starting to get in his eyes.
"I'm Claudine by the way. Claudine Madrigal" She held her hand out to him in invitation, silently hoping the change of subject would work.
It did.
He quickly accepted her hand, grinning widely in a way that gave her butterflies before introducing himself. "Nice to meet ya Claudine, I'm Lefou Deux LePrince but everyone calls me Lee".
Looking into his eyes, Claudine was sure of one thing;
She was doomed.
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morgana-ren · 4 months
if gortash survived and gale become god of ambition would gortash change or stay with bane?
Oh, he is absolutely staying with Bane.
See, there's ambition, and then there's ambition. While both Bane and Gale can be considered to have some degree of hold over the idea of 'ambition,' it is in very separate ways.
Gale is a more wispy, arrogant version of ambition. Ambition in general. Needing favor bestowed to follow a dream or perhaps a whim. Wishing for a little extra push. A look in the right direction, the right kind of attention, the simplest detail to bring together a complex spell for the first time. The right book, the right time, the right person.
The studious wizard; the eager bard; the bright-eyed swordsman; the gifted student; the young and the hopeful and the hubris.
Bane is grit and hands in the dirt. He is the fire that forges the blade and the hammer that shapes it. He is the desperate, the angry, the cruel, and the brutal. He is strength and power, and if you do not have it of your own volition, you do not deserve it.
The hellbound boy; the sneering warlord; the cruel architect; the ruthless king; the empty-eyed killer.
Bane will not give you ambition, but he will show you how to claim it if your nerves are iron enough to withstand. He is blood under the nails, tears long dried, and fury so hot that it burns even the wielder. He is lack of forgiveness. He is brutality. He is might is right and compassion is weakness.
The desperate do not turn to Gale. The hopeful turn to Gale. The arrogant. The needy. Those wishing they were recognized. Those chasing a dream. Those with the stars still in their eyes.
The desperate turn to Bane. They are not hopeful. They are tears long dried and hatred and blood like fire. They will mould the world like clay because they can, and because you cannot stop them. The world showed them no pity, and you shall receive none in turn.
Bane is the Black Hand that destroys and crushes and burns, and rebuilds in His image.
Gale is the ethereal hand that guides like a gentle wind from time to time. Indifferent and so terribly soft that sometimes you cannot even feel it. Inconsequential. Pointless.
Gortash is not a starry eyed child. He is whipped and flogged and wrung dry. He cannot count on anyone but himself, and he will tear down the walls with his own two fucking hands if he must. He is domination and tyranny through deceit and intelligence and strategy and strength.
Gale would wash his hands of Gortash-- and Gortash would never look to such an unrealistic ideal in the first place. Blood begets blood. He knows this. No adorable ideals spouted by arrogant heels will change this. Death, blood, strength, and cruelty. These are pillars-- they are not follies.
Gale, against Bane, is yet another frivolous, useless God with no real point but their own self-worship. Followed by fools, depended on by fools. Bane does not offer meager blessings and pageantry. He offers change, if you are strong enough to take it. He offers power, if you are clever enough to keep it. He offers a doctrine that will justify and even exalt you for these choices. Wash away the pain with blood and rebuild in your own--and his-- image. Take what is yours by right.
Show no mercy, for you shall be shown none. This is the way of the world. The strong eat the weak and take as they please. You can be fodder-- or you can be king.
No God can hand you this power. But Bane will smile as you take it.
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justdiptych · 2 months
Having been ruminating on the possible link between Archie Reid of Mask of the Rose and September of Fallen London, and having been informed what a fool I am for suggesting there might be one, I've been trying to formally lay out the evidence for and against them being one and the same, and to reckon with the unavoidable uncertainties. (Some serious spoilers for both games appear below the cut.)
Both have red hair, green eyes, and very similar facial features.
Both are written with similar accents.
Both have established connections to the Calendar Council - September is a member, of course, while Archie is familiar with May.
Both write and publish revolutionary texts.
Both have hostile relationships with Mr Pages - Archie can expose Pages as being personally responsible for the Fall of London.
September's dialogue suggests that, like Archie, he was a student in London at the time of the Fall.
September's stated background - on a baronial estate near Balmoral - does not align with Archie's stated origins in Glasgow. (See below for further examination of this point.)
Unlike other Mask of the Rose characters (Griz, Horatia, Moss, Pages, Ferret, May, Reginald, Barqujin and Batachikhan), September makes no appearance at Mrs Chapman's in Fallen London.
September doesn't mention having any history of medical practice.
Our knowledge of Archie's background is complicated by the fact that 'Archie Reid' is not his original identity. He was, instead, Lucian, an officer and spy who had travelled much of the world. He had tried to warn the people of London of the impending Fall and was, for his troubles, almost erased from reality by the authorities. 'Archie Reid' is what remains of him, and even he doesn't know whether everyone's memories of Archie (including his own) are true or false.
September's age is unclear. On first meeting him, the narration describes him as a 'youth', and his portrait doesn't look like a man who would be in his late fifties at the youngest. This doesn't quite agree with his own suggestion of having been in London during the Fall. If he is Archie, perhaps his theriac staved off the effects of age?
