#part 3 of the nc scene
laurenkmyers · 5 months
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bratzkoo · 9 days
barely yours | mingyu pt. 3
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Author: bratzkoo | navi Pairing: rockstar! mingyu x reader Word Count: 2.3k Genre: fluff, angst, smut-ish Rating: NC-17 Possible Warnings: mingyu is only 1/2 idiot. it's gonna make sense soon, i promise. written in third person.
Summary: you flirt, you fuck, but when you hint that you want to be more he dismissed it as if you’re joking… and when you decide to ignore him he comes back with flowers at your doorstep.
taglist (hit me up if you wanna be added): ​ @ca-clover , @junniesoleilkth , @gaslysainz , @darkerrdaze , @mansaaay , @childish-fear , @whoa-jo , @movingalongfrs , @lixisoul99 , @cherrylovescheol , @yuyu1024 , @tacolombe , @black-swan-blog27 , @tulipndtale , @xuimhao , @cookiearmy find other parts here! pt.1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4
requests are open, but you can just say hi! | masterlist
The first rays of sunlight filtered through Y/N's living room curtains, casting a warm glow on Mingyu's sleeping form. He stirred, his face scrunching up as consciousness slowly returned. As he blinked awake, confusion clouded his features. This wasn't his room. This wasn't even his apartment. The unfamiliar ceiling above him swam into focus, and with it came a throbbing headache that made him groan.
Suddenly, the events of the previous night came rushing back in fragmented flashes. The company party. The shattered glass. The burning of soju down his throat. Coming to Y/N's apartment... Mingyu's eyes widened in horror as more details surfaced. Had he really gotten down on his knees and begged Y/N to leave Seungcheol? He groaned again, this time out of sheer mortification, covering his face with his hands.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Y/N's voice came from the direction of the kitchen, tinged with a mix of amusement and something else Mingyu couldn't quite place. Was it concern? Pity? He was afraid to find out.
Slowly, cautiously, Mingyu sat up. The room spun for a moment before settling, and he found himself face to face with Y/N, who stood in the kitchen doorway holding two steaming mugs. She looked tired, with slight shadows under her eyes suggesting she hadn't slept much, but there was a softness in her gaze that gave Mingyu a flicker of hope.
"Y/N, I..." Mingyu started, his voice raspy from sleep and last night's excesses. But Y/N cut him off with a gentle shake of her head.
"Drink this first," she said, stepping forward to hand him one of the mugs. "It's my special hangover cure. Then we'll talk."
Mingyu accepted the mug gratefully, inhaling the strange but not unpleasant aroma. He took a cautious sip, and despite the odd mix of sweet and bitter flavors, he could almost feel it working its magic on his aching head.
As Mingyu sipped his drink, Y/N busied herself in the kitchen. Soon, the apartment was filled with the comforting aroma of coffee and something cooking. The domestic scene struck Mingyu as both familiar and achingly out of reach. How many mornings had he imagined waking up to this very scenario? But not like this. Never like this.
"I hope you're hungry," Y/N called out, her voice carrying a forced cheerfulness that didn't quite mask the underlying tension. "I'm making pancakes."
Mingyu's stomach growled in response, reminding him that he hadn't eaten since before the party. "Sounds great," he managed, his voice a bit steadier now. "Can I... can I help with anything?"
Y/N poked her head out of the kitchen, a small smile playing on her lips. "Just focus on feeling human again. I've got this."
A few minutes later, they sat at Y/N's small dining table, a stack of fluffy pancakes between them. The sight and smell were enticing, but Mingyu found it hard to do more than pick at his food. The gravity of the situation – of what he'd done and said last night – weighed heavily on him.
For a long moment, neither spoke. The only sounds were the clink of cutlery against plates and the muffled noises of the city waking up outside. Mingyu stole glances at Y/N between bites, trying to gauge her mood. She seemed calm, but there was a tightness around her eyes that betrayed her own unease.
Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, Mingyu set down his fork and took a deep breath. "Y/N, I am so, so sorry about last night. I was completely out of line, showing up here drunk like that. I never meant to put you in that position or make you uncomfortable. It was selfish and stupid, and I—"
Y/N held up a hand, cutting off his rambling apology. She set down her own fork and met his gaze squarely. "Mingyu, before you say anything else, I need to ask you something. Do you... do you remember what happened last night? What you said?"
Mingyu felt heat creep up his neck, a blush spreading across his cheeks. "Most of it, yeah," he admitted, dropping his gaze to his half-eaten pancakes. "It's a bit fuzzy around the edges, but... I remember what I said. What I confessed." He forced himself to look back up at Y/N, knowing he owed her that much. "And I meant it. Every word. Even if my delivery left a lot to be desired."
Y/N's expression softened, a mix of emotions flitting across her face too quickly for Mingyu to decipher. She took a deep breath, as if steeling herself for something. "Mingyu, there's something I need to tell you. About Seungcheol and me."
Mingyu tensed, bracing himself for the worst. Was this where she told him she was in love with Seungcheol? That his drunken confession had ruined their friendship?
"We're not really dating," Y/N said in a rush, the words tumbling out as if she was afraid she'd lose her nerve if she didn't say them quickly. "It was... it was all fake. A plan to make you jealous."
Mingyu blinked, sure he must have misheard. "What?"
Y/N sighed, running a hand through her hair – a nervous habit Mingyu had always found endearing. "I know it sounds crazy, but just... let me explain, okay?"
And so she did. Y/N laid out the whole story – Seungcheol's idea, born out of frustration with the tension between Mingyu and Y/N. The band's involvement, their well-meaning but misguided attempt to push Mingyu and Y/N together. The carefully orchestrated "dates," the inside jokes, the lingering touches – all designed to provoke a reaction from Mingyu.
As Y/N spoke, Mingyu's expression shifted from confusion to understanding to something like wonder. Pieces of the puzzle that had been nagging at him for weeks suddenly fell into place. The knowing looks between the other band members. Seungcheol's sudden interest in Y/N's work. The way Vernon and Wonwoo always seemed to be pushing them together.
When Y/N finally fell silent, Mingyu let out a long breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. "So, let me get this straight," he said slowly. "You're not in love with Seungcheol?"
Y/N shook her head, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "No, I'm not. He's a good friend, but that's all."
A smile started to spread across Mingyu's face, hope blooming in his chest. "And everything I said last night... you heard all that knowing it wasn't about breaking you and Seungcheol up, but about us? About how I really feel?"
Y/N nodded, a blush coloring her cheeks. "Yeah, I did."
The realization hit Mingyu like a wave, washing away the last of his hangover-induced fog. He reached across the table, taking Y/N's hand in his. Her skin was soft and warm, fitting perfectly in his larger palm. "Then you know how I feel," he said softly, his eyes never leaving hers. "Y/N, I meant every word. I love you. I have for... god, probably since the moment we met. I was just too scared to admit it, even to myself. But I'm not scared anymore." He squeezed her hand gently. "I want us to be together, for real this time. No games, no pretending. Just us."
Y/N's breath caught at Mingyu's words, and for a moment, he could see everything he felt reflected in her eyes – love, longing, hope. But then something else crept in. Hesitation. She gently extracted her hand from his, and Mingyu felt his heart sink.
"Mingyu, I..." Y/N started, her voice soft but firm. "I can't deny that I have feelings for you too. Strong feelings. But..."
Mingyu's face fell. "But?"
Y/N sighed, pushing her plate aside and leaning forward, her elbows on the table. "But I think we both need some time. To grow, to figure out who we are outside of this... whatever this has been between us." She gestured vaguely between them. "I need to focus on myself for a while."
Mingyu was quiet for a moment, processing Y/N's words. His first instinct was to argue, to plead his case. But as he looked at Y/N – really looked at her – he saw the determination in her eyes, the quiet strength that had first drawn him to her. And he realized that maybe, just maybe, she was right.
Slowly, he nodded. "I understand," he said, surprising himself with how much he meant it. "And you're right. We've both made mistakes, acted out of fear or jealousy or... whatever it was that made us think a fake dating scheme was a good idea." That drew a small laugh from Y/N, easing some of the tension. "Maybe some time to grow individually wouldn't be a bad thing."
Relief washed over Y/N's face. "You're not upset?"
Mingyu smiled, a genuine, warm smile that made Y/N's heart flutter despite her best efforts. "How could I be upset? You're not rejecting me, you're just asking for time. And after everything, I think we both deserve that."
He reached out again, this time just lightly touching Y/N's hand where it rested on the table. "You know, whatever happens, know that I'm yours. Whether as a friend or something more, I'm here. Always."
Y/N couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up, bright and genuine. "Barely," she joked, her eyes sparkling with mirth.
It took Mingyu a second to get the reference, but when he did, he joined in her laughter. The sound filled the apartment, chasing away the last of the tension that had hung between them. As their laughter subsided, they found themselves smiling at each other across the table, a new understanding passing between them.
They finished their breakfast in comfortable silence, both lost in thought but no longer weighed down by unspoken feelings or misunderstandings. As Mingyu helped Y/N clear the dishes, he felt lighter than he had in months.
"So," he said as he dried the last plate, handing it to Y/N to put away, "what happens now?"
Y/N closed the cabinet and turned to face him, leaning against the counter. "Now... we focus on ourselves. On our careers, on our personal growth. We figure out who we are as individuals, not just as... whatever we were."
Mingyu nodded, mirroring her pose against the opposite counter. "And us? Where do we stand?"
Y/N smiled, a soft, genuine smile that made Mingyu's heart skip a beat. "Friends," she said firmly. "Real friends this time. No games, no hidden agendas. Just two people who care about each other, supporting each other as we grow."
"Friends," Mingyu repeated, testing the word out. It wasn't everything he wanted, but it was a start. A foundation they could build on. "I like the sound of that."
Y/N pushed off from the counter, closing the distance between them. For a moment, Mingyu thought she might hug him, but she stopped just short, looking up at him with an expression he couldn't quite read. "Mingyu," she said softly, "I need you to understand something. This isn't a 'no.' It's a 'not yet.' Can you... can you be okay with that?"
Mingyu felt something warm unfurl in his chest – hope, fragile but persistent. He reached out, gently tucking a strand of hair behind Y/N's ear. "I can be very patient when it's for something worthwhile," he said, his voice low and sincere. "And you, Y/N? You're worth waiting for."
Y/N's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, but her smile was radiant. She stepped forward, wrapping her arms around Mingyu in a tight hug. He returned the embrace, breathing in the familiar scent of her shampoo, committing this moment to memory.
When they finally pulled apart, both were a little misty-eyed, but there was a newfound lightness between them. The air felt clearer somehow, as if a storm had passed, leaving behind the promise of better days ahead.
Mingyu glanced at the clock on the wall, realizing with a start how much time had passed. "I should probably get going," he said reluctantly. "We have that radio interview this afternoon, and I should probably change and, uh, look less like I spent the night on someone's couch."
Y/N laughed, the sound music to Mingyu's ears. "Probably a good idea. We wouldn't want to start any new rumors, would we?"
As Mingyu gathered his things and made his way to the door, he paused, turning back to Y/N. "Hey, want to get coffee sometime this week? As friends?"
Y/N's smile was answer enough, but she nodded anyway. "I'd like that. Text me?"
"Definitely," Mingyu promised. He hesitated for a moment, then leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to Y/N's cheek. "Thank you," he murmured. "For everything."
Y/N's cheeks flushed pink, but her smile never wavered. "Go on, get out of here before I change my mind and keep you hostage."
Mingyu laughed, giving her a mock salute before heading out the door. As he walked down the hallway, he couldn't help but start humming a new melody.
In her apartment, Y/N leaned against the closed door, her fingers lightly touching the spot where Mingyu had kissed her.
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fiamat12 · 2 months
It's hard to fathom - when everything seemed to be going so swimmingly by the end of the press tour - how things did such a 180° with papgate (L's doing or not), so we rack our brains for the WHY... it must be a scandal! (Yes, we've been watching too much BTON)... surely L did something unsavory during his HBS or 🐜 has a video of him in a compromising position or somehow she found out that L & N took things next level on the tour & brought the mirror scene to life, irl. 🪞
But couldn't any of these potential issue be easily solved? :
• L & N are both well represented and surely could lawyer up to avoid anything truly damning being circulated
• No press is bad press... Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, i.e. - all the "greats" - made a name for themselves by having a sex tape or being tied to scandal. Not only did it NOT ruin their career, it catapulted them to notoriety and set them up for future success.
• Any romance btwn L & N would certainly be celebrated by the fandom & GA. Sure, 🐜 was rumored dating gossip for L, but L repeatedly stated he was single and appeared casual with her at best. Surely he'd be able to go on his way without much fanfare...
•While N may have had a Scarlet Letter on her during S3 filming, L's ex gf (J) moved on & seems happy in a new rel. Since then, L & N have shown an awareness of how their characters may have affected them irl, & the tour highlighted them as thoughtful, committed actors vs. reckless or self-involved.
•There's only one major thing I can think of rn where the stakes would be high enough to impact Nicola's career & require privacy & secrecy (iykyk)... in that case, perhaps 🐜 negotiated a deal where she gets exposure in exchange for her silence.
It begs the question: WHAT HAPPENED between L & N? (*said like Anthony to Colin in Ep 7* 😁). There are a few possibilities:
A) L & N discussed their future and agreed to separate for now for various reasons and either 1-N knew about 🐜 but didn't expect her to be at the Part 2 premiere, 2- N didn't realize 🐜 would still be hanging around w/ L at all, esp. at the Part 2 premiere, 3- N knew 🐜 would be around, but the pap walk was a total surprise, 4- N knew about everything, but it simply backfired, and she did her best to save face.
B) L & N discussed nothing (even though it was clear they both have feelings for each other) then papgate happened and it either 1-put a wedge btwn them that they still need to repair 2-initially put a wedge btwn them which they repaired, and are living their own lives until they see each other for S4 filming.
I tend to believe the answer lies somewhere in the A batch... What are your thoughts?
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winterchimez · 9 months
Heart's Detour | Kim Sunwoo
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SUMMARY: there has been a rise in kidnapping cases in town, and your brother feared for your safety and decided to send someone who would keep you safe in the meantime. what you least expected was that the biker gang's leader was the one your brother had gotten for you, thinking that this could probably be the biggest mistake you'll ever make in your life.
PAIRING: biker!Sunwoo x afab!reader (feat. lieutenant!Jacob)
GENRE: biker au, angst, crime, fluff, thriller, slight suggestive
WARNINGS: nc-17, first and foremost Sunwoo is very flirty and delulu here 😃👍, slow-burn, pet names (sweetheart, princess, kitten), violence, action scenes (certain parts may contain slight bit of gory content), mentions of weaponary (guns), minor characters death, blood, betrayal, mentions of crime (kidnapping and human trafficking), slight mention about sex, traumatic backstories, mentions about mental well-being/health, Sunwoo is shirtless at one point 👀, kissing, making out, yn also flirts back but it's only to keep Sunwoo in place 🫡
WORD COUNT: 22,779 (what in the world.)
A/N: 1/3 of the fics for this christmas season is out!! @itsbeeble @kimsohn for the both of you 😚 maya consider this my early birthday gift to you ❤️ also a huge shoutout to @justalildumpling @from-izzy for beta reading this whole chunk of bad boy ily both sm i appreciate you always 💕💕💕
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“Oh my god, you look like my next big mistake.” 
That was the first thing that escaped right out of your mouth as the familiar figure pulled into the driveway. You already knew who it was—that black leather jacket, the black helmet that covered his breathtaking look (as much as you didn’t want to admit it), and the slightly worn-out boots he always wore. 
It was the moment he took his helmet off and shook his hair to clear his vision so that he would always look straight at you and smile before you decided to ruin the mood. 
“Now that’s just rude. I was nice enough to accept your brother’s request to come pick you up.” 
“What makes you think I’d go with you, Sunwoo? You’re one of our district's most dangerous human beings,” you deadpanned. 
“Look sweetheart, it’s either you hop on, or I’ll leave you behind. For your information, I would still drag your ass to ride my baby because I would not want to be fed to the hound dogs by your brother.” 
With his reply, you quickly glanced around the area you were in to find that it was dead silent and empty and that it was already going to be midnight as you glanced at your watch. Knowing that you didn’t have a choice, you reluctantly grabbed the helmet Sunwoo was extending to you and placed it over your head. 
He smirked at your reaction, knowing very well how he was the only option to get back home. Before he did the same, he hopped back into his vehicle. 
“Grab on.” That was the last thing he said before covering down his face shield as he started the engine. As you gently wrapped your arms around his wrist, he gave the throttle a few twists. Instantly, the bike propelled forward, and you were both on the road. 
It wasn’t unusual for your brother Jacob to cancel on you and be unable to pick you up from your job location on the city's outskirts. You knew deep down that he was always busy with his job back at the station. He was one of the lieutenants of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Department, after all. When duty calls, he has to stay behind and arrange transport for you instead.
You have repeatedly reassured him that you could take the bus back home or figure out how to deal with matters like this on your own. However, your brother insisted that you were not to take the public transport back as there has been a sudden rise in crimes in the city. 
Additionally, the town you resided in was infamous for the biker gangs, the one that the man in front of you was part of. Nobody dared to come close to them, fearing for their lives as they were capable of doing the worst possible things you could’ve imagined. But it was part of their persona that they always kept up with, as it helped them stay safe from potential dangers or threats against them. 
Hence, you have never understood why your brother, who is part of the police force, would associate with a man like Kim Sunwoo. As far as you and the public knew, he was the leader of the biker gang in Seoul. As soon as his name was mentioned, the public would keep a distance and fear the man himself. But because of how often you have interacted with the man, you find him to be the complete opposite of the image he painted towards the public. 
In reality, he was a goofy guy and not as terrifying nor harmful as the public had determined him to be. He was careless at times, getting all ahead of himself, which completely paints the picture of him being delusional. At times, you would tease him about something, and that was when you realised he gets scared easily. Talk to him about a ghost story, and you can guarantee that he was going to piss his pants even before you even reached the climax of your story. 
In other words, he always looked out for you in your brother’s absence, and he would lurk behind the shadows somewhere, ensuring you would be all alright. You were pretty sure that he probably signed some sort of deal or contract with your brother to do so because who were they to spend most of their life looking out for a young adult like you? 
You were definitely grateful for that, as much as you would never admit it straight up to Sunwoo’s face; you just couldn’t understand why a biker leader like him would associate with you and your brother. 
As you both rode for a bit, you eventually found yourselves back in the heart of Seoul. There was something about riding a bike as you took in the breathtaking view as the wind rushed past your tousling hair, sending this thrilling sensation down your spine. 
If you were with a complete stranger, it would have set off so many alarms in your mind because of the multiple biker stories you have heard from the news and your brother. 
But somehow, for some reason, riding with Sunwoo has always made you feel comfortable and safe. 
Perhaps it was why you decided to hop on with him in the first place. It was your first time riding his bike with him, yet you weren’t too mad about the idea. In fact, you were kind of grateful that your brother set up such arrangements. 
It didn’t take you both long enough before Sunwoo eventually dropped you off right at your doorstep. You got off the bike with ease and handed the helmet back to him as you walked up to your front door porch. Right before you decided to turn the doorknob to open the door, you turned your head back to see that Sunwoo was still there looking at you.
“You’re not going to kidnap me, aren’t you?” 
“Come on, you actually think that I’m a pervert? What makes you think so, sweetheart?” 
“Many reasons,” you spat.  
“I’ll take that.” 
“Well, now that you’re back home safe and sound, I’ll finally take my leave. Let your brother know about it.” 
With one final glance, he lifted his feet on the ground back up to his bike before twisting the throttle again to give his motorcycle an immediate surge of power, and he sped quickly out from your neighbourhood. 
As you got into the comforts of your home, you made yourself comfortable before sending your brother Jacob a text to tell him that you were safe and sound before tucking yourself into bed. 
Throughout the night, you just couldn’t help but ponder why the biker’s leader would actually care or even listen to the law enforcement to escort you back home. He couldn’t have cared less and certainly had much more pressing matters than dealing with a young adult like you. 
As you tossed and turned in your bed, that question remained in your mind, keeping you wide awake all night. 
Kim Sunwoo, just who or what exactly are you?
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“So you’re my personal babysitter now?” 
