#pellaeon was in another ship
mayhaps-a-blog · 1 year
You know something I noticed?
There is not a single other Imperial officer shown on the Chimaera.
All we see is Thrawn and stormtroopers. Even Enoch looks like a trooper - he's in armor, not uniform. Usually, you'd see at least one officer supervising things like loading a cargo bay - so where are they?
We know Ezra's attack at the end of Rebels cleared the bridge - we see the evacuation, see them fleeing. Did they all escape before the ship was dragged to hyperspace? Are they so low on personnel that they're all up in the command deck, keeping the ship together?
Ezra having focused on the bridge...
Are they dead?
I don't think we'll be seeing many of our favorites from the books...
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madelgard · 5 months
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Brought to you by the Seswennan Social Club, we have another Imperial-themed creative event in honor of May the Fourth, the unofficial Star Wars holiday.
For the May the Fourth week (4 May - 10 May), we will be accepting submissions in the curated AO3 May the Fourth collection for fics or art related to our three prompts:
Empire Day
The Force
Please choose at least one prompt as inspiration for your work, and please make sure it focuses on the Imperial officers (Thrawn, Veers, Piett, Motti, Jerjerrod, Needa, Krennic, Pellaeon, etc.) and related Imperial OCs. Remember, we're here for the Imps who serve the Empire, not the Sith.
Any Imp ships are allowed, and all ratings (from G to E) are encouraged.
If you have any questions on content, feel free to shoot me a DM.
Good luck and May the Fourth be with you
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jbk405 · 3 months
I think I've found one of the key reasons why I prefer the old Expanded Universe to the current Star Wars content: Unique types of villains.
More specifically, people who weren't just Evil Force Users With Long Robes And Red Lightsabers. While there were always a few Darth Vader-clones that popped up to fill up space, so many of the Arc Villains were distinct not just in personality, but also how they were dangerous.
Grand Admiral Thrawn was a military tactician, which wasn't the point of any of the main villains in the Original Trilogy. Grand Moff Tarkin was a "Build a bigger superweapon and bludgeon the galaxy into submission" kind of villain, and Vader and the Emperor were mystical dark wizards. This isn't a complaint or criticism, but just pointing out that military tactics were never on display in the films since that wasn't the type of story they were telling. But Thrawn didn't have prophetic powers or Destiny, he had to analyze and plan around what he could learn about his adversaries. It's a different type of fight than Literal Magic. In the original Thrawn Trilogy, Captain Pellaeon frequently internally narrates how different Thrawn's style of leadership was to either Vader or the Emperor (Even if his art-analysis did verge on magic by itself).
Ysanne Isard was a political and/or espionage manipulator, which was even less a point of the Original Trilogy than military tactics were. She took advantage of the realities of actually needing to build a nation out of an underground military movement. With all of the dirty gutter politics, self-serving agendas, and logistics that doom so many revolutionary movements. I'm not as big a fan of her arc as I was when I was younger (I re-read the Rogue Squadron novels a few years ago and the writing quality is not as good as I remember, and Isard's plans frankly don't hold a lot of water), but the concept is still fantastic.
Warlord Zsinj on the surface seems like a merger of Thrawn and Isard -- he's a military commander who specializes in espionage -- but he also has a big focus that neither of them demonstrated: Business. While he still blows stuff up with his giant space ships and is sowing dissent through brainwashing and spycraft, he's simultaneously establishing a galaxy-wide network of completely-legitimate commercial businesses that he owns through untraceable pseudonyms. They fund his campaigns, give him influence on planets outside of his direct control, and allow him to control resources without any of his adversaries even being aware of it.
Even one-shot enemies like the Ssi-ruuk were so unique: They're invading the galaxy because their technology is powered by living souls and they want to harvest all life in the galaxy. That's messed up, and so distinct from the general "Take over the world" motivation of the Empire.
But as time went on, more and more of the enemies were just "Darth Vader Again". Another Jedi who fell to the Dark Side, or another long-lost schism of the Sith who rediscovered mainstream galactic society, or some other thing that is eventually resolved by a one-on-one lightsaber duel and a personal grudge against the Skywalker or Solo families. It definitely felt like they were out of ideas and kept running through the same villains over and over again.
This kicked into high gear after the Prequels came out, and continued in the new continuity after the EU was rebranded as "Legends".
I wish we could go back to the idea that there could be an enemy who wasn't super powerful in the force and consumed by Hatred Of The Jedi. With their own skills, their own methods, and something that makes them more than just another wannabe-Sauron. Pirates who are just pirates, marauding ex-Imperial Warlords who are just marauding ex-Imperial Warlords, and corrupt politicians who are just corrupt politicians, instead of revealing that Palpatine returned (somehow) all over again.
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bruh-myguy-what · 2 years
If Not Him, Perhaps Me
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Good evening, fellow mutuals! I come bearing a gift! I am making a series and I’m super excited about it! Thrawn will be a little in between Legends!Thrawn and New Canon!Thrawn. It’s going to follow the plot of the Heir to the Empire series very loosely. Just let me know if you want to be tagged in updates.
Here is the first chapter!
Pairing- Thrawn x f!reader x Luke Skywalker
Summary- Grand Admiral Thrawn finds out there is someone special traveling alongside Luke Skywalker and the other members of the rebellion. His interest is piqued, perhaps kidnapping you will help placate Master C’baoth.
Word Count- 3K+
Warnings- Kidnapping, pinning, slight angst
“We have the location of the Millennium Falcon, sir,” Captain Pellaeon explained to the Grand Admiral who was sitting stoically at his desk. Pellaeon was used to the atmosphere are the Grand Admiral’s office, Rhuk tended to startle him now and again still…. but otherwise, it was familiar. He’d approached the desk with his datapad in hand, eyes skimming the locations he was given by someone in the bridge crew. The dark room was illuminated only by the soft blue glow of the holo projected image shown between the two men. Thrawn was examining his art again, Pellaeon noted. His glowing red eyes narrowed as they focused, the glow seeming to make his blue completion even more alien.
All was silent for longer than Pellaeon ever really enjoyed in the presence of the Grand Admiral. It made him feel as if he were the one being studied as if he needed to answer questions to pass some silent test, he wasn’t aware he’d been given. Especially with the look of thoughtfulness in Thrawn’s fiery gaze, as if he were waiting for the captain to say something. The only sound that softened the silence was the humming from the holo, giving Pellaeon at least some relief from the dead air surrounding him. “Interesting,” Thrawn murmured just loud enough for the captain to hear. ‘Finally,’ Pellaeon thought to himself, letting out a silent breath, only to hold it moments later when nothing else was said.
Was he going to continue or was Pellaeon required to respond? He went back and forth just long enough in his mind for the decision to be made for him as the Grand Admiral stood from his chair, tilting his head slightly to the side in thought. “Do you see something odd in this image, Captain?”
So, it was a test.
Pellaeon hadn’t noticed anything unique about the picture before him. Though, if he were honest, he hadn’t even paid any attention to what Thrawn was examining. Partially because whenever Thrawn was examining pictures, Pellaeon could never glean the same information the Chiss could, so Pellaeon ignored the images for the most part. Though this time…
As he narrowed his eyes to make sense of the image, he noticed that it was a picture of the Falcon, docked at some low-level city Pellaeon probably didn’t even know. And what’s more, people were walking out of the large ship. It wasn’t too long before Pellaeon noticed he hadn’t said anything, so he spoke up, “Uhm, I don’t see much, sir. It just looks like the Millennium Falcon to m-“
“Look at the people, Captain.” Thrawn edged, cutting Pellaeon off mid-sentence, “tell me, who are the people that you see.”
Pellaeon felt that if he narrowed his eyes any further they’d be closed entirely, but he managed to make out what the Admiral was asking for, “well, sir,” he began, “I see Solo, Organa-Solo, the Wookie, Skywalker and his astro-mech.” Then his brows furrowed in confusion when he noticed what Thrawn had meant, “Wait a second.” and- wait.” There was another person alongside Skywalker. A young woman.
Standing straight, Pellaeon chanced a quizzical glance at Thrawn, “It’s a woman, sir.”
Nodding, Thrawn’s eyes were like glowing cracks of a volcano, lava peering near the edges as they focused intently on the image of the woman. “Indeed, it is.” The deep voice but a whisper in the quarters. Clearly in thought, Thrawn clasped his hands behind his back and hummed with intrigue.
“I was unaware another person was traveling with them. I thought it was just the four of them- including the Wookie, of course.” Pellaeon echoed what he thought Thrawn was thinking.
The image of the woman beside the Jedi took the entirety of the holo-projector now, showing her clearly. “As was I.” Evidently, Thrawn was in a curt reply kind of mood today, Pellaeon noted with a jolt of annoyance.
Clearing his throat to cover up for his lack of words, the captain chewed on the inside of his cheek before inquiring, “what are we going to do with this information, Admiral? If she isn’t anyone significant does this mean anything to us?” If they had no idea she even existed until now, she couldn’t be anyone they would need for any type of advance in Imperial expansion, right?
“Perhaps not, Captain,” Thrawn began, placing his hand on his chin thoughtfully, “though, I do not imagine she is like Calrissian, someone who is simply an ally when accessible. No.” He went silent again briefly as Pellaeon waited for the continued clarification. “Perhaps we have not seen her until now because she is…special to Skywalker.”
Perplexity nestled itself once more between Pellaeon’s brows as he looked between the image and Thrawn. “Special, sir?” And with Thrawn’s nod of agreement, the captain persistent, “how so? Don’t you think we would’ve known before now about her had she been significant to Skywalker? And how do we know she’s significant to him exclusively, why not Solo and Organa-Solo? Or perhaps another member of this… New Republic?”
Walking around to join Pellaeon on the other side of his desk, the Chiss stood towering. “I do not believe so. You see, if she were meaningful to any of the other members, or perhaps just another member of the rebellion, she would’ve been on our radar.” Thrawn shook his head in thought, “but she is standing rather close to Skywalker- he is sheltering her, subconsciously safeguarding her. She is cherished by him.” He repeated himself, though it seemed more for his own sake of processing judgments than to benefit Pellaeon.
“So, what are we to do with this knowledge then, sir?”
A conspiratorial smile began to rise on Thrawn’s blue lips, “we are going to take her aboard the Chimera, captain.” He countered evenly.
Pellaeon felt his eyes widen considerably, “aboard the- why on earth would we take her if she’s just someone special to-“ then it made sense. “Of course, we bring her aboard the Chimera as a captive- Skywalker is bound to find his way to us rather than us pursuing him and the Falcon around the galaxy.”
Nodding in support, the Grand Admiral shut down the holo-projector and a satisfied smile played on his lips now as he met Pellaeon’s eyes. “Indeed, captain. If we can bring the Jedi to us, then we shall placate C’baoth and gain what we seek from him.” He lingered a moment, allowing Pellaeon time to gather the information himself, then continued. “It shall save us time and resources to have a negotiating tool for persuading Skywalker.”
“Yes, of course!” Pellaeon agreed fervently. It seemed as if the Empire had been running around in circles to catch the young Jed, Skywalker, and his sister for the crazed man aboard the Chimera. Many considered it to be a waste of time- as did Pellaeon, truthfully. Though, Thrawn was always unsurpassed at seeing the bigger picture, so the captain simply agreed and followed his orders vehemently. The Empire was so dispersed and chaotic now; second guessing one of its last enduring hopes to salvage what was left wasn’t in the best interest of anyone seeking the splendid end they worked hard to achieve.
“Then let us be off, Captain. I have some things I wish to discuss with the bridge crew before we finalize any moves.” His voice back to its usual passive tone as he gestured toward the door for Pellaeon to lead the way. “Then we shall begin our final plans for reconstructing the Empire.”
“Chewie, I understand you don’t like it, but you really should try some! You said it’s been years since you had any.” Your voice was lighthearted as you pestered the Wookie. The cookies from the port you’d bought for the group were the highlight of your day and not being able to share with some of them was a letdown. But the Wookie was obstinate- as usual.
He growled his discontentment, and you pouted up at him, “Come on Chewie! Just one?” You pleaded as you wiggled one of the round sugars up at him. The height difference displayed between the two of you was enough to make Han chuckle from across the lounge area.
“Sorry, (y/n),” the man laughed, kicking his feet up onto the bar stool next to him, “you know how stubborn he can be. If he doesn’t want it, he won’t- HEY!” Han barked in disbelief as Chewbacca took the cookie from you and popped it into his mouth, the sweet vanishing behind fur and teeth.
The complete shock on Han’s face made a laugh bubble up from you this time, and Chewbacca snorted a rumbling sound of his own sort of laughter, joining yours. “You did that just to spite my words, didn’t you?” The man complained crossing his arms furiously at his furry friend.
“There’s no way,” Leia said feigning offense for her large friend, “Chewie would never do something to make you look bad, Han.” This made you laugh even more at Han’s expense, the laughter that joined in from behind startled you faintly.
It was Luke. His delightful, carefree laugh sounded like music in the lounge. “It does seem to be something he makes a clear effort to do, Han.” The Jedi added his jab, teasing his brother-in-law.
Chewbacca roared over the amusement of the group, getting his point across. “I do not need to be ‘knocked down a few pegs’, Chewie!” Han disputed, aggravation noticeable in his tone as it slithered between clenched teeth. “You’re just making a show for (y/n) and you know it.” He added under his breath as his wife came over to make over her “wounded” husband.
Luke was still chuckling as he strode over to the large Wookie, patting him on the arm encouragingly, “no worries, pal,” he began with a pleasant smile up at the creature, then softening it as his eyes fell onto you. “Even I make a show for her sometimes, it’s hard not to want her attention.” The warmth behind his eyes radiated over to your cheeks, it seemed, as you replayed his words immediately in your head.
The Jedi was hardly ever affectionate, especially in front of others. It wasn’t like you two were together… or anything of the sort, of course. He was still a Jedi and he’d told you plenty of times before, “Jedi cannot form attachments”. While you understood his commitment and reverence for his path, it was a struggle to have him so hot and cold. One minute he’d say sweet things like he just had or would admire you from afar before saying “I just can’t take my eyes off you sometimes. You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
You wanted so desperately to wrap yourself in his arms and know that it was going to be an unceasing connection, but with him pulling you closer and pushing you away, it was difficult to let anything he said sink too deep into your heart. “Thanks, Luke. Ya know,” you offered softly with your own indulgent smile, “your attention isn’t too bad now and then.” Even though his noncommittal attitude toward your relationship was tough, you didn’t want the flame to go out entirely in whatever kind of relationship you both shared. So, for the moment, anything you could get from him was a treasure to you.
