#peeps easter shirt
cheapbysaleh · 1 year
0 notes
insomniumstella · 2 years
ego’s one hell of a drug (6) | bucky x avenger!reader
summary: Steve’s silly joke happened to inspire the best, or possibly the worst, idea Wanda had ever come up with — send James Buchanan Barnes and y/n on an all-expenses-paid honeymoon in Hawaii. the problem? they cannot stand to be around each other.
warnings: enemies to lovers, forced proximity, explicit language, alcohol consumption, sarcastic!bucky, but also a bit of asshole!bucky and sweet!bucky strangely
word count: 6,205
taglist is down below (please let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list!)
series’ SPOTIFY playlist
author's note: before writing WHERE DREAMS GO TO DIE i always thought that chapter six would be my favorite and … it is haha
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The royal blue hue of the vintage Chevy Corvette glimmered underneath the bright sunlight. James was clad in a short sleeve linen shirt with the top buttons undone, exposing the smooth muscle of his upper chest. She could peep the collage of flesh and metal from where she stood outside the hotel’s glass entrance doors, observing the carefree strokes in his expression and the Ray-Ban sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose. It was an unusual sight; the first time she had ever seen James wearing sunglasses. 
She smiled at him, bewildered by the soldier’s newfound attitude, “is this the surprise?” 
“No,” the corner of his mouth quirked up as he gripped the steering wheel with the metal hand, “it’s an apology.” 
“An apology,” it was a statement hidden underneath a hint of curiosity — she let it die on the tip of her tongue, suspending the silent wonder in the humid air of Hawaii. 
James leaned over to open the passenger’s door without abandoning the vehicle and nodded his head, “an apology for the last however many years I’ve been more than an asshole.” 
“It’s bordering on six.” 
“It’s bordering on six,” he repeated when y/n plopped into the seat, throwing an Iron Man tote bag Tony had given her as a joke last Easter on the floor and kicked it to the side, “but yes, it’s also the surprise.” 
“How’d you know I love Chevys?” 
“Steve,” Bucky shrugged nonchalantly, as if it was the most casual of responses, “and perhaps Natasha, too.” The sergeant admitted, pushing the Ray-Bans higher.
She sat in the vehicle dumbfounded. James Buchanan Barnes was the woman’s finest enemy, the man she had despised for five consecutive years without questioning whether the war between her and Bucky ever had a true reason, and he had just admitted to knowing that her favorite cars were vintage Chevy Corvettes.
“Steve tell you anything else?” 
“He might’ve,” the smallest of smirks danced on his lips, “Natasha surely did.” 
“What’d she say?” She questioned, leaning to increase the volume of the refurbished radio. 
“Mentioned you love peaceful rides and hidden coffee shops,” he twisted the ignition key to start the car, the smirk on his mouth refusing to falter, “beaches and happy hours.” 
“Oh, how I love happy hours,” y/n agreed, detaching her own pair of sunglasses from her tank top and planting them on the bridge of her nose to shield herself from the blazing light. 
Maui’s sun was unforgiving in early summer mornings. 
“Good, because we’re going on a real nice drive to search for the best sandwiches and iced lattes Maui has to offer before ending the day with a drink or two.” 
The Maui Resort soon disappeared out of y/n’s view as James stepped on the gas, pursuing a narrow road, and she perched her feet on the leather seat, the sandals long forgotten. 
“Should I open Apple Maps,” she teased, “Google Maps,” her voice faltered for a moment, “Waze?” 
Though the woman had listed plenty of options for navigation, James could only chuckle at her instinctive response, “you genuinely do not trust me, do you?” 
“I say this with all of the love and respect my heart holds for you,” she teased him yet again, “I absolutely do not.” 
“Outstanding,” he shook his head, eyes focused on the road, “makes the journey that more fun.” 
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The soldier had been awfully quiet after they had abandoned the SPA for a speedy lunch, and she had chosen to bite her tongue about Nancy, Elijah, and Mark. To James, that was. She had texted Sam as soon as she had reclaimed her iPhone from the locker, crafting a message capable of turning The Falcon into a vigilant agent but harmless enough to keep his fears at bay. 
The gala and the plan had been the lone thing she could focus on. Concern must’ve been visibly engraved into her features because, by the time dinner came, James had forged an awkward yet friendly persona, attempting to devise jokes and distract y/n from her inner turmoil. The man had not been successful, but she was appreciative of his struggles. 
“You wouldn’t drop dead if I slept in the bed tonight, would you?” James had asked once the sun had fallen and the moon had appeared. 
The woman had been too exhausted to argue, and though she hadn’t admitted it out loud, his presence in the bedroom had brought eerie comfort. She had been almost elated he had abandoned the couch for the soft cushions of the suite’s bed.  
Last night, they had not discussed the couple’s massage, which was strange but not stranger than sleeping in a bed together. And sure — the piece of furniture in the lovers’ suite was massive, more than comfortable for two people, and both James and she had plenty of space to move around without making contact, except they had woken up in a tangle of limbs, y/n’s face nestled into James’ chest. 
She had decided to avoid thinking about it too much during breakfast. Instead, her mind had returned to the only legitimate conversation the two had in the prior hours before the night had the chance to border morning. James had suppressed his pride and admitted his faults. To say it had come as a surprise—and a delight— would be an understatement. 
She had nearly sworn the soldier’s words had been a bizarre hallucination because the James she had conceptualized, the mural of a man she had been painting in the past five years, would’ve never willingly confessed to mistakes and defeats.
Except, if Barnes had been able to acknowledge his crimes, she could’ve imagined herself declaring that she had been harsh, too. He had promised y/n a surprise, and she had silently pledged to act visibly grateful about it. Perhaps, sweet even.  
James hadn't mentioned much more of the surprise, but he had succeeded to distract her from it, ripping out a laugh from the woman after presenting the stream of angry messages from his last date, Jennifer, and permitting y/n to read through the furious words. 
She had forgotten about Nancy and the gala then, cackling at James’ exaggerations of the milk switch-up, “I was chained to the godforsaken bathroom for the entirety of the night, y/n.” The disappointed tone in his voice had roughly disguised the honest amusement. “Lonely and drained, and defeated.” 
“Oh James,” she had subconsciously leaned her head on his shoulder, “the texts almost make me want to switch out the almond beverage for whole milk again.”
“The promise,” he had reminded, “I nurtured you after Jordan’s party, and you swore to cease mischievous milk activities.” 
The woman had laughed, the booming sound of it saturating the lovers’ suite, “mischievous milk activities, huh?” James had remained silent, and she had teased him for the ludicrous comment, “you deserve to be punished for using such lines.” 
“Innocent until proven guilty,” he had shrugged. 
“As a woman of great authority,” y/n had angled her face to stare into his eyes, “I pronounce you guilty and decide upon a decade-long sentence.” 
James’ pupils had been blown-wide as he gazed at y/n through hooded eyes, “your honor, there is too little evidence to convict me.” 
The woman had cocked her head to the side as a faux expression of distaste painted her features, “you used a phrase mischievous milk activities, and call me insane, but if that alone wouldn’t get you a ten-year punishment, I have zero clue what would.” 
“Oh, please,” James had leaned against the headboard, “allow me to tell you a story of a ghost they call the Winter Soldier.” 
She had shifted positions, sliding close enough to the man that their thighs had touched, “you’re such a bastard,” the outrage had only been slightly fictitious, “why would you bring that up?” 
“What?” He had rested a single arm on the woman’s shoulders. “Does it raise negative connotations?” 
“Yes,” she had nodded, surprising him, “for one, the Winter Soldier has stabbed me, which took months to heal and recover from, and two,” silence had fallen upon the room for several, drawn-out moments, “the ghost has been replaced with James and I’d hate for you to associate yourself with the assassin.” 
“Doll,” he had sighed, “I was the assassin. There is no way I could ever forget, it has been engraved into my existence. The title of the Winter Soldier will forever haunt me, no matter how much I run.” 
“You’re quite big,” she had assessed, seemingly off-topic, “not that great of a runner.” 
“Alright,” he had chuckled, maneuvering under the covers and turning off the night light, “goodnight.” 
James’ tone had not held resentment or annoyance and she had allowed sleep to steal her away from the world of the conscious and into the world of the dormant without saying anything else. 
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SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: the gala is this Sunday.
The woman raked her eyes over Sam’s words. At the beginning of the week, she would’ve been more than happy to abandon the honeymoon in exchange for a mission, but as she stared at the phone screen, the Falcon confirming y/n’s uncertainty, she couldn’t help the eerie sadness from slithering its way into her heart. The two were set to leave on Monday, and Friday had sneakily crept in, drawing the end of the vacation closer than she would’ve enjoyed. A coin has two sides, she reminded herself. It was not the time to wallow in self-pity over the loss of two blissful days. 
The unexpected encounter with Nancy had created space for an opportunity to save Steve and bust Elijah, bringing the remains of HYDRA, Mark, and perhaps other operatives, with him. She could enjoy today and leave as early as tomorrow morning. 
SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: I managed to get us on the guest list. 
BEST AVENGER: thank you. 
She hoped Sam wouldn’t think of asking further questions.
SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: are we going there to bust HYDRA officers, or is there another reason you won’t say? 
The spy’s prayers were not heard. 
BEST AVENGER: no other reason:)
“Please don’t tell me you’re going to be on that stupid phone the whole day?” James’ voice was a lost sound in the unruly wind. “I didn’t drive an hour for nothin’, doll.” He shouted. 
SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: you’re aware the smiley face makes the text seem highly suspicious?
Somewhere amidst the fabricated stories and his genuine feelings, the soldier had gotten comfortable using the nickname for the girl, as if it had always belonged to her and as if the couple’s history had not been riddled with petty fights and strange hatred. 