You were chilling at your local coffee shop, rushing up your remaining assignments due the following week. You were still a university student before your part-time job, and had no choice but to sacrifice most of your sleep and free time to deal with pressing matters. 
Just as you were typing away on your laptop, a familiar figure suddenly approached you with two cups of iced macchiato in both hands before he plopped down on the seat right across you and handed you one of the drinks. You raised an eyebrow at him, making him stop sipping his coffee away. 
“Brother’s orders,” he replied.
You had no idea why exactly Jacob was doing all of this. In fact, he hasn’t been coming home much for the past week as he had been caught up with work at his station, which is also where you assumed he was sleeping for the time being. During his absence, the infamous biker leader who was sitting in front of you has been personally coming to pick you up from work every single day. 
You thought that since you were off to focus on your studies this whole week, you would finally take a break from the delusional man himself. It turns out you were wrong, and he was here with you in the coffee shop you once called your comfort place. 
You didn’t entirely hate this guy, though; it was more of questioning why he was associating with you more often now as one of the town’s most feared individuals. Naturally, that also caused the people around you to give you the side-eye or just avoid you like the plague, all thanks to the one and only Kim Sunwoo. 
There was a moment of silence between you two as you continued typing away on your laptop. It wasn’t long before the male bent over to peek at your laptop screen to see what you were working with. 
“Don’t even bother helping me.” You replied bluntly. 
“You never know I might be an expert in your field of work.” 
You sighed. “Kim Sunwoo. It’s literature.” 
“Well, I wouldn’t be the biker gang leader for no reason. I’ve got great communication skills, after all.” 
“For your information, it’s about writing a 2000 essay review on William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.” 
Upon hearing the novel's name, he immediately grinned widely before scooting his chair closer to you, giving you this puppy look that he was now very intrigued by your work. 
“Oh my god, Romeo and Juliet is my absolute favourite! Mark my words when I tell you I am a huge fan of romance novels or TV shows!” 
You sighed in defeat when he began reading the essay that you have written so far; you could tell that he was the type not to let go of something that piqued his interest. He was even reading it very diligently, and you couldn’t help but chuckle at that sight. 
“Hey, don’t look down on me. Just so you know, I aced all of my tests back in school and was a model student.” 
“Hmm, questionable, but I will take that.” 
Just like that, the time seemed to pass as quickly as possible, and you were even surprised by how much knowledge he had about the classic novella itself. It was intriguing to find out that he got invested in the topic and was able to help you brainstorm specific ideas that you could add on to make your essay much more sophisticated. 
Right when you were about to type away to finish up the final parts of your essay, you suddenly felt a little tap on your shoulders, which made you turn your head back to see who it was. Once you laid your eyes upon them, you quickly shot up from your chair and gave them a big hug. 
“Kisa! Where exactly have you been? Everyone at work has missed you so badly.” You hugged your former co-worker tightly, rubbing your cheeks together even as it had been months since you had last seen each other. 
“I know. Things have been rough recently, and I had no choice but to take a short leave.” 
“You could have at least told us what was going on, Kisa. Weren’t we all your closest buds around town?” 
She chuckled. “I guess.” 
There was a little awkward moment of silence between you two, which you thought was a bit odd as Kisa used to be an excellent talker who would always have a topic ready up her sleeves. You quickly examined the look in her eyes, and you could tell that something was off; it almost felt as if she was trying to tell you something, but she couldn’t for some reason.
Hence, you decided to ask her. “Hey Kisa, is everything alright—”
“You know, Y/N! There is this new cafe right towards the end of the street where we could go that serves your favourite croffles. It’s been a while, so why don’t we catch up for a bit?” Kisa asked rather hastily. 
You could sense that something was off from her tone of voice and speech, and you desperately wanted to find out at this point. 
“Yeah, of course! Let’s head off—”
“I’m sorry, but she won’t be able to join you today.” 
Immediately, Sunwoo grabbed your wrist, pulled you back towards him and wrapped his hands around your shoulders. 
“You see, Y/N is actually on a date with me today. Perhaps the both of you could do it some other time? I apologise for that, miss.” Sunwoo replied with a smile on his face, and that immediately made Kisa back off. 
“Y-Yeah, of course! I’m so sorry to have bothered you, Y/N. I’ll see you sometime again soon!” 
Instantly, Kisa turned her heel and dashed towards the front door. Just like that, your co-worker you haven’t seen for months disappeared into thin air once again. You quickly darted your face back to Sunwoo, trying to interrogate him as to why on earth he had done what he did. 
“Kim Sunwoo, I knew you were delusional, but that doesn’t mean you could do that to me—”
“Let’s get out of here.” 
Sunwoo immediately cut you off and quickly helped take all your belongings for you as he pushed you towards the front door, right towards his bike. Once you both had strapped on, Sunwoo immediately took speed and quickly drove away. During the entire ride home, it was obvious that he knew or saw something, as you felt his whole body was all tense up as you wrapped your arms around him. 
He was awfully quiet too, not even sparring a glance back at you during the journey, and that alone was weird enough for you since he would always joke around and shout aloud amidst the busy traffic to make sure that you were still able to converse with him. 
But no, not this time. 
Once he dropped you off at your front porch, he kept scanning the area around your house and wouldn’t even try to speak with you. When you finally removed the helmet and handed it back to him, he quickly grabbed your wrist again, and his grip tightened against yours. 
“Whatever you do, stay at home for now. Do not leave unless it is me or your brother who answers the door,” he spoke firmly, making sure you get that through your head before he finally let go of your grip.
This was the infamous biker leader you grew up listening to rumours about how he was cold in reality, and as to why so many people were terrified of him. There was this aura around this man, and that whatever came out from his mouth, he meant business, and he wasn’t the type to joke around when he set his mind on something. It was also the deathly cold stare he gave that scared so many people, including you right now as you witness them firsthand in person. 
Giving him a little nod, he lets go of your grip so you can finally head up to open your locked front door. Once you had turned the doorknob and taken your first step in, you glanced behind again to see that he was still giving you that cold death stare. To be honest, it terrified you a little, and you knew that you couldn’t ask what the whole fiasco happened back at the cafe, at least not for now. 
With that, you walked right into the comforts of your house and closed the door shut, eyes still glued towards that cold death stare from the biker leader. You tried your best to distract yourself by cleaning up the house a little and getting yourself all cosy and ready for bed while sparing a few glances at your windows to see that Sunwoo was still there, staring directly at your house, or rather, at you. 
It wasn’t until the clock finally struck midnight that Sunwoo decided it was time to leave you alone as he drove off and disappeared.
Whatever happened today was enough for you to finally conclude that something was up, and you needed to know. It surely must not have just been a pure coincidence that Sunwoo has been popping up in your life just like that out of the blue, and how your brother actually trusted him and asked that he took care of you in his place, and with what happened today at the cafe with Kisa. 
Something was definitely up, and you needed answers. 
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You couldn’t care less if you were to be scolded by your big brother. When you woke up this morning, you quickly called for a taxi to take you to your brother’s station. It took a while to convince the ones at the reception that your brother was one of the lieutenants, so they had to call Jacob and make him personally come down to escort you. 
Jacob's eyes widened upon seeing you, but the moment he saw your face, he knew that you came here for a good reason and that you weren’t just here for a visit. 
After passing through the multiple securities, you finally ended up in his office on one of the top floors. Luckily, things weren’t too busy, so your brother had some time to spare with you. 
“Hey sis, I’m sorry I haven’t been able to come home lately nor pick you up from work. It’s just that I have had so many cases to deal with—”
“Jacob, I need answers.” You cut him off. 
It was the look that you had in your eyes that made it absolutely clear to Jacob that you weren’t leaving until you had the answers that you desperately wanted. It has always been like this for you, even when you were a child. You were persistent and would do anything to get whatever you wanted. With you seated on the couch in his office, you leaned back slightly and crossed your arms and legs, indirectly telling your brother to do the same.
Jacob let out a deep sigh before he finally got himself comfortable and placed a hot cup of freshly brewed tea he had made just for you right onto the table, pushing it towards you before he finally sat down across the couch from you.
It took a moment for him to rub his palms together before lifting up his face to look directly at you. 
“Y/N, please know that I’m doing everything I can to keep you safe at all times—”
“Not that, Jacob. Just cut to the chase, please.” 
“It’s…well, long story short, there have been multiple cases of young girls who have been going missing for the past couple of weeks. And we have been searching high and low for clues but to no avail.” He furrowed his eyebrows as he finally spat out what had been bugging him for weeks. 
“Okay? And what does that have to do with you sending the infamous Kim Sunwoo to care for me?” 
“You’ll be needing him, Y/N. I promise he will surely be looking out for you, no matter what.”
“Well, that’s reassuring to know. But why, Jacob? Since when have you ever associated yourself with a dangerous man like him?” You questioned. 
This time, you could tell that your brother was slightly hesitant in his next words and struggled to come up with possible answers that would please your curiosity. 
“That’s…something I can’t say for now. But you will eventually find out yourself soon.” 
You scoffed before standing up and raising your voice towards your brother. “Jacob, I came all the way out here to hear answers from you, my own brother. The fact that what happened at the cafe last night was odd enough, to the point that Sunwoo even gave me this death stare warning me as if I may be in danger or something. I have no idea what exactly you both are planning, but you better tell me everything from the beginning for God’s sake, right this second.” 
There was this apologetic look in his eyes as he stared right back at your now-turning-red face, standing up and placing both hands on your shoulders, trying to calm you down. It was then, all of a sudden, that there was a knock on his door, and he instructed whoever it was to come in. It was one of his subordinates, and he was summoned to the chief’s office to discuss the missing cases further. 
Before Jacob left the room, he turned back to grab his jacket quickly and hastily put it on while speaking to you for one last time. 
“Stay here, Y/N. I’ll drop you back home after I’m done with this meeting. I’ll try my best to return as soon as possible.” 
Within seconds, Jacob and his subordinate rushed out of the room and closed the door shut. Now that your brother was gone, there was no way that you would just sit back and relax, knowing that there have been cases of young girls going missing around town. You needed to learn more about this, even if your brother isn’t willing to tell you anything more about it. 
You decided to salvage through his work desk, opening up each cabinet to see if you could find anything useful regarding the case. Scanning through the multiple files that he had kept away nicely, it seemed as if your brother might have taken the file that contained potential evidence or information about the missing girls, so you were left with nothing that could give you a bit of an insight to what exactly was going around in town.
That was until you discovered a little slip of paper peeking through one of the files. 
You quickly took it out from the folder, and a smirk began to form on your face as you read through the information on that little piece of paper. 
“If you’re not going to tell me, Jacob, I’ll figure all this out myself then.”
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With the last remaining pocket money you had , you managed to hail a taxi to bring you to the specified location that was written on that little piece of paper. However, you gave the driver a slightly different route than the one from the paper, for you knew that no ordinary citizen would ever step foot within the infamous territory.
The moment you stepped out of the vehicle, you assumed that you would be walking for about a good ten minutes before you were able to arrive at the exact location. You didn’t mind that in the slightest bit; you just needed to find the right person to ask the questions that have been gruelling in the back of your mind. 
The walk towards the location wasn’t exactly smooth as you had to pass through the woods to get there undetected. It was already dark out then, so you had to rely on your handy-dandy torchlight from your phone to guide you through the woods. It felt eerie, and the crackling sounds as you stepped on the branches scattered across the ground didn’t help in the slightest bit.
But you had to remind yourself that you came here constantly for a purpose: no matter what, you weren’t going home empty-handed. With the best of your abilities, you pushed through and eventually, arrived after almost an hour of walking, where, in reality, it would’ve taken you ten minutes if you didn’t spend most of the time getting lost in the woods. 
What mattered was that you were finally at the location, and upon first inspection, it was a vast empty parking lot filled with motorcycles from one end to another. Thankfully, there were multiple huge metal transport boxes that filled the area, so you sneakily stepped out from the woods and ran to the closest one to hide. 
You decided to sneak your head out a little and peek through the corners of the box, and as expected, you were able to spot several individuals towards the far end of the parking lot. Some of them were leaning against their bikes as they drank to their heart’s content while chatting away, while others were ultimately passed out and fast asleep in the empty garage at the centre. 
Judging from the location you were at now, it was nearly impossible to hear precisely what those individuals were talking about. If you want to get your hands on concrete evidence, you have got to move closer. 
With a quick dash, you ran towards box by box while trying your best to be undetected. Each time you managed to get from one box to another, you always gave yourself a quiet sigh of relief and tried your best to calm your beating heart down. 
Okay, just a few more boxes to go. I can do this—
Instantly, someone came up from behind to cup your mouth with their hands while the other was wrapped around your chest, trying to calm your muffling sounds down. 
“What in God’s mind were you even thinking of stepping foot in this place?”
That voice. It belonged to the person you have been longing to find in the first place. 
“S-Sunwoo,” you muffled as his hands still cupped your mouth. 
At that moment, both of you heard footsteps coming closer to where you were and knew you were about to be cornered. There was no reason for an outsider like you to be present in the biker gang’s territory, and you would pretty much be skinned alive if you were to be found.
Time was ticking, and you needed to think of a way to get out of here undetected. 
But thankfully, it seemed as if Sunwoo had everything under control. 
Or so you thought. 
Just when the few bikers came around the corner, a loud gasp came from them as they witnessed the sight beyond them. Never in a million years would they have caught their boss making out with some random stranger in their base.
“U-Uh, boss? What exactly is going on?” One of the bikers stammered, hoping that the question asked wouldn’t get him into trouble. 
It took a few seconds for Sunwoo to turn his head to look at them with his face looking like a mess as if he had just had a steamy kissing session with whoever he was with, as he was also trying his best to protect your identity by pushing your head down towards the crook of his neck. 
The bikers gulped at the sight, but Sunwoo quickly gave them a plausible answer for now. 
“You see, this little one has gotten some valuable information from us, and I’m just doing a favour to get them cough up whatever shit that they know and to ruin them a little bit for some fun.” He smirked. 
That was enough to shut the bikers up, and then they quickly brushed it off, telling their boss that they would get a quick smoke to loosen up a bit. As they finally walked away and the coast was clear, Sunwoo immediately lifted your head to get you to face him directly. He could tell you were beyond speechless and there was this unreadable emotion on your face. 
Confused? Mad? Upset? Maybe all of it at once. 
But that didn’t stop him from dragging you out of that place as he quickly brought you back into the woods, going through the dark passageway once again until you both ended up back on the road you originally came from. 
That was when you finally freed yourself from his grasp, and you began raising your voice at him, even if you didn’t mean to. 
You didn’t know what you were feeling at this point either; one thing for sure is that you definitely felt overwhelmed by everything that was happening. As much as you tried to open your mouth, the words wouldn’t come straight out. With that, Sunwoo decided to help you finish your sentence instead.
“Admit it, you liked my kiss.” 
Your eyes widened. “What the actual bullshit, Kim Sunwoo.”
“So now you can talk.” 
God, this was starting to get to your head badly, and there was just so much vulgar language that you wanted to throw at the man in front of you. But it seems that Sunwoo was once a step ahead of you. 
“You’re up to no good, princess.” 
“What do you even know, Sunwoo-”
“I have a pretty good guess that you came without telling your brother, or rather, against his orders.” 
You absolutely hated that Sunwoo knew precisely what was going on in your mind and how he could read you perfectly. It was as if you were just plain as day; your discreet movements or actions you’ve tried to keep secret will always be revealed quickly against your own will. 
Eventually, you decided to give in. “Fine. I did.” 
“Now, someone is not being a good sibling, aren’t they? Might have to report back to big brother Jacob, and someone’s going to get some timeout—”
Before Sunwoo could finish his sentence, you quickly stomped towards him and grabbed his collar, seemingly shutting him up for a moment.
“You’re going to tell me everything. Every single detail, Kim Sunwoo.” 
Sunwoo already had a good guess as to why you were here in the first place. You came to find him and took the risk of visiting his hideout written on the piece of paper you found in Jacob’s office. Mentally, he was throwing curses at your brother for not spilling the details because now he was the one who was going to do it instead. 
Jacob Bae, I sincerely hope that your microwave is going to break down so that you will be having cold meals for a period of time and that you will get your ass kicked by your CEO for not having much progress in the missing cases. 
From your not-so-nice friend, Kim Sunwoo. 
As much as you almost exerted this fiery aura, Sunwoo did not flinch in the slightest. He was used to things like this anyway; he was the biker gang’s leader after all. Instead, he grinned back at you.
“You clearly have lost your mind thinking that you can manipulate the biker leader to spill out the deeds for you. It seems that you have not experienced why exactly the public fear about us, Y/N.” 
This time, he slowly takes a step forward little by little, and you slowly begin to back off while your hands remain on the collar of his shirt. 
“Let me tell you a little something, Y/N. The moment when you stepped within our territory, you were just as good as dead meat.” Sunwoo continued. 
Another step forward.
“Do you know why the public fear us, Y/N? We are predators. And predators hunt for prey who messes with us.” 
Another step forward. 
“And you little innocent citizens of Seoul have officially become our prey because no one messes with us. I mean, no one. You have chosen death when you decided even to come close to us.” 
Another step forward. 
“So you might as well say your last words before I devour you up, hmm?” Sunwoo then stops at his track as he leans forward so that both of your faces are mere inches away, and he closes his eyes while giving you the biggest smile you have seen just yet. 
That alone was enough to shake you to your core. 
It was just as portrayed in books and TV shows, on how smiles make the villains ten times worse than they are. When a villain smiles, you drop everything and run for it. 
If only that were what exactly you did. 
You straighten your posture before you spit back at him. “You won’t have the guts to do that to me, Kim Sunwoo.” 
“And what makes you think that, sweetheart?” 
“Because you love me,” you spat. 
Upon hearing those words, the smile immediately fell from his face, and a shocked expression replaced it. Sunwoo quickly backed off and took a few steps back away from you. 
“N-No, I don’t.” Sunwoo chuckled. 
“Jokes on you, young man; you were literally head over heels for me, that’s why you agreed to babysit me in the first place.” 
You instantly noticed how flushed his face was getting as he quickly cupped both sides of his face with his hands, trying to calm the heat down. But that did not stop you from moving towards him now as you continued taunting him. 
“You know, I think your fellow bikers would be delighted to hear that their boss was in love with a commoner like me, don’t you think? I’m sure the biker community loves to hear romance since you boys have been angsty all year.” 
“No no no! Not the biker community! I’m supposed to be a cool leader everyone looks up to and worship goddamit!” He was now covering his ears like a little child. 
Oh, Kim Sunwoo, you indeed are such a sucker for romance. 
Finally, you took the final steps and stood before him, placing both hands upon his shoulders, and you returned a devilish smile. 
“I think someone’s got a good explanation to do before I feed him to my brother’s hound dogs back at the station.”
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“Y/N Bae, I absolutely would love to ruin your makeup right now.” 
“Kim Sunwoo, I absolutely would love to throw you straight into the river right now.” 
After that confrontation on the empty road, you both decided to take this whole conversation elsewhere before any of the bikers made their way out to confront you two again. 
So you hopped back onto Sunwoo’s bike and drove a little to the well-known spot in Seoul, Han River. 
Since Sunwoo had barely recovered from your counterattack before, he was clearly distracted as he droved through the city, constantly putting out this pout and sulky expression on his face, making you want to tease him more. Occasionally, you would purposely snake your hands up to his abdomen to his chest, which made the male squirm and his body tense upon the contact, making him cry out loud, for God’s sake, and somehow apologise throughout the entire ride. 
The moment you both got to the river, Sunwoo immediately asked you to get out of his vehicle while trying to calm his pounding chest down. Unfortunately, you were nowhere near done wrecking the bike leader, so you snaked your arms around him as you dragged him out from his bike, taking them down to one of the stairs facing the river. 
Sunwoo was not in the right mind and was trying his best to counterattack, which at one point he did. But thanks to the taekwondo classes you took back in the day, you quickly turned the tables around.
So now Kim Sunwoo was the one pinned to the ground while you were hovering above him, pinning both his hands above his head while your legs kept his in place, leaving him no room to move around. 
“If only being delusional wasn’t my weakness, I swear Y/N…”
“Tell that to the ones who created you.they were the ones to cast this spell upon you.” 
“What do I get if I tell you the truth?”