A forced retching sound came from Han, “just kiss already, stars, you’re killing me over here.”
“Han!” Leia chided quickly, smacking her husband on the shoulder. The incredulous look he received was met with a shrug.
“What?” He queried argumentatively.
Luke cleared his throat uneasily but looked over at Han with a tight smile, “Han, you know we aren’t together…” He defended a little blunter than he had anticipated and recoiled when he felt you wince through the force.
“Well, why not? You guys are getting on my nerves.” Han grumbled with a roll of his eyes.
Leia’s eyes widened severely, warning him to back off. “Stop it,” she whispered only to him.
Han threw his hands out in defeat, “what?! For kriffs sake, they need to either do something about it or get it out of my-“
While Han and Leia argued over the obvious tension between you and Luke, a comm chime echoed through the lounge.
It was Han’s.
“Yeah,” Han answered gruffly, still annoyed with his heated discussion with his wife.
It was quiet amongst the group as he spoke with whoever was on the other end. The silence was deafening to you and the uncomfortable tension riddling between you and the Jedi beside you was creating an even more anxious position. The steel floor seemed to intrigue you more than anything else in the room, at the moment- that and the skirts of your dress.
It always surprised people to learn that you weren’t a part of the team of rebels who fought, and wearing a dress seemed outrageous to many but you preferred it over some of the other things that had been offered to you. It wasn’t too long, resting perfectly above your ankles and the simple cotton material was breathable, so running or any of the other numerable things you were required to do in the merry band of chaos, was easily manageable.
“(Y/n), I-“ Luke started softly, after watching you from the corner of his eye for a moment. He’d never meant to be so insensitive with his words, but they just came out so quickly in defense after Han’s comment. “I didn’t mean-“
“It’s Lando,” Han interjected, oblivious to the conversation Luke was trying to start. “He needs our help. We’ve gotta go, now.”
Neglecting the explanation he’d begun, as if the soft words never left his lips, Luke nodded and patted his hip in search of the hilt of his lightsaber, “alright, I’m ready whenever you are.” He offered resolutely.
Han turned to Leia with an apologetic smile, “I’m sorry, sweets, you know I hate arguin’ and then leavin’.” His voice was soft as he spoke to her this time, touching her cheek with his rough fingers. Every time they argued he blamed himself because Leia was perfect to him, she’d never given a reason for him to argue with her.
Sighing into his touch, Leia nodded with a grin, “I know, Han.” Then she stood to hug him, minding the bump of her womb. “I swear the twins make me more irritable,” she joked in his ear, making him laugh into her shoulder. “I love you, please be safe. I know you won’t let me go with you this time- which we will argue about later- but come back in one piece, Solo.” She warned as they pulled apart.
“Chewie, you’re staying here to watch the girls, got it?” Luke ordered in the soft way he typically did when supplying directions.
“Yeah, make sure Leia and the twins are safe,” Han doubled down on the directions given to the Wookie standing beside Luke. “Oh, and (y/n) too, I guess.” Sticking your tongue out in reprisal, you crinkled your nose at Han’s lame account of a joke.
“A little early for the dad jokes, don’t you think, Han?” You griped.
Leia and Han made their way to the dock where Luke’s X-Wing was ready for flight, giving the two of you some space. Luke left a minute of silence amongst you, both of you evading eye contact. “I want you to stay safe, please,” Luke sighed, “at least until I get back, and then-“
Before he could make any false promises that he’d made a few other times, you smiled up at him affectionately, forcing back the pain of seeing him leave again with no resolution between the two of you. “I’ll be fine. Chewie is a great bodyguard.” You guaranteed.
“He is, I just want to make sure you know that I- well, I…” breaking off from his disarray of words, Luke huffed, encircling you within his arms. His warmth encased you like a weighted blanket, easing all strain on your shoulders. “I’m sorry.” Was all he said as he held you tighter for what felt like sheer seconds, then departed down the hall toward the dock without looking back.
A few days later- after Han and Luke left- the Falcon sailed along the stars heading toward Coruscant. Inside, Leia made herself busy with a few undertakings she had been working on for the council.
Meanwhile, you and Chewbacca were playing a card game. A snarl came from the Wookie, accusing you. “Excuse me! I am not cheating, you wet dog,” you defended, feigning outrage at the claim. “Take it back,” you added simply, holding your cards to your chest.
Opening his mouth to argue, Chewbacca was cut off by an alarm sounding and the Falcon lurching forward with the motion of being caught in a tractor beam. “Chewie!” Leia shouted from the other side of the room.
The Wookie stood as swiftly as his large body abled him and strode over to the monitor to see that an Imperial ship had attached itself and was boarding, releasing a host of Storm Troopers. Chewbacca’s heightened roar disturbed you and Leia as you shared a glance. “Chewie, did you say troopers?!” You barked, dread clouding your vision.
Chewbacca rumbled his validation, and your eyes instantly went to Leia. They were here for her and the twins, you knew it. “You’ve got to hide, Leia.”
She eyed you, “what about you?! What if they take you?” She snapped bitterly as she placed a steadying hand on her stomach to calm the raging children inside. They knew they were in danger too. She hated not being able to protect them as Luke could. Maybe if she were able to train more, become a better Je-
Her thoughts were abruptly distributed by an unexpected blast, sending the locked door soaring off its hinges. In the cover of the dust and debris, Leia hid behind one of the toppled tables, crunching herself up as much as her swollen belly would let her. She prayed you were doing the same.
“There she is!” A modulated voice roared, pointing toward you as you sat on the floor, hand pressed against your forehead to stop the ringing in your ears. Chewbacca bounded over to you, striking at a few of the troopers, howling. “Shoot him!” Another modulated voice ordered.
A loud blaster bolt sounded throughout the lounge room, ringing again in your ears, dizzying you further. “Chewie!” You cried as his large hairy frame met the floor. “No!” Hoisting you up on your feet, you kicked and pulled to get away from the Storm Troopers. “Chewie, wake up!”
Leia sat there trembling, she knew she should do something, but this was serious, and Chewie was on the floor. She could feel his force still, so she knew he wasn’t gone, but what about you? She had to do something…but the twins. She couldn’t risk the twins. If something happened to her or the twins, Han would never forgive himself. But if something happened to you…she would never forgive herself either.
“This is her.” One trooper said, seizing your jaw roughly, and turning your head back and forth.
“You sure?” Another asked from behind you. “She don’t look so special.” He mumbled loud enough for you to hear.
“Nah, this is the one the Admiral sent us for, I promise. Let’s get out of here!���
“Let me go!” You wrestled but your voice trailed away as they pulled you down the hall back toward their awaiting ship and into starry space.
Leia was stone stiff, tears soaking her cheeks as she stared vacantly at the wall. It felt like an eternity before she had the strength to turn around and peer over the edge of the overturned table. You were nowhere to be seen and Chewbacca was still unconscious on the floor. Lei stood on unsteady legs, simultaneously gripping the wall and her stomach to ground her. “Sh-she’s gone…” She whispered after a few moments. Eyes scanning the area for any signs, she let out a mangled breath of panic, remorse, and nausea. The tears came in waves as she fought to remain standing, sobbing to herself. “The Imperials took her!”
Tags- @myevilmouse​
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Imperial Handbook: Empire of the Hand - Capital Ships of the Navy of the Hand
Another Worldbuilding exercise for my Empire of the Hand AU. See my Ranks document here:
While it might have began as a small task force under Thrawn’s command and whatever largely Clone Wars era scraps the Empire proper would send their way, as time went on and the Empire of the Hand began to build up the infrastructure needed to build its own ships, the variety of vessels available to it increased.  Here some of the Capital ships used by the Navy of the Hand, including some unique classes.
Renaissance-class Super Star Destroyer  (about 12 km long)
Built:  Kuat Drive Yard’s Spiral Shipyards, Nirauan system.  Officially finished construction in 21 ABY, but Admiral Parck would occasionally make use of its incomplete state before then. 
The Renaissance class is a shorter, wider, heavier-set, ship than the more familiar Executor-class SSDs from the old Galactic Empire, taking several design features from the prototype Eclipse class, including integrated interdiction technology, a complement of over 400 TIE Defender fighters, and a superlaser capable of cracking a planetary crust (or a Yuuzhan Vong world ship). Like other Empire of the Hand designs, the Renaissance-class’ bridge is not located in an exposed tower, but rather deep inside the ship, with cameras and a powerful sensor suite compensating for the lack of viewports.  Borrowing from Mon Calamari designs, the Renaissance-class also utilizes overlapping shield technology.  As well as standard Imperial weaponry like turbolasers, tractor beams and ion cannons, the Renaissance -class also utilizes Chiss Ascendency weaponry such as Plasma ball launchers and breacher missiles.
The main difference from the earlier class (and, the "selling point" that convinced then-Grand Moff Xelarra to sign off on its creation) is the ability of the Renaissance-class to carry up to five Imperial or Spiral- class Star Destroyers on the hull itself, with the smaller (but still capital sized) ships docking on five triangular recesses on the main hull, 3 on top of the superstructure, two below.  The Renaissance-class can thus act as a mobile repair station as well as the command ship.  Its main hanger bay can internally carry ships up to 300 m in length (i.e. the size of an Arquitens-class light cruiser or an Explorer-class research/scout vessel).
The Renaissance also has integrated Interdictor technology, and is equipped with several cloaking devices (necessary because of the ship’s size).  These two systems cannot normally be used at the same time, though Grand Admiral Thrawn remembers a few tricks learned earlier in his career to get around this limitation.  As cloaking devices are double-blind – they protect a ship from detection, but said ship also cannot see outside of it when activated through conventional means, the cloak is most effectively used with the cooperation of an Imperial Knight, who can use the Force to sense outside the cloak.  However, with proper timing and practice the cloaks can be used without the assistance of Force-users. 
As the Empire of the Hand did not sign the Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty, they are not prohibited from using cloaking devices. 
Known vessels in the class:
SSD Renaissance        
CO:  Fleet Admiral Voss Parck (19-28 ABY), Grand Admiral Thrawn (28 ABY +)
XO:  Commodore Eli Vanto (28 ABY+)
Starfighter commander:  Colonel Jagged Fel (28 ABY +)
Flagship of the Navy of the Hand.  Displays the same Paccosh signil as the ISD Chimaera on its hull.
Commissioned by Fleet Admiral Parck, in anticipation of Grand Admiral Thrawn’s rumoured return in 19 ABY.  Thrawn (actually his clone, known as ‘Raw’nuru’ until he was ready to retake the mantle of Grand Admiral) did not take command until the beginning of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, after the Evacuation of Lysatra.
Imperial-Class Star Destroyers
These iconic ships were inherited from the Galactic Empire.  Only a few were assigned to Thrawn’s task force in the Unknown Regions/The Chaos, and he chose the leave the ones he did have behind in the Empire of the Hand during his campaign of 8-9 ABY.  The Empire of the Hand has been retrofitting the ISDs when they can with more automation, in order to reduce its crew component from over 37 000 personnel down to 10 000.  As the less crew-intensive Spiral-Class Star Destroyers became more prominent in the Navy of the Hand, the remaining, aging Imperial-Class Star Destroyers were mainly regulated to defensive roles around prominent star systems and installations.  
Differences with standard Imperial Class ISDs:
As opposed to the “mobile base” role that the Old Galactic Empire used the Imperial-class for, Empire of the Hand ISDs are more starfighter-focused, with the majority of their standard ground forces (an entire legion of Stormtroopers, 20 AT-AT walkers and associated vehicles at the Empire’s height) regulated to the Clone Wars era Acclimator and new Nightstalker-class assault cruisers instead, unless the mission profile specifically calls for their inclusion.  With more room that would have been otherwise been taken up by ground vehicles, Hand ISDs have more than doubled the number of TIE –series fighters carried. 
To accommodate the additional TIES, the bridge tower has been reassigned to be a communications tower, focusing on air traffic control.  The actual bridge of the ship has been moved to a far more secure location in the interior of the ship, with cameras and sensors making up for the lack of traditional viewports.  
Known Vessels in this Class:
ISD Admonitor
CO:  Captain Dagon Niriz, then-Captain Voss Parck
The Star Destroyer first assigned to Thrawn’s “mapping expedition” in the Unknown Regions/The Chaos which would grow into the Empire of the Hand.  It later serves as the Hand Fleet's flagship until the Renaissance’s construction is completed in 21 ABY. 
ISD Vengeance  renamed the Resolute once in Hand space
CO:  then-Captain Thrawn (6 BBY), Commodore Karyn Faro (1 BBY +)
This is (officially) the first ISD Thrawn was assigned to as captain, which he used to subjugate the Kaleesh colony world of Oben.  Surprisingly, Thrawn earned the fierce, reptilian aliens’ respect for not just defeating, but crushing them in battle.  After the Battle of Endor, Thrawn personally extends an invitation to the Kaleesh to join the Empire of the Hand.  The say they will consider his offer, but don’t actually join until after Thrawn’s death.  
Commodore Karyn Faro served as Thrawn’s executive officer on the Resolute for many years, before being promoted to commanding officer of the Resolute itself, then climbing ever higher in the Hand Navy. 
The Resolute, along with the Admonitor, were also largely responsible for the creation of “Thrawn’s Cut” -- the hyperspace beacon route through The Chaos stretching from the Nirauan system to the border with the Chiss Ascendency. 
Beacons are modified Imperial probe droids, deployed in small groups that transmit real time astrometrics along a frequency that to anyone other than Empire of the Hand communications networks, appears as regular galactic background radiation.  By deploying the beacons in regular intervals, they form a trail of “breadcrumbs” that subsequent Hand ships can follow, allowing navigation through the Chaos without relying on Force users, though the initial deployment can be quite slow, relying on jump-by-jump navigation to plant the next “crumb” in the trail.  It took nearly a decade to carve Thrawn’s Cut, and the time involved convinced the Grand Admiral of the need for a dedicated exploration and beacon planting corps. 
ISDs the Empire of the Hand wants:
ISD Chimaera, currently serving as the flagship of the Imperial Loyalists (aka the Imperial Remnant)
CO:  Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon Possibly the most famous ISD in the Galaxy, the Chimaera served as Grand Admiral Thrawn’s flagship during his campaign to retake the galaxy in 9 ABY, with Gilad Pellaeon serving as his XO.  Both Fleet Admiral Parck and Empress Xelarra herself have made numerous offers to the Imperial Loyalists to acquire the historic ship, including offering the trade several state-of-the-art Spiral-class Star Destroyers for her.  Grand Admiral Pellaeon declines to give up his flagship every time.
