#pavana story
mythoughttherapy · 1 year
"We are afraid to talk about what hurts because talking requires breath and there are certain memories we'd rather suffocate. Perhaps this is the reason we write. Because sometimes, words breathe better than we can."
—Pavana Reddy
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thedgeofsleep · 1 year
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perhaps one day we will meet again as characters in a different story, maybe we’ll share a lifetime then.  —pavana. 
THE LAST OF US (2013)  //  HBO’S THE LAST OF US (2023)
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laiostoudenn · 2 months
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"perhaps one day we will meet again as characters in a different story maybe we'll share a liftetime then" - Pavana, "Perhaps One Day"
redo of this post
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ffxivxd · 3 months
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Pavana's Remorse of Thavnair comes from the story about an Arkasodara ascetic. After living a life of unspeakable villainy, he chose the spiritual path and mediated daily to purge himself of all ill intent. The tears on this journey collected in this jungle pond.
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blueeyescleo · 9 months
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“Don't touch me. Don't you dare touch me. Unless you plan on leaving a story behind”
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lanami-legacy · 9 months
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So I have this idea for a Force of Nature prequel that takes place during the High Republic Era. It's currently called Of Rebellion.
This is the main character Reon Karaay and his three kids: Pavana, Alister and Esma. I'm not quite sure if these will be the final designs, but it gives you a good idea of what they look like.
Reon is a xenobotanist who at the first of the story is studying a type of Foam Lily variation on the planet Boba. During the first arc (Seeds Of Rebellion) he gets trapped in the facility where he works.
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Antonio de Cabezon / Franzpeter Goebels, Pavana Italiana I The Story of the Keyboard Instruments: Vol. 2, 1962
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hawks-stan · 7 months
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Perhaps one day
we will meet again
as characters in
a different story,
maybe we’ll share
a lifetime then.
- pavana
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wounderful-chaos · 2 years
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“Don't touch me.
Don't you dare touch me.
Unless you plan on leaving
a story behind”
― Pavana
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templesofindia108 · 1 month
Puri - 2
|| Om Namo Narayanaya || So far we have covered the East Gate and Aruna Stambha. There is a shrine on the right side with a replica of the main Jagannath. This deity is none other than 'Patita Pāvana' literally the one who purifies the fallen. The word 'Patita Pavana' appears 3 times in the Puri Jagannath temple. The deity resembles the one inside the main temple. Let's briefly recount the story of His appearance.
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The Royal Family of Puri is dedicated to the administration, service and protection of the temple. Once, during the 18th century, a Muslim king invaded Odisha and declared war with the King of Puri, Ramachandra Deva. Unfortunately, Ramachandra Deva was defeated in the war. The Muslim king forced him to either marry his commander's daughter; or to see the Jagannath temple, God forbid, being demolished. He was forced to change his religion and marry the commander's daughter. However, this barred his entry into the temple due to the strict age-old rule of allowing only Hindus to enter the temple.
This saddened King Ramachandra because on one hand, he changed his religion to protect the temple of his Lord, and on the other hand, he was prevented from seeing Him. Jagannath appeared in a sculptor's dream to console him, ordering him to construct a shrine at the temple entrance with a replica of the main deity. The sculptor made the deity with a peculiar type of wood, similar to the main deities in the Garbhagriha.
This deity is known as Patita Pavana and can also be seen from a distance. Those who cannot visit the main temple due to constraints can have Darshan of Patita Pavana. This is considered equivalent to having Darshan in the main temple. Every morning around 5 AM, the temple doors are opened and Mangala Arati is offered to Patita Pavana first thing in the morning. In fact, many images and videos circulating on the Internet with misleading titles are actually of this deity because cameras and mobile phones are banned in the main temple. So, this is the 1st Patita Pavana.
Then, there is a flight of 22 stairs leading to the 2nd Prākāra (enclosure). On the way, the 5th step has an iron covering. It has a peculiar story behind it. Yama had placed his 'Yama Danda' there which is said to remove all our sins. Therefore, one must definitely place his foot on it while entering the temple, and avoid treading on it while exiting. (In fact, it is much more convenient to exit through another gate to avoid the crowd.)
