#peakyblinders smut
shelbystales · 10 months
Stay - One Shot
Tommy Shelby x Reader - Masterlist
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Word count: 4532
Requested by: @morrigan-crowmwell
Summary: Tommy realizes that despite him trying to avoid it, he loves and needs you.
Warning: angst, fluff and rough smut with dirty talk?
A/N: This was inspired by a brazilian song called "evidências", as requesteted. I hope you like it😘 .
English is my second language so I apologize in advance for the grammar mistakes
He entered forcefully, pushing the door of your room open like a hurricane.
"Stop it," he ordered, pointing his finger at you.
You glanced at him, but your hands kept busy, packing your bags, shoving clothes into a bag that was clearly struggling to fit even half your dresses.
"I told you to stop," he said, approaching you and closing shut the door of your small wardrobe.
"Make me," you said irritably, trying to force the door open, but his hand on top of it prevented the process.
You rolled your eyes and carried on, your determined hands struggling with the stubborn zipper. You tried to wrestle the wardrobe open once again, a frown deepening on your face, but just as before, his hand on it prevented your success.
You sighed loudly, grabbing your bag from the bed and headed toward the door, ready to leave the scene.
He grabs your wrist firmly, preventing you from reaching the door, stopping you from leaving.
"Let me go!" you shout and struggle against his grip, but he doesn't let go of your wrist. His gaze seemed disturbed like he was out of himself. "Are you drunk?" you ask, pulling your hand, hating the fact that he's stronger than you.
"Why are you doing this?" he asks, and you clearly notice the knot in his throat.
"Tommy, you're hurting me," you say as the strength of his grip on your wrist becomes stronger.
"You can't do this. You can’t leave me" he says.
"Why do you care?" you ask angrily, pulling your wrist as you feel he loosened his grip on it and took a step back.
His chest rises and falls rapidly, his eyes locked onto yours with a mixture of frustration and desperation. He runs his fingers through his hair, a sign of his internal struggle.
“Tommy, what the fuck? You can't just barge in like this and do this” you said angrily
he swallowed harshly and looked around the room, the same room he had been with you many many nights before. The same room where he sleep nestled against your neck, smelling your scent to prevent his fucking nightmares. The same room he told you he couldn’t be with you, that he didn't want to be with you. The same room he broke your fucking heart. 
“It’s not fair,” you added, letting go of your bag to fall loudly to the floor. 
“Fair?” he chuckled “life isn’t fair” he said frustrated. 
His response only fueled your anger.
It felt like he was dismissing your feelings, brushing them aside with his cynicism. You crossed your arms over your chest, glaring at him with a mixture of irritation and hurt.
"Life isn't fair? Is that all you have?" you shot back, your voice dripping with sarcasm.
Tommy clenched his jaw, his fists curling at his sides. His eyes held a storm of conflicting emotions – regret, anger, and an undeniable pain that seemed to cut through his tough exterior.
"It's not like that, ey" he said, his voice strained. "I never wanted any of this to happen."
"Oh, so it's not your fault then?" you retorted, your tone dripping with bitterness “you stood right there” you pointed at one side of the room “and you told me you couldn’t fucking love me anymore! Like, what the fuck! Poor misunderstood Tommy Shelby… you wanted me to beg? to do what?! To run after you like a fucking dog. To beg for your love. Was that it? Tell me, what did you want?”, you couldn't restrain the anger in your voice
He winced, as if your words were a physical blow. You could see the pain in his eyes, a flicker of regret that he was desperately trying to hide. But it was too late for that – the dam had broken, and the flood of pent-up emotions was pouring out
“That’s because I love you” he said, making you laugh in disbelief 
“Fuck you!” you barked at him
“When I said i didn’t want you anymore, thats because I still fucking do” he spat out.
“What? Are you bloody high?” you shook your head 
He seemed to search inside for the right words. It was clear he was struggling.
“I can't let you leave” he stated
“Its not up to you” you answered coldly
“I will blow every road out of this damn city if I have to, drown every boat. But you are not leaving, eh” he warned, his finger raised, pointing at you as a warning sign
“I hate you so much right now” you whispered, your words seeming to have an effect on him. He breathed deeply and looked at the ceiling of your room
"Look, I know I messed up," he admitted, his voice quieter now.
"You damn right you did," you said, your anger still burning hot.
His frustration crackled in the air like an electric current. Everything was spiraling out of control, slipping through his fingers like grains of sand. He watched as you challenged him, your voice a mix of irritation and hurt. It was a pain he was intimately familiar with, one he had tried to distance himself from.
He knew he was the architect of his own misery. The moment he let himself care, truly care for you, he had opened the door to chaos. His heart, so carefully guarded, now laid exposed and vulnerable.
He took a step closer to you, his gaze intense, burning with a mixture of what you assumed to be anger and fear.
His heart raced in his chest, each beat a reminder of what he stood to lose. He wanted to grab you, to shake some sense into you, to break down the walls he had built between you.
But his hand remained at his side, clenched into a fist. He could feel the heat of his anger pulsating through him, but it was masked by an even greater terror - the terror of losing you.
"You think I wanted this?" he finally spat out, his voice raw. "You think I wanted to hurt you?"
You didn't answer, your eyes locked onto his, a mixture of defiance and something deeper.
He ran a hand through his hair, the usually impeccable locks now disheveled, mirroring the chaos inside him. Every step he took seemed to carry the weight of his uncertainty, his fear of losing something he hadn't realized he'd grown so dependent on.
"This is bloody ridiculous. I can't do this, alright? I can't bloody bear the thought of you walking away," he muttered to himself, his voice taut with frustration.
His gaze flickered to the door, as if half-expecting you to disappear beyond it any second. The very idea seemed to send a jolt of panic through him.
"You drive me mad!" he said, his voice rising in agitation.
His chest rose and fell rapidly, his breathing uneven as his gaze darted around the room, searching for some form of escape from the vulnerability clawing at him.
"I've denied it, tried to pretend I didn't need you, that I could bloody well do without you," he admitted, "but I need you," he practically spat out, the words almost foreign on his tongue. "More than I care to fucking admit. You're under me skin, in me bloody bones, and I'm terrified of what that means. I’ve tried but I can't fool me heart, I can't keep lying to meself” 
His voice cracked, the dam of his emotions threatening to break completely.
The room felt stifling, a cage that held him captive with his own fears. Tears welled up in your eyes, the battle between your anger and your love for him raging within you. You took a shaky breath, your own vulnerability exposed.
"You can't leave," he said, his voice low but laced with a desperation that belied his usual composure. "I won't let you. I can't." His admission hung in the air, raw and unfiltered.
Tommy's agitation reached a fever pitch, his body tense, his eyes wide with a mix of anger, fear, and something deeper that he struggled to name.
He couldn't let you go – not now, not ever. The very idea of you slipping through his fingers was enough to shatter his carefully constructed world.
You stared back at him, the weight of his words sinking in.
A mixture of anger and hurt still lingered within you, the wounds of his past actions still fresh. But now, in this charged moment, you could see that he was baring his soul to you.
You didn’t know what to do, what to say. part of you wanted to shout at him, to slap him to push him to the floor and kick his guts… but at the same time, part of you wanted to run to his arms, to kiss him, hold him strongly… truthfully, Your heart ached as you watched him struggle
You stepped forward, closing the distance between you. His eyes followed your movement, a mix of anticipation and apprehension in his gaze.
Your hand reached out, your fingers gently uncurling his clenched fist, the gesture a silent reassurance.
"I can't lose you," he choked out, his voice a mere whisper, his eyes searching yours for some form of understanding.
"I don't want to leave," you admitted softly, your voice breaking “but… you can't just come in here and say all of that after causing me so much pain. The past won't just disappear, Tommy. You can't just expect me to forget everything and come running back."
He shook his head, his hand shifting to cup your cheek, his touch warm against your skin. "I'm not asking you to forget," he said, his voice gentle but urgent. "I'm asking for a chance. A chance to make things right, eh? to show you how much you mean to me. I know I fucked up. But I need you, I need your lips on mine." His thumb gently brushed over your bottom lip. "I’ll give you my life, you can do whatever you want with it. I just want to hear you say yes, that you'll give me a chance to fix it. To fix us."
You closed your eyes, leaning into his touch, torn between the memories of pain and the yearning for something more.
His thumb brushed away a tear that had escaped your eye, his touch sending shivers down your spine.
"Tommy… I…," you whispered, losing your words. 
His gaze bore into yours, his thumb now tracing a path from your cheek to your lips, a feather-light touch that ignited a spark within you. His eyes were filled with a mixture of sincerity and vulnerability, a stark contrast to the tough exterior he often presented to the world.
"Say you'll give us a chance," he murmured, his words hanging in the air like a fragile plea.
His hands still cupped your face, his touch warm against your skin. His eyes danced between your lips and your eyes, a silent request for permission.
Your heart hammered in your chest, the battle between your head and your heart reaching its peak.
His touch, his words, they were like a balm to your wounded soul. And in that moment, you found yourself leaning in, your lips just a breath away from his.
"Tommy," you whispered, your voice trembling, "I want to believe you."
His eyes held yours, a mixture of relief and longing in his gaze. Slowly, almost hesitantly, his lips brushed against yours in a soft, hesitant kiss.
The kiss was short and when his eyes locked on yours again. his hand cradled your cheek, his thumb tracing light patterns on your skin as if he didn't want to let go.
You took a deep breath, embracing your own vulnerability. "Tommy, I…I can't go through the same pain again. I won’t forgive you again"
“You won’t need to” he reaffirmed, his voice unwavering. His thumb kept brushing your cheek.
You nodded slowly, feeling a mix of apprehension and hope you gave him a small smile, trying to give him some comfort. As response, his arms wrapped around you, pulling you close in a tight embrace, His heartbeat thudded against you. 
It was like a weight lifted off both your shoulders, replaced by a warm sense of security. You leaned into him, resting your head on his chest.
His fingers played with your hair, his touch gentle and soothing.
There, in his arms, you allowed yourself to believe in the possibility of healing.
He pressed a soft kiss on the top of your head and breathed deeply your scent, a scent that soothed him as a reminder of home.
“I love you” he whispered in your ears
“Fuck… I love you too” you said holding stronger onto him.
He pulled even estronger, his arms pressed strongly against you as if he was afraid you would slip away
As his arms held you close, his aftershave and Cologne mixture scent mingled with the warmth of his skin, enveloping your senses in a heady combination. Your fingers traced the contours of his chest, feeling the texture of his skin under your touch.
His fingers, which had been tracing patterns on your back, now ventured lower, roaming over your ass, his touch light and teasing.
His lips brushed against your forehead, a soft and lingering kiss that held a promise of more.
Your breath hitched as his fingers trailed along your spine, sending a trail of tingling sensations.
You tilted your head up to meet his gaze, your eyes locking onto his with a mixture of anticipation and a touch of apprehension.
"Tommy," you murmured, your voice barely audible, but laden with unspoken desire.
He swallowed audibly, his eyes darkening with a hunger that mirrored your own. His fingers moved from your back to gently lift your chin, tilting your face up towards his and then his lips were on yours, a kiss that ignited a fire within you.
His lips moved against yours with a fervent passion, his hands sliding down to the small of your back, pulling you impossibly closer.
Your fingers found their way to the back of his neck, tangling in his hair as you responded to his kiss with equal fervor.
His lips trailed from your mouth to your jaw, then down to the curve of your neck, placing soft kisses along the way. Your breath hitched as his teeth grazed your skin, sending a jolt of sensation straight to your core. Every touch, every brush of his lips, was a delicious torment that fueled the growing heat between you.
"Fuck, I've missed you," he breathed against your skin, his voice husky with desire.
The confession sent a shiver down your spine, the intensity of his words adding fuel to the fire burning within you. Your fingers moved to the buttons of his shirt, undoing them with a sense of urgency. His hands mirrored your actions, working together, desperately to rid each other of the barriers that separated your bodies.
As the last button came undone, his shirt, suit and gunholster slipped from his shoulders, revealing his bare chest.
Your fingertips traced the lines of his tattoos, feeling the rise and fall of his chest with each ragged breath.
Your dress was eventually discarded to the floor along with his clothes. You felt so desperate for him, both almost ripping each other's clothes off like animals.
Leaning against the wall across him there was a full-body-length mirror giving him a perfect vision of your ass, and back as he moved his kisses around your neck and shoulders.
He put a hand on your ass and caressed it softly before drawing his hand back and spanking it hard. The slap was sharp and loud in the small bedroom and it mixed with your moan. You dug your nails on his back.
“You're so fucking hot,” he said, noticing the skin of your ass becoming pinkish forming his handprint, moving to the other cheek, he squeezed it once, before slapping it just as hard.
He didn’t lose time, his lips met yours, sliding desperately.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss as if trying to express all the longing you had held back. The taste of him, the pressure of his lips moving against yours, were like fuel.
With a swift and confident movement, he scooped you up in his arms. You instinctively wrapped your legs around his lower back as he carried you effortlessly towards the bed, where he gently placed you against the sheets. His lips never leaving yours.
He pinning you to the bed, kissing you with even more passion as he pressed his aching dick into your body through fhe fabric of his pants and briefs.
With your arms pinned against the bed, he started kissing your neck and kissing his way down to your breasts, and began to circle one of your nipples with his tongue.
“oh, Tommy. Fuck” you moaned as he closed his lips around one of your nipples, sucking it firmly.
He kissed your collar bone and moved to your earlobe, biting it playfully. 
“Tell me how bad do you want it” he whispered, his voice hoarse
“I want it so fucking bad. Fuck, i need it” you moaned
Tommy slid his pants off as if his life depended on it, his briefs slipping off along with it.
He flipped your body so that your stomach was pressing against the mattress. A movement that he did so effortlessly. Giving him the perfect view of your ass, which, according to him, was the most beautiful part of your body. 
He took his hand and gave your ass another firm slap, before firmly grabbing both yout asscheeks and spreading them apart. 
“So fucking beautifull” he praised. 
he leaned over you, his face now close to yours, where he left a few kisses on your cheek. his mouth right next to your ear again, just because he knew that turned you on. 
“I going to fuck you real good, ey” he said, his hands sliding between your legs, a finger sliding inside of you.
“Please” you moaned, spreading your legs a bit more apart
He stood back up, so that he could rub his dick against your asscheeks a few times before positioning it against your wet folds, leaning slightly, applying more and more pressure as he adjusted his posture before completely sliding inside of you. 
“Fuck, yes” you moaned as you felt him  inside of you. 
He reached one of his hands to hold at your shoulders, while the other reached one of your arms, pulling it to your back, holding you firmly as he started pounding nice and hard against you.
With every stroke you felt him deeper, moans left your lips involuntarily. His name eventually mixed with the sensual sounds leaving your lips, making Tommy wish you’d never stop. Every moan serving as a fuel for his hard thrusts to get harder and deeper
“Fuck, fuck… Tommy. Oh fuck” you moaned and felt the same strong slap on your left asscheek, then on your right “yes! just like that” you told him
Everytime your perfectly red ass pressed against his hip bones his mind took mental pictures, he would be daydreaming about you like this for the next few days. This, you… was exactly what he needed. The only one he needed. 
“You like it, hm?” he asked breathlessly as he slapped your ass one more time
“Yes, yes I do” you told him, biting your lower lip. 
“Fuck you feel so good” he let his head fall back, momentarily taking his eyes off you. “Tell me, y/n. Tell me you love it”
“I love it Tommy. God, I love your fucking cock so so much. Fuck just like that” your words spit out so quickly, desperate for him not to stop.
He held at your hips pulling them against him everytime he thrusted, making the movement rougher by the minute. 
You were feeling so overwhelmed by the feeling of him deep inside you that the orgasm that washed over you was inevitable. It wasn't common but vaginal orgasms happened once in a while with you, making you impressed everytime it did. 
“Fuck! I coming, i’m coming” you told him, as the orgasm washed over you, your face buried on the duvets
Without letting you recover from it, he pulled out and rolled you over to your back, your tits now reaching up, hard for him. He leaned over to kiss one of them as he pinched the other one hard.
“Fuck!” you cried at the feeling 
He then laid beside you, pulling your hips to him as he did “Get up here and sit on me”, he said and you slowly stumbled upwards to mount him. 
Your head spinning slightly, out of breath as you were still feeling the effects of pleasure course through your veins. As you got on top of him you held his cock, stroking it a few times before directing it to your entrance and slowly lowering your hip, sliding his cock back inside of you, where it belonged. 
“Fuck yes, ride that cock, real nice” he said as your hips moved back and forward. Tommys eyes were a combination of lust and admiration as he looked up to your bouncing tits and moaning lips. 
Both your moans filled the room and you could feel his body shake slight from the pleasure building up at every hip movement. He reached to hold both your nipples, pinching and twisting them, making the pleasure harder to handle as your legs started to feel weaker. 
Tommy leaned upwards pushing your hips against him, dictating the intensity of the moves as he was now working with you, his hips moving up, as yours pressed down on his. 
“Fuck, i’m getting close” He muttered 
“Me too, oh god. me too” you told him and took your fingers to start caressing your clit as you continued the movements, feeling the knot in your stomach starting to grow stronger. 
“Yeah, Just like that, ride that, fucking, cock” he said pausing between words everytime his hips pressed up. 
His grip tighter on your hips, his eyes fucking you as the most lustfull moan escaped his lips, his primal instincs taking over as he moved up, throwing your back against the bed as he started to fuck you faster and harder than ever before. His grunts, getting deeper and louder. 
“Fuck! Don’t stop, don't stop! Fuuuck” You cried surprised at the new feeling. Your nails digging at whatever piece of flesh of his you could grab hold, scratching his skin. 
You were already so close and his attack just made everything more intense, the knot that was forming before, was already strong and ready to explode. But for some reason it didn't, it just kept growing and growing.
“Fuck, your pussy feels so fucking good” he told you out of breath, his atack on your nipples returning as one of his hands pinchend and twisted them. 
All you could do at this point was moan the words fuck repeatedly, your body starting to shiver. Your moans were turning him on so hard you knew he wouldn't last longer.
“Fuck, so close, so close. Don’t stop” you warned him,seconds before your body freezing as the best orgasm washed over you, your head spinning, a burning feeling washed over around your entire body as your skin felt hotter.