BEST AVENGER: whaaaaaat:) 
“It’s Sam!” She yelled, shutting the passenger’s door and sprinting to meet James where he stood on the shore. The sand clawed at her feet, attempting to swallow y/n’s every step, and she was out of breath by the time she reached the soldier. The look on Bucky’s face begged for an explanation. “Sam wants us to attend the charity gala.” 
“It’s this Sunday, right?” James questioned. 
“Mmmh,” she hummed in agreement, paying very little attention. 
Eyes glued on the screen, y/n awaited the Falcon’s response. 
SAM THE MIGHTY AVENGER: Steve wants to train in 5. 
SAM THE MIGHTY AVENGER: should I inform the Captain of our plans?:)
He might��ve been teasing y/n, but she wasn’t willing to take risky chances.
“No,” James shook his head in annoyance, “tell Sam we’re not attending the gala because our flight leaves on Monday,” his hand encased her wrist, stopping y/n from typing, “and for the love of god, put this away.” There was no doubt his tone implied that her phone would soon end up in the ocean if she didn’t hide it. 
“Bucky,” she snatched her wrists away from his hold, “all I need is a second,” only the word desperate could’ve been used to describe her voice. 
The man towered over the girl dumbfounded. Did y/n just call me Bucky?
She stood with her face buried in the glass screen, accidentally shielding herself from James’ flustered expression. The woman very rarely, if ever, called the soldier Bucky. It had always been limited to James or Barnes, or asshole if he had done something particularly malicious to anger her, but never Bucky, and especially never Bucky willingly. On a scarce occasion, y/n would address him as Sergeant, respecting the title he had earned in the forties, but Bucky was reserved for Steve, and Sam disappointingly, who oftentimes used the name to mock the soldier, jealous of the Captain’s favoritism. Even Tony had used the nickname several times, or Natasha, but y/n was weary of it, afraid it bounded on the territory of friendship. 
BEST AVENGER: those smiley faces do look suspicious, though.  
Pink had crept onto his cheeks, yet James remained nonchalant on the outside, counting second after second, “six, seven, eight—“
SAM THE MIGHTY AVENGER: I trust you, but I’m not an idiot, y/n. 
Sam was right. It was outlandish to believe he wouldn’t see through her dishonesty, except she couldn’t bring herself to put Elijah’s plans into visible words, and so the message was left blank. The moving dots on Sam’s screen vanished as she removed her fingers from the glass, turning the iPhone off, and shoved it into the back pocket of her denim shorts.  
“The counting was unnecessary,” she forced a laugh, “besides, I’m all yours now.” 
“Good,” he nodded, forcing the words I’m all yours to vacate his head, “because the coffee shop is a fifteen-minute walk away, and I was hoping to enjoy the scenic view together.” 
She took a step back, glancing around. If her nose had not been buried in the gadget, she would’ve noticed the golden sand and crystal waters. “It is beautiful.” 
“Yes,” he shrugged, the smallest of smirks dancing on his lips, “it’s Maui.”
“New York City can be spectacular,” she argued, half lightheartedly, “but one wouldn’t say it’s scenic because it’s New York.” 
“Is it possible,” James was ready to call out her bluff, “you’re picking an unnecessary fight because you’re uncomfortable with my friendliness?”
She stared at him in disbelief before her gaze dropped to his lips and the smirk upon them, “no,” she narrowed her eyes, “maybe,” y/n’s gaze returned to his amused face, and she suddenly admitted defeat, “yes.” 
“Should I insult you?” James cocked his head to the side. “Leave you on the beach in the middle of nowhere?” His hand had slithered its way to her waist as an invitation to start walking. She didn’t make an effort to remove his touch. “Make you pay for our sandwiches?” 
The last question took her by surprise, “that doesn’t sound terrible. Tony forgot to reclaim his credit card after he let me use it, so technically our lunch would be on him.” 
“We’re in Hawaii,” he reminded, “the food’s expensive here.”
“Are you threatening me with …. the cost of living, Barnes?” She threw a puzzled look his way, traces of merriment clawing at its edges. “Officially color me confused.” 
James suddenly paused, beginning to walk just as quickly as he had halted. “I want the hostility between us gone, but you’re not exactly the easiest person to make amends with,” he admitted. 
She had managed to restrain herself against a sarcastic remark. James desired an end to the interminable war between a soldier and a spy, and though she would decidedly miss the petty arguments, y/n was exhausted. Exhausted from the nasty fights, and the murderous comments, drained from the burden of clashing with James in parallel with actual missions, which mattered because they saved lives, and on unusual occasions, the world, too. She liked to tell herself that, anyway. 
“Amends, it is.” 
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“This building does not resemble the photos whatsoever,” James snickered, peering at the woman. 
The soldier had paid for the sandwiches and the coffee despite y/n’s finest attempts at convincing the man to use Tony’s card. The two had argued about it, as they often would, but she had been left without a bitter taste in her mouth afterward. It was strange, yet pleasant. Amicable James was far better than mean James. 
“Mmmh,” she reluctantly agreed, staring at a dive bar at best and an abandoned hut at worst, “but Google says it has great desserts and round-the-clock happy hour.” 
The wooden sign outside helped solidify the statement. Though the chalk had almost disappeared, she could read Aloha’s offer. 
What’s better than $4 Margaritas? $6 Mai Tais!
“I trusted you,” James shook his head, following y/n inside, “and this is what you led us to?” 
They had spent the morning at the beach, indulging in iced lattes and fluffy bread. James had packed their swimsuits, which had both shocked and terrified y/n, as he had managed to sneak into her underwear drawer without detection, but she had surrendered to his request of a swim after he had driven the two to a secret waterfall he had learned about from a random local. 
The swim had been refreshing, and as she allowed the cool water to caress her skin, she had found herself forgetting about Mark and Elijah's plans. Maui’s nature had turned HYDRA into a distant memory she’d soon have to remember but could briefly ignore. There was consolation in understanding that she’d never be truly alone, for she would always have mother nature by her side. 
“Stop whining,” she playfully hit Bucky in the shoulder and immediately regretted it as her flesh hit metal, ouch, “this is great.” 
It was not great, judging by James' inflated expectations, for which she might've been at fault, as she had described the bar to be ritzy and delightful, but y/n found herself falling in love with the space. Granted, it was barely past two in the afternoon, and yet the establishment was peculiarly empty, creating an opportunity for unrestrained conversations. 
Everything had been touched by age, too. The woman could’ve run her fingers across the heavy tables, observed the intricate light fixtures, or flipped through a stack of books in the corner — the bar had been well-loved through generations. Even the menu, stained and peeling at the corners, seemed eerily familiar as if Google had led them to a place of forgotten coziness by fate. 
“Aloha!” The sound of a man’s voice rang through the space. Judging by his boyish features, she had decided the bartender couldn’t be older than twenty-one. “What can I get you?” 
“A pitcher of Margaritas,” James cut straight to the chase before angling his body toward her, “what did Google say the best dessert here was?” 
“Grilled pineapples and cheesecake,” the employee answered before y/n had the chance to speak, smiling at the couple.
“Right,” she threw him a friendly grin in return, “let us get that, too.” 
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The original pitcher had turned empty an hour ago and as y/n leisurely, but assuredly made her way through the second jug alone, she had found herself listening instead of talking. 
James had noticed her peculiar silence and had tried to compensate the awkwardness with random stories, dancing around the particular topic they should’ve discussed. The memory hung in the atmosphere, so heavy it was almost suffocating. 
The soldier’s next words were a breath of poisonous air, “we cannot ignore the couple’s massage, y/n.” 
She paused mid-chew, raising her eyes to meet his, and loudly swallowed the bite of cheesecake, “I’d prefer if we did.” 
“Look,” his speech halted as James rummaged through his brain, the visions of y/n, bare and vulnerable underneath his rough palms, igniting a traitorous fire within his heart, “I could’ve stopped,” Bucky stared at her, observing the nervous habit of pushing food around the plate rather than eating it, “you could’ve stopped me,” the sentence died on the tip of his tongue, remaining unfinished. 
“I could’ve,” she agreed, licking the fork clean, “you could’ve, it’s pointless to wonder what could’ve been.” The fork hit the ceramic dish with a booming sound when it slipped from y/n’s fingers. “The massage happened, and we cannot change the fact it did.” 
“Yes,” James nodded, neck sizzling hot with approaching frustration, “but that’s the thing — we never had to go through with it in the first place.” She pursed her lips together, and he continued speaking. “We chose to attend the activity, and we did it willingly.” 
She shook her head, sighing. James could feel the annoyance clawing at the entirety of his body, rearing its ugly head as it often did if he spent time around the woman. “It doesn’t mean anything.” 
It doesn’t mean anything, he scoffed at the foolishness of y/n’s words, does she think I’m that naive? 
James settled into the chair, perching his clasped hands on the wooden surface. If she wanted to mistake him for an idiot, he’d give into the woman’s game. “Why’d you return the favor?” 
“What?” She gawked at him in incredulity. 
The corner of his mouth quirked upwards, “why’d you massage me?” 
 The spy had caught on, narrowing her eyes, “I wanted to learn.” 
“Lani had left the room long before,” he snickered, “there was little learning for you to do, doll.” 
James was correct. She couldn’t deny that the masseuse had abandoned the space, leaving the two entirely alone, way before James had kneaded her thighs and buttocks, and before she had offered to return the favor, sliding her gentle hands across his smooth skin. It had been therapeutic, almost, to melt away the knots in his shoulders and biceps, and when he had shifted to lay on his back, y/n had found herself concentrating on his defined Adonis belt far longer than she should’ve if she desired to retain her lust for the man a secret. 
A low groan escaped from y/n’s throat, “it was educational,” she lied. 
