#papaya girl
shakemelikeasnowglobe · 11 months
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Nothing in my brain just Bia bustamante in her little glasses 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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kurbiismind · 8 months
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Oh hey, You don't just ask a slime what they taste like...
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kittydoremi · 2 months
Let 👏 Magical 👏 Girls 👏 Keep 👏 Their 👏 Glasses!!!
So often when a girl with glasses transforms into her magical girl form, she loses her glasses. As someone who wears glasses, it bothers me because it's almost like the show is saying you can't be pretty, fashionable or a hero if you're wearing glasses, or it somehow makes you "less cool" or "less beautiful" and I hate it
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the only magical girl character i can think of off the top of my head who still keeps her glasses when she transforms is Hazuki Fujiwara from Ojamajo Doremi
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(If there are other magical girls who keep their glasses, please let me know 🥺💖)
Also, I know she's not technically a magical girl, but special shoutout to Bayonetta who is fighting against the "glasses are ugly/uncool" trope. She really helped me appreciate my glasses, be more confident with them and embrace them more.
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We need more magical girls with glasses 😭 If I ever make a magical girl series, I'm giving the main character glasses, and she WILL keep them after she transforms
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sekaiichi-happy · 6 months
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VIVA! SPARK! TROPICAL-ROUGE! PRETTY CURE sekaiichi-happy's precure challenge ♡ favorite openings [3/6]
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64sue · 9 months
gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous girl ✨💅🏻
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he is alive in style
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amoosarte · 3 months
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SUMMARY, after a brutal breakup Loretta has had enough time to be cooped up on her ranch, leaving her friends to drag her out to have a fun night out, since it's her first time being out since her break up, many eyes follow her every step, until she meets an unusual man at the club.
WARNINGS, this contains explicit language, mention of cheating, alcohol, sexual intentions, making out to sex, and the mention of one night stands.
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   Loretta didn’t know what she did to deserve what was happening to her right now. The twenty-five-year-old was about to lose it when she saw her now ex-boyfriend fucking a stupid redneck in her truck.
The ounce of disgust that spilled all over her face when she open the back of her truck to some ass. Making the unfaithful bastard gasp and pull the girl off of him, calling out to the girl who slammed the car door shut.
Loretta ran back into the house, making the pair in her truck hurry up to dress themselves. The redneck gasped in horror when she saw the barrel racer fuming back outside─only this time she wasn't playing.
Loretta knew it wasn't the smartest move, but she didn't give a fuck when she loaded her shotgun. Cocking the gun, letting a new round of ammo prepare itself to be fired.
"Darling, please, let's talk about this!" The man tried to reason with her, but it only her aim the gun towards him. "You and your bitch get the fuck off my property!" Loretta's eyes spoke anger, making him drag the girl out of the truck.
"Darling, let's talk about this please." He tried to reason with her, making her lose her cool. She fired the weapon right next to the ground where they stood, making them scream. "I ain't playin’ with you! Take your bitch home and expect your shit to be dumped out by the road." Lorette screamed.
"Y-You're fuckin' crazy!" The redneck screamed, clutching the back of the man's shirt. Loretta laughed at her remark, not faltering the gun once. "You're fuckin' stupid for messin' around with a barrel racer, don't think I don't know you, you're the little bitch who picks up the cow shit." Loretta laughed at her as she got red.
Loretta allowed her eyes to shift to the man guarding the girl. "Well then, scram!" With that the pair scrambled away, making the girl form a frown. Once the pair left in his truck, Loretta sighed, what was she going to do now?
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Did the breakup affect her? She would say no, but to her workers, they would say it did. Loretta never left the ranch after the confrontation. She tended to her job, gathering the sheep, leading the herd of cows to their designated land, training the horses, and much more.
She worked herself to the bone, not wanting to talk to anyone at all. She sold her truck with the help of a friend, she dumped everything she found that was his. She refurbished her home like she always wanted, and she changed her way of life.
She changed, she had given herself a makeover. She wanted to enter a new era of her life, after 5 months, she was glowing.
The blonde woke up when her rooster called out, jumping out of bed and readying herself for some horseback riding. It was a good way to start her morning, the misty morning allowed fresh air into her lungs.
Watching the sunrise made her warm as she looked at the oranges, pinks, and yellows scattered around the sky. She would greet the group of men who worked with her to keep the land tightly. It was a normal day for her until her friends showed up.
"No."She bluntly told them, making them roll their eyes. "Yes, you are coming out with us tonight," Heidi told her, making the blonde huff around her office. Daniel was standing by the door as he watched his girlfriend and his friend bicker back and forward.
"C'mon Loretta, it would be nice if you got out of the house once in a while!" Daniel called out, making the girl glared at him. "You guys know, I don't want anything right now!" Loretta established her statement with her friend.
