#peachs diary
peachinspiration · 1 year
This is my first day officially moved out and with a rented room in a friend’s house with my brother and I am so so terrified and paranoid, I don’t wanna fuck things up cuz I CANNOT go back with my parents, I’d rather kms. Like I have never felt this much real anxiety in a long time and I almost wanna cry but I’m not. I’m just so terrified. My tarot cards said the job I applied to will accept my brother and I, so I’m not so worried about that, but fuck man having to Uber to and back until we afford a car (after finally being able to complete drivers ed) is fucking terrifying to me idk.
I’m upset that I feel so paranoid and anxious, cuz I really thought when I moved out I’d feel freedom for the first time in forever, but no I’m fucking terrified help. But at least it shows me how much actual pain I need to overcome, cuz all of this feels like uhh ok so yk how it’s like when you get attacked and run you’re completely numbed out but when you finally find a resting spot all of it catches up at full force?? That’s how it feels rn. Except it’s like leaving a lifelong toxic home situation, I’m not used to it and I’m insanely antsy. I’m just really scared of fucking up.
I plan to apply for EBT and to check on the waitlist for me to get on adhd meds, and once hired I plan to hire a driver instructor since I still have nobody who can help otherwise. I sorta feel alone in this idk why, but I’m sure I’ll be ok. My cards told me to hear from others’ experiences of going through the same thing to help myself here and it’s right as usual.
Ok whew yea this feels good to write about cuz I finally feel myself calming down. I haven’t been able to actually journal write or anything in a long time and it’s just been choppy twt priv vents but yea again this is really therapeutic.
But ya idk I’m scared, but at the same time I know I’ll be okay deep down. Another thing I’m excited about is that with money saved up, I’ll be able to finally travel to see my bf without anyone stopping me :•) I’ll go to Chile without having to be interrogated about it or prevented from traveling there!! My brother said he may even wanna come with me. So I’m very excited about that. I’ll have to hurry up on my Spanish studies tho and begin to speedrun learning the Chilean dialect and accent haha thankfully I have my bf for that.
I think when I’m more settled in I’ll finally write that paragraph of educating to that one person I called out for being racist recently then block them after since I don’t wanna deal with anymore mess. It’s just too uncomfortable to deal with.
At the same time tho, life does feel super different. My past life feels very far away now, but now I’m stuck with all sorts of emotional baggage from it. It’s kinda making me realize how hurt and vulnerable I truly am from it. My older sister probably felt the same way when she was kicked out at 18. God I really don’t know what to expect. Maybe I’ll consult my cards about it since I have most of them with me now. I still have some things leftover back at the house but it’s ok. Maybe I’ll make myself a blessing jar.
I already miss my dog though. That’s a part that REALLY sucks cuz of how close we are to her. I miss her really badly and feel kinda sick over it :^( her mental health gets affected whenever my brother and/or I are separated from her and she’s also old and gonna be 14 sometime this year. I’m not worried about her passing on cuz she’s still very active and runs fast and has energy and still acts like a baby though. But man I want her so badly.
I’m terrified of appearing like a burden around here and I’m terrified of my friend or her parents hating me cuz I’m so used to people I live with hating on me in some way and treating me degradingly. I kinda wish I could just shut everything off for a moment and be somewhere timeless for as long as I want to let everything out then come back lolol like yk time stopping. I hope I make more friends. I’ve kinda gone through a huge irl friend purge in the recent years especially as I came to further terms about being trans. Also a lot of people turned out to be completely nuts now. Like how my childhood “best” friend slowly showed more and more abusive tendencies. First toward me and then toward everyone else, to the point of actually threatening lives all cuz this guy wouldn’t love her back.
Oh also wow crazy the moon is full in two days. Fun stuff I’d better prepare for it since I finally have the freedom to. I hope I have my lighter packed with me, I think I have my matches.
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ellenent · 8 months
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mario girls + fruit outfits!
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xx-akubara-xx · 4 months
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Beg: Page 113
Childhood fear unlocked - Having your vent journal weaponized against you.
Background Dialogue
Luigi: Isn't the cake a little much? She hardly touches it anymore.
