#how to become a past life regression therapist
fitgothgirl · 9 months
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Hiii look at me making a post! Haven't been super talkative here lately and hardly ever share my workout pics. Here's the one I just finished - I've never seen the t-rex before?? Fuck yeah. 🦖
Things are going pretty well. Since October I've still been successfully slowly cutting back on weed. I'm at the point now where I'm smoking a bowl per evening, if that. I have it locked up in my kSafe until 8pm each day. Soon I'll be updating the rule to 10pm, and after that I'll start smoking every other day, and so on. Me from six months ago smoking all day everyday would not believe I'm at this point! I'm proud. 😁 January 15th is the day I start my official break, two weeks before we leave for Costa Rica, so I'll be sure I won't be withdrawing by then. And when we come back I'm going to keep the break going to hit 8 weeks. Not quitting weed forever but I don't want to come back to the all day everyday shit... Not even daily either. Sounds crazy to me, probably sounds normal to most others though I'm sure lol.
Weight loss has slowed a bit but that's expected now that I'm smaller and I'm like a friggen solitary pound above having a normal BMI lol. Also ever since daylight savings ended, things have been harder to do and I've been feeling more blah. Story of everyone's life I'm sure... So considering all that, I'm still doing really well! No guilt or bad feelings about slowing weight loss or slightly less frequent workouts; no need to rush. At this point I've lost 29lbs/13.2kg total, 19lbs/8.6kg of which have been since late July.
I've also noticed visible muscle! The way my shoulder meets my trap when I flex is more defined, I have more biceps, I can often see my quads, my calf muscle has become an obstacle while shaving lol, etc. Loving it. 💪🏼
An NSV includes wearing more of my women's t-shirts; 95% of my t-shirts are men's shirts (band shirts and Blackcraft lol) since they're more comfy and I often don't like how women's t-shirts fit (depending on how they're cut; women's clothes have zero consistency). But I do have some women's t-shirts and I'm wearing them more again since they fit much better and I'm more confident (my skyrocketing confidence is another NSV!). And another NSV is needing a new belt, and soon here I'm going to need new pants! 😅
Therapy has been helping with all this too of course; I love my therapist. 🖤 She keeps things in perspective and makes sure to hype me up about how awesome I'm doing and tell me to be proud of myself. And since I'm doing so well, she makes sure that I give myself grace when I'm feeling more in a lull. Since things have been harder since DST, I've gotten a bit down or at least worried that I don't want to go back to how I was (health-wise, weed-wise, etc.), but we had a good pep talk yesterday. I'm not even regressing, just slowed down a bit. But who doesn't slow down this time of year...
Anyway, not sure what else to update since it's been a while lol. Had friendsgiving on Thanksgiving weekend, went to Vegas for my bf's work Christmas party a couple weekends ago... Last concert was Psyclon Nine in mid-November (pretty sure that's where I got a cold that emerged a few days later... Either that or an Addams Family musical we went to the next night. But all better now!). And I can't believe I'm saying this but I don't think we have another concert planned until ✝️✝️✝️ (Crosses) in friggen March. So uncharacteristic for us lol. I'm sure we can find something if we want, or I've also been wanting to hit up a Death Guild since it's been a minute for that too. Nothing else too crazy going on, our calendar's been a bit quieter than it has been in years past. But it's kinda nice haha. 😅
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cheekycherry20 · 8 months
I work in the field of aba (applied behavioral analysis) and have been for a little over a year. I started off really passionate about positively influencing the lives of children under the spectrum, because as an adult with adhd, I understood how hard it is as a kid to live in a not-so-opened minded neurotypical society.
I myself was bullied, left out, and made to feel unimportant on numerous occasions. I lacked the correct social skills, trying to mirror my peer’s behavior, yet being completely far off, and struggling to fit in for years. I’ve dealt with anxiety and depression with no outlet and proper coping mechanisms, all made worse with skewed communication skills. All of which I still struggle with today.
I started as a bt(behavior technician) and was quickly pushed into getting my license to become an rbt (registered behavior technician). On the journey to getting my license, I tried to soak up as much information as I could. It was very important to me to be a voice for the children. I had more downs then ups, as I put more pressure on myself then I should.
I wasn’t worried about running targets and gathering data. I wanted to ensure a good quality of life for my children. I’ll always call them my children, because I care for them that much. It’s almost maternal. I cry over my kids, worry about my kids, get angry at my kids. I love them more than anything in the world, I never knew I was capable of love until I got into the field.
Rbts don’t just work alone, we’re directly below bcbas (board certified behavior analyst). They make the plans for the kids, as the rbts run the sessions and gather the data bcbas need. Since the bcbas aren’t in session, it’s incredibly important that the rbt is collecting the right data and being extremely analytical over the session.
In my short time in being an rbt, I’ve been made to feel unimportant (as mentioned before) by numerous senior rbts and most importantly, bcbas. In my personal opinion, not being in a session can make it quite easy for a bcba to make the wrong decisions. In the past I’ve been quite vocal about ideas and goals that my kids can have long term, or just to push them into their next step of life. With children who are learning to functionally communicate, I step up and speak for them if I notice anything. I’m not a bcba, so technically I’m not legally allowed to run something without a bcba knowledge. But once again, my voice doesn’t matter.
As well as taking data, rbts are required to speak to parents. Not just about the child’s day, but for goals, progress, regression, and behaviors. Parent communication is very important, but parents implementing the same strategies as rbts is even more important. Some parents are amazing, but some parents drop their children off as an aba clinic is a daycare. It is far from it.
It’s very difficult watching parents drop their kids off in sick states, or seeing them come in minimal clothing in extreme cold. I’ve seen parents listen to therapist feedback and do the opposite of protocol,ensuring intense behaviors for therapist. As a parent it’s very difficult to live with the behaviors, so I undertstand how hard it may be. But as a therapist, I feel as if I’m not doing enough for my kid because they’re not making progress, because I can’t get them there alone. Parent cooperation is key.
I continue to get shot down and made to feel like I’m incompetent. I don’t know if it’s my age or minimal experience, but whatever the case may be, I no longer want to allow myself to be in spaces where I don’t feel heard. This is a really difficult thought for me to have, as I feel like I’m giving up on so many kids who just need someone to care about them. But I can acknowledge that in this field, caring isn’t always enough.
In the beginning I definitely tried my best. Advocating for my kids wasn’t the hard part, but my mental state is rapidly declining in the process. I truly still want to advocate for my kids, but when I voice my opinions I feel like what I’m saying is wrong.
I believe that stepping out of the field is my best option. To sit and watch fellow rbts and bcbas care too little or not at all for my kids has taken an incredible toll on my mental health. If you’re a parent or friend of someone interested in bringing a child into an aba clinic, please be sure you know exactly who is with them. There’s good therapists and bcbas , but there’s also a lot of people who just so happened to get their license and want a check.
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ace-of-gay · 2 years
This is new
Sam Wilson x little reader
1,327 words
Warnings: age regression trauma, stuffys, paranoia
No pronouns weight or skin color mentioned
Edited to the best of my ability
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You had met Sam through Bucky, it was a situation in thought of if Bucky trusted him than you could, you had spent most of your time hidden in your shared apartment with him, the anxiety hydra had ridden you with making the task of being around people absolutely terrifying, frigid cold edges in your mind making it disabling, that was until you found comfort in a therapeutic coping mechanism referred to by therapists as age regression.
