captainthach · 1 year
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#HumanRights for all people in #Israel & the occupied territories that was captured by the Israel Defense Forces in 1967 after they were attacked. • #PeacePlan • #JamelaHolyLand • #OneStateSolution because each of the THREE Abrahamic religions share Abraham & CAN not be divided. • The creation of: • “J A M E L A Holy Land” UNITED under their flag of unity representing their identities. • (Jews Arabs Muslim Equal Land Abraham Holy Land)” • The positions of President (Commander of the Armed Forces), Prime Minister, Speaker of Parliament, would be rotated among the three Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, every 4 years, & voted by the people of the nation “JAMELA Holy Land” • The members of Parliament will serve 4 years & voted by the people of the nation “JAMELA Holy Land” • Official Languages: Hebrew, Arabic, French, English • by CaptainThach.com 1. I am the son of a WWII, Korean War & Vietnam War Veteran & NYPD Retired, Police Officer Lt. Colonel John W. Peterkin • 2. History Graduate of @StJohn University (Founded by Jesuits) • 3. Law School graduate of @TouroLawCenter (founded by Americans of the Jewish faith) • 4. Wounded in Combat Medically Retired, Infantry Officer @USArmy • 5. Served two years in Iraq & was a Military Advisor to Iraqi Army General @nassir_alghanam • 6. Humanitarian Mission to Israel meeting Wounded Israeli Combat Veterans with NonProfit program Heroes to Heroes Foundation (founded by American of the Jewish faith): HeroesToHeroes.org • 7. Afghanistan Humanitarian Mission with TroopsFirstFoundation.org on Operation Proper Exit heal war trauma & promote saving lives using my program: fb.me/SEAandPAL & fb.me/StopMilitaryAndPoliceSuicide • 8. @NYPD Auxiliary Police Officer (Honorary Status) due to USArmy combat injuries • 9. I own a Citroen Hy & the car company @Citroën was founded in #France by a #Jewish man named #AndreCitroen • #Jerusalem • #TelAviv • #Haifa • #GazaStrip • #WestBank • #Bethlehem • #Islam • #Christian • #Christians • #Muslim • #Muslims • #Jew • #Jews • #IDF • #HolyLand • #Likud • #AntiSemitic • #BenjaminNetanyahu • #JoeBiden • #Palestine • #Palestinians • #Zionist (at Jerusalem - Holy Land) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpK7i19OAI7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ivygorgon · 1 month
POTUS, call for a ceasefire, aid, and a return of the hostages in the SOTU!
An open letter to the President
893 so far! Help us get to 1,000 signers!
First, I was very glad to hear Vice President Harris call for a ceasefire and an immediate return of the hostages. More of that, please.
Second, on Thursday for the State of the Union address I hope you will find a way to demonstrate deep, personal concern both for the Israeli people and for the people of Gaza. But they and others in the region need more than empathy. They need your leadership. They look to the United States as the “indispensable player” – and those of good will hoping for a more secure and peaceful future are looking to you for a vision and a plan to get there.
In light of that, please make these six key points on Thursday (as suggested by J Street):
There must be an immediate negotiated ceasefire that stops the fighting for a considerable period, frees the remaining hostages and surges humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza.
You will do all in your power to ensure that sufficient humanitarian assistance – food, fuel, water, medicine, shelter – reaches Gazans in the coming days, with or without a ceasefire.
Recognize that nearly 57 years of Israeli occupation must end and declare your support for the establishment of a demilitarized Palestinian state. 
Reiterate Secretary of State Blinken’s recent statement that Israeli settlements in the territory it occupies are inconsistent with international law and that the United States will take meaningful actions to crack down on settler violence and ensure that Israel stops expanding settlements in areas that will be part of a Palestinian state.
Outline how eventual statehood for Palestine is only one piece of a bold vision for the future of the region – one in which Israel has meaningful security, guaranteed by fully normalized relations with all its neighbors. 
Finally, make clear to the Israeli and Palestinian people that the future is in their hands. There is a path to security, dignity and prosperity for both peoples, and there is also the path of never-ending conflict and bloodshed. The US will rally friends around the world to support the two peoples if they choose a future of peace and mutual recognition. You should make it equally clear that those not willing to sign on to that vision and respect the rule of law will no longer have our unquestioning support.
