#parental xiaoven
vampirellax · 2 years
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stardustdiiving · 1 year
I would read your zhongxiao codependent yuri Like, I do generally picture them as a vaguely father/son dynamic BUT THAT IS NOT CANON. It's just as much fun to view them through a romantic interpretation! Idk why people can't view the same characters in different kinds of relationships without being weird about it.
Anyway I love your vision and would love to hear more about it lakdjs
THANK U SO MUCH Im not sure if I’m gonna write zx in the future since I’ve tended to be shy about posting my stuff relating to them for over a yr now, but I did post this fic with them last year while trying to get a hold on how to write them (mind the tags it’s pure angst omg). I was too shy to tag it as ship since it didn’t feel shippy enough, which is kind of funny to me in hindsight bc I reread it and am like. Man I think only a zx shipper would write this NUFNVJVJV
Post got kind of lot Im gonna go on a tangent about them under the cut
Honestly my theory for why ppl r very set on the father/son interpretation is everyone’s immediate thought on to how to make the power imbalance between them seem less uncomfortable is to apply a parental interpretation to it. Which is fine ofc, I get it, but the way ppl push it as canon a lot kind of grates on me a little bc they’re usually incredibly passive aggressive and pushy even if u clearly designate ur post as ship OTL
Also not really a fan of the characterizations either since ppl tend to treat Xiao like a moody teenager Zhongli has to reel in (this is hilariously reminiscent of the post I made about how ppl handle scaramouche and nahida a bit ago haha). And idk I just feel kind of polarized about the headcanon overall bc I associate it with people being really uncomfortable and frustrating about zx
I just like how there’s sort of an imbalance to them, some zxs like them being more fluffy and functional but I sort of like it where it’s not like, entirely dysfunctional but I’m prioritizing a specific kind of character study over romance. This tends to be how a lot of my ships go ngl I just sometimes enjoy the intensity/intimacy of romantic feelings thrown into the mix if it makes it interesting but I’m not often interested in a lot of my ships following more standard romance plots(?) I guess? Unless it’s specific ones. Which sounds clinical when I put it like that but this is just bc I am very aromantic NHFBVJVJ
When I say codependency in zhongxiao honestly it’s sort of a theoretical(?) codependency—not sure how to word it? I think Xiao would be really fucked up if he didn’t have Zhongli in his life suddenly but I don’t think his relationship with getting attached to people invokes what people would majorly think of when they think of codependency in a ship I suppose. It’s moreso I just feel Xiao could be at his worst with dehumanizing himself in comparison to other people with Zhongli, because said mental state is driven by how he feels about debt, service, and duty which are very closely tied with devotion and how he would feel about someone he considers his god and leader, as well as someone who saved him
It’s fun this is paired with Zhongli who generally knows how to work with Xiao kind of understands the self destructive depth Xiao’s loyalty/devotion comes with. Also fun they have been around each other for a very long time and Xiao as one of the adepti is familiar with the past I think Zhongli appreciates having around. They work but it’s also a case where Zhongli is in such a position of power over Xiao its kind of very delicate situation that’s hard for both of them to navigate. Which is fun to explore. I esp love contrasting it with other Xiao pairings (actually i think i still have that xiaoven fic up on my ao3 where I tried to convey a specific interpretation of them in a similar exploration vein too)
I totally get why people wouldn’t like it (I feel a lot of my opinions on xiao ships just clash with a lot of fandom consensus so bad all the time And it’s just bc I’m like this I’m not even trying to be contrarian or anything. HELDINCJD) but I just tend to handle shipping in a specific way. It’s not I don’t enjoy fluffy or lighthearted zl and xiao stuff I actually enjoy it a lot I just like there being layers. This makes it feel more impactful when I think about how Zhongli looks out for Xiao in canon or how Xiao gets like textually flustered talking to him (lantern rite 2023 was so tailored to my tastes it’s not even funny)
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kavvueh · 5 months
imagine if i actually finished that heartbreaking hanahaki xiaoven wip......... or the parent trap haikaveh wip.......... imagine
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kaerichan-yatta · 2 years
we arrived at her country before her (we left ours around 7 am and arrived earlier lmao) and as soon as she saw me she started waving, but the excitement was way too much to handle and we ended up running to each other for hugging.
