#regression hypnosis
cool-corpse · 3 months
Reincarnation and Healing: Books That Changed My Perspective
Like many people, I have often contemplated what happens after we cross over to the other side. The idea of Heaven and Hell that I was raised with never really seemed to resonate with me, but for some reason, the concept of reincarnation always did sound more plausible. A few months ago, my therapist, who incorporates spirituality into her practice, suggested that I read about past…
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mitchismirage · 1 year
Regression Hypnosis
I have had a life full of bizarre happenings. This began as a very small child. For all I know these occurrences could have started as an infant. They have continued through this very day. I will admit that my 20’s and 30’s were a bit more quiet in regards to these not of this world experiences. I was very busy at that time in my life raising children and working. I very well may still have been…
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awarenesshealing · 2 years
Does Past Life Regression Therapy work?
Have you ever wondered about the mysteries of your past life? Do you feel like certain events or emotions from previous lifetimes still affect you today? If so, then Past Life Regression Therapy may be just what you need. This alternative therapy has gained popularity in recent years as a means to explore one��s past lives and resolve any unresolved issues that might be holding them back in their current life. But does it really work? In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the world of Past Life Regression Therapy and discover whether it’s an effective way to heal old wounds and move forward with clarity and purpose. So buckle up, because we’re about to embark on a fascinating journey through time!
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What is Past Life Regression Therapy?
Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) is a type of therapy that uses regression to help people access and heal their past lives. PLRT can be used to address a wide range of issues, including trauma, anxiety, phobias, relationship problems, and more.
PLRT is based on the belief that we have all lived many lives before this one and that our soul carries the memories of these past lives with us. By regressing back to a past life, we can gain insight and understanding into our current situation. PLRT can also help us to release any negative energy or patterns that may be holding us back from living our best life.
If you are interested in exploring Past Life Regression Therapy, it is important to find a qualified practitioner who has undergone proper training. PLRT should not be attempted without the guidance of a trained professional.
How Does it Work?
The past life regression therapy process usually involves hypnosis, although it can also be done without it. The therapist will help the client to relax and then ask them questions about their past lives. The therapist may also use guided visualization to help the client access memories of their past lives.
During the session, the client may experience a range of emotions and memories. They may feel as though they are reliving the events of their past life or they may just get flashes of images and feelings. After the session, the therapist will debrief with the client to discuss what they experienced.
Benefits of Past Life Regression Therapy
Past life regression therapy is a type of hypnosis that is said to allow individuals to access memories of their past lives. Proponents of this therapy believe that by understanding and resolving issues from past lives, people can heal emotionally and spiritually in the present.
There are many benefits of past life regression therapy that have been reported by those who have undergone the treatment. These benefits include:
• Increased self-awareness and understanding • Improved relationships with others • Greater clarity about one’s life purpose • More peace and acceptance of oneself and others • Resolving of long-standing issues and patterns • Healing of physical ailments that have an emotional or spiritual cause • Experiencing personal transformation
Risks and Disadvantages of Past Life Regression Therapy
Past life regression therapy is not without its risks and disadvantages. One of the main risks is that it can be emotionally damaging to relive a past life, especially if the memories are of a traumatic event. It is also possible to become fixated on the past and lose sight of the present. Additionally, past life regression therapy can be expensive and time-consuming, and there is no guarantee that it will work.
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The Science Behind Past Life Regression Therapy
There is a lot of debate surrounding the efficacy of past life regression therapy (PLRT), with some people swearing by its transformative power and others dismissing it as pseudoscience. So, what is the science behind PLRT?
Past life regression therapy relies on the principle of reincarnation, which is the belief that we have all lived previous lives and will continue to do so in an endless cycle. This belief is prevalent in many cultures around the world and has been for centuries.
The theory behind PLRT is that our current lives are being impacted by events that happened in our past lives. By regression
Case Studies and Stories about Past Life Regression Therapy
Past life regression therapy has been shown to be an effective tool in helping people overcome a variety of issues. In one case study, a woman who had been struggling with anxiety and depression for many years was able to find relief after just a few sessions of past life regression therapy. After reliving a past life in which she had been raped and murdered, she was finally able to let go of the trauma and move on with her life.
Other case studies have shown that past life regression therapy can be helpful for people who are dealing with addiction, relationship problems, and even physical ailments. In one particularly fascinating case, a woman who had been suffering from chronic pain was able to find relief after regressing to a past life in which she had been injured in a car accident. By reliving the accident and understanding what had happened, she was finally able to release the pain and heal herself.
There are countless stories of people who have benefited from past life regression therapy, and it is clear that this type of therapy can be extremely helpful for those who are willing to give it a try. If you are struggling with an issue that seems insurmountable, past life regression therapy may be worth considering.
Alternatives to Past Life Regression Therapy
There are many different types of therapies available to people who are seeking help for their past lives. Some of these therapies include:
-Past life regression therapy: This therapy involves a therapist guiding a person through a series of questions about their past lives. The therapist then helps the person to interpret their answers and find meaning in them.
-Past life regression hypnosis: This therapy uses hypnosis to help a person access memories of their past lives. The therapist will help the person to relax and enter into a state of trance, where they will be more open to recalling memories from their past lives.