“Mmmh,” she hummed, toying with the edge of the dessert plate they had shared, “I’ve never, umm, intimately touched the Winter Soldier, or, you know, anyone with a … metal arm?” y/n had not craved for her tone to convert into that of a question, and she silently cursed. 
“You’ve never caressed the Winter Soldier, huh?” He chuckled, leaning back in the woven chair. “C’mon, you have always been an exceptional liar.” 
“OK,” she averted her gaze, hoping to find comfort in the dirty menu. 
The Rumors Are True — our $12 nachos are back!
James didn’t entirely desire to pester her. “Curiosity killed the cat,” he had remembered Steve’s words, and Steve was a righteous man with great judgment. Bucky trusted Steve, honestly and endlessly, and depended on the Captain’s help to navigate the future he had suddenly reclaimed. 
Except, what could Steve, a person too shy to invite Natasha on a date, understand of James’ intricate emotions and desires towards y/n? Steve belonged to a world without gray. Details had always been either good or bad, black or white, and the space in the middle had never existed to the hero. 
James was no hero, no, he resided in a world full of gray. The two might’ve been best of pals, but they were of different genetics. Once upon a time, James too had lived during simpler days, where the Red Skull was a villain, and he had been the savior without an opportunity for doubts, but that perfect world had slipped from his grasp, and whereas Steve had remained the same, Bucky had changed. He had taken lives just as he had saved them. He had been a devil just as he had been an angel, and if pestering y/n would scratch the bothersome itch of curiosity underneath his skin, so it’d be. 
“We’ll always have Maui,” a smirk waltzed on his lips as he curved the conversation in a slightly different direction. 
The reference puzzled her, “what?” 
“We could have a lot more than memories though.” It was bold, and it was terrifying, and he had allowed the words to roll off his tongue without much consideration. 
“James,” she closed her eyes, frustrated by his perseverance, “would it make you feel better if I admitted to enjoying the massage?” The woman questioned without an ounce of sarcasm in her voice. “What is it that you want from me, sergeant?” 
SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: Steve was informed of our gala plans. 
“Honesty,” James confessed, “because our lives are riddled with lies, so yes, for once, all I yearn for is honesty.” Traces of annoyance stained his tone, and y/n’s nose, buried in the iPhone, managed to fuel his irritation. 
BEST AVENGER: plans as in Steve knows we will attend or plans as in Steve knows about Mark?
SAM THE FALCON: plans as in Steve knows we will attend. 
BEST AVENGER: is he angry? 
Though she was startled by Sam’s message, she had managed to detect the change in James’ body language and the gruffness in his voice. It only ignited her own irritation further. 
Perhaps the soldier was correct — the faux honeymoon had destroyed the space of comfort they had once shared, and perhaps, yes, she had noticed an absence of useless arguments and death stares, but it couldn’t mean anything. She’d betray herself if it did. A woman doesn’t fall in love with a man who had belittled, discredited, and crushed her. James had been pleasant to be around lately, sure, bringing breakfast and ordering champagne before she even had the chance to ask during their late-night sessions of cracking Elijah’s case, but a couple good deeds cannot undo the five prior years of maliciousness. She had to convince herself his newfound attitude could never erase their past, and she had to do it quick, for she was terrified of letting go the last bit of control she had been holding on to. 
“I enjoyed the massage,” she shrugged, pursing her lips. The sentence was short and sweet, and she had nothing else to say, diverting her eyes back to the phone screen. 
SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: he’s excited we’re taking initiative to mingle with government officials, but he wanted to know what spurred our sudden change of heart. 
BEST AVENGER: what’d you tell him? 
James dragged the flesh palm across his face. Undoubtedly, he had not been the best at expressing his thoughts ever since the accident. HYDRA had contorted the man into an emotionless assassin who destroyed everything in his path with a simple command. Those days were behind him, and if he allowed himself to dream, even a little, he’d dream for y/n in the entirety of who she was. The woman’s mind, heart, and body. It hurt because it had always taken two to tango; he had never been solely responsible for the war between them. She was wicked smart, and she could see through his attempts of candor, eagerly ignoring James’ troubles to play the fool’s part. 
SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: we heard rumors about the reimplementation of the Sokovia Accords and want to speak with Thaddeus Ross to ease our concerns. 
BEST AVENGER: did he believe you? 
SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: we’re going there for the Miley Cyrus performance. 
She chuckled at his response. It was not until that moment that y/n realized how terribly she had missed Sam and his calming presence. 
BEST AVENGERS: it’s a good thing we blasted her Plastic Hearts album on repeat for the last three months. 
SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: about that, I might’ve promised Steve we’ll stop if he won’t alert Tony that we use his credit card without permission.
“What does Sam want again?” The sovereignty had returned to James’ tone as he abandoned the hardship of a sincere conversation with the woman. It was difficult enough to watch y/n switch into a friend for the Falcon. 
BEST AVENGER: I’m willing to take that loss. 
“James,” she sighed, turning the phone off and placing it screen down on the table, “there’s something I need to tell you.” The spy swallowed the lump in her throat, toying with an empty Margarita glass. 
“I’m all ears.” He cocked his head to the side as the walls around him suddenly shattered. 
James stared at her, eyes wide and curious, and stupidly hopeful she’d confess she had fallen for him, too. Stop dancing around the topic, woman.
She had almost dropped the act, guilt settling at the pit of her stomach. Respectable women couldn’t allow themselves to fall for men who had treated them as meanly as James had treated her, but respectable women wouldn’t engage in frivolous wars, and she had; both were to blame for the history between them. 
It wouldn’t matter. The words threatening to escape would soon hold no weight because she had bitten her tongue after she had overheard Nancy, choosing to bust Elijah alone. She had stolen James’ goals of demolishing HYDRA’s remains, and she had lied the prior night when he had fervently boasted of serving the politician the justice he deserved. They’d soon return to their old ways, visiting the border of nemeses and co-workers, and the honeymoon would turn into a dreadful memory. We’ll always have Maui, y/n reflected on his sentiment.
 “HYDRA is gone,” she blurted out.  
James had very little time to ponder over his crushed hopes, “that’s not possible.”
“Yes, it is.” She leaned back in the chair as if to escape the intensity of his scowl. “Sam and I were texting because Elijah plans to eliminate Steve at the charity gala,” she paused, briefly closing her eyes, “with Mark Basso, a former HYDRA operative.” 
James forced a laugh before drawing his lower lip between his teeth, “why would Elijah want Steve dead?” The tone of his voice stunk of mockery. 
“HYDRA is gone,” she repeated, hoping the words would register in his thick skull, “except for a few independent members whom Elijah works with.” 
“Yeah, you’ve said that,” his expression hardened, “but it’s a stupid theory.” It had taken a single moment for James to revert back to his old ways of discrediting y/n’s abilities. 
“It’s not a theory, James,” she huffed out in annoyance, “I’m leaving this evening to attend the gala.” 
“If you wanted to cut the vacation short, you could’ve just asked.”
The woman pursed her lips together, dropping her gaze to the menu. 
Made fresh, always. 
Bucky’s words stung more than they should’ve. 
The pretend honeymoon had forever ruined y/n, for she had gotten a delicious bite of an authentic James Buchanan Barnes, and she desired another taste. The woman had realized she needed the man just as the moon needed the sun, but if betraying James was to save Steve's life, she'd betray him once more in a heartbeat. 
Whispers of guilt and sorrow colored her tone, "I'm sorry." 
The simple words obscured an unspoken secret, and James' illusion of a truce shattered. The spy had pursued the goal of revenge alongside James, it had not been a mistake, it had been ignorance to overlook the blazing fire to demolish HYDRA within him. Bucky had hoped she trusted him, but not only had she just ridiculed his opinion of the organization's existence, she had obtained a crucial piece of information and unabashedly hidden it. 
The sergeant suppressed his anger, swallowing the lump in his throat, "how'd you find out Elijah plots to assassinate Steve?" 
"It was after the massage," she slid to the edge of her seat, facing Bucky head-on despite the remorse prickling at her skin, "it was overwhelming, the gentle caresses of your hands and the scent of your cologne, I needed fresh air to clear my head," y/n admitted. 
"Mmmh," James urged y/n to continue the story despite the wave of unrecognized emotions crashing over him, but hastily spoke before she had the chance to, "didn't Wanda request you give her a call?" 
The woman's silence replaced the word no. She ran her tongue across her bottom lip, deciding whether a raw confession would do them any good after the heap of lies, "it was you whom I needed to escape because your touch had me utterly too hot and troubled, and hell," she drew in a shallow breath, "it was terrifying to accept that I might've started crushing on the Winter Soldier, and so I wandered around the SPA, and—"
James sighed, placing a hand on y/n's forearm, "inhale, please." 
She took in a breath, much deeper than the last, "Lani guided me to a terrace, it was empty besides a random woman, she was in a formal conversation before it turned into gossip," his touch was simultaneously comforting and poignant, "the cocoon chair shielded her face, but it was evident the woman was Nancy." 
"Yes," the clench of his jaw didn't go unobserved by y/n, "I haven't got the faintest idea of who she could've been chatting with, though. Nancy mentioned Elijah's gala plans to murder Steve, and I abandoned the area soon after." 
A moment of tense stillness settled upon them. 
"Why the fuck wouldn't you inform me of this last night, y/n?" James' words dripped with poison. 
The sergeant abruptly prevented y/n from speaking further, "you cannot hide shit like this, we had a promise to unravel fresh leads together."
"James!" She raised her voice to match his sound level. "In that stubborn mind of yours, do you truly believe HYDRA continues to exist?" She spoke again when his silence confirmed her concerns, "HYDRA is gone, and I understand it might be hard for you to concede, but it doesn't change the fact." 
