#parker's secret santa gifts 2023
blackwolfstabs · 9 months
Parker's Secret Santa Gifts🎄for @samcscreams
After an evening playing in the snow, werewolf Sam wants to give Tara an early birthday present.
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fandom: Scream // Werewolf!Sam AU by @samcscreams // (parker's version) characters: Sam Carpenter & Tara Carpenter a/n: sorry if this is completely inaccurate to your au, bear!! i just loved your fic too much :)
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“Alright, Sammy, last one!” Tara called over the stretch of snow separating her from frost-dusted, black fur. Her sister shook the pastel, tie-dyed monkey chew toy she held in her mouth like it was prey, her playful growls making the younger smile. “Come here!”
Sam stopped to look in her sibling’s direction. Her ears stood up, and her golden gaze glowed amongst their snowy surroundings.
“You want me to throw it or not?!”
She bounded over to her. 
The younger Carpenter jumped back to avoid being slammed into. Like anyone would expect from any other dog, her big sister was very frisky in her werewolf form, romping around in the snow like she was just a puppy.
She pointed to the ground. “Drop it.” And the stuffed toy was dropped at her feet. She picked it up and prepared to throw it. However, there was one thing missing. “You know the rules, Sam,” she smirked, “You gotta sit first.”
Sam’s ears retreated, and she licked her lips. Her back end lowered a little like she was going to follow the said-rules, but her excitement got the best of her. Her tail was wagging, spreading more frost into her fur as she watched her toy religiously.
“Sit, Sam.”
She whined.
And she did, her golden gaze wide with anticipation as she huffed.
“Good,” Tara praised. But she had to test her with a few more tricks, just because it was the last round of Fetch for the day. “Now, shake.”
The black wolf raised her paw, nearly going to paw the hand that held what she wanted.
“Okay, now lay down.”
She hesitated, starting to whine again as she tried to get up out of her sitting position.
But her baby sister snapped, “No, Sammy!” She used her free hand to point to the ground, “Lie down.”
She obeyed this time. 
“Good girl!” Tara let her have the win and threw the monkey as hard as she could, “Go get it!”
And Sam raced away. She actually covered enough land before it hit the ground, so she jumped to catch it in her mouth. Her paws hit the snow in a breaking effort that led her skidding to turn around and face Tara, who praised her.
“Nice catch.”
The werewolf trotted over and lowered her head to place the toy into her sibling’s hand. Tara took it, then pet her between the ears. 
“Alright, are you ready to go inside? It’s getting dark.” While she didn’t receive a response that clarified she was in agreement, the younger Carpenter turned her back and took it upon herself to lead them both to the back door. 
Shaking the snow from her pelt, Sam followed her, but she took her time in doing so. The sky was hued pink in its setting state, while the birds flying overhead were only silhouettes. In fact, the winter skies were serene enough to let her spot the first star in the sky. It wasn’t Christmas just yet, but it was a few days before Tara’s birthday.
And Sam knew that there was something special she could show her.
As Tara approached the door, she glanced over her shoulder to make sure her follower was in pursuit. However, her older sister had stopped a few yards away, refusing to go any further. “What’s wrong, Sam?”
The canine blinked at her, staying where she was. Her ears twisted as she looked over a little, giving the illusion that she wasn’t sure she wanted to go inside. 
This made her tilt her head. “What is it?” She pointed with her thumb over her shoulder through the window and shook her head, “You don’t wanna go inside?” She watched Sam bow, like she did whenever she wanted to play. “No, I told you that was the last one. We’re not playing anymore,” she reminded.
She just wasn’t taking the hint. Well, if that was the case, the werewolf didn’t mind taking initiative herself. She broke out of her downward dog and rushed forward, slipping between her little sister and the door to keep her from going inside.
Tara barely had time to turn sound, before Sam’s muzzle nudged her away from the door. She jumped away from the cold, wet nose catching the warmth of her neck. “Sam, what are you doing?!” she squeaked, trying to raise her shoulder to shrug her off.
But Samantha just replied with an amused growl and continued to herd her back into the snow.
“Alright, alright!” the younger leapt away, “I’m not going inside.” She shook her bangs from her face and quizzed her again, “What do you want?”
The she-wolf dropped herself to the ground, low enough to where Tara could get on her back, and shuffled forward. When she met confused chocolate eyes, she gestured her head over her shoulder.
“You want me to get on your back?” Her tail wagged as a ‘yes’, so she grabbed a hold of her scruff and climbed on, like she was a horse.
Sam got to her paws, careful not to rock her rider around too much as she felt her scruff be gripped tightly. She bit back a whimper, but bowed her head to turn it and gently nudge Tara’s leg as in telling her, “hold on tight.”
Tara noticed this and moved one hand to pet her head. “I’m okay,” she assured. She rode a horse before and had been given many piggyback rides by Sam when she was little, but she had never rode on the back of a wolf before. “Don’t buck me off, Sam…”
Her big sister gave a huff and shook her pelt out as best she could with a swish of her tail. She felt Tara’s legs press against her flanks and her fingers curl into her skin, which told her she was ready. So, she broke away, only having to take a few long strides, before she met the fenceline. It wasn’t high of a jump for an 8-foot werewolf. In fact, it was actually not even a strenuous jump, more like she was just leaping over a small stream of water or a narrow ditch. 
After clearing the fence, all that stood between them and the rest of the world was wilderness, forestry that canopied above the earth and a maze of trunks that gave them a challenge.
But nothing in the world could stop the Carpenter sisters, no matter how complicated. They were only chained to each other, which meant they could go anywhere and do anything as long as they were together.
Like she had recalled from horseback riding all those years ago, Tara leaned forward, keeping a partial hold on her sister’s neck as she flew at nearly 80 miles an hour. Everything was a blur in her peripheral vision, and the sting of the winter air was numbing her face. She squinted through the snow flurries that fell from the coniferous trees, hearing Sam’s gruff panting over the wind.
Sam’s paws were in perfect rhythm with her sense of direction. Her eyes were open and alert among the white wild, while her little sister’s body kept the cold from slipping its frosty fingers against her spine. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, but it felt so good to run without any fences or walls to keep her in. At first, she hadn’t been sure of her werewolf-shifting abilities. She thought they were dangerous and nothing more than a curse. However, she had learned that moving on four legs at unimaginable speeds and sustaining enough endurance for a lifetime was the most thrilling thing in the world. It thrilled her more than killing did. There was just something about running, something about beating the wind and lengthening her spine with every stride. It was like a dream, except it was real. 
Plus, Tara never saw her any different from the way she had before she had been cursed. She was still her older sister and her best friend. She just had both a sibling and an incredible pet in the same token. How awesome was that? And now Sam was able to control it…
The black werewolf huffed as the air burned her lungs. She weaved through the trees like a snake through tall grass, leaping over unsteady ground and gaining speed on the straight paths. 
On her back, her baby sister ducked from branches and kept her face close to the bristling fur that granted some warmth to her wind-burned cheeks. Even though this was entirely different, she couldn’t help but be reminded of when they were little. Sam would crawl around on the floor and act like her personal steed, carrying her wherever she pleased.
“Okay, fine,” Sam sighed and got down on her hands and knees. “Get on.”
“Yay!” Tara hopped on her back and grabbed two strands of her long hair. “Giddyup!” she hollered, yanking on her makeshift reins.
But her sister just ducked away, “Ow!” She tried to turn her head to make her let go, “Don’t pull my hair, Tara! That hurts,” she told her. The pulling sensation left her scalp and was followed by an ashamed apology.
“I’m sorry…”
“It’s okay. Just use my shirt or something,” the older offered. She then felt the collar of her shirt be clutched by little hands.
“Okay!” The 4 year-old’s energy was restored as she tugged on the shirt and repeated herself. “Giddyup, horsey!”
And Sam did as she was told. Like a horse did, she jerked her head and pawed the carpet, before she set off. Tara was getting bigger now, so her weight kept her from being able to go too fast, however that didn’t stop her from encouraging it.
“Faster, Sammy! Go faster!”
Anything for her little sister. Samantha braced her back and picked up her pace as much as she could. It must have been enough for the younger, because an excited squeal answered her increased speed. 
Tara giggled, continuing to fidget with her big sister’s shirt as she ordered. “To the kitchen!”
And to the kitchen, they went.
“Sam, where are we going?!” Tara brought herself back to the present as she hollered over the wind. She had remembered always wanting Sam to go faster as a kid, but she never imagined she’d be going this fast without being in a car.
Her older sister kept on, eyes set on the break in trees up ahead. She unleashed a couple of barks to encourage her to find their destination. 
Tara followed her lead, but she wouldn't be sure until she actually saw that it was the end.
The sisters broke out of the forest’s coverage to meet the last bit of sun setting in the horizon. Tara hadn’t realized how much high ground they’d gained through the woods, and while she wasn’t comfortable with being up high, she knew that Sam wouldn’t let her fall. The moon was glowing and the stars looked like tiny fairy lights on an indigo stretch of sky. 
But that wasn’t what caught Tara’s attention.
Sam slowed her pace to a trot and then a walk, before she stopped to let her sister off. She put her muzzle out to keep her from getting too close to the edge of the cliff they were on and gently huffed when she was pet as a ‘thank you’. 
The younger Carpenter jumped off the werewolf’s back with her eyes glued to the assortment of arrayed colors along the northern horizon. They shimmered, like a mere reflection of Heaven on Earth, green, purple, and blue blending into one swivel of art across the world and crystallizing the snow.
Aurora Borealis.
“The Northern Lights,” Tara breathed in awe. She had never seen them in-person before, only in movies, paintings, and pictures on the internet. It wasn’t a dream of hers to see them, so-to-speak, but one thing was for sure… She never thought they would be this beautiful or seeing them for herself would feel so surreal.
Beside her, Sam stood with the cool-coded gradient softening the golden glow of her werewolf eyes. She felt the weight of her sister lean against her, and she gave a soft sigh.
Tara glanced up at her with a small smile on her face. “Is this what you wanted to show me?”
The canine’s ears went back and she gave a gentle whine as she leaned down and licked her cheek. She couldn’t actually speak to her, like she would a human, but if she were to, the words were so simple and pure.
“Happy Birthday, Tara. I love you forevermore.”
But the younger knew the words without them being said, and she closed her eyes to press her forehead against the side of her big sister’s warm face. “Thank you, Sammy,” she whispered into her fur, “I love you too.”
A loving noise that almost sounded like a growl rumbled in Sam’s throat as she nuzzled her, then drew away so her girl could continue to admire the aurora that shined for her.
Anything for her little sister.
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merry christmas!!! you were my first big supporter on my Wolves of Woodsboro fanfiction, and ever since, you have had a special place in my heart. you have been awesome to talk to and be friends with. thank you for all of your love, support, and kindness. here's to you 🩶 stay safe, my love! happy holidays 🎄✨⛄
- parker (BWS)
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Rules, FAQ and Timeline
It has come to my attention that the rules page is not mobile friendly, sorry about that! I’m putting it all here and will pin this post to the page for easy access for the future. ♥️
Basic Rules:
Participants must be 18+.
Fics must be a minimum of 1,000 words.
Fics must be Spideypool-centric.
Please follow the spirit of the event and the requests as much as to the letter. If it’s only technically or incidentally Spideypool, or if it’s not technically what the listed squick was, please request/write something else.
That’s about it! No event-given limits beyond that, go nuts!
Sign-ups open: Sunday, November 12
Sign-ups close: Saturday, November 18 at 6pm Eastern Time
Prompts go out: Saturday, November 25 (or earlier, if the matches are done before then!)
Deadline to post: Tuesday, January 2, 2023 at 11:59pm EST
Rules and FAQ (extended):
What is this event?
Essentially, you receive a person to write a fic for, along with up to 3 prompts. You write one of these prompts and then gift it to them, on AO3 and/or Tumblr. And it’s all anonymous until the fic is posted! If you’ve heard of a Secret Santa event, this is the same idea, just with an attempt at a more inclusive name.
How do I sign up?
Fill out this Google Form (closed until November 12). You’ll receive an email with your responses and voila, you’re all done!
This event is now reserved for those 18+, so please be sure you’re at least 18 before signing up.
Do try to keep the prompts open! Remember, this is a gift, not a commission. You will not have precise control over what is made, and that’s part of the spirit of the exchange! 
How long does my fic need to be?
1,000 words. There is no word limit, but if your giftee has stated they are not okay with receiving a WIP, please do keep in mind your time limit and adjust your length accordingly.
Do my prompts have to be holiday-themed?
Nope! Prompts can be for any holiday or completely unrelated to one.
Is [blank] allowed?
The only requirements are to keep it Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, and to work off the prompt(s) and DNWs (do-not-wants) given. So long as you’re trying to give your giftee something they will enjoy, the fest has no other limitations on what content is allowed.
*Note: prompts must be Spideypool-centric. E.g.,  you can request Spideypool with background Irondad, but please don’t request Irondad with background Spideypool. It’s not what the event is for, and makes it much harder on the mods to pair people up.
There are three prompts. How many do I need to write?
Only one! If you have the time and energy to fill more, then go right ahead! Though I suggest finishing one before starting on another, so you don’t risk leaving your giftee with nothing.
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skylermadness · 9 months
Glitched-In Gator - Brok the InvestiGator TF/MC
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(Original Date of Upload: December 20, 2023)
Original Description:
Secret Santa gift for my close friend! So this was a story I had planned for a few months, almost abandoned because I didn't feel it, then I went back to it because I had the perfect chance to do something for it! I originally wasn't feeling the whole VR shtick, but I kind of realized while doing rewrites that it was because I had no idea what I was really doing for it. Having an established OC like my friend's Parker character actually helped me do something more interesting besides 'generic non-descript person gets transformed randomly'. So I'm actually quite happy at the end result of this! Besides that though, I want to write out more Brok TFs some day. RJ's been on my mind for a long while too as well, but I'm unsure when or if I'll get to him.
   There was a certain level of eeriness that penetrated the room that Parker was currently in. It was large and empty with the insides of its hemispherical appearance only being illuminated by small lights that were embedded periodically within the geometrical platings of its walls. It didn't even feel like enough to light up the entire room. All of this made the young adult feel small when compared to the sheer size of the room, which was far from a pleasant feeling.
   The eerie silence of the room was then broken by the sound of some mechanical whirring coming from the middle of it. Turning around, Parker found a small rectangular pillar rising from the ground. Atop that pillar was a VR headset alongside its associated hand controllers.
   "Please remember that all of this is purely for testing purposes, Parker," a feminine voice rings out from an earpiece that had been in their right ear the whole time.