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As we climb the stairs, there are small shrines of Kasi Viswanath (Shiva) and Narasimha Swami on the left side. Towards our left side is also the kitchen where the Prasadams are prepared and towards the right is Anand Bazar, where the Prasadams are sold after being offered to the Lord. More will be covered about them in the subsequent posts. Then we cross a gateway and reach the main temple. Right in front of us as we cross the gate is another tiny yet powerful Narasimha Swami.
The 2nd Patita Pāvana is the flag on top of the Vimāna of the main temple. It is changed ceremonially every evening between 5:30 pm and 6 pm (summer) and 5 to 5:30 pm (winter) Every day, crowds of devotees gather to witness this ceremony. Many people howl and clap while the flag is changed. Not sure whether it's a tradition or a modern trend. It is amazing to see the skilled priests who climb the Vimana carefully without any ladder or rope. (except for the spire on the top, where a rope is used.)
The flag is hoisted on a long bamboo stick. It is usually yellow or red in colour, but other colours are used as well. Previously, the flag used to be about 200 feet long, almost as long as the height of the temple. Then, due to security reasons, it was changed to half its length and then, further reduced to 21 feet, the present length.
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Then, as we move to the left side, there are minor shrines of Agneshwar Mahadev (Shiva) and Satya Narayana Swami. Multiple temples of Lord Shiva are present all over the temple complex to signify that he is the Kshetra Palaka (guard) of Puri. Then, there is a huge Banyan tree known as Vata Vriksha. We will cover the shrines adjacent to the tree and the 3rd Patita Pavana in the next post.
|| Om Namo Narayanaya || || Jai Jagannath ||
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circusfans-italia · 2 years
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TORNA OPEN CIRCUS IL FESTIVAL DEDICATO A MOIRA ORFEI Sabato 17 dicembre la città di San Donà di Piace si riempie di ogni tipo di esibizione Grande attesa per le ballerine sui trampoli dall’Olanda. E per il quartetto ucraino Dekru, premiato al Teatro Astra Torna per la sua terza edizione Open Circus, il festival di circo e teatro di strada a San Donà di Piave dedicato a Moira Orfei organizzato da Circo e dintorni e sostenuto da Arteven e Regione Veneto. Anche quest’anno la manifestazione conferma il suo livello qualitativo e lo spirito internazionale portando nel teatro, ma anche nelle vie e nelle piazze della città compagnie provenienti da diverse nazioni affiancate da giovani performer locali. La giornata di sabato 17 dicembre sarà un continuo susseguirsi di attività spettacolari che avranno luogo nel centro di San Donà, tra le aree pedonali, le piazze Indipendenza e della Grazie e di fronte al Duomo e al Monumento a Giannino Ancillotto.
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“Il centro di San Donà di Piave si trasformerà in un circo” spiega Alessandro Serena, direttore artistico del festival “Una pista a cielo aperto dove si esibiranno numerosi artisti della meraviglia. Tra gli ospiti anche la compagnia olandese Teatro Pavana, che presenterà una sfilata di ballerine sui trampoli con costumi coloratissimi e gonne di tulle di oltre 250 metri. E il gran finale, con la consegna del Premio Moira Orfei che quest’anno assume un significato ancora più simbolico, dato che verrà consegnato ai mimi ucraini Dekru”.   Sarà proprio questo pluripremiato quartetto di Kiev, riuscito ad arrivare in Italia grazie a un permesso speciale del Ministero della Cultura del suo paese, ad andare in scena presso il Teatro Metropolitana Astra (alle 21.00; biglietto unico 5 € in vendita alla biglietteria, su myarteven.it e vivaticket.com) con Anime leggere, uno show che ha riscosso enorme successo in tutto il mondo. Un viaggio al contempo ironico e delicato nella commedia della vita, tra poesia e satira sociale, raccontato con un virtuosismo corporeo che fa di questi performer gli eredi spirituali di Marcel Marceau. Per Open Circus, l’esibizione verrà arricchita dalla partecipazione dei bambini e dei ragazzi che nei giorni scorsi hanno partecipato ai laboratori di teatro fisico tenuti dai mimi preparando un numero speciale dedicato all’armonia tra i popoli: il coronamento di un percorso di dialogo interculturale e intergenerazionale.  