#park sunghwa
lovesick-gxrls · 2 years
jeon wonwoo x millie kim
february 2016 - july 2018
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millie and wonwoo began dating just a few weeks after she had debuted, they met at inkigayo when she came to support nct’s debut
they were incredibly supportive of one another, and a very cute couple, her parents loved him and were even planning a trip to canada
lots of late night dates and movie nights as they liked to stay in rather than go out
unfortunately as they both got more popular and busier they found it hard to see one another and eventually had to call it quits
wi hajoon x millie kim
april 2019 - october 2019
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the pair met through a mutual friend who works in the industry
their relationship was very fun and playful but didn’t last long as they realised they weren’t ready for a proper relationship at that point in their careers
they went out a lot to bars and restaurants and practically lived together for the six months they were together
towards the end rumours began popping up about them but they just said it was a friendship which worked out well for them both
koo junhoe x millie kim
january 2020 - march 2021
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millie met junhoe at a party and both decided to stick with one another the full night buying each other drinks
they then went on to go on dates and started to have a proper relationship, they were very much in love from the beginning and moved very quickly which concerned a few of millie’s close friends in aomg
the couple was in the honeymoon phase for the first few months until dispatch caught them on a late night walk holding hands, this caused a lot of stress for millie and they began to argue a lot which then caused them to break up which was probably for the best
she misses junhoe a lot and they still try to talk every know and then but agreed to just stay friends
millie m.list | masterlist
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orecana · 1 year
They say love is something that we usually cherish and it happens in the most unpreditable ways.
For Kim sunghwa, yes that was the case.
He was just walking to school until he saw her, sitting on a bench reading her book. She looked so pretty, majestic. The wind blowing only serve to amplify her beauty. But a photo was knocked out of her book as she tries to take it. Sunghwa picked it up for her, only for her to swipe it off his hands and yell at him. She scoffs and run into the school. Sunghwa yell that she forgot her book but she couldn't hear him.
He sighs but picks up the book and places it in his bag. He will give it to the girl, he'll make sure of it.
It was nighttime as he stands in front of the school gates. With the book in hand, he is ready to enter but not without getting some help from his friend park jeongmin. It was valentine day as jeongmin hands him a chocolate box.
Together they enter the school which closes the moment they enter as an eerie scream pierces through the halls. They looked at each other, sweat dropping and chills down their spines.
What will awaits our 2 friends in this adventure?
Stay tuned for more in
Valentine day: a day where horror begins
(based on white day a labyrinth named school)
Kim sunghwa starred by koo jungmo
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Park jeongmin starred by song hyeongjun
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Seol Yuna starred by miyawaki sakura
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Min Yuri starred by Jo yuri
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Choi Alicia starred by Mina Sharon myoi
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I hope you all look forward to it!
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See you guys later!
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opiacat-tapioca · 2 years
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cokun · 3 years
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박재범 ᴊᴀʏ ᴘᴀʀᴋ - 'ᴛᴏ ʟɪꜰᴇ' ᴏꜰꜰɪᴄɪᴀʟ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ
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officialmiso · 3 years
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—aomg x killing verse
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Jay park and Gray reaction to you getting very emotional during an interview:
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You did not plan to feature in H1ghr Music first reality show when Jay told you about it. The show would mainly follow the members while working together and accomplishing their goals, showing little about their private lives. But that was exactly why you couldn’t get out of it as you were H1ghr Music’s creative director. That you were Jay’s lover did not change that fact. Inevitable, your relationship was brough up in one of the interviews where Jay talked about the hate you were receiving as his significant other. You could take the comments about how someone so ordinary and normal as you did not deserve him but the ones that questioned your skills and your appointment as the creative director really hurt as you worked so hard to make your dreams come true. Jay knew that but he didn’t know those comments affected you that much, making him feel like he failed you and didn’t protect you enough.  
