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Sweet like forbidden fruit, sour like a sting of pain
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cryfvck · 1 year
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linklethehistorian · 6 months
Thank you I needed this today 😭😭😭😭😭
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I've seen people say that the Valentino animatic was partially responsible for leaving the impression in the fandom's conciousness that Val abuses Vox, but watching it, it just feels like Vox's control freak ass can't handle falling in love (what happens there also doesn't inspire a lot of sympathy for Vox, at least from me, idk)
THIS 👆👆👆 I've always seen this as Vox just being terrified of his own feelings (you know it's my jam sksksks) and this animatic depicts him far more explicitly evil than the actual show, not worth any pity at all.
For the "Vox is a victim" narrative I would blame more Eyes on Me. Don't get me wrong I LOVE this song, I can listen it on repeat for HOURS, I just don't like the intermission. But the outro? This shit FUCKING SLAPS I'll never be over how brilliant ParanoidDJ's lyrics are.
So I'll keep a tight control of what they can see
They'll never gaze behind the maze of cracks on the screen
His dominion, his opinion is the only one key
And though I try to hide it
He's got eyes on me
Made a bet, forged a deal, he got into my veins
A monster I'm in love with despite all the pain
And so I say this in my solitude, it's my decree
No one will ever know that I belong to V
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shandzii · 2 years
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aaaa it’s finally out ;v;
Corey Wilder as Moon and Swiblet as Sun
ParanoidDJ as the sound editor
thank you so much @melodyofthevoid and @twinanimatronics​ for helping out with the writing!
and big thanks to Jelzy and Cougar for editing/uploading part 3! ;v;
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theoutcastedartist · 1 year
Regular Demons ✒️
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Inspired by PARANOiDDJ's song (featuring Corey Wilder, Krystal LaPorte, August Fiche, & Chi-Chi's incredible vocal talents) on the dark and inky world of our favorite cartoon devil, Bendy!
This drawing was such a fun one! I've had this song on repeat. It is just so catchy!
(Shhhh.... don't tell anybody I abused the airbrush tool for this piece. It'll be our secret~ 🤫🤭)
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gaypandahart · 3 months
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Merchandise Photoshoot.
"You are merchandise for me, dont you ever think otherwise." -Val (ParanoidDj edition)
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veryfasy · 7 months
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Hello hello! Tumblr Is still giving me problem for posting Hope this One wont be a problem
Did some studies of Verosika dress for the Song "Signals" of ParanoidDJ, i fell in love with the Song!
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flynnarts · 3 months
Hazbin & Gravity Falls - Sketch
(CW: Badly drawn Valentino, but Big floof. Angry and yet sassy Vox. And a drawing of 291212! A lot of notes, I like to annotate my drawings because thoughts. Avid fan of both these shows! Posting this while listening to Eyes on Me lol- We love ParanoidDJ)
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The first image is all of them, then close ups of my favorite drawings here on this page.
Yes, I drew this in Math Class again. Idk man, something about being in math makes my fingers drawing happy.
See what I mean by lots of notes? Don’t worry, Imma do a transcript for yall <3
Anyway, I love these characters. Yes. I have realized I have a thing for villains. I realized it when I wanted the villains to win when watching Disney movies. They’re all just so amazing I love villains so much-
VOX -Grumpy Voxxy -Why is he angy? -Have urge to draw shark tail -Ignore the shoes -Samsung TV -#AngryVoxTechBoss
VALENTINO -Very sleepy boi -Why so smoll face -No thoughts rn -Bigggg floof
291212 -He’s going to join the top hat gang -BILL CIPHER -291212
MISC -All these top hats -Practicing cross hatching WHOO -(100% that humanoid) -<3 ya broshimiskies -“Great Wind God Aeoulous(spelling oof), I don’t know if you know this, But our path to home is blocked by an impenetrable storm~” -“Stooormm~ STOOOORRRMM~” -It’s raining. Fuck the rain. (Not sexually)
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
ParanoidDJ gives a good imitation of both Angel Dust and Stolas when he sings as them, but comparing them side by side you can hear the difference - however good the imitator is, it's never going to be the original. That's why it would've been better if the new VAs had tried to do their own thing instead of copy the original version badly
Michael really made Angel, the performance elevated the kind of basic text of his character in the pilot. It's part of the reason the first two names mentioned whenever the discussion of keeping the VAs or not were always Michael and Ed, because they did something that can't be easily replicated and the fans were sure that at least they would be kept on for the show proper
It's true. Michael was as intrinsic to Angel as he's become to Jax, and of course the obvious solution would have been to keep him and bring in Blake Roman with his super-duper singing voice that made Sam Haft's chair wet, that way everyone wins.
But of course, that wasn't an option because Michael had ties to Ashley, and Viv hated Ashley.
