#papa palpatine
Shit Agen Kolar has definitely said
Agen: Remember kids, when burying a body, make sure to cover it with endangered plants so it’s illegal to dig up!
Agen: Make sure to follow me for more gardening tips!
Agen: Get in, loser, we’re committing vehicular manslaughter!
Bultar: You know, it’s fine to admit you were wrong.
Agen: *Sipping his drink after accidentally adding salt* I just like the way it tastes.
Agen: New year, same me. Because I'm perfect.
Agen: What’s up? I’m back.
Palpatine: I literally just killed you! You died. You were dead
Agen: Death is a social construct.
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charsfx · 2 months
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Just a terribly drawn comic that's a paraody of a parody, but with Archer instead of Palpatine.
Well...we all know who blew up the Mahogany 'Souvenir shop'
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athenaluthor · 7 months
The Beginning
pairing- darth vader x reader
summary: A morning with his wife and son, what could go wrong? Vader's faith in Palpatine has finally begun to crack. Is this the beginning of the end?
warnings: SFW, Unburnt!Vader, Husband!Vader, Dad!Vader, Pregnant!Reader, fluff, Vader being a dad and lovesick husband, nameless son, slight child abuse(by Palpatine), mentions of Palpatine
Word count: 1.7k (unedited)
side note: any ideas for their kids' names?
Vader creeps into the room quietly, not wanting to wake up the sleeping boy despite him being a heavy sleeper. His son's bedroom is warm and cozy, a stark difference from the imposing skyscrapers of Coruscant just outside the window. The sight that greets Vader tugs at his heartstrings.
His little boy lays sprawling on the bed, small blond curls poking out here and there, with small snores escaping him. Blankets are falling off the bed and his plushies lay messily on the floor, yet his son remains unbothered. He reckons the boy could sleep through anything. An invasion could take over Coruscant long before his son would wake.
The boy was such a deep sleeper it worried Vader at times. The force drains you a great amount especially during childhood, which is enough justification to have a chef curate meal plans for his son. Thankfully, Vader feels everything through the force. If something is ever amiss with his son or wife, he would know.
Vader sits down on the bed, hand instinctively reaching out to stroke his son's head. The boy is a carbon copy of him, from the hair, to the face and even the way he sounds, all reminds Vader of Anakin. The little boy's curls felt so soft between his fingers, a stark contrast to Vader's calluses.
Luckily for Vader, his son is far more well-mannered and kind than he ever will be. Courtesy of his wife, he supposes. The little boy is intelligent and cheeky like Anakin was, but he is far more empathetic and good-hearted. Only his wife, that kriffing angel of a woman, could turn his child into this beautiful and kind boy.
Suddenly, a sleepy voice snaps Vader out of his thoughts, “Papa?”
“Good morning. Did you sleep well,hmm?” replies Vader, smiling at the boy.
“Mmhm. No bad dreams.” Says his son in between big yawns and a stretch.
Vader takes this opportunity to pick the boy up and bring him onto his lap. Sleepy, the boy falls right back asleep with his head on Vader's shoulder and arms tightly wrapped around his neck. Vader melts each time the boy does this and today is no exception. Feeling his little boy's body melt onto his and the soft little breaths, it makes him want to stay like this for eternity.
Vader kisses the boy's head, breathing in the smell of his baby shampoo that seemed to fade each day the boy grows older.
Then, Vader wraps his arms around the boy and stands up to carry him. He adjusts the boy a little, making sure the boy is comfortable and wouldn't slip before moving out the door. The walk over to Vader's room does nothing to jolt the little boy whose sleep takes priority over everything else. His breathing is steady and Vader swears the boy is starting to snore softly.
“Snoring? Already?” Vader muses to himself.
Once there, Vader lays the boy on the bed and within seconds, the boy sprawls out on the bed. Vader supposes your parents bed is always much more comfortable than your own since his son seems so happy on his bed.
“He's sleepy.” says his wife, looking at their sleeping son as she steps out of the bathroom.
“He always is. The world is dead to him until he decides to wake.” Vader replies, smiling at he boy's antics.
Vader turns to look at his wife when she walks past him to the closet. Belly swollen, full of his child, Vader could barely take his eyes off her.
She waddles instead of walking now, careful with her steps in an attempt to not slip. These days, all she asks from him is a massage here and there. Vader can't complain. Soon, his wife will give birth to a second child. All she asks him to do in return is to bring her food and make her feel good.
Joining her in the closet, Vader merely leans against the doorframe and stares as she moves about the room. Picking her dress, jewelry and fussing about how the tones of her shoes didn't match everything else. He adores to see how she moves, the way her hair shifts as she does and the look on her face when she finds the right combination of clothes.
They eventually fall into their usual rhythm. A comfortable morning routine of getting dressed and ready before facing the chaos of the galaxy. In a way, it was reprieve from the stress of the Empire that is certainly suffocating.
Just as his wife finishes her hair and makeup, their son stumbles into the room sleepily. The little boy immediately catches the attention of his parents.
“Mama? Papa?” His little voice fills the room, all shaky and sad.
Without hesitation, Vader crosses the room from his side of the closet to the door where his son stands. Vader kneels down, face-to-face with his son. His son is all red-faced and full of sobs.
Vader wipes the boy's tears before picking him up. He looks at his wife, who looks just as concerned beside him. Seeing their boy like this tugs at their heartstrings greatly, considering their son is rarely reduced to tears like this.
Vader gently strokes the boy's back while his wife softly asks, “What's wrong, sweetheart?.
“Don’t want to see it again!” The boy lets out through his sobs. His wife softly brushes their son's curls out of his face, cooing at him, trying to help him calm down.