when we entered into the pavilion, we already saw some cosplayer (TWO FRIENDS WERE DOING XIAOVEN SHIP THEY WERE SO CUTE I'M STILL THINKING ABOUT VENTI HAVING THE BOTTLE OF WINE LMAO) and we took A LOT of photos
meanwhile she kept literally hugging and squeezing me every five minutes i guess and since we decided to do our makeup as venti (me) and xiao (her) someone thought we were cosplaying xiaoven and asked us to pose for a picture lol
many of you might not know cause this is going on only on my wattpad, but i'm a huge Hawks fan/simp/kin/EVERYTHING
so i had the chance too meet an Hawks cosplayer (help he was so pretty) and after i took the pic, he said that if i wanted to post the pic I could have tagged him and he left me his instagram
HE LEFT ME A FEATHER WITH A TICKET (on which his instagram was written), I'M STILL SPARLKING IN JOY.😭
anyways, after me simping harder than never, we went to eat and she had the courage to eat everything she had on the plate (my sis has been trought eating disorder and her body is really thin so she asked me for help). i'm so proud of her <3
after this we decided it was time to buy something
so we found a stall FULL, AND I SAY FULL of posters of different animes and genshin too, i may have taken the opportunity... (shopping item under the cut)
we also met an Ayato cosplayer as we were drinking bubble tea lmao
when it was time for me to go, she went completely off, and i understand her
it's not everyday that my parents agree to bring me 157 kilometers away from my country, even if it's for my relatives
so she stood up from where we were sitting and hugged me as she cried
this literally tore my heart to pieces, the worst is that i thought it was another simple hug and i realized when i felt her tummy tremble againist mine
but i promised her that we would meet again (probably around Christmas!!) and she calmed down, even if still crying a little, then we said goodbye and i left for going back to my country
and YES, for the ones that were waiting...yes. i t-worded her. :)
she actually has got ticklish lowerthighs like m- ...^^
shush, you heard nothing. byee ^^
(shopping items as promised)
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+the feather cause
reason 1 you already know
reason 2 i'm a simp🌚
have a good day/night!!<33
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celestialstar3 · 2 years
Prompt: Colours (but Xiaoven ver.)
realised that i could post ficlets here LMAO i always had no idea where to post my short stories HAHAHA
this is a random prompt that i got and i made it my challenge to make it xiaoven :D
Xiao was terrified of colours.
It was pathetic, really, how he was scared of something the world perceived as beautiful and alluring, something that would be stuck to him for his entire life, something that painted every single corner of the world in its brilliant hues.
And while he could admit that colours could be beautiful at times, it was not, for the most part. He spent more time fearing and avoiding it instead of admiring it, finding comfort in neutral shades of black and grey. Many of the different hues were too bright, too radiant and sharp, always pricking and stabbing pain into his eyes every time he did so much as stare at it. While others marvelled, he always felt panic setting into his veins, igniting a command that ordered him to pick and choose — flight or fight.
He always chose flight.
It was made even worse when he could see colour along with the sounds in his life, colour that no one else can see except for his cursed eyes. He never understood why it was always so overwhelming, so suffocating. He could feel a boiling hot scarlet spilling over him every time someone screamed in anger. A dark, navy blue coiling and tightening around his neck every time someone cried in despair. Purple that closed in fast into him every time he heard disgust in judgemental whispers, even if the judgement was not for himself.
“He has visual sensory overload, along with synesthesia, which is what I suspect that made it worse,” he heard the doctor tell his parents once, the murky pink of pity lining his words. But those words and explanations for his condition did not even begin to cover the pain that he felt, the suffering that he had to live with forever. That diluted pink with barely a tinge of sincerity or actual sympathy could not help him at all.
The most the doctor could do for him was get him a pair of sunglasses, to turn his world from a bright, messy, and colourful world into a dull one. Of course, it never prevented the colours in his mind from appearing, but at least the world he saw was duller. Calmer. Comforting.
Of course, there was always talk surrounding him at school because of this, and it was always with that same dull pink that he saw back at the doctor’s. Some were upset for him because he would never experience the world’s full beauty. Xiao himself, however, felt that it was just fine and not a really big deal.
It was better this way. It wasn’t like he could ever understand the concentrated colours of this world anyway.
But little did he know, he eventually did.
It started with a boy named Venti.
It was the explosion of yellow in his mind that woke Xiao up from his morning slumber. When he slowly lifted his eyes, he could hear the excited, buzzing chatter that shattered fragments of bright gold around him, unforgiving of their assault on his eyes. He quickly closed them shut again, but even in the darkness he could see them like the unwanted rays of sun.
“Exchange student?”
“Oh my god, a new student? I wonder how they look…”
“You got to be kidding me!”
In the end, Xiao chose to clasp his hands over his ears instead, shutting the rest of the world out. The yellow soon faded away, returning him the comforting black that he yearned.
It was easy to slip back into his slumber, being unable to see or hear anything, but just as he was about to drop back into the depths of oblivion, something poked his hand, making him instinctively move his hand away from his ear.
“Hi?” was the first thing he heard.
Xiao immediately sat right up.
It was soft, the colours of the voice swirling slowly into his sight instead of forcing its way into his vision, forming the gentle hues of curious sea-green and friendly cerulean. It was unlike the way colours used to splat forcefully into his mind. Surprisingly, he felt as if the colours were pulling him into a hug, instead of a suffocating choke like it usually did.
He turned to his side to see a completely stranger face, smiling at him, the brightness of his grin bypassing the shade of Xiao’ sunglasses.
“You are…”
“The exchange student! I introduced myself in front of the class just now, did you miss it?” His cheerfulness would have imploded a wave of colours into Xiao’ senses by now, but the yellow that came with his voice was neither sudden yet painful to watch.