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 5 months
MEG!!! I just saw a comic dub of your Hazbin Hotel comic "A Prank too Far" by PARANOIDDJ. It was soooo good! I can't believe I've never seen it till now. I bow have the urge to binge scroll all your other stuffs for it
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Funny enough that's a redraw of the original comic XD
Working with DJ to bring the comic to life was so much fun and I was dying from anticipation, practically lmao
I do have some Hazbin stuff posted here, but not very much compared to all the DCA stuff I've shared over the past year QwQ
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hclluvahctel · 7 months
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pinkandpurple360 · 5 months
if I can 'devil's advocate' (heh) for ParanoidDJ for a sec, I just wanna put the song in context
so it originally dropped shortly after s1e6 came out, & you can probably still see some of that by the comments where fans joke that he 'saw the future' or 'was ahead of the curve' because a good number of fans didn't think Stolas had any romantic feelings for Blitzo at all before ep7 & that it was just lust (in hindsight that was another soft retcon that Stolas was suddenly in love w/Blitzo - that 'development' really ought to have been onscreen and then the audience might have bought into his sudden change of heart).
he mentions in the description that Stolas 'realizes his own actions have caused the problem' and I think that's what PDJ was trying to do - his songs tend to try and flesh out characters or fill in bits the canon hadn't yet. I can definitely see why people say it seems like Stolas apologia but it did come out back when the show was in s1 and it hadn't started playing the Stolas Did Nothing Wrong card as hard as it did in s2 (plus Loo Loo Land Stolas at least seemed aware that the divorce was affecting Via, even if he totally failed to articulate what was going on with him when she was upset), so it feels more like an attempt at a potential direction Stolas could have gone with the setup ep1-6 had provided.
I can't say for sure of course, but I think PDJ was aware that Stolas is the problem (or at least part of the problem, idk if he's ever spoken about stol/tz publically) and was just following what arc the show seemed to be setting up with him (and then it promptly didn't in s2, since nothing is ever Stolas' fault now apparently)
it's why it's so annoying to see the lyrics changed - PDJ's Stolas actually gave a darn about Via and seemed to realize at least part of what he'd done wrong, while keeping him mostly in character by preserving his classist attitudes that he needs to work through (the repeat of the impish plaything line)
official video Stolas is whitewashed and whiny. personally I think it's a small miracle Viv even kept the line 'I will try to make amends/for making you means to an end' since it directly refers to what actually happened - Stolas used Blitzo for sex.
but I assume Viv left that line in because she wants it to mean 'Blitzo seduced Stolas so Stolas used him right back' instead of what actually happened: 'Stolas used the threat of losing his job and the pressure of being shot at to coerce Blitzo into monthly sex'
this is all how I remember it from back when the song came out, though - I could be totally wrong, but as far as I know Paranoid has never said he likes stol/tz or thinks it's 'mututally toxic' or anything like what stans usually say
Oof I guess I was too hard on him. I do appreciate you typing this out and adding some context. But then again before episode seven…stolas was an absolute monster towards Blitzø and the rest of imp. He was only kind to Octavia, the same species as him. But to everyone else he was and honestly still is, just purely awful.
I definitely feel like him and all of us, if we are honest, saw a lot more kindness and good traits in stolas than are actually there. I still hold that stolas at the end of ep 6 and the stolas at the start of episode 7 are not the same character at all. Plus, having us see Blitz be enslaved by him, and then tongue kiss him after, all that said to me was that he’s allowing himself to be sexually objectified because he thinks it’s all he deserves. I was actually really shocked that he kissed him, it was such a bizarre contradiction to the intimidation, abuse, and a mutual hatred, we had just seen. Then he asked for a reward…? So strange.
And season 2 stolas is yet again another character. When he wears his hat he’s his usual gross self then the hat comes off and he’s a wimp. If what I’ve heard is true he gets even more soft and pathetic and sopping wet cat-like. I just have no idea what he adds to the story other than taking us on a self pitying emotional detour we didn’t ask for. With none of the introspection paranoid DJ thought he would show. I’m sorry but Stella was kindve right, it is annoying.
Taking out the Octavia lyrics is unbelievable!!! It makes him look so so bad but this is supposed to be his woobie arc, so what gives?
Also I wont stop reiterating that stolas led Blitzø to his bedroom by force and locked him in there. Blitzø thought he was going to kill him, he was scared, creeped out, and actually did try to negotiate out of it but was told not to bother with excuses. I honestly don’t care that he tried to survive by faking seduction. Don’t forget he said “ew” at the idea, and then “alright fine” which is just so gross…
This is all speculation because I’ve heard nothing about what happens in Full Moon—but-I don’t really believe he’ll try and make “amends” the next episode is going to be stolas emotionally manipulating him into “choosing” the book (him, having free sex and a fan to praise and coddle him) or the crystal (a life on his own) it’s going to be really hard to watch. And Viv despite what she’s written of him being creeped out terrified and grossed out by stolas will try sell us that the sex with stolas was great. Even though everything he says and does points to the opposite.
I mean it is pretty clearly a pro stolitz song and that’s what it was used for
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pinkhorsepro123 · 5 months
So, I just recently watched the 4 episodes of Hazbin Hotel, and MAN IVE GOT SO MUCH TO SAY
Spoilers underneath the read more!
I will be critical of some things, as a writer it's kind of in my blood to be lol.
But I want to first say, it was WELL WORTH THE WAIT. I usually don't like these type of adult shows, yet I still loved watching it, and am having trouble not rewatching it already lol.