In your little headspace you happened to be a lot more curious, adventurous and just open to trying new things, Bucky knew this, he encouraged it, he'd take you on walks to the park where you’d sit and point out the ducks and turtles, the pretty flowers and shiny rocks.
All of this so subtle no figure in the public eye could even see it.
You ended up joining Bucky and Sam on morning runs, your stamina building the same as your voice, different stages but still growing all the same.
On days where Bucky would be busy with therapy Sam would take you for slower runs to keep you out of your head. He would stop and get snacks when you were to tired to run. He introduced you to the public library, your fascination made his heart swell, he decided right than that moment you needed a library card so he helped you get one, it would eventually become your favorite place.
You grew close to him, you felt normal, human, free, you had a friend outside of your experiences at hydra.
At night when the air grew cold and the sky grew dark the drowning feeling of being within the grasp of hydras icy hold, no matter how much of yourself you felt during the day it all ripped from you at night, the most alone time.
Bucky was used to it, he was taking healing a little easier than you thanks to his time around Steve when he came back, Bucky would sit up with you all night if so needed with you curled away in his arms, both little or big he was willing to be there for you.
You got the chance to experience a relationship with Sam the way normal people got to, little did you know Bucky had sat Sam down and made it clear that you weren't just for games. You made same happy and you felt sparks of such flit in your heart as well.
Today was a bit of a new experience, going to the shops, casual, normal, standard, just the way of life ordinary.
You had gone to three shops where the guys had found items they were interested in, but what’s the use of having something if it does not serve a daily need, the movie on the display tv holing your attention.
Bucky and Sam wandered through the section keeping you in sight looking through items stocked upon the shelves.
The movie unbeknownst to you was a horror movie so in the moment where the screen panned to the sight of walls shifting, eyes embedded in them blinking, bleeding, boring into your own, your body ran cold.
The people around you know who you are, they know your past, they’re staring, the walls are staring at you, the room is breathing, you rush to find Bucky, home, he’s your home, but he’s gone, they took him, they’re coming for you.
Turning in every direction, panic present in your movements Sam catch’s on.
Your headspace slipping, falling little to keep you safe from what’s to come. you find a glint of hope and safety when Sam cones into view, the rushing in your ears deafening everything he’s said you rush towards him letting him pull you into a hug, your grasp onto his shirt burying your face into his chest, this definitely took him by surprise, you weren't very often one for touch but he wasn't going to fight it, "hey is it okay if i hug you?" He says quietly for only you, you nod letting him wrap his arms around you running one up and down your back.
He could feel your heart slamming in your chest and your body trembling, a small sniffle and all he could think of was soothing his nephews like this and the few flash backs Bucky had with Sam around, you just need someone to help you ground yourself.
"Shhh you’re okay, its just you and me, no ones going to hurt you, Bucky is in the bathroom he'll be right back"
His hands taking your focus from the sounds around you to right here with Sam
Bucky returns and soon realizes you got really panicked, meaning you’re probably going to slip if you haven't already. "Do you want to go?" He hums causing you to finally look up at him.
He had returned, they didn't take him, your Bucky is safe still, he could see the gleam in your eyes that only shows when you’re little, a blank slate of emotions new to the function of the world, you look up to a perplexed Sam and back to Bucky, shaking your head you knew you could do this.
"Alright, lets walk around and find a snack in another part of the mall" Bucky leads, you take Sam’s hand and follow along, staying silent, you hadn’t even questioned taking to Sam, it felt like second nature.
By now Sam had put two and two together from your mannerisms and how some of his Colleagues in the air force with him had taken up for therapy.
Keeping himself alert to anything and everything that grasped your attention, rounding a corner in the mall the shop on the left warm and inviting for children caused a small hesitation in your step.
"Do you want to go in there?"
He points at the children's store
Weighing your options you nod and let him and Bucky lead you in.
He lets your hand loose and you just stand in your spot waiting for someone to say something. "Go ahead and look around dove" bucky remarks, letting you release from your spot, you walk round and they follow.
looking at the noisy toys and than the ones that move, the activity toys, the interactive ones and baby items that all took your interest, you walk to the other side of the store when a small fluffy orange and white lump in your peripheral vision grabs your attention.
You walk over to the stuffed animal pulling the orange and white fox off the shelf looking it over, petting its soft fabric and hugging it, you don’t remember the last him you had a stuffed animal, "do you want it bub?" Sam questions.
Guilt hits you deep, how shameful it must be that you’re taking a baby toy, that you’re wanting something useless to everyday life, you reluctantly put it back on the shelf but Sam grabs it and holds it out to you, looking you in the eyes he does his best to make it very clear, "love if you like the fox that’s okay, its allowed, you can have it, i will buy it, do you want the fluffy fox?"
You nod and he proceeds to take your hand leading you to check out, placing it on the counter and paying for it, handing it to you, you hug the stuffy close.
Bucky at the doors with a rare smile on his face mirrored by an even more uncommon smile upon yours.
You carry on walking until you find food, sitting down and eating before they both noticed how you slumped over against buckys shoulder, you all finish up and go out to the car, Sam helping you into the back seat and buckling up than handing you the stuffy once again, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead and getting in the passenger seat.
The hum of the car lulling you to sleep.
The stuffed animal in question
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Im unbelievably tired and in so much pain but i got this done for yall
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malorisaurus · 3 months
Last night, I finally finished Lucifer (Netflix). It took me quite a long time to make my way through the series—a couple of years. I would have periods of binge, and then long breaks when I reached critical mass of the specific types of shenanigans in the show. I think I have concluded that repetitive behaviors can cause me frustration, even if they are leading to an interesting and valuable place. The lack of communication or Lucifer's regressions would sometimes become too much for me, or plot elements (like Cain) would fall into narrative elements that I just did not care for.
That said, it is unusual for me to have this feeling but keep coming back to a show. Even more unusual is for me to feel the incredible love I felt for the characters that I had in the final season and the series finale.
All of the behaviors made the outcomes very rewarding to me, and even though I was initially irritated by the time-traveling angel daughter, it actually became one of the most impactful parts of the show for me. Don't get me wrong, I do have to just gloss over some problematic self-sacrificial stuff, so I am not without my criticisms. But it doesn't really matter, in the end. They wrote a show that managed to be true to all of the characters, deliver on what was promised and then some, and created a found family that I genuinely loved.
More than that, I am struck by how long it took me to get through this show because it is difficult to look at the circumstances surrounding this exact moment and not feel that it was kismet—truly well and good "meant to happen right in this moment" shit.
You see, I have been in therapy for the past two years largely to deal with the fallout of my abusive, narcissistic father "punishing" me by ostracizing my sister and I out of our family which led to our mutual decision to ultimately go no-contact with him. The way I described it to my therapist was that staying in contact with my dad let me feel like I had some measure of control—I gave him what he wanted out of me and our relationship, and then he would proceed to not give me a single thought. I could control encountering him because I knew what to say to keep myself safe (to an extent). He showed me pretty quickly after no-contact what he thought of that by showing up at mine and my sister's doorstep unannounced to not speak to us but leave random shit as some sort of message, or he would drive by when we were visiting my grandmother and wait for us to see him and then drive away. It quickly unmoored me. You see, not speaking to him meant that I no longer knew where he was, so he could be anywhere, so I was afraid of everywhere.
