sparkymalone · 6 months
Hey! If you take ship suggestions, can you pretty please brew smthn up with Sayaka and Peko? Idk I feel there needs to be a contrast. Fuyuhiko has his Horny ass Boyfriend, Natsumi will probably be forever alone, and Peko deserves a Sweetie Pie girlfriend
I don't think I've ever heard of this pairing, but it's interesting. I fully agree that Peko deserves a lovely girlfriend, but I've been struggling with who to pair her with. I never even considered Sayaka, tbh.
But I'm willing to give it a shot!
Peko sighed to herself as she watched Fuyuhiko walk past the school gates with his boyfriend. Lately it felt as though her young master no longer needed her, and it left her feeling a little lost.
No, she realized, Fuyuhiko hadn't needed her for a long time now. It was her who needed him, needed the purpose she felt while protecting him. Without someone to guard, who even was she?
The swordswoman took a deep breath and began walking towards the school gate. Just because her young master didn't need her didn't mean she wasn't going to keep an eye on him.
"Come on, baby, we just wanna talk."
The comment caught Peko's attention and she stopped. Turning towards the voice, she noticed one of the main course students surrounded by three boys from the reserve course. The way they were leering at the girl made Peko uneasy. She had unfortunately seen that expression before.
To her credit, the girl seemed to be handling the situation well. "I'm sorry, I don't have any time to talk with you. I've got a rehearsal soon, so I have to go." She smiled at the three boys and attempted to walk past them, but one of them blocked her.
"Now, now, you wouldn't want to be rude to your biggest fans, would you?" One of the boys leaned in close and the girl instinctively took a step back.
She kept smiling, though. "Well, I'm always happy to meet fans, but, like I said, I have to go-"
Another one of the boys reached out and forcefully grabbed her arm. "I don't think you get it, babe. We aren't asking."
Her carefully crafted facade finally slipped as fear flickered in her eyes. They were still on school grounds, how could something like this be happening? Why wasn't there anyone there to stop-
Her frantic thoughts were cut short as a bamboo sword pressed against the throat of the boy who was grabbing her. All of them whipped around to see the silver-haired girl holding said sword, fixing the boys with an icy glare.
"Is there a problem?" she asked calmly.
The boy released the other girl's arm, eyeing the newcomer apprehensively. "...No, no problem."
Peko glanced at the other girl, who was surreptitiously moving closer to her. "Were they bothering you?"
The girl shook her head. "It's fine, as long as they leave now." She glared at the boys.
Peko turned her piercing red eyes back to the boys. "You heard her. You can leave now, or when the ambulance arrives."
Catching her thinly-veiled threat, the three of them scrambled to leave. Peko kept an eye on them, waiting until they were gone to put her sword away. "Are you alright?" she asked the other girl.
Now that she got a better look at her, there was something familiar about the girl. She had a memorable sort of beauty to her, and Peko couldn't help staring. The girl didn't seem to mind, just smiling at her. "I'm fine now. Thank you for your help. Those guys were jerks."
Peko couldn't help thinking that in this situation, Fuyuhiko would be swearing up a storm, so hearing the other girl use an insult as innocent as "jerk" was sort of cute. A slight smile tugged at her lips before she caught herself.
"I'm Sayaka Maizono, by the way. Are you in the main course, too?" the girl asked, as though Peko's uniform didn't give her away.
The swordswoman nodded. Now she realized why the other girl felt familiar. She was a year behind Peko's class, but with how insular the main course was, they were often in the same areas. "Peko Pekoyama," she introduced herself bluntly. She then turned to leave.
"W-Wait!" Sayaka stopped her, moving to stand in front of her. "I haven't gotten the chance to thank you for rescuing me."
Peko's brow furrowed. She would hardly call that a rescue, but she wasn't going to argue. "You already thanked me."
Sayaka shook her head. "No, I mean... Let me do something to show you my thanks."
"That's not necessary," Peko began, confused, but the other girl cut her off.
"I know, but I want to do something nice for you." Sayaka smiled at her, and it almost looked like she was blushing. Peko knew that couldn't be true, though. A pretty girl like that wouldn't be blushing over a tool, after all.
Sayaka tapped a finger against her chin in thought. "Hmm... What can I do for you? I could give you an autograph, if you're a fan?" She smiled brightly.
Peko just raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with what you do."
The other girl looked surprised, if not downright offended. "Really? I'm an idol. The Ultimate Pop Sensation. You know."
Peko really didn't know, and just shook her head, staring back blankly.
Sayaka huffed. "Oh, come on. You have to have at least heard some of my group's songs?" She started listing song names, none of which meant anything to Peko.
