#best past life regression therapist
awarenesshealing · 1 year
Unlock the mysteries of your soul with Past Life Regression » . Explore your hidden history, gain insights, and release blockages. Our expert therapists guide your journey. Embark on this transformative experience and discover a deeper understanding of yourself. Book now to delve into your past and enrich your present. 🔮🌟 #PastLifeRegression #SoulExploration #SelfDiscovery
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thecosmicriver · 2 years
Past Life Regression Therapists in Chandigarh
The Cosmic River provides past-life regression therapists,to help people discover their past lives and understand their future. We are experienced regression therapists who heal the mind and the soul. We have been helping some of the most difficult cases, including those with chronic nightmares, depression, phobias, cravings, anger management issues, anxiety, personality disorders, and addictions.
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kajalmurgai · 4 months
Discover Your Past Lives with the Leading Regression Therapist in Delhi - KAJAL MUGRAI"
Uncover the mysteries of your past lives and heal past traumas with the help of renowned regression therapist, KAJAL MUGRAI, in Delhi. Experience transformative therapy and gain deeper insights into your soul's journey. Best Past life regression in delhi and gurgaon …..And website click (https://kajalmugrai.com/) here and best Book a session now.
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top 10 best past life regression therapists in India
Embark on a journey of self-discovery with the top 10 best past life regression therapists in India. Explore your past, heal your present: https://qsans.com/top-10-best-past-life-regression-therapists-in-india #PastLife #Therapy #Healing
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ace-of-gay · 2 years
Its okay to be small
Doctor strange x little reader
1,158 words
Edited to the best of my ability
Warnings: age regression, little one feeling anxiety, little names like pumpkin, cartoons and stuffies
Pronouns: none
weight mentioned: none
No skin color or hair type mentioned
You are responsible for your own media consumption especially when theres warnings, dont like it? Dont read it, age regression is a therapist reccomend coping mechanism if you have an issue with it than ignore it.
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With abilities similar to his and Wanda’s but not physically the same you found it better to stay in a building that was safe for your well being where you could openly use your abilities at free will without any repercussion.
Originally you and strange were just close friends but after several years of living with one another his hear found something more in you now that he had freed his mind of Christine, of course he was happy for her but it was finally his time to feel happy with someone.
He felt so much more himself when he finally got the courage to ask you out, since than everything has felt perfect… well mostly perfect.
You desperately wanted him to know about your coping mechanism but past relationships had ended specifically because of it, thankfully he was a very respectful and understanding person so when it came to your personal room he never entered knowing there want anything important in there for him to know about, he just assumed it was a quiet space or a hobby room, if he really wanted to know he would just ask.
That is until today.
He had left for a four day mission, its only been two so as it was you still have two days where you can openly regress around the sanctum with no question, as Wong was on a little mission of his own.
While the fox and the hound play on your tv to fill the silence, you sit on the floor with your collections of build a bears and other stuffie’s akin and all the bear clothing you’ve collected sprawled out on the floor, dressing and undressing them making each one look perfect, paring them up with one another making buddies, friends and significant others, you were originally just gonna play dress up with them but that got put to the side when you imagined them at an avengers like party, lucky you have avengers outfits for your bears so its perfect, taking your favorite teddy’s you make them look like captain America, iron man, black widow, and a few of the others, not having all of the costumes but that’s okay.
You pick the meanest looking teddy, you have him walking around in the collection of all the others when he gets big and mean, you imagine him yelling and than in comes all the avengers quickly getting everyone to safety, the bad bear is trying to hold his side but the avengers taking him down easily.
After that the game was basically done so you pick up two of your favorite stuffies who are always paired together making them fly around the room, the room being fairly large you had plenty of space to walk around as if you’re chasing them.
You had no idea strange was home early, he had called out for you several times, walking around the main rooms looking for you, when he finally heard your giggles and trills and the soft murmur of a movie in the background.
You making sound effects, you were so lost in your world and it intrigued him, he had knocked three different times and you apparently hadn’t heard it so he opened the door just enough to check in on you, what he saw didn’t entirely surprise him, he knew you had trauma from several places in your life especially abandonment so it made sense that being here alone would need coping mechanisms. He knows exactly what age regression is, a smile big on his face and his heart swelling with love as you walk around your room following your stuffies as you make them fly, with a flick of his hand their movements were now in his control.
Flying them wildly around the room causing you to chase them around the room trying to get them back.
Surely your stuffies had grown minds of their own and were actually playing with you, that was what you thought until your foot caught the edge of the rug and sent you falling forward, pulling your arms to your chest and your eyes clenching shut, this is why you don’t want to be an avenger, you freeze, when you’re in danger your mind blanks and expects the fall. Why haven’t you fallen you question, opening your eyes you see an orange glow surrounding your.