“Sorry. So, what is your name again?” Xiao asked absent-mindedly, staring at the almost foreign colour that hovered right by him. When was the last time he could ever look at bright yellow like this?
“Venti.” Xiao slowly widened as the other said his name. In that moment, he could see a mix of hues tied to his name that went together perfectly, for the first time in his life. Most of the time, colours crash. Yet here, his name incited a deep oceanic blue, a soft green emerald, swirling and intertwining with each other to make a shade that he could never name.
Jade? Greenish-blue? Or azure, like what people described the sky to be? Maybe he never came close in justifying its hue, but all he knew in that moment was how those colours enveloped him in its beauty. Beauty that he would have never thought he would ever experience.
“Venti,” Xiao repeated.
Being his deskmate, Venti slowly became his closest friend. Over the weeks, he slowly learned about Xiao’ condition, and understood. Not only that, he always went out of his way to describe to him how beautiful things looked — like the sun, the stars, the moon, the sea — everything that was worth him knowing.
There never was once he saw the dull pink of pity, only a light shade of blue for his understanding, concern, and his sympathy. There never was once he felt hot red anger, devastating dark blue, or the disgusting purple of disdain and impatience from him. There never was once he failed to see the beauty of his colours, of emerald green and sparkling blue, of pastel bright yellow that did nothing but bring him warmth.
It was the first time Xiao ever yearned for colour.
Sure, there was still unwashed fear lingering within him, but he found that he wanted to hear Venti speak and laugh, so that he could watch colours seep into his bleak life. Venti helped him add a stroke of life into his unassuming, dull palette, opening him up to yearn for the world that he used to be unable to bear.
And he had a daring thought one day, while walking home with Venti. He was busy describing the way the autumn leaves looked.
He wanted to be able to take off his glasses one day and see the world without flinching or squinting, without running away. He wanted to see the world through Venti’s eyes, to experience the same beauty that he experienced, even though it might be painful for him. To see the bright rays of the sun. The relaxing, warm colours of autumn. The light azure of the clear sky.
It was the first time Xiao wanted to try.
“Venti,” he called out his name, tasting the green that swirled on his tongue. The boy turned around to face him, confused.
Xiao reached up, and pulled the dark glasses off.
The moment he did, colour assaulted his eyes from every corner of his vision, and he stumbled back, instinctively shutting his eyes. He could feel hands gripping his shoulders to prevent him from falling, Venti shouting his name in the soft orange of worry.
He peeled open his eyes, just a little bit, to find Venti’s face right in front of him, in full colour.
Jade green twinkled in his eyes, the same hue as the one associated with his name, and cerulean poured down the tips of his two braids, the very same colour that always wrapped his vision with comfort.
Xiao laughed. He never felt so happy before seeing colour.
“You’re right,” he breathed. “Colour is beautiful.”
(should I put this on AO3? 👀)
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lodish · 1 year
looks at you. genshin. for the ask games :3 or end roll
hiiii frifri :3 friday yayyyyyyyy i will do both because im resident normal
for genshie:
favorite guy: Um. well, so venti isnt really a guy hes more like a thing. but yeah venti is my favorite. so.
favorite pairing: If i think about xiaoven too hard i feel like someone has shot me in the head and im gonna bleed out and die. so i guess you could say i like them
least fav character: ayato is so fucking boring does anyone even gaf about him😭😭😭 sorry to ayato fans please get better men
who’s most like me:
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most attractive: giggles. Kazuha. smiles so normally <- MENTALLY ILLhes so attractive sorry god i love how gentle he is its so hotCAN SOMEONE GET THIS GUY OFF OF THE POSThes very special to me and iGET OFF THE FUCKING POST i just think hes really hot because of how caring and sweet heGUARDS??? GUARDS SOMEONE GET THIS CUNT OFF THE FUCKING POST
three more characters that I like: Ok well get this i love xiao and yoimiya and heizou and lyney lynette freminet and albedo and wanderer and nahida and kaveh and ok so like ok well so i also quite like a lot of characters so
for end roll:
favorite pairing: um. theres no ships in this game really id say i like pairing Russell with Love And Happiness :)
least fav character: Ok well so get this. I hope russells parents die and go to hell and die and go to hell and die and g
who’s most like me: um. probably gardenia!! :3 i like her quite a bit shes very special to me
most attractive: Kantera. Just One Chance. Please
three more characters that i like: ok well i like everyone in that game but i quite like the informant, tabasa, and mireille… yayyyyy :3
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leafyduckwebs · 3 months
We may have different reasons and I'm. I shall explain myself but I see Venti as just very...????? I can't verbalize myself well rn because I just got out of something grueling (and if this fly doesn't leave me alone it had best be prepared to face the wrath of a god.) I see Venti as quite literally just a wisp of wind. A bit of wind. He's a wisp of anemo playing pretend, molding himself into the body of a human he was attached to in some form. He's just very? Non human to me. How would the wind feel attracted to anything? I see him in a similar light to HSR's aeons, more like a concept than a normal person tbh
And Venti shippers are cool no hate, Zhongven comics always make me laugh sjsjsj
YAY SHARED HC SHARED HC !!! You're not even my only genshin friend who's an aroace Venti truther....I'm like a magnet for cool based people,,,,,
Tbh I always viewed Venti as aroace but I didn't realize it for a bit at first. Like whenever I stumbled upon ship art or anything sexualizing him as a new player I was like "Nuh uh 🤨 this is NOT a vibe 😐👎👎 Boo 🍅🍅!!!"
