#paralympics poem
marvelousbuckley · 22 days
Sentences Sunday but it is Monday already
I wanted to share some piece of chapter 15 that I am writing on the subway bc I can't wait lmao.
It's from The Saddest Part of Me chapter 15, which will be posted today or tomorrow, it will depend on the paralympics lmao
Suddenly the neighborhood went quiet. You could hear the wind again, and the birds. Because at this very moment Tommy Kinard took a step and crashed his mouth on Evan Buckley's mouth, kissing him with a fire who could have destroyed forests.
In this kiss a thousands sentences, a hundred letters. Promises and apologies, thanks too. Songs and poems, all the art humans had created since the start of time. Stars and suns, and the bright light of the moon. Fireworks and bells. A melancholy, a sadness, an absence.
Lips against lips. Heart against heart. Love against love.
He could have died from the lack of air and not care at all, content, full.
But at a point Tommy finally took a step back, his face not far enough for his heat to disappear. Buck opened his eyes, admired Tommy's face, waiting for his eyelids to move, to let him see those beautiful blue orbs.
Tommy stayed still, eyes closed. Was he regretting it already? Was he afraid of something?
Buck chose to believe the later. One of his hand came to settle down on Tommy's face, gentle but firm. "It is not a dream my love. I am not going anywhere this time."
tagging the besties ❤️
@goldenhxurs @captainwitharedstar @girlwonder-writes @searching-for-the-moon
@bidisasterevankinard @nymeria1105 @rdng1230 @bangpop91
@leandra-winchester @aaronntviet @kinardsevan @pink-unicorns-love-cookies
@typicalopposite @shaunashipman @herrmannhalsteadproduction
I am on the subway I do not recall all of you but even if you are not tagged I love you sorry 😭❤️
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rosie18 · 4 years
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Imagined worlds.

Here are two separate pen drawings I did to get me in the creative mood. The portrait is of a friend during a FaceTime call. I wanted to grasp the ‘in the moment’ quality of her expression, which was difficult as it was through a screen. 
The other is of a bird sitting on a branch with the words ‘sliding downwards’ (words from one of my grandad’s poems). I think the phrase ‘ sliding downwards’ can encapsulate how we are all feeling at the moment, in a bit of a pit where life isn’t really moving forward.
I edited both images to look as much like prints as possible. If I was in the studio I would have liked to explore print making and using new materials to change a simple line drawing into something with more depth. I like the way these two pieces look as I feel they hold a sense of emptiness, especially in the background as there is literally nothing there.
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After I had done the second piece I realised it reminded me off Tracey Emin’s ‘Birds’ 2012 Paralympic poster. Tracey Emin says that her poster was influenced by a “cultural love letter”. I think that really resonates with the drawings I did as I took my grandads ‘love letters’ and what they meant to him and transformed them into work that hopefully can relate to everyone.
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sublimerhymes · 5 years
Smithy’s Australia Day Poem by Warren Dakin
Australians are a funny lot, you'll often hear one curse, How things have started badly, and they'll probably get worse, The weathers dry, the sun's so hot it's stolen all the water, The Government has never done the things we think they oughta'. But if we hear a tourist say his home is much more grand, They had better be prepared to make a very solid stand. For although we Aussies may complain at what's become our lot, When someone knocks this country, we defend with all we've got. We may criticise some teenage brat, may even wish them failure, But we stand behind them cheering when they're playing for Australia. Because, if this is home to you, the country of your birth, Then you back the native player to beat anyone on Earth. When the cricket bats are swinging or when someone scores a try, When a home grown horse has won the cup and made the owner cry, When some paralympic athlete hits the front and sets the pace, You'll hear "Aussie Aussie Aussie" as the crowd goes off their face. And although we like to take a break in overseas locations, If you take the time to question this nomadic population, They will tell you without blinking that wherever they may roam, The best part of the journey was the last bit, ....coming home. For the sun was never brighter on the beach at Waikiki, Than it is on all the sandy shores Australia has to see, The water never purer nor the air as fresh and clear, The people never friendlier than those that we have here. If you venture to the outback where grass is scarce as snow, As you swelter you may wonder what it was that made you go, But just look at the locals who have lived there since their birth, And I know you will not find a better class of folk on earth. All across this wide brown country from the Cape to Hobart town, There are people who will help you when you find the chips are down, And if someone should abuse you, and does it just because, Then that person's not Australian, and that person never was. So when you feel disgruntled just remember this rendition, And never blame the country for the acts of politicians, Look up and count your blessings when you see our flag unfurled, And be grateful that you live in the best country in the world.