"Yes, we understand you on that, but you can still go out as a single gal!" Heidi smiled as she watched the girl consider it. "Please! You've just been cooped up on the ranch! If it's not here you're either at the bar or doing barrel racing!" Heidi begged her friend, making her groan.
"Alright, I'll go! But don't make me third wheel!" Loretta pointed at the couple, making the girl scream in delight and the man laugh.
"Okay, we'll see you there! Don't be late." Heidi smiled and walked away with her boyfriend. Loretta smiled at her friend's attempt, now she sighed. What was she going to wear? She hadn't gone out in a long time, perhaps if she dug around well, she could find something.
When the time came nearing, Loretta dismissed the workers, telling them they had the day off tomorrow. She wore a flared jean jumpsuit that had a slit opening near her chest, exposing her breast a tad, then added an aqua-detailed western concho belt and her cleanest boots under her pants. She styled her hair in a blown-out style before fixing her makeup, and then running out the door into her new truck.
To say the least, Loretta was pissin’ her pants as she walked into the bar. Trying to find her friends in the crowd of people, she tried her best to go into a crowd of people, but after being pushed around and whistled down on, she huffed and pulled out her phone. 
Loretta sat at the bar, telling Heidi where she was at. She told the woman behind the bar she wanted a beer, wanting nothing but to chug the shit down, and she did. “Woah, shouldn't you savor the flavor?” Loretta swallowed the bitter liquid down before looking at the man beside her. 
He was wearing a black button-up, one of the expensive ones she thought, and a pair of white fancy pants and to her surprise shoes, and not a pair of boots. She finally looked at the man who caught her attention, a nicely tanned man, who had a growing goat tee and the most remarkable pair of aquamarine-colored eyes. 
“Why would you want to savor such a bitter flavor?” Loretta asked him, making him raise an eyebrow. “It’s more about the nice cold liquid that does down my throat that I like,” Loretta told him before finishing the bottle. “Say, why are you dressed like that?” She asked him, making him smile. 
“My friend never told me the dress code, his fault I’m standing out so much.” He said before flagging down the bartender. “Ah, they dragged you down here?” Loretta asked him, making the man nod. “Two beers, Honey,” Loretta told the bartender, making the man right next to her confused. “It’s on me since I’m guessing you're more of a whiskey type of man?” Loretta assumed, and oddly she was correct. 
“The beer here is the best, in my opinion, you ought to give it a try.” She placed the beer bottle in front of him before taking a swing for herself. “Lorry!” A sweet voice called out behind her, making her turn over in her chair. “Ah, We finally found ya!” A male voice called out right behind the sweet one. 
Daniel and Heidi smiled at the pair, making them look at each other. “Lando this is Loretta, Loretta, Lando, if you guys haven't introduced yourselves yet,” Daniel said. Lando looked at Loretta before raising his hand for her to shake. “Pleasure.” 
“Likewise.” Loretta smiled at the man, then took a swing of her beer before hopping off from her seat and dragging Heidi towards the dance floor. As the pair of men watched as the girl danced, they soon turned to themselves to bicker.
“Why didn’t you tell me about the fucking dress code!” Lando scolded him, making Daniel laugh. “You told me we were going to a club!”Lando playfully shoved him, making him turn red. 
“We are, aren’t we?” Daniel sent him a smirk, making the man groan. “Man, you know what I’m talking about! Plus why didn’t you tell me she was hot too!” Lando wanted nothing but to shrink down and hide. “I have a girlfriend.” Daniel rolled his eyes at his dramatic friend. 
“Either way!” Lando looked at the pair who was having the time of their life, making him think hard. “Is she single?” Lando asked, making Daniel nod. “Yup, but she said she ain’t ready for another relationship, perhaps you can change her mind, eh?” He told him. 
The night had worked in Loretta's favor, she will admit, she was having fun. As she made her way back to the bar, she noticed the same man parked in his seat. “Have you just been sat there?” She asked, getting his attention. “A beer please.” She said as she sat right next to him again.
“I’m a bit embarrassed, to be honest,” Lando told her, taking a sip of his margarita. “Why? Is it because of your outfit?” She asked, and she got her response when he nodded. “Please, you look fine, y’know what?” Loretta once again chugged her beer down, it was a nasty habit of hers. Lando got confused as she pulled him out of his chair. 
“We are going to dance,” Loretta told him before spinning around and leading him to the floor. Lando looked around him, seeing a bunch of country folk dance together. “Sorry, but I don’t know how to dance like this?” Lando looked at her nervously.
“It’s fine, I got boots, feel free to step on my toes.” Loretta joked around, trying to ease him up. 