Come accennato, il Festival Open Circus propone anche quest’anno una serie di attività collaterali che coinvolgono le realtà locali ed in particolare quelle attive nell’ambito socioculturale in workshop d’espressione corporea. Tra le adesioni, quella de La casa dei talenti… da scoprire, che a San Donà organizza corsi di circo per bambini e ragazzi, i cui allievi parteciperanno ad ogni performance prevista in rassegna, quella de L’Albero a Motore, associazione di Musile di Piave che lavora nella formazione artistica e culturale, quella dello Spazio Giovani Altrokè di San Donà, impegnato nel recupero di ragazzi da situazioni di marginalità, e quello de La Rondine APS, punto di riferimento della comunità ucraina che ha potuto così incontrare i suoi connazionali artisti.    ANIME LEGGERE AL TEATRO METROPOLITANO ASTRA In un mondo sconvolto e confuso, arriva dall’Ucraina uno show che senza bisogno di parole riporta al centro l’essere umano, tra poesia e comicità. Quattro figure vestite di nero e truccate di bianco entrano in una scena vuota e col solo uso del corpo evocano gli scenari più fantasiosi. Ecco comparire di fronte agli occhi del pubblico un allegro circo, una gara olimpica, un misterioso mondo sottomarino e molto altro ancora. A volte come in un film in 3D o in un’esperienza di realtà aumentata, altre come in una vecchia pellicola in bianco e nero, vengono presentate sequenze tratte dalla quotidianità, fatta di tic comici e buffe situazioni, ma anche oniriche storie d’amore tra due statue viventi e poetici ritratti della natura. Una serie di scene indipendenti che vanno a comporre un grande racconto tra il realismo e l’immaginazione.
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Scritto e diretto dalla regista Liubov Cherepakhina, insegnante della rinomata Accademia di Varietà e Arti Circensi di Kiev, Anime leggere accompagna lo spettatore in un viaggio pieno di risate nella commedia della vita, tra poesia e satira sociale, con uno sguardo al contempo ironico e delicato. I Dekru sono un pluripremiato quartetto di mimi ucraini (vincitori al Festival Mondiale del Circo di Mosca e al Festival di Clown e Mimi di Odessa) il cui virtuosismo fisico ha portato al successo planetario uno spettacolo che, grazie ad un linguaggio universale che non necessita di parole, ha divertito e commosso i paesi di tutto il mondo, tra i quali Francia, Germania, Polinesia, Tahiti, Nuova Caledonia, Belgio, Paesi Bassi, Polonia e Svizzera, oltre che Italia, Russia e Ucraina. Per informazioni sul programma: www.opencircus.it PROGRAMMA DI SABATO 17 DICEMBRE Dalle 10.00 alle 11.00 e dalle 15.30 alle 16.30 DIVERTIMENTO TRA TRAMPOLI E BOLLE DI SAPONE – Pedonale Silvio Trentin Dalle 10.30 alle 12.30 IMPARA IL CIRCO. LABORATORIO LUDICO – Piazza Indipendenza Alle 11.00 e alle 15.00 LA DANZA SULLE PUNTE DELLE NUVOLE DI TULLE – Fronte Monumento Ancillotto Dalle 11.00 alle 11.30 e dalle 16.30 alle 17.00 L’INCREDIBILE ARTE DEL GIOCOLIERE – Piazzetta delle Grazie Dalle 11.30 alle 12.00 e dalle 17.00 alle 17.30 RISATE PAZZE E NASI ROSSI – Fronte Monumento Ancillotto Dalle 12.00 alle 12.30 e dalle 17.00 alle 17.30 LO STUPORE DELLA MAGIA – Fronte Duomo Dalle 18.00 alle 18.30 IL FASCINO ANCESTRALE DEL FUOCO – Fronte Monumento Ancillotto Dalle 20.50 alle 21.00 SFILATA LUMINOSA PER TRAMPOLI E MUSICA – Fronte Teatro Metropolitano Astra Dalle 21.00 ANIME LEGGERE. LA POESIA DEL TEATRO FISICO e CONSEGNA DEL PREMIO MOIRA ORFEI AL QUARTETTO UCRAINO DEKRU – Teatro Metropolitano Astra
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Torna Open Circus, il Festival dedicato a Moira Orfei Visita le nostre sezioni ARCHIVIO STORICO  TOURNEE' Per rimanere sempre aggiornati sulle tappe dei circhi italiani Se questo articolo ti è piaciuto condividilo sui tuoi social utilizzando i bottoni che trovi qui sotto   Read the full article
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prcreativeartworks · 2 years
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"Viśuddha" - Chakra Eye Series (Authentic Communication) Colour: Blue Mixed Medium on 3D Canvas (SALE) © Pavana Rani "A repressed voice behind a rehearsed smile Kept quiet, silent…hidden Careful not to anger or offend Guarding my lips Locked utterances knotted in my throat Doubting and devaluing my thoughts Muffled and bruised. Hushed and censored Weary from tuned out, deaf ears Connecting with Divine Source Learning to open my own cage Vibrations changing, resonating truth Now allowing myself to be seen – to be heard Unveiling my inner self, my stories, my songs My voice trembling yet strong Having a right to be heard, even a duty to share A voice of a survivor, a warrior, a healer, a friend Empowered not to harm or cause turmoil But to lift and inspire like soothing