#part one of i don't friggen now
piccolos-bigtoe · 5 months
Scout driving Sniper's Van
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Haiiiiii yeas I still do take reqs :33 if they interest me enough anyways!!! I couldn't get this one off my mind <3 so thank you for requesting this pisslord. I never draw vehicles tho lol so it was a challenge!!! Drew this sorta quick to wind down from school work They're listening to Jane Child's Don't Wanna Fall in love song.... Headcanons/writings below... Sorrey for cringe, is posting writings cringe or is it in now? Obvi just a quick thang and unedited
Sniper is an extreme lightweight. It doesn't take much for him to get buzzed, one or two pale ales do him in easily. Being an honorary old man at the ripe age of 26 (or was it 27? 28? He forgets) he just falls asleep wherever he can manage. This being the case, he avoids drinking when he goes out (which is rare on its own) and sticks to doing it by himself in his camper. It wasn't until a while after he and Scout became friends that he drank in any company.
Scout had one day mentioned off-handedly that he never really learned how to drive. Growing up with a handful of brothers and in a poorer part of Boston, as the youngest of them a car wasn't going to be given to him anytime soon. It felt odd to Sniper that something so integral to his being, the ability to freely travel whenever wherever, was something that the runner had never really experienced.
"I'll teach ya." Though of course the only car he had to teach in was his precious camper that has been with him through thick and thin, he didn't have to give much thought to the offer. Scout was smarter than people gave him credit for, he couldn't mess it up too much. And a more dramatic part of him felt bad that someone as free-spirited and independent as Scout didn't have (what Sniper considered anyways) a basic necessity to freedom.
"Aw for real man? Hell Snipes you barely even let people look at the friggen' van, you sure about this?"
"yep. I'll let you take a crack at it, sure."
And so Sniper taught Scout how to drive, and he took to it fairly quickly. Though the runner doesn't have his license, he is 'Sniper Approved. The few times he's gotten pulled over, he pulls out his approval badge and they let him go (he pulls out his bat and smacks their shit up).
And this leads into Scout being Snipers designated driver. Since Sniper has someone he trusts enough to drive the van, he's safe to drink whenever they all go out. Scout is not the biggest fan of drinking himself ('what's the point of drinking sumn' nasty just to get all sick n' dizzy?'), plus being sober means he has an advantage in pool and any card games.
Whenever Sniper asks for him to drive them back he typically goes "ah fine whateva! I'll drive, AGAIN." It means more to him than he lets on that Sniper trusts him enough to have broken his unspoken never drinking out rule and let him drive his camper. Though that's not something he would ever openly admit.
The same way Sniper would never admit that half the time he doesn't drink enough to get tired. He just pretends to sleep so he can sneak looks at Scout as the scenery of the New Mexico night passes by the window.
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hello!! i’m a newcomer but i just wanted to say that your series is so friggen amazing <3 i fancy myself some self-care snakebois and anxiety-ridden driderbois. though roman might actually kill me and i’m terrified of him having the ability to make people fall out of love. what a horrifying thought kxjsjdheh??? anyway!!! i have some questions regarding magic because magic yay worldbuilding <3 my bad if some of these have been asked! as i said, i’m a newcomer aha;;
so if taking away a witches magic makes them no longer a witch, can an old enough witch just die on the spot, or are they biologically however old they were physically (like how the royal fam stopped at around 30) and begin aging at a rate normal for their species? if taking away a witches magic makes them no longer a witch, does giving someone magic make them a witch? and if so, are they then immortal or age slower than previously? are any species (that we know of so far) unable to naturally be witches, and what happens if they’re *given* magic without biologically being able to have it? can a person have TOO much magic? what species do we know of so far and are any of them/will any of them be relevant? i want virgil to be besties with the waitstaff again :((( (not a question but it needed to be said). was sleep messing with virgil’s circadian rhythm? probably not but i just wanted to confirm because he’s a vindictive little shit who totally would 👀
will sleep and virge be spider besties now?,,,,pls i need little weave-and-relieve sessions between the two where they just chill and rant n maybe do each others nails or share weaving tips :))) can virgil croquet or sew or knit or something? because he’d love, probably. it’s great for anxiety (probably, i’m so bad at it i wouldn’t know LOL)
i. am going to cut myself off here before it gets too long. have a good day! <3
- OnlyRoomForHope (would be unanon but i can’t be bothered logging in on right account lmaoo)
Thank you and welcome! I'm so happy to have you here in my own tiny corner of the fandom! Yeah, we love our self-care snake and anxious spider here. Also, wow, ya'll really latched onto that fact about Roman. As long as Virgil and Janus keep their protections up around him they'll be fine :)
A lot of good questions here and for the most part it looks like they haven't been answered before! This is exciting! *crackles knuckles* Let's dive in, shall we?
So if a witch loses their magic and therefore their immortality they don't just drop dead. Their body is still physically the age it was when they stopped aging, they just begin to age again. This applies to humans, fae are already immortal on their own their immortality just works a bit differently.
Giving someone magic does make them a witch. I think I've mentioned it before, but Remy wasn't born a witch, he got his magic from King Thomas. Gaining his own magic made him a witch and came with all of the perks of being one including immortality. Remy is indistinguishable from any other witch.
Thus far I've only put a lot of thought into humans and fae being witches, but I'd say most highly intelligent sentient species can have witches. Especially the humanoid or partially humanoid ones. So most monsters such as naga, driders, merepeople, centaurs, and vampires can all be witches. Dragons, kelpies, harpies, and sirens cannot.
it's also important to note that I said highly intelligent sentient species. That means beasts are not included. So there are no pheonix, unicorn, bear of bears, or bassilisk witches.
Could someone give a beast or non-witch monster witch magic? Yes. Chaos would happen.
No, a person couldn't have too much magic. Exibit A: Thomas. King Thomas has a ridiculous amount of magic. Should he have that much magic? Absolutely not. That shouldn't be allowed. But, hey, I didn't make the rules (yes I did) and it is what it is.
Now, if you're asking if a lot magic can have negative side effects then yes, it can potentially be overwhelming. If King Thomas got all of his magic at once it would have taken a serious toll on him and at one point he did aquire too much at once and it did take a toll. That was a the very beginning of Thomas's reign and he depended on Nico a lot to hide it. After an adjustment period he was fine, though. After that he learned to take magic gradually, one or two witches at a time with breaks in between.
Okay, so so far in the series we know of humans (obviously), fae, driders, and naga. We also know that fae are split into seelie and unseelie. Only humans and seelie are going to play major rolls in the series. As tempted as I am to play around with the many subcatagories of fae and the other species, I'm trying to keep this as simple as I can. We may see them play minor roles as in individual characters but that's it.
That being said, I am planning the brief appearance of a third major species.
Now, there are many minor species of monsters but those all defer to either the seelie or unseelie making fae a major species. Humans are also a major species. The third major species that is indepented of and can stand toe-to-toe with fae and humans is spirits. Spirits will barely appear in the series so I don't plan on doing a lot of wolrd building for them.
So all in all, only humans and fae will really be relevant.
I want Virgil to be friends with the staff again, too ;_;
Remy totally would mess with Virgil's sleep, however he was on Earth up until the day he was introduced to Virgil, so no, he didn't have anything to do with Virgil's sleeping problems.
Remy are Virgil are going to be besties! I am firmly team Those Two Getting Along. They are my babies and I love them, they must at least be friends. There will be classic sleep overs and they will get up to shananagins, so stay tuned for that.
Virgil can weave and sew. He's okay at it. he does it more for stress relief than to be good.
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nekojitachan · 5 years
okay, so I posted last week (?) about an AFTG fic idea based on an old movie.
this isn’t it - blame/thank this on @sig66, as we began talking about classic movies and this one came up as a possibility for an AFTG fic, and I’ve been working on it and backstories ever since (think I’ll save the other one for either a possible big bang or a ‘proper’ fic).
Anyway, thank @sig66 for this - no idea of when I’ll be updating this, but for now, it’s a tumblr story and I’ll TRY to get it updated inbetween ‘proper’ fic updates (so maybe every other week, possibly sooner?). I’ve a lot of backstory for this, so while the movie is the backbone of the fic, expect it to expand from it (if you’re at all familiar with the film).