The spy and the soldier could never be friends, and they could never be lovers, for James would always disregard her abilities, and she would always turn to bitterness as a coping mechanism. Neither Bucky nor y/n craved change; it was uncertain. The bubble of mutual dislike was safe, and it was comforting. She shouldn’t have hidden her intentions, she understood, but she had to conceal the suspicions because James wasn’t the easiest of people to trust. The man had lived through countless wars and was too stubborn to admit his battle plans could ever have flaws. 
"Elijah wouldn't kill Steve," he dryly chuckled, "he isn't bold enough for such a crime, which, assumingly, discredits the theories you've created." 
"Mark would," she shrugged nonchalantly, "he's HYDRA's fallen agent." James averted his gaze away from y/n's prying eyes. "Mark Basso had been erased from history, discarded after the organization fell. Did you know the man's identified as deceased in every fucking one of our files, James? The same fucking man, whom we had just conversed with on the godforsaken boat, is identified as dead." James hated y/n's habit of emphasizing certain words during arguments. 
Perhaps she was right, and HYDRA ceased to exist, but he wouldn't admit defeat. Doubtfulness had always been easier to express than trust. 
"We're partners, doll," his remark surprised her, "we have worked on Elijah's case for the past four days, not to mention the eight months we had slaved unraveling his personal and professional endeavors, so why would you withhold the information about Mark Basso?" 
"Alright," she drummed her fingers on the wooden table, "to be frank, I assumed you recognized him just as I did." 
"Oh," he emulated the woman, "because I'm the Winter Soldier?" 
"Yeaaaah," the sound was drawn-out and squeaky, "that is actually the exact reason," she grimaced in faux discomfort. 
James raked his eyes over her face, briefly dropping his gaze to y/n's pursed lips, "I will not be attending the gala," he declared, standing up. 
She remained seated, neatly placing a fifty-dollar note on the table, "wouldn't have guessed you would." 
"Elijah Williamson is collaborating with HYDRA to reimplement Project Insight," he shrugged, gawking at her as if the intensity of his stare would miraculously compel y/n to accept his rusted, empty-of-solid-evidence, theory. 
She didn't falter, and he turned to evacuate the bar. 
The sergeant didn't check whether she trailed after him, and y/n swiftly leaped from the chair — James could slander her instincts for all she cared, but she'd suck on Tony's dirty toes before she would tolerate Bucky abandoning her in the middle of nowhere. 
SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: Attachment: 1 Image
James had started the car when Sam's text lit up y/n's phone screen. She perched her bare feet on the dashboard, much to Bucky's dismay, yet he was too distracted by anger to form an audible complaint, and eagerly clicked on the notification. 
BEST AVENGER: a simple gown would've sufficed. 
SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: for an ordinary guest, yes. 
SAM THE MIGHTY FALCON: a prize in the charity auction demands a spectacular dress, though:)
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rubber-ducky143 · 6 months
𝔼𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕊𝕖𝕦𝕟𝕘𝕞𝕚𝕟
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A/N: Again, sorry for not posting yesterday!! I was yapping to my gf on a 3+ hour call and then a few hours after, I went to Rutland! I had fun though and omw home, I thought of this and since it’s Easter, it only makes sense to post it today instead of postponing it to next week! Plus, I have a lot energy (I got a Monster this morning) so I feel like writing :3
Word count: 1586
Pairing: Kim Seungmin x gn! Reader (they paint their nails if that means anything!!)
Warnings: Fluff, “Easter Bunny”, light swearing, lmk if I missed anything :3
You woke up, any ordinary day. You were sleepy and honestly just wanted to get back to sleep but when the thought crossed your mind that your cousins and parents along with your aunt were coming over for Easter, you immediately wanted to get up and get ready for the day. 
You tried to get up but Seungmin wouldn’t let you. For someone who doesn't like physical touch, he was oddly clingy. Especially today. 
“Seungmin, I gotta get up and get the baskets, breakfast and the egg hunt ready,, I only have like an hour.. And on top of all that, I have to get myself ready..” “Why do you only have an hour..? Aren’t they coming over around 10..?”
You sigh and roll your eyes.
“Yeah but it’s 8:52, almost 9..”
‘Yeah. Really.”
Seungmin sighs and rolls over, still as tired as ever. He gets up, nonetheless. 
You both get out of bed after 8 or 9 minutes of stretching, almost falling asleep, and cuddling.
“Do you want my sweatshirt?”
You hear Seungmin ask. He was still sitting on your shared bed while you were in the bathroom, trying to fix your hair.
“The 1987 one?” “Yeah, what else?” “I’d say yes if you hadn’t slept in it.” “You sleep in the same clothes and wear them all the time! What’s wrong with wearing clothes I’ve slept in?” “It’s sweaty.” “You wear this sweatshirt even if I’m sweating after practice. What’s the difference between sweating during practice and sweating while unconscious?”
You sigh and roll your eyes once more. You didn’t really understand the difference yourself. You could’ve just said you didn’t want to wear it but he would’ve asked why because that sweatshirt of his was your favorite on him and to “borrow”.
You don’t end up wearing the gray 1987 sweatshirt. You end up wearing your own clothes. A Harley Quinn shirt with some distressed jeans/shorts/skirt. You didn’t bother putting socks on. 1, you were in your own house and weren’t going anywhere and 2, you didn’t paint your toenails just to hide them. Not that anyone would look at your feet anyway. If they did, I suggest being slightly concerned unless you like it. No judgment :)
Once you and Seungmin are both done getting ready, you make your way to the kitchen.
“Hey, Seung? Can you help me set up?”
“I was planning to anyway. We only have about an hour, right?” You nod and kiss Seungmin on the cheek before walking to the kitchen and gathering the bags of the eggs, candy, stuffies, baskets and other easter things.
“What can I do to help?”
Seungmin asks, standing patiently (somehow) in the doorway of the living room. “Can you put the eggs around? They should be all filled already.. If not,” You place a green-basket looking bowl on the table. It has candy of all kinds. Chocolate eggs, Reese's eggs, Marshmallow bunnies, Peeps, and much more.
Seungmin nods as a grin spreads across his plush lips. He was hoping you’d ask him to do that. He just wished you wouldn’t know what he was planning.
“No putting them in unreachable places, Kim Seungmin.” “Yeah, yeah. No promises.” Seungmin takes the box of eggs and starts placing them around the house. Most of them are in reachable places. Most of them. 
While Seungmin is placing the eggs for your little cousins, you set up their baskets. Each one with similar items. A blue basket with a blue bunny plush. This was for your youngest cousin, Myla. Even though she was barely 3, you knew she still loved bunnies. The next basket was themed yellow. It had extra peeps in it because you knew your second youngest cousin, Cosmo. Cosmo was 5, almost 6 and loved peeps with his whole little heart. He was always so happy when he found them in the store. And for your last, oldest cousin. (Oldest but still years younger than you). Constance. Her basket was purple themed. When she told you she wanted a purple themed basket from the Easter Bunny, you immediately noted that. Constance was 11. Her favorite color was purple and she liked playing Animal Crossing. Also noting that she loves Animal Crossing, you got her a plush of her favorite character, Blaire.
After you finished setting up the baskets and Seungmin was (almost) done with setting the eggs up, you called your mom to see if they were on their way.
You hear through the speaker of your phone.
“Hey, mama, are you about to leave?”
“Yes, why?”
“Just wondering, do you want me to make some food? Besides lunch, of course. Snacks or drinks?”
Your mom thinks for a moment with a “hmm” sound coming from the other side of the line. You hear her ask your dad, aunt, and cousins if they wanted anything. You almost immediately hear a scream for Shirley Temples and Lay’s Salt and Vinegar chips. You laugh and make note of those 2 things.
“Anything else?” You ask. You felt like you were asking if someone at Subway wanted anything else with their order. 
You hear your mom chuckle before responding.
“Fruits, preferably Mangos, Peaches and Strawberries. You can add other things to your liking, I just know everyone here will love those 3 things.”
“Alright. Thanks mama. I’mma go now, bye.” “Bye kiddo, we’ll see you in about 30, 40 minutes.”
You hum and hang up.
“What do they want?”
Seungmin asks from behind you. It scared you but you turn around, nonetheless.
“Fruits, Lay’s and Shirly Temples.”
“Oh, okay. We do have Sprites, Ginger Ales and that Grenadine stuff. I don’t know about fruits though. Do they want specific fruits or?”
“They want Mangos, Peaches and Strawberries. I know we have mangos and strawberries but I don’t think we have peaches. I’d also like some Watermelon and Pineapple..”
Seungmin nods and walks to the door.
“Where are you going?”
You ask, slightly surprised.
“Going to get fruits. Do we need anything else? Anything for lunch? Any drink preferences?”
“Uhm.. We could use some more coffee powder. Some milk too. I think that’s it.”
You get up and check the fridge along with your pantry to confirm your request.
“Yeah, that’s it.”
Seungmin nods and kisses you goodbye before heading out to the grocery store.
While Seungmin is shopping for your list of groceries, you make some coffee with the last of the espresso mix you have. Luckily, it was just barely enough to make 1 last serving. 
You enjoy your coffee while leaning against the counter. 
After about 20 minutes, Seungmin comes back along with your family arriving. 
When you see them enter the door, you’re quick to grab the groceries from Seungmin and place them on the kitchen island, peck Seungmin on the lips, and then hug all three of your cousins at once.
Once you get your cousins occupied with their baskets, you chat with your mom, dad and aunt, Seungmin prepping 4 Shirley Temples (3 for each of your cousins, 1 for you) and the snacks.
After chatting for almost an hour and your cousins complaining they’re bored and hungry, you prepare lunch while Seungmin entertains your cousins with whatever he finds funny. 
Once everyone is full with food, drinks and candy, you ask your cousins if they want to start the egg hunt. They all exclaim a loud yes and run over to Seungmin who was holding color-coded baskets for each of them. Purple, Blue and Yellow, just like the ones their things came in.
