#parasite system
en8y · 4 months
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[IMAGE ID: three horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has each flag has a blurred lesboy flag, shaped like a heart, in the center. the flag is a dark warm purple, bright pink-red, warm orange, pastel blue, warm light purple, and dark navy blue. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the left flag has these top three colors: maroon, medium red, and light red. the middle flag has these top three colors: cool medium grey, dull seafoam green, and pastel blue-purple. the right flag has these top three colors: dull dark pink, medium grey-red, and light warm grey. each flag has these bottom six stripes: dark navy blue, off-white, dark warm purple, bright pink-red, warm orange, and pastel blue. END ID.]
lesboyster: a gender connected to being a lesboy monster; this gender is connected to being a lesboy, lesboy pride, lesboy aesthetics, monster aesthetics, red-tinted forms of carricism, and nonbinary carrininity!
scilesboy: a gender connected to being a lesboy scientist; this gender is connected to being a lesboy, lesboy pride, lesboy aesthetics, scientist aesthetics, blue-tinted forms of carricism, and nonbinary carrininity!
paralesboy: a gender connected to being a lesboy parasite; this gender is connected to being a lesboy, lesboy pride, lesboy aesthetics, parasite aesthetics, purple-tinted forms of carricism, and nonbinary carrininity!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian
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neopronouns · 1 year
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monchess | chesstist | parachess
monchess: a gender connected to being a chess monster. this gender is connected to chess aesthetics, monster aesthetics, 'red-tinted' forms of carricism, and nonbinary carrinhood
chesstist: a gender connected to being a chess scientist. this gender is connected to chess aesthetics, scientist aesthetics, 'blue-tinted' forms of carricism, and nonbinary carrinhood
parachess: a gender connected to being a chess parasite. this gender is connected to chess aesthetics, parasite aesthetics, 'purple-tinted' forms of carricism, and nonbinary carrinhood
[pt: monchess: a gender connected to being a chess monster. this gender is connected to chess aesthetics, monster aesthetics, 'red-tinted' forms of carricism, and nonbinary carrinhood
chesstist: a gender connected to being a chess scientist. this gender is connected to chess aesthetics, scientist aesthetics, 'blue-tinted' forms of carricism, and nonbinary carrinhood
parachess: a gender connected to being a chess parasite. this gender is connected to chess aesthetics, parasite aesthetics, 'purple-tinted' forms of carricism, and nonbinary carrinhood. end pt]
monster/scientist/parasite system chess genders! the top three stripes and large middle stripe are from the gender system templates and the rest are from the chessaic flag.
flag id: three flags with 9 stripes, with the fifth stripe being twice as large as the rest. the left flag's stripes, in order, are dark pinkish-red, red, soft red, black, cream, very dark grey, off-white, light brown, and very dark brown. the middle flag's stripes, in order, are dull blue, cyan-grey, very light blue, black, cream, very dark grey, off-white, light brown, and very dark brown. the right flag's stripes, in order, are dark faded pinkish-red, dark dull pinkish-red, reddish-grey, black, cream, very dark grey, off-white, light brown, and very dark brown. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
dni link
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en69y · 1 year
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hypersexulister + sciehypersexulic + parahypersexulic
[IMAGE ID: three horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has a heart in two colors, the left side orange-pink, and the right side hot pink. it appears drippy. it is in the center. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the left flag has these top three colors: maroon, medium red, and light red. the middle flag has these top three colors: cool medium grey, dull seafoam green, and pastel blue-purple. the right flag has these top three colors: dull dark pink, medium grey-red, and light warm grey. each flag has these bottom six stripes: peach, off-white, pastel orange, hot pink, medium warm purple, and dark cool purple. END ID.]
hypersexulister: a gender connected to being a hypersexual monster; this gender is connected to being hypersexual, hypersexual pride, hypersexual aesthetics, monster aesthetics, red-tinted forms of carricism, and nonbinary carrinhood!
sciehypersexulic: a gender connected to being a hypersexual scientist; this gender is connected to being hypersexual, hypersexual pride, hypersexual aesthetics, scientist aesthetics, blue-tinted forms of carricism, and nonbinary carrinhood!
parahypersexulic: a gender connected to being a hypersexual parasite; this gender is connected to being hypersexual, hypersexual pride, hypersexual aesthetics, parasite aesthetics, purple-tinted forms of carricism, and nonbinary carrinhood!
colors referenced from/inspired by @epikulupu's hypersexual flag!
op is hypersexual, and is allowed to cope in silly gender ways. don't clown on this post.
