#peanut butter history
playfulsparksp · 7 months
Embrace the Peanut Butter Magic: It's Time to Discover Peanut Butter Lover's Day!
As March 1st approaches, we find ourselves eagerly anticipating a day dedicated to celebrating the creamy, nutty goodness of peanut butter. National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day is more than just a chance to indulge in our favorite spreads; it’s an opportunity to revel in the versatility and comfort that peanut butter brings to our lives. At PlayfulSparks, we’re not just passionate about…
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superthatprotein · 2 years
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Tell Me About Peanut Butter
Peanut butter is a type of food paste or spread made from peanuts. It often contains additional ingredients that modify the taste or texture, such as salt, sweeteners, or emulsifiers. Peanut butter is popular in many countries, especially in North America where it is a common ingredient in many breakfast and lunch dishes.
Peanuts have been cultivated by humans for an amazing 7600 years! Anthropologists believe the earliest domesticated peanuts were grown on the slopes of the Andes mountains in South America.
The peanut was first brought to the Old World by Portuguese and Spanish explorers in the 16th century. After the colonisation of the New World, sailers (who valued peanuts as they were easy to store on board ships) carried peanuts to Africa where they became common in the western tropical region. They were also introduced into East Asia from where they made their way into China in the 1600s.
The peanut butter we know today was was apparently invented by an American doctor from St Louis in the 1890s. Shortly afterwards Dr John Harvey Kellogg patented a “Process of Preparing Nut Meal” and in 1903 Dr Ambrose Straub patented a peanut butter-making machine.
Peanut butter is a source of healthy fats, protein, and vitamins and minerals. It is also relatively low in sugar and calories. Because of these nutrients, peanut butter can help you lose weight, reduce your risk of heart disease, and improve your overall health.
that protein's Nutty Nutty Peanut Butter Super Protein has been perfectly described as peanut butter in a glass. The biggest difference is that we DON"T add any chemicals or additives to create the award winning great taste.
So, there you have it, we told you about peanut butter and some of its many facts. Spread peanut butter on your morning toast, create a protein packed smoothie or shake, enjoy it in a PB&J sandwich, or use it in recipes for a delicious and nutritious treat.
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nickysfacts · 11 months
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Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, now with added inflation!😄
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shaniacsboogara · 2 years
I made an AI write an episode of Puppet History about Shanesweep
The camera fades in on the set of Puppet History, where the Professor is sitting behind his desk, surrounded by various historical artifacts and documents. Ryan Bergara sits to his left, frowning as he reads over a stack of notes. A third chair is positioned to the right of the Professor's desk, and it is soon occupied by a smiling Steven Lim, who waves at the camera.
Professor: (beaming) Well hello there, students! Welcome to another exciting episode of Puppet History. Today, we're going to be discussing an event that's very near and dear to our hearts here at the Watcher network: Shanesweep!
Ryan: (rolling his eyes) Oh boy.
Professor: (noticing Ryan's attitude) Now now, Beef Boy, don't be a sourpuss. This is a very important historical event! After all, Shane Madej winning the Ultimate Tumblr Funnyman poll is nothing to sneeze at.
Steven: (grinning) I have to agree with the Professor on this one. I was rooting for Shane the whole time.
Ryan: (sarcastically) Well, that makes one of us.
Professor: (clearing his throat) Now, as you all know, the poll was a heated battle between Shane and the legendary Weird Al Yankovic. At first, it seemed like Weird Al had the upper hand. But then...
Ryan: (interrupting) Can we just skip to the part where Shane wins?
Professor: (chuckling) Alright, alright. I can tell you're just chomping at the bit to hear the results. So, after an intense few days of voting, Shane emerged victorious!
Steven: (clapping) Yes!
Ryan: (sighing) Great.
Professor: And it wasn't just any old victory, mind you. One of the Watcherinas even sent Shane a trophy in the mail to commemorate the occasion!
Ryan: (smirking) That's cute.
Professor: (leaning in) Oh, and let's not forget about the propaganda. The Watcherinas were so unhinged and insane, they really went all out with the campaigning.
Ryan: (raising an eyebrow) Propaganda?
