#pb&j propaganda
murasakibonnet · 11 months
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~Here come the boys~ hello boys
Inktober Masterpost!
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glitter-alienz · 5 months
tmntov B-team doodles ,, go vote them!! @tmntbestsibscompetiton
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[TMNTOV Masterpost]
Donnie used to be a HUGE bully to Mikey growing up.
Donnie is the oldest and was just very jealous of all the attention Mikey got from splinter. he does grow out of it tho, and they become best friends so 👍🏾.
btw they're around 6 and 3 years in these drawings.
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s0fti3w1tch · 1 year
Seems like Tentative Devotee Leo/Trainee is teaming up with his opponents
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@onionninjasstuff's Villain PB&J Duo! :)
and also The Night!AU Leonardo/Green (@y0unginhumans) at the beginning
context: @tmntseparatedaucompetition and onionninjasstuff's crossover drawing :) i.e. how Trainee got the gun + extra context for Trainee's dialogue, the last AU competition, Trainee wasn't even part of the polls. This is only my second time being in one of these lol
So yeah :) can we please make TD and Villain PB&J tie? I think that'd be fun
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Broadway Divas Tournament: Round 2A
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Jayne Houdyshell (1953) "JAYNE HOUDYSHELL (Eulalie Mackecknie Shinn). Broadway: King Lear; A Doll's House, Part 2 (2017 Tony nomination); The Humans (2016 Tony Award); Fish in the Dark; Dead Accounts; Romeo and Juliet; Follies (2012 Tony nomination); The Importance of Being Earnest; Bye Bye Birdie; Wicked; Well (2006 Tony nomination and Theatre World Award). Off-Broadway: Lincoln Center Theater: The New Century; Playwrights Horizons: The Pain and the Itch; The Public Theater: Well; Roundabout Theatre Company: The Language Archive; MCC: Relevance; Manhattan Theatre Club: The Receptionist; Shakespeare in the Park: Much Ado About Nothing. Jayne has received two Drama Desk Awards, two Obies, and the Lily Award. Regional credits include classical and modern plays at Yale Repertory Theatre, MacCarter Theatre, Actors Theatre of Louisville, Arena Stage, Alabama Shakespeare Festival and many others. Film: The Humans, Little Women, The Chaperone, Everybody's Fine, Changing Lanes, Garden State. Television: "Only Murders in the Building," "The Good Fight," "Evil," "Law & Order: SVU," "Elementary," "Blue Bloods."" - Playbill bio from The Music Man, February 2022
Stephanie J. Block (1972) "STEPHANIE J. BLOCK (The Baker's Wife) Broadway: The Cher Show (Tony, Drama Desk, Outer Critics Circle Award winner), Falsettos (Tony, Drama Desk, Outer Critics Circle nominations), The Mystery of Edwin Drood (Tony, Drama Desk nominations), Anything Goes, 9 to 5: The Musical (Drama Desk nomination), The Pirate Queen, The Boy from Oz, Wicked. Off-Broadway: Brigadoon (Encores); Little Miss Sunshine (Drama Desk nomination); By the Way, Meet Vera Stark (Drama Desk nomination). Film and television: "iMorcecai," "Bluff City Law," Rise, "Madam Secretary," "Orange is the New Black," "Homeland," "It Could Be Worse," "Stephanie J. Block Live From Lincoln Center" for Great Performances on PBS. She currently co-hosts and co-produces "Stages Podcast" with Marylee Fairbanks and can be accessed wherever you get your podcasts. Twitter and Instagram: @stephaniejblock." - Playbill bio from Into the Woods, September 2022.
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"Despite her beating out Jan Maxwell, my beloved, I feel no lingering bitterness because Jayne Houdyshell is one of those divine character actresses who elevates every project she's in. Her Music Man nomination came as a wild surprise, but looking back, it just makes sense. She was exactly what we needed post-reopening."
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"Once again, I am asking which of you is going to be contributing to the Send DroughtofApathy to London this Summer to See SJB in Kiss Me, Kate Fund? They released a little promo for it, and damn she looks good. Why is everyone going to the West End to do their shows? Do them here so I can see them, dammit. Who needs the West End and their strange tastes anyway?"
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Has Hamas Won? Has Hezbollah Won? “The Campaign to Vanquish Iran”
Speaking from Tehran, Prof. Mohammad Marandi Explains the Position of the Iranian Government as It Prepares to Exact Punishment on Israel for Its Assaults on the Islamic Republic
By Prof. Anthony J. Hall
Global Research, August 11, 2024
The core polity of the Axis of Resistance is the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the chronically deformed coverage of the Western media, Iran is by far the most demonized country in the world. Iran’s Zionist enemies have worked overtime in their propaganda projects aimed at equating Iran with terrorism.
When anyone with roots in Iran gets interviewed in the Western media, it is almost always an individual or the representative of a group that is hostile to the present government.
Way overrepresented in the media are fans of the now-vanquished Shah of Iran and enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s current leadership.
The only significant exception to this rule has been Seyed Mohammad Marandi, Professor of English Literature and Orientalism as well as Head of the American Studies Department at the University of Tehran.
For a time it seemed like Professor Marandi was the only prominent figure in Iran to be frequently interviewed by the likes of the BBC, CNN, ABC, Sky News, PBS, and Channel 4 in the UK. Then it happened that the National Security apparatus in the USA exercised so much power over Western news media that it’s big venues were persuaded to cancel Prof. Marandi. Indeed, he was cancelled along with anyone manifesting loyalty to Iran in its present form, including within its theocratic framework.
Since October 7 Professor Marandi has been somewhat restored in the English-speaking media. He has been adding commentary to media depictions of the Israeli-US genocide in Gaza and the West Bank.
Netanyahu has made no secret of the fact that his goal in the current conflagration is to draw the United States into a regime-change war directed at Iran and its allies in the Axis of Resistance. This Axis includes Hezbollah in Lebanon, Ansar Allah in the Houthi stronghold of Yemen, as well as Shiite fighting forces in Syria and Iraq.
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missmickiescorner · 5 months
It's a bird, it's a plane—
One of the best pieces of pro-library propaganda ever put to animated children's television.
On tonight's episode of "What You Are Looking For Is In the Library," we'll be taking a look at Advocacy—what it is, what it isn't, and who it helps (hint: your local library was made possible by viewers like you 🫵🏽)
Thanks to some great marketing (like you see above) the library—as a global information organization—has been immensely successful in establishing itself as a neighborhood or community landmark...and much less fortunate in being able to convince the powers that be of its continued necessity in the twenty-first century.
From personal experience, I can say that I don't think I've ever not known what a library is. While at a young age, my ability to articulate why the library was useful would be limited to, "because that's where the books are," I can see as an adult that as we move towards a rapidly advancing technological society that has embraced an odd pursuit of anti-intellectualism; the outdated—but commonheld—ideas about what the library is and does unfortunately inform the public about its usefulness. 
Said another way, there is a prevalent misconception that the library is an old building, with old librarians, with old books that nobody reads because we all have cellphones and everything is moving online...that can—in part—be addressed with more advocacy by and on behalf of library professionals and organizations to remind the public of all libraries have been and all they can continue to be in the lives of twenty-first century patrons.
So if a playful bop about the fun of library cards was the pro-library advocacy of the early 2000s, what does advocacy look like over twenty years later? 
We have librarians like Mychal Threets who utilize social media to let people know about what services libraries currently offer; campaigns and protests to see that library's receive proper funding; online information organizations going to bat to fight for the right to provide free access to information and many, many, more—all done in hopes of supporting the center of information services in the community.
To summarize,
What Advocacy Is
Building relationships with the local community.
Showcasing library/information services.
Securing support (of both monetary and non-monetary value) that will enable the library/information organization to continue operating to the best of its ability. 
What Advocacy Isn't
Politically motivated.
Simply about money/funding.
Nemec-Loise, J. (2016). Top Ten Advocacy Myths–Busted!Links to an external site. Children & Libraries: The Journal of the  Association for Library Service to Children, 14(1), 34–35. https://journals.ala.org/index.php/cal/article/view/5924/7497Links to an external site.
PBS KIDS. (2023, August 22). Arthur | SING ALONG: Library Card Song | PBS KIDS [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRTdmmdEuRM
Sweeney, P. “PC.” (2022). Advocacy. In Information services today : an introduction (Third edition., pp. 388–396). essay, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Incorporated.
Staff, B. (2024, February 27). “mychal the librarian” set to collaborate with PBS Kids in Social Media Series. Because of Them We Can. https://www.becauseofthemwecan.com/blogs/the-feels/mychal-threets-pbs-kids-collaboration
NYC’s Public Libraries Call for Reversal of $58.3M in Proposed Budget Cuts  | The New York Public Library. (n.d.). The New York Public Library. https://www.nypl.org/press/nycs-public-libraries-call-reversal-583m-proposed-budget-cuts
Freeland, C. (2024, April 19). Internet Archive Stands Firm on Library Digital Rights in Final Brief of Hachette v. Internet Archive Lawsuit. Internet Archive Blogs. https://blog.archive.org/2024/04/19/internet-archive-stands-firm-on-library-digital-rights-in-final-brief-of-hachette-v-internet-archive-lawsuit/
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gaylebon · 5 years
Critical Thinking in Social Media News
What we believe shapes the way we live, think, act, feel, emote, share, relate and exist! When it comes to media that we consume, the facts are important and when we don’t have the ability (or perhaps do not realize the need) to filter fact from fiction we become victims and participants with propagandists and liars. We have a responsibility to ourselves to consume news with understanding, knowledge, and wisdom if we seek to be credible individuals. Also, our responsibility to others extends much farther than we think; a single shared story on a social media platform can reach thousands in a short time, thereby informing or misleading.
Differences Among Misinformation, Propaganda, and "Fake News" on Social Media.
Misinformation spreads faster than true information in some social media contexts. For instance, after the Toronto attack in 2019, Natasha Fatah published two accounts of the attacker, saying in one report that the attacker was “middle eastern and angry” and in another report that he was “white” (Meserole, 2018).. The fake version (middle eastern and angry) went viral, this is apparently due to confirmation bias, and the author of the article says that Twitter is like a confirmation bias machine (Meserole, 2018). Our closely held views drive our responses on social media, which then triggers the algorithms to promote tweets or posts with the higher number of responses (Meserole, 2018). In this case, and in most cases, following the crowd is no guarantee of being right.