You paused for a moment. What were you going to repay him exactly? 
But since you were already keeping up with this facade a couple of hours ago, you might as well continue the seeds that you have planted.
“A kiss from me to you.” 
Upon hearing those words, the male smirked before finally closing his eyes and let loose his body slightly. 
“Fine, Y/N. You win.” 
With that, you also did the same by slowly releasing your grip on his arms, knowing well how he wouldn’t be counterattacking you soon. 
“What I am about to tell you, Y/N… I’m not exactly sure if you’re able to stomach it all, to be honest.” 
“Nothing as bad as the cases that my brother has done, I bet.” 
“Fair. Your brother deals with brutal homicide cases, after all.” 
Sunwoo then propped himself up, and you decided to give him some space by getting off him and sitting crossed-legged at his side. It took Sunwoo a moment to gather his thoughts before finally telling you the whole story. 
“Y/N, did you realise why I dragged you away on that day you met that co-worker of yours?” 
“You meant Kisa?” 
“Did you notice anything strange about her?”
“Well, yeah I kind of did. Her demeanour was setting off many red flags in my mind for sure,��� you replied. The thought about Kisa once again made you frown; you have been constantly worrying about her since that day.
“I’ll tell you right now that she is one of the girls who had gone missing for the past couple of months.” 
Missing? Is she related to the missing person cases that your brother was dealing with then? 
“The fact that she has reappeared all of a sudden was strange enough, and luckily, I noticed a barcode tattooed right behind her ear.” 
Barcode? What exactly was going on? 
Sunwoo noticed how perplexed you were with the whole situation and sighed before continuing with his words. 
“Y/N, I think you do know what happens when someone is tattooed with a barcode on different parts of their body, don’t you?” 
No. It can’t be. You knew exactly what it meant, but you wouldn’t have expected it to happen to someone close to you, let alone to one who has suddenly disappeared from your radar, only for them to reappear out of the blue. 
“No, you don’t mean it.” 
“Come on, Y/N. You know exactly how crime works in Seoul, especially in our district; it’s corrupted, and plenty of cases like this go unnoticed because the culprits can often get away undetected.” 
That can’t be true; you absolutely can’t accept the fact that Kisa was a victim of human trafficking. 
You slowly began to stammer in your speech. “S-So, you basically saved my life back there and then.” 
“If you want to put it that way, I guess I did.” 
This time, Sunwoo decided to scooch a little bit closer to you, and the tone in his voice dropped as if he was now whispering what crucial detail he was about to say next. 
“Y/N, why did you think your brother made a deal with me to follow you wherever you go?” 
You decided to break the tension in the air slightly by making a little joke. “I’d like to think it was your idea instead because you have committed to being my stalker.” 
“Calling me a stalker is flat-out rude, Y/N. Especially after all that I have done for you,” he sulked.
You were glad Sunwoo could still joke around with you slightly to ease the tension. 
“Fine, to keep me safe then.” 
“That’s one for sure, but also because we made a pact to crack these cold cases together without the superiors in the station knowing a thing about this.” 
Huh. “So you’re a biker detective now?” 
“Yeah, a very cool one at that too. I saved your life not once but twice. Jacob should give me a pay raise, let’s be honest.” 
“What do you mean you actually suck at your job. You have to have someone’s consent first before you start making out with them, especially in public.” You slightly blushed at that comment. You certainly weren't going to tell him that he took your first kiss away, and you hoped that your surroundings were dark enough so that Sunwoo wasn’t able to see clearly that your ears were beginning to look bright red as a tomato right now.
Unfortunately for you, he was a romance fanatic, so obviously, he could tell that you were embarrassed to say all of that. It was his sign to strike back now.
“Oh honey, that kiss was a little extra from your care package that your brother signed you up for. You should be grateful that you get an extra treatment from me.” He took a string of your hair and started twirling around his fingers. 
“….shut up.” You muttered.
Oh god, how much he was enjoying this whole moment right there.
The next thing that happened was that he moved closer again and cupped both of your cheeks with his hands before leaning his forward against yours. 
“What in the world are you even thinking of doing—”
“Y/N, listen to me closely about what I am about to say next, and I will only say it once.” 
That made all of the embarrassment from earlier die down. Judging from the look in his eyes, you knew things were about to get serious next.
“Another reason why your brother personally asked for me to care for you for the time being was because he knew that something bad was going to happen real soon.” 
“Something bad?” 
“You see, we have been working together on this case for months now. With our thorough investigations, it’s clear that whoever was the mastermind behind all of this may actually be someone we are acquainted with.” 
“Someone much closer to us, that is.”
Your eyes widened upon that last sentence, and you knew this case was far worse than you thought. It was a life-and-death situation if either of you let your guard down. If that was the case, it also meant that you weren’t the only one in danger. 
Bracing yourself, you slowly and reluctantly asked Sunwoo something that you hoped it was just yourself thinking way further ahead than you should. 
“J-Jacob isn't going to die, isn’t he?”
Sunwoo didn’t reply, but he stared straight into your eyes. With that, your eyes became teary, and you were on the verge of crying out silently. You knew that Jacob’s job always evolved around dangerous criminals, and there’s no guarantee that he might come home each day in one piece; he had accepted his fate ever since he took on the badge in the first place. 
But now, with the recent events and how he had placed you under Sunwoo’s care, you knew that this was far worse than any of you had encountered before. 
Tears began dripping down your face, and Sunwoo lightly brushed his fingers against your cheek to wipe them away. 
“Y/N, from now on, I’m afraid you should stay as far away from your brother as possible. In other words, you’ll be stuck with me for now.” 
“That doesn’t mean that I won’t be seeing him anymore, isn’t it?” You sobbed. 
Sunwoo smiled. “Of course not. It is so that both of us can conduct our investigation much more smoothly without outsiders intruding on our plan. I promise you, I won’t let your brother die. That would also mean that the lives of both you siblings are at my outermost top priority now.”
“Why Sunwoo? Why would a biker leader like you even associate with us law enforcement? Didn’t you and your people hate us for decades?”
He chuckled before placing a kiss on the top of your forehead. 
“Jacob Bae saved me and gave me another chance at life. And I am going to return the favour.”
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It has been ten minutes since the both of you were back on the road again. You were trying to take in all of Seoul’s beautiful night views, as you might not see them for a while. 
After calming yourself down at Han River, Sunwoo filled you in with everything you needed to know before you both took off back on the road. Based on what your brother and Sunwoo have been able to investigate so far, they decided that it was safe to conclude that the mastermind was either someone within the biker community or one of the higher-ups from the police agency. That was precisely why your brother was in a tight situation and was at risk of falling into the hands of the enemy since he was one of the lieutenants and had no control over his superiors. 
It was precisely why Jacob decided it was best for you to keep a distance from him at the moment, for the fear that you might fall into the hands of the enemy. Hence, giving you to Sunwoo for now would mean that you had a higher chance of survival—being a biker meant that Sunwoo was able to move around much more freely compared to a detective who was bound by rules that he had to abide by at all times. 
In the meantime, Sunwoo has also been on the go trying to figure out who the traitor within the biker’s community was who started all of this. According to the male, he guessed that someone from the detective agency was manipulating and might even be paying the traitor within the biker gang a large sum of money to traffick these young ladies out of the country. Since the bikers usually hunt out late at night, there was no doubt that the victims would have been vulnerable against them and quickly fell into their hands. 
In order to keep you safe, and since Sunwoo has practically told you the entire plan, he has no choice but to bring you along on his investigations; as much as he hated that idea and he would much prefer locking you away somewhere where you could lay down low until the whole crime spree is over. 
However, he knew that you would be much safer if you were within his sight range, and he would feel much more comfortable knowing that you were always near him.
He has learnt it the hard way before anyway. 
As you both ride through the night and out away from Seoul, there is this anxious feeling rotten deep within your gut—you are terrified, knowing now that you have finally fallen victim to the dark, corrupted crime world in Seoul. 
With that, your arms wrapped around Sunwoo’s waist tightened, and you gently laid your cheeks against his back. You just wished this ride with Sunwoo could have happened at a much better time and under better circumstances.
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“Damn, Kim Sunwoo. Who knew you’d have a hideout in the middle of nowhere?” 
You were astounded with the entire place. It was located outside of town, and it took the both of you about a two-hour ride to get to this place, which was eventually in the middle of the wilderness. You thought building a simple cabin here was a genius idea because chances of survival were much higher, especially for Sunwoo, who lives a dangerous life each day. 
As Sunwoo guided and led you up to the steps of his front door, he inserted a key and unlocked the front door within seconds, and your jaw dropped the moment he turned on the lights that lit up the entire cabin. 
“Welcome to my safe space, Y/N.” 
Upon further inspection, you could tell that the entire cabin was built meticulously—from the sturdy timber that formed the walls, the simple yet captivating decor that filled the entire place, and the cosy fireplace that stood right at one of the corners of the living space. The entire place just felt comforting; even a stranger would agree when they stepped into this place in the woods. 
Sunwoo noticed you had been slowly moving around the cabin, taking in all its glory. He decided that he wouldn’t be ruining this little moment you have and went straight into the pantry to whip up some hot cocoa for the two of you. 
It all felt too good to be true. You have only seen or read places like this in books or films; never in a million years would you have thought that you would get a chance to reside, let alone step into a place like this at all. It was as if you were living in a dream, and you just wished you could shut off the outside world for a while and relax in this place for as long as possible. 
As you slowly reach the fireplace, you notice how a picture frame sits at the top, depicting a young boy and a girl riding a swing at a park. You could immediately tell how it was Sunwoo in that picture, but you had no idea if the young female was his sibling or, perhaps, his past lover, if he ever had one. 
Before you could examine further, you heard a little thump from behind you, and you turned to see Sunwoo was back with two warm mugs of freshly made hot cocoa topped with whipped cream and marshmallows. He gently placed them onto the round wooden table he had before moving to the fireplace and threw some chopped wood in before lighting it up with the lighter he kept behind his back pocket. 
You slowly sit on the couch to make yourself comfortable, take one of the mugs, and sip the freshly made drink. It didn’t take long for Sunwoo to join you as he sat on the couch on your left.
“I’d like to think I’m such a great host, don’t you think? I expect you to be writing a five-star review of this Airbnb on booking.com after your stay,” he smugged before bringing his mug to his lips. 
“I never knew a biker gang leader like you would have a soft spot for ambience like this.” 
“Hey, bikers aren’t all angsty and dark. You’d think I live for the colour black and own everything in that specific colour?” 
“Don’t look at me like that. Blame the media for painting you guys exactly the way you are.” 
Well, you had a point there. Ever since you met Sunwoo, you realised that not all of them seemed as terrible as the public had painted them to be. Even the biker leader is the same as many young adults: desperate to find love and obsessed with shoujo mangas. 
As you took another sip of the cocoa, you gulped the liquid down slowly before enjoying your little silence, listening to the crackling sound from the fireplace as you slowly started to feel your eyelids become heavy. 
It has been a long day; after all, you started by storming into Jacob’s office at the beginning of the day, trekking through the woods and finding out about the biker’s hideout, going to Han River and eventually here in Sunwoo’s cabin. 
From the corners of your eyes, you could see how it would be early morning now—the first tendrils of light painting the sky in hues of a mixture of lavender and indigo, indicating that it would be dawn now. It was probably about five to six in the morning, and that was the last thing you could think of before you eventually fell to your slumber. 
It took Sunwoo a few seconds to realise you had fallen asleep as he admired the skies from his cabin window just like you were. When he finally turned to look at your head, bending down with your eyes closed, the mug of now warm cocoa still nestled within your grasp. 
Sunwoo smiled at the sight of you resting comfortably like that. It reminded him so much about her. It almost felt bittersweet then, but Sunwoo tried his best to get rid of those feelings before things started to get too deep again.
He slowly got up, gently opened up your fingers surrounding the mug, and took it off your hands to place it on the table. He then swooped his hands around your shoulders and under your legs before picking you up bridal style. Trying his best not to make a noise, he slowly brought you into his only bedroom in the cabin, gently laying you down on the comforts of his bed and tucking you into bed with his cosy duvet. 
When he was about to get up from the bed, he felt something wrapping around his pinky before turning to see that it was from you. He couldn’t tell if you had a dream or if it was just by reflex as you wrapped your fingers around his pinky and tugged them close to you. 
Sunwoo smiled at the sight of you doing so, and he sat down on the bed again, gently caressing your hair as you fell deeper into your dreamland. 
Y/N. I promise I will protect you at all costs and avoid making the same mistake as before.
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The chirping noises were what woke you up from your slumber. You squint your eyes as you slowly open them to reveal the sunlight shining directly into the cabin. You also heard clanking noises coming beyond the closed doors, and you decided it was time to get up to check out whatever it was. 
As you opened the door, your eyes widened, and your jaw dropped as you approached the dining table. It seemed as if Sunwoo had made you an entire breakfast meal that looked identical to what you would get from the local diners in town. The man even took the extra step to brew you some hot coffee and placed two little jars filled with white and brown sugar so you could adjust your drink to your desired taste. 
You slowly pulled the chair and sat down before Sunwoo turned around from the stovetop, placing a freshly made fried sunny-side egg onto your plate, and that was when you took in what Sunwoo was wearing before you eventually burst out into laughter. 
“What was that about? I went the extra mile to make you breakfast.” Sunwoo pouted. 
“N-No, it’s not that. I never thought you were a frilly pink floral aprons type of guy.” You had to cover your mouth and fan yourself because you were laughing so hard that breathing was hard by the second. 
“You stop it right there. Someone special made this apron; I will not let you disrespect it.” Sunwoo was now pointing at you with his spatula, threatening that he would take your breakfast and eat it himself. 
As you calmed yourself down and apologised, he finally sat beside you while still sulking because of your comment before and started cutting up his bread and sausages on the plate. When Sunwoo saw that you had taken your first bite, he couldn’t help but make a sarcastic remark to lighten the mood once again.
“Hurry up and tell me that my cooking skills are top-notch.” He lifted his head high as if he was already praising himself before you even said anything. 
Frankly, it tasted much better than what you had in mind. Who would’ve thought the most feared person in town was also a good cook? The fact that he was able to build this cabin on his own, cared for you, and made you a delicious meal was a bummer that he was still single at this point. 
But since you have teased Sunwoo since the beginning, there was no way you would tell him that and continue feeding his delusions. 
“I’m surprised that I did not puke nor have an upset stomach with the initial first bite, to be honest.” 
He narrowed his eyes at you. “You ungrateful little brat.” 
“Thank you, I’ll take that.” You grinned widely at him, making him return you with disgust. 
Surprisingly, breakfast then went by reasonably quickly, and you offered to help clean up the kitchen even when the male insisted that you were his guest and weren’t supposed to do anything while you were there. 
After a little bit of squabbling about cleaning the cabin up, Sunwoo heads out the front door, signalling for you to come with him. 
“There’s this place that I think you’ll love, Y/N. Care to hop on for another ride with me?”
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“Kim Sunwoo, give me your keys to your cabin right now I’m officially moving in.” 
He giggled as you said that hurriedly before running down to the designated spot he brought you to. As you hopped back onto Sunwoo’s bike, he took you along for another drive that only took about five minutes away from his cabin. As you both parked the bike somewhere safe, he guided you to take a step deeper into the woods, where, eventually, you both ended up at a beautiful creek.
A crystal-clear stream burbles along the riverbed, bubbling over the surrounding rocks and branches. There were a couple of stepping stones that scattered across the stream, giving whoever chose to visit to have the opportunity to walk across from one end to the other. A couple of flowers blossomed at the sides of the river, giving the creek a little pop of colour. 
It was a sight to behold. Who would have thought that there was such a place near where Sunwoo lived? At this point, you swore that you would label this entire outskirt as paradise, and you wouldn’t mind spending the rest of your life here, away from the capital's bustling streets. 
You slowly made your way to the river, where you stuck one of your hands into the waters, letting the streams of water hit the back of your hand. Sunwoo then made his way towards you before bending down to pick up one of the pebbles on the ground, before tossing it across the waters to see it bounce on top of the surface before eventually sinking into the waters. 
“Is there anything that you can’t do, Kim Sunwoo?” You asked as you saw how he was a master at skipping stones, way better than most people could do. 
“I’ve been doing this for decades, Y/N. Of course, I am the master of stone skipping.” He proudly acclaimed before picking another pebble and tossing it across the waters again. 
You couldn’t help but smile at that remark. “So that means you come here often, then?” 
“Used to.” He corrected you. “I haven’t been here in a very long time.” 
“Well, then, I’m grateful that you decided not to gatekeep such a place from me,” you replied, sincerely thanking the man for taking you out of the cabin to come to such a place to relax.
“You’re going to be staying with me for a while; obviously, I have to keep you occupied before you start complaining out of boredom in the cabin.” He stuck out his tongue at you before tossing another pebble. 
“I’m not a kid, Sunwoo. I know how to keep myself occupied.” This time, it was your turn to give him a pout. 
“I’m gonna bet on 10,000 korean won that you will be screaming out of frustration by the third day if you were stuck all day in that cabin of mine.” 
“Then I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but I can literally find anything to do to keep myself occupied at all places.” You were now standing up and stood right in front of the man, staring at him as if you were going to start a battle of who would be the first to back down from their words. 
Sunwoo smirked at that sight, and it turns him on whenever you get all worked up because of his words. He wasn’t going to back down quickly, so he straightened his posture before firing back at you. 
“Princess, you better buckle up because you have just turned me on, and I want to ruin your ego right now.” 
“Try me then, Kim Sunwoo,” you huffed. 
“Say, can you swim?” 
You snorted. “Of course I can swim, what the hell—”
Before you could even finish your sentence, Sunwoo pushed you on your shoulders, and you fell straight into the waters. It took a few seconds before you eventually returned to the surface, wiping off the excess water dripping down your face. 
“Kim Sunwoo! What the actual—”
You were screaming at the top of your lungs, ready to yell and curse your heart out towards the male before you eventually stopped. Your eyes widened at the sight of him taking off his shirt that he was wearing, revealing a well-toned body and rock-solid abs as well as a tattoo that was situated right above his ribcage on his left. 
He grinned before jumping into the waters and swam right up to you. 
“I knew you would like what you saw with your eyes. I have been waiting for the right time to do it anyway,” he smirked before moving his fingers close to you to pinch your cheeks. 
You quickly slapped his hands away before turning your back towards him, trying to calm your fast heart beating chest down. Instantly, you felt a surge of warmth slowly crawling up to your ears and cheeks, and you quickly rested both your palms on your cheeks, knowing very well that you were now blushing hard.
What is wrong with you, Y/N? 
Before you could even process your thoughts further, you felt a pair of hands resting on your waist before turning your back towards the opposite direction. You have now come face-to-face with the man you were dreading to see, and you quickly turn your head towards the side and face the streaming waters instead. 
You could clearly hear Sunwoo’s low chuckle before he rested his fingers underneath your chin, gently turning your face back towards his direction. 
“I found your weakness, princess.”
“Shut up.” 
Your now red-flushed face was making Sunwoo laugh while you were slowly losing your mind. All you could think of at the moment was how exactly you would get yourself out of this situation you were in. 
Suddenly, you were brought back to reality as you felt Sunwoo’s thumb swipe past your lips slowly, his eyes now focusing on your smudged lips as if he was hungry for it, wanting so desperately to press his lips onto them as he slowly leaned down towards them.
Oh no. Oh no. 
You started to panic; you had no idea what you were supposed to do. Sure, it wasn’t the first time you kissed Sunwoo, but your situation was much more different than the first. 
Brace yourselves, Y/N. Just do it. 
That was all that you could think of before closing your eyes tightly. It was now or never, and you surely have no escape. As you slowly waited for his warm, plump lips to land on yours again, it never came as you expected. When you slowly opened your eyelids, you saw Sunwoo paused exactly an inch before both lips met. 
Was he in a dilemma? Whether he should do it or not? 
In the end, Sunwoo broke off the tension and gave in to wrap his arms around you instead, giving you a tight hug as he rested his head under the crook of your neck. 
What was going on? 
“S-Sunwoo…what are you—”
“Let me just stay like this for a while, Y/N.”
As he took in a couple of seconds to relax his body over yours, you slowly snaked your arms around his back and caressed his back slowly, as if that was the right thing that you thought you could do at the moment.