As they stood in position, she looked at him once again. “Honestly, I don’t know how to dance this too, but let’s go with the flow?” She smiled, making him ease up. They dance, well actually, they move to the rhythm of the song, and they end up having fun.
“You know, you look really good tonight,” Lando muttered into her ear as they tried to the now crowded dance floor. 
Loretta was about to thank him when someone tapped her ass, making her spin around to see who did it, and to her surprise, it was James, her ex. “Wow, if it isn’t Loretta, always knew you were a whore, just look at how you dress.” He scoffed, making her roll her eyes in annoyance.
“Hey man, leave her alone.” Lando stepped in but was held back by Loretta. “Is this who you’re sleeping with now?” James eyed down Lando. 
Loretta scoffed, “So what if I am, why do you care? You cheated remember? You’re lost.” She said, a smirk growing when she saw the man become mad. “Whatever, let’s go Lando.” Loretta dragged Lando away before she felt someone snatch her hair, making her scream. 
“You bitch, what makes you think you can speak to me like that?” James had pulled her hair, making the girl visibly mad. Lando’s mouth dropped at the scene but before he could step in, Loretta defended herself. She threw a punch, making the man tumble a bit. “I can talk to you however the fuck I want, you ain’t no one but a bitch.” Loretta spat near him, making him more visibly upset. 
James grew red but before he could lay a hand towards Loretta, a couple of men held him back, probably the security. Loretta watched as he was dragged away, she groaned as she massaged the part where her hair was pulled. “Sorry about that.” She apologized to Lando, but he shrugged it off.
“Please you have nothing to apologize for, it was lowkey hot.” Lando blurted but mumbled the last bit. 
 “Sorry, I'm going to leave now.” Loretta blurted out, making her way towards the bar to pay. Lando stopped her, making her confused, “Don’t worry about it, I paid for it.” He told her, making her shocked. “Oh god, you didn’t have to!” Loretta pulled her phone out to pay him back before Lando laughed. 
“Honestly, It’s fine.” Lando smiled, before asking her something. “Can I walk you to your car?” Lando asked, making her red but thanks to the dim lights it wasn’t that noticeable. Never in her life had anyone offered, even when she was in a relationship, it was her first. 
“Uh, sure.” Loretta smiled, and they waved Heidi and Daniel goodbye as they walked out of the club. “Thanks to you and the others, I had fun tonight,” Loretta smiled as the air touched the layer of sweat on her skin. “Same, It was a nice difference to what I’m used to.” Lando smiled at her too, before walking her to her car. 
“Oh, you drive a truck.” Lando laughed as the girl laughed as well. “Yeah, it’s for work.” Loretta smiled at his amusement, before turning towards him. “Uh, then goodnight.” Loretta smiled at him, making him turn towards her. “Uh, I meant what I said, you looked really good tonight.” He told her, and it shifted the air. 
“If you don’t mind, do you want to go out another day? Uh as friends if you want! It's honestly fine, you seem like a nice–” Lando rambled but was interrupted by Loretta as she kissed him. 
Was it weird to kiss a stranger? Honesty Loretta felt new to this, it’s been a long time since she tried something. Then again, it felt nice interacting with men again, especially someone like Lando. She was about to pull away until Lando kissed her back, lips tasting like the bitter beer she chugged, but the strawberry lipgloss she applied every time she wandered off masked it right. 
Lando wasn’t going to fucking lie, he was attracted to the girl. Wanting nothing but to take her out, get to know her, and just be around her. How he loved how his night shifted. 
He gently pinned her to her truck door, letting his lips kiss her nicely, but her plum lips harshly wanted more. Loretta was deprived of some action and wanted more. She moaned lightly as Lando placed his hands on her hips, as she ran her fingers through his curls. 
Then the noise of a car unlocking scared them, making them jump off from each other.  “Uh, sorry.” Loretta fixed her hair, but she could feel her face become beat red. Lando nodded and cleared his throat, he felt like he was on fire. 
The pair looked at each other and smiled. “Do you, uh– do you want to go to my house? We can pick up from there if you want.” Loretta boldly asked, making the boy speechless and now very red, but he managed to give her a nod.
Loretta had no fucking clue what she was doing, she was shittin bricks when she pulled up to her front lawn, then saw his car pull up behind her. Lando felt her nervousness, and he wanted nothing but to reciprocate those feelings. But when they stood in front of each other, everything seemed to click. 
Loretta loved the texture of his curls when they were in her fingers. She didn’t let go of his lips for a second as he walked her through her front door, clinging lightly to her clothes. She broke their kiss when her back hit the stair railing, making her look at him.
She closed the front door before pulling the clueless boy upstairs. Lando chose this tiny adventure to study Loretta’s home, it was nice and homey. Then before he could look around more, Loretta pulled him into her bedroom, pulling him from his thought process by kissing his lips once again.
