Every celebrity does PR but there are different levels to how you do it. Some are subtle with their PR and others are shoved down everyone's throat and those ones are the ones people get tired of a lot faster. Chris and wife tried to be the latter in the beginning with constant articles, his ig usage, but failed and hopefully thats the reason for the lack of articles now. But the other anon seems to be going hard in defending all this as normal but nothing he was doing was a normal Chris thing, he was not like this in prior relationships. They went hard to get people to like her and be ok with her. But shes a racist so no amount of defending him or her is gonna get people to like her. They should be glad all that info about her and her friends didnt go mainstream.
Not every celeb has ig, it is not needed for their work, and there are many more that do have it that dont use it to promote their personal lives. Jennifer Lawrence doesnt have ig nor does Scarlett Johannson at least public ones. Timothee Chalamet has ig but doesnt post anything too personal, same with Leonardo DiCaprio and all them participate in PR. Point is social media isn't needed if you let your work do the talking and actors who have social media accounts and let their work do the talking use it subtly. Look at Mark Ruffalo he'll post his family but he makes it wholesome without being so weird. What chris did is cringy and weird not cause no one likes his wife but because it is cringy and weird. The reason why fans thought Chris' ig use was cringy, embarrassing, and weird was not because they just hate his wife but because it is all that. The man literally showed the whole inside of her mouth to the world, drew on face like they're 5, and told her to say something funny, she didn't know what to do. It's like when a parent tells their child to do something or say something funny in front guests and the child just stands there.
They used Ig to disprove fan theories. Fans said they didnt spend time with each other so he posts all the private they spend together. Fans said her mom is only a couple of months older than him so she posts a picture of her mom showing the year to prove fans wrong. None of his ig and her ig usage that was related to relationship has actually been genuine. Had it been genuine he would have actually just posted a nice picture on his feed, turned off his comments, and then went on with his day. But he used valentines days and new year to story bunch of pictures to prove fans wrong not cause of love.
Yes all celebs do papwalks but theres differences to it. His papwalks before actually looked normal whether with his girlfriends or by himself. Papwalks are meant to look like they have no idea the camera is there or that they are surprised to see the cameras. Pecking right in front of the window to make sure cameras got it, looking into the camera, only holding hands when the camera is there. Look at the Christmas party papshots, compare his/hers to Scarlett and Colin's and see that actual difference.
Nothing about this relationship and how it was revealed was actually genuine. It started off with her friend hinting theyre with him, im sure with her support. All the articles that were written about her life many with the weirdest information. His families and friends always running to like or comment on hernposts like 2 mins apart each other wasn't isnt normal if ig beinf used normally. Then wedding/engagement info being "leaked" to blogs on tumblr, then with thousands of articles being released therafter which yes after wedding that was expected, but the ring getting its own articles that was dumb and obvious pr. Like it's been said before so many celebrities have had private weddings where nothing was leaked beforehand and not one of them had multiple articles written about their rings. If it super famous celebrity, they got married privately, and then they had many articles written about them then it be understandable...think TaylorSwift. Most articles are written with PR push, so yes Chris and his team were pushing hard for someone who likes to be private with his life. No one is saying he cant do PR its obviously needed for job but he does go over top for someone who likes privacy and hated Hollywood games, there are a lot of his colleagues that don't go over the top.
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So much stark difference. Meghan with her cheap backgrid papshots in contrast with the official coronation pics of the working royals in the throne room with Kate wearing the Queen's necklace.
Or with The Big Help shots of Kate and her family.
She thought the contrast at the coronation would make her look bad, but this makes her look worse. I'm not sure what she's thinking. She was doing a "big Hollywood player" pr drive with the private club, Tyler Perry godparent leak, and Lakers suite...and now she's slumming with Markus and Heather? Stick to the theme, girl.
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awesomefringey · 2 years
I work at a magazine. I know that at least printed media (even publications like vogue) try to spend little to no money on everything (MUAs, models, sometimes photographers, stylists, etc) and in many occasions people pay to be included and with that they have to approve what's said about them and to not look like an adbl but more "organic". We do have some photographers directly hired but they're given an agenda everyday with time and place (info given by PR people) At least at my job I haven't seen them paying for a papshot ever. There are "Collab" or arrangements of some sort that are mutually beneficial with agencies like AP or Reuters.
I know my own experience isn't the whole truth but this has been the case in many of the places I've worked. They're not going to waste resources like a photographer on site all day waiting for something to happen.