OK YOUR REASONING WITH HIM BEING THE WIND IS SO COOL !! MIGHT STEAL IT IDK. I mainly see him as aroace because I can't see him having romantic or sexual feelings at all tbh. I just do not see it. Also a lot of his character is based of platonic love and I don't wanna overshadow that with shipping. This guy IS platonic love and found family personified. I love seeing art/fics/voicelines/quests/etc that just show him loving everything around him.
To me he loves and adores every Mondstadt character like a parent would with their child because they literally are his children in a way. This man took down a tyrant for his best friend and took on said friend's form so he could create a better future. As a god he literally changed the geography to make his land more comfortable for the people iirc. He loves Aether/Lumine as a friend and will absolutely accept them as one of his own if they wanted. He and Hu Tao are chaos besties fr fr. I don't see him loving Xiao as much, but he does care about him even though they never talk.
Zhongven is the only romantic ship of his I tolerate because they have a very good long standing relationship and old man yaoi is sacred :)
Also this isn't exactly a reason why he's aroace to me, but I don't ship him partly because I don't like some of his fandom. 90% of them are cool ofc, but sometimes genuinely what the hell is even happening over there!? Like after 4.4, some loud xiaoven shippers started harassing xiaoaether artists and that left a bad taste in my mouth for xiaoven permanently tbh. DON'T GET ME WRONG they're generally very cool but every character and ship has unhinged fans AAJKDSLKJD
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limerancy-fics · 2 years
really super important question I can't get out of my head
How would dvalin and zhongli (or all other chraters) react to xv presenting their baby/babies
dvalin is probably the best babysitter for these lil fuckers in mondstadt. maybe the best overall, just bc he has strong enough anemo powers to keep them from causing TOO much mischief. depending on his relationship with xiao, dvalin will either be immediately and obviously obsessed w the kids (bc venti is his bff) or immediately obsessed but trying to hide it (bc venti is his bff n he's keeping an eye on xiao). he's SOOO happy for venti though, bc venti is so happy and radiant and it's obvious in the way he looks at his kids (and husband). dvalin swears he will do everything in his power to protect these kids for as along as he shall live
zhongli is. happy for them. he is also absolutely not good with kids whatsoever. he's concerned about having more mini ventis running around, but he can see how happy the little family is. and he is absolutely one of the worst people to possibly babysit. i love the guy, but he just would not be good at it, esp if they're little little. he probably knew beforehand. likely, xiao and venti went to him for assistance with finding some kind of adepti art or smthn that could allow them to have children. so he's very happy for them!!!
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vixenofthemist · 4 years
If Guizhong's not Xiao's Mom then WHO is going to be the person who embarrasses him and keeps referring to Venti as "that nice music boy" who should "be invited over more :)" huh?? Answer me that canon
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linkerbell · 4 years
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I personified my seelie and made a xiaoven kid. :D This was the only way- Neither Xiao or Venti would be good parents lets be real here, we needed something 100% independent, doesn’t eat, poop, optional sleep and just happened to look like the wind boyfriends in a blender.
Naois is my boy who follows around Venti and Nellie is @buttonheart ‘s girl that follows Xiao. UvU
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kalzer · 3 years
Genshin Impact - my Idol AU ver pt. 1
- This is my own version of idol AU. I did take some insperations while wandering through the fandom. Ex: twitter@veechu_ ; twitter@fey_cia ; tumblr@raibzz
- I'm not a native English speaker, and my English is not that good so sorry beforehand
- These are random thoughts about this AU. I have been hyped about this AU for a while now
- I will add when I have more ideas
- I try to write a fic about this AU. However it's in my mother language, and it won't be fast since I'm really busy 😭
- I only ship XiaoVen for this AU, however other couples do have hints
Mondstadt entertainment company
Manager: Jean
Assistances (?): Amber, Noelle
Venti (main vocal)
Used to be in a famous group names Der Himmel with his twin brother
At that time, he used Barbatos as his artist name
Unfortunately, his twin brother had an accident and has been in comma since then (fans do NOT know about this, and the reason Der Himmel disband is still a mystery)
Has talent, like, god-blessed music talent. He can compose his own songs
After a long time of disappearing, he came back to the industry with hope of bringing his songs to fans
Has high alcohol tolerance, but also like to go over that limit
After 4NEMO being successed, members are finally allowed to have a solo album. And in this album, Venti use all of his old songs. The ones that he composed in his darkest time.
