#pearson sound
frgmnthtr · 1 year
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Midnight Ontario (2023)
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apeescapefan · 1 year
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godfoggy · 2 years
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Dropped a new mix !
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stroebe2 · 2 years
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baejax-the-great · 1 year
At the same time that fascistic propaganda across Europe upheld Hector as a perfect, noble soldier and Achilles as an insubordinate villain, the English verb "hector" (as in "he hectored me until I agreed to come in to work this weekend") came into use to mean harass, bully, badger.
While one source suggested this is because of how Hector urged his troops to keep fighting in the Iliad, with the meaning eventually getting warped over time, another claims that "rowdy street toughs" in 17th century London called themselves "Hectors," envisioning themselves as mighty, young warriors. Everyone else, obviously, saw them as annoying, violent assholes. And thus, while Hector's reputation continued to exceed what was represented in the surviving texts regarding the Trojan War, his name came to mean far worse than his behavior warranted.
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disney announcing that there’s plans to add a disney villains land in magic kingdom is so funny to me as a kk fan
like maleficent is hitting the air rn
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lukreziaaa · 2 years
“I love you, Soph. And I can see our whole lives together. In a couple of years, we’ll have another wedding. A fancy one with guests and cake and everything. And then a couple years later, we’ll have kids.
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And we’ll be the kind of parents that are disgustingly in love with each other. Like my parents were. And one day, we’ll be that embarrassing couple that dances to the piano in an Italian restaurant when nobody else is dancing.
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This is my ultimate dream, Sophie. You and me to the very end.”
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frgmnthtr · 1 year
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Midnight Ontario (2023)
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modernmutiny · 2 years
being trans is so weird bc the more comfortable I get in my gender and my transition the more I gravitate towards things I didn't allow myself to have/enjoy because of said gender
like. im afab and so ive always steered away from girly shit bc it was forced on me. my childhood bedroom was hot pink with sparkles at my moms insistence. i was forced to wear tights and heels and dresses and skirts to school. i had to wear makeup and curl my hair etc etc
now that im older and out and no one has any expectations of me, I'm starting to find myself enjoying all that again. I just bought a tacky pink watch bc I thought it was cute. I own three pairs of heels bc I like feeling tall and how they make me look, and I just bought a cute flowy skirt bc I wanted to and I like flowy skirts (w pockets ofc). I wear a little makeup and am taking steps to get my hair's natural curls back. I'm letting myself have and enjoy all the things that felt like they were restrictive requirements growing up, and I don't feel bad about it, or feel like I'm any less trans. If anything, I'd say it makes me feel more trans because I'm enjoying all these things in the same way a particularly feminine gay man would. I've met leagues of self-proclaimed fairies who are way more feminine than I am with half the self-consciousness that I've been instilled with and I find that freeing. I can cut off my tits and have a dick and short hair and also wear bright red lipstick to the club because that's what makes me feel hot and no one can make me feel like less of a man for that (insofar as I am a man, I consider myself genderqueer but if I were amab I have no doubt that I would consider myself just a particularly feminine cis queer man)
anyways idk if this resonates with anyone else but I'm super glad I've gotten to this place now where I can buy and wear and do what I want no matter if society deems it feminine or masculine just because I'm secure enough in my gender that I don't have to worry about it anymore. I'm me, and anyone who has a problem with that can fuck off out of my life.
#teddy talks#personal#long post#this is gonna sound dumb but. 90% of this gender security came from watching BBC Uncle#Val Pearson is honestly my goals in life#that one outfit in s3 at the bowling alley w the sparkly v-neck? *chef's kiss*#Val is Val and no one can decide if the character is a cis cross dresser or a drag queen or trans or whatever#its never said in the text but more importantly its never ever questioned in the show#the closest someone gets to interrogating Val on their gender is in the 1st ep when a 12 y/o kid asks#if Val's wife left bc they dress like that#which we're never told one way or the other as far as I know but Val finds the question funny#and the kid is consistently shown to be uber curious and not afraid to ask uncomfortable questions so its not just with Val#and we do get some context in that Val says they really truly loved their wife and letter they date a guy named Patrick#whos apparently super nice and accepting (we never see him)#and they do address the topic of possible rejection as well when Val plans to meet Patricks family and the mc specifically says#that if the family doesnt accept Val then they're wrong#but i just love it bc idk if anyone uses any particular pronouns for Val except the kid who uses she/her I think#and Val's daughter who calls Val dad and I think? uses he/him?#but Val never says and never corrects anyone which leads me to believe its sort of Miss Jay Alexander situation#in the 'i dont care what you call me as long as its said with love' sense#which is basically my life motto lol#anyway thx con o'neill you being hot in red lipstick and heels has healed me and solved my gender troubles
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the bad news is that that one trapper is just un-interactable now permanently I guess. He greets me like normal when I come up but he’s always facing away and I can’t sell or buy and after a while he gets upset and asks what my problem is. Arthur, as confused as I am, is like “no problem... I’ll just go...” The good news is the other trapper is fine. And I’ve become delighted with playing Fishing and Lassoing Unfortunate Animals Simulator. Accidentally combined these two when I chased a pronghorn into the lake trying to lasso it and instead somehow managed to trample it and a nearby fish to death in the water with my horse. Free fish I guess!
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Eden-Faith: The Unholy Trinity Comic
I come with a new comic, this time based on a horror game called Faith: The Unholy Trinity by Airdorf.
This comic is based on the "Happy Mode" , which you can unlock after getting through the very difficult "Good Christian Boy" mode, after which you can disable demons, leading to this mode.