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chrysochroma · 2 years
I thought yall might want a research essay that i did. Its about how the greek empire influences our culture.
i wrote it in a day then slept for 9 hours
anyways enjoy
Even though the empire of Greece was destroyed 2,165 years ago, their culture, traditions, and discoveries influence us today. The Greek empire lasted from the 8th century BC to 146 BC, and during that time frame, they discovered new things and made advancements in different fields. There were many Greek philosophers, mathematicians, and astronomers that discovered new things throughout the time of the Greek empire. Their style of architecture has been used in modern buildings around the world, and their language can still be seen today. The Greeks are famous for many things, including their academic advancements, mythology, sports, and other things. Greece was a prospering territory of relevation, and the society of the ancient Greek empire still influences and is reflected in humanity today.
    The language and culture of the Greek empire thrived for about 350 years and during that period, they developed language and tradition. In 776 BC, the first Olympics was held, featuring the stadion race, its only event. The event took place in Olympia, every four years until the year 393 BC at least. (“Ancient Olympic Games.”) Today, we still continue this tradition, with a few tweaks. There are many more sports included in the Olympics, the Paralympics and Winter Olympics have been added, and the location changes each year. In addition, the Greek language, which is considered dead now, can still be seen in use. Although modern Greek exists, ancient Greek letters and root words are commonly used. The letters of the Greek alphabet, such as alpha, beta, and omega, are often used in mathematics. Many modern English words also have Greek origin or roots. Furthermore, the mythology of the Greeks has inspired many artists to create things based on its stories. There have been several books, movies, and poems written about or based on Greek myths. There are metaphors, like Icarus flying too close to the sun and the Trojan Horse, that are based off Greek tales. Although, there are a multitude of Greek achievements that influence us, other than that of language, literature, and athletics. 
Another development during the time of the Greeks was that of academics. The Greeks developed the sciences of astrology and astronomy, and they advanced the fields of medicine and mathematics. Many of the planets, as well as a few of the moons in our solar system are named after the Roman counterparts of Greek gods, goddesses, and other mythological beings. (“Names of the Planets.”) The zodiac, commonly refrenced in literature, was used by the Greeks. There are Greek myths behind each of the zodiac signs and the creation of the constellation that the zodiac represents. (“Myths of the greek Zodiac.”) The field of medicine was ruled over Apollo’s son, Asclepius and his daughter, Hygeia. The word ‘hygene’ is derived from Hygeia’s name and Asclepius’ staff is a common symbol of medicine. (Moorhouse “Cult of Asclepius”) Hippocrates, who is known as the father of medicine, drastically transformed the way Greeks perceived medicine and diseases. To this day, doctors must take an oath in his name, the Hippocratic Oath. (Moorhouse “Hippocrates”) The Greeks also made great advancements in mathematics. Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician, discovered the pythagorean theorem, which we use for many different formulas and equations. The Greeks also encountered the problems of trying to find the square root of two, and the Delian Problem, which tried to figure out how to double the size of a cube. (Violatti) However, academics aren’t the only thing that are influenced by the Greeks. 
    In addition to its discoveries, the Greek empire is commonly known for its mythology and architecture, both of which are still visible today. The pantheon of Greek gods who were worshipped consisted of Zeus, Hera, Hephestus, Ares, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Aphrodite, Demeter, Poseidon, Hermes, and Dionysus. Each of these gods presided over a certain realm, all of which were different, and had sacred symbols that represented them. To this day, some of these symbols show up in things like company logos. Good Year uses the winged sandal of Hermes as a part of their logo, Dove uses the sacred bird of Aphrodite, and Nike’s name and logo is inspired by the goddess of victory, Nike. (“Logos and Their Mythological Stories.”) As well as their mythology, the architectural style of the Greeks has influenced many modern buildings. Greek architecture consisted of many columns, pediments, and carvings made out of stone. Some examples of this are the United States Capitol, Supreme Court Building, and Lincoln Memorial all exhibit details of Greek architecture. (Chrysopoulos) A few other buildings where this takes place are the British Museum in United Kingdom and Brisbane City Hall in Australia. (“Influenced Buildings.”) Overall, there are numerous ways the ancient Greeks have influenced and changed us.  
    The ancient Greek empire was influential to the countries around it, and is still influential to countries around the world. Things like astronomy, medicine, mathematics, literature, sports, architecture, and language can show Greek influence from two thousand years ago. The Greeks created traditions that we still carry on today, like the Olympics. We use their creations and discoveries to learn and teach new things. Greek scientists pioneered their fields, challenging the previous beliefs and sharing new information. Through the period of the Greek Empire’s Golden Age, several new advancements were made. It has been 2,165 years since the battle that defeated the Greek empire, and we remember their discoveries and triumphs to this day. 