I don't recall how much elaboration we get on Lucian's background in Mask of the Rose's Reunion ending, and whether it's compatible with September's backstory. I'm also not sure whether that matters. Did the person Lucian was, and the things he did, retroactively cease to exist when he became Archie? This is very confusing, I know.
I'm not sure whether September and the Efficient Commissioner have any relevant dialogue if they're on the board of the Great Hellbound Railway together.
Putting Watson aside and putting on our Doyle moustache for a moment, it is possible that September was not originally written to be Archie but later became him. When September first appeared in Fallen London, he used a different portrait - the same one used by the non-binary portrait artist at Helicon House. His current portrait came later. Perhaps this represented a revision of his character's backstory and identity? Eh, I'm speculating aloud here.
To sum up: I dunno. It might be him. They sure look alike. If it's not him, they'd have a lot to talk about if they ever met.
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gorlygorlx3 · 29 days
Fazbear Fights 9:
33 years old
Fighting Style: Karate
Likes: His husband, Bonnie, His son, Gregory, Animals, Protecting the ones he loves, Fishing
Dislikes: Seeing his family hurt, Gangs, Fire, The sound of broken glass
After his son almost got kidnapped by a gang, Freddy wanted to find a way to protect not only his family but other innocent lives. 
18 years old
Fighting Style: Capoeira
Likes: Eating, The 80's, Milkshakes, Dancing, Rollerblading
Dislikes: Being lied to, Bullies, Tear-jerker movies, Quitters
Spunky, daring, and bubbly, she expresses herself through dance. But don't let her carefree nature fool you, she's willing to beat up any bullies causing trouble in her neighborhood. 
31 years old
Fighting Style: Boxing (Slugger)
Likes: Competition, Winning, Women, Alcohol, Rock music, Playing Golf
Dislikes: Cooking, Overly Emotional People, Being told what to do, Being Broke
He was always picked on as a child due to his size and scrawny stature. But as he grew older, so did his desire for revenge. Eventually, he started boxing in an underground fight club, winning buckets of prize money by the match. It's everything he could ever want. 
30 years old
Fighting Style: Aikido
Likes: Racing, Motorcycles, Red Wine, Fashion, Fixing Old Cars, Spicy Food
Dislikes: Losing, Weak People, Chipping a nail, Chewing Gum, Tangled Hair
Leader of a gang, Los Lobos Salvajes, and the undefeatable champion in street racing, she won't hold back from any competition, even if it means she'll play dirty to win.
20 years old
Fighting Style: Gymnastics
Likes: Making new friends, Dogs, Sunny weather, Dressing up, Theater, Gymnastics,  
Dislikes: The Dark, Horror Movies, Messy Rooms, Cockroaches, Blood 
The son of two crime bosses, he's far from selfish. Cherubic and charming; a trophy-winning gymnast who replaces traditional martial arts with graceful and elegant moves as a use of self-defense. 
28 years old
Fighting Style: Taekwondo
Likes: Cats, Astrology, Books, Philosophy, Classical Music
Dislikes: Seeing the innocent get hurt, Tomatoes, Loud Noises, Cigars
Hired bodyguard for a rich boy with a bounty on his head, he's willing to go through hell to protect his client. He's also ironically hired to assassinate his parents in the process.
Fazbear Fights: Hellbound Warriors 2
Age: 38 years old Height: 5'11 Backstory: Father Fredrick was once a humble small village priest dedicated to helping and guiding his community. One fateful day, he encountered a powerful angel named Michael, who gave him a divine blessing. From that moment on, Fredrick was transformed, his eyes glowing with a striking electric blue hue, and his body growing in strength and stamina.
Theme: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iyr60r4G374.
Age: 18 years old Height: 5'6 Backstory: Chica discovered her love for music at a young age and began performing in local talent shows. Her talent was quickly recognized, and she was signed to a record label at the age of 16. Since then, she has skyrocketed to fame as the youngest rock singer of all time. But she later started learning how to fight under the teachings of her favorite artist, M.M.
Theme: Get Jinxed: youtu.be/ZF1PkQOf7bg?si=zK9f-FWEkiihbhcu
Age: 33 years old Height: 5'11 Backstory: Montgomery's childhood was spent in the heart of the bayou, where he learned to navigate the dense, murky swamps and survive off the land. Even as a young boy, he had a deep respect for the natural world around him and a fierce loyalty to his homeland. Over the years, he honed his skills as a hunter and tracker, becoming a formidable force in the wilderness. Now, as a skilled bounty hunter, he's able to use his knowledge of the land to track down his targets and make a living quickly.
Theme:   Devil's Price: youtu.be/KpW8-iI3nVg?si=AxMLYFhX3ZdK1tr7
Age: 27 years old Height: 5'8 Backstory: Roxanne grew up surrounded by the rough and tumble life on the high seas. Her father, Foxy, the notorious captain of the Cunning Vixen, trained her to be the pirate queen of the seas.  Despite her skill and reputation as a fierce pirate, Roxy grew tired of the constant bloodshed and wanted a go at the refined side of life. She decided eventually to leave the pirate life behind and pursue a different, more luxurious path.