Fans can guess some general ideas about his twin brother's situation, but with all due respect, they don't ask
At first, Venti didn't notice that Xiao pays more attention to him since the solo album was out. Eventually, he knows
When he finally finds out his emotion toward Xiao, he writes a love song
However, Xiao misunderstands and starts to avoid Venti ('cause he thinks he's be a way of Venti's love)
Venti grabs Xiao'a collar and says: "this is my love song for you, you dumbass"
Even though he'a scared of cats, he likes to think Xiao as a cat
He likes to make his soon-to-be boyfriend blush
Sings for Xiao everytime he has nightmares
Xiao (rapper)
Likes wearing black or dark clothes
Knew Venti since he was still in his old group, and fell in love since then
Venti's songs cure him in his darkest time
Studies music like crazy to follow Venti's footsteps
An orphan. Lucky that he ran away from human trafficking at the young age
Even though knows that Der Himmel disbanded, Xiao still joins in Venti's old company. Luckyly, he becomes a member of 4NEMO with Venti
Before decide to be an idol, he was popular underground artist with the code name Alatus
Good at chords and rhythm. Become a good pair with Venti at composing songs and melodies. (Mostly play guitar)
Has many tattoos and earrings
After hearing songs from Venti's solo album and roughly guess what have happened, he begins to care Venti more
Is NOT the one who makes the first move, but Xiao unconsciously and clearly shows his feelings
Not good at expressing feelings, but somehow Venti's still figuring it out
The first time Venti confess, Xiao did NOT accept it because he was ashamed of his past. Then, slowly, he finally accepts Venti's love for him
Kazuha (visual, sub vocal)
Becomes an idol because of his long gone friend's wish
Fans know the reason why Kazuha becomes an idol, and he personally not try to hide it
Rich boy but like to be normal, not show off
There is a rumor that his parents works in this industry too. And he becomes popular because somebody supports him behind. Which is NOT truth. He does not have any link with his parents anymore
Aether (leader, dancer)
Brother of popular soloist - Lumine
Has a little bit of sis-con
Kind, easy-going
Becomes famous after his sister mentioned him on TV show
Avoid talking about parents
Debut at the young age
Go with strong girl vibe, but she can change to other vibes if she wants
Many other idols are her fan: Childe, Xinyan, Barbara,... -> Aether turns on sis-con mode, espicially with Childe
No info about parents relationship
(Secret) Jean's younger sister
Go with romantic, girly, cute vibe
Often harassed by stalkers and crazy fans
Always has guards
Also a fan of Barbatos, but somehow she doesn't recognize Venti is Barbatos
Old Der Himmel
Used to be global band, really famous
Same period with L/YUE
Brought cheerful songs, but with national, cultural, and traditional characteristics
Composed musics together
passionate about music since childhood, joined the company together (insperate from AKMU)
Had Zhongli as manager
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royal-ruin · 2 years
genshin fic recs (part 14)
other genshin fic recs here personal favorites are starred, by the way. everything is complete unless stated otherwise.
xiao | alatus / venti | barbados
Immortally Yours by SummonerGirl7_7 (~8k)
Every night, Xiao dreams of an angel.
Each memory slips out of his grasp, along with a face he cannot name.
The wheel of fate continues to turn.
(Genshin Impact Reincarnation AU. Can be read as a standalone.)
*shall we skate by lancede (~6k)
[The skateboard is pressed harder into Xiao's chest. Xiao's frozen in place — he’s not sure what to do. According to the unspoken rules of the park, he has to accept this guy's challenge.
But Xiao doesn't skate anymore. Everyone knows that.
"Venti, go home. You’re drunk," Kaeya hisses.]
(aka xiaoven but it's a competitive skateboarding AU)
kamisato ayato / thoma 
*i only feel you when you're gone by threenutters (~16k)
[“Give it back!” He screams, begging, pleading. The Shogun tilts Her head. The spear sails weakly past her ear without even touching Her skin.
Her hand lifts towards Her chest. The hilt of an electric sword forms from holy dust under Her fingertips. Cold, brilliant fire gathers around Her in dark waves.
“No.” She says, and then the lightning arcs down in a deadly wave, striking dead-centre across his shoulders and surging down his torso like water hurtling down a cliff.
Thoma loses himself in a shriek and all-consuming static.]
The Traveler comes too late. Thoma's vision is taken. The story continues.
for you i have so many words by glimmerkeith (~4k)
["For a few agonizing moments, it seems that Ayato can’t find any words at all…but when he does, his voice is speaking with a kind of fear staining it that Thoma has never heard before, not even in the days after both his parents died so suddenly and left him the head of the clan. “I thought…Thoma, when Ayaka came flying into the house, I thought…I’d lost—” “Never. Never, Ayato. I swore that.”']
After so many years in Inazuma, Thoma's true home is a person and not a place.
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odysseys-end · 3 years
- xiaoven drabble
"Where's Lumine?" That was the first thing Venti's soon-to-be husband asks. 