   "Yeah, I remember…" Parker responded as they stepped towards the small pillar. They were personally reached out to a few weeks back by the CEO of a company named ScyBr Essence Technologies, said CEO named Mrs. Wynn. That company has requested them to arrive at their facilities to further test their new VR systems. It was an odd request considering they didn't have any prior experience in game testing. And despite their profession as a video game streamer, nothing about the request or contract were laced with mentions of promotions or sponsorships to be done by them. It was just strange to say the least.
   They picked up the headset and placed it onto his head, then took hold of the hand controllers. "So uh, Mrs. Wynn, what exactly are the activation controls of this thing?"
   "I can have the testing program activated remotely from here,” she responds, "Just give me a second…"
   In one second following that statement, Parker's ocular senses were instantly assaulted as all of a sudden the supposed program was activated. They stepped back a bit as they found themself a little disoriented, especially because they had to get used to the… virtual brightness that was now being created by the endless expanse of pure nothing that headset was subjecting him to now.
   "I-is it meant to just be a white void!?"
   "Apologies, wrong program."
   The brightness suddenly died down as a different program was loaded. In a millisecond the white expanse was replaced with a room. In comparison to the room they were in in reality, this one was a lot smaller. More akin to that of an apartment space actually. The furniture around the place was rather standard: a door with a fridge to its left and a very messy sink to its right, another door on the wall adjacent to that sink. As Parker turned they found a rather lengthy bench behind him, and beside it was a bed. Lastly was what seemed to be a punching bag to the bed's left. Something about this room actually seemed rather familiar somehow. Before Parker could come to a conclusion however, they realized that a table had generated around their body.
   "Please step out from the table so we can activate the collision from our end. We don't want you getting bisected!"
   "Eheh, sure…" Parker responded with a nervous laugh. Something about the woman's comment was a bit too serious, but they complied with the request and stepped away from the table's insides and towards the dirty sink.
   A few seconds passed before the voice spoke again. "...okay, collision should be on now. For the time being this program is mostly meant to test the boundaries of a virtual world for a planned VR port of a game called Brok the InvestiGator. It's more proof of concept than anything else, but we want to at least get the world up and running before we move on to anything more complicated."
   That was when everything finally clicked for Parker. That's why this room was familiar, it was Brok’s apartment! Admittedly they didn't instantly jump to that conclusion, especially since they only did one or two streams of the game before life problems got in the way and they just never got back to it. For a second their brain drifted to adding it as an option for a ‘game to stream’ poll on their Patreon, but they wrangled their wandering thoughts before they could have a chance to think about it more intensely. Although they did have one question they wanted to ask before getting into this testing session…
   “Was there any reason in particular you guys had in picking me to test it?”
   Parker was given a rather lengthy pause before the CEO responded. “We at ScyBr Essence Technologies like to take in consideration our buyers, and one way to do this is to contract people who would be perfect fits to test our products. Seeing you are both a popular streamer and someone who has played these kinds of games before, it was only an accurate choice to pick you.”
   Parker hummed, deciding not to dignify that with a response. Something about the statement was definitely a manufactured corporate dialogue. It also made a part of them want a pay raise for this session. Sighing, they disregarded that thought and began to look around. They were rather impressed by how the models of the furniture looked life-like, so much so that the messiness of the dishes in the sink they were near was a bit too real to look at. Disgusting…
   Parker proceeded to spend the next few minutes exploring the room and trying to interact with whatever they knew they could. Pulling open the fridge and grabbing and moving around the fruit in it. Playfully giving the punching bag a few good jabs and watching it swing around as a result. They did try to interact with both doors, but the doors didn't really seem to react to them. Locked maybe, probably so the creators of this VR system didn't have to render areas outside the apartment yet.
   During the process of their exploration Parker came back to the table to inspect what was on it better. Mostly random objects like a fruit basket and a magnifying glass. The only object of interest that was on it was a small picture frame showcasing a picture of Brok, Graff, and Brok’s… wife was it? Parker couldn't remember due to how long it's been since that incomplete stream attempt…
   Their random interactions were cut short however as the silence of the room was yet again broken. However instead of it being the voice of their contractor, it was the sound of static crackling nearby. Putting down the picture frame Parker looks up to find where the crackling was coming from. The source was from a newly manifested object that was in the space between the punching bag and the fridge: a coat rack stand (and a hat that was hanging on one of its hooks) that was just glitching in and out of existence.
   "Uhhh,” Parker starts to speak into the earpiece, “There seems to be an object here that just appeared and started glitching…”
   It takes a few seconds for the woman on the other side to respond. "Hm. That might be some leftover code from an object that we had to remove. If the sound annoys you just touch it and it'll disappear. I'll make sure to have my technicians deal with it after this test…"
   Parker rolled their eyes. Just touch it and it'll disappear? Something about the flippant lack of protocol didn't sit well with them. They stepped over towards the glitchy coat rack and tried to wave a hand through it to dispel it. However the moment their arm touched the pole they, just for a second, felt the hardness of the pole meet their arm before they were given a sudden and rather violent shock.
   "AGH-" Parker yelled out, the young adult quite literally stunned by the interaction as they felt electricity(?) flow through their body.
   Their earpiece activates again with their contractor plainly saying, "I suggest immediate removal of the headset and vacating the-" before her voice got cut off, as if the connection got severed.
   Before Parker got much of a chance to try and do the few instructions they could hear, the object blipped out of existence and they were promptly sent flying onto the ground. And in just the few seconds they spent in the air the physicality of the space was made tangible as the feeling of the headset and hand controllers faded away. The initially virtual world around him was realized in a literal way, and their physical body seemingly manifested into it from the shock. They then fell onto their back, Parker groaning out in pain. It also seemed that the purple fedora that was perched on the coat rack remained in reality, descending onto Parker’s chest as they laid flat on their back.
   Slowly, Parker got up as they scratched the back of their head. "What happened there…" they asked to themself, the overall bizarreness of the previous chain of events making it take a while before everything clicked in their brain. "Wait a moment-"
   They stopped scratching their head and brought their arms forward, and then they slowly lowered their gaze to their body.
   "...did- did that thing digitize me or something!?"
   Ignoring the fedora that was perched on their chest they quickly stood up, slight panic starting to course through them. This shouldn't have been possible… right? They were well aware that strangely advanced technologies existed, especially since their whole channel was built on one, but something like this did feel a bit… much.
   “Aw jeez, how am I going to get out of this…?” they posited. While the idea of being in a video game sounded kind of fun, they weren't really sure if they wanted to be stuck in one. Much less without their permission!
   Parker’s eyes were brought to the front door of the room. Curious, they walked over towards it and gave the knob a shake. They could hear a series of clicks signifying it could open.
   "This isn't bound by the confines of code anymore…" they observed. Was he digitized or was this place made real around him? Were they placed in the game or did they somehow get transported in the reality the game had been based on? Lifting a hand up, they scratched their head in thought. “Jeez, this is getting confusing now.”
   Parker's mind begins to drift, thoughts of concern filling their head as they try to fully process what is going on and how they're even meant to interact with this world now. Was this the actual reality of Brok now? Or was this some strange empty space in a harddrive? It couldn't be that second thing, but even then what would this even be considered if they weren't digitized in the first place!? Their thinking left them distracted and unaware, something that allowed the true effects of the shock steadily become more tangible without Parker noticing yet. 
   A bright shade of green begins to creep in from the tips of their fingers, slowly but surely spreading across them with ease. This change in skin tone was caused by their skin itself altering, the softness of it getting tougher as it was steadily getting transformed into what seemed to be scales. This wave of scales continued to move its way down the fingers of both hands, a secondary change being added to them as they began to thicken as well. Each finger swelled up with size getting thicker and longer, and it didn't take long for them to get fat to the point of being almost sausagey. It would also seem two fingers on each hand got squished into each other, Parker now being left with only four-fingered hands. 
   Their hands themselves weren't left unscathed either as they too got affected by the scales overtaking them. The backs got consumed by the rough greens, meanwhile the palms maintained a level of softness as they got taken over by a brighter shade of green. Their size underwent the same types of changes as well, their once flatter appearance filling up and bloating to become of equal density with his fatter fingers. They were also stretching out in all directions and enlarging to a much wider width. It didn't take very long for both hands to garner a significant, almost cartoony plumpness that looked humorous when compared to their thinner arms and body.
   That disparity didn't last though. The cuffs of the sleeves of their jacket began to tighten as the changes in their skin started to cascade upwards onto and beyond their wrists, steadily increasing the diameter of each wrist in the process. The main site of importance was Parker's forearms however. Bulk began to pile onto them as an odd feeling of strength was coursing through them and their muscle mass was shifting as a result. Their forearms were thickening in size due to their muscle mass getting more developed. This all caused the lower ends of their jacket sleeves to get filled as a result.
   Their upper arms weren't left out either as they too began to quickly swell in size. Greens moved beyond his elbows and layered onto his flesh, and beneath it all their biceps bloated with their triceps increasing alongside them. The fabric of his jacket got indented with the ridges of their muscles, and it would seem that the short sleeves of their undershirt were quick to fill. This progressed further as their deltoids bloated up and got rounder, their shoulders now broadening as a result. The once lanky form of Parker’s limbs had already gained a substantial difference in size, now almost reaching a point that they were double their previous size thanks to this instantaneous workout. While the sturdy denim of their jacket just barely managed to hold their muscled arms, the much softer material of their undershirt wasn't faring as well and had already begun to split across their bigger biceps and shoulders.
    The sound of tearing piercing the air snapped Parker out of their spiral of confuzzlement. “Did my shirt just- whaaat the hell-”
   The sight of their arms was a strange one. What had once been unimpressive, average-sized limbs that allowed their jacket to hang off them had now been replaced with firm, muscular, stronger arms that practically stretched the denim of their jacket with ease. For Parker such a sight wasn't necessarily off-putting, mainly considering their usages of Change4Change on their livestreams, but the fact it's happening is a reason for concern.
   Parker eyes one of their arms, giving it a flex and watching as the muscles of it further press into the material of their jacket. “Maybe digitization isn't the only thing that's happening,” they then unflexed and held the arm out, inspecting their hand next. Green and scaley with such fat fingers. It was a sight that made deducing what was happening a rather simple task. They were transforming to fit this new reality they were shunted into it seemed, and the person they were becoming was the titular protagonist of the game the original simulation was based off of…
   “...fuck that sounds cool actually-”
   The air of confusion and concern had begun to fade in that instant as Parker came to some kind of internal ultimatum. Especially since the idea of becoming the InvestiGator himself was not an unappealing one by any means…
   Meanwhile, the changes had not halted during Parker’s form inspection. Especially since it didn't take very long for the scales to jump from their arms to their chest, their frame now widening beneath the shifting skin and formulating a broader appearance. And as the scales crept onto the front of their body, the appearance changed as the color shifted from a standard green to a more yellowish-green tone. This was more than a change in tone as well, the original hardness of the scales now instead becoming a median between the softness of human skin and the toughness of gator scales. Parker was effectively getting a reptilian underbelly, something that was also causing their chest to fill out substantially. 
   At first it began with a growth in muscle mass, Parker’s pectoral muscles steadily growing in size and muscularity with ease. Swelling out thicker and stronger, the core of their body heating up as the shelf of their chest extended forward with each passing second. It wouldn't take long for their undershirt to already get indented with Parker’s newly deepening cleavage. However it was evident that this wasn't the only change happening to the upper portion of their body. While the firmness of their chest existed, it didn't take very long for it to start getting shrouded beneath another layer of something.
   Formulating around Parker’s chest was a layer of fat, one that was quick to accumulate around their new muscles. This resulted in a significant softness forming in their chest, the previous raw meatiness getting melted into something more squishy and flabby. The upper body strength still existed of course, but it was accentuated with pudge that made their pecs absolutely squeezable in contrast to the scaliness of it. All the while their chest still grew in size a bit more, growing in tandem with Parker’s wider frame. Although for the most part it was causing their chest to press against their undershirt even more. It was a wonder that the torso section wasn't splitting as well…
   Concurrent with the changes of Parker’s upper torso, the lower half of it was undergoing a similar if not more drastic change. As the yellowish-green scales of their new underbelly grew more prominent, their abdominal muscles began to harden and solidify while strength coarsed through them with ease. However it was quick to garner a layer of fat, and in this region of their body it was quickly evident it wasn't just going to settle as just a layer. A bloating sensation was quick to fill their belly as it began to swell outwards. With each passing second, the hem of their shirt steadily rode up their stomach as it grew bigger, rounder, fatter. And it would only progress that way for a while. More and more fat just filling up the area, the sheer roundness of their belly getting increasingly more prominent to the point that it was easily becoming more of a gut than anything else. Ample size, soft yet firm, and hiding some level of muscle beneath it all. By the time this portion of the changes slowed their newly developed gut had pushed their undershirt completely above it, exposing it to the air and showing the scaley and segmented appearance of what was now their underbelly.
   Parker found themselves leaning against the door, feeling the weight steadily piling onto them thanks to both their muscle and fat. “O-ough. This-” they paused, a light tingle entering their throat and forcing them to clear it to try and dispel it. “This feels kinda good…”
   Blinking a few times, they register the throat tingle a second time. They also noticed a chance to their voice seeming to begin kicking in. It was beginning to sound a little bit… deeper? And the tone of it was a bit off. “It's getting to my voice too, huh?”
   Parker couldn't help but smile though. “Brok did have a pretty cute voice from what I recall…”
   With that they go from leaning to their side to leaning on their front, their forehead on the door as their gaze was fixated on their belly. They give it a nice rub with one of their hands, feeling up the softer feeling scales. By this point a level of grogginess was beginning to set into their brain. A light fog slowly rolled into their mental space, that lightness very slowly intensifying as seconds passed. It was steadily getting harder to focus on the transformation process, especially with this growing feeling of… something in their mind. Familiarity? Normalcy? It was hard to discern. 
   At the very least that mental haze made Parker unable to notice that their height had been altering all this time. Their back had already grown rather broad at this point to fit with Parker’s now wider form, and their trapezius muscles were already pushed up against their undershirt and indenting their jacket. And it wasn't very long until this already garnered wideness forced the back of their undershirt to split open, light blue cotton tearing to reveal dark green scales. Their spine had decompressed a bit with the discs of each vertebrae growing a little larger to fit their new proportions. All the while a pair of blunt spikes lined the region of scales above their spine, steadily forming down until they found their way to the base of it. Once it did reach the base however, something strange began to occur.