Spiral-class Star Destroyers
Named for the magnificent ringed gas giant Spiral, the fifth planet in the Nirauan system, around which the Empire of the Hand’s main shipyards are built, these slim, daggerlike ships are smaller than Imperial-class Star Destroyers  (1.2 km long compared to an ISD's 1.6 km) and take a lot less crew (only about 5000).  As is standard on newer Hand ships, the Bridge tower is eliminated, with the bridge itself nestled deep within the structure of the ship.  They are powerful for their size.  Like a “mini-Renaissance”, (though they are, in fact, the basis for the larger ship) SpSDs are equipped with both Imperial and Chiss Ascendency weapons, featuring banks of turbo and spectrum lasers, deployed in retractable turrets, tractor beams, ion cannons and/or plasma spheres and breacher missiles. Some, though not all (usually 1-2 per battle group) have interdiction technology equipped.   Like the Hand’s ISDs, SpSDs also focus on starfighter deployment over ground forces, even though their TIEs usually consist of hyperspace-capable TIE Defenders.
Spiral class ships are predominantly assigned to Fleet Admiral Karyn Faro's Seeker Fleet, whose primary mission is to patrol the Galactic Rim hunting for any signs of the Far Outsiders.  As an added bit of psychological warfare against the technophobic Far Outsiders, Seeker Fleet ships are usually named after fictional machine lifeforms from a children’s novel and ani-holo series once popular in the Core. 
They also perform limited exploration duties (at least until the dedicated Explorer program is implemented) and plant hyperspace beacons.  They are slowly replacing the aging ISDs to become the premier battleship in the Navy of the Hand. 
Spiral-class ships use the designation “HMS” - “her Majesty’s Ship”, in honour of her Imperial Majesty, Lexx’elarra’nuruodo (Xelarra), Empress of the Hand. 
Known vessels in the class:
HMS Starscream
CO:  Fleet Admiral Karyn Faro (2 ABY +)
Flagship of Seeker Fleet, for a short time Flagship of the Navy of the Hand, during Admiral Faro’s tenure as Supreme Commander. 
One of the first four Spiral-class ships built, and founding member of Seeker Fleet. 
(featured in "Seat of Command" as the site of Thrawn and Xelarra having some "quality time" - NSFW)
HMS Thundercracker
CO:  Captain Rae Sloane ( 5 ABY)
Thrawn’s flagship while assisting the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet against Ssi’ruuk incursions (“Reunion”).  Captain Sloan was personally mentored by the Grand Admiral, and is considered Admiral Faro’s protégée.   
One of the first four Spiral-class ships built, and founding member of Seeker Fleet. 
HMS Skywarp
Torguta CO
Equipped with Interdiction technology, its smooth lines are broken up by its spherical, gravity well generators.
One of the first four Spiral-class ships built, and founding member of Seeker Fleet
HMS Shockwave
CO:  Captain Kyra Pyrondi
Captained by a long-time crewmate of both Grand Admiral Thrawn’s and Admiral Faro’s, this ship serves as a testbed for new weapons developments, with Captain Pyrondi herself often participating in the design teams. 
One of the first four Spiral-class ships built, and founding member of Seeker Fleet
HMS Grievous
Kaleesh CO Named for the legendary, deified  leader of the Kaleesh and General of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, specializes in long-range “hunting”, and preemptive strikes.
Victory-Class Star Destroyers, Venator-Class Star Destroyers
Clone Wars-era capital ships, regulated to less-important sectors of the Galactic Empire during the Imperial era as the larger Imperial-class better fulfilled the Tarkin doctrine of “rule by fear”, even if the larger ships were far less efficient in other respects.  Thrawn managed to get a number of these older ships assigned to his “mapping expedition” in the Unknown Regions/The Chaos, mostly because they were undervalued by that point by mainstream commanders in the Galactic Empire.   
Like the Imperial-class, these older ships are slowly being phased out in favour of the Spiral-class, but are still in use – mostly used against known threats in the Chaos (like the Vagaari pirates, and some client species of the Grysts – themselves clients of the Far Outsiders).  While these aging ships may be less effective in Lesser Space, even Clone Wars-era shields and weaponry is superior to most technology that cultures of the Chaos can muster, including the Chiss Ascendency.  Thrawn has a talent for using limited resources in the most effective way possible, and these older star destroyers are no exception.
Arguably, these ships make up the backbone of the Navy of the Hand, and keep the Empire of the Hand safe from the known threats of the Chaos.  Whether they will be effective against the Far Outsiders remains to be seen.   
Known vessels in these classes:
VSD Strikefast
CO:  Captain Voss Parck (19 BBY), Commodore Rae Sloane (10 ABY +)
The Victory-class Star Destroyer which was commanded by Voss Parck when he made first contact with Thrawn in 19 BBY.  While Parck himself was reassigned to the ISD Admonitor, Thrawn did manage to get the Strikefast herself assigned to his “mapping expedition”.   
The Strikefast, under Commodore Rae Sloan, later became the flagship of the Explorer program.  Though the Explorers themselves would later use primarily their own class of ship, modified Arquitens-class light cruisers, the Strikefast remains in service, stationed at Watchtower Station – the space station built at the Ascendency-end of Thrawn’s Cut, and the Explorer program’s base of operations, still serving as now-Admiral Sloane’s flagship (and is to Watchtower what the USS Defiant is to DS9). 
Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers
Pre-Clone Wars capital ships are rare, due to the Old Republic’s anti-military policies.  Nevertheless, Grand Admiral Thrawn managed to discover the location of the legendary Katana fleet during his campaign of 9 ABY.  Though the majority of the 178 ships he acquired were used in his campaign, with surviving vessels becoming Imperial Loyalist property, He did manage to send 30 of the vessels home to the Empire of the Hand. 
Though older, like with the Venator and Victory-Class Star Destroyers, the Dreadnaugts still outgun anything native to the Chaos, as demonstrated by the Chiss Ascendency’s efforts to acquire the six Dreadnaughts of the Outbound Flight expedition.  Surviving Dreadnaughts usually server as auxiliary craft in the Hand Navy, backing up Star Destroyers.  Five vessels, unfortunately, were in such a state of disrepair that they had to be decommissioned and scrapped.  (“Nightfall of the Final Day”).
Like with other Clone Wars and earlier era ships, the Hand is occasionally able to procure additional vessels from Lesser Space scrapyards in the Outer Rim, though as our own shipbuilding capabilities have improved, this has become far less necessary. 
Known Vessels in the Class:
HMS Rapier
Official transport of her Imperial Majesty, Empress Xelarra.  The Empress declines to use a Star Destroyer for her needs, preferring that the newer, stronger vessels serve in “more important” Naval missions.  Instead, she uses one of the Katana Fleet dreadnaughts, saying she has an “appreciation” for such ships.  As the Imperial transport, the Rapier has civilian amenities more typical to diplomatic vessels (including relatively large shipboard library) and is more comfortable than most navel vessels, even for its enlisted crewmembers.  However, make no mistake – it is still a warship, and is perfectly capable of defending itself.
The Rapier features an upgraded Class 1 hyperdrive, stronger shields (even with the typical strong armour of a Dreadnaught) and its nose cargo bay is more accurately deemed a hanger, housing a full wing of TIE Defenders, as well as having dedicated landing spots for both Empress Xelarra’s and Princess Andorra’s personal Lambda-class shuttles.  The cargo bay can also hold the Empress’ personal combat vehicle, the AT-AT Toraton (her Majesty is a qualified reservist AT-AT driver) though it is more usually stationed on the Renaissance, or on Nirauan itself.      While the Empress is on Nirauan, the Rapier serves as part of the capital’s planetary defense fleet, though it can be ready for Her Majesty’s departure within one standard hour.   
Acclamator and Nightstalker-Class Assault Ships
The Clone Wars-era Acclamator, and its “descendant”, the Nightstalker-class, serve primarily as ground troop transports, assault vehicles and landing craft for the Army of the Hand, Stormtroopers and member world elite troops.  As such, these ships will be described in more detail in the chapter on the Army of the Hand.    
Immobilizer-class cruisers 
These rare ships have the ability to project an artificial gravity field, mimicking the mass shadow of a large object (i.e. a planet) in hyperspace, and subsequently pulling other ships out of hyperspace.  They were not built in great numbers, despite being perhaps the best Rebel-hunting tool at the Empire's disposal.  Thrawn saw their potential when pretty much no other Imperial commander did, and managed to get a large percentage of the Empire's Interdictors assigned to him in the Empire of the Hand. 
While Interdictors are usually used to pull enemy ships out of hyperspace for easier capture/destruction, the “Thrawn Pincer” is a space battle tactic developed by Thrawn, where Interdictors are used to pull his own ships out of hyperspace in a specific formation, with a lot more control than would be possible with usual hyperspace jumps.  He uses the technique in his Campaign of 9 ABY to great affect.   
Immobilizers are about 600 m long, looks like a small Star Destroyer with 4 gravity projector domes sticking out from the lines of the hull)
Known Immobilizer cruisers:
An old Immobilizer scheduled to be scrapped by the New Republic (as they didn't know how to use it properly).  Raw'nuru (Thrawn's clone) joins a band of pirates in capturing the ship, then seizes command himself.  He uses the Maelstrom as his primary vessel while patrolling the Empire of the Hand's borders, taking on privateer missions, recruiting allies, and protecting his Empire from the shadows as he regains the confidence he needs to retake his old mantle.
Between 20 and 28 ABY, the Maelstrom is involved in several notable events, such as destroying a New Republic vessel that attacked them unprovoked without even firing a shot, which subsequently leads to Raw'nuru finally getting to warn Admiral Ackbar about the Far Outsiders, and the start of their "long distance" friendship (fic idea - "Pen Pals").
The Maelstrom is destroyed in the Evacuation of Lysatra, at the onset of the Far Outsiders War, holding off an invading Vong force long enough for the Hand Fleet to arrive.  Most of the crew, however, survives, and rejoin their Captain (now once again Grand Admiral) on the Renaissance.
The Maelstrom is also where Imp Squadron is assigned.  These near-washout fighter pilots are given one last chance by Wing General Soontir Fel to prove themselves, so are given just standard TIES and assigned to "the Empress' favourite privateer" to shape up.  Under Raw'nuru's command, they become an elite fighter squadron, basically the Hand's version of the NR's Wraith Squadron.  They also join their commander aboard the Renaissance.
Other Interdictors (undetermined class):
Scylla and Charybdis
Assigned to the Renaissance's battle group, these two Interdictors are commanded by Devola and Popula, two redish-orange twin Twi'leks who were trained by Raw'nuru on the Maelstrom.  They had originally been slaves belonging to the first pirate captain, who were freed by Raw'nuru when he overthrew and spaced that captain.  He saw their potential, and personally mentored them into Imperial officers.  Both are good friends (sometimes with benefits) of the Explorer Captain Shran.
Some Spiral-class Star Destroyers are also equipped with Interdiction technology, including Seeker Fleet’s HMS Skywarp.  The Renaissance itself is also Interdiction-capable. 
Arquitens-class Light Cruisers 
Considered the Imperial answer to the Rebellion’s/New Republic’s CR90 Corvette (aka the Rebel Blockade Runner, often nicknamed the “Rebel Ass-Hauler” by Hand navel personnel), the 300-metre long Arquitens has been in service since the Clone Wars, and was of the few ships from that era to remain in service in the Galactic Empire for the entirety of its existence.  The Empire of the Hand likewise inherited a large number of these ships.  While most serve essentially unchanged from their roles in the Galactic Empire as support and scout/recon craft, notable Arquitens have become something more. 
Explorer-class research and scout vessels:
Between 10 BBY and 6 ABY, while Thrawn was building up the Empire of the Hand, it became apparent, especially during the decade-long establishment of the "Thrawn's Cut" hyperspace route, that relying on Star Destroyers and other navy vessels to plant hyperspace beacons and for the diplomatic relations with non-hostile civilisations of the Chaos was unsustainable, and frankly a waste of the Navy's time when they need to be preparing for the upcoming Far Outsider invasion.
With the assistance of Xelarra's research into past exploration initiatives in Lesser Space (both historical and fictional), Thrawn began developing the foundation of a new, offshoot from the Hand Navy, to focus on (relatively) peaceful exploration exclusively.
That said, the Explorer ships, while small, needed to be tough and fast, to survive encounters with less-friendly forces, and to eventually transfer to scout duties in the Far Outsider War.
The ubiquitous Imperial Arquitens-class light cruiser (like Thrawn's first Imperial assignment, the Thunder Wasp) would make an ideal basis.
Explorer-class ships differ from their foundation in having even their limited weapons further reduced, in order to make room for science labs, a larger hanger to hold more than two shuttles at a time, and the most advanced sensor suite in the known Galaxy.  The crew compliment is also reduced, to about 200, from an Arquitens' 700.
Explorer ships are not entirely helpless -- their weapons may be limited, but they pack a punch, and can handle nuisances like smugglers/pirates perfectly well.  Standard procedure has the ships in constant communication with the nearest active Navy vessel (as detected over the Hand's hyperspace beacon network), which is obligated to come to the Explorer's aid if called.
Explorer-class vessels are highly modular, and can be easily customized for different mission profiles.
Thrawn unfortunately did not live to see the Explorer program officially start, but after his death, the program was finally pushed through by Empress Xelarra, with support from Admiral Faro. 
While officially under Admiral Faro’s jurisdiction, she delegated command of the Explorer program to Admiral Rae Sloane.  The program is officially based on Watchtower Station, a space station built at the Ascendency end of Thrawn’s Cut, right outside the border with the Chiss Ascendency.  From this point, Explorer vessels begin their deep space expeditions.
Explorers primarily rely on their planted hyperspace beacons, and on their powerful sensor suites to plot jump-by-jump navigation.  If in a hurry to go somewhere uncharted, Explorers will (begrudgingly) hire the help of a Force-sensitive navigator (the Pathfinders Guild has a franchise based on Watchtower Station), or ask for the assistance of an Imperial Knight.  They will not, under any but the most dire circumstances to the Empire of the Hand as a whole, use Chiss sky-walkers, as the Empire of the Hand considers child labour abhorrent, illegal, and basically slavery.  Like all Hand Imperial forces, they will offer political sanctuary to any sky-walker who asks for it, and their immediate family (parents/caretakers, siblings), and will ensure their transport to Nirauan or another long-time (and well-protected) Hand member world.  Explorer-class vessels use the designation “RRS” for “Royal Research Ship”  
Known Explorer ships:
RRS Stargazer
CO:  Captain Rosk’alem’izeq - Kalemi
Commanded by the Chiss Captain Kalemi, a former member of the Rogue Phalanx, who specialises in astronomy and served alongside then-Govoner Xelarra and Phalanx Commander Stent on the Honoghr mission. ("Nightfall of the Final Day") 
Xelarra and Thrawn's son, Shran, is assigned to the Stargazer as a cadet, and is mentored by Kalemi.  It is the Stargazer that first encounters Mara Jade when she goes looking for the Explorers after hearing rumours about them from spacers/smugglers, and she meets Shran, growing more interested in her connection with the Empire of the Hand (upcoming fic “Daughter of the Empire”).
