#paul haines
jt1674 · 11 months
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Alto Saxophone – Jimmy Lyons Baritone Saxophone – Chris Woods Bass – Charlie Haden Bass Trombone – Jack Jeffers Clarinet – Perry Robinson Drums – Paul Motian Electric Guitar – John McLaughlin French Horn – Sharon Freeman Piano – Carla Bley Tenor Saxophone – Gato Barbieri Trombone – Roswell Rudd Trumpet – Michael Mantler Tuba – John Buckingham Voice – Linda Ronstadt Voice – Charlie Haden
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nedison · 11 months
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RIP Carla Bley
It's funny(bird), I was just listening to Leo Kottke's hazy cover of CB's Jesus Maria the other day as well as a few scattered tracks from Escalator Over The Hill and marveling at what a music titan Carla had been.
Truly a creative force of nature, in addition to her astounding collaborative works released under her own name, she was also instrumental (ha) in producing some of my favorite LPs by other artists, including Kew. Rhone and Nick Mason's Fictitious Sports.
But tonight I'm spinning the appropriately titled Heavy Heart and continuing, as I always will, to marvel once again at her utter genius.
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julio-viernes · 11 months
Carla Bley, pianista, compositora, directora de banda, pionera del movimiento free jazz y colaboradora de músicos del pop rock como NRBQ y Nick Mason, falleció ayer por complicaciones de un cáncer cerebral a los 87 años. Descanse en paz.
Aquí estoy escuchando su box set triple firmada junto a Paul Haines, "Escalator Over The Hill". Es una muy sorprendente e interesante "ópera jazz" grabada desde 1968 a 1971, y publicada ese año, que aúna big band, rock, raga, canciones pop, music hall, experimental, entre otros estilos - casi todo está aquí, el pasado, el presente y el futuro-, en la que participaron decenas de músicos, Linda Ronstadt, Jack Bruce, Paul Jones, John McLaughlin, Don Cherry, Gato Barbieri, Don Preston, Viva, Charlie Haden, etc...
"Rawalpindi Blues", con Don Cherry
Hay mucho sitio para la sorpresa a lo largo de esas seis caras. "Escalator" es como si fuera un "Hair" o un "Jesus Christ S." de vanguardia, en el extremo. Entre otras cosas, la primera cara la cubre por completo el big band "free" de "Hotel Overture"; la segunda la abre una increíble "This Is There"; la tercera lleva "Businessmen", el corte más rock de toda la obra (abajo) y la indescriptible "Detective Writer Daughter". La cuarta incluye "Oh Say You Can Do".
"Rawalpindi Blues", con Jack Bruce.
Pero lo más indómito tal vez llegue al final, en las caras quinta y sexta, es decir, el tercer LP. Títulos como "A.I.R. (All India Radio)" (raga jazz), "Rawalpindi Blues" (auténtico conglomerado de estilos), "End of Rawalpindi" (¿esto qué es...? parece trip hop de ese que muta en un amago de "Paranoid", una completa locura... arriba) y "... And It's Again", que dura 8:55, pero tiene al final de la cara un "locked groove" que hacía continuar infinitamente el vinilo en los tocadiscos manuales y que, para generar un efecto similar en la versión CD, extendieron su duración hasta los 17 minutos antes de irse desvaneciendo lentamente.
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uwmspeccoll · 11 months
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It’s Fine Press Friday!
Today we will be discussing Weather Opinions, a book with quotations on various “weather subjects”, compiled and arranged by Jennie Day Haines, published in 1907. The book consists of a variety of passages and poetry associated with the weather of each month. Each month is accompanied by illustrations of the astrological sign associated with the month in the headers. Between the months, there are similar quotations about greater weather patterns or seasonal phenomena. Also included in the book is a color frontispiece made by printmaker Gordon Ross (1873-1946).
The book was printed on Normandy Vellum with typography by John Henry Nash (1871-1947) at the Tomoye Press in New York City; it was published by Paul Elder & Company. Nash worked on typography and book design with Paul Elder (1872-1948), who was in charge of the publication and selling of the books the two created until 1911, when the partners had a falling out and Nash left the Press.