“See what, hmm?” Vader asks.
“The man! The old man! He's scary and he hurt me!”
At his son's reply, a chill washes down Vader's spine. A foreboding feeling washes over him like no other.
“Hurt you?” his wife asks.
The question only spurs on their son's tears. Now, he's buried his face in the crook of Vader's neck.
Vader doesn't take notice of the tears that are soaking his collar. Instead, his thoughts are light years away. Somehow he knows that the man his son talks about is none other than his master. In his guts, Vader knows Palpatine is responsible for this.
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By noon, their son is much calmer. The sobs and tears are gone, leaving behind a very tired little boy.
Vader decides against leaving and opts to work from his study at home. The dining room is also set up for his assistants and officers to use while they work.
His wife stays with their son who refuses to leave his parents’ room. Though, Vader is sure his wife wouldn't have let their son leave in the first place because Vader wouldn't either.
When Vader left his bedroom earlier, he made sure breakfast had been served and both his wife and son were comfortable. Eventually the little boy fell asleep listening to his parents chatter.
Vader wanted to stay with them both, unwilling to leave his pregnant wife with a hysterical child. Ensuring the attendants and maids weren't far away from his wife, he also increases the guards around the house. The latter more for his sanity than their safety, truly.
Even then, it took his wife a ridiculous amount of convincing before Vader agreed to leave and attend to his work. Vader doesn't say it out loud but something still feels wrong and he can't put his finger on it.
The force feels quiet, too quiet in Vader's opinion. The quietness reminds him of the calm before a storm and he despises every part of it. As a child, he often had this feeling on Tatooine before the sandstorms would hit. Vader's mother, Shmi, would often be on the receiving end of his ranting.
Tonight, he decides, he will meditate on it. With enough focus, the force will show him everything he needs to know.
The dark side in Vader thrums in anticipation. Undoubtedly, it is digging its claws deeper and deeper into him today as anger takes over him. These days, Vader cares little for anything else except for his little family and the thought of anyone hurting them is enough to fuel his dark side.
Perhaps he should cast runes all over his home. Vader's knowledge of the dark side runs as deep as his knowledge of the Jedi. During his travels, Vader has found several Sith holocrons containing different rituals, spells and incantations previous Sith Lords had used. All were far more powerful than anything he'd seen in his Jedi days.
Suddenly, one of his wife's handmaid rushes in.
“L-lord Vader! My lady has requested you come quickly.” comes her voice.
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The sight makes Vader want to burn down the entire galaxy. Their son's entire back is covered in force lightning marks. Unfortunately, easily recognisable to Vader as he had been on the receiving end of it for many years.
Now, Vader is entirely sure that Palpatine has done this. Even if indirectly, Vader is sure Palpatine is involved.
Thoughts course through Vader's mind, "Are there other Sith Lords he is unaware of? How and why could his master have done this?".
No wonder the little boy was so distraught. He had refused any attempts of taking a bath which were miracles at calming him down. Both Vader and his wife found it odd.
Now, Vader knows he was just in pain. Vader is reeling, he feels as if he's been plunged into the freezing ocean's depth. The sight of his son has his stomach lurching, "he's a child, he's only a child!" he angrily thinks to himself.
Vader's gaze turns to his wife who's distraught is palpable through the force and Vader moves to her side when she clutches her bump with a whimper. Vader helps her sit down as she nearly falls to her knees, groaning in pain.
Helping her calm down, he sits beside her and embraces her. Hand stroking her back until he breathing evens and the tension in her body subsides. Pulling away, Vader moves to gently stroke her cheek and wipes her tears away.
In tears, she heartbreakingly asks him “Why has this happened to him?”
Vader leans his head in until his forehead and hers are flush against each other, choosing not to answer. He tucks her hair behind her, letting her lean into his touch.
Vader's faith in the Emperor has always been constant and unbending. The galaxy is certainly well aware of Vader's loyalty in carrying out the Emperor's orders.
How could Palpatine have done this? Let him believe he could have another chance at a family and go after his child. Has this been the plan all along? Was he blind all this time?
Has Emperor Palpatine truly betrayed him?
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banner by @cafekitsune
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ibrithir-was-here · 10 months
i adore your bad end series! with the most recent post, i have to wonder what little quincey considers dracula to be. his weird uncle? his parents' "friend?" a spooky roommate?
Ah yes, the vampire lord in the corner.
I’m going to tag @unchartedentity for this as they asked a very similar question!
So, @animate-mush who’s wonderful writing keeps inspiring this series to new heights has had Quincey call him “Father” in parallel to Jonathan’s ‘Papa’ and yeah I can definitely see Dracula pressing for that title, both by his ‘right’ as the reason the child is a vampire in the first place “He owes what he is as much to myself as to who’s blood he shares. And doesn’t some of mine run through him now as well?”
And also just because he knows it’s a knife in Jonmina’s hearts to hear Quincey call him that
How the relationship actually pans out? I think that in actually it’s much more of a creepy weird uncle situation, mixed with a lot of Palpatine corruption attempts. Dracula finds Quincey’s whole existence deeply interesting, seeing the Harkers attempts at domesticity is incredibly bizarre to him and also humorous—I think he really feels at some moment Quincey will twist into proper Vampire mode and break his dear papa’s heart doing so, and robbed of his chance to take over England he’ll take his kicks where he can get them.