Professor: (nodding) Oh yes. Memes, gifs, videos, you name it. They even got Watcher to reblog the poll on Tumblr with the caption, "We did it Joe!"
Steven: (laughing) That's amazing.
Ryan: (grumbling) I don't see what's so amazing about a bunch of internet trolls rigging a poll.
Professor: (smiling) Well, that's one way to look at it. But from another perspective, it just goes to show the power of community and how passionate people can be about something they believe in.
Ryan: (nodding) I guess you're right.
Professor: (clapping his hands) Well, speaking of believing in something, it's time for our quiz! Are you ready, gentlemen?
Steven and Ryan both nod, and the Professor grins widely.
Professor: Excellent! Alright, first question. What year did Shanesweep take place?
A multiple choice question appears on the screen:
A) 2018
B) 2020
C) 2023
D) 2050
Ryan and Steven both quickly scribble down their answers.
Professor: (smiling) Alright, let's see what you got. Ryan, what did you choose?
Ryan holds up his whiteboard, which says "C".
Professor: (barking) We've got a couple of sea dogs
Steven: (laughing) I also chose C.
Professor: (grinning) Well, you're both correct!
Professor: (holding up the coveted cup) Now, it's time to reveal who the winner of today's quiz is. And the winner is... Steven Lim!
Steven: (grinning and holding up the cup) Yes! Thank you, Professor!
Ryan: (looking incredulous) What? But I got the same answer as him!
Professor: (smiling) That's true, Beef Boy. But you see, Steven made a really funny joke earlier, so I decided to give him some extra jellybeans. It's all in good fun, right?
Ryan: (grumbling) I guess.
Steven: (laughing) Thanks again, Professor!
As Steven continues to thank the Professor, Ryan can't help but feel a bit resentful. He's been coming to Puppet History for months now, and he's never won the coveted cup. But before he can say anything, the Professor suddenly looks up, his eyes widening in shock.
Professor: (gasping) Wait a minute... Steven, I think I know what's going on here.
Steven: (looking concerned) What do you mean?
Professor: (leaning in) I think... I think you might be an alien.
Ryan: (looking surprised) What?!
Steven: (laughing nervously) What are you talking about, Professor? I'm not an alien!
Professor: (shaking his head) Oh, but I think you are. You see, there have been some strange things happening around here lately. Mysterious lights in the sky, unexplained power outages... I think you might be here to study us.
Ryan: (looking skeptical) This is ridiculous.
Steven: (laughing) Come on, Professor. You're just joking around, right?
Professor: (shaking his head) I'm afraid not, Steven. I think it's time for a little test.
The Professor reaches into his desk and pulls out a jar of peanut butter. He holds it up to Steven, who looks confused.
Professor: (smiling) Do you like peanut butter, Steven?
Steven: (nodding slowly) Um, yeah. I guess.
Professor: (grinning) Well then, let's see what happens when I give you a little taste.
The Professor dips his finger into the peanut butter and holds it out to Steven, who hesitantly takes a lick. Suddenly, his eyes widen and he starts convulsing.
Steven: (shouting) I am an alien! I am an alien!
Ryan: (looking shocked) What the hell is going on here?!
Professor: (calmly) It's alright, Ryan. I knew this day might come. You see, Steven is from a planet that's allergic to peanuts. It's how we were able to finally confirm his identity.
Steven continues to writhe and convulse on the floor as the Professor calmly explains the situation to Ryan. Eventually, Steven recovers and stands up, looking sheepish.
Steven: (rubbing his head) I'm sorry about all of that, guys. I guess I really am an alien.
Professor: (patting Steven on the back) It's alright, Steven. We're just glad we could finally figure it out. And who knows? Maybe now that we know you're an alien, we can learn even more about the universe!
Ryan: (still looking bewildered) I can't believe this is happening.
Professor: (smiling) Well, that's the beauty of Puppet History, Beef Boy. You never know what you're going to learn or who you're going to meet. And speaking of learning, I think we've got time for one more question before we wrap up.
Ryan: (nodding) Alright, let's do it.
Professor: (grinning) Alright, here we go. What historic event happened on March 10th, 2023?
Ryan: (thinking) Um... I don't know.