Fake news is defined by Trend Micro Inc. as, “the promotion and propagation of news articles via social media. These articles are promoted in such a way that they appear to be spread by other users, as opposed to being paid-for advertising. The news stories distributed are designed to influence or manipulate users’ opinions on a certain topic towards certain objectives” (Trend Micro, Incorporated, 2017). So, not only are lies being promoted, they are being promoted in a sneaky and deceitful way. Their site says that three things create a triangle to promote fake news, here is the diagram:
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Furthermore, the tools and services to promote various kinds of fake news are listed in this article, with prices attached, and include “Create a celebrity”, “Institute a Street Protest”, and “Discredit a Journalist” (Trend Micro, Incorporated, 2017). An example of a fake news story found on the Business Insider website is "Democrats Vote To Enhance Med Care for Illegals Now, Vote Down Vets Waiting 10 Years for Same Service" (Gilbert, 2019), this is one that I can see many of my friends falling for, it was fake news
Propaganda is used to spread the views of those who use it; whether this is done with a good or bad motive, it seeks to influence audiences toward a certain view. One article online lists seven different kinds of propaganda (Masud, 2019):
Bandwagon-relies on people’s desire to be like everyone else.
Card Stacking-relies on withholding some facts while promoting others.
Plain Folks-relies on using ordinary folks to promote products/services instead of celebrities.
Testimonial-relies on well-known celebrities or highly respected figures (such as doctors).
Glittering Generalities-relies on emotional appeal and/or vague statements.
Name Calling-relies on ridicule or bad-mouthing the competition (such as Burger King ad that ridicules MacDonalds-see below).
Transfer-relies on benefitting from negative or positive qualities of others (product, person, ideology) (Masud, 2019).
           One example of advertising propaganda used the transfer propaganda method; when major soft drink companies were under scrutiny for reported pesticide content in their drinks, juice companies and other drink companies benefitted as a healthy alternative (Masud, 2019).
           Another example, this time of political propaganda, is fake Russian social media accounts used to influence North American’s in the presidential election (PBS News Hour, 2017, October 31). 
Which Of These Three Categories Is Most Difficult To Detect And Why?
           Most of us are savvy enough to recognize certain kinds of advertisements that use propaganda (such as Burger King’s ridiculing McDonald’s ad).
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However, it is a little more difficult to spot misinformation, which is basically just a lie dressed as the truth. Therefore, it is most beneficial to have a high amount of curiosity combined with a healthy dose of skepticism that will motivate you to look for more corroborating evidence.
Furthermore, propaganda can be difficult to spot, especially if we are not using critical thinking, asking lots of questions, and looking at sources and other views.
How Can Users Of Social Media Detect And Avoid Repeating Misinformation Or "Fake News"?
Standards of critical thinking are important steps or markers of intelligent consumption of social media, they are clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, significance, and fairness (Meegan, n.d.). By understanding and implementing these standards we are less likely to fall for fake news and more likely to spot genuine, factual content. Take breadth for example; breadth expresses all sides of the story, giving us enough information for at least a start in understanding motivation and facts that would be hidden if only one side was represented (Meegan, n.d.). I personally make it a habit to only post stories that are factual (as far as I can determine); I search for opposing views and if I inadvertently post fake news or misinformation, I post a retraction and remove the original post. In this way I feel that I am being as responsible as possible.
Additionally, check out any sources that are provided and look for opposing views, or even just different perspectives. You may still not be able to determine all the facts, but you will be better armed to resist fake news, propaganda, and misinformation. Revealing the source of propaganda goes a long way toward providing the information needed to determine the credibility of stories on mass media or social media (Farkas, 2018).
Credibility: a Critical Aspect of Social Media.
           Social media as a source of news, opinion, entertainment, and advertisement is a fact; most people use SoMe (social media) this way. Credibility still follows known name brands and news sources; this is important in knowing who we are allowing to shape our views. Everyone is on SoMe and this is something we must keep in mind; anyone, and everyone, can have a presence there and not everyone is credible. Furthermore, purposely choosing known, credible sources may eliminate the chances of falling for fake news (Storehaug, 2019). Though we may be more likely to receive factual information from credible sources, be aware that our personal views and biases determine which sources we believe are credible.
Distinguishing Credibility in Social Media Versus Mass Media.
           Revealing sources is key in discovering the credibility of information intended to influence the public politically or otherwise. It seems that social media is uniquely positioned and equipped to influence the public, whether for good or evil. Because of this ability, the public should always question every source about any important subject. While mass media is not immune from this issue, it is less far-reaching (Farkas, 2018).
Moreover, propaganda is not new, nor is it only used for lying and misinformation. Propaganda theory looks at propaganda as being “grey”, “black”, or “white”; white propaganda displays “clear and overt sources” (Farkas, 2018) while black and grey propaganda do not (Farkas, 2018). Farkas (2018) says this about understanding “black” or “white” forms of propaganda “we have to investigate their underlying technological and political conditions and causes: Why are they there? What purposes do they serve? And what are their modes of operation?” (Farkas, 2018).
Farkas, J. (2018). Disguised propaganda on social media: Addressing democratic dangers and solutions. Brown Journal of World Affairs, 25(1), 1–16.
Masud, M. (2019). 7 Types & examples of propaganda techniques to blow your mind.
Retrieved from https://advergize.com/advertising/examples-of-propaganda/
Meegan, G. (n.d.). The intellectual standards [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://theelementsofthought.org/the-intellectual-standards/
Meserole, C. (2018). How misinformation spreads on social media—And what to do about it. Retrieved from https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2018/05/09/how-misinformation-spreads-on-social-media-and-what-to-do-about-it/
PBS News Hour. (2017, October 31). Social media giants are vulnerable to foreign propaganda. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/MKfThgvFAG8
Storehaug, P. (2019). Social media marketing influence versus mass media. Retrieved from https://cloudnames.com/en/blog/social-media-marketing-influence/
Trend Micro, Incorporated (2017). The fake news machine; How propagandists abuse the internet and manipulate the public. Retrieved from https://documents.trendmicro.com/assets/white_papers/wp-fake-news-machine-how-propagandists-abuse-the-internet.pdf
Gilbert, B. (2019). The 10 most-viewed fake-news stories on Facebook in 2019 were just revealed in a new report. Retrieved from https://www.businessinsider.com/most-viewed-fake-news-stories-shared-on-facebook-2019-2019-11#8-tim-allen-quote-trumps-wall-costs-less-than-the-obamacare-website-3
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statetalks · 3 years
Were The Confederates Democrats Or Republicans
Th United States Congress
Were The Democrats That Founded The Confederacy, KKK & Jim Crow CONSERVATIVE OR LIBERAL? Lets Go!!!!
As of September 13, 2017, 16 Senate Democrats cosponsored the Medicare for All Act of 2017. As of September 26, 2017, 120 House Democrats cosponsored the Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act. This was all for naught, as the Republican majority made sure that the Democratic minority remained impotent.
National Democratic Redistricting Committee
On January 12, 2017, the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, a 527 organization that focuses on redistricting reform and is affiliated with the Democratic Party, was created. The chair, president and vice president of the umbrella organization is the 82nd Attorney GeneralEric Holder, Elizabeth Pearson and Alixandria “Ali” Lapp respectively. President Obama has said he would be involved with the committee.
Protests against Donald Trump
At the inauguration of Donald Trump, 67 Democratic members of the United States House of Representatives boycotted the inauguration. This was the largest boycott by members of the United States Congress since the second inauguration of Richard Nixon, where it was estimated that between 80 and 200 Democratic members of United States Congress boycotted.
Democratic Party PACs
In November 2018, the Democrats gained 40 seats in the House of Representatives, retaking the majority in the chamber. Nancy Pelosi was nominated to retake the speakership in January 2019.
Southern Democrats Split With Republicans Over Confederate Symbols Is More Recent Than You Might Think
Following the recent police killing of George Floyd, recent months have seen Confederate monuments and symbols removed;from public display;in parts of the Southern US and elsewhere. And while Southern Republicans generally oppose Democrats who are pushing for these changes, this is a relatively recent development, argue;Christopher A. Cooper;and;co-authors. By;analysing;public opinion data, they find that up until the 1990s, there were no partisan differences among white;southerners on opinions toward Confederate symbols.;
In the ongoing;and contentious;conversation about;Confederate;symbols, one thing is taken as a given:;compared to Republicans,;Democrats;are;more likely to support;removing displays of the Confederate past;which had been publically approved in the past. This;fact;is;evident;in public opinion polls and in the results of recent;votes;in state legislatures,;like the one in;Mississippi;where every Democrat voted to remove the Confederate;emblem;from the Mississippi state flag,;while;Republicans split on the issue.
How The Democrats Became Socially Liberal
The Third Party Democrats began to change from social conservative to social progressive in the 1890s at the end of the Gilded Age under the;progressive populist Democrat;William Jennings Bryan. Under Bryan, the Democratic Party became;increasingly socially progressive and necessarily authoritative. From Bryan to Wilson, to LBJ, to Clinton the Democratic Party;increasingly favored progressive social liberalism regarding government enforced social justice and economic intervention over;laissez-faire governance, this attracted progressive Republicans and drove social;conservatives from the party over time.
TIP: See History of the United States Democratic Party.
Also Check: Why Did Republicans Hate Obama So Much
Why Democrats Avoid Confederate History While Republicans Embrace It
Governor Bob McDonnell made a proclamation to recognize April as Confederate History month, which caused an outcry from the very same people who are vilifying those attending tea parties as terrorists. These are citizens who are invoking the spirit of our founding fathers, reminding current lawmakers of the original intent of the Constitution and suggesting that an 8-year war to end tyranny and guarantee liberty for all should never be forgotten. But the left is always keen to distort history, or just ignore it all together as they want to do now, by denying a closer look at Confederate History.
It is not a huge surprise as to why Democrats react so viscerally to anything dealing with the history of the Civil War, the role of the Confederacy in that war, and why racism is still a hot topic in the country. It is because their very policies are at the heart of what caused the Civil War, and have kept racism alive to this day. They dont want people to learn the truth about the founding of the Republican Party and that its first president was Abraham Lincoln, and that within 11 years of the founding of this civil rights party, a war was fought and won to end slavery. It would be a bigger surprise to see a Democrat governor proclaim a Confederate History month since their history, as it relates to race and slavery, is not one to be proud of.
A Reconstituted Early 20th Century Kkk Attracts Members From Both Sides
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After Reconstruction, and as the Jim Crow period set in during the 1870s, the Klan became obsolete.;Through violence, intimidation and systematic oppression, the KKK had served its purpose to help whites retake Southern governments.
In 1915, Cornell William J. Simmons restarted the KKK. This second KKK was made up of Republicans and Democrats, although Democrats were more widely involved.
The idea that these things overlap in a Venn diagram, the way they did with the first Klan, just isnt as tight with the second Klan, Grinspan said.
Don’t Miss: How Many Republicans Voted To Impeach Trump
Progressive Era And The New Deal
As the 19th century drew to a close, the Republicans had been firmly established as the party of big business during the Gilded Age, while the Democratic Party strongly identified with rural agrarianism and conservative values.
But during the Progressive Era, which spanned the turn of the century, the Democrats saw a split between its conservative and more progressive members. As the Democratic nominee for president in 1896, William Jennings Bryan advocated for an expanded role of government in ensuring social justice. Though he lost, Bryans advocacy of bigger government would influence the Democratic ideology going forward.