You, Seungmin, your mom, dad, and aunt all enjoy watching your 3 little cousins run around to gather as many eggs as they can. Some, Seungmin or your dad had to get for them because someone decided to put them in unreachable areas even though you specifically remember telling that someone not to.
You all share laughs and make new memories with each other. As much as they wish they could stay, your cousins hug you and Seungmin goodbye before you hug your parents and your aunt.
You make sure your cousins have everything and finally wave to them as they all walk out of the front door to go back home.
Once everyone leaves, you and Seungmin (half-ass) clean the house and end up cuddling each other on the couch, enjoying the silence after hours of 3 little kids running around and screaming.
“You’re cousins are little shits, you know that right?”
Seungmin teases.
You nod your head and laugh. You knew that. They were annoying to deal with but you love them anyway. You know Seungmin does too. He just refuses to show it.
“Happy Easter, Seung..”
You say quietly. Almost falling asleep even though it was around 5pm (17:00).
“Happy Easter, Y/N..”
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homerforsure · 1 year
Okay so for April's writing prompt in the 911 discord server, we had Buck & Chim — Buckley-Han Family on a Spring Day and this spilled out of my brain. It is deeply silly, but I tried!
Operation Easter Bunny
If Buck knew he was going to be reduced to bending forward and trying to ring the doorbell with his nose, he would have told Chimney to pick up his own damn takeout. His arms wrapped around three (three!) enormous, heavy, paper bags, one of which was almost definitely leaking something delicious all over the front of him. With his own bag in his hand, he couldn’t get even a finger free to push the button without risking everything toppling over, so Buck clutched everything tightly to his chest and leaned in, just managing to hit the doorbell with his face. 
“Ow,” he said, wrinkling his nose as the pleasant chime rang out inside the house (one of four dozen rotating sounds available on the doorbell that Maddie and Chimney had picked out. Buck had never imagined the sheer number of decisions that would be involved in refinishing a house. Doorbell sounds!) and standing up straight again…
Only to find Chimney already standing in the open door with a smirk on his face. 
“What’s the password?” Chimney asked. 
“Let me in before I drop your egg rolls,” Buck groused.
Chimney laughed, but he pushed open the screen door wide enough that Buck could catch it with his shoulder and make his way inside. 
“You could have just made two trips.”
“I’m efficient.”
“That’s one word for it,” Chimney said. He reached out and grabbed one of the heavy bags from Buck’s arms and led the way to the kitchen. “Look out for baby debris. I put most of it away, but I think it spawns.”
Picking his way carefully through the house, keeping an eye out for Jee’s toys (and for random shoes, her new favorite toys), Buck followed after Chimney. Groaning dramatically as he finally set his bags on the counter, he said, “What did you even order all of this for? I thought the whole idea was that Maddie and Jee were going to be out all day.” There was nothing on his shirt, thankfully. Whatever moisture he thought he’d felt must have just been condensation from the hot containers inside. He set his other bag, a present for Jee, on the counter with the others and made a mental note to hide it before Maddie got home. 
“You’re kidding, right?” Chimney replied, pulling plates and forks out of his cupboards. It took a few false starts before he got them. He and Maddie hadn’t quite settled on a home for the dishes yet. Except for the wine glasses. They’d needed those to be in easy reach throughout the whole process. “I’m not risking my life by ordering from your sister’s favorite Chinese place and not getting enough leftovers for her.” 
“Yeah, but, this is like… leftovers for six.”
“Well, I invited a human garbage disposal over for lunch so I thought I’d err on the side of caution,” Chimney said, pressing a plate into Buck’s chest. “Load up, Uncle Buck. We’ve got a big project ahead of us.” 
Right, the project or Operation Easter Bunny as Chimney had taken to calling it in the family group chat. With Jee-Yun officially old enough to hunt down easter eggs, Maddie and Chimney were excited to start the first of many traditions in their new house. Buck was pretty sure there was a little more to it than that for Maddie, who was still hesitant about overly formal, overly perfect holiday plans, but who also held tight to every first she still got to have with Jee and Chimney just wanted to make sure that both of them had a perfect day. 
“So no pressure,” Buck had said, looking skeptically between the two of them at a dinner in mid-March. 
“None at all.”
“Why would there be pressure?” 
Still, one thing had led to another and soon they were staring down Easter weekend without a single Peep or chocolate rabbit purchased and with the homemade family brunch Maddie had been talking about rapidly devolving into a store-bought quiche and microwave bacon. She put a few window clings up and tried to get an Easter basket started, but with an inquisitive toddler underfoot, it was proving impossible. 
“I’ll take care of it,” Chimney had promised when he found the two of them buried in biodegradable easter grass and Jee’s basket barely hidden from her under a quilt. And on Saturday morning, he’d called Buck. 
“I did the basket after they left,” he said as he and Buck piled their plates high and each grabbed a beer from the fridge. “So that’s in the top of our closet and hopefully she doesn’t find her way in there while we’re sleeping. 
“Or learn how to use a ladder,” Buck added. 
“Hey do not think about teaching her that. The stairs are bad enough.” Jerking his head toward the back door, Chimney said, “I’ve got the rest of the stuff out here. It was the only place I could think to hide it.” 
Buck was about to ask if Chimney was living with a toddler or a secret agent, but the question was quickly overwhelmed by a dozen others when they stepped out onto the patio. “Whoa,” was all he could manage to say. 
An uncountable number of easter eggs spilled out of plastic bags on and around the new picnic table that Buck and Eddie had just helped Chimney move in the previous weekend. Giant ones, mini ones, sparkling ones, and neon ones. There were other bags too, filled with vanilla wafers and veggie straws and other baby-safe snacks that Buck could only assume they were going to use to fill the eggs. 
“Did Maddie really want us to fill all of these?”
“What do you mean? She bought all of them. Of course she wants us to fill them. I was thinking Divide and Conquer,” Chimney said, finding a mostly empty spot to set his plate down in. “You can fill them and I’ll hide them around the yard.” 
“Uh, are you sure the yard is big enough?” 
As if thinking about it for the first time, Chimney took in the pile of eggs and the spring green of the backyard and tilted his head. “Maybe we’ll put some in the front too. I’ll text Maddie and tell her to pull Jee’s hat over her eyes before she brings her in from the car.” 
“Yeah, but-”
“Pipe down and get to work, Buckley. We don’t have much time.” 
The order had a hint of Interim Captain Han about it so Buck didn’t bother to argue. He grabbed a bag of eggs so he had a place to put his own plate and then got to work. 
Two hours later, the patio was more of a mess than they started and Buck’s fingers were nicked from getting caught in a dozen slightly deformed plastic eggs that didn’t want to stay closed. The yard was more egg than lawn and Chimney still had two buckets of filled eggs that had to go somewhere. 
“You think I can hang some from the trees?” he asked, staring at the pile and the four eggs he was already holding in his hands with dismay. “She can see them up there, right?”
“Not unless you want me to teach her how to use a ladder.” 
“This is too many eggs. What was Maddie thinking?” 
“Don’t ask me. You’re the one living with her,” Buck replied, around a mouthful of wafer. 
The sound of a car pulling in the driveway brought an expression of panic to Chimney’s face and he started trying to shove the eggs into his pockets and down his shirt. “No! No, no, no. She wasn’t supposed to be back until six!”
“It’s six-fifteen.” 
“Hide these!” Chimney shouted, picking up the buckets and shoving them at Buck. Eggs shook free as he did, falling to the cement patio and splitting open, scattering cookies and candy everywhere. 
“Hide them where?” Buck asked. “You used up all the lawn!”
“We’re home!” Maddie’s cheerful voice called from inside the house. “Someone saw Uncle Buck’s truck in the street and can’t wait to say hi!”
“Uh, Uncle Buck went home!” Chimney called back as Buck held up his hands and the buckets in a “come on” gesture. “He had to walk because he got very very drunk, but he’ll be back tomorrow. So there’s no reason to come out to the yard!”
“I’m not here either!” Chimney shouted. “Daddy’s on vacation. No toddlers allowed. No. Stop! Don’t look!”
He flung his arms and legs out wide like a starfish and planted himself in front of the back door, eggs falling out of his clothes as he did. 
“You went on vacation without me?” Maddie asked, appearing in the doorway without a baby on her hip. 
Chimney deflated, dropping his arms, “Where’s Jee-Yun?”
“Trying on your slippers in the living room. What’s happening out here?”
“I think I’m getting easter egg elbow,” Buck answered. “Is that a thing?” 
“It’s not a thing,” Chimney said. 
“Are those-” Maddie frowned, opening the door to join them on the patio and get a better look at the yard. “Did you hide all of those eggs?” 
With a sad sigh, Chimney said, “No. Not even close. Maddie, I know you wanted to make this special, but there’s just no way we can hide them all. We’d have to spread them out all over the whole neighborhood and you know I’d do that, but I just don’t think Jee’s got the attention span to-” He stopped, noticing the way that Maddie bit her lip to keep a smile from escaping and then looked again at the mess he and Buck had made of the yard. 
“You didn’t actually want us to fill all of them, did you?”
Maddie shook her head and said, “They were on sale. I thought we could use some next year and some of them are always broken and, I don’t know. They were really cute. I didn’t want to choose.”
Coming in closer so she could take Chimney’s face in her hands and plant a kiss on his lips, Maddie added, “But I love how much you love our daughter. We are both so unbelievably lucky to have you.” 
“I’m lucky to have you too.”
“Okay, but what do we do with,” Buck lifted the buckets again. “All this? Because I don’t really think they’ll keep until next Easter.” 
With a shrug, Maddie said, “Take them to work? I’m supposed to bring something for the dispatch pot luck anyway.” 