   At first it only felt like a tug. A small amount of pressure in their tailbone that only gave mild discomfort. But with the progression of time that small feeling got bigger. Pressure was constantly building up, a growing lump forming above their rear, and that lump growing larger and larger as the pressure continued to grow linearly. Parker could only grit their teeth as they felt this happening, the once minor discomfort now becoming a major one. They could feel the lump start to push against the back of their pants, pull against their belt, and in general just exert immense amounts of force on their legwear that it was not accustomed to. This tug of war would only continue for a few seconds more though, as once enough pressure finally built up…
   Shards of denim fly from behind them as a massive, spiky tail unfurled its way out from the base of Parker’s spine. It lands on the floor with a mighty thud and its length still increases for a few seconds more. Although it would seem its impressive girth was shrinking, already tapering to a rounded tip. Nonetheless, Parker now sported the lengthy tail of a gator. One that they were checking out, the transforming adult seeming to already get a hang of moving it.
   “Heheh, quite the trouble you caused there, huh?” Parker said with a smile, their voice continuing to deepen more with each word. The tone had now been given a more masculine edge as well. They didn't seem to care though, instead choosing to give the base of their tail a nice rub. This distracted them from the fact they were now losing height. 
   The green scales were quick to find their way to Parker’s legs, now rapidly overtaking the skin of them. Beneath it all came another slew of physical changes not unlike the ones that happened in their arms. Leg muscles began to grow, quadriceps and hamstrings bulking up and easily making indents within the denim of Parker’s jeans. All while their muscles were maturing, they pressed up against the bones of Parker's legs and changed them. Where they gained some wideness they also lost some length. An event that had caused Parker’s initial height loss, something that gave them a more top-heavy appearance as a result. The same structural changes to their leg bones would also happen to their lower legs as they too were consumed by scales. This also caused the feeling of the crus of their legs starting to swell, calves ballooning outwards and their jeans continuing to strain over their legs in a futile attempt to contain their thickening form. It wouldn't take very long for a few tears to form to the sides of their legwear. Now the only area of their lower body that was not washed over by the sea of scales were their feet. This wouldn't last long however…
   Spreading across their soles was a pale green, meanwhile a standard shade of green was forming down from the sides and over the upper portion of their feet. Concurrently they were also growing in size, getting thicker, larger, longer, and wider. Unfortunately however, their feet were confined to their shoes. As their size increased it caused the material to bulge and strain in an attempt to continue to contain them. As their toes pressed into the toecap the amount of bulges in the cloth shifted from five to four, and then to three large bumps that were now just aching to get out. The sides of their footwear were expanding and steadily starting to split and crack, and they could feel their fatter heels dig into the back of them as well. The strings that held them together creaked and snapped with ease as the newly forming wideness of their feet was becoming too much. Then rips started to form at the front as their toenails sharpened, their composition shifting and hardening into something more boney, now poking out and becoming a triad of claws. Soon enough the bulges that were caused by his toes were too much as well, the fronts of their shoes splitting open and finally giving them some air. This then caused a chain reaction in the rest of his footwear with it steadily breaking apart and shattering in one large burst that sent pieces of blue cloth flying in the air.
   The sound of Parker’s shoes exploding took their attention away from their tail. Looking down at their feet they were greeted with the two being fully transformed and covered in shreds of cloth and string. Although all they really did was shake the destroyed remnants of their shoes off each foot. “Havin’ trouble recalling why I was even wearing those…”
   They cleared their throat again. The strange sensation from earlier was fading, and it was evident their voice was settling to that new tone. Deep and masculine with a certain quality to it. Caring, but able to switch to something more aggressive at the flip of a dime if need be.
   Perhaps the weird part however was the fact they were just… unable to view their voice as anything different now. There was a part of them that could just barely breach the topic to themselves that this was Brok’s voice and not theirs, but at the same time their brain just had trouble discerning their original identity. Like it was getting muddled beneath all the fog in their mind. And even then when they could think of something it was something different and more natural…?
   “Come to think of it, I'm having trouble recalling a lot of things right now…” they- he raised his hand and started to scratch his head in confusion. He could've sworn he was just thinking about… leaving a… something or other…
   As his mind drifts to another bout of confusion, the scales slowly move beyond his neck and onto his head. The yellowish-green scales were perhaps the first to make the transition by going from beneath his jaw to layering his chin, and then easily surrounding his mouth. As the scales in this shade gained more surface area around his lower face it prompted a dramatic shift in his skull structure. Slowly his lower face pushed out, lower jaw jutting forward as the region beneath his eyes followed suit. This was causing a gator-like muzzle to form out from his face, his jawline restructuring to fit this new animalistic appearance while it also gained a certain broadness that managed to grant him a more masculine visage from the jawline alone. Meanwhile as the upper portion of his muzzle grew forward, his nose steadily merged into the tip of it until there were nothing more than two holes at the front of it. The bridge of the muzzle’s upper half got consumed by darker green scales as it bubbled, getting rougher and bumpier in the process of the changes. Meanwhile within his mouth all of his started to shift, changing and sharpening while repositioning and misaligning. A few teeth even poked out from between his now longer mouth.
   While the lighter colored scales stayed at the lower half of his face, the darker colored ones made the remainder of his head their territory. The sides of his face extending a bit and rounding out, the anthropomorphic qualities of his appearances yet against being accentuated thanks to the fat accumulation around his cheeks. Despite that, the structure of his skull still shifted as the humanity of it was lost to the more reptilian appearance it was taking. As the scales reached the direct sides of his head they also consumed his ears, the process shrinking them rapidly until he was just left with small holes for auditory intake.
   Meanwhile he continued to scratch his head, the initial act now changing to him dealing with a major itch on his scalp. Something he was unaware was being caused by the roots of his hair getting pushed out by his scales. It wasn't even a slow experience as, thanks to his massive hands, large chunks of his long hair sloughed off with ease. Brown strands and follicles slipping away due to his touch, the side bangs dropping away while the portion of his hair that was above his forehead slid off his head in an instant. His bun wasn't even given time to unfurl as in one fell swoop it disconnected from the back of his head and dropped to the ground. It wouldn't take long for all of his hair to drift and fall off his scalp and onto the floor, now leaving him with the scaley dome of a gator.
   As his eyebrows succumbed to a similar fate, the ridges of his brows pushed forward and above his eyes while also getting thicker and more rectangular. Meanwhile his eyes themselves changed, sclera going from white to yellow as the blueness of his irises faded to black. Although it would seem the changes to his eyes represented something more significant.
   “Urgh, I- I had a job I was supposed to do, right…?”
   His thoughts and memories only continued to change beneath the haze in his mind. He could just barely recall the idea of a VR test supposedly happening, but the details were practically non-existent now. Something was pressing into that part of his brain, saying it was too early for something like that and that he had to do something else. He had other jobs he was meant to be doing that day. 
   Wasn't he called in for an investigation…? He could've sworn he was just hired for something.
   The gator let out a growl. “These memory lapses can't be getting… that bad, can they…?” 
   Right, he could recall he had the occasional loss in memory. But that usually came up with stuff from his past, not something that should've happened just a few minutes ago! Something about this just wasn't adding up. Maybe he should just check his phone again, try and shuffle through his messages or call history.
   He tries to shove a hand in one of his pants pockets, but quickly finds that he can't even jam in all his fingers. That's when the gator looks down at his body and notices his clothing. “W-wait, I didn’t- a-argh-”
   A piercing headache suddenly wracked his brain, the anthropomorphic gator shutting his eyes while squeezing the side of his head with a hand. The haze in his brain intensified and the rest of an entirely new identity was getting shoved into him.
   With his mental changes intensifying there was one last visible change occurring, this time to his extremely ill-fitting clothing. A single dot of dark coloring formed in the middle of his undershirt, and soon that splotch spread across the material at a rapid pace. Said shirt was growing as well, sleeves and back repairing and restitching while the hem unfurled and stretched over his stomach more easily. The dark coloring proved itself to be a simple shade of black that overtook the shirt’s original light blue and white coloration. In the end it was a relatively simple change though, his undershirt eventually settling into a black t-shirt that still was a bit small on him judging by the bottom of it revealing a sliver of his stomach and the top of it still having an indent of his chest.
   His jacket was mirroring the size changes as well, growing larger to fit his new proportions (and in this case seeming to actually fit them properly). Shades of reddish-brown etched their way across the once blue denim, and everywhere the brown touches changes material to a harder leather instead. While his jacket collar extends a bit, another part of his jacket split folds beneath it and forms a lapel. The pockets of his jacket seal shut to the point they've never existed, and a pair of leather epaulets bulge from the jacket shoulders. Lastly the sleeves of his now brown leather jacket roll upwards and cuff above his elbows. Additionally, the multi-colored bandana that was on his right arm unfurled itself and started to whisk itself to his neck. The soft material shifted and thinned dramatically, practically dethreading in mid-air until it was just a black string that tied itself around his neck. Then came a bright yellow glow above his chest, an almost silvery pendant materializing onto that string.
   The very last piece of clothing that changed was his pants. While they remained jeans, they also lengthened to fit his bulkier legs while fixing themselves of the damage they got during his initial transformation. As the legs of his jeans lengthened, they also rolled up and cuffed at the bottom of his own legs. As the back of his pants rethreaded to allow a tail-hole to exist in the seat of his jeans, the belt loop stretched above the very base of his tail that allowed for a brown leather belt to snake its way around his waist. A soft clink was then heard as its silver buckle fastened. The very final change came to his pockets where the four of them merged and bulged into thick and bulky gusset pockets, one of which now holding his new phone.
   A metal plate slapped itself onto the gator's snoot as the last of the mental changes were hauled in. A new identity and memories whirling around the reptile’s brain, filling in blanks and replacing what was originally there with ease. Thoughts of his original humanity were getting buried under a new perception of humanity. One that was more animalistic and diverse in forms. Meanwhile his own knowledge was getting overhauled, technological experience being dulled drastically. If anything he garnered a certain level of disdain for more complex works of technological advancement that he could never get working right. Although that may also be because he gained a little over ten years of age both physically and mentally.
   This all caused his previous job as a streamer to get flushed down the mental drainpipe. Instead all he could recall was his typical work as a handyman, the knowledge required for such a profession replacing the mental spot that his technological expertise had once resided. However, the most important aspect of his personhood soon followed. That being the justice-seeking desires of his detective work, and the slightly aggressive tendencies of his brawler persona. Such aspects of himself that mixed and meshed on a frequent basis, so much so that they were ingrained in his personality. Traits that made him Brok. Of course there were still multiple other personality traits that got overloaded into him though. Self-doubt and worry, a crippling fear of being alone, a slight hair-trigger temper that he has been attempting to suppress more and more. But despite all of that, he had an intense level of care and love that existed within his mind.
   Brok continued to hold his head in his hands as his brain was absolutely overladen with details and info, something that almost completely scrubbed whatever prior thought patterns he had had before this. It also left his attention almost completely dulled.
   “Ough, head… spinning…”
   “...rok?” a voice echoed from near the gator.
   “Whuh… who-”
   Suddenly the gator’s mental haze was shattered as a finger tapped his shoulder a few times.
   “What the-” Brok yelled out, the spirals in his eyes being blinked out as he was startled by the sudden touch. “O-oh, Graff!”
   Having been standing behind him for the past… who knows how long was his feline step-son Graff. Said feline had a slight look of concern on his face. “Woah- you looked a little zonked there.”
   “I- wuh…” Brok scratched the back of his head in confusion. “Admittedly I… don't remember what I was doing just about now,” the gator gave a nervous smile.
   Graff raised a brow in suspicion. “Oookay then. I just heard some yelling and…” The anthropomorphic cat began to trail off as he looked down to the floor and noticed what seemed to be brown fur(?) and shreds of hard blue cloth cluttering the area around Brok’s feet. “The heck went on there?”
   Brok looked down as well. “...I'm not quite sure about that either.”
   “...right,” at this point it just seemed like Graff was giving up on questioning whatever went on in the past few minutes. “Guess we'll just need to have the cleaning bot fix it?”
   Brok’s eyes widened at the mention of the cleaning bot. Nervously rubbing that back of his head he said, “O-oh, about that…”
   “You didn't get it fixed yet, did you?”
   “...no. I was going to have Shay do it but got distracted with… work stuff.”
   Graff just rolled his eyes, the sight making Brok cringe. An extremely strange stray thought at the back of his mind made him wonder how many relationship points he just lost. Weird…
   Brok still mustered a smile. “I'll make sure to try and get it repaired while out today! Consider that a promise!” 
   Graff didn't look convinced, but judging by his ears perking up a bit it would seem he was hopeful in his step-dad’s making it a promise. “Alright, alright… just uh,” he smirked, “Don't forget the hat.”
   Brok raised a hand to the apex of his head and gave his scalp a few pats. “O-oh! Where did…” his gaze wandered to the area of the room with the punching bag and found the fedora on the ground. Walking over towards it he commented, “How the heck did that thing get off me without me noticing!”
   He then placed the fedora onto his head and smiled. “Okay, now I'm gone!”
   Graff just gives the gator a nod as the reptile starts to make his way to the door and leave the apartment. Although he does smile at the sight of Brok pausing as he kicked some ridiculously large looking furball. Brok just sighed as he watched the furball roll into a corner. 