Republicans again dominated national politics during the prosperous 1920s, but faltered after the stock market crash of 1929 and the onset of the Great Depression. In 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt became the first Democrat to win the White House since Woodrow Wilson.
A Century Of Jim Crow But Otherwise Lots Of Progress
From 1877 to at least the 1960s, the Solid South KKK-like;Progressively Socially Conservative Democrats remained a formidable faction of the Democratic Party.
This is true even though the party was increasingly dominated by Progressives like William Jennings Bryan. We can see in Wilson that both factions held sway in the party, Wilson was both a progressive liberal and a son of the Confederates.
The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow | PBS | ep 1 of 4 Promises Betrayed.
TIP: During the late 1800s and early 1900s Eugenics was a popular theory. In this era, we might find;Margaret Sanger, liberal economists and social scientists, Teddy Roosevelt, Henry Ford, a young Hitler, and the KKK all agreeing on aspects of eugenics. There are many sides;of the eugenics argument, and one must study its history in earnest before making a judgment call. Very;radical right-wing propaganda equated birth control with;genocide, but there was a wide range of beliefs. An espousal of;negative eugenics is part of the dark history of the Democratic party.
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Presidency Of John F Kennedy
The election of John F. Kennedy in 1960 over then-Vice President Richard Nixon re-energized the party. His youth, vigor and intelligence caught the popular imagination. New programs like the Peace Corps harnessed idealism. In terms of legislation, Kennedy was stalemated by the conservative coalition.
Though Kennedy’s term in office lasted only about a thousand days, he tried to hold back communist gains after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba and the construction of the Berlin Walland sent 16,000 soldiers to Vietnam to advise the hard-pressed South Vietnamese army. He challenged America in the Space Race to land an American man on the Moon by 1969. After the Cuban Missile Crisis he moved to de-escalate tensions with the Soviet Union.
Kennedy also pushed for civil rights and racial integration, one example being Kennedy assigning federal marshals to protect the Freedom Riders in the South. His election did mark the coming of age of the Catholic component of the New Deal Coalition. After 1964, middle class Catholics started voting Republican in the same proportion as their Protestant neighbors. Except for the Chicago of Richard J. Daley, the last of the Democratic machines faded away. President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas.
Andrew Johnson And Presidential Reconstruction
Democrats became the Confederacy, NOT the Republicans!
At the end of May 1865, President Andrew Johnson announced his plans for Reconstruction, which reflected both his staunch Unionism and his firm belief in states rights. In Johnsons view, the southern states had never given up their right to govern themselves, and the federal government had no right to determine voting requirements or other questions at the state level. Under Johnsons Presidential Reconstruction, all land that had been confiscated by the Union Army and distributed to the formerly enslaved people by the army or the Freedmens Bureau reverted to its prewar owners. Apart from being required to uphold the abolition of slavery , swear loyalty to the Union and pay off war debt, southern state governments were given free rein to rebuild themselves.
As a result of Johnsons leniency, many southern states in 1865 and 1866 successfully enacted a series of laws known as the black codes, which were designed to restrict freed Black peoples activity and ensure their availability as a labor force. These repressive codes enraged many in the North, including numerous members of Congress, which refused to seat congressmen and senators elected from the southern states.;
Don’t Miss: Where Are Republicans On The Political Spectrum
The South And The House Go Republican
“I think we just delivered the South to the Republican Party for a long time to come,” President Johnson said shortly after signing the Civil Rights Act, according to his aide Bill Moyers. And indeed, Sen. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina switched his party affiliation from Democratic to Republican specifically for this reason.
Yet party loyalties take a long time to shake off, and the shift of white Southerners from being solid Democrats to solid Republicans was in reality more gradual.
And while race played an important role in this shift, other issues played roles too. White evangelical Christians became newly mobilized to oppose abortion and take stands on other “culture war” issues, and felt more at home with the conservative party. There was that suspicion of big government and lack of union organization that permeated the region. And talented politicians like Ronald Reagan promised to defend traditional values.
Still, Democrats continued to maintain control of the House of Representatives for some time, in large part because of continued support from Southerners, as shown in this map by Jonathan Davis at Arizona State University. But in 1994, the revolution finally arrived, as Republicans took the House for the first time since 1955. And many of the crucial pickups that made that possible came in the South.
The First Party System: The Federalist Party And The Democratic
To start, the founding fathers can be put into two groups: the;Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republican Party .
Alexander Hamilton favored central Government and had ties to Britain, and wanted centralized banking. He favored national power over state power. He is todays Washington Liberal/Conservative. Hamilton wanted free-market capitalism and globalization with Britain/America, as a world leader hundreds of years before his time. He is an impressive character.
The Democratic-Republican Party, headed by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, generally opposed Hamilton and his views . In simple terms, they are todays Social-Libertarians . They are more in-line with what people think when they think rebelling from the authority of the King to be free.
In this scenario we can say the big government aspect of the current American left is with the Federalists, and the socially liberal of left, and anti-big government of the right, part is with the;Democratic-Republicans. But remember, the who far-right thing simply doesnt exist yet. So the divisive politics of today arent anywhere to be found .
The duality of the;Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republican Party;is well displayed in the clip below in a discussion between Hamilton and Jefferson .
Read Also: How Many Senate Seats Do The Republicans Have
Republican Voters Turn Against Their Partys Elites
The Tea Party movement, which sprang into existence in the early years of the Obama administration, was many things. It was partly about opposing Obamas economic policies foreclosure relief, tax increases, and health reform. It was partly about opposing immigration when Theda Skocpol and Vanessa Williamson;interviewed Tea Party activists across the nation, they found that “immigration was always a central, and sometimes the central, concern” those activists expressed.
But the Tea Party also was a challenge to the Republican Party establishment. Several times, these groups helped power little-known far-right primary contenders to shocking primary wins over establishment Republican politicians deemed to be sellouts. Those candidates didnt always win office, but their successful primary bids certainly struck fear into the hearts of many other GOP incumbents, and made many of them more deferential to the concerns of conservative voters.
Furthermore, many Republican voters also came to believe, sometimes fairly and sometimes unfairly, that their partys national leaders tended to sell them out at every turn.
Talk radio and other conservative media outlets helped stoke this perception, and by May 2015 Republican voters were far more likely to say that their partys politicians were doing a poor job representing their views than Democratic voters were.
Rural And Urban Population
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A Home on the MississippiCurrier and Ives
The CSA was overwhelmingly rural. Few towns had populations of more than 1,000; the typical county seat had a population of fewer than 500. Cities were rare; of the twenty largest U.S. cities in the 1860 census, only New Orleans lay in Confederate territory; and the Union captured New Orleans in 1862. Only 13 Confederate-controlled cities ranked among the top 100 U.S. cities in 1860, most of them ports whose economic activities vanished or suffered severely in the Union blockade. The population of Richmond swelled after it became the Confederate capital, reaching an estimated 128,000 in 1864. Other Southern cities in the border slave-holding states such as Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Wheeling, Alexandria, Louisville, and St. Louis never came under the control of the Confederate government.
The cities of the Confederacy included most prominently in order of size of population:
The CSA was overwhelmingly Protestant. Both free and enslaved populations identified with evangelical Protestantism. Baptists and Methodists together formed majorities of both the white and the slave population . Freedom of religion and were fully ensured by Confederate laws. Church attendance was very high and chaplains played a major role in the Army.
Read Also: How Many Electoral Votes Do Republicans Have
An Overview Of The Party Systems
The party systems, AKA eras of the United States;political parties, can be described;as follows :
In other words, as the Democratic Party became more progressive in the progressive era, it attracted progressives from the Republican party and alienated the Democrats of the small government socially conservative south. Meanwhile, as the Republican party conserved toward Gilded Age politics in the 20th century, and embraced socially conservative single-issue voter groups and individualism, it attracted the solid south and alienated progressives. These two factors, and many more explained in detail below, substantially changed the party platforms, seats held in Congress, and the voting maps over the course of the 20th century .
To sum up and connect all of the above, the switches we see that change the parties and define different eras include things like Teddy Roosevelt or Strom Thurmond switching parties , the Democratic Party platform becoming more progressive in the progressive area , the southern Democrat southern bloc tending toward the Republican party after the Civil Rights era , all this impacting which regions of the country tend to support each party , and all of this affecting which party has a stronghold in which region as new elections occur .
Babe Didrikson Zaharias Wins Final Lpga Tournament Of Her Career
Southern Black people won election to southern state governments and even to the U.S. Congress during this period. Among the other achievements of Reconstruction were the Souths first state-funded public school systems, more equitable taxation legislation, laws against racial discrimination in public transport and accommodations and ambitious economic development programs .
READ MORE: The First Black Man Elected to Congress Was Nearly Blocked From Taking His Seat
You May Like: How Many Republicans Voted For Impeachment
Better Understanding The Changes In American Politics
Above we summarized the switching of ideologies and platforms;between the parties by looking at the party systems and Presidents.
Below we explore;details, clarify semantics, answer questions, present curated videos, and illustrate some of the key telling moments regarding the changes described above.
Please consider sharing your insight below, our summing up of the history of American politics is an ongoing effort, see the videos for supplemental content from other authors.
For deeper reading:
Also, see a breakdown of each party and President and how they would be placed on the left and right.
Effect On Women And Families
Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?
About 250,000 men never came home, some 30 percent of all white men aged 18 to 40 . Widows who were overwhelmed often abandoned their farms and merged into the households of relatives, or even became refugees living in camps with high rates of disease and death. In the Old South, being an “old maid” was something of an embarrassment to the woman and her family, but after the war, it became almost a norm. Some women welcomed the freedom of not having to marry. Divorce, while never fully accepted, became more common. The concept of the “New Woman” emerged she was self-sufficient and independent, and stood in sharp contrast to the “Southern Belle” of antebellum lore.
Recommended Reading: How Do Republicans Feel About Donald Trump
source https://www.patriotsnet.com/were-the-confederates-democrats-or-republicans/
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Were The Confederates Democrats Or Republicans
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/were-the-confederates-democrats-or-republicans/
Were The Confederates Democrats Or Republicans
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Th United States Congress
Were The Democrats That Founded The Confederacy, KKK & Jim Crow CONSERVATIVE OR LIBERAL? Lets Go!!!!
As of September 13, 2017, 16 Senate Democrats cosponsored the Medicare for All Act of 2017. As of September 26, 2017, 120 House Democrats cosponsored the Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act. This was all for naught, as the Republican majority made sure that the Democratic minority remained impotent.
National Democratic Redistricting Committee
On January 12, 2017, the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, a 527 organization that focuses on redistricting reform and is affiliated with the Democratic Party, was created. The chair, president and vice president of the umbrella organization is the 82nd Attorney GeneralEric Holder, Elizabeth Pearson and Alixandria “Ali” Lapp respectively. President Obama has said he would be involved with the committee.
