#patos island
seamusicpoetry · 1 year
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Patos Island Lighthouse,WA
At Alden Point, the Patos Island Lighthouse sits on the northwest corner overlooking the Strait of Georgia. It is only visitable in the summer: specifically, May through Labor Day.
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anxiouberry · 8 months
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quackurucho · 1 year
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El pato de Quesadilla island y Cucurucho
The duck from Quesadilla Island and Cucurucho
Anyways I'm into Qsmp and wanted to draw the duck that I love very much.
I hate the Osito Bimbo/Smile/Snowman/Silly Little Guy/Weird White Bear Lookin Thing/La Cucaracha/Vagabundo/Weird smooth cat/Cocoricó/Chainsaw Man/The White Thing/Gender Snowman/White Gun Bear/Cucu/Dog Rat Ice Cream Man/Smitty Werbenjägermanjensen/Pevert/Broxa/Cocorico/Crocrico AKA Cucurucho.
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ilottthepilot · 2 months
okay this is either a niche reference, or something everyone thinks about as much as i do. do you guys remember when nico hülkenberg did that interview where they asked him if he could have any 3 dinner guests, alive or dead, and he said usain bolt, marilyn monroe and donald trump?? And they asked him what everyone should do once in their lifetime and he said "go to the bahamas" and that he has never been to the bahamas????
I know i'm not the only one because I remember that on the donut racing show podcast (rip😢) they brought this up many times along the lines of "Nico, you know you are a rich racing driver, right? You know you can just go to the bahamas, right????"
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Lucas: ¡Oye, tú! Revisa a Silvestre Jr.
Speedy: ¿Por qué tengo que revisarlo yo?
Lucas: Porque devolverlo fue tu idea. Porque eres una rata insignificante. Y porque te aplastare sí no lo haces.
Speedy: Mmm… ¿Algo más?
Lucas: ¡Hazlo ya!
Fuente: La era de hielo (2002)
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eroselless · 12 days
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series masterlist | part 2 | part 3
[charles leclerc x reader, carlos sainz x reader]
warnings: pregnancy, insecurities, mentions of sex
note: part 4! We’re jumping back this time! Some more backstory is developed here. I thought I was going to be able to put in some sexy time for you guys but it kept getting longer and longer and I didn’t want it to drag on for too long. Hopefully soon though! Happy reading <3
2nd trimester/month 7/week 24
You stare at your phone, a sour look on your face. It feels like he is doing it on purpose. Or at least, it seems like the universe has it out for you. You hold your breath as you look through the photos, gnawing at your lip as you do so. Their blissed-out faces are so obvious, creating a sinking feeling in your stomach. Charles and Alexandra are on his boat in Italy, captured by the paparazzi. In the first picture, Alexandra lies on her back, her head turned to the side, while Charles hovers over her, placing a kiss on her lips as he grips the side of her face. You see that he is wearing the shorts you gifted him for a trip you took long before everything began to fall apart. Like turning on a movie, you see the memory playing behind your closing eyelids. You trace your fingers over the bow of your lips as if to further summon the scene from the back of your mind.
You see yourself tangled in the hotel sheets one bright morning, gasping as Charles loses himself between your thighs. His striped bathing suit is in your line of view as you writhe under his touch. It's strung up just beyond the open bathroom door, still wet. You still feel the ghost of his touch embedded in your skin as if the healed marks left behind by his lips are still fresh. Purple and red, his tongue tracing over his work, soothing your aching flesh. Your eyes snap open, halting the memory from continuing.
Your eyes float back down to your screen, looking at the next picture. The next image shows Alexandra standing, lips pursed and pressed tightly against Charles, her hands gripping the robe he wears. She is clad in a sleek swimsuit that further accentuates her slim frame, dipping low in the back to reveal smooth, flawless skin, and cutting high at the hips to emphasize her long, toned legs. You turn to the mirror that stands a few feet away from your bed, your phone suddenly forgotten on the sheets.
Letting out a shaky breath, you swing your legs over the side of the bed and pull yourself to your feet. You tug lightly at the t-shirt you wear, your tummy protruding out a little more. Your hands smooth over it, caressing it tenderly. Rubbing at the fabric, another memory illuminates your mind.
“Have you seen my –” Charles freezes in his tracks as he moves into your shared kitchen, clad in only a pair of shorts. His eyes travel over your frame as you turn from your spot at the fridge, hands full of ingredients for breakfast. Your hair is tousled and pulled into a loose bun. “Your what, mon coeur?” you ask, cracking some eggs into a metal bowl.