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Parasite Whistleblower - All Women's hospital.. Most diseases are really parasites!? 🤔
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ef-1 · 1 year
I'm like. just thinking about how dystopian it is that Vogue, undisputedly the most influential fashion magazine in the world, who's demographic (according to Mediascope TSN) is split at approximately 80%/20% people who identify as women to people who identify as men would churn out an issue about women in motorsport, an actually grotesquely under-represented minority in that field.
BUT instead of shedding light on women who are ACTUALLY involved in motorsport in ANY meaningful capacity, they put a turbo fascist nepo baby on the cover whose claim to fame is being some guys daughter and some dudes girlfriend and whose last two visits to the spotlight involved a fascism scandal and a racism scandal and had her cosplay as a driver then proceeded to crown her the princess of motorsport whatever the fuck that means. it's not even satirical bc the irony is laid on too heavily
we sure do live in a society
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turnstechgodhead · 4 months
ok to the anon thats talkin w me about mental eelness and bro and the "knight of time" line:
id post your entire ask but its Very Long and im struggling to answer all of it in a way that isnt fucking with my head and anxiety so im going to answer with only the character analysis stuff HERE on this post my apologies
for the record i dont even remotely know how to begin tagging this mess down here and i really think itd be better suited for my nsfw blog but yall aint asking about this on that blog which is fair take care of yourselves
JSYK it's stuff about brocal/intrusive thoughts about inc st and c s a SO kids please avert your eyes for my comfort thank YOU
i dont personally have ocd afaik but as someone who Has intrusive thoughts (actual horrifying ones that dirk, gabe and i have to beat back with a stick, not the ones kids think are intrusive thoughts today)
i definitely think that's how bro approaches raising dave; overcompensating for the accusations from his mind and cal[iborn] leading to total icing him out
okay same anon who was asking abt the “i was raising the knight of time” line. you saying “caliborn made [bro] believe that platonic affection is in fact not platonic at all and is instead sexual[the implications when bro is constantly carrying around cal with his arms around his neck btw. insane.]” is fascinating. is this based off the fact that caliborn thinks even hugging or a kiss on the cheek is “filthy?” it makes me think about ocd/bipolar disorder/misc mental illnesses and intrusive thoughts. i have bipolar and im a huge softie for kids but my intrusive thoughts sometimes try to convince me that my affection is somehow sinister.
YES very much
i need to describe to you my thoughts on brocal really quick bc i think that'll help put it in perspective and idk how else to talk about it;
heres the thing
cal is both bro's boyfriend and his fucking family okay
imagine you're a kid and you have this puppet friend that speaks to you using silly words and tells you that you should eat glass maybe :) or cut your fingers off or tear off your own head and hes the only thing thats taking care of you as a person even if hes mean
he tells you that people touching is inappropriate and vulgar and he cant believe theyre doing that in public (but its okay if we hug and cuddle you know?)
but also as you grow up this puppet starts calling you weird shit like stud or hunky or what the hell ever and maybe. youre going to kiss him
this puppet is the only thing you care about because hes the only thing that cares about you youve been with him for years and years and he talks to you and hes all that matters and now youre obsessed with him and you dont know when that happened but you have an obsessive personality anyway
youll do anything for him. (let me kill for you)
hes the only person you love because you dont love roxy this way (consuming, overwhelming, obligating to do what he wants, because he's all you have)
and well shit
if cals telling you that youre a freak for wanting to cuddle on the baby like you did that once (call it the knight it helps keep your distance) then i guess you're a fucking freak because its not even your right to treat it as family anyway; it's bigger than you. it's more than you will ever be and you need to make sure it doesn't fucking die and apparently that involves at least a little bit of affection cal please understand(what a disgusting species)
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the-fictive-haven · 26 days
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secattention · 3 months
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lethalcontracts · 2 months
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simple mini reference for canary and rootball.
canary [left] was the first crewmate to come into contact with the rootball entity and went missing. months later his old crew found him shambling about the facility; unfortunately for them, it was no longer canary in that suit but instead a voracious root system of unknown origins.