This is relevant to watching this last season of Lucifer because Lucifer Morningstar has a lot of narcissistic behaviors, but his growth is also profound. He has to grapple with the fact that everyone is telling him who he is (the devil that abandons his family), and even though he has his moments of doubt, he ultimately says to people, "No, I would NEVER do that" and it is the truth. I watched the devil grapple with himself, become defensive and blame his child for the simple fact that she was speaking her truth, and then come to realize that the past (future) is the past (future) and that all he could do was be better now.
Lately in therapy, I have been grappling with a particularly difficult period of my life—the time-period I would say where my enmeshment with my father really became solidified. She [therapist] is constantly probing and cautioning me to make sure that I am not "story-telling"—essentially catering to my traumas by telling a narrative about the circumstances (like ascribing motive and intention to behaviors of other people when I can't know those things). I have been struggling to internalize this, to be honest. It is difficult to let go of the stories that helped one survive, because for many of us in abusive circumstances, these stories are the only thing protecting us. I have been regressing emotionally as a result of these therapy sessions to a depression similar to what I experienced then at 15, and I have had difficulty letting it go. It has been hard to grapple with the fact that much of my identity and how I think about myself was forged within that 15 year old and is relevant today. To let go of those things then would mean I would also have to let go of them now, and it is human nature to be self-protective.
And this is where the last season of Lucifer comes into play. I have watched it entirely over the past week, after a session where my therapist really honed in on this story-telling I was doing in a way that really made me see how it was not serving me. And to be honest, I was filled with grief at knowing I needed to let it go. There is a grief to letting go of your rage.
And I was sitting there, watching Lucifer show up for his daughter and choosing to be better than he even believed himself to be. Choosing to believe that he was deserving of love and knowing that he had love to give. He self-actualized because it was important to him to be a good father. He chose Rory over and over again, and I honestly wept harder than I have in a long time, entirely unexpectedly.
Rory's rage and her arc to understanding was also just incredibly impactful to me in this period of vulnerability. She is so wrapped up in her own narrative of why her father left her that she was filled with anger. It colored her whole life, and the bitterness dramatically impacted her. But in the end, that was all just a story that she was telling herself. Now, not to compare the circumstances of this particular narrative with the actions of my own father. Objectively, his actions were not great! Regardless, I am telling stories about his motivations and even his intent because that was my perception of them. There is no way to know those things. And even though I intellectually understood that concept, it solidified it seeing it play out in Rory in the context of her relationship with her father.
In this, it was extremely evident that it was vital to leave the past in the past. Rehashing the past is often an exercise in defensiveness and being protective of one’s trauma. There is no making amends for the past. Forgiveness isn’t about amends. There is only how we choose to move forward. That may include being apologetic, but I think that the point is that to move forward there has to be simple acknowledgement of the past and that the reality of it is different for every person. To shape a relationship going forward simple things have to be in place—lack of judgement, security in vulnerability, honesty, openness, and an intention to do no harm. Literally the basics of human interaction, but surprisingly difficult in certain contexts. If the past is not owned, then it will just be repeated. But rehashing the past only makes it live in the present, and each present moment into infinity. Holding onto trauma isn’t the way out.
Ultimately, I never expected to be so moved by my silly little devil show, but it is truly this power of fiction that constantly floors me. I owe so much to books, film, and television. I have, over the course of my entire cognizance, contextualized and learned how to understand the world around me through these mediums. As an Autist, it was a touchstone for me in a way that I cannot adequately describe. And here I am again, a whole ass adult, having therapy breakthroughs because of Lucifer Morningstar.* Linda would be so proud.
*The therapy in this show is also very funny to me. I am actually not a huge proponent of therapy, even though I talk extensively about my own therapy pursuits here. The depiction of therapy in the show is (I think accidentally) an accurate representation of the therapeutic experience. Lucifer comes to therapy with extreme bias, a tendency to very obviously and conveniently misremember details to suit his narrative, and a propensity to steamroll Linda (his therapist turned friend and mother of his nephew) by either willfully misunderstanding her guidance or ignoring it entirely because he is avoiding his emotions.
The effectiveness of therapy is only as good as what the patient brings to it. And Lucifer does ultimately wind up thinking about what is brought up in therapy after making some rash blunders in reaction to confronting something emotionally uncomfortable, and I think that is an honest representation of how therapy goes for many people. A therapist is only privy to the information given by the patient, and has some tools to ask questions and offer differences in perspective. But ultimately, if the patient lies, withholds, and disregards, the therapist will not be effective. Even in the show, the way they got around the therapist not knowing that Lucifer is doing these things (aside from his obvious traits: selfishness, a flair for the dramatic, daddy issues, persecution complex) is the fact that Linda is close with every person that is important to Lucifer. She literally knows the details, so he can’t get away with misrepresenting them to her. It is fascinating to me that a show can show how therapy is simultaneously very flawed but also sometimes still effective.
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permanentcaregiver · 1 year
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What is Permanent Regression?
Permanent regression is a non-agere term used when someone who has experienced severe trauma or otherwise brain-alterning event(s) enters a permanent and indefinite state of longterm regression in age. It is exclusively involuntary, often being an unpleasant and stressful way to live, and can also fall under the umbrella of dissociative symptoms. It is not a part of the age regression community, or a community term. Permanent regression is used as a medical identifier, for those who have a severe set of symptoms due to neurological and/or mental health conditions.
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How does it affect people?
People who are in permanent regression cannot control their regression or regression-affected behaviors, such as cleaning, eating, bathing, or working. Permanent regressors often have body dysmorphia, age dysphoria, identity incognruence, trauma symptoms, and dissociative episodes. It is often impossible to function in daily life as someone who is permanently regressed without a designated family member, therapist, caregiver, or combination of adult guardian(s.) Permanent regression is majorly disruptive in every aspect of a person's life, activities, and personal relationships.
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Is this the same as forever-kids?
The short answer is no. While forever-kids is a similar term, permanent regressors are unable to be aware of their adult status or do anything to switch off, they are completely regressed at all times. Forever kids is a community term, and loosely defined as "a regressor who is always or almost always in their headspace" (credit: deliriousdadd on IG.) Permanent regression is different, and not a headspace. It is where one cannot conceptualize they are in an adult body or have adult obligations, and live every day in the mental state of an infant or child. They are unable to do most things on their own, or ever come out of the regression they are in.
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Am I a permanent regressor?
Permanent regression can often come across as delusion or dissociation due to the severity of it, which is why the answer will usually be no, and thats okay! It's a lot nicer to be someone that can use regression voluntarily and positively, and enjoy the time spent regressing. If you are able to complete basic tasks and bodily care, are aware and/or comfortable in being an adult, find your regression is mostly/entirely enjoyable or comforting, can function without adult input/help, or your regression is voluntary, you are likely not a permanent regressor.
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Can I become a permanent regressor?
No. Permanent regression is not only completely involuntary, but also comes with a whole lot of pain, discomfort, and confusion. It is not something to aspire too or want to "achieve." While it's very possible to have good times and positive feelings as a permanent regressor, it is still a symptom of severe conditions. Just because it may sound like something nice, to "really feel like a kid all the time," in reality it is a life of misplacement and can be lonely.