The swordswoman shrugged. "I don't really listen to music."
The blue-haired girl balked. "You what?!"
Peko blinked. Was that really so unusual? "I, er... don't listen to music?"
Sayaka grabbed Peko's hand and began pulling her in the direction of the dormitories. "That's it, I know how I'm going to thank you."
Staring at their joined hands, Peko wasn't sure what to make of the way her stomach was fluttering. "I really don't think-"
She was cut off as Sayaka grinned back at her. "Let me show you some of my favorite songs, and then we're even. Deal?"
Eyebrows raised, Peko nodded hesitantly. That seemed... fair enough. Her thoughts flickered briefly to her "duty" and how she should be looking after Fuyuhiko, but she pushed those thoughts aside. She reminded herself that he didn't need her, and decided that she should do something for herself for once.
And honestly, listening to music with Sayaka sounded like something she wanted to do.
The idol squeezed her hand gently. "Will whoever you're thinking about be alright without you?"
Peko looked at her in surprise. "How did you...?
"Because I'm psychic!" Sayaka giggled. "No, I'm just kidding. But really, do you need to go?"
The silver-haired girl glanced at their joined hands again, considering. Fuyuhiko was fine without her, meaning she was a bodyguard with no purpose, no one to protect.
Well... Pop idols needed protection, too... Right?
Peko shook her head. "I can stay with you."
Sayaka beamed at her and began pulling her along faster, telling her all about some of the music she wanted to play for her. Peko didn't really understand, but she was excited to learn. Maybe this was just what she needed to stop feeling so aimless.
The butterflies in her stomach certainly seemed to think so.
I'm gonna end it there, lol. I'm a little sick so I don't know if it made sense, but I hope it did. Please let me know what you thought, anon!
And if anyone wants to request anything, feel free! I reserve the right to refuse pairings I don't connect with, but for the most part, I'm willing to try.
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Omg correct! You passed my test ☺️
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bananashakexx · 1 month
Please draw PekoZono...?/Consider drawing Pekozono
(Also I fucking love your Pekonia drawings they're so cute hehe)
(Also Pekozono is Peko x Sayaka okay ty bye now)
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I hope this feeds your needs 🙏🙏
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rosabienfuerte · 2 years
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people are talking about how lesbian sayaka is in the games and its true. so as a sayaker i had to contribute
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thecrazyphantom · 2 months
phantom wait.. if sayaka is around 22 in ur cruise ship au, and she has a 7 yro at 29 (ur other au) ... does that mean she gets pregnant on the boat?
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Wow.. uh
Well i just woke up
Also I don't think that she'd want to do all that on a boat, even if it is a comfortable cruise..
But even if she did get pregnant on the boat, Kokichi and Kaito are already attending the cruise, so?
But good attention to detail! Lol
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danggirlronpa · 1 year
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Seed B2 Masterpost
Miu/Mukuro art by @lambydance
Sayaka/Peko icon by severalsmallwizards
This one came about from a cowboy RP. And again. That in itself rules. More silly pairing sources. We gotta start letting ourselves ship girls because they stood in the same room once again. Nature is healing <3
Mukuro is used to Junko, who has all of Miu's weirdness plus 50 other types of weirdness. Mukuro might be one of the only people on the entire cast who can handle Miu with little to no issues. She's even used to being insulted all of the time already! (This Is Not A Good Thing. They Should Work On This Together)
Miu would see Mukuro pull a knife on someone and IMMEDIATELY undergo a sexual awakening. This is, as usual, nonnegotiable
They have a conversation in Summercamp. And in this conversation. And I cannot emphasize this enough. Sayaka flirts with Peko nonstop. The rest of this section will solely be screenshots from this convo, because I truly believe it stands completely alone, and should be preserved as is.
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※To avoid spamming artists, I will only @ them the first time their work shows up unless told otherwise. If you want to check all the art I used, check here!
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sh3s4k1ll3rqu33n · 29 days
You should join the Pekozono club, there's 5 of us
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bitch i was already in it <3
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ask-the-maizonos · 4 months
Question for Pekozono: Who fell first, and who fell harder?
I kinda forgot to post this, whoops))
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Sayaka: Actually, we've been dating since high school! Asking Peko out was probably my best decision to this day! 💝
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Pekozono moodboard I also beg
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pekozono moodboard!!
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sparkymalone · 1 month
Tbh you should write another Peko x Sayaka mini, that last one was so good
Another really ancient ask, but I have finally created more Pekozono!
This takes place right after the last one.