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aamta · 3 years
Winter Paralympics: The lowdown on being disabled in China
From an outrageous poet to grassroots activists living in an "atmosphere of fear", get the lowdown on disabled life in China as the Winter Paralympics get under way in Beijing.
In 2014, a poem full of sex and lust appeared online. It was posted by a Chinese woman who had published work before but none had gained traction quite like this.
Crossing Half of China to Sleep With You was its title, the author Yu Xiuhua, a farmworker with cerebral palsy. It lit-up the internet - the nation couldn't believe a disabled woman was talking about wanting sex so explicitly.
"People started to pay attention to her," says Hangping Xu, an expert on contemporary disability culture at Stanford University in California, USA. สูตรเซียน
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freedom-of-excess · 7 years
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Omg my coworkers from the Paralympics asked me to assist them in PyeongChang and they gave me this pretty box with a poem inside and IT'S SO SWEET I'm emotional!!!
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thetwoguineabook · 7 years
@sunnydisposish thank you so much for the awesome feedback and great questions- hope you don’t mind me responding in a new post.
I’m so in love with Blackbird I don’t even know where to begin: the beautiful writing, the impressive historical accuracy and evocative world-building, the poignant storyline and entirely novel yet still somehow in-character arcs for Victor and Yuuri, the thought-provoking questions about politics, ideology, identity, and personal responsibility so skillfully woven into the love story at its center, and last but not least, your merciless puncturing of the British imperialist/colonialist/racist mindset (especially appreciated by this former subject who grew up in what was then still a British colony).
Thank you! It was definitely interesting to me to explore, even at a slight remove as both POV characters were decidedly non-British, the very weird situation of British politics in the immediate post-war era. WW2 was really the last death knell for Britain as the big imperial power on the world stage, but frankly we as a country still haven’t come to terms with that (cf. half the electorate seriously believing that we won’t be questing paddle-less for where Shit Creek rises in the Mountains of Oh God Why without the rest of the EU). The Attlee government was, in my humble but correct opinion, the best and most socially revolutionary government we ever had, but at the same time as we were creating the NHS and nationalising industries, we were also desperately trying to develop nuclear weapons and pissing and moaning about whether countries we’d been stamping on for centuries were ~really ready~ to see the back of us. It was a truly absurd time period.
Another reason I love it is that it’s so rewarding to re-read, because each time through I notice more little details sprinkled throughout the text, like easter eggs waiting to be discovered. For example, in ch. 4 you slip in a casual mention of a drunken assignation Yuuri once had with some guy from Cambridge named “Guy” who professed to be a Communist, then in the very next section you have Georgi complaining to Victor about one of the agents he’s handling who goes by the name of “Hicks,” which is none other than the code name for Guy Burgess. :) 
Fun fact: I have a whole document in the notes section in Scrivener entitled ‘Yuuri’s ex-boyfriends’. He was... not very nice to a lot of them, lol. Once it occurred to me that, although Burgess would have come down from Cambridge before Yuuri went to Oxford, they could still very well have met (and drunk inordinate amounts of booze together) at the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, I just couldn’t resist.
Also in ch. 4, you describe one of the musicians who had performed Shostakovich’s Symphony #7 during the Leningrad siege as “a short woman with long, pale hair and a hunger-pinched face who nevertheless stared into the camera with the piercing gaze of a soldier, a clarinet clutched in her hands like a rifle” – that has got to be an image of Yura’s mother, right?
Yes! That is none other than Yulia Plisetskaya, classical musician and denouncer of Yuri’s shitty dad. I am slightly intimidated by the prospect of writing it because the situation in Leningrad was so incredibly awful, but one of my planned side stories is about the Plisetskys and the Babichevs during the siege, and particularly about that August 1942 performance of the Shostakovich symphony and Yuri beginning to repair his incredibly fucked-up relationship with her.
Oh, and she’s a clarinettist for a reason ;)
In ch. 6, when Yuuri is told he is being reassigned to Korea, there’s a mention of the new British Consul-General to Korea, Sir Vyvyan Holt, and Yuuri’s boss reassures him that “Holt is… well he’s a lot of things, but he’s not an idiot. He’ll evacuate British diplomats if - when there’s a declaration of war.” So of course, when I googled Holt’s name, I learned that not only was he a real person, but when the Korean war broke out, Holt mistakenly thought he would be protected by his diplomatic immunity, and instead of evacuating everyone when he had the chance, he and his staff ended up being detained by the North Koreans, then forced on a death march to the far north of the peninsula where they were kept captive for several years. Oh the irony. If Yuuri had accepted the assignment, he would have suffered even more at the hands of the North Koreans once they realized he was Japanese, even without knowing he was a spy. (Shudder.)