Looking over to the door in a panic your body rushes cold, this cant happen, he cant see you like this.
He uses his magic to carefully set you down on the center of the rug as he steps further into the room.
He sees the panic in your eyes and the silent tears running down your cheeks, you’re curling in on yourself, he picks up one of the two stuffies from the floor bringing it to you, you scooting back, your mind clouded with everything that has happened in the past when people found out about your regression, his demeanor meant nothing in the face of admitting what you’re doing.
“I’m sorry” you mutter, he bends down to you, sitting on his haunches, going to place one hand under your chin, your eyes clenching shut until you feel the gentlest touch, the slightest tremor lifting your look, “my love, its okay, there is no need to hide or fear from me”
He moves to put the stuffy in your lap, taking both hands to wipe away your tears, moving to sit down on the floor, pulling you into his lap, holding you close, hushing your whimpers, slowly but surely soothing you back to a calm sense.
Looking up at him once again, feeling slightly bigger than before but still small, “how d’you know bout it?”.
“Pumpkin, you’re not the first little I’ve met, its very common for people in constant high stress and trauma to cope by regressing, its especially common with mental illness and chronic pain”.
“S’that why you so nice right now?”
Chuckling to himself shaking his head, “my love, that may be one of many reasons but its not the big one, the big one is because I love you, there is nothing of you that would upset or bother me, if being small is what helps than I support you ten fold”
A smile slowly casting Its way across your cheeks, turning into him, wrapping your arms tightly around him, it was finally okay to be you, you can finally feel completely and utterly yourself.
“Thank you” you whisper. “There is no need to thank me my love. Can you tell me how old you are?”
Shaking your head than letting it rest upon his shoulder “dunno how old, m’ jus small but not tiny right now”.
Nodding while rubbing your back, “that’s okay well figure it all out together”.
The rest of your day was filled with plenty of cuddles, cartoons and nap together.
This felt entirely like a new possibility of happiness.
Thank you so much @hera4venenosa for letting me write this for you! <3
And thank you @shiny-purple-pizza-eater for helping me make decisions on where they live and what theyre doing <3
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crissiebaby · 5 days
DiapOut: Chapter 36
DISCLAIMER: This series contains diaper usage, public humiliation, masturbation, WAM, hypermessing, crossdressing, mental regression, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
A pale, desolate expression overtook the female employee’s face as she speedily tore open the six-foot-long Betsy Wetsy box; its flimsy, cardboard walls rattled from the inside, complicating the unboxing process. Muttering obscenities under her breath, the minimum-wage worker did her best to ignore the devilish giggles encircling the box as she finally broke the outer seal.
“-ET ME OUT OF THIS FUCKING THING!” shrieked an 18-year-old Zeke at the top of his lungs, panicking in place with his arms zip-tied to the pink inner box layer. Not that being bound to a dolly box kept him from thrashing back and forth. He gritted his teeth as the soupy mess in his fake, pillowy diaper spread to the front, regrettably increasing his humiliatingly noticeable arousal; the sharp point in the center of his padding was a dead giveaway. Adorning the titular Betsy Wetsy’s famously short and lusciously silky babydoll dress, there was no hiding how embarrassed he was from his sister or her large assortment of friends. He could only squint his eyes shut tightly and let their unending laughter crash upon him like a brutal tidal wave.
“It’s the laughter I haven’t gotten over,” said Zeke, reclining atop a chaise lounge. Two months into his first year of college, and the events of the previous summer had yet to leave his traumatized brain. Ever since his sister’s birthday party at the Pretty Pretty Princess Doll Factory, he’d cut himself off from pretty much every person in his life. Not even his girlfriend made the cut, who after countless attempts at consoling him had no choice but to give up and move on. Thankfully, therapy at college was free, giving him ample opportunity to talk about his problems confidentially. “I feel so much shame.”
Lowering his notepad and pen empathetically, Zeke’s therapist, Dr. Martin Anderson, had seen his fair share of patients with deep-seated shame issues. However, never before had the root cause been something so absurdly mortifying. “The ego is a fragile thing, and I do mean in the Freudian sense. What you’ve experienced shattered your self-image to such an extent that you’re rejecting anything associated with that past image. Not intentionally, mind you. Although, now that you are aware, it’s up to you to be kinder to yourself for aspects of your mind that you can’t control,” he said, starting from a scientific standpoint before digging into the emotional aspect. Tragically, it was only his second session with Zeke so there were still a lot of question marks in the air about how to approach his mental strife.