Protests against Donald Trump
At the inauguration of Donald Trump, 67 Democratic members of the United States House of Representatives boycotted the inauguration. This was the largest boycott by members of the United States Congress since the second inauguration of Richard Nixon, where it was estimated that between 80 and 200 Democratic members of United States Congress boycotted.
Democratic Party PACs
In November 2018, the Democrats gained 40 seats in the House of Representatives, retaking the majority in the chamber. Nancy Pelosi was nominated to retake the speakership in January 2019.
Southern Democrats Split With Republicans Over Confederate Symbols Is More Recent Than You Might Think
Following the recent police killing of George Floyd, recent months have seen Confederate monuments and symbols removed;from public display;in parts of the Southern US and elsewhere. And while Southern Republicans generally oppose Democrats who are pushing for these changes, this is a relatively recent development, argue;Christopher A. Cooper;and;co-authors. By;analysing;public opinion data, they find that up until the 1990s, there were no partisan differences among white;southerners on opinions toward Confederate symbols.;
In the ongoing;and contentious;conversation about;Confederate;symbols, one thing is taken as a given:;compared to Republicans,;Democrats;are;more likely to support;removing displays of the Confederate past;which had been publically approved in the past. This;fact;is;evident;in public opinion polls and in the results of recent;votes;in state legislatures,;like the one in;Mississippi;where every Democrat voted to remove the Confederate;emblem;from the Mississippi state flag,;while;Republicans split on the issue.
How The Democrats Became Socially Liberal
The Third Party Democrats began to change from social conservative to social progressive in the 1890s at the end of the Gilded Age under the;progressive populist Democrat;William Jennings Bryan. Under Bryan, the Democratic Party became;increasingly socially progressive and necessarily authoritative. From Bryan to Wilson, to LBJ, to Clinton the Democratic Party;increasingly favored progressive social liberalism regarding government enforced social justice and economic intervention over;laissez-faire governance, this attracted progressive Republicans and drove social;conservatives from the party over time.
TIP: See History of the United States Democratic Party.
Also Check: Why Did Republicans Hate Obama So Much
Why Democrats Avoid Confederate History While Republicans Embrace It
Governor Bob McDonnell made a proclamation to recognize April as Confederate History month, which caused an outcry from the very same people who are vilifying those attending tea parties as terrorists. These are citizens who are invoking the spirit of our founding fathers, reminding current lawmakers of the original intent of the Constitution and suggesting that an 8-year war to end tyranny and guarantee liberty for all should never be forgotten. But the left is always keen to distort history, or just ignore it all together as they want to do now, by denying a closer look at Confederate History.
It is not a huge surprise as to why Democrats react so viscerally to anything dealing with the history of the Civil War, the role of the Confederacy in that war, and why racism is still a hot topic in the country. It is because their very policies are at the heart of what caused the Civil War, and have kept racism alive to this day. They dont want people to learn the truth about the founding of the Republican Party and that its first president was Abraham Lincoln, and that within 11 years of the founding of this civil rights party, a war was fought and won to end slavery. It would be a bigger surprise to see a Democrat governor proclaim a Confederate History month since their history, as it relates to race and slavery, is not one to be proud of.
A Reconstituted Early 20th Century Kkk Attracts Members From Both Sides
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After Reconstruction, and as the Jim Crow period set in during the 1870s, the Klan became obsolete.;Through violence, intimidation and systematic oppression, the KKK had served its purpose to help whites retake Southern governments.
In 1915, Cornell William J. Simmons restarted the KKK. This second KKK was made up of Republicans and Democrats, although Democrats were more widely involved.
The idea that these things overlap in a Venn diagram, the way they did with the first Klan, just isnt as tight with the second Klan, Grinspan said.
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Progressive Era And The New Deal
As the 19th century drew to a close, the Republicans had been firmly established as the party of big business during the Gilded Age, while the Democratic Party strongly identified with rural agrarianism and conservative values.
But during the Progressive Era, which spanned the turn of the century, the Democrats saw a split between its conservative and more progressive members. As the Democratic nominee for president in 1896, William Jennings Bryan advocated for an expanded role of government in ensuring social justice. Though he lost, Bryans advocacy of bigger government would influence the Democratic ideology going forward.
Republicans again dominated national politics during the prosperous 1920s, but faltered after the stock market crash of 1929 and the onset of the Great Depression. In 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt became the first Democrat to win the White House since Woodrow Wilson.
A Century Of Jim Crow But Otherwise Lots Of Progress
From 1877 to at least the 1960s, the Solid South KKK-like;Progressively Socially Conservative Democrats remained a formidable faction of the Democratic Party.
This is true even though the party was increasingly dominated by Progressives like William Jennings Bryan. We can see in Wilson that both factions held sway in the party, Wilson was both a progressive liberal and a son of the Confederates.
The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow | PBS | ep 1 of 4 Promises Betrayed.
TIP: During the late 1800s and early 1900s Eugenics was a popular theory. In this era, we might find;Margaret Sanger, liberal economists and social scientists, Teddy Roosevelt, Henry Ford, a young Hitler, and the KKK all agreeing on aspects of eugenics. There are many sides;of the eugenics argument, and one must study its history in earnest before making a judgment call. Very;radical right-wing propaganda equated birth control with;genocide, but there was a wide range of beliefs. An espousal of;negative eugenics is part of the dark history of the Democratic party.
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Presidency Of John F Kennedy
The election of John F. Kennedy in 1960 over then-Vice President Richard Nixon re-energized the party. His youth, vigor and intelligence caught the popular imagination. New programs like the Peace Corps harnessed idealism. In terms of legislation, Kennedy was stalemated by the conservative coalition.
Though Kennedy’s term in office lasted only about a thousand days, he tried to hold back communist gains after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba and the construction of the Berlin Walland sent 16,000 soldiers to Vietnam to advise the hard-pressed South Vietnamese army. He challenged America in the Space Race to land an American man on the Moon by 1969. After the Cuban Missile Crisis he moved to de-escalate tensions with the Soviet Union.
Kennedy also pushed for civil rights and racial integration, one example being Kennedy assigning federal marshals to protect the Freedom Riders in the South. His election did mark the coming of age of the Catholic component of the New Deal Coalition. After 1964, middle class Catholics started voting Republican in the same proportion as their Protestant neighbors. Except for the Chicago of Richard J. Daley, the last of the Democratic machines faded away. President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas.
Andrew Johnson And Presidential Reconstruction
Democrats became the Confederacy, NOT the Republicans!
At the end of May 1865, President Andrew Johnson announced his plans for Reconstruction, which reflected both his staunch Unionism and his firm belief in states rights. In Johnsons view, the southern states had never given up their right to govern themselves, and the federal government had no right to determine voting requirements or other questions at the state level. Under Johnsons Presidential Reconstruction, all land that had been confiscated by the Union Army and distributed to the formerly enslaved people by the army or the Freedmens Bureau reverted to its prewar owners. Apart from being required to uphold the abolition of slavery , swear loyalty to the Union and pay off war debt, southern state governments were given free rein to rebuild themselves.
As a result of Johnsons leniency, many southern states in 1865 and 1866 successfully enacted a series of laws known as the black codes, which were designed to restrict freed Black peoples activity and ensure their availability as a labor force. These repressive codes enraged many in the North, including numerous members of Congress, which refused to seat congressmen and senators elected from the southern states.;
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The South And The House Go Republican
“I think we just delivered the South to the Republican Party for a long time to come,” President Johnson said shortly after signing the Civil Rights Act, according to his aide Bill Moyers. And indeed, Sen. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina switched his party affiliation from Democratic to Republican specifically for this reason.
Yet party loyalties take a long time to shake off, and the shift of white Southerners from being solid Democrats to solid Republicans was in reality more gradual.
And while race played an important role in this shift, other issues played roles too. White evangelical Christians became newly mobilized to oppose abortion and take stands on other “culture war” issues, and felt more at home with the conservative party. There was that suspicion of big government and lack of union organization that permeated the region. And talented politicians like Ronald Reagan promised to defend traditional values.
Still, Democrats continued to maintain control of the House of Representatives for some time, in large part because of continued support from Southerners, as shown in this map by Jonathan Davis at Arizona State University. But in 1994, the revolution finally arrived, as Republicans took the House for the first time since 1955. And many of the crucial pickups that made that possible came in the South.
The First Party System: The Federalist Party And The Democratic
To start, the founding fathers can be put into two groups: the;Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republican Party .
Alexander Hamilton favored central Government and had ties to Britain, and wanted centralized banking. He favored national power over state power. He is todays Washington Liberal/Conservative. Hamilton wanted free-market capitalism and globalization with Britain/America, as a world leader hundreds of years before his time. He is an impressive character.
The Democratic-Republican Party, headed by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, generally opposed Hamilton and his views . In simple terms, they are todays Social-Libertarians . They are more in-line with what people think when they think rebelling from the authority of the King to be free.
In this scenario we can say the big government aspect of the current American left is with the Federalists, and the socially liberal of left, and anti-big government of the right, part is with the;Democratic-Republicans. But remember, the who far-right thing simply doesnt exist yet. So the divisive politics of today arent anywhere to be found .
The duality of the;Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republican Party;is well displayed in the clip below in a discussion between Hamilton and Jefferson .
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Republican Voters Turn Against Their Partys Elites
The Tea Party movement, which sprang into existence in the early years of the Obama administration, was many things. It was partly about opposing Obamas economic policies foreclosure relief, tax increases, and health reform. It was partly about opposing immigration when Theda Skocpol and Vanessa Williamson;interviewed Tea Party activists across the nation, they found that “immigration was always a central, and sometimes the central, concern” those activists expressed.
But the Tea Party also was a challenge to the Republican Party establishment. Several times, these groups helped power little-known far-right primary contenders to shocking primary wins over establishment Republican politicians deemed to be sellouts. Those candidates didnt always win office, but their successful primary bids certainly struck fear into the hearts of many other GOP incumbents, and made many of them more deferential to the concerns of conservative voters.
Furthermore, many Republican voters also came to believe, sometimes fairly and sometimes unfairly, that their partys national leaders tended to sell them out at every turn.
Talk radio and other conservative media outlets helped stoke this perception, and by May 2015 Republican voters were far more likely to say that their partys politicians were doing a poor job representing their views than Democratic voters were.
Rural And Urban Population
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A Home on the MississippiCurrier and Ives
The CSA was overwhelmingly rural. Few towns had populations of more than 1,000; the typical county seat had a population of fewer than 500. Cities were rare; of the twenty largest U.S. cities in the 1860 census, only New Orleans lay in Confederate territory; and the Union captured New Orleans in 1862. Only 13 Confederate-controlled cities ranked among the top 100 U.S. cities in 1860, most of them ports whose economic activities vanished or suffered severely in the Union blockade. The population of Richmond swelled after it became the Confederate capital, reaching an estimated 128,000 in 1864. Other Southern cities in the border slave-holding states such as Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Wheeling, Alexandria, Louisville, and St. Louis never came under the control of the Confederate government.