Theme: When I Get Low, I Get High: youtu.be/GDdWSlMOexw?si=A2Kro0xJcdWFyjZH
Age: 21 years old Height: 6'1
Backstory: Dr. Samuel "Sunny" Merriweather grew up in a small town where he experienced severe anxiety and OCD from a young age.  As he grew older, he pursued a career in therapy help to navigate others' mental health struggles. However, his own issues continued to haunt him, especially in the form of frequent sleep episodes of paralysis. One fateful night during a particularly intense episode, Sam made a deal desperately with the shadowy figure that visited him in his dreams; a demon named Lunaris. In exchange for protection, Sam allowed Lunaris to manifest into the world waking as his shadow.
Theme: Clint Eastwood: youtu.be/XVwqSlTFQq0?si=F9fgfQ4lxkHT4S5h
Age: Unknown Age but his shadow form makes him look in his late 20s Height: 14’0 Backstory: Existing for centuries, Lunaris was a powerful demon. Feeding the fear and confusion of his victims, he grew infamous among humans and had a reputation around other demons. During one of his eventful night journies, he stumbled upon one of his favorite victims, Samuel Merriweather. But the night doesn't go as planned as a deal between the two causes Lunaris to become Sam's shadow, forever attached to him.
Theme:  Enter Sandman: youtu.be/9ZvtAYSUF3w?si=WkICepdf-JsToym-
Age: 31 years old Height: 6’0
Backstory: Manon Musique, known as M.M in the DJ world, had a passion for music and martial arts from a young age. Growing up in a diverse neighborhood, he learned to appreciate different cultures and, styles which influenced his unique persona. After losing his sight in a tragic accident, Manon turned to music and martial arts as a way express to himself and connect with world the He became a skilled martial arts teacher, dedicated to helping unleash others' potential.
Theme:  Thrift Shop: youtu.be/bDlC9m1FDo4?si=MYpZrJesmqd8Ilx2
Age: 41 years old Height: 5’10
Backstory: Foxtrot or Foxy grew up on the rough seas, learning the ways of piracy from a young age. His parents were both notorious pirates who instilled in him a deep love for adventure and a thirst for treasure. As he grew older, Foxy became a formidable captain, earning a reputation for his cunning tactics and fearless attitude. However, his life took a turn when his beloved niece, Roxanne, decided to leave the pirate life behind and pursue a more civilized existence.
Theme:    Dead Ahead: youtu.be/d3BQ-UZh0a8?si=jIIO_-YNbD0AcfkI
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chlorasepticremix · 7 months
Bin Laden with a pen, bodyin' again I begin slaughterin' your men, prolly shoulda been Ali or the Svengali embodiment of sin
Like a Saudi in the Taliban plottin' an event In the lobby of the Intercontinental with an obvious intent
And I would not even relent up on a little
Like Osama with a bomb under the bin and down the middle
Of the Pentagon and hit a kindergartner with a rental (Stop!)
Back and forth, back and forth
Like Jack Kevorkian's ass to court
"Rap mature! Why can't you be like Macklemore?" (Huh?)
"Why you always gotta smack a whore?" (Huh?
It's likely the psychiatric ward's a last resort (Huh?)
Something's gotta give, that's for sure Yet you keep comin' back for more
Not as raw as I was, 'Walk on Water' sucks"
Bitch, suck my dick!
Y'all saw the tracklist and had a fit
'Fore you heard it, so you formed your verdict
While you sat wit' your arms crossed
Did your little reaction videos and talked over songs (Chill!)
Nah dog, y'all sayin' I lost it?
Your fuckin' marbles are gone (Wait, Em!)
But nowadays every flow, every cadence sound the same (Skrrt)
Brain's a powder keg, I draw inspiration outta hate Real pain in the paper, I don't trace But if I look strange and outta place It's 'cause I'm an alien, that's why I write 'til the page is outta space (Duh!)
From 7 Mile in Novara
To "How can I be down?", all of us tryna pile in the car (Yeah!)
We shot for the stars Yeah!)
'Cause we only got so much time in this world
So rewind it to your high school dance to the night before
If you think you're promised tomorrow (Yeah!)
Now I'm 'bout to fool again
This tune is sick, it's luminous, the moon is lit A freakin' lunatic, a human computer chip
And I'm soon to stick a broom in the uterus of your Hooters chick
If I was you, I wouldn't do nothin' stupid due to the mood I'm in
I'm losin' it, you get chewed like a Junior Mint
Show me who to rip, it's time for you to get screwed
Empty the lubricant and put super glue in it (Woo!)
How many fuckin' rappers did I go through?
Dispel doubt, but you won't admit I smoked And you was spellbound, hellbound in my snowsuit But am I s'posed to sound like everything else out?
'Cause I don't get compared to it, only myself now Well, I can see the fair-weather fans and sales down
But the only way I care is if I let myself down
But what the fuck have I woke to?
Time to eat the vocals and shit out Pro Tools
I know you still want me to ill out, don't you?