The sexiest moans leaving your lips followed by Tommys name, and that combined with your shivering state, was enough to push him over the edge. He couldn't hold anymore, a primal grunt escaped his lips and his moves got uncoordinated as he emptied himself inside of you, coming so hard he thought he would pass out, his vision getting blurred. After a few more strokes, he allowed himself to collapse on the bed beside you. 
"Holy shit," he whispered, his voice still tinged with disbelief and desire as he caught his breath.
The room was silent now, just the sound of your labored breathing filling it as you both recovered. Your labored breaths began to synchronize, creating a rhythm that seemed to echo the connection between you. 
Tommy's fingers brushed against your skin, as he moved to kiss your neck and collarbone. His touch, now gentle and caring.
His hand cupped your face, his fingers caressing your hair as he gazed into your eyes. You smiled at him and he smiled back, a small smile, but a huge one for a man like him.
“That was something” your voice laced with a mixture of amazement and satisfaction.
His chuckle resonated in the room, a sound that felt like a secret shared between the two of you, since not many would ever hear the sound of a Tommy’s Shelby chuckle
“Yes it was… Want a cigarette?” he asked and you nodded, watching him stand up and grab his overcoat, searching for his pack of cigarettes. 
He found his pack and lit one cigarette. The sight of him, half hard as he slid the cigarette over his lips before lighting it felt like the sexiest thing you’ve seen. The flicker of the cigarette illuminated his features in the dim light, casting shadows that danced across his face.
Slowly, he began to approach you, his eyes fixed on yours. He held your chin gently, making you sit, his fingers warm against your skin, as he took a drag from the cigarette. The smoke curled between his lips before he leaned in, exhaling the smoke into your mouth. The act was surprisingly intimate, making your core tinkle. 
He took another drag from the cigarette, his eyes never leaving yours as he sat beside you. The air seemed charged with electricity as he exhaled, the smoke curling around you both like a fragile veil. Without breaking eye contact, he leaned closer, his lips a whisper away from yours.
"You're something else, you know that?" he murmured, his voice husky with a mixture of arousal and admiration as he held your face and kissed you, feeling the taste of the smoke on his lips.
"You're not so bad yourself," you replied, your voice a low murmur .
His lips curved into a half-smile, the playfulness in his eyes contrasting with the intensity of his gaze. The cigarette rested between his fingers, forgotten for the moment as his focus remained solely on you.
the intensity of his gaze was overwhelming, he was fucking you with his eyes. your lips finally met in a hungry, passionate kiss, his lips moved against yours with a hunger that mirrored your own, a craving for each other almost as if you hadn’t spent the last minutes fucking eachother senseless. 
As the kiss deepened, his hand cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing softly against your skin. 
When your lips finally parted, breathless and flushed, his words reached your ears like a plea. "Don't you ever think of leaving again."
You met his gaze, seeing the sincerity in his eyes, the depth of his fear and desire. The weight of his confession hung heavy in the air, the intensity of the moment a testament to the connection you shared.
"I won't," you whispered, your voice laced with determination. "But you have to promise me something too." His brow furrowed slightly, his fingers tracing patterns on your skin as he waited for your words. "Promise me that you won’t shut me out again," you said, your voice soft but firm. "No more pushing me away, Tommy. If we're going to do this, to really make it work, you have to be all in."
He studied you for a moment, his gaze searching your face as if trying to decipher every emotion you were feeling. And then, with a nod, he gave you a small, genuine smile.
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One shot tags: @alexxavicry @randomfanfics02 @literishdegree99 @hellstears @rito4ka @watersquirtpewpewboomm @atomicsoulcollecto @Violet_19999 @woofgocows @milkshakelol @knowledgefulbutterfly @deanlovescassie @redhead7799 @star017 @watercolorskyy @babaohhhriley @kassieesworld @batgurl42 @velenzia @lyarr24 @mcladybug @musicsweetie21 @lostgirl219 @lothbrokcore @slaypussypop-21 @nyenye
464 notes · View notes
justimagineitblog · 11 months
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I take a deep breath, clutching the job advertisement in my hands.
I’m new to Small Heath, Birmingham. I’ve only been here a week and I’m desperate for a job. Although I have years of experience keeping my families Pub, I know not many establishments wants a woman as the face of their business. 
I roll my shoulders back, straightening my posture to stand as tall as I possibly can at a mere 5 ft 3. Trying to assert myself in a display of confidence. God knows I’m going to need it.
I force myself forward, pushing the heavy doors open, entering into the Garrison. 
The smell hits me straight away. Cigarette smoke and whiskey. 
It’s weirdly familiar and comforting. 
There is no one at the bar, just a group of men sitting in the middle around a table. Laughing, drinking and smoking.
These must be the Shelby brothers. 
I waits for them to turn to look at me, to address my entrance into the room. To begin the interview. But they don’t.
That is until one of the younger men notices me, and nudges the tall and slim man next to him.
And just like that, all of the men slowly turn their attention towards me. 
I try to ignore their unimpressed gazes. Their eyes looking me up and down judgementally. I give a tight lipped smile, feeling as though a theatre spotlight has just been shone on me. Now is not the time to back down. 
“I’m here for the job interview” 
By the look on their faces, you would have sworn I had spoken in a foreign language. 
Confusion, amusement, prejudice. 
The tall, slim member of the Shelby family speaks first, after what felt like hours of painful silence. 
“I think you’re in the wrong building sweetheart” he says, trying to be nice but unsuccessfully hiding a smirk. 
I knew to expect this. 
I pause before speaking, as I catch the eyes of one of the Shelby’s sitting at the back of the group. He puffs on his cigarette, smoke shrouding his sharp features. Our eyes lock in on one another. How could they not. They’re piercing through the dimly lit building. It takes a lot to make me feel small, but his gaze alone makes me want to shrink. 
I try to offer him a smile, but he doesn’t return it. He just grazes his eyes over me, thinking god knows what. 
I try to shake off the interaction, turning back to the brother at the front.
“No, I’m pretty sure I’m in the right building, Mr Shelby” 
“Well unless you’re… Z Jones…” he says, referring back to the list of applicants on the table beside him, then looking back up to me doubtfully. 
“Yes, thats me” 
“You’re Z Jones?”
“Yes, Zoe Jones”
“Well fuck me” he laughs, entertained and dumbfounded “Z for Zoe Jones” 
I feel a sense of relief. He hasn’t completely kicked me out of the building. And my tactic of not revealing my full name on the application worked. Now I at least have my foot in the door. 
I tempt a quick look at the brother in the back, and he still sits unwavering. Not amused in the slightest like the other men. He hasn’t so much as moved or said a word. He just studies me. 
“And you are aware of the job you have applied for?” The tall brother questions, his amusement morphing into concern.
“Innkeeper, Matron of the bar, Bartender” I list of all the names that this job falls under “I am well aware of the role I will be taking on”
“How old are you sweetheart?” He questions. I knew my age would be in question. But I already have years of experience. 
“Old enough to pour a beer” I retort, smirking. There’s not one question they can throw at me that I haven’t heard before. 
One of the younger brothers smiles, beaming up at me. “I like her Arthur” He tells the eldest brother. So that’s Arthur. The eldest Shelby brother. 
“Shut up John” The older brother nudges his younger brother, who I now know as John. 
But his smile doesn’t fade, in fact, he gives me an encouraging nod. Like he’s rooting for me. 
“Alright I’ll level with you, darling. The kind of crowd we get here is not… they’re not just your usual crowd of singing drunks. We need someone that can handle the money, as well as the fellas that come in here. I don’t doubt that you can pour a beer, but they’re going to take one look at you and chew you up. We need someone that folks will take seriously” 
I just smile back politely. Nodding at his speech. I feel my hopefulness start to falter, but I won’t show them. If I don’t get this job, I will have no where to go with no way to pay my rent. I need this, and they need me. 
“If I could level with you…” I begin, taking a breath before I continue “I’ve worked my fathers pub since I was 14. When he died I took over. Business died off, so I had to sell. I think I’m more than capable. And I say let them underestimate me. With all due respect, sir, letting them underestimate me has been my greatest strength. I can run the money. I can pour beer. I might not be able to fight with my fists, but I’ve never had to. The mind is where half the battle is. I was smart enough to put my name down as Z because I knew if I put my full name down I wouldn’t even get a foot in the door. And I’m not sure what kind of business you’re running here at Shelby Limited, but I know a lot of places deal in secrets. And you’ll be surprised what people will talk about around a woman. What they say when they think you’re not listening because they think you wouldn’t understand. Let them underestimate me. So… if you could just give me one night?” 
The men stare up at me. If they kick me out, at least I stood my ground. They all look around at each other, trying to come up with an answer. 
“Tommy?” Arthur asks, turning to the Shelby who has been sitting stone faced the entire time. 
Thomas Shelby. 
I had done some asking around before I applied for the job. Everyone had a lot to say about the Shelby brothers. But not many could say anything about Thomas. He was the mysterious brother. The silent assassin. Not the oldest, but the leader of the family. What was said about Thomas was much of the same. He’s deadly. He’s a killer. He’s the puppet master of the entire company. 
I straighten my back, trying not to falter or waver underneath his unforgiving gaze. If there’s anyone I need to convince, it’s him. 
He stands, taking a swig of the drink in his glass before he begins to stalk his way towards me. 
His eyes wander all over me, scaling me up and down. Sizing me up. 
The room has fallen silent. Their eyes darting between Thomas and I. 
“Zoe Jones” he repeats my name, inching closer to me. 
“Thomas Shelby” I address him back, unsure of where the courage to do so came from. 
“If anything goes wrong, you’ll pay the price” His voice is husky as he threatens me. This is what I can only assume everyone in town was talking about when I asked about The Shelby Brothers. 
I swallow, trying to find the right words. 
“Good. I like a challenge. But that won’t be necessary” 
I raise my chin, tilting my head upwards to meet his stern gaze. I won’t back down. It’s not even about the job anymore in this moment. I won’t be made to feel small. I know my worth. 
For the entire 10 minutes that I have known Thomas Shelby, he hasn’t shown one ounce of expression on his face, besides slight disapproval at my presence. But for a second, I swear I can see a hint of interest in his eyes when I spoke back. He didn’t expect me to push back when he descended on me with his intense, heaviness. 
“One night” he says finally “Tonight” 
I nod, smiling up at him. 
That’s all I need. 
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cosmic-crybaby · 2 years
Blue Skies- Tommy Shelby
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Summary: Sparks fly when a self-sufficient, newly single mother meets the cold-hearted bachelor gangster of Birmingham. On their first outing, it was like everything in the world was asking for them to finally meet each other. But when fate intervenes, they soon find themselves suffering the reprocussions of their own decisions.
Rating: Mature, Minors DNI plz
Warnings: Warnings will be advised on each chapter. 
Story Playlist
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 
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prettygreenpills · 8 months
KINKTOBER day 13: spanking kink w/ polly gray but sub! polly surely 🧑‍🦽🧑‍🦽🧑‍🦽
sub Polly? Oh my god I can’t- I can’t- no she’s such a dom🥺😭
KINKTOBER day 13 | spanking kink - Polly Gray
Count for me
warnings: smut!, spanking kink, sub!polly, dom!reader, fingering, oral sex, orgasm control, etc.
“Don’t you dare cum,” you growled to the woman as you lifted your head from between her legs in her office. From the face expression she was making, you knew that the woman wouldn’t be able to hold it anymore. Smiling for yourself and taking it as another reason to come up with a punishment for her, you were still eating her out.
“Fuck fuck fuck! Y/n!” Polly was already screaming for you. You were edging her what felt for you like a good hour, but you were sure it felt like a lot longer time for Polly. Smiling for yourself, when you felt Polly clench, you pulled away, not giving her the satisfying release she needed so much. “Fuck you Y/n, now really,” Polly whined and you raised your eyebrows.
“Oh this is how do we talk now? Fuck me?” You asked her back and when you saw in her eyes that she had regretted it immediately, you smirked.
You sat down onto the armchair and tapped your thigh. Polly just looked at you, scared. A second later she shook her head ‘no’ and you peacefully waited. When she knew there was no way out of her punishment, she walked over to you and bent over your legs.
“Five for swearing, five for disobedience,” you commented so the woman knew what to expect from you. She just nodded her head and kept laying on your thighs with her ass high up in the air.
You smacked her ass for the first time with what you earned a help from the woman.
“Count for me.”
“One- thank you.” You smiled over that and smacked her again. “Oh- two… thank you,” Polly moaned and you smirked. God how you loved smacking her ass. “Mhm! Three!”
“Thank you,” Polly thanked you again. You looked down between her ass cheeks and saw how excited she got from the spanking. You changed your hands and smacked her again, while with the other hand you were caressing her upper thighs from the back. “Four! T-thank you-“ Polly moaned softly and you looked between her ass cheeks again.
“We like this pretty much, don’t we?” You chuckled when you saw her arousal and Polly whined.
“Just six more darling,” you smirked and smacked her ass again. Polly kept counting for you and yelping. And you knew why. Her ass was blood red.
“Fuck! Five-“
“Shh, that’s a good girl. You’re taking your punishment so well,” you whispered and two fingers of your hand started playing with her entrance. You softly entered your fingers and when a moan was already on Polly’s lips, you smacked her.
“S-six- oh Y/n-“ Polly moaned as you started finger-fucking her. Listening to her wetness you felt your clit throb. She looked amazing like this. Bent over your thighs, with her ass as red as pepper and with your fingers inside of her warmth. “Seven!”
“Just three more darling, you can take it, can’t you?”
“That’s an amazing girl,” you said and took a break from smacking her ass. You turned her on yourself, so her legs were by your thighs and her naked core was presented to you. Polly grabbed the edge of the desk and climbed up so she was leaning on it with her chest. “Oh baby,” you moaned at the sight and added another finger, stretching Polly out.
“Oh yes!”
You were stretching her out while fingering. Seeing that she was taking deep breaths, you smirked at you success and kept playing the woman.
“Oh my god- fuck-“ Polly was moaning on the table and oh that pretty red ass of hers. Knowing that she probably wouldn’t take any more snacks, you were satisfied by that your spanking made her wet so easily.
Slipping your fingers in and out of her, you were making her squirm on the table. When you hit that special spot, or when you decided to tease her clit a little bit.
“Hush Pol. Be a good girl for me…”
“I’m close Y/n! I’m closer,” she whined out and you noted it to yourself. Decided to fuck her until her body was responding, you kept your fingers in the place.
Polly was clenching around you so hard it was difficult to pull your fingers out almost. When Polly squeezed your hand with her thighs… oh the view you had. And then you pulled your fingers out.
“Fuck no! No, no, no, no! Please!” Polly cried and you, honestly, enjoyed it. Her body was still spasming and you were watching her wet core. When you realized the breath of exhaustion the woman let out, you sat into the armchair more comfortably than before and cleared your throat.
“Over my knees. Again,” you spoke with your voice deep as Polly’s chocolate brown eyes. Polly obeyed you and she laid over your thighs again. You teased her ass a little and then, you leant down. “Another ten for you okay? And then you’re free to go.”
Polly bent over your thighs, her body shaking from the feelings. When she was laying, you caressed her asscheeks which got a pretty red color and leant down to kiss her. And then another smack came.
“Eight! Holy fuck,” Polly screamed and you continued to make this as fast as you could. “Nine!” And then you brought your hand down to her ass for the last time. Polly moaned softly and you smiled, caressing her cheeks which were blood red now.
“Didn’t you forget something?”
“Ten- t-thank you,” Polly breathed out and then you brushed her lower back.
“You did so well,” you whispered to her and caressed her cheek again. Polly whined softly and then you helped her with getting up. She decided to sit on your thighs and she cuddled you. She needed comfort.
“Do you need anything now?” You asked her and Polly looked up.
“I-“ she started shyly and looked down. You lifted her shin up and then you stroked her thighs.
“Can we cuddle please?” She asked you and went red in her cheeks. You just cuddled her and didn’t give her a verbal answer. Polly hummed softly and closed her eyes. She was exhausted. You softly smiled at the woman and kissed her into her hair. God she was beautiful.
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writewithmiaaa · 26 days
Who/what I write for:🎀
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Hey guys! So here is an (updated) list of who I take requests for, I hope you enjoy💗 I also have a list of tropes I accept/don’t accept HERE!
PLEASE NOTE!!!!: I only write male characters romantically, as I am straight. But I will write for all women platonically💗
Peaky Blinders: John, Arthur, Tommy, Finn, Alfie (plus all women platonically)
COD: WW2: Pearson, Zussman, Turner
Cold War: Adler
MW2: all 141+ Alejandro
Marvel: Most male avengers + quick-silver, (plus all women platonically)
TLOU: Joel, Ellie (platonic, SHES A MINOR!!!)
Bale’s Batman trilogy: Bane, Scarecrow
The hunger games: Finnick Odair, Cato, (plus women platonically)
The maze runner: Newt, Thomas, Gally, (all women platonically)
Twilight: Jasper, Alice (platon), Carlisle & Esme, Rosalie (platon)
Horror films: Billy, stu, Ed and Lorraine, 99% of AHS characters (and women platonically)
Footballers: Declan rice, Jarrod Bowen, Neymar, Jude Bellingham, Paqueta
Boxing/UFC: McGregor, Costa, Pantoga, Paddy
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zablife · 2 years
Peaky Blinders Rec List
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I've been thinking of doing this for some time to show my appreciation to those who have given me hours of entertainment with their stories, moodboards and GIFs. Recently I've seen a few posts asking if there are any writers left in the Peaky fandom. The short answer is YES!! The longer answer of just how many incredibly talented writers there are and their amazing work is listed below the cut. Go follow them, read their work and please comment and reblog! Happy reading and thank you to all these lovely people who share their work with us!
Updated 5/6/24
@peakyscillian Masterlist Incredible Tommy smut!
@inkwolvesandcoffee Masterlist The most creative Alfie content I've read with gorgeous moodboards.
@dandelionprints Masterlist Amazing new writer with fresh Tommy fics!
@buttercupsandboys Masterlist One of my new fave Alfie series!
@moral-terpitude Masterlist So much amazing Tommy content from one shots to series!!
@raincoffeeandfandoms Masterlist Lovely, creative fics for Alfie, Tommy and Luca. As well as the most inspiring moodboards.
@dreamlandcreations Masterlist Amazing Alfie writer and incredible moodboard creator.