He shakes his head, a smirk playing on his lips. “Never mind,” he chuckles, circling the kitchen island that separates you to plant a heated kiss on your lips. You lean into him, pressing yourself to his chest as he pulls the air from your lungs. Hands moving over his shoulders, you fiddle with the hair at the base of his neck. Tugging teasingly at the hem of the shirt, he pulls away, a smirk still evident on his face.
“It looks better on you anyway.”
You pull it off in frustration, tossing it to the other side of the room. Leaving you standing in small shorts and a sports bra, you examine yourself in the mirror.
You had noticed the changes before, but the increasing volume of photos of Charles and the very beautiful Alexandra couldn’t help but make your skin crawl and feel uncomfortable. It was a feeling you couldn’t quite place, bubbling deep within you. Those stretch marks used to be smaller; you could fit into those jeans a week ago; why can’t I fucking tie my shoes?
The door creaks open before the tears threaten to spill over, Ines peeking in. “Mamita, pensé que todavía estabas tomando tu siesta,” she says, her expression puzzled. I thought you were still taking your nap. You shakily inhale while pulling a discarded sweater over your head.
“I just have a lot on my mind,” you reply, dismissing the worry in her voice. She wraps her arms around you, rocking slightly as she does. She pulls away, giving you a dopey smile. “Come, let's have a little bocadito before lunch," she suggests softly, not prying but offering comfort through her presence. Snack. You nod, wiping at your waterline as she guides you out of your bedroom and into the kitchen.
You settle at the table, mind trying to swat away the thoughts still buzzing in your head.
“You know, querida,” she begins, glancing over at you as she lifts mugs of coffee from the counter and brings them to the table. “You haven’t been out in a few days. Didn’t you mention running into an old friend the other day?”
You glance up, meeting her eyes, and a gentle smile plays on her lips. “Oh, you mean Carlos? Yeah, while getting your groceries.”
She nods, smile widening. “You should give him a call and see what he’s up to.” She shrugs, a glint in her eye you don’t yet recognize. “It’d be nice to catch up and have some fun while you’re at it.”
You hesitate for a moment, suddenly not sure if you should take him up on his offer and ask to see him. You chew at the side of your cheek before sighing and giving in. Nodding, you reach for your phone. “Alright, I’ll call him.”
Your finger hovers over his contact number as nerves seem to ripple through your body. When you press it, it rings a few times before he picks up, answering. His voice is gruff like he had only just woken up from a nap, just like the one you’d been trying to take. It sounds cheerful nonetheless, warm and inviting.
“Hey! How are you?” He greets. You can’t help the soft smile that blooms on your face.
“Hola, tú. Are you busy today? Maybe you could show me around? I’ve been in this town for a while, but I still don’t know much about where to go to have fun here.” You’re picking at your nails as you wait for him to speak, anticipation building in you. Hey, you.
It’s like you can hear his smile from his voice as it sounds through your phone. Carlos chuckles. “Claro que sí. How about I come to pick you up, and we can spend the afternoon together? I know just the place.” Of course.
He gives you an hour to get ready before he arrives at your aunt’s house. He comes to the door, greeting her with a kiss on each cheek and a bear hug. When you go to leave, she raises one eyebrow at you, that twinkle in her eye returning. You smile, as you close the door behind you and make your way to Carlos’s awaiting car.
He opens the door for you, waits for you to buckle in, and the two of you make your way down the road with the promise of a quick walk and a picnic.
The sun hangs lower in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the path you trudge on. You feel yourself growing warm as you walk next to Carlos.
“You said this would be an easy walk,” you tease, sweat beginning to bead on your forehead. “I think your definition of easy and mine are very different.”
He lets out a chuckle, nudging you playfully. “Ya vamos a llegar, no te preocupes.” We’re almost there, don’t worry.
You crinkle your face at him, letting out a huff, and he sticks out his tongue teasingly. He’s right though, as not fifteen steps later, he pulls off the path into a wide glade. The view is breathtaking as you wander further into the green grass. There are clusters of flowers spread out through the glade and tall trees that provide shade from the sun. “Look at this place, though. Totally worth it, right?”
Carlos throws a blanket over a spot under a tree before placing the basket on the ground. He hesitates as he goes to sit down, spotting you struggling to sit on your own.