Yeah that was some thick ladling of irony there, lol. Although perhaps Yuuri would at least have got on with Holt, since one of the ‘many things’ he was at least rumoured to be was gay. And the story of what happened to the actual MI6 officer who was undercover in Holt’s office when the war broke out is... well, interesting to say the least. I’ve got an historical notes post about it that just needs to be finished up.
You’ve thought out everything so thoroughly (down to Victor’s nom de guerre, Stefan Rittberger, and the figure skating jump known as the Rittberger loop) that I have to ask whether there’s a special meaning or symbolism behind your choice of “blackbird” as the title of the story. I mean, the first association that occurred to me, especially given your nom de plume of sixpences, was the children’s rhyme “Sing a song of sixpence / a pocketful of rye. / Four and twenty blackbirds / baked in a pie.” But some light googling turned up a plethora of meanings for “blackbird,” including: a symbol of freedom, a connotation of vigilance, shyness and insecurity, secrets and mystery, etc., any and all of which could fit. Then there are the well-known songs Bye-Bye Blackbird (which had a “cameo” in ch. 5) and the Beatles’ Blackbird (the lyrics for which also fit the story), and one of my favorite poems, the haiku-inspired “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird” by Wallace Stevens, which is so protean and capacious in its meanings that it could definitely fit. Finally, that redoubtable (and dubious) authority urbandictionary.com gives the following meanings (inter alia) for blackbird: 1. The act of leaving a group of people, especially a social event (i.e. business party), without saying goodbye to anyone and without anyone detecting your escape. 2. Someone who acts happy in public but is an emotional wreck in private. Someone who doesn’t advertise their depression.
Well for starters, the Stefan Rittberger alias followed the same pattern as every other original character in the fic- they are all named after figure skaters from their respective countries of origin (generally speaking with forenames and surnames from different individuals). The only exception was the Jamaican jazz band leader Nigel Harriott- the only male Jamaican figure skater whose name I could turn up was Paralympic skater Nigel Davis, so I gave him the surname of a real Jamaican jazz musician who emigrated to the UK in this period.
As for the origins of ‘Blackbird’... well, for starters, the nursery rhyme connection only occurred to me quite a way into writing the fic, haha. ‘sixpences’ originated as a reference to Dodie Smith’s I Capture the Castle, one of my favourite novels, and as a way to reference the various notions of luck associated with the old silver sixpence coins, and also because when I picked the name six or seven years ago the Livejournal username ‘sixpence’ in the singular was already taken!
I knew from the very first vague ideas I had about the fic that this was primarily a story about Victor- his character arc, specifically getting him to the point where he would joyfully betray his country for love, was the very first thing I knew I wanted to write about, before I was even sure it was going to be an historical AU! When you get right down to it, this is a fic about that scene where Victor’s standing on the Barcelona seafront, looking out over the Mediterranean, and admiring his engagement ring- it’s a story about what Victor is not only willing, but entirely happy to do for Yuuri.
Once I knew I wanted it to be a spy story I started doing the 100% most fun spy story thing and making up everyone’s ridiculous codenames. My initial idea for Yuuri was to use something piglet-related, for obvious reasons, but that both felt a bit too mean and also not like something Minako specifically would think to call him. I wanted to give him a name that evoked the kind of figure he cuts at the start of the story- small, unassuming, lonely, but with something very deep going on beneath the surface, the same way one flighty little bird can nevertheless produce the most beautiful song. It also fitted nicely in terms of a metaphor for what he was doing in Berlin- Japan is of course ‘the land of the rising sun’, and he was ‘singing’ information to the Allies from inside their command structure.
There is a minor bird motif throughout the fic- with maybe one or two exceptions, any time a bird is mentioned in scenery description, you’ll find it’s a dark-coloured one. It wouldn’t have made the cut as an epigraph since it’s from 2005, but this from ‘Rapture’, which is one of my favourite Carol Ann Duffy poems, was very much in my mind in planning out the shape of the plot:
How does it happen that our lives can drift far from our selves, while we stay trapped in time, queueing for death? It seems nothing will shift the pattern of our days, alter the rhyme we make with loss to assonance with bliss. Then love comes, like a sudden flight of birds from earth to heaven after rain. Your kiss, recalled, unstrings, like pearls, this chain of words. Huge skies connect us, joining here to there. Desire and passion on the thinking air.
So birds recur as a symbol of independence, of thinking and acting freely even under dire and constricting circumstances, and Yuuri specifically is codenamed after a bird. It only felt natural that the story of how Victor Nikiforov, Soviet patriot and enormously valuable and accomplished spy (indeed, modelled after a man dubbed ‘the most formidable spy in history’), came to throw away his career and his country, to choose love and the freedom to live as he wanted, should share Yuuri’s name.