Thank you so much for your input on it. 💜 That’s totally what I had gathered too. This is a very self sufficient cycle and the reader are the target:
paps get to sell their pics -> magazines get their content / even paid placements -> celebs get their promotion for their endorsement deals/project/their own name -> readers will click, talk about it, buy whatever celebs wear/hold -> …
In reference to this.
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joplynberlin · 3 years
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appreciation post. Damian and i met last year when we played @crosstownrebels ‘ #REBELRAVE at @watergate.club.official . Ever since then he and his crew have been the biggest supporters, which means so much. especially in the Beginning. Yesterday, we had long talks about all the <lovely> <exciting> <wonderful> things we have planned for 2022, which I can’t wait to FINALLY share. this is when this photo was taken - carefully timed with the sun setting in the back of course. Pink scarf and all 🤌🏽 @damian_lazarus • #marinaibiza #somanythingstotalkabout #damianlazarus #crosstownrebels #papshots #bigappreciation (at Ibiza Marina Botafoch) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZb0ta5A0M1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rylandrs · 7 years
Her production company is registered to which man?
Her agent Charles Collier. He is as busted as she is. Its no wonder she won’t leave Fassy alone. Shes listed as a director. I wonder where she got the money from to buy a whole company
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kate-likes-this · 4 years
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Beach Boy / Pedro w friends in Malibu ⛱ Aug 2020 
Related: papshots / list of articles
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larrieshomelat · 4 years
Wn después de que el se puso a vender merch "stay at home" y su mamá llorando porque no podian pasar navidad juntos por el COVID no hay que decirle nada porque está siendo irresponsable?? No wn uno puede ser fan pero también debe ser crítica, aparte del stunt, la situación en LA esta horrible y el está mostrando sus privilegios y siendo irresponsable y siendo irresponsable mientras trabajadores de la salud se cagan la cresta, el tiene una plataforma muy grande como para dejar temas así...
Te quiero explicar algunas cosas que espero te ayuden a cambiar tu opinión
Primero que nada déjame decirte que entiendo completamente tu punto de vista/enojo/impotencia o lo que sea. Pero también tenemos que entender que Harry es una celebridad. Esto lo exime de una pandemia? No. Lo hace inmune al covid? Tampoco. Lo que pasa, es que queramos o no, las celebridades se mueven durante la pandemia, al igual que nosotrxs las personas normales, solo que ellxs lo hacen en mayor medida y a gran escala porque tienen la posibilidad de hacerlo y muchas veces la obligación, como puede ser el caso de Harry que se mueve por trabajo.
Sinceramente no entiendo por qué se armó tanto circo por este viaje cuando sabemos que se estuvo moviendo meses antes y nadie hacía escándalo, pero sigamos.
Como decía, al ser celebridades se trasladan a gran escala, muchas veces volando de un continente a otro. Ya sabemos que son personas privilegiadas, y eso viene de la mano con que al moverse lo haga con la mayor precaución que se pueda, porque siempre tiene atrás a todo un equipo que está para eso. Cada vez que lo vimos viajar, lo vimos con mascarillas y hasta guantes de latex en los aeropuertos, y dejame decirte que soportar un vuelo tan largo con barbijo y guantes de latex no debe ser nada agradable, y por el contrario debe ser extremadamente molesto.
Todas las personas nos movilizamos por más que haya pandemia y en todo el mundo este muriendo gente, porque es simplemente necesario, así funcionan los humanos y así funciona el mundo. Ahora pensemos, si nosotros que no tenemos el nivel de privilegio que tiene H, nos movemos con el mayor cuidado que podemos, imagínate todo el cuidado que tiene el.
El hecho de que salgan fotos de el (que por cierto son de paps) rodeado de las 4/5 personas que están con el la mayoría del tiempo porque trabajan juntos, estando sin barbijo o el barbijo bajo no quiere decir que este dando un mal ejemplo o sea irresponsable. En las fotos en las que se lo ve caminando acompañado esta con el tapabocas bajo porque están solos, en una calle, hasta creería que es una ruta, por ende no había nadie caminando por ahí aparte de ellos, y si lo hubiera tene por seguro que tendríamos fotos de fans con el o alguna foto de lejos que no sea de pap, pero no la tuvimos. Ya sabemos que los papshots están arreglados así que probablemente hayan estado solo ellos con el camarógrafo delante, eso no quiere decir que haya más gente alrededor. Lo mismo en las fotos en las que se lo ve haciendo ejercicio, simplemente es imposible tener el tapabocas puesto haciendo ejercicio, es sentido común.