Hopin' the old Slim's gonna spill out, open
Fire on your whole camp with this spit, I roast you So chill out, no, you
Hoes couldn't roast me with the shit I wrote you
Then I took a stand, went at Tan-Face and practically cut my motherfuckin' fan base in half and still outsold you
You just called my shit trash?
Thank God, I rap better when the odds are stacked
"Revival's wack, I don't like the 'Zombie' track And when he's talkin' that garbage psychotic crap
Where's your content at?
What's with all the conscious rap?
PInk, Beyoncé this and Kehlani that" (Yeah!) just add it to the fuel in my rocket pack
'Til I'm ready to respond, then I'ma launch it at 'em Idiotic from the fuckin' embryonic sac
To the body bag, I'll be back
And when I am, I'II be at your fuckin' throat like-
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swordmasterfannon · 8 months
A curse, written for a Phandelver player of mine
“By [UNINTELIGIBLE] I bind this hellbound heart to hoard its greatest desire until it’s last beat. I bind these obsidian teeth to grind every nerve in his brain until they burst with pleasure and decay. May his soul never again share of the twinbody. May his pockets ever bulge and strain, filled to bursting with fool’s gold.”
[UNINTELIGIBLE] is a word in an unknown language. Contained in that word are several of the mentioned IPAs that are unused in the chart, and far more that are physically impossible.
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Holy Smoke Reveal
  Paranormal Romance/Romantasy
Date Published: 02/06/2024
Lust and lies? Now those, Jovi can handle.
But falling for a demon hunter like Nash Rogan?
Really dumb move for a succubus on the run.
But he's acting like one. Breaking rules, spilling secrets—touching her.
He lives in the shadows. But the more Jovi lights him up, the less he wants to go back to the dark.
  Sparks fly when Jovi and Rogan are forced to flee—and fight—as an unwilling duo in HOLY SMOKE, the first in the HELLBOUND series by Gin Griffith.
  About the Author
Social Media Links
Author on Instagram / Twitter / Facebook -  @gingriffithofficial
          Publisher on Instagram / Twitter / Facebook - @harborlanebooks
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About Me
The name's Genesis! I use any pronouns, including neopronouns. The only ones I ask you not to refer to me with is She/Her. I am an adult! Exact age not specified for privacy reasons. I'm a recent arrival to the Sunless universe but I love the lore, I'm a writer and an okay artist (though I get better every day). Currently I'm mid-ambition and pre-railway on my main FL account.
You can send calling cards my way via Gem Stone (@/distortedgenesis)! I'm always happy to have friends over there!
I may occasionally reblog spicier content.
#my writing and #my art for content I post that is, well, mine
#other peoples blorbos is for content from other blogs featuring their characters
I'll tag nsfw content as #nsft and mark it as mature.
#genesis rambles for screaming into the void and/or shitposting
Check out my sideblog where I reblog silly little aesthetic stuff for my blorbos @ifallshallbewell
Dr. Gem Stone [The Abberant Doctor]: My Light Fingers PC. Slowcakes Page.
Detective Peculiar [The Indefatigable Detective]: My Nemesis PC. Slowcake's Page.
Liz O'Connor [The Impetous Monsterhunter]: My Bag a Legend PC. Slowcake's Page.
Lady Spring Lovelace [The Ambitious Showman]: My Heart's Desire PC. Slowcake's Page.
Kendrick Starlee [The Resilient Railwoman]: Engineer for the GHBR. Long-suffering acquaintance of the most involved people in London.
Ellison Arrow. [The Consumed Polymath]: A Red Scientist, Liberationist, and perpetual thorn in the University's side (and budget). Slowcake's Page.
Samuel "Wells" Arrow [The Overzealous Voyager]: An unusual man made from a failed experiment in Parabola.
Captain Bell: A ship-captain and Ellison's best friend. Also my Sunless Skies captain.
Sophronia Meadows [The Perfervid Probationer/The Impassioned Monsterbreeder]: A grad student working in Ellison's lab, and an expert in the art of cryptozoological cons
Deidamia [The Iniquitous Deviless]: Peculiar's partner and a player of the Great Game.
Mr. Watson Sterling: Dr. Stone's ex-husband.
Ives Walters [The Sepulchral Accountant]: The Great Hellbound Railway Board's Accountant.
Woefully Ironic [The Insufferable Playwright]: My SMEN PC and Failed Heart's Desire PC.
Crew Details- WIP, link will be here soon.
Work Directory [Does Not Include my NSFW content]
Into the Neath | A brief introduction to my main characters and their backstories prior to the start of the ambition storylines.
Staring At The Moon | The beginnings of Light Fingers, following my PC Dr. Stone.
Momento Mori Leaves A Debt | The beginnings of Nemesis, following my PC Detective Peculiar.
Absinthe Makes The Heart Grow Fonder | The beginnings of Bag A Legend, following my PC Liz(ard) O'Connor.
If You Wanna Roll, Heads Are Gonna Roll | The beginnings of Heart's Desire, following my PC Lady Spring Lovelace.