medicine Consciously listening, hearing even what isn’t being said Healing waves flow Person to person Spirit to spirit Together we can open the cages Freeing ourselves, creating with purity and peace Dipping our brushes in the colors of truth A masterpiece expressing the fullness of our souls." (Beth Beard) ARTWORK PRINTS + MORE on my online store: https://society6.com/prcreativeartworks/s?q=random+wall-art ORIGINAL ART + ORDERS: [email protected] WORLDWIDE SHIPPING LIKE to know more about the artist: https://www.facebook.com/prcreativeartworks/ WEBSITE: www.prcreativeartworks.com/about @pavanarani @prcreativeartworks #contemporarypainting #chakrahealing #chakraart #artislove❤️ #yogaart #yoga #hearmyvoice #speakup #suppression #letitout #spiritualgrowthspurts #spiritualart #voice #kundaliniawakening #meditationart #comtemplation #communication #throatchakrahealing https://www.instagram.com/p/BwZLyiqjPKQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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miosamedraws · 7 years
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Some research on the winged police uniform (standart and formal types).
(ugghhh i love these two)
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wonder1dream · 3 years
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azdianehanna · 5 years
Chapter 11
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She opened the door to a highly irate man. He was tall, with grey blond hair and his fists were clenched. She closed the door behind her. Definitely not letting you in my house.
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“Keep away from my daughter,” he shouted.
“Who are you?” she asked, although she recognized him from the web.
“I’m Bjorn Bjergsen. You sold my daughter some bullshit potion.”
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“Sofia came to me because she’s inconsolable at the loss of her mother. I sold her a Sadness Alleviation Lotion.”
“Yeah, her mother died. We’re all sad. She needs to pull herself together and get back to helping with the family business. I’m sick of her hiding out in her room.”
He pointed a finger at her chest. “So, don’t sell her anymore snake oil.”
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Eleanor crossed her arms, but stood her ground. “It isn’t snake oil. It’s just a combination of herbs to help calm her down and elevate her mood a little.”
“I won’t have her taking any more poison.”
Eleanor stopped being afraid and got angry. “It’s completely harmless. You rub it on, not swallow it.”
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“I won’t have it!” he was practically screaming now. “You’d better watch your step,” he shouted and stomped away.
“I’ll help anyone who comes to me!” she shouted at his retreating back.
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Eleanor went inside and collapsed against the door. 
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She realized she had seen Bjorn’s aura clearly. This was the strongest one she had ever seen, and the first brown one, Maybe emotions heightened her perception. She had to calm down, she worked in two hours. She wanted the little girl to call again.
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beginning .. previous .. next chapter 12
poses: @akuiyumi  @wishelsims  @shibuisims @pavana-blog  @clumsyalienn
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jobean12-blog · 3 years
You and Me
Pairing: Winter Soldier x reader
Word Count: 810
Summary: You spend a quiet but beautiful Valentine’s Day with your soldier (imagine they are living in the cottage pictured in the moodboard in Romania or somewhere similar :)
Author’s Note: This is for the Hoelentine’s Day Challenge and my amazing giftee @drabblewithfrannybarnes This was such a wonderful and fun idea and I’m so happy to be able to participate, thank you so much @drabblewithfrannybarnes @amythedvdhoarder @chrissquares for hosting and I hope you love this story! Thank you all for reading! Much love always! ❤❤❤ My amazing divider is by my lovely friend @imerdwarf and I made the moodboard :) The Russian words are translated as follows (I hope Google haha)- printsessa: princess and moya lyubov’: my love. The quote used is by Pavana
Warnings: sweet soft fluff, implied smut but it’s soft (18+ only please)
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It’s only by the light of the moon that you can see the blue of his eyes, open and awake. You don’t bother with words, simply curling yourself into his body and letting him feel the steady beat of your heart.
