peachyypages · 7 years
The Scenes I Live For
“He saw that Jesper was staring at his hands. "What were you expecting?" Kaz growled. "Claws, at least,"Jesper said, shifting his gaze to his own bony feet. "Possibly a spiny thumb.” 
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peachyypages · 7 years
I will have you without armor, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all.
Leigh Bardugo Six of Crows
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peachyypages · 7 years
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Full spoilery review for Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
Crooked Kingdom By Leigh Bardugo was such a page turner. It was full of twists, turns, betrayal, family, ships...ugh I was/am completely in love with everything about this book. I decided for this review I'm going to try to just do it by character so...here goes. Jesper is such a great supporting character, I just loved how he came into himself in this book. He really because one with his power and his insecurities. It was oddly satisfying to me that at least one of these characters had a supporting family and a parent to look up to. His relationship with his father was sweet and well portrayed. I loved his father's dedicated attitude toward Jesper and how he even helped in the schemes of the book in support of Jesper. Jesper's budding relationship with Wylan especially made me happy. The cuteness and innocence of it made me feel so happy when in the deeper parts of the book. Wylan is an amazing character. I loved his Dynamic personality, he learned a trait from each of the crew as he grew closer to them and it really developed him into a fantastic person. I loved the plot line with his mother though, it helped you see the sweet innocent side of Wylan. The fact that he had someone to go back too after all the crap with his father was refreshing. Speaking of his father i fricking hate that man. All the crap he did to Wylan, when we read about the storyline of his father sending him to music school only for Wylan to be almost murdered by his fathers cronies. I was so sad for Wylan, it's not his fault that he can't read or right. The Part of the book int he Church of Barter when he held his own "reading" that legal document out loud was so empowering. Then the other councilmen stood up for the Wylan after hearing the crap that his father had done to him. When Jesper told Van Eck that he would help read to Wylan I can't tell you how big the smile was grew on my face. I was kind of disappointed with Nina's storyline in this book, I felt like we didn't get enough information on her new found power due to her use of jurda parem. Leigh made it clear that it was the opposite side of the coin int he fact that instead of taking power from the living part of the world she was taking the the power from the dead/darker side. I thought her new power was cool of course but I kind of felt that it was a plot hole of sorts. Usually when you have a power like that, or any power really it takes something out of you, like your energy or something. So like her old power giving her energy and making her feel alive when she used it, since this new power is supposed to be the opposite and it calls on death, shouldn't she have the energy taken away from her? Shouldn't she feel slightly tired or pale or deadish? Along with being disappointed with Nina's storyline I was very disappointed with Matthias'. I mean i've read enough books to know that no book series can end without the death of someone but still, Matthias' death shocked me. After all the crap he went through in Hell gate, being a strong mislead drüskelle, finally admitting his feelings for Nina, surviving the Night Court, better yet surviving Alys' singing, I feel like the death did not fit the character. Another slight problem that I had is how clutch Kaz was at fixing everything. While I 100% enjoyed all the plot twists that came with Kaz; character, and I fully appreciate all the things that he came up with. I love being thrown off course and tricked and Kaz did a fantastic job of keeping me involved int eh story. I found myself waiting for the next big Kaz stunt. But at at the same time I feel like I wish more had gone wrong. I wish that Kaz hadn't seen at least one other thing coming, that at least one other terrible thing had happened that impacted the story. kai always seemed to fix the problem, or to have planned the problem so we didn't realize that the problem wasn't a problem (I hope that made sense). Like when Wylan was "kidnapped" and tortured for information by the "Dime Lions" and "told them everything". Yeah I was actually kind of excited about that so that some more drama happened. Idk call me a weirdo if you want. Inej is my favorite character. By far. Best character. I love the development of her story and how she was a victim of Sex trafficking. It gave her character so much depth and I just loved everything she brought to the story. I feel like she brought out the best in all the characters. I loved how even though she seemed fine she had scars like Kaz. Kaz' scars were more pronounced but the way she would react subtly to touches was so amazing. It was great to see that fragile side of her even though she's the bad*** Wraith. I loved her and Kaz' plot together, how they both like each bother but are both a little too scarred to make any progress in any sort of relationship. But oh my god the end of the book. When Leigh did the thing with the ship. I was in tears when Kaz showed her the ship that he bought her, so imagine how bad my sobbing was when he revealed that he brought her parents to Ketterdam. And then when Inej invited him to meet them and he asked if his tie was straight. Oh my god I could go on about that for hours but just enjoy yourself again.
