#peeps pepsi
lastoneout · 1 year
Honest Peeps x Pepsi Review
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Drank like one-eighth of the bottle before it made me feel so nauseous that I nearly puked and I had to stop. My fiancé tried it and agreed before dumping the rest of it down the drain to banish it from our home. Tastes like lemon-vanilla pepsi that Hates™ you, and the marshmallow aftertaste is agony and lingers for hours. Gave me painful, hard to cure hiccups directly after burping from it five times. 0/10
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theradicalace · 1 year
my store sells a limited edition pepsi rn that seems to be a crossover with peeps? which sounds abjectly terrible, but people are buying it?? i'm gonna try it
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w-e-i-r-d-f-o-o-d · 1 year
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I saw this a few times online and thought it was photoshopped. Peeps are sugar-flavored, how do you make Peeps-flavored Pepsi
(Haven’t tried it; I’m happy to sample single-serving weirdo sodas for y’all but I’m not buying a $7 ten-pack of something that sounds this gross)
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hongzhizhu · 1 year
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(featuring marshmallow treats made with the Peeps cereal)
Peeps cookie cutter set was gifted to me from @undeadorion 🥺
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mothpawbs · 1 year
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I tried the peepsi and it's kind of an enigma? I can't say it's bad, or even that I don't like it, but I'll definitely never drink it again. and it doesn't taste like peeps, per se... more like if you dissolved roasted marshmallows in pepsi. I guess.
-10/10 soda, 10/10 potion of What The Hell Did I Just Drink
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trendtracker360 · 15 days
Exploring Trend of Unusual Flavors Like Sour Patch Kids Oreos
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The modern gourmet scene is increasingly witnessing the emergence of unconventional flavors such as Sour Patch Kids Oreos, Hidden Valley Ranch ice cream, and pizza ice cream by Van Leeuwen Ice Cream. New York-based Van Leeuwen occasionally surprises customers with “shock flavors”. Experts suggest that such surprising flavor combinations are not simply for social media attention but are a response to the changing and complex tastes of consumers.
Kris Battle, Senior Brand Manager for Oreo Innovation at Mondelez International, highlighted the creative freedom brands are exploring, which is effectively blurring the lines between traditional flavor categories. Despite initial shock, some limited-edition flavors, like Lay’s Flamin’ Hot Dill Pickle chips, have even gained enough popularity to become permanent fixtures on store shelves. These unique snacks signal a shift in the snack industry, reflecting consumer desires for unexpected flavor pairings and trending food items.
Key Takeaways
Modern food trends are embracing unconventional and unique flavors.
Unexpected flavor pairings cater to the evolving and complex tastes of consumers.
Limited edition snacks can transition into permanent offerings based on popularity.
Innovative flavors reflect brands’ creative freedom and consumer engagement.
Trending snacks are shaping the future of the gourmet scene.
To Read More >>> Click Here Reference Links:
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fiddler-sticks · 1 year
Guys, don't ever get Peeps Pepsi. It's fucking gross. I don't think I'll ever get rid of that aftertaste
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wild-sage76 · 1 year
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My partner and I were talking about the Pepsi Peep flavor and we swore that all these new drinks coming out lately needed more flavoring to them. But this gif was all I could think about in response, it makes me giggle every time I think about it
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sodarviews · 1 year
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Typically, when I try a new soda, I like to give it a clean taste. Drink a glass of water beforehand, and try to decide the flavor on its own and see if I like it.
Peeps Flavored Pepsi did not get a clean taste. It didn't deserve it.
Opening the bottle releases a noxious artificial marshmallow-vanilla scent that makes me frightened to try and actually drink this thing. It smells like grandma soap.
Peeps, for those of you wondering my opinion, don't taste like anything. They are dense and unlovable confections, even when warmed. They're not really marshmallows, and they're not really sweet, and I would typically prefer a mouthful of sand.
This peeps flavored soda similarly doesn't taste like anything. It's pepsi and vanill-ish marshhell and only once I stop drinking it do I actually taste anything. The front of my tongue is incapable of tasting anything about this drink and against my better judgement I was trying to taste this soda. There's just nothing.
Faintly I can taste whatever vanill-ish syrup went into the peeps portion of the soda, but it's continually and repeatedly drowned out by whatever is happening near my throat. It's like drinking perfume. I don't like it. The flavor is bad.
And that's, I think, the solution. It's like perfume. It's like a terrible vanilla perfume or lotion, one that doesn't really smell like vanilla and you don't really like the smell but at least your skin is soft? Except Peeps Pepsi did not make my skin soft. I've had maybe 1/3 of the bottle and want to quit. I do NOT recommend this soda to anyone. Ever.
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fiddler-sticks · 1 year
My favorite part of working right now is that we have a pallet full of Peeps Pepsi out, and I love hearing people's reactions to it. Multiple people have asked me if I've tried it, and many have expressed how disgusting they thought it was. It sounds like something that's so sugary it'll dissolve my body from the inside out 🤮
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heresadog · 1 year
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They still make this shit!?!
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bunnyb34r · 1 year
Okay I tried the Peepsi™️ and heres what it tastes like:
Pure liquified cane sugar
A dissolved peep
A dissolved peep that was fed to a solid peep
A solid peep that drank its dissolved brethren and peed it out
Peep pee (ha)
How vanilla extract smells but with extra sugar
Like someone ate a peep and then spit into your mouth
If you made a rice crispy treat with the inside of an oreo
Things Peepsi does NOT taste like:
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shaeeldera · 1 year
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So I saw this abomination in the wild today and had to buy it to give it a try because I hate myself I guess? I also convinced all my coworkers to take a shot of it with me and everyone basically gagged
anyway, if anyone’s curious, Peep flavored Pepsi just tastes like cream soda that’s gone bad. Whoever made this committed a crime and needs to be stopped.
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fiddler-sticks · 10 months
Why do there have to be 3 unsupervised tween boys in the store rn
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