Bad Dreams, Bad Things | Part 2 of my Light Fingers Retelling
The Game Plays Us For Fools | Part 2 of my Nemesis retelling
Are You A Man or A Monster? | Part 2 of my BAL retelling
All I Ever Wanted Was The World | Part 2 of my HD retelling
Let's See How Far We've Come | Part 3 of my LF retelling.
Inscribed | An Epistolary fic following Oliver Bergamot, one of my Mask of the Rose ocs. 11 chapters, completed.
A Foolproof Guide To Impersonating A Master | A BAL fic following Liz's attempt to impersonate Mr. Veils.
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shockodile · 4 years
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midnight... the hour of *regurgitates another goofy thing i drew a solid year ago*
Torei hasn’t handled (not) aging very gracefully.
Latest | Beginning | Patreon
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memoirofanowl · 4 years
My Tagging System is a Mess™ on this blog so I’m going to work on spiffying it up!
Tagged/ Not really ⤜ Marked for Trouble (Tagged)
Mun Speaks ⤜ A Rambling Foreword (mod)
OOC ⤜ Loose Leaf Parchment (ooc)
Blog Status ⤜ Makeshift Bookmark (Blog Status)
PSA ⤜ Underlined by Talons (PSA)
RP Wishlist/ Wishlist ⤜ Ventures not yet had (wishlist)
Asks/Threads/Drabbles ⤜ The Budding Anthology (Asks)
Memes/Dash Games ⤜ Fresh Ink (Games & Starters)
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Who do you think would officiate LeFou Deux's and Claudine Frollo's wedding?
I read that the captain of a ship has the ability to officiate marriages, if they take place on a ship. And the first mate has the ability, if it's the captain who's getting married, although that wouldn't apply here. I don't know if this is true, though.
I also read that kings can officiate marriages? I read a fanfiction once where Ben officiates Harry and Uma's wedding. Although I don't know if this is true either.
(Depending on what headcanon/AU this is in, if it's the one where Claudine and some other Isle kids go to live in Encanto, they could have that priest do it. Priests can officiate marriages also.)
Or they could just go to a justice of the peace or something like normal people.
Basically every character in Descendants ever: "Normal? What's that?"
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Well, Harriet of course would officiate their wedding since she's their captain. And they would ask her. Claudine doesn't want to ask the priest because of her religious trauma obviously and Lefou Deux/Lee isn't very religious. And niether of them are that close to Ben and there's no way they'd ask Beast, so they ask Harriet. Who'd agree Happily.
The flower girl would be Lee's youngest cousin, Gemma. The ring barrer woulder be Antonio (if he was five here) and if he wasn't five, them be Lee's younger brother, La Foux Doux or Fox as he's more commonly known. The Gaston twins are acting as the bouncers to keep their dad, the Enchantress, and Frollo from showing up.
Ginny, Mad Maddy, Jade, Dolores, and Mirabel would be bridesmaids and Luisa would be the Maid of honor. Sammy, Anthony, Rick, Derek Dwarfson, and Clay would be Lee's groomsmen and Diego would be his best man. Bruno would walk Claudine down the isle.
The Madrigals and Lee's siblings and cousins and aunts and dads and mom would all be there, as would their mice and Antonio's pets. And Harriet's siblings and their crews since their family. And Quasimodo and Zephyr and Phobeus and Esmerlda and Madellaine since Claudine has grown close to them. And her uncle from the og Hunchback of Notre Dame book.
It would take place a few years after they started dating and in the encanto because it's their home. More home than the isle has ever been. And the mice would have front row seats and it would just be a day where nothing goes wrong other than Lee tripping into something. Because they deserve that much, don't they?
Also Lee, Bruno, Mariano, Félix, nd Augustín would be besties.
Also also their ship names are soaring angel and hellbound fool if anyone wants to use the ship. Tag me of you fo cause I wanna read it.
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So we know a lot of things about vampires and dullahans now, but what about other supernaturals? I have many questions:--- How do witches work, and the hunters too? How are the hunters able to detect supernaturals? Are they all 'gifted' with the sight, if yes then is Tachibana has the same ability? How do demons and cambions work, do they all follow Hades since he is technically the God of the Underworld?
this is indeed a lot of questions 😭 but i'll try my best to answer them.
witches are creatures born of blessings from hecate, goddess of magic. despite their scary reputation in the west and association with satan, most of them are peace-loving people who only want to study magic and mind their own business.
distinct marks of a witch (it's a gender-neutral term btw. and so is ‘warlock’, which are a different species from the witches, against popular notion) include unnaturally coloured, glowing eyes. the colour of their eyes are actually their magical aura.
a sigil of their coven naturally appears on their body when they are born. there are very rare cases of witches having no sigil if all the members of their coven die.
many of them are gifted with the sight but for the rest who don't, they acquire it through magic. pretty ironic, i know. tachibana was gifted with the sight since they were born, it was the reason why they usually had terrible nightmares of the strange beings they kept seeing everywhere.
even though the hunters can (and will) kill some supernaturals one-on-one, depending on the amount of training they've had, they usually avoid doing it in places packed with humans.