As for this first part, it really just sets things up.
Only trigger warnings should be for Neil’s past in Baltimore (and vague at that).
How to Steal a (lot of) Million(s) Part 1/? *******
Nathaniel sat hunched over in one of the waiting room’s plastic chair, desperate to quiet, to be still, to not draw any attention to himself like his mother had taught him. Each time the elderly woman behind the desk looked his way to give him a reassuring smile or someone came into the room he nearly flinched before he remembered that he wasn’t supposed to react, that reacting was bad. The bruises and neatly stitched cuts hidden beneath his black pants and black, green and white plaid sweater reminded him of just how bad it could be to show any negative emotions.
It just… it was so hard when his mother wasn’t there to shield him from the worst of the curious looks, to give his arm a warning squeeze and whisper ‘Abram’ in his ear to remind him when he got out of line. Normally he was with her back with the doctor, was the reason for their visit (‘a fall down the stairs’, ‘a fight with another boy’, ‘an accident in the kitchen’), but for some reason she’d gone there alone.
What had she done to upset his father so much?
He shoved that thought aside as quickly as he could.
Fortunately, it was just another few minutes before she came out through the one door, her face set in a blank expression which made him clamor onto his feet in an instant and stand up straight while some middle-aged man in a white coat continued to talk to her in a hushed voice. She brushed him off as she motioned Nathanial to the door leading out of the doctor’s office, which he scrambled toward without seeming to rush (he’d learned how to do that in the last year or so).
She didn’t speak until they were out in the blue sedan which she hated for some reason. “It’s all right,” she told him once they were on the highway which would take them back to the house. “Your father knows where we were today, I told him it was a regular check-up.” She motioned to her purse while she spoke. “That I needed a new script.”
Nathaniel didn’t quite understand what she meant by the last part but nodded along; what mattered was that he didn’t have to lie about where they were after his mother had picked him up from school. “All right.”
It was quiet for another couple of minutes. “I want you to pack a few of your clothes in a small bag, just some random ones. Not many, only what you’d need for a couple of days. Then put that bag in the back of your closet. Can you do that, Abram?” she asked without looking at him.
Long used to his mother asking things of him without any explanation, Nathaniel nodded. “Yes, Mum.”
“Good boy. Now, let’s review your latest French lesson.” They spent the rest of the drive back to the house going over various verb tenses until he almost felt at peace, until the anxiety was almost gone (but it was never truly gone, not when they always went back to that place, when Father or Lola or Patrick would be waiting for them).
He put her request out of mind once he’d done what she’d asked, aware of the risk he faced if his father caught him (pain until he answered, pain for not giving any good explanations, pain and pain and pain), and life went on as ‘normal’ in his father’s house (pain).  All Nathaniel wanted was to get through the day without setting off the man, without being a disappointment somehow, with not having to go into the basement to learn cruel lessons, to take up knives or have the blades turned on him.
The only true thing he knew about life was that it was filled with disappointment and pain.
Then about a week after the doctor’s appointment, his mother woke him in the middle of the night, told him to be quiet and to grab the bag he’d prepared, then snuck him out of the house while everyone else either slept or were gone (inflicting that pain on others). He thought it was some sort of fever dream (aftermath of the latest cuts inflicted upon him earlier that day), especially when they ended up at the local airport with two first class tickets to fly to London that night.
Especially when his mother, thrumming with an energy he’d never seen in her before, dragged him (exhausted from being awake so long and expecting his father to appear any moment) from the airport and into the crowded metropolis to some stone-faced building (one in a row of them) and pounded on the door until a man only a few inches taller than her and maybe a little older with dark blond hair (tousled as if he’d just gotten out of bed despite the lateness of the afternoon) and similar grey eyes opened the door to stare at them as if they were ghosts.
“Mary? Bugger me… Mary?” he gasped out as he slumped against the door as if in shock. “And… Nathaniel?”
“Abram,” she snapped as she dropped the bag in her left hand onto the ground. “I don’t want to hear that name again. Now are you going to let us in? We’re knackered, you daft fool.”
“You… bugger me,” the man repeated as he rubbed at his eyes as if he was tired (or seeing things). “Okay, come on in,” he mumbled as he stepped back.
“That’s your Uncle Stuart,” Nathaniel’s mother informed him as they entered the house. “You can trust him.”
If Mary told him he could… Nathaniel gave the man (currently muttering about needing some damn coffee) a shy look as he pressed against his mother’s side, still not convinced that all of this wasn’t one crazy dream – running away from his father to his mother’s family, to possibly finding a safe haven. Yet the man (his uncle) gave him a kind smile and asked if he wanted some biscuits and tea.
Nathaniel (Abram) knew it was reality when his mother died of advanced ovarian cancer less than a year later.
“Sold for $190,000 to the gentleman in front of me. Thank you very much, sir,” the auctioneer called out in English, though still bearing a thick French accent. “Now up next, ladies and gentlemen, is item number thirty-four per the catalog, and we’re accepting bids from New York, London and Hong Kong both online and via telephone as well as in person. This great Cezanne painting is from the world famous Josten collection, sold by order of the present head of the Josten family, Monsieur Stuart Josten.” He gestured to an elegant figure standing toward the back of the room and next to the wall as if trying to avoid attention, dressed in a simple tuxedo. The man gave a nervous smile and a slight bow while people applauded, and one even shook his hand.
“Now, ladies and gentlemen, who will start the bidding on this superb post-impressionist masterpiece at $200,000?” the auctioneer called out as he stood in front of the painting of a woman in a red dress. The bidding commenced and immediately rose to $500,000 while ‘Stuart Josten’ watched on in delight.
Neil tore through Paris in the supped-up MG Midget that Matt had gifted him a couple of years ago, on his way to the latest home he shared with his uncle after hearing the news about Stuart’s recent bout of… of… idiocy. Okay, so maybe the Hatfords weren’t exactly on the up and up….
Okay, so the Hatfords were so fucking far away from the up and up. Did Stuart really have to set a stupid record with the sale of his latest little ‘project’? Really?
Neil nearly rammed the car into the ornate stonework in front of the small, old mansion before he put the car into park and jumped out, then ran up the steps into the house. Davis was there to take his cap and bomber jacket, and to inform him that Stuart was indeed home and upstairs.
“Thanks,” Neil told his uncle’s assistant, well aware that the man didn’t have to rat out his boss like that, and caught the wink sent his way; Davis knew that someone was about to catch an earful right then.
He went up the curved staircase and into the one sitting room, where after making sure that no one was around (old habits died hard), he climbed into the ‘special’ wardrobe; once inside, he slid back the false panels so he could access the secret room behind them.
The spiral staircase in the hidden room led him up to the studio where his uncle worked on his forgeries, a large space filled with artworks in progress and various pieces which inspired them – statues and all sorts of paintings. Once again, Neil was amazed at his uncle’s talent, and a bit chagrined that Stuart focused it on reproducing existing works of art.
“Hello, brat,” Stuart called out to him from where he sat behind an easel, dressed in an old smock over his clothes and paint smeared over his left cheek.
“Hello, Stu,” Neil responded as he came over to give the man who’d raised him ever since he was ten years old a hug.
“Be careful,” Stuart chided with affection even as he gently hugged Neil in return. “I’m covered with paint.”
“When aren’t you? And you’re also covered with money,” Neil shot back. “Allison told me about the auction when I stopped by.”
“Ah yes, the Cezanne.” Stuart grinned with pride as he leaned back. “I could have sold a dozen of them at that auction! But one was enough.”
“One is more than enough!” Neil gritted out as he tried not to grow angry with the man. “I thought we talked about this! It’s getting too risky these-“
“Ah, ah, not now, I’m busy,” Stuart told him as he shooed Neil out of the way of his laptop screen, where he had a close-up of the Van Gogh painting he was currently reproducing. “How nice of him to only use his first name like that, makes it so much easier.”
“Not again!” Neil felt the urge to grab something and throw it, but refused to give in to his temper like that because… because of reasons. “It’s too soon!”
