#papa shango
gutwrenchflowerbomb · 5 months
Long story short : my roommates own the house we live in - they’re getting divorced and selling the house - so I’m having to pack everything I own in preparation for when it sells.
I’m going through everything and found my little fanny pack full of wrestling novelties. I had a subscription box for a while, before AEW was a thing, and I’d always get random ass items. Like this one.
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tearsofasaiyan · 1 year
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solarsonicsoda · 3 months
Wrestlemania Main Event Reviews - Wrestlemania VIII
Hulk Hogan def. Sid Justice w/ Harvey Wippleman in 12:28
Technically, this show has a double main event but like does it really? No disrespect to Savage/Flair but it was not really given any distinction there. I would have put it on last though! Wippleman introduces Justice, then Fink introduces Hogan! The entrance way is vibrant this year! Beginning of Mania set design! Justice attacks as soon as Hogan gets in the ring, ducks down with a rope rebound but Hogan is ready and sends him to the outside. Real American does not stop playing throughout. Justice slowly gets back in the ring to start. Sid gets going with some vicious kicks and tries to tear Hogan’s face off. Menacing stuff from Sid! The exact same rope rebound spot happens! Sid looks dumb there! Back inside and Sid wants to lock up. Test of strength happens and the crowd wills on Hogan but Sid is too much! Hogan mounts the comeback though! This is very slow but Sid is still too strong once Hogan is on his feet. Knees in the corner. Hogan is able to hit a clothesline in the corner, but Wippleman on the apron allows Sid to hit a big chokeslam! Sid yells at the camera about doing unto the man what he would do unto you but doing it first. He laughs at this. Strikes to Hogan and he’s sent outside. Wippleman distracts Hebner while Sid uses Wippleman’s doctor’s bag as a weapon. Shoulder claw back in the ring for a long time. What is it with these matches and long uses of submission moves that don’t look great. Arm drop spot from a shoulder claw? Does that work? Hulking up but big side suplex from Sid. Big powerbomb but Hogan kicks out and Hulks up. Big boot but Sid stays up so powerslam! Leg drop and Sid kicks out! Wippleman gets in the ring, the bell is rung, Hogan picks him up immediately and throws him at Sid. Here comes Papa Shango who was meant to break up the pin off the leg drop but missed his cue. He stops running at one point because he realises he screwed up. Sid and Hogan brawl and then Shango joins the fight! Ultimate Warrior comes down to even the odds with a massive clothesline to the outside to Shango. Sid attacks with the chair but Hogan grabs it and the heels escape. Hogan is announced as the winner by DQ. What a mess but the crowd are enjoying the two faces in the ring! Hogan lifts up a Warrior sign from the crowd and Warrior does the Hogan poses for a bit.
Pros: Sid hits some big moves that looked good, action was pretty decent Cons: Run of the mill, Sid made to look dumb, REALLY botched finish, the actual DQ made no sense, maybe not the choice of main event. 
This match was fine for the most part, but one of the infamously worst finishes ever hampered it further. Really nothing to say other than talk about the end, Shango missing his cue, Sid having to kick out, nonsense DQ (the bell rang on time as if Shango had done his bit!). Just a mess really with little in-ring to save it. 
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guyincognitojr · 1 month
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codchrist · 2 months
The Fiend was inspired by Papa Shango
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ssjrodimus · 1 year
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Ultimate Warrior - WWE Superstars [Series 2] - Mattel / WWE
Kevin Nash - WWE Superstars [Series 2] - Mattel / WWE 
Scott Hall - WWE Superstars [Series 2] - Mattel / WWE 
Undertaker - WWE Superstars [Series 3] - Mattel / WWE 
Papa Shango - WWE Superstars [Series 3] - Mattel / WWE
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abs0luteb4stard · 2 years
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ringthedamnbell · 7 months
The If Factor: Papa Shango Returns to WWF in 1997
The If Factor: Papa Shango Returns to WWF in 1997
Brian Damage The ‘If Factor’ are a series of articles that takes a look at real scenarios in pro wrestling that at one point or another were suggested, planned, considered…but did not get the green light to continue. What would the landscape of professional wrestling look like if these ideas came to fruition? Continue reading Untitled
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gbhbl · 2 years
Album Review: Papa Shango - Risk Assessment! (Self Released)
You really do know when you’ve been Shango’d.