Toadsworth: Nonsense, it's basically tradition at this point. -
Masterpost of my Comics HERE
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incendavery · 2 years
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it was revealed to me in a dream
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anteatercrossing · 9 months
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dream-visited @quenepacrossing 's island dimple - DA: 0267-6570-3659
it was soooo gorgeous and open and beautifully composed :") that river view is hands down my favorite, it is such a stunner i cannot get over it!!!!
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lizzorasaurus · 30 days
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Some recent art cards!
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First Meetings
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haha I meant to post this with a small snippet of a story but then I realized I'm terrible at writing...
But the basis of that little snippet was that Nana was having a hard time having customers for her little bakery/market stall because Mei'fwa racism (also added on the fact that I want to have Ru'uan and Tu'la to have a rivalry with eachother. They haven't liked each other in years.) And then Aphmau comes up because she smells something really good, stumbles upon Nana and buys a tasty Peach Bread. In here, Nana would introduce herself as Ms. Momoko, kind of like a stage name.
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miyamiwu · 8 months
So The Apothecary Diaries is a Japanese anime set in a fictional country based on ancient China??? Ok cool, no wonder it looks Chinese. But I am once again lamenting the fact that a Chinese-setting animated show can only be popular when it's made in Japan.... bro, there are lots of Chinese anime (donghua) with a similar plot to it (and is more true-to-reality coz yknow it's chinese), but I don't see them making waves in the west sigh
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I've always wanted to entertain a universe where Princess Peach was not familiar at all with romance.
She would go through her life being raised on political philosophy and the understanding that she would one day be responsible for the people of the Mushroom Kingdom, her teachings are very strict and single-minded in the effort to make her an effective ruler. This turns her into an incredibly driven and kind woman who is primarily concerned with her citizen's security and happiness. The fairytale land of the Mushroom Kingdom emphasized a culture of love, certainly, but it was a love for all living creatures. Romance exists, but it was not part of the mainstream of ideas.
Her interests did not include fantasy or fiction. Even when offered by her guardians and retainers, she would decline and opt instead for denser, brainier, more intensive material. The concept of romance simply never came across her horizon.
Until she gets kidnapped, and a stranger arrives to save her.
This man is strong, stronger than the King of the Darklands. Strong enough to rescue her. He is humble and sweet, and he has the most earnest blue eyes she's ever seen. He is charming without meaning to be, content with the simple things in life, and her heart appears to do a little something every time he smiles bashfully at her attempts to thank him for his heroic deeds. He has dimples in his cheeks. Mario, he is called. Thinking of his name causes a most peculiar rush in her chest. She sometimes likes to murmur it to herself when no one is around, but she couldn't say why.
"It is love," those close to her tried to explain. But she didn't understand.
She discovers her grand library's fiction section. She pores over romantic tales, particularly those regarding a princess and her knight in shining armor. Meanwhile, she observes that her face becomes quite warm when Mario is around, and that she tends to ramble or stammer nervously when she is ordinarily so clear and concise. She has not had any practice disguising such feelings. They come off as quite obvious to any onlooker.
Mario is not presumptuous, however, and though he finds himself nursing his own romantic feelings for Princess Peach, he would never dare assume someone of his station would be worthy of her. Still, many point out her obvious flustered demeanor and clear affection for him. He had already dedicated himself to many acts of service for her, but he begins to bring her small gifts as well. Interesting findings, secret tokens, tiny treasures from his journeys. Small wonders of the amazing world he'd come to love living in, and tiny, heartfelt creations.
Pressure grows from those around them who can see they clearly have feelings for each other. When the time comes, Peach sits, meekly admiring a flower he had offered her as they sit on a grassy hill under the starlight. She explains that she believes she likes him, but admits that she does not understand very much about the nature of her feelings or of romance in general. She's a little frightened; her daydreams and wistful yearning have distracted her from her duties at times, and she becomes overwhelmed in his presence. She wishes to understand it all better, but she doesn't know where to begin.
Mario, surprised and flattered by the news, puts his hand over hers and tells her that he is willing to help her explore her feelings and make better sense of them. He can teach her; he's been a hopeless romantic for as long as he could remember.
And he loves her. He's more than willing to take this journey with her.