The Stargazer comes under attack from a trigger-happy New Republic vessel in 22 ABY, mistaking it for an Imperial Remnant Arquitens, in complete violation of the  Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty.  Mara distracts the NR ship long enough for a Star Destroyer to come to its rescue, then works with Shran to devise an excuse that the NR ship wandered into an old Clone Wars minefield, despite Mara’s attempt to warn them. 
Cadet Shran serves aboard the Stargazer for the first decade of his career as an Explorer, eventually rising to the rank of First Officer, until he gets his own command.
(named after the USS Stargazer, Captain Jean-Luc Picard's first command).
RRS Intrepid
CO:  Captain Mitth’shra’nuruodo – Shran
Notable officers:              XO and Communications:  Commander Dee (human augment - Tattooine)
Helms officer: Lieutenant Cherith Fel (human - Nirauan)
Navigation:  Hex (Tripod)
Chief Engineer:  Commander Gorbash (Draconian)
CMO:  Doctor Jackie Hatch  (human – Lysatra)
Engineering:  Lieutenant Neela Drakesdaughter (Twi’lek)
Quartermaster:  Ensign Sali Vanto (human – Lysatra)
Commanded by Captain Shran a year or two after start of the Vong War.  Involved in many adventures, including tricking a Vong ship into getting sucked into a black hole, and the raid on Ossus.   Visits the Renaissance often enough that the crews of the two ships know each other pretty well.
(“hero” ship captained by Thrawn’s son. Named after the Intrepid-class ships in Star Trek, the most prominent example being the USS Voyager)
RRS Nonsuch
CO:  Captain Davi Cecelia.  (Quarren) 
XO:  <Unnamed Gungan who speaks with a distinguished Core World accent>
This ship specialises in exploration of ocean worlds.  The majority of her crew are from species that can breathe underwater unaided, and the ship itself is specialised to be able to land (and float) on water.
Captain Cecelia is begrunding friends with Captain Shran, and the two ships collaborate more often than they wish, with the Nonsuch backing up the Intrepid during the Ossus raid. 
(named after the Nonsuch, an 18th century merchant ship which explored Hudson’s and James’ Bays, and helped to start the Canadian fur trade.  A replica – which can be boarded and explored by guests – is on display at the Manitoba museum in Winnipeg.)
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twinsunstars · 4 months
My Thoughts on Tales of the Empire - A Discussion Post (PART 1)
Hi! I'm finally getting a chance to discuss Tales of the Empire after its release last week, and it's a show that I enjoyed but also had a lot of mixed thoughts about. Let's dive back into the stories of Morgan Elsbeth and Bariss Offee during the Imperial era!
I'm going to do this discussion in 2 parts; one for Morgan's arc and one for Bariss's arc so I can discuss them both in depth.
(all screencaps from www.cap-that.com! https://www.cap-that.com/starwars/tales-of-the-empire/?seasonone)
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Under the blood-red clouds of Dathomir, a heated battle engages between the Nightsisters and General Grievous's battalion; the night of the massacre during the Clone Wars. A young Morgan Elsbeth fights against the droids, her mother doing her best to protect her daughter. Her mother gets killed, and Morgan is attacked, knocking out.
Morgan looks really pretty in the Clone Wars animation, and seeing this from her perspective was amazing.
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Morgan is recovered by the mountain clan on Dathomir, which was really interesting to know about that there's more different people living on Dathomir. Morgan's facial markings had faded away like dust, which I also thought was really interesting considering many of the Nightsisters were gone (even Mother Talzin) and their magic was fading away. Morgan heads outside into the sun, observing the remaining fire still burning in her homeland. Morgan collapses into tears, her expressions vowing revenge.
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Women part of the Mountain Clan worry about their own safety after what happened to the Nightsisters, as Morgan overhears. The elder of the Mountain Clan tells Morgan to join Nali during a hunt, as the two venture through the lands. The Separatist droids are still around, and Morgan attempts to convince Nali to join her on her attempts to fight back.
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Morgan gets Nali and another to join her endeavors in fighting against the Seperatist droids, trying to defend themselves. Droids attack the girls as they fight back. Once things get too overwhelming, the elder of the Mountain Clan appears, using her strong magic to end the fight. Nali becomes injured and dies in her mother's arms, as Morgan is left behind and alone near the fire.
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Years pass and the Clone Wars are long over, as Morgan serves under the Empire. In a ship above Coruscant, Morgan gives a presentation on the advanced TIE fighters she designed-Thrawn's favored project in the novels and Rebels. I always thought Thrawn was the one who designed the TIE fighters, but I guess that changed once Morgan was put into Star Wars media. Moff Isdain rejects her proposal to design these fighters, while Pellaeon finds her work interesting and hints at his superior who could love her work.
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Morgan returns to Corvus, the same planet from The Mandalorian which she controlled. Wing asks if she was successful while with a crew of the Empire, which she responds no. The people of Corvus had left themselves in Morgan's hands while she promised them a better world, and Morgan states that the Empire does not want anything she is offering. The people of Corvus begin to rebel against her, refusing to follow her any longer.
While Morgan listens to the rebel exclaims at night near the gong (I'm not sure what it was called but it is treated like a gong), she hears someone nearby. I was not expecting to see Thrawn's assassin, Rukh, after so many years right here. Morgan faces off against him until Pellaeon shows up, leaving with Rukh.
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I screamed when Thrawn appeared; he looks stunning in Clone Wars animation. Currently just an Admiral, Thrawn approaches Morgan, finding high interest in her TIE fighter designs. He asks Morgan why she wants the Empire's support, and Morgan continues to seek revenge for her people. Thrawn accepts her offer, and the people of Corvus continue to be left under her rule.
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Time passes again as an old friend returns to her home during the era of the New Republic. Nadura asks Wing what has happened, and Wing tells her things have just gotten worse ever since she left. Morgan continues to rule Corvus, even with the Empire gone. Nadura attempts to bring Corvus into the New Republic, but Morgan will not let that happen. Morgan attempts to kill Nadura, and a conflict ensues.
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Nadura tries to escape and return to the New Republic, but is severely attacked. Morgan destroys her ship and sets the entire forest on fire. I didn't see any reason for her to set the forest on fire, but it's parallel to her saying that her world has always been burning around her. Wing approaches Nadura, who has sent a comm signal for help. Bo-Katan's voice answers the call, and maybe likely she sent Ahsoka here to help. The arc ends here, the fire continuing to burn.
I'm really glad that we got to learn more about Morgan's backstory, and I loved seeing more of the battle on Dathomir from the Nightsisters' perspective. Now on to Bariss's arc below.
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contentment-of-cats · 2 years
WIP bit 16
The whole cell shook and Ar’alani looked up. Csilla had icequakes, yes. She knew what those felt like and that was not it. Then another shake, the lights went out, and all she could do was wait alone in the dark.
Had they already executed Thrawn? Was he waiting for her in the light?
Taking a deep breath, Ar’alani... no, they’d made her Ziara again only for her family to Unname her... Ara began to count.
The lights went back on after a while.
The door to her cell opened and a squad of guards entered, shackled her, and led her out of the cellblock. Thrawn was there and the band of thorns around her heart loosened. Yes, he was still shackled, but if they were going to go out at least it was together. He leaned over, touched his forehead to hers. 
“Don’t worry,” was all he said.
“It wasn’t an icequake, was it?” 
The guards were in a hurry, almost dragging them into the transport that took them not in the direction of the Syndicure, but to the Irizi spaceport. It was also pitch black dark.
“What time is it?” 
“Zero twenty,” one of the guards replied, and there was real fear in his voice. 
She glanced at Thrawn, who could have been on the bridge of his own destroyer...
Oh. Oh. 
Crazy fucking Humans. Those precious lunatics. 
“What happened?” It had to be a tale.
The guard’s fellows tried to hush him.
“What can the Syndicure or the families do? The Humans have vacuum-packed the system. They hold all of the Family stations, the Stybla are now the one ruling family, and the Syndicure’s deposed. Other systems have gone silent. That crazy Human captain blasted the Syndicure and Admiralty to holes in the ice.”
“I thought we chased them off!” 
“The Human with the big lip-hair came back with reinforcements, including our own forces, and the biggest Human ship I’ve ever seen.”
“Who was the captain who gave the order to fire on Csilla?” Ara thought she knew. 
“She called herself Captain Little Dragon.”
First they took down the defense grid with ion torps, then two shots - one after the other - to the Admiralty and the Syndicure. Csillan defense forces were routed, and Family vessels neutralized and boarded. The demands were simple - Thrawn and herself, plus Mitth’ur’fianco delivered to the Irizi platform. Labaki and his Stybla staff to take over all functions of admiralty and syndicure. 
Thurfian was already aboard the Delta-class shuttle, his face a mask as he turned it from the two of them. To Ara’s surprise, they turned not for the Chimaera, but to...
“Mother of Ice. Thrawn, what is that?” The ship made the ISDs around it look like bathtub toys. 
“A Super-class. They were under construction, but had not yet been put into action last I knew.” 
“This is the Chimaera to Hummingbird. Commodore Pellaeon is awaiting you in Alpha-One-Center-Foward. From Grand Admiral Faro of the Eleventh to Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Seventh and Grand Admiral Ar’alani of the CEDF - welcome home.”
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thedistantstorm · 10 months
Day 12 is up. More POV outsider, this time with Enoch and Pellaeon (who have this little rivalry to be Thrawn’s top dog) + yet another force sensitive climbing around in the ship’s ductwork.
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umwmun-blog · 7 months
Strife across the Galaxy
Outer Rim mobilization
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FLN Partisan militiamen have taken the fight to the Imperial Remnants, destroying their ground operations and hunting them through hyperspace. Despite being limited on equipment, high morale, training and growing numbers from populations across the Galaxy have given them major victories against the Remnants. This, as well as a hearts and minds campaign with the downtrodden of the Galaxy has seen populations and worlds join the Free League of Neutrals. As well, unscrupulous mercenaries have joined the FLN cause, including the notable bounty hunter Boba Fett. Now Magistrate of Tatooine. Concerns over New Republic naval development.
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New Republic naval production continues at an alarming rate. Leaks have confirmed that New Republic warship designs include schematics for orbital bombardment capability, seen by many as a dangerous and inappropriate design for the New Republic, and reopens wounds from memories of Imperial Star Destroyers levelling worlds. Coruscant Revival
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Following the passing of the bill to redevelop Coruscant, riots have turned to celebrations and the economic decline of Coruscant begins to fade. Government buildings are repaired, tax credits are issued for development, and Republican army forces are deployed to halt any Imperial or radical activity. The Galactic government has been reinstated in Coruscant, resuming a millennia old tradition. As senators refill the old Senate building, governors and leaders of the Outer Rim hark at the decision, with more and more viewing the New Republic as just another entity perpetuating the long line of Core World political control.
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Formation of the Species Liberation Militia
The Ewok wookie militia has been gathering more allies to their cause including the Kaleesh. honor bound warriors that have long been subjugated by the controlling powers in their sector. This organization is pro New Republic. However it demands that a bill of right for all sentient species is made as well as senate reforms to require member planets to be democratically led and for an entire restructure of the new republic senate to give equal representation to all.
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The Bracca Raid
The FLN Partisans have conducted a raid on the Scrapper world of Bracca. The FLN secured 2 Imperial light cruisers. and a Quasar Fire-Class Cruiser Carrier. The FLN were able to seize the ships without a fight. and escaped before New Republic patrols reached the site.
While small FLN now has a Naval force.
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Formula Zero
As galactic tensions rise galactic citizens flock to the new Pod racing league formula zero. The new regulations have greatly reduced casualty rates for the racing sport. Increasing the survivability of racers from 25% to 99%. A three way rivalry has been brewing between the top racing teams. "Red Rancor" owned by Lando, "Antilles Academy", and the "Cloud riders" a racing team with controversial ties to the FLN.
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Outbound flight mission terminated!
"They have a whole damn fleet out here!" - Captain Dameron
The Outbound flight mission has stumbled into an imperial remnant fleet in the unknown regions. The Outbound flight mission was barely able to escape the fleet returning back to known space in a risky unrouted hyperspace jump.
New Republic Intelligence has reviewed data from the incident and has determined that the imperial star destroyers are the 7th fleet. Lead by Captain Pellaeon. The Imperial 7th fleet was almost entirely untouched by the civil war, and has since integrated sections of other Imperial fleets. The presence of such a massive portion of Imperial power in the Unknown Regions does note bode well for Republic security.
The Galaxy awaits the New Republics response.
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zhakyria · 1 year
Looming Darkness
Looming Darkness is a collection of stories take place in my Arclight AU which is a melting pot of various Sci-Fi properties, with events, characters, organizations and histories from Farscape to WildStar. This is just my interpretation and fun what-ifs that revolve around my favorite OCs and Canon Characters interacting. Much of it involves Star Wars because right now that is my primary obsession, but there will be references and maybe even some wayward characters that show up here and there. Because this is an AU that includes many different properties, original timelines of events have been adjusted to fit this AU better. Any years listed are in reference to the Arclight Timeline. Ascendancy and Thrawn stuff inspired by Project Compass by DistantStorm, Belonging by amukmuk, and postmortem by furiosophie.
Part 1: Unexpected Variables
Prologue | Out of Time
Galactic Empire | Lothal | Year 4262
The hatch to the bridge opened, followed by blaster shots and the sound of the two death troopers stationed there hitting the floor. Thrawn straightened his shoulders and turned to face his adversary. Ezra Bridger held a blaster trained at his chest. He stood confidently, feet planted firmly with no hesitation in his movement. His gaze focused on Thrawn. 
“Looks like you lose, Thrawn.” Bridger’s voice held restrained anger. Justified anger. How many lives had he doomed? At Lansend? At Batonn? How many times did he choose to do nothing? Thought of them as just Imperial assets?
He could have done more. 
“A momentary setback.” 
He should have done more. 
“We’ll see.”
He admired Bridger’s conviction. The same conviction he’d seen in General Syndulla and in Agent Kallus. They were all warriors, willing to die for their cause, yet they fought even harder to live for it, to see it through to the end. They knew where they stood. Did he?