-Past life regression meditation: This therapy involves using meditation to help a person access memories of their past lives. The therapist will guide the person through a series of meditations, which will help them to relax and reach a state where they can easily recall memories from their past lives.
While evidence of the effectiveness of past life regression therapy is currently lacking, it can be a powerful tool for personal growth and healing. The idea of exploring past lives to uncover potential lifelong patterns and gain insight into current issues can provide comfort and clarity. Ultimately, even if you don’t believe in reincarnation or that every memory experienced through regression is true, such experiences have been reported as effective by many people who have tried them. With this in mind, individual results may vary — but there is certainly no harm in giving it a try!
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benjibab1 · 5 months
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maddiethedogstories · 2 months
The Birthday - Part 1
I couldn't imagine a more perfect way to spend the morning of my 35th birthday. It had been a beautiful, spring Saturday morning. I got up a little later than usual, put on my khakis and a polo shirt, grabbed breakfast at the club house with my best friends, and spent the entire morning playing golf.
Usually, weekend mornings are full of 'Daddy-duties' for me. Wake up, turn on some cartoons for the kids, change the baby's diaper and get everyone out of pajamas, make breakfast, then load everyone up in the car for the youth sports game-of-the-week. Don't get me wrong. I love my life. I love being a dad. I love spending time with my kids. But, today, my birthday, my wonderful wife Madeline let me make the day just about me, and I love that too.
It was about 1:00 pm by the time I got home. I staggered into the house a little more unbalanced than usual, having had a few more than my normal share of beers on the course. In my slightly drunken state, it took me a second to recognize that something was different than normal in the house, but, after hanging my keys on the key hook and wandering into the kitchen, things started to feel off.
First, the house was clean. The toys, normally spread across the house, were all in their proper place. The kitchen counters were crumb free. The sink was clear of dishes. Now, I am not saying our house is normally a mess, but with kids, it's generally impossible to keep the house cleaner than 'slightly cluttered.'
"Love?" I called out, "The house looks beautiful? Did you and the kids spend the whole morning cleaning?"
My yell was met with silence. That was also odd. With the kids around, the house was always noisy. However, at that moment, there was nothing. No one was crying, or laughing, or yelling. The sounds of the latest episode of Bluey or Pokemon weren't blaring from the playroom. There wasn't even music playing. I started to become suspicious. Was anyone home?
With growing concern, I turned and left the kitchen and heading upstairs to the master bedroom. Maybe my wife was taking a nap? Maybe she convinced the kids to nap to? It seemed unlikely, but, in my happy, half-drunk stupor, I was ready to get to the bottom of this mystery.
I walked upstairs briskly, now more cautious about yelling out, not wanting to wake anyone up if they were sleeping. As I made it to the second floor hallway, I was greeted by more of what I had seen downstairs. An impeccably clean and quiet house.
As I passed each of the children's bedrooms, I peaked in, hoping to get some sign of what was happening. I got no hints. Each of my kids rooms was clean, organized, and devoid of life.
I finally made it to the master bedroom at the end of the hall. As I approached the room, I noticed that the door was shut. Much like the house being clean and silent, that never happened. Cautiously, and still a little unsteadily, I approached the white door to my bedroom, grabbed the handle, and cautiously pushed the door open. As I did, I was greeted by the sultry voice of my wife.
"Why hello there big boy! I see someone finally made it home for his birthday surprise!"
Like a dog anticipating a treat when they hear their master reach for the treat bag, I suddenly was overcome by an overwhelming sexual anticipation for what was coming next. I could feel my cock, flaccid and unnoticed just moments before, grow larger and harder, pressing against my khakis in a way that made my feelings for my wife obvious to anyone who could see me.
Now driven by lust, I abandoned my previous sense of caution. I flung open the door to my bedroom to reveal my wife lying on top of the comforter of our king sized bed.
My eyes were instantly drawn to my wife, lying across the bed seductively. She was wearing the sexiest, laciest black lingerie I had ever seen. It emphasized her cleavage and ass perfectly. Her long, brown hair, styled wavy, was draped over her shoulder. In her hand was a riding crop, a favorite tool for administrating 'punishments' in our house.
"Happy Birthday Baby! I thought maybe we could celebrate together today?" My wife, Melody, said seductively, smacking the leather end of the riding crop in her empty hand for emphasis. I felt blood flow to my penis as she spoke. Suddenly, my member was straining against the confines of my boxer briefs and khakis. This was going to be a good birthday.
Noticing my arousal, Melody climbed off the bed, leaving the riding crop behind, and walked up to me. She grabbed my now rock hard penis over my pants with one hand and used her other hand to pull my head down into a passionate kiss. I immediately reciprocated.
As we kissed, Melody, despite being 8 inches shorter and 100 pounds lighter than me, used the leverage she had from handling my penis to maneuver me to a position where my back was to the bed as we kissed. Once I felt the back of my knees brush against our king-sized mattress, Melody surprised me with a shove to the chest, forcing me to lie on my back on the bed. Then, with a mischievous grin on her face, she reached for my belt and the buckle of the pants, expertly undoing both and ripping my pants off.