“Espera, espera,” he says, clambering over to you. Wait, wait. He links his fingers with yours, gesturing for you to start sinking down to the ground. You do as he says and settle comfortably on your spot on the blanket. “There we go,” you mumble quietly, a little breathless.
Sitting down, Carlos begins pulling out an assortment of sandwiches, fruits, and a bottle of water. He extends his arm toward you, a sandwich sitting in his hand. You accept it with a smile, biting into it.
“So,” he begins, following your lead and taking a bite of his sandwich, “how have you been adjusting to life here?”
You take a moment to chew and swallow before replying, almost timidly. “It’s been…interesting,” you say, leaning back on your free hand. “It's so different from what I’m used to but in a good way. Sometimes I find myself missing the constant movement of Monaco, the noise, the rush. But it’s nice to hear the silence. There are things I miss more than others, some I don’t so much.”
“¿Como qué?” he asks, the question slipping out before he can really think it through. Like what? He regrets it as soon as he lets it slip from his lips as if he already knows exactly what you’re going to say. His eyes soften at you before speaking again. “You don’t have to share if you don’t want to. I’m just curious, that’s all."
You hesitate for a moment, your gaze shifting to the blanket beneath you. There's a sudden feeling of nervousness that settles over you. You’re unsure about opening up to Carlos. He wasn’t a stranger but he wasn’t someone you were used to confiding in regularly either. You remembered the times you’d seen him at the garage, your casual conversations, the friendly banter. He had always been kind, approachable. But this was different.
“No, it’s okay,” you reassure him. “I guess it’s a little complicated,” you say slowly. “Sure, there were many times when I was by myself, but being in Monaco felt like Charles was anchored to me, that he would eventually miss me and come home. I miss that.” You can feel a lump in your throat as you explain. “When the times were good, we could do anything and be content with simply each other’s presence. I thought we were happy.”
Carlos watches as you swallow thickly, his big brown eyes offering an understanding gaze. He’d always seen you as a strong woman, standing by Charles’s side as a pillar; someone calm and quiet. But here he could see a different side, tender and chipped, broken in some spots. He reaches for your arm, squeezing gently. “It sounds like you miss that connection then, the innocent intimacy.”
You nod, eyes glazed over slightly. “Yeah, I guess I do. It’s hard to let go of something that was such a big part of my life. Especially when I see... when I see Charles moving on so easily. It makes me question a lot of things." Your hand goes to your belly, fingers rubbing at it tenderly. There’s that feeling again, from earlier when you stood face-to-face with yourself.
Carlos’s hand still sits on your arm, his touch reassuring. “And that’s completely normal, you went through so much together. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to move on and find your own happiness.”
You bring your eyes up to his, locking with his warm brown eyes. There’s a sparkle in them that makes you feel seen and understood. Something that seemed to fade between you and Charles as you neared the end of your relationship. “Thanks, Carlito,” you say, teasing him with a nickname you’d come to hear from his father once or twice in the garage.
You smile at him, suddenly noticing how good he looks under the light of the setting sun. Just like how he's seeing a new side of you, you can see a different side to him. He looks relaxed as he sits under the tree with you. He's not as stoic as he looked all those times you saw him before every race, and his smile is more genuine than the one he uses with most of the general public. His hair is messy, falling over his forehead and curling upwards behind his ears. He’s wearing a loose white T-shirt that only pulls tight over his wide shoulders. You meet his eyes, cheeks feeling hot as he catches you shamelessly looking him over. You clear your throat, tearing your eyes away from him.
“Enough about me, what about you? Your love life is probably more interesting than mine.” Carlos shifts lightly, his tone turning contemplative. “Well, there is this one girl,” he begins. “She's great, really. Attractive, smart, we get along really well…” his voice trails off slightly. “But I don't know. It feels like there's something missing, we don't quite have that deep connection, that spark.”
You nod, understanding. “It can be hard to find that connection. Sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not.”
Carlos nods, his gaze thoughtful, and you recognize the way his eyes look forward, not looking at anything in particular, just lost. “I want something more, something real. Someone who really understands me, that I can truly connect with.”
You feel a slight flutter in your chest, a feeling you haven’t felt in a long time. You push it aside, a tingle of guilt shooting down your spine. Too complicated, too soon, you think. Instead, you find yourself absent-mindedly nodding, understanding what he means instantly. "Sometimes it just takes time to figure out if someone is right for you," you offer. "Or maybe you just haven't met the right person yet."