Sorry to be such a nerd – I’m probably overthinking all of this – and for sending you such an interminable ask (which would have overflowed the tumblr ask box 10 times over), but I would love to know the meaning behind the title.
Look, I just wrote a 100k historical spy novel about characters from a sports anime. I am the biggest nerd. And I really had a great time answering your questions, so thank you again!
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cammypblog · 6 years
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Takes money to make money right? 😝💸💰 . . . . . #ar #virtualreality #vr #technology #photography #mixedreality #tech #art #design #ai #learning #app #photographer #innovation #pokemongo #paralympics #us #poem #church #poetry #fortnite #inceptionvr #darthmaul #streetphotography #olympic #specialolympics #youtube #olympian #writingprompts #jedi (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BouDIe9hghH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bzxx4znzkcmv
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shogi-en · 5 years
Japan announces top 2020 festivals for Olympic and Paralympic tourists
#shogi #JapaneseChess [eTurboNews]The poems are read at a recital later in the day. 90% of Japanese chess pieces, or shogi, are produced in the city of Tendo. Every year, as the cherry blossoms bloom, locals and travelers gather to ...
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Things can grow, things can shrink, TV Scriptwriting and telling a story thorugh pictures
When you start writing a script be as precise as you can, as simple as you can. Make me care and take me with you.
We open on...
[     A young creative team wondering how to write a TV ad - - - they burn up a day gawping at their addictions on screens, but in doing so, they stumble upon:
www.deckofbrilliance.com - - - 50 quick ways in plagarizing good ads, learning by rote - - - cut to retired surrounded by awards      ]
(nothing wrong with it but is the work original?)
*the industry should be fun. 
An idea - (you can try to write them without, it can work and may explore bizarre and playful routes)
The product
A guide to what we’ll see and hear
A guide to how long it is
An undelying message
Every last ingredient of the product
Entire cast and inner thoughts
Wardrobe requirements
Camera angles and instructions
Ideas are like rabbit holes, they can either be amazing - go down them, or you can get stuck and don’t know how/where to continue.
1. Side By Side
*side by side comparisons, an old idea in advertising, why you’re better, why your the champ.
Bragging about your USP (in a ‘sanitised’ world) was what TV ads starting out as. A classic tactic, and it acts as the model still for the worlds biggest brands. 
(great Aldi example of TV ads where they compare brands, making the point)
*you may want to compare and contrast the time rather then the product 
2. Make peace (not just ads)
*instead of trying to compare try to bring us together. Resolving conflict
(FIFI example, trying to unite fans, written as a letter, ‘Dear Racists’ etc. Has a great honest, challenging tone of voice to it. Focused on rules, ad was pulled because it was too ‘interesting’)
3. Find a new problem
*may be more interesting if you make up the problem, e.g Dison hoovers, the problem of vaccum bags
*(could be witty remarks) Be brave
4. Break ONE rule
*(WHOWOTWHY philosophy of rule breaking, there is no oppoturnity of cutting loose otherwise)
*great post-modern ad example through Tango fizzy drink. Broke the rules, doing everything in an unorthodox way - didn’t contain any of the drinks ‘features’ you would generally contain in TV commerical
5. Experiment
*live experiments being filmed. ‘Piano stairs’ example for Volkswagon, time laspe, smiling faces, human experience. Makes you warm to the brand and what they are about
6. Tell a story 
*story of conflict, heroes and villains, a story of the brand 
*(Guinness ad, story of the flavour, there heritage almost, combined with great sound and art direction)
*(John Lewis, Monty The Penguin, wholesome, sweet, long ad, a story about human giving at christmas)
7. Get out of the way
*let someone else tell the story, the message and motive of the brand. 
Real people make ads more credible, *a variety of voices in the ad 
Find a place of where your brand is doing some good - - -
*The stories can tell themselves, go to people who use it in a real way, real person, real story, real life
*poems, letters directed not to the brand specificially but also to people, maybe in-direct consumers (to keep the brand involved)
8. Confound me
*take a risk and jump into the unknown. 
*fantastic Honda, accapella TV ad with a choir making the sounds associated with a car (it didn’t even have to ‘confound’ in a bombarding way - - - similar to the class and charm found in Channel 4 paralympic TV ad ‘Yes I Can’ ‘We’re the superheroes’
9. Make a one-off
The idea of customizing, and this is what is going to make advertising more personal in a technical world 
*Personalised service from the brand, Ikea is a good example, in there ‘Say it with a bed’ TV ad. Make is passionate, socially conscious 
(Swedan TV commercials, they do some good socially conscious work, Lidl Milk example)
*Reactive, personal
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iismmumbai · 2 years
IISM wishes every Indian a Very Happy Republic Day 2023
‘The Sports Heroes 2.0’ turns 1 !!. It feels like only yesterday when the podium winners at the Olympic & Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020 came together on a single platform to sing the National Anthem of India at the IISM campus.