With your touch, he tugged you tighter before eventually speaking his first words since he turned you around to face him. 
“Thank you, Y/N, for trusting me. I promise that I won’t let you down. We’ll catch whoever this mastermind is and place him behind bars for good.” 
You felt reassured, knowing that you will be in good hands for now before reuniting with your brother once the cases have been resolved. 
“Thank you too, Sunwoo, for looking out for me and making me feel safe.” 
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“You slept in an upright position on the couch throughout the whole night?” You questioned the male, thinking that you might have heard something wrong. 
“For the hundredth time, yes I did, Y/N Bae. I have no idea why you are making such a big fuss out of this,” Sunwoo rubbed the back of his neck as he closed his eyes in annoyance as if he was tired of going through this whole topic with you again. 
“Well then, I suggest we swap for tonight then. It’s not fair that you have to make yourself suffer especially when you’re the owner of this cabin,” you stated clearly. 
“Have you ever heard of hospitality, Y/N? There’s no way I’m letting my guests sleep uncomfortably while they’re here. I might get a rotten review on booking.com the next day, that’s for sure.” 
However, you weren’t backing down so quickly. “Fine then. Why don't we share the bed for tonight, then?” 
That question made Sunwoo spit out the glass of water that he was drinking. He had to cough a few times to ensure the liquid flowed smoothly into his throat. 
“Are you insane? There’s no way I’m sleeping with someone that’s the opposite sex,” he muttered as he continued to pound his chest while seemingly trying to stop the cough.
“Well unfortunately, I insist. I would drag you onto the bed myself if I had to. It’s not like I’m asking you to try anything funny; if you are, you wouldn’t be seeing the light of day anyways,” you stated clearly before pointing into the bedroom.
Sunwoo could only let out a deep sigh before caving into your words, knowing that if you both went on and on about this, the sun would rise before any of you would get a proper good night's rest. 
As you both cleaned up and got ready for bed, Sunwoo watched as you climbed into the sheets and got yourself comfy before turning towards your left to sleep on your side and face the cabin wall. When he sees that you have stopped squirming, he gently lifts the sheets before doing the same, but facing towards his right so that he is facing the door instead. 
It took him a while to fall asleep, unlike you, who fell into a deep slumber within seconds. He was not used to this after all, having to share a bed with someone; it has been a long time since he has done so, especially when the last person he did this was years ago with her. 
Additionally, what happened down at the creek earlier in the day? Sunwoo had no idea why exactly he decided to do what he did, and eventually, he couldn’t bring himself to plant a kiss on your lips and went in for a hug instead. 
Deep down, Sunwoo knew something was happening between you two, but he was afraid to commit or even think about the possibilities. After what happened years ago, he promised that he wouldn’t get too close to anyone unless they were the ones who saved his life big time; in this case, it was your brother, Jacob. 
But now, it seems that Jacob’s little sibling was also slowly marking a spot in that enclosed heart of his. 
Before Sunwoo could even think of anything further, Sunwoo slowly drifted off into his own dreamland and fell into a deep sleep like you did. 
Hours had passed, and you both were sleeping peacefully until Sunwoo began hearing voices in his head. 
Big brother…big brother…please save me… save me from all of this…please don’t let them take me away…
Big brother…Sunwoo…SUNWOO OPPA!!
Immediately, Sunwoo shot up from his deep slumber and broke out in sweats. Sure, it wasn’t out of the ordinary for him to get nightmares from the past; it was something he was still working on anyway. But it has been a long time since he had the exact scenario played in his mind; it was a curse to him now. 
Sunwoo then brought up his fingers to rub his temples, trying his best to calm himself down without waking you, who was still peacefully sleeping on the side. 
All of a sudden, Sunwoo’s phone lit up from the nightstand, and he grabbed it lazily while rubbing his eyes to adjust his vision so that he could see clearly what exactly the notification that he had just gotten.
It was as if the nightmare wasn’t enough to ruin his night; the notification was far worse than whatever he had just dreamt of. 
Something that he dreaded would even occur at all throughout this whole investigation process. 
Jacob Bae: This will be the last time I will be able to contact you for now. Please keep Y/N safe at all costs, and we’ll be in touch as soon as I can.
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Jacob’s POV
It had been two days since you had left the building without Jacob’s permission. Unfortunately, the meeting lasted way longer than expected, five hours to be exact. Hence, by the time he got back into his dark office where the only source of light was the one ray of moonlight shining through the windows, his heart dropped when he noticed how you were nowhere to be seen. 
Frantically, he skimmed through his entire office to see if you had left any clues behind, for the fear that you had been kidnapped, especially since you were considered to be vulnerable in the mastermind’s eyes, and how both Jacob and Sunwoo suspected that it could be someone from the biker gang or the law enforcement themselves. 
After minutes of scouring the entire room, he eventually made his way to his cabinet beneath his desk, where he could tell that one of them was pulled open and the little note that he stuck out slightly on purpose every time was gone. 
With that, he knew it could only mean one thing: you found the details of Sunwoo’s biker gang’s hideout and went there personally to confront the biker leader himself. Swiftly, he took his phone out before hastily sending Sunwoo a text. 
Jacob Bae: My sibling is headed towards your biker’s hideout. Please get there and make sure Y/N is safe at all costs. 
The moment he saw that Sunwoo had read his message, he finally fell back onto his chair, letting out a deep sigh of relief. As much as he was afraid that you had ventured into the predators' lair, he knew that as long as you were with Sunwoo, you would be safe from any harm or danger, even if he was the biker gang leader himself. 
Hence, while you were under Sunwoo’s care for the time being, Jacob was able to focus on his job and tried cracking all of the clues and codes he had received so far for the missing person’s cases, all while he tried his best maintaining contact with Sunwoo to keep each other updated on the case as well as your safety through texting one another. 
Things were going fairly smoothly until another missing person’s case was reported to the station just the night before. When he got to the registered location along with his subordinates, his stomach sank when he realised who had gone missing: your neighbour. 
Jacob began to panic as it only meant one thing: there was a high possibility that you would be the next target. 
Since that day, Jacob had worked tirelessly for hours without sleep or proper food. Your life is at stake right now, and he was determined that he was done playing this cat-and-mouse game with the mastermind. With that, Jacob tried searching for as many clues as possible, even the tiniest detail possible, and he went back to the crime scene himself to thoroughly search through the area once again on his own. 
As if it was a miracle, he eventually discovered a strand of hair near one of the flowerpots on your neighbour’s front porch. He quickly took the evidence he had found and ran straight back towards the lab to get the designated ones in charge to do a quick DNA test from the database to find out who it might be.
After hours of extracting the possible information, it had been concluded that it was impossible to narrow it down to a single person as too many chemicals were found on that single strand of hair follicle. But that did not stop Jacob from finding the exact match for who it might be. 
Hence, Jacob went through all of the case files once again, starting from the first case to the most recent, as he laid all of the details out onto his board in his office, writing down all of the necessary information paired along with red strings to help him connect the dots better. He was also going back and forth towards his desktop located on his desk, trying his best to find the right person from the database.
That was when he realised he had limited access to the station’s database. He had never had such issues before, so why had he been blocked? 
At that moment, he knew that his instinct was right and that the law enforcement was hiding something dark from the detectives themselves; perhaps that was why they had an excruciating time trying to gather practically limited information.
Unfortunately for the mastermind who did all of this, Jacob was actually an expert in computer hacking. Before being promoted to lieutenant, he was a renowned hacker in his division before rising to where he is now. The codes were a little harder to crack, but that doesn't mean it was nearly impossible. 
It took Jacob about ten minutes to finally hack into the actual database, and he wasted no time trying to match the hair follicle to a concrete DNA from the database itself. Once the system concluded that there was a match, he wasted no time clicking the download button to get the information down and reveal who it was.
Sadly, he wasn’t able to record down who it was as one of the detectives came barging into his office, pointing his loaded gun at him. Jacob was cornered, and he couldn’t do anything before the detective came over to completely shut off his desktop by pulling out the cords. Instantly, he shoved his gun towards Jacob’s back and guided him out of his office, guiding him to the actual mastermind of this whole crime spree. 
Before this happened, Jacob had typed out a message scheduled to be sent to Sunwoo if anything were to happen to him. It turns out his instinct was right, and he was slowly counting down the seconds in his heart before the time was up, and he felt his mobile vibrate in his back pocket, signalling that the message had been sent. 
As he stepped into the elevator with the detective, still pointing his gun at his back, he turned around before smiling. 
It’s up to you now, Sunwoo.
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Sunwoo’s POV 
“Report what exactly you have found so far, lads.” 
“Certainly, boss!” The young man cleared his throat before setting up the live footage on the laptop and turning it towards his boss’s directions. “It was pretty faint, but you could see the unknown person in the camera drugging the female worker before bagging her up and dragging her body away and out from the factory.” 
Sunwoo narrowed his eyes as he leaned forward to try his best to make out who was on the screen, but since the crime occurred late at night. There wasn’t enough light penetrating through the facility; it was merely impossible to identify clearly who the hooded criminal was. 
But Sunwoo wouldn’t give up quickly, so he leaned backwards on his chair before clasping his hands and bringing them close to his face. 
“Judging from the victims from the recent cases, it seemed as if they have been targeting this specific factory more often as of late. There has to be a pattern going on here,” Sunwoo suggested. 
Upon hearing those words from the biker’s leader, the gang member scratched his head before responding. “With that, boss, what are you trying to propose…?” 
“I’m saying that they will strike there again, that’s for sure.” 
“O-Oh, of course! Well, I will go get the rest of the lads ready—”
“No, you stay put till I give you boys further instructions,” Sunwoo firmly decided. 
“B-But, boss, what are you planning to do?”
“I’m going to check the place on my own first before letting any of you step in there. I’m not going to risk all of your lives like that.” 
The young lad knew how dangerous the whole situation was at hand. Quite frankly, he was one of the lads who often kept Sunwoo updated with all of the security footage that was happening around town since he was one of the bikers who had a talent for hacking into all of Seoul’s security systems without having the law enforcement notice his doing, of course. 
But he knew that the boss was risking his own life by heading towards the location alone. In the worst-case scenario, Sunwoo could even get seriously injured or worse. But he knew that Sunwoo’s words were absolute, and no one had ever been able to change his mind once he made a decision. 
With that, the hacker placed his hands together in front of him, slightly bending his head down before obeying Sunwoo’s orders. “Very well, boss. We will await your next instructions then.”
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As Sunwoo picked up his speed and rode his bike back to the cabin, the only thing that lingered in his mind was how he would explain the change of plans to you. He would’ve never thought that he might have to intervene and head towards the location himself to gather information this soon, or rather, he was hoping that Jacob could do it since he was a detective, after all. 
But now that Jacob is out of reach, Sunwoo had no choice but to take up the job to prevent anyone, especially his comrades, from getting hurt or potentially losing their lives in that targetted location without getting a green flag from someone higher up first. 
Another reason that he was a bit stressed out about the current situation was that it was time for him to talk to you about it; it was time for you both to make a move, and he knew that he couldn’t keep you in the dark forever, as much as he just wanted to tuck you away in this cabin of his and just stayed put and safe there while he and your brother resolved all of this messed up crime spree that was happening in the district. 
It was also because that was the exact factory that you worked at. That could only mean that the chances that you may or may not be the next target were higher than they had expected. 
After those train of thoughts, he finally arrived back at the cabin, and he tried his best to maintain his composure before turning the doorknob to open up the doors and calling out loud for you. 
That was only until you didn’t respond that he began to panic. 
��Y/N? Y/N, are you there?”
Sunwoo tried his best to maintain his calm while going from room to room, calling out for you. When he had finally searched the entire cabin and that you were nowhere to be found, that was when he felt a sink in his stomach, and he was about to go insane any moment now. 
He was now screaming at the top of his lungs for you while running around frantically, even as he stepped out of the cabin and walked down the steps to circle the woods nearby. 
“Y/N! Y/N! Please respond to me! Where are you?!”
His heartbeat was pounding much louder and faster with each second, and he was close to shitting his pants at the moment. An instant regret filled his guts, and he wished he could’ve turned by time so that it would’ve knocked some sense into him that he shouldn’t have left you alone in the cabin, especially when both of your lives were at stake. 
He wasn’t going to repeat the same mistake as he had done before. There was no way he would let history repeat itself, not under his watch.
Suddenly, he heard a faint grunt from a distance, a little bit towards his left. An unexpected fog clouded the air, making it hard for him to see whoever was slowly coming in his direction. 
With his instinct, Sunwoo quickly pulled out his handgun that he tucked away beneath his leather jacket, quickly loaded the gun and aimed it towards the shadow approaching him. 
Just as he was about to pull the trigger, the shadow emerged from the fog, and that was when he finally made out that it was the person he had been longing to find. 
“Sunwoo! You’re back!” You smiled while carrying a box filled with freshly picked fruits in your arms. 
Sunwoo then slowly lowered down the gun and stared at you blankly. To ease the tension and awkwardness, you decided to speak up whatever was on your mind for now.
“O-Oh! Sorry, I know I should’ve stayed put, but like I said, I know how to keep myself occupied. I decided to go for a little walk around, and that’s when I saw this little peach tree growing near the little creak you brought me to the other day. I just so remembered this one peach dessert I used to make when I was a kid, and I thought we could use some desserts—”
Before you could finish your sentence, Sunwoo wrapped his arms around you tightly, making you drop the box of fruits towards the ground. You were stunned by his sudden actions as he said nothing, and you could hear him sobbing for once as he buried his neck into the crook of your neck. 
Sunwoo knew that things were starting to get into his head, and he needed to tell you the truth now, especially with the events that have happened within the past 24 hours, and how he needed to tell you about his recent findings. 
And also about the nightmare he had last night.
There was no point in hiding anymore. Eventually, you would have to know anyways.
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“You look like a stray raccoon, Mr Kim,” you teased half-jokingly, but the other half was also concerned about his appearance. It was how he sat across from you, slumped onto his couch, and looked defeated. It was obvious that something had been bothering him, especially when you knew he had a nightmare last night, but you weren’t going to say anything unless he would tell you all about it himself. 
But given the current situation, the way he looked for you so frantically, and hell, even aimed a gun at you (not on purpose, of course), something has gone wrong, and you needed to know. 
You gently stood up and walked over to sit cross-legged on the ground, gently placing one of your hands onto his that was resting on his thigh, slowly caressing them to help ease the frown on his face. 
“Sunwoo, talk to me about it. I promise your secrets are safe with me,” you gently reassured him, hoping he would finally speak out about whatever had been hindering his mind since the day before. 
With that, he slowly opened his eyes to look down at you; he could tell that you were desperate to get answers, and this time, you wouldn’t take a single loophole in your books. Slowly, he sat back up and leaned forward as he stared at you, giving you his full attention.
“There have been some major updates in the missing person cases, Y/N.” 
“Okay, so we’ll go from there—”
“But before that, I think you need to know about my past, especially why I said your brother has given me another chance in life and why I took on this offer in the first place.” 
You gulped upon hearing that. It was finally time for you to know precisely what the pact they made behind your back was, and you could finally learn more about Sunwoo and your brother's secret life. 
“Remember when you walked into my cabin on the first day? You went straight ahead to the fireplace and had a little good look at the picture frame situated above it?”
“Y-Yeah? Was that your childhood friend or something?” 
“That was…” He paused for a moment before finishing up his sentence. “My little sister.” 
Now, that was something new to you. Nobody has ever heard that the biker gang leader would have a younger sibling or sibling. Most people have assumed that he had only been an only child and was probably abandoned from a young age due to his upbringing and reputation in the district. 
But Sunwoo was here to tell you the truth and to turn those assumptions down. “Regardless of how the public sees who I am, I had a pretty happy childhood. We were a family of four; our days were filled with happiness as we resided in a small village out of town. It wasn’t until my father received a promotion at his job that he decided to bring all of us up to Seoul, hoping for a better life.” 
Sunwoo cleared his throat before he continued with his story. “It was a miracle when my father came home one day telling us he was offered a job at the local police station; neither of us could’ve believed it then. It started off simple: he was just an ordinary security guard at the huge facility until he showed his superiors that he was far more capable than that, and he eventually rose to the ranks of becoming an actual detective.” 
“In other words, your father was my brother’s senior then,” you added, making Sunwoo return to you with a smile.
“Precisely. Years passed, and my sister followed his footsteps, eventually joining the academy and becoming a rookie detective under my father’s supervision. Meanwhile, I’ve decided to stay back and help my mother at her local pastry shop down the road from the station since she needed some assistance anyway. At the same time, I started building this wooden cabin, with the thought of creating a little place where we family could escape to during our free time.” 
You scooched closer, and your hands around his tightened slightly, trying to find the right words to ask the main question. “W-What happened then?” 
His eyes immediately fell to the floor, and his tone suddenly went down an octave, indicating that whatever he would say next would be pretty heavy to register. “My father was sent abroad on a mission, but he unfortunately lost his life in the line. Upon hearing that, my mother died with a broken heart.” 
“Sunwoo, my deepest condolences…” you mumbled. 
“You want to know what’s even crazier, Y/N? That wasn’t the worst thing I’ve ever had to go through. It was my sister.” 
You could see that his eyes began to water, and he was trying his best to hold back any outburst of emotions that he might have. Naturally, his hands found yours and held them tight, and you return the favour by placing another hand of yours on top of his. 
“There’s only a sole purpose for me in joining the biker gang: to keep my family safe.”
“In what way, Sunwoo?” You questioned, not really linking on how a biker member could help the detectives when both occupations are the total opposite. 
“I’m pretty sure you know by now about how dark and corrupted the crimes in Seoul are behind the scenes, and there are certain places that are off-limits no matter how far up the ranks you are.” 
“So that’s when you come in then.” 
“Exactly. Even if it’s the smallest thing I can do for them, I would take it.”
“Huh. Very contradicting to your biker image that the public is aware of.” 
“Hey, I need to look good for everyone okay. You never know. I’m pretty sure I have a fanbase somewhere in town admiring my good looks,” he smugged while lifting his head up high. You were glad he could still joke around and was still the Sunwoo you had known despite all the recent hardships. 
“God, I hope your fanbase will have enough to fund themselves. Supporting someone when they do not get anything in return is sad.” 
Sunwoo was annoyed at your teasing and immediately pinched your cheeks and pulled them slightly. “You take that back, I will have you know that I am one of the most good-looking people the district has ever seen in years.” 
“I will have you know that you are wrong because my brother Jacob is a hundred times better than you!” You spat back while holding the hand, almost breaking your cheeks apart. 
The pinching then slowly died down as Sunwoo slowly regained his composure. “Speaking about Jacob, that’s where the next story comes in.”  
As Sunwoo slowly pulled his hand away, you cupped that side of your cheek with your hands, mentally cursing the guy and saying that you would surely get back to him once this whole storytelling session was over. 
“I’m sure you are aware of the infamous case that one of the detectives from the station was the mastermind behind a series of kidnapping cases that happened in our district five years ago?” 
Oh, that. 
It was one of the cases that truly shook the nation down to its core; who would’ve thought that one of the detectives, especially from the elite squad, would have been monitoring and kidnapping young children around the area? What was more unpleasant about the case was that he had a few subordinates to help fulfill his fantasies, and they so happened to be a handful of the detectives themselves as well; some even used to be close buddies with your brother. 
It truly was a traumatising event that happened in your district’s history, and nobody wished such a case would ever happen again. 
“Y-Yeah…it was something my brother wished he could erase from his memory for good. It has impacted him in the worst way possible. Frankly, I wouldn’t want to see him go through such times ever again,” you commented. 
“Well, Y/N. I feel the same way, too. Just like how badly it has played a part in your brother’s life, it also did for me.” 
“How exactly did you even drag yourself into the situation?” 
He sighed. “Not by my own will, Y/N. It was because of my sister,” he squeezed your hands, and he chose his words carefully next, perhaps needing a bit of your strength to finally touch on the topic he has been avoiding for the longest time. 
“My sister was part of the cold case squad at the time, and it just so happened that she was the only female detective in the team. She would work tirelessly day and night, trying her best to dig through each possible available data, even the ones that were off-limits to most detectives. Little did she know that the mastermind himself was closely monitoring every movement that she had made, and she became a victim herself.” 