The cities of the Confederacy included most prominently in order of size of population:
The CSA was overwhelmingly Protestant. Both free and enslaved populations identified with evangelical Protestantism. Baptists and Methodists together formed majorities of both the white and the slave population . Freedom of religion and were fully ensured by Confederate laws. Church attendance was very high and chaplains played a major role in the Army.
Read Also: How Many Electoral Votes Do Republicans Have
An Overview Of The Party Systems
The party systems, AKA eras of the United States;political parties, can be described;as follows :
In other words, as the Democratic Party became more progressive in the progressive era, it attracted progressives from the Republican party and alienated the Democrats of the small government socially conservative south. Meanwhile, as the Republican party conserved toward Gilded Age politics in the 20th century, and embraced socially conservative single-issue voter groups and individualism, it attracted the solid south and alienated progressives. These two factors, and many more explained in detail below, substantially changed the party platforms, seats held in Congress, and the voting maps over the course of the 20th century .
To sum up and connect all of the above, the switches we see that change the parties and define different eras include things like Teddy Roosevelt or Strom Thurmond switching parties , the Democratic Party platform becoming more progressive in the progressive area , the southern Democrat southern bloc tending toward the Republican party after the Civil Rights era , all this impacting which regions of the country tend to support each party , and all of this affecting which party has a stronghold in which region as new elections occur .
Babe Didrikson Zaharias Wins Final Lpga Tournament Of Her Career
Southern Black people won election to southern state governments and even to the U.S. Congress during this period. Among the other achievements of Reconstruction were the Souths first state-funded public school systems, more equitable taxation legislation, laws against racial discrimination in public transport and accommodations and ambitious economic development programs .
READ MORE: The First Black Man Elected to Congress Was Nearly Blocked From Taking His Seat
You May Like: How Many Republicans Voted For Impeachment
Better Understanding The Changes In American Politics
Above we summarized the switching of ideologies and platforms;between the parties by looking at the party systems and Presidents.
Below we explore;details, clarify semantics, answer questions, present curated videos, and illustrate some of the key telling moments regarding the changes described above.
Please consider sharing your insight below, our summing up of the history of American politics is an ongoing effort, see the videos for supplemental content from other authors.
For deeper reading:
Also, see a breakdown of each party and President and how they would be placed on the left and right.
Effect On Women And Families
Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?
About 250,000 men never came home, some 30 percent of all white men aged 18 to 40 . Widows who were overwhelmed often abandoned their farms and merged into the households of relatives, or even became refugees living in camps with high rates of disease and death. In the Old South, being an “old maid” was something of an embarrassment to the woman and her family, but after the war, it became almost a norm. Some women welcomed the freedom of not having to marry. Divorce, while never fully accepted, became more common. The concept of the “New Woman” emerged she was self-sufficient and independent, and stood in sharp contrast to the “Southern Belle” of antebellum lore.
Recommended Reading: How Do Republicans Feel About Donald Trump
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sugarwaterradio · 5 years
Macabre Video Of Fake Trump Murdering Obama, Maxine Waters and Black Lives Matter Screened At Pro-Trump Rally.
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Since Donald Trump's campaign to the house was revealed in 2015, the country has seen an influx in racist and sexist based attacks including death threats against Rep. Maxine Waters after she publicly called for Trump to be removed from office in 2017.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Vjeqd-UPCM If you were ever unclear of what President Donald Trump and his constituents stand for, the latest video screened by supporters at his latest rally definitely gives you a clear eye view. As the New York Times reports, during a three day conference sponsored by a group called American Priority at the Trump National Doral Resort in Miami, Trump supporters screened a parodied clip of the 2014 dark comedy film “Kingsman: The Secret Service” which depicted Trump murdering his political opponents, former President Barack Obama, Rep. Maxine Waters, and Black Lives Matter. During the graphic clip, the fake Trump is seen repeatedly punching someone with Rep. Maxine Waters‘ face superimposed on them and another character with the word “JAIL” superimposed on them throws Waters out the window. Then the menace continues on graphically and violently killing others, which includes the depiction of Barack Obama getting his neck snapped and a person with “Black Lives Matter” superimposed on them getting shot in the head. While there is no doubt whatsoever that if the roles were reversed and a clip this graphic in nature was screened during President Barack Obama’s second presidential campaign there would be outrage and the end of his presidential bid, the Trump administration and supporters continue to feed into the vile clip with their “fake news” anti-facts rhetoric during rallies across the country and online. Since Trump has been in office, not only has the administering of propaganda-style news from non-reputable sites increased, so have the attacks on people of color which is so violently highlighted in the clip. Organizers of the pro-Trump rally, American Priority, denounce the video claiming that they were screening the clip as a part of a “meme exhibit” and was unsure how the video ended up being shown at the conference. “Content was submitted by third parties and was not associated with or endorsed by the conference in any official capacity,” said the organizer, Alex Phillips. “American Priority rejects all political violence and aims to promote a healthy dialogue about the preservation of free speech. This matter is under review.” White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham took to Twitter to convey Trump’s condemnation of the clip, saying: “Re: the video played over the weekend: The @POTUS @realDonaldTrump has not yet seen the video, he will see it shortly, but based upon everything he has heard, he strongly condemns this video.”
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Stephanie Grisham ✔ @PressSec Re: the video played over the weekend: The @POTUS @realDonaldTrump has not yet seen the video, he will see it shortly, but based upon everything he has heard, he strongly condemns this video. Despite his “strong condemnation”, Trump is still taking to social media to continue to feed the narrative that he is a “victim” of the very system he upholds in office. While the response to the video came from the office of the Press Secretary, Trump is using his account to continue to attack reputable news sources such as CNN and New York Times for their continued coverage into the falsehoods of his presidency and the illegal activity which has led him down the road to impeachment.
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Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump Wow! Hunter Biden is being forced to leave a Chinese Company. Now watch the Fake News wrap their greasy and very protective arms around him. Only softball questions of him please!
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Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump The Fox Impeachment poll has turned out to be incorrect. This was announced on Friday. Despite this, the Corrupt New York Times used this poll in one of its stories, no mention.... Since news broke of the distasteful video, original poster Meme World issued a statement blasting the New York Times stating: “MemeWorld has not and does NOT condone ANY violence committed by ANYONE, for ANY REASON. The Kingsman video is CLEARLY satirical and the violence depicted is metaphoric,” it said. “No reasonable person would believe that this video was a call to action or an endorsement of violence towards the media.This attack on the American Priority Conference and a MemeWorld contributor comes from the same New York Times that supported a play calling for President Trump’s staff to Assassinate him in the style of Julius Caesar. This attack is yet another example of the Mainstream Media’s hypocrisy. The Kingsman video was played on a small tv in an empty room for a few hours during a 3-day event that FEATURED AN ANTI POLITICAL VIOLENCE PANEL.” While anyone with a brain understands that the current administration isn’t fit to run a SIM’s city, let alone the real United States, that’s not stopping some Black people from drinking the Kool-Aid. As previously reported both Kanye West, Omarosa Manigault, and Isaiah Washington have both declared their love for Trump, and sunken place mayor Candace Owens has even blazed the campaign trail to denounce the reality of the increase in racist attacks and homegrown terrorism since 2016. Despite the overt acts of racism, a July Quinnipiac University poll showed a majority (51%) of voters believed that Trump is a racist, while 45% said that he is not. Even with the influx of people, namely women of color, being elected to office and compelling proof of systematic racism being presented, Americans seem to want to stay dense in regards to the racist attacks people of color have faced since the inauguration of Trump and how huge of a role that Trump himself actually plays into it. As former Trump supporter and “African American friend” Gregory Cheadle pointed out during his interview with PBS, “Trump is only out for white people” and he doesn’t care who knows it. “President Trump is a rich guy who is mired in white privilege to the extreme,” Cheadle told PBS. “Republicans are too sheepish to call him out on anything and they are afraid of losing their positions and losing any power themselves. When you look at his appointments for the bench: White, white, white, white, white, white, white. That to me is really damning to everybody else because no one else gets a chance because he’s thinking that the whites are superior, period.” From chants of “build a wall” to “send her back”, Trump and his followers have shown that they not only support the clip but in so many ways are trying to make it a sad reality. Read the full article
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acdvsocialistas · 5 years
Jornal da Cidade Online BLOGS E COLUNAS TV JCO POLÍTICA ECONOMIA DIREITO E JUSTIÇA POLÍCIA EDUCAÇÃO FOCO MS FOCO RS INTERNACIONAL MAIS DESTAQUE AGORA 4 minutos do depoimento de Palocci que expõem a barbárie cometida contra o Brasil (Veja o Vídeo) DIREITO E JUSTIÇA 4 minutos do depoimento de Palocci que expõem a barbárie cometida contra o Brasil (Veja o Vídeo) ÚLTIMAS NOTÍCIAS Líder indígena denuncia: Sínodo da Amazônia é somente para indígenas alinhados com a “Teologia da Libertação” (Veja o Vídeo) SÍNODO DA AMAZÔNIA 08/10/2019 Líder indígena denuncia: Sínodo da Amazônia é somente para indígenas alinhados com a “Teologia da Libertação” (Veja o Vídeo) AO VIVO: Bolsonaro avisa populares que o Presidente do PSL está "queimado" (Veja o Vídeo) JAIR BOLSONARO 08/10/2019 AO VIVO: Bolsonaro avisa populares que o Presidente do PSL está "queimado" (Veja o Vídeo) Lula preso é o “capim motivacional” que a militância necessita LULA NA CADEIA 08/10/2019 Lula preso é o “capim motivacional” que a militância necessita ONG, parceira do PT, costurou acordo entre o PCC e o Comando Vermelho PT 08/10/2019 ONG, parceira do PT, costurou acordo entre o PCC e o Comando Vermelho Coringa, não dá pra ficar impassível CORINGA 08/10/2019 Coringa, não dá pra ficar impassível Joice e Maria do Rosário, na iminência das ‘vias de fato’ JOICE HASSELMANN 08/10/2019 Joice e Maria do Rosário, na iminência das ‘vias de fato’ 4 minutos do depoimento de Palocci que expõem a barbárie cometida contra o Brasil (Veja o Vídeo) ANTONIO PALOCCI 08/10/2019 4 minutos do depoimento de Palocci que expõem a barbárie cometida contra o Brasil (Veja o Vídeo) “De onde vem o ódio de Bolsonaro à imprensa?”. Revista Veja questiona e obtém a resposta... REVISTA VEJA 08/10/2019 “De onde vem o ódio de Bolsonaro à imprensa?”. Revista Veja questiona e obtém a resposta... "Há um verdadeiro consórcio entre o STF e o Congresso para legalizar a corrupção", diz Modesto Carvalhosa MODESTO CARVALHOSA 07/10/2019 "Há um verdadeiro consórcio entre o STF e o Congresso para legalizar a corrupção", diz Modesto Carvalhosa A História é impiedosa STF 07/10/2019 A História é impiedosa POLÍTICA Decisão esdrúxula de ministro do TCU suspende propaganda do pacote Anticrime 08/10/2019 às 13:06 8262 COMPARTILHARAM ISSO O ministro Vital do Rêgo, do Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), resolveu suspender a propaganda do Pacote Anticrime. Um absurdo! A campanha proposta, que, inclusive, já está nas redes sociais, é informativa, instrutiva e educacional. Porém na opinião do ministro não cabe divulgação se o Congresso ainda pode modificar o que o governo está propondo. Ou seja, o governo está proibido de divulgar para a sociedade o teor de sua proposta. Isso tudo é o resultado de nossas instituições serem compostas por políticos profissionais, em regra sem qualquer embasamento técnico e aptidão para o exercício do cargo. Vital do Rêgo, o “Vitalzinho” do MDB, fez carreira na política, começando como vereador de Campina Grande (PB). Depois foi deputado estadual, deputado federal e senador. Está sendo investigado pela Lava Jato por suposto recebimento de propina de empreiteiras quando, no cargo de senador, comandava a Comissão Parlamentar Mista de Inquérito da Petrobras no Congresso. Foi guindado ao cargo de ministro do TCU em 2014, numa jogada política que beneficiou o poderoso MDB. da Redação PACOTE ANTICRIMEVITAL DO RÊGO 8262 COMPARTILHARAM ISSO Siga-nos no Twitter! COMENTÁRIOS MAIS EM POLÍTICA AO VIVO: Bolsonaro avisa populares que o Presidente do PSL está "queimado" (Veja o Vídeo) JAIR BOLSONARO 08/10/2019 AO VIVO: Bolsonaro avisa populares que o Presidente do PSL está "queimado" (Veja o Vídeo) ONG, parceira do PT, costurou acordo entre o PCC e o Comando Vermelho PT 08/10/2019 ONG, parceira do PT, costurou acordo entre o PCC e o Comando Vermelho Joice e Maria do Rosário, na iminência das ‘vias de fato’ JOICE HASSELMANN 08/10/2019 Joice e Maria do Rosário, na iminência das ‘vias de fato’ Bolsonaro: Homicídios no Brasil já caíram mais de 20% e ainda é pouco GOVERNO BOLSONARO 07/10/2019 Bolsonaro: Homicídios no Brasil já caíram mais de 20% e ainda é pouco A verdade finalmente vem a tona: Médico cubano agradece Bolsonaro (Veja o Vídeo) MAIS MÉDICO 07/10/2019 A verdade finalmente vem a tona: Médico cubano agradece Bolsonaro (Veja o Vídeo) Alexandre Garcia foi testemunha do episódio dos dólares na cueca e revela detalhes inéditos (Veja o Vídeo) ALEXANDRE GARCIA 07/10/2019 Alexandre Garcia foi testemunha do episódio dos dólares na cueca e revela detalhes inéditos (Veja o Vídeo) Newsletter As principais notícias do dia no seu e-mail. 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libertariantaoist · 8 years
Three intelligence agencies – the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA  –  have issued  their much-touted report  on alleged Russian intervention in the presidential election, and after reading  it one question remains: Where’s the evidence?
