stil-lindigo · 7 months
Operation Olive Branch is a continuously updating spreadsheet of Palestinian escape funds where progress towards their goals is being tracked. As of right now, there are over 100 funds listed there.
Any amount of money can make a difference. With their recent decision to bomb Rafah, the only remaining “safe” territory in Gaza, Israel has forced Palestinians into a corner by giving them nowhere else to go. The international community has given Israel the ability to act with impunity - it is long past the point in time to rely on those in power to hold Israel to any standard of compassion.
Today, I want you to look at this document, choose a fund, contribute to it, and share it. The people in Rafah are living on borrowed time. Free Palestine.
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perversion666 · 1 month
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album covers 𖤐
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poeticnotpretentious · 4 months
Oh my god I can’t believe I have to say this but:
Just because I had one day when the pain wasn’t there for long enough for me to enjoy it doesn’t mean I am suddenly “cured from my issue” or that I don’t need accommodations anymore.
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jackcast2021 · 16 days
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Beautiful smile and legs
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zarramba · 3 months
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jenny-94 · 4 months
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ranticore · 3 months
you mentioned wyrms retract the human-ish head to eat, do you have an idea of how that works, anatomically? I'm trying to imagine a cross section of those necks with separate tubes for air, food, the head and the spine. does the head get packed tight in some kind of sleeve? It would be really cool to see that cross section
(also would love to know more about the time Rev spent as a disembodied head, that must have been really weird)
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well i was meaning to draw it anyway
the "human" portion (referred to as the head yes all of it) has its own heart, lungs, and accessory oesophagus, though it doesn't have its own stomach. there's a little crop which is the remains of the human stomach, kind of like an appendix now really. the accessory oesophagus (green) connects to the main crop in the chest area, running parallel to the dragon oesophagus but not attaching to it. when the head is out, the dragon mouth is occupied anyway so it doesn't need to eat and the oesophagus is a squishy tube that is collapsed when not in use (unlike the trachea) so there's no issues with space here, it's fine.
the lungs in the head area are only minorly used for gas exchange - they provide very little oxygen, really, but enough to keep that human part running in a very hypoxic state in the case of decapitation. Mostly they're just used to draw air over the vocal chords. If the lungs in the main body were compromised somehow, the wyrm would straight up cease to function (not death. but comatose), while if the head lungs broke, eh nbd it just means no voice until they heal. there is a syrinx inside the chest cavity which provides additional vocals - deep infrasound rumbles. the main lungs are gigantic and in larger wyrms will extend further into the body. in the case of multiple heads, there are multiple syrinxes where the tracheas connect to the lungs and that means they can produce polyphonic rumbles :) breathing is done through the dragon nostrils, there's a sizeable cavity there for their good sense of smell. in case you are wondering how they sync up their breaths when there's multiple heads, the lungs are birdlike in that it's a series of air sacs and a passive inhalation, and an active exhalation governed by different lobes of the lung at once (using the air sacs). each head has its own lobe. so the wyrm is in a constant state of inhaling and exhaling at different rates (if there's multiple heads)
the dragon oesophagus is the main one and it leads to a crop, which is where the wyrm denatures the powerful toxins of their prey and forms a pellet out of the inedible mandibles and spicules found within a crawling beast. this is spat up later and buried (no longer poisonous so nbd). edible portions go to the stomach. the liver is very big and very strong, it's almost impossible to poison a wyrm in any way (including drugs, alcohol, etc)
so the thing about the wyrms is that the number of legs is variable, Revelation obviously has two, Onozar has four. But the two that Revelation has are actually its forelegs! The torso extends quite a bit into what we would consider the Tail area, it's rather snakelike.
as a disembodied head, Rev had no heart, no functioning lungs, and was also completely paralysed because of the severed nerve cord in its (human) neck. literally from the jaw down it couldn't move, which is what made it such a convincing corpse. life was very underwhelming for it since it was essentially running on extreme battery saver mode, always watching and sensing the world but never truly perceiving what it saw and heard and felt. animals made nests in its chest cavity, and it was infested with scavenging worms for a while, but its own flesh is distasteful to other living beings and nothing did enough damage to actually cause decomposition. just some nasty wounds.