   “Seriously, how did this mess get made…”
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redthreadoffate · 2 years
🥰 animanga requests open 🥰
🥰 other requests closed unless mutuals 🥰
😶 = gender neutral | 💐 = female | 🌸  = oc
❤️ = blurs/drabbles | 💞 = coming soon | 💕 = fanfiction | ❣️ = one-shot | 💘 = original fiction | 💟 = series
🤗  = g | 🤔  = pg - 13 | 🤫  = r - 18
evans, chris
a phone pal // ONE |  ❣️ ��� 🤗
a fair miracle // ONE |  ❣️ 💐 🤫
go out with me // ONE |  ❣️ 💐 🤫
hardy, ben
mission: failed // ONE |  ❣️ 💐 🤗
i’ll always be here // ONE |  ❣️ 💐 🤔
never can say goodbye // ONE | ❣️ 💐🤗
holland, tom
a selection of princesses // ONE |  ❣️ 💐 🤗
toss & turn // ONE |  ❣️ 💐 🤔
first kisses never die // ONE |   ❣️ 💐 🤗
turn back time // ONE |  ❣️ 💐 🤗
all about stanley // ONE |  ❣️ 💐 🤗
come fly with me // ONE |  ❣️ 💐 🤗
we’re not kidding around // ONE |  ❣️ 💐 🤗
holland, tom & stan, sebastian
perspectives // ONE ; TWO ; THREE |  💟 💐 🤗
hood, callum
mine & mine alone // ONE |  ❣️ 💐 🤗
moseley, william
home // ONE | ❣️ 💐 🤔
fairytales & happily ever afters // ONE |  ❣️ 💐 🤗
stan, sebastian
tired // ONE |  ❤️ 💐 🤗
aftermaths // ONE |  ❣️ 💐 🤔
smol & small // ONE |  ❣️ 💐 🤔
little lady bird // ONE |  ❣️ 💐 🤗
help me, i’m melting // ONE |  ❣️ 💐 🤔
memories & insecurities // ONE |  ❣️ 💐 🤔
sneak a peek // ONE |  ❣️ 💐 🤫
(500) days of summer
hansen, tom
(infinity) days of snow // ONE  ; TWO |  💟 🌸 🤔
criminal minds
reid, spencer
i don’t like fishes but i do like you // ONE |  ❤️ 😶 🤗
simmons, matt
pastry goods // ONE | ❣️💐 🤗
mashed potatoes // ONE  | ❣️💐 🤔
magical music // ONE  | ❣️💐 🤗
the faces of you // ONE  | ❣️💐 🤗
a long and hard day // ONE  | ❣️💐 🤫
take me home // ONE  | ❣️💐 🤗
i’m literally going to die // ONE  | ❣️ 💐 🤗
i tried // ONE  | ❣️💐 🤔
can we talk // ONE  | ❣️💐 🤔
i did // ONE  | ❣️💐 🤔
missing the mistletoe // ONE | ❣️💐 🤗
harry potter
weasley, fred
what a sweetheart // ONE | ❤️ 😶 🤗
wood, oliver
of quidditch & basketball // ONE |  ❤️ 😶 🤗
arthur x ariadne
hey i just met you // ONE |  ❤️💕🤗
daddy insecurities // ONE | 💕❣️🤔
the spreading virus // ONE | 💕❣️🤗
law & order: special victims unit
carisi, sonny jr.
patience is a virtue // ONE | ❣️💐 🤫
they wouldn’t know // ONE | ❣️💐 🤗
two birds, one stone // ONE | ❣️💐 🤗
fluttering // ONE | ❣️💐 🤗
yourself  // ONE | ❣️💐 🤗
vulnerable // ONE | ❣️ 💐 🤗
marvel cinematic universe
parker, peter
no more kisses // ONE  | ❣️💐 🤗
gee, thanks, karen // ONE  | ❣️💐 🤗
stark, tony
falling // ONE | ❣️💐 🤗
the chronicles of narnia
caspian x
tomorrow // - ONE  | ❣️💐 🤗
a soldier of my heart // ONE  |  ❣️💐 🤗
pevensie, peter
wandering souls // ONE |  💟 💐 🤔
on a walk // ONE | ❣️💕🌸 🤗
breakfast // ONE | ❣️💕🌸 🤗
old endings, new beginnings // ONE ; TWO ; THREE ; FOUR  ; FIVE ; SIX ; SEVEN ; EIGHT ; NINE ; TEN |  💟💕🌸 🤔
obviously, break the rules // ONE |  💟💕🌸 🤗
original fiction
about pepper // ONE |  ❣️💘🌸 🤗
friends with benefits // ONE |  ❣️💘🌸 🤗
understanding // ONE |  ❣️💘🌸 🤗
marriage // ONE |  ❣️💘🌸 🤗
starting anew // ONE |  ❣️ 💘🌸 🤗
black, jacob
lucky number // ONE |  ❣️💐 🤗
coming soon
100 themes |  💞
alphabet soup |  💞
meet cute |  💞
give me a number
digimon adventure written works (all)
digimon secret santa
(2021) the four times takeru takaishi confessed his feelings (and the one time he did not) [takeru x hikari] • AO3
(2022) sincerity at its finest [jyou x iori platonic]
(2023) the gift of communication [wallace focused]
2022: mimato year • it’s just like in the movies •
2023: 100 themes [1 - taoira // 2 - ] • alphabet soup [a - mimato // b - ]
the surviving crowns [yamato x mimi, takeru x hikari, taichi x sora]
you can’t always protect yourself [taichi x sora]
stalker [yamato x mimi]
that’s not a pure word [yamato x mimi]
reincarnation au [yamato x mimi]
group project turned chaos [slight taichi x sora, slight yamato x mimi, slight takeru x hikari]
the hunger games au [takeru x hikari]
taichi x sora [ i  • ]
yamato x mimi [ i  • ]
takeru x hikari [ i  • ]
*last updated: 02-04-2024
characters (adventure/zero two/2020): taichi, yamato, sora, koushiro, mimi, jyou, takeru, hikari, daisuke, miyako, iori, ken
characters (digimon partners; adventure/zero two/2020): agumon, gabumon, piyomon, tentomon, palmon, gomamon, patamon, tailmon, v-mon, hawkmon, armadimon, wormmon
ships (adventure/zero two/2020): taichi/yamato, taichi/sora, yamato/mimi, jyou/mimi, takeru/hikari, ken/hikari
characters (tamers): takato, ruki, jianliang, juri, kazu, kenta, shiuchon, ryo
characters (digimon partners; tamers): guilmon, renamon, terriermon, leomon, guardramon, marineangemon, lopmon, cyberdramon
ships (tamers): jianliang/ruki, ryo/shiuchon
characters (frontier): takuya, koji, izumi, junpei, tomoki, koichi
ships (frontier): koji/izumi
5 notes · View notes
every-marveler-ever · 5 years
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EST. 3rd, Oct 2019
This Masterlist includes every work I have written since becoming @every-marveler-ever and will be updated monthly (if I remember) to add any new works. Other important links below ↙
Bingo Masterpost
Challenge Archive
LAST UPDATED: 2nd, January 2023
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She Wouldn’t Cry: Skylar Evans is Stark at blood. Crying over the big things. Crying over everything except for Tony Stark.
Why He Gave: Tony Stark would always give, he just never expected to get something in return.
Tinsel On The Christmas Tree: Tony wasn’t used to having extra people around him at Christmas and now he has a family.
Cider: If I had a fic called cider what would it be about:
Tree Hunting: Spending her first Christmas with the Avengers Natasha finds a gift for Secret Santa. 
A Gingerbread Family: Morgan has a surprise and baking gingerbread changes quickly. [SOCIAL MEDIA]
3 Times A Dog Can Be The Worst Yet Best: You’ve just got the cutest most adorable new puppy, though the rest of the tower doesn’t think of this.
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Your Mistake (MASTERLIST):  Y/N never backed down from a challenge and Bucky Barnes had a challenge. [SERIES]
The Quietness: After a recent break-up with your boyfriend the house is suddenly very quiet, though everything else in your life is perfect, so why was it so quiet all the time? = TOM HOLLAND
↪ (Sequel) My 10-Step Plan: Tom has been Pinning after you for months. It was time to put his plan into action. What could go wrong with a solid 10-step plan? A beautiful girl. = TOM HOLLAND
If I’m Your Boyfriend: Peter struggles to find a valentines present for his girlfriend but she’s not too sure they’re dating.
A Stark Party Will Be A Stark Party: After quitting the Avengers with your brother you miss it and you question if Malibu is where you really belong
Being Stood Up: You’ve been stood up by your Avenging boyfriend for the millionth time and Peter Parker doesn’t like it
Tom Hollands Girlfriend in a Hogwarts AU: Headcannon’s surrounding dating Tom Holland from different house perspectives at Hogwarts.
↪ (1/4) Ravenclaw
↪ (2/4) Hufflepuff
↪ (3/4) Gryffindor
↪ (4/4) Slytherin
Festival Vibes: Headcannon when you go to a music festival with Peter Parker
This Is Halloween: It’s the season of pumpkin spice and spooky monsters and y/n rogers-stark isn’t going viral.
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Tailors Can Be Scary: Peter Parker is CEO while Pepper and Tony spend their anniversary away. Tony has set some particular tasks for the CEO in training. [👞-TonyStarkBingo May Flash Bingo]
Tony Stark Will Be There For His Son: Tony just wants to be there for his son, wants to watch him grow up, have fun with his husband and take time off work. He has to stop working. [👞]
All In Spades: Peter is feeling stressed and so Tony does what Tony, likes to think, he does his best to make Peter breakfast in bed. [🌴-StarkerFestivals Summer Bingo]
Sticky Marshmallow: Tony Stark does not like pets, but Peter knows that at one stage Tony didn’t like him and so what’s the harm in a small pet? [🐾-MarvelPetBingo]
They’re NOT ‘Just Friends’: Peter is lucky because he considers his roommate, Tony, his best friend. [🎡-TonyStarkBingo June Flash Bingo] [🌴]
Winter Is Peppermint While Autumn is Cinnamon: The comparison of winter to autumn. [🎡]
Another Will Come Tomorrow: Bucky enjoys the quietness of pre-dawn. [🎡]
Ideal Situations: The aftermath of an alien fight means that Steve and Bucky have to share a hotel room. [⏱️-StuckyBingo June Flash Bingo] [🎡]
California Adventure: Tony Stark enjoys putting a smile on Peter Parker's face. [🎡]
Cat In The Box: What is Alpine Schrodinger’s cat? [☕-StarkBucksBingo Round 2] [🐾]
Plus One: Peter invites Tony to the wedding. [🌴]
Party Cancelled: The whole room seems to shift, facing towards her. “Aren’t you going out with friends-” “-they cancelled.” Tony’s sceptic, “okay.” [🕷️-PeterParkerBingo Round 1]
Love In Fanfiction: Assumed, by Peter, author and coffee shop owner it’s like a love made in fanfiction. [🕷️] [☕]
Sleep, Just For Tonight: Tony and Rhodey’s friendship is not like Bucky and Steve’s but Bucky wants to help anyway. [☕] [🗽-TonyStarkBingo Mark V]
“Puppy!”: Just some cute young Peter and bio dad!Tony. [🐾]
When You Put Authors In A Room: They are all authors, peter hosts a murder mystery party and chaos ensues. [🕷️]
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He Was Lost Now He’s Found: 7-year-old Peter is introduced to a new home, a better home. [🗽] [🧰-SteveTonyBucky Round 2]
The Rest Of Their Lives: Sam and Steve host family dinner night to celebrate their engagement. [🗽] [🎖️-SamSteverBingo 2022]
They Are Happy: Their lives aren’t over, they’ve only just begun. [💍-MarvelousRarePairBingo]
Peter Parker is Possessive Over His Things (Including Harley Kenner): Kitchen Collective: Peter meets Harley and he’s, uh, cooking? [🐾]
Steve, Lucky and Golden Retrievers: Bucky surprises Steve for his birthday. [🐾] [⚾-StuckyBingo Round 3] [🧰]
“You can’t trademark that!”: Peter isn’t sure what he was talking about, Tony’s invention is brilliant. [🗽] 
Missing Him: Tony and Sam lives their lives missing Rhodey. [🗽] [🐾] [💍] 
Permission Forms: Peter needs Tony to NOT sign something. [🗽] [🛏️-MarvelFluffBingo Round 4]
News Worthy: Tony and Sam are happily married, and have been for a while. They’re just waiting for the rest of the world to realise. [💍] [🛡️-AvengersBingo Round 3] [🛏️]
A Strange Anniversary: Tony and Sam are happily married, does that not mean they can’t have a second wedding? Maybe it would help people notice. [💍]
Not Roommates (But Friends?): Tony and Bucky are okay with not being roommates this year, it’s fine. It is much better when Steve is in the picture. [🧰] [🛏️] [⚾] [🛡️]
My Boys, A Scrapbook Dedicated To Steve Rogers and Tony Stark: Bucky dedicates a scrapbook to his future husbands. [🧰] [⚾]
Summer Home: Just Peter visiting his dad for the summer holidays but this time he brings a friend along. [🐾]
Minimal Affairs, Maximum Dramatics: Bucky doesn’t want Tony to get married, he does want Tony to be happy just not married. [⚾] [🧰] [🛡️]
Rifting: Steve, Tony and Bucky watch Pitch Perfect, kind of. [🧰] [🛏️] [🛡️] 
Loving Language: Steve and Sam don’t have an unusual love language they just have what some would call an outdated one. [🛏️] [🛡️] [🎖️]
More Than: People may think he’s Tony Stark, or even a replacement for the man, but Peter Parker is neither. [🛡️]
In Colour: So they say meeting your soulmate isn’t really important but to Steve it is important. So he hopes that he meets this person one day, and wakes up and sees colour.  [🛡️] [🎖️]
Knife, Fork, Then Spoon: Tony feels bad that’s all. Rhodey feels like setting him a challenge (with the sense of sympathy of course) [🗯️-IronHusbandsBingo Round 4]
More Than Anything, Ever: It’s nice this way, so much better with the city close and sitting on the porch lifestyle. The cabin, the kids and them. [📄-StarkbucksBingo Round 3]
Moving In: College move-in day is always a stressful one for not only students but families as well and it’s sweet. [😒-TonyStarkBingo MarkVI] [🌭-SteveRogersBingo 2022]
Snowing Birthdays: It’s snowing outside but it’s still Steve’s birthday and Sam wants to still make it special. [🌭] [🎖️]
"Such A Dad.": Bucky is fairly sure there is something wrong with Peter, he’s not talking and he hasn’t touched any of the food. Tony, just thinks he’s tired and Tony’s known him longer, so he must know, right? [📄] [🛡️] [🛏️]
New York Coffee: Days in New York are hard, they’re filled with paperwork and meetings and Obie breathing down his neck anytime he says anything of any nature, coffee helps with all these things (or at least most). [📄] [😒]
Laundry Day: Steve is looking for his jumper, his and his alone, Tony thinks the jumper he’s wearing fits him just right. [😒] [🌭] [🛏️]
Planning For Dinner Before Breakfast: It’s not that weird to be thinking about dinner at breakfast, right? [📄]
Brothers: The hospital is quiet, as they stare at a sleeping child like creeps, thank goodness it’s their own child they are watching.
Pinterest Scrolling: Tony likes to decorate, especially around the holidays. [😒]
Stealing Strawberries: Waking up early was not really in Peter Parker’s big book of brilliant spidey skills, so why is he awake at 6 am? [🛏️]
Date Nights: Date nights are a little different now. [😒] [🏥-IronStrangeBingo Round 3]
Sleepy Movie Nights: Movie night gets sprung upon Rhodey and then he remembers he’s supposed to be a parent. Tony is interrupted by all this and Pepper is glaring at him. [🗯️-IronHusbandsBingo Round 4]
Shine Brighter: The stars shine brighter from inside the castle walls, and Bucky is glad to be there with Steve. [🌭]
Game Day Expirence: At Superbowl LIX, people are calling this the game of the century as they watch married man Sam Wilson play for New Orleans Saints against his very own husband Steve Rogers playing for the New York Giants. [😒] [🎖️]
↪ (Prequel (0.1)) The First Game Expirence: Game day in the NFL seems different now
↪ (Prequel (0.2)) In The Middle Of The Field: Sam has been waiting for the day to arrive, but then their lives got turned upside down by the sport that they both love, and now Sam is standing in the middle of the field.