Stuart gave him a patronizing look as he began to wipe clean his brushes. “Don’t worry, this one won’t be sold for a long, long time. We’ll hang it up, let people look at it and appreciate it, and who knows, maybe some legendary, asshole tycoon will be able to persuade me to part with it if the price is right.”
Despite himself, Neil had to smile as he helped Stuart with the brushes. “You’re such a scoundrel.”
“Thank you, you little brat.” Stuart smiled back and swiped a (clean, thankfully) brush along the tip of Neil’s nose. Then he blanched as Neil nearly tipped over the plate containing specks of dirt. “Be careful! That’s my Van Gogh dirt,” he explained as he hurried to pick it up and place it in the one cupboard where he kept his more precious supplies, like the pigments he used in his forgeries. “That’s the dirt from his neighborhood, it took some effort to collect it. What I don’t go through to make these things as authentic as possible,” he complained as he stored it away. “Doubt Van Gogh did as much.”
“He didn’t have to, he was Van Gogh,” Neil snarked as he plopped down in a spare chair. “Sort of the point of it, no?”
“Yeah, kiddo, but in his lifetime, he only sold one painting, and I’ve already sold two as him,” Stuart shot back.
Neil felt a headache coming on and wished that he’d stopped to put on a pot of tea first. “You do know that selling someone else’s painting’s a crime, right? And they have all this lovely technology now to figure out that your stuff is a fake?”
Stuart scoffed as he continued to clean the brushes. “But I only sell the stuff to rich people, and they’re too stuck-up to admit that they might have been fooled into buying fakes. Know your audience, brat, rule number one.” He threw an old rag at Neil, who rolled his eyes at the familiar saying. “And don’t throw any stones, after half the shit you’ve pulled.”
“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about, and I-“ Neil frowned at the sound of sirens outside of the house, which only grew louder as if they were approaching the place. He got up from the chair to go look out the nearest window, and blanched when he saw several police cars pull into the house’s driveway. “Fuck, the police are here!”
“What?” Stuart rushed over to his side so he could look out as well, then let out a harsh breath. “Don’t scare me like that, kiddo, it’s just the director of the Kleber-Lafayette Museum, here about the Cellini Venus.”
“Eh?” For a moment, those words didn’t make any sense – why wasn’t Stuart worried? Since when didn’t the Hatfords have anything to fear from the police showing up in force (sure, some were paid off, mostly in the UK, but…)? Then he remembered about the damn statue and groaned. “That thing? What about it?”
“The Cellini Venus is to be the outstanding feature of a great loan exhibition – the masterpieces of French Collection,” Stuart informed him with pride as he scrubbed his hands free of paint.
Screw tea, Neil was willing to start drinking alcohol right about now. “Not in public,” Neil all but wailed as he thought about the damn forgery, a piece of ‘pride’ in the family. “It’s not really French,” he hissed. “We’re not French!”
“They don’t know that,” Stuart told him with a wry grin as he pulled on a dress coat as if to make himself presentable. “Come now, we can’t leave them waiting.”
“Not in public,” Neil repeated as he hurried after his uncle and caught him in time to wipe away the smudge of paint on his left cheek, certain that Davis would stall the people downstairs; he was grateful that he’d stopped by Allison’s earlier and let her (well, couldn’t stop her, really) dress him in something ‘acceptable’. He straightened the collar of his Maison Kitsune shirt and made sure it was tucked into the Amiri jeans his friend wouldn’t let him leave until he put on.
Sometimes he thought that his family’s enforcers could learn a thing or two about intimidation from the woman.
“I’ll be down in a minute, Monsieur Aldritch,” Stuart called out while he motioned to Neil to make sure that the wardrobe was properly closed up, still busy fussing with his own outfit as he did his best to look like ‘Stuart Josten’, eccentric art collector and not Stuart Hatford, member of one of Europe’s most infamous crime families.
“No hurry, Monsieur Josten,” some man called back in return as Neil and his uncle made their way down the stairs; Neil did his best to remain calm in the face of so many armed officers being inside his home while Stuart gave them a friendly smile; it helped that Davis stood off to the side, doing a perfect impression of an unremarkable butler and not someone who could kill them all in under a minute.
Aldritch and Stuart exchanged greetings while Neil did his best not to glare figurative daggers at the back of his uncle’s head over him being so foolish as to loan out a fake which had been a family ‘heirloom’ and joke for years. Somehow he summoned a smile when he was introduced to the museum’s director, and had to bite his tongue when the man thanked his uncle for keeping such a priceless treasure in France like a ‘true’ Frenchman (if he only knew the truth).
Personally, Neil didn’t see what the fuss was about the damn statue, which looked just like any other Venus statue in his mind, though supposedly his grandfather had done a remarkable job with the forgery (and was the reason why Stuart preferred that particular crime to the rest of the ‘family business’). It had passed various inspections in the past… but Neil lived in fear of technology catching up to his uncle one day, and including the Cellini Venus in a big art exhibit just might be what attracted the wrong attention.
He attempted to ‘help’ Aldritch and the man’s assistants load the marble statue into its padded travel case, but Stuart knew him a little too well and pulled him away before he could use the statue’s heavy marble base to ‘accidentally’ break the ‘precious’ artwork and so prevent it from being used in the collection. “Behave, brat,” Stuart whispered in Spanish as the case was locked and carefully picked up.
“This is a mistake,” Neil warned, but it was too late at that point to do anything to stop it as the statue was being carried away.
Once they were gone and Davis offered to put on some tea, Neil gave in to the urge to glare at his uncle. “What the hell have you done?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Stuart gestured to the empty alcove where the statue had rested until a couple of minutes ago. “I did a bloke a solid, I did. They needed something special for that collection they’re putting together, and now your grandfather’s-“
“A fake, you gave them a fake piece of art,” Neil reminded the fool as he ran his hands through his hair, which Allison had done her best to tame earlier. “A piece of marble, which they can use all these nice little bits of machines to scan and run tests on it.”
Stuart scoffed as he undid the buttons to his black dinner jacket and sat down in an antique chair. “They won’t do that to something I loaned out and risk damaging it, which is why I agreed to add it to the collection. Do you know how many offers I’ve had for the damn thing? Even one recently,” he confessed with a slightly pained look, “but I never accept because I won’t risk it.”
“Yet you’re fine with thousands of people gawking at the thing,” Neil mumbled as he sank down on a velvet-covered duvet and took to rubbing his temples in an effort to stave off a headache.
“Hundreds of thousands,” Stuart corrected him, and laughed when Neil groaned. “Don’t you see that I’m proud of it, kiddo? Your grandfather spent months on that thing while your gram posed for him. It’s not just some old piece of marble a barely known Italian banged out, but a family heirloom.”
A family heirloom that was going to get Stuart locked up, and possibly Neil as an accessory (well, more than that when he had to break his uncle out of prison).
Somehow, he had a feeling that he’d be rounding up the gang soon to help them out of a huge mess.
He should have gone off with Henry and Jamie to help them with their ‘little Russian problem’, dammit, no matter how much he hated vodka.
Thanks for like the five people who read this. As stated, updates are whenever. Next part should have Andrew and Kevin and more of the Foxes (lots of backstories there).
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can somebody tell my brain to stop thinking up “short” fic ideas and then continually adding more scenes to them???? 
And also if I’m gonna do that, to at least write them?????
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falcqns · 3 years
Okay so I had this dream and I feel like it’d be good for a fluffy imagine. Chris Evans x Reader featuring their baby girl who maybe is 5-6 months old, Scott Evans and his boyfriend Steve. So maybe Scott and Steve is doing this little IG Live cooking competition at Chris and Y/N’s house in LA. They are in the middle of this IG live when Chris comes in, with his daughter on a baby carrier strapped onto him. He’d be teasing and commenting on the things that Scott is doing but also he be talking to his baby and kissing her and just being all cute 🥺 Then the reader comes in and takes their baby cause she needs to be fed. When chris removes the carrier, His tshirt with the writing “Girl Dada” is revealed and of course the internet goes crazy over the cuteness. Lol sorry if it’s too detailed 😅
pairing: dad!chris evans x mom!reader
warnings: pure fluff! a few swear words, Chris excited to be a dad!!
a/n: this is a part of my Millie and Michael series, but focuses more on Millie, although Michael does make an appearance. hope you enjoy! also the juice thing is something my babydaddy says constantly and idk why lmao. he literally says that i cooked it and he added the broth or the juice and it grosses me out so friggen badly.