Flirting, dates, kissing. All of these are foreign concepts to Peach and she frets that she's very far behind and that she'll do it all wrong. But Mario soothes her and tells her it all comes with time. He won't push her into anything she isn't ready for, though he does purposefully tease and gently flirt with her just to see her blush and smile. Over time, she is able to reciprocate.
He invites her out to classic dates and more unique ones. Garden strolls, picnics, or trips to find the best view of the sunset. He continues to bring her gifts, and rescues her from Bowser all without any expectations that she return the sentiment.
She learns. She finds or creates gifts, and arranges dates to surprise him. Her heart feels full whenever she sees his eyes light up with genuine surprise and awe. She learns that he quite appreciates physical touch, and makes sure to reach for him often. Touching his arm, finding any reason to hug him, and offering a modest kiss on the cheek upon being rescued. He also finds great comfort and solace in words of affirmation, reminding him that she sincerely enjoys his company and finds him to be very cute. She loves how he blushes.
One night, after a date he put a lot of work into arranging, Peach expresses her gratitude for his effort, and tells him that she thinks she would like to kiss him. Blinking, Mario finds himself endeared to her shy and slightly clumsy request. He approaches her with his familiar soft manner.
"Close your eyes," he says with that bashful smile, and she does.
He kisses her forehead. His hands gingerly rest on her face, and she lets out a shaky breath. "Is this okay?" he asks, and she nods. He kisses her temple, and then her cheek. His mustache tickles. Her entire body feels like it's buzzing.
He pauses, his thumb stroking her face, before he tilts his head to kiss her on the lips.
She melts. It's tender and sweet. All the stories she had read emphasized the importance of a first kiss, and his delicate manner was better than anything she could have imagined. He pulls away, his eyes shining under the starlight, only for her to seize his hands.
"I want you to kiss me again," she says.
He smiles, and he does.
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veevz-drawz · 1 month
DoaHD | Entry 1: Trust Me, Family Dinners are the Worst
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A/N: This is my first long-form fic so any critique is welcomed!
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Pierce the fabric, loop the thread.
“In the three months I’ve mentored her, she has NEVER smiled once,” a furious gargle of sour berries bellowed out. His imposing shadow danced across the dimly lit foyer of Strawberry Mansion, large arms flaring up with his shadow, creating a gust of wind that fueled the candle flames’ indignant intensity. “Not even ONCE!”
A smaller shadow, calm and apologetic, rose up to try quelling the infuriated beast. “Please, Lord Blueberry Raisin Cookie, you have to understand that’s just how she—”
“I WILL HAVE NONE OF IT!” The room shook from Blueberry Raisin Cookie’s hoarse screech, the lights flickered, shrouding everyone in darkness.
Pierce the fabric, loop the thread.
The candles reignite, the beast’s outline smaller than before.
“I have done nothing, NOTHING, but try to help Miss Strawberry Tea Cookie grow as a designer,” Blueberry Raisin Cookie continued. “Yet I NEVER received a word of appreciation or even a HINT of positive emotion!”
 Pierce the fabric, loop the thread.
“She’s too opinionated, and way too stubborn too!” He rambled, however his fury was beginning to simmer down to the low boil of molten sugar. 
“I refuse to mentor her any longer.”
“...I understand, Lord Blueberry Raisin Cookie,” the calm shadow resigned, bowing and overcasting his silhouette. “Have a good rest of your evening.”
Loop back down, turn it around, pull through— taut.
The servants scrambled to open the mansion’s grand doors, averting their gazes as Blueberry Raisin Cookie stormed out. However, he stopped right at the entrance, head perking up as he remembered something.
“A little piece of advice from me,” he said, turning his head back. Even in the safety of the stairwell’s dense shadows, his moss green gaze pierced through Strawberry Tea Cookie’s very dough, as if he knew she was hiding there. “I would suggest correcting your daughter’s abhorrent attitude before it's too late.”
Loop back down, turn it around, pull through— extra taut.
“A cookie like her in charge will only destroy the prestigious reputation of House Strawberry.”