"We can't have you wearing these! They'll just get in the way!" She exclaimed as she through my khakis to the ground unceremoniously. I grinned in anticipation as Melody climbed on top of me, straddling me at the waist, and began rubbing her still panty clad pussy on my still underwear covered penis.
As she continued the motion, she leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Oh, you like that big boy?" I just moaned in response. I could feel pre-cum leaking out of my penis into my underwear.
"Yeah, I bet you do, you naughty little boy," She continued. I just moaned again. However, the friction felt so good, along with the dirty talk, I suddenly was becoming worried that I was going to cum even before we started to have sex. I tried to turn my head away and think of something else, just to extend the amount of time this would last.
Melody laughed as I turned my head away, clearly aware of what I was doing. I started to blush in embarrassment at the realization that she new I was at risk of losing control even before we started fucking.
"Oh, does this feel a little TOO GOOD for you baby? We can't have that! Let's slow things down," Melody said, climbing off of me, and, thankfully, giving me the chance to slow down. I looked down at my blue boxer briefs and saw a distinct wet spot from where my pre-cum had soaked into my underwear. Melody looked at it to, frowned playfully, but didn't say anything about the stain immediately.
"I want to make this last all day for you, so let's try something else," Melody said as she walked over to our nightstand. I followed her shapely, barely covered ass as she moved around the bed. Then, for the first time, I noticed some new things about the room.
First, on the nightstand were a number of 'supplies' I had never seen before. On the nightstand was a blindfold, a contraption with leather straps I couldn't quite identify but looked like it was meant to go around a person's head, and a pair of large, noise cancelling wireless headphones. Looking closer to me, I noticed that our bed was slightly different as well. Rather than being covered in our normal comforter and pillows, the bed was covered in nothing but black satin sheets. Also, interestingly, there were now wrist and ankle restraints attached to each corner of the bed, waiting patiently to pin down whoever was strapped into to them. I couldn't help but grin. Today WAS going to be a good day. I'd never been so glad that we slowed down early.
Melody turned around from where she stood, bent over the nightstand. "Like what you see?" She asked, wiggling her ass playfully as she grabbed the blindfold in her other hand.
I laughed, "Oh yeah."
"Well, big boy, I've got something special in mind for you today, but, its a surprise, so I need you to let me take control," she said as she returned to my position on the bed. "So, first, put this on." Melody handed me the blindfold.
"Kinky," I said playfully, complying with her command and blindfolding myself.
"Oh, you don't even know," Melody said. "Now, lay back on the bed and spread out your arms and legs. Today is about me taking care of you."
Excited by where this was going, I did as she asked. I spread out my arms and legs and felt as she, with surprising expertise, strapped me into the wrist and ankle restraints.
"What's gotten into you Melly? You never want to play like this?" I asked as she strapped me in, a little disappointed that with the blindfold on, I couldn't see my wife's marvelous body.
"Oh, you'll find out soon enough. Now, no more talking, baby!" She said. Suddenly, I felt something soft and rubber brush my lips. "Open up and take this," Melody suddenly said.
I did as she asked and let the rubber object enter my mouth. As it filled my mouth, I felt it suddenly stop as a hard piece of plastic hit the outside of my lips. Panic suddenly hit me as I realized what this was--a pacifier.
Since before Melody and I had even started dating, I had an ABDL fetish. Specifically, I loved the idea of diapering, babifying, and humiliating strong, independent women. I did not know where it came from, and in a lot of ways, I loathed the fetish. The idea that humiliating and infantilizing women turned me on, despite my actual strong feminist values, disgusted me.
As a result, I never acted on it and had never shared my fetish with Melody, or any other woman for that matter. That had not stopped me from viewing, reading, and eventually writing copious amounts of ABDL porn during our relationship though.
The feeling of the pacifier being pressed into my mouth created so many concerns.
First, how had Melody found out about my fetish? Had she found out about my fetish? Was she upset about it? Second, despite having an ABDL fetish, the idea of being infantalized myself disgusted me.
In my fantasies, I was ALWAYS the dominant daddy, slowly helping my partner become the helpless, infantalized adult they deserved to be treated as. I was never the one being babied. If Melody's plan was to do this to me, that was NOT what I wanted.
In the time that all of this went through my head, I was able to spit out my pacifier and yell out, "What the fuck?!?" I struggled at my bonds as I felt the wet rubber of the giant plastic nipple land on my chest. No matter how much I pulled I could not get free. Frustratingly, I couldn't see Melody's reaction to my struggles, but I could hear her laugh.
I felt the pacifier that had just been in my mouth being picked up off my chest and pressed into my lips again.
"Take this in you mouth, big boy, or suffer the consequences," my wife's voice commanded. Melody emphasized her point by squeezing my balls almost uncomfortably with her free hand.
I wasn't going to give in that easily. I closed my lips tight and turned my head to the side. When I thought I was safe from the childish soother being shoved in my mouth, I responded. "What the fuck is going on Melody, what are you doing? Is that a pacifier you are trying to get me to suck on?" I asked.
Melody with impatience in her voice, refused to answer my questions.
"You'll know precisely what is going on soon enough. Now, suck on this before I make you suck on it," she ordered, attempting to shove the rubber nipple in my mouth a third time. I refused again.
"Have it your way," she said, "this makes it more fun for me anyway."