Also going to take this opportunity to post the Dracula and Quincey interaction I just drew
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TBB Rewatch Day 19: S3E3 “Shadows of Tantiss” and S3E4 “A Different Approach”
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Man, I would’ve died of laughter if Omega and Crosshair made off with Papa Palps’ shuttle. Like, imagine Palpatine wondering where his ride is, reaches out through the Force, and realizes that two clones took it and it was the clones that broke out 😂😂
And I love Cross’ dynamic with Omega. He’s been through so much but you know he deeply appreciates having her by his side
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padawansuggest · 1 year
I wanna write an AU where Obi-Wan is Palpatine’s son (I have seen some interesting AUs okay and sometimes it’s fun to play with things) and suddenly in comes Anakin as Palpatine’s Tatooine Mail Order Spouse and Obi-Wan, finally seeing his father’s abuse turning towards a man sixteen years his junior, a ‘former’ slave nonetheless, says fuck it and they murder Palpatine and then seek sanctuary with the Jedi and Obi-Wan gives the excuse they never knew his father was a Sith (it’s true tho they didn’t realize till Papa Palpy tried to turn on them) and they had to do it and the Jedi are like ??????? Because there was a Sith and he bought a mail order spouse and abused his son????
Anyways, the Jedi keep the two of them comfy till Obi-Wan’s inheritance and all that shit is worked out after the death and then they buy a new house and Ani’s mom comes to live with them and Padme comes to see them when she becomes Senator of Naboo and is all ‘???? Y’all good???’ And falls in love with Ani while Obi-Wan spends more and more days wandering into Little Keldabe out of a force driven need to be weirdly attracted to Mandos and that nice prince Jango is such a nice guy, oh god he flexed his muscles did you see that holy shit holy shit calm down.
Anyways. Obi-Wan and Anakin are brothers and refuse to be parted and Shmi and Padme are the only adult authorities in this household.
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jonmyblaze · 7 months
Fanfic idea, the redheads are related.
Fun fact did you know that Chancellor palpatine is the exact same age as Qui-Gon jinn.(they both died at 88)
Second fun fact,; palpatine as a youth was an adrenaline junkie speeder racer he had a major crash and then he went into politics (this mirrors George Lucas's own life where he once was a adrenaline junkie then he swapped careers into filmmaking)
Imagine the scenario if you will, palpatine(in his twenties) drunk finds this lovely young redheaded woman from Stewjon. It was rather easy he was a hot man in his youth
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That woman later find out she's pregnant. Then the Jedi order find out that this child from a single mother is heavily force sensitive.
That man would later become a war hero
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"General Kenobi!"
Now imagine this young Padawan he falls for this lovely young woman from Mandalore! They have a spicy loving romance but eventually they had to break it. Unfortunately this could not come at the worst time. The clone Wars has broken out. This young woman's politics for her planet is divisive to say the least.. so she has to constantly be on the run thanks to death threats from rivaling factions of the mandalorians.
She know that her lover was descended from the chancellor (after a 23andMe discovered it, he wasn't that interested in the results but setine was .? Because what better man who was in a position of power to protect her child then the kind generous Chancellor himself! Of course he would protect his grandchild with his life. )
The child would be named Maria Jade Kenobi- kryze
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However to protect the child's identity and especially her mother's he changed the name.
Mara Jade
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3rd in line for the Imperial throne. (Right behind Uncle Vader and Papa Palpatine)
And yet she still falls for a farm boy.
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minamorsart · 9 months
Happy holidays to you 🎄🎁🌟❤️
*whispers* , who do you think deserves better
Lotor or Ben Solo/Kylo Ren
First of all: thank you so much! Happy Holidays to you, too!! I hope you are enjoying this holiday season with your loved ones 🎄🎀☃️💖
And second of all: NOOOO Anon how could you make me choose??! 😭😂😂
My gut reaction is to say both of them, but that's not really the answer we're looking for here, is it? Hehe. So I have tried to seriously consider this and provide a sincere answer to your question.
A quick heads up, I will be mentioning reylo and lotura here and there throughout this little essay!
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The most fun part about comparing Ben and Lotor I think comes from the fact that these two are suuuuper similar to one another. I covered this a tiny bit in this ask where I talk about how protective the two of them are, but to reiterate:
Both Lotor and Ben are from sci-fi/fantasy franchises that were released around the same time, both have troubled relationships with their fathers, both are great swordsmen and pilots and engineers, both murdered their fathers, have complicated childhoods, rarely show their true faces to others, killed their dads, fell in love with fierce and powerful women, kissed said fierce and powerful women before shortly dying afterwards, said bye-bye to papa by doin a lil stabby stab, became intergalatic leaders of the most powerful empires in the universe -- oh, and did I mention daddy issues? You tend to find that a lot with long-haired emo boys from fiction. It's just the way it is. And for these two in particular you can also sprinkle in a little "mommy issues" just for funsies.
But in all seriousness, Lotor and Ben share a LOT in common, which is pretty crazy! So who deserves better, really? In order to make a fair judgment my first thought was to take into account their crimes and if they were able to redeem themselves in the end. But this is also fiction. As soon as people slap the label "toxic" on a character or ship, I usually tend to tune them out. This is by no means a hot take, but fiction is a form of escapism. It is a way for people to experience a thing (e.g. horror, adventure, romance) without actually having to experience it. So if we have a couple of sad boys who murder and manipulate people but also want to find love, who's gonna stop us from rooting for them? Absolutely no one!
I digress, but my point is that I usually don't care which character did what and why they're a bad person for it. But even then were Ben and Lotor really all that bad? After all, we learned from "The Rise of Kylo Ren" comics that Ben was ultimately not the one responsible for destroying Luke's Jedi school, and in TROS we found out that he was being manipulated by Palpatine the entire time.