You’re not sure how long you both lay together, limbs entwined and skin touching. His metal fingers ghost along your jaw before his lips press to yours in a barely there kiss. He needs you and you’re thankful because you need him just as much.
Your body comes alive at the simple brush of his fingers and your whispered words for more are his undoing. He’s gentle tonight, taking his time to worship every dip and curve of your body. Languid movements and sweet words bring you over the edge more than once.
By the time you awake in the morning the sun is already high in the sky and the spot next you is empty and cool. You stretch out like a cat, your nose instantly perking up when you catch the sweet scent of your favorite breakfast.
Grabbing your robe, you head to the kitchen and quietly stand in the doorway to watch as he prepares the food. He knows you’re there. He looks over his shoulder with a soft smile, the one he reserves just for you before continuing to coat the bread in the custard.
“It smells amazing in here,” you say quietly, walking over to the counter and wrapping your arms around his waist. “Thank you.”
“Of course, my printsessa. Happy Valentine’s Day,” he says. “It’s almost done.”
The sunlight streams in through the small window by the sink and dances off the metal plates in his arm, creating small squares of rainbow colors along the wall. You press your fingers to the space and giggle as the rainbow shimmers along your skin.  
You release him and place a soft kiss to his cheek. “Happy Valentine’s Day. Can I do anything to help?” you ask.
With a light tsk he points to the chair at the table and you turn to look. Fresh wildflowers are in the vase at the center and the table is set for two.
“These are so beautiful. Where did you find them?” you ask, leaning over to smell the fragrant petals.
“I went out early this morning and found them while I was picking the strawberries,” he tells you.  “They reminded me of you.”
You can hear the smile in his voice and your own brightens before you sit and take note of all his attention to detail. The fresh strawberries are set just so on a lovely plate, each one cut with precision and care and a small bowl of fresh cream sits next to them. Your champagne flute is filled to the top with your favorite breakfast mimosa and a strawberry rose rests delicately on the rim.
As your eyes continue to scan the table you see a small note set beside his plate and you reach over.
“Not yet, moya lyubov’,” he says, walking over and placing two perfect looking pieces of French toast on your plate.
Your mouth waters but you wait for him to sit before digging in, your satisfied moans causing him to lightly chuckle.
When you’re done eating and the table is cleared he slides his metal hand toward you, the note tucked neatly underneath. You brush your fingers over his before taking the note and carefully unfolding the paper. His scribbled handwriting fills the small page, and you begin to read.
“I have an entire forest living inside me and you have carved your initials into every tree.”
Your eyes are blurry with tears as you read one of the sentences for the third time and your hands shake while they grasp the paper.
“It’s so beautiful,” is all you manage to utter. You stand and take the two small steps to his chair. Crawling into his lap you lay your head on his shoulder and sigh as he wraps his arms around your body.
“I love you,” you whisper into his neck before your mouth trails over his stubbled jaw to his lips.
He murmurs the same words in the small space between you and carefully lifts you to sit on the table. With a softness that contradicts his strength he unties your robe and lets it fall to the sides. You gasp when he begins to trail kisses up your calf, following with feather light touches of his fingertips.
Spreading your legs wider his lips meet your inner thigh, the delicate skin like silk under his calloused hands.
“You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen,” he whispers just before dipping his tongue between your legs.
Your answer is lost on your parted lips as you comb your fingers through his long hair and pull him closer.
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@addikted-2-dopamine @bugsbucky @book-dragon-13 @eurynome827 @hiddles-rose @jhangelface0523 @jewels2876 @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @loricameback @lookiamtrying @la-cey @fxckbuckyscoming @marvelgirl7 @marvelandotherfandomimagines @nano--raptor @pinkdiamond1016 @randomfandompenguin @sallycanwait68 @tuiccim @the-wayward-robot​ @white-wolf1940 @lizette50​
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