(GIF: credits to fy-jay-dok2)
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You and Sung Hwa were in a ‘public’ relationship for already three years when you accepted to do a duo-interview and photoshoot with a fashion magazine. While the photoshoot itself went well, you didn’t think interviewers could be that cruel when they asked you about your feelings about past articles. Through the years, even though it was well known that you and Sung Hwa were in a steady and happy relationship, some reporters still linked your boyfriend with other women. Of course, those articles were groundless and absolute bullshit, it made you feel like you didn’t matter -like your love didn’t matter- and only an actress or a singer was good enough for him. Sung Hwa always thought you didn’t care as you two never talked about it but seeing you in tears would make him realize how much you suffered in silence. It would make him feel guilty for realizing it so late and not talk about it earlier.
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[21.04.07] Gray's Instagram Stories
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soulangel · 4 years
KHH Masterlist
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Genre Key:
M-Mature // F-Fluff // A-Angst // S-Series // SM-Social Media
Crush Confessing (Code Kunst, Dean, Sik-K, Wonjae) F
S/O Kissing them in Front of their Workers (AOMG Artists) F
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Just Dumb F
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Welcome Home F M
Study Notes F 
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librarisxng · 4 years
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imaushuyuna · 5 years
Soulmates~Jay Park
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I think they exist. Just not always romantically.
I think that there are certain people that you'll meet in your life who just connect with you, more than anyone else, and you know that it isn't a typical thing, yet you understand each other perfectly.
I think that this person won't always be your soul mate. They could be your friend or sibling. Parent, teacher, the person you’re dating or whoever! It could be just about anyone you’ve interacted with.
A person that you connect with.
Maybe a person you just met...
You were on your way to the aomg building to visit your friend Hoody, she said she had something to talk about.
When you first walked in you saw Hoody with the guys just hanging out they most likely just got done recording since they've been busy for weeks.
“Hey y/n,” Hoody said as she walked up and hugged you.
You had been to the aomg office a few but you never really met the guy's yea you seen them online, but never in person.
“Yo guys Y/n is here come meet her,” Hoody said to the guys getting their attention.
One of the guys got up and you can't lie he was handsome” Hi my name is lee sunghwa but everyone calls me gray,” he says as he holds out his hand.
“Hi, Gray nice to meet you too,” you said shaking his hand.
The next guy to come is like someone you see in a dream.
As he came up to you, you couldn’t help but see his smile and it's like you have seen it before but you just meet this guy how could you know his smile if you never saw him in your life. 
“Um hey, I’m Jay h..have I meet you before because it feels like I have,” He said with the most confused face.
“ yeah nice to meet you too, and I don't think we have met before, but I have a feeling I've seen you like in a dream somewhere,” You said with the same amount of confusion.   
Could he be my soulmate after all the looking could he be the one.
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orecana · 1 year
Valentine day: a day where horror begins
Chapter 1: the haunted school
It is easy to let time slip by without a second thought
Kim sunghwa, the new transfer student for yeondu high school thought as he walk towards the school as the sun shines brightly. He almost reaches school until he notices a girl sitting on a bench reading a book. He feels....
Green grass, the brightly shining sun and her...
He sees her picking up a photo from her book as she gazes at it sadly.
Suddenly the wind picked up and blew the photo from her hand. Sunghwa saw it flew towards him and picked it up for her,only for her to snatch it form his hand. She gazes at it with an unreadable expression.
She looks up to see her friend waving for her. She looks at sunghwa before going to her friend as sunghwa turns around to see her go.
He feels almost sad but at the same time, happy that she is no longer sad as she looks back at him one more time.
He looks at the bench to see that she have left her book, which later discovers her diary. He decided to go to the school secretly at night to leave her diary at her table. He later found her name.
Seol Yuna, junior homeroom 8, she was there.
He arrives at school with the diary at 10:00P.M. (curfew for Korea schools I think?) He stands there as he takes in the sight of the school
I just wanted to give her a little gift along with her lost diary.
He looks at the diary in his hand and chocolate box in the other, which was a gift from his friend. Speaking of which, he should be here in 3..2..1...
He swears that his ears were ringing as he silently grumbles before turning around to face his best friend.
Park jeongmin, his friend since they were babies. Jeongmin and him have always been together, there was never a moment that they wouldn't spend time with each other.
Jeongmin:"soooo.... Thank for inviting me to help you confess to your silly little crush."
Sunghwa feels his face blossom at the thought and twist jeongmin's ear which causes him to yelp and beg for him to stop.