She had started to unbutton his black button-up as he too unzipped her jumpsuit, making them both look at their exposed skin, wanting nothing but to run their hands across it. Lando was the first to take off an article of clothes, ducking his head down to kiss her neck and collarbone. 
Loretta moaned as she felt his lips suck on her deprived skin, then the feeling of her hands running across his bare tan back. She plopped down onto the bed and she let him pull her arms out of the straps of the jumpsuit, exposing her tender breast. 
It’s been so long since she was able to expose herself to someone, so long since she tasted someone. She inhaled as she looked up towards Lando as he held himself back, making her pull his belt loops towards her. 
Allowing him to touch her, she gasped lightly as he touched her so softly and gently. She was so new to this, making her want to cling to him as much as possible.
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꒰𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁: @landitolover, @d6za1, @ch3rryknots @louvrepool @thearchieves @moneygramhaas ꒱
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papurgaatika · 6 months
howdy howdy buddies!! happy frankie friday!!! *eagle screeching in the distance*
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isn't he just so dreamy *wistful sigh*
Frankie comes home with his hair buzzed once while he was still active duty and you have to remind yourself that it's just hair and that it will grow back, but you find yourself in mourning bc it's just so,,,, short (he apologizes by letting you tug at it from between your legs)
He does not wash that hat yall. That hat is probably so musty and you're worried it contains a brand new ecosystem, but he refuses to wash it and just buys a replacement when it gets too bad
Despite what a lot of people think, it is a firm belief in my mind that he's a good cook. I think he spent a lot of time in the kitchen with his mom growing up and so after he enlisted and was eating whatever they gave him he made sure to perfect his skills and recipes so he wasn't surviving on takeout unlike someone else *cough cough santiago cough cough*
He's not an ass or tits guy. That man loves Tummy. He LOVESS kissing all over your stomach and makes sure he's holding you so that he can feel how soft you are when you're laying in bed together.
And do NOTTT get him started on if you're wearing something a little more form fitting and he can see every curve and dip and roll of your body?? He'll stare for as long as he can and he feels like he's died and gone to heaven
Even when he isn't working out super regularly, he's always. doing. squats. He doesn't necessarily care about staying as fit as he did when he was still in the army, but his ass is important to him. It's the one thing he never skips
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yes I am well aware this is a photo of javier, HOWEVER his ass looks really good and it is kinda giving frankie so just imagine okay. They have the same face its not that hard
He's an insomniac and also an early riser, but I think he isn't caffeine dependent. He likes coffee 100% but he doesn't need it, even if he got like 3 hours of sleep the night before
He's a crier. Oh my god he's such a crier. You put Pride and Prejudice on one night, not really expecting him to enjoy it all that much, only to look over at him and he's sniffling with tears in his eyes (it isn't even a sad movie??) He never lives that one down.
100% gets turned on by watching you do mundane tasks that require some strength. He's getting hard watching you carry all the grocery bags up to your apartment so you don't make two trips or if he sees you really going at whisking some cake batter. The idea of you just having and using muscle has him weak in the knees
they're kicking me off the stage so this is all yall get from me about him........
*for now*
peace and love buddies <3 <3
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thegreatpapaya666 · 3 days
@cheeseindeed @re-bon-bon-san @roach-master (you inspired me roachy) @speakofthedebbie @rabbitkissertadc589 @lemonydiaries711
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arkhammaid · 21 days
coming back from the trenches (tiktok and twitter) and i have bad news... some people are acting like the british media and busy sucking lando's dick when oscar deserves a sloppy one for the overtake of the fucking year 😔
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Decided to make the jump from F1 to IndyCar and immediately fell in love with Pato O’ Ward
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blazymixy · 1 year
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haruneseira · 1 year
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Cute girltober - Day 2: Tropical
For today I decided to draw Cure Papaya
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idle-minded-sucks · 1 year
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For some reason Yunaka gave me brain damage. She’s so zappy.
It’s not even that great of a game.
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sekaiichi-happy · 11 months
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Tropical Rouge Pretty Cure Halloween Costumes 🦇
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Autistic Anime Girls Group 1 Match 18
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Minori -
"She is so autistic to me... she wrote an entire fantasy short story about a pirate and a mermaid seeking out a legendary papaya and themed her magical girl self around papayas but she'd never even eaten one before. she is so funny, I love her and her eye beams."
Patty -
"I see a lot of the conversation around autistic girls revolving around social awkwardness, anxiety and being reserved so I wanna include Patty because she's on the opposite side of the spectrum. She's very hyperactive and seems immature for her age (which may have something to do with her living on the streets, raised only by her sister and thus lacking in formal education) but underneath her bubby attitude she does care a lot about her friends and family. idk i just think she's neat."
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All Cures Part 13
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