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For Lotor, we never really got a clear picture of what exactly he was doing with that Altean colony. To this day I still don't get it! In S6E6 he says, "Many Alteans perished in my quest to unlock the mysteries of quintessence." But then in S8E13 Allura says, "Lotor may have been misguided, but ultimately he wanted to preserve life." Like, what does any of that mean?? There are cracks in the armor, Anon! Cracks!!! Not to mention all of the theories with very convincing evidence that there were a ton of changes made to season 8, and unfortunately I don't think we're ever going to get a solid answer from the showrunners as to what was really supposed to happen.
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In the end, the complicated and morally gray choices that Lotor and Ben made throughout their lives are what make their characters so interesting! They did the wrong things for what they believed to be the right reasons. If they didn't come across as the mysterious and devious fellas as they did when we first saw them, we wouldn't be such big fans of them. We would've chosen someone else 😉
So any bad deeds aside, maybe we oughta take a step back and do one last comparison. Most notably, comparing how they died. Ben died saving the person he loved, while Lotor died fighting the person he loved. I would have to argue that Lotor's death was far more gruesome and superfluous than Ben's. Not only did he go mad from all of the raw quintessence coursing through his body, but we find out in season 8 that his body had remained in his ship for three whole years, decayed and melted (seriously whose idea was it to share that imagery? I'm scarred for life) and left to sit there by his own mother.
Ben's passing was also deeply upsetting. I cried in the theater. But you can't deny that it was a peaceful one. From the way his body faded into nothingness, leaving beind only his clothes, the audience is able to assume that he became a Force Ghost (or did he? 🤔). He was battered and beaten, but he brought the woman he loved back to life, and in giving his life to her and helping her defeat Palpatine, he redeemed himself. And not only did he redeem himself, but he was also able to reconcile with both of his parents.
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Lotor didn't get to do either of those things. He never got the chance. He was manipulated by both of his parents, and he never had the opportunity to redeem himself on his own terms. You know, for someone who directly influenced the entirety of season 8's plot, Lotor is hardly in it! I suppose he sort of redeemed himself, at least in Allura's eyes, but he was long gone by then. He wasn't around to see any of the stuff going on in season 8, stuff happening specifically FOR him because his mother wanted him back. In season 6 he went out like your average cartoon villain--dying because of his own hubris while the heroes looked on. In season 8 we only get: a flashback episode, him showing up in Allura's bedroom ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), and him copied and pasted into the background as a ghost in the finale, almost like something is amiss in this scene (cracks in the armor, Anon!!!). UGH. You hate to see it.
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But at the same time, I'm not too upset that Lotor died if I'm being completely honest with you. At least not anymore, anyway. Don't get me wrong, at the time I cried when his death was confirmed, and then I cried again when Allura died. But at least they get to be together in the afterlife. Ben had a lot going for him. He was only 30 years old when he died, and that's still very young. He could have had a long, happy life with Rey, and to truly redeem himself in the eyes of the resistance, could have devoted his time to restoring peace and order to the galaxy, as well as teach the new generation of Force-wielders alongside Rey.
Lotor, on the other hand, was 10,000 years old. The idea of having lived that long is not only unfathomable, but the fact that he probably spent most of that time being completely alone is just... really, really sad. If I were him I would have been ready to kick the bucket, too. I think the kindest thing to do for him at that point was to give him a peaceful, as well as justified, departure in the series finale. Allura had suffered as well. She had lost everything, just like him, so the two of them finding peace in the afterlife would be the most merciful conclusion, I believe.
Soooo I'm gonna cheat again with my answer 😂 Who deserves better? I would say BOTH of them deserve better, but in different ways. Ben Solo deserved to live, while Lotor deserved a better death.
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Thank you so much for this question, Anon! I really had to think a lot about this one, and even though in the end I couldn't actually choose between the two, I still enjoyed coming up with this long-winded answer haha! If you have any further insights you would like to add, or if you even disagree with any of the things I've said, please don't hesitate to say so! I am always happy to discuss anything Ben or Lotor-related 😁 My love for these boys knows no bounds 💖
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phoeebsbuffay · 2 years
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Imagine you are a peasant who happens to save Darth Vader after his meeting with Ahsoka left him unconscious—and you have no idea who this man is. Part I.
Warnings: drama, unburnt Vader, angst—but fluffy endings as always, naturally.
Warnings 2: not recommended for minors or those who are sensitive to the themes aforementioned.
Warnings 3: slightly/loosely inspired in “La Belle et la Bête” (the one with Léa Seydoux).
Warnings 4: references to the “Rebels”, final episode season 2.
Recommendations: “This Love” by Taylor Swift; “These Days” by Foo Fighters.
You are a daughter of a local merchant who is widely respected by the village that is located somewhere at the planet Y/C. You have two oldest brothers, being the youngest and only girl of the family.
You love reading. Books are a great passion of yours and your father, though he is not a man of great possessions, doubles his efforts in gifting you these seeing as precious as they are to him.
You delight in your father, he is your only family you have: your mother died in childbirth so you never met her. You are very attached to your family, devouting yourself to him. However, these are days of wars. You already lost one brother to the clonic wars and now that the Empire is rising again, another joins it.
It is you and your father until he is summoned to make a long journey to a far away part of the planet. So he leaves you instructions to take care of the household in your absence.
“If anything the neighbors will look after you”.
Back then, you are no more than six and ten summers of age. Despite your fears, you are eager to prove him you are as fierce and brave as your brothers.
“You will be proud of me, papa”, you tell him. “I will be able to take care of myself.”
He smiles at you, though uncertainty lies in his eyes. To leave a damsel such as yourself behind… it does cost him a great deal. But encouraged by you, the older man eventually aquiesces.