The hour passes quickly, with chatter and laughter being tossed between the two of you. There’s bittersweet reminiscing of old times and sharing stories of before your timelines came together in the Ferrari garage. As the hour passes, Carlos can’t help but steal glances at you, noticing how your eyes sparkle when telling different stories or how the wind pushes your scent his way whenever it dances through your hair. 
He lets himself unabashedly drink in every curve of your silhouette, every crinkle in your laughing face, and all the little gestures you make with your hands as you speak. He lets himself revel in your presence, something he couldn’t do when you were with Charles. It was a longing he had been suppressing out of respect for his teammate.
Eventually, you sigh, rubbing your lower back. "Carlos, I think I need to lie down," you say, your voice suddenly exhausted. “This little one is slowly starting to make things a little difficult.”  
Carlos nods immediately, starting to pack up your picnic. "Of course. Let’s get you home." You walk slowly to the car, the sun beginning to dip under the horizon as you climb into the passenger seat.  
The drive home is quiet, the atmosphere charged with unspoken words. The air feels heavier, the silence more meaningful. Carlos occasionally glances at you, his eyes searching for something, but the silence remains.
When you reach Ines’s house, Carlos gets out and walks over to your side. You smile sleepily as he reaches for your hand, helping you out. You ignore your quickening heartbeat as your hand links with his.
"Thanks for today, Carlos," you say softly, looking up at him.
He smiles warmly. “Anytime, I enjoyed it.”
At the front step, you hesitate, nerves suddenly overwhelming you. Carlos turns to you, the setting sun casting a warm glow over your features. He can’t help but admire how beautiful you look, your eyes reflecting a depth of emotion he hasn’t seen before.
You rise on your toes and press a gentle kiss to his cheek, your hand resting on his bicep for support. Carlos's breath hitches at the touch of your lips, his heart pounding. As you step back, your eyes lock for a moment, saying so much yet so little. You turn and open the door, warmth escaping into the chilled night. With your hand on the doorknob, you pause and look back at him one last time. “Buenas noches, Carlos.”
“Buenas noches,” he echoes.
The days slip by seamlessly, and it seems Carlos is becoming a fixture on your doorstep. Often, he arrives with arms laden with fresh ingredients. He often loses himself in the kitchen’s warmth, occasionally offering you a spoonful of whatever he’s been cooking up, a playful dance of tastes and laughter filling the air.
One evening, as Carlos savours a spoonful of sauce, his approval spills forth. “Te quedó esta salsa bien rica,” he praises, stirring the pot with a satisfied grin. Your sauce here is very delicious.
You chuckle, shooting him a sidelong glance. “Me enseñaron bien,” you nudge him playfully, shoulders brushing. I was taught well.
In subtle ways, Carlos begins to make himself indispensable around the house. He tackles Aunt Ines’s unreachable sink leak, banishes the wobble from a chair deemed off-limits, and even lends a hand in her garden. Aunt Ines finds herself gazing at him with admiration, not just for his handy skills but also for the way he lifts you from your melancholy and paints a smile on your face.
You walk together one evening, a gentle breeze caressing your skin. Carlos swiftly sheds his jacket, draping it over your shoulders. Despite your attempts to suppress the fluttering butterflies that erupt in your tummy, your cheeks betray your feelings with a rosy hue as you look up at him.
"You didn't have to do that," you murmur, fingers fidgeting with the zipper.
"I wanted to," Carlos replies simply, his gaze lingering on yours a moment longer than necessary. Pausing in the middle of the street, you stand still, your breath catching as his fingers brush away a stray hair from the jacket's neckline. Your eyes fall away, a quiet anticipation hanging between you.
“Helado?” you exclaim, breaking the spell he has you under and dart towards an ice cream parlour nearby. "I'll have two scoops of chocolate, please," you request from the server, fingers drumming on the counter.
"Make that three," Carlos chimes in, flashing a grin at you. He pays for the ice cream and follows behind you as you gleefully find your spot at a table. 
As you lounge at the small table, you bask in the warm sun. There’s a mischievous glint in his eyes, like fireflies in the dimming light of dusk. Swiftly he dips his finger into the creamy confection, tracing a delicate line across the tip of your nose.
You gasp at the cold substance, a symphony of laughter escaping your lips. “Carlos!” you exclaim. He can’t help but laugh as you scramble to wipe it off, holding the napkins just out of your grasp. You narrow your eyes at him, angling your cone towards his face. Yet like the fast cars he drives, he moves, leaving a delicate smear of cream on his cheek. 
