#paula von gunther
wondyvillains · 7 months
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theparadiseproject · 5 months
Wonder Woman is similar where she spent the most of her first comics fighting Nazis and random enemies of the state with onlya few big named "Supervillains", most of which had no powers at all. I think that really is her sweet spot as a character which is dealing with national threats, military, intelligence, and war. It's a shame she lost her Diana Prince Id and that job at the intelligence agency because its literally so important to her character and sets her entire story up like any secret ID would.
This isn't to take away from her crazy villains and all there different areas like occultism, psychology, etc. because she has a whole range of influences that have been wiped away or rarely get brought up but she was so clearly a well defined hero from the beginning with clear influences and themes that go far beyond anything anyone ever brings up about her which is usually just the gender stuff, which is important, but even that is badly represented and misunderstood.
I think the great thing about Wonder Woman though is that although WW2 was really important to the formation of her character, its not necessarily something she needs to have for her to work. There are always international conflicts, issues, military spats, etc. that can inspire her to leave her island and to go into that weird world of her with no issue. The threat of War always exist so the character always has a reason to leave even in times of relative international peace since there is always a problem or something that can be made up.
Comics rarely write on topical modern issues the way they did in the past anyway so there's very little reason to wait until there is another crazy event to find inspiration for her character.
Just reading her comics and looking at her character i think someone that genuinely wants to modernize the character for today could have a ball doing research on all these things Marston wrote and trying to configure them properly in modern day while keeping the character in tact.
Seeing a modern day Priscilla Rich as whatever young New York socialites look like now would be a lot of fun, maybe she's the biggest name in New York and all the other socialites on whatever their scene looks like, maybe reality tv shows, boarding schools, charity events, etc. all talk about her with such amazement coming from a super wealthy family and having her hand in a bit of everything while she is secretly dealing with deep mental issues that are brought on by her jealousy of Diana
Seeing Etta Candy or the Holliday Girls in a modern sorority from a small local elite womens college/university helping out in war efforts.
Dr. Psycho going back to his roots of using hypnotism, ectoplasm, occult practice, and his position as a respected doctor with a crazy past to be a menance to people.
Paula Von Gunther in modern day with the rise of Nazism apparently in the US and how that would look could be a fun story
Doctor Poison being behind a massive outbreak or illness similar to Covid and all the poltics behind that......maybe she needed to find a way to stifle people while she cooks something up worse, start political outbreak, etc.
Like there is so much there and its really fun to think about
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silveragelovechild · 1 year
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BARONESS VON GUNTHER Created By: William Moulton Marston 1st Appearance: Sensation #4 - April, 1942 Publisher: All-American Comics Team: Villain Actor: Marlene Dietrich (1901 - 1992)
THE JOKER Created By: Bob Kane & Bill Finger 1st Appearance: Batman #1 - June, 1940 Publisher: National Periodicals Team: Villain Actor: Conrad Veidt (1893 - 1943
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splooosh · 2 years
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“That’s enough nonsense”
Harry G Peter
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random-movie-ideas · 8 months
Wonder Woman Villain Movie Ideas, Part IV: Baroness Paula von Gunther
Baroness Paula von Gunther has the distinction of being Wonder Woman's first ever archnemesis, a Nazi spy and femme fatale who schemed and plotted throughout much of World War II, before eventually being reformed and training on Themyscira. For all my love for Patty Jenkins' original Wonder Woman movie, if I have any critiques for it, its that it went with Dr. Poison and some general instead of the Baroness, like, she was sitting right there. And, yes, I know, she was a Nazi, while this was World War I Germany, but it's not like the movie knew the difference.
Origin Movie: Now, this is the obvious origin villain. Wonder Woman already leaves the island specifically to help in World War II (or I, I guess), her obvious starter villain would likely be an iconic villain working for the Nazis. And Paula's sorta reformation would set her up to be a solid Loki-type moving forward.