We are told from the outset that the actual evidence that the Russians hacked  the DNC and John Podesta’s emails as part of a wide-ranging campaign to put  Donald Trump in the White House cannot be revealed: “source and methods” must  be kept secret. This in spite of DNI director James Clapper’s pledge that he  would declassify as much of the evidence as possible in the interests of transparency:  but then again, Clapper is an admitted  liar.
One interesting note is that the key conclusion – that Vladimir Putin personally  ordered a Russian campaign to “denigrate” poor little Hillary Clinton and elect  Trump – is endorsed with “high confidence” by the CIA and the FBI, but only  with “moderate confidence” by the National Security Agency. The NSA dissent  is significant because if there is any hard evidence behind these assertions,  it is surely the NSA – with its ability to intercept communications of Russian  officials – that would secure it.
Hiding behind the old “sources and methods” pretext, we are then treated by  our spooks to a compilation of arbitrary assertions interspersed with complaints  about the supposedly key role played by RT, formerly Russia Today, a news organization  run by the Russia government which very few people in this country even know  about, never mind listen to. Both RT and Putin, we are told, said mean things  about the US, Hillary Clinton, and “the liberal-democratic order.” Will the  republic survive?
And while we are told that the insidious Russian campaign to elect Trump was  a “covert” operation, much of the report cites Putin’s alleged public  support for the GOP nominee, although the authors don’t bother quoting the Russian  leader’s words verbatim. While it’s true that Putin welcomed Trump’s statements  that “it would be nice if we got along with Russia,” one wonders what other  response from the Kremlin would be remotely possible.
The report avers that Moscow “saw the election  of President-elect Trump as a way to achieve an international counterterrorism  coalition against the Islamic State” – a goal that conflicts with the CIA’s  canoodling  with Islamist “rebels” in Syria affiliated with al-Qaeda,  but certainly one that is perfectly understandable. (Again, this is just an  assertion: no source is cited.)
The report claims that “Pro-Kremlin bloggers  had prepared a Twitter campaign, #DemocracyRIP, on election night in anticipation  of Secretary Clinton’s victory, judging from their social media activity.” Really?  In reality, the hashtag #DemocracyRIP was used by anti-Trump  activists on Twitter to protest the election results: and they’re still using it.  The hashtag was also used earlier by supporters of Jeremy Corbyn to protest what  they viewed as undemocratic  methods utilized by the Labor Party leadership to thwart Corbyn. Twitter’s search  function reveals no such election night campaign in support of Trump.
So what’s the purpose of this mountain of bullshit  being passed off as “intelligence”? What do the authors hope to accomplish,  aside from the obvious, i.e. undermining Trump’s presidency? There’s a hint  of what is coming in the following:
“By their nature, Russian influence campaigns are multifaceted and designed  to be deniable because they use a mix of agents of influence, cutouts, front  organizations, and false-flag operations.”
The paranoid style in American politics – a phrase often deployed against anyone  who challenges the conventional wisdom – is now the dominant trope emanating  from both the mandarins of liberalism and their newfound neoconservative allies.  It is as if we have been transported back in time to the 1950s, when anti-communist  hysteria led to a wave of political repression exemplified by J. Edgar Hoover’s  FBI and its infiltration of both the antiwar and civil rights movements. What  is being prepared is a new version of the apparatus of repression, where Congress  (and the media) investigates “Russian subversion.” Are you an “agent of influence”?  Is this web site or organization a “cutout” or a “front organization” for the  Kremlin?
We’ve already seen this with the Washington Post’s elevation of the  PropOrNot web site as an authority whose pronouncements about who is a “Russian  agent” we are supposed to take seriously.  Indeed, the CIA-FBI-NSA report reads like a rewritten version of PropOrNot’s  output: the same grand assertions, the same accusations offered without evidence,  the same McCarthyite methodology utilized in an effort to smear anyone and everyone  who questions the Washington Establishment’s unremitting hostility to Russia.  As long as the principals of PropOrNot choose to hide behind the veil of anonymity,  it is reasonable to assume that they had at least a hand in the CIA-FBI-NSA  report: the methodology and even in some instances the phraseology is nearly  identical.
The report claims that RT and the Sputnik web site “began openly supporting  Trump’s candidacy.” This is untrue: if you bother to look at RT’s YouTube channel,  for example, it’s clear that if they were supporting anyone it was Bernie Sanders.  And a  simple search of RT’s news stories shows that the station regularly echoed  charges of racism  directed at  Trump by his opponents. With “support” like that, Trump doesn’t need opponents.
When we get into “Annex A” of the report we  fall down the rabbit hole and enter Never-Never Land. My favorite bullet point  is this assertion:
“In an effort to highlight the alleged ‘lack of democracy’ in the United  States, RT broadcast, hosted, and advertised third-party candidate debates and  ran reporting supportive of the political agenda of these candidates. The RT  hosts asserted that the US two-party system does not represent the views of  at least one-third of the population and is a ‘sham.’”
Aside from the absurdity of claiming the coverage  of third party candidates is somehow inherently subversive, one has to wonder  if PBS – which not only broadcast the third  party debate but also conducted its own third  party “conversation” – was part of this sinister Putinite plot. What about  CNN’s “town hall” broadcasts featuring both Gary Johnson and Jill  Stein? The falling prestige of both “major” political parties and the growing  number of those who identify as independents is a widely noted trend: is this,  too, due to the Kremlin’s manipulations? The whole argument is ridiculous on  its face, and a mark of the rank amateurism of our “intelligence” analysts –  who don’t seem all that intelligent, if you ask me.
As I’ve  said from the beginning, this entire effort is designed with one goal in  mind: to undercut Trump’s presidency. Some ancillary goals are to  1) sabotage  any effort to reach an accord with Russia, 2) launch a political witch hunt  against anyone who dissents from the anti-Russian propaganda campaign, and 3)  shore up the rapidly disappearing Democratic party, which not only lost the  presidential election but has been practically eliminated from contention on  the local level except in heavily “blue” states like California and New York.
For all the hysterics about “Russian interference,” for which there is not  one lick of hard evidence, this phony report is solid proof of interference  in our domestic politics from a far more dangerous source: the CIA and other  elements of the “intelligence community.” Let us recall that the New York  Times once reported  that John F. Kennedy threatened to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces  and scatter it to the winds.” Unfortunately, a “lone gunman” assassinated him  before he could do so and so this was never accomplished. One can only hope  that President Trump will recognize the dire threat coming from Langley and  take up where Kennedy left off.
Update: The latest chapter in the CIA smear campaign against Trump is  covered here,  wherein the salacious details are fully described so I won’t bother going into  them. Of course it had to come down to sex: that’s how these people operate.  But aside from the sexual preoccupation, what’s astonishing about this story  is that the “intelligence community” brought it to the attention of the top  congressional leadership, via  Senator John McCain. A story that had been shopped around to the media by  GOP anti-Trump operative Rick  Wilson, and pointedly rejected for publication, got the respectful attention  of our spooks.
Of course it did.
And of course CNN and BuzzFeed went ahead and published it: we don’t trust  them anyway, so why bother to  verify? That’s what the “fake news” business is all about.
The “story” is already falling apart, but that doesn’t matter to the Smear  Brigade. The point is to generate headlines, in the not-so-unlikely hope that  that’s all people read, in order to create a general impression. Truth? Who  cares?
This episode underscores what I’ve been saying  in this space all along:  the “intelligence community” is out to destroy the President-elect. Why? Because  their regime-change agenda is doomed as long as he’s in the Oval Office. Billions  of dollars are at stake, as are jobs, reputations, and a gravy train that runs  from Washington to the capitals of Europe, Asia, and beyond. The Empire isn’t  going to allow itself to be dismantled. Not without a fight.
And we are seeing that fight play out right now.