“I promise you, my dear, that I will come back as soon as I can.”
He assures you, placing a kiss over your temple. You say goodbye to each other, but as you wave, wishing him luck, you are struck with a bad feeling that he is never to return again.
Ten years later.
Empire rises and, as result, violence emerges. Yet, though you despise it, you learn to live in the shadows, far from getting in the sight of the stormtroopers. These are the men who serve Emperor Palpatine and are always present in your life, ensuring there are no rebellions against his power.
You know very little about it, though you do wonder about your father’s whereabouts. Where did he go? Why hasn’t he sent you any letter? The first years were moved by anxiety, with you trying to do all you could to find about him. But now you accept he is gone.
As you carry on with your life, you start teaching local younglings all the whilst you dismiss potential suitors. A young woman such as yourself should not live by yourself, you are often told. You smile and often are agreeable, but you bow to no one.
Such has been the quietitude you surround your life with: living on your own, reading books, teaching in order to pay your bills, making charities… Until one day your life turns an upside down. Not too far from where you are, an explosion is heard.
You, who often preferrers to be far from trouble, are somehow attracted to it.
“Miss Y/N! What you are doing? That tower over there was under attack of the Sith.”
You have read very little about Sith or Jedi, but you don’t care. What do you have to lose? Instead you smile and dismiss the concerns of others.
“It’s fine, Mr H/N. I am just checking if someone is hurt. The explosion might have hurt people there. I am not taking very long, I promise you.”
And that is how you don’t come back to people’s eyes again.
Lord Vader is unconscious, almost engulfed by flames that resulted from his conflict with Ahsoka. His former Padawan, the one whom he trained and was attached to… Seems to overcome him little by little. She is now his equal in many ways, as if they are two sides of the same coin.
“Vengeance is not the Jedi way.”
“I am no Jedi”.
And here he is. Defeated is not the right word for his situation, though when Lord Vader starts to open his eyes, he removes his broken helmet instantly. He coughs, weakened by the smoke, desperately trying to catch his breath.
“Fuck”, he curses under his breath, his curls dropping over his face as he tries to stand. “Fuck!”
Fire starts to spread in a clear point of explosion. The Sith Lord, however in pain he might be, manages to leave the destruction spot he’d been engulfed after a long battle with Ahsoka.
To stand amidst the ashes requests more than abusing of his physical force, which is limited…far more than he likes to admit, restraining it to scarce moves, is a task no broken pride bends to it willingly.
Yet, he rises. But at what cost? What did he lose? His mind is purged by its demons and his soul is tormented by an endless path of suffering. Accostumed to it, though, Lord Vader clenches his jaw as he slowly escape through the flames that seem to refuse to let go of its prey.
He coughs. Will the simply smoke wipe out the existence of the great Darth Vader? The mere idea makes him snort…and it costs his stability. He grows weaker and his eyes are blurred. The more effort he puts in it, the harder it gets for him.
Death does not seem to be so welcoming now. Not when the demons seem close to stretch their claws to grip his soul. It is only fair they do, so he thinks to himself.
His pride, however, accuses him of weakness: is he going to let it go this easily? Is he accepting the flames under the excuse to purge his sins?
His mind begins to get unclear. Words are dissociate of his own control. No more than being the phantom of a great Jedi, the existence of this great villain seems to cease to exist.
And his last words are:
“Forgive me, Padmé.”
But when he collapses, he does not so into the ground, rather so in somebody else’s arms. And his eyes finally close before making this last assumption: perhaps his late wife finally came for his rescue.
You are baffled by how you are able to carry a taller and heavier man in your arms to some nearby abandoned castle. It does exhaust you, though, but you are amazed by how you managed to carry him somewhere safe. And far more so to see how this castle is completely left to dust.
“Well, looks like I have a lot to do here”, you sigh in content. Your years in solitude have been boring to say the least and here’s an opportunity to make yourself useful.
You start cleaning the quarters where the unconscious man is going to stay. You do so rather quickly, removing the dust of it and making his bed proper to sleep. As you leave him there, you go to your own household and fetch your cleaning things—besides new pillows, blankets—before going back and assuring this castle is back to life.
It is rather a heavier task you take to yourself, one of that kind that involves dealing with neighbors who want to meddle in your business; a lot of dust, and looking after this mysterious man.
And as you do, you are at first starstruck by the sand shade that colors his curls, the scar above his left eye—as well as other scars in his chest when you helped him change his clothes for more comfortable ones that you got from your elder brothers—, the strength of his physique… all of which makes you blush.
It is when he notices your long gaze, the contemplation coming from your messy thoughts—who is this stranger?; how come did he stop by in the midst of destruction places?; what brought him there; how handsome he is, almost an angel…—which makes him open his eyes wide and hold your wrist with quite some intensity that makes you scream.
“By the Maker!”
“Who the fuck are you?”, he inquires you impatiently. As he stands, you realize how tall this stranger is, which makes you pale—specially when realizing his eyes are yellow. “Where am I? What are you doing to me?! Answer me!”
“S-Sir! I am not someone important! Please, Sir. I… I am just helping you! I took you out of the ashes and…”
Vader narrows his eyes as he reads into your thoughts. He is tempted to suffocate you: he does wrap his hand around your neck, but when pulling you closer, he discovers everything about you.
Yet, for some reason unbeknownst to him, his eyes scan your y/c eyes, your y/c skin, your y/c hair, eyeing up and down the simple gown you dress. You detest to feel the heat that paints your cheeks, but to his surprise you don’t run from his intent gaze.
“Very well, Y/N.” He lets go of you and when feeling exhaustion taking over you, he is surprised—so are you—when you help him take a seat. “Why are you helping me?”