@cillmequick Masterlist Amazing series for both Cillian and Tommy that will make you laugh and cry in equal measure.
@notyour-valentine Masterlist Thoughtfully crafted stories that will touch you deeply.
@pherelesytsia Masterlist Tommy fics written in the language of pure poetry. Soft, romantic and utterly beautiful.
@little-diable Masterlist One of the best Tommy Shelby smut writers I've read! Inventive and smart, not to mention devilishly clever!
@xxblackballoonxx Masterlist My fave John Shelby writer!!
@evita-shelby Masterlist Series writer with a strong heroine OC I adore.
@peakyswritings Masterlist A gold mine of Peaky content! One of my fave writers.
@flysafepapi Masterlist Creative genius, horror, vampire AU, so many incredible ideas here.
@shelbydelrey Masterlist Tommy fics with an edge. Mysterious, intriguiging, never dull and always accompanied by amazing moodboards.
@look-at-the-soul Masterlist Cillian and Tommy fics that are so heartfelt and emotional.
@noforkingclue Masterlist Writes the best dark!Tommy ever!
@garrison-girl-08 Masterlist Cillian and Tommy series that are so so addictive!!
@runnning-outof-time Masterlist Consistently amazing Tommy content! No one works harder, but makes it look so easy!
@murderousginger Masterlist One of the most creative writers who never runs out of good ideas. Truly awe inspiring.
@amysteryspot Masterlist Delicious, descriptive writing for Tommy and Alfie one shots and series.
@madame-wilsonn Masterlist A lady of impeccable taste who writes beautifully. Check out her Tommy, Alfie and Arthur fics!
@solomons-finest-rum Masterlist My fave Alfie writer of all time!! Captures his voice like no other.
@theshelbyclan Masterlist A wonderfully gifted writer who provides heartwarming Shelby family fics and the most amazing OC of all time Teddy Shelby!
@pacifymebby Masterlist Writes incredibly detailed headcanons and preferences for the Peaky men that are perfectly in character.
@red-riding-wood Masterlist Specializing in Luca Changretta fics with rich descriptions and compelling narratives.
@thesoldiersminute Gorgeous GIFs I can't stop staring at!
@midnightmagpiemama Masterlist Lovely combination of fluffy, smutty Tommy fics.
@peakyblinded Amazing GIFs and all around lovely person to chat with
@toms-cherry-trees Masterlist Some of the most gorgeous prose I've ever read for Tommy as well as a few other Peaky characters.
@sneakyblinders Masterlist Creator of two separate Tommy AUs that are so creative and immersive.
@anonymooseforever007 Masterlist Writes for many Peaky characters, specializing in humorous, witty dialogue.
@brummiereader Masterlist Amazing series writer for Tommy!
@call-sign-shark Masterlist Mainly writes an incredible series for Arthur, but also one shots for Tommy.
@peakyltd Masterlist Lovely one shots for Tommy, Arthur and John along with the most gorgeous moodboards.
@everythingelseisextra masterlist Formerly @priceofasapphire. Writing under a new blog now with loads of wonderful content.
@darklydeliciousdesires Masterlist Series and one shots for Alfie and John. Incredible smut and fluff!
@rysko Masterlist New writer with amazing Luca content!
I am certain I have missed writers I admire so I will add to this list as I remember people. If I have missed you, I apologize!
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pherelesytsia · 2 years
Duties of a Husband
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x female/Reader
Summary: Thomas makes his wife know how deeply he loves and needs her.
Warning: Smut
Word Count: 1.2k 
 a/n. Requests are open!!!
Thomas Shelby Masterlist
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Eyes full of ecstasy and fire met. Curses mingled with soft words, begging for more. His hands roamed her body, travelled down her spine and settled on her hips, on her skin hidden behind a thin layer of the dress in lush tones.
His lips muffled her voice. The door felt shut, but no complaints escaped nor doors opened; the house was empty and deserted. The wood sang out loud. Y/N tilted her head to one side, allowed her husband to spread kisses on her soft flesh. She longed for his touches. A soft moan escaped her throat, longing for more. His roughened fingers wandered under the material of the long dress, had unbuttoned the top three buttons. Soft prayers escaped Y/N. Slowly, she turned to liquid gold under his tender touch. His right hand cupped her butt, kneaded her ass, felt the flesh between his fingers. Y/N's fingers curled into his back, spread darkening marks. Her hands moved up, travelled up his spine, felt as the blood rushed through his body and curled into his hair as dark as the night, destroying his once neatly laid-back hair. A mischievous grin spread across his lips, hearing how much she liked it, how much she enjoyed his rough touches.
Bodies collided like the raging waves on the seven seas. Y/N fell onto the bed and Thomas towered over her. A smile spread across her lips. The lipstick was smudged. Her fingers clawed into the tie swinging almost above her face and pulled at it, wordlessly demanding of her husband to kiss her after his long absence. Y/N begged for more and wordlessly, Thomas did as Y/N asked. His head moved closer to hers and placed his lips on hers. A moan, growing in volume and muffled by his, was about to come over her as his teeth rammed into her gentle flesh. His hands were framing her head, making it impossible for her not to look at him, to dare her head to turn to one side. Thomas cursed, but Y/N did not understand any of them as he spoke in hushed tones. Y/N could not take her eyes off of Thomas, saw the lust ruling in them, the desire for more, for touches and words of forgiveness.
Her hands clawed harder into the button-down in light tones covering his chest. The first pieces of clothing slid to the floor. His suit jacket lay on the floor right next to the shared bed. Y/N loosened the tie around his neck, destroyed the knot and threw it to the floor. The grin on his lips broadened but Thomas allowed it, looking at his girlfriend's trembling fingers tampering with the buttons on his shirt, undoing them one by one. The rays of the moon entering the room through the windows kissed his skin.
Thomas didn't have to ask questions; he saw the answers in her eyes seeming to grow darker with lust. Elegantly, his fingers slid down the frame of her body. Deftly, his fingers played with the light material of the sundress. No words escaped. He untied the bow hugging her waist, and the last pieces of clothing covering her body slid to the floor like a curtain. She tilted her head to the left. Her hair shifted, no longer covering her neck. Plum lips applied wet kisses on her skin, sucked on her delicate flesh and elicited a low moan as his teeth sank into her bare neck.
Lips parted. Her stomach flipped at the words Thomas whispered seductively in her ear, letting her know how much he needs her, how much he is longing for her heart and soul, for her touches. Thomas kissed his wife delicately as his fingers travelled down her body, accidentally touching her exposed nipple. The light was dim, yet Thomas could see his wife clear as the stars, her eyes full of love. He felt the skin of a goose under his touch. Y/N´s chest moved unevenly. A muffled scream escaped her throat as he cupped her left breast and then played with it the nipple between his fingers. His lips no longer touched her neck and wandered down. Thomas smiled, watching her turn to liquid gold under his touch.
His eyes were locked on her face, looking up and down, knowing she would like it. His warm breath collided with her skin. The nipple disappeared between his plump lips. His tongue flicked over it, circled it and grinned. Her eyes widened, but then she squeezed them shut. After a few affectionate caresses, his lips released her nipple. No underwear hid her body. Teasingly, his hands wandered down, applied two kisses on her stomach and wandered further down in narrow paths. The lips no longer touched her skin and Y/N knew that her body would be burnt by the signs of love.
His fingers spread her open, saw what his caress had done to her. Sweet nectar was coating his two fingers. He did not wipe it on the white bedclothes and guided his fingers to his lips and tasted her. A dark laugh escaped the man, and he felt the desire growing in his body. Hunger was in his eyes, but food could not satisfy the hunger growing in his chest. Her breath collided with the centre of her body.
Y/N's eyes fluttered open, she wanted to touch him, wanted him to feel the same, but Thomas just waved it off, wanted this night to be hers alone. Her heartbeat quickened, seeing what he was about to do, but before she could stop Thomas, his tongue wiped through her swollen lips. He kept licking, exploring her body as he had never done before. One finger vanished in her depths and quickly another one followed. His muscles flexed and suddenly she felt a great emptiness rising between her legs and Thomas felt it, felt her muscles clenching his fingers. He pumped in and out.
An unwelcoming emptiness spread. Y/N glanced up, wanting to start a sentence, wanting to persuade her husband to continue with what he had begun, but before the first complaint could come over her, their eyes met. Thomas towered over her body, he wanted to look at her. One hand vanished in the depths of her hair, forced her to look up, forbid her to dare to look away. Slowly, nearly gently, his erected manhood vanished between her wet folds. Her eyes rolled back. His eyes bored into her flesh while his fingers made it impossible for Y/N to move. Groaning, he thrust in and out.
The room filled with delicate sounds, of skin colliding with skin, of soft begging. Thomas grunted animalistically between sloppy kisses on her bare flesh. Suddenly, he thrust harder. His fingers moved down and began to rub delicate and harsher circles on her swollen clit. Thomas hit the right places and let her scream in delight, begging for more.
Her fingers vanished into the depths of her hair. The screams turned louder as his thrusts grew sloppier. His lips muffled the praying. Her womanhood clenched around his manhood, making it almost difficult to keep moving. A shiver danced down her spine. The orgasm washed over the married couple. Sweat wandered down the body and the cries grew silent. Suddenly silence reigned. Eyes met again, lust remained in his gaze and Y/n realised at once the night was not over yet.
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tommyshelbysgirl · 3 years
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I have so many Tommy Shelby Imagine Ideas In My Head I Hope You Are All Ready 😊😏😁😉
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shelbystales · 10 months
Tomato Plants - One Shot
Word count: 6227
Requested: yes by anon
Summary: You are Tommy's friend, but one night, when he walks through your window, everything you know about your relationship with him changes.
Warning: fluff and virgin smut
English is my second language so I apologize in advance for the grammar mistakes
The moon had already been casting its pale glow over the night for quite some time. The streets of Birmingham lay shrouded in darkness, creating an atmosphere thick with potential dangers. Common sense dictated that nobody in their right mind would even consider venturing through these streets alone at such an hour. Of course, Tommy Shelby wasn't exactly known for adhering to conventional wisdom, but deep down, his very presence was enough to deter anyone from approaching him. After all, this was his city. He moved through the night like a phantom, a figure both feared and revered in these alleys and backstreets.
Meanwhile, you were safe inside your bedroom, the turmoil of your thoughts making it impossible for you to sleep. Your attention remained fixed on your reflection as you continued to brush your hair. The soft bristles glided through your locks, each stroke a momentary distraction from the thoughts that kept you awake. The flickering candlelight illuminated your features, casting a warm glow across your room.
Outside, Tommy's movements were calculated and noiseless as he made his way up the side of the building to reach your second-floor room. All because he found himself craving the company of a friend who meant more to him than he’d like to admit. His gloved fingers found secure holds on the window ledge as he ascended easily, landing on your balcony window. 
You heard distant noises, assuming it was the wind you didn't give it much attention, as the sounds soon faded into the background and were replaced by a peculiar stillness. It was in this moment that you felt a subtle shift in the air, a presence that was neither expected nor familiar. 
Instinctively, you turned your gaze towards the window, heart skipping a beat as your eyes met Tommy's as he stood outside your window. His figure was partially obscured by the darkness, his expression unreadable. A shiver of surprise ran down your spine, and your breath caught in your throat as Tommy motioned for you to open the window, his movements swift and urgent
"Tommy?" you uttered softly to yourself as you rose from your chair. Hesitation gripped you for a moment as your mind raced through the implications of his sudden appearance. 
Your parents were sound asleep in the room next to yours. If your father knew Tommy was here... that would spell trouble, as he had strictly forbidden you from having any connection with him. But the curiosity and the longing desire to see him again prevailed, urging you to follow his unspoken invitation.
With cautious determination, you crossed the room and approached the window, your eyes never leaving his. With careful movements, you unlocked the latch and pushed the window open, the cool night air filling the room..
"Tommy, you really shouldn't be here," you whispered, your voice just a little nervous.
"I wanted to see you," he murmured
"My dad would kill you if he knew you were here," you whispered, your apprehension showing.
"He could try," he countered, a daring smile gracing his lips.
You stole a glance outside the window, scanning the quiet streets for any signs of prying eyes. "Come in before someone sees you," you urged, grabbing onto his collar and playfully pushing him inside, forcing Tommy to take a step forward, crossing the threshold from the darkness outside into the warmth of your room
You closed the window as soon as he walked in. Your heart raced as you looked at him, his presence being a mixture of danger and desire. The longing that had kept you awake night after night was now standing before you, real and tangible.
You and Tommy have been close friends for ages but now your father was particularly wary of Tommy's growing reputation and had become increasingly insistent on keeping you away from him. Doing his best on keeping you locked up inside your house, only allowing you to hang with your female friends and always accompanied by someone he trusted. 
It’s been almost two weeks since you last saw him and you must admit that being around him again felt nice. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked trying to decipher him, something that was hard to do
Tommy's fingers brushed a loose strand of hair away from your face, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. "I had to see you," he confessed, his gaze unwavering as he looked into your eyes. 
“So you climbed a wall like a fucking spider?” you chuckled, a teasing grin on your lips. “Gosh, Tommy… and now what?” Your voice was laced with curiosity as you perched yourself on the edge of your bed, looking at him with a mixture of playfulness and inquiry.
Tommy's gaze held yours, a spark of determination igniting in his eyes. 
"I've got a plan," he said, his voice a low murmur that carried an air of excitement. "How about we take a little adventure, just you and me? Like the old times, eh?"
The mention of 'the old times' brought a nostalgic smile to your lips. Back when you were kids, you and Tommy had been inseparable, always finding yourselves in one scrape or another. Running barefoot on the streets of Birmingham, having fun and causing confusion wherever you were. Those memories held a special place in your heart.
Tommy Shelby always was a source of mystery and excitement, he had a way of injecting life back into the dullest of moments. Since your father had prohibited you from seeing him, your life had become an unbearable tedium. The thought of an adventure with him was like a breath of fresh air, promising a break from the stifling routine that had taken over your days.
The mix of intrigue and excitement danced in your eyes as you leaned in a bit closer, the anticipation palpable. "An adventure?" you echoed, your voice tinged with curiosity. "What kind of adventure are we talking about here?"
Tommy's lips curved into a half-smile, his eyes gleaming with a playful glint that was all too familiar. "How about I keep it a secret?" he suggested, his tone conspiratorial. "Trust me, you'll enjoy the surprise."
"Alright, Tommy Shelby. Surprise me." you chuckled softly 
With a shared smile, a sense of anticipation hung in the air, creating an electric atmosphere that seemed to buzz between you. For an instant you felt like a child again.
He took your hand in his, a familiar touch that sent a rush of warmth through your veins. 
You always felt a magnetic pull towards Tommy, a connection that went beyond friendship. But despite the lingering attraction, you had never dared to cross that line. He was your close friend, someone who had been by your side through thick and thin, and you feared that any romantic involvement could jeopardize the bond you both cherished so much. Besides, you often convinced yourself that Tommy had no romantic interest in you. After all, he is a man who always gets what he wants, and if he hadn't pursued you after all these years, it was a sign that he didn't see you in that way.
Holding your hand, you both moved towards the window, ready to embrace the mystery of this spontaneous adventure, a sudden realization struck you like a bolt of lightning.
"Wait," you said, halting in your tracks as a thought occurred to you. "Shouldn't I change clothes first?” You passed your hand over your satin nightgown
Tommy glanced at you, his lips curving into a half-amused smile. "Yeah, probably a good idea," he agreed, his eyes lingering on your body for a moment longer before he turned his back, giving you the privacy you needed.
You made your way to your wardrobe and quickly selected a warm sweater and comfortable pants, eager to make the most of the upcoming experience.
As you began to change, your eyes caught a reflection in the window glass. Tommy sat on the edge of your bed, his back turned to you as he gazed out the window. The moonlight lighting his best features, his eyes weirdly seeming bluer. 
As you started to undress, a sudden impulse gripped you as an audacious thought crossed your mind, taking a step to the side, positioning yourself so that your body was reflected in the glass, allowing his gaze to land on you through the reflection. 
The idea was impulsive and with a daring curiosity, you began to undress. Your heart raced in your chest, you knew it was a reckless move, an unexpected gambit in the unspoken dance between you and Tommy. But in this moment, you felt a surge of confidence, a desire to seize the opportunity to show him a side of you he had never seen before.
Unbeknownst to you, Tommy's senses were as sharp as ever. Though his back was turned, he watched you intently from the moment your figure appeared in the window's reflection. His fingers curled into the fabric of the bedspread, a mixture of emotions swirling within him. His heart rate quickened subtly as he resisted the urge to turn around, his inner struggle evident in the clench of his jaw.
You had your back turned to him as you bent down to put on your pants, an unintentional but daring tease that had his heart racing. The audacity of the moment both surprised and intrigued him. Tommy's grip tightened on the edge of the bed, his knuckles turning white as he grappled with the flood of emotions that your actions had stirred. He wondered if you knew he could see you, but he assumed not. He wanted to look away, but his gaze felt drawn to you. 
He felt a mixture of surprise, curiosity, and a primal sort of longing that he had tried to keep buried. He had always been the master of control, but in this moment, control seemed to slip through his fingers.
Finally, you were dressed and ready, the air heavy with the tension that had built between you. As you turned around, your eyes met his in the reflection of the window. His expression was a mix of surprise and something deeper, an emotion he rarely allowed himself to feel so openly. His chest tightened as he struggled to find his composure.
He cleared his throat, recomposing himself as he searched for the right words. "Ready?" he asked, his voice steady but laced with an underlying tension that matched the electric charge in the room.
Your gaze held his, and there was a flicker of knowing in your eyes that made his pulse quicken further. "Ready," you affirmed, your voice carrying a newfound confidence. It was as if you sensed the effect you were having on him, and that only added to the magnetic pull between you.
Tommy went first, gracefully navigating the exit and extending his hand to help you out. You accepted his offer, feeling a rush of excitement as your fingers brushed against his.
With every step he took, you followed, mimicking his movements as you descended the building, stepping where he did and holding at the same places.
He landed first and as you neared the ground, Tommy's held you by the waist as he guided you with a sure but gentle grip, ensuring your safe descent. Your heart raced as you felt his proximity, your face only inches from his as he helped you down. The scent of his aftershave enveloped you, an aroma that sent shivers down your spine.