Sharing: Sam just wants Steve to have a good birthday away from all his Captain American duties. [🎖️]
Blueberry Mornings: Some things are the same in the mansion, just like a nice Saturday morning, and Steve prefers it that way. [🌭]
Attic-ness: The attic is very attic-like unless it’s not an attic at all. Then it’s just a very high floor in Stark Tower that Peter has come across by accident. [😒]
"Are You Cooking?": Tony Stark is a great cook, cocky, but a great cook.
At 18?: Is it not weird to play 20 questions at a party, especially when you’re 18
Tony Stark Deserves A Cake: Tony heads to a meeting and doesn’t expect to come home and see his kitchen a mess, Peter is sorry, he really is.
The Story Of Figaro And Captain: Sam never expected them to be the white picket fence with pets type, but he thinks he can handle it as long as he is with Steve. [🎖️]
How Do You Meet A Soulmate?: Can a wrong number really lead to meeting your soulmate? [🏥] [😒]
Bundle Of Quiet: Tony’s workshop is rarely ever quiet and when it is, he’s always ready for a screaming body of mess to come in. [😒] [🗯️]
Mr Magical: Apparently, Tony’s character voices aren’t as fantastic as Stephen’s cheating and using magic to make the book alive
Smooth(ie) Moves: Tony likes knowing everything, and Rhodey doesn’t like not knowing. [🗯️]
Background Character: Lila Rhodes did not expect to be in this lecture hall, she doesn’t even go to this school, so she really shouldn’t be a witness to one of the largest news stories in MIT history. The largest may be an exaggeration she’s making seeing as the news story includes her brother. [😒] [🗯️]
Under Pressure: “You failed!” Peter fails and Tony is not used to failing and so he doesn’t realise what he’s doing. [🗯️]
Dancing Away: Dancing is sought of their things, from high school dances to rehearsals, too slow-paced on their porch while the night sky illuminates them. [😒] [🛡️]
Sam and Bucky’s Outside (Spooky) Adventures (MASTERLIST): Bucky has a group of boy-scouts that he likes to dawn over and his partner Sam now gets to join him. [🎃-SamBuckyHalloweenBingo 2022] [SERIES]
Stark Gala Reunion: And they meet once again. [😒]
Hues Of Leaves: In autumn Harley and Peter always find themselves at MIT, autumn in Massachusetts is much prettier than that what Autumn in New York.
What I Think A Hallmark Stucky Movie Would Be: Christmas is slightly awkward when you haven’t been home in years and you are fairly sure you’re parents are replacing you. [😒] [🌭] [🥀-Stucky Bingo Round 4]
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blackwolfstabs · 9 months
Parker's Secret Santa Gifts🎄for @littlecollie
After escaping from the burning house and leaving her mother behind, Goody Addams crosses path with another fugitive outcast.
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fandom: Wednesday (2022) characters: Goody Addams & Jun Sinclair (male OC)
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She didn’t know where she was running to or what direction she was going. She just ran. She didn’t know how it was possible to run towards and away from something at the same time, especially when what she was running towards was a mystery with no promise of safety or acceptance. But she did it anyway. Her mother told her so. 
‘ “Run. Avenge us. Find the others and save our future. Please, my sweet lamb. Run. Run as fast as you can. You are our only hope!” ’
Her mother…
She was probably brittle bones and ashes by now, locked up and burned alive with the other outcasts Joseph Crackstone had swore to rid the Earth of. But not her. She was an Addams, and she could’ve bet her life that that was what gave her the stealth, fight, and grit to escape—to survive.
But her mother wasn’t an Addams, and she was part of her mother. This left a heaviness in her heart, so heavy that it wasn’t the drifting smoke that had her choking to catch her breath as she sprinted through the dark night. It was her own tears. Every pant held a sob that made her vision blur and her chest scream for air. If she were honest, she wanted to scream. She had never known this sense of heartbreak before, and it was so overwhelming, she wanted to fall to her knees, cry herself blind, and scream herself hoarse, all at once. But no matter how much she fell apart, it wouldn’t fix anything. It wouldn’t change what had happened. And it wouldn’t help her with acing Crackstone’s test.
She was a witch. She was an Addams. Goody Addams. She would wear that name on her sleeve, inked permanently with blood and lies. 
She wasn’t out of the woods yet. 
She wiped her sleeve over her eyes, doing her best to dry them as she raced on. It was just slowing her down. If she were going to go on to do anything in this wretched world, it would be what her mother had wished her to do. Avenge.
The smoke started to fade, and the chilling breeze engulfed her as she entered the woods. Trees for miles with hidden caves and animal shelters lurked in its shadows. Jericho was half-urban and half-rural, beckoning anyone who dared to venture into its mysterious, non-humanly inhabited territories. 
Luckily for Jericho’s notorious outcasts, they weren’t afraid of mysteries. But cross them with another outcast, it was a 50/50 shot at being friends on sight. 
And Goody was about to experience that for herself. Not only were her footsteps rapid, crushing fallen leaves and branches, but she was gasping for breath, working around her developed congestion. Loud and sensibly weak intruders always lured in stealthy, territorial dwellers.
For the longest time, all she could hear was her own panting, and all she could see was the moonlit streaked trees. That was until a violent snarl screamed in her ears, and before she could blink, white fur blurred from her right and breath-taking pain shot through her body. 
She felt her back hit the hard ground, followed by her head, which forced a cry from her. When she opened her eyes, glowing amber ones were wild as they stared only inches from her own. Large paws with razor claws pierced her shoulders to pin her down, and pearlized fangs bared in her face. The snarl that she had heard deepened into a venomous growl that dared her to move so they could deliver a killing bite.
She was face-to-face with a wolfed-out werewolf.
At first, her breath was stolen from her, chest heaving but barely any oxygen coming in. But her will to live, to run, to avenge was stronger than the weight that held her down. Much stronger. 
Goody reached down her leg to retrieve her switchblade, like she had done with Joseph Crackstone, and right when the werewolf’s jaws parted to maul her face, she jerked it up and slashed their muzzle. Hot blood splattered across her face as a pained yelp interrupted the deep, growling vocals. The wolf backed off to paw their sliced snout, which allowed her to get to her feet and defend herself properly.
The enemy shook their head and whimpered, before glaring up to see their opponent in a better light. Seeing her upright and with a moment to actually process her visuals, their eyes softened, almost in a relieved kind of way. They huffed, a small stream of crimson giving some dark tones to their pelt. 
Addams shifted her stance, her blade held out as a warning. Though the werewolf didn’t try to attack her again. Instead, the size of their figure ceased, and their fur began to vanish. Their limbs, ears, and muzzle shortened with slowing pants. 
They were phasing-out.
The human form they took on was a young boy, probably only a couple of years older than herself. Black hair, dark chocolate eyes, and fair skin. He was still bleeding, red smeared on his hand from pawing it, but he wasn’t angry anymore. 
Goody was the first to speak. “What makes you so quick to strike?”
The boy grunted as he got to his feet. “I’m sorry…” he instantly apologized, “I— I thought you were one of the pilgrims.”
“Did you not smell the smoke on me?” she quizzed.
He became more attentive at this, seeming to forget the relentless stinging that throbbed beneath his sliced flesh. “I do now.” He took a step closer to her, “You escaped the risen Hell of the Devil?”
The young girl’s eyes narrowed. “Yes. Though it cost many outcasts’ lives, including my mother’s.” Her voice strengthened a little as her chin dipped, “I seek revenge on Joseph Crackstone. ‘Twas my mother’s final request.”
Chocolate eyes flashed in the moonlight as the werewolf came even closer, not hiding his interest in her as he did so. “As do I,” he revealed. He never looked away from her, however he did raise his hands to show he was no longer a threat. “Forgive me. I didn’t realize you were a fugitive outcast as well…”
Goody glanced down to her aimed weapon. She hesitated to lower it, for the grief of her mother quickly set in. Her mother had always told her about the different paths she may phase through as a psychic. The paths of a Dove and a Raven were the two most common ones. This night was when her white wings turned black in favor of the Raven’s domain. She was alone, unable to trust others, even if they happened to be just like her—an outcast, wanted and hated by Joseph Crackstone and his followers. She knew what she wanted. She knew what she was after. But a lifetime seemed to be planned out in a matter of minutes. That’s what ignited her inner Raven. However, she reluctantly lowered the knife anyway and kept it close to her side. “And you are?” 
His gaze was steady as he replied, “Jun.” 
“From what pack of werewolves do you reside, Jun?” She nearly cut him off as she asked him this.
“The Sinclair Pack.”
She kept her distance, studying him as if she wasn’t sure he was telling the truth. But then he asked.
“And your name is?”
Not a chance would she disclose her real name to anyone now. Goody was her new name, and as much as she may resent it, she would grow to use it as a trademark. Something that she could make sure would go down in history on Crackstone’s grave. 
He gave her a name, she used it to her advantage. Anonymous, yet completely obvious. Afterall, she was an—
“Addams,” she told him, having to lift her chin a little as he came even closer to her. “Goody Addams.”
Jun nodded. “Well, I suppose we got off to a rough start, Goody.” He then held his hand out for a handshake. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Goody couldn’t conceal her fiery streak as she agreed to meet his hand. “Isn’t it?” An intrigued growl rumbled in his throat, which made her pull away, but a small smile actually grew upon his face.
“So… You escaped the talons of Demon Crackstone?” She gave a short nod, and he recalled what she had said previously. His warm expression faded into solemnity, and he bowed his head. “My condolences for your mother. May she rest peacefully now—”
He quickly looked up to meet a defiant blaze gleaming back at him.
“She shall only rest peacefully, when Crackstone is dead. And I will make sure of that.”
Sinclair held her gaze for a long moment. She was still, deadly serious as she stared at him; however, she was trembling at the same time. Shivering from the breeze or seething with rage, he couldn’t be for sure. This girl was tiny, only a little over 5 feet tall, yet there was a fire in her that made her appear so much bigger. Goody was a name typical of the pilgrim culture, but he could tell that wasn’t the case for the one who stood before him. This was someone who would turn that name into something aspiring and ambitious. 
He had a feeling—a strong feeling—that she meant what she said. She would be The One That Got Away, except they wouldn’t condemn her or defy her… they would salute her. She would become a legend in her bloodline. She would set the standard for what it truly meant to be an Addams.
But that wouldn’t be tonight. Tonight, he could see there were more short-term problems that needed mending, before she could go on to achieve her vengeance. “And shall you kill him by your mother’s grace,” he granted her acceptance of her last statement. His eyes trailed down to her ripped dress and the cuts that tattooed themselves on her arms and legs, all of which had been cleared of their former covering. “You’re hurt…” He gently took her hand and raised it to show her.
Goody found her injuries by surprise. She hadn’t felt any of those curse her, only the impact she had made with the ground when Jun had pounced on top of her. But he was right. There was smeared blood and dirt making a canvas out of her. Her adrenaline was still surging, so it was no wonder why she couldn’t feel any pain. Just the look of them made her cringe inside though. But she didn’t show it. “I’m fine,” she lied, pulling her arm away.
Though, Sinclair wasn’t convinced. “Might I take you back to my pack, so I can help you bandage?”
“You shan’t,” she snapped. “We’ve only just met. My ailments are of no concern to you.”
He shrugged, “But I’m involved now. Werewolves are extremely attentive, Ms. Goody Addams.” He watched her step back, twisting the arm he stared at behind her. He blinked, elevating his attention to find her cold eyes again. “I won’t take you back to my pack. Though, I ask that I may watch over you for the night. You’re injured and exhausted. You need rest, do you not?”
The other hesitated. The longer she stood there, talking with this werewolf, looking at his calm eyes, and taking in the wild peace around them, her sympathetic system was winding down. Like it was cued, a subtle stinging started to grow on her limbs, and her muscles ached from the violent tension they had been under. “How can I trust you, Jun Sinclair?”
“Where else will you find shelter tonight?”
“I never said I would settle—”
“And if your body fails you?”
“How I condone myself is my business.”
Goody stared at him. He explained, “Nevermind you see it as anything more than me making up for attacking you… I apologized, though I feel I still owe you.” He raised his hand to take one of her braids in between his fingers, noting the ash that tarnished its natural blonde color.
One night. She really could use some rest and someone to stay by her. Her mother had always been that someone.
But she was gone…
So, she gave a short nod.
And he smiled. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet,” she replied, beginning to walk on as he motioned her to follow him. “Shall I stay ‘til dawn should you express your gratitude.”
He chuckled, a warm sensation flooding his face as he blushed lightly. Thank God, she was behind him, so she couldn’t see. “I’ll wager that, Ms. Addams.”
But little did he know, she was more content with this decision than she let on. She was still standoffish, make no mistake, but his eyes and gentle voice that proved his apologetic honesty about attacking her had brought her the first sense of comfort she had felt all night. 
And that was promising…
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merry christmas saylour!! it's been a tough year, my love. but you're not alone. i hope this brought some warmth to your holiday season, even if it's not the happiest of fics. i know we don't talk enough but know that i love you and i want the best for you! thank you for being you 🩶 stay gold and happy holidays! 🎄✨🎁
- parker (BWS)
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blackwolfstabs · 9 months
Parker's Secret Santa Gifts🎄for @fantasylandbitch
Red Border Collie Kirby, German Shepherd/Wolfdog Sam, and Siamese cat Mindy take on the wilderness as an unpredictable trio.
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fandom: Scream // Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey!AU characters: Kirby Reed, Sam Carpenter, & Mindy Meeks-Martin a/n: this fic is basically a scene taken from the film Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993) and writing it with the 3 Scream characters listed above. because of this, Kirby, Sam, and Mindy are NOT animal shifters, they are strictly written as if they were ONLY animals to begin with (of course my creative ass could come up with a whole Scream universe where most, if not all, the characters were animals haha) that said, i DO NOT own the movie and have purposefully written this for one of the best people in the world (@fantasylandbitch)
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Kirby Reed - Red Border Collie Mindy Meeks-Martin - Siamese Cat Samantha Carpenter - German Shepherd Wolfdog
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A night in the wilderness wasn’t exactly ideal for the trio that had endured it, even if they were animals. Sam was the most instinctively reactive, due to her being part wolf. Kirby was the most reliable as far as tracking and problem-solving, given that she was an FBI K-9 and a purebred border collie. And Mindy, well… she was the only cat, and she wasn’t exactly in-touch with her wild side. She was more of a house cat with a mouth that could put anyone who dared to try her in their place. She was quick-witted and a fantastic strategist but strictly in a domestic or urban realm.