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Important things to note
Permanent regression is not something that is usually healthy or happy for those going through it. It is very important that if you are privleged enough to have access to healthcare such as therapy, and you feel you may be in permanent regression or nearing it, to see someone that can help you cope with it. Not everyone has access to the trauma therapy or medication needed to be able to move on and heal, and some people that are permanently regressed will not be able to move past it at all. Be concious of how you speak to those that experience it, and understand that what others are going through is likely much more alarming for them than it is for you.
Coined by me and my regressor
June of 2023
Owners of term >>>
@permanentparent + @faetoddler
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Full Moon Aquarius
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I hear in a video it’s lion’s gate portal.
There’s more light on earth now.
I believe it the way my heart has become like a beam of light again.
Wow it was bad.
Wow I got mad.
Snowboarders and climbers are poets. The artist’s world is in the mountains.
I go to Berkeley and immediately get pulled back into techie talk… AI, VR, machine learning.
With a mouthful of weird opinions I pretend to have I see how much I’ve been immersed in the hippie and the libertarian communities. My thought patterns feel bulky and out of pace in the city. But maybe that’s just because I see small things as big ideas that get blown up like giant air balloons.
“So then how do you get machine learning to map the vectors of language?”
I asked an AI developer advocate after a few minutes of conversation.
“Ah. Yes, a big part of natural language processing involves the models learning how to represent words as vectors (also called embeddings in this situation) in multidimensional spaces.
“Well that’s as far as I should go,” he said, when I asked him another question.
“Wait, why?” I asked.
The ex-hypnotist turned VR therapist told me we could take his ideas.
“Me?” I asked.
“Well I’m working with the same concepts too,” the ex-hypnotist turned VR therapist said.
He stopped being a hypnotist I think at the same time he decided past life regression was just imagination.
When are we gonna be able to read each others’ thoughts?
There’s a community that believes our powers have been corrupted and that the powers that be are corrupted. The other community takes accountability for it. But maybe we could read minds on our own without technology. There’s remote viewing in the CIA documents. Maybe we are more powerful without technology. Or it’s a balance. Or it’s just coming back to the present moment. Which basically means just don’t be in that other thing. Be in “present moment.” Be in us. Be in god mode.
I talk to someone on the phone a lot and I like to believe we’re doing each other good.
And then I start dipping more into Reno.
On this night of the full moon I watch these men play as boys. I love each of them fully and immediately. We’re all playing on the concrete playground with silly jobs.
Enjoying life feels revolutionary.
Why do we work more than we play?
It’s so criminal.
I buy a ticket to Sicily.
I’m going to work as a form of play.
I’m 100% a completely different person these days. I trust myself.
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heartthehealer · 4 months
REIKI LEVEL 1 Full healing Course FREE
Reiki 1st degree course contents- History of Reiki? How to clean your Heart and Mind before attunement Who is capable of doing healing? What are the chakras? How they form, How to clean-energise & Balance your Aura and Chakras What is Rooting & Grounding technique? How to energize everything around you? What is shielding technique? How to create shield and protection to block someone's negativity or negative thoughts coming to you How to heal yourself, your financial crisis & become prosper Attunement-24 points -12 points and 7 Chakras 21 days self reiki healing Reiki level 2 course content- Psychokinesis- Astral Body Projection. Reason behind Tantra, Mantra & Yantra Attunement of 3 great Reiki symbols? How to use it to Heal everything around you? Physical & distance Healing? Alpha Level Healing? Effectiveness of Visualisation Uses & Importance of Affirmation. Free Bonuses- 1- 21 days handholding 2- 3 FREE Heartfulness meditation training 3- weekly live doubt clearing session 4- One online consultation free 5- One disease protocol free Time- 11am-5 pm Sat & Sun (8th & 9th of June,2024). Zoom link to join Online- Heart The Healer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Dr. BP Sharma Zoom link for Reiki 1st & 2nd degree courses Time: Jun 8, 2024 11:00 AM India
With Thank & Regards, Dr. BP Sharma Reiki Grand Master/ Past Life Regression Arhatic Pranic Healer/ Psychotherapist Counsellor/Naturopath/ Alternative Therapist/ Acupuncturist/ Acupressure Therapist Heartfulness Meditation Trainer
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angelosearch · 4 months
Yaaaay late night therapy thoughts - this time on therapy-driven changes that may seem negative (but aren't)
I realized while I was in session yesterday that I say "I don't know" more in therapy now than I used to. When I was asked "why do you think that is?" Or "how do you feel about that?" In the past, I'd always have an answer--usually a long and cerebral one. You'd think the fact that I am less apt to know the answer now is a sign of going backwards, but I don't think it is.
I used to be a client with a tendency toward "over intellectualizing." I could always point to a situation that caused a feeling and had all the lingo down for categorizing my own behaviors. This kind of disclosure makes a person seem very emotionally intelligent and in-touch with their problems. Hell, when I acted this way in group therapy, other people would come up and tell me "you don't need to be here." But really, over intellectualism is just another form of avoidance. It's an attempt at unrealistic control over your therapist's perception sometimes - "they need to know I am trying! I need to be good at therapy and that is a completely achievable and normal thing to want" - and it's a way to point the narrative to places you think you can handle. Sometimes if you can talk really well about one thing, the therapist won't know you're not talking about the other bigger thing.
Also, if you keep talking, you may not have to slow down and feel. Confronting raw primary emotions (anger, sadness, joy, fear, disgust) is often where the real growth happens, and they will resist being explained. They just need to be felt.
In any case, I think saying "I don't know" shows my willingness to be curious and not just start picking things apart. Now, I want to learn instead of dictate. I am becoming more accepting of help from my therapist to understand things, where as I used to spend the whole time monologuing about what I thought things meant. My therapy sessions have become significantly more collaborative, and, in turn, productive these days.
This got me thinking about other false flags of regression in therapy that I'd like to share. Keep in mind, any of these can quickly become overcorrections. The important thing is to stay mindful and curious as you continue to learn, grow, and change.
Being more "rude" or "complainy." Sometimes, progress looks like setting more boundaries with people, and if they are not used to you having boundaries, they may be surprised or angry. To be clear, people will rarely celebrate your decision to tell them "no" - that doesn't make it wrong. You also may be more willing to speak your mind than you used to be. Unstanding and sharing your standards is important to protecting your peace. It's okay to be honest.
Losing or weakening formly close relationships in your life. Boundaries, as stated above, may be something that certain people in your life will push or outright reject. It is progress to pull those types of relationships into question. You may also begin to embrace values you'd previously been denying, and that can alienate people in your life. At the end of the day, you will only feel fulfilled if you embody your values - and in embodying them, you will attract people into your life that share them.
Needing more time to take breaks and taking things slower. You probably always needed that time, but now you are choosing to recognize it and engage with it. Be proud and happy for making space for yourself to heal, or just enjoy life a little more. It's okay if you don't want to run in the rat race. You don't have to compete with yourself and recognizing that isn't laziness.