Our copy is another gift from our friend Jerry Buff.
View more Fine Press Friday Posts.
– Sarah S., Special Collections Graduate Intern
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milafm2002 · 13 days
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It's Time For Another One!!!
This is Part Three Of Songs Designed For The Nighttime, Part Three Songs For Walking At Night enjoy Featuring For The First Time On The Blog The One And Only Halsey
Ghost - Halsey ( Badlands ) 2015
Idoteque - Radiohead ( Kid A ) 2000
Hyperballad - Bjork ( Post ) 1995
Blue Blood - Foals ( Total Life Forever ) 2010
Daniel - Bat For Lashes ( Two Suns ) 2009
The Slow Drug - PJ Harvey ( Uh Huh Her ) 2004
Juicy Sock - Cherry Glazerr ( Stuffed And Ready ) 2019
Narc - Interpol ( Antics ) 2004
Collect Call - Metric ( Fantasies ) 2009
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spilladabalia · 1 year
Butthole Surfers - The Hurdy Gurdy Man
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egoschwank · 1 month
al things considered — when i post my masterpiece #1337
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first posted in facebook august 15, 2024
eben haines -- "the weight of pulling" (2023)
"now is the time to own the face that stares back at us, to speak loudly against injustice, and to call for the protection of all people at home and abroad" … eben haines
"i never give you my pillow i only send you my invitations and in the middle of the celebrations i break down" … paul mccartney
"a sense of threat pervades; something is about to go badly wrong. or maybe it already has?" … murray whyte
"man, you gotta carry that weight" … al janik
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ujuro · 6 months
Ya know most “avant garde” albums have something about them that makes them understandable if you engage with them properly be it genre conventions or the time period or the location it was made or the political situation of the time and area or the background of the artist or hell just plain old hindsight. However. Sometimes you get an album where you think that whoever made this had to be truly deranged in all ways otherwise this couldn’t exist. and when you find an album like that it is beautiful
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highonfilms · 2 years
15 Best Movies That Take Place Within 24 Hours
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The affliction drama (Children of a Lesser God, The Shadow Box, Whose Life Is It Anyway?, Angels in America) enlists the human capacity for sympathy and asks the sympathetic viewer to weep. There's nothing wrong with a good cry (see most any film starring Bette Davis), but any claim to actual identity as a drama must rest upon the construction of a plot independent of the assignment of affliction to the protagonist. Such a claim, like the demand for more pie, is plain bad manners.
David Mamet, Bambi vs. Godzilla
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rbolick · 2 years
Books On Books Collection - Leslie Haines
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thebusylilbee · 16 days
"Chère Gisèle Pelicot, vous êtes entrée dans nos vies comme au tribunal d’Avignon, par la grande porte. [...] Le jour de l’ouverture du procès de vos violeurs a aussi été celui de l’officialisation de votre divorce. [Une meute] vous attend dans la salle d’audience : celle des 50 hommes qui sont jugés pour viol en réunion. Il y en aurait des dizaines d’autres qu’on n’a pas pu identifier. Vous faites face. Rien ne vous préparait à être dans cette salle d’audience. Un des accusés est arrivé en retard parce que, dit-il, il devait accompagner son fils à l’école pour la rentrée. Je me suis demandé qui avait accompagné vos petits-enfants, qui faisaient, eux aussi, leur rentrée scolaire. Je sais que vous avez pensé à eux à ce moment précis.