The night hours in the forest had been filled with noises and unwanted thoughts, pressing all three to stay alert and even encourage Mindy to retreat from her place in a tree to be close to her canine companions. If any menacing animal crossed their path, they’d hoped that Sam’s wolfish appearance and nature would fend them off. Luckily, all had gone smooth, and with the sun starting to glow in between the trees, Kirby had been the first to get up and search for some food. After all, they hadn’t eaten for over 24 hours now.
Sam and Mindy were still asleep in the small corner of fallen branches and logs that were clustered together. Mindy had tucked herself close to Sam’s side, while Sam was semi-curled around her, both peacefully indulging in the dreamworld. It wasn’t until Mindy’s long tail started to curl and flick her canine friend’s muzzle that one of them started to be drawn out of sleep.
Sam’s ears and lips twitched, but she didn’t move, seeming to think that it was just a part of her dream. But then it happened again, something soft and feathery stroking her nose. She tried to move her snout away. When it happened a third time, she growled in frustration and drew her paw over her muzzle. She felt her pads meet whatever was tickling her nose, but the minute she tried to paw it away, a startled noise jolted her awake.
Mindy jumped to her paws with a pained yowl and yanked her tail free. She whipped around, fur bristling. “Watch where you put those big-ass paws, Sam!” she hissed.
The other just blinked at her sleepily. “Then watch where you put your long-ass tail,” she retorted.
The she-cat sat down to groom herself, replying in between licks, “I didn’t mean to, I was dreaming…”
She just received a groan.
Before they could engage in anything else, Kirby trotted up from beyond the trees to round them up. “Alright, guys, rise and shine.”
The only feline straightened from her short grooming session. “You don’t have to tell me twice,” she grumbled flatly.
“I’ve found our breakfast,” the border collie reported, tail wagging.
At the mention of food, Sam raised her head, and her ears perked. “You went hunting?”
The other shook her head, “Nope. Not yet anyway.” She met Mindy’s blue eyes, “We’re gonna need your cat reflexes.”
The appointed shrugged, “Can do.” She then raced past the eldest canine, who looked back to the last member that was still lying down.
“Come on, Sam,” she encouraged, already turning to lead the two to her discovery. “I’m surprised you weren’t up sooner. I thought you’d be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed by dawn.”
Sam bit back a groan as she pulled herself to her paws and followed her. “Never. 7:30’s the earliest… and that’s on a good day,” she replied, to which she earned a chuckle.
Kirby’s spot was only a half mile away, except it wasn’t a spot. It was a lake. She knew cats always had a taste for anything they could hunt, plus the only cat was Mindy. She was easy to please. However, she remembered Sam being very specific about things, whenever they were in K-9 training together. “Mindy,” she called her to attention.
The siamese hopped up onto the neighboring rock, “Don’t worry, I got it.” She crouched down and stared into the rippling surface, her crystal eyes steady for any sign of shimmering scales. While Kirby was still and patient, any sign of prey vanished at the vibration of the other canine across the way prowling the bank.
Mindy’s tail lashed in annoyance, while Kirby barked over to her. “Sam, be still! You’re scaring all the fish away!”
Sam leapt away from the lake and galloped back to where they were. She slowed to a trot as she came up with her head lowered. “Sorry, I was just trying to help…”
“It’s fine,” Mindy replied, then went back to concentrating, “Just nobody move.”
The pair of canines waited patiently, both watching the way their feline companion crouched like a statue, the tip of her tail the only part of her that twitched. And then, when they thought breakfast would turn into lunch, she swiped a paw into the water and hooked out a trout, which she tossed in Kirby’s direction. “Snap its neck!” she ordered.
The red border collie pounced immediately and snatched the fish in her jaws. She felt bones crack and the body go limp as she bit down, but she made sure to shake it to make sure it was dead. “Thanks, Mindy,” she spoke around her mouthful of scales, carrying it to a dry spot.
“Yep!” The she-cat crouched down again, on the lookout for her next victim. “Are you ready, Sam? You gotta be quick, because they’re slippery.”
“Mm-hmm,” the other nodded.
“I warn you, because you can be clumsy with those paws sometimes…” Sam gave her a small warning growl, to which she carried on. “Okay, found one! Ready?”
“Fetch!” Mindy scooped up the next fish and flung it out of the water. But of course, it didn’t land where it was supposed to. Instead, it went completely sideways, out of the intended receiver’s reach.
“Mindy!” Sam barked, having to jump up from where she sat and hunt down the fish flopping around in the grass. For something born and built to only move in water, it was able to manage missing the shepherd’s trained paws.
Over yonder, Kirby glanced up from her meal and licked her lips. “That’ll wake you for sure, right?” she teased, recalling her comment from earlier. 
But the younger dog wasn’t listening as she snapped at air and chased her writhing prey, without looking up to see where it was leading her. For someone that had a split pedigree of herding and hunting, she looked ridiculous. She could’ve sworn that Mindy had done this on purpose, because that was just the kind of cat she was. She constantly messed with her brother, Chad, but because she and Tara were dogs, they were intentionally put in certain positions, just for her amusement. She didn’t care for canines like her brother did and often thought of them with the typical stereotypes, but the two sisters were different. They were all really close. That was why she could get away with teasing them.
“Watch where you’re going, Wolfie!” 
She heard Mindy’s meow over the distance that had grown between them. “I… am,” she answered in between snaps. “You… should… watch where you… fling it next time!” And just as she thought she was about to have it, she crossed paths with two bear cubs nosing around some brambles. The fish flopped into their space, which made Sam slam on her breaks.
“That’s not good…” Kirby abandoned her breakfast to race over to where she could warn off any trouble.
However, Sam wasn’t about to back down from a couple of cubs. She was half-wolf, and she had just made a fool of herself trying to chase down a stupid fish. She was not about to just give it up like that. So, when the bears turned in her direction and grumbled from being disturbed, she held her ground. She barked with a territorial snarl intertwined.
A ways behind her, she heard Kirby call out to her. 
“Sam, get away from them!”
Then Mindy piped up.
“You’re gonna get mauled!”
But a wolf never backed down, especially when prey was involved. At least that’s the way it was in her bloodline. Her father, Billy Loomis, was a pure-blooded wolf, and if she ran away from this, she’d never hear the end of it. “I made a fool out of myself, chasing this thing all the way over here,” she objected, “There’s no way I’m just gonna walk away.”
One of the cubs gave a small roar as they stepped towards her, and she took that as a threat. Her fur bristled, and she bared her gums, snapping her jaws and letting a few aggressive barks out. And to her luck, the pair cowered away and scurried up the nearby trees. She chased them to make sure, then returned to finally win-over her fish. The wolfdog picked it up and shook it around, like Kirby had done. She carried her head high and trotted towards the others, like she was a show dog. “See? They’re only cubs. They don’t stand a chance against wolves,” she crowed.
Mindy rolled her eyes. “Half-wolf,” she corrected.
But Sam just shrugged it off. “Yeah, tell that to all of the trainers that gave up on me because I’ve ‘got too much wolf’ in me…” That’s why she never made it to any field of service in the canine working class. Her coat favored more of her german shepherd side, but she had many wolfish tendencies and characteristics. Plus, she was huge for a domesticated dog. 
Kirby’s ears perked as the body of a 6-foot bear strode into the clearing. And it didn’t smell friendly at all… not that any bear typically did, but this must’ve been the mother of the cubs Sam had scared off. She was going to warn her, but Mindy beat her to it.
“Uh, Sam?” Her pupils dilated, and her fur began to bush. “Y-you might wanna hurry over here… like right now.”
The hybrid dropped the fish and cocked her head. “Why?” 
A loud, outraged roar bellowed through the wilderness, scaring birds out of the trees and all of the fish to the bottom of the lake. It made Sam jump and the fur on her spine stand up. She spun around to meet razor, yellow fangs and foaming spit dripping from a grizzly bear’s mouth. Her ears flattened, and her tail instinctively tucked in between her legs. “Oh shit…”
The FBI K-9 by the bank barked and dashed forward. “Sam, run!” Mindy was already hauling tail in the other direction, which meant she was in the clear.
Sam leapt backwards as the mother bear swiped at her, yelping as she did so. A flash of red and white fur blurred her vision, and she heard Kirby’s defensive barks get in between her and the predator.
The bear roared and went for the smaller canine now, who guarded her companion. However, the two had similar motives when it came to being protective. Sam lunged forward and grabbed the collie’s scruff to pull her away and out of reach. She was actually small enough to where she was able to carry her, but she didn’t seem to like that very much.
“Okay, okay, I got it!” Kirby twisted in her hold, already trying to reach the ground with cycling paws. “Just go, and don’t look back!”
So, Sam dropped her and gained enough speed to catch up with Mindy, the three leaving the lake, the bears, and that tricky, slippery trout far behind.
Little did they know, that was only the start to the wild adventures they were about to embark on during this homeward bound journey…
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merry christmas beth!!! you have been one of the most amazing people i've ever met and i'm so honored to call you my friend. watching Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey with you was one of my best memories this year, and it's all thanks to you. stay true, stay beautiful, and stay you. 🩶 happy holidays, my fellow wolf warrior! 🎄✨🎁
- parker (BWS)
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blackwolfstabs · 9 months
Parker's Secret Santa Gifts🎄for @alkivm
In the heart of winter and in the dead of night, you and Wednesday share the woods.
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fandom: Wednesday (2022) pairing: Wedesnday Addams × Fem!Vampire!Reader a/n: this is my 1st × reader ever so i'm feeling very insecure about it.. however, i wanted to do something up your alley, Alk. i also wanted to write from Wednesday because i knew writing something of Sam would be too predictable of me haha. anyways, i hope you enjoy!!
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You slid into the partially dark dorm room that held your girlfriend’s strong scent. For someone as dark and mysterious as Wednesday, you never expected her to have a smell that was actually calming. However, this made it easier for you to find her. Being a vampire allowed you the same nose the werewolves had. Maybe even better, in your opinion…
Speaking of werewolves, Enid’s side of the room was the dark side, for once. She must’ve been out with her girl pack. This led you to immediately find Wednesday seated at her desk with a lit lamp as the clicking of the typewriter keys echoed off the walls. Her writing time, you presumed with a small smirk and shake of your head. It was part of her nightly routine. 
But you were looking for a night where they could just be with each other. It had snowed all day, but with the dark that you both adored, came clear skies and moonlight that made the snow sparkle. Wednesday, of course, didn’t care for sparkly things, but you hadn’t seen anything more vintage in decades. And you wanted to share that with her.
You wanted one normal night.
She never stopped typing, her black eyes undivided, but there was something about the way her shoulders braced that told you that she knew you were there. So, you approached her, but before you could speak, she did.
“What is it, Y/N?” she asked flatly. “You know this is my—”
“Yes, yes, I know. This is your writing time,” you cut her off as you stopped behind her chair and leaned against it. “I was thinking… maybe we could take a walk through the woods? We’ve been shut indoors all day because of the snowfall, and the moon is rather beautiful tonight.” You heard her give a short huff, which encouraged you to follow up with, “Almost as beautiful as you…”
Wednesday scoffed as she felt you lean down and kiss her cheek. You had just been outside, on your way over, so your lips were cold against her warm skin. It made her pull away slightly, “Oh, please, your pick-up lines are aging on me.” But even she had her own jokes to turn around on you, and she glanced up to tease, “Almost as much as you.”
To be fair, you did not see that coming as you looked away in mock offense. “You've been waiting to spring that one on me, haven’t you?”
She shrugged and went back to her writing, “Not really. You just fell into the trap.”
“Sly psychic,” you rolled your eyes.
“Dumb vampire.”
God, the way she just threw back words in any situation that made her charisma grow had your vampire instincts tingling. It made you frisky and longing for a hunt. However, if Wednesday followed your lead, you could take the thirst just to have one night with her. “Please?” you hated to beg, yet here you were doing it for her. “Can’t you spare one day of cutting your writing time short?”
Your borderline-desperate tone made her give a small smirk, and that gave you a little bit of hope. You had other plans for that night anyway, so you would make sure she’d show her side of the duality you had gotten the pleasure to know.
“Let me finish this paragraph,” she eventually gave in. 
You let her do so without trouble, pacing around the room like a caged tiger while you waited. And then she stood up from her chair and turned around to catch you looking at her.
“You’ve got the patience of a saint.” The sarcasm was thick in her flat tone.
You just shrugged and nodded to the tunic-length jacket that was lying on her bed, “That should be warm enough for you.”
The raven gave you an uncertain look as she went to retrieve it and slip it on. “Sometimes, I think you forget that I’m not a vampire,” she commented, clearly not convinced one jacket would keep her warm in the snowy wilderness.
“Never,” you assured her. When she turned around and approached you with her dark eyes trying to figure out the million thoughts behind your glowing ones, you gave her a wink. “Don’t worry, love. I’ll keep you warm.” 
She didn’t look convinced. “I’m thrilled.” Then again, she never did.
You never took that personally from her. After all, she was the one to insinuate a relationship that was more than friends. She had even stolen the first kiss between you two. As uninterested as she tried to seem, you knew she was curious about what you had in mind. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have followed you out.
The bitter cold of the winter night suited you just fine as you stepped out of the heated indoors and shook your head out to relish the chilly freedom. You sighed in delight, before looking over your shoulder to see Wednesday pacing up next to you. 
She blinked unsteadily, the breeze stinging her eyes and cheeks as her bangs were swept aside. She crossed her arms and hugged them against her chest. “It had to be tonight?”
You rolled your eyes, “Oh, come on, Wednesday, it’s not that bad!” You gave her a playful nudge. “You just need to get that warm blood pumping,” you then teased, your breed leaving you immune to the freeze.
She just growled in annoyance, which made you decide to take the first step—well, more like the second step now… “So, try and keep up,” you told her, then raced away into the woods.
It must have caught her off-guard, because she immediately followed hot in pursuit. “Y/N!” It was like she hadn’t even thought about the fact that she was rushing into a game of Tag, like it was a mindless effort that sent her after you.
Her calls made you run faster, weaving through the trees like a trained dog in agility, and you let out a triumphant howl that sent the crows scattering into the night sky. In return, you actually got a few calls back from the werewolves scouting the forest as well. “Hey, Wednesday!” you hollered over your shoulder, “you think one of those is your roommate?!”
You could hear your girlfriend’s panting grow louder as she flanked you a few yards back. “No!” she answered, “Enid wouldn’t be caught dead in this kind of cold!”
