acealistair · 4 years
Iris 🍓 :3c
I’ve decided just now off the top of my head that Iris needs reading glasses heheh. She usually doesn’t bother to fish them out of her pack with her bulky armor on when reading small stuff like letters/notes, but if she settles down to read a book or something she’ll wear them.
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depizan · 5 years
pedanticsoothsayer replied to your post: Also, and this is a canon problem, I will never...
Damn it, even Palpatine succumbed to that ancient Sith flaw.
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aurriearts · 5 years
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@pedanticsoothsayer‘s lord andaire wilheln \o\
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@pedanticsoothsayer replied to your post “unless I’ve got this wrong, then at some point before the prologue,...”
Oh man good luck trying to figure it out I gave up
what was it about KOTOR 2 that makes me cry? is it the ambiguous nature of the Exile’s Force bonds and the reality of their relationships with others? is it their story of Malachor V’s shadow, and of the Hawk crews’s story of overcoming - or succumbing to - their worst traits? is it that stupid music that plays in the Enclave before the meeting with the Jedi masters?
no, it’s trying to figure out what was happening in the prologue with my one brain cell brain
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allisondraste · 5 years
Thanks for the ask!!According to the wiki, there was an idea for a comic starring Bethany Hawke and having her adventure with Sebastian and Nathaniel.  It obviously never happened, but I thought, “Huh. That’d be interesting to explore.” 
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sparklepoint · 5 years
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a doodle of @pedanticsoothsayer‘s exile mila for a trade! 
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elkomie · 5 years
🌧️- favorite thing to do on rainy days? -- sleep bc its a nice sound to sleep to
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elvhenmage · 6 years
For the oc fact swap: My Amell punched a templar once. She spent a few days in the dungeons as punishment but it was absolutely worth it.
hell yeah!! we stan a legend!!!
since she’d grown up in the alienage, my tabris honestly didn’t have a solid opinion on mages vs templars up until the broken circle quest, where she came this close to getting into it with greagoir when he told them about how he was going to annul the tower. it reminded her of the way nobles would threaten to purge her alienage and that was the moment that locked her in as pro-mage
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mahalzevran · 6 years
As an Earthborn Shep, how did Neneng feel about having to leave Earth at the beginning of ME3?
She was pretty distraught because at that point, it had been a long time since she’d been home. She was planning on maybe visiting the Philippines while she was there (they wouldn’t really let her because of the situation). But she knew she had a duty and if she didn’t go then everything might have been lost. It helped her be at ease more, because the Philippines tends to live up famous filipinos asses and they actually listened to Neneng and were kinda sort of more prepared than the others for the Reaper attacks.
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spacecravat · 6 years
@pedanticsoothsayer YEAH, i thought for sure it was a joke when you linked it, but then i went into the game files and nope, that is 100% exactly what is in there... the only bit of recorded mshep/garrus dialogue in the whole game and it’s that
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brick-brooke · 6 years
X for Ellie and R for Odahviig?
hewwo awe u hewe for secwets????
X: Xylophone (Eldigard)1. what is their favorite genre of music? classical all the way babieeeee, cello sonatas are the way to go
2. do they have a favorite song? ‘The Swan’ from Carnival of the Animals by Saint-Saens! she thinks it’s so expressive emotional :D
3. do they have a favorite band/artist/singer? yeah its herself lmao
4. can they sing well? yes! though not formally trained in it, she can very easily carry a tune and recognize notes. she doesn’t have perfect pitch, but she can get very close just by the sheer amount of music theory training she’s done. singing is usually how she thinks of music to write, she hums a tune while she notates it on paper.