Réalité difficile à accepter
Vous les voyez tous pour la première fois sauf ce voisin que vous croisiez parfois dans la vie d’avant, celle qui ne reviendra jamais, celle de la maison du Vaucluse et de l’ignorance préservée. Vous les regardez. Ils regardent leurs pieds. Ils n’avaient jamais vu vos yeux, Jean, Didier, Jean-Luc, Romain, Redouan, Cédric, Grégory, Karim, Jean-Marc, Philippe, Quentin, Nicolas, Vincent, Patrick, Paul et les autres… On ploie sous la longueur de la liste et la banalité des profils. Les trois quarts d’entre eux ne reconnaissent pas les viols, comme tous ceux qui font les gros titres de l’actualité, les PPDA, Nicolas Hulot, Salim Berrada, Gérard Miller, Olivier Duhamel, Benoît Jacquot, Jacques Doillon, Gérard Depardieu…
Leurs arguments sont toujours les mêmes. Ils font tourner l’infect disque rayé du mensonge complaisant. Ils n’ont pas compris ce qu’ils faisaient. Ils sont sûrs d’être, eux aussi, des types bien, pas des monstres, même quand on leur montre les vidéos des crimes. Ils sont pompier, journaliste, étudiant, chauffeur routier, gardien de prison, infirmier, retraité, conseiller municipal, nos amis, nos amants, nos pères, nos frères. Une réalité difficile à accepter.
Un seul s’est adressé à vous pour vous présenter des excuses. Leur défense est un échantillon chimiquement pur de la violence patriarcale et des masques derrière lesquels elle s’abrite pour prospérer. « Le patriarcat est dans la maison ce que le fascisme est dans le monde », écrivait Virginia Woolf dans Trois guinées (1938).
Certains évoquent le poncif éculé de la pulsion, d’autres la frustration sexuelle due à l’absence prolongée d’une compagne officielle. Il y a celui qui trouve « bizarre » d’avoir fait ça. On trouve aussi des traces de « libertinage incompris ». Il y a celui qui ose l’ahurissant « viol involontaire ».
« Consentement par délégation »
Puisque vous étiez comateuse, il est difficile de prétendre que vous étiez partante. Difficile, mais quelques-uns tentent quand même le « j’ai pu croire qu’elle faisait semblant de dormir ». Les plus audacieux essayent le « consentement par délégation » ; le mari était d’accord, « il fait ce qu’il veut avec sa femme ». Une femme est soumise à son compagnon. L’ordre immémorial de la hiérarchie masculine est respecté.
Ce qui est certain, c’est qu’ils ont tous bandé à l’idée de pénétrer un corps inerte. Le viol et l’ordinaire de la sexualité semblent avoir beaucoup de points communs dans leur esprit. Ils ont bien le droit. Ils ont le pouvoir de le faire. Ils n’allaient pas passer à côté d’un viol gratuit près de chez eux. Ils ont été biberonnés à la haine des femmes, au mépris qui s’excite de l’impuissance de l’autre. Le sexisme féroce transpire de leur discours. La pornographie violente dont certains collectionnaient les images les plus répugnantes y est sans doute pour quelque chose. La domination absolue les a fait jouir. Ils ne voient pas le problème. Même au tribunal. Même devant vous.
Ils font ce que font la plupart des hommes accusés : ils se victimisent et rajoutent une couche de mépris sur celle qu’ils ont déjà humiliée. Ils sont tombés dans un traquenard. On les a piégés. Vous êtes restée là, à les écouter sans ciller, droite sur le ring. Vous décrivez désormais votre vie comme un combat de boxe. Le combat est déloyal. L’adversaire a les armes du terrorisme patriarcal. Que vous soyez à terre ou debout, cassée ou le poing levé, votre droiture fait craqueler la carapace d’impunité qui les a longtemps protégés.
Ce n’est pas seulement vous, Gisèle, qu’ils ont traitée comme une chose. Ils nous disent, à toutes, notre insignifiance. Votre force nous rend la nôtre. Merci pour ce cadeau immense.
Hélène Devynck, journaliste et autrice d’Impunité, (Seuil, 2022)"
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another-delta-lover · 3 months
Yooo just saw that post about your tf2 OCs can you show them👉👈(I’m interested)
Anyway- here they are!!!! I only have two :3
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Erica! :3 -
She's RED!soldier's adoptive daughter!! she found her in the battlefield, lost 😔😔😔 Her family abandoned her for [reason I haven't thought of yet XD].
After she was adopted by soldier, she trained her to be the 2nd best soldier ever!!! She wears soldier's original (OLD) clothing :) .