Could he even consider himself a warrior anymore? He felt lost, adrift, anchorless. It had grown difficult to tell right from wrong. 
There are things in the universe that are simply and purely evil. Words from another time. 
A warrior does not seek to understand them, or to compromise with them. Yet that is what he had done. 
He seeks only to obliterate them.…that uniform has blinded you to reality. He’s standing again on that field outside Creekpath but this time he is surrounded by the burned and broken bodies of insurgents and civilians.
There are evil things in this galaxy; far more evil than the Empire… Hooded yellow eyes stare back at him from the dark, knowing, mocking. Dark hallways close in despite their enormity and grandeur. 
“Sir, several unidentified objects have just entered orbit.” Reality slams back into place. 
“My blockade will intercept them.” Another variable is added to the situation, another brushstroke to the canvas. He catches Bridger’s eye and the corner of the young man’s mouth lifts. 
“They’ve destroyed the blockade. Our ships are just gone.” The officer replies. There was fear in his voice, and in the way his shoulders tensed reading the reports.
“Get Captain Pellaeon.” Thrawn demanded with a touch of anger at the edge of his voice. More lives lost. The noose tightened, time was running out.
“Sir, they came out of hyperspace!”  Pellaeon’s awed voice echoed through the bridge. “I’ve never seen….” Static hissed through the rest of the transmission. 
“Admiral, we have incoming.” 
Thrawn’s eyes narrowed and his mouth twisted in a grimace, before he could regain his composure. More miscalculations. How many more would he make?  
“Take a look.” Bridger motioned towards the view ports with his blaster. Thrawn obliged him.
The purrgils emerged from the pale gold clouds led by the Ghost, on a direct course for the Chimaera and its support ships. He took in a sharp breath, his eyes going wide. The young Jedi proved yet again to be a master of the unexpected. Once more side stepping expectations and assumptions. Purrgils were ship breakers. Even a small one could do significant damage, their thick skulls able to punch through the armor plating with ease. The largest were of comparable size to the Chimaera. 
The lead purrgils slammed into the Chimaera’s support ships, tearing great holes into their hulls and destroying their drives in the first pass. Thrawn closed his eyes and breathed deep. Another promise broken. He snapped his eyes back open, pulled his blaster pistol and faced Bridger. His voice cut through the commotion. “Begin evacuations at once.”
The bridge officers scrambled to obey his command. They were all newly assigned to their positions. His most trusted officers had been re-assigned to a new command under Commodore Faro, just before arriving at Lothal, in order to spare them his fate. The purrgils moved in close to the Chimaera, their size blocking the view ports. Their low rumbling calls reverberating through the bridge.     
This would be the end. A brief smile crossed Thrawn’s lips. “Whatever happens next, happens to both of us.”  
“That’s the idea.” Bridger replied. He narrowed his eyes and shifted his stance. 
The windows shattered. The purrgil’s tentacles reached in and slammed into the stormtroopers standing on either side of Thraw. The explosion of air accompanied the agitated calls of the beasts outside. Thrawn fired uselessly at the tentacles, their tough hide dissipating the blaster fire. The troopers were pulled one by one from the ship. He ducked under one, then charged towards Bridger, to avoid a second one slamming down upon him.
Bridger lifted his hand and with a subtle pushing motion threw Thrawn back into the grip of the purrgil’s tentacles. He managed to maintain his hold on the pistol, and fired it at the softer underside of the tentacles tightening their grip around him.
“Ezra? Ezra, can you hear me? The purrgil, is it you?” Bridger’s comlink crackled to life with Sabine Wren’s voice. 
“Yeah! Pretty good, huh?” Bridger looked away, excitement and triumph brightening his voice.
The tentacles around Thrawn loosened. 
“Well, you could’ve told the rest of us.”
“I wanted it to be a surprise.” Bridger looked up and locked eyes with Thrawn.
The hatch to the bridge opened and Bridger whirled to face the charging extraction squad. His stance remained grounded as he threw out his hand, throwing the death trooper into the stormtroopers behind. Bridger brought up the rifle and shot the two remaining troopers.   
Thrawn pulled the last tentacle from his waist, aimed his pistol and fired.
Bridger stumbled forward a half step crying out in pain, his left arm hanging limp. Then spun around and pulled the pistol from Thrawn’s hand and tossed it aside with the Force. 
Thrawn could never quite account for that variable. There was so much he did not know about it. Did not understand. The sight of rain cascading down a window covered in equations sprung unbidden to his mind.
Bridger pulled his arm back in a familiar move. Thrawn braced himself as he was shoved again against the forward console. The purrgil’s tentacles wrapped around him more firmly. 
Another squad of stormtroopers ran up behind Bridger, who turned and used the Force to close the hatchway on them. He breathed heavily, wincing, but he kept his right hand raised, holding the hatch shut. He turned his attention forward. 
Thrawn struggled against the tentacles, but they tightened around him, compressing his chest; a sharp pain shot through his side. The Chimaera shuddered. The tentacles around him began to glow and emit a low reverberating sound, not unlike a hyperdrive powering up.
“Ezra! Ezra, get out of there right now! That’s an order.” Hera Syndulla’s voice crackled through Bridger’s comlink.
“Hera, I have to see this through to the end.” Bridger lifted his left hand towards the front of the bridge. A low rumble shook the ship and the glowing patterns on the purrgil’s tentacles flashed more quickly. The air stilled around them.
“Ezra, please! Get out of there.” Worry cut through Sabine’s voice.
“I can’t do that.” Bridger’s voice was calm, almost serene. 
The tentacles contracted and rotated Thrawn towards the windows. He winced as the movement and compression cracked a second rib. Several purrgils had grabbed hold of the Chimaera. Alarms blared. Warnings flashed. The integrity of the ship was compromised. 
Whatever would happen, would happen to them both. 
A promise to burn it all down. Broken. 
A promise to return. 
No one is immune to failure. Words written a lifetime ago.
“It’s up to all of you now.” Bridger’s voice broke through his thoughts. The clouds and stars stretched before them as the purrgils picked up speed. The thrumming emanating from their tentacles grew more intense. “And remember, the Force will be with you, always.” They jumped to hyperspace.
//message //for commodore faro [ eyes only ] //encrypted //location [ REDACTED ] //sender [ REDACTED ]
Commodore, if you have received this message it means that I have failed and that I am most likely dead. I once commanded your loyalty; I ask to do so one more time. I made a promise to someone very dear to me to burn it all down before I left. It would appear that I am unable to keep that promise.
I understand what I ask of you. I trust you to do what is right. Project Stardust must be stopped. –
Author Notes: This is a re-write of the confrontation between Thrawn and Ezra during the Rebels finale as told from Thrawn’s perspective. Some of this is influenced by the amazing postmortem part 1 and part 2 by furiosophie, and I draw much of Thrawn’s characterizations, thoughts, and past events from that work as it aligns quite well with how I perceive Thrawn and by extension Eli and the others he interacts with.
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zeldurz · 2 years
AO3 First Lines Tag
Thanks to @alexx-dax for tagging me!
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
If u wanna share, please tag me! I want to see :)
This got super duper long so I'll pop this under a cut for y'all
1. Whatever it takes (ongoing fic) Chapter One:
Captain Gilad Pellaeon watched helplessly as the blood began to pool in Grand Admiral Thrawn’s lap, Ruhk’s blade protruding from his chest. Still paralyzed from Ruhk’s blow himself, Pellaeon could only watch as Thrawn’s eyes flicked between the battle beyond the viewport and the blade, a sad smile on his face.
“But it was so-“ Thrawn’s words were abruptly cut off as a medic slapped an oxygen mask over his face, another expertly stripping off the remains of his uniform as a third ran a scanner over the admiral, a concerned expression on their face.
Pellaeon watched as they worked, moving in sync as they sliced off the ends of the blade and cauterized the wounds. Thrawn didn’t so much as twitch even as the smell of burning flesh drifted across the bridge, and a cold fear gripped Pellaeon’s heart.
1.5 (and the most recent, Chapter 32)
Pellaeon wasn’t quite sure how many hours it was before the door of their cell slid open again, but when it did, he was surprised to find who walked through it. Even more surprisingly, Councillor Organa-Solo appeared not to be accompanied by her standard Noghri Guards - although it was possible they were still nearby, out of sight.
“We need to talk,” she said.
“It’s not as though we have much else to do at the moment,” Thrawn said drily, pushing himself up into a sitting position on the bench. It was taking an awful lot of effort, and Pellaeon wondered if he should move to assist, but Thrawn seemed to get wind of it and wave him off. “Particularly since our requests for legal counsel have gone unanswered.”
Councillor Organa-Solo left out an exasperated sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose. “ That is because your legal counsel would have told you this was a blatantly illegal arrest bordering on the kidnapping of a foreign leader.”
2. Reckless Abandon
The members of High Command rise from their chairs as you are escorted into the chamber. The decision has been made, and they were there to deliver it. None of them are happy about it, you could read it in their faces. But they are servants of the Empire, and will carry out their orders. Protocol alone demands that. The word is as you expected. Exile.
It seemed a bit harsh a punishment for a cup of caf, you thought to yourself. After all, it wasn’t like you meant to spill it all over Lord Vader, and you certainly hadn’t known that he needed all those blinking lights and whatnot to breathe…
3. Truth of the Matter
“Captain Pellaeon,” one of the medics said, “I need to speak with you.”
Pellaeon looked up from his after-action report with alarm. They had found Thrawn tied to a chair in an abandoned warehouse, but other than a few bumps and bruises, he had seemed perfectly fine - even a little cheerful. If they had missed something…
“We have the results of Grand Admiral Thrawn’s blood tests,” he said hesitantly.
“And?” Pellaeon asked impatiently, trying to steal a glance at the private corner where they had tucked Thrawn away as soon as they arrived on the ship.
“And he’ll be okay, but he’s been dosed with an awful lot of serpetalol.”
“Serpetalol?” Pellaeon asked, frowning. It sounded familiar, but he wasn’t quite sure why.
“The truth serum. I think they didn’t know quite what the right dose was, because they gave him way too much for a human to be able to handle.”
4. Retirement
“I failed, didn’t I?” Che’ri asked, blinking away the last remnants of her third sight. 
“I’m afraid so,” Thalias replied, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry.”
All around the bridge, the officers of the Springhawk all wore similar expressions of sympathy and sadness, a quiet acknowledgement of the end of her career as a Sky-walker. She had known it was coming, and she had been preparing ever since she had returned to active service. Unlike many Sky-walkers reaching retirement, Che’ri knew exactly where she wanted to go and what she wanted to do with her future.
“It’s all right,” she said, smiling up at Thalias. “Really.”
Senior Captain Samakro placed a hand on her other shoulder. “Get some rest, Che’ri. We will discuss the future in the morning.”
5. Still On Patrol
There is a tradition in the US Navy - no submarine is ever considered sunk. Those that do not return home are considered to be “still on patrol”.
Captain Gilad Pellaeon sat at the conference table with the other Commanders of the Seventh Fleet, avoiding looking at the conspicuously empty spot at the head of the table. It was the first time they had gathered since the battle of Lothal, and there was a sombreness that hung in the air like a cloud.
“We’ll begin with the ship status reports,” Commodore Lagora said. “ Constrainer ?”
“We’re making good progress on repairs, Sir. We’ll be short a few ion cannons for a while, but we’re good to fly in a few days.”
“Very good.” Lagora turned to face Pellaeon. “The Harbinger? ”
“Similar situation, Sir. We’ve matched to patch up the hull, and we have almost completed repairs on the hyperdrive,” Pellaeon responded.
6. Unconventional Remedies
“You are ill,” Thrawn said, giving Pellaeon a critical look.
“No shit,” Pellaeon grumbled from under his blanket. He wasn’t even sure why Thrawn was here, standing in his personal quarters and staring at him like he was some sort of interesting bug.
“Your body temperature is abnormally high, but you are shivering,” Thrawn continued as if he hadn’t heard, “And your voice is hoarse.”
Pellaeon mustered up a glare in return. “I am aware, Sir. ”
Thrawn frowned at him.
“Why-” Pellaeon dissolved into a coughing fit, and it took a few moments for him to collect himself. “Why are you here?”
Thrawn set a bottle down on the bedside table. “I am here to look after you. Drink.”
7. Second Thoughts
“It’s not too late to leave, you know,” Gilad said, nudging Thrawn gently in the side. “I’m not holding you hostage here.”
Thrawn glanced around the room - mass-produced, uninspired artwork lined the off-white walls, contrasted with the grey chairs and beige tiled floors - and tried to clamp down on whatever nervous tick had caused his partner to comment. “You say that as though this was not your idea, Gilad,” Thrawn pointed out, trying to figure out if the receptionist was only pretending to look as bored as she appeared. “And as though it did not require a significant amount of convincing on your part.”
“Which is why I’m reminding you that you don’t have to go through with it,” Gilad said, and Thrawn could hear the slight strain of impatience in his voice. “This is only going to work if you’re committed.”
Thrawn glared at him. “I assure you, I am committed to fixing this… imperfection.”
8. Introductions
Newly minted Ensign Amiki Solaris looked nervously around the room. She had never been a fan of arbitrary team-building exercises - she felt it was a waste of time to get to know people who would be reassigned within a few months, and she didn’t particularly enjoy small talk, especially not with officers of much higher rank. But orders were orders, and Amiki forced herself to take a deep breath and listen to what the session facilitator was saying.
“We’ll go around the circle, state our names, rank and position, and one fun fact about ourselves,” he was saying. “I’ll start. I’m Commander Warwick Deniar, first officer aboard the Tetra. A fun fact about me is that I’m double jointed in both my thumbs.”
Commander Deniar promptly then demonstrated this anomaly by bending his thumbs back in an unnatural and revolting way, much to Amiki’s displeasure.
9. Hidden Scars
Pellaeon’s door chimed. It was an odd hour for guests, he thought as he rose to answer it, and people rarely came to visit him anyway. The door slid open to reveal Thrawn, his hand pressed to his side and a suspicious red stain growing down the side of his tunic.
“I require your assistance,” he said simply, before stepping into Pellaeon’s quarters.
Pellaeon eyed him skeptically, his gaze lingering on Thrawn’s side. “We do have doctors, you know. They would probably be more helpful.”
Thrawn ignored him, moving further into Pellaeon’s quarters. “You do have a first aid kit, do you not?”
“Well yes, but I hardly think…”
“Get it,” Thrawn said, and Pellaeon knew an order when he heard one.