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Chris had just come back from a walk with his wife and two kids, when he heard Scott and Steve cooking and talking in the kitchen. 6 month old Millie was still strapped to his chest, so he headed into the kitchen to check up on the other couple.
"No!" Scott shouted at his boyfriend. "you're supposed to add the mushrooms before the coconut milk!" Steve busted into laughter as Scott took over.
"hey, whats with all the yelling?" Chris asked, and Millie giggled along. he noticed the phone and walked up to it, after realizing they were doing a live. he waved the camera and laughed as people freaked out about Chris showing up.
"Steve isn't following the directions," Scott complained, and Chris laughed. he read some of the comments on the live while Steve made faces at Millie, prompting her to giggle. as she did so, the comments on the live blew up with how cute she was and it made Chris smile.
"awe, Mills! they think you're adorable," he said before setting the phone back down. he pressed a kiss to her head as he moved about the kitchen and commented on the things that they were doing.
Millie looked up at Chris and blew bubbles at him and he blew some back, causing her to giggle.
a few minutes later, Michael ran into the kitchen. "Daddy!" he said and Chris smiled. "hey bud, whats going on?"
"mommy said me and Millie have to have a nap now." he explained with a sad look on his face. "i'm 9, i don't need a nap!"
you walked into the kitchen with a smile on your face. "i know you're nine, but you ran around quite a bit, and you're about to fall asleep, so lets just go try, okay?" you asked, and Michael sighed. "yes mommy," he said.
Chris handed Millie over to you for a feeding and gave Michael a hug. "listen to your mom, okay? when you wake up you can play minecraft for a little." he promised, and watched the way his son's face lit up.
"okay daddy!" he exclaimed and ran out of the room. you shook your head and pressed a kiss to his lips.
"you're a bad influence, you know." you said and Chris smiled. "that's my job as the fun parent!" he reasoned and you walked away shaking your head.
Chris grabbed the phoned again and began to read through the comments.
"oh my gosh he makes the cutest children," one read, and Chris laughed. "why thank you, but that is all my wife, she's the one that actually made the kid. i just provided the juice."
"CHRIS!" Scott yelled, and both Chris and Steve busted into laughter. "that's so disgusting!"
Chris shrugged while he laughed. "what? she cooked them, i provided the broth! simple as that!" he said before turning back to the phone and away from where Scott was gagging. "omg his shirt says girl dad im melting," another one read, and Chris set the phone down to show off his shirt.
"it does indeed say girl dad. that was how my wife revealed that we were having a girl to me. but look at the back!" he exclaimed and turned around. "it says my last name and the year Millie was born!" he turned around and continued to talk to the phone.
"i swear ever since Michael was born your entire personality is about your kids." Scott said, stirring the pasta.
"haha. fuck you." Chris said in retaliation.
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spaceistheplaceart · 2 years
as your resident jigen stan, i wanna see a more in depth analysis of him according to you because i'll take anything at this point i am Depraved
alright, alright-- i'll try but i really don't have as much to say about him as the rest of the gang.
okay so... first of all i dont think jigen has any gap moes. at least not any that are as extreme as the rest of the gang. I took the liberty of watching some more lupin clips and discovered that he just has quirks, not really anything as significant as a gap moe.
honestly, jigen is the closest thing we've got to a straightman. which is good, comedies usually need those. but he's not uptight and boring and a fun killer- he's just not completely insane. Since he's the straight man, he gets all the serious episodes. Mostly involving women. I guess when the lupin iii writers wanted to do something cool and serious, they'd bring in Jigen.
He's still a massive dork though. (clip) He's Lupin's pal to the end, and even though Jigen himself isn't that silly, he loosens up around the gang. I like how in the past he was a gritty assassin and now he's... well... not! he doesnt kill that much anymore. from killer to nerd
anywayssss into his quirks:
sometimes they draw him doing silly poses while doing cool stuff. similar to goemon, but toned down.
his attachment to his hat. he will get sooo embarrassed if he doesn't have it, feels naked without it on, and apparently can't shoot good without it. he also has multiple and hangs them out to dry. (can't find clip. it's part two though.)
on that note, he's a clip of him losing his hat
he has more quirks in the english dub.
his superstitions. like athlete's foot acting up. he has on multiple occasions not done a job because of something superstitious like this
the way he says "friggen" wayyyy too much. and "crap". in english dub. veryy funny
and onto misc things. this is very not organized sorry.
he's so buddy buddy w lupin!!! they're pals. I love this nuggie gag they got going. also very witty, in the clip immediately after this one. he's got a lot of good oneliners.
but also they're the kind of friends to tease the fuck out of eachother! the frineds who are like "YOU HAVE UNOOOO" and to tell eachother to shut the fuck up and to embarrass eachother in public. they wrestle just because they can and bite. they're best friends, and absolute menaces to eachother. just guys being dudes.
I think they would do this (short)
i find it funny how he's a selfproclaimed "woman hater" and yet he is the one with the most exes and girlfriends in the entire series. like ok.
this whole big with his toothache. he really is a dork.
To summarize: Jigen is the "straight-man" of the group, in a way. But he has quirks that make him just as entertaining as the others. The closest thing to a gap moe we have is that he used to be a gritty assassin, and is now a huge dork who goes around with a monkey faced goofball stealing treasures. what a turnaround! The best way I could describe him is "dork".
In conclusion, here's Jigen and Goemon spitroasting Lupin (clip)
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thefloatingstone · 3 years
What are the Deltarune takes? o.o
Ack! Sorry I asked and then bounced. We were hit with a bad storm that knocked out my wifi for like a whole day!
Anyway, people did in fact want to know my bad Deltarune takes as I haven't had any contact with the fandom as a whole's opinions yet, so here we go!
Let's start with what my friend tells me is tumblr's new favourite, Spamton.
I do not like Spamton.
I don't DISLIKE Spamton necessarily, but I don't reallylike him. (his music fucking slaps tho)
I liked him when you first meet him and he's just kind of a silly dude, but the more he talked and the more things he said the more he just genuinely unnerved me. I find the dude incomprehensibly creepy. And not in a 👀 way. In a "hmm. Don't like that." way.
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All I can imagine when I read him talking is fucking SHODAN.
I don't like it.
His song when you fight him the first time is genuinely in my top 3 of the chapter tho. And his very first fight is the first fight in ANY of Toby Fox's games where I managed to end the fight without taking a single hit. His NEO form is also the first highly difficult fight I managed to beat. (I need to go back and do Jevil since Seam said if I defeat him in any save file the darkshard will appear in my chapter 2 save file.)
So that's it for Spamton. Dude's creepy.
I've really REALLY grown attached to Susie. I think she's my favourite character in this whole thing. I replayed Chapter 1 to get ready for chapter 2 and yeah. I love Susie so fucking muchhhhhh!!! I think when I played chapter 1 the first time it was during the Hell Year for me, and I was really nervous and like weirdly uneasy about "a new maybe-Undertale" game and what it would mean for the original that Susie's mean-girl personality was genuinely intimidating. But now knowing what her character arc is in chapter 1, I was much more on board with her in chapter 2 and she's so greatttttt aaaaaaa
I took every opportunity to be nice to her.
she's my fwend
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Ralsei is suuuuuuuper fucking Sus in this chapter.
I've been pretty open that I was really disappointed when at the end of chapter 1 it's revealed he's not a fluffy little spider boy but instead Asriel version 2.0. But he is acting REALLY suspicious throughout this entire chapter. Not like he's evil or anything like that, but like he knows a LOT more than anything he says, and he's purposefully being vague and trying to manipulate Kris and Susie's actions and decisions because "they have to make the choices themselves but it's super important they make the RIGHT decisions so I'm just gonna gently nudge and manipulate them and withhold critical information and generally just be incredibly untrustworthy."