5. can they rap? i’m gonna go with a soft no haha. she probably has the potential to rap decently but I don’t think its quite her style lmao
R: Rules (Odahviig)
1. do they follow rules? yyyyes. to the best of his ability I guess atm haha. he’s definitely broken the law before but he’s a dumb bitch so what r u gonna do
2. would they be a strict or laid-back parent? I think he’s kinda a mixture of both? he’s trying to figure stuff out and how to best parent roque, so I think he flip flops sometimes. he’s getting stricter tho because dangerous situations are become more of a problem. he is quite a pushover tho, not much of a backbone if you ask me haha
3. have they ever been consequenced for breaking a rule? i think this question means if he’s been bitten in the butt for a rule he broke? well he usually gets yelled at when he fucks up so thats enough and make him feel awful haha. there was that one time he stole a couple wheels of cheese and later found out that someone got beaten for it (that was technically in a timeline that never happened but it still stings)
4. have they broken any rules they now regret breaking? he regrets pretty much everything at this point, definitely that cheese wheel indecent lmao
5. do they find any rules they/others follow absolutely ridiculous? not really? he knows rules and laws are in place for a reason. will he follow them? sure. will he uphold them? if its an issue he feels strongly about. i guess he thinks people who act solely by the book and not with their own morals are kinda odd? he’s such an emotional boy that people who are super lawful and bury their feelings during important decisions are a teeny bit off putting. kinda like a “why do you let the laws think for you?”
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acealistair · 5 years
Gideon: 💍 🙏 ⚡️, Ruya: 🧠 🤕 🗣 (and I don’t intend to use this information against them in any way 😇)
💍 Does your OC have a specific item that is priceless to them but may (or may not) be completely worthless to someone else? Is there a story behind this item or is it just because they like it so much?
Oh, Gideon loves his crook quarterstaff! It was passed on to him from his dad and is the tool he’s been fighting with since he first started to learn. He’d probably hate using any other crook/quarterstaff because the weight distribution and such wouldn’t be the same.
🙏 Is your OC religious in any way? Why or why not? Do they have other beliefs that govern them in any way?
He believes in the gods, but he’s not especially religious, if that makes sense. He worships as much as his parents taught him to but there isn’t anything driving him to do that other than habit.
⚡ What are your OC’s phobias? Is there any reasoning behind these? How do they calm themselves down after getting scared? What are they like when they’re afraid? Is there any chance of them overcoming their fears?
I wouldn’t really call it a “phobia” per se, but his biggest fear is something happening to his village while he’s not around to protect it. He’s never been far away enough yet for that fear to really strike him, but when it does I think he might get a bit anxious, actually (in his own weird way of course lol).
🧠 Talk about your OCs mental health! Do they have any specific triggers or ways to practice self care? What are some things that are more difficult for them to do because of their mental health?
Ruya’s main mental health issue is that she has amnesia for all her memories before age five due to a traumatic event. So far, there hasn’t been anything to trigger her memories or any noticeable adverse effects from it in general, but who knows what will happen in the future... Otherwise, she doesn’t have depression or anxiety. She does have some issues with suppressing her emotions, but I’m not sure if it’s intense enough for it to qualify as a mental illness.
🤕 What is the worst injury your OC has ever suffered? Do they have any scars or lasting physical reminders of it? Do they get sick often or have any lasting medical conditions?
The worst physical injury Ruya’s ever had is when she fell from a rooftop as a child. She broke her back, but Anubis saved her and healed her, so she didn’t have any lasting effects from it... except a newfound purpose in life. 😉 and a phobia of heights lol
🗣️ What are the most painful words that can be said to your OC to utterly break them? What are the words that you could tell them to cheer them up? Maybe some advice to give them the boost they need!
Uhhhhhh at the moment, the most terrible thing anyone could tell her is that she’s not following Anubis’ wishes? That he’s disappointed or even angry with her. Essentially, that she’s a fraud. Though not just any rando can tell her that and break her, of course; it’d have to be someone with authority in that area. If that happened, I honestly don’t know if anyone could cheer her up from that other than Anubis himself telling her that’s not true :’D
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depizan · 5 years
pedanticsoothsayer replied to your post “Ember has destroyed five…six…???…lots of phone/tablet charging cords....”
Beebs is like that as well. All I can do is hide cords behind things.