Becoming more inwardly focused. You may have been a huge extrovert in the past, but now you might find yourself wanting to stay home and engage in hobbies by yourself. Good for you - you are learning to sit with yourself and that is no small task. There are those in your life who may see this as isolating. Know the difference. Are you avoiding people you love and care about, or just side-stepping extraneous aquantiences? Are you skipping the events that simply don't hold your interest, or are you declining literally every invitation? Socialization and connection is important, but like anything else, it can be overused. It's okay to shift to building skills or enjoying your own company. Your world may become smaller, but it is your world now.
Lower motivation in certain arenas. For this one, an example: I used to be a girlboss career lady at the height of my mental illness - but that was mostly because I only saw myself having value if my bosses said so. Now, I am much less motivated by that kind of success and feedback. Things that used to push you forward and draw your interest may no longer - maybe that's because they were related to what you were working through, or maybe that's because you are more interested in something else now. Either way, this kind of change is okay.
You make things easier for yourself and you may "accept" some of your bad habits. You have coping skills now. Our society may make you believe there is some moral failing that comes with cleaning the house a little less often, or sitting down to brush your teeth, or eating frozen meals instead of cooking, but there's not. If you can make something in your life easier, there is no shame in doing it. You may also be giving yourself more grace when you do things that you don't want to continue doing. Just because you are not yelling at yourself for oversleeping does not mean you are tacitly endorsing it - you are just not focusing on the bad and you're moving forward instead.
You may become weirder! Embracing who you are, developing the confidence to express yourself, understanding your values, telling shame to fuck off, and engaging with the things you love can sometimes have the side effect of defying social conventions or bucking trends. You may not be everyone's cup of tea anymore with your odd combo of herbs and spices, but you don't have to be.
These false flags are probably different for everyone. That's because your environment shaped your behaviors and personality, and now you are choosing to adjust those to something that feels better internally. That may make it seem like you don't fit in your environment anymore - and that out-of-placeness may seem more externally wrong. The important thing to remember is that you are the only thing you have control over. So you have to understand what balances you internally - the environment will sort itself out in response.
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vincewillard-1971 · 6 months
System Psychomotor (PBSP)
Resource: goodtherapy.com
Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor, also known as psychomotor, psychomotor therapy, or PBSP, is a body-mind interaction model that analyzes the present-day effect of traumatic memories and helps people work to create new memories in order to offset emotional deficiencies experienced in the past.
Though the approach draws from several body and movement-oriented methods, it also incorporates theories and techniques from psychodynamic, systems theory, and cognitive behavioral therapy, among others. This approach to treatment may be beneficial for adolescents, adults, or young children who are seeking therapy.
History And Development
Albert Pesso and Diane Boyden-Pesso pioneered this approach in 1961. The couple, who met as dance students and eventually married and opened their own studio, found that when they urged the dancers who belonged to their studio to express their inner emotions through movement, many of them were able to achieve some measure of psychological relief. The Pesso recognized that while dance could help people express emotional concerns, dance alone could not resolve those issues that were already present in the dancers lives.
They began development of an interactive therapeutic approach, one that utilized specific words or phrases, spatial relationships, movement, and physical touch from the external world as responses to the inner emotional deficits expressed by individuals in treatment. The goal of their approach to treatment is to provide people a safe, therapeutic environment in which people have the opportunity to form new body-based memories that are better able to satisfy any emotional needs that went unmet in their earlier years.
How Does Psychomotor Therapy Work
Psychomotor therapist believe that many of the mental and emotional concerns a person may experience in adulthood develop as a consequence of unmet emotional and developmental needs in early childhood. When childhood needs are unfulfilled in this way, according to psychomotor theory, the adult a person becomes may not be an accurate representation of their true self. One major tenet of psychomotor therapy is the idea that human possess an innate knowledge of their basic needs, as well as an understanding of when a particular need should be met. When a person's basic needs are met, lasting memories of the negative experience may form, and these memories can have a significant impact on an individual throughout life.
Psychomotor therapy is designed to help people in treatment become more conscious of emotional and sensorimotor information to help them become better able to uncover and address their unique needs. Once the childhood memory of an unmet need is revealed, the therapist can use the acquired information to recreate an external version of the memory with the assistance of objects other group members, or facilitators. People in treatment can then attempt to address unresolved conflicts, perform incomplete actions, process stagnated emotions, or receive the emotional support that was missing in childhood.
Some mental health professionals are wary of the possibility of traumatization, but psychomotor therapy does not involve regression. People in treatment are simultaneously conscious of the historical memory as well as fact that they are in the present, in the secure setting of the therapy room. Practitioners of the approach believe that the use of positive symbolic interactions can help offset any psychological trauma a person may have experienced in early life., also suggesting that these new memories may be processed internally, alongside the original memory, as a more positive and affirmating experience.
A Typical Session Of Psychomotor Therapy
During a psychomotor therapy session (which is referred to as a "structure"), individuals in treatment have the opportunity to access, express, and address their innermost feelings and needs in a safe environment. Structures are generally conducted in a group, but each structure is trailered to the individual needs of one person at a time, while the other group members offer support by playing roles or otherwise contributing to the structure.
People in treatment are taught a number of exercises that are meant to help them become more sensitive to the sensorimotor and emotional signals that provide information about the body and may previously have been viewed simply as physical pain. Other techniques learned is psychomotor therapy include accommodation, role-playing skill that is used to satisfy requests of the person in treatment, and polarization, a technique that helps people work to clarify ambivalent feelings. During polarization, twp group members represent the positive and negative characteristics of the same person being recalled by the individual.
Most forms of psychotherapy involves a therapist who takes charge of the sessions, but psychomotor therapy differs in that therapist are directed by the people in their care. This allows the individuals seeking treatment to maintain a sense of control as they receive the help they need and explore new or previously unconsidered aspects of the self.
The therapist typically asks the person in treatment to speak about the issues being experienced experiencing, gradually using respectful but probing questions to help uncover the underlying causes of these concerns. As the structure progress, the therapist works with the individual to keep track of body sensations, emotions, verbal expressions, internalized commands, and core beliefs. Once the individual recalls an emotionally charged memory of a time when a basic childhood need was not satisfied, members may offer or be asked to play the role of the affected individual's parents, former caregivers, or any other important "characters" in the past memory.
How Can Psychomotor Therapy Help?
The goal of this approach is to help individuals resolve lingering effects of trauma or memories that have a negative impact on well-being. This may include memories early parental loss, neglect, or abuse of any kind. This treatment modality can effectively address a wide range of issues, including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, relationship concerns, anger, and low self-esteem.
Psychomotor therapy has been used in schools to help children experiencing concerns such as aggressive, attention-deficit hyperactivity, or oppositional defiance learn to develop new skills and behaviors and put them into practice.
Individuals who have not previously obtained a significant benefit from talking therapy may find this approach to be more helpful, as might people who find themselves dissociating from or somatizing their feelings and/or emotions . Individuals who find it challenging to recognize their emotions may experience greater awareness through psychomotor therapy exercises.
This approach is also likely to be helpful, in a more general way, to people who would like to better understand the mind-body connection or who desires a better understanding of their internal strengths, resources, and talents. People who participate in psychomotor therapy may over time, feel more optimistic, engage in behavior that leads to improve well-being, and find more meaning and enjoyment in everyday life.