“It’s easy for you to say I should be kind to myself but you’re not the one who can’t stop getting turned on by this shit,” said Zeke, losing his temper as memories of how arousing it felt to be bound in the life-sized doll’s infantile attire. He gritted his teeth to keep from crying.
Tapping his pen on his notepad, Dr. Anderson knew he needed to pivot if he was going to send Zeke off in 20 minutes with his head held high. “Speaking of that, you mentioned in our last session being curious about buying some adult diapers for yourself. Did you end up purchasing any?” he asked, repositioning Zeke and himself to a more positive place within the conversation while sticking to the same subject.
“I almost did but I chickened out when my roommate walked by. Plus, I still have a few medical ones left that I took from my grandpa’s place,” responded Zeke, bashfully looking away from Dr. Anderson as hues of red descended upon his face. “Maybe I should just toss them out and try to forget about all of this.”
Placing his notepad in his lap and offering Zeke a benevolent smile, Dr. Anderson could sense Zeke didn’t mean the words he was saying, even if he desperately wanted to. “That is always an option, and there’s no shame in doing so…” he said, bending to Zeke’s will. It wasn’t his job to argue with his patients, though that didn’t mean he couldn’t present an alternative, “...but if you ask me, it would be far more beneficial to find a positive outlet for these newfound desires. It doesn’t even have to be in person. The world gets smaller every day, and there are dozens of online groups filled with people who feel the same as you.” He leaned forward and gently patted Zeke’s shoulder. “Ultimately, the decision is yours. Just some food for thought…”
“...just some food for thought…”
Days had passed since Dr. Anderson’s innocuous suggestion and yet Zeke’s brain still lingered. The idea of seeking out online ABDL groups wasn’t exactly a foreign concept to the remorseful kinkster. He’d pushed himself to make a fetish Xwitter and join a few Discord servers. Sadly, both accounts had done nothing but collect dust over the past couple of months. He knew Dr. Anderson had a point but the concept of interacting with someone else in a kink headspace was unbelievably daunting, regardless of whether it was in person or not.
Leaning back in his chair to check the cafeteria’s analog clock, it wasn’t even 2 pm yet and he was already ready to crawl back into bed. Considering he didn’t have another class until after 5, perhaps a midday nap wasn’t such a bad call. With half a tray of food left in front of him, he decided he was going to polish off his mac and cheese and dump the rest. His meal plan gave him three free meals per day so it wasn’t like he’d go hungry. 
“OMG! Did you see that girl? I can’t believe they let people into college who aren’t potty trained.”
Practically choking on his last bite of cheesy noodles, the conclusion to Zeke’s meal was suddenly accosted by two snooty-looking girls with obnoxiously loud whispers who happened to claim the table adjacent to his. He slyly leaned back in his chair and angled his ear towards the girls, too curious not to continue listening.
“I know, right? You can see droplets leading all the way to her table. It’s so pathetic.”
Unable to keep himself from gazing out across the cafeteria, Zeke instantly spotted a line of five or so yellow puddles no bigger than a penny apiece leading from the checkout counter to a booth just around the corner. Sure enough, the girl stationed in the booth was frantically patting her lap with napkins while constantly looking up to see if anyone was watching her. Her wandering eyes soon caused Zeke's head to swivel away to avoid detection. It wasn’t like he needed to keep staring anyway. He’d seen everything he needed to. Beyond the obvious issue of her pants being soaked, there was no mistaking the extra bulk surrounding her pelvis. She was diapered…she was diapered and leaking.
Memories of Zeke’s turbulently titillating ride through the Pretty Pretty Princess Doll Factory’s auto-dresser once again rose to the forefront of his mind, filling him with altruistic intentions. He couldn’t bear to see someone else go through an ordeal as humiliating as his, even someone he didn’t know. Propelled to action by a strange yet palpable longing for, as Dr. Anderson put it, “a positive outlet for these newfound desires,” he quickly gathered his belongings before speed walking over to the checkout counter. “Hi, um, can I get another can of ginger ale, please?” he asked, pursing his lips into a small smile.
Double Trouble!
“Alright, Lelaya! For your Play-It or Pass-It Challenge, you get to select not one but two players to participate!” said CassiRole, gesturing to Lelaya’s prompt on the monitor. The audience roared with excitement as one of the Nanny Iris bots reappeared to deliver a bulky white object to Cassi. Holding the crinkly item up for all to see, the already exuberant audience went bananas as they gazed upon a ludicrously large diaper adorned with four leg holes. It didn’t take a genius to see where this was going.