This is so important. We want an end to the fighting; we want civilians on both sides of this conflict to be able to live safely, and we want a two-state solution. We do NOT want American money to go towards the killing of women and children. Period.
Most of all we want you to succeed—and you can’t do that unless you call for a ceasefire and stand up to Netanyahu, who is not your friend or a true friend to Israel. Do the right thing and the American people will have your back. Thanks.
▶ Created on March 4 by Jess Craven
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liberty1776 · 1 year
F*ck off
China the Peacemaker! There is a real peaceplan.
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babyawacs · 3 months
@peace .@peace .@us_stratcom  check how ai agrees themost satiric peacep lan *satire:* peaceplan: alot more war until all have enough of it : ie man kinds nature worstmistakes *endofsatire.* #ai agrees quickly whereisthec atch yuppdeedoo whynot then? isitpossible ai has there a sorting problem
@peace .@peace .@us_stratcom check how ai agrees themost satiric peaceplan *satire:* peaceplan: alot more war until all have enough of it : ie mankinds nature worstmistakes *endofsatire.* #ai agrees quickly whereisthecatch yuppdeedoo whynot then? isitpossible ai has there a sorting problem I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE…
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berlinbrent · 8 months
What can the US do to end the violence?  
Are Hamas & Benjamin Netanyahu the biggest obstacles to peace?
My conversation with author & journalist Laura Blumenfeld.
#Israel #Palestinians #Hamas #peaceplan #Blinken #diplomacy #gmf
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aamepa-blog · 4 years
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#Arab League reject #US #peaceplan for #palestine https://bit.ly/2ScY4p5 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8CDKjJJD3D/?igshid=1x1tyj78ugv04
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viajantemeiaboca · 5 years
Dia 06 | Bissau, Guiné-Bissau
De manhã nos encontramos com pastores locais que nos levaram para conhecer as igrejas parceiras que vamos ministrar no Domingo.
Entre as igrejas, rua e comércio cheios, o que atraía nossos olhos era a sujeira, a miséria, o islã e seus tapetes de oração. As pessoas parecem robôs, zumbis que andam no automático, parecem não ter rumo definido. Não olham para os lados, nem pro chão, parecem ter um olhar fixo em lugar nenhum e ter o corpo acostumado com tarefas repetitivas e diárias.
De igreja em igreja e de porta em porta a tristeza daquela realidade enchia nosso coração de amor por tudo que temos visto e de esperança naquilo que nossos olhos ainda não podem ver.
Na parte da tarde, em uma sala pequena e mal iluminada, 80 mulheres se sentavam em silêncio esperando por nós. Eu, Thaise, Renata e Thuka nos encontramos com elas. O calor daquele dia aquecia o telhado baixo e um som que parecia de pequenas pedras rolando no telhado inundava o espaço. Raios de sol entravam por quatro janelas laterais e duas portas que haviam no fundo daquele quarto aquecendo ainda mais as mulheres que estavam vestidas com suas "saias pano" e seus turbantes.
Para iniciar nossa reunião, o grupo de mulheres entoou em crioulo uma música que dizia que o nosso Deus é alfa, ômega, início e fim e, ao levantar daquelas vozes, nós nos uníamos com elas em um só espírito e não existia barreira social ou linguística que nos separasse.
Entre elas, uma voluntária que falava português, se dispôs a fazer a tradução e, mesmo constrangidas por estarmos na presença de mulheres tão fortes, com vidas provavelmente muito mais difíceis que as nossas e com experiências que provavelmente nunca imaginaríamos viver, compartilhamos daquilo que Jesus já fez e faz em nossas vidas e sobre o quanto nos sentíamos honradas de estar ali com cada uma delas.
A Thuka fez uma ministração de perdão e liderança feminina e, a cada minuto que se passava, podíamos sentir de forma palpável a presença do Espírito Santo ali, encorajando aquelas mulheres e nos dando a certeza de que grandes coisas elas farão na vida de outras mulheres aqui em Bissau e em todo o país.