“I’m sure Cap will be thrilled if I hide some of these on the engine.”
“Hey, it could come in handy,” Buck said, cracking open a yellow one and eating another cookie, somehow without dropping either of the buckets. “Having a stash like this on back to back calls. It’s better than protein bars.”
The smile Chimney gave him meant nothing good for Buck as he pulled the few remaining eggs out of his pockets and dropped them in the buckets that Buck was holding and said, “That’s a great idea. Why don’t you gather all these up so we can take them in? Just leave like one or two dozen for Jee to find in the morning.” 
“Hey wait-”
“Did you get extra Chinese food for me?” Maddie asked. 
“Please, have I ever let you down before?” Chimney replied. 
The screen door slammed shut over the rest of Buck’s protests and he sighed as another egg rolled off into the grass. 
“They are on their own for Halloween,” he huffed to himself, grabbing another egg to munch on. 
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leslie-lyman · 2 years
All Hallow’s Eve (A Stranger At My Gate Drabble)
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summary: A little look at what is, technically, Tessa and Pero’s second Halloween together.
rating: G (though my entire blog and its contents are only for those 18+)
word count: 1.5k (I’m still counting it as a drabble, fight me)
a/n: I started having some Tessa and Pero thoughts on my walk home from work this afternoon, then cranked this out after dinner. It occurred to me that it might be fun to spend just a moment or two with these two today, given the importance of All Hallow’s Eve to their story. Happy Halloween, everyone!
Masterlist. | Series Masterlist.
Pero will never admit this out loud, but he secretly loves when Tessa fusses over him. Little touches that show that she cares, like she’s doing now, adjusting the collar of the white shirt that lays under the light blue vest she’d picked out for him.
“Alright, Flynn Rider, gimme your best smolder.”
“I will do no such thing,” he replies evenly, scowling at her.
“Hey now,” Pero grumbles, reaching down to tickle her side, “it worked on you, didn’t it?”
Tessa lets out a small shriek and twists away from him.
“Pero, behave. I promised Amie we’d hand out candy at her place while she and Thom take the kids trick-or-treating and we cannot be late.”
“With you in that dress, mi amor?” He cocks an eyebrow at the frilly purple garment that is turning his love into Rapunzel for the evening. “I make no promises.”
“Moira make it to Florida okay, Tess?” Henry says as she and Pero fill bowls of candy in her sister’s kitchen.
“She texted me when she landed earlier,” Tessa confirms.
“Tessa said she goes on this trip with her witch friends every All Hallow’s Eve?” Pero asks.
Amie nods.
“And Moira never misses a year when it’s Nancy’s turn to host. The woman takes to South Beach like a spring break co-ed.”
Henry barks out a laugh.
“Remind us, Pero, to tell you one day about the time we had to bail the whole lot of them out of the Miami-Dade County jail when they got booked on disorderly conduct.”
As with every nugget of information Tessa’s family shares with him about Moira, Pero is equally impressed and terrified.
Thom wrangles the kids into the kitchen, their whole family outfitted this year as Toy Story characters. Molly, Toby, and Finn — done up as Bo Peep, Rex, and Woody — rush to give their aunt and uncles hugs before racing out the door, eager to start collecting candy. Thom places a big red cowboy hat onto his wife’s head, completing her Jessie ensemble, and she helps him shuffle out the door sideways so as not to damage his Buzz Lightyear wings.
“Be good until we get back, you crazy kids!” Henry shouts at Tessa and Pero, one hand on Walter’s leash and the other around Martin’s waist. The two of them had decided to go out with the kids this year, wanting the chance to show off their costumes as Blue and Josh after the rain had thwarted everyone’s trick-or-treating plans last year.
Tessa and Pero settle themselves on Amie and Thom’s front stoop. The whole month of October has served as the last round of modern holiday education for Pero, Tessa and the rest of the Walsh family including him in their Halloween traditions as they had those of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, and the Fourth of July over the past year. Pumpkins Pero had picked and helped to carve now stood guard on either side of Tessa’s front door. He’s gone on a hayride and wandered his way through a corn maze. He’s watched spooky movies and been the eager beneficiary of Tessa’s return to fall cooking, their house always smelling of pumpkin, cinnamon, apples…
And now, he’s let her dress him up to partake in the tradition of costumes and trick-or-treating, happy to spend a few hours dressed up like that Flynn character from that movie with the long-haired girl with the pretty voice if it means he gets to see Tessa all done up in her lace-edged dress, an innocent pink bow sewn to the neckline between her breasts that makes him think anything but innocent thoughts.
Paper bags with battery-powered tea lights line the driveway and front walk, a collection of carved pumpkins are clustered on either side of the door. The air is cool and crisp, the sky cloudless, the faint smell of fallen leaves on the breeze. The yellow glow of the porch light lets folks know there’s candy to be had at this house, and turns Tessa’s hair appropriately golden.
Slowly, children and families start wandering up. There are a few costumes he recognizes, classics like vampires and ghosts, a number of tiny witches to whom Tessa gives a little extra candy, characters from that movie The Wizard of Oz that Tessa loves so much. There are plenty of others he doesn’t — a lot of young girls are going as Ms. Marvel this year, and many teenagers and grown women are the Scarlet Witch. Tessa coos over a young boy dressed as the Mandalorian (who, she insists, Pero is a dead ringer for, even if he doesn’t see it), who comes up to get candy along with his Jack Russell terrier dressed as Grogu.
Some of the children eye Pero with trepidation, the inherent spookiness of the holiday and the shadows cast by the porch light making him look even more intimidating than usual. But then a girl of about five dressed in an absolutely precious Rapunzel gown of her own approaches them, and Tessa and Pero can see the look on her face change when she realizes who they’re dressed as.
“You’re Flynn Rider!” she squeals, then marches straight up to Pero to loudly whisper in his ear, “You’re my favorite Disney prince.”
Pero has had enough practice at playing pretend with Tessa’s niece and nephews that he’s able to get over his surprise and muster up a suitable reaction.
“Thank you, princesa,” he says, giving the girl a courtly little bow from where he sits. He drops an extra large handful of candy into her bag with a wink, and she practically sprints back down the drive to her waiting parents, loudly telling them how Flynn Rider and Rapunzel live at that house.
Tessa giggles next to him and leans her head on his shoulder, murmuring something about how she knew Flynn would be a great costume for him. But Pero is lost in thought, the mirror image of this scenario playing out in his head, in which he and Tessa are the ones standing at the end of the drive, and the little girl in the princess dress running excitedly to meet them is theirs.
Once they’re home, Tessa plops their doggy bag of leftover candy down on the counter and goes to get herself a glass of water. Pero unlaces his boots, tugging them off and placing them on the mat. There are so many places for his things now in the house, so many reminders in every room that this place is theirs, not just Tessa’s alone.
When he straightens again and looks to her she’s gazing out the window over the sink, the one that in the daylight offers a view of the woods that conceal the Gate in their depths. Pero makes his way over to her and wraps his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on top of her head.
“You are thinking very loudly, angel.”
Tessa sighs, but it’s a contented sound.
“I was just remembering…it was a year ago tonight.”
Pero hums.
“I’ve been thinking about it, too.”
Tessa turns in his arms, resting her hands on his chest.
“You left quite a first impression that evening.”
Pero grimaces, imagining the way he must have looked, wet, injured, unkempt, unconscious, Tessa and Henry literally dragging him into the house that first night to take care of him.
“You were quite a surprise too, you know,” he tells her.
“Oh yes? What was it exactly?” She teases him gently. “My house full of magical gadgets? My inability to understand any of your languages? My absolutely incredible grilled cheese sandwich-making skills?”
Pero shakes his head, brushing the tip of his nose against Tessa’s.
“You were so kind to me,” he murmurs. “So kind when you had no reason to be. And you weren’t afraid.” He says it like he still can’t quite believe it.
“Of you? Never.” Tessa curls her fingers into his shirt. “You were mine, right from the start, even if it took me a while to realize it. And I was yours.”
A year. A whole year she’s been his, a whole year they’ve belonged to each other. It’s not enough. Pero wonders if any amount of time ever will be.
He slots his lips over hers and kisses her, loving the way she responds, always meeting him kiss for kiss. Tessa never leaves any room for doubt that she wants him.
She pulls away for a moment, a suggestive glint of mischief in her eye.
“Trick or treat, Pero?”
His answering grin is her only warning before he scoops her up and tosses her over his shoulder, pulling an indignant squawk out of her.
“I think, mi amor,” he says, heading for their bedroom with his prize, “I won’t be satisfied until I’ve tried both.”
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spade-riddles · 9 months
With everything going on now and seeing people getting confused and tired i thought if antihero. Then someone posted the connection between coffin taylor’s shirt colors and their dresses last night so i thought i’d share.
‘I should not be left to my own devices
They come with prices and vices
I end up in crisis (tale as old as time)
I wake up screaming from dreaming
One day I'll watch as you're leaving
'Cause you got tired of my scheming
(For the last time)
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero’
Like she knew people will get tired and confused. Like the people fighting over her in the funeral in antihero mv. And her children kinda remind me of her newish NFL peeps right??? People said Chad looks like TC and the daughter in law looks like BM??? And they’re the ones starting the fight. Being betrayed.
Another note: we see many 3 easter eggs in videos and jewelry. 3 evil stepsisters, 3 circles in labyrinth mv, 3 taylors in antihero mv.Not sure what it means but adding if someone can find a connection.
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bittybattybunny · 1 year
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Guess who realized I dont have to struggle with app posting if I just log in on my ipads browser?
It’s me
So guess who’s sharing some sketchesssssss did you miss the insanityyyyy?
I was having a rough drawing day so holding blorbos at gun point
Vance aka Vanessa from Moon guardian once he figures some shit out and starts working on fixing himself. Yes this is an actual thing to the comic.