“But you’d like that, wouldn’t you?!” Being an Addams gave you so much freedom to joke about death, considering you were already dead inside. It was meant to be.
“Not tonight, Y/N!”
You just laughed and raced on, filing deeper and farther into the world of forestry that almost shielded the moonlight. The wind seemed to be going 100 miles per hour against your skin, making a million scents bathe your tongue every time you breathed in. 
And then the scent of fur and fresh-kill caught your senses. You were gaining too close to the werewolves, so you figured this was a good place to stop.
Wednesday, on the other hand, didn’t have as keen a sense of smell, which kept her racing on. She couldn’t see you anymore, but she had done that dance before. The amount of times she’d run through this very forest was unimaginable, especially with a destination known or unknown in mind. She wasn’t afraid of running through the dark; however, the crisp cold air was taking a toll on her lungs. She called out for you, slowing down to catch her breath. “Y/N?!”
Compared to the way she’d sounded a few minutes ago, back at the dorm, she wasn’t so uptight about everything. And that was where you wanted her.
The raven slowed all the way, when she didn’t receive a response from you. She glanced around as she trotted forward. “Y/N?” Her panting was silenced among the breeze and so was your movement in the low branch of the nearest tree.
When she passed it, you grabbed her arm and pulled it towards the trunk. She yelped and spun around, yanking her arm away to look up and meet your golden eyes. “Sorry,” you giggled, releasing her to comb your wind-tossed hair back with one hand. 
Her voice went back to its natural, monotoned-self. “Why are you in a tree?”
“We’re too close to the werewolves,” you nearly whispered the explanation. Then, you held your hand out to her. “Come on, I’ll help you up.” 
The gold shimmer in your eyes struck the lightest reflection in hers as she took it and let you pull half of her weight up onto the same branch.
You knew she wasn’t the most comfortable person with heights without being guarded by some sort of railing, so you made sure she was steady before you continued to lead the way up. Being a vampire, your agility and strength were reliable. You could weave quicker through the limbs. And once you reached almost ¾-ths of the way up, you crouched to check on your girlfriend.
Despite her size and normal human strength, she actually kept up well, only being a few branches below. However, being the lady vampire you were, you had lived for a few centuries. So, chivalry was definitely not dead in your era, just evolved out of the strictly-male ideals. “Wednesday!” She paused her climbing to glance up at you, which made you hold your hand out to her again. “I got you.” The cold must have been biting at her because she grabbed your hand with no hesitation, and you lifted her up, wrapping one arm around her waist to safely bring her to your level. 
She wouldn’t admit it, but the raven was relieved that you had the decency to allow her to be closest to the tree trunk. She glanced down, almost nervously, but left it undetectable as she asked, “Is there any reason why you insist on being so high up?”
“No one can see us from up here.” 
She shifted skeptically. 
“I thought you liked being uncomfortable,” you smirked. You caught the way she curved her fingers into the bark, threatening to clutch it if the branch that held them teased a crack or two.
Wednesday gave a slightly flustered sigh. “The last time I was in a tree, things didn’t go so well.” When she looked your way again, the moon light dappling through the trees made her eyes show a shade of brown that wasn’t common in her natural aesthetic. 
It took some of the frost away from the cold that you didn’t realize you could feel until that deep gaze met yours. Her frame looked even smaller as she backed up to secure herself against the trunk, which you knew she did to brace herself in case anything happened. You softened your voice as you moved closer to her. “I won’t let you fall,” the words came so naturally, it was almost considered pure.
She blinked at you. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Y/N…” 
You stopped a short distance from her, close enough to see what she hoped you wouldn’t: her desire for comfort. You slid one hand around her waist and the other over her cheek to block the winter breeze. “Here’s my promise,” you whispered, then pulled her into a gentle kiss.
To your surprise, she fell into it instantly, almost as if she was thinking of the same thing. She must have felt secure in your arms, for she then put her arms around your torso. And through the kiss, you smiled. 
She pulled away. “Is that all you got?” she tested you, looking away and over your shoulder to bait you into moving elsewhere than her lips.
You took in a deep breath, and her scent was so strong that you could almost taste her… You felt your golden gaze start to burn and your mouth start to salivate. There was a surge of power that entwined your bloodstream, and the thrill to drink made you stare at her open neck. Well… almost open. “Are you teasing me, Ms. Addams?” you asked her as you dipped your head towards the crook of her neck and nosed her braid over her shoulder, fully exposing her warm skin. 
“Bite me, Y/LN,” she almost purred into your ear. It was supposed to be a tease, but it came out more as a command.
But it was your pleasure, regardless. “Not until we’re in bed, my cold-hearted darling,” you replied, then pressed your lips to her neck. It was hard not to bite her right now. Just a little taste of that sweet drink that came out of the most savage student in Nevermore Academy would have sufficed. But you wouldn’t. Not now. For now, you forced yourself to only kiss and suckle her skin in a slow trail down her neck, but you did manage to let your fangs nip her every now and then.
All the while, Wednesday laid her head on your shoulder, sighing through the treatment with small moans, while her black nails curled into your spine when your fangs would catch her soft skin. 
It was the perfect mix of Heaven and Hell.
It was angelic and demonic.
It was sweet and stubborn.
It was you and Wednesday…
On this one normal night.
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merry christmas/happy holidays alk! i hope this made you smile and i'm wishing you a very pleasureable rest of the season. thank you for being such a supportive friend 🎄✨🎁
- parker (BWS)
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blackwolfstabs · 9 months
Parker's Secret Santa Gifts🎄for @alphawolfstabs
One knew what he wanted but didn’t know how to persuade. The other knew how he wanted to take it but was holding back.
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fandom: Scream pairing: Billy Loomis × Stu Macher characters: Billy Loomis & Stu Macher a/n: i've never written about stuilly before so i have no idea how accurate this may or may not be. i'm so sorry for all the billy and stu writers that gag at this haha. anyways, enjoy :)
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While it had only been a little over an hour since Billy had been submerged into his homework, it had felt like hours for Stu. He had gone through as many activities as he could to keep him entertained, while the other was still reading, writing, or doing whatever it was he was doing for class. He liked having him over, but he didn’t like spending it without talking or engaging in anything together, at all. There was no telling when he would be summoned home by a phone call.
On the other hand, Billy didn’t mind not actually doing anything together. They didn’t have to talk or even acknowledge each other. Just being in the same room was enough for him, even though staring at the same formatted words and questions over and over again made his head pound.
Stu’s voice interrupted his concentration, but he didn’t look up. “What?”
“I’m bored. Are you almost done?” he asked, tossing up a tennis ball as he slouched his computer chair.
“You said it’d be fine if I worked on homework here,” came the flat reply.
His friend sighed a somewhat dramatic sigh and stopped throwing the ball up in the air. “Yeah, but do you think you could, like, take a break or something?”
He put his pencil down and glanced over his shoulder. “I guess.” There was a look in the blue eyes that stared back at him that said he wasn’t just looking for something to do. He knew what he wanted, he just needed acceptance. “What do you want to do?”
Macher’s signature grin grew on his face, however he still tried to play it cool as he got up to make his way towards the bed. “Well, I dunno—”
“Yeah, you do,” the other immediately cut him off with a light scoff, turning back to his homework.
“Just… chill out, maybe?” He jumped onto the mattress and crawled over to the head of it. He craned his neck a little to see over Billy’s shoulder. “If you can put your fuckin’ homework down, you teacher’s pet,” he teased.
“Hey.” Billy turned his head enough to look at him. “At least I actually do my homework. How many classes are you failing again?”
Stu took no offense, just continued to tease him, “You only do yours because your mommy tells you to.”
This time, he set his homework on the bedside table and turned to grab a pillow, which he smacked him with.
“Oww!” the older teen cried in mock pain, the impact knocking him off balance.
“Serves you right.”
Macher scoffed—in his now-lying position—and reached behind him. “Oh, yeah?” He pulled out another pillow and returned the slap. “Take that!” He hit the other’s upper back, which had him earning a sarcastic smirk.
“Was that supposed to hurt me?” Loomis turned around to face him, still holding his weapon as he crept onto the bed fully.
The way his voice sounded—steady and cool—sent a shiver down Stu’s spine, those dark eyes only influencing that flustered feeling that had been taunting him for months now. “No-ho,” he laughed as he shook his head, when Billy stalked closer to him. “This is!”
The flash of color that came towards the younger teen didn’t reach him like it was intended to, for he caught it with his free hand. Ocean eyes lit up before him, and he knew the exact words running through his head.
“Aw, I fucked up!” 
Billy grinned a wolfish grin, “Yeah, you did.” He ripped the pillow out of Stu’s grip, then pelted him with both cushions at once. “Now, what are you gonna do?!”
Macher shouted in a playful way as he turned his back and put his arms over his head for protection. “That’s cheating!” 
But the attacker didn’t care and pounced on his prey by straddling him with his knees. It was somewhat awkward, but he wasn’t thinking about that at the time. “How’s it cheating? You made a stupid move, you’re the one who got yourself into this,” he taunted, continuing to hit him.
“Fight me! Fight me, like a man!”
By now, they just looked like two rambunctious puppies barking back and forth for the upper hand. As Stu continued to take the bombardment, he could hear Billy start to laugh, and it made his face burn. Billy didn’t laugh much, not in the playful, genuine way like this was. It was a little higher than the laughs he gave when making a snide comment or being sarcastic. It was a young-at-heart kind of expression, and that sent the underdog blushing immediately. He broke his makeshift cover to grab both of Billy’s wrists and hold them in a firm grip. 
This caught him off-guard, which allowed the older teen to make his next move. Being taller, he was able to twist beneath his friend’s straddling knees and push himself into a semi-slouch, using the support of the headboard. He brought his knees up, which pushed Billy forward to have his knees corralling his hips and his backside supported by Stu’s thighs. 
Suddenly, the lighthearted moment the other was immersed in vanished for one of surprise as he dropped the pillows. The words that he always managed to spit out around his friend were lost for mere silence as he could only blink into the bright eyes gazing at him.
This just made Stu smirk. He knew he had just taken control without giving any combative retaliation. He also knew his face was bright red with the amount of heat that surged through him at being that close to Billy, let alone having him basically locked onto his lap. “Now, what are you gonna do?” he used his own words against him.
Loomis swallowed, his heart racing while he instinctively tried to twist his wrists a little bit. He glanced away shyly, “U-um…” He was drawing a major blank, emphasis on major.
However, while it was awkward for one, it was endearing for the other. Macher released his wrists to then wrap his arms around his waist, holding him in place. 
The tension between them had grown heavy in a matter of seconds, somewhere between hope and despair. It was uncertainty. One knew what he wanted but didn’t know how to persuade. The other knew how he wanted to take it but was holding back.
They were best friends, nothing more… right?
Billy braced himself to avoid falling onto Stu’s chest, one hand against the headboard and the other pressed against his shoulder. He couldn’t seem to glance up, not to meet those wild eyes that hid nothing, even though they were begging for his dark ones to comply. It was too risky. That’s the way he was. Once he started something, he wasn’t able to stop. A forged relationship was no different, especially with the amount of emotions involved. God, that was rough. “W-we can’t…” was all he managed to get out, his voice suddenly quiet and almost fearful of ears lurking beyond Stu’s bedroom walls, even though they were the only ones in the house.
“Says who?” came the retaliating challenge. It wasn’t strong or defensive. In fact, it was the softest Stu Macher had ever sounded in their time of knowing each other. And that was because he had finally found himself in this moment—the moment he’d been waiting for. He was fun-loving and dimwitted, but he knew how to make or break a chance. Billy was someone that he had never known before. He was like a stray dog that owned the streets, an artist before he made any art, a wild horse without any cowboy to tame him. He was reckless and rugged. He showed up, when it was least expected, and he was promised to give anyone around him plenty of trouble. That kind of person was nothing but the perfect match for Stu.
He wanted to be more than friends.
Billy tensed as he felt the older teen’s arms stretch farther around his waist, nearing the hem of his shirt. His voice steadied a little more, “My parents will kill me.”
The right half of Stu’s mouth turned up, dipping his head a little to catch his friend’s gaze. And with a gentle touch of his hand, he lifted his chin to do so. “Your parents don’t have to know,” he practically whispered.
The younger was locked in. He couldn’t look away or try to get out of the arms holding him still. His heart was beating so hard, he swore that it could be heard between the two of them. He wasn’t necessarily an anxious person, yet the feeling was strong in his stomach as his breathing began to deepen and trembled slightly. Being a teenage boy, he was often put under oath that he wasn’t scared of anything—that no matter what, he could take what he was given. How else were you supposed to survive? But this was the first time in years he could say that he felt fear. He could see Stu’s eyes jumping from his own to his lips, which made him tempted to pull away. He just wasn’t sure, so all he could think to say, if he even was thinking, was, “What?” 
Because why was he looking so calm, yet excited? So hesitant, but sure? So careless, yet longing?
And for a response, Stu kissed him. He didn’t ask before he did it, but he didn’t seem to mind, actually leaning into it. One of Stu’s hands retreated from his lower back to hold the side of his face as he tilted his head to secure his lips. 
He earned a soft moan from doing so.
A sensation of peace combed itself down Billy’s spine, easing the swirling anxiety that made him twisted in the spotlight of a decision. Now, the deed was done, only needing half of a two-person commitment to take one step closer. Surprisingly, Stu’s lips were soft as they manipulated his. Being nervous already, he knew his kiss wouldn’t come off very challenging, yet he didn’t expect that from a dare-devil, like his friend. 
Macher rotated his thumb in smooth, gentle circles along the younger’s cheek bone, casually slipping his hand beneath his shirt to run his fingers up his side. He felt him shift closer, which delighted him, and he edged his knees up higher to hold that close space. 
Loomis didn’t even realize his hand had drifted away from pressing against the older teen’s shoulder, until his fingers threaded through his hair, slightly tilting his head back. The support from Stu’s thighs had pushed him far enough to leave his knees straddling his sides, which left him taking somewhat of a dominant lead as he had to dip his head to keep the kiss strong. 
This gave Macher a sense of bravery as he stretched his arm further around his waist to have his fingertips find the frontal surface of his torso. He purred as they paused for a quick breath, then went back to it. The other foreign hand that wasn’t tangled in his hair was looped around his neck, giving him open access to move his own as he pleased. And he did as he traced his fingertips over the contoured definition of the smaller male’s abs. They weren’t heavily defined, but they were impressive.
Billy shuddered at this, but it only made him come off stronger, gripping Stu’s hair while his other hand pressured his nape. The other’s digits trailed up his ribs then found the midline of his abdomen, where he carefully retreated downward. They dipped into his navel a little when they reached it, which made an involuntary growl rumble in Loomis’s throat, and he drug the hand on Stu’s neck down his back, feeling the owner moan into his mouth.