For a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still. Your eyes met his, the intensity of the moment hanging in the air like a tangible force. As your feet touched the ground, the moment passed, but its impact lingered in the air. Your breath caught in your throat as you stood before him, your heart racing.
"This way," Tommy said, his voice slightly husky, breaking the charged silence that had enveloped you both. You followed his lead, walking side by side, the city's labyrinth of streets and alleys stretched out before you.  
As you navigated the streets together, Tommy's presence felt like a shield against the uncertainties of the night. His confident stride matched your own, and his occasional glances in your direction sent a jolt of anticipation through your veins as you found yourself drawn to him in a way you had never allowed yourself to fully acknowledge before.
As you walked, the city unveiled its hidden beauty to you. Cobblestone pathways glowed under the dim streetlights, revealing a world that existed beyond the surface. The air was filled with the distant echoes of laughter from inside the houses and still opened pubs and the soft rustle of leaves, creating a symphony of intimacy that enveloped you both. The city's architecture seemed to tell stories of its own, each building holding secrets of the past.
Tommy led you down the creaky wooden stairs, his steps confident as he descended into the darkness. You followed closely, the anticipation of what lay ahead building with each step. At the base of the stairs, another heavy wooden door stood before you.
With a subtle push, Tommy opened the door, and you stepped into a dark room. Your eyes adjusted to the dimness, and you realized you were in some sort of storage area. Wooden crates and barrels were stacked haphazardly, and the air smelled faintly of aged wood and dust and horse shit?
Tommy made his way through the cluttered room, and you followed, curiosity piqued. He stopped in front of a large wooden door and glanced back at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"This is where the real adventure begins," he whispered, and then he pushed open the door.
You stepped through the doorway and found yourself in a dimly lit stable. The scent of hay and horses filled the air, and you saw them, beautiful horses, each one a magnificent creature in its own right.
Tommy walked toward a particular horse, a sleek and elegant animal with a glossy black coat. He ran his hand along the horse's neck, his eyes filled with admiration.
"This," he said, his voice low and filled with excitement, "is the surprise. We're going to take this horse for a ride."
You looked at him in surprise. "Tommy, are you suggesting we steal a horse?"
He flashed you a sly grin. "I've had my eyes on this beauty for a while"
With a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, you approached the horse Tommy had chosen. “Who’s the owner?” you asked a bit unsure, caressing the horse's fur. 
“No one that matters” he answered “Ready?” he asked 
You couldn't help but chuckle at Tommy's cryptic response. With a grin, you nodded in response to his question. "Ready," you confirmed, the anticipation of the unknown adding a hint of thrill to your voice.
Tommy helped you onto the horse, his touch gentle yet firm as he adjusted your position in the saddle. Once you were settled, he climbed behind you, his body so close to yours you felt your heartbeat race. His strong arms encircled your waist as he settled in behind you on the horse. With a shared sense of adventure, you spurred the horse into motion, and it responded eagerly, carrying both of you away from the stable and into the darkness of the night.
“Where are we going now?” you asked as tommy held the heins
Tommy's warm breath tickled your ear as he leaned closer to speak over the sound of the horse's hooves. "We're going to a little cottage out in the wild" he replied, his voice low and tinged with excitement.
As the horse carried you both further away from the city, the surroundings grew more rustic, with the dirt path leading you into the heart of the countryside. Tommy's grip on the reins remained steady, guiding the horse with ease.
“You bought a cottage?” you asked, surprised by the unexpected turn of events.
“No, the owner is away. Traveling,” Tommy explained, his voice holding a hint of amusement.
“Are we going to commit another crime? Break into someone's house?” you asked, your tone a mixture of curiosity and teasing.
Tommy chuckled at your question, the sound a low and mischievous rumble. “That was never a problem for you before,” he remarked, his eyes glinting with a shared sense of adventure.
As the horse's hooves kicked up a fine spray of dirt and leaves, you couldn't help but smile at Tommy's response.The wind blowing in on your hair felt like music to your ears. 
The night was beautiful, the sky was so full of stars that it was impossible to count. 
The cottage came into view as you followed the winding dirt path deeper into the wilderness. It was a quaint, picturesque little house with ivy climbing its walls and a charming thatched roof. The soft glow of moonlight bathed it in an ethereal glow, casting long shadows that danced across the garden.
"Here we are," Tommy announced as the horse came to a gentle stop in front of the cottage. You dismounted gracefully, your anticipation building as you looked around.
Tommy followed suit, and the two of you stood in front of the cottage, the night alive with the sounds of nature. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a key, unlocking the door with a practiced ease.
"Tommy Shelby, you should know that breaking and entering don’t involve a key," you teased, a playful glint in your eyes.
He shot you a smirk as he pushed the door open, revealing a cozy interior. The cottage was rustic and inviting, filled with the scent of wood, dirt and old books.
"This place belongs to an old woman I know," Tommy explained. "She's away visiting her children and asked me to check on her tomato plants."
You couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected turn of events. "Tomato plants? That's why we're here?"
Tommy shrugged, his gaze flickering with amusement. "Couldn't say no to her. She bakes good bread for us in the betting shop" you smiled at him
You stepped inside, taking in the cozy ambiance of the cottage. It was a world away from the bustling streets of Birmingham.
He worked on lighting the fireplace, and once lit, the warm light flickered across the room, casting a soft and inviting glow over everything. It was a scene that felt like it belonged in a storybook, a far cry from the gritty streets of Birmingham you both were accustomed to.
You turned to Tommy, a playful glint in your eyes. "So, are we really here to check on tomato plants in the middle of the night?"
Tommy chuckled, his voice carrying the warmth of the moment. "Well, it's a good excuse, isn't it?"
You nodded in agreement, secretly delighted by the whimsy of the situation. "It 's perfect."
As you both explored the cottage, you discovered charming details that added to the rustic charm of the place. Antique furniture and shelves filled with books lined the walls. It was as if time had stood still in this cozy haven, shielded from the chaos of the outside world.
Eventually, Tommy's eyes lit up as he found a bottle of whisky. With a contented sigh, he poured himself a glass. 
You continued to explore the cottage, brushing your fingers over the spines of the books that lined the shelves. The titles varied, a mix of classics and forgotten novels, each one holding its own story and secrets. You couldn't help but wonder about the woman who owned this cottage.
“There are so many books” you said with excitement
"I knew you would like it," Tommy replied as he settled himself on the couch, a warm smile on his face. He had always admired your passion for reading, understanding that books were a way for you to escape the confines of your sheltered life.
Your father's overprotectiveness had only grown as you entered your teenage years. He had become obsessed with controlling every aspect of your life, determined to shield you from the world he considered dangerous. And he worried too much about your interactions with men. “You need to be a wife to someone, no one wants something used” his words sent shivers down your spine. The freedom and independence you had once enjoyed when you were younger were now distant memories.
It seemed that every year, as you grew older, the walls of your world closed in a little tighter. The rules, the expectations, they all felt suffocating. But tonight, in this secluded cottage with Tommy by your side, you felt a fleeting taste of the freedom you had been denied. 
Tommy took a sip of the whisky, his eyes half-closed in appreciation of the drink's warmth. The crackling sound of the fireplace added to the cozy ambiance of the cottage, casting flickering shadows on the wooden walls.
You finally selected a book that caught your interest and joined Tommy on the two places couch. As you started to read the book you had chosen, Tommy watched you with a softness in his eyes. It was a side of you that he cherished, the way your face lit up when you delved into a good story. He knew that, in a way, this was your own form of rebellion against the strict rules imposed by your father… little did he know the contents of those books you read. When you were kids and you started to see Tommy less and less, whenever you met you would talk for hours about the stories you were reading. 
Eventually, you set the book aside and turned to Tommy, your eyes meeting his with a soft smile. "Thank you for this, Tommy," you said, your voice filled with gratitude. "I needed a break from it all."
he replied, his voice gentle "You deserve moments like these."
“Do you have a cigarette?” you asked, making him chuckle. He grabbed in the inside pocket of his suit and placed the cigarette on your lips, gently lighting it for you. you took a drag inhaling the smoke, feeling the soothing effects of the smoke.
“Missed it, hm?” he asked making you smile
“I did,” you said, letting the smoke out. 
Tommy watched you as you exhaled the smoke, a faint smile playing on his lips. He had always been aware of your occasional indulgence in cigarettes, a vice you had kept hidden from your family. It was one of those small rebellions that allowed you to reclaim a bit of autonomy in your controlled life. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette for himself, lighting it with practiced ease.
As the room filled with the soft haze of cigarette smoke, you and Tommy started to share stories and laughter. With each shared moment, the connection between you deepened, and a sense of comfort and familiarity settled over the room. The crackling fire provided a soothing backdrop to your conversation, its warmth mirroring the growing warmth between you and Tommy. With your cigarettes in hand, you both settled into comfortable silence, the occasional flicker of the firelight casting shadows across your faces.
Tommy's gaze remained fixed on you, his eyes tracing the contours of your face with a fondness that he had long suppressed. He had always admired your spirit, your determination to be true to yourself despite the constraints of your upbringing. And tonight, as he watched you exhale a plume of smoke into the room, he couldn't help but feel a growing attraction that had simmered beneath the surface for years.
Tommy leaned closer, the distance between you shrinking as he extinguished his cigarette in an ashtray on the table. 
“You look beautiful tonight, you know?” His hand reached out to brush a stray strand of hair away from your face, his touch sending a shiver down your spine.
Your heart began to race as you met his intense gaze. Your breath caught in your throat as Tommy's words washed over you. You had always seen him as a man of few compliments, his tough exterior often hiding the tenderness that lurked beneath. But this, this was different.
The air seemed charged with electricity as Tommy's fingers grazed your skin, and you couldn't help but lean into his touch, your eyes never leaving his. The warmth of his hand against your face sent a thrill coursing through you, and you felt a surge of desire that matched the intensity of his gaze.
"Tommy," you whispered, your voice filled with a mixture of longing and anticipation.
Before another word could be spoken, Tommy closed the remaining distance between you, his lips meeting yours in a kiss that was both tender and passionate. It was a kiss that held all the years of unspoken feelings, a kiss that spoke of desires that had long been suppressed.
Your lips moved together with a rhythm that felt both familiar and new. As you melted into each other, the world outside ceased to exist. The room was filled with the soft sound of your mingled breaths, the flickering firelight casting playful shadows on the walls. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated passion, a moment that had been a long time coming.
Tommy's hands moved to your waist, pulling you closer until there was no space left between you. The heat of his body against yours sent a delicious shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but sigh into the kiss.When you finally broke apart, gasping for breath, your foreheads rested against each other
When you finally pulled away, your lips swollen and your breath ragged, you met Tommy's gaze once more. His eyes were dark with longing, a hunger that mirrored your own.
"What took you so long?" you whispered again, your voice filled with playful teasing.
He smiled, a soft and tender smile that reached his eyes. His hand gently held your chin and pulled you into a kiss again. this time more intense and passionate.Your hands found their way to his hair, tangling in the dark locks as you deepened the kiss. 
His breath against your neck sent shivers down your spine, and you couldn't help but arch into his touch as his hands roamed over your shoulders. The kiss along your jawline left you trembling, your body aching for more. 
With his hand on your waist, he guided your movements, and you willingly straddled him, feeling the heat of his body beneath you. The sensation of his lips meeting yours was electric, and your mouths moved together in a passionate dance that left you breathless. Desire coursed through every inch of your body as Tommy's tender caresses and lingering kisses sent waves of pleasure and anticipation rippling through you. 
His tongue parted your lips, and the taste of him was addictive, a blend of desire and longing that matched your own. His palms slid down your shoulders, finding the small of your back and pulling you even closer against his chest.
As the kiss deepened, you felt your knees grow weak, the intensity of your desire threatening to overwhelm you. The world outside faded away, and you were consumed by the fiery connection between you and Tommy.
Their lips separated and he looked into your eyes. Staring back at him, you nodded.Tommy's gaze remained locked with yours as he slowly and sensually unbuttoned your blouse, his fingers deftly moving over each button with a deliberate pace. The anticipation in the room was palpable, and every touch sent a thrill of desire coursing through you.
With the last button undone, he gently parted fabric, revealing the soft curves of your body beneath. His eyes roamed over your exposed skin, his desire evident in the hunger in his gaze. His mouth found his way to your neck, then moved down to your collarbone. 
With a shared sense of urgency and desire, you and Tommy began to help each other shed your clothes, each layer revealing more of the tantalizing beauty that had been hidden beneath.
As you undressed him, you couldn't help but admire his body, a body that had seen its share of battles and triumphs. The scars and imperfections only added to his allure, a testament to the life he had lived.
Tommy's hand cupped your face, his touch tender against your skin as he searched your eyes for any sign of hesitation or uncertainty. His concern for your well-being was evident, and he wanted to make sure that you were comfortable with the path you were both about to embark on.
"We don't have to do this if you don't want to," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of care and desire.
But your response was resolute, your voice filled with a deep longing and determination. "I do," you affirmed, your eyes locked with his. There was no doubt in your mind, no hesitation in your heart. This was what you both wanted
As Tommy's lips left a trail of kisses on your skin, your heart raced with a heady mix of anticipation and desire. Every touch, every caress, sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body, and the intimacy of the moment was almost overwhelming.
He moved on top of you, placing your back gently against the couch, his body pressed against yours, and you could feel the warmth of his skin against your own. The weight of his desire was palpable, and it ignited a fire within you that burned with an intensity you had never known, he kissed your breasts, gently pressing and caressing them. 
His lips found yours once again, and the kiss was filled with a hunger and longing that left you breathless. As he moved to kiss your core, your breath caught in your throat, and your body arched with anticipation.
His movements were slow and gentle, a surprising tenderness that left you feeling cherished and loved. Tommy had a reputation for being rough in bed, but this was different. This was your first time, and he wanted to make it special for you. And he was impressed, he was enjoying this as much as you. 
As he gently pulled down your pants, your heart raced even faster, and a flush of desire spread through your body. He kissed the flesh of your inner thigh, gently pressing his lips against your skin. Tommy's hands moved with a gentle and sensual touch, caressing you over your panties. The sensation of his fingers against your skin sent shivers of pleasure coursing through your body, and you couldn't help but gasp softly at the exquisite sensation.
His fingers traced delicate patterns, exploring every inch of your most intimate places with a tenderness that made your heart swell with affection for him. As his fingers continued their sweet exploration, your desire grew, and you could feel the heat building within you. He pulled your panties down, exposing yourself completely to him. 
His tongue met your clit with a tantalizing flicker of sensation, and a gasp of pleasure escaped your lips. The exquisite feeling of his mouth against your most sensitive spot sent waves of ecstasy coursing through your body, and your fingers tangled in his hair as you arched your back, seeking more of his touch.
Tommy continued to use his skilled tongue to drive you to new heights of pleasure. Each flick and swirl of his tongue on your clit sent electric pulses of sensation through your body. Your whispered exclamation of "Shit" was a testament to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through you.
As the pleasure built, your breaths came in shallow gasps, and your hands held onto Tommy's hair, not wanting him to stop. The knot in your stomach tightened and coiled as waves of pleasure coursed through your body. Each flicker and caress of Tommy's tongue intensified the sensation, leaving you gasping for breath. It was a delicious ache, a sweet torment that made your body arch and tremble.
As Tommy's skilled touch continued to work its magic, The knot in your stomach tightened even further, coiling with anticipation. Tommy's skilled touch, his devotion to your pleasure, pushed you right to the brink.
Your fingers clung desperately to his hair, your breathing growing even more erratic as you teetered on the precipice of climax. The sensations coursing through your body were almost overwhelming, and you could feel the intense release just moments away.
With a shuddering breath and a cry, you finally surrendered to the waves of ecstasy that had been building within you. Your body trembled as the pleasure overtook you, and every nerve ending seemed to light up with the intensity of the release.
Tommy began to move back up your body, his lips planting tender kisses along the way. His lips met yours in a slow and passionate kiss, and you tasted the remnants of your shared desire on his mouth.
Tommy rested his forehead against yours, He smiled gently, his eyes filled with warmth and affection “you ok?” he asked and you nodded.
“Y-yes” Your voice caught in your throat as you struggled to convey the overwhelming sensations that had just washed over you.
Your hands moved with a sense of purpose, reaching for his belt and deftly undoing it. The anticipation hung in the air, and every movement felt charged with desire. Tommy watched you with desire, his eyes locked on yours as you worked to free him from his clothing.
With a shared sense of urgency and desire, Tommy helped you remove his clothes, freeing his hard cock from the last remaining barriers between you.
“Oh, you are very big” you said bluntly, making him chuckle
His chuckle was a mixture of amusement and affection, and he couldn't help but find your candidness endearing.
"Is that so?" he teased, his voice laced with humor as he leaned in closer, his body brushing against yours as he kissed your lips “I’ll be gentle” Tommy's teasing remark and the tenderness in his voice made you smile as his lips met yours in a sweet and reassuring kiss.
You felt the tip of his cock gently pressing at your entrance. You adjusted yourself on the couch. Tommys eyes were on you, his face so close to yours his nose often gently brushed yours. 
“Relax” he whispered as you closed your eyes, kissing your cheek. The pressure grew stronger and you held tighter at his skin. 
“Fuck” you moaned as you felt himself slowly sliding inside you. He was moving slowly, giving time for you to adjust to his size. The sensation of him sliding inside you elicited a moan of pleasure from your lips.
“Yeah, you’re so fucking tight” he whispered at your ear. Finally inside, he started to slowly thrust against you. At first, you felt some pain, but it soon went away and waves of pleasure consumed you. 
He moved my hips slowly back and forth, sliding his cock halfway out before pushing back into you. Both moaned each time he thrusted forward. Pulling him down to you, your lips found his.
"How do I feel?" he whispered in your ear. "Do I feel good?"
"You ... feel ... amazing," you answered in between the sounds of pleasure you couldn't help releasing each time both your hips thrust into each other.
"So do you," he breathed in your ear. "I knew you would."
"You ... you thought about this?" you asked surprised
"All the fucking time" he said, kissing your lips. 
As Tommy's pace quickened, the sensations between you both intensified. Pleasure surged through your bodies with each thrust. Your moans grew louder, and you clung to his skin. 
"God that feels so good!" You moaned, feeling the same knot as before, form inside you. 