With a snip of her shears, the thread’s rubine glow withered away, leaving a cotton husk in its place. Strawberry Tea Cookie took a step back to admire her handiwork: a cream chiffon evening gown her client commissioned for the upcoming soirée of a prospective bachelor. She made sure that it would shine under any condition, so the bachelor could seek her client out even in the darkest of nights. The dress was intricately beaded with the finest cape gooseberries and sugar crystals, meant to alluringly accentuate the figure, yet remain modest enough for the family’s approval.
Strawberry Tea Cookie grabbed the order form from her work desk. The client was due for a fitting the next day, perfect, hopefully all she has to do is make some minor adjustments. She folded the piece of paper and pinned it to the mannequin before glancing at the window. The sun had just set, she should have enough time to draft a pattern for her next client and start working on a preliminary sample.
She picked up her client folder and began flipping through, skimming past the endless list of fulfilled commissions. An uneasy feeling washed over her dough when she reached the end of the file. She had been receiving less and less garment commissions these past few months, a quick glance at the sea of barren mannequins was a testament to that, but this was the first time she had absolutely nothing.
There was no denying it, her popularity had declined.
Strawberry Tea Cookie closed the folder shut and stored it away. Perhaps with this extra time, she could work on developing a new— long overdue— collection. But what could she base it on? She sat down on her desk chair, wracking her head for any decent ideas.
Three quiet knocks snapped the designer from her thoughts. “Lady Strawberry Tea Cookie?” Strawberry Butler Cookie called out. “Are you in there?”
“Yes, how may I help you?” She answered.
“Dinner has been served,” he announced. “Do you plan on joining, or would you like me to bring a plate up for you?”
Strawberry Tea Cookie thought for a moment. She usually had the excuse of having too much work to join her family for dinner, but that’s no longer the case. Even so, it had been eons since she had supper with them. And as much as she disliked talking to her haughty relatives, she should at least make her presence known occasionally.
“I’ll join them at the table,” she decided. “Please give me a few moments to look presentable.”
“Of course, my lady.” Strawberry Butler Cookie heeds. “I’ll let your family know that you intend on joining them.”
Strawberry Tea Cookie stood in front of the mirror, brushing off loose threads and fabric scraps from her burgundy, tea-length gown, which parted at the center to a panel of alternating dark rose and light maroon stripes. The skirt was fluffed with a generously layered petticoat made of light yogurt silk. Dark pink embroidery bordered the burgundy skirt, cornering into two heart-shaped patches of the same color. It cinched at her waist before fanning up the bodice in a “V” shape. A thick line of white frosting formed a dropped, off-shoulder neckline with a strawberry cabochon pressed at the center— the symbol of House Strawberry. The charm was framed with two pointed leaves and curled, dried tea ribbons. She adjusted the delicate, dark brown chain around her neck. 
Gloved hands combed through her short, burgundy hair that faded into deep carmine curls, her coral highlights shone in the dim candlelight. Two large, half-cut strawberries were elegantly frosted to her head, resembling cat ears. A leaf adorned each half, and two brown sewing pins were stuck in the right strawberry. Her curtain bangs were primarily parted to the left, covering one of her ruby red eyes.
She lifted her coffee brown glasses, blinking a few times to adjust her strained vision. Thick, frosted eyelashes brushing against the small mole just under her visible eye.
Strawberry Tea Cookie deemed herself to be presentable enough. She grabbed the doorknob, collected herself with a deep breath, and stepped out of her studio.
The clicking of Strawberry Tea Cookie’s spool heels quelled all conversation as it garnered the unwanted gazes of every House Strawberry member sitting at the dining table.
Strawberry Tea Cookie grimaced at the dishes served in front of her.
Jam-lathered fruits and gummies threatened to spill over the table, their sickly sweet glazed coats sparkled against the harsh chandelier light. Same goes for the honey-viscous fruit juice that stuck to the sugar glass pitchers, pieces of ice and candied fruits floating within. She already felt herself preparing to gag from the overly-sugary smell alone. Of all nights she decided to join, it just had to be the one where nothing but sweets were served.
“Ah, and here’s the golden berry herself~,” a saccharinely condescending voice announced. “I’m so glad you decided to join us for once, Lady Strawberry Tea Cookie.”