Naturally. She was supposed to be his bride in the first place. That is, until Venti stepped in to bridge the damages caused by her sudden marriage to one Childe of Snezhnaya. A childish response to a parent's decision. 
Venti had told her so. Aether had told her so. But Lumine simply did not want to listen, and so she basically gave a huge middle finger to Xiao and Liyue and Mondstadt– everything in general before fleeing with the love of her life and hosting the grandest last minute wedding celebration over in the country of ice and snow. 
It was a beautiful celebration, Venti can't lie to himself about it. One that will put his own to shame. Granted, the decorations and the overall atmosphere wasn't his to decide. All of them were products of the twins' parents as well as Xiao's. The beauty of it felt too stiff and formal, functioning much like how anyone would expect a marriage between two heirs.  
Xiao cleared his throat, directing a pointed look straight at him. Oh, right. He asked a question and Venti, like an idiot, forgot all about it. 
"Lumine is… uh." Venti stammered, struggling to come up with an excuse. How had this guy not heard the news yet? It is basically the hottest trending topic in TeyvatNews. 
Glancing around the expansive ballroom, Venti tried to spot Aether. The older twin had volunteered to stay behind, to do damage control alongside Venti because he had the foresight to know the extent of Lumine's impact with her spontaneity.
"Well?" Xiao prompted. He's beginning to sound impatient now, his fingers flexing where they were curled around his biceps. Venti followed the movement with wistfulness in his eyes. A throat cleared, Venti's head shot up to be greeted with an unamused expression.
Well, in the first place, how does one break the news that their supposed bride eloped with someone else and that someone else is the beloved son of the queen. Venti is at an impasse here. The only reason why Xiao's parents allowed him to get married to their son was because Aether refused to, saying that he would rather not embarrass their son twice because he did not love him. 
Where is Aether? 
"You see, Xiao… about that, haha. You see, there's been an issue–" A hand clamps over his mouth, and he's grown up with the constant presence of the twins to know that it's Aether who shut him up. The older twin's grip isn't strong enough to hurt but it is enough to deliver a message. 
Slowly, he's pulled backward until he is flush against Aether. Glancing upward, a handsome smirk is resting on the blonde's face. Venti squints at him nastily before throwing his gaze around the room to see if anyone is looking at their direction. They were near enough to be recognized but the distance is good enough to be unable to tell what exactly is going on. 
"Ah, Alatus." Aether begins. 
"Don't call me that." Xiao bit back angrily. 
Aether drops his hand from Venti's mouth, satisfied that his friend isn't making any noise of complaint, curling it instead around his waist. Then he continues: "My sister has always been rebellious, surely you must know that. She can't stand being forced into something." He sounds mean. That isn't something Venti's accustomed to hearing from his friend. 
"She's out of the country now. But why bother her when you're married to someone else now?" A cross look danced across Xiao's face before it smoothed away, leaving behind that impenetrable mask of disinterest. The same mask that Xiao used to gaze upon Venti the moment he entered the venue.
"We aren't married yet." Xiao reminds Aether.
"The only good news I've heard all day." Aether replies quickly. Venti feels himself being dragged along with Aether when his best friend starts to leave. "If you'll excuse us, we'll have to prepare."
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genshin-scenarios · 3 years
Masterlist: Individual Characters
These are works that only feature one character per post! Ones with emojis behind them are headcanons.
Masterlist for: Mixed Characters here!
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💚 With a Traveler!Reader 💚 Fashion AU 💚 Hydro Archon AU
💚 When he raises you as his own (adopted!reader, platonic) 💚 With a hermit + time-traveler friend 💚 Crushes 💚 ‘Your Name' (Kimi no Na wa) AU
Morning Comes - you’ve left Mondstadt to continue on your journey, includes references to the first archon quest
Not feeling like his usual self... - comfort for venti on his birthday, after he’s drunk a little too much
With a spirit-turned-human reader - you’ve recently gained a human form, but it seems that blending in will be a little harder than you anticipated... 
Back to Mondstadt - you visit after traveling in Inazuma, it seems that Venti prefers you in a color other than purple
Wind Spirit Friends - if Barbatos trusts you, so can they! 
Just Like a Flower - (collab)  Petals Meet a Flame - (collab part 2)
Just One Picture, Or Two (Modern Band AU) - taking pictures during autumn together
Venti x Adventurer!Reader (feat. wingman Aether) - what are they getting up to in the week leading up to valentines?
Angel AU: XiaoVen x GN!Reader - whereas the three of you are guardian angels!
Steps to fall for you - ongoing series (Xiaoven x reader) - modern au where reader is an idol manager, but xiaoven aren’t idols here, so it’s fine if they get into trial-dating shenanigans, right? 
❤️ Thief x Detective AU ❤️ Soulmate AU (hearing each other’s thoughts in your heads)
The Festive Season - winters with him tend to be warmer than not
Playing With His Hair - he lets you tie it into a braid!
A Season for Flowers - you surprise him with a gift during the windblume festival
To Pierce a Masquerade - part 1 of a manhwa inspired nobility AU, which was supposed to be a series, but um...