Sequel Movie: Honestly, had the sequel decided to go for World War II instead of 1984, I feel like the Baroness would have been the natural pick. And it would have really tried Diana's faith in humanity considering all of . . . well, you know. Especially with Ares supposedly dead.
Finale Movie: If it's a trilogy taking place entirely within World War II, then I suppose you could get away with saving the Baroness all the way until the end, but at that point, you might as well just have her fight Charlie Chaplin's evil twin himself.
Supporting Villain: Given her role as an assassin under the Nazis, literally everyone from Danny Huston's general to Der Fuhrer himself could be a co-villain to her.
Overall, her are my rankings of them:
Origin Movie: She is probably the only pick to this placement I would accept.
Supporting Villain: There's lots of options there.
Sequel Movie: While it would have been a solid sequel, the opportunity for it has long since past, so . . . c'est la vie.
Finale Movie: It's fine, but it could be done better.
What do you think? Who should I cover next?
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that-theaven · 11 months
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It's a shame that the 70s Wonder Woman series never showcased any of villains from the comics with the exception of Baroness Paula Von Gunther, so I used an Al generator to show what some the Rogue gallery might have looked like.
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nerds-yearbook · 1 year
Wonder Woman was granted her own title in 1942 with a cover date of June. She was created by psychologist William Moulton Marston. The first issue retold her origin, but added some details like her birth from molded clay and introduced the gods Mars and Mercury to the DC universe. In another story in the issue, Wonder Woman visited a circus on June 27, 1942. ("The Origin of Wonder Woman", "Wonder Woman Goes to the Circus", "Florence Nightingale", "The Master Plan of Paula Von Gunther", Wonder Woman 1#, Comic, Event)
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thealmightyemprex · 1 year
Early DC villains adapted to live action part 2
Killer Moth played by Tim Herbert -Batgirl (THis was a short pilot ,Killer Moth doesnt do much ,Herberts OK
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Baroness PAula Von Gunther and Fausta Grables played by Christine Belford and Lynda Day George in Wonder Woman (Both actresses are menacing though I assume these villains were chosen cause they are some of Wonder Womans less fantastic rogues )
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Lex Luthor played by Gene Hackman in Superman the Movie,Superman II and Superman IV The Quest for PEace (So as years have gone on Gene Hackmans Lex has become my favorite supervillain in film .Now it isnt an accurate take, but its a fun take .While at the time Lex was a mad scientist,I kind of love how th movie update him to be an eccentric criminal genius ,almost like a Bond villain and Hackman is such a delight to watch )
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General Zod played by Terrance Stamp from Superman the Movie and Superman II (Stamp owns this role ,very commanding ,very menacing ,a perfect foil for the Man of Steel )
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Solomon Grundy ,Weather Wizard ,Sinestro ,Giganta ,Dr Sivana ,Mordru and Aunt Minerva played by Micky Morton ,Jeff Altman,Charlie Callas ,Aleshia Brevard ,Howard Morris ,Gabriel Dell and Ruth Buzzie (NOt much to say about these guys honestly,they basically toook a bunch of comedic actors and dressed them up as supervillains ,Micky Morton is a pretty good Grundy ,Jeff Altman is decent ,Charlie Calla is an OK comedic take on Sinestro,Aleshia Brevard doesnt have much to do as Giganta ,Howard Morris is perfect as Sivana ,GAbriel Dell is meh (Though his musical number is fun ) ,and Ruth Buzzie is hilarious
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Anton Arcane played by Louis Jourdan(Human form )/Ben Bates(Monster form first movie ) in Swamp Thing/The Return of Swamp Thing (Havent seen the second film but in the first film Louie Jourdan is an effective menacing villain,though his monster form isnt that convincing )
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To Be Continued
@ariel-seagull-wings @amalthea9 @angelixgutz @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @princesssarisa @goodanswerfoxmonster @filmcityworld1
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nfcomics · 2 months
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WONDER WOMAN no.755 • cover art • Gary Frank [May 2020]
'The Four Horsewomen' part one! Paula Von Gunther, a.k.a. Warmaster, has assembled her four horsewomen…and now she's out for Wonder Woman's blood!