“Aunt Peach Jam Cookie.” Strawberry Tea Cookie greeted curtly, taking a seat across from her. Strawberry Butler Cookie was quick to fill her glass with juice.
Peach Jam Cookie was lighter in complexion and had whipped, light coral hair with slices of marinated peaches braided in.
“You came just in time,” she met her niece with an irked grin. “I was telling our family about what happened at the Grandberry Market today~.”
Strawberry Tea Cookie picked some sugar-glazed ground cherries from a nearby bowl, wholly uninterested in what her aunt had to say, but made a nodding motion with her head to continue. She would’ve preferred if they were plain, but this was probably the only thing at the table she could eat without feeling her mouth rot from the inside out— if that was even possible. Y’know, because she is a being made of sugar.
“Well, I ran into my good ol’ friend, Blueberry Raisin Cookie!” Peach Jam Cookie perked, her maroon gaze searching for any reaction from the heiress. Strawberry Tea Cookie raised her eyebrow, she doesn’t recall them being friends.  “Do you know what we were talking about? I’m sure you will find it quite interesting~.”
Alright, Peach Jam Cookie was obviously trying to provoke her. But Strawberry Tea Cookie decided to indulge in her one-sided conversation, urging her to continue with another nod.
“He was talking about his collection for Hollyberry Fashion Week~,” she continued, folding her arms on the table and leaning closer to her niece. “I heard it’s going to be quite a grand display, you might have some competition this year~.” A small, devious smile plastered itself on her lips. “Well, if you decide to—”
“With all due respect, Aunt Peach Jam Cookie, I believe you have the wrong impression of what Hollyberry Fashion Week is,” Strawberry Tea Cookie interjects coldly, annoyance laced in her usually monotone voice. “It’s not a competition.”
Peach Jam Cookie’s smirk knowingly curled upwards. “Well, I just wanted to make sure you know what you’re up against~.”
Strawberry Tea Cookie took a bite of the ground cherry stabbed through her fork, savoring its naturally sweet, yet sour flavor.
She didn’t bother to dignify her aunt with any more words. However, she should seriously start drafting a collection. While she isn’t Blueberry Raisin Cookie’s direct rival, he is still quite an innovative and creative designer, and the heiress isn’t going to let a cookie like him hoard all the spotlight.
Her aunt’s smirk melted into a dissatisfied frown and she turned towards Strawberry Tea Cookie’s mother, Strawberry Mousse Cookie. “Dear sister, I seriously don’t understand why you insist on making Lady Strawberry Tea Cookie heir to this fine house.”
Now that got Strawberry Tea Cookie’s attention. She sent a slow blink towards Peach Jam Cookie, like two sugar cubes striking together.
“My son is more than qualified to become House Strawberry’s next head,” she continued. “At the very least compared to your daughter.” A snide snicker followed.
The spark was struck ablaze.
Strawberry Tea Cookie immediately shot up, slamming her hands on the table and causing all the dishware to shake. “The absolute audacity for you to make such a proclamation.” She venomously glowered at Peach Jam Cookie, the heiress’s gaze alone a warning to choose her next words wisely. “Especially from a cookie that married into this family.”
“I may have married into House Strawberry, but I care about this family more than you ever did.” Peach Jam Cookie spat. She crossed her arms and leaned against her chair, puffing her gaudily decorated chest. “You spend every day huddled in your little studio creating drab dresses, you don’t even bother speaking with us when you’re free.”
“Yet all you do is prance around Strawberry Estate and flaunt your riches,” Strawberry Tea Cookie fired back aggressively, slamming her fist at the mention of Peach Jam Cookie’s indulgences. “Which our money purchased, mind you.”
“Well at least I express my emotions,” Peach Jam Cookie seethed, she began fiddling with one of her gold necklaces. “I find it utterly ridiculous that the Heiress of House Strawberry doesn’t even make the slightest effort to smile or laugh.” She turned her attention back to Strawberry Tea Cookie’s parents, who were watching their exchange with nervous expressions. “You two have to at least agree with me on that.” 
Strawberry Tea Cookie glanced at her parents expectantly.