Steven: (smiling) I actually know this one! It was the day that Shane Madej won the Ultimate Tumblr Funnyman poll!
Professor: (smiling) That's right, Steven! And what's even better is that one of our amazing Watcherinas sent Shane a trophy in the mail to celebrate his victory.
Ryan: (looking a bit annoyed) How did you even know that, Steven?
Steven: (shrugging) I just spend a lot of time on Tumblr, I guess.
Professor: (laughing) Well, there you have it, folks. Another successful episode of Puppet History in the books. Join us next time for even more historical hijinks!
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video-game-trivia · 1 year
In Pikmin 2, there are many items you can collect which are real-world products you could buy such as Duracell Batteries, Yoo-Hoo, Skippy Peanut Butter and A&W Beer Bottle Caps.
These were replaced with generic items in the Nintendo Switch Port.
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waugh-bao · 8 months
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Just finished watching national treasure edge of history and I am obsessed with Oren and Tasha they are so cute!!
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heavenlywonder · 2 years
i love seeing ryan and shane be like “thank you for supporting us and our interests, thank you for loving this stuff as much as we do” because the thing is, as much as that may be true… the REAL reason why they are so popular, the REAL reason why they are so loved, is literally just their existence. their personalities. their banter back and forth. like they are both so delightful and enigmatic and everyone who knows/works with them KNOWS it. like they are the Main Characters, they do something so special and weird JUST BY BEING THEMSELVES and it’s awesome. buzzfeed absolutely fumbled the bag by letting them leave but i also have a feeling no amount of money would have made them stay.
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macaroni-rigatoni · 1 year
Why did I think Jimmy Carter invented peanut butter???
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russnightlife · 1 year
The cool fact I learned today: (modern) peanut butter was invented by a Black Canadian chemist named Marcellus Gilmore Edson.
I'm going to be pointing this out to people for the rest of my life. How do we Canadians not all know his name!?
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tiny-elf-of-doom · 2 years
🥜 The Zagnut 🥜
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The Zagnut has a relatively small following, but for fans of Beetlejuice, it’s a very recognizable candy! Written and directed by Tim Burton in 1988, this film has many memorable sequences, including the unique play on this traditional treat. What do you do when a fly is sitting on your grave and you just so happen to be hungry? Tempt it over with a Zagnut! Incredibly crunchy!
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D.L. Clark created the Zagnut in 1930 as a way of creating a peanut butter candy bar without any chocolate. Featuring toasted coconut and, of course, peanut butter, this was a popular candy among the masses in the Golden Age of radio. In the 1940s, it used to be given to WWII soldiers as part of their rations.
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It’s difficult to buy Zagnut anymore as they are becoming less and less common, but a few sites still sell them. Spirit Halloween has even brought back their Zagnut ashtray surrounding this iconic movie scene!
If there are any other unique objects, edibles, or spooky special features you’d like to know about in scary movies, let me know! “Asks” are always open!
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cup-of-flour · 1 year
The Original PB&J from 1901
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keclan · 2 years
just found out my suitcase apparently has spilled peanut oil in it :| not sure what i’m supposed to do about this
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baebeylik · 23 days
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Peanut butter has been a staple in American cuisine for well over a century. At least as early as the 1890s Americans were using grinders to turn peanuts into a sort of paste that could be spread on bread or toast. However it was not until later that the peanut paste was paired with jelly.
The first known mention of an item that could be labeled as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich by modern standards was in an issue of “The Boston Cooking School Magazine of Culinary Science and Domestic Economics”. In 1901, on page 188 in the magazine Julia Davis Chandler wrote an article describing an early iteration of the sandwich.
The recipe calls for three pieces of bread that are each finger sized. On one piece you spread the “peanut paste”. On the middle slice of bread you spread a sort of crab-apple jelly and place it atop the first. Atop that you place a third slice of bread thus completing the sandwich.
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jimahalangel · 2 months
My brain scrambles letters so often and just skips over entire words when I'm reading and also when I'm speaking and it's awesome 👍 😎👍
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lemonofthevalley · 4 months
trying to find recipes i can make and god . it would be so much easier if i went vegan but my parents haaaate buying food that only i'll eat
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