The single crewman that made it out alive reported it to the company as a new entity by the name of Rootball; research is still ongoing and not much else has been documented.
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vryivs · 4 months
I always forget that monarchists exist and then I see someone with the username duchessofmyheartforever or williamisababe posting about how it's mean to giggle at an ultrarich economic leech experiencing just a fraction of struggle and inconvenience (because lets be honest, he probably wont kick the bucket—his doctors are paid to keep his corpse animated long after it ceases to be humane)
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bootheng · 2 months
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the sleeper………..
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en8y · 8 months
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lepidoister + scilepidoic + paralepidoic
[IMAGE ID: three horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has a simple icon of a moth, in a black outline, in the center. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the left flag has these top three colors: maroon, medium red, and light red. the middle flag has these top three colors: cool medium grey, dull seafoam green, and pastel blue-purple. the right flag has these top three colors: dull dark pink, medium grey-red, and light warm grey. each flag has these bottom six stripes: pastel green, off-white, light warm yellow, warm medium pink, light dull purple, and medium grey-brown. END ID.]
lepidoister: a gender connected to being a moth monster; this gender is connected to moths, moth aesthetics, monster aesthetics, red-tinted forms of carricism, and nonbinary carrinhood!
scilepidoic: a gender connected to being a moth scientist; this gender is connected to moths, moth aesthetics, scientist aesthetics, blue-tinted forms of carricism, and nonbinary carrinhood!
paralepidoic: a gender connected to being a moth parasite; this gender is connected to moths, moth aesthetics, parasite aesthetics, purple-tinted forms of carricism, and nonbinary carrinhood!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @browzerhistory @electrosaccharine
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spearxwind · 1 year
what's your favourite most ominous scary species or OC you've created and why?
OH I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT TO ANSWER. Obviously like... I have my big main ominous guys (Adri & midas, who are scary as fuck) but I'm always talking about them
BUT AS FOR SPECIES...... I think about my bloodworms a lot.
It's quite an old concept, from a dream I had years and years ago (in which the infection happened to me). They are basically like.. parasites that live the initial phase of their life cycle in the hosts blood stream. They infect a host by leaving around very small, flat shells with a hook on them, in places with tall/thick grass, and these shells stick to the host upon passing, if the contact is with skin the juvenile worm inside the shell will burrow into the host and into the bloodstream.
Upon reaching adulthood, once they start clogging the veins of the host, they will violently rip themselves out using a spike on their front. If the host only has a few of them, then it's no big deal, but the worms tend to all leave at the same time and all at once, so if the host is riddled with them (as I was, in my dream), all of them will violently spike out of wherever they choose to exit, completely decimating the area (it is very painful)
here's some old ass art of it I made way back when (2017):
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I honestly miss this concept SUPER often cause it is so fucking cool and literally lives in my head rent free, but I never really found a proper place to put them in. I might actually have one now though!!! So I might get to use these sometime in the future :]
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takemetoa-library · 1 month
Some of y'all want to defeat capitalism and fascism but can't defeat your own instinct to be "cool" on social media
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airagorncharda · 1 year
Scum Villain is just "the implications of this worldbuilding are FUCKING HORRIFYING, here's a dick joke for reparations"
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lethalcontracts · 2 months
Asks are still closed for the time being, but you can ask about Rootball/The Affliction if you want!
Ill try as best i can, but because this is a parasite, I'll be putting a trigger warning just in case!!
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