Plus, Diana is put on trial for the sins of the Amazons! Is it all just lies, or is there really a horrible secret the Amazons have kept from their own champion?
(W) Orlando, Steve (A) Duursema, Jan (CA) Frank, Gary
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wondyvillains · 2 years
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The Golden Age version of Baroness von Gunther was stone cold, as seen in this panel from SENSATION COMICS #6 (1942)!
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thadragon84 · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: WONDER WOMAN Ver Comic.
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gasthausnostalgie · 9 months
Old Vienna
Gunther Philipp
(* 8. Juni 1918 in Töplitz, Österreich-Ungarn; † 2. Oktober 2003 in Bad Godesberg; eigentlich Gunther Placheta) war ein österreichischer Schauspieler, Sportler und Arzt.
Gunther Philipps Eltern waren der spätere Tierarzt Hugo Placheta und dessen Ehefrau Therese. Gunther wurde im heutigen Rumänien (Siebenbürgen) geboren, wo sein Vater im Ersten Weltkrieg stationiert war. Bald nach der Geburt kehrte die Familie in ihren Heimatort Wien zurück. Seine Schulbildung erhielt Philipp in Wien und in Innsbruck (bei späteren Besuchen in Hötting in Innsbruck bezeichnete er sich gerne selber als halben Höttinger). Philipp war ein erfolgreicher Schwimmer: Er hielt 14 Jahre lang den österreichischen Rekord im 100-Meter-Brustschwimmen. Er war auch im Kader der österreichischen Olympia-Mannschaft 1936 in Berlin, wurde allerdings aus politischen Gründen nicht nominiert, weil er dem nationalsozialistisch dominierten „Ersten Wiener Amateur Sport Club“ nicht beitreten wollte.
Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs studierte Philipp am Max-Reinhardt-Seminar Schauspiel und an der Universität Wien Philosophie mit dem Hauptfach Psychologie sowie anschließend Medizin. Am 11. März 1940 beantragte er die Aufnahme in die NSDAP und wurde zum 1. Juni desselben Jahres aufgenommen (Mitgliedsnummer 7.685.137).
1943 promovierte Philipp und leistete seinen Kriegsdienst in einem Feldlazarett. Nach dem Krieg betrieb er eine Praxis in Eberstalzell in Oberösterreich und war bis in die 1990er-Jahre an der Wiener Universitätsklinik für Neurologie und Psychiatrie tätig. Eine seiner Patientinnen war 1946 die nervenkranke Schauspielerin Paula Wessely.
Im Jahr 1946 gründete er gemeinsam mit Peter Wehle und Fred Kraus die Kabarettgruppe „Die kleinen Vier“. Ende 1949 gab Philipp seinen bürgerlichen Beruf weitgehend auf und arbeitete überwiegend als Schauspieler oder Moderator, behielt jedoch zeitlebens ein starkes Interesse an medizinischen Themen bei und las entsprechende Fachzeitschriften. Nebenher schrieb er auch unzählige Programme für das Radio und Drehbücher für den Film. Erfolge feierte er auch am Theater als Boulevard-Schauspieler.
Bekannt wurden seine Filme mit Peter Alexander und Hans Moser, die er durch seine spezifische Komik bereicherte.
In den 1950er-Jahren gründete Philipp einen eigenen Motorsport-Rennstall Ecurie Vienne und startete in der Gran-Turismo-Klasse. Er wurde in den 1960er-Jahren mehrmaliger österreichischer Staatsmeister. Nach dem Ende seiner aktiven Laufbahn moderierte er zusammen mit Jochen Rindt (nach dessen Tod allein) die ORF-Sendung Motorama.