Tommy's own desire and urgency mirrored your own, his movements growing more fervent as he neared his own release. The longing that had simmered beneath the surface for so long was now driving both of you towards an climax
 Tommy's thrusts grew more intense, his own desire pushing him closer to the edge.
Finally, in a crescendo of shared ecstasy, you both reached the peak of pleasure, bodies quivering with release. The room was filled with the sounds of your moans as you both were drowning in each other's pleasures. 
He rested his head on your chest, feeling the gentle rise and fall of your breath against his cheek. Your fingers traced soothing patterns along his back.
"You okay?" he asked in a soft, almost vulnerable tone, his voice tinged with the lingering vulnerability of the moment.
"More than ok" You whispered, your voice filled with affection and a sense of contentment. Your fingers continued to trace soothing circles on his back as you held him close, as he moved to kiss you. 
“I have to take you home” he said
“Can I see you again tomorrow?” you asked
Tommy nodded, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, I'll come by tomorrow," he replied, his eyes filled with warmth. "I don't plan on letting you go anytime soon, ey"
You smiled back, your heart swelling with happiness at his words. "I'll be waiting," you said, your voice filled with anticipation.
With a final, lingering kiss, Tommy reluctantly pulled away and helped you get dressed.
A/N: idk how I fell about this, I tried to write it more passionate but i feel like it lacks tommy's intense sex hahaha. Well yeah. hope you guys like it
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justimagineitblog · 4 months
“You Used To Love Me” Michael Gray Fan Fiction - Chapter 13
Well hi *I wave sheepishly from behind the computer screen*
Let me start by saying I am so so sorry that the conclusion of this story took so long - I have barely been writing for a really long time. 
But this story and doing it justice has always been in the back of my mind, and I finally got myself to finish it for all of you who have been so loyal and patient.
Here is the final Chapter of You Used To Love Me.
All my love, I hope you enjoy x 
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Besides the obvious shock at seeing him at such a fucking inopportune time, his presence sends an immediate chill down my spine. 
I have to physically close my eyes to try and rid my mind of the thoughts and flashbacks to the other night, when he kissed me. When we kissed each other. 
The room collectively falls silent. No one tries to stutter over their words. No one tries to save the moment with some excuse. Just pure silence. All of us processing what has just unfolded. That is until Gina finally speaks. 
“Well, I guess the gig is up” she says, almost laughing. 
I don’t even look at her. My eyes are just glued to Michael. I watch his face contort into 100 different shades of confusion. 
When no one else speaks, when nothing is elaborated, he looks back and forth between all of us, searching desperately for an answer. 
“Izzy?” He says my name, his tone just begging me for an answer. 
“This isn’t on her…” Gina begins, standing up slowly from the floor and straightening her dress “I’m pregnant, Michael” 
And just like that, the bomb is dropped. But that’s not even the worst of it. My heart aches inside my chest, knowing that it’s about to get so much worse for Michael. 
I didn’t think it was possible, but somehow the air in the room grows heavier. 
My whole body tenses at I wait to see Michael’s reaction. 
He doesn’t know it’s not his yet. 
He runs his eyes over her, covering his mouth in shock when he finally notices the small baby bump just beginning to show through her dress. 
“Oh my god” he runs a hand through his hair, his hands trembling.
He doesn’t speak, he just shakes his head in disbelief. No excitement. No joy at the thought of having his own child. And that says it all. He isn’t happy. This is not the life he wanted for himself. 
Part of me want’s to tell him about Gina’s infidelity. To tell him that he is not having a child. That he is not going to be stuck raising a child with a woman he doesn’t love. But before I can even find the words, his head stops shaking and his brows furrow. Like a lightbulb switched on in his mind. Like something clicked. It’s like I can see him mind doing back flips as he realises that something doesn’t add up. 
He looks back up at Gina, who is chewing at her bottom lip nervously. She is also waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
Like she said, Michael is smart. It won’t be long before it dawns on him, and I know she does not want that moment to unfold before all of us, here in this room. 
“I would like a moment alone with my husband” Gina says quickly, as she looks over at Polly and I. She knows Michael is starting to catch on to what he knows deep down inside. This is not his baby. 
I take her queue to leave immediately, reaching for Polly’s hand. “Come on Pol, let’s go make some tea yeah?” I say, locking eyes with her and nodding towards the doorway. 
Polly’s catches on, and she takes my hand as we both make our way out of the room. As we exit I quickly glance back over my shoulder to find Michael looking at me gravely, before Gina closes the door behind us.
Polly and I walk downstairs and into the kitchen in complete silence. I start making tea, but Polly touches my arm.
“This is not a time for tea… I’ll get the whisky”
I nod. I’m like a soldier with shell shock. I can barely speak. I can barely move as I lower my body stiffly into a chair at the dining table. 
I’m straining with all my might to hear the conversation going on upstairs between Gina and Michael, but it’s eerily quiet. 
I know what she is telling him now is being said in hushed voices. 
Polly slides a hefty glass of Whiskey in my direction, and tasting the bitter drink is the only thing that brings me out of my frozen trance. 
“Michael’s not going to be a father” she says out of the blue, with her face all knowing, as though she has read the room and understands the situation. 
“No” I affirm her suspicions, although she already knows without me needing to “No he’s not” 
“One day” Polly responds, holding eye contact with me.
I’ve always known Polly has senses. Everyone in the Shelby family knows. Hell, everyone in fucking town knows. She see’s things. Feels them. She know’s Michael will one day be a father. I’m not psychic and even I knew that. He has a way with children. He’s wonderful with them. And in this moment, I know exactly who she thinks he will be having children with. I know what she’s insinuating. 
I almost jump straight out of my seat when I few minutes later, I hear footsteps coming down the staircase. 
I quickly sink the rest of my whiskey, as Gina and Michael enter the dining room. 
“I’m taking Gina to the hospital, I’ll be back later. Tell Tommy we have to reschedule our meeting to another day” 
Michael is holding his cap in his hands, gripping it so tight that his knuckles have gone white. But they’re not as white as his face. I can’t tell if he looks like he’s seen a ghost, or if he is the ghost. 
Gina looks down at the floor, then up at the ceiling. Basically anywhere but at our faces. 
Polly nods, knowing that now is not the time to have words with either of them. I’m actually impressed with how civil she is being towards Gina in this moment. In light of the severity of the situation. 
Michael ushers Gina out the front door, and moments later the cars wheels turn on the gravel and make their way out of the street. 
Polly and I sit in silence, drinking for a little bit longer, until everything catches up with me. The whiskey, the sleeplessness, the bomb that was just dropped. 
Without saying much, Polly and I hug goodbye. She holds on a little longer than usual, and before we depart she gives me a knowing smile. 
I know what she’s thinking. I know she can tell something happened between Michael and I.
But I can’t let my brain run off with the possibilities. I don’t know what is going to happen between us. 
Even with Gina now possibly out of the picture, there’s a lot that has gone on between Michael and I. I still carry the pain, nursing it in my arms every day since he left for America, and came back with another woman. I don’t know what he could ever say to fix that.
And then there’s the possibility that he stays with her, despite the news. Which might just send me over the edge. Truly into a place of no return.
I wander the streets in the short walk back to my apartment, where I pour myself another drink when I arrive. 
I don’t know why, but I sit by the window. Waiting, I guess. Hoping that he might show up. Maybe even part of me is hoping that he doesn’t. But still, I can’t pull myself away. 
I have so many errands, so many jobs to do. But I can’t move on. I spend the rest of the day worrying about him. Picturing him at the hospital, sitting by Gina’s bedside. Supporting her on what might be the worst day of this life thus far. I picture his face when he found out she was pregnant. The horror and fear that he was trying to disguise. 
He didn’t have the glow of someone who just found out their wife is having a baby. 
By the time night falls, and dusk gives way, I have bitten my nails down to the quick without even noticing. 
Feeling horrid and heavy with anxiety, I decide to drag my sleep deprived body into the shower. It’s a peaceful moment, and I start to feel like I could finally settle into bed when someone knocks at my door as I’m getting changed into my night gown.
I catch myself in the mirror for a moment, willing myself to be strong, because I already know who it is standing at my door without even having to open it. 
As I make my way to my visitor, I run over 100 speeches that I have planned in my head. But once I grab that handle and pull it open, the chatter in my head falls silent. 
Michael Grey. 
He stands in the door way, a look of relief washing over his face as though he didn’t think I would actually answer him. 
Of course I would. 
He opens his mouth to speak, inhaling deeply, but the words never follow. With this much history between two people, it’s impossible to know where to begin.
He looks like he’s been to hell and back. 
“Sorry” he stammers, snapping himself out of his trance “Your door was unlocked, but I didn’t want to just walk in-”
“It’s always been unlocked” I breathe, knowing that I’ve kept a lot of parts of me unlocked, incase there was a moment where Michael Grey decided to wander back in. Just like he has right now. 
He nods, understanding what I meant immediately.
“Can I come in?” He begins “I can go if you want, I just…”
He looks so small in this moment. He’s the most timid and sheepish I have ever seen him.
“Of course” I nod, stepping aside to let him in.
We move about my apartment in silence, as we both take a seat at my dining table. When he does, he places his elbows on the table and rests his head in his hands. 
Without even needing to ask, I pour us both a drink.
“I figured if I need one of these you probably do too”
I looks up at me gratefully as I place the glass in front of him and he takes a swig. 
“How is she?” I ask, nervous to actually address the situation at hand. But I know there’s no way around it. We’re not going to talk about the fucking weather. 
“They’re uh, they’re going to keep her overnight until she’s got her hydration back”
There’s silence for a moment before he continues, and he looks as if he’s not able to believe what he’s about to say.  
“Then she’s going home”
My heart jumps and skips over a few beats, making me feel unsteady as I realise what he just said.
Gina is leaving. 
“We’re done” he says, and I suddenly take note of the fact that he’s not wearing his wedding ring. 
“Michael I’m sorry-” I begin, but falter when it comes to finishing my sentence.
I am sorry. But the truth is that I’m fucking relieved. Relieved for Michael. Relieved for myself. Relieved that I don’t have to watch him raise a child with someone else right in front of my eyes when it was supposed to be me. 
“It’s okay” he nods “Her and I we weren’t… I didn’t love her Izzy” 
I knew this whole time. I want to scream it from the rooftops. I want to scream it at him. I want to ask what possessed him to act that way for so long. 
I want to ask him who he loves. I want to ask him if it’s still me. 
“It still hurts though” I say instead, trying to keep my wits about me. And that is the truth. He is still in pain. 
“Yeah well I had that coming didn’t I” he almost laughs to himself, shaking his head. 
He looks up at me, bearing himself. He knows what he did was wrong. And he knows as far as karma goes, he was now getting his. 
“I’ve done so many things wrong… Everything got so out of control Iz” I notice his knee is bouncing rapidly beneath the table. 
I hold my breath, so much so that I begin to feel light headed and my chest begins to burn.
“We don’t have to talk about this if you don’t want to” he says once he notices my speechlessness, “I just owe you an explanation. I owe you that much” 
I nod, giving him the go ahead. The green light of redemption. 
We’re on the edge of the moment. The moment I’ve been waiting for for months. 
“You know I don’t even know why you let me in, you’re always so kind, so good. Too fucking good. After everything” 
His chest rises and falls beneath his shirt and vest, growing faster with every second as he gets himself more and more worked up over the train wreck of his life. 
“You know I can’t get the look on your face out of my head, from the day that you saw me and Gina. The day I came back and told you to leave me alone. It fucking haunts me Izzy. Because I didn’t want it. But when you’re in too deep…” He shakes his head, as his words just keep pouring out frantically “I thought it was the only way… the only way to deal with what I had done. I couldn’t even look at Gina. I couldn’t even touch her. So I thought if I forgot about you, that I could move on”
“Did you?” Are the only words I can utter, as the lump in my throat swells, almost cutting off my voice completely. 
“Never. Fucking never” 
I had built this moment up in my head for so long. 
What I would say to him. 
How I would teach him a lesson. 
How I would show him what he had done to me. 
That he can’t get away with doing that to a person.
I had rehearsed how I would make him get on his knees and beg for my forgiveness.
Make him explain himself until he was blue in the face.
Until I was satisfied. 
I wait for that feeling to come, the rage, but it never does.
Instead, I stay silent as he takes a deep breath to steady himself. His eyes are welling up, threatening to spill over as he continues to explain.
“I lost my way over there. I was losing my fucking mind without you. I got drunk, Gina was forceful. One thing led to another and I woke up next to her one morning. Then I couldn’t get rid of her. I was doing business with her family, and it’s like she saw something she wanted and would stop at nothing to get it. That’s when I stopped contact with you… I couldn’t bring myself to talk to you. To face what I had done”
The first tear falls onto his freckled cheeks, but he wipes it quickly. 
“I was going to cut her off before I came back home, but she threatened that she would cut off the deal between Shelby Limited and her Uncles if I left her. She threatened fucking horrible things to the people I loved Izzy, you have no idea” His voice is panicked as he recalls every last detail, and I can see the flashbacks taking their toll on him. 
“Her family and her people, they’re something we’ve never dealt with before…She begged me to let her come with me. I was in way over my fucking head. And so I had to pretend. I didn’t want her to sink her claws into you too. I didn’t want anything to happen to you. I didn’t want you involved. So I had to pretend like I fucking hated you when all I wanted was to come crawling home to you”
By now, one tear had led to another, and he was no longer wiping them away. His eyes red, his cheeks drowning. 
Unable to keep swallowing the lump in my own throat, I abandon all control over my own emotions, and my own eyes spill over with tears. 
“You could have told me” my voice scrapes out of my throat “You could have told me what was happening”
He shakes his head “I wanted to protect you, and I had to break you in order to do that. And I’m so fucking sorry” 
The feeling comes again, where I’m certain I should be screaming at him right now. Cursing him for everything he put me through. 
But I can’t. After all this time, after everything. I just can’t. 
I still love him. 
My small, shaking hand glides across the top of the dining table, and lays gently over the top of his. 
Of course it did. We’re like magnets, him and I. We’ve never been able to keep away from each other. 
My touch has an immediate effect on him, as his breathing begins to calm.
But in an unexpected turn, he holds my hand and brings it up to his lips. His eyes close as he places a kiss on the back of my hand, and then another one on the soft, sensitive skin of my inner wrist. 
This is something we used to do all the time, and right now, it’s like he doesn’t realise what he’s doing. Muscle memory takes over. 
“You’re fucking stupid Michael Grey” I sniffle “I should hate you. I should fucking hate you” 
“Do you?” He asks, still holding onto my hand like it’s his only lifeline. 
I stare back at him for a moment, before I feel my head start to shake in response.
I feel a pull on my arm, as I realise he’s pulling my closer to him. 
And I don’t resist. 
Our bodies creep closer, slowly then all at once as we collide. His arms wrap around me fiercely, engulfing me. My arms wrap around his torso, and I make no mistakes about holding him tight. 
It’s almost crushing, suffocating, the way we are clinging onto one another. 
I can’t breathe, or cry, or laugh. I can’t move. And I don’t want to. 
His hand holds the back of my head, and I bury it into the crook of his neck. 
“I’m so sorry” he apologises, his voice muffled as his face presses into my skin “I’m so fucking sorry” 
I could have stayed like that forever, but he pulls back holding my face in his hands as he looks down at me.
“I love you” he begins, his breath tickling my face “I don’t know if that’s okay with you, but I still love you. Izzy. I never stopped” 
I look up at him, our breaths slowing and steadying, until we’re breathing in synchronicity. 
“I still love you the same as the day I met you” I shake my head, but I can feel the smallest of smiles begin to creep onto my lips “I love you Michael” 
“Yeah?” He asks one more time, as if he doesn’t believe it yet. 
“Yes, you fucking idiot” I exhale a laugh, unable to stop the smile now “I love you”
He beams back down at me, his head lowering until his lips meet mine. 
He’s slow, this time. Unsure. Gentle. As if this moment might fall away and escape him if he makes one wrong move. 
But I can’t hold back any longer. 
I kiss him back, pressing my body even harder against his, which I hadn’t thought was possible. 
I expect a ravenous kiss to follow, for clothes to start falling off our bodies and to gravitate our way towards my bedroom.
But after he returns a tender kiss, he pulls away. 
“Wait” he breathes
“You okay?” I pant, biting down on my lip. 
“Can we wait…” he whispers nervously “I don’t want you to think this is all I want. I just want to talk to you. Stay up all night talking like we used to. God I missed you so much”
My chest warms up, as I realise he really means it. That he doesn’t want me to get the wrong impression. That he missed my body, but more than that, he missed me. 
“Of course” I coo “I would like that” 
He presses his lips to mine one last time, then plants a few soft kisses across my nose and cheeks. Just like he used to. 
We lead each other to the bedroom, and flop down next to each other, taking in the days events. And how the hell we ended up here. 
It doesn’t take long for the conversation to start, as we turn to face each other. 
He caresses my face the whole time, stroking my cheek with his thumb gently. 
It’s all so familiar, and right now in our little bubble, it’s like no time has passed between us at all. Like no hearts were ever broken. 
We talk for hours, neither of us ever feeling tired for a moment. We laugh, getting carried away and wrapped up in each others. Sometimes we cry. He apologises more times than I can keep count. We hold each other. Sometimes I want to ask him to pinch me, to make sure I’m not still concussed from earlier in the week and imagining all of this. That I’m not going to wake up and realise it wasn’t real. That he won’t be taken away from me again. 
We talk about how things used to be.
We talk about the future.
Eventually at some point in the early hours of the morning, once our voices are tired and we can’t keep our eyes open any longer, we fall asleep. 
When I wake, I’m alone, but next to me I can see the indent of where Michael had been next to me the night before.
My heart starts to race as I become more aware.
He’s left. He’s gone again. 
I’m almost carried away into a full panic attack, when something snaps me out of it. The sound of the radio coming from somewhere in the house.
Wondering if someone is here, or if I just left it on, I wrap myself in a robe and make my way into the heart of my apartment. 
And there he is. 
Fixing up breakfast, still in his clothes from the night before. Humming along to the radio. 
He doesn’t even realise I’m there for a few moments, and I’m glad I have some time to process this all to myself.
I had thought I’d never see this scene again. Maybe in my memories, but never in real life. 