“Sunwoo…” you slowly caressed his hand, wanting to take him into your embrace right now. 
“Fast forward to the day when she finally emerged from the shadows, Jacob and I found ourselves in a standoff against the mastermind, holding my sister hostage on the rooftops of the police station. And god, Y/N. No words could describe how I felt the moment I laid my eyes upon my sister then, of how dishevelled and disoriented she had become.” 
A single tear drop fell from the corners of his eyes unto your hands, and your heart broke at that sight. Sunwoo had always portrayed how tough he was as if nothing in this world could ruin him to the point of breaking down, at least not in front of someone. He must’ve carried on this trauma for a long time, one that would continue to haunt him for the rest of his life. 
“Your brother did not have the guts to shoot at his supervisor, so I did the favour for him instead. The bullet penetrated through his skull, and it was an instant death for him. My sister then lay on the ground, screaming at the top of her lungs, pushing and kicking everyone that came close to her. Not even I could do anything to help save her then,” he sobbed and choked on his own words. 
“So, my brother came to your rescue then?” You quietly asked. 
He sniffled. “He did. Killing a police officer is a huge crime, and naturally, I was placed behind bars. But your brother fought relentlessly, and I was pardoned and eventually released from prison.” 
“That’s my brother for you.” You smiled, thankful he was still the same brother you had grown to love and admire despite the recent events between you two. 
“But it came with a price, Y/N.” 
“And what was it?” 
“In return for getting me out of prison, Jacob would take my sister’s wellbeing into his own hands. So he placed her under a facility that would care and possibly help her recover, but I was not to know about the location and to ever meet with her ever again.” 
Your heart sank upon hearing that. It would kill you to know that you have to be separated from your sibling for good, and you don’t think you could ever live the same way as you’ve done before knowing that. 
Immediately, you jumped into Sunwoo’s arms, giving him a tight embrace while tears streamed down your face. 
“I’m so sorry, Sunwoo. I’m so sorry that we detectives have failed you. We should’ve been the ones protecting the civilians, not breaking them apart physically and mentally.” You sunk your cheek into his neck; you wished there was something that you could’ve done to ease his pain or even bring his only happiness back to him. 
Sunwoo said nothing but return the embrace to you. He did the same by resting his chin upon your shoulders, slowly moving to the point you felt his lips slightly brushed against your neck as he took in all of your scent. 
Neither of you said anything for at least a good ten minutes, and you both were fine staying that way. You knew that it had taken a massive leap of faith for Sunwoo to address his biggest and darkest nightmare finally, and you were grateful that he had decided to trust you enough to talk to you about all of this. 
Eventually, you found yourselves both snuggled on the couch, just admiring the fireplace while cuddling one another. Sunwoo lay gently on your chest while you constantly ran your fingers through his soft black hair, making him slowly drift off into dreamland. It was obvious that Sunwoo hadn’t had the best of sleep lately because he easily slept within your arms for a couple of hours, not to be awakened so easily. 
And that was fine by you. You have begun to feel that you both were more than just acquaintances. However, you weren’t sure if Sunwoo returned the same feelings for you, but your subconsciousness tells you that whatever happened back at the creek, he must’ve felt something, too. It doesn’t matter if it was the same way as you did; you were more than glad that you had found a place within him.
As you slowly admired his sleeping face, you were now more than determined to put an end to this nightmare the district had been struggling with for months. 
This time, let me return the favour, Sunwoo. 
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The strong wind was constantly hitting your face as you grabbed Sunwoo tightly while he sped on his bike. It had been a few days since, and you finally had Sunwoo to fill you in with the latest news he had when he finally regained himself. 
To say that you were beyond shock was an understatement when you found out that the mastermind was targeting the young ladies at the factory you worked at, and that was how Kisa disappeared and became a pawn in their twisted games. 
But that also meant one thing: you’re the next target, and they have had their eyes on you for a while now. 
You were terrified, that was for sure, but you decided that you wouldn’t tell them to do as they please anymore. As long as you both stick together, you know that you will crack the case open and put a stop to this spree of kidnappings. 
It’s all for the victims and Jacob.
Even for you, Kim Sunwoo. 
As you finally made your way towards the factory, you quickly armed yourselves before stepping into the facility, all while Sunwoo held you close next to him.
It was eerily quiet, and no sign of a human being was in sight. It was unusual how abnormal the whole situation felt; it was as if the entire building had been abandoned. 
Or was it?
In the distance, you quietly alerted Sunwoo of how a faint light had caught your attention, and you could tell it had led to the systems room. Someone was in there, and you have a good guess that they might have been using the building to communicate for a while now. 
Giving each other a nod, you both slowly crept towards the room; that was when you felt a metal object pressed onto your skull. You finally came to a halt while Sunwoo slowly disappeared down the hallway, not noticing that you had left his side.
“Now that’s a good little kitten, don’t you think? You have saved me the trouble of looking for you, Y/N Bae.” 
God, he knew your name. 
You chuckled. “What do you want from us? What do you possibly gain from kidnapping these young ladies?” 
“Oh sweetheart, don’t you know that money is everything in this day and age? Given how we have lived in poverty for so long, it wouldn’t hurt to earn that extra cash and big bucks, no matter how dangerous the situation can be, don’t you think?” 
“You have no sense of morals, then. Treating these young ladies as objects and pawns to your games,” you fired back. 
The man then slowly pushed the metal object that was situated on your skull further deeper as he slowly loaded it, to which you knew that you were now held at gunpoint. 
“Now sweetheart, let me tell you a little something about us. We are predators, and we hunt for prey like you.” 
Now, this seems awfully familiar. 
“I’m afraid that once predators have gotten our eyes on a target, we will not let them go that easily. We are slowly going to devour you up, leaving no traces behind. If you think you could stop us, then I’m afraid you’re wrong, princess. We’re experts in our field of work; we are not to be found that easily even if you were the best of the best detectives in town because that is our nature.” 
That phrase, it’s similar to Sunwoo’s—
“Never in a million years would I have known that you’ve stooped so low, Seunghak.” 
That voice! 
Immediately, the both of you noticed how a badly beaten up individual was thrown in front of you, and your eyes widened upon what you have seen. Slowly, an individual emerged from the shadows, and it was Sunwoo, walking towards you both while aiming the gun at the person behind you.
“Why, hello, dear boss. Or should I say, former boss,” he taunted, smacking his lips as if things had just gotten far more interesting now. 
“Damn, Seunghak. I didn’t know you were the type to switch lanes that quickly. It seems like the biker life wasn’t good enough for you, then,” Sunwoo smiled dauntingly, and you gulped upon that sight. He was back to being the biker gang leader that the entire district was afraid of; you could even tell how the man behind you flinched a little as he began to shiver slightly with the gun still placed on your skull. 
“Can you blame me, though? When you get a plate full of gold in front of you, I’ll do whatever it takes if that means I will have more than enough to spend the rest of my life at ease,” he fired back while beginning to laugh menacingly.
“Besides, what do we do with these ladies in captivity? Oh god, I have been having the best of my life rather than being stuck in the biker's den.”
Instantly, Sunwoo's face darkened upon hearing what Seunghak said, and you could feel as if he was shooting daggers through his eyes at his former comrade.
“You are absolutely sick in the head.” 
“And what if I am? I am living the best life possible, and there’s nothing you can do to convince me to return!” He screamed before pushing the gun to the point that you felt that the metal was going to pierce through your skull any moment now. 
Slowly, Sunwoo started taking a few steps closer while he elicited a low chuckle. “You think you have a place left in my biker gang? You are much better off dead rather than coming back, Seunghak.” 
Immediately, a loud clatter was heard coming from both sides, accompanied by a volume of grunts, before the male began panicking. 
“W-What’s going on?” 
Finally, Sunwoo stopped right merely inched away from you both, and he aimed the gun towards his former comrade’s face. 
“If you think I’ve come unprepared, then that means you are a hundred years too early even to accept the dirty ass pot of gold that was placed so easily in front of your plate.”
Instantly, Sunwoo pulled the trigger, and the bullet penetrated the man’s abdomen, causing him to let out an ear-splitting scream as he tumbled and fell onto the ground, pressing onto his wound to ease the bleeding. 
Unfortunately, Sunwoo wasn’t going to let him off so quickly, as he fired another bullet into his arms, causing the male to lay down helplessly. At the same time, Sunwoo hovered above him, resting his gun upon Seunghak’s cheeks. 
“You’re going to be a dear and tell me who exactly employed you and your boys before I shoot another bullet into your skull, which would kill you off instantly, young man.”
It seemed that the male wouldn’t give up easily as he spat back onto Sunwoo’s face. 
“As if I would tell you easily who is the mastermind behind all of this…no matter what happens to us…not of us are going to tell a single soul about it…our lips are sealed shut—”
A loud bang was heard throughout the entire facility, and you slowly opened your eyes to see that the male was long gone now, having a bullet penetrated his skull. 
Sunwoo slowly got up from the male, dusting his knees while he was at it. 
“You scumbags have no reason to live in this world then.” 
As he turned to face you again, you couldn’t help but slowly take a few steps back, as if you weren’t sure if you would want to deal with the current state Sunwoo was in. Sure, you trusted him, but it was truly the first time you had seen him like this.
Far worse than how he confronted you back at his base. 
This was the true so-called “devil” that people were terrified of, and this was what Sunwoo was truly capable of. 
Sunwoo didn’t say a word as he walked towards you before muttering a few words. 
“Let’s get going and continue to search the place for clues.” 
“O-Okay…” you replied. 
As you both made your way down past the hallways, Sunwoo occasionally stopped giving his subordinates further orders or even asking about the current situation throughout the facility. He had given them instructions way beforehand, and the whole place was now under the bikers' control. 
Since you knew it probably wouldn’t be a good time to disturb nor provoke Sunwoo in his current state, you figured it would’ve been a good time to check out the control room situated just a little bit towards your right. 
You slowly turned your head to see that Sunwoo was engaged in the conversation before you slowly crept away and headed straight towards the room while leaving the door open so that that was an indirect way of letting him know that you were here and doing fine on your own. 
You quickly took in the sight upon you as you took in the dozens of computer screens that hovered above you and how multiple files and USB drives were plugged into the systems, meaning that whoever was here before had been lurking in this place for a while. 
Since your brother was an expert hacker, you naturally followed his footsteps as you got him to teach you all about computers when you were young. In other words, you could consider yourself a little computer geek, and you knew your way around the codes and the systems. 
As you sat down on the chair and began typing away, you could easily hack into the system to find out the dozens of confidential information stored there. Sure enough, you were able to dig through the files and find valuable information about the kidnappings—who the victims were, their way of communication to pass around information, and who was the sole mastermind that commanded Seunghak and his team. 
However, it seemed that it wouldn’t be as easy to determine who exactly was the accurate mastermind as they used an untraceable ID and alias; or rather, they actually communicated through ciphertexts. 
You mentally cursed at yourself for not taking an interest in this particular method of communication back then when your brother taught you briefly. You have always brushed it off, saying you were not made to understand this specific method and always preferred a more accessible way out. 
You were then back to square one again. To find out who was behind that so-called alias and ID, you needed to crack the algorithm and ciphertext to move on. 
Just as all hope is lost, a new message suddenly appears on the screen, and you squint your eyes as you try to read what exactly it holds. When you finally understood what was written, your eyes widened, leaving you stunned for a minute. 
This…this is—
Before you were able to make sense of the whole situation, Sunwoo immediately jumped in front of you before you eventually heard a gunshot resonate in the air and eventually a siren followed as you tried your best to catch hold of Sunwoo in your arms, followed by a swarm of bikers filling the control room.
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Sunwoo had no idea how long he had been passed out since then, and he was slowly trying his best to open up his eyelids tightly glued shut together as the light shone through his vision. 
When he finally did, he realised that he was back in this cabin and was lying down on the couch he tried his best to sit up before he felt an excruciating pain that sent shockwaves throughout his whole body.
“I wouldn’t move if I were you.” 
Sunwoo jerked his head to the side to see that you had returned with a first aid box and a bowl of water with a cloth draped before you slowly sat on the couch with him. You took the fabric into your hands before dipping it into the bowl of water, squeezing off the excess liquid before you started wiping off any dirt or blood that was left on his bare chest. 
Neither of you said a word, or rather, none of you knew the right words to say at the moment. Sunwoo noticed how red and puffy your eyes were, and he knew immediately that you must’ve been crying for god knows how long. 
He definitely felt partly guilty for that, but another part of him didn’t know why he did just that, jumping in front of you to save you from the henchmen instead of taking him out with his gun from behind. 
His thoughts were a mess; he no longer knew what he felt. As he quietly observed the way you took care of him, his heart began to ache, and he couldn’t help but gently place one of his hands on your cheeks, rubbing the little area where he saw that there was a slit mark; you probably have gotten injured yourself while he was out. 
That gesture stopped you as you lifted your head to look at him straight in the eyes. Unlike back at the factory, his eyes were filled with mystery again, not the dark, scary one he portrayed as the biker’s gang leader. It felt as if the scene back during the creak was repeating itself. 
“S-Sunwoo…I…” you stammered before you eventually felt his soft lips against yours. 
The kiss was gentle and bittersweet, and Sunwoo did not hesitate to slowly move his lips against yours, showering you with plenty of kisses and savouring the taste of your lips. Your body immediately shut down from that, and you finally eased yourself to return the favour, moving yours against his as you both kissed each other breathlessly. 
His kiss sent shockwaves to your entire body, making you want this moment to last for as long as possible. He gently lifted your face slightly with the hand resting on your cheek, intending to kiss you deeper. That was when you decided to close your eyes and let him take full control of the situation. 
As you both finally broke apart to take a few deep breaths, Sunwoo rested his forehead against yours, just like he did before at the creak. 
It was time, you figured, to finally ask him what you both truly are. 
“Sunwoo…what…what made you finally do it?” You panted. 
He paused briefly before giving you an answer you did not expect. “Do I have you say more than that? I’m pretty sure it’s what you have in mind, Y/N.” 
You were now trying your best to hold back the tears forming at the corners of your eyes. “W-What made you finally feel that way, Sunwoo?”
“I…I don’t even know myself, Y/N. In the beginning, I’ve only seen you as a little sibling that I would protect at all costs because I do not want to repeat the same mistake as I have done to my biological sister. But as we spent more time together, there was just something that I felt within me that made me realise that maybe you’re more than just a sibling to me now.” 
Sunwoo gently lifted your head once more before giving you a little peck on the lips again. “One thing is for sure now: I would protect you at all costs, even if it means I must sacrifice myself. I’m not doing this as a favour to your brother anymore; I’m doing this because you mean a lot to me.” 
With those words, you couldn’t help but smile for the first time in a while before responding to the man himself. “Well, you’re going to have to do a lot of explaining to my brother, then.” 
“Yeah. Frankly, I hate the thought of having to go through that phase. But if it’s you, I’d do anything to get that approval from Mr Bae himself.” He winked. 
“Ew. Gross.” 
“Admit it, you like the thought of us being together and a thing in the near future.” 
“You better hold your horses before I shove this fabric down your throat.” 
“Wow, aren’t you a scary one?” 
You both broke into laughter with that conversation. It has been a while since you both have bickered like that, and you missed this mischievous side of him.
“Well, mister. We’ll have to wait a couple of days for you to be completed healed before we hit the road again.” You announced as you finally stood up from the couch.
“Give me a day to rest up, and then we’ll leave.” 
“Kim Sunwoo, there’s no way you’re healing up within a day with that bullet wound in your abdomen.” 
“If I say one day, it means one day,” he deadpanned. 
“You can’t be serious,” you argued back. 
“One day.”
You sighed. “We will determine that after 24 hours, then.” 
Sunwoo smiled as he laid back down on the couch. “Well, now that’s settled, we could go through the strategy planning tomorrow. For now, I think it’s time for us to get into bed together—”
“You’re not touching me in my sleep.”
“Oh come on, we kissed, so what’s the matter?” He pouted. 
“We’re not at that stage yet.” 
“Pretty please with a cherry on top?” He begged.
“Absolutely not.”
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Miraculously, it took only a day for Sunwoo to be entirely healed as he drove down the streets, heading back to the capital. You swore that this man was built differently from all of you, and he was a monster at that, able to heal so quickly with a wound that would typically take at least a week or two. 
He was definitely feeling a lot better after a good night's rest, and you guided him into the fireplace before telling him the details you had found back in the systems room. Sunwoo’s eyes widened as he heard about your findings, and never would he have thought that you both would be able to receive that critical information to finally pinpoint who was the exact mastermind behind all of this. 
After hearing your thoughts and suggestions, the both of you quickly took off to one of his nearest hideouts, where he would often meet up with his closer subordinates to inform them about the current plan. After a whole night of planning, all of you were now on the road heading back into the city.
When you finally catch a glimpse of the police station from afar, bittersweet feelings immediately form within you as you know that there would be the last destination to be able to crack the cold case open. You hope that Jacob is somewhere hidden within the facility since you last saw him. 
As all the bikes began pulling up nearby, Sunwoo gave the lads further instructions on infiltrating the building without being detected by the guards. Their mission was to find out where exactly the victims were kept away and to avoid conflict with any detectives that came their way. 
Based on the information you found at the factory, you insisted that it would be best to confront the mastermind since you have gotten a pretty good hunch on who they are and where they might be residing too. But Sunwoo insisted that he was going to stay close to you as much as he could, and he was not going to risk your life once more. 
It took a bit of convincing back and forth, but you finally managed to persuade him to stay nearby but undetected, fearing that the mastermind might flee if they had a sense that you did not come alone to meet them.
So here you were, pressing the exact button that would eventually lead you to the top floor of the building, staring straight into the screen above the lift that indicated that you were slowly going up each second. Your hands began shaking against your own will, fearing that you were finally going to meet your worst nightmare, one that has kept you awake and separated from your own family and friends for weeks. 
As you shut your eyes to take a deep breath, you were instantly cut off from your train of thoughts when you felt someone grab onto your hands and intertwine their fingers with yours. When you opened your eyes and turned your head to the side, you could see that Sunwoo was just as nervous as you were, linking his hands with yours. 
It must’ve been hard for Sunwoo as well; he was also dealing with his struggles when he was with you. But he has never failed to let it get to them to the point that it made him lose all hope and sanity. Perhaps it must have been fate that you were there with him, and you were able to give him a bit of strength and company to deal with all of this. 
Your grip tightened against his, and you looked into his eyes. “Sunwoo…”
“It’ll be over soon, Y/N. I’m sure of it. No civilians should ever experience this nightmare ever again. We’re going to break the chain of history and not let it repeat itself once again,” Sunwoo said confidently, and he was determined that it was time to make a change in Seoul’s dark history of crimes and corruption. 
As the doors to the lift opened, you slowly stepped out of the lift and let go of Sunwoo’s grip and looked at him once more before walking to where you were supposed to be headed. For the last time, you both communicated by looking into each other’s eyes; Sunwoo promised you that he would be nearby and that you didn’t have to worry as he would keep you safe. 
With a nod from you, the doors to the lift eventually began to close, and you constantly kept your eyes glued on Sunwoo before the doors were glued shut. 
Turning your heel towards the opposite direction, you slowly walked along the corridors, passing by multiple rooms before reaching the one at the furthest end. You read the door sign carefully before confirming that you were at the right place. 
Slowly, you lifted up your hands to gently knock on the door before it slowly opened on its own. With a gulp, you stepped in and peered your head through the room. It was dark, and the only light shining into the room was the moonlight from the windows. 
When you were fully physically in the room, the doors behind you suddenly slammed shut again, sending a sense of nervousness throughout your entire body. You had to remind yourself constantly that as long as you can get through this last spurt, everything will finally be revealed, and it will be a chapter closed. 
You could sense that you weren’t alone in this room and that someone was lurking in the shadows. Taking this as your chance to confront them, you finally gathered the courage to speak up to whoever was in here with you. 
“It seems that your time of reign has abruptly ended. It wasn’t easy trying to track you down for months; given your position, it must’ve been really easy to get hold of the young ladies into your care. You surely are a brave individual who was willing to take the risk,” you announced aloud but were again met with silence. 