nowadays, the independent hunters usually wait for bounties before killing a supernatural, while the government employed ones wait for orders from the supernatural committees themselves.
demons are just supernatural beings who, much like their biblical myths, punished evil souls in hell and also roamed the earth for their own fun. they have their greek counterparts too, most notably the three furies.
while there are still some demons in hell who are watching over the souls there, most of them are on earth and enjoying the wonders that it has to offer. seriously, you would not want to stay there at a sweltering temperature 25/8 and punish a never-ending line of souls.
contrary to popular beliefs, most demons are pretty chill and are fond of this world. they even settle down and have children with mortals they fall in love with. the senarath twins are a product of a wily succubus falling in love with a charming human businessman.
demons are scarily good at deceiving even supernaturals so it's very hard to tell if someone is a demon or not. their glamour is seriously nothing to scoff at, they even give the fae folk a run for their money.
the underworld is a pretty complicated place and there are so many entities that rule and reside there. yes, they exist there together but don't actually interact with each other unless it's absolutely necessary. as for how to know which beings and gods you would find there, it all depends on your beliefs. for example, TCS MC would turn up in the greek version of the underworld while SoV MC will end up in helheim (or simply, hel), which is the norse equivalent of it.
cambions, on the other hand, don't exactly receive that amount of mastery over their glamour like their hellbound parent. they are good at it, sure, but they usually don't fool other supernatural creatures as well as they fool humans.
the distinct traits of cambions are their cat-like, slitted pupils and eyes that shine a little brighter when they are using their powers (a bit like witches, although their glowing eyes are permanent).
their nails can also turn into sharp talons and they are born with leathery wings which they can grow and retract with age as they gain more control over their powers. the latter is a very painful process though since the bones in their back have to literally shift and break to pierce through the skin and extend into wings.
if you think that's bad, imagine how mama seranath managed to push not one, but two winged demonic spawns out 💀 thankfully, guinevere knows her magic, along with being a literal demon, so the damage wasn't that severe and she recovered pretty well. otherwise, r.i.p that 😺 ayyy
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tawneybel · 2 years
Male Clown Characters
Note: Clowns, mimes, jesters, fools, and so forth! All either monsters, ghosts, and/or evil. This is more a live-action list, but I’ll probably post one for cartoon characters later.
Please feel free to suggest more! I’ve liked clowns (and monsters) since I was a little girl and I plan to update this. List of male cartoon clown characters.
Kai Anderson from American Horror Story: Cult 
R.J. from American Horror Story: Cult
Jack Samuels from American Horror Story: Cult
Harrison Wilton from American Horror Story: Cult
Twisty from American Horror Story: Freak Show 
the Laugh from Amusement 
Contortionist Clown from Are You Afraid of the Dark? (“Carnival of Doom”) (Added 6/16/2022.)
Hideo from Are You Afraid of the Dark? (“Carnival of Doom”) (Added 6/16/2022.)
Scary Clown #1 from Are You Afraid of the Dark? (“Carnival of Doom”) (Added 6/16/2022.)
Stilts Clown from Are You Afraid of the Dark? (“Carnival of Doom”) (Added 6/16/2022.)
Ticketing Clown from Are You Afraid of the Dark? (“Carnival of Doom”) (Added 6/16/2022.)
Crimson Clown from Are You Afraid of the Dark? (“The Tale of the Crimson Clown”) (Added 12/20/2021.)
Ghastly Grinner from Are You Afraid of the Dark? (“The Tale of the Ghastly Grinner”) (Added 12/20/2021.)
Zeebo from Are You Afraid of the Dark? (“The Tale of Laughing in the Dark”)
Joker from Batman 
Crossbow Clown from Batman Returns
Fat Clown from Batman Returns
Rocket Launcher Clown from Batman Returns
Small Clown from Batman Returns
Spinning Clown from Batman Returns
Terrifying Clown from Batman Returns
Thin Clown from Batman Returns
Unicycle Clown from Batman Returns
various from Mr. Sandman (by Blind Guardian) (Added 12/20/2021.)
clown from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (“Nightmares”)
clown from The Cabin in the Woods (Added 12/21/2021.)
fortune teller clown from Carnival of Rust (Carnival of Rust) (Added 12/20/21.)
Kent McCoy (AKA Dummo the Clown) from Clown (Added 12/20/2021.)
Herbert Karlsson from Clown (Added 12/20/2021.)
bus driver from The Dark Knight
Chuckles from The Dark Knight
Dopey from The Dark Knight
Grumpy from The Dark Knight
Happy from The Dark Knight
Joker (AKA Bozo) from The Dark Knight
Jack Attack from Demonic Toys (Added 12/20/2021.)
Hobo Clown from The Devil’s Carnival 
H0rny the Clown from Drive-Thru (Had to censor his name to comply with Tumblr.)
boggart jack-in-the-box from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Added 12/21/2021.)
clown from Hellbound: Hellraiser II (Added 9/14/2023.)
Captain Spaulding from House of 1000 Corpses
Eric Slater from The House on Sorority Row (Added 12/20/2021.)
various from Storytime (Imaginaerum) (Added 12/20/2021.)