“I don’t know.” You answer sincerely, your body shaking of fear despite the bold there is in your eyes.
An interesting contrast, so judges Vader. He lets go of you.
“You may leave”, so he demands, back to the bed he notices has been poorly cleaned. Vader takes a look at this wounds, noticing the bandage there had been none before.
“No”, your voice comes out softly, but your words are firm.
Vader is rarely surprised but you manage to get his attention. Others in your position would be thankful for the opportunity to be dismissed of his presence.
“What do you mean by “no”? I am not asking you to stay”, says he rudely.
“I heard very well in the first time. There is no need to say it again.”
Vader looks at you, perplexed. He could have killed you, but your courage earns him some degree of admiration—though he is not admitting that out loud.
“Do you know who I am?”
“No”, you answer sincerely, all the more getting from him perplexed expressions. “Should I?”
“I am dangerous”, he warns you.
You know he is willing to play that game. But what is more surprising is that you are prompted to play it.
“I can tell that. But you are also wounded, sir. Let me tend you, and after that…”
Vader shakes his head, his eyes glinting in between amusement and annoyance.
“Get out of here, I am saying one last time! I can kill you.”
“You can”, you agree with a small smirk twisting on the corner of your lips. “But you are also more likely to die if I don’t help you healing. Unless you have some ability to heal yourself?”
And that is how starts.
A week later.
Vader is pacing around this castle that, until recently, had been covered in dust, left to it’s complete abandonment. He perceives in the smallest details how the building has been carefully uncovered of darkness and local ignorance. He finds no need to discover that the locals thought this castle to be a residence of ghosts.
Considering whom he once was, Vader laughs quietly to himself. A beast to many, he was once a charming prince. The comparison draws him a disdain.
As he paces around this rather astonishing castle, detesting how his wounds are far deeper than he thought—which requires a more primitive medicine used by your skillful hands, something he takes no pleasure at—he comes to find you at an abandoned library.
To his surprise, you are humming as you clean shelf by shelf. Vader cannot look away from what he sees: your hair dropping in long waves of curls, the determination stamped in your features as you bite your bottom lip, looking at every book with delight. You do not content yourself with what you are doing, though: you want to know what stories lie behind the velvet covers.
Vader stands there, unnoticed. He is partially annoying by how you ignore him, unaware of his identity. Worse, you are not frightened by his presence, by the demons found in his eyes, assaulting his soul.
It is only when you twirl happily that you find him observing you.
“Staring is rude”, you point out rather shyly.
Vader is not going to admit he likes the heat that paints your face.
“Is it?”, his voice is soft for the first time.
“It is.”
There is silence hanging in between you two, which makes the whole moment awkward. It is then you notice the bandage you made in his arm is loose. So you move towards him, but when you try to fix it, he removes it away.
“Stop”, he says abruptly, threatening to suffocate you. “Or else you die.”
You levitate and your eyes go wide, but the fearlessness in them make Vader furrow his eyebrows and eventually let go of you.
“Please”, you ask him, softly so. “Let me heal you, sir.”
He snorts at you, yellow irises flaring with anger.
“I am not here to be fixed, Y/N. I am completely…” He interrupts himself, feeling a strange pain in his abs and arm.
“You nearly got yourself burned”, you tell him as you help him go back to bed. “Allow me to heal you.”
“There is better medicine to be put in use than yours”, he scoffs at you. “Why are you being so stubborn?”
You frown.
“I don’t like how you talk to me, sir. I am only trying to help you staying alive. If you feel like dying so soon, spare us time and let me know that is your true wish.”
The Sith Lord stares at you in bewilderment.
“Very few are bold to me. Those who dare to be so are not here to tell their tales.”
You sigh and shake your head. Ignoring what he is saying, you lie him down and start to looking after him.
Vader gives you a long look, annoyed, but says nothing—he is indeed in pain and, besides, you are not an entirely bad company.
“Why are you doing this?”, he asks.
You feel his gaze on you. But for some reason, you keep concentrated in what you are doing without looking back. It is safer for you, or so you think.
“Because I want to”, you respond him.
“Do you have no family?”
Vader knows it’s a sensitive topic by how you shuffle awkwardly on your seat. Your silence makes him sigh, so he tries again, unsure why he is trying to engage in a thread with you.
“You have no Force”, the Sith Lord observes.
You raise your head, frowning in confusion.
For the first time in seven years, Darth Vader is brought to laughters. He gives you a quizzical look as a result:
“How on earth do you ignore the Force?”
You blush. Unaware of his disconcerting growth of admiration for you, you don’t understand why he is making yourself a fool. Part of you wonders if helping such a handsome man is worthy your time, but the good in you prevails such thinking. So you say:
“Excuse me, sir, but what do you take me for? I am but a peasant with scarce access to knowledge.”
“I thought you liked to read.”
Vader is amused for finally annoying you.
“And I do. But what does this have to do with anything?”
“I get you don’t read about that then.” Without taking second thoughts, Vader adds: “What do you often read?”
You cast him a distrustful look, but a smile softens your features. And as you look at him, you seem to start losing the fear of facing those yellow flaring eyes.
It’s how everything starts: with books.
(To be continue)
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henrysglock · 1 year
He's Dead, Jim.
Okay so. Forewarning. This theory is probably one of my least canon-based ones. And yet...it would make sense sense, and it would provide an MO for certain things.
I was thinking about Natalie's post regarding the intricacies of blood splatters, especially as that post may pertain to a faked massacre in 1979 à la Fringe Subject 13...or an actual, physically committed massacre (as opposed to One's psionic killing).