Sunghwa: I don't like her, I just want to return her diary.
Jeongmin: and give her chocolate at that? It's valentine day hyung. Surely you didn't forget that?
Sunghwa stood still when he heard jeongmin says that today is valentine day. Jeongmin looks at him unamused as he starts giggling a bit.
Jeongmin: you're hopeless hyung, well let's get inside shall we?
Sunghwa nods as he opens the gates.
They enter the school grounds as the gates shut behind them.
They enter the school through a passage for night students ,when all of a sudden the shudder drops down.
Jeongmin was frightened and goes over to slam his fist on the shudder, mumbling (please let this be a joke)
Then they heard it, a blood chilling scream pierces through the halls.
Jeongmin hid behind sunghwa as he holds his arms protectively over him.
They continue forward slowly, wary about what just happened. Slowly, sunghwa unwraps his arms from jeongmin as he also stops hiding and goes up another floor.
They were checking the classrooms and walking down the halls when they heard a sound. It was from the main hall.
They look at each other. Jeongmin signals for them to go as sunghwa nods. They open the door and walk forward.
Surprisingly, they meet 2 other girls that were standing in front of the home ec. Classroom.
???: What are we going to do? We can't just leave our bags in there! (Turns around) AH! You scared me! I didn't see you guys there.
Jeongmin: we're sorry. We didn't think that there would be anybody here at this hour.
???: Why are you guys here at this hour though?
Sunghwa: we also forgot something here as well.
???: *Whisper* wait, I've seen them before. They're the new transfer students.
???: Oh really?
Alicia: I'm Choi Alicia. Junior homeroom 8.
Yuri: I'm min Yuri. Senior homeroom 4.
Sunghwa thought junior homeroom 8... That's the same class that Yuna was in.
Sunghwa: wait are you-?
Jeongmin: *slaps hand over his mouth* it's so nice to meet you. By the way, you look like you need help.
Yuri: We do. Uhhh... It's better if you follow us, it's easier to explain that way.
The boys follow the girls into the....women's bathroom?
Sunghwa: uhh.... Did you want us to keep watch until you're done?
Jeongmin smack sunghwa on the head while the girls blush and Alicia tells them what they wanted them to do.
Alicia: our bags are still in the home economic classroom and it's locked.
Yuri: I know that the keys to the classroom are in the auto shop classroom but it's locked as well.
Alicia: but you can climb through the vent above us and get the keys.
Sunghwa: sound simple enough. Okay we'll help.
Alicia: thank you.
Sunghwa: now jeongmin-
His younger friend was no where to be found, that is until he reappear later with a ladder and a bolt cutter.
Sunghwa: you work fast as always.
Jeongmin: of course, I'm not the top of my class for no reason.
Sunghwa pats jeongmin's head as he giggles while the girls look at this....*friendly interaction*.
Sunghwa climb up the ladder and cut the wires then the vents open and he crawls in with jeongmin following from behind.
Sunghwa sees another vent in front which shows him a terrifying sight.
A student was caught staying in the school at night and was beat up by the janitor as he drags the student to somewhere.
Despite being afraid of what's to come, he continue forward.
The home ec Classroom was right in front of them, unfortunately it's blocked by hot steam.
They move left to find a valve which sunghwa closes.
Jeongmin decided to go find the other valve while sunghwa waits in order to cuts the wire on the vent to the home ec Classroom.
Soon, the hot steam in front of sunghwa dissipates as he go forward and cuts the wire.
It falls down as he hops down along with jeongmin behind him.
All of a sudden, the alarm blares as the a pentagram is summoned in the room.
Jeongmin looks to his right to see the box and opens it. It was in the wrong order and place so he quickly fix it.
After jeongmin was done with it, the room began to return to the way it once were.
Sunghwa spotted a token and decided to keep it with him for now.
He unlocks the door and opens it to find the girls waiting for them. They both had a terrified expression.
Alicia: what happened just now? The entire school suddenly began to shake.
Sunghwa looks at jeongmin who only nods. Sunghwa began to tell of what happened in the classroom.
Yuri: if that's the case then the rumors are true.
Sunghwa: *confused* what rumors?