10. Whatever it takes - Another Perspective: Luke
The tide of darkness swept towards them with unfathomable speed, winking out lights across the Coruscant skyline. From where Luke stood on his sister’s balcony, he could see the shadowy figures emerge, clawing their way up the walls of the tower towards him and his family. Their Noghri guards fought valiantly, but each figure got closer and closer, reaching out to take the twins away from their mother’s arms. Luke ignited his lightsaber, fighting them off as best he could, but there were simply too many shadows. He watched in horror as one reached out towards his sister, too far for him to save her…
Thanks again for the tag!!
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bedlamsbard · 4 years
Part 12 of the other side AU concept, the second epilogue sequence!  At least one more sequence after this before I either start revising or just keep on going as concept writing.
Previous: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
About 4.6K below the break.
Humidity made the rock of the cliff face slick against his fingers, forcing him to pay extra attention as he made his way up it.  He clung to the seemingly sheer rock with his fingers and boot-toes stuck into grips too small for most humans to manage for more than a few meters, relying on the Force to keep him from falling.  Heights had never bothered him, but he still didn’t look over his shoulder at the vast spread of jungle beneath him; he needed all his focus for the climb itself.
“Sure,” Ezra Bridger muttered, the words so soft that they were closer to being a thought than voiced, “ninety-nine percent of the time it’s ‘sit in this cell until we can think of something better to do with you,’ but it’s that one percent of ‘you’re a Jedi, please do this incredibly dangerous thing that no stormtrooper can pull off’ that gets you.”
The unfamiliar weight of both the sniper rifle and the pack slung across his back made the climb a little more awkward than he would have preferred, but he didn’t mind it.  Going anywhere without a weapon right now would be a bad idea, not to mention the fact that he was still a little impressed that Captain Pellaeon had given him one at all.  More than one, as it happened; he had a blaster pistol holstered at his hip and a couple of vibroknives secreted elsewhere around his person.  Pellaeon didn’t know about the blades.
Despite the fact that the humidity was so thick that the growing fog was just short of being rain, Ezra couldn’t resent his current position.  If he fell – and it wouldn’t take much – then not only would it be an ignominious end, but it was likely that no one back at Chimaera Camp would even notice his absence for a few days.  If they did, Pellaeon would probably assume that he had made a break for it.  It was an option that Ezra had considered and discarded given their current circumstance, but he was keeping it open if those circumstances happened to change.  He knew roughly where they were in relation to the Chimaera’s crash site, but he was also aware that there was nothing space-worthy left on the star destroyer. Aside from the ships back at Chimaera Camp, there was only one other option to get offworld, and Ezra wasn’t quite that desperate yet.
It felt good to have his hands on the living stone of the planet, to feel fresh air – and yes, the fog – on his bare skin, to lick his lips and taste the slight tang of the moisture of a new world.  He had spent nearly all of the previous six years on the Chimaera; the Force was everywhere, but it was different in space than it was planetside.  After spending his entire life on Lothal, the months the Ghost had spent with Phoenix Squadron in deep space had been a shock to him.  It had been at least a little preparation for all those years on the Chimaera.
This wasn’t Lothal, but he was still attuned to the Living Force and he could still feel the thread of wrongness that ran through it here.  As far as they knew, this planet didn’t have a name, just the designation it had been given when they entered the star system; if it had an indigenous sentient species, they hadn’t run into them yet.  Ezra had no way of knowing what the planet should have felt like in the Force, but he could tell that there was something badly wrong here and getting worse by the day.
A few minutes later, he pulled himself up over the top of the cliff with a grunt and crouched there, breathing hard, then took out his water flask and drank sparingly.  The Chimaera’s scientists were monitoring the water in the stream that ran past Chimaera Camp and had found that its chemical content was changing by the day; Ezra had water purification tablets with him, but there was always the chance that whatever was leaching into the water table was wouldn’t be affected by the Imperial-issue tablets.
He put the flask back onto his pack and took the sniper rifle off his back, using the scope the same way he would have done a pair of macrobinoculars.  The scope was the reason he hadn’t brought a pair of macrobinoculars; if he had to he could remove it from the rifle to use on its own, and he might need the weapon.  While he had never been formally trained as a sniper the way that some of the stormtroopers and death troopers aboard the Chimaera had been, given the time needed to set up a sniper’s shot he could use the Force for nearly the same level of accuracy.  If not, well, a sniper rifle was still a rifle – this one was reconfigurable, so Ezra could always break it down into an assault rifle or a heavy blaster pistol.  While most death troopers used the BlasTech E11-D and DLT-19D that were standard issue, they often had the liberty to carry other weapons if desired, which was how Ezra had gotten his hands on the A280-CFE that was commonly used in the Rebel Alliance.  
The view from the scope showed him only the seemingly impenetrable tree cover of the jungle he had come through.  Ezra knew that there were a number of clearings in it, some large enough for a light cruiser like the Scylla or the Charybdis to put down in – and in fact the Seventh Fleet’s remaining cruisers were parked in two such – but even with the scope they were impossible to see.  It had a range of five kilometers on a clear day, which this wasn’t; a heavy blanket of fog mixed with the tall native trees of the planet, turning the view beneath him into a grayish-green sea.  With a sigh, he straightened up again.  He kept the rifle in the curve of his arm rather than returning it to his back, wanting to have it quickly to hand if he needed it; the few seconds it would take to swing it around could cost him his life.
The jungle began again a few meters from the edge of the cliff.  Ezra eyed it dubiously; having spent his entire life to the age of fifteen in grasslands he still found forests both disconcerting and distasteful. When he stretched out with the Force, though, he could feel the life within it – confused by the changes being wrought upon the planet, but still present.  The wildlife, he knew, would be his first hint of real trouble.
Right now it told him that there was nothing to be concerned with except for the planet’s native dangers. Still, Ezra hesitated, looking at the edge of the jungle and fighting down his nerves.  Annoyed by his own reluctance, he sank down into a tailor’s seat, resting the rifle across his knees.  He fell quickly and easily into a light meditative trance; he had years of practice, after all.  He didn’t let his attention roll out the way he had done when he had meditated the previous night at Chimaera Camp, but turned it inwards instead.  He just wanted a few minutes to clear his head.
He was, he realized, afraid.
The fight on the Chimaera had been one thing, as had the handful of other skirmishes he had been involved in over the years, but this was the first time in more than six years that Ezra had been completely on his own, whether on an alien worlds or back on the Chimaera.  If he had died then, at least Grand Admiral Thrawn and the other Imperials would have known, assuming the whole Chimaera hadn’t been destroyed at the same time.  There was no real difference in being out here than there was being back with the Imperials, who had more reason to want him dead than anything else on this world and had come close a few times; Thrawn had twice had his own men shot over two such incidents.  Ezra had scars from the attempt that had come closest to succeeding.  On this world only Captain Pellaeon and a handful of other acquaintances – not quite friends – amongst the Chimaera’s complement really cared if he lived or died.  Some days Ezra wasn’t entirely sure that he himself did.
Kanan had lived like this for years, Ezra reminded himself, and often in worse situations than this one after his entire world had died.  So had Zeb.  Ezra could do no less than either of them, and refused to fail them.
It hadn’t been left to him to make any decisions one way or another for a long time now – not the kind of decisions that actually mattered.  He had been volunteered for this particular mission rather than volunteered himself, but hadn’t bothered to argue it even though others had.  It was something to do, at least.
Years ago he had asked Captain Rex about the Clone Wars, which Kanan only ever talked about when forced or when he had been drinking, which wasn’t very often.  The old clone had gone quiet, thinking about the question, and then said slowly, “When you go into battle – whether it’s a major push like Geonosis or a five man black ops mission – you go in understanding you’re already dead.  You can’t be afraid of dying.  You accept it – you take it inside of you.”
Rex hadn’t said whether or not he had learned that from the Jedi he had served with, but Ezra wouldn’t have been surprised if he had.  He let that knowledge fill him now, the reminder that in the Force he was both living and dead at once, and even if he was still drawing breath now, it was a state that could change at any point.  There was no point in being afraid of the unknown: what would happen would happen as the Force willed it.  All he could do was the best that he knew how.
He opened his eyes and got to his feet, tucking the rifle against his shoulder as he went into the jungle.
It was slow going. The undergrowth seemed to be thicker up here than it was in the lowlands around Chimaera Camp.  The tree cover was so thick that it blocked out most of the sunlight, leaving Ezra to pick his way through the jungle in greenish gloom, trying not to trip over creepers on the forest floor, which had leaf litter so thick that in places he sank into it up to his ankles, or hang himself on the vines that passed from tree to tree.  Many of the tree trunks were so wide around that it would have taken a dozen men holding hands to encircle them.  Nor was it silent.  Animals – he saw avians and snakes, along with some kind of small red-scaled reptile and the quick flash of a furry mammalian tail vanishing up a tree – called out constantly.  They weren’t much bothered by his passage, as animals usually weren’t, though more than once he heard them go quiet in response to some native predator passing through.  He sensed disquiet among them even as they went about their normal routines; they were as aware of the changes happening on the planet’s surface as he was.  More so; this was their home.
Mid-afternoon brought the downpour that Ezra had learned to expect after the past three days onworld. Rather than press on, he spent the time crouched on the upturned root of one massive tree, sheltering as best he could beneath leaves the size of his cell door back on the Chimaera.  The rain seemed to come down in sheets, like a solid wall of water despite the fact that by the time it reached him it should have been disrupted by the tree canopy. Ezra managed not to get drenched this time – the first day he had gone out to stand in it, to the horror and disgust of the sailors assigned to guard him.  Most members of the Imperial Navy hated and distrusted uncontrolled weather at best and planets entirely at worst.  This time getting soaked would be a hindrance – and besides, it wouldn’t particularly aid his already slow passage.  Ezra watched the rain fall from the dubious shelter of the tree and let his mind drift out in something that wasn’t quite a meditative trance – while most of the native wildlife had gone to shelter at the same time he had, it wasn’t a guarantee that the enemy would do so as well.
When the rain had passed and the sun had reappeared, Ezra recommenced his slow trek through the jungle. He hadn’t stayed completely dry in the downpour, but the scout trooper’s undersuit he wore was more or less waterproof; it still left him feeling uncomfortably like he had gone through a sanisteam in his clothes.  He paused twice to eat, the tasteless emergency rations that stormtroopers carried as a matter of course, and once to refill his water flask at a stream after he had tested the water with the Force and decided he didn’t need to use one of the water purification tablets.  By the time that dusk fell, casting the jungle into even further gloom, Ezra had, he guessed, advanced within a kilometer or two of his goal.
The advent of darkness slowed his progress even further.  He took out the night vision goggles he had gotten from the Chimaera’s death trooper captain – promoted from the ranks two years ago after the remaining death trooper officers had died – and put them on, blinking as the shadows of the jungle resolved into only moderately more penetrable shades of green.  While he had a glowrod, using it would be just as good as sending up a beacon, not something he wanted.  He could have passed through the jungle without needing to see at all, except that would leave him vulnerable to something he wouldn’t have thought possible six years earlier.
By the time he sensed the final setting of the sun sometime later, the jungle had been the next thing to pitch-black for more than an hour.  Ezra was silently arguing himself out of trying to find somewhere to sleep for a few hours when he felt the nearby animal life go silent, then recommence its noisy outcry.  The negation and recommencement of sound shifted in his awareness of the Living Force, and he swore wearily to himself.
Something was coming towards him.
He settled the rifle more closely against his shoulder and touched a finger to the night vision goggles, making certain that they were as firmly affixed to his face as possible. He had learned the hard way that what was coming left no trace in the Force – not of itself, at least.
Ezra could have gone up a tree, but he was city born and bred and could count on one hand the number of times in his life he had actually tried to climb a tree.  Even in this unfamiliar environment he felt far more comfortable on the ground that he would have perched on a branch – he was sure he could get up to one, but not positive that he could stay there, a hesitation he would never have had on a cliff edge or a high-rise.  He was absolutely certain that trying to fight on one would end with him flat on his back on the ground, and that was a best case scenario.
Instead he settled himself in the soldier’s stance he had learned from Rex, letting the rifle rest loosely against his shoulder as he let his awareness spread out.  Animals, frightened by the alien sight and scent of the intruders, fled their approach; plants flinched away from the heavy tread of feet.  Ezra felt them come closer and closer – a near-silent passage to anyone but a Jedi. The air felt close and heavy around him, the night sounds of the wildlife vanished into stillness or flight. Ezra let his mind fill with the blazing clarity of the Force, until in every way that mattered Ezra was the Force itself.  The Jedi were the sword hand of the Force, Kanan had said more than once; with or without a lightsaber Ezra was still a Jedi.
He fired even before he saw the flicker of movement in his night vision goggles.
The crack of the blaster shot broke the stillness of the night air, sparks flaring at the laser bolt struck armor it couldn’t penetrate. Ezra threw himself sideways, feeling the rush of air as the thrown thudbug just missed his previous position. He rolled and came up on one knee as he fired again, twice in quick unison, relying on instinct rather than the little his vision showed him.  He got one more shot off and then had to reverse his grip on the rifle, slamming it upwards two-handed to block the amphistaff blow aimed at his head.  Quick as the serpent it resembled, the amphistaff lost its staff form and lashed out, its jaws gaping wide.  Hissing, it spat poison at his eyes.
The night vision goggles cracked as the poison struck.  His vision blurring – knowing he had only seconds before they broke entirely or the poison dripped down onto his skin – Ezra thrust out with the Force.  The amphistaff’s bearer didn’t release the living weapon, but his arm and the amphistaff both swung wide, away from Ezra as he threw himself into a backflip, ripping the night vision goggles off as he did and letting them fall.
Darkness closed over him.
He pulled the rifle back to his shoulder and fired again; once more, sparks briefly illuminated his enemy as his shot struck uselessly off armor.  Then the warrior was on him; Ezra swung the rifle like a club, feeling it connect with his enemy’s skull.  Undaunted, the warrior lashed the amphistaff like a whip; the serpent slashed down across the barrel of the rifle, cutting the weapon  in two.
Ezra didn’t hesitate, just flung the remaining half of the rifle at his opponent even as he flung himself sideways again, avoiding the amphistaff’s attempt to get its teeth into his throat.  He twisted and came up with his blaster pistol, firing as fast as he could pull the trigger – a steady stream of blaster bolts, nearly all of which sparked uselessly off vonduun crab armor.  Only one penetrated between the joints of the armor, making his opponent grunt in pain.  His ears ringing from the blasterfire, Ezra thought he heard it echo oddly in the jungle, but he was already moving, grabbing one of his vibroknives with his left hand and slashing backhanded in the same motion.  With the Force behind it, the vibroknife cut through the amphistaff in the vulnerable place just below the head.  Halfway through the blade stopped, jammed against the creature’s seemingly indestructible internal structure.  It thrashed in the warrior’s hand.