I'm going to go over my few criticisms first before I go over the, many positives. (Not all of them, I'll be here writing this all night lol
My main problem is the fact that those who watch it without knowledge of the Pilot will be quite confused. I feel like, they should've either remade it or even put it on there as the first episode.
Also, at first I found the musical bits to be embarrassing, but at the same time they're perfect. If it didn't have them, I don't think it would be Hazbin Hotel.
Katie Killjoy, her voice is not, right- I understand though if that's the only time we'll hear from her. If not though, definitely needs a new one. The only other voice I despise is Val's, it might be because I love how ParanoidDJ does him. It just, doesn't scream the pimp to me. The rest, even if at first I found it meh, as time went on I grew to love them. (Nothing against the voice actors of course! Just doesn't fit the characters)
For EP 4, my only complaint is that there should've been a content warning before it. Even just saying that there's triggering topics ahead would've sufficed. Although those who know Hazbin Hotel knew what Angel was going through, there will be a few that join without knowing that, only to stumble upon a real fucked up situation they weren't prepared for.
On the situation, I didn't know of the leak I've seen people mention, but istg if I see one more saying it was abuse being sexualized-
It was the purest form of abuse, rape, addiction and sex trafficking, uncensored forcefulness. Angel Dust is a bdsm porn actress who is owned by his pimp. Obviously he's going to have shit done to him, and a lot of it is stuff he's high as a kite while doing.
How the fuck is that sexy? It's one, a song about being fed "poison", shows just enough that you know what's happening but doesn't show more, and in the end he's having a meltdown wishing for help. If it had full sex scenes I could understand that line of thinking, but it doesn't. So yeah, I don't understand it.
Ok tangent is done-
That's pretty much all of my complaints, now for the positives!
The 1st episode finally fixed the major plot point in the pilot, being the angels themselves. It wasn't explained why the angels themselves kill sinners, and the whole just why it's considered overcrowded despite not seeming bursting at the seams (especially considering all the dead bodies around-). The story makes a lot more sense too, the background of why Lucifer and Lilith are the way they are.
Adam, is fucking hilarious. Like seriously, if you can make that kind of character funny you're doing something right. Charlie is perfect, they did a really good job at making her not too innocent. Vaggie and Charlie's relationship is amazing, the fact that they're equals and all.
Angel Dust, they did a pretty good job on showing how good his mask is, yet showing the small cracks every episode. Husker's voice, I was unsure about it at first but by the 2nd episode I loved it. Alastor, perfect. The fact he's so powerful yet still wants recognition is great in showing he is human.
The three V's time!
Vox, well disregarding personal hc's for him, he is GREAT. His personality is funny, and makes so much sense, his voice actor is great, his design mwah, what else can I say?
Velvette, I fucking LOVE HER. Her accent, new design, personality, amazing! There was so little content for her I always wondered what was going to happen. Now, I can say with confidence they did her well.
Other than his voice, Val is done really well. His act in front of Charlie is perfect, and the fact that he seems to love pushing others buttons for entertainment (as shown by Vox) makes so much sense. His narcissism and abusive nature is on point.
The Overlord meeting was really cool. The characters, the way they interact, their designs and voices, love them. Alastor just being on the side is hilarious too.
As a multi shipper, I love both RadioDust and HuskerDust(and many more, basically if the ship is healthy and cute I'll probably like it) ... So I can safely say THAT DUET WAS FUCKING AMAZING-
It's so them too, the fact Husker is horrible at comforting others but still manages to, Angel at first being suspicious, only to slowly let down his walls and join in.
Charlie at Angel's place, I never expected honestly. I didn't know how I expected it to happen, but not in the studio-
Their relationship is really pure considering everything, and it's nice to see.
I think that's, about all I have for my critiques and compliments, well as much as I can give before I explode-
There's only a few things I'm gonna be disappointed if they don't talk about in the series, the main thing is how Charlie is trying to "redeem" Angel Dust by getting him off drugs, completely incorrectly-
I hope it'll be talked about- and finally, I hope Vark is going to be a thing still, the little guy was so coot.
Even if he looks completely different I'm just fine with that. He's a shark pet! What more could you want lol
Ok My head hurts I've stared at this screen for much too long.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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Any headcanons and things on Cherri Bomb?
Not much, sorry 😭. I've been pondering this question for days, but I don't know enough about her to come up with anything. Like, what's even her deal? How does she make her living? All we know is that she throws pyrotechnics around and has beefs with Pentious.
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Okay, okay, there's one thing, but that's not really mine. In ParanoidDJ's song "POP!", there's a verse:
Chasing infamy and ratings, or the money stops
Gotta hustle, work to please a greedy TV screen
And so my afterlife's a never-ending movie scene
I kind of like the idea that she works for Vox, and her job is really just to cause chaos so he always has something to report on the news. I don't think she sold her soul to him, though. Maybe she and Angel initially bonded over their mutual hate for their bosses during some party at Vees, when she found him crying in the bathroom?
I know it's kinda paradoxical that I have not enough content to come up with my own but that's just autistic brain that needs some initial rules and restrictions for reference.
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