Rev needed Wildfire to literally rip up a crawler and put the meat in its mouth before any attempts at healing could be made. when it finally got its lungs working again it found they were full of detritus - dust, spores, roots, random stuff. growing back the lower body would have taken decades more if it continued at the same pace, so it used a little bit of magic and Wildfire's other tiercels' flesh to construct the most basic shape of its lower body, and once it had those bits intact it could start properly gaining strength and growing.
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draculiza · 29 days
but what if I'm goth and mall goth? the original and the 'poser', the real and the fake, the one with both sides of the coin. the one who's in love with nu metal and goth music, intertwined together. my two demons, dancing and bopping to the beat.
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thekingofspin · 20 days
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kerizaret · 2 months
Ok but can we just stop for a moment and admire just how brave Nene is?
We don't talk enough about the fact that she had to move houses as a child, change schools, make new friends... not even sure anyone would get along with her. She admits herself in the flashbacks in Mermaid Admiration how scary that was for her. Like stepping out of water into completely unknown land
And yet, Nene proves again and again that she's capable of overcoming these hurdles and situations that scare her. That she can work towards her dream despite the hesitation and challenges. That she doesn't want fear to control her life the way it used to ever again
She's scared of being alone in a new environment as a kid, but manages to make a friend in her neighbour. She's even the first one to indulge his ideas even if they're unusual to others
In fact, even after that failed show in middle school, she showed up for the next practice again, as if she wanted to apologise but try again – to correct her mistake – and I'm pretty sure it was the reactions everyone gave to that that discouraged her the most and ended with her eventually quitting
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Nene's story is constantly about overcoming her fears to follow her dreams or live a life she wants, and be proud of herself. She decides to try acting with wxs, even if it's just as Robonene, because despite everything she still WANTS to be on the stage. She could refuse Rui's offer, tell him that it's no good and she'll just mess up again, but she TRIES. She's scared but she tries–
She tries and fails, and messes up again, and is once more faced with the consequences – but when Tsukasa comes back and apologises and tells her they want her back, she accepts immediately. And she really doesn't want to mess up again, she doesn't want her fears get the better of her – and she's already on stage by herself by the time they put on the show to get Rui back. She's back there for her friend, for this troupe, for this park, and most importantly for herself
And this just continues. Is Nene intimidated by Sakurako's skill and how she belittles Nene, but wants to prove her wrong and make their show a success. She's scared of coming up to Ichika and making friends and yet agrees to be her singing teacher. She's scared of being alone on stage and having to improvise until Rui fixes Robonene in Mermaid Admiration, and yet she sings. She's scared of staying on a deserted island, but agrees to act as a decoy for wild monkeys. She's scared of approaching Arcland members to ask for advice, but ends up doing it anyway. She's scared her singing will ruin the Happy Phoenix play, so she asks to be taught and trains, trains and trains until she knows she's ready
Nene, just like all of the wxs, won't settle for a subpar performance. She won't let her lack of ability and her mistakes scare her into inaction. And most importantly she's notoriously fighting her fear and not letting it stop her from what she wants. Just like her idol taught her
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And isn't that so brave?
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crowce · 27 days
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Hello fans of these 3 specifically
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First tumblr post!!! Wanted to add to the hatsune miku culture trend with my own!!
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virgothozul · 2 months
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i need self indulgent activities so bad rn. It feels like I’m always saying that zjgfzjhbzfejhb. Anxiety made itself a bed by the front door and everything is terrifying, even when living the safest of lives.
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fellshish · 6 months
That special flavour writer’s block when people like your previous work so you’re petrified of writing something disappointing next
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jackcast2021 · 4 months
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zarramba · 3 months
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Süße Sneaker! 😻
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