Concerns And Limitations
According to anecdotal evidence, psychomotor therapy has contributed to improving emotional and psychological health in many. However, there is limited empirical evidence to support the efficiency of the approach. Further research, in the form of randomized controlled trials, may lend unbiased support to the efficacy of the approach.
This approach may not be suitable for some people seeking treatment. Individuals who have limited communication skills, experience restricted movements, or have significant cognitive impairments may experience little to no benefit from this modality. Further, people seeking treatment should be able to distinguish between reality and a symbolic experience in order to participate in psychomotor therapy without potential harmful effects.
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maryleelabay1 · 11 months
How Past Life Regression Therapist Training Makes A Difference
Become a certified Past Life Regression therapist through our comprehensive training program. Explore the depths of the human psyche and unlock the mysteries of past lives. Our expert instructors will guide you in understanding regression techniques, regression therapy ethics, and effective client interaction. Gain the skills and knowledge to help individuals uncover their past life experiences and facilitate healing and self-discovery. Join us on a transformative journey of self-awareness and professional growth in the field of Past Life Regression therapy. Start your training today and embark on a path to empower others and make a difference in their lives.
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matthewcahill · 1 year
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Right Course Provider for Me?
What are the Different Techniques Used in Hypnotherapy?
It can be used to treat various psychological and physical conditions, as well as helping people improve their overall well-being. Hypnotherapy involves tactics intended to bring about a trance-like state in which the patient's unconscious is more accepting of advice. The different techniques used in hypnotherapy vary depending on the practitioner's style, experience level, and goals for treatment.
One common technique used by many practitioners is called "guided imagery." This type of therapy involves creating vivid mental images or stories that are intended to evoke strong emotions or memories from the patient's past experiences. By using this technique, practitioners can access deeper levels of consciousness where they can then suggest ideas or solutions that may be beneficial for the patient's current situation.
Another popular technique employed by many hypnotherapists is "age regression," which allows patients to go back in time so they can explore events from childhood or other points throughout life that may have had an impact on them today. This process often helps bring about greater understanding and awareness around certain issues, allowing individuals to gain insight into themselves and make positive changes in their lives moving forward.
Furthermore, certain therapists may opt to employ "hypnoanalysis" when handling individuals with fear or phobias. With this approach, patients are encouraged to focus on thoughts associated with fear while under hypnosis so they can better understand why those feelings exist within them and how best to address them going forward without feeling overwhelmed or anxious about it anymore.
Finally, another important tool utilised by many professionals is called "parts therapy," which helps people identify internal conflicts between different parts of themselves (e.g., inner child versus adult self). Through this method, therapists work with clients to address these conflicts head-on so that they no longer cause disruption within their lives but instead lead towards healing resolution.
Hypnotherapy techniques are highly versatile and can be tailored to meet a variety of goals. It is essential to think through the potential benefits of taking a certified hypnotherapy program prior to settling on a provider.
Key Takeaway: By utilising specialised methods such as guided imagery, age regression and parts therapy, hypnotherapists can enable individuals to gain insight into their issues and devise innovative approaches to conquer them. Through the use of guided imagery, age regression and parts therapy, hypnotherapists can help clients gain insight into their issues and come up with creative solutions to overcome them. Hypnotherapy training courses in Manchester offer practitioners an opportunity to learn these techniques so they can better serve their patients.
What are the Benefits of Attending a Professional Course?
Attending a professional course on hypnotherapy can be an invaluable experience for those looking to become certified practitioners. Gaining expertise and developing proficiency in hypnotherapy can be achieved through quality instruction from experienced educators, granting access to resources that are unique to the field. By taking a professional course in hypnotherapy, you can benefit from the expertise of experienced tutors and have access to pertinent materials.
When selecting a course provider, it is essential to ensure they are endorsed by the applicable regulatory body in order to guarantee that their courses meet quality criteria and reflect current practices within hypnotherapy. Ensuring that the courses are of a high calibre and up-to-date with contemporary developments in hypnotherapy is essential when selecting a course provider.
Additionally, many accredited providers offer additional benefits such as continuing education credits or discounts on products related to hypnosis or therapy services.
When considering different options, ensure the provider has experience teaching in this field and ask questions about their qualifications. Look for reviews online from past students and ask questions about their qualifications when considering different options. Additionally, ensure that they give explicit data regarding what themes will be examined during the program so you can precisely comprehend what's in store before joining any classes or workshops provided by them.
Attending a professional course on hypnotherapy can provide many benefits and is worth considering for anyone interested in the field. It is essential to locate an appropriate course provider in order to guarantee the highest quality experience for your investment.
Key Takeaway: Researching and finding the right accredited hypnotherapy training provider is essential. Doing your due diligence to find experienced instructors who offer continuing education credits or discounts on related products will ensure you get the best bang for your buck. With quality courses come quality results.
How Can I Find the Right Course Provider for Me?
When seeking out a suitable hypnotherapy course provider, there are certain things to take into account. For optimal results, it is essential to evaluate the provider's credentials, qualifications and accreditations.
Check their background, qualifications and accreditations before committing to any training program. It is also important to look into the type of learning environment they provide; some providers offer online courses, while others may require physical attendance at workshops or seminars. Additionally, you should check out reviews from previous students and ask questions about how they will support you during your studies.
When researching potential course providers, there are several questions you should ask them directly: What qualifications do they hold? How long have they been teaching hypnotherapy? Are their classes accredited by any governing bodies? Do they provide ongoing support after completion of the course? Ensuring that you receive the most beneficial outcome for your investment is attainable by posing these queries.
Finally, here are some tips for finding the best value for money when selecting a hypnotherapy training program: compare different providers on price; research each one thoroughly; read reviews from former students; enquire about additional resources such as textbooks or recordings; find out if payment plans are available; and look into whether certification is included in the tuition fees.
By following these steps carefully, you can be confident that your chosen provider offers quality education at an affordable rate. When selecting a course provider, it is essential to evaluate all of the above elements and pose any queries you may have. Subsequently, let's delve into what can be anticipated from the educational journey.
What Should I Expect from My Training Experience?
Hypnotherapy instruction can be a beneficial experience, yet it's essential to comprehend what is in store before beginning. Understanding the typical training experiences and associated benefits and challenges can help you make the most of your learning journey.
When it comes to overviews of typical training experiences, there are several elements that may vary depending on the course provider. Some providers offer intensive courses over short periods of time, while others prefer more spread-out sessions with breaks in between for review and practice. Additionally, some courses will focus exclusively on theory, while others include practical components such as case studies or roleplay scenarios. For optimal results, ascertain which approach is best suited to your needs before selecting a course provider.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
my friend is becoming really immature and basically age regressing lately (she acts more childish now than when we met as teens) and while i accept friends go through phases and i don’t have to like everything she does it’s kinda creeping me out! i respect inner child healing but that’s about showing your inner child you’re safe and secure and out of abuse (something that happened to me but not to her) not obsessing over buying literal toys for children and acting like one of this kids i used to babysit. she gets really passive aggressive when i spend my extra money on like normal adult woman things (clothes/shoes, nights out, getting my nails done, etc) and says she wishes she could afford those things and it’s like babe you could but you bought 7 dolls this week!! every time we talk it’s like talking to a child or special needs adult and i’m genuinely worried about her but also i don’t really want to deal with it because i’ve been that person who “fixes” everything for her in the past but i’m busy with my own life and i’m not her therapist or mother. is there a way i can politely ask her to act like an adult with me?