He freezes, jaw hanging open. You go to smear more over his other cheek as he pushes the ice cream away, shaking his head in playful amusement. You relent, letting out a chuckle as you plop back into your seat. 
"Nice try," he quips, his voice a soft melody in the evening air, as he reaches for a napkin to wipe away the cream.
The moment seems to slow, the world around you seemingly holding its breath as Carlos’s eyes flicker up to meet yours. With a gentle movement, he reaches out towards you, thumb tracing a soft arc over the tip of your nose. With a tender reverence, he brings his finger to his lips, tongue poking out and dragging over the pad of his digit, eyes never leaving yours. It sends a rush down your body, igniting something in your gut that is almost unrecognizable. 
You get pulled from your stupor as laughter rings through your ears. Your eyes land on a group of women, arms linked as they approach you. One of them speaks up as they pass by. "You two make such a lovely couple," she says, her voice soft but full of warmth.
You feel your cheeks flush with embarrassment, feeling like a deer in the headlights being caught doing something she shouldn’t be. Carlos grins at the woman, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Thank you," he replies graciously, arms swinging over to rest on the back of your chair. His gaze lingers on your warm cheeks before winking at the woman, sending her away with his signature smile.
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a/n: Thank you to everyone for tuning in, any feedback, reblogs and likes are very much appreciated, I love seeing your reactions and notes! Love you guys lots!
tags: @kravitzwhore @janeh22 @apollosfavkiddo @leah-also-known-as-creatoronwp @tremendousstarlighttragedy @sltwins @bwormie @marshmummy@honethatty12 @staplerrrr @smithieandy @loloekie @musicheaux @jeondeluxe111 @dessxoxsworld @xoscar03 @emryb @yl90
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thatsdemko · 11 months
the ways in which pato shows you he loves you - p. o’ward
pairing: pato o’ward x reader
warnings: fluff
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- making friends with your family
when you pull into your parents driveway you don’t expect to see pato’s car already there. you didn’t know they had invited him over for dinner, but you’re not surprised they did. they love him.
“hey, welcome home from work!” pato cheers from where he’s standing in the kitchen. he’s helping your mother cut vegetables, and your siblings are seated around the kitchen island. they loved when pato visited.
“I didn’t know you were going to be here?”
your mother gives you a pointed look, “he was always invited. it was you we weren’t sure if we had room for at the table.”
- running his fingers through your hair
you’re curled up beside him on the couch, head rested against his chest your eyes are beginning to fall heavy. his arm wrapped around you, he pulls you closer to him before moving his hand up into your hair. his fingers gently rake through your locks while gently pressing kisses to your head.
- asking for permission to touch your hair
he knows how long it took for the hairdresser to do your braids. you spent over three hours in the chair last week, and he knows how disrespectful it is if he just started playing with the little curls at the end of the braids, or the baby hairs that were fraying from the hair gel.
“do you mind if I play with the ends of your hair?”
you look up into his eyes and give him a slight nod, heart swelling with his consideration to ask, “of course, pato.”
- remembering your favorite food/drink
you had a busy week at work, one that left you busy from morning until late evenings. you didn’t make it home until around almost nine o’clock every night and you barely were eating full meals. small bowls of cereal and whatever snacks you could find were becoming your meals and pato was not letting that slide.
“hermosa,” he says clearing his throat, but you’re too busy you don’t even pick your head up from your computer to notice he’s there. it’s not until the smell of tacos and enchiladas enter your nostrils do you decide to look up.
“you could use some food.” he sets the arrow mclaren lunchbox down on your desk along with a cup full of your favorite Starbucks drink, “do you want to have lunch with me?” he asks.
���Pato,” you swoon over his thoughtfulness looking up at him, “I’m starving. I would love to have lunch with you.”
- getting you flowers
whether it’s an anniversary, a birthday, or just because pato o’ward has flowers for you. they range from roses to a variety of different arrangements. your kitchen island is always decorated with flowers no matter what.
- cooking for you
his family taught him everything he needed to know to keep his partner happy; cooking was one of them.
you loved the smell of spices coming from your kitchen, your mouth would water and the sight of pato(sometimes shirtless) cooking was always a beautiful sight to see.
“taste this,” he’d shove the hot spoon into your mouth and watch your eyes roll to the back of your head, “good or bad?” he asks worriedly taking another bite himself.