Por otro lado esta el tema del escándalo de "¡¡¿por que esta usando una bandana y no una mascarilla?!!" . Primero que nada en todos los países es diferente, nadie tiene la razón al 100% sobre lo que es útil y lo que no porque esto es algo que nos golpeó de la nada pero imagino que eso ya lo sabes. Segundo, en una gran cantidad de lugares del mundo está permitido el uso de cubrebocas como pañuelos o bandanas en vez de mascarillas o barbijos quirúrgicos como lo vimos usando muchas veces antes (por no decir que casi siempre). Además, el barbijo quirúrgico es ideal para ambientes como hospitales o clínicas y eso es para el personal de salud, pero a la hora de usarlo en la vida diaria no es tan útil como creemos porque es un barbijo DESECHABLE que pierde su efectividad después de 4hs, como una exageración 1 día. En cambio las mascarillas de tela son reutilizables y podes usar la misma siempre mientras esté lavada e higienizada, y una bandana, doblada y atada correctamente cumple la misma función que la mascarilla de tela.
Se que fue una respuesta larga pero me pareció muy necesario aclarar estas cosas porque me duele ver todo el hate que le llega a harry y es por simple falta de información, hasta a veces es probablemente por decir lo que otras personas dicen y ya, en vez de formar una opinión propia.
Espero que te haya servido💗
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the-empress-7 · 3 years
Read the Puppy wedding shenanigan speculations on your blog. I remember those days. It was one of the 1st redflag moments while M's classy PR was still in over drive. My 1st instinct was that she staged the pap shots. She was trying too hard to be casual, but the pics were hi-def, closerange. It was designed to start speculation (will she won't she). She wasn't invited, just tagged along H to the BnB while he attended the shindig. If she was invited we'd get a hotel papshot longlense, guranteed.
Absolutely, and that's especially true when you consider the pap laws in the UK.
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thisiskatsblog · 5 years
You know what, if larry isn’t real, I Wanna ask louis why he got the dagger tattoo that is perfectly complementary with Harry’s rose. its so ?? and its not like were making things up that its a matching one. He deadass got one and hets are like ok but L got an E tattoo which points to elk and i’m like uhm u serious it can also stand for edward so 👀
I dig the Edward theory, anon! 
The dagger tattoo is perhaps the most significant of them all. Not because he got it, after a year, but because of the timing that he got it. November 2014 was one hell of a fucking ride. Looking at all the facts, it was one loud scream for freedom and a big fuck you to everyone keeping them in the closet. It was as loud as he could get. And it was necessary. 
A quick recap of the preceding events:
2012: Louis and Harry start getting complimentary tattoos - mostly nautical - here a (non exhaustive i think) overview
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Source: 78.media.tumblr.com
September 2013: Harry gets the rose, fans start speculating that Louis might get a dagger, but they get the anatomical heart and arrow. No dagger for a year.
30 October 2014: Apple CEO Tim Cook comes out as gay at which occasion the rainbow apple logo is revived by the papers. Interestingly the “not that important” and “don’t knock it til you try it” interviews are taped that same day. The fandom is still blissfully unaware though. 
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3 November: The  “not that important” interview comes out - in short, asked which traits they find important in a girl, Liam says “female”, and Harry replies “not that important”. 
4 November: Harry’s statement is all over the papers and speculations become loud, everyone is asking: did he just come out as bisexual? Harry instagrams an armchair captioning “seated”. Might as well have said “where is the popcorn?”
5 November: Rainbow Direction launches the rainbow heart badges to show support to Harry’s “coming out” of sorts and create safe spaces for fans to discuss LGBTQ+issues - 22.000 people download them to their profiles that week - rainbow hearts are everywhere.
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Later that same day, the live FOUR hangout is announced for Sunday Nov 9th and fans can send in their questions.