It couldn’t cry out, but he could.  Ezra could neither understand the words nor sense the emotions that underlay them, but he released the vibroknife and got both hands on the grip of his blaster again, firing at the place he thought he had seen a vulnerable point between helmet and breast plate.
The blaster jammed.
Oh, karabast, Ezra thought – he didn’t have time to voice the words before his opponent’s free hand shot out and closed around his throat. He was lifted off the ground, armored fingers like durasteel cutting off his breath.  The blaster fell to the ground as he clawed at that implacable arm, fingers scrabbling over the plates of living armor that covered his opponent’s forearm.  He felt it twitch beneath his fingers, lending its strength to the enemy.
His opponent snarled something in his native language, his fingers tightening.  Ezra reached for the Force as his vision started to gray out, knowing that if he wasn’t dead yet then it was because the enemy intended to take him alive.  After enough suffering to make up for the death of his amphistaff.
Light flicked out like a whip, coiling around the warrior’s body.
Ezra had just enough time to feel astonishment before the brief flash of a jetpack’s repulsors heralded the being who slammed feet-first into the warrior, knocking him sideways. He dropped Ezra, turning to grapple with this new adversary as the glowing line of energized whipcord vanished. Ezra hit the ground, gasping for air but already reaching for another of his sheathed vibroblades.
Even now his enemy was absent from the Force, but the new arrival wasn’t.  Ezra didn’t bother to think, just drew his vibroknife, thumbed the switch on, and waited – with his amphistaff dead, or at least out of commission, the warrior was left with only whatever razorbugs or thudbugs he was carrying and his dagger-like coufee.  He heard the living weapon scrape against – or possibly through – what could only be beskar, and a grunt of surprise.  The brief burst of a short-distance repulsor sent the warrior stumbling back a step and Ezra struck in his moment of confusion, slamming his vibroknife up beneath the skirt plates of his armor to the vulnerable place on the inside of his thigh where most humanoids had a major vein.  He felt the weapon dig in and dragged it down as far as he could before the warrior cuffed him aside, sending Ezra flying to strike a tree.
He hit hard enough to black out for an instant, but was dragging himself upright as soon as he could, reaching for his fallen blaster through the Force.  The grip smacked into his palm hard enough to hopefully displace the jam and he raised it, aiming at the spot he thought the enemy was.
There was a blaster shot, not his, and in its flash he saw the warrior on his back in the undergrowth. It also illuminated the injured amphistaff making its way like a sidewinder through the leaf cover, with Ezra’s vibroknife still stuck into its neck.
Even as the flash faded Ezra fired.  His own shot wasn’t aimed at the creature, but at the hilt of the vibroknife, slamming the weapon those last few precious centimeters forward to sever head from body. Ezra heard it thrash briefly, dying, and then there was silence.
He would have liked nothing more than to collapse and sleep for a week, but he braced himself against the tree with his free hand and kept the blaster in his other hand.  His head was pounding; he knew he’d have bruises the next time he looked, to go with the bruises he still had from the Chimaera’s final battle and crash.
“Who –”  He coughed as his abraded throat protested. “Who’s that?”
Light sprang into being, the thin artificial life of a glowrod illuminating the Mandalorian woman standing by the warrior’s corpse.  After four years living with one, Ezra was hardly going to forget that particular silhouette.  His gaze traversed the slopes of painted beskar armor, noting the fresh scars on it from the coufee blade before settling on the helmet before the woman reached up to remove it.
He stared.  Then he tried to take a step backwards and couldn’t, his shoulders already braced against the tree trunk.  His mind didn’t seem to want to come to terms with what was in front of him, even as he lowered the hand with the blaster in it.  He slumped back against the tree, letting it take more of his weight.
“Hey!”  She crossed the space between them with a few quick steps and grabbed his shoulder, her grip solidly human and real. “Don’t you dare pass out on me now!”
Ezra reached up and closed his free hand around her forearm, staring into her face. “I’m not going to pass out,” he said. “They usually patrol in threes –”
“Yeah, we met the other two. They’re dead.  You want to sit down?”
“I’m fine,” Ezra said, or tried to say, but was already folding up.  He sat heavily, belatedly holstering the pistol he was still holding. “You changed your hair,” he said inanely.
“Yeah, I do that,” Sabine Wren said. “So did you.”
Ezra touched a hand self-consciously to what remained of his hair – long on top and pulled into a tail wrapped with strips of thin leather, close cut at the sides, because he had spent the past six years with sailors and stormtroopers who thought a buzzcut was the height of fashion.  He stopped with his fingers hooked through a strip of leather, stared at Sabine, and felt himself start to shake. “You’re real,” he croaked, even though the Force had already told him the answer. “You’re really here.”
“Yeah,” she said, her hand still on his shoulder. “I’m really here.  We’re all really here.”
When he looked up again, he felt as much as saw them ghosting out of the shadows at the edge of the glowrod’s illumination like the spectres they had been named for.  Ezra was too tired and overwhelmed for further disbelief; he pushed himself to his feet with Sabine’s help and stumbled into Kanan’s arms.
“I felt –” he said shakily, his voice muffled by the fact that he had buried his face in the other man’s shoulder.  He fisted his hands hard against Kanan’s back, aware of how gloriously alive he felt. “– in the Force, I felt something change, six months ago.  I felt you come back.”
“It’s me,” Kanan said, his voice gentle. “Yeah, Ezra, it’s me.”
Hera put a hand on his shoulder, smiling, and Ezra turned into her embrace, then Zeb’s.  He was shaking so badly that Zeb had to help him to a seat on an upraised tree root, one hand folded over his shoulder as though he couldn’t bear to let Ezra out of his grasp.  He wasn’t entirely certain that he wasn’t hallucinating – that he hadn’t been taken captive after all and this was some new torture.  Then he looked at Kanan’s calm white eyes and touched the Force again, gingerly, like prodding a sore tooth, and knew it wasn’t a trick.
“You’re going to explain that,” he said, a little wildly. “You were – I thought – I saw – I felt –”
“Yeah,” Kanan said again. “It’s a long story.”
Meaning not now.  Ezra took a shaky breath and leaned back into Zeb’s reassuring grip, watching Sabine crouch to inspect the fallen warrior.  She touched the scratches on her breast plate gingerly, then her eyes widened as a hand-size piece of beskar broke off in her hand – the coufee had cut nearly through it and the slight pressure of her touch had freed it. “What are these things?” she demanded.
Ezra sighed, his shoulders slumping. “Long story.”
“We saw the Chimaera,” Hera said, sitting down on his other side. She kept her blaster in her hand, resting across her knee, which under the circumstances Ezra thought was the wisest thing she could have done. “We were on our way to the rendezvous coordinates when Kanan sensed you, but we had to find somewhere safe to put down. Chopper’s with the Ghost about two kilometers away.”
Ezra rubbed his hand across his face.  “They’re from beyond the Unknown Regions – beyond our galaxy, maybe – and they’ve been making a push towards the Empire since it was still the Republic,” he said. “They’ve been tracking the Chimaera and the rest of the Seventh for months – years – and finally cornered her here. They’re warriors – shapers, they call themselves; everything they use is organic, alive – their armor, their weapons, their ships.”  He nodded at the warrior’s corpse and the dead amphistaff beside him.  “They’re called the Yuuzhan Vong.”
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madelgard · 4 months
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Time to recap the May the Fourth 2024 event entries, starting with the adult fics. The writing in these are adult in rating and topic, and out of respect for everyone's need to curate their own reading experience (and mindful that certain ratings and tags are not everyone's cup of tea), we wanted to spotlight these separately. The rest of the entries are located here in this post. Special thanks to @whenfireanddarknesscollide for the lovely calligraphy on this graphic.
Please be sure to leave a kudos and a comment if you liked the fics. And thanks for reading!
📝 Adult Fic Entries 📝
Let me help by @alex-dax
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Thrawn/Pellaeon, 3k+ words, Mature
He starts to notice that Thrawn seems more tense close to Empire Day. He’s not at a point where he can be sure, not yet, but he begins to suspect this is more than a dislike of the political games. There is something underneath the glacial calm of that alien face. He’s also absolutely not a point where he could even begin to consider discussing it with the Grand Admiral. And so, they spend another Empire Day with drinks in Thrawn’s command room. Pellaeon can even convince himself Thrawn’s shoulders seem less tense at the end of the night. Almost.
Bridleway by @madelgard
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Motti/Jerjerrod, 6k+ words, Explicit
On any other occasion, Tiaan would have hidden himself away in his office at Corellian Engineering Corporation—and by now, his commanding officers were quite accustomed to the sight of Captain Jerjerrod hunched over his drafting table from dawn to dusk. They would have let him be. But Empire Day held a unique appeal. The fleet was in, along with one officer in particular. “There,” Conan murmured, right up against his ear. His hand pointed skywards, to the Strike-class cruiser in low orbit. The hangars were overfull, and Imperial vessels had been given special dispensation to clutter the skies. Hundreds of ships were visible; a durasteel flex of towering Imperial might. “That’s my Ion Storm. If you ask sweetly, I might be persuaded to take you on a little tour.”
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atamascolily · 4 years
Appointment in Sawarra, 1/?
First scene of a new Inheritance fic set just after the Thrawn trilogy, featuring Luke Skywalker, philosophical musings about the Jedi, and botany. You know, my usual jam.
I had a good experience serializing Desert Places on this site, so perhaps posting things here as I write them will encourage me to keep going instead of stalling out, since the chapters are long, and my need to finish something is strong.
Luke Skywalker leaned against the wrought stone balcony on the rooftop of the Imperial palace, taking in the red-streaked alpenglow of the snow-covered Maranai Mountains fifty klicks to the south. Skyscrapers lapped at the feet of the two peaks, but the mountains themselves were relatively pristine, one of the few vestiges of natural life on the entire planet, and the contrast was striking.
This wasn't to say there wasn't any development--this <i>was</i> Coruscant, after all--but none of the exclusive restaurants or vacation homes were visible at this distance without macrobinoculars. Even as artificial lights winked on and off like flickering stars as the sunlight faded, the mountains themselves plunged into shadow, cool and dark and silent in the approaching night.
Whenever his heart itched for adventure, and he was too busy to get away from Coruscant, Luke would rent a speeder and fly out to the Manarai. He'd zip over the peaks themselves, flying as low as he dared, heady on the adrenaline rush that came from life-or-death decisions and reckless instinct. Sated, he'd ditch the speeder after a few hours, and wander the winding trails through the remnant forests on the lower slopes of the mountains on foot before flying back to the Imperial Palace for yet another round of politics, bureaucracy, or an equally frustrating combination of the two.
The chaos of the last few years hadn't left much time for exploring, but the mountains remained a refuge in his own mind, if nothing else. He'd toyed with the idea of building a private retreat out there someday, but life kept pushing him in other directions, and he'd never gotten around to it.
Luke liked people, but as his rapport with the Force deepened, he found himself craving silence and stillness to fully recharge--both in short supply on the never-sleeping capital world. The Force was present in all the hustle and bustle of the billions of life-forms all going about their business, no less so than anywhere else in the galaxy. Yet sometimes he needed a break from the traffic and the crowds in order to hear <i>himself</i> think, let alone the quiet whisper of the Force's guidance--which was far more elusive than not despite his training.
A retreat in the Manarai would also put him closer to the newly constructed Orowood distric and the apartment Leia and Han had purchased there. It was part of Leia's ambitious vision to create a hub for the Alderaanian diaspora. In addition to the massive Orowood Tower, she'd supervised the planting of thousands of its namesake trees, complete with the famous iridescent lichen on their bark. Luke wasn't sure Leia would ever move out of the Imperial Palace for good, but he was glad for her to have a project to distract her when the Council was too mired in petty arguments and infighting to get anything done.
As far as Luke could tell, the success of the Orowood scheme hinged entirely on his sister's ability to persuade the skittish remaining Alderaanians that Corcuscant was no longer the Empire's target--a hard sell after Grand Admiral Thrawn's recent siege. The peace settlement with Admiral Pellaeon in the aftermath of Thrawn's assassination at the Battle of Bilbringi might yet convince them--if it held. Only time would tell.
To be honest, Luke wouldn't blame the Alderaanians for taking their chances elsewhere skepticism. Three years ago, when the Alliance had first re-taken the planet, he'd argued against setting up the new government here--or at the very least, not in the Imperial Palace. In his mind, the symbolism was all the more reason to start afresh somewhere else.
Since then, however, he'd come to appreciate the virtues of this bustling city-planet and the Palace itself--in large part thanks to the woman he sensed approaching from twenty meters away.
"Hello, Skywalker," Mara Jade said crisply, leaning against the balcony beside him. "I have to sweet-talk yet another government official into listening to the Smuggler's Alliance latest shipping proposal in...." She glanced at the chronometer on her wrist. "Thirty minutes. So make this quick."
Luke managed to hide a grin, but it was difficult. Since he'd persuaded her to accept the position of official liaison between Talon Karrde's new organization and the New Republic three months ago, there had been no shortage of meetings. To be fair, Luke had gone to plenty of those himself, despite having no official position in the New Republic's military or government since he'd resigned his commission after the Mindor campaign. There had been no shortage of press conferences, planning sessions, and mopping-up actions, and everyone wanted the Last Jedi involved, even if his role was more ceremonial than practical.
At least Mara was accomplishing something <i>useful</i> in her meetings. Even in such a short span of time, she'd managed to make quite a name for herself among the New Republic bureaucrats. They might curse her as a hard bargainer, but they respected her as much as they feared her. Both attitudes went a long way towards smoothing out the previously rocky relationship between legitimate and illegitimate--just as Luke had hoped when he nudged Mara into accepting the job.  
Yet somehow the two of them had managed to carve time out to train together at regular intervals--even if she groused about her workload every time they met.  
"Thanks for coming on such short notice," he said, gesturing to the fading sun. "I used to watch the sunset all the time when I was a kid, wishing I was somewhere--anywhere--else. Now here I am decades later, right where I always wanted to be, and I don't know what comes next."
Mara snorted and shifted her weight. The lightsaber clipped to her belt--that had once belonged to Anakin Skywalker--shifted against the balcony as she moved. She had taken to wearing the weapon openly these days, which could only make the bureaucrats even more nervous than they already were. Seeing it visible made Luke's heart beat faster, even if he couldn't articulate why.
Gifting it to her hadn't been Luke's most subtle gesture. But it had been a way for him to honor and thank her for saving his life several times over--as well as an invitation to continue her Jedi training in the future.