If things started to escalate, there would be more than uncompleted homework to pay for. They had known each other for a long time now, almost swearing to know each other better than themselves. They could be called a lot of things, but tonight they were a pair of desperados. Something about this night was making them cross the line. 
They were playing with fire. Love wasn’t too far behind. It was just a matter of time…
Billy felt Stu’s hand ease down his jawline and cup the flank of his neck. He pulled back a little to catch the older’s bottom lip between his teeth and tug on it. His partener smirked and jerked a little to get free.
“You’re not feeling that nervous about this anymore, are you?” he was teased.
“Shut up,” he replied and pulled him into another kiss. And it was gladly accepted.
It was just a matter of time, for sure. There was no doubt about it.
Playing with fire was something dangerous but tempting. Especially for two frisky teens, like Billy Loomis and Stu Macher.
They were good at it. They played with fire, but they didn’t get burned.
They learned how to embrace the flames.
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merry christmas billy!! i've really enjoyed being your friend, and i hope we stay friends for a while. you made me feel like it was okay to be myself on social media, and i'm very thankful for the kindness and support you've given to me. hope this isn't weird, but i love you dude 🩶 team loomis!! 🎄✨🐺
- parker (BWS)
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blackwolfstabs · 9 months
Parker's Secret Santa Gifts🎄for @silliestgoosever
"Even wolves bleed like sheep..."
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fandom: Scream // Epiphany AU by @silliestgoosever // (parker's version) characters: Sam Carpenter, Christina Carpenter, & Tara Carpenter WARNING: contains angst, minor gore, & verbal abuse
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Sam hissed as the warm steam from her shower cleared to let the cold air of the air conditioning burn her right eye. Her blind eye… 
It seemed like she got soap in that eye every fucking time she took a shower. It seemed like every time she “got used to” being blind in that eye, something would rip her back to reality, cursing her with how it got that way and all the damage that she’d suffered with it.
It never got easier to re-live. The fight, the words, the curses, the blame, the guilt, the pain… All the pain that her mother had caused. Physically, mentally, emotionally—all of it. It never got easier.
She pulled a comb through her hair, before grabbing a dry washcloth to press it against her stinging eye. If Christina was going to take half of her vision away, she should’ve taken the nerves with it too. It watered against the contact, making her grit her teeth as she wiped it and tried to blink away the sting.
“You’re pathetic!” 
A voice—a very familiar voice—hissed behind her.
Sam froze. Her heart skipped into a race, and she felt every muscle in her body tense. All of it. All of it hit her like a hurricane at once. It was the Cat-5- kind of hurricane that destroyed everything in its path in a single second and left the tragedy behind. It had winds that howled the foulest of words and rain that downed out even the loudest, most desperate screams. It was ruthless and held no remorse in the strength that it held. 
And that hurricane was named Christina Carpenter. 
She swallowed, not realizing that she was shaking, until it was pointed out.
“You always trembled when I was around,” the teasing began. “I always thought it was out of anger, but now that I know just how much of a coward you are, the truth really was that you were scared of me.”
She could hear her own breath shudder as she stared at the wall.
“You’re scared of me, aren’t you, Samantha? Just like you were afraid of your father, when you started having visions of him.”
She sounded so evil. So vile . So savagely in love with the idea of making her own daughter suffer for the decisions her parents made.
“Turn around and face me, Loomis ! You’ve still got one good eye, I know you can see me!” There was a fleeting moment of tense silence, before the woman growled, “Let me see that reward I gave you for showing me who you really are…”
How could she turn around after hearing that? What was she, a sad, obedient dog that did whatever her master wanted, no matter how demeaning, infuriating, or humiliating? Yes. She must be, because the next thing she knew, she was staring at herself in the mirror with her mother’s mirrored eyes glaring at her in disgust and prideful hatred.
She was standing right behind her. She was standing there, like she was some fashion designer that had just groomed their chosen model for a show. Some show… It was a horror show that left Sam’s stomach churning with nausea.
But she couldn’t look away. And Christina just grinned.
“Look how weak… how despicable…” Her hand came up to lightly graze over her daughter’s eye, “How revealing…”
Sam yanked her face away, flames of shock setting her body on fire as she felt the touch, as if she wasn’t dead and actually standing right behind her. However, her shoulders were grabbed and held in place, and the manifested woman snarled.
“Look at yourself, Samantha!”
And she reluctantly did so, thick blood covering the entire right side of her face and the lower left side, running into her blind eye, which seemed to sting a thousand times more than the soap did. She had to fight back a cry of pain as it dripped off her chin and onto the bathroom floor, leaving her world to regress back to that night. She couldn’t stop the tears that flooded into her eyes at the disbelief. 
No. This wasn’t real. It was her doing all of this.
She tried to wipe some of the blood from her cheek, but nothing came off on her hand. The pain was there, the touch was there, the voices and the haunting looks were there, but the real world wasn’t.
It was all because of her.
“Y-you’re not real,” she finally managed to speak. “You’re only in my head, just like he was.”
But her mother denied it. “Oh, I’m very real. Who else could’ve done this?” She hummed as she snaked her hands around the younger’s waist and grabbed the hem of her shirt. “I carved you up nicely, didn’t I?”
Sam swallowed back the nausea threatening to crawl up her throat. She nearly gasped at how cold the woman’s fingertips were as they curved beneath her clothing and brushed her warm skin.
“Even wolves bleed like sheep…”
Christina pulled her shirt up to expose the other scar she’d cursed her with, which was now gushing blood, just like her face was. Then, she took one hand and dipped two fingers into the crimson liquid to start drawing over her bare stomach.
Sam’s tears fell. She shook in her mother’s hold, paralyzed and unable to fight back small whimpers as she watched the blood trail being made on her torso, like a map of death. “No…”
“Yes.” The older Carpenter leaned in close to her ear. “Let those tears fall. Show me just how miserable it is to live with these scars on your body, blood on your hands, me in your head, and Billy in your heart.”
“No!” The victim managed to break the spiritual spectrum for a moment, ripping the hands away from her abdomen and pulling herself out of the hovering presence that held her captive. She looked over her shoulder, and there was nothing there. She dropped her gaze to her torso, and it was free of smeared blood. But when she met the mirror, Christina was still there with her glowing eyes that were full of insanity, bloodlust, and hatred for the one staring back at her—her own daughter.
“You can’t escape it, Samantha. No matter how hard you try, I will always be in every dark corner of your mind.”
The terror that she felt so strongly only seconds ago was drowned by a river of lava that burned fear to ashes and left nothing but rage and resentment. “I already got rid of one person who tried to control me—”
“You got lucky that time,” she cut her off. “Your mother, who you knew all your life until that night, isn’t that easy to ignore, and you know it. That’s why you can’t look away from what I’ve made of you. You can’t get rid of me.”
Sam stared her mother down, seething while her right eyelid twitched. It made her enemy chuckle. And that infuriated her. How dare she? That woman could mock her all she wanted. She was dead , so the war was already won. “I won’t beg you anymore,” she growled coldly. “Stay out of my life.”
Those 5 simple words combined in that simple sentence made Christina’s eyes go cold—colder than they already were. Then they lit up with hatred. Even though she was just a reflection in the mirror, she lunged forward. “You’re nothing, you hear me?! Nothing but a Loomis!” she screamed so loud that the reflective glass seemed to shake on the wall. “You know that you’re just like me, you’re just like Billy, and you know damn well that you’ll end up killing Tara, too! Your sister, the only person who could ever love you!”
“Liar!” her daughter bit back. That was the quickest response she could get out. She was rabid with insulted rage. She was already partially blind, but she couldn’t even see straight at this point. All she saw was red, and it wasn’t because of blood, this time. She was sick of being yelled at, and accused, and ripped apart by the tormentors who were biologically her own parents. Fuck that. She had endured too much. She didn’t want to take it anymore. “You’re wrong, Tara means everything to me! I would never fucking hurt her!”
“Did you forget? You already have.”
Sam’s blood went from fire to ice at the realization. She had hurt her. By leaving… She left all those years ago, and that was why Tara got hurt in the first place… to get her to come back to Woodsboro.
Christina chuckled. “You see? We’re the same, you and me.”
No. Fuck that. Things had changed. She loved Tara. And Tara loved her. “We’re nothing alike!” the younger Carpenter spat. “You’re pure evil!”
“Maybe. But I’m also dead… which means you can’t stop me.”
Every thing she said, there was a comeback. Every defense had an offense. Every truth had a dare.
“The day will come when you’ll hold Tara’s dead body in your arms, and there will be no second chances, no more I-love-yous, no more trust, and no more Sam Carpenter. Just Samantha Loomis.”
It was so painful. Sam didn’t think she had ever been as tense as she was right at this moment. Lies. All she could think of was the word lies . She wanted to say more. She wanted to argue. She wanted to rip out her tongue and shove it down her throat so far that she could grab a hold of her intestines and pull them back up and apart from what held them in place. 
But she was dead. So, there was nothing she could do but take it.
Christina knew her daughter was totally defenseless, looking like she was about to burst into tears again. And that thrilled her. It was refreshing and empowering, just like that night. Every time Tara was mentioned, it got to Sam deeply and emotionally. 
It was priceless. 
“You can never give her what she needs.”
Something snapped. Sam could feel it inside her. She went blind, totally blind as a guttural scream echoed off the drywall and her fist was thrown into the mirror.
Then shattered glass.
All in the blink of an eye.
The sound of shards falling from their placement, into the sink, and all over the floor snapped Sam out of her rabid trance. She was panting, her left-eyed vision settling on her fist that was still jammed into the mirror. Her arm was trembling and she could see fresh blood starting to accumulate on her knuckles. 
Christina was gone. The pain and the threats were gone. It was just her in the bathroom, alone, her damp hair bringing cooler temperatures to her face, while the realization that she had just punched the mirror and broke it processed in her head.
Tara threw the door to her room open and made it to the bathroom door, which was still shut. She knew Sam had been taking a shower, but the sound of an animalistic scream and glass shattering overpowered the music coming through her headphones. She knocked on it. “Sam?”
There was no answer. 
“Sammy, are you okay?”
Still nothing.
This made her anxiety rush in with no hesitation. She didn’t even bother to try again as she let herself in, nearly busting the door open. “Sam—” She froze only a step into the room.
Sam was sitting on the floor with shattered pieces of the mirror scattered all around her. Her head was hung, and she was holding her hand—her right hand. 
“Sam…?” Tara wanted to go to her sister’s side, but she didn’t have any shoes on, and the tile was littered with small pieces that could easily get stuck in her feet. 
Sam finally looked up from staring at the ground. It was slow and almost eerie the way she did it, but the relief that came over her little sister’s face when she realized that she was conscious and could hear her pulled her out of the shocked trance. Somewhat, at least…
As much as locking eyes made her nerves tempted to settle, the younger Carpenter was nearly horrified at the loss of control she must’ve experienced that caused her to break the mirror. “What are you doing?” her voice almost cracked as she said it.
Great. After all of that, she had just scared Tara. She swore she’d never be someone her baby sister didn’t want to be around, yet here she was, surrounded by her own unstable, toxic behavior. 
No. That wasn’t her. That was Christina trying to take her by the reins and control who she wanted her to be.
But she had to be honest.
“I’m fine, Tara,” she assured her. Her voice was quiet and tired with a small rasp from her previous yelling. Then, she looked away. “She, uh…” Her scarred-up face stared back at her in one of the large pieces of reflective glass. “It wasn’t real…”
She was still confused though… “What wasn���t real?”
The witch’s horrid design on her face was what held Sam’s attention. She hadn’t been real, but she had felt like it. The words, the blood, the touching. Being a canvas was something that still made her feel sick to her stomach. 
“Our mother…”
Tara blinked from her older sister to the glass on the floor, and then to the place where the mirror used to be. At first, she didn’t understand, but then it all made sense. “You saw a vision of her?” she asked, feeling confident in the answer but wanting to hear it for herself.
However, Sam shook her head. “It wasn’t a vision, Tara…” She watched the blood trickle down her knuckles.
“...it was a nightmare, while I was still awake.”
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merry christmas josey! it was a pleasure to write something from your AU. i hope you enjoy it 🎄✨🎁
- parker (BWS)
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Rules, FAQ and Timeline
It has come to my attention that the rules page is not mobile friendly, sorry about that! I'm putting it all here and will pin this post to the page for easy access for the future. ♥️
Basic Rules:
Fics must be a minimum of 1,000 words.
Fics must be Spideypool-centric.
Please follow the spirit of the event and the requests as much as to the letter. If it's only technically or incidentally Spideypool, or if it's not technically what the listed squick was, please request/write something else.
That's about it! No event-given limits beyond that, go nuts!
Sign-ups open: Sunday, November 13
Sign-ups close: Saturday, November 19 at 6pm Eastern Time
Prompts go out: Saturday, November 26 (or earlier, if the matches are done before then!)
Deadline to post: Monday, January 2, 2023 at 11:59pm EST
Rules and FAQ (extended):
What is this event?
Essentially, you receive a person to write a fic for, along with up to 3 prompts. You write one of these prompts and then gift it to them, on AO3 and/or Tumblr. And it’s all anonymous until the fic is posted! If you’ve heard of a Secret Santa event, this is the same idea, just with an attempt at a more inclusive name.
How do I sign up?
Fill out this Google Form (closed until November 13). You’ll receive an email with your responses and voila, you’re all done!
Please do not request NSFW content if you are under 18. On the other side, if you’re told your giftee is under 18, please keep the fic SFW.
Do try to keep the prompts open! Remember, this is a gift, not a commission. You will not have precise control over what is made, and that’s part of the spirit of the exchange! 
How long does my fic need to be?
1,000 words. There is no word limit, but if your giftee has stated they are not okay with receiving a WIP, please do keep in mind your time limit and adjust your length accordingly.
Do my prompts have to be holiday-themed?
Nope! Prompts can be for any holiday or completely unrelated to one.
Is [blank] allowed?
The only requirements are to keep it Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, and to work off the prompt(s) and DNWs (do-not-wants) given. So long as you’re trying to give your giftee something they will enjoy, the fest has no other limitations on what content is allowed.
*Note: prompts must be Spideypool-centric. E.g.,  you can request Spideypool with background Irondad, but please don’t request Irondad with background Spideypool. It’s not what the event is for, and makes it much harder on the mods to pair people up.
There are three prompts. How many do I need to write?
Only one! If you have the time and energy to fill more, then go right ahead! Though I suggest finishing one before starting on another, so you don’t risk leaving your giftee with nothing.
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