I’m grateful to all the athletes for coming together to shoot this video. Such videos will inspire younger generations to take up sports in their careers.
The video is directed by Abhijit P. and Mangesh Sawant.
I am eternally grateful to Shri. Amitabh Bachchan ji for reciting the poem ‘Man Main hai Maidan,' penned beautifully by Mr. Kshitij Patwardhan .
Music is composed by Ram Sampath. Costume designed by Umang Mehta. Special still photography by Tejas Nerurkar.
This video features: Neeraj Chopra, Manish Narwal, Sumit Antil, Pramod Bhagat, Krishna Naga, Ravi Kumar, Mirabai Chanu, Nishad Kumar, Yogesh Kathunia, Devendra Jhajharia, Bhavina Patel, Suhas Yathiraj, Praveen Kumar, Lovlina Borgohain, Harvinder Singh, Manoj Sarkar, Sharad Kumar, Sreejesh P.
Digital India Khelo India University Games, Sports Authority of India, Deepa Malik MyGov India.
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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry named their new dog-here's what it may be inspired by
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry named their new dog-here's what it may be inspired by
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The pup of Sussex finally has a name. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle adopted a dog, reportedly a Labrador Retriever, at the end of August-and their new addition will go by Oz, PEOPLE has confirmed. A source also shared that the dog has been joining them at their country getaway in the Cotswolds area and Nottingham Cottage at Kensington Palace in London.
It's unclear what exactly the inspiration for the dog's name was, but perhaps it's a reference to the couple's first official royal tour, which will take place this fall. They're heading to Australia, Fiji, the Kingdom of Tonga and New Zealand. Australia is also the location of the next Invictus Games, a Paralympics-style event that Prince Harry, 33, created for wounded and injured service members. The name could also have literary origins: a famed 1818 poem by Percy Shelley, “Ozymandias,” explores the fate of Egyptian ruler Rameses II and contains the line, “'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings.”
Meghan, 37, is a known dog lover. Before moving to London, she had two rescue pups at her home in Toronto; one of whom, a beagle named Guy, relocated with her across the pond. The other, Bogart, was gifted to friends. Guy, meanwhile, has been embedded into Meghan's new royal life, and was at her feet as she sat for her hair and makeup on her wedding morning.
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Meghan Markle/Instagram
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Meghan Markle/Instagram
Harry and Meghan's move mirrors that of his brother Prince William and Kate Middleton, who got Cocker Spaniel Lupo shortly after their wedding, settling him into life with them in Anglesey, North Wales.
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Michael Middleton - WPA Pool/Getty Images
The newlyweds recently made their first public appearance following their summer break. They attended a special West End performance of the smash musical Hamilton to raise funds for one of Harry's longtime charities, Sentebale, which he set up alongside his friend Prince Seeiso of Lesotho. The couple, who previously saw the hit show during a night out around Valentine's Day earlier this year, were guests of honor, alongside Hamilton creator and Tony winner Lin-Manuel Miranda. As well as seeing the show, the trio met the cast and crew on the stage of London's Victoria Palace Theatre.
Upcoming events for Prince Harry and Meghan include the annual awards night on September 4th for Prince Harry's charity WellChild, which works on behalf of seriously ill children and their families and caretakers, and on September 6th, the 100 Days to Peace gala, an evening of music marking the centenary of the end of World War I at Central Hall Westminster.
This article originally appeared on People.com
The post Meghan Markle and Prince Harry named their new dog-here's what it may be inspired by appeared first on HelloGiggles.
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tothe-tooth-blog · 6 years
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry named their new dog-here's what it may be inspired by
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry named their new dog-here's what it may be inspired by
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The pup of Sussex finally has a name. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle adopted a dog, reportedly a Labrador Retriever, at the end of August-and their new addition will go by Oz, PEOPLE has confirmed. A source also shared that the dog has been joining them at their country getaway in the Cotswolds area and Nottingham Cottage at Kensington Palace in London.
It's unclear what exactly the inspiration for the dog's name was, but perhaps it's a reference to the couple's first official royal tour, which will take place this fall. They're heading to Australia, Fiji, the Kingdom of Tonga and New Zealand. Australia is also the location of the next Invictus Games, a Paralympics-style event that Prince Harry, 33, created for wounded and injured service members. The name could also have literary origins: a famed 1818 poem by Percy Shelley, “Ozymandias,” explores the fate of Egyptian ruler Rameses II and contains the line, “'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings.”