I felt the mattress I was tied to move as Melody got off of the bed. I then heard the sound of something being moved around on the nightstand. The bed shook again and Melody got back on. I became nervous as I could feel her kneeling next to my prone form.
Suddenly, without almost any warning, I felt a sharp smack to my penis and balls. The pain, while not particular intense, as the slap was blessedly light, was unexpected and sharpe. I raised my head and yelled out. "Owww!"
As I opened my mouth, what must have been a different pacifier, given the much larger size of the rubber nipple was shoved in my now open mouth. At the same time, what must have been the leather straps I saw on the nightstand earlier, were quickly shoved over my head. I tried to spit this new, larger pacifier out. I couldn't. I could feel that with one hand, Melody was now holding the pacifier into place. With her other hand, she was tightening the straps wrapped around my head. A thrashed my head back and forth, but I couldn't stop the process. Within moments, I felt my wife stop pushing the pacifier into my mouth. However, even without that pressure, I couldn't spit it out. Given the days of my life I had spent masturbating to adult baby porn, I knew what I was wearing--a pacifier gag.
I heard Melody sigh in satisfaction as she pulled away from my body, leaving me to struggle against my restraints. "Much better," She said triumphantly, "this will go much smoother if you can't talk."
"Mmmmrrrppphh," I said, unable to form any words due to the size of the large pacifier stuck in my mouth.
I heard Melody walk around the bed, stopping at the foot of the bed. I felt her reach her hand up to my underwear and poke at the wet spot made from my pre-cum earlier.
"Oh my! Look at this, it looks like my BIG, ADULT husband had a little accident in his undies, didn't he?" she chided me with a condescending tone. I growled into the pacifier shoved into my mouth, horrified at where this was going. "I though I was married to a grown up who could keep his pants clean, it doesn't look like it though, does it?" she continued. I growled in the pacifier and thrashed around again. "Clearly, you aren't ready for big boy undies. I think you would look much cuter in diapers anyway. Let's just get this underwear off."
I felt the weight of my wife leaning over the bottom of the bed before I felt the cool metallic feel of scissors sliding up to the bottom of my boxer briefs. I bucked my hips as I felt Melody begin to cut my underwear free. I just couldn't believe what was happening. I had read this story so many times. Fantasized about it. Fuck, I'd even written something close to this once. But, every single time, I was the one removing the underwear, not the one having it taken from me. This was horrible.
"Stop that baby!" Melody said, giving my balls a warning slap as I bucked my hips and tried to prevent this indignity from continuing. "Do you want me to accidentally cut you? These scissors are sharp?"
As she spoke, I realized she was right. Even this humiliation wasn't worth injuring myself. I stopped struggling long enough to let Melody continue cutting my boxer briefs off. "Good boy!" she said encouragingly as she pulled my destroyed underwear free, exposing my ass and crotch. I felt my penis, rock hard only minutes earlier, shrivel up from the cold air and the humiliation of what was happening.
"Oh, how cute! It knows where it's going, so it shrunk up appropriately," Melody said, playfully pinching my penis. "Alright, stay here baby, I'll be back in a second."
I groaned inwardly as I heard Melody leave the room. Where was I going to go? Strapped to the bed, blindfolded, half-naked, and forced to suck on a pacifier, I was firmly detained at this point. It didn't take long before I heard Melody re-enter the room. I listened closely and could clearly hear the rustling sound that I knew must be the diaper she was holding. I listened further as Melody retook her position at the foot of our bed and placed the items she was carrying down.
"Alright, big boy, time to get you diapered for Mommy!" Melody said as I felt her lean over my spread legs.
I immediately started to thrash and scream into my pacifier. This was not going to happen to me. I was an adult. I was in control. I was the Daddy Domme! If anyone in this house was going to be diapered, it'd be Melody, not me! My struggles proved useless though. Try as I might, Melody had been prepared. The ankle and wrist restraints were too solidly attached to the bed frame, and she clearly didn't skimp on the quality of the restraints themselves. I was not going to break free. After what felt like minutes of struggling, I gave up, embracing my fate.
Melody, for her part, just giggled at my struggles. "What a silly boy, thinking he can get free of Mommy that easily?" Melody teased me as I thrashed. When I finally gave up, she said with the tone I had heard her use with our toddlers so many toys, "A you done throwing your tantrum? Good. Now, let's get this diaper on you before you make a mess on the bed!"
With that, I felt Melody lean back over the bed and place what had to be the diaper down near my resting ass.
"Lift!" My wife ordered me. Resigned to the futility of my situation, I complied, lifting my hips into the air. I felt the diaper slide underneath me.
"Drop!" She indicated. I let my ass fall onto the surprisingly soft padding.
"Good boy," She said, and I felt her begin to spread lotion over my skin. The sensation of her rubbing me brought some life back to my penis. I felt myself getting aroused again. I turned red with embarassment. The idea that I could get any sort of enjoyment out of being treated like this was humiliating.
"Oh, it looks like my little friend wants to come out to play!" Melody said as she saw my member grow harder. She immediately redirected her attention. "Well, if he wants to play, let's play!"
I started to moan as Melody gave me the most enthusastic hand job she had ever given me. She laughed as I thrusted my dick into her hand and grunted into the pacifier.