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I have never agreed with Susie more.
Noelle is.... ok.
She's a really passive and meek girl who got introduced to the friend group late when Kris, Susie, Ralsei, and Lancer had just bonded into a unit. So having her introduced after this but not too long after this makes her feel like a bit of an intruder, but I have a very strong feeling this might actually be on purpose which I'll get to later.
The date was ok. I liked the part where I told Susie to eat moss to impress Noelle.
Queen is a difficult character for me because I can't actually figure out what her personality is.
Ok so she's "teh lol random XD" and she's basically one of the less plot crucial Homestuck trolls, but I can't really figure out who she is? Other than She friggen imprints on any unsupervised children she finds and decides to adopt them faster than friggen Batman, I don't really know.... anything about her as a person.
She's funny I guess, but jokes and shitposts are not a personality.
So I don't really know what to make of her.
I was so happy to see Lancer was along for the ride! I had a very genuine concern that he might not show up in chapter 2 at all since the end of chapter 1 ends with everything in the dark world turning into real world items. So part of me was rather unsure whether that dark world and the characters even still existed. But chapter 1 overall had a very strange and slightly off-putting undertone where everything and all the characters in the over world had a rather unpleasantness to them which I couldn't really figure out. I genuinely thought it was a plot point that was going to lead to something, but after Chapter 2 I'm not thinking perhaps Toby was going through something when he was making chapter 1 which might be why it had a strange off putting undertone to it.
So yeah, my point is I was very very happy to see lancer 1: still existed XDDD and 2: was gonna be along for the ride to a smaller degree.
I didn't think of checking him in my inventory as I played tho, so I might need to replay to see if he has unique dialogue as you play. I did think Toby leading you to use him to solve a puzzle was REALLY well done. You put something in your inventory which seems weird, so you check your items to see what it is only to find it gone, so you think "oh it must be under key items" and go there, only to see Lancer say he ate it. And then right after this is when you need to use Lancer to solve a puzzle, and you've just been reminded that he's there. I genuinely thought this was a brilliant bit of game direction.
I also really really REALLY like the concept of the little castle town that you're building as you play. I love this so much.
But now I wanna talk about the character I find most interesting in this game; Kris.
Honestly I like Kris as an individual character a lot more in chapter 2 than chapter 1 where they still felt like an extension of the player. After replaying chapter 1 and playing chapter 2 I really enjoy them as a character on their own more.
There's a continuous theme in chapter 2 of Kris getting pushed aside, first by their family and the town in chapter 1, and now in chapter 2 even by the friends, they made in chapter 1. Which introducing Noelle into the plot feeds into on purpose. So again, it's not that I dislike her but not exactly a recipe for me to like her that much. I just notice Kris' friends pushing them aside more and more, completely by accident, as they get more wrapped up in each other.
One of the enemies (I forget who. It might have been Queen or even Spamton) make fun of them for it. As does a save point. Like "aaaawwww, did your friends all ditch you?" And when you're alone with Noelle after Susie runs off with Ralsei, she mostly asks you about Susie. Just like all the people in town in chapter 1 mostly talked to you to hear how Asriel is doing.
So when you find out Kris had slashed Toriel's tires at the end of the chapter I was like "oh yeah. yup. that'll happen."
I don't see it as spooky scary Chara possessing Frisk. I see it as Kris being a very troubled kid who really really needs some help but they are continuously overlooked, forgotten about, not considered etc etc.
Kris also obviously has massive issues with fitting into Monster society. They show a lot of discomfort about being a human among monsters and shows to try and avoid any reminder of other human beings, which is also a running theme in the game. You hear about them in chapter 1 asking about when they'll grow horns and how Toriel had to buy Kris little fake ones to make them feel better. You see in chapter 2 Kris has been googling how they can learn to use magic like the other monsters can (and sadly only getting results on being a magician). You see Toriel had checked out a library book multiple times on how to take care of a human child and when kris pages through it and gets to a photo of other humans they quickly slam the book shut.
Kris has a feeling of "not belonging". Which is why I think them making friends with Susie, who is also a complete outcast is so great. Especially since Kris is seen as the one who "has it together" more than Susie does when I think the reality is, Kris is a lot more troubled than Susie is.
This is why I like Susie a lot, I like her friendship with Kris and Lancer, I think Susie, Kris (and Lancer) have a LOT more synergy than with Ralsei who is basically the babysitter trying to herd a group of cats, and I think that's why the introduction of Noelle as a main character is rather sad, because just as Kris manages to develop a friend group removed from Asriel, Ralsei is shown to basically be Asriel 2.0 and Noelle comes in and starts turning Susie's attention away from Kris Which gives the impression that Kris is basically just there as a bandaid for Susie while she goes through her character growth. and once she becomes a better adjusted person she'll move on from him to a new friend group in time.
Kris is her "training wheels" until she can form other, stronger, closer relationships and friendships with other people. Then she won't need Kris any more. And will probably move on without even realising Kris is getting left behind. I think Kris is aware of this, and it hurts them as is obvious by the save points in theanymore game when Susie runs off with Ralsei so she can bully him into teaching her healing magic.
I knew when she did that, that that is what she was doing. It was too convenient timing with her suddenly getting the idea to learn healing magic and then basically forcing Kris to shoo so she can ask Ralsei to teach her in private because she feels embarrassed asking in front of Kris. But the save points during this section makes it clear that Kris' feelings are a little hurt.
My friend said she's picturing Kris as wingmanning Noelle and Susie's relationship and I 100% agree, except I saw it more as gently encouraging her and Noelle to get closer to each other because Kris has this belief that Susie will ditch him eventually anyway, just like Asriel did. and Asgore did.
And Lancer is as well. Lancer is obvious BFFs with Susie, but Lancer is also branching out and making friends with all of Kris' growing social circle too. He's made friends with Queen, he's been nice to Berdly who is almost definitely gonna become a party member in the future. He's making friends with the new dark world characters who join your town from the computer. Lancer has always been more Susie's friend than Kris' friend, but it's just an added relationship slowly moving past Kris.
This is also why I think it's super important that Susie said she'd walk Kris home at the end of the game. I think (and I hope but I do believe this is gonna be the case) that the longer Susie spends with kris, the more she's gonna notice everything is not actually ok. And if the story goes the way I think it will, It'll be good to see her completely reject this "I'm just your training friend until you can make real friends" idea and punch some sense into Kris. This is also why I like that she stood up to the kids making fun of Kris behind their back in the overworld.
Susie is proving to actually NOTICE. And to actually LISTEN.
This is also seen after beating Spamton NEO although this might be me reading too much into things. But after you leave, Susie asks Kris if they're ok. You have the option to say no which I took. Kris has a meltdown at Susie which we only hear from Susie's side, but then RALSEI fucking bumps her out of the way to be all "hey hey~ It's ok Kris! Everything will be ok~ Just take deep breaths~!"
And Susie's little side-eye squinty glare of suspicion as she just stays silent before breaking the awkwardness and lightly calling Kris a dumbass for trying to do stupid shit on their own without her help. (ie fight Spamton).
And then she breaks the tension by smashing a fuck ton of pots in the next room.
This is also why the tire slashing, and the reveal that kris is the person creating the dark fountains wasn't even a twist for me. I didn't know what Kris was doing when they climbed out the bathroom window, but Toriel calling the police because the tires were slashed made me go "oh yeah. There it is."
And I had pretty much become convinced Kris was the knight around the middle of the chapter. I can't remember what it was that made it clear to me. I don't think it was any individual moment or thing that made me realise it. I think it was a suspicion I've had since the end of chapter 1, and the further I went along in chapter 2 the more convinced I was of this.
Anyway. Those are my Deltarune Chapter 2 thoughts before the fandom has a chance of swaying my opinions or thoughts on any of these things.
I hope you guys enjoyed???
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I loled at this part because all I could think was "I wonder how angry this made people."
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hezuart · 3 years
That anaversary aizen looks absolutely fabulous, he looks like a figure skater xd.