Kiss Day - you agreed to take things slow, but was it so bad for you to want a proper kiss from him?
Asexual!Reader - comfort after a rejection from someone else, platonic
To Share a Dance With You - the three times you danced with him! 
Getting home late... - he finds you fast asleep with his coat as a blanket 
Teammates, In Two Senses (college AU) - you and Diluc are online friends that often game together, but one day you find out he goes to the same university as you!
💙 When the Reader has two different sides to them... 💙 Him as a Parent... 💙 With a shy and sensitive s/o... 💙 Camping with Kaeya!
Late Hours - he’s drinking alone, lamenting over his insecurities in opening up to you (angst)
Glass Feathers - kaeya angst, but receives comfort from the reader! Cinderella themed, in a sense
Devil!Kaeya - you confess your feelings to him and try to run away. it’s a good thing Kaeya is good at roping you back into his arms, though
Kiss Day - playing windtrace together, with Kaeya as the hunter
Casting a Line... - modern AU, where a planned proposal unfortunately led to a misunderstanding, but is salvaged by the end
🌻 Flower Shop AU (additional headcanons in reblogs) 🌻 Catboy for a Week
An Avoided Accident - you’re thankfully spared from Albedo bringing a landscape painting to life
Soft Massages - he gives you a massage! (SFW)
Butler + 🍰 - a curious novel caught his attention, and he wanted to act out a scene
The Way One Acts - you mentioned you were curious about what he’d be like with a different personality, but probably should’ve thought twice before planting such an idea in his head
🌼 General Dating Headcanons
💜 Cafe AU - modern setting, he learns how to make latte art!
🔥 Kiss Day - you give him a kiss on the cheek!
❄️ Music - dancing together in an abandoned building
💫 Aether & Lumine Fashion AU
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💛 General Relationship Headcanons 💛 Shopping with him (modern AU) 💛 When you're an artist! 💛 More Dating Headcanons!
Demon/Angel AU - demon prince Zhongli!
For Good Luck... - every time you enter a new nation and unlock its first statue of the seven, Zhongli is reminded of who you really are; a traveler from another world, who will leave Teyvat eventually.
🐳 When you & Zhongli keep talking on and on... 🐳 With a guarded reader that won’t open up 🐳 Royalty AU 🐳 As the reader’s brother-figure... (platonic) 🐳 Can he ride a horse..? (unserious)
Lantern Rite - thankfully, he hasn’t forgotten about your plans together
A Gift for Him - you gave him a scarf as a gift, he cherishes it more than you think
Childe x Millelith!reader - you’re understandably exasperated when he shows up at your doorstep
🍃 Soulmate AU 🍃 Relationship Headcanons
Celebratory Hug - he allows you to give him a victory hug
Dancing together - amongst flowers in a field...
Catching butterflies - a cute moment while trying to catch crystalflies
Dang, you buy your snow from carts? - trying shaved ice together
Non Binary!Reader - where your family wasn’t supportive, and Xiao notices something about your mood is off (comfort)
You both work under his former Master... - set in the past when Xiao was still working under his cruel master, way before Zhongli freed him. Reader is a male servant working for the same boss
Angel AU: XiaoVen x GN!Reader - whereas the three of you are guardian angels!
Steps to fall for you - ongoing series (Xiaoven x reader) - modern au where reader is an idol manager, but xiaoven aren’t idols here, so it’s fine if they get into trial-dating shenanigans, right?
A Missing Half - corrupted AU! After you disappeared from Teyvat, he's the only one who senses the loss of you. Some codependant, posessive, ooc themes. ‘Something bad happened and now they aren’t quite themselves anymore.’
❄️ Winters with him!
I've got your back - inspired by his birthday voiceline!
📚 Him and Crushes 📚 As Childhood Friends 📚 (Love) Letter on the Loose 📚 Dating Headcanons
Bookstore AU - modern AU, hiding out in a bookstore that you and your friends part-time at (it helps that Xingqiu’s family owns it, too)
Devil!Xingqiu - he really isn’t good for your heart
Sworn Siblings? - based off his voiceline, you’re more than a little frustrated at the term ‘sibling’
🌟 Tending to you after you nearly died 
🏹 Fluff Headcanons
🎸 Trying something spicy (feat. the mooncake festival!)
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🍁 Dancing on autumn leaves - a short and sweet drabble! 🍁 To Doze in Your Arms - napping together with kitsune Kazuha!
🍁 A Story For the Stars - Kazuha finds himself in your world one day, but shortly after meeting you at your highschool, it’s a race against time before the both of you are forced to part ways (slight soulmate AU)
💜 Waking up from a dream... - bittersweet drabble based on her trailer with her friends
🐄 For You (Itto x Male!Reader) - implied backstory/relations with Liyue and the Crux fleet, celebrating your birthday.
🧹 Polaroid Moments - reader is a member of the Kamisato Clan, as well as an artist. They’re visiting the main estate for the summer, where they get to catch up with a good friend!