"Oh, baby likes that, does he?" She said breathily, quickly moving her hand up and down my shaft. After years of being together, Melody knew almost exactly when I was about to cum. Right as I was on the verge of bursting, she let go of my dick. Then, quickly, she folded the diaper over my penis and held it there as I came into the thick padding.
"Gotta be careful to not get any icky juices on you during diaper changes, just like with the boys!" Melody said as I moaned and came into my diaper. I could feel my cheeks turning bright red as she compared me coming into my diaper to a baby boy peeing during a diaper change. Despite the orgasm, this entire situation was torture.
Melody then quickly taped me into my padded, and now sticky, prison. She then crawled on top of me, in some sort of twisted call-back to our earlier sexual encounter, and rubbed her ass back and forth on my padded crotch a couple of times mockingly.
"Oh, this is much better," She laughed, as she bent over and pulled the blindfold off of my face. "Why don't you take a look big boy?"
I squinted as the light hit my eyes for the first time in at least a half an hour. The first thing I saw was my wife's face, staring down at me. Her made up and sexy appearance that was so attractive just earlier was just mocking me now.
"Well, take a look," She ordered.
I lifted my head as much as I could and looked down at my body. Past the ring of the pacifier that was strapped into my mouth I could see my polo shirt. Past my polo shift, sticking up just enough to be seen was a big, disposable ABDL diaper with a baby blue waist band. I groaned as I knew from my peculiar porn viewing proclivities that these particular diapers proudly labelled the wearing as a "POTTYPANTS" on the rear. The childish undergarments stood in stark contrast to my wives sexy panties, that were pressed against it.
Looking at my state, imagining what I must look like to her, I started to tear up in shame.
It only took moments for Melody to notice my building tears and place a hand comfortingly on the side of my face.
"Oh, is it embarrassing to be diapered and forced to use a pacifier, baby?" She said with mock caring in her voice, "You must be wondering why I am doing this?"
I nodded my head in affirmation, doing my best to hold back my tears.
"Well, I'm sure you've guessed by now, I've found the little 'secret' you've been hiding to me. Masturbating to the idea of grown women in diapers? What a dirty little pervert you are!" Melody began. I blushed. "I'm going to admit, at first, I was just shocked that you hid something that you were clearly so into from me. But, I was ready to show you that, despite not really being into it myself, I'd indulge in your fantasies." Melody continued.
I struggled to attempt to respond through the pacifier in my mouth, to explain that this wasn't my fantasy. I couldn't get words out though. Melody put a finger on my pacifier in a shushing motion.
"Hush, babe. I KNOW this isn't YOUR fantasy. I found the disgusting erotica you wrote. You've always claimed to be a feminist, to love women in power, and, I'll be frank, you actions had me fooled. But, the fact that all of your fantasies seem to be about belittling, infantilizing, and humiliating powerful women, I am afraid that that doesn't seem to ring true to me anymore." Melody continued.
I swallowed nervously. This was my worst nightmare come to life.
"So, for your birthday, I decided I'd give you a taste of your own medicine. I'd treat you just like you treat those poor women in the stories. By the end of this weekend, I plan to have you acting like my perfect adult-baby boy. I've sent the boys to my parents for the weekend, so it'll just be us. I even cleaned the house so I don't have to worry about that. I'm going to spend the whole weekend teaching you what its like to be the victim of one of your stories," my wife explained.
I attempted to speak through the pacifier gag again. To plead for forgiveness. To explain my shame. Melody hushed me again.
"No, baby. Nothing you can do is going to change my mind. Don't worry though, by the end of the weekend, I'll let you be a big boy again… maybe," She said with a wink. Then, without warning, she pulled the blindfold over my head blinding me again.
"Now," I heard her say, no unable to see what was happening again, "Mommy has some things to set up, so why don't you be a good baby and take a nap and listen to some of my special music."
I felt the wireless headphones be pulled over my head. I tried to shake them off as best I could, but, somehow, she had tied them into the strap of the pacifier gag, tying them in place.
Once the headphones were placed over my ears, I found myself almost completely cut off from the world. I couldn't see what was happening around me and all I could hear was what was clearly some sort of hypnotic track. As I realized what was happening, I let my head fall slack to the bed and closed my eyes in defeat.
I knew, at least for the next few days, I was well and truly fucked. What a way to spend my birthday weekend.
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awarenesshealing · 2 years
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drdaddy19 · 1 month
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there there , little one...
no need to be a fussy baby...
lets just turn up you headphone volume...
and make sure that paci stays firmly stuffed in your mouth...
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creature-wizard · 2 months
I see this (alien abduction communities) having a lot in common with ROMCOA stuff. The Controversial History of Alien Abductions by Kaz Rowe on Youtube (https://youtu.be/of8igM9WFWc?si=LrE_pCrDUMbujQah) What people may get out of ROMCOA (Validation of trauma in a way that is more obviously bad and may be not be as emotionally difficult due to a less personal abuse or mistreatment having clearer motivations.) is different, but the conspiracism of it feels similar.