{"Come with me," she said. "Come meet them." Kaz nodded as if steeling himself, he flexed his fingers once more "Wait," he said. The burn of his voice was rougher than usual. "Is my tie straight?" Inej laughed, her hood falling back from her hair. "That's the laugh," he murmured, but she was already setting off down the quay, her feet barely touching the ground....... When he said "Thats the laugh"...alsdjflhsdladj}
{another part of the scene from a little earlier She felt his knuckles slide against hers. Then his hand was in her hand, his palm was pressed against her own. A tremor moved though him. Slowly, he let their fingers entwine.}
So yeah I fricking loved this book, the characters, the plot, the twists, the schemes. I just wish there would be a third installment so that we can follow up on Inej and Kaz at least. A future Novella maybe?
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peachyypages · 7 years
Dorian, Chaol, or Rowan???
“You do not have the right to wish she were not what she is. The only thing you have the right to do is decide whether you are her enemy or her friend.” ~Dorain 
“I worry because I care. Gods help me, I know I shouldn't, but I do. So I will always tell you to be careful, because I will always care what happens.” ~Chaol
“I kept thinking about how you might never know that I missed you with only an ocean between us. But if it was death separating us … I would find you. I don’t care how many rules it would break. Even if I had to get all three keys myself and open a gate, I would find you again. Always.”                                     ~Rowan
My answer before we met Rowan, aka sexiest member of the cadre, would have been Dorian. He’s such a fluff ball i love him so much. but how can one say no to Rowan fricking whitethorn.
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peachyypages · 7 years
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Full spoilery review for Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Oh my gosh this book had me GOING. First off *whispers* Wesper aslfjalsfjhlkfjl. I fricking love me some gay ships boys.This book was actually so fantastic I am so sad that i didn't read this earlier. To all of you who love the trope of the badA tall guy and the little tiny shy guy this book is for you. I cant get enough of this ship. And Kinej omg when Inej was taken at the end I was broken and excited because the only reason it happened was because Kaz basically admitted he felt something for her. I am so sad for my baby Kaz he keeps on loosing everyone i am 100% heartbroken. Tbh Nina and Matthias as my least favorite ship just because my other babies are too amazing to have any room left in my heart for them. But Nina’s powers are pretty dang cool. When Nina got locked din that cage in the ice court by General Brum and Matthias showed up i about lost my crap. This book had my heart racing and brain going 100mpm. I did not see any of those plot twists coming and I can only hope that Crooked Kingdom is Half as amazing because then it would still be better then some books I have read. I am in love with Waylan btw and i will fight you all for him. When his dad said all those horrible things at the end of the book without realizing Waylan heard it all, and Jesper fricking stood up for him I had tears in my eyes. Then Jesper realized Waylan was disguised and he realized he had been spending time with Waylan on the deck of the ship on the journey back. God my babies i cant. The sexual tension and all those innuendos make my heart hurt. Lmao i think I’m done ranting now for content. SO. This book was actually amazing. I took it to the beach with me and I think i enjoyed it more so than the beach. My heart hurt worse than my sun burn by the end of the book. I loved how Leigh set up the scenes and built up the world, her descriptions built such a pretty picture in my head (pretty spot on but not very pretty considering it takes place in a horribly dirty city and then a sort of jail lmao). I loved all the inter connected character plot twists we got like Jesper being Grisha, and Waylan being illiterate, it just made me connect so much more with them. SHe portrayed all their emotions so perfectly like when Kaz fainted in the jail truck, when Inej would say her saints names. I felt like i knew what the characters where feeling. I loved all the personalities and their realtionships with each other. I sometimes had to book down i was laughing so hard, i’d have tears in my eyes i swear. When Jesper was staring at kaz’s hands and Kaz asked himw hat he expected “idk maybe some claws”. I wish Crooked Kingdom wasnt the last book. 
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much love, 
Admin Lemon 🍋
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