Hi love! Your concern and frustration are valid. It makes sense that you're equally worried and fed up with this behavior, especially if it's been going on for years. Honestly, like the adage says: You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. I think there are two potential approaches to take with this, depending on the level of potential you see for this dynamic to change.
if you want to potentially salvage this relationship: Whenever she says these immature things to you, ask in a considerate way why your spending habits bother her so much or how they affect her in any way. Restate that you're both adults and can do with your money as you please. If her reaction is disproportional to your wording or tone, consider asking her if something else is really going on because you're concerned by how overwhelming her emotions seem. While you by no means should feel obligated to act as her therapist, helping her find a proper, licensed therapist shouldn't be off the table if she's open to it.
If you're just (understandably) done with this dynamic and relationship, simply put an end to these conversations and set up a boundary regarding discussing your spending habits. Something like "We're two adults with the right to spend our money as we please. I will walk away/end the phone call if you continue to comment on my spending habits." With this approach, she will either come around and figure out that she has to act like an adult around you in order for you to stay in her life or the friendship will naturally fade overtime.
Best of luck! Hope this helps xx
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angeliclightdubai · 1 year
How can Rejection Become Your Strength?
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Every individual takes rejection negatively. Nobody wants to get rejected, and that’s the human tendency. Some individuals face anxiety, stress issues, and even post-traumatic stress disorder due to rejection.
But if I tell you that rejection can become your strength? What would you say about this?
Have you ever gone for a therapy for PTSD in Dubai? If not, let me explain, what’s their point of view on rejection.
A healer always helps an individual going through PTSD issues because of rejection faced by him.
The healing professionals inject positive thoughts into the minds of the sufferers. The optimistic approach allows the sufferers to turn the stress of rejection into power.
So, you must be thinking, is it possible?
Yes, it’s possible.
Let’s explore more and check out how rejection can become essential to our strength and personal growth.
Also Read: The Significance of Past Life Regression For Creating a Happy Life
Always Welcome Rejection Positively
We all think to escape from the situation where we doubt getting rejected. Be it a school competition or in the personal life.
Why escape when you can convert rejection into your power?
Why look for validation from others if you have the confidence to achieve specific goals?
Dealing with rejection is possible; check the below points and learn to fight back from the trauma of rejection quite comfortably.
A mind-healing professional supports you with the perfect theory of overcoming rejection trauma. The theory is to look behind the dark shadow of rejection.
Rejection gives us valuable teachings that allow us to improve and grow at our best.
For say, if an individual is depressed due to being rejected for a job. So, instead of looking at the negative side, consider the reason for rejection, accept your setback, work on it dedicatedly, and achieve a better job next time.
Stop Feeling Vulnerable
Yes, rejection causes disappointment and lowers our confidence level. But why feel vulnerable? An individual feels vulnerable when there is a lack of confidence. Face rejection with happiness, and make yourself strong enough that nobody can hurt you.
The Conclusion
If you feel depressed, anxious, or stressed due to rejection, connect with a healing professional soon ,take anxiety therapy and make your rejection pain your power or strength.
Direction: Click Here
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awakeningloveindia · 1 year
Transforming Lives through Clinical Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression Therapy: The Work of Romshri and AwakeningLove Academy
Clinical Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that utilizes hypnosis to create a state of deep relaxation in the mind and body. In this state, individuals are more receptive to positive suggestions and can work with the therapist to overcome negative thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. Clinical Hypnotherapy has been found to be effective in treating a range of emotional and psychological issues, such as anxiety, depression, phobias, and addictions. It has also been found to be effective in managing chronic pain and improving sleep quality.
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Past Life Regression Therapy is another alternative healing modality that has gained significant popularity in recent years. This therapy involves guiding individuals through a relaxed state of consciousness to access past life memories and experiences. The goal of this therapy is to help individuals gain a deeper understanding of their current life issues by exploring their past lives. Past Life Regression Therapy has been found to be effective in treating a range of emotional and psychological issues, such as fears and phobias, relationship issues, and self-esteem issues.
Both Clinical Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression Therapy are beneficial in that they can help individuals to access the subconscious mind and work through unresolved emotional and psychological issues. By creating a state of deep relaxation in the mind and body, individuals can release negative thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that are holding them back from living a fulfilling life. These therapies can help individuals to gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their thoughts, and their behaviors, leading to profound healing and transformation. With the guidance of a skilled therapist, individuals can overcome their emotional and psychological challenges and lead more fulfilling life.
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Clinical Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression Therapy have been gaining significant recognition as powerful tools for emotional and psychological healing. People who are struggling with anxiety, depression, addiction, trauma, and other emotional or psychological challenges are increasingly seeking these alternative therapies as a way to heal and transform their lives.
Romshri is a renowned therapist who has been working in this area for over a decade. She has helped numerous clients from different parts of the world to overcome their emotional and psychological challenges and lead fulfilling lives. Her work in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression Therapy has earned her accolades and recognition from clients and colleagues alike.
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Through her work with clients, Romshri has seen how Clinical Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression Therapy can help people to overcome their negative thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. She has found that these therapies can be particularly effective in uncovering and addressing the root cause of emotional and psychological issues, leading to profound healing and transformation.
In addition to her work with clients, Romshri has also founded AwakeningLove Academy, a platform that offers courses and workshops in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression Therapy, and other alternative healing modalities. Through AwakeningLove Academy, Romshri has trained numerous students in these sciences, helping to spread awareness of these powerful tools for emotional and psychological healing.
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Romshri is a skilled and experienced teacher who has helped her students to develop their own healing abilities and become successful therapists in their own right. Many of her students have reported significant personal and professional growth after taking her courses and workshops. They have been able to use their newfound knowledge and skills to help others and make a positive impact on the world.
The positive feedback from Romshri's clients and students is a testament to her dedication to this field and her unwavering commitment to helping others. Her work in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression Therapy has the potential to transform lives and empower people to take charge of their emotional and psychological well-being.
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In conclusion, Clinical Hypnotherapy and
Past Life Regression Therapy
are powerful tools for emotional and psychological healing. Romshri's extensive work in this area and her founding of AwakeningLove Academy have helped to spread awareness of these sciences and empower people to heal themselves and others. The positive feedback from her clients and students is a testament to her skill and dedication to this field. Through her work, Romshri has the potential to transform lives and create a positive impact on the world.
Clinical Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression Therapy are alternative healing modalities that can help people to overcome emotional and psychological challenges.
Romshri, a renowned therapist and founder of AwakeningLove Academy has extensive experience in these therapies and has helped numerous clients to transform their lives.
The positive feedback from Romshri's clients and students is a testament to her skill and dedication to this field.
AwakeningLove Academy offers courses and workshops in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression Therapy, and other alternative healing modalities.
Romshri is a skilled and experienced teacher who has trained numerous students in these sciences, and many of her students have gone on to become successful therapists in their own right.
Clinical Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression Therapy have the potential to empower people to take charge of their lives and to heal themselves and others.