Alicia: they say that this school used to be a hospital during the Korean war. since so many people died during that time, they suspected that the school was haunted.
Yuri: anyways thanks for getting the keys for us we really appreciate it.
Jeongmin: it's fine. Don't worry about it. We would help people in need.
Alicia: you know the doors are all closed now since it's 10. But the door to the lecture hall is always open. The buildings are actually all connected to each other.
Yuri: here's the key to open the hallway over there. You can go before us, we still need to get our bags.
The boys bid goodbye to the girls as they go to unlock the door to that hallway.
Along the way, jeongmin found a note which tells the story of da sum which her letter never fell into the hands of her crush and she died miserably.
Jeongmin crushes the note in his hand as he follow sunghwa, his eyes turn black as his pupils turn red.
Then again, they heard another scream. Of a boy this time.
They don't know what's going on inside this school, but together maybe they can get through this together.
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nianawrites · 5 years
On My Way
Pairing: Sandara Park x Gray (Lee Sunghwa)
Dara silently sipped on her tea as her boyfriend's latest single played in the background. They have not seen each other for two weeks due to their busy schedules and Dara missed him so much.
As she was about to take a bite of her macaron, her phone dinged, signalling a message.
From: Sunghwa 💘
Babe! Are u home?
Dara was about to type out a reply when his contact picture displayed on her screen. Chuckling to herself, she accepted the call. He never changes, he'd always ask a question through a text but never give time to answer back.
"Hey, I was about to reply you know?" She teased.
A light chuckle was heard from the other side of the phone, "God, I missed your voice. So are you home? I'd love to see your pretty face"
"If you really wanted to hear my voice and see me, you could've just facetimed me, silly"
"I was in a rush okay? I just got really excited to finally hear from you. Work's been tough lately, I miss laying beside you, cuddling with you, touching you, having se--"
He wasn't able to finish what he was saying, Dara has cut him off with a high pitched "yah!"
"Acting shy now baby girl? Could've sworn you were nothing but shy when we were last together"
Although he could not see her, he knows she was blushing madly at his words. His girl is so naive, so innocent and only naughty for him.
"Are you really just gonna tease me? I'm gonna hang up!"
Sunghwa just laughed and apologized, "just trying my luck. So, are you home?"
"Are you gonna do something bad to me?"
Sunghwa smirked, "baby I wouldn't do something you don't want"
"That's not even an answer to my question!"
Hearing how worked up his girlfriend on his little teasing relieved all the stress that pent up over the week. He wasn't really planning on doing something beyond a little make out session but due to the sudden cute turn of events, he wouldn't mind teasing her a bit more and maybe make her naughty for him and only him.
"Would it be a bad thing to make you satisfied, babe? Hm? Would it be a bad thing to show you how much I've missed you and my little best friend between your legs? Answer me baby, would that be bad?"
Sunghwa made sure to use a deeper voice. He could feel his member restraining in the confines of his jeans but when he heard the subtlest moan come off her mouth, he lost it. He must get there soon.
"I hate you for making me feel like this! J-just come over please?"
A wide smile spread across his handsome face, "aye ma'am. I'm on my way"
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365daysoffeels · 5 years
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officialmiso · 5 years
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—aomg shooting for sign here
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Jay Park and Gray reaction to being friends with benefits:
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Jay is not the type to be friends with benefits with someone despite what his music and image might suggest. Maybe a one-night stand here and there, but nothing in the long run. It will not work either because if he is sleeping with someone on regular basis, like a friend with benefits, he will have some feelings for the other person. He just does not fool around with someone and he does not take his feelings lightly either. So, being in a friends-with-benefits-situation with Jay is like a ticking time bomb and will explode at some point.
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Sung Hwa might be a bit more open to the idea of being friends with benefits with someone, but it will be rather complicated too. For starters, he would like to set some rules like not getting too comfortable and close yourself off from finding someone else or having sleepovers. But as time passes, those rules would fade away unknowingly and he will become emotionally attached to you. A big mistake if you only define your relationship as friends with benefits. At one point, he will realise that he is not happy with the current situation and will want to chance it either way.
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disloopy · 6 years
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gray be like
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