Michael, in my kitchen, making us breakfast on a cold morning. 
My chest floods with warmth.
I didn’t realise how I felt like I had been holding my breath up until this moment, and how now I can finally exhale. 
“Morning” he greets me when I he catches me standing there out of the corner of his eye “Sorry, I just thought I’d make you some breakfast, or at least coffee” 
“Thank you” I smile, as I force myself to hurry up and adjust to the moment. 
“You still like your eggs the same?”
“Absolutely” I smile, endeared by him asking. 
He holds out a hand, and I take it, as he reels me in towards his body. 
“If this is too much just tell me” he says softly, checking in with where I’m at right now “Is this okay?” 
I can tell he’s still unsure. Unsure of whether I’m going to tell him to leave. To get out. That the mistakes are unforgivable and that we can never get it back. 
But the truth, that I can feel in my core, is that what we had never really left. 
I run a hand through his hair, and he closes his eyes briefly, taking in the sensation. 
“I think so” I nod, and he perks up, his eyes look hopeful and bright again “I thought you had left” I admit, revealing why I looked so startled just now.
“No chance” he shakes his head “I’m here. I’m yours”
And I believe him.
It’s a pivotal moment.
Standing on the edge and letting yourself jump. 
I know it will take time. And I know he will work every day to prove it to me. 
But I choose to trust him.
In whatever way that means right now.
I am his.
I always have been. And I always will.
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cosmic-crybaby · 1 year
Blue Skies- Tommy Shelby
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Chapter 3: ‘Deadly Kiss’
Warnings in this chapter: smut (minors DNI), hints of infidelity (again), drunk sex etc. etc. etc.
After your soiree, Thomas wasted no time in taking you back to his home.
Between the drunken laughter and heated kisses in his car, you barely noticed just how large the mansion was. You held onto him as you carefully walked through the pathway of stones, making sure not to trip or stumble in your heels. The lights illuminated the walkway as he led you inside. The inside was just as lavished as the outside, it took your breath away. You've never been inside of a house this big. 'Did he really live here all alone?' You wondered. The front door closed with an echo behind you. The entrance completely enthralled you, so much that you nearly jumped out of your skin as Thomas came up behind you and used his fingers to peel your coat off your shoulders, sending chills up your spine. You turn your head to the side, one of your hands reaches up to touch his cheek. One of his hands laid on your hip as the other slowly laced his fingers with yours. Moving your hand away from his face to bring your knuckles up to his soft lips. You turn your body to him as his hand holds your chin and the other holds your waist, slowly going lower and lower down your back. Planting heated kisses on your lips, a sense of wanting in his motions. A heavy pleasurable sigh escaped your lips as you pulled away from him.
"Take me," you whispered in his ear. Thomas' eyes roll as a heavy exhale escapes his lips.
Thomas Shelby wasn't one to disagree with a woman's request.
In a blur, you were in his bedroom. He quickly shuts the door behind him as he hungrily kisses you, pushing you against the door. You chuckled into the kiss as you helped him strip off his grey suit jacket and throw it to the floor as if it were a common shirt. His lips crashed against your own again, his tongue slipped past your lips as you moaned. Teeth biting on his bottom lip as you pushed yourself off of the door. He began slowly walking back towards the bed, each taking your time in shedding your clothing.
You wore nothing but your slip and stockings. The silky fabric was a pretty blush pink color as the stockings were decorated with lace at the top, clipped onto the nude colored garters. He began to feverishly unbutton his shirt, as many buttons as he could without stumbling to not keep you waiting. With your legs wrapped around him, you laid under him, your drunken gaze and lustful eyes stare up at him with half-lids, pure indication that you wanted him, your eyes drinking up his figure even more now.
He hurried to pull his half buttoned shirt over his head as your hands ran up his body and around his neck to pull him down to your level and into another heated kiss. His large calloused hands pull the slip over your head, tossing it to the side as his hand pins yours above your head. Ever so slightly tugging him closer with the motion of your knees.
"Thomas, please," you beg in a sultry moan. The way the lace hugged your breasts and curves, the way your garters held up your stockings and squeezed your thighs sent him in an obedient frenzy. He wanted nothing more than to rip that lace lingerie right off of your body and ravage you, taking you and experiencing pure, hot bliss together. He slipped his slacks off, leaving him in his white boxer shorts. The V-line cuts into his pelvis deliciously, causing you to stick out your tongue and quickly lick your lip.
For a second or two you stared at each other. His icy blue eyes pierced through you with arousal and then, when the seconds passed, he slid between your thighs, using his fingers to slip the lace to the side. Staring intently at you as he slowly slid his length in. Painfully slow, so slow it took your breath away. And every thought and doubt you had, already left your mind.
A moan echoed within the quiet room. He moved, thrusting once slowly, then again and again picking up his pace as he rocked his hips into yours until you were a crying, moaning mess. His cock was filling you deep as his tongue danced with yours to the rhythm of your bodies.
You knew it deep down you weren't going to remember these events in the morning. The amount of whiskey you both had was hitting you hard at that very moment, but the consequences seemed like a thing your future self needed to worry about since your current self was pressed against the soft sheets of the bed. His strong arms keep him up and hovering above you. You were used to being pinned down in the bedroom but not like this. This was different. You reminded yourself that he was insanely drunk and the look he was giving you was nothing more than lust. Your mind buzzed as you fell in love with every bit of this moment. It was something you never expected you needed in your life, to have your control taken away from you in the most sensual way. In fact, you were obsessed with the idea that you felt the familiar hot feeling already approaching, pooling in the middle of your stomach. He momentarily pulled away from you, causing you to squeeze your eyes shut and groan.
"Ah, fuck…Thomas I-"
"Cum for me love, go ahead," His deep voice cut you off with a whisper in your ear. His voice alone was your downfall as your muscles clenched around him tightly. Milking his cock as you fought your release for as long as you could. He groaned in your neck, using every last bit of energy he had left to pump into you. Every thrust was hitting you in just the right spots, making you let our breathless moans into the hot air. Forcing a mind-numbing, glass shattering, world rocking orgasm to hit you like a train, turning your hot moans into a muffled scream as he kisses you roughly. Your nails digging into his shoulders and back as he fills you up with his load, driving him insane as he reaches his own climax just seconds after you did. When he slid out of you, he collapsed onto the bed beside you, sweat covering your bodies as you felt drowsiness take over you.
Your head was resting in his chest as he heavily pants, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as he reached for a cigarette and a lighter on the nightstand.
The singing birds and sunlight burning your eyes through your eyelids were the first to wake you up that next morning. Taking in your surroundings, you questioned yourself.
'Where the hell am I?'
You slowly sat yourself up, rubbing the hangover from your eyes as you twisted to carefully glance at the sleeping stranger behind you.
Except there wasn't one.
You sighed in relief a little too loudly as you sat up and stretched your arms over your head. The warm sun beaming through the windows, painting a comforting warmth on your naked skin. As much as you wanted to stay wrapped in the soft comfort of the sheets, you forced yourself out of the bed. Tip-toeing your way around the bedroom to find your scattered clothes. As you bent your body down to grab your undergarments, you winced.
"Shit, fuck me," you hissed in pain as your back and hips were sore from last nights events. Even though you could barely remember the events, you knew the pain was worth it. You cleared your throat as you stood up and quickly got yourself dressed.
"I am never going out alone ever again," You sigh to yourself as you strapped your shoes on. Grabbing your purse from the floor, you ever so slightly put pressure on the door knob and twist it, praying it wouldn't make any noise and you'd be able to make your escape as quickly and quietly as possible. Holding your breath as and using the tips of your heels to walk down the hall, making your descent down the stairs. Just as you made it to the main corridor, you found yourself utterly confused. You had no idea where the front door was nor how you would get back home without having to walk all the way back in heels. You would hate to get your shoes dirty
'I didn't think this through properly,' you thought to yourself as you glanced around the area, trying to remember which way you walked in. But alas, your memories were hazy and all you could remember was when he kissed your neck and you surrendered your senses. You cursed yourself for being so easily persuaded by him and those glacier eyes, and for drinking whiskey when you knew damn well that you and whiskey did not mix well.
"You must be Ms. (Y/n)," an elderly voice hit your ears in the midst of the silence, frankly scaring you and making you psychically jolt as you whipped your body to face her. She stood just a few feet from you on the first step of the stairs. It was one of his maids, she smiled at you.
"Uhm-" your voice cracked "Yes that's me," you confirmed as you cleared your throat.
"Mr. Shelby would like to see you in his study, follow me," She started walking down a different hall and led you in front of double wooden doors. She knocked once before opening the door.
"Your guest is awake Mr. Shelby, I brought her like you asked," You stood behind her as his gruff voice gave you the same chills as it did the night before. Your body remembers him more than your own mind did.
"Thank you Francis, that'll be all," he told her, grogginess in his tone.
"Would you like any tea?" She turned to you, her voice quieter.
"Ah, no thank you...Francis," you smiled as she nodded once. You took a few steps past her and into the room. Your heels clicked on the wooden floor as she closed the door behind you. Nervously playing with the pearls hanging from your neck, you looked at Thomas. He sat at his desk, a cigarette already lit and a cup of what you assumed was whiskey on his left. The silence caused your skin to crawl and your throat to suddenly go dry as he looked down at the papers and documents scattered on the desk.
"I just wanted to thank you for letting me stay in your home, I'm sorry if it was an inconvenience for you," You fidgeted your hands as you slowly approached him like he was a feral animal and you were trying to gain his trust. He took a sip of his whiskey and let out a refreshed exhale.
"It really wasn't an inconvenience, (y/n)…wasn't gonna just send you home after the fun we had," He answered it so nonchalantly it almost caught you off guard. You only smiled and let out only the slightest jest of amusement as your lips formed in a closed smile.
"Right, well...I appreciate the hospitality but it's getting quite late and I have somewhere important to be, would you mind-"
"I'll have someone take you in the company car," he lifted his head to look at you. You nodded, indicating a 'Thank you'. Thomas himself led you towards the front door, asking the driver to take you wherever you needed to go. But before you got into the car, he gently grabbed your arm and pulled you close to him again. His hand caressing your face as he brought you into a good-bye kiss. It was soft and sweet, a bit shorter than you both had wanted but you still got to be intimate with him one last time. And for all you knew, that would've been that last time you'd ever be able to do this with him.
Either way, you took your leave in the company Bentley and returned home safely. It was a hazy day in Birmingham. The skies were gray in hue and the cold streets were already busy with workers and cars traveling up and down the streets. It took everything in you to get changed and dressed for the day in under half an hour, struggling to put your arm through your coat sleeve.
"Fuck," You cursed loudly as you ran down the street to your bakery. Panting heavily as you unlock the door and lock it once again behind you. You knew once people saw that your doors were open they'd come flooding in. You threw your apron on and thrusted yourself into baking the pastries you had set up the night before.
It took you nearly two hours after the time you usually open to display the freshly baked treats and open up the doors and just as you predicted, your little shop was bustling with customers. It was times like this where you wished you took Esme's advice and hired more people to help you out. But, you convinced her, and yourself, and you could handle the weekend rushes. You knew if she saw you now she would be laughing and saying, 'I fuckin' told ya so, ya cunt,'
You hated it when she was right.
"Have a nice day, thanks for coming in!" You told your last customer. Following behind them as you locked the door for the evening. Heavily exhaling as you leaned over the counter and collecting the money you made into a yellow envelope. You rested for a quick minute before starting to clean up. The records played calming slow jazz as you swept, mopped, and dusted every corner of the bakery. Once you finished that, you wiped the sweat from your brow and stretched your aching and dry hands. Moving to the back kitchen as you scalded the utensils and set them to dry. As you did this you couldn't help but think about the night before. You wondered what you did to deserve such pleasures by such a captivating man like Thomas. You thought about him all day, internally debating if you should continue this casual 'affair' with him or leave yourself out of it and save yourself the troubles of getting involved with a man like him.
The phone ringing in the office interrupted your thoughts. You haphazardly wiped your hands on your apron as you sat in the creaky chair and picked up the phone.
"(L/n)'s Bakery, (y/n) speaking," You answered in a chipper tone.
"(Y/n)," The familiar voice made your lips creep into a smile.
"Thomas Shelby," Your smile showed through your voice. Thomas couldn't help but put on the most subtle smile on his lips as he imagined the bright smile on your face. You bit your lip as you leaned back in the old leather chair.
"How did you find out where I worked?" You smirked. He was quiet for a moment, a muffled chuckle rang through your ears.
"I have my ways I suppose," He shrugged on his side of the line.
"Fair, I'm not going to question you then," You laughed a bit. It went quiet once again as you opened your mouth to speak again.
"What did you call me for?" You asked, cringing at the fact that you probably sounded more paranoid than curious.
"I just forgot to tell you um...that I had a good time with you last night," Thomas was having a hard time to find the correct words to use. He's never been this expressive before. Not since Grace.
"I did too, Thomas..." You told him, your voice like honey as you spoke.
"I hope I get to see you soon, (y/n),"
His words caused your ears to perk up. Was the notorious gangster really hoping to see you again? The cold-hearted Thomas Shelby? You stared bewildered, lips slightly parted. Who were you kidding? You knew deep down that this was probably the last time you'd see him. He was a busy man, everyone knew that. He himself knew that. Thomas barely had any time to eat a decent meal, let alone seeing a girl he barely knew. Everyone knows that getting to know someone properly took time, and time he did not have.
"I was thinking tomorrow we could meet again...you can teach me how to properly bake a cake" As much as you wanted to take up the offer, you had to decline. You sighed and bit the inside of your cheek.
"I-I'm sorry, I can't...I'm taking care of my kids tomorrow," You lied, guilt washing over you. Thomas tsked on the other line.
"It's no problem, (y/n), perhaps another time then,"
"Yeah...goodnight Thomas," you nodded.
"Have a good night, (y/n)," he told you. Even though you knew he wasn't upset, you still felt horrible. You hung up the phone on the hook, your hand still lingering.
Trying to convince yourself that this was the best option. Not only for you, but for your family. You'd only heard of stories of gangsters' families ending up dead because of the shady business they get themselves into, forcing their family to become moving targets. If his enemies knew you two were casually courting together they'd target your children, the only things worth living for.
Just as Thomas was hanging up the phone, his study door opened. It creaked as the tall dark-haired woman walked in. She smiled as she approached his desk and slid her lean hands on his shoulders. He sighs in relief, placing his hand on top of hers.
"Why don't you come to bed already, Tommy? It's late," Her soothing voice whispered in his ear.
"In a moment, Lizzie," he said tiredly. Her smile slowly slipped as she stood up straight, and without a word she excused herself from his study. He heaved a sigh as he picked up the glass, downing the whiskey in one single swig. He shouldn't be feeling this distressed over a woman he barely knew just twenty-four hours before, especially when he had a beautiful woman already on his side. It confused him to have this feeling, but something was drawing him to you.
It almost reminded him of when he met Grace.
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imagineshere-forall · 4 years
John Shelby #2
Pairing: John Shelby x Reader
Warnings: Think a couple swears but otherwise non
Word Count: 1.3k  
Request: Can I request some John Shelby fluff where after work they go to the garrison with the family to have a few drinks and they are just acting real cute we are sitting on his lap laughing and whispering in each-others ears and the family tease us for being so cute and how he is totally whipped for his wife. Then they walk home and just cuddle in bed and talk before going to sleep. Just some wholesome fluff love your writing by the way it’s soo good you just get so immersed in it ❤️ @obsessedunicorn24​
a/n you’re so sweet, this literally made my day - also hope this is okay!
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As it always was on a late night, the Garrison was full to the brim with people stumbling out the doors and spilling drinks. You had been married to John for a while, childhood sweethearts and often spent your evenings in the Garrison, dancing until the sun rose.
This evening, all the peaky blinders were in the Garrison, you were yet to arrive as you had a late afternoon nap. The day before you had been working so were exceptionally exhausted. You felt comfortable walking to the Garrison alone at night as you were well known as a peaky blinder’s wife and therefore was considered untouchable.  
You walked into the Garrison weaving in between drunk men with women hanging on their arm. Your eyes quickly met your husband who was stood at the bar, you intended to surprise him but he turned round to leave the bar and smiled as he looked at.  
“Who’s the hot lady?” he whistled, laughing.
“Shut up John,” you smiled as you leant into his chest. He wrapped his arm around you and pressed a soft kiss to your hair.  
“Got you a drink, let’s go sit down,” he whispered, his arm was still looped around you so he led you to your booth.  
“Hey guys!” you smiled as you saw Thomas, Arthur and Polly. The all greeted you as you sat down next to John. His hand resting gently on your thigh.  
After a while of chatting, Isiah, Michael, and Finn came over, but the table was a chair short.  
“Don’t worry, I'll move,” you smiled as Finn had begun to look for a chair to drag over. Before anyone questioned you quickly shifted your weight onto John who was sat next to you and sat sideways on his lap freeing your chair for Finn.
As the night grew old, your corner of the pub was full of laughs, with bets and card games going on with your family. You had still been sat on John’s lap despite Polly going to see a friend during the night.  
You were engrossed in the current conversation topic and just sat listening to the debate. You felt John press a soft kiss to your ear lobe, lightly biting your skin.
“I love you so fucking much,” he whispered into your ear. You didn’t respond just laid back, your ear pressing against his chest. Taking his hand in yours you pulled his hand to your mouth and littered his hand with soft kisses.  
He just smiled and tilted you chin up towards him so he could plant a firm kiss on the corner of your lips.  
“Oi get a room you two,” Tommy yelled from across the table. You blushed and sat up a bit straighter, so you could pay attention better to the current conversation. Meanwhile John just smirked and rested his chin on your shoulder.  
“y/n do you prefer gin or whiskey?” Arthur asked. You had assumed there was more to the conversation but you had been preoccupied in your little bubble with John.  
“Umm, whisky, I think. Go for the strong stuff,” you winked.
“That’s my girl,” John cheered as he kissed your neck.  
Even though you had made a conscious effort to stay in the loop with everyone else at the table, the business had caused you to drift back into your own little world with John.  
You sat straight up, chatting to him and giggling as he whispered into your ear. Most of his jokes were innuendos or cheesy jokes.  
“Hey, y/n, you’re sitting on my lap and we should discuss the first thing that pops up,” he joked. You loved his crude sense of humour. Left speechless, you lightly smacked John on the chest, although you did find it funny.  