But you didn’t come here to give up quickly, so you decided to press on. “Say, haven’t you stooped down so low, using your detective position to claim these young women for your benefit? Wasn’t your wife good enough for you? Why resort to kidnapping and eventually trafficking these young ladies for your good?”
Come on, Y/N. Just a little bit more. 
“You even went to seek help from the biker gang. Are you that desperate? Especially when you have sworn that you hate them to the core and would never associate with the likes of them.” 
“Don’t you think so, Uncle Bae?” 
With that last sentence, the room felt much more silent than it already was before you eventually heard footsteps coming before you, finally revealing to the man that you have been trying your best to get him out of the shadows. 
“I’m beyond impressed, Y/N. You are just as smart as your brother; you could easily pull off as a detective for the station.” 
It has been a while since you have seen your uncle. He was the deputy chief of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Department and was often away to deal with heavy and pressing matters requiring him to stay stuck in this office all day or even fly out of the country to do so.
He also took your brother in and gave him a chance as a detective after seeing his extraordinary talent with computers and hacking. After your parents passed, he was the one who has been raising you both just as his children, and he was finally able to let loose a bit once you both entered adulthood. 
He often visits during celebrations as much as he can despite his busy schedule, and you both have always admired him for what he has done to serve the country. He was considered the nation’s hero, after all.
But it seems that not all good things last for long, especially when you receive that concrete evidence and message back in the systems room from your very own brother, revealing who the mastermind is. Why exactly did he choose to do all of this? Your very own uncle, the nation’s hero, to be behind all of the kidnappings that have happened for the past several months. It would be impossible to convince the public that this was the reality that everyone has been living in; that is why it is up to you now to publicly reveal and gain concrete evidence to stop his spree of crimes.
“My dear little Y/N, how exactly did you even crack the code? I was certain that you couldn’t decrypt ciphertexts.” 
So, that was why he used it as a primary method of communicating with the bikers. 
“Well, I’m afraid you have made a fatal mistake. I may not be able to read ciphertexts, but I sure can read morse code.” 
You chuckled. “You may have kept my brother hidden away somewhere, but so long as he is within the facility and was one of the top hackers in the station, he would certainly find a way to hack through the systems throughout the district and even out of town, keeping in a close contact with us.” 
“Just as expected from my nephew, I shouldn’t have underestimated what you both were capable of,” he laughed. 
Unbeknownst to you, you eventually balled your fists up, and you were on the verge of wanting to throw a punch straight into his face despite being family by blood. However, you tried your best to hold yourself back, you have to get concrete evidence first and foremost. 
“Why, Uncle Bae? Why would a successful detective like you do such a thing? Why live a double life?” You asked and pleaded a little to see if he had any sense of remorse left in him. 
But your efforts were wasted. 
“Oh, Y/N. You have no idea how cruel our world can truly be. It doesn’t matter how high your status can be; the city of Seoul will forever remain dark and corrupt behind the scenes, whether you like it or not. In this world that we will live in, it’s like a tug-of-war, Y/N. If you don’t take a step further, then the younger and weaklings will eventually catch up, and we don’t want that to happen, do we?” 
Your uncle then stepped closer to you and began slowly circling around you. 
“There are only two groups of people in the world; either you choose to be strong or stay behind with the weak. It’s a cruel world that we live in, Y/N. When the opportunity comes, take it even if there’s the slightest opening to becoming the strong elite. Take it and do not spare a glance back, even if it means you must ditch your old life behind. You might even need to sacrifice some things or people to realise those goals.” 
“B-But that doesn’t imply why you would turn to crime to achieve those goals, Uncle Bae,” you commented. 
He sighed. “I’m afraid you are still too young to realise it then. Those girls should be lucky that they are still alive. I haven’t even gotten to the good part yet.” 
Your blood was now boiling, and you were on the verge of genuinely slapping or hitting some sense into your uncle, even though you knew that it would probably be effortless. You just needed to hurt him, make him suffer for all that he has done to all of those young women, even to your friend, Kisa. 
Before you finally shut your eyes, you had to ask him one last question before you were going to reach behind your back pocket for the knife that you had stored away.
“Let me then ask you this, Uncle Bae. What happened five years ago when a detective was responsible for kidnapping young children across the district. Was that your doing as well?” 
In your gut, you already knew what the actual answer would be. But at least you still needed to hear it directly from his mouth. 
“Ah, Minhwan? It was truly a tragedy that he lost his life easily then. He was just a step closer to kidnapping his tenth victim.” 
God, you felt sick to the stomach. He truly was a heartless individual; all of the years of putting up a favourable face in front of his family eventually broke down, revealing who he truly is in front of you now. 
You couldn’t care less if he was your uncle anymore; all you knew was that he was going to hell, and you so desperately wanted to end his life here and then—
“So it was you who made my sister suffer the way she did.” 
That voice! Sunwoo!
You quickly jerked your head behind to see that Sunwoo was now aiming his gun directly at your uncle, but before you could even process further, you were immediately pulled into your uncle’s embrace. He immediately took out his gun from his holster and rested it on your temple. 
“My, if it isn’t the biker gang leader himself! You surely have grown since the last time I’ve seen you.” 
“Never in a million years would I have thought that the chief detective would have been monitoring and guiding the underworld for several years. It would surely be a huge hit in the newspapers and eventually across the globe,” Sunwoo taunted. 
“That would be nice, but I’m afraid you both won’t live through the next sunrise to see it happen because I will be eliminating you both right here and now, starting with Y/N,” he pushed the gun further to the point that it began to hurt. You could tell that one wrong move from either of you would result in a bullet within the two of you. 
You both have to think quickly and strategically before executing the next move. 
“What makes you think you can outsmart me, young man? You’re from the biker gang, for goodness sake!” Your uncle began raising his voice and was now engaged in the conversation with Sunwoo. 
That was when you looked into Sunwoo’s eyes, and you could tell he was trying to tell you something. 
It was as if he meant…
Trust me, Y/N. 
“It is because I’m the biker gang’s leader, Mr Chief. Hence, I can and will outsmart you here right now.” 
With that one last word, Sunwoo loaded his gun and pulled the trigger, aiming straight at your legs. The bullet barely grazed through your skin, and you immediately fell onto your knees, which made your uncle stunned. 
“Hey! Hey! Y/N! Get up! Get up now!”
In the midst of his panic, Sunwoo quickly stepped in and took his hand onto his back before propelling his body forward, slamming him onto the ground. He quickly used his knee to keep him in place. He used his hands to push the chief’s head to the ground while the other held both hands towards his back. 
“Y-You think you’re going to get away with this? You’re a hundred years too fast…” the chief grunted. 
“Actually, I think you might as well start digging your grave now, dear uncle.” 
Immediately, all of you looked towards the front door entrance where the voice was coming from, and your eyes widened upon who you had just seen. 
“Jacob!!!” You screamed out loud; tears might even start falling from the corners of your eyes. 
“Hello, uncle. Missed me?” 
“H-How did you get out from there? There’s absolutely no way—”
“Well, I have my ways. And unfortunately for you, I hacked into the station system, so your computer right there on your desk was recording everything that you said towards both my sibling and the biker gang’s leader; I may have also shared the recording with the local radio stations, so everyone heard it live and in real timing too,” Jacob announced as he was twirling the USB drive in his hands. 
“Why you little scumbag!!” He screamed before Sunwoo gathered his strength to push him down again. 
“I think the scumbag here is you, dear uncle. I’m sure the FBI would be delighted to interrogate the heck out of you and give you the rightful punishment you need.”
“What? The FBI?” He questioned. 
“You actually think I came here unprepared? The FBI has officially raided the entire building, taking the hostages to safety and caught your little gremlins, escorting them to prison at this very moment as we speak.” 
Jacob took a few steps closer before eventually bending down to face his uncle.
“I’m sorry, but your reign of terror ends here and now.”
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It had been a year since that fateful incident. Getting things back to normal surely took a lot of time and effort. 
Thanks to Jacob and the FBI, they have taken your uncle away and placed him behind bars, even at a high security one at that. Throughout the gruelling interrogation that they have had, it seems that your uncle was part of more twisted crimes than what the public was aware of, and he was sentenced to life imprisonment at that, with no chance of parole. 
As for the victims, they were all returned safely to their own families after recovering at the hospital for a while. Thanks to the staff's generosity, the victims were given more than enough care and treatment for them to eventually return to their usual selves.
The Seoul Metropolitan Police Department needed some time to regain the public's trust. To tackle that issue, the officials elected your brother Jacob to take over the chief position and oversee the whole process of rebuilding the entire police department. It definitely wasn’t an easy task and was undoubtedly a huge burden for Jacob, but he did not complain and rather took on the role easily. 
The factory that you used to work in was abolished as the police themselves continued to dig through more uncovered dark secrets that lay below the factory grounds. For the safety and well-being of the public, all authorities have agreed that it would be best to tear the place down, leaving behind a chapter. 
But that did not mean that all workers there met a bad fate. Through the help from the public and the authorities, everyone was given a chance to work at a much better and safer workplace. 
As weeks passed, you scored through all your exams and eventually graduated from university. You were now on the road to becoming a full-fledged journalist, currently undergoing probation under the famous company The Seoul Daily Magazine. You have been enjoying your time here, meeting amazing colleagues and having a healthier work-life balance. 
As for Sunwoo, he decided to return to his biker gang, further leading the upcoming lads to take over the higher positions within their hierarchy. However, it was thanks to the latest kidnapping cases that the public realised that the bikers themselves weren’t rebellious nor posed a threat to society. They have begun to put their trust in the bikers themselves, and they would often be seen hanging out together in town daily. 
Jacob has granted a special position for Sunwoo in the police department, encouraging the male to join forces as their previous one worked out splendidly. According to your brother, Sunwoo just smiled and turned down the offer, saying that the bikers are one big family and would stick by them until the end. 
You smiled as you remembered all of those moments of how Sunwoo had always shared about his lads from the gang, and naturally, you decided to visit them often whenever you got to hop onto Sunwoo’s bike; you both were finally a couple now anyway. 
It wasn’t until the digital clock that was situated right on your table started to go off that you realised that it was finally time for you to get off work. You quickly jumped up from your chair, giving yourself a little stretch before packing your things away hurriedly. 
“Oh, someone’s leaving early today, huh?” One of your co-workers peeked through your cubicle and teased. 
“Someone’s got a dinner date tonight, a very romantic one at that, too,” another one chimed in. 
“It’s nothing, you guys, we’re just having a normal dinner,” you reassured, but clearly your co-workers didn’t believe you in the slightest bit. 
“I bet they’re going to finally do it tonight.”
“What?! How can you say that?! I bet they’re going to propose instead.” 
“Nothing is going to happen, okay? Now, I’m off. I’ll see you next Monday!” 
You quickly clocked out before running down the steps down to the lobby. You were too excited and couldn’t wait for the elevator to reach your floor. Once you finally saw your boyfriend leaning against one of the pillars outside your company, you quickly dashed towards the automatic doors before finally stopping right in front of him.
He was in his usual black leather jacket and cargo pants, but his hair was much longer now, so it covered his eyes if he decided not to part them. But you loved this new look on him, much better when his hair was shorter a year ago.
“Like what you see, sweetheart?” 
“Hmph, don’t get too full of yourself. You barely did just the minimum,” you commented before linking your arms with his as you both walked towards the restaurant that Sunwoo had booked for the night. 
“Come on, I styled myself just for tonight. You might as well give me some compliments,” he whined. 
“I’ll consider it if you order something that I have been craving to eat for a while,” you stuck your tongue out at him. 
“How should I know what you’re craving for the day?” 
“You’re the boyfriend; you should’ve done your research.” 
“I spit the facts.” 
You both burst out into laughter after that; you truly enjoyed every moment with this guy, even if you were just bickering over the tiniest detail possible. It was when you both went silent for a while, admiring the Christmas lights and decorations that lit up the entire city. You both finally stopped at the huge Christmas tree in the middle of town, admiring its beauty for a while before heading to the restaurant just a little bit behind the decor. 
“Say, didn’t you mention that I would be your biggest mistake when I first picked you up back at the factory?” 
“Yeah, that. What am I to you now, princess?” He looked at you with pleading eyes; he was back at trying to get your compliments since he failed the last one.
You sighed before tilting your head towards his direction before planting a soft peck on his lips. 
“You were the best mistake that has ever happened to me.”
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A/N: this was not supposed to be 20k+ i swear i have no idea what in God's name happened. 🤓
taglist: @deoboyznet @kflixnet @k-films @flwoie @zzoguri @kyusqult @tinkerbell460 @cheonsafics @sulkygyu @jaerisdiction @lngwayup @itsbeeble @kimsohn (join my permanent taglist here!)
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absolutebl · 1 year
There was a surprising amount of sex in Be Mine Superstar! I really wasn’t expecting it…. Similarly, Love Syndrome had a LOT less sex than I was promised by the trailer…
Are there any BLs that had either many more or many less NC scenes than you were expecting before you started watching them?
BLs that exceeded (or underperformed) sexy expectations
Interesting question. So far, not that many Thai BLs. But I think that's just because I pay attention to the pairs and the actors in Thai stuff, and you sort of get a feel for what they will (and won't) take on. So in your examples: I know JaFirst did high heat so I expected the producers to lean into that advantage as part of BMSS because, frankly, it didn't have much else going for it.
I haven't watched Love Syndrome III yet but knowing Frank I wouldn't expect it to go super high heat in terms of actual physical contact.
I guess the ones that have surprised me are mostly out of Thailand are pulps that I knew nothing about going in. Let me see...
Thai BL that ended up being way hornier/better than I expected
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Secret Crush On You - such a weird show but BillySeng brought IT, whatever IT is, they got it.
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Love in Translation - yeah, what happened in that sauce isle boys? Very saucy. Whatever pun, more please.
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2 Moons 3 - about on par with ForthBeam from 2 Moons 2 but nothing else in the previous 2 series would lead one to expect the horny we got in this show on the main.
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Second Chance - yeah it was a throw away pulp and this studio is hit or miss on chemistry but it had one of the best kisses of its year.
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Big Dragon - I don't know what I expected form the trailers, but it wasn't as good as it turned out to be. Don't get me wrong, the rest of the show is naff, but the chemistry/heat levels are scorching.
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Ghost Host, Ghost House - generally the horror stuff doesn't do chemistry well, but these two have some of the best chemistry EVER put into a pulp. I really hope we see more of them.
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KinnPorsche - It's no secret I'm not as wild about this show as most, but I did think the VegasPete stuff was unexpectedly killer in all ways.
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Oh My Sunshine Night - yeah it was exactly what one expects from OhmFluke but THE SIDES!!!! I mean... WHAT? I'm not mad, just pleasantly surprised.
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TharnType - Okay but remember at the time what we'd had from Mame was LBC (relatively low heat) and other Thai stuff I was familiar with at the time was Make It Right, Love Sick, SOTUS, and UWMA. TT was way higher heat that I'd seen from Thailand before. And then...
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Why R U? - ZeeSaint's "away trip to the beach" full on sex scenes plus repping for verse was just crazy at the time. Especially since Saint played Pete in LBC before this and Zee was new to BL. Add that to the very odd and disjointed (and miss-matched) SaifahZon counter story and WRU? was this insane all over the place viewing experience, including the heat levels. There was this "what will they do next?" kind of tension over the production. Not the story (because who was following that?) but the PRODUCTION. At the time, it was welcome, but truly bonkers. What a way to drive narrative tension... pure high heat chaos.
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Thai BLs where chemistry failed meet my (relatively low) expectations
My Ride - honestly, if they had just gotten the kiss right this might even have earned a 10/10 from me
Unforgotten Night - ugh
Bite Me - double ugh
Friend Forever - I know I'm the only person who watched this but why could we not have gotten ONE kiss from the leads?
Nitman - studies have since shown us it is entirely not Noh's fault... see Oh My Sunshine Night
Wedding Plan - the leads were fine, but Mame usually fails me in every way except chemistry, so "fine" is not up to her usual standards. Those standards being predominantly "they hawt together" and nothing else. There wasn't even a side dish couple to pick up the slack noodle... so to speak.
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Korean BL
For most of 2022 I was consistently getting surprised by Korean BL's chemsitry when it was good but now I've settled into half expecting it yet still being delighted when it happens and is well done.
I do think Semantic Error was a bit of a seed change for them.
The problem is, now we know they can do it, we are starting to get pissed when it's bad or entirely absent.
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Taiwanese BL
Taiwan is the opposite of Korea.
I expect good chemistry and almost always always get it. I struggle to think of a time when they've disappointed me (in this arena). Maybe a few? But I tend to cut Taiwan more slack than other countries because they have so few BLs and they are generally so consistent. If they falter at all, at least the side couple will pick up the slack.
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Japanese BL
I have no expectations of Japan. Life as a BL fan is a lot easier that way.
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ellsieee · 4 months
I think a compilation of Jaemin and Nami eating ramen for 3 minutes is a good way to celebrate the Blue Boys Part 2 announcement.
Between their chemistry, the desire, the sounds, and the mukbang, Jaemin and Nami's kiss scenes are hotter than a lot of actual nc scenes.
Then in contrast, we have Jaemin being the cutest thing.
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I wish they had included this in the actual episode instead of cutting to Sol's jealous bitch face. Jaemin acts like he's annoyed with that little nose scrunch, but his happy smile says otherwise. I can't wait for June.
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slayerkitty · 7 months
The DFF Experience: A Dead Friend Forever Fandom Round Up (Part 3*)
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Character Analysis (Episodes 11-12)
On Tee and Redemption by @neuroticbookworm
On Phee and New and Revenge in Episode 11 by @uwooyoungs
Failing Non and Paths to Redemption by @biochemjess
Mirror Justice in DFF by @brifrischu
On Jin and His Character by @raelle-writing
New: Righteous Villain or Straying? by @kerrikins
Jin is Not a Flat Character by @queenofhtesarcastic
On Tee's Lonely Grief by @tbhimnoteasyonmyself
Protagonists and Main Characters by @queenofhtesarcastic
New/Phee Brain Dump by @vegaseatsass
White's Fear by @thepetesimp
On Jin, Non and the Apology by @mikuni14
The "What Non Would Want" Debate
Thoughts by @befuddledcinnamonroll
What Non Would Want by @yellingaboutkp
Would Non Want That? by @raelle-writing
New and Goodness by @salamander89
Miscellaneous (Episodes 1-10)
Nine Circles of Hell: DFF Episode 7 by @syrena-del-mar
On Police Corruption by @raelle-writing
Squicks and Triggers (Episodes 1-8) by @wen-kexing-apologist-
Squicks and Triggers (Episode 9) by @wen-kexing-apologist
Squicks and Triggers (Episode 10) by @wen-kexing-apologist
DFF Episode 5 by @wen-kexing-apologist
Language Notes by @visualtaehyun
Language Notes (Episode 9) by @visualtaehyun
Language Notes (Episode 11) by @visualtaehyun
DFF, Found Footage Horror, Technology, and the Real by @shannankle
Role of Regret and Guilt in DFF by @aeternallis
On Perfect Victims by @leconcombrerit
An Ode to Older Siblings by @syrena-del-mar
Episode 9 Meta by @mikuni14
DFF Episode 9 by @blramblingx2
The Audience as Phee and Tan by @firstkanaphans
Celestial Pleasures: Miscellaneous Thoughts About PheeJin’s NC Scene by @syrena-del-mar with contributions by @lurkingshan
How Do You Feel About PheeJin And Other Commentary by @respectthepetty
Figuring Out the Timeline by @yellingaboutkp
Asian Culture And Context for the Reaction to Non and Keng by @delululover
Framing in DFF: Voyeurism and Sex by @shannankle
Selfish Desires and the Class War by @syrena-del-mar
Episode 10 Analysis by @venusssssssssss
Filmmaking in BL: The Horror Influences of DFF by @chaos0pikachu
Episode 12 Preview Analysis by @thepetesimp
No One is Doomed by the Narrative by @raelle-writing
Lord of the Flies and DFF by @koddyroddy
Miscellaneous (Episode 11-12)
Echoes of Guilt: Exploring the Thin Line Between Tee's Redemption and Salvation in Dead Friend Forever, Episode 11 by @syrena-del-mar
Genre Influences by @imminentinertia
DFF: Horror or Thriller? by @yellingaboutkp
Random Episode 11 Thoughts by @subtextsays
Desperation in DFF by @babyangelsky
On Horror Tropes and Audience by @chaos0pikachu and several others
*Due to the number links and mentions the round up is now four(!) posts. Please see Part 1 here, Part 2 here, and Part 4 here.