I say this as a system who has skirted the edge of ROMCOA stuff for reasons like those stated above, but I wondered if you'd have any thoughts on it. (If it's of any interest, I'll send a separate ask with thoughts on the why/how we've dodged the ROMCOA bullet despite being drawn to it, but that's a significant tangent. Also sorry to be anon, I'm shy.)
(To anyone reading this: If you've heard the term "RAMCOA" but haven't heard how it originated among conspiracy theorists and was always meant to push conspiracy theories within legitimate psychiatry, further information is provided at the end.)
Oh yeah, you are absolutely right. I've been comparing these two things for awhile now, and it's basically two presentations of the same exact social phenomena.
You usually have somebody with psychological or physical problems that seem to defy explanation, but are very likely related to something like anxiety, depression, chronic stress, PTSD, C-PTSD, BPD, schizophrenia, bipolar, autism, ADHD, allergies, mast cell activation syndrome, or fibromyalgia. Y'know, a lot of the kinds of things that doctors will dismiss as "all in your head," or that just aren't that well-understood by the public, or might not seem possible because they underestimate just how traumatizing their life actually was.
The way they fall into it is nearly always the same; they never really "remember" any of it until they start coming across literature and people who introduce them to the idea of RAMCOA or alien abduction. And of course by this point a lot of them are absolutely desperate for some kind of explanation or validation, so they look deeper into it. They start learning and absorbing the tropes and narratives that go along with whatever mythology, so to speak, that they've fallen into. Then when they undergo hypnosis, they start "remembering" events that just so happen to line up with whichever narrative they've been exposing themselves to.
There are other groups doing this same thing with their own narratives, of course. In New Age and neopagan contexts, people often seek explanation and validation by trying to uncover past lives. In fact, the whole entire practice of undergoing hypnosis to recover lost memories actually began with people trying to find their past lives.
A common thread is that people remember something that pretty much everybody would agree would be absolutely terrible to endure. Whether you're "remembering" being burned at the stake for witchcraft, eating the heart of a ritually murdered child, fleeing the destruction of Atlantis, or aliens performing invasive procedures on your body, there's no ambiguity or uncertainty that what supposedly happened is horrible. In a society that constantly tells people that they haven't had it bad enough to be traumatized, because real trauma can only come from something way more severe than what they're experiencing, it's just no surprise that this keeps happening. Their subconscious minds seek the images and narratives that seem to align with the distress they're feeling.
It's been observed that what people experience while under hypnosis is basically the same as what they experience while dreaming. What they experience isn't necessarily logical; in fact, it's often far from it. Weird, surreal stuff just happens out of nowhere. People just do things with no genuinely reasonable motive.
In the context of RAMCOA, this is often handwaved away with "well, they're cultists, this is obviously part of their weird cult practices." This is not only an incredibly weak explanation for most of this stuff, but when you look at other supposedly recovered memories, you just can't help but notice that this is a pattern in every belief system people try to recover memories in, so trying to do this for supposed cases of SRA and the like is just special pleading.
And yeah, if you wanna share your story, I'd love to hear it!
For anyone reading this who isn't aware: The term "Ritual Abuse, Mind Control & Organized Abuse", or RAMCOA, is not an innocent catch-all term for religious abuse, institutional abuse, sex trafficking, etc. It was coined by conspiracy theorists in order to repackage Satanic Ritual Abuse/Satanic Panic/Project Monarch alter programming conspiracy theories into something they could pass off as legitimate science/research. Essentially, it's a Trojan horse for far right bullshit. For more information, see Cathy O'Brien - The First Project Monarch "Survivor" and Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler: Two Of The Most Dangerous Conspiracy Theorists Most People Have Never Heard Of.
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emmy1x3 · 1 month
about me!
Hi! I'm emmy, I'm 20, bisexual and a sub.
My kinks are:
-pet play and specifically hucow
-age gap
My limits are:
-anything illegal
-sending photos. I just wanna have some kinky chat!
Messages are open! I'm down to rp, down for hypno, talk about stuff, whatever! I'm new here but I'll build up my profile ASAP.
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crissiebaby · 1 year
The Pampered Curse: Chapter 1
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, humiliation, domination, masturbation/diaper sex, hyperwetting, mental regression, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
Commissioned By: BlossomBitchDolly
Beggar’s night. The one night a year when parents deem it acceptable to let their snot-nosed brats run amuck through every suburban street in America. For Edan Claymore, who often enjoyed a nice evening walk around the neighborhood, Halloween was up there with the Fourth of July for the most annoying holiday. Not even his noise-canceling earbuds were a match for the ear-piercing shrieks that echoed all around.
All of a sudden, a random kid with a white sheet draped over themselves ran up and shouted in Edan’s face, causing him to recoil. By the time he caught his breath, the kid had sprinted off and ducked between a row of houses. Unless he wanted to get mixed up in chasing some dumb kid around the neighborhood, he had to let it go.
Having been thoroughly annoyed by the vermin who were obstructing his usual walking route, Edan decided to turn off down a gravel road that he had never seen anyone venture down before, much less himself. This was mainly due to the gravel road part with him not wanting to get his shoes dusty for no good reason. However, desperate times called for desperate measures, and a dirty, isolated road was better than the alternative.