A Bíblia diz que a fé é a certeza das coisas que se esperam e a convicção das coisas que não vemos. Esperamos pelo dia em que essas e outras mulheres serão tratadas com respeito pela sociedade e empoderadas pelas igrejas. Esperamos pelo dia em que as ruas, frutas, carnes, casas e comércios do país serão limpos, mais bem estruturados e não terão falta de alimentos. Temos convicção de que chegará o dia em que a cidade e o país terão infraestrutura, os moradores de rua terão casas, a população terá empregos e as crianças das ruas e orfanatos terão famílias porque, nós cremos que o Senhor tem para cada órfão, um lar.
Nós, povo de Deus e um só corpo em Cristo, unidos com Guiné-Bissau, somos a resposta. Nossa função é trazer destaque para os líderes de Bissau, ajustar o foco e holofotes para suas igrejas porque eles, através de Cristo que nos chamou para encoraja-los, são a Igreja de Jesus que é a esperança do mundo.
Na penúltima Igreja visitada na parte da manhã todos os pastores guineenses ajoelhados entoaram em português um antigo hino que diz "um dia Deus olhou para essa nação e por ela se apaixonou de forma especial. Colocou sobre ela à sua mão, derramou da sua unção, liberando o seu poder. Deus sara essa nação, com o teu poder, com o óleo da tua unção!".
Que nossa fé nessas palavras, que vem de Deus, seja inabalável, que em um só espírito e independente das diferenças possamos entoar o nome de Jesus em uma só voz. Que possamos crer que é Ele que preparou o nosso caminho até aqui e, que certamente está preparando o que virá. Que através desses homens e mulheres esse país seja completamente transformado e que, até o fim, tenhamos a honra e o privilégio de fazer parte disso.
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#pdctour + #peaceplan + @bay_lens = an amazing day! (at Bayview Church)
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trmpt · 3 years
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captainthach · 2 years
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#UkraineRussiaPeacePlan initiative by 501 (3)c @SOVAirborne Task Force @PANDAArmy4Peace • This is MY, own analysis since, NATO, European Union, United Nations & President Joe Biden will NOT commit troops or a “No Fly Zone” to help #Ukrainians in their country. • They are sending military & aid equipment & enacted economic sanctions that does HELP, #BUT based on critical analysis on how many Ukrainian civilians are dying in the meantime & the humanitarian crisis continuing the war is not feasible for #Ukraine. • How about we look to Ukrainian #DeclarationofNeutrality like Austria did in 1955, France, USA, England, USSR (Russia) & Austria ALL agreed SEE>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declaration_of_Neutrality • Listen to the speech about the #MilitaryIndustrialComplex by President Eisenhower from US National Archives official VIDEO: https://youtu.be/Gg-jvHynP9Y • ONLY way to STOP #UkraineWar with #Russia: “Declaration of Neutrality” in Ukraine. • Thank you, • James Văn Thạch Captain, Infantry U.S. Army, Retired Graduate of Law School at Touro Law Center • VolodymyrZelenskyy #Zelenskyy #Putin #Russian #Kiev #Kyiv #Azov #JoeBiden #DonaldTrump #EuorpeanUnion #UnitedNations #Help #Paris #London #Israel #Moscow #VladimirPutin #Germany #France #PeacePlan #EuropeanUnion #EU #Africa (at Washington D.C.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbnBoiHOvaE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Innovative Health Holdings To Provide High-Quality, Lower Cost Health Care To Small and Mid-Size Employers
Company launches fundraising process with a goal of $3 million
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Over the last 15 years, health insurance costs have increased more than 200% while personal income increased by only 57%. Large, traditional healthcare insurers control more than 80% of the fully insured and self-insured markets with health benefit plans that give little attention to prevention, accessibility, cost control or quality of care. With a healthcare system as broken as this, the need for new group health benefit solutions is significant. That’s why Innovative Health Holdings (IHH) has planned to launch their technology-enabled group health benefit solutions to small and medium-sized businesses and government agencies. The company has just initiated a fundraising process with a goal of $3 million through private placement.
 “It’s no secret the current healthcare system is unsustainable,” explained Ralph Armijo, Founder and CEO of IHH. “All of the leading causes of death and disability – including heart disease, strokes and diabetes – can be prevented or managed. But the traditional healthcare insurers don’t make prevention or management a priority. That’s where IHH is different. Our vision is to make a difference in healthcare by providing better healthcare at a lower cost, especially to small businesses who pay the highest premium dollars and are the most underserved.”