Meghan, 37, is a known dog lover. Before moving to London, she had two rescue pups at her home in Toronto; one of whom, a beagle named Guy, relocated with her across the pond. The other, Bogart, was gifted to friends. Guy, meanwhile, has been embedded into Meghan's new royal life, and was at her feet as she sat for her hair and makeup on her wedding morning.
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Meghan Markle/Instagram
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Meghan Markle/Instagram
Harry and Meghan's move mirrors that of his brother Prince William and Kate Middleton, who got Cocker Spaniel Lupo shortly after their wedding, settling him into life with them in Anglesey, North Wales.
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Michael Middleton - WPA Pool/Getty Images
The newlyweds recently made their first public appearance following their summer break. They attended a special West End performance of the smash musical Hamilton to raise funds for one of Harry's longtime charities, Sentebale, which he set up alongside his friend Prince Seeiso of Lesotho. The couple, who previously saw the hit show during a night out around Valentine's Day earlier this year, were guests of honor, alongside Hamilton creator and Tony winner Lin-Manuel Miranda. As well as seeing the show, the trio met the cast and crew on the stage of London's Victoria Palace Theatre.
Upcoming events for Prince Harry and Meghan include the annual awards night on September 4th for Prince Harry's charity WellChild, which works on behalf of seriously ill children and their families and caretakers, and on September 6th, the 100 Days to Peace gala, an evening of music marking the centenary of the end of World War I at Central Hall Westminster.
This article originally appeared on People.com
The post Meghan Markle and Prince Harry named their new dog-here's what it may be inspired by appeared first on HelloGiggles.
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inkundu1 · 6 years
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry named their new dog-here's what it may be inspired by
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry named their new dog-here's what it may be inspired by
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The pup of Sussex finally has a name. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle adopted a dog, reportedly a Labrador Retriever, at the end of August-and their new addition will go by Oz, PEOPLE has confirmed. A source also shared that the dog has been joining them at their country getaway in the Cotswolds area and Nottingham Cottage at Kensington Palace in London.
It's unclear what exactly the inspiration for the dog's name was, but perhaps it's a reference to the couple's first official royal tour, which will take place this fall. They're heading to Australia, Fiji, the Kingdom of Tonga and New Zealand. Australia is also the location of the next Invictus Games, a Paralympics-style event that Prince Harry, 33, created for wounded and injured service members. The name could also have literary origins: a famed 1818 poem by Percy Shelley, “Ozymandias,” explores the fate of Egyptian ruler Rameses II and contains the line, “'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings.”
Meghan, 37, is a known dog lover. Before moving to London, she had two rescue pups at her home in Toronto; one of whom, a beagle named Guy, relocated with her across the pond. The other, Bogart, was gifted to friends. Guy, meanwhile, has been embedded into Meghan's new royal life, and was at her feet as she sat for her hair and makeup on her wedding morning.
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Meghan Markle/Instagram
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Meghan Markle/Instagram
Harry and Meghan's move mirrors that of his brother Prince William and Kate Middleton, who got Cocker Spaniel Lupo shortly after their wedding, settling him into life with them in Anglesey, North Wales.
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Michael Middleton - WPA Pool/Getty Images
The newlyweds recently made their first public appearance following their summer break. They attended a special West End performance of the smash musical Hamilton to raise funds for one of Harry's longtime charities, Sentebale, which he set up alongside his friend Prince Seeiso of Lesotho. The couple, who previously saw the hit show during a night out around Valentine's Day earlier this year, were guests of honor, alongside Hamilton creator and Tony winner Lin-Manuel Miranda. As well as seeing the show, the trio met the cast and crew on the stage of London's Victoria Palace Theatre.
Upcoming events for Prince Harry and Meghan include the annual awards night on September 4th for Prince Harry's charity WellChild, which works on behalf of seriously ill children and their families and caretakers, and on September 6th, the 100 Days to Peace gala, an evening of music marking the centenary of the end of World War I at Central Hall Westminster.
This article originally appeared on People.com
The post Meghan Markle and Prince Harry named their new dog-here's what it may be inspired by appeared first on HelloGiggles.
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cowgirluli-blog · 6 years
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry named their new dog-here's what it may be inspired by
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry named their new dog-here's what it may be inspired by
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The pup of Sussex finally has a name. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle adopted a dog, reportedly a Labrador Retriever, at the end of August-and their new addition will go by Oz, PEOPLE has confirmed. A source also shared that the dog has been joining them at their country getaway in the Cotswolds area and Nottingham Cottage at Kensington Palace in London.