7 November: Louis shows up at the X factor rehearsal wearing a rainbow apple shirt. Considering context of the past week’s events, a LOT of people see that as support to Harry, and Tim Cook
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9 November: The Independent’s Jenn Selby ’s article is published saying “Louis Tomlinson supports gay Apple CEO Tim Cook - days after Harry Styles’ comments on gender and sexuality” also referring to the fandom’s support for Harry with the rainbow hearts. This is how it’s featured on the front page:
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That evening the FOUR hangout is broadcast and it’s the most akward interview ever. Rather than coming from fans, several of the questions seem to be set up to give Louis and Harry the opportunity to deny their rumoured sexuality/relationship . Except they don’t. (if you’re brave, watch 12 cringy long minutes from 8 to 20). Also, it’s November and it’s cold, but they are in their T shirts, matching tattoos out, and Louis keeps adjusting his boatneck “It is what it is”.  Also Liam asks “Have you read the article in the Independent?” Louis “No, is it good?” Liam “Yeah" 
10 November: We get papshots of Louis at the lawyer’s near Harry’s public house and he’s looking cheerful and therefore so are we, but that doesn’t last long. Late that afternoon shady agenda anons start imbuing the fandom with “it’s just the vintage apple logo” but we’re not having it. That evening, @Louis_Tomlinson tweets Jen Selby the same shit, but worse,it gets personal, it’s homophobic, it’s vicious and I’m not in a mood to recap or link it, may it disappear from the face of the earth. Interestingly a few minutes later followed by the more vague “Ridiculous I even have to tweet that shit” - some people think this is real Louis shading 1DHQ - we’ll never know - but I like to think so. 
11 November: Louis’ tweets to Selby get noticed and suddenly the story about that Independent article and @LT’s homophobic reaction is all over the place. Harry captions the following pic on his IG with “funny money”
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???: Lottie :( on Twitter
14 November: Harry instagrams twice, one picture of a cracked wall saying “lovely view”, and another “no such green” which we think links to the funny money. 
15 November: The interview in which Harry says to Niall - “Don’t knock it til you try it” about sex with a man (also filmed 30 Oct) is aired. TMHFN/Rainbow Direction ask for an apology.
17 November: on Elounor’s anniversary, this appears on Jay’s Instagram
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It’s is deleted minutes later and her twitter says it was a hack. 
Also, interestingly, Lottie tweets “no point in sorry when the damage is already done. some things can’t be forgiven”  
It’s a hectic few days, as while they are in Orlando, Zayn doesn’t show up for a gig, Harry serenades Louis, oh and news comes out that our beloved security guy/tour manager Paul quits. Supposedly something to do with Zayn. November 2014 was so wild on all levels. 
23 November: At the AMA’s Harry serenades Louis *again* and he also sits next to Louis’ parents. 
26 November: we see that Louis got the long anticipated dagger tattoo, a quote (given a chance), and a  second smiley xx) this time on his wrist
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And in case we missed it, next shoot, he’s pointing right at it: 
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I call that LOUD, LOUD, and LOUD. 
They were trying to break out of the closet in November 2014. Their family were trying to help them break them out of the closet in November 2014. Everyone wanted to help them break out of the closet in November 2014. 1DHQ pushed back. And Louis responded in the only way he could. I don’t see how you could interpret all of this any differently. 
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mama-tumblz · 5 years
Have you seen the picture of Cait and the Maestro posted by Jenny Cooney on IG? They are cuddled up with her and James Houston.
Uh huh, they’re cuddled up in the way they’re always cuddled up.  He’s wearing  his usual smug expression that looks like he doesn’t remember there are other people with him, except that this time he might be trying not to stroke James Houstons’ wrist.  She’s got the papshot grip on his arm in case he tries to bolt, and she’s leaning back towards her friend, one of the stars of the Australia Unplugged Tour.  Sam would have his arm around her, narrative or not.  
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emma-what-son · 3 years
Her shoes being sustainable is a dead giveaway that this papshot is for marketing purposes. It doesn’t matter if your clothes are sustainable if you travel more than you should, you’re still part of the problem and not saving the planet.
Yeah that made it more obvious that it was product placement.
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chwe-y · 5 years
its so bizarre that people would present louis and eleanor as having a private relationship when they so clearly don't.
if i were gonna talk about an actual private relationship id look at taylor swift, who is dating a guy named joe and thats about all i know, he has blue eyes from what ive heard in her songs but i couldn't pick him out of a lineup and this dude is like an actor so he's at least relevant in the public eye.
but eleanor i can tell you her whole life story, i know when she was born, what she studied at uni, i know what she looks like and bruh she's literally no one in the public eye you know she's just a normal person but i know so much about her without even trying to.
so how tf is this relationship private? lol
taylor and her boyfriend never get papped but eleanor is permi lurking in the bg of papshots or straight up hand in hand with louis like bruh???? there is nothing private about this, i have to laugh.
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bisluthq · 2 years
He has nice arms and nice ass, he’s slowly getting the legs. One day we’ll see a papshot of his thick legs to and panties all over the world will drop and I’ll be here saying that I had faith in him all along. Just wait
I don’t have that much faith in him.