“Hey, y/n, have you been baking, because you just made this ginger nut,” John winked.  
“You’re not even a proper ginger John, you’re only like half ginger,” you whispered as you ran your fingers through his fluffy hair.
“I’m tired, let’s go home Johnny,” you whisper into his ear. If you didn’t, he would struggle to hear you.
“Alright lads, y/n’s tired, I'm going to take her home. See you later fuckers,” John smiled as he slid you out of his lap.
Arthur chuckled and did a whipping motion as you began to lead him away from the corner.  
As you walked the short path from the Garrison to your small home you shared with John, you giggled uncontrollably as your husband gently pushed you as you told him jokes.  
Your fingers were lightly laced together as you danced and dragged John to join you. The two of you were now stopped in the middle of the street outside your front door. John was looking into your eyes gently, and while holding your hands, the other gently brushed a stray bit of hair out of the way. You smiled up at your husband as he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.  
“Let’s go to bed hot stuff,” you winked and began dragging him inside, locking the door after you had entered.  
“Yes ma’am,” he smirked and shed his shoes and jacket before grabbing you and dragging you upstairs.  
The two of you laid in bed, your head on his bare chest, his arm cradling your figure gently running up and down your bare arms. With your free hand you gentle traced shapes onto his chest. After being in this position for a good few minutes, he grabbed your finger and pulled them to his mouth to gently kiss them.  
“You have no much idea how much I love you y/n,” he whispered. Even though you were alone in the house, you both found yourself talking in hushed tones. It made conversation feel so much more intimate.  
“If it’s even close to how much I love you John, I have a decent idea,” you looked up to be met with his bright blue eyes. You leant your head up, shifting your weight onto his chest, to place a kiss on the corner of his mouth.  
“We should go on a nice holiday together,” John suggested.
“Really? What were you thinking?” you questioned, shifting back down to the previous position you had been in.
“I’m not sure, but I just want to spend some time with you all to myself, no distractions,” John whispered before lightly kissing your hair.  
“That sounds beautiful,” you breathed.  
“We could go to America, have sex in another continent. Maybe that could be our goal. Have sex in as many places as possible,” he winked.
You lightly slapped his chest, to reprimand him for being so crude. Although, you had to admit you liked the idea of it too.  
You two sat discussing holiday ideas, some a bit more graphically planned than others. Until you began to drift off, slowly. John felt your breathing change, with soft snores escaping your mouth as you buried yourself into John’s chest.
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laverna-fanfictions · 4 years
Dark Times Chapter One/ Thomas Shelby Fanfiction
Hi guys, I hope some people find this and read it! I really enjoy writing fanfictions, but English is my second language so I do lots of mistakes while writing. I love Peaky Blinders, I’m in love with Cillian Murphy and I wanted to write a 3 or 4 chapters of this little thing. Its only short cause I’m not sure if anyone likes this, but If you guys like this, I will write the next chapters long AND hoping to write some smut!!!!! I don’t know which warnings I should put here so maybe you can message me!
Words Count: 494
WARNINGS: Language, mention of sex (or type of).
Vera was walking in the dusty streets of Small Heath, shivering because of the cold, mumbling and cussing to herself. It was too cold to be outside, and the dress she was wearing didn’t help either. As she went inside the Garrison, she kept cussing. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” she went directly to the booth of the Shelby’s, entered in and looked at them confused.
“Why the fuck am I here, Ada?”
“Calm down and sit.”
Of course, Arthur didn’t let her sit. He stood up and hugged her tightly. “Vera!” he yelled with happiness. She was all the way up and he knew she didn’t like this, so she hit his shoulder as a warning. “Okay, lad, put me down now.” he kept laughing as he pulled her down, poured her a glass of whiskey. She took off her gloves, put them on the table and matched her eyes at Tommy, who was already gazing her with no emotion.
“So, what’s going on?”
Tommy was smoking calmly, but Vera understood that he was a bit angry. He didn’t say anything, let Ada speak. “So, as you know, we have a situation.” Vera nodded, took a huge sip from her whiskey. “Go on.” Ada sighed, looked at her brothers and continued. “You know that fucker, Mosley.” She nodded again as a response. Vera knew exactly who he was. “Tommy is concerned about you.” she raised an eyebrow with a clear curiosity. “And why is that Tommy?” she turned her head to Tommy, waiting for him to say anything. He let out a smoke, waited and looked her directly in the eye. “He wants to fuck you.”
He sounded as he was disgusted by it. He was, but he didn’t want Vera to know that. He cleared his throat and kept talking. “He asked me at the party. He understood that you are an important member, but not blood related. So, he wants to use you against me.” he had a very soothing voice, Vera almost didn’t listen what he was saying. She loved the way he spoke, thought of it as a beautiful tune. Only he could make this situation seem normal.
“Well, should I fuck him?”
She asked but she wasn’t serious. Thomas heard the sarcasm; he wasn’t a fan of it, but that moment he knew he shouldn’t push his limits. “No. But I want you to stay close to me. He will try something, that I am sure of. So, pack your stuff tonight. I will take you tomorrow morning.” She knew Thomas wasn’t going to back off from this offer, so she didn’t say anything against it. “Fine, but he can’t do anything to me. You know that.”
“We all know you will cut his balls, Vera.” Arthur laughed, hugged her again. As she was taking a sip, she mumbled to herself. “Damn right I will. He chose the wrong Irish.” she finished his drink, and let Finn take her home.
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pherelesytsia · 2 years
Burn little witch
Pairing: Knight/Thomas Shelby x Female Reader
Summary: Thomas Shelby, a knight on a hunt for a witch finds his horse under the care of a woman living in the cottage instead of a wicked creature and slowly falls in love with her.
Warning: fluff with a hint of fear
Word Count: 2.3k
Thomas Shelby Masterlist
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In the far Westlands, a waterfall roared, loud and dooming. Great rivers running down hills and mountains were leaping and sparkling in the light of the rising sun. Different roads wide and narrow spread across the map. A house, a cottage of wood and stone, gave shelter to a young woman, yet old enough to know that the woods are a dangerous place a woman should never dare to set foot in. A fence high and thick bordered the small patch of land from the forest. Y/N had never feared the depths of the wood, had seen the creatures dwelling in the heart of the forest, yet none of them had dared to attack the woman who from afar resembled an elf dancing across the meadow of flowers. Her bare feet danced over the rich soil, walked and listened to the chirping of the birds sitting on the branches of dark oaks.
Flowers grew under Y/N´s care who understood the tongue of birds who sang for her and only for her who gave them food when the crispiness of winter ruled over the land.
Her eyes widened, heard the galloping of hooves, heard the screams which never filled the forest in which she lived, but the thought of hiding did not come as Y/N searched for the cause of the commotion. She caught a movement out of the corner of her eye and followed swiftly the animal resembling from afar a deer. Y/N clutched the basket tightly filled with healing flowers and herbs and ran.
The long dress was no longer white, the ends were greenish and adorned with traces of blossoming flowers. A silent prayer crossed her lips, hoping the horse was all right, that it wasn't hurt. Abruptly, Y/N stopped. Her hands shot up. She carried no weapons at her side, could not even harm an animal, and knelt on the ground. Moss gave way under her knees. The horse looked at her and came to a halt, seeing the woman kneeling and speaking in hush tones. Enraged hooves destroyed the ground, scraping it and making soil fly.
"I will not harm you; you need not to fear. I am a friend. Let me help you." Y/N spoke softly and remained seated.
The first thing Y/N noticed was that the horse could certainly not be a wild one, saw the leather saddle and reins, but no rider was near. No longer scraping the forest floor, the horse walked towards the kneeling woman who, with soft words, kept letting the horse know she had nothing to fear. Y/N rose and walked with slow steps towards the stately figure.
"Where is your master?" Y/N breathed, knowing the mare could not answer.
Clutching the reins, the young woman walked, sensing the shift in the wind, knowing soon moon and stars would rule over the land. The long hair framed her face, making her look like an elf roaming the forest, dancing and chanting in delicate tones and feasting on the painting of blossoming flowers.
"Come, I'm sure you must be tired and hungry, there's a stream by my house and I have carrots and apples and if your master doesn't find you, I'll take you to town, I'm sure we'll find him there," suggested Y/N.
Y/N was sure that a man must be the master of the mare, smelled it, smelled the heavy scent, the heaviness of burning branches and death. The horse followed the young woman through the forest. Branches moved in the stiff wind. No road nor path led to the house in the middle of nowhere. The nearest town was two days away, and the nearest village was a day's ride. The brown horse did not hesitate and after a few trees which looked alike, the cottage appeared behind dark oaks and bushes. The brook babbled and sang. Y/N allowed the horse to enter the garden flowers first, not wanting to call it a horse but didn’t know the name. The garden was small and tranquil, flowers flourishing under her care on the small patch of lush green land of hundreds of flowers.
The elf-like woman prepared the bed of straw and hay, spread a pile of straw on the ground, ignoring the voice in her head telling her that this material was needed for the roof she had to repair before the wind would shift and bitter cold would reign over the land. The mare feasted on the hay. Y/N threw the old tattered blanket, which looked more like a scrap of cloth, onto the pile of straw and hay, next to the extra dry one she offered the horse to eat.
"Here you can sleep my friend, I wish I could offer you a better home but I can't, my house is too small but there is water and I will bring you carrots and apples. A long time ago I had a horse, but don't worry, I will try to find your master." Y/N breathed as she groomed the horse's coat.
The wind shifted and the stars announced the coming of the night.
"But now I must go, I'll prepare something for us and if you smell danger then call for me but there are no monsters near, they disappeared many years ago but still people are fearing to enter the woods and I can't remember the last time I saw a human and talked to one." Y/N joked.
Suddenly the young woman stopped and tried to remember the last moon she had last spoken to a human, but Y/N couldn't remember. Old memories brought tears to her eyes. She faintly remembered her grandmother who was taken away from her by the guards of the town and in the first months after the disappearance, Y/N did not understand why people despised her, but over the years in solitude Y/N quickly learned why hate dwelled in the hearts of humans.
She stroked the animal's fur one last time before she made her way back into the house, from whose chimney smoke was rising and mingling with fog.
The water in the kettle bubbled. The house was small, but it was enough for the young woman who had once lived with her grandmother in the small and tranquil house. The carrots and apples lay in the bowl on the wooden table. The wind rose from its deep slumber. A known calmness ruled in the house.
The branches of the trees danced in the wind, but she was not afraid, knowing the horse would let her know if anything happened. She looked into the distance, let her gaze wander through the room, and came to a stop at one of the two windows from which the forest could be seen in all its beauty. The trees were tall and dark, branches danced in the wind. In the distance, she thought she could hear the trampling of deers as they dashed through the forest like hunted animals. In the far land, she heard the babbling of the brook, knew that in the far east a waterfall raged which ended in a lake which then flowed into more than twenty rivers which supplied the forest with water, gave water to animals and allowed plants to blossom.
Y/N did not see the eyes as they settled on her. A sound crossed her lips and, for the first time, she cursed herself that no sword was in her possession. She took a step back, clenching her hands into fists even though she knew she could not defend herself even if she had to. Suddenly there was a change in the wind. The figure was tall. Fast Y/N took the broom, ready to chase away the man who had dared to enter her house.
"Get out." she screeched from the depths of her lungs.
The eyes of a wolf, blue as the sky, pierced through her skin. The sword craved blood and destruction. He was at least five heads taller than her and with his little finger, he would bring her death. Perplex, the knight looked around, sure he would find someone else in the old cottage in the deepest parts of the woods. Herbs hung from the pillars, but he saw at first glance that they were good for tea and healing potions. Silver chanted as he stepped deeper into the cottage. Heavy armour which had to be heavier than she rested on his body seemed thicker than a dragon's scaled skin. The long coal-black hair was unmade, looked as if he had not seen warm water and soap or oils for several days. The young woman breathed deeply, trying to make it impossible for him to see the fear in her eyes.
The knight had spoken to a few people, but they all portrayed the witch as a hunchbacked old woman who was connected to the devil and fed on the blood of the fallen. Books lay sorted by colour on the shelves of dark wood. Pillars were adorned with dried flowers. No bones with traces of flesh still clinging to them lay scattered on the swept floor of light wood. A basket filled with apples lay on the table on which a no longer white cloth rested. The bed in the far corner next to which stood a small tub was simple and looked as if it would not last for a long time.
"You live here?" he said and Y/N nodded shyly.
The slayer of witches and creatures of darkness which kept people awake shook his head, feeling no magic in the house where he thought a witch had made her home and was bringing doom to people, and for the first time in his life, he was perplexed. The sword reflected the light of the blazing flames. Slowly Thomas put the sword away, saw no danger was radiating from her who was trying to protect herself with the handle of an old broom.
"Yes, me alone? And how can I help you? There are no monsters in this woodland, only me and the animals of the forest," it sounded more like a question.
Slowly she leaned the broom against the wall, listening to the water bubbling in the cauldron.
"The mayor said a witch dwell here and not a mere woman, said a witch was to blame for the dried fields and the empty wells,” Thomas said.
"My lord, the last time I set foot in a village or town was months, if not years ago. My grandmother, a woman who wanted to live in solitude with the animals of the forest once lived with me. One moon the guards came and took her away and I think you can guess what happened to her.” Y/N reported, looking at the tall man who was unlike any man she had ever seen in her life.
Y/N narrowed her eyes and stepped closer to the man.
"Are you hurt?" she breathed, noticing the blood on his fingers, forgetting that the man had entered her house with a sword. "Sit on the chair, I may be not a healer but my grandmother taught me many things." Y/N continued.
The slash was long and crooked. Thomas could not answer, looking down in shock at the woman who put her hands on his body and carefully forced him to sit down on the old rickety chair. He remained silent, watching her walk with quickening steps through the house and set about pouring warm water into a bowl of dried petals he had never seen in his life. He grunted and leaned back. The chair moaned.
"I won't look, please take off your tunic, I need to tend to the wound on your arm before it gets infected. Do you have any other wounds on your body?” Y/N whispered loud enough to know he could hear her.
Ashamed, she lowered her gaze, saw that he was shirtless and her reaction let him grunt. She shielded her eyes with her hand, but then she clutched the bowl and walked towards him again, who had not yet introduced himself by name. Amused, Thomas looked at her, sure that she was not afraid of him, heard her slow heartbeat and thought he could hear her thoughts racing to choose the right dried plants in the baskets.
"I see you have found my horse," Thomas said, looking out of the window.
"Oh, it's yours. I found your horse on my way through the forest. I was going to look for the master at dawn, but I'm lucky.", "And you don't have to worry. I took good care of your friend. I wanted to bring her carrots and apples and I made her a bed; she had no wounds so you don’t have to fear. Can I offer them something? I baked a loaf of bread. It is two days old, but it is still edible, but unfortunately, I don't have any meat nor mead." Y/N said and set the bowl of hot water on the table.
Again Y/N turned and took the bread even if the man hadn’t answered the question she had asked and offered the traveller the bread she had baked. Thomas hesitated, wanted to shake his head, but then he saw the look in her eyes and couldn't say no.
"Is the witch dead?" a voice broke through the calmness.
Her eyes shot up, couldn't believe her ears. Smiling, Y/N saw a man peering through the opening door. Questioningly, the man stared at Thomas, who was eating a piece of bread as the young woman cleaned the skin and treated the crooked wound running across his arm. The eyes of the man who must be traveller widened, could not believe his eyes, had expected a different picture. A bloodbath he had expected, guts flying through the air and words he could not understand, but let him know death would follow. Weakly, Y/N laughed, not noticing the knight´s eyes on her.
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tommyshelbysgirl · 3 years
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Working On this 😏😏😏😏
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shelbystales · 10 months
Honor and Blood - Part Nineteen
Tommy Shelby x Reader - Masterlist
Read previous parts here:  1 -  2  -  3  -  4 -  5 -  6 -  7 -  8 -  9 -  10 -  11 - 12 -  13 -  14 -  15 - 16 - 17 - 18
Summary: you are a gypsy and your family lives near Birmingham. Tommy Shelby needs a favor and Johnny Dogs says you’re the one he should ask for. A meeting is scheduled and when Tommy meets you, he is instantly drawn to you.
Warning: Swearing, fluff, smut, Tommy being possessive and into public sex? I guess idk how to label it😂
A/N: here you go a very long chapter with all we need, smut and grace being put in her place.  Please comment and interact. tell me what you think! it means a looot to me if you do!
English is my second language so I apologize in advance for the grammar mistakes.
Sitting at one of the tables in the betting shop, Scudboat was seated beside you, receiving the money and passing it along to you. 
The scents of tobacco smoke and stale beer hung heavily in the air, creating an atmosphere that felt both familiar (to the garrison) and overwhelming. The dim lighting did little to conceal the shop's well-worn and slightly grungy appearance.
The room was a cacophony of voices, a mix of slurred and animated tones that melded into a symphony of emotions. Laughter intertwined with muttered curses, blending the excitement of bets with an undercurrent of desperation. It was almost poetic 
As the activity around you buzzed, you realized that the betting shop was even busier than you had anticipated. Men crowded around the counter, jostling for Scudboat's attention and placing their bets with fervor. 
But along with the fervor, there was also an air of intoxicated audacity. Almost every man who interacted with Scudboat ended up casting suggestive glances or making inappropriate comments to you.
It was wearing you down, the constant stream of advances and remarks. 
However, an unspoken understanding seemed to hang in the air. Whenever a man crossed the line, Scudboat would mutter the words "She's Tommy's girl." Instantly, the atmosphere shifted. Respect seemed to replace the inappropriate behavior, and in some cases, apologies followed.
"I'll take a break," you told Scudboat as you stood up.
You scanned the room and spotted a familiar face, making your way towards it. Polly was seated in a separate area, divided by a thin wall, with the vault nearby. This small area was right next to Tommy's office.
"Tired?" she asked, lowering the paper she was reading as you entered the room.
"Just need a breather," you replied, taking a seat in front of her and letting out a sigh. "How men are able to get so drunk so soon, it's not even noon," you grumbled, eliciting a smile from her.
"Men, darling. Their minds are so limited," Polly said, her voice carrying a mixture of amusement and understanding. She leaned back in her chair, regarding you with a knowing look “are they bothering you?”. 