So Happy Mode is basically a world without demons. A world that could never be. It reminded me of the Garden of Eden that man was cast out of, and I don't know if that is what the creator was going for, but that's what it felt like to me.
Anyways, this comic kind of explores a day in John and Lisa's life in Happy Mode, and it makes a whole bunch of references to other characters as I tried to fit in everything that was present in Happy Mode.
Disclaimer: Faith: The Unholy Trinity and all characters within belong to Airdorf games.
Do not read this if you dislike:
-Faith: The Unholy Trinity and all characters within -John Ward x Lisa Pearson pairing -Romantic moments -Possible OOCness -Happy things
If you don't mind any of these, the comic starts below. If you do mind, you know how to exit this post.
Without further ado, here we go:
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And that is it basically. Hope you guys liked it!
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quotesfrommyreading · 2 years
Mixing sound for theaters can be tough, but mixing sound specifically for streaming has its own set of challenges. "We, in fact, do a separate mix for streaming," Mangini says (although I later learned this isn't true for every single movie across the board). But since nothing is ever easy, another problem arises when streaming enters the picture: compression. In layman's terms, think of compression as audio files basically being shrunk down in order to be efficiently transported across the Internet to your viewing device. That process sounds almost magical, doesn't it? It is — until you realize that those shrunken files are of significantly lower quality than what you'd get if you watched that same movie on a Blu-ray. (If you're keeping score at home, this is yet another point in favor of preserving physical media at all costs.)
"Very often, the streamed audio is a compressed version that you wouldn't get on a Blu-ray," Mangini explains:
"On Blu-ray, if you select 7.1, that is our full fidelity, 48 kilohertz, 24-bit master audio, just as it came from the mixing studio. You can get that on a Blu-ray, and you can get that on certain premium platforms. I think you have to pay extra money for that. But otherwise, it's most common that when you stream, you get a degraded version of what you mix that even we didn't approve. It's done after the fact, after we ship the masters. The only way [streamers] can get the bandwidth they need for you to see image and sound in sync is to compress everything."
  —  Here's Why Movie Dialogue Has Gotten More Difficult To Understand (And Three Ways To Fix It)
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twola · 25 days
Arthur Morgan x Fem!Reader Smut (18+), MDNI
➵ Fic Masterlist ➵ AO3 Link
The coffee is bitter. Tastes like shit this morning. He was going to have to get on Pearson about that. But as Arthur takes another sip of coffee to stave off the headache brewing after one too many whiskeys, out of the corner of his eye, he sees you.
He stops, bewildered, for a moment believing last night was just a dream, but this morning he awoke in his cot half dressed and the faintest smell of flowers permeated his tent.
No, it wasn’t a dream. You’re across the camp, throwing laundry into a basket that you settle on your hip before walking toward the lake.
He wonders, as he watches the swish of your skirts with that laundry basket on your hip; do you still feel him? Can you feel where he’d been?
Do you carry the ache of him with each step?
Oh, how he wonders. Oh, how he wishes.
Never pain, mind you - he would never wish that upon you. But as you walk toward the lakeside to get to your washing - he secretly hopes that there is a sweet soreness in the place he carved for himself last night.
He takes another sip of coffee.
He closes his eyes after he swallows and can feel the ghost of you on his cock - the sweet, wet warmth and constriction of your core around his flesh. With just a little bit of imagination, he can feel that clutch - that perfect snugness of your channel on his flesh.
The soft sounds you made as he pressed himself deeper into your body. The blush staining your cheeks from a little too much sherry imbibed.
He had just enough whiskey at the campfire that his the usual walls around his person had crumbled as soon as you wound your arms around his neck flirtatiously.
He wishes, oh, if only he could go back in time - he wouldn’t bear you down in his shitty camp cot. He would have undressed you completely rather than hiking your skirts up and pulling your bloomers down one leg. He would have worshipped you - but no, a quick fuck after too much booze - that is all he gave you last night, the idiot he is. You probably never want him to touch you again.
You goddamn moron, Morgan.
Arthur looks up, caught off guard. You stand in front of him, hands on your hips, an eyebrow quirked as you wait for him to respond.
“You feelin’ okay?” He asks, the blood rushing to his cheeks.
You smile, lean in and kiss his cheek.
“I’m hopin’ that wasn’t the last night we spend together, Mister Morgan.”
It’s like you’ve shot him straight through the heart. Even after last night’s less than satiating romp- you still want him, for some godforsaken reason.
“Darlin’, let… let me-” he swallows, obvious discomfort across his features, “Let me take you into town. Let me bed you right.”
You give a lopsided smile as you take the now empty coffee cup from his hand to wash it.
“Alright, Arthur. Shall we?”
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Katy J Pearson ens enamora amb l'àlbum Sound Of The Morning (2022)
Katy J Pearson ens enamora amb l’àlbum Sound Of The Morning (2022)
@KatyJPearsonnn Gènere: #alternativerock #songoftheday El passat mes d’abril vam descobrir per aquí la Katy J Pearson. Ens avançava un senzill de l’àlbum “Sound of the Morning”. El disc ja el tenim des del 8 de juliol via Heavenly Recordings. És un àlbum que pivota al voltant de la seva meravellosa veu, els més vells de per aquí apreciaran la semblança amb Stevie Nicks dels Fleetwood Mac. Un…
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stevenvenn · 2 years
Katy J Pearson - Talk Over Town (from Sound Of The Morning) Have you heard the new album from Bristol’s Katy J Pearson? Loving it! Great new album!
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