A tense silence thicker than butter permeated across the room, one that muddled the sticky sweet air with greasy, uncomfortable apprehension. Her mother gave Strawberry Tea Cookie a patient smile before turning to her husband, Roasted Oolong Cookie, to whisper into his ear. They bounced hushed words between each other, every passing second melting both Strawberry Tea Cookie and Peach Jam Cookie’s patience.
“Well?” Peach Jam Cookie exasperated, flinging one of her arms in the air. “Aren’t you going to say anything?”
Strawberry Mousse Cookie cleared her throat.
“Blossom…” she glanced to the side apprehensively, the shadow of her wide-brimmed sun hat obscuring the conflicting emotions within her rubine eyes. Roasted Oolong Cookie placed a gentle hand over his wife’s, silently encouraging her to continue. “You are heiress to House Strawberry…” Her words were full of uncertain inflections, “... And therefore you must represent its core values.”
Strawberry Tea Cookie’s jam stilled, going cold despite the suffocatingly hot air.
“Peach Jam Cookie is correct…” Strawberry Mousse Cookie continued, slowing her words as if she was chastising a child. “Your father and I believe that…” She paused to take a deep breath.
“It would be best if you start working on embodying these values a little more, and perhaps join our family—.”
“So you’re siding with her.” Strawberry Tea Cookie coldly spat, her anger redirecting to her mother. Embodying these values, she knew what they meant.
Strawberry Mousse Cookie sighed. “We’re not siding with—”
“You are.”
“Blossom please lis—.”
“Why should I?” Strawberry Tea Cookie huffed sharply, tightly crossing her arms around her chest. “So you can tell me that I need to ‘smile more’ and ‘just look happy’ like you have all my life—.”
“Strawberry Tea Cookie, that is enough!” Roasted Oolong Cookie’s deep voice sliced through their argument, causing Strawberry Tea Cookie to immediately shut her mouth in fear. “You have done nothing but disrespect both your mother and aunt, apologize to them right now.”
Strawberry Tea Cookie drew her breath in. Apologize? After what they said? But she knew not to incur her father’s wrath. She turned her head away, muttering an apology laced with bitter betrayal and anger.
Roasted Oolong Cookie sighed, bringing his hand up to his palm. “Your mother and I have been discussing this for a while…” Strawberry Mousse Cookie slapped her husband’s arm, scolding him in a dialect Strawberry Tea Cookie couldn’t quite understand. He responded with hushed reassurance in the same language, she vaguely decoded his words: “she needs to know.”
Need to know what?
“The etiquette you have consistently displayed is unbefitting of a Hollyberry noble, let alone as the heiress to House Strawberry.” Roasted Oolong Cookie coldly declared. “Because of that, we…” He paused for a second, furrowing his brows to find the best way to communicate the news.
“We have decided it’s best to choose a new heir.”
Time seemed to simultaneously slow down and speed up for the heir— well former heiress— as she tried to grasp what her father said. Amidst it all, she was hit with a continuous barrage of words and accusations.
“You barely put any effort in speaking with your fellow nobles. Even worse, you immediately burn bridges the minute you perceive that some cookie has insulted you.”
They deserved it, you and I both know that.
“Do you know how long it took for us to establish these connections, especially for our family?”
I know.
“No wonder why we believe you don’t care about us!”
… That’s not…
“It’s like you want to continuously tarnish our reputation.”
Whatever bitterness and anger Strawberry Tea Cookie felt completely extinguished. She… tarnishes their reputation…? 
“You can’t even do the bare minimum and smile on the rare occasion. The majority of our relatives think you’re incapable of expression entirely.”
Roasted Oolong Cookie let out a frustrated huff, he glanced up and met his daughter's eyes that were frosted with pure hurt and betrayal. His own features softened slightly, he breaks eye contact to focus on an unassuming piece of candied peach. “Perhaps we spoiled you too much growing up…”
Strawberry Tea Cookie remained quiet, her father’s grievances echoing— consuming— any other thoughts she might’ve had. She felt nothing, a punishing numbness overtaking her dough. Bare minimum? Incapable of expression? Too spoiled..?
Is that who she truly is to them?
With a collected and resigned breath, she hurriedly left the dining room. Her parents, who were quietly arguing up to that point, tried calling her name. She didn’t bother to heed, only wishing to escape to her chambers.
