#past life regression central coast
awarenesshealing · 1 year
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newstfionline · 4 years
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Toronto Goes Back to Lockdown as ICUs Fill With Virus Patients (Bloomberg) Canada’s largest province ordered a lockdown in Toronto and one of its suburbs, a declaration that forces shopping malls, restaurants and other businesses to close their doors to slow a second wave of coronavirus cases. Ontario, home to 14.7 million of the country’s 38 million people, said all non-essential retail stores in Toronto and Peel will have to close, though they can take orders for outdoor pickup and delivery. Restaurants will be allowed to operate takeout and delivery services only. Personal services such as salons will also shut down and indoor gatherings will be largely banned. The measures, which take effect Monday, mean Canada’s financial capital will be operating with restrictions on business similar to the start of the pandemic. Unlike in March, schools are staying open.
Business and World Leaders Move On as Trump Fights to Reverse Election (NYT) Inside the wrought-iron fences that surround the 18-acre White House complex, the 2020 election rages on, with President Trump refusing to concede. But the rest of the world—and President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.—is moving on. The leaders of Western Europe have called Mr. Biden, as has the president of the world’s rising superpower, Xi Jinping of China. PayPal’s chief executive extended his “warmest congratulations to President-Elect Joe Biden, who will become the 46th president of the U.S.A.” The Boeing Corporation, which benefited from Mr. Trump’s demands for big-ticket defense items, issued a statement on Friday saying, “We look forward to working with the Biden administration.” It is as if the vast machinery of diplomacy, business and lobbying has suddenly been recalibrated for the Biden era. Mr. Trump, by far the dominant world figure for the past four years, is increasingly treated as irrelevant. Mr. Biden is seizing the moment, not to aggressively confront the president he defeated, but to act presidential in his stead. Even as he demands that an orderly transfer of power be allowed to begin, the president-elect is proceeding as if the political drama created by Mr. Trump amounts to little more than noise.
Retailers brace as virus bears down on consumers and economy (AP) LaTonya Story is every retailer’s worst fear. With the viral pandemic re-surging through the country and the economy under threat, Story has decided to slash her holiday shopping budget. She’ll spend less than $2,000 this season, down from several thousand dollars in 2019. Worried about entering stores, she’s buying gifts online and going out only for groceries. “I want to be conservative,” said Story, a 47-year-old Atlanta resident. “I’m not a scientist, but the best precaution is to stay in place.” The acceleration of coronavirus cases is causing an existential crisis for America’s retailers and spooking their customers just as the critically important holiday shopping season nears. An anxious consumer is a frightening prospect for retailers as well as for the overall economy. Any sustained recovery from the pandemic recession hinges on consumers, whose spending fuels about 70% of economic growth.
Scenes of flooding, devastation lie in wake of monstrous Hurricane Iota (Washington Post) For the second time in November, the Ramón Villeda Morales International Airport in Honduras was engulfed by floodwaters because of devastating rains from the remnants of Hurricane Iota. Earlier this month, it was deluged by Hurricane Eta. Both systems made landfall 15 miles apart in the span of two weeks on Nicaragua’s northern coast at Category 4 strength. Iota killed at least 16 people in Nicaragua and a dozen or more in Honduras, according to the Associated Press, just weeks after 130 people died during Eta in Central America. Eta slammed the Nicaraguan coast on Nov. 3 with winds in its eyewall of 140 mph, striking just south of the community of Puerto Cabezas. Ten thousand people sought shelter as the system’s winds lashed the area. On Nov. 15, Hurricane Iota reached Category 5 status off the shore of Central America, making landfall as a Category 4 near Haulover, Nicaragua. Both storms moved inland for several days, Eta eventually curving north while Iota breezed due west. That meant places like Honduras endured a torrential 20-to-30-inch rainfall twice. Some places saw a year’s worth of rainfall in two weeks’ time.