Meanwhile, watching from a hunched position with her hands resting on her kneecaps, Mia was struggling to stay upright; the weight of her waterlogged diaper finally getting to her. If it hadn’t been for the constant starting and stopping of the show, maybe things would’ve moved fast enough for her to make it back around to her turn. Unfortunately, as things stood, she’d be lucky if she lasted another full minute.
“Hey, Miiiia! When’s my nex turn? I wansa pway agin!” said Misa, waddling over to Mia in a hypnotized state and draping her arms around her exhausted friend’s shoulders. Her timing couldn’t have been worse as the added poundage left Mia quivering in place.
Failing to stay measured under so much weight, Mia harshly shoved Misa away before exploding on her. “Back off! This is hard enough already!” she shouted, unintentionally interrupting the scene between Lelaya and Cassi.
“Quiet on set!” yelled Keelee, glaring in Mia’s direction before turning back to Cassi. “Still rolling!”
Clearing her throat, Cassi resumed her explanation, “As I was saying, this CrissBaby Buddies Diaper will be worn by two players of your choice, forcing the wearers to work in tandem until your next turn. So, any thoughts on who you’d like to see go butt-to-butt?”
“Hmmm…let me think…” said Lelaya, pondering her decision while tilting her head back and forth lackadaisically; the only part of her upper body that was moveable thanks to the straight jacket. A mischievous smirk formed as she glanced back at her temperamental team, “...Mia and Misa! That’s who should wear it!”
“WHAT?!” shouted literally everyone in the studio. It was a collective jaw-drop that, for the briefest of moments, unified both teams, the production staff, and the audience in a state of sheer awe. Backstage, a loud smack could be heard, echoing off of Jackson’s forehead as he slapped it.
Picking her chin up off the floor, Cassi’s face ran the gamut from emotions from pure shock to stupefied amusement. Never in her wildest dreams when she selected Mia and her friends to be amongst the first DiapOut contestants could she ever have imagined how ridiculously entertaining they would be. “Um…okay! Mia and Misa, come on up!” she said before focusing her attention back on Lelaya. “I’m sorry but I have to ask. Why pick members of your own team for such a humiliating task?”
“Because friends shouldn’t fight. Some diapee time together should sort them out, no problem,” Lelaya said without a hint of remorse.
Mia’s stink eye was fierce as she waddled up onto Cassi’s platform; her dismal mood contrasted by Misa, who was simply elated to get to another turn. Putting all thoughts toward future revenge schemes on the back burner, she braced herself for the task at hand. “L-Let’s just get this over with,” she said, leaning into what was swiftly becoming her signature catchphrase.
“Yay! Mo diapees!” clamored Misa, losing herself to the half of her brain being overrun with padded serotonin. Ever since her jousting victory over Zeke, any remnants of the diaper-loathing individual, who only elected to play in the first place out of a sense of guilt, had been completely suppressed.
Observing from across the giant game board as a small crew of PAs rushed to put Mia and Misa in their two-person diaper, Rupert scoffed in premature celebration. “They gotta be throwing it,” he speculated. This was now the second time the Wetters could’ve passed on a difficult challenge but chose not to, and since he was forced to stay on the hopper ball until his next turn, it would’ve pretty much guaranteed a loss regardless of who he was paired with. “I didn’t think we had a chance after Kyoko screwed me over but after this, we may still have a shot! What do you think, Zeke?”
The dark, brooding cloud that hung over Zeke’s head was thick enough that neither Rupert nor Cade could ignore it. He knew they were merely trying to cheer him up but there was no shaking the dread from his upcoming turn. “Yeah…we may still have a chance,” he said sourly, his tone betraying his sentiment. Staring two spaces ahead at the only red square in range, he exhaled sharply. If what he overheard was correct, his destination was already set in stone.
Wetters: 171.1 (+/-10) points Messers: 146.7 (+/-20) points
💕 Story By CrissieBaby 💕 💙 Edited By AllySmolShork 💙 💚 Edited By AliceKChan 💚
SubscribeStar: subscribestar.adult/crissiebaby pixivFANBOX: crissiebaby.fanbox.cc All CB Links: linktr.ee/crissiebaby
Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BlushyBen DD JFN Nike Pansy Jason Sissikins PrincessKittenLizzi Rosie Princess SissyDina Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca Tony & Two Anonymous Investors
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cheekycherry20 · 8 months
I work in the field of aba (applied behavioral analysis) and have been for a little over a year. I started off really passionate about positively influencing the lives of children under the spectrum, because as an adult with adhd, I understood how hard it is as a kid to live in a not-so-opened minded neurotypical society.