It's unclear what exactly the inspiration for the dog's name was, but perhaps it's a reference to the couple's first official royal tour, which will take place this fall. They're heading to Australia, Fiji, the Kingdom of Tonga and New Zealand. Australia is also the location of the next Invictus Games, a Paralympics-style event that Prince Harry, 33, created for wounded and injured service members. The name could also have literary origins: a famed 1818 poem by Percy Shelley, “Ozymandias,” explores the fate of Egyptian ruler Rameses II and contains the line, “'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings.”
Meghan, 37, is a known dog lover. Before moving to London, she had two rescue pups at her home in Toronto; one of whom, a beagle named Guy, relocated with her across the pond. The other, Bogart, was gifted to friends. Guy, meanwhile, has been embedded into Meghan's new royal life, and was at her feet as she sat for her hair and makeup on her wedding morning.
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Meghan Markle/Instagram
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Meghan Markle/Instagram
Harry and Meghan's move mirrors that of his brother Prince William and Kate Middleton, who got Cocker Spaniel Lupo shortly after their wedding, settling him into life with them in Anglesey, North Wales.
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Michael Middleton - WPA Pool/Getty Images
The newlyweds recently made their first public appearance following their summer break. They attended a special West End performance of the smash musical Hamilton to raise funds for one of Harry's longtime charities, Sentebale, which he set up alongside his friend Prince Seeiso of Lesotho. The couple, who previously saw the hit show during a night out around Valentine's Day earlier this year, were guests of honor, alongside Hamilton creator and Tony winner Lin-Manuel Miranda. As well as seeing the show, the trio met the cast and crew on the stage of London's Victoria Palace Theatre.
Upcoming events for Prince Harry and Meghan include the annual awards night on September 4th for Prince Harry's charity WellChild, which works on behalf of seriously ill children and their families and caretakers, and on September 6th, the 100 Days to Peace gala, an evening of music marking the centenary of the end of World War I at Central Hall Westminster.
This article originally appeared on People.com
The post Meghan Markle and Prince Harry named their new dog-here's what it may be inspired by appeared first on HelloGiggles.
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ungracefulswan-blog · 6 years
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry named their new dog-here's what it may be inspired by
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry named their new dog-here's what it may be inspired by
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The pup of Sussex finally has a name. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle adopted a dog, reportedly a Labrador Retriever, at the end of August-and their new addition will go by Oz, PEOPLE has confirmed. A source also shared that the dog has been joining them at their country getaway in the Cotswolds area and Nottingham Cottage at Kensington Palace in London.
It's unclear what exactly the inspiration for the dog's name was, but perhaps it's a reference to the couple's first official royal tour, which will take place this fall. They're heading to Australia, Fiji, the Kingdom of Tonga and New Zealand. Australia is also the location of the next Invictus Games, a Paralympics-style event that Prince Harry, 33, created for wounded and injured service members. The name could also have literary origins: a famed 1818 poem by Percy Shelley, “Ozymandias,” explores the fate of Egyptian ruler Rameses II and contains the line, “'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings.”
Meghan, 37, is a known dog lover. Before moving to London, she had two rescue pups at her home in Toronto; one of whom, a beagle named Guy, relocated with her across the pond. The other, Bogart, was gifted to friends. Guy, meanwhile, has been embedded into Meghan's new royal life, and was at her feet as she sat for her hair and makeup on her wedding morning.
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Meghan Markle/Instagram
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Meghan Markle/Instagram
Harry and Meghan's move mirrors that of his brother Prince William and Kate Middleton, who got Cocker Spaniel Lupo shortly after their wedding, settling him into life with them in Anglesey, North Wales.
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Michael Middleton - WPA Pool/Getty Images
The newlyweds recently made their first public appearance following their summer break. They attended a special West End performance of the smash musical Hamilton to raise funds for one of Harry's longtime charities, Sentebale, which he set up alongside his friend Prince Seeiso of Lesotho. The couple, who previously saw the hit show during a night out around Valentine's Day earlier this year, were guests of honor, alongside Hamilton creator and Tony winner Lin-Manuel Miranda. As well as seeing the show, the trio met the cast and crew on the stage of London's Victoria Palace Theatre.
Upcoming events for Prince Harry and Meghan include the annual awards night on September 4th for Prince Harry's charity WellChild, which works on behalf of seriously ill children and their families and caretakers, and on September 6th, the 100 Days to Peace gala, an evening of music marking the centenary of the end of World War I at Central Hall Westminster.
This article originally appeared on People.com
The post Meghan Markle and Prince Harry named their new dog-here's what it may be inspired by appeared first on HelloGiggles.
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