I heard along time ago the last arc of the anime was being animated finally bc they pulled a 90s sailor moon were the last season was not either animated or dubbed untill decades later.
I recall near the end of the current 366 episodes there was an episode were the creapy demon ppl woke up in hell and we're all bitter, and there was the other guy who was like, iM cOmEiNg FoR u IChIgO, but then is never mentioned again after and I'm like,why? Why is lt there just plopted randomly into a different arc that seams unrelated.
And locking aizen up underground seems ok, but It deff won't hold, and he will. Escape, and he will kill, you either need that one spell from star, dubbed, the darkest spell of moon the undaunted, a powerfull dark spell that killed immortal beings, that came from best character, eclipsa, the queen of darkness.
We need that.
Or stick him I'm crystal like eclipsa was in star. Is there no one who could trap him in ice or crystal for all eternity.
How about throw him into the centre of a volcano trapped and caged , forverr being killed by heat?
I assume there's space travel, send I'm into a black whole, were a black whole don't fuckin care if your immortal or fat, you will die
Yes, I love anniversary Aizen. His original octopus-butterfly hollow design was ugly so I'm glad he's back to being the fashion icon he is.
Locking Aizen up underground once is one thing, doing it twice after saying he got more powerful by just sitting there, and he escaped to battle the Quincy Soul King God... is another. I think he should have escaped at the end of the Quincy arc. That is the only feasibility.
I heard the anime is coming back for the Quincy arc as well, but because of COVID its probably going to be delayed. (I'm not gonna watch it until the Rain section of the arc then I'm dipping out. I'm only here for Zangetsu)
and funny that you mention that hell scene in the manga :)
-> spoilers for the new BLEACH 73 page anniversary chapter / thoughts/critique on it
So hey you had a premonition! Syazel .... returned? And his hole is outside of his body??? for some reason???
(I didn't understand the explanation or why / how that happens and what that means for the hollow)
And my friend and I were laughing because out of ALL the things. Kubo could do in this anniversary. He gave Syazel his dick back after going to hell. That is iconic. (that's where his hole was located, and now that its not on his body ... well...) This is the funniest thing Kubo has EVER pulled. Kudos to you, sir.
The entire internet is freaking out over Ukitake being in hell. Honestly Kubo has done far worse, and we've established that Soul Society is a corrupt system that hasn't changed, so I'm not surprised he would pull something like this.
At the same time, Kubo 1. cheated his audience. 2. continues to prove me right that he cannot bring himself to kill his characters
1. Hollows who have commit murder in their human life are sent to hell. Syazel and Aaorniero are two of these hollows, and yet, when they are killed, there is NO gates of hell scene. We see them there later in the hell chapter (which was more of a promotion for the fourth movie and I didn't believe it would hold any merit)
But the same goes for Ukitake. We never see the gates of hell take him. What, was hell late? Did hell's gates get lost like an uber before picking him up? It's bull. Withholding such vital information from your audience, not showing the gates of hell when they should pick up this soul IMMEDIATELY is ... I mean its a lie. Kubo lied to his audience.
2. Now we are told powerful shinigami are sent to hell when they die. First of all that sounds like a security threat. Wouldn't shinigami want revenge for that? Or attempt to escape? Why would they still hold loyalty after being sent to a prison of eternal suffering?
Also "Yhwach and Aizen" were the only ones keeping Hell's gates closed is way too convenient and doesn't really make any sense. I feel like Aizen should have deliberately gone to hell to retrieve powerful shinigami / hollows for his army instead of keeping it /closed/.
This is definitely a Kubo-doesn't-know-what-he's-doing-and-is -making- stuff-up-as-he-goes, but it might have a pinch of merit because of previous plot lines.... but either way, there's some big plot holes here, but again, its Kubo, so I expected nothing less.
Again, he can't kill off his characters. He introduced zombification, he introduced immortality through the hougyoku, he has Orihime and Hachigen's reversal / rejection abilities. He brought back Luppi, friggen.... a character who's entire upper half of his body was incinerated. Like.... come on. No. He's dead, you can't bring him back like that. That's a cop out and just weird. You're taking away consequences and grief.
(Also Yamamoto and Unohana deserve to be in hell far over Ukitake, they've done some fcked up stuff in their pasts unlike him)
Also Kubo's favorite character is Mayuri, which.... you're allowed to have a favorite problematic character. But Keeping said character alive and bared from the consequences of abusing his daughter, murdering innocents, and experimenting on your own squad members? Nah. Nope. Kill him, Kubo. Kill this dude.
(his weird attachment to Mayuri is probably why he keeps bringing Syazel back, since Syazel is Mayuri 2.0, but Syazel is the bad guy who does face consequences for his actions while Mayuri is not)
Also, I'm certain Kazui and Orihime are going to be THRILLED that their precious husband/dad is going to hell when he dies :)
(I just... Rukia teased Ichigo about leaving Orihime at home. She teased him about having a house wife who he leaves all the chores to. Orihime had two panels. She checks on her son who promised he would be at home and sleep. Kazui fcking breaks his promise like it never mattered to him and JUMPS out the window after pretending to sleep in front of his mother. ... An 8 year old... alone... in the middle of the night.)
Orihime is abandoned. She is not invited to SS, she is not informed of what is going on, her son leaves her.... I...
Orihime is a side character. She doesn't matter anymore. She hasn't mattered for a long, long time.
A part of me is glad she had little screen time, since she tends to waste it, but another part of me is embroiled with rage.
I've even see people try to defend this. "Orihime and Ichigo can't be together ALL the time, that's an unhealthy relationship!" and I'm like guys... that's not the point. The point is Orihime is not part of Ichigo's other life. Any shinigami stuff from now on is none of her business. She's going to stay at home while Kazui and Ichigo go off and save the world. Ichigo is going to be fighting by Rukia and Renji while Orihime watches from the sidelines, or worse, doesn't even know what is going on with her husband and son. Orihime is going to be uninformed and abandoned, because she has not proven she is capable of fighting by their sides(go on, @ me. I will fight this. She's a failure.), and also because she prefers a human life over a dead one. Which is ironic, because she married a dead man. Ichigo is a shinigami, and he will be one forever. god forbid she ever meets his Zanpaktou. She would tremble in fear at the monsters her husband harbors in his soul, especially when she realizes they don't care about her and would rather see her dead. (Zangetsu would absolutely kill Orihime. Not sure about Kazui, but Orihime has not accepted Zangetsu, she does not like either of them, and the feeling is assuredly mutual.) frick now I want to make a comic about this
Also still frustrated over Zangetsu's shikai / bankai regression. Kubo once again lied to his audience. Ichigo has no bankai. How ridiculous is that? The main character of BLEACH doesn't have a bankai. Insulting.
(RIP to Chad. He doesn't exist anymore. He's just gone. No mention, no cameo. Gone.)
Kazui is a demon child. That character from the novels? Hikone? They're the same character. Literally same personality, same power level. Its worse because Kazui is a liar. He constantly goes behind his parents' backs. He can summon creepy fish and creepy eyeballs and open portals like is ANYONE aware of this? How has SS not kidnapped Ichigo's son and experimented on him / locked away his powers yet? All substitute shinigami require a reiatsu controlling / spy badge to keep them in line. Where is Kazui's? Or is he just a weird fullbringer?
I was worried Kubo was gonna try and pull a knock off Boruto but luckily he kept the focus on Ichigo and the others. But that being said, Ichika and Kazui are now just... sort of there? Kazui was kinda just.... having his own adventure that doesn't matter to the plot at hand, and Ichika had some nice characterization at first but she just hid behind her dad the whole time.
I have a feeling Kazui is gonna step in at the last minute or do some major behind the scenes thing that indirectly interferes with the main plot so no one will realize how powerful and dangerous he actually is. Its sad because Ichika is the superior character in personality and likability, but she clearly is not going to have a bigger part in this.
Ichigo having a normal life after everything still feels extremely boring and uncomfortable to me. Everyone's like 'I'm still bLEACH!" but.... BLEACH just... doesn't feel like BLEACH anymore. It hasn't for a while now.