Well, if it turns out to be actually cat proof, I’ll let you know. They’ve got cords for the major phone/tablet types.
Hopefully Beebs isn’t trying to nom anything else. (Not that that’s not quite inconvenient enough. Just...less dangerous for her than some possibilities.)
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lesabear · 7 years
☀️-Veresia and/or 🎵-Ayrs
Veresia’s first Jedi is technically her dad. The first Jedi she meets when she’s older than a child would be Quorian Dorjis which I’ve written in my long fic - the post can be found on the swtor forums here
As for Ayrs:
♬  OC’s reaction to having to be on Hoth or Ilum.
Maker save me, I hate this planet. So damned cold and not a damn thing interesting enough to justify it. I hope Sergeant Yuun’s gadget is worth it.
“I swear that either the Maker has a nasty sense of humor, or General Garza’s nursing a hell of a grudge against me.” I sighed and peered back at the Imperial positions through my macrobinoculars. “With my luck it’s probably both.”
“And I thought 4X was the paranoid one,” Aric snarked. I thought I heard Elara giggle over the comm channel, but I knew she’d never betray me like that.
“At least he’s got a more pleasant personality than you,” I shot back before shivering again. “Plus he knows how to respect the chain of command.”
“Oh, now you’re worried about respecting the chain of command. I must have been confused from all the times you’ve carefully danced around orders or been coy with Garza during a briefing.”
“You must have also been confused when you started talking, because I don’t remember asking to hear your voice.”
Jorgan chuckled to himself, then went back to calibrating his rifle.
“Perhaps you would be in a better mood if you’d properly reviewed the material on Hoth I provided prior to our arrival in the system. At the very least, you would be more comfortable.” I detected a hint of amusement in Elara’s voice.
“I did read the material, thank you very much. You do see the special sealant to protect against exposure, right?”
She poked my armor near my waist. “And the enhanced insulation I mentioned later on in the material?”
“I mean, it was a lot to read. I had to get everything ready for the mission.” I glanced in her direction, but it was pretty hard to read her expression through an armored helmet. “I tried my best, okay.”
“Mmhmm.” Her voice softened slightly. “When we get back to Aurek Base, we’ll make sure we take care of it.”
I squeezed her hand. “Thanks El-Lieutenant.”
Jorgan coughed loudly. And rudely. “Now I understand why you mentioned your pre-mission routine doesn’t involve polishing your rifle any more.”
“Just shut up, Jorgan.”
He laughed again, but for once he listened. The channel went quiet, and I was left with nothing but the sound of the wind whistling past our position. I shivered through the next couple of minutes.
“Any word from 4X or Vik, Lieutenant?”
“No, Sir.” Elara sounded slightly concerned, like she always did when Vik was involved. “They may be too close to the Imperial position to communicate, though.”
“Maybe. Maker knows what those two might be -”
A loud explosion interrupted me, rocking the Imperial position. Before I could fully process it, a second and then a third one followed, creating a massive fireball that tore through the encampment, destroying it entirely.
“I believe I’ve located our missing squad members,” Elara said drily.
There was a loud braying sound from our right. I turned and saw 4X next to Vik, who was riding one of those damned tauntaun things.
“Sir! I am pleased to report that we were able to locate a fatal flaw in the defenses of that Imperial encampment and were able to exploit it to our full advantage. No longer will these tyrants and enemies of freedom terrorize the denizens of this world!”
I gestured at the snow-covered expanse around us. “Does it look like the denizens of this world felt oppressed, 4X?”
The droid looked around. “Well, I suppose not, Sir, but -”
“Then keep quiet and go get the speeders ready. We were trying to find a stealthy way into the area, but that’s out of the question now.” The droid saluted and walked off. “And Vik?”
The Weequay was grinning like the idiot he was. “What’s up, boss?”
“You’re on latrine duty once we’re back at Aurek.” His grin disappeared. “Now get off that Maker-damned creature and help pack this stuff up.