"Not really, just a bit annoying. Scudboat has been helping," you replied. "The problem is, I keep losing track of the counts. They're constantly talking to me and striking up conversations."
"You know, you could go to Thomas's office," she suggested, readjusting herself in the chair. "There you'll have peace to do the counts."
Thomas had left, gone off to who knows where.
After you and Tommy arrived at his house, you decided to take a bath and give yourself time to relax a little. When you were finished, you found that he had already left.
When you asked Polly where he had gone, she shrugged and said, "Who the hell knows.".
Arthur and John were gone with him. 
You carried on with your day, helping Polly open the betting shop and assisting her with whatever was needed. 
You pushed aside thoughts about what to do regarding your own shop; you knew you'd have to address it eventually. But you were emotionally drained. The prospect of returning to the camp stayed with you in the back of your mind, but you weren’t ready to face your father just yet. 
After a small break you accepted Polly's idea, taking the bag of money from the day and headed for Thomas's office. 
As you walked into his office, you immediately noticed the change in the air. It held a mixture of leather, paper, and a hint of cigar smoke, all intertwined with the scent of his cologne. You breathed deeply, enjoying having his scent around you. 
Inside his office, the atmosphere was notably quieter than the bustling activity outside. You couldn't help but let your mind drift back to the first time you had entered this room. It was when you had made your initial contract with the Shelbys, and you remembered how Thomas had purposely inserted a typo error. 
The memory brought a fond smile to your lips. 
Some things in the room were different than before, but the essence of the room remained familiar. He had a new chair and his fax machine looked new. You settled into his chair, the cushion offering a slight creak as you did.
You placed the bag of money on the desk and started to take the money out of it. Taking a moment to gather your thoughts, you began counting the money. 
The soft scratch of the pen against the paper after you reached ten euros, and the tick of the clock were the sounds now surrounding you. Yes, you could still hear the loud voices outside, but nothing that bothered you. 
 As you were nearing the end of counting the money, the door creaked open slowly, and Thomas walked in with a curious look, a cigarette hanging from his lips.
"Hiding, are you?" he asked, closing the door behind him.
"Something like that," you replied, smiling. "I can't seem to concentrate out there, with all the men."
He approached the desk, his eyes locked on you as he took a drag from the cigarette.
“Yeah, Scudboat told me we had some troublemakers,” Tommy said as the smoke came out of his lips
"Nothing that hasn’t been handled. Where were you?" you asked, reaching the ten euros mark and finally able to shift your attention to him.
As the second he walked in and saw you he felt himself relax. The sight of you, with your hair loose and you just completely focused, brought some sort of comfort to him. 
If anyone was sitting on his chair, he would simply tell them to fuck off. But you? No, he liked seeing you there. 
He scratched the tip of his nose and audibly settled into the chair across from the desk. "Doing the police's job," he said.
"Did you find anything?" you inquired, your curiosity piqued.
He shook his head. "Not yet. Whoever did this wasn't stupid. They covered their tracks."
You nodded in understanding, absorbing the information. 
As he exhaled a puff of smoke, you leaned back slightly, studying his expression. The lines on his face showed he was frustrated. But you knew he wouldn't rest until he had answers.
"Thank you for this," you said, your expression a mix of gratitude and concern.
"For what?" he asked, his tongue sliding over his lower lip.
"Looking for answers," you replied, a small frown forming. "You didn't have to do it."
He regarded you with a steady gaze, "I want to," he stated firmly. "I told you I would take care of you, eh?”
"You also told me you would make sure this wasn't boring. You know, I've been counting money for ages…" you quipped, a playful smile tugging at your lips.
"Being surrounded by money is boring? You're a hard woman to please," he retorted, a hint of amusement in his voice.
You chuckled softly. 
"Move the chair back, love," he instructed, and you furrowed your brow in confusion.
"What?" you questioned, uncertain about his request.
"You want some fun, don’t you? Just do it," he replied with a husky voice, his tone sending a shiver down your spine. You complied, pushing the chair back slightly. "Now, put your feet up on my desk, let me see you," he requested in a low voice, his eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that sent a rush of heat through your body.
The air in the room seemed to shift, the energy between you seemed to hum with anticipation. 
You obeyed, placing your feet on the desk as instructed.
"Go on, pull up your skirt," he murmured, adjusting himself in the chair to get a better view. you slowly gathered the fabric of your skirt and pulled it up slightly
The room seemed to shrink, the walls closing in as the outside world faded into the background. It was just the two of you now
"Did you lock the door?" you asked, your voice carrying a mix of caution and curiosity.
"No," he answered, clicking his lips in a gesture of dismissal.
The realization that the door was unlocked added a new layer of excitement. The thrill of the possibility of being caught in this intimate moment, sent a rush of adrenaline through your veins.
You could feel your heart racing as his eyes roamed over you, his gaze lingering on your legs. There was something exhilarating about being the center of his attention, about surrendering to his command.
"Take the panties out of the way, love," he continued, his voice husky and filled with a mix of desire and anticipation.
You followed his instruction, slowly pulling your panties to the side and exposing more of yourself to his gaze. As you adjusted yourself, you couldn't help but notice the small smirk that tugged at the corner of his lips. 
His eyes held a mixture of desire and amusement, and it was clear that he was thoroughly enjoying this moment
“You know what I want. Make yourself cum” he said, making you shiver
You took your other hand and started to caress yourself, gently first. His gaze never leaving you, until he stood up.
You watched as Tommy stood up and went to serve himself a glass of whisky. Your attention was fixed on him, you momentarily paused what you were doing, hoping he would come to you and do it himself, but instead he said 
"Don't mind me. Keep going," he instructed in that husky voice of his, and so you did.
starting to move your fingers rubbing yourself in a way pleasing your senses. You could feel your nipples getting harder and your skin getting hotter.
Tommy goes back to his seat and takes a sip of his whiskey, His eyes consuming you.   
You inserted your fingers, moving them in and out. You had to bite your tongue to keep from moaning. 
"Don't do that, I want to hear you," he said, his words taking you by surprise.
"What? There's a bunch of people out there," you protested, stopping what you were doing
"So, let 'em hear," he responded, taking a slow sip of his whisky. The corner of his lips curled into a confident smirk, his eyes holding yours with unwavering intensity. "It's about time those fuckers know you're mine."
The weight of his words hung in the air, you weren’t sure how you felt about that. Yes, it made your blood rush. all this possessiveness energy he has is fucking sexy. 
You quickly lowered your legs from the desk as you heard a soft knock on the door. Your movements were abrupt.
Tommy, however, remained composed. He raised a hand in your direction, silently indicating for you to stay calm and remain right where you were. His subtle gesture was a reassurance, a reminder that he was in control of the situation, of everything.
"Tommy?” You heard John's voice calls. Tommy answered with a simple “yes” and the door opened a little, just enough for him to pop his head in “The barmaid is here to see you," 
"Alright," Tommy responded
“Should I tell her to wait?” John asked and Tommy looked at you, wanting to know from you. 
“Yes, tell her he is busy” you answered and John nodded closing the door.
“Busy, eh?” he chuckled
“Yeah, busy making me cum” you said, a malicious smirk forming on his face as you stood up and walked over to him.
"I can do that," he said, his eyes intently following your every move.
As you approached him, your heart raced in anticipation. With a mixture of boldness and desire, you leaned forward, closing the distance between you. Your lips met in a kiss that was slow and deliberate, a sensual dance. Your lips slowly sliding over his and he followed your pace perfectly.
The sensation of his lips against yours was the best thing in your day. Each movement was deliberate, a careful exploration of the desire that simmered between you. The taste of him, the warmth of his breath, the taste of the whisky on his tongue, all of it created an intoxicating blend of sensations that enveloped you.
His hands traced a path from the outer parts of your thighs up to your hips, leaving a trail of electricity. The touch was both gentle and possessive. And then, in a sudden and unexpected move. In one swift motion, he pulled you onto his lap, a surprise maneuver that left you gasping.
His kisses and touch, now more urgent, made you breathless. You got lost in the kiss. Nothing else mattered at the moment. How it usually is when you are with him, just him.
“Tommy?” you whispered his name on his lips. After what seemed like forever.
A small “hm” escaped his lips as he was too busy to stop kissing you. His kisses slowly went to your neck making you shiver.
“Why are we still wearing clothes?” You asked a bit out of breath, making him chuckle.
He grabbed your asschecks firmly and stood from the chair, placing you on top of his desk.
You quickly unbuckled his belt while he tried to get your skirt's fabric out of his way. You lowered his pants just enough to feed his hard cock from his briefs.
His hand found its way to your panties pulling them away completely and tossing it on the floor. His fingers slid through your entrance. The feeling of having him there making your stomach flutter.
“Always so ready” he smiled and kissed you as he pinned himself in your entrance.
He pulled your ass closer to the edge of his desk and then entered you without much resistance. Your juices make him glide easily. You let out a low moan as he did.
He found himself in a good rhythm, pumping into you slower than normal. His lips attacking your neck, sucking at your skin leaving a small purple mark.
you held tightly to his back with one hand while the other was wrapped around his neck caressing him, and eventually, your hand went into his hair pulling him closer
His lips went to your ears and with his voice hoarse with desire he whispered “I want to hear you”.
you held strong into his back and directed your low moans to his ears, still doing your best to control yourself.
“You feel so good” you whispered
“You can do better than that, eh,” he said as he sped up his pace. His hand found its way to your clit, rubbing it in circles.
“Fuck,” You gasped and dug your nails into his skin
“Yeah? Come on, love” he encouraged you
The problem with having sex with Tommy is that he fucks you senseless. It’s never a simple fuck. He always fucks you to your edges. So to keep control… it's hard.
Outside of Tommy’s office, sat Polly, Arthur, John, and Grace in the same room you talked to Polly in earlier. Scudboat was still taking the bets.
Even though your sound now could be easily heard, the loud men in the betting shop made it hard to.
“What did he say exactly?” Grace asked a bit annoyed by the wait
“He’s busy” John answered moving the toothpick between his lips
“Is he in a meeting?” she asked
“Hum… you could say that” he answered as he tried to hold a smirk
Polly was silent, just watching the girl in front of her. She didn't really like Grace. After Tommy vented a little and from what she could gather from hearing you and Tommy arguing a few weeks before, Grace had caused some trouble. Or rather… Tommy did, but she sure was in the middle of it.
“What are you doing here?” She eventually asked
“Tommy asked me to come. We have business to discuss” Grace responded with her superb posture
“What bloody business? You’re a barmaid” Polly asked frowning, taking her black cigarette to her lips to take a drag.
“Hasn’t he told you? I am his new secretary” she said proudly making Polly scoff and chuckle
“Bloody Thomas needs a secretary now. He got an office five minutes ago” she mocked thinking the whole idea was stupid and she hoped he had told you.
Arthur chuckled and said “She’s good with numbers, Poll”
Polly simply gave him an eye roll and took her cigarette to her lips again, taking a deep and long drag.
Scudboat walked him to get a glass of water. “Things are heated up today,” he said, voice full of energy. Arthur stood to fill his glass with whisky.
“You doing a great job Scud, keep it up,” Arthur said as he patted the man’s back, who smiled proudly.
Suddenly a noise drew their attention as if something had hit the wall that divided the room they were in from Thomas's office.
“Is everything alright in there? Is he alone?” Scudboat asked instinctively
“Yea, our brother just likes it rough, eh,” Arthur said, chuckling and sitting back down.
The sound was made by a chair he kicked out of the way as he spun you around, fucking you now bent over his desk.
“Oh god, this feels so good” you moaned. Your moans now starting to get louder, but at this point, you weren't even thinking about being silent.
“There's no God here, love” Tommy spoke breathlessly
You chuckled and corrected yourself “Oh Tommy, this feels so good”
“That's it. Better” he praised slapping your asscheecks.
He pulled your body up, your back resting on his chest as he continued his thrusts. Both his hands holding your breasts firmly through the fabric of your shirt, the feeling of his actions making you completely at his mercy.
His lips went to your neck again; leaving kisses and small bites on your skin.
Holding your chin in his hand he turned your face to him and kissed you. His other hand slid to your clit, making you shiver when he pinched it gently.
He rubbed your clit relentlessly, your moans against his lips getting louder.
“Come for me, love,” he said
“I’ll. I’m so close” you told him.
In one swift movement, he pushed you down against the desk again with his free hand and his other hand continued its attack on your clit.
Now his thrusts got faster and stronger. Every thrust he went deeper.
You had to hold strongly to the desk under you to keep yourself in place.
“Oh, Fuck!” you moaned, the sensation of the double stimulation being overwhelming
“Who?” he asked completely breathlessly
“Oh, fuck! Tommy. Fuck!” your legs felt weak. The burning sensation in your core took over your senses as he continued fucking you as hard as he could. A loud moan escaped your lips, followed by Tommy's name.
Seconds before coming, he pulled out. His sperm spreading all over your legs and the floor.
“Shit” he cursed resting his head on your back as he recovered his breath. “I thought you were going to be silent” he chuckled
“You know when you fuck me like that is impossible” you giggled feeling his weight on you lessen as he got up
“Yeah” he chuckled himself, closing his zipper “hold still, eh. let me clean you” he said taking a step back, admiring the view of you bent over his desk, red asschecks and pussy completely red and wet. “Fuck you look like a work of art. Should be put in a museum, ey” he said taking his handkerchief to clean your legs, then the floor “Ready” he said slapping your butt when he finished.
You stood, and as you did, he pulled you into a soft and tender kiss, a moment of gentle affection that contrasted with the intensity that had come before.
"I love you," you whispered, your fingers tracing the contours of his cheeks and neck as you spoke.
His response was just as heartfelt. "I love you too," he replied, his lips meeting yours in a lingering peck. "Want some whisky?" he offered, stepping away from you briefly.
"Sure. Now why is Grace here?" you inquired, curiosity piqued as you watched him.
"Oh, I guess I should've told you. I hired her as my secretary," he admitted casually, his attention focused on preparing the drinks.
With his back turned to you, he didn't see the roll of money you had picked up and thrown at him. The object hit him in the back, and as he turned around, he was met with your angry expression. His amusement was evident, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"Did you just throw that at me?" he asked, a playful glint in his eyes.
"What the fuck?" you exclaimed, your frustration evident.
His chuckle only served to irritate you further. "Did you really just throw money at me?" he repeated, his voice laced with amusement.
"Why her?" you demanded, your irritation and confusion bubbling to the surface.
"She's good with numbers, and she has what I need," he explained, walking toward you with a glass in hand.
“And what the fuck is that you need, Thomas?” you asked angrily
He regarded you with a calm and composed demeanor, as usual. Taking a sip of his whisky, he gestured for you to join him in a seat.
"Sit down, love," he said.
“You sit down!” you barked at him
He breathed deeply, his eyes meeting yours with a hint of apprehension. He knew that you wouldn't like this
"I know this might come as a surprise, but Grace is capable, reliable, and discreet. I need someone who can handle the legal side of things, manage the accounts, and keep track of our dealings," he began, his voice steady as he explained his decision.
Your response was immediate, your frustration evident in your tone. "And it had to be her? After everything. It had to be her?" you questioned
Thomas tried to reason with you, his voice softening. "She already knows the business, love. It made sense to have someone with experience in that role."
"Good for her," you retorted, your voice carrying a mix of sarcasm and bitterness.
As he approached you, placing a comforting hand on your lower back and planting a gentle kiss on your shoulder, you couldn't help but feel conflicted.
"Hey... y/n, don't be like that," he asked, his gaze searching yours for some sign of understanding.
You sighed, torn between your emotions and the reality of the situation. "I just wish you would have talked to me about this before making the decision. It's not just about her qualifications, Thomas. It's about everything else. It's about how she makes me feel. It's about how she treats me. It's about what she wants with you, and you didn't even think to mention this."
He nodded. "Y/n, there's nothing between us. It never will. Do you want me to not hire her?"
Your gaze softened as you considered his question. You took a sip of your whisky, allowing the rich warmth of the liquid to calm your nerves.
Leaning into his touch, you felt a mixture of conflicting emotions slowly ebbing away. "No, Thomas," you said softly, "I don't want you to change your decision just because of me. I know you have to do what's best for the business. I just would appreciate being considered when you took decisions that affect me" his fingers brushed lightly against your skin, a gesture of reassurance.
“I’m sorry, eh? I will,” he said sincerely, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on your lips. "Are we okay?" he asked, his eyes searching yours for confirmation. You nodded, a small smile forming, his thumb caressing your neck. "I left a mark here," he said proudly, referring to the hickey he had given you. "Just a small reminder that you're mine."
You couldn't help but feel a rush of desire at his words, your thoughts running wild for a moment.
Fuck whys that so sexy? You thought to yourself
You leaned closer to him, kissing his neck that turned into a hickey, creating a similar mark. "So that she knows it too," you said with a playful smirk, eliciting a smirk from him in return.
“You can stay to the meeting, if you want” he said
"No, I have many things to fix. I'm going back to the camp," you explained,
"You'll sleep there?" he asked, a hint of frustration evident in his tone. Your decision wasn't one that pleased him,
"Probably," you replied honestly
Before you left, he pulled you into an intense kiss.
"Bye," you said with a small smile, then playfully added, "You should probably take that panty from the floor." With a teasing grin, you turned and walked out of his office and into the small room Grace and the others were “he’s free now” you told her and walked out of the betting shop after saying your goodbyes to everyone.
As Grace walked into his office, Thomas had your panty in his hand. "Hi, Grace. Sorry for the wait," he greeted her, slipping the panty into his pocket and taking his seat behind the desk.
Truth was, everyone out there heard what happened in his office. The walls were not capable of holding in the sounds of the last five minutes, both yours and his moans echoed through the betting shop.
"It's okay. I just want to know if you are serious about me," she began, her tone carrying a mix of uncertainty and frustration. "Because you lacked respect towards me."
Thomas couldn't help but chuckle at her words.
“I lacked respect?" he repeated.
She continued, her voice holding a hint of vulnerability, "I just wish to be treated right, Mr. Shelby."
He nodded, his tone shifting into a more business-like tone. "Right, what you wish, Grace. It's not my concern," he replied candidly. "Can we discuss business, or do you want to rethink the job?"
Grace looked at him, a mix of confusion and determination in her gaze. "We can discuss business," she affirmed
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