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acourtofthought · 4 months
I usually ignore accounts like yours (people who dedicate years to posting anti content), but your whole Truth-Teller argument is posted in such bad faith. You’re so clearly trying to twist the canon of what happened in ACOWAR to make it seem less significant by claiming that Azriel only gave TT to Elain because of Mor (which is a GIANT reach).
Here are the facts:
1. Mor begged Azriel not to fight, sure. But Azriel could have kept TT to himself, as he always has for CENTURIES. He didn’t have to offer up his weapon.
2. Azriel could have given TT to ANYONE. He could have given it to Rhys, or Cassian, or Mor (and all of those options would have made sense, given that they’re warriors). But he didn’t. He gave it to Elain.
3. The scene was significant enough that it’s symbolised on the ACOWAR cover, and has a dedicated page in the ACOTAR colouring book.
4. SJM could have written a scene in ACOWAR where Lucien offers Elain something of his instead (or even just anything romantic between the two). But he was too busy rescuing Vassa 🤷🏼‍♀️
Then there’s this comment you made, and it’s just laughable: “Did Elain seem to care about Az never having given anyone TT? Did she seem to appreciate this oh so rare and special occurrence? Or did she walk away without looking back?”
Elain never once appreciated Lucien’s gifts - they literally soured her mood. Elain has turned cold at most of Lucien’s advances and loses her newfound boldness around him. Elain was about to make out with the hottest dude in Prythian without a single care that Lucien was in the same house.
But sure, Elain handing back TT is so awful and so unromantic……
At the end of the day, SJM has very clearly set up BOTH Elriel and Elucien. There is substantial evidence and foreshadowing for both. But you don’t get to erase that evidence and foreshadowing just because you don’t personally like it.
Well, you can try, but you look very silly doing it.
Hottest dude in Prythian? Has anyone outside the NC ever called Az hot in canon? NOPE
SJM did set up E/riel! She set them up to be a rebound. Hers after Graysen and his first step towards the idea of letting go of Mor. I have never once claimed that there was not evidence of something happening between them, I simply pointed out the red flags in their pairing. Just like we saw the romantic setup for Tamlin and Feyre yet they were not meant to be endgame.
If you want to know what a real romantic setup looks like I suggest you check out the TOG series. Celaena still didn't end up with one of the love interests but their romance was written beautifully and not once did the MMC ever think "he hadn't gotten that far with his planning, certainly not beyond the fantasies he pleasured himself to."
Awwww.....it's really cute you're putting so much weight on E/riel because of a coloring book as if that means something for endgame pairings. If I recall, there was also a scene of Feyre in her wedding dress...the one she wore to her wedding with TAMLIN.
Also, it's not symbolized on the cover of ACOWAR. The cover does not feature a hunting knife which TT is. The cover of ACOWAR features a pretty dainty dagger. Can you imagine Az wielding that around? It looks like a toothpick.
The scene is meaningful because of what Elain went on to do with the knife. Her stabbing the king is iconic. Az giving it to her is really not. Not when he only gave it to her because of Mor and not when it was Cassian who first had the thought of trying to give Elain a weapon. Not when he never gave her credit for stabbing the king. Not when she returned it and never looked back. And you're right, Az never gave it to anyone else because they were all warriors with their own weapons and he fought beside them. Why would he part with TT when he was in battle? When has he ever sat out of battle where an unarmed female was in need of a weapon to defend herself? Had she taken Cassian's Az would have never suggested TT and had Feyre not assured her she wouldn't have to use it she might have also never taken it. Might I introduce you to my favorite word "logic" because it will help you to understand why things came together the way they did and made it possible for Az to be in a place to even considering lending it out and it had nothing to do with his love for Elain. Not when he went on to look at Mor with heat and yearning months later.
Elain doesn't appreciate Lucien's gifts? So weird because I'm sure those words never once came out of her mouth and she still has them. We can't say that about Az's one gift to her though, can we? I wonder what Gwyn thought when Clotho gave it to her. I wonder if her eyes did truly light up just as Az imagined they would.
Elain loses her newfound boldness around Lucien? JUST Lucien? What exactly would you call her whispering "I'm sorry" after Az rejected her? What would you call it when she looked away from Az's smile in the book which left Cassian puzzled or her hands shaking when she handed him his gift? So very bold of her!
And Papa Archeron actually rescued Vassa considering HE is the one who bargained for her freedom. Lucien might have been with him at the lake but it's not Lucien who freed her. Also, are you honestly romanticizing Vassa's kidnapping? Thinking Lucien "I'm a mated male now and had no interest in female company" was thinking about romance while on his way to a war? Who is twisting canon again? And you're right, Lucien didn't offer Elain anything during battle because he was out risking his life for her vision, something Az didn't really care about after his big declaration that they needed a Seer.
I hope that you enjoyed your time deviating from your norm of ignoring Anti accounts such as mine (probably a lie anyway). I'm sorry to say that your words have had absolutely no effect on my opinion so from my end it seems like a waste of time but you do you.
You want to sit there and criticize my blog for having anti posts yet you're out here starting trouble so I create more. Make that make sense.
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kikielovly · 22 days
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This is me saying bye to this series, however I feel like it did not do much justice to the way it I thought it would come out.......
I enjoyed the series so much, especially the scenes where they had to focus on these two but most of the series I felt like it wasn't doing much. Sometimes I felt like skipping the whole episode due to the disappointed I get in the previous episode, however I would say
I enjoyed episode 1-3 without skipping it, somehow it felt like something was missing in the next parts of the series. I watched to episode 8/9 then it felt like they improvised the script, in a good way though.....
I enjoyed episodes 9-12, they were really good. I believe they can do much better though......(I didn't enjoy the NC scenes though, instead I liked the chemistry they had in episode 1-4 but as the series went on it felt like it was down to zero😅😅
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acotarfrustrations · 10 months
An ongoing list of acowar grievances I'm keeping track of while I read (because there's too many to make a post about all of them)
1) Feyre's constant edginess. It's such a bizarre and ham-fisted shift in the voice of the character from the previous book. Too much tell, not enough show
2) "that they thought Rhysand could ever force someone . . . I added that to the long list of things to repay them for.".........lol OK girl
3) Feyre all of a sudden knowing how to use every power she has despite her very limited "training"
4) constant mention of Lucien and Elain's mating bond. Not only do I not give a damn, I REALLY wish it wasn't a thing all together
5) CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN THE IMPORTANCE OF THE MORTAL QUEENS TO ME? WHO TF EVEN ARE THEY?? It's so stupid that they don't get brought up until feyre is a fae like we have no clue the humans even have an overarching government until she's not human anymore. Why are they turning them Fae? What possible advantages can they grant the fae that they don't have already? How tf are there so many queens when the human territory is so small? For that matter, why tf is Hybern going to war over a tiny handful of humans? Why involve this convoluted plot with turning the mortal queens into Fae when it seems like the humans don't even know of their existence so they wouldn't listen to or follow them in the first place
6) this should be dual pov. I would LOVE tamlin's perspective or even lucien's
7) I need WAY more information about the cauldron because it makes no sense
8) this isn't a gripe but I just have to mention how bad I feel for lucien
9) somehow ianthe became 10x MORE boring as a villain. Like you could replace her woth Regina George and the book would be more interesting
11) this whole spying on the spring court thing is stupid, inefficient, and childish. The NC is risking the lives of all the courts doing this shit when they could easily just ACTUALLY TELL THE OTHER COURTS WHATS GOING ON TO GIVE THEM A CHANCE TO RALLY TOGEYHER AND DEFEND THEMSELVES, form an alliance, and reason with tamlin or attack him if he refuses to listen to reason. Most information they stand to gain from what they're doing is useless in light of how many fae and human lives stand to be lost or displaced
13) that entire ridiculous summer solstice scene in chapter 4
15) the whole situation with using Lucien to make tamlin jealous is just....icky, idk
16) I almost regret wanting more political intrigue In these novels as it is by far Sarah Janet's weakest suit
17) framing jurian a villain is one of the dumbest decisions ever. Wish he had more screen time though
18) feyre's badass scene w/ the children of the blessed makes me wish that after she became fae, she returned to the human lands, killed/overthrew the mortal queens, said fuck you to tamlin and rhys, and just became queen of the mortal realms, having to earn her people's trust as a fae, protect and defend them, and come to terms w/ her loss of humanity. That would have been so EPIC
19) the entirety of chapter 8
20) the fact that acotar was written. If the series started w/ acomaf I would have a lot less problems. All the constant retconning and inconsistencies in canon and worldbuilding just keep pissing me off, idk I can't look past it
21) I'm losing count and I'm only on chapter 9 so I'm just going to keep reading for now. Might make a part 2 idk
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lostdrarryfics · 1 month
lostdrarryfics monthly roundup! July 2024
Below you will find the requests we could not locate in the month of July. Please let us know if you recognize any!
You can also browse our lengthy lost fic masterlist, where we have compiled every request we have been unable to find over the past few years. We're always hoping someone will recognize a fic so we can let the asker know what it was!
1. It was on ao3, 8th year, after the war, very often the writing shifted between draco and harry's POV. Draco and theo were dating (but they breakup in the end so drarry gets together), it's also a bottom draco fic but I can't remember any specific sex scenes. Theo peer pressures draco to do pills-like drugs and latter ron mentions to harry that he saw theo and draco staring at ron weird and laughing in the hallways at night. Their relationship is toxic but I don't remember much about it, draco and harry slowly starts to become friends, it's more or less at the same rhythm as Theo and draco relationship crumbles. I remember there was a point were theo has sex with some other guy to get more drugs and draco gets upset because he was cheating but then theo says that the other guy raped him and draco is not supposed to tell anyone because he could get in trouble and harry is secretly listening to the most part of the discussion and in his head he starts to question why would nott get in trouble if he was the victim but ultimately doesn't do/say anything about it. Theo gets addicted to those drugs but I can't remember if draco get as well or not. I can't recall if someone harasses draco for being a ex death eater but the students definitely look at him, and other slytherins, differently and most of them get excluded from the rest of the school despite the majority being innocent or too young to have done anything
2. harry and draco I think were already together. But Hermione liked draco and tried to steal him from harry and either used a love potion or gave him a cookie which made him fall in love with her. Some maybe key points I remember are: Harry was thinking and out of space not listening to ron and hermione fighting, when they finally got his attention ron told him about how Hermione thought it was ok for her to flirt with draco even in front of harry. Then at some point draco came up to the three and as he left hermione kisses him on the cheek in front of harry. I read the story on Wattpad in like 2020/2021 and Im pretty sure it had chapters.
3. harry has an owl service or some delivery food service like ubereats, postmates, deliveroo and once he learned who the order was for, Harry was going to give Draco Malfoy a piece of his mind for such a request for late delivery. “ugh pure bloods and their wealth”. then unexpectedly the wards let Harry in, and then he was face to face with Draco. now I will be honest, the role of Harry and Draco could be reversed, but I don’t think so? It may feature a young Scorpius Malfoy or Teddy Lupin. rating: explicit / mature? last remember reading it on ao3. One shot, completed. Maybe apart of Harry/Draco Owlpost Fest? tags: post-war, not canon compliant?, owl, owlpost, delivery, malfoy manor, grimmauld place, order, baked goods, food service. harry and draco are like in their 20s-30s. one chapter: about 10K words
4. i’m pretty sure in this fic harry is this well known baker/pastry chef in the wizarding world, and him and draco become friends and soon start dating. draco falls in love with harry’s sweet desserts which harry claims has a “special ingredient” which he won’t tell draco until the end. that’s when they meet in harry’s pantry/bakeshop and draco soon learns harry methods to creating such desserts, especially when harry uses his magic literally and metaphorically to create a huge order for a Ministry event which make draco falls deeper for him and his special filling especially when they go to the eat and eat his home made desserts. rating: explicit / nc-17. last I remember reading it on ao3. May be apart of a Drarry fest including: H/D Erised or Food Fair or Owlpost. From 2020-present maybe? tags: post war, not canon compliant, bakery, baker, pastry chef harry, coffee shop, coffee, post hogwarts/ harry potter epilogue what epilogue, frosting, icing, innuendos, pwp, cake, batter word count, filling, cream, crème, food, euphemisms. harry and draco are like in their 20s-30s. one chapter: 10K-20K words
5. fic I read a couple months ago. I found that fic at AO3, it's a multiple chapter (I don't remember the exact number of chapters). Main couple is Drarry. The fic is not magical au, I think Harry is a university student(?) and such an extrovert slight flirty person, but he only has Hermione as his friend. Btw, in that fic, Hermione is having an affair with Remus (their professor). Harry is crushing over Draco (Draco's not a university student), he's often goes to the campus to pick up Astoria, his girlfriend at that time. One day, Astoria invite Harry to her house in order to spice up her bed activity with Draco. At first, Draco is so shocked and offended(?) with Harry's presence (Draco has a idk what to call it, i guess internalized homophobic(??) caused by his father action). But then, slowly, Draco become more intrigued to Harry. Harry also realized that Draco is not the same as what Draco show in the outside, Harry knows that Draco hide his dom side(?) to look so calm, collected, chill, and so on). I think it's save to say that there are some infidelity at that fic but at the end Draco ends his relationship with Astoria first before officially start a new one with Harry. Oh, and Astoria is kind of regret her choice introducing Harry to Draco because she kind of sad to lose Draco, but no hard feeling tho.
6. the first few chapters are poems. Draco was fleeing to the muggle world or something and Harry captured him. Harry is also an Alpha and he mated with Draco forcefully, I think in this world if one of them dies then the one mated with you can be dead too. Thank you so much, it’s on AO3 but I can’t find it.
7. looking for a fic where Draco works as a mailman or something and he plays chess with one of the elderly lady in a wizarding nursing home. The lady also gives him tips but it embarrasses him but he accepts out of necessity. Harry is an auror and a newly turned werewolf and he cannot control himself around Draco like I remember that he keeps sniffing him while they were near an elevator. I've reread this fic but I can't seem to remember the title!
8. looking for a fic i only read the synopsis for (i swear i saved it but i cant find it now) basically draco writes a letter to harry saying "I'm going to kill you" but harry misreads it as "im going to kiss you"
9. fic on ao3, it was about Draco being like a sex slave for the deatheaters, and he was held up in chains and perceiving a lot less of his surroundings due to him trying to not feel anything. The plot of the war was different, and Harry and Ron were using polyjuice to get inside the manor, then they found Draco and were surprised, but Ron did like a gesture that he would also r4pe Draco (like unzipping his pants or something) and Harry stopped him, I think Harry said to Draco that he was gonna try to set him free when they could and Draco stayed there while watching them go. I'm not sure about that last part, and I do not remember much more or maybe even he wasn't free at all at the end
10. what I remember is that Draco was held in a room at Order headquarters, I remember several members tried to visit him for questioning, including Harry. But Draco didn't reveal anything at all. Then there is a scene where Harry comes in and tells him that Lucius Malfoy is dead, Harry shows the ring as proof that he is not mistaken
11. I could be mixing up two fics. I'm pretty sure it was on AO3. It was a 4th year AU, where I believe Harry and Draco were already dating when the Tournament happened. One scene that I remember clearly is that when Harry has to do that wand thing for the tournament, his wand just doesn't want to be used by Ollivander, so it hits Ollivander in the head. Also I think that Harry and the other champions get along pretty well and ARE working together. So much so that I think that they all agree that they just don't really wanna be a part of the tournament and then they train together and everything. And if I'm not mistaken, for the second task they all decide to use a boat? To get to the Merfolk village and then just dive and get their hostage. And for the third task they were just planning on get inside the maze and do a picnic?
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fakeoutbf · 6 months
so much for 2ourdust
u.s. leg
magic 8 ball and piano medley songs sorted by date
color coded by album ● repeated songs in bold
tttyg ● futct ● ioh ● fad ● srar ● abap ● mania ● smfs
Feb 28 - Moda Center, Portland, OR, USA
Piano medley
- Young and Menace (First time live since 2018)
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- G.I.N.A.S.F.S. (Alias: HM)
Mar 1 - Climate Pledge Arena, Seattle, WA, USA
Piano medley
- Allie (Patrick Stump song, first time live since 2011)
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year (Alias: FLANNEL)
Mar 3 - Golden 1 Center, Sacramento, CA, USA
Piano medley
- Golden
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- 27 (Alias: RAINBOW PETS)
Mar 4 - Honda Center, Anaheim, CA, USA
Piano medley
- I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears and None On My Fingers
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball songs
- 7 minutes in Heaven (Atavan Halen)
- Good Girls Go Bad (Cobra Starship cover) (with Cobra Starship)
Mar 7 - Dickies Arena, Fort Worth, TX, USA
Piano medley
- What a Catch, Donnie
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- The Kids Aren’t Alright (Alias: BARBIE)
Mar 8 - Moody Center, Austin, TX, USA
Piano/acoustic medley
- It's Not a Side Effect of the Cocaine, I Think It Must Be Love (Live Debut)
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- Don't You Know Who I Think I Am? (Alias: YIPPIE KAY YAY)
Mar 11 - Paycom Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Piano medley
- Tempted (Squeeze cover)
- I'm Like a Lawyer With the Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off (Me & You)
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Tiffany Blews (First time live since 2009) (Alias: ARLO GUTHRIE)
Mar 13 - Legacy Arena at the BJCC, Birmingham, AL, USA
Piano medley
- Just One Yesterday
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Young Volcanoes (Alias: OLD ICEBERGS)
Mar 15 - Kia Center, Orlando, FL, USA
Piano medley
- Golden
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- FUCKING ALPHA DOG FUCK ME (Full live debut) (Alias: SHAQ)
Mar 16 - Vystar Veterans Memorial Arena, Jacksonville, FL, USA
Piano medley
- Bad Side Of 25 (Patrick Stump song, first time live since 2011)
- 20 Dollar Nose Bleed (First time live since 2013)
Magic 8 Ball song
- I'm Like a Lawyer With the Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off (Me & You) (First full live performance since 2014) (Alias: DING DONG)
Mar 19 - PNC Arena, Raleigh, NC, USA
Piano medley
- What a Time to Be Alive
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- Just One Yesterday (First full live performance since 2014) (Alias: QUESADILLA)
Mar 20 - CFG Bank Arena, Baltimore, MD, USA
Piano medley
- I Can't Wait (Hepcat cover)
- 20 Dollar Nose Bleed
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Miss Missing You (Alias: CRABBY CAKES)
Mar 22 - Madison Square Garden, New York, NY, USA
Piano medley
- Spidey and His Amazing Friends (Patrick Stump song, live debut)
- What a Catch, Donnie
- Just One Yesterday (Full song, with Daisy Grenade)
Magic 8 Ball songs
- Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part to Save the Scene and Stop Going to Shows) (Full live debut) (Alias: BAKED ZITI)
- Slow Down (The Academy Is… cover) (with William Beckett) (Alias: GABAGOOL)
Mar 24 - MVP Arena, Albany, NY, USA
Piano medley
- The Kintsugi Kid (Ten Years)
- What a Time to Be Alive
Magic 8 Ball song
- I Am My Own Muse (Alias: FLOPPY BUNNIES)
Mar 26 - Van Andel Arena, Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Piano medley
- Run Dry (X Heart X Fingers) (Patrick Stump song, first time live since 2011)
- I’ve Got All This Ringing In My Ears and None On My Fingers
Magic 8 Ball song
- FUCKING Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) (First time live since 2018) (Alias: MOMS SPAGHETTI)
Mar 27 - PPG Paints Arena, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Piano medley
- Heart Transplant (Punchline cover)
- What a Catch, Donnie
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- The Music or the Misery (First time live since 2006) (Alias: DUQUESNE INCLINE)
Mar 29 - Value City Arena, Columbus, OH, USA
Piano medley
- What a Time to Be Alive
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- Fourth of July (First time live since 2017) (Alias: FIONA THE HIPPO)
Mar 30 - Rupp Arena at Central Bank Center, Lexington, KY, USA
Piano medley
- I’ve Got All This Ringing In My Ears and None On My Fingers
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- The Kintsugi Kid (Ten Years) (Alias: HARD HATS)
Mar 31 - Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, TN, USA
Piano medley
- You Never Even Called Me by My Name (David Allan Coe cover)
- Spotlight (Oh Nostalgia) (Patrick Stump song)
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- Jet Pack Blues (First full live performance since 2018) (Alias: BOOT GOOFIN)
Apr 2 - Fiserv Forum, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Piano/acoustic medley
- Celestial Lights (Uncle Barnaby cover)
- What A Fool Believes (The Doobie Brothers cover)
- Spotlight (Oh Nostalgia) (Patrick Stump song)
- What a Catch, Donnie
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball songs
- Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part to Save the Scene and Stop Going to Shows) (Alias: HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE)
- Pavlove (Alias: LAVERN & SHIRLEY)
Apr 3 - Wells Fargo Arena, Des Moines, IA, USA
Piano/acoustic medley
- Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner
- I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears and None On My Fingers
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball song
- What a Time to Be Alive (Alias: GROOVE METAL)
Apr 5 - CHI Health Center Omaha, Omaha, NE, USA
Piano medley
- Bishops Knife Trick (Live Debut) (Patrick when i get your fucking ass)
- What a Catch, Donnie
- Golden
Magic 8 Ball song
- “From Now On, We Are Enemies” (Alias: STEAK NIGHT)
Apr 6 - Target Center, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Piano medley
- Bleed (Animal Chin cover)
- 7-9 Legendary (Live Debut)
- Purple Rain (Prince cover)
- What a Catch, Donnie
Magic 8 Ball songs
- Honorable Mention (First time live since 2007) (Alias: HARAMBE)
- Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part to Save the Scene and Stop Going to Shows) (Alias: GRANDMA)
- The Carpal Tunnel of Love (First time live since 2008) (Alias: CATDOG)
- Rat a Tat (with CARR) (Live Debut) (Alias: RUMPLESTITSKIN)
- The Kids Aren’t Alright (Alias: KROGER, CHAD KROGER)
- Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) (Alias: WOOT WOOT)
23 notes · View notes
fortpeat · 2 years
I'm kinda feral over the fact that fort has so unabashedly mentioned on three different occasions (and maybe even more idk) that peat is the one that lead them or gave advice on what to do during their nc scenes (and all the while also being proud that he did well lmaoo) and each time he mentions it, my boy peat has looked shocked and/or embarrassed.