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💙 General Headcanons (old, during his first event appearance)
💙 Yokai AU - The business of protecting all beings from destructive spirits and humans alike was a niche discipline in itself, but Scaramouche (bakaneko) seems like he’ll be your partner-in-crime for the foreseeable future.
Kiss Day - you kissed him, tried to run, and fail
Under the Rain - luckily, his hat is just wide enough to cover you too!
Adopt a Wanderer: full series - a found-family series with Scaramouche, who you address as Kuni in this AU! By which you’re going about your normal day irl, and a certain character from genshin gets isekaied into your world...
Reunion: full series - a sequel to Adopt a Wanderer, where as the title suggests, you’re reunited with a certain sharp-tongued Wanderer.
Wanderer with a flower arranger!reader - he’s a doll maker, though that’s only a civilian cover for Wanderer, who often disappears to complete missions for the Dendro Archon. What he didn't appreciate however is how you're the one that's been occupied as of late - dragged into helping with some Amurta scholars' research project.
A more romantic take - coming soon!
♠️ A Curious Friend - where you're a Bakeneko from Inazuma that enjoys traveling the world. Sometimes, you end up staying a bit longer in places that catch your interest.
🍀 Getting to know him - relationship headcanons!
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🦦 Dancing together, soft smiles - soft and romantic, but uh… reader has a mortal lifespan, if you know what I mean.
🪄 Meetings, memories, just for you - you’re a Fatui agent who works under Childe, accompanying him on his visit to Fontaine. There you meet Lyney under the guise of your civilian personas...
Bonus thought regarding fic above ^ 
🪄 Do clothes make the person? - Lyney dresses up in a skirt and leotard while practicing for another switch-up trick with Lynette...
🪄 The skip of a heart -  where you're picked as the volunteer of the magic show where things went Completely Wrong in the archon quest. Good ending!
Ways to ensnare a charmer - mostly him being down bad and falling for you. There’s also a dance near the fountain at midnight~
🪄 A flower made of playing cards - a highschool idol AU, where Lyney spends his civilian life starting to pine after you (a classmate) while keeping his idol life as 'Felis' a secret!
🐧 Alternate shows of affection - general hcs with a reader who’s also shy/introverted!
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winter-sunshines · 4 years
burntout ballet dancer xiao? dancing for the first time in a decade cause he heard venti's songs? yeah .... yeah ....
warning long post again xiaoven nation are u tired of me yet
the yakshas was his squad in ballet school
they won compets and stuff they were the ones usually sent if theres a new competition
except one day something tragic happened nd xiao was the only one left
(havent decided if they become injured or a stage accident or what) (hells or they quit ballet together without telling xiao)
so xiao lost all his passion for dancing nd quit (EVEN THOUGH ITS THE ONLY THING HE'S DONE THAT MADE HIM HAPPY)
he could also play the flute as a treat but thats like . asian parents requirement (u NEED to learn at least one instrument)
he also likes to paint stuff
i havent decided if this is college or senior year hs au but like it comes nd theres this new student who's musically talented (venti)
singer songwriter knows many instruments has produced many songs that he kept hidden in his external drive or sumn
and hes usually in an abandoned room writing songs on his flute and lyre whatever he decides to use that day (but he always brings both!!)
and xiao ! who has d adepti as friends ! was feeling kinda exhausted nd he didnt want to u know . interact with ppl (hes an introvert obv)
so he roams around d school and passes by this room (where venti is) and just ! stops
thats it thats the plot xiao falling in love with venti thru his music and its also bc he brought back his passion in dancing
i just have a lot of love for these two
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hematomes · 3 years
Genshin kids I made with doodles because yes
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You can clearly tell I got lazy on some of them. Anyway, to explain Sichou and Fuya, there's practically 3 half-siblings from different ships (Yantao, Huxiao, Xiaoven). And no, I didn't decide on Itsuki's parents... Anyway, random explanations for them Tadashi is a calm 14 year old who panics when it comes to UNO. Itsuki is a 14 year old who gets bad grades, is genderfluid, and Kazuha jr. Huifen is a 14 year old chuunibyou who flexes her parents' achievements, like defeating sea monsters. Avisa is a 14 year old student who is overworked and DONE with life. She is tired of Huifen's bullsh*t! They're best friends by the way. Maybe. Sichou is a 15 year old bigender who likes to annoy Fuya, and likes to tease people, he's the daughter of Yanfei and Hu Tao! Fuya is a 14 year old emo who gets irritated by Sichou easily, but other than that, he's pretty chill, but doesn't give a fuck about most things, even though he's a popular boy that lots of girls/boys like. Hu Tao and Xiao child. I'm planning to make a fic of them called "Atarashii Sedai Impact"! (Practically, "New Generation Impact".) And no, I don't have a favourite. (Or do I..? Ok yeah its Tadashi.) (will make more characters)
OH THEY'RE SO CUTE!!!! i don't ship some of these at all but the kids are adorable <333 desperately need to pat the 1st and 2nd's heads!!!!!
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