Bolsonaro ran against corruption. Now, he’ll have to find another slogan. (Washington Post) It was a moment when, after so many scandals and broken promises, Brazil finally seemed on cusp of change. The sprawling corruption probe known as Lava Jato had ensnared scores of politicians in Brazil and abroad, upending the Latin American power structure. The election of Jair Bolsonaro brought to power an outsider politician who promised to root out corruption. But now the corruption investigation is on life support. The coronavirus response has turned into a graft bonanza. And the president, who is himself being investigated by the supreme court for alleged misconduct, is declaring that public malfeasance is no longer an issue. The gap between the promise and the reality was made stark this month when Bolsonaro’s son Flávio, a senator, was charged with embezzlement and money laundering. Rio de Janeiro prosecutors allege that he took public money meant to pay legislative aides when he served in the state assembly. Another son, Carlos, a Rio city council member, has been accused of similar behavior. (Both have denied wrongdoing.) And one of Bolsonaro’s top congressional allies was found with wads of cash stuffed into his underpants. Brazil appears to be regressing in its quest to stamp out malfeasance.
'People need mountains': Swiss ski resorts buck Alpine lockdowns (Reuters) Blue skies over the Matterhorn drew skiers and snowboarders to Zermatt on Saturday, as well as police to break up crowds, as Switzerland’s modest coronavirus restrictions allowed near-normal operations while other Alpine resorts keep their lifts shut. Switzerland is hoping that a middle way of social distancing, limits on gatherings and mask-wearing on lifts can prop up pillars of the economy such as tourism without fuelling the pandemic. “If it’s open, I’ll definitely ski,” said Swede Max Ahlstedt, on the glacier where Zermatt offers year-round skiing. “You just have to ... accept wearing a mask.” There is no denying the sense of release from confinement that a day on the slopes can bring. “It’d be worse if you couldn’t go to the mountains at all,” said Anne Spiegler, a German living in Zurich. Zermatt Mayor Romy Biner-Hauser thinks the future looks bright: “People need vacation,” he says. “People need mountains.”
South Korea mulls steps as new virus cases rise (AP) South Korea has reported 386 new cases of the coronavirus in a resurgence that could force authorities to reimpose stronger social distancing restrictions after easing them in October to spur a faltering economy. More than 270 of the new cases have come from the Seoul metropolitan area, where health workers have struggled to track transmissions in schools, private tutoring academies and religious facilities. South Korea has so far managed to weather the pandemic without major lockdowns, relying instead on an aggressive test-and-quarantine campaign and mask-wearing. Officials eased distancing measures to the lowest level in October, which allowed high-risk venues such as nightclubs and karaoke bars to reopen and fans to return to professional sports. But the Korean Society of Infectious Diseases said Friday that the country could be reporting more than 1,000 new infections a day in a week or two if social distancing measures aren’t effectively strengthened.
Mortar shells hit Kabul residential areas; at least 8 dead (AP) About 23 mortar shells slammed into different parts of the Afghan capital on Saturday, killing at least eight people and wounding 31 others, an official said. The shells were fired from two cars, Interior Ministry spokesperson Tariq Arian said. No one took immediate responsibility for the early morning attack that also targeted the posh Wazir Akbar Khan area of Kabul, which houses diplomatic missions. The Taliban issued a quick statement denying any responsibility for the attack. The Islamic State group affiliate also operates in the area and has claimed responsibility for recent assaults in Kabul including two devastating attacks on educational institutions that killed more than 50 people, many of them students.
Ethiopia pushes toward Tigray capital (Reuters) Ethiopia said on Saturday its forces had seized another town in their advance on the capital of northern Tigray region and rebuffed an African Union (AU) push to mediate in the war with rebel forces in the region. More than two weeks into Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s offensive, his government said Tigrayan forces were digging in and using bulldozers to plough up roads around their capital Mekelle, home to about half a million people. Hundreds, possibly thousands, have died and more than 30,000 refugees have fled to Sudan. The conflict has spread beyond Tigray, whose forces have fired rockets at the neighbouring Amhara region and the nation of Eritrea, spurring concern of a wider war.