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chestnutpost · 6 years
Hannity questions 'garbage compromise'
Before President Trump’s rally in El Paso, TX — his first such gathering of the year — on Monday night, CNN’s Betsy Klein spoke with a source about what to expect at the rally. When she asked about Trump’s repeated usage of widely debunked stats about violent crime in El Paso, the source sarcastically responded, “LOL.”
So that’s where we are, two years into the Trump presidency. Some people laugh about his politically expedient lies. Other people suffer.
For the record, Trump stayed away from that particular falsehood on Monday night, according to Daniel Dale, but he repeated many other lies — even about the size of his crowd. Read Dale’s incredible fact-checking Twitter thread here…
>> “Where are the fact-checkers?” Trump said at one point. “You know, some of the most dishonest people in media are the so-called fact-checkers.”
The Hannity veto?
Minutes before Trump took to the stage, this news broke on Capitol Hill: “Congressional negotiators say they have reached an agreement in principle to avert a partial government shutdown at the end of this week.” Here’s the latest from CNN’s team.
But there’s already some conservative criticism of the deal. “Any Republican that supports this garbage compromise, you will have to explain,” Sean Hannity said Monday evening. Charlie Sykes called it “the Hannity veto…”
>> Trump is not endorsing the deal: “A lot of things have changed, and we’ll see what happens,” he told Laura Ingraham in an interview right before the rally…
>> CNN’s Manu Raju tweeted: “One thing is clear” from this deal: Trump is “not getting $5.7B for the wall as he’s been demanding for weeks and that led to the government shutdown. The question is will he sign off on the emerging deal and try to act administratively to fund the rest of it — despite the risks…”
The difference between Fox and the others
Monday night’s cable news coverage was really revealing. “El Paso, Texas is a major American city with a population the same size as Boston. It is more than big enough to hold two competing presidential campaign style events at the same time, and it did that tonight,” Lawrence O’Donnell said on MSNBC.
Indeed, Beto O’Rourke’s counter-rally was a big deal. Trump repeatedly brought it up. But MSNBC’s liberal prime time lineup only showed short snippets of his rally. CNN discussed the city’s anti-Trump march, but didn’t show Beto’s speech. On the flip side, Fox News showed virtually all of Trump’s rally live — even though it lasted more than an hour. The next time someone claims Fox and MSNBC are mirror images of each other, just cite Monday night as an example of the difference…
How the El Paso Times is covering the dueling rallies
One of the paper’s top headlines on the website is “Trump says 10,000 at El Paso County Coliseum rally; Fire Department says not true.“
For full local coverage, click here…
Trump’s messages
“The wall’s being built, it will continue, it’s going at a rapid pace,” he told his fans on Monday night, despite the political walls he’s up against.
Watching his speech, I was struck by his rhetorical usage of “we” and “you.” He said “WE have suffered a totally dishonest media, and WE’VE won, and it’s driving them crazy. It’s driving them crazy.”
And: “I didn’t save our country,” he said a little while later, “YOU saved our country…” And “the world is watching…”
Cliff Sims sues Trump
This is a novel lawsuit… potentially forcing a real legal proceeding over Trump’s non-disclosure agreements… and it was foreshadowed two weeks ago when “Team of Vipers” came out.
Trump cited Cliff Sims’ NDA, and then a Trump campaign aide threatened to sue, prompting multiple lawyers to say, in effect, “I dare you.” Mark Zaid said he would take up Sims’ case “pro bono.” (I quoted Zaid in this story.)
Now Zaid IS Sims’ lawyer. “The U.S. Government is intentionally and unconstitutionally engaging in a subterfuge effort to use a private entity, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., to do its bidding to silence Mr. Sims when it is really the intense powers of the Presidency coming down upon a sole individual,” Zaid asserted in Monday’s suit.
Per CNN’s Kate Sullivan, “the lawsuit requests a court ruling that Trump ‘may not enforce, whether directly or through non-U.S. Government cutouts, any nondisclosure agreements that seek to unconstitutionally infringe upon his First Amendment rights.'” More here…
Another reason why this lawsuit matters
Maggie Haberman, who broke the news about Sims’ lawsuit, tweeted: “The suit gets at the heart of what the president has attempted to be simultaneously over the last two years – both a private citizen and the holder of the highest office in the land…”
— Zachary B. Wolf’s latest: “Trump’s racist Elizabeth Warren taunts have entered a new phase…” (CNN)
— Poppy Harlow will moderate CNN’s second town hall of the 2020 season, with possible presidential contender Howard Schultz, Tuesday in Houston… 10 p.m. ET…
— “Frontline” and the WSJ are working together for the first time… “Predator on the Reservation,” a joint investigation, premieres Tuesday… (PBS)
Today’s Bezos updates
Monday’s main development was a scoop by the WSJ: The National Enquirer’s parent company American Media (AMI) “sought advice last year from the U.S. Justice Department over whether the publisher should register as a foreign agent.” The DOJ’s response letter, available on the web, all but confirmed it. While American Media’s name is redacted, the details match up perfectly.
Think back to the spring of 2018. Michael Cohen has been raided. American Media has been subpoenaed. The company, wanting access to Saudi financing, has published a fawning pro-Saudi publication. And news outlets have been asking questions about this curious piece of propaganda on supermarket checkout shelves. THAT’S the backdrop for AMI’s outreach to the DOJ.
The government concluded that AMI did not need to register as a foreign agent because, even though the publisher “sought out comments” from a Saudi advisor before publishing, there was no financial deal with the Saudis. The open question: Did AMI publish the brochure with the hopes of striking a deal later?
If so, it didn’t work. Pecker’s lawyer, there was never any Saudi $$ deal. And AMI said in a new statement on Monday that it “does not have, nor have we ever had, any editorial or financial ties to Saudi Arabia.” Here’s my full story…
What will AMI’s investigation find?
After the Bezos allegations against Pecker hit last Thursday, AMI announced that its board of directors had convened and ordered an immediate investigation. Many of us scoffed at the idea of the four-man board investigating itself. But VF’s Joe Pompeo reported Monday night that the board “has retained an outside firm to conduct the probe,” per a source “familiar with the matter.” AMI declined to comment…
Two theories of the case
On “Erin Burnett OutFront,” I outlined two theories about Bezos and Pecker, fully acknowledging that we don’t know if either is what really happened.
#1: Bezos was the victim of a blackmail attempt and a complex, politically-motivated plot that may involve a “Saudi angle” and the Trump White House. His photos and texts may have been obtained illegally. His blog post began to expose the geopolitics and grudges that are involved.
#2: Bezos fell in love with a woman with Hollywood connections and the Enquirer found out, because that’s what tabloids do. His security chief’s probe and the Enquirer’s panicked reaction enabled Bezos, through a blog post, to reframe the story — making him out to be a journalistic hero rather than an embarrassed tech exec.
In this Monday night tweet, the NYT’s Edmund Lee said it more concisely than I can. “There’s still a lot about the Bezos-Enquirer saga that hasn’t been explained,” he wrote, “and I suspect a lot of the theorizing bandied about (including in Bezos’s) own blog post will remain theories. I think Occam’s razor will hold.”
— Alex Weprin tweeted: “Per its latest quarterly 8-K filing, Meredith Corp. says it expects to ‘finalize’ the sales of Sports Illustrated, Money and the ad tech company Viant by the end of the fiscal year, which will be June.” (Twitter)
— The back-and-forth between Gannett and its unwanted suitor, Alden Global Capital’s Digital First Media, continued on Monday… Kimberly Chin has updates here… (WSJ)
— The Post has a big new story about a specific part of Alden’s “mercenary” strategy: Buying and selling newspaper buildings. Check it out… (WaPo)
— Read more of Monday’s “Reliable Sources” newsletter… And subscribe here to receive future editions in your inbox…
— No one understands this world like Ken Doctor. Read his brand new piece about the “consolidation games” here… (NiemanLab)
Lowering expectations about Mueller’s end game…
Or merely resetting out-of-control expectations? Here are three examples of something I’m noticing a lot these days:
— USA Today’s Kevin Johnson and Bart Jansen: “As the inquiry grinds closer to its conclusion, there are signs that the public might never learn the full extent of what Mueller has — or hasn’t — found..”
— Jeffrey Toobin in this week’s New Yorker: “The Watergate scandal was like Shakespeare—a drama that built to a satisfying climax. The Russia story is more like Beckett—a mystifying tragicomedy that may drift into irresolution. Did Trump collude, and did he obstruct justice? Mueller may never have the answers.”
— ABC’s “The Investigation” podcast debuts Tuesday with Kyra Phillipsinterviewing former Trump lawyer John Dowd. He told her: “I will be shocked, if– if anything regarding the president is made public, other than, ‘We’re done.'”
The post Hannity questions 'garbage compromise' appeared first on The Chestnut Post.
from The Chestnut Post https://www.thechestnutpost.com/news/hannity-questions-039garbage-compromise039/
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adriannapedley-blog · 7 years
University Lunchbox Food.
As for partnerships are actually concerned, an Aries usually experiences the most being compatible with Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, Libra and also Taurus companions. Although there were some expected, nonoperational offsets to reported purchases growth in the fourth, which our experts'll attend to during the course of decision, we believe your business is actually poised to accelerate purchases development in the second fifty percent from 2017. Mula sa pagkakahiga, naitukod ni Karen ang mga siko at pinag masdan ang dalawa. Isinandal pa nito ang isang paa sa kama, nalilis ang duster, kita ang manipis na panty, kita na rin ang singit. Iron hyperlink Mountain Range (IRM) will possess previously been actually considered a storing provider and was actually at times lumped belong the self-storage REITs. The quantity of light passing through the ocean surface area is had an effect on through cloud cover, surges which show sunshine away (raises the ocean surface area albedo), and also sun light slant from likelihood which depends on latitude, period, as well as time from time. The drama has to do with the careers as well as lovemaking from effective service individuals. Mahina ang mga pagkakasambit ni Alicia halatang might hiya sa mga kataga. His physical body was actually tough as well as he was a phenomenal guy, likewise a pro in boxing fine arts. This is actually a really pernicious form from Propaganda for it implants itself, utilizing all form of mediums as well as media, to health condition our bothering masses, defocusing all of them other food cravings, , sickness, and also wretched lifestyle that they exists, and also concentrate from exhausted shames as well as act to people that they are actually doing one thing regarding Corruption ... Meantime, they go deeper right into lots of handle their IMF, World Bank, GATT as well as South African Get Bank White Bosses - kow towing to their orders and will. Dahil malalaki na, tig isa na silang kwarto ni Jimboy. So, our company observed solid investment in China, excuse me, total arising markets, our experts saw that sort of growth. Paglabas niya sa CR nakasalubong niya ang lalaki na parang gagamit din ng CR. Habang papalapit, ngumiti ito sa kanya - - matamis ang ngiti na may dimples rin tulad niya. Reapply sunblock every 2 hrs, and opt for a waterproof brand name that will have better remaining power if you sweat. These brilliant spots of sunlight occasionally accompany the sunshine on either side, and also occasionally wander above, throughout cold winter sundowns and when the best kinds of clouds frame our celebrity. So we have actually know that if you prefer discharge the power in each of these businesses, you need to recognize as well as compensate the best and over the last 13 years, our experts've found out the best ways to define the best as well as employ the greatest and also reward the greatest and also realize the most ideal. If you want to recognize enemies, you have to possess a partner to practice with, every day playing the four procedures (specifically: ward-off, press, press, and rollback)." After instruction for a long period of time, you could recognize where the opponent is actually empty or total, light or even massive, as well as anytime you can utilize it. Accordinged to returns yield, Manufactured Real estate REITs in the direction of the bottom from the REIT world, paying for an average turnout from 2.6%. Manufactured Real estate REITs payment merely 67% from their available cash flow, therefore these organizations have better potential for reward growth in comparison to other markets. Mahigpit ang pagkakayakap nila sa mga katawan. Ramdam niya ang pananakit ng katawan, lalo na ang mga maliit na sugat sa likuran nito. Kumalas si Alicia, inililis ang laylayan ng duster kaya nakita na ni Karen ang namamagang throw up ng ina ng alisin nito ang malambot na tarugo ni Jimboy. Throughout primary and mid school, there was actually always that stressful minute right just before you opened your lunch where you recognized that if you failed to get a really good snack food next to your PB&J as well as Capri Sunshine, YOUR ENTIRE TIME As Well As MAYBE EVEN YOUR LIFE WOULD BE DESTROYED PERMANENTLY.