I myself was bullied, left out, and made to feel unimportant on numerous occasions. I lacked the correct social skills, trying to mirror my peer’s behavior, yet being completely far off, and struggling to fit in for years. I’ve dealt with anxiety and depression with no outlet and proper coping mechanisms, all made worse with skewed communication skills. All of which I still struggle with today.
I started as a bt(behavior technician) and was quickly pushed into getting my license to become an rbt (registered behavior technician). On the journey to getting my license, I tried to soak up as much information as I could. It was very important to me to be a voice for the children. I had more downs then ups, as I put more pressure on myself then I should.
I wasn’t worried about running targets and gathering data. I wanted to ensure a good quality of life for my children. I’ll always call them my children, because I care for them that much. It’s almost maternal. I cry over my kids, worry about my kids, get angry at my kids. I love them more than anything in the world, I never knew I was capable of love until I got into the field.
Rbts don’t just work alone, we’re directly below bcbas (board certified behavior analyst). They make the plans for the kids, as the rbts run the sessions and gather the data bcbas need. Since the bcbas aren’t in session, it’s incredibly important that the rbt is collecting the right data and being extremely analytical over the session.
In my short time in being an rbt, I’ve been made to feel unimportant (as mentioned before) by numerous senior rbts and most importantly, bcbas. In my personal opinion, not being in a session can make it quite easy for a bcba to make the wrong decisions. In the past I’ve been quite vocal about ideas and goals that my kids can have long term, or just to push them into their next step of life. With children who are learning to functionally communicate, I step up and speak for them if I notice anything. I’m not a bcba, so technically I’m not legally allowed to run something without a bcba knowledge. But once again, my voice doesn’t matter.
As well as taking data, rbts are required to speak to parents. Not just about the child’s day, but for goals, progress, regression, and behaviors. Parent communication is very important, but parents implementing the same strategies as rbts is even more important. Some parents are amazing, but some parents drop their children off as an aba clinic is a daycare. It is far from it.
It’s very difficult watching parents drop their kids off in sick states, or seeing them come in minimal clothing in extreme cold. I’ve seen parents listen to therapist feedback and do the opposite of protocol,ensuring intense behaviors for therapist. As a parent it’s very difficult to live with the behaviors, so I undertstand how hard it may be. But as a therapist, I feel as if I’m not doing enough for my kid because they’re not making progress, because I can’t get them there alone. Parent cooperation is key.
I continue to get shot down and made to feel like I’m incompetent. I don’t know if it’s my age or minimal experience, but whatever the case may be, I no longer want to allow myself to be in spaces where I don’t feel heard. This is a really difficult thought for me to have, as I feel like I’m giving up on so many kids who just need someone to care about them. But I can acknowledge that in this field, caring isn’t always enough.
In the beginning I definitely tried my best. Advocating for my kids wasn’t the hard part, but my mental state is rapidly declining in the process. I truly still want to advocate for my kids, but when I voice my opinions I feel like what I’m saying is wrong.
I believe that stepping out of the field is my best option. To sit and watch fellow rbts and bcbas care too little or not at all for my kids has taken an incredible toll on my mental health. If you’re a parent or friend of someone interested in bringing a child into an aba clinic, please be sure you know exactly who is with them. There’s good therapists and bcbas , but there’s also a lot of people who just so happened to get their license and want a check.
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leoascendente · 1 year
What do u think about past life regression, how can one know their past life?
Hi love! Thanks for your question<3
Btw, I'm a firm believer of past lives and regressions, I've made a few in the firsts stages of my spiritual journey and what I found out was very enlightening for what I was going on in that moment, the regressions also gave me a lot of insight about some fears or blockages I was having at that time.
In my humble opinion, regression in an awesome tool for healing and spiritual evolution, it's not my favourite but I really like it. I can just talk based on my experiences but for me, regressions really work but they have their own rules and we must approach them with wisdom and if it's possible, guidance from someone who knows what they are doing.
I made 4 regressions guided by a hypnotism therapist that recorded everything I said in the sessions, I was never alone through my regressions. I saw my own death is 2 past incarnations and how they were affecting my current life, one of my previous death was really shocking. For what I saw, I died as a victim of a psychopath, that man had several victims and I ressulted to be one of them, the vision of my death was terryfing but with my therapist' guidance I went through it without being too affected emotionally.