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rylandrs · 7 years
I agree that her all out media assault is to drum up publicity for upcoming movies. But do people really care that an actress they have not heard of is on an indulgent vacation with an actor they might have heard of? I think that vacation pics work as publicity when it's someone you like, and are happy they are having fun. But I don't think people really become a fan because of vacations. If she wants publicity, she should do something positive, like helping homeless people.
She just got anotherundeserved endorsement deal after how many box office flops. Now shes being treated to free vacations thanks toher new sponsors and newly made friends. I do believe fakeassy is about more than just being seen. Shecannot get the attention she needs and wants on her own. I think shes in it for the reputation, the lifestyleand fame. Many Fassy fans didn’t know who she was before TLBO, myself included.Shes no JLaw (it wants to be JLaw though) but I think stunting is giving her what she wants. And she got a little fandom by exposing her privacy to then media. I think celebs generally stunt to sell a product they’re responsible for, or they may be in damage control, image and branding, etc.
Ithink being seen lending a helping hand is not her priority at the moment. Why? Becauseimo literally noone in her camp is interested in it. I think they’re too stupidto see the professional (and personal) benefits of doing charity. Enema strikesme as elitist bitch who wouldn’t dream of forcing her precious little snowflaketo mingle with the ‘less fortunate’. Combine that with AV’s arrogance and selfishness thats a pretty potent mix for fuck the needy. Fakeassy just came off a 2 weektour of Europe schmoozing with the rich and super-connected as well. Doesn’t exactly scream we care about the little people. I kinda hate when I see celebs stanning for social causes five minutes before they have a movie or album out. But I guess conveniently timed help is better than no help at all
Edit: I forgot the most important reason for stunting: MONEEEY
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larrieshomelat · 4 years
Holaa,(espero que no se lo tomen a mal si es que me equivoco) pero hoy me di cuenta de que,es posible que a harry en los photoshoots y (puede) en las met galas/RC lo hagan usar vestido y ropa "femenina" por su imagen?? porque viendo como se viste cuando lo ven en la calle,aunque a veces es extravagante no suele usar falda o vestidos "ropa femenina" ,y pienso que puede ser para venderlo como un hombre totalmente libre que levanta banderas y es duelo de su imagen,corrijanme si me equivoco 🥺
Holaa, lo que pasa con esto es que no se puede esperar que una celebridad se vista cotidianamente como lo hace en una RC (red carpet) o en un photoshoot, obviamente cuando anda por la calle se va a poner lo primero que encuentre, porque pensalo así, supongamos que a vos te encanta usar vestidos de gala y se lo decís a todo el mundo, pero, ¿Te pondrías tu mejor vestido de gala para ir a comprar al supermercado? ¿O te pondrías lo primero que encontras en el armario? Lo mismo para las celebridades. Que a Harry le guste mucho usar vestidos y otro tipo de ropa socialmente indicada para las mujeres no quiere decir que tenga que usarlo todos los días de su vida para demostrar que es verdad que le gusta. Es algo que el viene haciendo y diciendo desde hace ya mucho tiempo. ¿Esto es aprovechado por los Azoff? Si, lo es, probablemente, pero no quita el hecho de que Harry realmente se sienta cómodo y disfrute usando ropa ""femenina""
Además cuando sale a la calle y salen fotos de el con fans o papshots siempre lo vemos con un buzo/gorra (lo que sea) de Columbia, o con ropa de algún conocido de los Azoff, lo cual es promoción.
Tampoco tenemos que olvidarnos de que por más que salgan fotos relativamente seguido, NO lo vemos como se viste todos los días, cuando lo vemos es porque quieren que sea visto y nada más. Ningún papshot se hace sin que sean llamados y las fotos con fans no se difunden hasta que tengan permitido hacerlo, así que la regularidad con lo que lo vemos en la calle vestido de alguna forma en específico tampoco sirve de indicador de nada.
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the-empress-7 · 4 years
I think MM crashing Pippa's wedding has to do with her mot being able to handle not being the centre of attention (hence her bum papshot). But Harry and W were on good terms back then. He could justify it.
Meghan wasn’t able to crash the wedding afterall. She wasn't at the church ceremony or at the lunch reception. However, she was able to strong arm her way to evening reception (allegedly because other than a picture of her in car with Harry that evening near the vicinity of the reception, no one has actually confirmed her attendance).
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