“This part is really good! Listen!” Sayaka said excitedly before motioning for Peko to be silent. The song that was playing reached a crescendo, and Peko had to admit that the melody really was lovely.
The two girls had returned to Sayaka’s dorm a couple of hours ago and the pop star had been playing music the whole time. After every song she would gush about how amazing it was before immediately putting in another, usually completely different, song. It was kind of cute to see.
Peko was surprised by how much she was enjoying herself. She had never really taken the time to just sit and listen to music, and she was beginning to wish she had. At the same time, though, she was a little glad that she hadn't, since it gave her an excuse to be here with Sayaka.
The pop idol’s taste in music was surprisingly vast. She played some sugary pop music like Peko expected, but then she followed it up with some hard rock. Her playlist had several genres all mixed together, giving the swordswoman a taste of many different varieties of music.
As the chorus of the current song kicked back up, Sayaka smiled broadly at Peko. “Amazing, right?”
Peko couldn't help but nod, caught up in the other girl's enthusiasm. “Yes, it sounds very nice.”
Sayaka giggled. “I'm glad you think so.” She scooted closer to Peko on the edge of the bed, holding her phone out so she could see the name of the song. She rattled off a couple of facts about the band before pausing, looking up at Peko curiously. “Um… are you having fun?”
The silver-haired girl glanced at her in surprise. “Of course. I'm having a good time.”
“Really?” Sayaka asked, seeming relieved. “Sorry, it's just a little hard to tell with you.”
Ah. So that's what had her worried. Not for the first time, Peko cursed her lack of expression. “I'm sorry. I am often told that my face is… hard to read.”
Sayaka quickly shook her head. “Oh, no! I hope I didn't come across as rude…”
“You're fine,” Peko assured her. “As I said, I hear it often.” She could practically hear Fuyuhiko and Natsumi's voices telling her to smile more, in very different tones.
The pop star’s smile fell, which Peko didn't like at all. “That's ridiculous, you should only smile when you want to.”
The swordswoman was a bit startled. “Th-Thank you, but how did you…?”
“I told you,” Sayaka replied, her smile returning full-force, “I'm psychic!” She giggled before adding, “Just kidding, just kidding!”
Something told Peko that she wasn't actually kidding, but she decided not to press the issue. She would much rather just appreciate the way Sayaka looked when she smiled.
Peko caught herself. Why did she like looking at the other girl so much? They had only known each other for a couple of hours at this point. Admittedly, Sayaka was a very beautiful girl, but that sort of thing had never really mattered to Peko before, so why now?
And why was Sayaka looking at her so strangely?
The pop star cleared her throat before turning back to her phone screen. “Do you have time for another song?”
Peko glanced at the clock. As much as she wanted to stay longer, she was also itching to check in with Fuyuhiko. He didn't need her to protect him, she knew, but she would still never forgive herself if something happened while she wasn't there.
Still, looking back at Sayaka really made it tempting to stay. “Perhaps one more song.”
Sayaka smiled warmly. “Okay! What should we listen to?” She scrolled through her playlist, contemplating her options.
A thought occurred to Peko. “You know, all this time, I don't believe you've shown me any of your songs.”
The idol looked up at her in surprise. “O-Oh… I haven't?” She turned away again, suddenly seeming very shy. “I didn't think you'd want to hear those…”
Peko furrowed her brow. “Why wouldn't I?”
Shrugging, Sayaka started twirling a lock of hair around her finger. A blush crawled up her neck, and somehow she looked even lovelier with flushed cheeks. “I don't know. It just feels kinda embarrassing, okay?”
The silver-haired girl still didn't understand. “Aren't you the Ultimate Pop Sensation? Surely you don't get stage fright?”
“No, of course not,” Sayaka replied. “But this is totally different. You're… right here. And I care about what you think.” She fidgeted slightly.
Peko felt her stomach do a little flip. “Why would you care what I think?”
The blue-haired girl groaned. “Oh my god, I'll just put one on.” She focused on her phone screen, finding her idol group's page and scrolling through her own song catalog. Finally, she settled on a song and nervously pressed play.
As the melody played, Peko found herself caught up in the energy of it. The song was cute and bouncy, and she honestly liked it a lot more than she expected to. The vocals began and Peko was immediately in awe of Sayaka's singing. The idol had a lovely voice when speaking, but when she sang, it was beautiful.
“Oh,” Sayaka said breathlessly, and Peko turned to her in confusion. The pop star was watching her with a pleased expression, cheeks flushed. “I knew you would look even prettier when you smiled. I was right.”