My recommendations are:
Always make it guided by a proffesional, you can see some impactful things that might disturb your peace so it's important having someone there who can manage the situation if it turns dark. Imo youtube guided regressions are not the best way to start accesing past lives
Akashic reccords can be another great tool to access past lives, and in my experience it feels more peaceful
Only make them if you feel ready to access to the most deep part of your subconscious mind
Make them without expectations, you probably weren't Cleopatra or JFK
As a withchy tip I'd suggest you to cleanse energetically the space before you start your regression session
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renaultphile · 1 year
Very Important Poll
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awarenesshealing · 1 year
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thecosmicriver · 2 years
How to Heal Your Past Karma or Pitra Dosh
Past life regression therapist is a gentle form of hypnotherapy that transports a person back in time to previous lives or incarnations by accessing memories and experiences that are normally hidden in their subconscious mind. Today's life is so hectic and 'noisy,' that these memories are usually hidden beneath the din of everyday thoughts. A PLR session takes you away from the noise and into a deeply quiet and peaceful state, making it far easier to locate the memories stored in your subconscious mind.
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kajalmurgai · 4 months
Discover the Best Past Life Regression Therapist in Delhi: Meet Kajal Mugrai
In the bustling heart of India’s capital, where history intertwines with modernity, many seek solace and understanding through various therapeutic practices. Among these, past life regression therapy has gained significant popularity, offering individuals a unique lens to explore their subconscious and uncover the mysteries of their past lives. If you’re on the hunt for the best past life regression therapist in Delhi, look no further than Kajal Mugrai.
Who is Kajal Mugrai? Kajal Mugrai is a renowned name in the realm of past life regression therapy in Delhi. With a profound understanding of the human psyche and a compassionate approach, Kajal has helped countless individuals navigate the intricate web of their past lives to bring about healing and self-awareness in their present.
The Journey of Healing with Kajal Mugrai best Past life regression therapist in delhi is more than just a journey into the past; it's a transformative experience that can lead to profound insights and personal growth. Kajal Mugrai’s sessions are known for their depth, safety, and effectiveness. Here’s why she stands out:
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Expertise and Credentials Kajal Mugrai holds extensive training and certifications in hypnotherapy and past life regression. Her educational background and continuous professional development ensure that she is equipped with the latest techniques and methodologies in the field.
Personalized Approach Understanding that each individual’s journey is unique, Kajal tailors her sessions to meet the specific needs and concerns of her clients. Whether you are seeking to resolve unexplained fears, heal from emotional trauma, or simply satisfy your curiosity about past lives, Kajal provides a personalized and empathetic approach to guide you through the process.
Safe and Supportive Environment Kajal emphasizes creating a safe and supportive environment for her clients. Her sessions are conducted with utmost care, ensuring that clients feel comfortable and secure as they delve into their subconscious. This nurturing atmosphere is crucial for a successful and transformative regression experience.
Holistic Healing Kajal Mugrai’s practice integrates various holistic healing methods, combining past life regression with other therapeutic techniques to promote overall well-being. This comprehensive approach not only addresses past life issues but also enhances mental, emotional, and spiritual health in the present.
Client Testimonials The success stories of Kajal Mugrai’s clients speak volumes about her expertise and the impact of her therapy. Many have reported life-changing insights, healing from long-standing issues, and a newfound sense of peace and purpose after their sessions with Kajal.
How to Get Started Embarking on a journey with Kajal Mugrai is straightforward. She offers both in-person sessions at her serene practice in Delhi and online consultations for those who prefer or require remote sessions. To book an appointment or learn more about her services, you can visit her official website or contact her office directly.
Conclusion In a city as vibrant and diverse as Delhi, finding a therapist who truly understands and guides you through the complexities of past life regression can be a game-changer. Kajal Mugrai stands out as the best past life regression therapist in Delhi, thanks to her expertise, personalized approach, and commitment to her clients' holistic well-being. If you’re ready to explore the depths of your past and uncover the wisdom it holds, Kajal Mugrai is the guide you’ve been looking for.
Embark on your journey of self-discovery and healing today with Kajal Mugrai, and experience the transformative power of past life regression therapy.
read more - https://shorturl.at/rwZeQ
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qsans · 3 days
Explore your past to heal your present with the top 10 best past life regression therapists in India: https://qsans.com/top-10-best-past-life-regression-therapists-in-india #PastLife #Therapy #Healing
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praiseinchains · 27 days
The Connection Between Food and Therapy
I have always had a love-hate relationship with food, but even though I know why it developed (and when) I still never understood it. When I was 2 1/2 years old, I was said to be 'severely traumatized' by what happened to me before I was taken away and put in foster care. I began therapy (I didn't even realize children that young COULD be in therapy) and I was then diagnosed with PTSD. Somewhere around there, I'm not sure when, it was discovered I had an eating disorder. I would eat to the point I threw up - I had to be monitored when I ate to avoid this. There were occasional visits from my birth family, but the times they did visit culminated in regressive behavior, and it got better when they didn't visit.