Walking alongside the rock-covered road, Edan picked up a small handful of pebbles off the ground and chucked one as far into the empty field as he could. As he did, he spotted a house in the distance that he’d never seen before. He supposed that shouldn’t be a surprising fact since this was his first time walking in this direction. Still, he’d lived in this town his whole life so it was a bit odd to find somewhere unfamiliar.
Edan approached the structure with a skeptical eye, which grew wide as he discovered what he was walking toward wasn’t a house but a massive mansion. This only spiked his curiosity further. He tossed a pebble over the black, gated fence and struck the abandoned-looking mansion on its dilapidated roof. Part of him considered trespassing briefly, especially since there was clearly no one else around for at least half a mile. But as he looked down at his untorn blue jeans and new, slightly dusty sneakers, he figured it was not worth it.
That was until a feminine moan hooked itself around Edan’s ear. He whipped his head back toward the mansion, scanning the windows for signs of life. To his surprise, it appeared that someone was inside the house, visible through one of the lower windows. Creeping back up to the gate, he focused his sights on the silhouette in the window, able to make out the naked, curvy form of a busty woman.
In the back of his mind, Edan knew he should pretend he never saw or heard anything and leave. Nothing good would come from trying to get a closer look. But as he looked back and forth at the empty road, his devious, lewd mind got to work. Perhaps beggar’s night wouldn’t be a total bust after all so long as he got in some “trick or treating” of his own. Throwing caution to the wind, he used the brain between his legs to will himself forward, passing between a pair of bent bars along the fence and sneaking up to the tantalizing window. 
“Goddess, this chick must have the wettest pussy alive,” thought Edan as he listened in on this young woman’s sloppy sex noises. She must’ve been so unbearably horny for her slit to be that moist; a fact that produced a small tent in the front of his pants. Getting his breathing under control, he placed his hands on the window sill and hopped up on his tippy toes to get a look at the insatiable, slutty cutie whose voice beckoned him like a siren luring men to their doom. If only Edan had known how apt a comparison that actually was.
“Oh, fuck! M-More!” yelled the young woman who had every right to believe that no one was around to eavesdrop on her dirty deeds. Though what kind of dirty deeds she was up to was far outside of anything Edan could have ever imagined. At first, he believed his eyes had to be playing tricks on him. Sure enough, there was a lone girl positioned on an antique couch with her hands lovingly plunged between her thighs.
Besides her hands, something else was between her legs as well. Something white and bulbous with a faint, yellow center. It wasn’t until Edan rubbed his eyes that he was able to confirm his wildest suspicions. Whoever this girl happened to be wasn’t just masturbating, she was grinding atop a swollen, squishy diaper, the likes of which were far bigger than any he’d ever laid eyes on.
Edan watched with mouth agape as the woman arched back and howled a deep, passionate cry. Her hips rocked with a velocity he’d never seen before. It would almost be majestic if he wasn’t so repulsed by what she was doing from a base standpoint. Not that he really cared much what someone was into one way or another. He just found the idea of getting off in a diaper to be a ridiculous fad that would be sure to fade in time. “Psssh, fucking gross,” he mumbled, realizing too late that his thoughts had absent-mindedly slipped out of his mouth.
“Huh?! Who’s there?!” said the woman, instantly becoming alert to the strange whispering coming from her window. Tragically for Edan, he wasn’t fast enough to avoid being seen as she spotted his fingers still clung to the window sill. Her response was fairly predictable, “EEEEEEEK!”
Releasing his grip on the ledge of the window, Edan backed away as he recognized the gravity of his situation. The last thing he needed was to get caught and be labeled the town peeper. He stumbled away from the mansion with his eyes glued to the window he’d been staring through. Unfortunately, this meant he wasn’t watching where he was walking.
“Excuse me!” said the woman, who appeared in Edan’s path just as he turned toward the gate. Naturally, he screamed and fell back onto his ass, startled by her sudden appearance, “And just who do you think you are?!” She placed her hands on her hips, which still had the ridiculously large diaper she’d been humping taped around them.
Falling down into the knee-high grass, Edan was flabbergasted by how unnatural fast this woman managed to meet him outside. He didn’t even hear the front door or any footsteps. Something was definitely off. Still, for as many bizarre thoughts that entered his head, an equal amount of brain power was focused on quelling the situation to keep the police from being called. “I-I’m so sorry! I heard a scream from down the road and thought I outta check it out,” he lied, pretending it was concern and not titillation that brought him in.
Unsurprisingly, the woman saw right through Edan’s pathetic excuse, though was unable to stop herself from blushing at the thought of how audible her sex acts were. She teetered in place, feeling her horniness begrudgingly rise again, caused in part by how exposed her playtime was but mostly by the ultra-squishy diaper that squelched between her knees with every tiny movement. Furrowing her brow line, she issued Edan a single warning, “Leave this place now…and forget anything you saw!”
Sitting up, the pace of Edan’s heartbeat slowly came down as he listened to the mysterious girl’s declaration. Just who did she think she was ordering him around like that, especially while standing in front of him in a diaper that brought new meaning to the word, “soggy.” Sure, he was technically in the wrong but he also wasn’t the exhibitionist masturbating in front of an open window before subsequently marching outside in her sex gear. “Trust me, I won’t be coming back here again,” he said, his aggression getting the better of him as the woman rolled her eyes and turned her back on him. Who was she to judge him?! Losing control of his tongue at the wrong moment, he continued, “It’s not like I’d wanna spend time around some diaper-wearing loser chick anyway.” He climbed to his feet and dusted the dirt of his jeans.