- watching your favorite movies with you/listening to the music you like
he didn’t like it at first. oh no, he hated having to sit through a shitty rom-com or listen to the saddest song of the entire car ride, but he did it for you. because you enjoyed it.
“this is the saddest part.” you choke out, a million tissues surrounding your body while you watch that scene in the titanic. the one that has everyone question if there truly was room for jack.
“I know,” he bites his lip trying not to show that he had tears welling. he’s seen this movie about a million times with you, but it still gets him. the dramatics were just that good.
“are you going to cry with me this time?”
“no,” he rolls his eyes playful before a single tear slips down his cheek, “okay maybe I am.”
he takes a tissue from the box and dabs his watery eyes, “I’d rather listen to dear John than watch this scene.”
“imagine dear John during this scene.”
“now you’re just trying to kill me, y/n.”
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littleseasalt · 9 months
#1 - "My Gun" - ForeverPlayerG (DEBUT!)
#2 - "Pac e Mike Wow Wow" - Pac e Mike (-1)
#3 - "Vivo Turbo" - Ivete Sangalo ft. Cellbit (-2)
#4 - "DAPPER DAPPER POMME POMME" - Maximus ft. BagheraJones (-3)
#5 - "KD FOREVER MAPA" - Pato Papão (-4)
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kadextra · 1 year
The Eggs
A lore overview & theory longpost :]
Let's start with a recap. The eggs were given by the Federation to the island residents to care for. A backstory was also given by Pato, saying the eggs were left behind by a dragon mother who flew off after the wall explosion. An egg has 2 lives, if it dies you get punished, if it's alive and happy you get a prize. But nobody really cares about a prize anymore, all the parents love their eggs sooo much that just being together with them is a prize. The eggs have developed unique, endearing personalities and have become a central part of the narrative in such a massive way that it'd take hours to describe. Some sadly passed on, and more eggs have joined the cast as new players arrived.
The Code Entity
A strange entity made of binary code began to hunt down the eggs, viciously attacking and bringing them all down to one life. The reason why is still unknown, but it seems to want the residents to leave the island. I'll make a separate lore post about this guy eventually, there's a lot to say theory-wise and a lot we still don't know about it.
The Strange Cracks
At one point, all the eggs were kidnapped from their homes in the night. The announcement of their return said they would be given back "unharmed" but they returned with odd cracks in them, as if they were injured. The eggs all acted unusually scared and extra fragile after the incident, and couldn't wear armor without pain. They slowly regained their confidence after a few days and went back to normal, along with a eggstatistics change saying they've "matured."
The Heaven Meetings
When an egg dies, the Federation gives the parents 5-10 minutes to say farewells in a white room. It's always really wholesome and emotional to watch. But lots of questions can be raised about how the Federation seem to have the power to revive an egg from the dead in the first place. If they can do it for 10 minutes, why can't they just... revive them permanently? q!Max asked his egg son Trump why he couldn't just leave during his meeting, and got answers alluding that the egg was trapped there. That "they" are too powerful, so he can't leave. What's really going on here? Are the dead eggs even dead?
Case of Richarlyson
The Brazilians noticed that their egg, Richarlyson had one smaller leg compared to the rest, as if he was underdeveloped. And strangely, he also had a weird substance left on him (visually shown as a slimeball) which they thought could be part of the mother dragon's placenta. q!Cellbit gave the sample to supercomputer SOFIA to analyze, the results being given a few days later. Turns out, the substance's composition had zero traces of DNA, it wasn't even biological. Instead, it was found to be some type of chemical preservation fluid... meaning Richarlyson was in some kind of stasis/storage before being given to the Brazilians, and rushed out at such short notice he couldn't even be cleaned off in time.
The Pomme DNA Test
A sample of the newest & youngest egg's DNA, Pomme, was given to SOFIA to analyze. The genetic results were:
65% Oxygen, 18% Carbon, 10% Hydrogen, 3% Nitrogen, 1.5% Calcium, 1% Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulfur, Sodium, Chlorine, Magnesium. These results are normal for a biological composition of a living creature. However, there were also traces of "unusual elements" in the DNA....
Silicon, Gold, Cobalt, Copper, Palladium, Cadmium, Bismuth, Uranium.
Silicon is used for making alloys.
Gold is a valuable metal.
Copper is a metal used as an electric conductor.
Palladium is a rare metal, also used for electronics.
Cadmium is a heavy metal used to make batteries and it's also toxic.
Bismuth is a crystalline metal again used for electronic appliances.