exhibit 1: https://youtu.be/gXh4fh2_jKg (around 3:55).
mc: "on the topic of "spicy" and handsome, what about p'peat do you think is hot in real life?"
f: "well for the nc scene, the one that gave me advice was p'peat, he suggest what to do"
p: *embarrassed laugh* "kill me, the cat's out of the bag now"
f: "really, before shooting p'peat suggested how to do things better, that's probably his "spicy" side. isn't that right?"
and this interview took place sometime in may I think where they said they were only around 50% done with filming. (also, really just recommend watching the whole interview because they're just so cute and fort is Whipped wbk)
exhibit 2: https://youtu.be/I7cpHuhzfdE (around 3:27) in which I assume filming was finished
q: which scene is hard?
p: "I think... love scene"
f: "really? but you guided me"
p: *shocked* "don't believe what he said. I just gave regular advice. I feel like love scene is something hard. I'm just a rookie actor. when it comes to love scenes, my heart will beat faster. anyway, I managed to do it. right?"
f: "you're right. though it's hard, you gave me a good tip. I did it well"
exhibit 3: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CkNQsQKLwYL/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= or https://twitter.com/poppydrc/status/1585524613504606208?t=boDncjXqZMP_kQSg7fsfSQ&s=19
and in this last one, it was definitely after filming had finished and they were also talking about the office table/board room scene
f: " actually p'peat was the one to give me suggestions since we filmed the official pilot. "fort, you have to do it like this"."
mc: "so he is the one teaching you"
f: "it was like "fort if you want me to feel something, that's my sensitive spot" something like that. "just giving you some suggestions". I was like oh, I see. but at the end, I would still follow my heart"
p: "you are making this up right?"
f: "noooo"
mc: "really? you are close enough to tell each other your sensitive spot?"
p: "yes, because we want to make it as natural as possible. my sensitive spot is my ears, but fort kept touching parts other than my ears"
mc: "touch where?"
f: "it was because of the setting. sometimes, I just couldn't reach his ears. something was blocking between us, and it was out of my reach"
mame: "it was an office table"
fortpeat: *put their heads down in laughter and embarrassment*
LIKE ??? Peat?? my son? but also fort leave my embarrassed son alone? and stop being smug? but not really because I love this for me. I'm sorry, I'm just Not normal over them at all. I've been thinking about this for days and I need more people to know about this just because.
also, peat has mentioned multiple times how it took them 3-4 takes (vs bn's 1-2 takes) to film their nc scenes because fort kept messing up (implying he was doing it on purpose). and fort mentioned how on nc scene filming days, the staff would tease him saying it's his time. like fort really was just there to have a good time with peat lmaooo
Hey nonnie ❤️
Sorry for the late reply 🙈 (time zones and I was sleeping) 😁
So moving on to your revelation MY JAW IS ON THE FLOOR. LIKE WHATTTT WAIT A GODDAMN MINUTE. IS THIS FOR REAL. (proceeds to run to YouTube)
Poor Peat, trusted Fort to keep it a secret between them and my baby is so smug that he did so well for the first time in NC scenes (be proud my love, you were phenomenal 🤣)
Also it is such a FortPeat thing to do you know for Pear to direct Fort how to do and what to do and Fort to follow it to the point. 😌🤌
I bet every time Peat showed TLC to Fort there would be fireworks blasting by the Crew just to celebrate Fort's happy moment. 🤭🤭
Also kudos to Fort following his heart and doing what he wants to NC scenes coz I feel like that has surprised Peat coz I have noticed that during the boardroom scene while Sky is still in the chair And Prapai is on his knees and just before Pai picks up Sky he looks a bit surprised and does a action like a (double take) and I always wondered what Fort was doing in that moment 😂
P. S Thank you sharing all this gold information with us. Really appreciate it ❤️😚
301 notes · View notes
LITA Ep. 5 Rewatch Thoughts Part 1
(edit bc I started writing this post like 6 months ago - hi! I'm gonna finish going through the rest of the phayurain episodes of LITA finally! I've lost all sense of shame so these posts are just gonna be love letters to Eul, hope that's ok) Hi hi hi! I find it absolutely hilarious that the notes on the final part of my episode 4 rewatch post (which contains my best screenshots of That Scene) has like triple the notes of the rest of the parts. I love the thirsty LITA fam <3 I think I kept it mostly clean for the first 3 episodes but LITA brainrot is real and from here on out I'm putting down all my deranged thoughts into words so enjoy
Onwards to episode 5!! Ok so y'all should know by this point that BossNoeul sang the opening right? I added it on spotify and have listened to it on repeat so much over the last week that I could probs (badly, bc my singing voice leaves much to be desired but I can and will belt it at the top of my lungs) karaoke it now. If y'all haven't heard the full version check it out bc they rap a few bars and Noeul has this line "shake your bo- shake your bo- shake your body" that makes me lose it every time
The recap sees us revisiting some rather adorable moments from the previous episode including PhayuRain in the rain and tub. Imagine if they stuck the leg kiss in the recap >.<
We open to sunlight pouring in through the curtained windows on the morning after. I kind of wish the last episode had ended with this scene bc it would have been a soft transition after the intimacy PhayuRain shared rather than the abrupt cut to credits. But I digress.
Phayu's hair looks glorious out and I wish we'd gotten to see it like this more. In fact I think we should've seen Rain push his hands through it and grip it during episode 6's NC scene. Also the definition of that bicep? Sir pls.
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I ADORE how sweet Phayu is towards Rain all the time, and this is yet another example. I love it when characters look fondly at their lover (I finally get to use that word for them!!), cover them with a blanket, and then give them a forehead kiss before sliding out of bed. SO FOND
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I just think it's really attractive when people do this. Rain was really missing out by snoozing.
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The state of Rain's neck and chest sends me into hysterical giggles every time. Phayu you did not have to go that hard with the marking bestie (let's be honest though, looking at the state of Phayu's neck post episode 6 they both have marking kinks) - everyone's gonna know Rain's officially yours soon enough. Also throwback to how like two months ago (or something like that idk the exact timeline) Rain was like hmph I never want anything to do with P' Phayu ever again. I didn't hear any complaining from you last night hmm??? Also I love how confident Rain was in his abilities to seduce Phayu, so true of him
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OK WAIT I think I finally get the whole yellow-blue thing. It literally is just that yellow is Rain's representative color and Phayu's is navy blue. So by making Rain put on Phayu's navy blue shirt for the "morning after" they're just reiterating that Rain belongs to Phayu now. Mystery solved :)
Obligatory shot bc he's worked hard for these gains and I think he deserves some appreciation ft. Rain who's making the same face as all of us. I think they spent like 30 whole seconds on Phayu's shoulders and that's so valid of them
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Sir, do you have a good reason for striding in here shirtless and sweaty to wake your new bf up? Methinks someone was hoping for round 2
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Ok, and we're back to Rain in a yellow t-shirt looking very feverish. He's holding his teal green phone (case) up though which is a combo of yellow and blue, isn't it? I'm sorry my color theory is lacking. His eyebrows look really nice here and I don't know why I noticed. I hope he has a good nap! But oops he misses calls from Phayu...
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This episode's title is "the Calm Before the Storm" which implies it's gonna be a mostly tooth-rotting fluff episode and that drama is on the way next week. I'm already smiling so wide my cheeks hurt so the title is apt.
Phayu (dressed in navy blue!) is here to make sure his precious Rain is ok and Mama is already planning the wedding in her head.
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The first three or four times I watched this, I was paying too much attention to their faces and probably missed a lot so let's break it down a bit. Phayu comes in, Rain's surprised and sits up, and Phayu sits down next to Rain on the bed but facing away. Phayu is slightly upset that Rain went away without saying anything and he was worried that since Rain was sick that him driving home alone was dangerous. The second Phayu sits down this way, Rain reaches out to grab his arm but Phayu pulls away. Compared to couples in other dramas, PhayuRain depend on touch a lot to communicate so obv the situation is quite serious plus Phayu is not immediately making eye contact with Rain.
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The next couple of shots are just back and forth where Phayu asks why Rain left and Rain tells him what happened and apologies for worrying him. He looks v v soft and fluffy here
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Gonna take a second to appreciate the background music bc it sounds so serious and doom-y right now but they're literally about to clear it all up so it was unnecessary to go that hard. Sound artist I love you
Throughout this conversation, Phayu starts far away (which for PhayuRain means there's like 1.5 meters of distance between their faces instead of 0.15 meters) but he moves closer and tilts his body more in Rain's direction as Rain gives each justification. He also lets Rain grab his arm. It's very subtle but I like the acting choices here.
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Phayu, Rain is sick. Can you pls stop staring at his lips bff give him some rest (spoiler alert I counted like 5 lip-looks in the next 10 seconds, Phayu didn't hear me)
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OK this hug. Exquisite. The gap has been bridged, all parties are happy again, and they both absolutely sink into each other.
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Boss' little shoulder rub here is so soft and gives us more PhayuRain believability. We can see how worried he was and how relieved he is now that Rain is safely in his arms again.
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Rain's cheek-smushed nod agreeing to never disappear from Phayu's side ever again is everything to me.
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I don't actually think this was what I was supposed to get out of this but there's something about the symmetry of this hug and them being in the shape of a triangle and how technically their first encounter as a couple involved Phayu's triangle tool etc. etc. etc. Also headpat alert!
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More subtle and soft gestures from Phayu. Rain is down bad.
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We really heard the MWAH here and I want to forehead kiss whoever placed the mics
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Everyone needs to observe Rain's expression right after Phayu asks this question bc it's very sus
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(I couldn't get it in motion but Rain straightens up a bit and raises his eyebrows. Someone thinks they're about to get spanked like before)
Except this is not that kind of punishment and I can't believe Phayu really brought along a rectal suppository. To his credit though, I believe they're supposed to be more immediately effective than oral medicines because they absorb more directly into the body so he just wants Rain to be healthy faster. Although I wish Phayu would've not proceeded to yank Rain's pants off without permission, it's fiction and I hope if Rain had shown signs of major discomfort he would've listened. I do have to wonder if Mama put on headphones though bc Rain was really loud with his protests. I also think this must've been funny to film bc if you look closely before it cuts to Rain's mom, Rain looks like he's holding back laughter.
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Uh-oh, Mama it's better if you walk away now
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This sequence was actually so adorable and funny. I love purrito!Rain and Phayu is looking way too smug. Mama Rain walked out of there trying to name all the yellow and blue flowers she could for the wedding centerpieces.
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omfg Phayu calling Rain's mom "Mama" is so friggin cute and I love how smoothly he just slid into son-in-law position
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Rain's like excuse me I'm sick I should NOT be slandered right now
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To part 2 with all the cute shots!!
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mail-me-a-snail · 9 months
oc interview: ✨✨vance✨✨
thank you to @swearingcactus AND @glitchinginthegarden AND!! @v-eats-bugs for tagging me !! finally got to sit down and answer this :3
let's hit it !
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🧡 Name?
"Just call me V."
his first chosen name was penn, but he started going by vance after his medical transition. he doesn't give it out freely bc that was the name arasaka knew him by; he doesn't mention his surname, either, bc it's a pretty prominent one with much of its members still working for the megacorp in question.
🧡 Nickname?
"...Well, last I checked, 's still V."
apart from "mano" from jackie, vance doesn't have much in terms of nicknames. his old netrunning handle was N3tH0und (net hound); it's a retired username that's been largely scrubbed from the net, but sometimes he signs his major hacks with it just to fuck with people. it's a ghost's name, and it's fun to haunt the net only when he knows for certain that it can't be traced back to him.
🧡 Gender?
"Guy! Never been asked that outright before."
🧡 Star sign?
"'s not my scene--can't say I know much about it--but Misty's got me down as a Cancer, whatever that means. Says that's probably why I'm, er, so 'intuitive', as she called it. You ask me, that's just the merc work--bein' able to read a room, that is."
i first drew vance on july 7, 2023, so i consider that his birthday. like vance, i have no idea how being a cancer applies to him, but google says cancers are loyal, domestically inclined, and committed to their loved ones, so that sounds about right!
🧡 Height?
"Six flat. Johnny's pretty sure I'm taller than 'im...but he's slouchin' all the time, so don't think he's got a say in it."
🧡 Orientation?
"Usually go for other guys. But I guess the definition of that is pretty loose these days, 'specially in NC, huh. The hell does it matter to me if you've got certain...parts. If you're a guy, you're a guy, and if you're down, I'm down, y'know?"
vance is a gay man with a preference for masculine-identifying individuals. like he said, if you identify as a "guy" in any form, then that's good enough for him. he's not one to talk about having "appropriate" parts, and he thinks it's dumb that they're gendered in the first place. he's not usually looking for anything serious and he's more than okay with just being an input and having one as well.
🧡 Nationality/ethnicity?
"Nay's Indian. Tay's Filipino. Ya ask anyone, I look more like my mom."
nanay and tatay are the filipino words for mother and father, respectively. vance has a very limited grasp of either language but he at least knows that much from his dad's mother tongue.
🧡 Favorite fruit?
"Oh, man, 's been a while--this one time when I was growin' up, think I was ten or eleven, 'Saka sent Dad a basket of 'ganic fruit. For his 50 years o' service, I think it was. Anyway, had my first apple then. What I wouldn't fuckin' give for one right now."
he likes fuji apples the best :3
🧡 Favorite season?
"Gotta be winter. I got to go a lot of places back in '65--Europe, mostly--an' most of them were snowy. Loved seein' my breath fog up. You don't get that here. You get hot rains and the pavement steamin'--guess it's pretty, in its way, with all the city's neon shinin' through the rain.
"But it ain't a real winter without snow."
🧡 Favorite flower?
"If ya hike it out to the Badlands in the summer, you'll find these little white flowers blooming on the cacti; Net says they're called Saguaro blooms. I like their...tenacity, I 'spose."
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"But if I had to give ya a traditional answer...blue hydrangeas. Maya--she used to grow 'em in her apartment, still don't know how she did it--she gave me some blooms for my birthday back in '70. A welcome home kinda thing. Don't got her green thumb, so they died a week later...but they were real pretty. Somethin' to look forward to comin' home to."
🧡 Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?
"Coffee--can't say it works for me, though."
he likes all three and refuses to drink his coffee black. he will put so much milk and creamer in that cup that it might as well be a dessert. johnny is disgusted (affectionate).
🧡 Average hours of sleep?
"...Hours, plural?"
vance is a champ at power naps and between the relic and an insomnia left over from his arasaka days, he doesn't get to bed much. if you do somehow get him into bed by morning, however, be prepared to not see him until near-evening the next day.
🧡 Dog or cat person?
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note: those 10,000 photos are just the ones he has on his phone; do not look at the cloud where his kiroshi photos are stored.
🧡 Dream trip?
"...Was actually, erm, thinkin' of--well, when we get all this shit sorted out--I was thinkin'...might bring Johnny somewhere colder. Somewhere with snow. Said he hasn't seen snow before, so, I-unno, thought he might like it out there."
please take this time to imagine johnny in his android body nuzzled up to vance in the snow, red-faced and, for the first time in a long time, in awe. they're going to have hot chocolate later in some cabin vance rented out for the season--but right now, they're watching their shared breath cloud together in the air, simpatico even in this.
🧡 Favorite fictional character?
"Oh, oh--there's this real old holovid I used to loop when I was fifteen. 's fucked how they got most of it right. Anyhow, Rick Deckard. I used to think he was so damn cool."
deckard, with his big-collared jacket and general gruffness, was definitely one of vance's transition goals. that, and he watched br2049 right after--with how deckard was treating K, vance started projecting Really Fucking Heavily on K. like wow! you're a total killing machine with a father who just might love you. that's crazay man. could not be me
🧡 Number of blankets you sleep with?
"Run pretty warm as it is already, so just the one. Like the...texture of it, as it were. The weight o' it."
get this man a weighted blanket please god. i think it would fix him. alternatively, just lay on top of him and he'll be happy.
🧡 Random fact?
"I used to klep a lotta shit when I was a kid. Wires, chips, motherboards--mostly tech, really, from the vendin' machines and bus stops 'round the city. Sold 'em for a pretty eddie down in Heywood; got no buyers in the Hill, not when we could all afford the tech those Heywood kids were tryin' to kitbash together in the first place. Don't really know why I did it.
"To strike out, maybe? Maybe I liked the challenge. There's somethin' about makin' a machine give its own parts to you; get a vending machine to dispense its motherboard, a bus stop sign its LED, and ya feel like ya can make anythin' bend to your will."
thank you again for the tags!! this was a lot of fun to do :3
tagging @netripper , @knuckle-cluster, @matapang-coffee, and
@nakitengoku AND whoever else would like to do this! no pressure to do so ofc!!
if u ever dont want to be tagged in these kinds of posts, just lmk!
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highladyofdawn · 22 days
🔥⇢ When did you first start liking Eris as a character?
Okay, so I am proud to say that I am one of the pioneers of the Eris fandom. I liked him since there were only like 5 Eris posts on here and basically no AO3 fics. Those were challenging days🫡 I started of as a fervent supporter of Lucien when I first read ACOTAR. But when Eris came up in ACOWAR, he instantly intrigued me (I believe it was the scene in the Hewn City, where he was revealed to be a potential ally to the NC). Back then, I was already disliking some of Feyre and the IC’s actions/hypocrisy since ACOMAF, so I guess I was looking for a character who was unapologetically morally grey. This little guy showed up, and I never looked back since!
❤️⇢ What is your favorite Eris ship and why?
This is a difficult question, but I’ll have to say Neris. Their dancing scene had more chemistry than Nessian had in 3 books, and had me screaming and kicking my feet. ANDDD I also hate how Cassian treats Nesta, but that discussion is for another day. All in all, I think Eris and Nesta could really relate to and support each other without having to suppress part of what makes them who they are. I also like Azris though, but it’s just that I ship Gwynriel more :)
Sorry for the lack of sophistication in my response Anon, and thanks for asking!!!
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