As we packed our gear for the movie forward, Vik sidled up next to me. “Say, boss. You were joking about the latrine duty, right?”
On second thought maybe I don’t need the Maker to save me. Better to end it all than to be stuck here, with him.
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6, 8, and 20 for Sky and Atton?
AKA the ship I found in the trash and fell in love w apparently :^) thank you!!
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
Sky really likes his eyes and his hands. Jawline too. I’ve always imagined him to have an intense gaze and long-fingered, dexterous hands, and she’s a fan of both.Atton’s might sound a bit dumb, but her hips. I picture Sky not being terribly busty, but she’s got a good set of hips. Probably her eyes as well; they’re pretty, and they tend to give people the warm and fuzzies whenever she’s smiling.
8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
For Atton towards Sky, his go-tos are “Princess”, “Sargas”, and just mashing them as “Princess Sargas”. That one’s something of an inside joke going back to Dantooine, after finding out that her full name is the long, dumb, and pretentious “Skysargas Ozaria of House Starbrac, third of her name.” How could he not poke fun at it?? Sky’s for Atton are… scarce. She hasn’t thought of a good, clever one yet, aside from throwing around “ruffian” or “flyboy” on occasion. She did, however, once call him “Atty-kins” in the most cutesy voice she could muster while he was in the middle of a pazaak tournament. Purely so she could embarrass him.
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
I have yet to solidify my thoughts on Atton’s family so… who cares there?? :^)Sky’s only family member that she talks to regularly is her brother/headcanon companion Terran, and he’s very “Force no” at first. He and Atton are friends, but that’s his sister, bro! He warms up to it, though. “My best friend and my sister, cool!”Brianna, Mira, and T3 think she could do better. Bao-Dur’s probably fairly supportive? I imagine Mical doesn’t approve at first since he and Atton just do not get along at all, but he comes around after a while when he’s sure Atton isn’t going to break his friend’s heart. Canderous, HK, and G0-T0 don’t care. Visas is more complicated since I ship Sky with both in a communicative, polyamorous thing. I do like the idea of Atton and Visas being friends (honestly I could probably be convinced to ship them easily I just haven’t thought about it much), so no disapproval there.
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allisondraste · 6 years
Oh yay! It has been a hot minute since I got to ramble about Lucia (aka “Luce”), so thank you!!Here are 10 Facts about Lucia Amell:
1. She was born in Kirkwall, but moved to Ferelden with her family before she was old enough to remember ever living in Kirkwall.  She has visited a handful of times and is forever grateful for Ferelden. 
2. She manifested her magic relatively early, however, nobody knew that it had happened because it was combat magic and it just looked like she was really, unusually good at sparring with the other kids in the village.
3. She never sleeps enough and never eats enough.  Her friends have to constantly remind her to do both. 
4. She is mildly terrified of nugs.  She calls them “gross little nightmare bunnies.”  She’s not sure where the fear came from. 
5. She is not the least bit arrogant, but she is very certain of herself and her actions.  She never does anything that she does not believe is the right thing or best course of action. 
6.  That being said, she is very logical and rational, sometimes to a fault.  Sometimes the decisions she believes are right end up hurting those she cares about because she forgets to incorporate feelings into her “right choice” equation. 
7. When she channels her mana for strength, she can lift Alistair, but not Sten. There my have been a bet once.  Oghren lost a few sovereigns that day. 
8.  It takes a lot to cause her to become angry enough to show it outwardly.  It also takes a lot to make her sad enough to cry.  it’s not that she feels those emotions any less than others; it is just that she has learned to hold them beneath the surface. 
9. She’s not impulsive or reckless, but she values her own life very little in the grand scheme of things, so she’s very quick to do something dangerous if it means saving her loved ones or the world, or maybe a mabari if she’s in a Mood. 
10. She prefers to be called Lucia, but she will tolerate “Luce” from friends/ family/loved ones.  “Lucy” is never okay, unless your’re Alistair.  And he’s only gotten away with it a couple of times. 
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