Uranium is literally radioactive and used for nuclear power.
HUH? These elements and metals are totally unnatural to find traces of in a living creature. edit: this is wrong, these elements and metals are common to find traces of in a living creature. However, SOFIA said they are unusual in the eggs. What does this mean..?
What if I told you there is a certain type of egg where it's normal to find metals all over?
Fabergé eggs.
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Fabergé eggs are valuable decorative eggs made with crystals and rare metals like gold. And it just so happens that as a lead-up to the QSMP, Quackity Studios released a teaser image, with morse code inside leading to a document where many suspicious letters, including this one was found:
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This potential connection can't be ignored. Real Fabergé eggs obviously aren't alive like our little eggs, but it's entirely possible that thanks to the traces of metals in their composition, the name is being used as a codeword to refer to them.
All of these things considered, don't forget that the eggs are still living creatures. The "unusual" parts in the genetic makeup are very few compared to oxygen, carbon, calcium, etc. Most of the weird ones do happen to relate to electronics and machines, but if anything, it's likely that the eggs could be cyborgs - a biological organism that's just enhanced with technological parts.
It's becoming more and more evident that the "dragon mother" story is a load of hogwash. The eggs might've been developed in a lab, and transported to the island by the Federation. Whatever intentions or experiment they have running, we don't know... but these poor eggs have no idea about any of this. They are innocent and being used.
They just existed one day, got adopted and began to know love. And no matter what happens, no matter what they really are, dragons or not, we and the parents will continue to love them <3
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anxiouberry · 9 months
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yb-cringe · 4 months
cannot stress enough that while cucurucho is in trouble, hes not the one who was in charge of quesadilla. the cinematic explained that sr. pato, mr duck, was in charge and we see him walking before that board of directors of the islands.
cucu is still just a pawn. ultimately the board decides (and maybe pato has a hand in this bc of the cookie/gold choice) that mr rabbit will be the next director of the island.
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calebwidgast · 14 days
pato confirmed to appear on love island.
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angelsandarsenic · 9 months
From the moment Cucurucho appeared, I have loved that freaky bear thing
Cucurucho (and the federation) has so much horror potential that is not talked about nearly enough. There's all this awesome creepy fanart of Cucurucho, but the pure horror potential I-
Of course, from the beginning, Quesadilla Island and the Federation have been very similar to communist propaganda, what with the happy go lucky Pato (and admins) giving them steadfast rules with extreme consequences, "I hope you enjoy the island", the census bureau, so much stuff being "classified" and don't even get me started on the happy pills. But this type of behavior has such a psychological horror feel; what specifically gets me thinking all the time is that phrase "I hope you enjoy the island". It's so fucking ominous, especially if you imagine Cucurucho as this Clearly Not Right but is Pretending creature--which you don't even have to, the QSMP did a fantastic job of presenting them that way anyway--the phrase is framed as something positive but is sooooo eerie and👏 I live 👏 for 👏 that 👏 shit👏.
Obviously, I have to acknowledge poor horror protag Cellbit, who's absolutely going through it, but the whole server has huge madness and phobia horror themes, and even home invasion/survival themes in a twisted way, as well as, all together science experiment horror.
The madness/phobia horror subgenre focuses on the effect the situation has on the characters more than any actual killing that may happen. Of course, murder is an excellent scare tactic in this genre, similar to, again, uber controlling governments that "make people disappear" or outright show off execution as a control method. This subgenre is about characters going insane, what drives people to do terrible or desperate things. In this way, the eggs are a huge factor.
Everything about the wall and not being able to leave the island sets up for a claustrophobic, trapped feeling. You are not in control, something something about fragile birds and freedom versus big predators--the Federation is in control. The admins and the code monsters and faceless and named federation workers, the happy pills or outright killing and torturing people, everything you do is either allowed or not by the Federation. It breeds resentment, prompts people to explore and rebel, so the players were given the eggs. It worked as a fantastic distraction, and everyone grew incredibly attached to them, like they were supposed to. This is where home invasion/survival type horror begins to tie in, but I'll get to that.
By the way, has anyone else ever been suspicious about the eggs coming from the Federation and what that could mean for their trustworthiness? I'm not talking about the eggs becoming code monsters, that's sort of a different thing, I mean as the eggs, in everybody's homes and personal lives, they have free access to everything on the island.