Even after I was adopted, I had the eating issue. My mom has told me of only one instance where I ate to the point of throwing up (it was Easter, and I kept wanting boiled eggs. She thought I'd eventually stop asking, and I did - after I threw up). Despite not eating to the point of being physically sick again, I still had such a bad eating problem. I got up to 195 lbs. by the time I was 10 years old (I was only 5'2", so I was considered obese). A few years later (while on my weight loss journey) a co-worker of my mom's thought I was in college because I was so big. The funny thing is, I don't remember feeling unhappy when I was that big. I only became unhappy when I started getting teased in 4th grade, and by the next year I was completely immersed in my weight loss journey. What I've never noticed until now is my weight loss journey coincided with the time I was released from therapy. I don't remember therapy at all. I remember the building and the fun toys they had for us and I remember the check-in desk, but everything after the therapist called me back to talk is a complete blur. By the time I'd ended therapy at 10 years old, I had already been in therapy for 8 years. But once I stopped, I just noticed that the weight began melting off (slowly but steadily) and by age 15 I had lost 83 lbs. and was in the best shape of my life. I was to the point where I was almost underweight. After I stopped therapy, I don't remember thinking of my past at all aside from an occasional mention here or there, but nothing major. Even though I've not been able to exercise the way I've wanted to since I was 19, I've been able to keep my weight down just by restricting my calories, but I've noticed that since I've been in therapy again and since I've completed my poetry challenge, my relationship with food has changed again. I used to have meltdowns as a child (the last one I remember was around 10 - again, just before I stopped therapy) but there are times now when I just feel like crying or screaming, and I just feel I have this magnetic draw to food. It's a very love-hate relationship because I know if I eat all the food I want to that I'll gain weight, but at the same time I feel I desperately need it.
I've always known that my eating disorder is because of what happened to me when I was very small, but I never considered this relationship with food and therapy before, and it makes sense. For nearly two decades after I finished therapy, I repressed all my memories and feelings of my past and refused to talk about it. Now I've decided to start therapy again (which is what I've wanted for years) and the poetry challenge I've just completed has forced me to confront my past in ways I haven't wanted to. The funny thing is, I didn't really feel much of anything when I was doing the actual challenge, but after all the excitement of finishing it wore off, I began to notice changes.
Do I regret forcing myself to confront my past for my poetry challenge? Not at all. I'm someone who feels a lot of emotions all the time, but I've always chosen to ignore the ones that weren't 'happy' or 'good' and I never realized just how harmful that is. Emotions AREN'T evil. We feel them for a reason, and if we fight so hard to ignore them because they aren't emotions we think we should be feeling, it'll only make us feel worse. We need to let ourselves feel them so we can work through them.
I needed to share the story of my past because it all fits together and explains how I became the person I am today. It's forced me to confront feelings and a past I never wanted to, but it's something I needed, and I know if I continue to allow myself to work through them that things will only get better :-)
I refuse to allow myself to be a slave to food the way I was in the past. I refuse to be overweight again. Now that I know what my trigger is, I can work through it. It won't be easy, but it's not supposed to be. But it'll be worth it, because I know how much happier I'll be.
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ace-of-gay · 2 years
This is new
Sam Wilson x little reader
1,327 words
Warnings: age regression trauma, stuffys, paranoia
No pronouns weight or skin color mentioned
Edited to the best of my ability
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You had met Sam through Bucky, it was a situation in thought of if Bucky trusted him than you could, you had spent most of your time hidden in your shared apartment with him, the anxiety hydra had ridden you with making the task of being around people absolutely terrifying, frigid cold edges in your mind making it disabling, that was until you found comfort in a therapeutic coping mechanism referred to by therapists as age regression.
In your little headspace you happened to be a lot more curious, adventurous and just open to trying new things, Bucky knew this, he encouraged it, he'd take you on walks to the park where you’d sit and point out the ducks and turtles, the pretty flowers and shiny rocks.
All of this so subtle no figure in the public eye could even see it.
You ended up joining Bucky and Sam on morning runs, your stamina building the same as your voice, different stages but still growing all the same.
On days where Bucky would be busy with therapy Sam would take you for slower runs to keep you out of your head. He would stop and get snacks when you were to tired to run. He introduced you to the public library, your fascination made his heart swell, he decided right than that moment you needed a library card so he helped you get one, it would eventually become your favorite place.
You grew close to him, you felt normal, human, free, you had a friend outside of your experiences at hydra.