There's two new shinigami characters. Didn't care for the girl, but the Sign Language kid who talks to animals is adorable ... however... he just reminds me of Chad, and I just... it hurts knowing Chad has essentially been deleted. Chad and Orihime are officially benched. They have chosen the human world, and Orihime has given Ichigo his spawn so she has no more use/purpose to him anymore... ////sigh
Also. This is claimed to be a new "arc". So is the BLEACH manga coming back? What is happening. I thought Kubo was tired and didn't want to do BLEACH anymore. I thought Shounen Jump cut him off. People made so many excuses for Kubo and why the past two arcs have been so badly written the past 6 years and now almost everything they've attempted to defend him with has been revoked.
BLEACH is going to continue to screw up its plot lines and characters, so Its probably best for it to stay dead but I've seen a lot of Kubo stans drooling over this content, they're desperate for BLEACH's return, but its already given out all its possible revelations. There's really nothing else to top here. It's just going to make things up as it goes along ,and I'm not really here for half-assed writing like that, especially since the damage of rushing the previous manga has already been done. Kubo and Shounen Jump are riding off a money nostalgia. None of this was planned.
Honestly though.... overall feeling of this chapter, not as bad as it could have been.
Syazel stole the spotlight, and he's my friend's favorite character, so that's all that really matters.
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Although i don't mind the Sanin teaching Team 7 that much (except orochimaru that guy sucks) I still held onto the hope that they eventually show Team 7 as the unhinged found family that they really are XD like-??? If their not going to show us scenes of Team 7 being trained by Kakashi at least still show us them still interacting and just being goofy together T.T also Tenzo and Sai? How dare Kishi shove them aside, even if they weren't going to be a massive plot changers he still should've shown them more appreciation like- aggkcjedkcjci excuse me as i stay in denial of what Tenzo's job ended up being after the war, i mean.. at least InoSai is cute and wholesome XD
Team Seven bonding is what we deserved and honestly this whole thing of 'oh Kakashi didn't train Sakura during the time skip' is shit writing on Kishi's part because Kakashi could have kept training her and helped her become even stronger and I'm going to die mad about it.
Kakashi and Sakura meeting up for lunch so that Sakura can tell her Sensei all about the things she has learned from Lady Tsunade
Naruto sending Sakura and Kakashi letters (usually written by Jiraiya, but still) to keep them updating on his training and telling them stories about all of the trouble him and Pervy Sage get into.
Also, imagine Kakashi being a big support for Sai when he first starts to like Ino. Offering him advice and just all of the moral support..hip bumping him closer to Ino so that they can chat, smiling to himself whenever they're being extreamly cute together. Yamato offering Sai little ideas for things he could do to show Ino that he likes her. Helping him come up with ideas for pictures to draw, and making them a really beautiful statue of a lion (like one of the ones Sai draws) with a beautiful flower crown around its head for their wedding.
Yamato never ending up with that BS posting and instead being Kakashi's tactical advisor because making a 16 yr old tactical advisor for all of Konoha and not giving him training and time to adjust and just be a kid now that the war is over was BS of its own. (Shikamaru being Naruto's tactical advisor makes sense. Being Kakashi's tactical advisor?? No, sorry but no.)
All of team seven, Sai and Yamato included, getting together once a week (twice if Sasuke comes home) to just hang out and relax. Tenzo always somehow getting stuck with the bill even though Kakashi is the friggen HOKAGE and always giving his Senpai crap about it afterwards even though he knows 1) Kakashi really does adore him and will probably make it up to him 2) it will happen all over again the next time they go out as a team and he's lucky he doesn't have someone with an appetite like Choji on the team.
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systematic-shark · 7 years
@SIU please, please don’t make Baam the “real” prince of zahard
rant in the tags if you’re interested
also spoilers
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littlewalken · 2 years
Jan 26
So kids on my Tumblr lawn, how many of the Spider-man movies boil down to the basic plot of The Night Gwen Stacy died aside from Spiderverse? An alter ego of someone Peter knows becomes the arch enemy of Spider-Man and stuffs someone he loves in the fridge. Aside from Spiderverse?
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All the Spider-people really do share one brain cell that bounces around in their head like a Windows screen saver, don't they?
Now taking bets for the next round of Tom Holland Spidey flicks where Jacob Batalon becomes the Hobgoblin and drops Peter's college crush Gwen Stacy off a bridge.
Prove me wrong giant mega conglomeration who care more about the Chinese market and stuff that doesn't need much translation and getting a quick buck than making good movies with lasting content.
What do we talk about more, the Folders incest commercial or Avatar?
meanwhile in real life
Going to try in a little bit to paint those Spidey heads again. It's the stuff they're made of. And I managed to get paint to stick to those friggen micro MLP figures so I can do this.
I put on a thin layer of chalk texture paint to see if that will work. When I was scrubbing some of the parts I had put some gesso wash on were trying to hang in there. They were out of quality gesso at the only store I could get to yesterday.
I also got a bottle of Vallejo peach color to see if that would work for a base. I thought about some Testors matte finish but right now I only want things I can clean up with water.
Which reminds me that water clean up oil paints are on my mind although I haven't oil painted in years. I do still have my supplies form college and the last time I painted over 10 years ago. Properly sealed up a lot of that shit does last awhile.
I just don't have anything in mind to oil paint at the moment. If you've never done it I'll just say you have to dedicate real estate to a place for your picture to surface dry that not even a cat can reach.
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plantmomstories · 6 years
Ok kids, here's an example of pure freaking ADHD. And it's terrifying (to me).
So I'm minding my own buisness, when I look up and see a GIANT CAVE HOPPER. ON MY BATHROOM CEILING.
But Brittany, what's a cave hopper? Well I'll tell you what a cave hopper is, it's a FUCKING NIGHTMARE.
*Prepare for overly long discription*
Cave hoppers also known as cave crickets, camel crickets, spider crickets and shrimp with legs (that's right. Shrimp with legs. Because these horrible creatures actually look like friggen shrimp with legs, but instead of being funny they are fucking TERRIFYING) are these giant ass crickets that will literally eat anything and just loooove to sneak into basements and anywhere dark and cool. Also the rest of the house because they're assholes.
Another fun fact about them that is actually anything BUT fun is instead of trying to hop away from danger like anything with an iota of a brain...it freaks the hell out AND JUMPS TOWARDS YOU. It will even CHASE YOU.
And these things get big.
You can NOT bend down near it to either kill it or look closer at it (why the hell would you even want to?????) because this spiteful idiot will JUMP. ON. YOUR. FACE. It's so unbelievably common for them to do it, they're just that stupid.
And if you don't believe me about them being terrifying LOOK:
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There are better angles to show you out there but these were the only ones I could bear to look at with within normal levels of screaming and NOT throwing my phone.
And they're a god damn plague, they come in the hundreds and exterminators rake in the dough killing these hatefull demons from hell.
Now that you know what the hell a cave hopper is, here's the ADHD part and the whole point of this one sided conversation.
So I HAAAAAAAAATE these mf SO much but I'm stuck on the toilet so all I can do is glare at it and pray it doesn't get any closer. I've got a long ass butteryfly net that I keep in my house to catch bugs in safely so they don't get on me and I can kill them. I had fully planned to use it on this bastard.
By the time I finish my buiz and wash my hands I have already forgotten that I was JUST staring down one of my nemesis(es?) and walked out the door.
An hour later I go back in my bathroom to do more buiz and see it again. I go through the same 'that thing needs to DIE' but once again I forget to kill it and leave.
So now it is 3:16 in the AM and it's left the bathroom and is loose in the house somewhere. And it's HUGE.
In my house. When I need to sleep.
So thanks to my ADHD I'm likely going to not only get no sleep tonight but it's probably going to end up in my bedroom where it will jump on me and I'll wake the whole neighborhood screaming.
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AIGHT SO I’m like super high on caffeine and chocolate rn so I mighty write a lil Christmas one shot (it’s still December let me be pft)
But first a lil song I found a few days ago and has been stuck in my head ñon stop!
It’s from a musical called 35MM, they make up songs and stories from photos this one guy took, they’re amazing!