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:  Early Innovations
105 A.D. – Chinese paper (didn’t arrive in West for centuries)
1450 – Gutenberg press (leads to Protestant Revolution, among other things)
1517 – Martin Luther nails “Ninety Five Theses” to church door in Wittenberg, Germany
1534 – first press in America (Spanish America)
1500s – Italian gazettes
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1600 – 1800:  Colonial Era and Early Republic Years  
1618 – Dutch Coranto (printed in English in 1620)
1638 – first press in what would become U.S. (Harvard College)
1644 – John Milton denounces licensing of the press in Areopagitica
1665 – Oxford Gazette (first English-language newspaper) in England
1690 – First American newspaper: Publick Occurrences (lasts one issue)
1704 – First successful American newspaper: The Boston News-Letter
1735 – John Peter Zenger trial
1741 – First American magazines
1783-1833 – Rise of Party Press
1791 – Bill of Rights (including First Amendment) ratified
1798 – Alien and Sedition Acts passed
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1800 – 1900:  Telegraph Era and the Start of the Industrial Revolution  
1821 – Saturday Evening Post founded
1827 – First African-American newspaper in U.S.: Freedom’s Journal
1828 – First Native American newspaper in U.S.: Cherokee Phoenix
1828 – Noah Webster publishes first dictionary
1833s – New York Sun begins publication; rise of the Penny Press
1844 – Samuel Morse granted patent for telegraph. First message, May 24: “What hath God wrought?”  Second message: “Have you any news?”
1848 – Associated Press founded
1860-1865 – Civil War brings home “necessity” of news
1877 – Thomas Edison invents the “talking machine”
1888 – Edison lab develops movie camera
1888 – George Eastman introduces the Kodak camera
1888 – Heinrich Hertz transmits wireless sound waves
1890 – Linotype machine introduced at newspapers
1891 –Edison patents Kinetoscope – first parlor opens 1894 in New York
1890s – first “New Journalism” period; “Yellow Journalism”
1890s – Edison develops mass market phonograph
1894 – Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World starts daily women’s page
1899 – “Stunt girl” Nellie Bly circles the world
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Early 1900s:  Industrial Revolution Era and Golden Ages of Radio, TV, and Movies
1900s – Muckraking magazines
1901 – Guglielmo Marconi sends and receives radio message across the Atlantic (Morse code, point to point)
1905 – First “nickelodeon”
1906 – Reginald Fessenden broadcasts voice
1911 – Newsreels begin; continue into 1960s
1912 – Titanic sinks; leads to Federal Radio Act of 1912
1914-1918 – World War I propaganda, censorship, technology
1915 – D.W. Griffith releases Birth of a Nation, first full-length film to significantly impact culture
1917 – Charlie Chaplin becomes the first entertainer to earn $1 million
1919 – RCA founded
1920 – First radio stations in U.S. and Canada
1920s – “Jazz Journalism” tabloids
1922 – Reader’s Digest magazine founded
1923 – Lee de Forest shows first “talkie”
1923 – Time magazine debuts
1923 – A.C. Nielsen company begins
1923 – AT&T links two radio stations for first “network”
1927 – Federal Radio Act sets up commission to regulate airwaves
1927 – Philo Farnsworth applies for electronic TV patents
1927 – The Jazz Singer released
1928 – Academy Awards given for the first time (Wings wins Best Picture)
1930s & 40s – “Golden Age of Movies”
1933 – Eleanor Roosevelt insists on women-only press conferences (“the Roosevelt Rule”)
1934 – Federal Communications Commission  (FCC) established
1936 – England is first country with regular TV broadcasts
1936 – Life magazine debuts
1938 – Orson Welles’ “War of the Worlds” broadcast
1939 – TV is a hit at the World’s Fair
1939 – First FM radio station started in New Jersey
1941 – First TV commercial advertises a Bulova clock
1941 – Welles’s Citizen Kane released; sometimes called the best movie of all time
1942 – John H. Johnson starts Negro Digest; would later found Ebony and Jet
1947 – Red Scare leads to congressional investigation of Hollywood
1948 – Supreme Court hands down Paramount Decision
1950 – Red Channels: The Communist Influence in Radio and Television ruins careers
1950s – “Golden Age of Television”
1951 – “I Love Lucy” debuts; uses film and three cameras
1952 – FCC lifts “the Freeze” imposed in 1948
1952 – Eisenhower runs 20-second campaign spot
1953 – TV Guide magazine debuts; Lucille Ball and her newborn son on first cover
1953 – Playboy magazine introduced; Marilyn Monroe is first centerfold
1954 – Edward R. Murrow’s “See It Now” focuses on Joseph McCarthy
1954 – Elvis Presley discovered by Sam Phillips of Sun Records
1958 – videotape introduced
1959 – Quiz show scandal rocks television industry
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1960s:   Cold War Decade
1960 – Kennedy-Nixon debate
1963 – Network news expands from 15 minutes to 30 minutes
1963 – Betty Friedan writes The Feminine Mystique
1964 – New York Times v. Sullivan gives press new right to criticize public officials
1964 – The Beatles first tour America
1965-1970s – Second “New Journalism” period; literary journalism; underground newspapers
1967 – Congress passes Public Broadcasting Act; PBS formed
Late 1960s – Internet formed for exchange of ideas, not available to general public
1969 – Neal Armstrong walks on moon; we see it on TV
1969 – ABC introduces made-for-TV movies
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1970s:   Social Issues Decade  
1970 – Feminists stage sit-in at Ladies Home Journal
1972 – Ms. magazine launched
1972 – Life magazine died; came back as monthly from 1978 to 2000
1972 – Boylan v. New York Times sex discrimination lawsuit filed
1972 – Cigarette advertising banned from TV
1974 – Richard Nixon resigns, a result of Watergate coverage
1974 – People magazine introduced
1975 – Home Box Office (formed by Time, Inc. in 1972) begins satellite distribution of TV; Ted Turner starts first “superstation”
1975 – Sony Betamax home videocassette recorder introduced
1976 – Matsushita introduces VHS
1978 – laser disc player introduced; largely a failure, but opened door for CDs
1979 – Sony Walkman appears in Japan
1979 – Iranian hostage crisis leads to “Nightline” and loss by Jimmy Carter to a former radio broadcaster and movie actor
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1980s:   Cable Television Decade
1980 – “Who Shot J.R.?” on “Dallas” is first TV season-ending cliff-hanger
1981 – MTV (Music Television) first airs; first video is “Video Killed the Radio Star”
1982 – USA Today begins publication
1982 – Home shopping network debuts
1983 – Sony introduces CD player
1984  - The Cosby Show, African-American family sitcom, debuts  
1985 -  Microsoft Windows is launched  
1985 -  Gloria Estefan & Miami Sound Machine become America’s leading Latin recording artists  
1986 -  MCI Mail, first commercial email service  
1986 -  Bethel v. Fraser, U.S. Supreme Court decision  
1988 -  Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier, U. S. Supreme Court decision  
1989 -  Compaq laptop computer is launched  
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1990s: Digital Decade  
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1990s - Rise of talk radio   
1990s - Rise of independent film  
1990s – Internet access opened to general public; changes everything
1991 -  Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web  
1991 -  Web expands online news and information  
1993 -  Marc Andreessen creates predecessor to Netscape browser    
1994 -  Direct Broadcast Satellite service is launched  
1995 -  Microsoft Internet Explorer is launched   
1995 -  Amazon.com launches online shopping  
1996 – Telecommunications Act of 1996 brings V-chip, deregulation, and dramatic increase in mergers and takeovers
1997 -  William Jefferson Clinton’s Inauguration is live on the Internet   
1997 -  DVDs replace VHS format  
1997 -  Titanic records global box office sales of $1.8 billion   
1997 -  First news blogs are introduced   
1997 -  Diana, Princess of Wales, uses the paparazzi to spotlight worthy causes around the world  
1998  - J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series is translated into many languages, sells to a world-wide mass market, and launches a continuous series of blockbuster movies  
1998 - Beussink v. Woodland R-IV School District, U.S. District Court decision 
1998 - Lewinsky  scandal puts news online and Napster is created
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2000+ -  Age of Media Convergence  
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2000′s - Rise of cell phone use and cellular technology  
2001 -  9/11 Attacks are reported immediately through multimedia   
2001 -  iPod and MP3 format compressed digital files debut   
2001 -  Dominance of newspaper chains and media conglomerates    
2001 -  Instant message services   
2002  - TV standard changes to digital   
2002 -  Satellite radio is launched  
2002 -  American Idol begins its first season   
2003 -  iTunes online music store   
2003  - TiVo, video on demand, debuts  
2003 - MySpace is the most popular social network
2004 -  24-hour coverage of the Olympic Games from Athens   
2004 -  Broadband is in half of American homes  
2004 - Facebook College Network created
2005 -  Bruce Springsteen releases album on DualDisc (CD/DVD)  
2005 -  U2, best-selling global superstar Irish band  
2005 -  Google Library Book Project, digitization of books  
2006 -  Google Video Pilot Project, digitization of National Archives films  
2006 - Citizen journalists record events on cellular cameras and technology  
2007 -  Morse v. Frederick, U. S. Supreme Court decision  
2007 -  Presidential debates on YouTube 
2007 - iPhone introduces mobile web
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Submitted by: Robie Marie B. Leaño Grade 11 - St. Bro. Luciano Pablo
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