At night when the air grew cold and the sky grew dark the drowning feeling of being within the grasp of hydras icy hold, no matter how much of yourself you felt during the day it all ripped from you at night, the most alone time.
Bucky was used to it, he was taking healing a little easier than you thanks to his time around Steve when he came back, Bucky would sit up with you all night if so needed with you curled away in his arms, both little or big he was willing to be there for you.
You got the chance to experience a relationship with Sam the way normal people got to, little did you know Bucky had sat Sam down and made it clear that you weren't just for games. You made same happy and you felt sparks of such flit in your heart as well.
Today was a bit of a new experience, going to the shops, casual, normal, standard, just the way of life ordinary.
You had gone to three shops where the guys had found items they were interested in, but what’s the use of having something if it does not serve a daily need, the movie on the display tv holing your attention.
Bucky and Sam wandered through the section keeping you in sight looking through items stocked upon the shelves.
The movie unbeknownst to you was a horror movie so in the moment where the screen panned to the sight of walls shifting, eyes embedded in them blinking, bleeding, boring into your own, your body ran cold.
The people around you know who you are, they know your past, they’re staring, the walls are staring at you, the room is breathing, you rush to find Bucky, home, he’s your home, but he’s gone, they took him, they’re coming for you.
Turning in every direction, panic present in your movements Sam catch’s on.
Your headspace slipping, falling little to keep you safe from what’s to come. you find a glint of hope and safety when Sam cones into view, the rushing in your ears deafening everything he’s said you rush towards him letting him pull you into a hug, your grasp onto his shirt burying your face into his chest, this definitely took him by surprise, you weren't very often one for touch but he wasn't going to fight it, "hey is it okay if i hug you?" He says quietly for only you, you nod letting him wrap his arms around you running one up and down your back.
He could feel your heart slamming in your chest and your body trembling, a small sniffle and all he could think of was soothing his nephews like this and the few flash backs Bucky had with Sam around, you just need someone to help you ground yourself.
"Shhh you’re okay, its just you and me, no ones going to hurt you, Bucky is in the bathroom he'll be right back"
His hands taking your focus from the sounds around you to right here with Sam
Bucky returns and soon realizes you got really panicked, meaning you’re probably going to slip if you haven't already. "Do you want to go?" He hums causing you to finally look up at him.
He had returned, they didn't take him, your Bucky is safe still, he could see the gleam in your eyes that only shows when you’re little, a blank slate of emotions new to the function of the world, you look up to a perplexed Sam and back to Bucky, shaking your head you knew you could do this.
"Alright, lets walk around and find a snack in another part of the mall" Bucky leads, you take Sam’s hand and follow along, staying silent, you hadn’t even questioned taking to Sam, it felt like second nature.
By now Sam had put two and two together from your mannerisms and how some of his Colleagues in the air force with him had taken up for therapy.
Keeping himself alert to anything and everything that grasped your attention, rounding a corner in the mall the shop on the left warm and inviting for children caused a small hesitation in your step.
"Do you want to go in there?"
He points at the children's store
Weighing your options you nod and let him and Bucky lead you in.
He lets your hand loose and you just stand in your spot waiting for someone to say something. "Go ahead and look around dove" bucky remarks, letting you release from your spot, you walk round and they follow.
looking at the noisy toys and than the ones that move, the activity toys, the interactive ones and baby items that all took your interest, you walk to the other side of the store when a small fluffy orange and white lump in your peripheral vision grabs your attention.
You walk over to the stuffed animal pulling the orange and white fox off the shelf looking it over, petting its soft fabric and hugging it, you don’t remember the last him you had a stuffed animal, "do you want it bub?" Sam questions.
Guilt hits you deep, how shameful it must be that you’re taking a baby toy, that you’re wanting something useless to everyday life, you reluctantly put it back on the shelf but Sam grabs it and holds it out to you, looking you in the eyes he does his best to make it very clear, "love if you like the fox that’s okay, its allowed, you can have it, i will buy it, do you want the fluffy fox?"
You nod and he proceeds to take your hand leading you to check out, placing it on the counter and paying for it, handing it to you, you hug the stuffy close.
Bucky at the doors with a rare smile on his face mirrored by an even more uncommon smile upon yours.
You carry on walking until you find food, sitting down and eating before they both noticed how you slumped over against buckys shoulder, you all finish up and go out to the car, Sam helping you into the back seat and buckling up than handing you the stuffy once again, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead and getting in the passenger seat.
The hum of the car lulling you to sleep.
The stuffed animal in question
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Im unbelievably tired and in so much pain but i got this done for yall
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