I saw a ‘short king’ Shirt so since I always draw ru in dumb shirts I had to, the irony being he;s like 6′7″ so Connie doesn’t take kindly
Was watching some videos about OFF which I do deeply enjoy and I do have an AU thats hella sad for it, so Boofmom as Batter
It was easter. He’s a Sneep. (I got a purple peep bunny plush my sister called Sneep)
Drunk man has to be carried home by his wife
This one is my friends fault, Aster made Ru and Eclipse in Sims4 and he gave Ru a miku poster so then Mouse made a ‘oh arianna we’re in it now’ joke and I just had to do the thing
Anyhow hi, hello, I’m not dead, just tired, sick and not drawing much cuz of it lol 
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nightglider124 · 1 year
Titans: Season 4 - Ep7 & Ep8 - Thoughts
Okay, now that I have watched the episodes multiple times (actually just the good bits tehe), I have overall thoughts and I thought I would share them!
I’m gonna try and focus on the stuff non dickkory related buuut if you catch me slipping, soz. I have always been very vocal about my priorities in this show and they are in the main three.
Episode 7: Caul’s Folly
The bit at the beginning where they like said bye to Jinx, I found kinda sweet. I still feel like she is going to pop up again. I don’t feel like she is proper dead... Maybe I am wrong but I haven’t seen anything to say the actress wasn’t returning for part 2 or anything. I would personally prefer if they kept her dead moreso cos I don’t feel she has any more of a part to play in the rest of it but yeah. At first, I didn’t think they were even gonna mention her and then Rachel did and I was like lmao okay cool. Glad that was cleared up. XD
Honestly, they’ve done such a good job of getting the vibe of bonkers cult for the Church of Blood like it’s so full of whackos but it all feels so believable tbh. I like Sebastian; he’s an interesting character and villain. I’ve always liked the Brother Blood storyline in all media forms through the years and this is no different.
I AM MISSING GAR TERRIBLY ALREADY. I proper felt his absence and I HATED IT. Like I get it, we’re gonna be getting a whole ep for my boy but like I miss his cute little face. Gar woulda been a mood if he was in the town with them. GOD. I can’t wait to see him again soon.
Conner... my guy. I fucking hate you this season. I get the Lex thing and what they’re going for and Joshua Orpin does phenomonelly as he makes it believable but FUCK ME. I am tired of his superieor bullshit XD. Like when he started blaming Dick for the plan going south, I was like are you for real and then Dick being like well fuckface we had a good plan but it went to shit cos of your dumb ass. I was like FUCK YEAH, TELL HIM DICK! I need Conner to not be a douche for much longer cos it’s grating af.
In addition to that, it was cool to see Mercy again. I was surprised since I don’t think anything had mentioned her making an appearance. Still hate her character but it was a cool little moment.
MY GOD. The whole interaction with Roberta was my absolute favourite. When she like inhaled Kory, I was cracking up and I peeped Dick’s smiling eyes ever so slightly when she did it. Hilarious. I loved it and I loved Roberta. 
I really REALLY love the clothing department for all the outfits but... my baby girl. Every outfit was a slay. OH! AND THE FUCKING JACKET!! IT SAYS WE <3 GAR AND OBVS THATS A NUDGE TO THE ICONIC SHIRT?? I really adored that little easter egg to the comics. Muchos appreciated.
I LOVE TIM AND BERNARD. They’re little idiots trying to figure shit out and I’m a sap for it tbh. AND GUUURL, they gots their own motel scene. I was like Yaaas TIM, go get your boo. I really like their relationship tbf. I was smiling through like all their scenes, especially at the motel.
Dick getting the shit kicked out of him in the police station made me physically wince; the fight-acting was amazeballs but ugh my boy, I was like bro, you’re getting fucked up. I get he obviously does not have the Nightwing suit with him but dang man, you got knocked about like a ragdoll.
I like the pace in this first episode; it brought me straight back into the flow and action of the season rather than acting as filler bs, at least I felt. 
Episode 8: Dick & Carol & Ted & Kory
This episode killed me dead because of the dickkory; I just wanna get that out straight away cos... my god. It was glorious. These thoughts will be including DK cos how can I not; half the episode was them.
That frickin bedroom scene... them freaking and then Kory being like did we sleep together? And Dick is like NO. No? It was so funny; I was cackling. The comedic and the seriousness and the romance as well... it all worked surprisingly very well? Like it felt in the middle of chaos but it works?? I loved this episode more than maybe any other episode in the show. 
THE WEDDING RINGSSS. I just wanna say, they got changed. They didn’t need to keep them on. Maybe yes because they’re keeping up the appearances but PLS they both looked real comfy with wedding rings js. Some of the shots also really felt like they were intentionally showing them off. Maybe I was imagining it but some of the shots felt very pointed. Loved it.
Their outfits. THE OUTFITS. Barbieland could never. I just... they were so opposite to Dick and Kory but they looked so fucking cute. I wanted to die. It was the best thing ever. 
OH! THE MUSIC IN BOTH EPISODES FUCKING SLAPPED. The town knows how to do a playlist, ite? I was vibing for a lot of the time to the point I had to rewind bits cos I wasn’t paying attention. 
The scene with Sebastian cutting Rachel had me raging. Like, bitch lemme cut you and see what you think. Step away from my GURL. 
The scene where Dick has bought the recorders... I found Kory hilarious with her ‘Peak daddy bullshit’ line but aw, omg I felt bad for Dick like his poor face he was like, I’m just trying to save us :( It’s rare Kory proper loses her shit with him so I was like oh, this is not nice. I got her but also like he trying. 
Inhale... guys... them recording their memories... Kory’s had me sad. Anna’s voice was so sad like it was great. 
In addition to that... my poor heart when Dick came downstairs and Kory had turned into Carol like full pelt... I was like noooo. His face is like no.... no no no. Brenton does Dick’s facial expression just so damn well. 
POOR CAROL!KORY. She was so fragile all like oh im sorry, did I do something wrong. And, I really love how Dick went from yelling at her cos boy is frightened and frustrated but then softens and is like no, it’s not your fault, its mine. And yes, I adored the hand holding and promising not to leave her, even if it was her Carol self. But, I agree with others on that; Dick’s face was sad cos he knows its not Kory doing it.
KORY HEARING WHAT DICK SAID ON THE TAPE AHHHHHHHH. Im so mad tho. Like he loved her since season 1 what the actual fuck man. Which, actually makes sense why he backed off in s2 and s3 cos like Kory was the one who put it out there about them figuring themselves out before they attempted anything romantic so maybe Dick took that as she wasn’t into it as well as like the not going to San Fran with them? Which makes me sadder. Like giving her space and time but really being like i luv you Kory. UGH. IM SICK.
The radio room was grim; Dick just walking around in these blood pipes like its nothing like even Rachel was like gross dude. Dick just walks out after like nah its fine; I’m covered in some randos blood but its all good.
TEHE the last bit where Kory says about it not being the painful memories. He 10000% now knows she listened to his tape and knows he loves her. Like pls.
Ugh Conner... what are you doing and why do I feel like you’re gonna fuck shit up again, ya little douche. He best not cause any harm to the other Titans with his stupid ass antics. I swear to Jesus. 
That’s all of my long winded thoughts for both episodes! Can’t wait for next weeks and we get to see baby Gaaar!!
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choccyhearts · 1 year
there's just something that warms my heart thinking about argyle in the autumn...
as the weather gets chillier and the leaves get darker, your sweet argyle knows just how to celebrate the change in seasons.
he goes with you to a local farm to pick out various vegetables and flowers. helps carry what you pick out and helps you reach the apples wayyy high up. he's just so excited to make numerous tasty dishes with you.
he definitely loves a nice, tall glass of apple cider. he likes making it himself and trying other people's recipes. he also loves a good apple pie, especially one made with love by either his mother or you.
lets you draw the faces on the pumpkins while he carves them. he has a decent amount of muscle under those baggy shirts of his, so he's more than happy to make your designs come to life.
also obviously, he's going to make a pipe out of a pumpkin, it's so festive!
loves to go on walks through the forest with you. if you bring along a book or guide that details the various seasonal creatures and plants he'll point out everything he sees. he'll take a moment to appreciate whatever leaf, stick, or insect that intrigues him before moving along. he just floats along beside you, high as a kite, enjoying his day.
he'll also set up a picnic for the two of you doing his best to make it perfect. he tries too hard to perfect it and accidentally messes up a few things but it's alright! you appreciate his hard work and effort as you nosh on the delicious dishes he's prepared while perched right beside him. every once in a while the sun will hit his face just right and his choclate syrup eyes will shine various shades of brown. those are the moments you take the time to appreciate him and his beauty.
he helps you put up your halloween decorations. it's his unofficial job to help everyone in his life put up holiday decorations and he's fine with that. he enjoys halloween but it isn't his favorite holiday -- his favorite is 4/20, followed by easter (because he LOVES jelly beans and peeps)
he'll also offer to help with dia de los muertos decorating if you celebrate it. it's one of the few times you'll find argyle dead serious. it's a very personal holiday to him and for all the grief there's so much good that comes along. he encourages his friends to join in the festivities because everyone has someone they miss and those are the moments when you need community.
quick tonal switch; he's so the type of guy to try going trick or treating despite being a giant. he just wants to see if it'll work -- he'll just toss a sheet over his head and say he had an early growth spurt...shockingly it doesn't work. but don't worry, el and will share their halloween treats with him (despite both of them teasing him for begging for free candy while having a source of income).
and lastly, the thought that spurred me to write this;
just cuddled up on a log next to him, both of you cradling mugs of hot chocolate. he makes it himself and always adds extra marshmallows for you. a bonfire glows brightly, embers and sparks going where the wind takes them. you're both bundled under a large blanket, and you set your head gently on his shoulder.
if you could spend every night with him, warm and fuzzy inside, you would. you would listen to him retell stories he's told multiple times again because he tells them so well you don't mind. you would discourage him from trying to light his joint with the large open flame again because it impresses you a little when he retreats his head away at lightning speed once you catch him, thankfully not on fire and his joint lit successfully. you would listen to the same 5 songs he knows on his acoustic guitar again because he plays them beautifully. you would layer his sweatshirt over yours when you get cold again because it's the little gestures like that that warm your heart and show how much he cares. you'd relive it all again every night if you could.
but you'll settle with having autumn argyle with you for three months out of the year...