Peko was startled to realize that she was smiling, and even more surprised by Sayaka's compliment. She felt her face getting hot and she turned her gaze downward, embarrassed. “Oh… Th-Thank… Thank you.” She glanced at the pop idol bashfully. “Your singing is amazing.”
Sayaka giggled, looking away. “Thank you! For some reason, that makes me really happy.”
They sat in silence for the rest of the song, both blushing awkwardly. When the music finally ended, Sayaka set her phone aside and folded her hands in her lap.
Peko took a deep breath before climbing to her feet. “I should probably be on my way. But thank you,” she told Sayaka earnestly, feeling another smile tugging at her lips. “This was… fun. It was nice to do something fun for once.”
The blue-haired girl wasn't entirely sure what to do with that statement, but she also stood up. She smiled cheerfully at Peko. “This was so much fun! Next time I'll play even more songs for you.”
“Next time?” the swordswoman asked, looking at her curiously.
Sayaka flushed, but her smile remained. “Yeah! We can hang out again, right? I'd really like it if we could.”
Peko hesitated for a moment, considering. This was honestly the most fun she had had in ages, and she really did want to see Sayaka again. A quick glance at her phone told her that Fuyuhiko hadn't tried to call her at all (unsurprising), so maybe it was alright for her to take time for herself more often.
“I'd like that, too,” she admitted quietly.
Beaming, Sayaka plucked Peko's phone out of her hands and quickly added herself to her contacts. “There. Now you can call me whenever you want to ‘take time for yourself.’”
Peko chose not to comment on Sayaka's very specific phrasing, knowing the pop star would just turn it into another “joke” about being psychic. Instead, she sent the other girl a brief text, feeling relieved when she heard her phone chime. “Now you have my number as well.”
Sayaka walked her to the door, but both of them hesitated there. “Thank you again for saving me earlier,” the blue-haired girl said quietly.
Shaking her head, Peko adjusted her sword on her back. “It was nothing. I was happy to help. And besides,” she attempted to smile again, hoping it didn't look frightening, “you already thanked me.”
The idol gave her a shy smile. “I guess we're even,” she joked. As Peko stepped out into the hallway, Sayaka continued. “Next time we should hang out in your room.”
Something about the idea of having Sayaka in her room made Peko's stomach flutter, but she nodded. “Sure. That would be nice.”
The two of them said their goodbyes and finally parted ways. As she began walking back to her own dorm, Peko contemplated the warm, fuzzy feeling in her chest. It was nice, but she wasn't entirely sure what to make of it.
When she was in her room, she sat down on the bed and took out her phone, needing to clarify something.
>Young Master.
>dont fuckin call me that
>what is it
>I wanted to ask you something.
>About your feelings for Hajime.
>gross what???
>why the hell are you asking about that
>Please, just humor me.
>When you first realized you were interested in Hajime, what did it feel like?
>the fuck kinda question is that
>ugh sorry
>i guess it felt kinda warm and fuzzy
>and like i wanted to see his stupid face all the time
>you better not tell him i said that
Peko blushed as she looked at the texts. So, that's what that feeling had been. How unexpected.
>Thank you, Young Master.
>Sorry. Fuyuhiko.
>you got a crush on somebody or somethin
>no shit??
>hang on im coming over
Peko almost wanted to laugh. It wasn't often that Fuyuhiko sought her out, and even more rarely was it just to talk about nothing.
She definitely needed to take time for herself more often.
Hopefully that turned out as cute as I think? Lmao
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thecrazyphantom · 11 days
Sigh I wish I was just an emo Swordswoman with two cute blondes that she has to take care of with a cute pop idol gf
Is that so hard??? :/
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Join the Pekozono club?
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(There's 5 of us)
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sparkymalone · 30 days
This is a big contrast compared to my usual Kuzuhina art.
Also, I totally haven't been working on this for a week now
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Also, Peko is so hot
OMG this is so cuuuute 😍
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thecrazyphantom · 3 months
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'Pinion on Sayaka x Peko?
oooooo I did duo bingo with the two of them awhile ago. not my personal fav but I like the ship. It’s cute, I can get behind it :3
I think sayaka would braid peko’s hair. also the two of them would probably go to pet stores together to look at all the animals (cut to sayaka staring at the fish tanks)
I need to draw both of them cause I think they’re both very pretty… might draw them on a dinner date with sayaka’s sister interrupting (I DON’T CARE THAT SHE WAS SCRAPPED. I LOVE THE IDEA OF SAYAKA HAVING A SISTER)
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thecrazyphantom · 4 months
Wait I thought korekiyo was with Angie
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This dark green line here means FWB so technically no they aren't together
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