She's now 20 and fighting along with her mom (mtf soldier) against the BLU:3.
She doesn't like her stepmom (Zhanna) and has beef with her and RED!Heavy bc of that :( .
Her father figure is RED!Engineer :)
She doesn't like the RED!Scout bc he tries to flirt w/ her and she's a LESBIAN!!!! (After scout comes out as trans [mtf] she doesn't like her edither bc she annoying XDD).
RED!Demoman is like a cool uncle to her:) and... she knows what he has done with BLU!Soldier >:( doesn't approve it.
RED!Medic freaks the shi out of her XDD He appeared in a nightmare of hers bc he creepy asf.
She doesn't mind RED!Sniper or RED!Pyro, they hang out sometimes.
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Matthew Brown🏳️‍🌈 -
He's everyone's lawyer (literally. All the merc's (both red n blu), blutarch's, redmond's, administrator's, and even miss pauling's lawyer XDD TF2 LOGIC STFU.)
He's rich
He's HALF BRITISH AND HALF FRENCH. (I punished him twice)
He was RED!Spy's best childhood friend, they met when they were 14-16
He had a crush on Jacques when they were young... Sadly, that crush hasn't stopped 😔😔But he in denial.
He's rich asf
He had beef with Scout's ma bc SHE STOLE HIS MAN!!!!!!! But years after hain beef w her, he helped her raising the children SPY DIDN'T TAKE CARE OF!!!!!!
He's rich
He's RED!Scout and BLU!Scout's father figure 🤙🤙🤙 (I headcanon em as twins) After they both came out as trans, he gave em all the support they needed 🤙🤙🫶🫶
Did I mention that HE'S RICH ASF.
He wears all brown clothing. A brown EXPENSIVE suit, brown EXPENSIVE pants, a light brown EXPENSIVE shirt, Golden EXPENSIVE jewelry (Earrings, rings, a watch).
He's hated by both Erica and RED!Soldier for being FRENCH!!! AND BRITISH!!!!
He hangs out with Red!Demoman and BLU!Engineer often :)
He's cunty as RED!Medic, They always flirt with eachother (jokin, ofc). He gives him all the money he needs for his weird ass experiments.
He thinks Sniper is stinky. both of em. Specially The BLU!Sniper bc he's dating BLU!Scout.
He doesn't like RED!Pyro much tehy're dating RED!Scout.
AND THAT'S ALL!!1 My ask box is open if u want to ask em stuff (u u ) I REALLY, REALLY WOULDN'T MIND!!!
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1968 GTO
Pontiac History - The first Endura bumper for the 1968 GTO is shown here on February 28th, 1967, at Inland Manufacturing, a division of General Motors. The story of how this material was developed is fascinating. It was first used back in 1964 on 'push' vehicles that pushed non-running cars around the Pontiac engineering garage. Inland continually improved the material. The first use of Endura on a production vehicle were Pontiac emblems that appeared on the noses of 1967 Firebird 400s and B-Body Pontiacs. The next phase was to develop an entire front bumper of high density microcellular polymer foam and coat it with urethane paint to match the factory applied body paint of a 1968 GTO. The original name for this material was Indura (all Inland Manufacturing products started with "IN") but Pontiac didn't want a marketing name to refer to another division, so they changed the name to Endura. Thanks to Paul Haines for his insight into the Endura story. - MCN
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holmesxwatson · 1 year
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from The Television Sherlock Holmes by Peter Haining. Poster art by Paul Davis (x)
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blowflyfag · 4 months
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Dear Kane, Can you see out of your burnt eye?
Jerry Posey
Haines City, Florida
Paul Bearer: How many times do I have to tell you people? MY SON DOESN’T WANT TO TALK TO YOU! Any questions you have for Kane is one that I can answer just fine! As far as his eye, isn't it obvious it’s of no use to him? That’s just one of the many lasting brotherly memories your Undertaker left my son with. Rest assured, all the pain your Phenom has caused me and Kane will come back to him in due time–OHHHH, YESSSS!
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