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evoldir · 6 years
Postdoc: UFlorida.HumanEvolutionaryGenetics
Post-doctoral position in Human Evolutionary Genetics and Epigenetics, Laboratory of Connie Mulligan, Genetics Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA Post-doctoral position to work on two ongoing NSF and internally funded projects: 1) Investigation of genetic, epigenetic, and biological signatures of war trauma exposures in Syrian refugees. This is a collaboration with Catherine Panter-Brick (Yale University) and Rana Dajani (Hashemite University, Jordan) to integrate genetic and epigenetic analyses into an ongoing study to measure the effects of violence and trauma in Syrian refugees. The first project is an intergenerational study to investigate the epigenetic impacts in offspring of mothers and grandmothers who were exposed to war trauma while pregnant. The overarching question is to determine if trauma-induced methylation changes are heritable across two generations in humans. In the second project, genetic variants are being assayed to predict the impact of past trauma exposures and the effects of a program intervention on self-reported measures of mental health in Syrian refugee youth. Epigenetic variants will be tested as possible mediators of the effect of stress on mental health outcomes. See project website at http://bit.ly/2moA9VU . 2) Investigation of an epigenetic mechanism to mediate the effects of maternal stress on maternal and infant health in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). We are testing for associations between maternal stress exposures, newborn health outcomes and changes in DNA methylation and gene expression in mothers and their infants. More broadly, we are interested in the idea that mechanisms may have evolved to allow the genome to respond to psychosocial stressors and that complex phenotypes may be shaped by early life experiences that alter gene expression through epigenetic alterations. Samples and data have already been collected and research is funded by NSF. See http://bit.ly/297ophb and http://bit.ly/2lJmRzC . Qualifications: A PhD, good publication record, and strong background in the generation of genetic data (microarray, gene expression, NGS, SNP detection) and data analysis (gene association analysis, regression analysis, genetic ancestry estimation, linkage analysis, etc) are essential. A background in evolutionary genetics and experience with methylation data (Illumina chips, pyrosequencing, etc), RNA sequence or gene expression array data, and/or additional computational or bioinformatics experience is a plus. Candidates who speak French or Swahili are encouraged to apply. In addition to the projects listed above, there are excellent opportunities for the successful candidate to develop new lines of research as well as productive collaborations outside the lab. The University of Florida is a top 10 public university with a university-wide commitment to genetic research. The Department of Anthropology (http://bit.ly/2Ipindg) has 30 full-time faculty with diverse interests and is one of the top rated programs in the country (6th among public institutions, 11th overall). The University of Florida Genetics Institute (http://bit.ly/2p9NXCR), where the Mulligan lab is located, is an inter-college institute with a dedicated research building intended to enhance opportunities for collaboration. Gainesville is located in north central Florida (away from the hurricanes!), with average temperatures ranging from 45F to 90F. Beaches on the gulf and Atlantic coast are ~ 1 hours away. To apply: via email, send a CV, statement of research interests, and names and contact information for three references. Applications and inquiries should be addressed to Connie Mulligan at [email protected]. Send an email to set up a meeting if you will be at the AAPA meetings in Austin. Review of materials will begin April 30 and will continue until the position is filled. Start date is flexible and the successful candidate can begin as early as May, 2018. Salary is commensurate with experience. Position may be extended for a total of three years. Informal inquiries prior to submitting a formal application are welcome. AA/EOE Connie J. Mulligan, PhD Professor, Department of Anthropology 2033Mowry Rd, PO Box 103610 | University of Florida | Gainesville, FL 32610-3610 Office: 409 Genetics Institute | Telephone: 352-273-8092 | Fax: 352-273-8284 Website: http://bit.ly/1vVUKNY "Connie J. Mulligan" via Gmail
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awarenesshealing · 1 year
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awarenesshealing · 1 year
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awarenesshealing · 1 year
Unlock the mysteries of your soul with Past Life Regression » . Explore your hidden history, gain insights, and release blockages. Our expert therapists guide your journey. Embark on this transformative experience and discover a deeper understanding of yourself. Book now to delve into your past and enrich your present. 🔮🌟 #PastLifeRegression #SoulExploration #SelfDiscovery
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awarenesshealing · 1 year
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awarenesshealing · 1 year
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awarenesshealing · 1 year
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awarenesshealing · 1 year
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awarenesshealing · 1 year
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awarenesshealing · 1 year
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awarenesshealing · 1 year
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awarenesshealing · 1 year
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awarenesshealing · 1 year
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awarenesshealing · 1 year
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