“Cousin, wait!” Yet a shrill, annoying voice still ran after her. 
Strawberry Tea Cookie stopped in her tracks, stomping her heel with the last step in a not-so-subtle way to convey she didn’t wish to be talked to. She turned around, facing Peach Jam Cookie’s only right to House Strawberry’s namesake— her “dear” cousin.
“What is it, Strawberry Sugar Cookie?” She crossed her arms, impatiently waiting for him to spit out whatever nonsense he had brewing.
“I apologize for Mother’s behavior,” he said between pants, catching his breath with his hands on his knees.
Strawberry Tea Cookie stepped backwards as he rose, making way for his ridiculously huge pompadour. “She… she just wanted to provoke you, and that was utterly inappropriate of her.” He bowed, Strawberry Tea Cookie rolled her eyes as she leaned back once again.
Strawberry Tea Cookie slowly blinked at the added statement, her gaze flickering for a second. “Drop the act, I know you’re not actually sorry.”
“Hah, of course not,” Her cousin laughed, his regretful facade melting away to his usual sneer. “Why would I? Especially to a cookie who has constantly undermined me and Mother my entire life.” 
Unphased and unsurprised, Strawberry Tea Cookie continued climbing up the stairs. Strawberry Sugar Cookie followed, much to her dismay. “You know, I’m surprised Uncle Roasted Oolong Cookie didn’t reveal the whole thing.” She ignored him, speeding up her steps. Her cousin remained at his leisurely pace, uncaring that the distance between them grew larger.
“I’m taking your place.”
Strawberry Tea Cookie stopped dead in her tracks, gaze darkening as she snapped her head backwards. “What?”
“Well, it was inevitable~.” He shrugged nonchalantly, continuing up the stairs. “Like Mother said, I am much more suitable to run House Strawberry than you!”
“Unlike you, I actually bother to show my emotions,” with each step his voice increasingly dripped with more condescension. The peach doesn’t fall far from the orchard, it seems. “Nobody can deny my creativity, the Royal Family themselves have commissioned three murals from me so far~.”
Strawberry Sugar Cookie was now face-to-face with Strawberry Tea Cookie, uncomfortably close as his figure loomed over her like an overcast shadow.
“Besides, I actually do real art. Not like those rags you sew together every day~.” He cocked his head, beckoning a response with his sly smirk.
Strawberry Tea Cookie could only muster a small huff, but deep within was a calm anger that simmered through the oppressing numbness. To imply that fashion wasn’t “real” art. Of all the things that happened to her today, this might be the one that tops the battenburg cake. She knew the Peach Clan was stuffed with shallow, power-hungry cookies, yet to have their kin that grew up with House Strawberry’s values deny a creative medium’s artistic value? “How… backwards of you…” That was all she could say.
“Huh, backwards…” Strawberry Sugar Cookie chuckled, picking at his thick, sugar crystal coat collar. He descended one step. “I believe you got it all twisted…”
“The real backwards cookie here is you, refusing to even try adopting House Strawberry’s principles.” He sneered, taking another step down the stairs. “It’s ironic really, you spend so much time putting Mother and I down…”
Another step down.
“Yet here I am, a half-Strawberry taking your oh-so-precious heirship.”
With that, Strawberry Sugar Cookie turned to descend the rest of the staircase, leaving Strawberry Tea Cookie at the top of the landing— all alone.
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ellenent · 9 months
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cute princess peach! 🍑
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peachsayshi · 28 days
going on semi-hiatus again 🫶 I’ll be active just not as often for a bit ~
Upcoming posts will be all be set up on queue. I’ll only be online to respond to messages/requests or if I have any writing updates!
moots: dms are open for chatting! if you want to stay in touch 🍑🧡 if you tag me in something and I don’t respond immediately, don’t worry! I’ll get to it once I can
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bleachersgirl · 7 months
should i finally get on peach
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damailbox · 1 year
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Disney Adventures, October 2005
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foodcreation101 · 6 months
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millepara · 6 months
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assigned brown eyes by glitch. it's cute so it's ok.
also got a photo of everyone's favorite Degas Song of the Dog pose by chance
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