Syndication URL on Transforming Lives through Clinical Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression Therapy: The Work of Romshri and AwakeningLove Academy
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oh man… i want a limited series that’s all about grief, with one episode for each of the five stages… if done properly, that would be dope
like episode one opens with someone the protagonist loves almost dying. a friend or a lover or a relative, something like that. they came so close to death, but thankfully survived. but by the end of episode one, it’s revealed that they actually did die, and the protagonist was in denial about it (the first stage of grief). the episode ends with the protagonist reliving the beginning of the episode the way it actually played out, while in a therapy session
episode two shows the protagonist lashing out at people, losing their temper a lot more, and being generally hostile. they can’t handle the loss of their loved one, and so they’re utilizing aggression as a means of regaining control in life, however unhealthy that response may be. their therapist helps them realize this, and they’re able to find a way to better manage their anger
episode three shows the protagonist thinking about past experiences with their loved one, reminiscing about what once was, transitioning into the protagonist telling them all the things they could’ve done differently to prevent their death. the episode then shows how they want to bargain their way out of the grief by praying for a different outcome. their therapist helps them realize what they’re looking for is hope, and they should find it in the present and future, not in the past
episode four is in black and white. the protagonist skips work, doesn’t eat much, spends most of their time in bed. their friends come over to try and help, but they can’t help but withdraw. everything is too much. their therapist gives them strategies to help deal with the depression stage. this is the first episode that doesn’t end in the therapists office. instead, it ends with the protagonist going to a friend for help, and color returns to the screen
episode five starts off with the protagonist talking to someone about funeral arrangements. or, depending on how they knew the person, maybe talking to the loved ones relatives about the funeral? the protagonist regresses back into a denial stage, unable to accept reality. they then become angry at themself because they don’t know if they should go to the funeral. they bargain with themself, saying “if i go to the funeral, then maybe it’ll help with the grief”. the screen eventually becomes black and white as the protagonist realizes “this is gonna be their funeral…” and they fall back into depression. they end up going to the funeral, and once the loved one is buried, and the protagonist takes time to stand at their grave, the screen gains a slight hue
the episode ends with a time skip to about a year later, on the loved ones birthday. the protagonist stands at their grave and talks about how everything has been going. they talk about how their therapy sessions have been really helpful, and they’re taking medication to help with certain things. they lay flowers at the grave and walk away, and that’s the end of the series
idk would anyone watch this
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awarenesshealing · 2 years
Does Past Life Regression Therapy work?
Have you ever wondered about the mysteries of your past life? Do you feel like certain events or emotions from previous lifetimes still affect you today? If so, then Past Life Regression Therapy may be just what you need. This alternative therapy has gained popularity in recent years as a means to explore one’s past lives and resolve any unresolved issues that might be holding them back in their current life. But does it really work? In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the world of Past Life Regression Therapy and discover whether it’s an effective way to heal old wounds and move forward with clarity and purpose. So buckle up, because we’re about to embark on a fascinating journey through time!
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What is Past Life Regression Therapy?
Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) is a type of therapy that uses regression to help people access and heal their past lives. PLRT can be used to address a wide range of issues, including trauma, anxiety, phobias, relationship problems, and more.
PLRT is based on the belief that we have all lived many lives before this one and that our soul carries the memories of these past lives with us. By regressing back to a past life, we can gain insight and understanding into our current situation. PLRT can also help us to release any negative energy or patterns that may be holding us back from living our best life.
If you are interested in exploring Past Life Regression Therapy, it is important to find a qualified practitioner who has undergone proper training. PLRT should not be attempted without the guidance of a trained professional.
How Does it Work?
The past life regression therapy process usually involves hypnosis, although it can also be done without it. The therapist will help the client to relax and then ask them questions about their past lives. The therapist may also use guided visualization to help the client access memories of their past lives.
During the session, the client may experience a range of emotions and memories. They may feel as though they are reliving the events of their past life or they may just get flashes of images and feelings. After the session, the therapist will debrief with the client to discuss what they experienced.
Benefits of Past Life Regression Therapy
Past life regression therapy is a type of hypnosis that is said to allow individuals to access memories of their past lives. Proponents of this therapy believe that by understanding and resolving issues from past lives, people can heal emotionally and spiritually in the present.
There are many benefits of past life regression therapy that have been reported by those who have undergone the treatment. These benefits include:
• Increased self-awareness and understanding • Improved relationships with others • Greater clarity about one’s life purpose • More peace and acceptance of oneself and others • Resolving of long-standing issues and patterns • Healing of physical ailments that have an emotional or spiritual cause • Experiencing personal transformation
Risks and Disadvantages of Past Life Regression Therapy
Past life regression therapy is not without its risks and disadvantages. One of the main risks is that it can be emotionally damaging to relive a past life, especially if the memories are of a traumatic event. It is also possible to become fixated on the past and lose sight of the present. Additionally, past life regression therapy can be expensive and time-consuming, and there is no guarantee that it will work.
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The Science Behind Past Life Regression Therapy
There is a lot of debate surrounding the efficacy of past life regression therapy (PLRT), with some people swearing by its transformative power and others dismissing it as pseudoscience. So, what is the science behind PLRT?
Past life regression therapy relies on the principle of reincarnation, which is the belief that we have all lived previous lives and will continue to do so in an endless cycle. This belief is prevalent in many cultures around the world and has been for centuries.
The theory behind PLRT is that our current lives are being impacted by events that happened in our past lives. By regression
Case Studies and Stories about Past Life Regression Therapy
Past life regression therapy has been shown to be an effective tool in helping people overcome a variety of issues. In one case study, a woman who had been struggling with anxiety and depression for many years was able to find relief after just a few sessions of past life regression therapy. After reliving a past life in which she had been raped and murdered, she was finally able to let go of the trauma and move on with her life.
Other case studies have shown that past life regression therapy can be helpful for people who are dealing with addiction, relationship problems, and even physical ailments. In one particularly fascinating case, a woman who had been suffering from chronic pain was able to find relief after regressing to a past life in which she had been injured in a car accident. By reliving the accident and understanding what had happened, she was finally able to release the pain and heal herself.
There are countless stories of people who have benefited from past life regression therapy, and it is clear that this type of therapy can be extremely helpful for those who are willing to give it a try. If you are struggling with an issue that seems insurmountable, past life regression therapy may be worth considering.
Alternatives to Past Life Regression Therapy
There are many different types of therapies available to people who are seeking help for their past lives. Some of these therapies include:
-Past life regression therapy: This therapy involves a therapist guiding a person through a series of questions about their past lives. The therapist then helps the person to interpret their answers and find meaning in them.
-Past life regression hypnosis: This therapy uses hypnosis to help a person access memories of their past lives. The therapist will help the person to relax and enter into a state of trance, where they will be more open to recalling memories from their past lives.
-Past life regression meditation: This therapy involves using meditation to help a person access memories of their past lives. The therapist will guide the person through a series of meditations, which will help them to relax and reach a state where they can easily recall memories from their past lives.
While evidence of the effectiveness of past life regression therapy is currently lacking, it can be a powerful tool for personal growth and healing. The idea of exploring past lives to uncover potential lifelong patterns and gain insight into current issues can provide comfort and clarity. Ultimately, even if you don’t believe in reincarnation or that every memory experienced through regression is true, such experiences have been reported as effective by many people who have tried them. With this in mind, individual results may vary — but there is certainly no harm in giving it a try!
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