The song of called “Leave Luannne”
Warnings! There are mentions of abuse, r*pe, and such! So if you feel uncomfortable by that please don’t read this!
Now on to the song;:
Luanne's fat lip is drying, The bastard's bacon frying, The shiner on her eye's gone bust and bleeding. He shouts, "Girl, set the table!" But he knows she ain't able. Her arm's done broke, Hung limp like yolk,
AHHH we get the picture pretty clear from the beginning. i can always imagine Luanne on the floor, all bruised up and close to tears....
And softly she's repeating...
"Leave, Luanne. Why don't you march out that door? Southern woman, he ain't no good to you. Leave, Luanne. Louisiana wants war, But it's you dying on her ruby plains."
And yet, loyal Luanne remains. Ever since he got him laid off, His sanity's just made off. No, he was never nice, but now he's cruel.
So first, ahhhhfhrjehrn THE VIOLINS ARE AMAZING AND THE VOCALS TOO also we can see why Luanne doesnt leave the dude. I can see her internal debate, telling herself to leave but not being able to.
He rapes her, and he beats her, She don't 'fess how he treats her, 'Cause a Bible verse Says it won't get worse, And she won't be a fool. "You won't never leave, Luanne,
And then theres this part about the bible, i dont exactly know what verse theyre talking about, but we see that Luanne is super religious, which makes her internal debate even harder. Should she leave or stay? She has been taught probably her whole life with that idea, and probably doesnt want to end up in hell due to her beliefs and what she’s been told.
'Cause if you walk out that door His truck will be gunning for you.
No, you won't leave, Luanne, Or he'll give you 'What for?' You got heart where you should have had brains."
This part always makes me sad bc Luanne may still love that asshole, which sucks, but she still does and is pretty loyal to him makes it even harder for her to make a decision too
And so, loyal Luanne remains. Someone's howling, Screams like sighing with battered breath Grating, growling, Never dying In a fate worse than death. But months of such conditions Turn laymen to logicians And tonight the bastard's sleeping like a log. So she plucks the kitchen cleaver,
Creeps up toward his roped-up lab retriever,
AND THE VIOLINS MAKE THE TENSION AMAZING. It makes you so nervous about whats going to happen. You can imagine Luanne finally making a decision, tired of everything. Its dark at night and she slowly makes her way to the kitchen, trying so quietly to not wake him up.
And she cuts the rope, And hope on hope, She starts to shout, "Your dog's got out!" She's got her chance. With no back glance She runs out to the bog, Screaming, screaming: "Leave, Luanne!" "Leave, Luanne. You've got a life left to live In a house hanging off the Golden Coast! Leave, Luanne. You won't forget nor forgive, " And she don't feel the stings, the rips, and scrapes As finally Luanne escapes.
And the way you can FEEL the tension, the way you can see her running and your heart starts speeding up, wishing she can escape, that she can lead a better and happier life, shes doing her best, not feeling the pain. You can tell how desperate she is. You can see her running through the woods, leaves and branches getting tangled in her hair, sometimes cutting her, but she still keeps going due through sheer determination, ignoring how her feet hurt and how much shes running out of breath. All the way through shes making a promise to herself, that she will NEVER let go what the asshole did to her.
Swim, Luanne! Swim, Luanne! And in the swamp of beeches, Oh, as the preacher preaches, As the light In the night Holds through the marsh and brushes As the blood inside you rushes Left and right, Hold on tight—
And then you can feel the hope, the relief that she has managed to get out, the violins making a sort of country dancey song (?) pft and youre like YAS GIRL RUN AND LIVDE YOUR LIFE its amazing, its so happy from the depressing music we heard before, Luanne gets out of the place, some people help her, she becomes happy again, meeting people and dancing all night at parties, maybe she even finds someone new and starts dating them, having a new life with someone who loves her....but then....
—Until you reach the bank And you crawl onto the bank, 'Til you feel a little yank on your hair And, stricken, stare at the bastard Who beat you there.
the guy just yanks her hair and gives her a horrible smirk, and Luanna can only look in horror, her heart breaking and all her dreams vanishing as she realizes that she...she didnt make it.
The bastard lies in bed now, Half-sad his wife is dead now. She drowned herself in a swamp in wild despair.
I actually want to know wether if he killed her, or if she killed herself. To make it more angsty i like to think she actually drowned herlsef, because its so heartbreaking to see how her hopes die and she just...gives up. Gosh its so friggen, ahhhh. Once Luanne sees the guy she shrieks and tries to pull away, falling backwards. Either the bastard hit her, or something but she ends up  being paralyzed and unable to move. She reacts desperatly but the bastard refuses to help, and then she slowly gives up, letting the water fill her lungs, and slowly closing her eyes and accepting her faith.
He thinks he used to love her, But push it came to shove her, A wife disposed, A wife case closed, And no one seems to care,
And the violins are amazing. He doesnt care. No one knows shes dead. Luanne is left without no one there to remember her, to grieve her. Its just....so heartbreaking.
To grieve Luanne. Now no one's on his shoulder, But his mattress don't feel colder,
And in fact, it's hellish hot, and the air is dank and steaming. Yet his body starts to shiver When the window cracks a sliver And a fiery fog From the miry bog Pours in the room In a sticky gloom And there the man Sees dead Luanne.
Luanne makes her way to the house, fulfilling her promise of getting her revenge, of not forgiving the asshole for everything he did. And then, when she gets there, dripping, the bastard only stares.
He's terrified, But he keeps his pride, 'Cause he knows that he ain't dreaming. And he starts screaming, "Leave, Luanne. Hell sent you back here for more, 'Cause ain't no one ever loved you."
THIS, THISSSSS. ITS BY FAR MY FAVORITE PART. When hes the one telling her to leave, when its HIM. Just- the nerve of this man. And i know i keep saying this byt LISTEN TO THE VIOLINS. They are perfect, the tension, the way they just- the way they make you feel, the way they always give you shivers and make you go oh fuck shits about to go down.
He is just cockily smirking trying to act as if hes not afraid. And then he has the audacity to tell her to LEAVE. The thing shes been trying to do for so long, but now...its too late. Her eyes widen in rage and she stands straight, lifting her chin and glaring at him.
But said Luanne, "I've come to settle a score, " And she shows him her feet are bound in chains.
Shes stuck there. But this time, the roles are reversed. This time Luanne will be the one feared. She will now hold the power.
And loyal Luanne remains And remains And remains And remains!
I like to think that shes also got it stuck in her head that she cant leave, and shes now torturing the bastard by STAYING, the way it just changes fro, what it was at the beginning, HOLY SHIT AHH. And as the remains get louder she gets angrier and the room start getting hotter and hotter, and Luanne just smiles and you see the bastard cowering more and more in fear.
Someone's howling, Screams like sighing With battered breath. Grating, growling, Never dying In a fate worse than death. Luanne, She cries her miserable wail So the bastards will never sleep again!
And she is CRYING. Tears make their way down her face, crying and asking how dare he, why would he, all she wanted was to be happy.
No, no reprieve, Luanne, She brings their souls down to hell, A caution to the cruelest of men: God loves Luanne! Praised be! Amen!
The ending is so good, she gets her revenge, makes the guy regret what shes done. i always imagine the whole place setting in fire and Luanne getting angrier and angrier, thr bastard finally realizing what the hell hes actually done. This is amazing, i love this song so much. Not only the story but also the way you can imagine and feel everything. this song is so freaking good istg
Theyre in HELL. She used to be so religious, and thats the fate she didnt want. She never wanted to be in hell, yet there she is, getting her revenge. I dont know if God went like aight here ya go gurl, get your revenge, or smth like DAMN, so good.
In conclusion, amazing song, so good, i swearrr. This musical is amazing, they have other amazing songs like Sarah Berry, or Piece of Me.
Some of them range from being depressing, to adorable, to HILAROUS like Caralee lmfao that one is amazing lol
I really hope yall take a listen hehe, im sorry for rambling so much, im just trying to keep myself distracted from everything going on at home and with my dog. Hope yall have a good day and ill write more things, I promise!
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