Pennywise the Dancing Clown from It
Joker (AKA Carnival) from Joker
Biffo from KGB commercial (Added 12/20/2021.)
Bibbo from Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Boco from Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Chubby from Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Fatso from Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Frank from Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Joe from Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Jojo the Clownzilla from Killer Klowns from Outer Space 
Jumbo from Killer Klowns from Outer Space 
Magori from Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Rudy from Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Slim from Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Spikey (AKA Spike) from Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Storefront from Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Talls from Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Der Klown from Krampus 
clown from Little Caesars commercial (Added 12/20/2021.)
clown from Midnight Man (Added 5/25/2022.)
Pineapple the Clown from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 
various from Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure (Added 12/20/2021.)
Clown Doll from Poltergeist 
Nosey the Clown from Power Rangers Dino Thunder 
Jester the Pester from Power Rangers Mystic Force 
Invidious from Power Rangers Super Megaforce
Tranceferer from Power Rangers Super Megaforce 
Boohoo the Clown from Power Rangers Zeo
Jester from Puppet Master (Added 12/20/2021.)  
Kaptain Krazee from R.L. Stine’s The Haunting Hour: The Series (“Afraid of Clowns”)
various from R.L. Stine’s The Haunting Hour: The Series (“Afraid of Clowns”)
Clown Doll from Scary Movie 2
Luna Ghost from Scooby-Doo (Added 12/20/2021.)
Stitches from Sky High (Added 12/21/2021.)
Clown/Violator from Spawn (Added 9/14/2023.)
Pennywise the Dancing Clown from Stephen King’s It
Clown from Star Trek: Voyager (“The Thaw”)
Joker from Suicide Squad 
Art the Clown from Terrifier
clown from Salvation (To the Faithful Departed)
Dan Hollis from The Twilight Zone (“It’s a Good Life”) (Added 12/21/2021.)
Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal (Added 9/14/2023.) (Haven’t seen this yet, but REALLY want to.)D
clown doll from USPS commercial (Added 12/20/2021.) 
Hi-Hats from The Warriors 
Clown Zombie from Zombieland 
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The Truth of Sleep
Flufftober prompt: Sleepy kiss Suptober prompt: Hellbound Random word: extinct 
Read on AO3
“He won't wake up, Cas. He won't wake up, and it's been more than a day.” In person, Sam was even more frantic than he'd sounded on the phone. “I've been through every book on sleep in the Bunker, tried twenty different spells. Nothing touches this. He hasn't stirred.”
“And you say it was a witch that did this?” Castiel bent over Dean, whose supine body was laid out before them on his memory foam bed. The man's heart rate, respiration, and basal metabolic functions ticked along at normal, albeit slightly diminished, levels. To observation, he was deep in a peaceful sleep. But according to his brother he had been in the same state for over forty hours without change.
Turning away from the bed, the angel realized that Sam was speaking, rehashing their hunt even though he'd already filled Castiel in on their call. He recognized the younger man's need to keep talking, to sift and resift through the pieces of the puzzle in search of a solution he'd overlooked. It was an impulse he recognized in himself, born of a desperate drive to keep their small family safe and whole.
Although he didn't technically need to, the angel took a deep breath as he attempted to still his mind. Conflicting emotions warred within him. He ached to track down whatever hellbound creature had been cretinous enough to interfere with his charge and ensure that both it and everything it loved was wiped to extinction. This thirst for revenge made his wings itch with the urge to fly. The only thing that held him in check was the sight of the body before him. Nothing, not even vengeance, mattered one iota compared to his desire to heal his friend, to restore Dean to full health.
Focusing his grace, he peered more deeply into the intricacies of the hunter's system. The solution presented itself immediately, and Castiel felt his cheeks heat with embarrassment. The answer was obvious. He should have guessed it at once. But before he applied the cure...
“Sam, I can heal him of this, but you should step outside.” Castiel crossed the room and grabbed the knob. He held the door open for Sam, but the man made no move to exit. Instead he planted himself more solidly next to the bed, crossed his arms in front of his chest, and shook his head.
“What? No, Cas. I'm not leaving. I've been going crazy trying to find this cure, man! I haven't slept, I've barely eaten. I've been so worried. I need to see him get better.”
Cas sighed and tried again. “I really think it would be best if you left the room, just for–”
Sam cut him off. “Not going anywhere. If you can fix him, do it now. Please.”
“Of course. May I have your word, though, that if Dean asks, you will confirm that I did ask you to leave us alone, and you declined?”
Sam looked confused, but he nodded. Resigned, Castiel moved back to the bed. He leaned over and pressed his lips to the sleeping man's mouth.
Dean's arms immediately came up to wrap around the angel's shoulders. He sighed, awakening into the kiss as if it were an ordinary day. “Mmmm, g'morning, sweetheart,” he murmured, gazing drowsily up at his boyfriend. “You back early from your trip? Wanna fool around a little before Sam wakes up?”
From behind Castiel's back, Sam cleared his throat. Dean froze, his eyes wide.