Gunther Philipp gehörte vor allem in den 1950er- und 1960er-Jahren zu den beliebtesten und meistbeschäftigten deutschsprachigen Schauspielern. Er wirkte in 147 Film- und Fernsehrollen mit.
Als Autor verfasste Philipp 21 Drehbücher.
Er war viermal verheiratet, zuletzt mit der wesentlich jüngeren Arzttochter Gisela Kirchberg aus Köln, und war Vater von drei Söhnen.
Am 2. Oktober 2003 starb Gunther Philipp nach langjähriger Krankheit im Alter von 85 Jahren in einer Klinik in Bonn-Bad Godesberg. Sein Grab befindet sich auf dem Melaten-Friedhof in Köln in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft zu den Schauspielerkollegen Willy Birgel, René Deltgen sowie Gisela Uhlen, deren Ehemann er in der Serie Forsthaus Falkenau bis zu seinem Tod gespielt hatte.
Nachdem er oft in der Wachau Filme gedreht hatte, wurde ihm dort ein Museum eingerichtet – im Hotel Mariandl, dem Drehort des Films Der Hofrat Geiger in Spitz an der Donau in Niederösterreich.
1. 1965
2. 1949
3. 1961, Foto: Alfred Cermak
4. 1961, Werbung (Nahrungsmittel)
5. Verleihung des Goldenen Doktordiploms im Großen Festsaal der Universität Wien am 20. September 1994. Unter den ausgezeichneten befindet sich der als Schauspieler bekanntgewordene Mediziner Gunther Placheta alias Gunther Philipp. Das Bild zeigt ihn mit Gattin Gisi
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splooosh · 2 years
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Jesus Merino
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troythings · 6 months
stupid fucks compilation part 2, more to come if they keep this shit up
the worst part about dc comics and actual morbid history is you’ll just get empty-headed shits drooling and moaning over imagined action sequences and the latest ‘feelgood’ flick
anyway…what if i told you the protagonist of jojo rabbit was actually a toxic masculinist HJ kid in the original novel, literally obsessed with violating and exploiting the woman hidden in his family’s house?
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random-movie-ideas · 4 months
DC Cinematic Universe Pitch
For the last several months, I have been working through the various DC heroes and their villains, discussing movie ideas and coming up with possible plans for how a movie universe could incorporate all of their most important characters naturally. I now have a full plan, which I will be presenting day by day until we reach the finale, starting with:
While pursuing a dangerous terrorist, Captain Steve Trevor and his team stumble upon a lost island, the home of the Amazons of ancient Greek myth.
Princess Diana/Wonder Woman – Princess of the island of Themyscira
Captain Steve Trevor – Captain of a special forces unit tracking the Baroness
Baroness Paula von Gunther – A dangerous international terrorist
Queen Hippolyta – Queen of Themyscira and mother of Diana
Barbara Ann Minerva – A scientist and member of Steve Trevor’s team
Doctor Poison – A chemist developing a biological weapon for the Baroness
Donna Troy – Diana’s adopted little sister
Etta Candy – The communications officer of Steve Trevor’s team
Nubia – An Amazon and guardian of the Doors of Death
What do you think? Would you watch it? Who would you cast in the principal roles?
*Title is subject to change and open to suggestions.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
A MarvelousMind 4th of July!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Qh36uOI
by HectorBomb, KingFranPetty
Billy Batson has a BBQ with the members of the Justice League.
Words: 1137, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 31 of MarvelousMind
Fandoms: Shazam! | Captain Marvel (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Billy Batson, Mister Mind (DCU), Clark Kent, Superman, Bruce Wayne, Batman, Cyborg (Character), Captain Nazi, Paula von Gunther, The Red Death, Baron Blitzkrieg, Per Degaton
Relationships: Billy Batson/Mister Mind
Additional Tags: Patriotism, Nazis
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Qh36uOI
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