The players settled down. They built homes, they made lives for themselves and tasks were required to do to keep the eggs alive, like what happens when people have children for real. It forced them to become familiar and complacent on the island and gave them every reason not to leave.
I don't need to explain the impact that all had, almost every action is driven by the eggs, for the eggs, for family. The way everyone reacted when the eggs got taken, then again, and the desperation everyone has to get them back safe, such as Philza Minecraft willingly walking himself into a trap just for the chance of finding Chayanne.
The Federation can just take away the eggs at any time. They can take away the players' security, autonomy, create mode, etc. What strikes me though is the way the plot has progressed so far, and that's what makes it science experimentation horror.
First, we start with Cucurucho again--emotionless, detached, sterile and white colors/coding, and what is their job? To collect data on the players. Cucurucho has shown up several times throughout the QSMP, including before the eggs ever came into play, as a worker for the census bureau.
The eggs require regular tasks with increasing difficulty, which could be viewed as similar to scientists working with animals seeing how they perform and complete specific activities, like a mouse running through more difficult mazes to find cheese. Then, players get more complicated and specific tasks and no one gets to know why/what they're for usually.
Remember the first time the eggs disappeared, we were afraid they would never come back? I was surprised that they did. I think events like this are the big tests, and maybe it was just me, but it feels like the eggs are being taken and allowed back, not like the players have any actual affect on the situation.
It would be remiss not to mention the backstory that's slowly being uncovered and how some players are being outright experimented on or manipulated by the Federation. Jaiden as Bluebird plus Baghera and Quackity, Cellbit's interactions with Cucurucho and Forever and Pac on the happy pills. Speaking of, I'm so incredibly curious to see what's going to happen to Philza now  👀 👀
The Federation has had very limited interactions with the players and usually through representatives or proxies. They're kind of like a hand of God coming down to mess with stuff whenever they see fit, or again, like scientists, watching and controlling and taking notes. What all for?????? This would also explain Cucurucho's pure hatred of Tubbo--Cellbit was expected, and his investigations were only going so far, then he is easily put back in his place with a little scare, or gets preoccupied (oh how easily Roier could be used against him). Tubbo on the other hand, came out of nowhere. He's a chaotic little anomaly of their new test subjects and doesn't take time to cautiously settle into the island, not to mention he presents as harmless, which was how he got the better of Cucurucho in the first place. Who knows what he could do to the other characters and the Federation's experiments?
It's also worth mentioning that the whole setting is an island. Meaning even though the players can't escape, there are other people/land out there, but the players are in a secluded, controlled environment.
Lastly, "islands" (enviornments that are isolated for the duration of the media in some way) are a main setting of horror and specifically home invasion/survival horror. Similar to phobia/madness horror, home invasion/survival horror focuses more on the buildup before the attack, the characters being watched and the subsequent affect. It also relies on the characters having a a place they feel safe or something/someone they want to protect. That’s what the QSMp created when they gave the players the eggs. Even though the players are on the Federation’s island, they’ve been forced to make homes there and made connections with each other and with their kids. Then, the monsters attack. Monsters that didn’t show up in the very beginning, progressively getting worse and targeting the eggs. It’s like the characters have been dropped on the island just to be food or playthings for the creatures. The characters get high security doors and windows and reinforced blocks, they get powerful weapons. Then there’s the code, and the Federation itself, tearing into the characters’ lives and families, no matter what they do, they’re never safe. There is no sense of security and I think even with Etoiles getting the code monster’s sword and every advancement the players make, it won’t be enough. Not to mention, Philza, one of the best survivalist, innovative and fighter players just got kidnapped.
Lastly, Cucurucho said the eggs left because there was something worse than the Federation on the island. That statement is terrifying on it’s own, but it fits right in with this au genre of horror—the assailants don’t show their faces until near the end of the story, and not only do we know very little about the Federation still, but this new threat looms, completely unknown.
Ok, ok, I know I got way off topic of Cucurucho, but like I said, since they first showed up, the QSMP has had fantastic horror potential, that it’s living up to, we just don’t talk about it much.
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Condesa Penelope: Eres el peor pirata del que he oído hablar.
Pirata Sam Bigotes: Pero ha oído hablar de mi.
Fuente: Piratas del Caribe: la maldición del Perla Negra (2003)
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ghlitchbit · 4 months
what the fuck happened in this server whole I was gone holy shit why is the island completely different why is there a fucking bunny instead of Pato wHY IS THERE A FUCKING CRYPTID BEAR HAUNTING BAGI??????
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