“Uhhh, hi Sammy,” he said, voice raised to carry past the intimate space of the bed. “Why are you in our room?”
Suddenly overloaded with questions, Sam managed only an incoherent splutter. Castiel grabbed the reins of the conversation. “You were hit by a witch, love. You've been asleep for almost two days.”
Dean groaned. “Sleeping Beauty curse, huh? God, witches suck. So, standard cure?”
“Of course,” Castiel replied with a soft smile. “True love's kiss, as usual.”
“Nice, babe. Thanks. But would you mind explaining why we have an audience?”
“Your brother spent quite some time attempting to find a cure on his own before he called me for assistance. By the time I arrived, he was distraught. I asked him for privacy to heal you but he didn't wish to be separated from you. I'm sorry, I know you didn't want him to know about us, but I felt there was no way to argue without arousing his suspicions...”
Struck with a wave of shame at breaking Dean's wish for secrecy, the angel hung his head. Dean put a soft hand on Castiel's cheek and pulled him into another kiss.
“S'okay, buddy. He was going to find out sooner or later, and now's as good a time as any.” He raised his voice again, directing his next words to his brother. “Sammy, me 'n' Cas are together, obviously. Get used to it, because it's forever. Any questions?” He gave no time for questions before continuing on. “Good. Now git. I've had a two-day nap and I'm extremely well-rested and full of energy. You might wanna get out of the Bunker for the rest of the day. We're gonna get loud.”
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spunsugarmusings · 2 years
Harley Poe Lyric Starters: Part 2
TW for death, drug and alcohol mentions, religion, and strong language. Change pronouns as needed!
"She won't scream or cuss, or raise a fuss, and we won't ever fight!"
"I know the chances were so slim for you and I to date."
"I thank God for mortality."
"I know that you've been dead awhile, but I honestly don't mind!"
"You still have that tender smile, and you've always been so kind."
"Baby, you were meant for me, and I was meant for you!"
"T'il death do we start."
"Relationships are in the pits, and they've messed me up for good."
"I know you'd never leave me, baby, even if you could."
"Then why'd I go and do something so cruel?"
"Well, she said yes so she must've been a fool!"
"I killed twenty men and the cops are after me."
"That's okay, I don't care, dear. I love you anyway."
"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do."
"So be strong, and be brave."
"We're running from the law and living in a shack."
"I'm gonna burn in Hell for corrupting my better half."
"We're robbing convenience stores, and trying to stay alive."
"I'm sorry I shot that man back there."
"Can you ever forgive me for bringing you into my life when I should have let you be?"
"Why'd they go and do something so cruel?"
"She's always asking why I like watching people die."
"My friends think that I'm sick, or maybe uneducated."
"My family doesn't wanna admit that they are related."
"Don't ask me why, because I don't know."
"Don't close your eyes, just enjoy the show!"
"I'm a gorehound, hellbound horror movie lover."
"Good and evil are just colors on the spectrum."
"It turns me on when I should grieve."
"I say that it's cathartic, just another form of art!"
"Ain't no room for heroes at this show."
"He's been marked, there ain't no saving him!"
"His enemies are mostly dead, he's mean and unforgiving."
"I do it all alone, but I do it all for you."
"I look for a wolf, but she can't be found."
"Come home before you change for the worse."
"It runs in your family, you've got the curse!"
"You're emotional, to say the least."
"Damn, you make a lovely beast."
"It's not your fault that you're a bitch."
"God has left you empty and the mark is on your hand."
"It's the end of the world and I don't give a shit."
"Doom, death, and destruction is all I see."
"Make up your own mind to stick it to the man."
"Monsters need love too!"
"It's time to howl, it's time to shine!"
"Dipshit, you ain't got the balls to take what you want!"
"I'm holdin' out for a better dude, so fuck you!"
"I devised myself a plan, it's happening high noon."
"I've made a deal with God, I'm taking out a loan!"
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mmandibles · 2 years
…Wait, what do you mean you didn’t order this totally unnecessary, unreasonably horny playlist? (Tracklist under cut.)
Peach Fuzz – Tyler, the Creator
Fall Into You – Rosehardt
Ryd – Steve Lacy
LOWRIDR – Duckwrth
Get Down – Junglepussy, Rico Love
Dollar Bills – Syd, Steve Lacy
Lover I Don’t Have to Love – Bright Eyes
DHL – Frank Ocean
Yeah, I Said It – Rihanna
Take A Slice – Glass Animals
Put My Hands On You – DEAN, Anderson .Paak
Skin on Skin – Franc Moody
Masseduction – St. Vincent
I Like You So Much Better When You’re Naked – Ida Maria
Let’s Do It Till We Get It Right – Jamie N Commons
Bangers + Mash – Radiohead
Do It With a Rockstar – Amanda Palmer, The Grand Theft Orchestra
Romantic Rights – Death from Above 1979
Mosquito – Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Self Esteem – The Offspring
Positive Tension – Bloc Party
Apply Some Pressure – Maximo Park
Angry Johnny – Poe
hellbound – Dua Saleh
Bless Me – 6LACK
G2g – Berhana
Laid - James
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