“A diaper-wearing loser, huh?” said the woman, once again having moved at seemingly the speed of lightning to meet Edan face to face, “Such a vulgar tongue you have. Didn’t your mother treat you how to talk to others, especially your elders?”
Edan jumped backward for a second time, though he was aware of his footing enough this time to remain upright. He caught his breath as he stared at the woman defiantly. “Oh, I have plenty of respect. Just not for some diaper-loving weirdo who’s practically begging to be degraded. Fuck, I bet you’re getting off on all these insults, aren’t you?” he said, folding his arms and smirking at the diaper-clad woman. He flashed his pearly white teeth, believing his words would send her running back into the house with her oversized nappy tucked between her legs.
Unfortunately for Edan, the woman had other plans. “That sounds like an awful lot of projection if you ask me. All you saw was me doing was practicing a little self-love, and now you’ve concocted this whole story of me in your head,” she said, tracing a finger across his collarbone with a seductive yet sinister smile, “Maybe…just maybe…that’s exactly what YOU want.”
In the blink of an eye, the woman vanished with the sound of her snapping fingers still lingering in Edan’s ear. He looked around frantically, a cold chill moving up his spine, before turning tail and spirited for the small opening in the gate. And he didn’t stop running until his feet had returned to the familiar comfort of pavement. “Last time I ever walked that way,” he muttered to himself, hoping he’d never have to see that woman or that house ever again. 
Meanwhile, standing in the same window she’d been discovered in, the woman lifted her arms up and leaned against the glass of the raised window. She breathed in the crisp, evening air through her nose, a spiteful grin crossing her face. “Be seeing very you soon, my new Little toy.” 
Up overhead, the clouds parted just enough to allow a shred of moonlight to be cast down on the mansion. As it did, the woman’s physical form disappeared from sight. Her expression, however, remained.
After a long night of drinking to block out the sounds of the various trick-or-treaters who took it upon themselves to ring his doorbell in spite of ensuring all lights were off in the house, Edan’s bloodshot eyes flickered open as he slapped an exhausted hand down on his alarm clock. Given that it was Sunday, he considered closing his eyes and sleeping for another hour or so. Sadly, his bladder put the kibosh to that idea almost immediately as his body instinctively woke up needing to pee. Groaning, he shuffled his feet out of bed, knowing his need to relieve himself would only grow if he tried to ignore it.
Suddenly, Edan’s movement came to an abrupt halt as a strange rustling sound accompanied every twitch his lower half made. If that wasn’t odd enough, there appeared to be something soft and plastic-y stuffed between his legs. He threw open his comforter to see what was causing these foreign sensations, his jaw dropping over what he found.
Wrapped around Edan’s crotch and butt was unmistakably a diaper. A generic, white, disposable diaper. A humiliating, infantile, degrading diaper. Many unpleasant thoughts circulated in Edan’s head, most pressingly of which was, “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!”
You could've read this story two weeks earlier! Join my Patreon, where you can get early access to commissioned stories like this one, as well as exclusive content you won't find anywhere else! Dozens of exciting stories are already available, so be sure to check out patreon.com/crissiebaby!
Edited by AllySmolShork
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trasabien · 3 months
Like this post and I'll DM you and beg you to take control of me, my age, my gender, my appearance, whether I need to be padded up every night~
I'll be so good for you <3
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awarenesshealing · 2 years
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drdaddy19 · 1 month
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time for back to school !
what grade were you in again?
oh, it doesnt matter...
everything here is just so nice and peaceful...
these new lessons dont make your brain hurt, either...
and youre making so many new friends...
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creature-wizard · 1 year
New Agers often prey upon and exploit people with C-PTSD by convincing them that the trauma they can't place to any one specific event in this life must have been caused by trauma from a past life; EG, the destruction of Atlantis or Lemuria, or the Lyran-Draconian Wars. In some cases, New Agers spontaneously "remember" these things even without hypnosis after spending time immersing themselves in New Age media.
For many New Agers, the "memories" they supposedly recover are incredibly vivid and feel extremely real. But we know they aren't. For one thing, Atlantis was a fiction created by Plato, and the mythology of the Draconians are just antisemitic conspiracy theories with a sci-fi paint job.
Many New Agers aren't aware of the political agendas they're being manipulated into. They consider themselves pro-equality, anti-fascist, and all of that. But the fact remains that New Age mythology is intrinsically linked to far right politics, and promoting it serves far right agendas whether they realize it or not.
If you see anybody who tries to convince you that you need to undergo hypnosis to remember some secret hidden past, or that some symptom or other means you must have some secret hidden past, get the hell away from them. They are pushing dangerous pseudoscience that will harm not only you, but many others targeted by the far right.
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littl3sandra · 1 month
Feeling super horny this morning~ feel free to DM ;) 🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰🤤🤤
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ur-fav-is-agere · 5 months
Ramuda from Hypnosis Mic
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Is an age dreamer!
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