 There are 30.2 million small businesses in the U.S., representing 99.9% of all businesses. Small businesses employ 58.9 million people, representing 47.5% of all U.S. employees. IHH seeks to reduce employer healthcare costs for these businesses by 20 to 40%, provide better healthcare to employees and provide a high ROI to shareholders.
 The foundational infrastructure of IHH’s two companies, PEACEPlan Insurance and CATENAHealth, is already complete. The self-insured level funded PEACEPlan health insurance plan was designed to help small to mid-sized companies control healthcare costs while providing high-quality care. PEACEPlan Insurance aims to manage the risk for employer members, by ensuring the integrity of excess claims incurred by the employer. CATENAHealth is focused on product innovation, offering the creativity and innovation to develop benefit design, technology requirements, vendor partnerships and go-to-market strategies. Investments made in the fundraising process will be made in IHH, representing ownership in both wholly owned subsidiaries.
For those interested in making an investment in Innovative Health Holdings, they can find additional information at https://wealthblock.ai/p/wincapitalgroup/offering/inngro or contact Ralph Armijo at [email protected].
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alaturkanews · 4 years
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas cuts ties with US and Israel Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has cut ties with Israel and the US in response to US President Donald Trump’s Middle East plan, dubbed by Trump as the “deal of the century.” It proposes the US recognition of illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. #Trump #Palestine #PeacePlan Subscribe: Livestream: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Visit our website:
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US President @realDonaldTrump ’s #PeacePlan may not actually bring peace, but it could herald major change in the region Source: Twitter
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babyawacs · 2 years
#putin must understand that #west is #halloween mode hyped by useful #crazyIvan bogeyman. all is simply a bad decision togotwar tosolve surrounded,believing own strenghtpropaganda+staleplans+(!)earlywarned caucasusquagmire with unlimited western arms supplies/what after russia lost the war. thereisno sympathy for this semicriminal war and chinas reaction as 140othernations is revealing. it is amistake. this mustbe accepted now. then it gets to planb planc howtokeepthe conquerred mess while thewest gladly uses the chance to turn russia into a weak broken roguestate thenext20-30years leading how to tackle this (!)implemented intothe peaceplan incontrary to forcing unacceptable things like no army after this war. west willsupply em until russia fallsapart in regime change thenthey join whotheywant as it shouldbe by principal ideology of western freedoms
#putin must understand that #west is #halloween mode hyped by useful #crazyIvan bogeyman. all is simply a bad decision togotwar tosolve surrounded,believing own strenghtpropaganda+staleplans+(!)earlywarned caucasusquagmire with unlimited western arms supplies/what after russia lost the war. thereisno sympathy for this semicriminal war and chinas reaction as 140othernations is revealing. it is amistake. this mustbe accepted now. then it gets to planb planc howtokeepthe conquerred mess while thewest gladly uses the chance to turn russia into a weak broken roguestate thenext20-30years leading how to tackle this (!)implemented intothe peaceplan incontrary to forcing unacceptable things like no army after this war. west willsupply em until russia fallsapart in regime change thenthey join whotheywant as it shouldbe by principal ideology of western freedoms
#putin must understand that #west is #halloween mode hyped by useful #crazyIvan bogeyman. all is simply a bad decision togotwar tosolve surrounded,believing own strenghtpropaganda+staleplans+(!)earlywarned caucasusquagmire with unlimited western arms supplies/what after russia lost the war. thereisno sympathy for this semicriminal war and chinas reaction as 140othernations is revealing. it is…
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berlinbrent · 5 years
Jared Kushner has an Israeli-Palestinian #peaceplan to sell. Is anyone buying? I ask #MiddleEast policy expert #NatashaLindstaedt of @Uni_of_Essex. More at dw.com/theday @AlShabaka @yarahawari #Kushner #Israel #Palestine (at Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzJflFoAhkF/?igshid=ac9u8jupinoq
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mandeepksharma-blog · 4 years
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A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.
-Abraham Maslow
#HappyLearning #education #learningisfun #ThursdayMotivation #ThursdayThoughts #psychology #PeacePlan #quotes #quoteoftheday #WordsOfWisdom
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