Like...a couple things I've been struggling with are:
The "why" of it all re: a no-powers massacre. Why do that, if you've got a whole raft of kids, all of whom display useful talents? All that for one girl that you suspect might be stronger than the others?
If Brenner was yeeted, then what happened to One? Where's he in all this?
Now, we know we have a good deal of evidence that certain crucial parts of NINA are missing (for example: "I meant what I said when I called this place a prison", meanwhile One's never mentioned the lab being a prison before then) or spliced in from other versions of events, which brings me to something that's always fucked me up:
Why the hell does One look so distinctly normal after having the every loving fuck tortured out of him?
He goes from being so injured that he can't even stand up. He has to be dragged out on the floor...
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With, it seems, a skull fracture bad enough to cause his face to swell and make him bleed fairly heavily from the ears...
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(since the only other thing that can do that seems to be overusing powers, which doesn't seem likely given that he's still chipped at this point)
To this, supposedly within the next day-ish:
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He looks startlingly normal. Tired and upset, yes (as usual, and understandably so), but unharmed.
In fact, shortly after that, both versions of this guy are not-concussed enough to play chess?
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(see: the change in hairstyle)
Like. I know characters aren't real, but for reference: I smacked my head on the ice two years ago and got a moderately bad concussion from it. I was stuck in bed for 2+ weeks because I couldn't function (in like...multiple ways).
But somehow this guy is well enough to play chess and formulate an escape plan within a day or so? I don't buy it.
In fact, based on the visible symptoms and likely point of impact...
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That injury puts him at risk of death:
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And you'd probably go "Oh but James, One chats with El about Papa hurting him, though, so those two ought to be the same guy" to which I'd go "This guy? This guy shouldn't be able to do that". Regenerative healing or not, he should be knocked on his ass for a while (see: Two after the shock collar incident, which was arguably a less severe injury), especially with a device like Soteria in him inhibiting only Papa knows what.
Actually, given that we supposedly start NINA on Sept. 4th, 1979 and the massacre happens on Sept. 8th...I'd say, if we're being shown things even somewhat chronologically, he shouldn't come back at all. If he's not dead, then he should be down for the count.
And here comes the tentative theory bit:
I wonder if he doesn't come back. Can we say for certain what happened to this version of One? He's likely not the One playing chess or asking El if she wants a challenge. He clearly isn't even well enough to be standing anytime soon.
And so, in a sort-of backtrack-y topic-shift way, I want to address the scene that we know directly precedes the plinko/torture scene.
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Now...I know I, personally, have always wondered why they kept One around for so long when he's practically useless to them. What if they were just waiting for the next One to pop up? Something about Sith always coming in pairs, master and apprentice...Brenner's got a fair bit of Palpatine coding, after all.
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And Brenner knows One isn't loyal to him. Brenner knows One is making moves in silence or whatever. So, like I said (except in SW terms), how improbably would it be that he was just biding his time with One until he could find a new "apprentice" and discard him, someone to replace his first, failed "student"?
I have more to say about Brenner and Palpatine (and William Bell, for that matter), but that's a matter for another post (I can only fit so many pictures, and it would be a real tangent anyway).
All this to say:
With One proving himself disloyal and a threat to Brenner's authority, which Brenner is clearly shown to be aware of:
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And with El having defeated Brenner's current most promising student:
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Only to immediately follow up with this torture/injury scene...
I think there's a fair chance that this version of One may have died or been killed.
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Which would, then, be sufficient motivation to prompt a massacre scenario to both paint Brenner in a trustworthy light/re-center El's loyalty and get El to step into her full powers/take One's place as Brenner's most powerful test subject, much akin to Sith apprenticeship turnover.
This would solve not only the question of why this type of scenario might happen, but also the question of where One, in this version, might have gone.
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dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year
You know what I want? A fic of Palpatine's morning routine both as the Chancellor and Emperor.
Does he accidentally put on the incorrect clothing and be like "oh shit."? But no, right? Those shoulder thingies on his side not bulking his cloak when talking to Baby G (Grievous).
Does he moisturize though? I bet he does.
I wonder what songs he listens to when he amps himself up? Power metal? Girlie Pop? Lady Gaga?
Do you think he rehearses in the morning on which voice to use and accidentally pitches up a little incorrectly? Morning vocalizations Papa Palps? Yes, maybe?
Do you think he pep talks himself how smart and good he is for his plans and be like 'keekekeke, sheev, you bad ass bitchboss' ♥
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I asked ChatGPT what it would be like to date Palpatine and here are some highlights
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"a mix of enchantment, intellectual stimulation, and the thrill of being with a person of intense power and charisma"
What else should I ask the bot about Papa Palps lol
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sadsongsandstories · 5 months
Project necromancy and the ending
(please no spoilers, I'm crazily behind on the show, so anything past episode 8 is a spoiler for me)
With the precursor of me absolutely hating episode 9 and finding it frustrating that the main villain and story of this show seems to be retroactively making its utter nonsense plot make sense...
I really like the idea that the bad batch, while far from the central "Star Wars" plotline and the timeline of the sequels play an integral role in the saving of the entire galaxy (and I guess universe now that Ahsoka opened up the idea of other galaxies) from papa palps
If the show ends with them in some way sabotaging project necromancy, perhaps destroying the perfect youthful palp clones, or erasing the technology and cartoon-friendly-killing hemlock, that could directly tie into how dysfunctional and weak palpatines ultimate resurrected form is, being all snokey and requiring a robotic arm to move around.
Granted, this doesn't really work since, due to the aforementioned episode nine nonsense, Palpatine does suddenly become godly powerful and shoots lighting through the universe or something (idk, I haven't watched it since cinemas).