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cheapbysaleh · 2 years
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lucie-newman · 6 months
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first things first: do you like spring? Of course. Are there people who don't? When I was little, spring felt like waking up. Like a good stretch after a long nap.
what is your favorite thing about spring? Vitamin fucking D. Nothing like an extra hour of sunlight to make you feel alive again.
what is your least favorite thing about spring? The rain. I know it could be snow, but there's nothing quite like the mud season around here.
do you have a vegetable / produce / fruit garden? Personally? Besides the family farm? No. Though I'm in the market for a good plant. Something to practice keeping alive, you know?
how about flower beds, or things planted in the house? I'm kind of shit with flowers. Never totally got the appeal of them.
regardless of what you do or do not plant, are you good at growing plants? have a green thumb? I grew up on a farm. I know how to tend to a bush.
what’s your favorite flower or plant? Always had a soft spot for snowdrops. They're the birth flower of January and my mother pressed a few of them into my baby book.
what’s your favorite scent that you associate with spring? Morning dew.
is there a sound that you associate with spring time? Chatter. Just people, outside. Talking. Laughing. Winter feels a bit like holding your breath. Spring like letting it out.
do you prefer sunny mornings or rainy afternoons? Sunny mornings when the chill hasn't fully loosened its fist.
favorite thing to do on a sunny, warm spring day? I'm basic. I just go in for a blanket on a sunny patch of grass, my guitar, and a good nap.
favorite thing to do on a rainy, chilly spring day? Light a fire and pull out the last of the hot chocolate.
do you celebrate Easter? any traditions you follow for it? Sort of.
regardless of if you do or don’t: favorite Easter candy? Peeps. Love a good sugar rush.
what other springtime holidays do you observe? The time change count? I'll deal with the sleep hangover. Just give me that extra hour of sunlight.
favorite place in Merrock to visit in the springtime? I like to take a hike along the creek. Watch the first buds growing on the trees. Catch a few shots on the camera.
the spring bugs are coming out: do you rescue them and let them out of the house, or grab the nearest shoe? We talking ladybugs or stink bugs? I'll advocate for a bugs right to bug, but if that stinker is anywhere near me in the night it's getting the shoe.
are you a big spring cleaner? I'm not a big cleaner period. I'm sure my brother can attest to this.
do you switch over your wardrobe from cold weather to warm weather clothes? Of course. And I'm guilty of being the sucker that changes it to early. One warm day and I'm ready to pack in the winter coat.
how about the house: does your decor change for the spring season? do you rearrange furniture? I used to hang a different air freshner in my car, if that counts. But damn, I only just got myself a bedside lamp. Maybe I'll be a spring decorator next year.
what color makes you think ’spring’? Has to be green, right? That first pop of color after a really good rain always makes me smile.
describe your perfect spring outfit: Layered. Got to have the ability to deconstruct as it gets warmer. So shirt, sweater, light pants, and boots. Good pair of sunglasses if it's sunny. Umbrella if I have the foresight to remember. (which is never).
most adorable looking baby animal that you ever did see? You're going to think I'm insane, but an opposum. I'm a fucking sucker for those mamas carrying them all around. They're so damn weird, a also a little ugly, and it just activates the endorphin center in my brain for some reason.
what’s a drink that makes you think of spring? Champagne with strawberries.
how about a snack? Cherries.
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what-if-nct · 2 years
no cos you room is such a vibe! everybody knows about your lovely doll collection but can we talk about them plushies?? they're adorableeee
Thank youuu, there's so much more in my closet but I don't have enough room cause I can't leave a store without buying one. I'm only allowed to buy the giant bunny peep during Easter this year. Cause I have a problem. I actually have to start buying more clothes and shoes. I bought a little twin stars skirt but I only have one shirt that works with it. I rarely see clothes I like so I end up not actually having enough. I've noticed that Taurus, Leo and Libra are the shoppers of the zodiac signs. And my two closest friends are a Taurus and a Libra. Tauruses are better at money. But Leo and Libra spend so much but have so little and too much at the same time.
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moonley18 · 6 months
Chillin' With My Peeps T-Shirt
Embrace the festive spirit of Easter with the charming Chillin' With My Peeps Shirt. Adorned with a playful design featuring cute Easter chicks, this shirt is an absolute delight for both kids and adults alike. Imagine wearing this adorable shirt to Easter lunch or embarking on egg hunts after a joyous church service on Easter Sunday.
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Made from soft, breathable fabric, the Chillin' With My Peeps Shirt ensures comfort while exuding Easter vibes. It's the perfect attire for celebrating the resurrection of Christ with family and friends, adding a touch of whimsy and fun to the occasion. Spread the Easter cheer and show off your love for all things cute with this delightful shirt.
Get yours here: Teemoonley.com
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svgoceandesigns1 · 6 months
Treat All Peeps With Kindness SVG - Funny Teacher Easter Day SVG PNG, Cricut File
Treat All Peeps With Kindness SVG, Funny Teacher Easter Day SVG PNG EPS DXF PDF, Cricut File, Instant Download File, Cricut File Silhouette Art, Logo Design, Designs For Shirts. ♥ Welcome to SVG OCEAN DESIGNS Store! ♥ ► PLEASE NOTE: – Since this item is digital, no physical product will be sent to you. – Your files will be ready to download immediately after your purchase. Once payment has been completed, SVG Ocean Designs will send you an email letting you know your File is ready for Download. You may also check your Order/Purchase History on SVG Ocean Designs website and it should be available for download there as well. – Please make sure you have the right software required and knowledge to use this graphic before making your purchase. – Due to monitor differences and your printer settings, the actual colors of your printed product may vary slightly. – Due to the digital nature of this listing, there are “no refunds or exchanges”. – If you have a specific Design you would like made, just message me! I will be more than glad to create a Custom Oder for you. ► YOU RECEIVE: This listing includes a zip file with the following formats: – SVG File (check your software to confirm it is compatible with your machine): Includes wording in both white and black (SVG only). Other files are black wording. – PNG File: PNG High Resolution 300 dpi Clipart (transparent background – resize smaller and slightly larger without loss of quality). – DXF: high resolution, perfect for print and many more. – EPS: high resolution, perfect for print, Design and many more. ► USAGE: – Can be used with Cricut Design Space, Silhouette Cameo, Silhouette Studio, Adobe Illustrator, ...and any other software or machines that work with SVG/PNG files. Please make sure your machiMone and software are compatible before purchasing. – You can edit, resize and change colors in any vector or cutting software like Inkscape, Adobe illustrator, Cricut design space, etc. SVG cut files are perfect for all your DIY projects or handmade business Product. You can use them for T-shirts, scrapbooks, wall vinyls, stickers, invitations cards, web and more!!! Perfect for T-shirts, iron-ons, mugs, printables, card making, scrapbooking, etc. ►TERMS OF USE: – NO refunds on digital products. Please contact me if you experience any problems with the purchase. – Watermark and wood background won’t be shown in the downloaded files. – Please DO NOT resell, distribute, share, copy, or reproduce my designs. – Customer service and satisfaction is our top priority. If you have any questions before placing orders, please contact with us via email "[email protected]". – New products and latest trends =>> Click Here . Thank you so much for visiting our store! SVG OCEAN DESIGNS Read the full article
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cteeshirtstore · 7 months
Mickey and friends Easter is better with my peeps shirt
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Mickey and friends Easter is better with my peeps shirt
The shirt is one of the Mickey and friends Easter is better with my peeps shirt and by the same token and most popular types of shirt in the world. T-shirts are usually sewn from soft, cool and durable cotton. In addition, t-shirts also have many different designs and colors, suitable for many fashion styles. T-shirts are often used for activities in the office, meeting, party or outing. With a simple but polite design, the shirt helps the wearer look more professional and easy to coordinate with many different outfits. A special feature of T-shirts is the flexibility in the layout. The wearer can wear a shirt with jeans for a youthful and dynamic style or combine with trousers for a more elegant and formal style. In short, a t-shirt is an indispensable fashion item in anyone’s wardrobe. With a variety of styles and colors and versatility in the way of clothes, the t-shirt has become a fashion icon around the world. A shirt is a shirt usually made of cotton or linen fabric, with a collar, long sleeves, and buttons on the front. Shirts are often considered as one of the indispensable items in men’s wardrobe, especially when they need a formal and polite outfit. Shirts can be combined with many types of pants such as jeans, trousers or khaki pants to create different outfits. With a simple but elegant design, the shirt is often applied in many different occasions, from work to parties or going out with friends. More than just an outfit, a shirt is also considered a symbol of politeness and style. Selecting and arranging the right shirt for each occasion is also an art, helping the wearer to shine and impress everyone around.
Buy this shirt: https://cteeshirt.com/tee/mickey-and-friends-easter-is-better-with-my-peeps-shirt/Other Link:1:https://twitter.com/Cteeshirtfas/status/17597722875686381002:https://twitter.com/Cteeshirtfas/status/17597720971975107703:https://twitter.com/Cteeshirtfas/status/1759771959792185845
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whitj82 · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: BARK Peep-A-Bird Pet Toy.
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