Mara Jade's relationship with the Jedi Order--and Luke himself--was... complex, to say the least. She had grown up in the Imperial Palace, trained since childhood to be the Emperor's Hand, the silent, subtle executioner of his will against enemies and traitors alike. Palpatine had channeled her fledgling abilities to mold her into a perfect servant, one who could hear his voice anywhere in the galaxy and respond accordingly. The Emperor's dying wish had been for her to murder the man he'd claimed was responsible for his death--Luke Skywalker, last of the old Jedi and first of the new.
Suffice to say things had not gone according to plan.
"Spare me your existential angst," she said, turning back to the sunset. "As far as I can tell, there's nothing to complain about. C'baoth and Thrawn are gone, and the war is over. The peace treaty with the Empire might actually last. What's left to figure out?"
Luke extracted a black velvet bag hanging from his belt and held it out to her. "Have you ever seen anything like this before?"
She accepted the offering gingerly. "What is it?"
"You tell me."
She opened the bag and squinted inside before spilling its contents onto her palm. A knobbly brown lump emerged, along with half a dozen smaller black orbs jammed neatly into its indentations.
"It's organic, whatever it is," she said at last, shoving it back into the bag and handing it back to Luke. "Looks a cone off of some sort of tree, but not a species I recognize. And seeds, perhaps?"
"You're right, it <i>is</i> from a tree," Luke said. He carefully re-attached the bag to special pouch across from his own lightsaber. "Are you sure you haven't seen it before?"
"Positive. Why?"
"The Jedi Order planted these trees at all of their temples," Luke said. "As far as I know, they were wiped out along with the Jedi as part of the Emperor's purge. There was at least one here on Coruscant and I thought maybe you--"
Mara shook her head. "Must have been before my time. I never saw or heard anything about them. But Palpatine and Vader must not have been as thorough as they thought if you have seeds. Where did you get them, anyway? "
"There's a tree on Dagobah that Yoda took me to see before he died," Luke said softly. "I went back to visit it again before facing Vader. This time, there were seeds, so I took some. And I promised... I promised to plant these seeds, to bring them back along with the Jedi Order."
His voice trailed off, lost in the memory of that encounter, of all the possible futures he'd witnessed in the moment he'd accepted the seeds.
Mara's voice cut abruptly into his meditation, drawing him back to the present. "I fail to see what the problem is, Skywalker."
Luke gathered himself together. "I grew up on a desert world; I don't know anything about plants. If I screw this up, it might be a long time before I can get seeds again--there can be decades, centuries even, between harvests. I--I was hoping that you might know something that would help me."
A long pause. He took a deep breath and plunged ahead. "I don't know who else to ask," he said at last.
Silence stretched out between them as they pondered this admission and its implications. Finally, Mara stirred. "What about Karrde?"
"I thought he dealt more in people than plants."
"He doesn't know everything, but's worth a shot," Mara said. "Information <i>is</i> his business, after all. He has access to all kinds of sources that you don't get if you follow legal channels. And he's full of surprises."
Luke raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I suppose he might know something about botany--he built his base on Myrkr around a giant tree, after all. But can I afford his services?"
"You get what you pay for with Karrde," she said. "Besides, I think he owes you a favor after you rescued him from Imperial interrogation."
"I had help."
"So let's say you bring the trees back," Mara said, turning away from him. Her role in Karrde's rescue was still a touchy subject, given that she'd been coerced into betraying her boss to the Empire in the first place. "What then? Do the Jedi just start popping out of the woodwork?"
"I don't know," Luke admitted. "The two go together in ways I don't fully understand yet. There's an old saying that when the student is ready, the master appears. But I'm not even close to being a master yet. I don't even know if I'm <i>ready</i> to take on students yet."
She shot him a puzzled look. "You're not such a bad teacher."
From Mara, this was high praise and he took a moment to savor it before plunging ahead. "But you already know so much. In some ways, you have more formal training than I do. It's more like I'm just... reminding you of what you already know than teaching anything new."
Mara winced, and Luke didn't need the Force to know what she was thinking. The four years between Palpatine's death at Endor and joining Karrde's organization had been brutal for her, not in the least because her Force abilities had gone haywire in the trauma. It was only in the last year--the last few months, really, after their victory at Wayland--that she'd been able to find any kind of peace.  
"I think you're getting ahead of yourself," she said at last. "We can keep working until you build your confidence back up--and since I don't see a queue of eager students lining up, you might as well work on this tree business. Take my advice and talk to Karrde. See what he says about it."
"How do I sign up for an appointment? I hear he's pretty busy these days."
"Aren't we all." Mara rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, I'll get you in."
"Thank you," Luke said, and meant it.
"And if you're worried about money, I don't think he'll set too high a price," she added as she turned away, off to the next meeting. "He doesn't even want credits from you, anyway.  More likely he'll ask you for a favor he can call on later the next time he's in a jam, assuming he asks for anything at all."
He winced. Karrde's favors tended to be... interesting. "I was afraid of that."
"Oh, come <i>on</i>. You tried to bargain with him for your freedom back when you had <i>nothing</i> but the clothes on your back and he was contemplating whether to sell you to the Empire. How could this be any more awkward than <i>that</i>?"
Luke had to admit she had a point.
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mortisbane · 4 years
Director's Commentary on Destination Zero?
Hoo boy this’ll take some time, I’m just gonna put what I remember and special little things that readers might not know. All under the cut because it’s pretty looooong.
The idea of Sabine painting Eli’s shuttle was supposed to come into play later when he finds Thrawn and Ezra. The familiar style was supposed to put them at ease when the Lambda shows up because they’d recognize Sabine’s art. That really didn’t end up playing out but that was my initial intent.
One regret I have, is I made Ezra way too mean towards Thrawn and the imperials than I probably should have. I couldn’t fathom him just warming up immediately to people who were just his biggest enemy, and I feel I made him too hostile and maybe a bit obnoxious to the reader as a result, and I regret that.
When Eli runs into the Dorneans, I initially had written that he goes aboard their ship and they imprison him, thinking he’s an imperial. They would try to contact Sabine for an explanation but because she’s on Atollon and Bendu was jamming communications they couldn’t get to her. Eli would then escape like a bad ass and take over the bridge demanding they let him leave, and that chapter would line right up with Bendu being dealt with so Sabine would return the communication and vouch for Eli. The reason I changed this was because I was going to have Eli get captured at his next stop and I didn’t want to be repetitive.
Also, I was going to have Eli run into/rescue Pellaeon along his way but ended up not following that idea.
The Imperials that Ahsoka and Sabine run into on Atollon were originally meant to be throw away one chapter characters, but they quickly became more prevalent enough that I had to give them names. Their return later in the fic was just an idea that struck me, because it gave them another purpose, and I had given them names so I should probably use them again haha. Also the chapter where they meet the Imperials and deal with Bendu were supposed to be one chapter, but the Imps took longer than I thought so I broke it up.
Time for a fun fact. The slaving mine operation Eli stumbles into was supposed to be a side plot Ahsoka and Sabine go on. Because the path of their adventure took them close to Zygerria, so I wanted them to discover a slaving operation then take the entire thing down, and Eli was meant to only deal with pirates. As I started writing out the pirate chapter, turning it into a slaving operation just came naturally so I transferred the plot to Eli, which also allowed me to introduce Jessa! Another fun fact, I would give up my first born son for a picture of Eli holding Jessa in one arm, a blaster in the other, a bit beaten but with a fiery determination in his eyes as he tore down those slavers one by one. I NEED it.
Fun fact 3: I had planned on Ezra finding Eli’s old quarters on the Chimaera and finding his hidden journal. Which would give more insight into Eli’s thoughts and developing feelings for Thrawn through their career, but I didn’t think Eli would leave something like that behind when he left so I had to scrap it :(
Here’s an Easter Egg no one noticed, but it’s pretty not important so I’m not surprised it wasn’t picked up on. Jessa’s last name Zaitvi is actually an anagram of Ti’viza which is a subtle nod to their parallel in Eli’s life
Not so fun fact: Writing Ti’viza’s death made me just as sad as it probably was to read
Question: Why is Lyste in this fic? Answer: I really wanted to know what happened to him, since Thrawn knew he wasn’t actually a spy, something had to of happened to him so I took a crack at an idea
Another question: Did Eli continuously forget to contact Thrass because I forgot? Answer: ....yes.
Also, Eli running into Lyste and the Imperials on Garel was just a small effort to shoe how the separate adventures line up, I actually had to make a timeline of Eli and Sabine and Ahsoka’s adventures to make sure things weren’t contradicting each other.
Link to the timeline on google docs Here
I had initially wanted Thrawn and Ezra to be alone when they crashed, but I couldn’t find a good feasible way for that to happen, plus I didn’t want to kill off characters like Faro disrespectfully and write them out. So Thrawn and Ezra getting separated for a few days was my compromise.
A stranger who was reported as MIA for 6 years showing up with a kidnapped and malnourished child probably can’t adopt said child overnight, however, shut up I write what I want to make Dad!Eli, I stretch reality slightly in my story about space wizards.
The dark forest concept I spent a really long time debating and arguing over. Because, can a pitch black forest truly exist, where there’s no light at all, and Ezra and Thrawn can truly not make any sort of light source? Probably not? But I did it any way, but I really fought myself on it for a long while.
In all honesty, I’m divided on Thrawn being Force Sensitive or not. I like the idea that he isn’t because it makes him triumphing over force users all the more impressive, however, the angst possibilities of him being a navigator in the past is too tantalizing to pass up. That latter thought clearly won out in this fic.
I think that’s all the fun behind the scenes stuff I could come up with. It was a long fic, and a hell of a journey. I’m happy you enjoyed it, I swear you really are DZ’s biggest fan, thank you for your love and support! <3
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empress-violetlight · 2 years
🖊+an OC
Okay, since I've been given a choice, I'm going to go with Xelarra and Thrawn's son, Shran
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(Wish I had a better picture of him. This one is years old, but still, you can tell he's his father's son)
Full name: Mitth'shra'nuruodo. His core name translates to "gift" in Old Chenuh.
birth year: 9 ABY
Race: Chiss (duh)
Place of birth: Nirauan -- the Hand of Thrawn fortress. Empire of the Hand, Unknown Regions, the Galaxy Far Far Away
Family: Mitth'raw'nuruodo - Thrawn (father), Lexx'elarra'nuruodo - Xelarra (mother), Mitth'andor'randeth - Andorra (older sister). Mara Jade (older adopted sister), Mitth'ras'safris - Thrass (paternal uncle). Considers the Fel family his honourary uncle, aunt and cousins, and Admiral Gilad Pellaeon his honourary grandfather.
Shran was born in 9 ABY, at the very end of his father's campaign as portrayed in Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy ("Heir to the Empire", "Dark Force Rising", and "The Last Command"). Xelarra would not allow Thrawn to leave for his campaign until he fulfilled a promise to her -- she wanted another baby. Shran was born almost immediately after his father's death at the Battle of Bilbringi, and never even had the chance to meet him. ("Penelope" Chapter 2), narrowly avoiding a Noghri attempt on his and his mother's lives. A heartbroken Xelarra named him, modifying usual Chiss naming conventions, in honour of his father's sacrifice -- Thrawn's last gift to his wife was their baby boy.
Though his life began with loss, Shran grew up surrounded by loved ones. His older sister Andorra adored him, often babysitting, and close family friends, the human Fel family, often cared for him alongside their own six children, with Syal Fel often joking that "one more doesn't make much of a difference at this point", and Shran became particularly close to Jagged Fel, two years his senior, who would be his lifelong best friend, and Cherith Fel, a year his junior. Xelarra lavished attention and care on her son, despite her position as Planetary governor of Nirauan (and would tell off any who dared to criticize her attending her family duties), and later, as Empress of the Hand.
Despite his happy childhood, Shran still felt the shadow of his legendary father, and strived to differentiate himself from the expectations that shadow cast. Instead of joining the Imperial Naval Academy as a mid-ager as almost everyone expected him to, Shran instead joined the Empire of the Hand's Explorer program. A passion project that Thrawn dreamed of, but never lived to see its fruition, the Explorers would chart and extensively study new planets and solar systems in the Unknown Regions and other outer reaches of the Galaxy relatively peacefully (their ships only being lightly armed -- enough to deter criminals), learning all they could and discovering unexpected secrets. You could say they "seek out new life and new civilizations". Normally, Explorer Cadets would have two years of classroom study, followed by two years of field placement before graduating to the rank of ensign. After learning that Thrawn had graduated in only 3 years instead of the usual 4 from the Chiss Expansionary Defence Fleet academy, Shran saw that as a challenge. He beat his father's record, graduating in only two years.
As an ensign, at 14 years old, Shran's first assignment was the RRS (Royal Research Ship) Stargazer, commanded by the Chiss Captain Kalemi, a former Rogue Phalanx warrior and mathematics expert. She had previously worked with Xelarra on a black ops mission, and Xelarra pulled some strings in the background to get Shran assigned to her old associate's ship. As a command-track ensign, Shran was expected to familiarize himself with all Explorer specialties, and he took to the challenge with his characteristic humour and enthuiasm. He was instrumental in helping Mara Jade rediscover her connection with the Empire of the Hand (upcoming fic, "Daughter of the Empire").
The Empire of the Hand's forces managed to find Vector Prime, forcing the Yuuzhan Vong to pick a different way into the Galaxy, delaying the onslaught of the Yuuzhan Vong War by 3 years (28 ABY instead of 25 ABY). By the time Shran was 19 at the beginning of the war, he had risen to First Officer of the Stargazer. Not long into the War itself, he'd be given command of his own ship, the RRS Intrepid, as the Explorers were reassigned to scout and Vong research duties. Despite the Intrepid's official role, he often finds himself at the centre of new developments during the war, like the intact capture of a coral skipper, proving the Explorer program as a whole's continued importance.
In stark contrast to usual Chiss stoicism, Shran comes across as outgoing to the point of obnoxiousness, and has an air of not taking anything seriously. This is all an act, however, one made to make people underestimate him. Beneath the mask lies an intellect just as cool, calculating, and frighteningly intelligent as his parents'. He has a talent for noticing that which others miss, and finding insight in unexpected places. He has no patience with stupidity, and has no qualms about telling others to their faces if he finds a system or belief idiotic (such as almost everything about the Jedi, or the Chiss Ascendency's Ruling Family system). He's extremely loyal to his family, friends and crewmates. Anyone who threatens them will see his easygoing facade crack, and will learn first hand how dangerous the Son of Thrawn really is.
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