But even so, by sabotaging hemlocks work in some way (as they probably will) the bad batch could very well be instrumental to the ultimate saving of the universe, with their impacts skipping a trilogy and stretching all the way until the final battle
Which in a way, I kind of absolutely love!! Star wars has always been a story about distant connections and the impacts of one life on another. Smaller side stories (like bb) are wonderful in their little impacts to the larger universe, which ultimately adds up to the final plot
This will likely require a bitter sweet ending, where the squad loses the battle but wins the war... Some fifty odd years later. Even so, a small victory is a victory. It's how the good have always won in starwars, with small acts of courage and kindness, even in the face of impossible odds.
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michi-beans · 2 years
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My possessed brain at 4:00 AM coming up with a Star Wars OC:
☆ Lore down below:
》 Juno, force sensitive human mandalorian. Born in 14 BBY on Mandalore, 5 years before the start of the Empire. His buir took him out of the planet when the heat between the New Mandalorians and Death Watch got too dangerous for her to raise him considering not much of the True Mandalorians were left after the Battle of Korda Six. They lived fine for a year until until the Empire fully began. One thing led to another, his buir was killed, Vader and Nasty Man got their hands on him. They decided to keep him as Vader's apprentice in secret in order to have someone to use and keep Mandalore in their hands later on. Although, this didn't really last because the Night of a Thousand Years happened that very same year. So they didn't really need him anymore, but still kept him anyways. Palpatine didn't have much patience for him due to the boy being stubborn and refusing to be something other than a Mandalorian. Which is why he never truly fell to the dark side and doesn't have the yellow eyes. He's Mandalorain before anything else. So you know, trauma ensues, scars were made after the years from punishment. As much as he fought it, he ended up learning well from being forcibly trained by Vader. I want to say he escaped two or three years before the events of the original trilogy. For some reason they allowed him to keep his buir's armor so he had something to take, plus a large amount of beskar ingots he stole. Unfortunately, Vader caught up to him and the two had one last duel. The Sith Lord decided to "test" him and see if Juno deserved to be free. Like true Skywalker fashion, Vader cut off both his arms and left him for dead. Surprise, he didn't die and fortunately the planet he was on had a mod-parlor, so he got himself some cybernetics. Later he would use the beskar he stole to create neskar versions complete with the gauntlets. Years would pass, kept to himself in order to avoid being caught again by the Empire, which luckily not many knew of his existence anyways. He would later come to save Naro and Kesh from a slavers mines. They wouldn't leave him be so he has companions now. Empire fell, time went on and next thing he know he not only got adopted by the togruta and zabrack he saved, but also by the tried old man that is apparently Tatooine's Daimyo.
》 Yes essentially this is just my excuse for Boba to also have a force sensitive ad and Din to be omg we have two now so now Clan Fett-Djarin has two children and grogu has a big bro who wouldn't hesitate to murder anyone who dares to hurt him just like mama Din and papa Boba, probably a little more murderous considering he was trained by a Sith but shhhhhh we don't talk about that.
》 He used to wear a force nulling collar but came to terms with being force sensitive thanks to Naro and Kesh and later from his new aliit. Not used as often but still on occasions. He may be like eww no I don't want to be a Jedi/Sith, yet he still kept his lightsabers. He will probably end up building one for his vod, Grogu deserves one too. He was also really proud when he learned Grogu chose Din over training with Luke. Kriffing jetii and their attachment issues.
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youngcheesecaketale · 2 years
Waxer Lives....(fixed tags. same story just different tags)
This story is the same one I used for waxerboilmonth but I changed a little bit of it so it can fit with writing rules. Hope you like it.
It was a nice peaceful day for Boil. He was outside enjoying the sunshine as he watch his adopted daughter Numa picking flowers from their flower garden. Waxer and Boil adopted her after the war and after Chancellor Palpatine was arrested. Boil couldn’t stop thinking about how much he missed Waxer.
As he was thinking about Waxer, Numa came up to him with a bunch of flowers that Waxer had planted with Numa in their flower garden.
“Papa! Look at these flowers! Do you like them?” Numa asked Boil aka her Papa.
“Yes. I love them.” Boil said as he smiles at his daughter.
“Do you think Daddy would like them?” Numa asked as Boil was helping her get into her car sit.
“Your Daddy and your New Baby Brother will loved them too.” Boil told his daughter after she was all set to go as they headed to the hospital.
Yep. If you didn’t figure out by now, Waxer was in the hospital with Boil’s child. Boil did get to see him when Waxer had his C-Section and two days after the baby was born but had to go back home to take care of Numa. The Bad Batch was watching Numa for a couple of days while Waxer & Boil were at the hospital.
I’ve been writing side stories from my other Main Story “Kix & Jesse”. It’s a mpreg just to let others know. I’m going to write about Waxer & Boil’s Baby story too. I’ve already did Tech & Crosshair story.
Hoped you enjoyed this short story.
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tarisilmarwen · 2 years
possible Hot Take: Bail Organna should have been the one to give Palpatine emergency powers. Put him in Palpatine's camp fr the start of the war, he's a firm believer in Palpatine. Then later you can have him realize he's made a mistake and he breaks away from Papa Palps.
That could have been interesting! I dunno if it would make much sense for Bail's character, he was already with Padme in the camp of, "No we shouldn't vote to create an army, they'll see that as provocation and attack." in AOTC, but it maybe could be something to explore in an AU.
Bail always struck me as someone who saw through Palpatine in a lot of ways, like, "I know you're Supreme Chancellor and you're very effective but boy do I get bad vibes off you."
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