You know when you’ve been Shango’d! Papa Shango is an explosive smack in the face. An exuberant circus rock act, with mayhem and madness guaranteed to leave jaws dropped. Boasting an impressive twelve-member strong line up, this rock band will blow your socks off! Damned by the pandemic, Papa Shango put their new album, ‘Risk Assessment’, on ice, with their greatest opus to date now being…
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karmicstar · 1 year
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dilf-in-peril · 2 years
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razor-ramons-thighs · 2 years
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guyincognitojr · 2 years
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conjuremanj · 10 months
Ogou Or Ogun. Spirits Of Iron In African Diaspora.
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This is Papa Ogou one of many in the Ogou nation.
Ogou is a Nago spirit from the Nago Nation these spirits came to Haiti from Africa. they are strong spirits and used with the Asson or Tcha Tcha (rattle) there personality falls between Rada and Petro.
Now some might think, " Isn’t there a spirit like this in Lukumi ? ” Yes. There is, He is Ogun an Orisha. One of few Orishas who made it outside of Africa and who has some similarities with Ogou: In Haitian Vodou and Santeria and so on. They both are associated with iron and metal. Ogun is more of a blacksmith, whereas Ogou is more of a soldier.
When you hold a knife, railroad spike, sword or horseshoe in your hand and you're holding Ogun or Ogou. Ogun is also the patron of anyone who works with metal.
This spirit is great even if your practicing hoodoo because he can protect you help you even help increase your energy in your workings.
There are also many Ogous in Haiti, like Ogou Kriminel, Ogou La Flambeau, Ogou Feray, Ogou Badagris, Ogou Shango, to name a few. He is also associated with a particular region of Nigeria, and is often depicted as an older soldier there names in Cuban Santeria (La Regla Lucumi) he is known as Ogun, or Oggun; In Brazilian Candomble.
The name Ogou is not a name like in Africa but is actually a title used to describe warriors and they also carry a machete, but some favor a sword. There colors are red and blue, but some Ogous take additional colors like green or khaki. Remember: if you can’t afford anything other color to wear, you can always use a (white scarf to salute any spirit.)
Ogoun Ferraille, aka Papa Ogou Feray in New Orleans, this warrior lwa is the primary figure of Saint James the Greater—the saint himself riding into battle on a white horse. He is also represented by the Archangel St. Michael, and Saints Andrew, Martin Caballero, some use Saint Peter and John the Baptist any many others depending on which African diasporic religion you want to practice.
He is the chief of all the warrior paths of Ogun durning the Haitian revolution which gave the colors to the Haitian flag.
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Orisha Ogun
Ogun or Ogou is invoked to heal diseases affecting blood, including AIDS, leukemia, and sickle-cell anemia. He is invoked for safety and success before surgery. He also heals infertility and erectile dysfunction. Request his protection from crime and criminals. He also help finds employment for devotees.
Ogou is usually syncretized to Saint James the Greater but may also be associated with Michael Archangel and Saints Andrew, any many others depending on which African diasporic religion you want to practice.
He is a works tirelessly at the forge, in the bedroom, and on behalf of his devotees. He never rests.
He will use his machete to cut away all evil and sweep your enemies away. But he is also a tender and loving Papa. I’ve will cry when his children are in pain. Ogou also loves the ladies and he is one of the most commonly married lwa.
ATTRIBUTES: A machete, a three-legged iron cauldron, traditionally wrapped in chains and filled with iron implements, including tools, spikes, nails, and knives👇
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SPIRIT COLOURS: Red, black, sometimes green, sometimes red and white (the colors of heated iron), or blue and red (the colors of the Haitian flag) or Green and black for Ogun. But can always wear white if you don't have the other colors.
OFFERINGS: Red candles, cigars, rum, whisky, aguardiente, or other alcoholic beverage— incense, metal, chains, metal tools, railroad spikes. He likes red beans and rice, and typically likes Florida water as a cologne.
Fill a cauldron with found pieces of metal, like rails or railroad spike (not plastic).
He will often blow cigar smoke on people to give them blessings.
So whichever one you're drawn to like Haitian or African spirits, there's no spirit better to have for protecting than Ogun. Except, St. Michael or God of course 😃
Everyone needs a warrior. Ogun is his name among the Yoruba people. Among the Fon he is called Gu. In Cuban Santeria (La Regla Lucumi) he is known as Ogun, or Oggun; In Brazilian Candomble , Ogum; in Haiti’s Vodou and New Orleans Voodoo Papa Ogou, or simply Ogou.
Feast Day: He is syncretized with St. Peter whose feast day is June 29, St. James whose feast is July 25th, and St. Michael whose feast is Sept. 29th.
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