#just some things :)
nightwngobssd · 5 months
Dick is not the happy go lucky character every single moment.
Jason doesn't feel Lazarus pit rage.
Cass is not always serious.
Tim is more than a tired or depressed replacement.
Steph isn't just a unserious background character.
Damian isn't a murderous "demon" child.
Duke is more than just shy background character who is confused.
Can we stop pretending that the batfam kids only have one emotion????? Most everyone (with exceptions but-) no matter how emotionally repressed they are feel more than one thing, it's part of being human. It's so frustrating when people mis characterize them, and say they only feel one thing or only act a certain way.
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stupidrant · 2 months
reasons why atreus likes angrboda because why not 😊
We already know they like each other but i like to dig a bit deeper into their relationship because i just love them so much 😋 a few reasons why i believe atreus is drawn to angrboda:
1) The obvious, his parents. Due to his upbringing with laufey being more open with her love and kratos showing tough love, you can tell atreus craves some sort of validation and really wants someone who is upfront and honest abt their feelings for him and clearly angrboda is exactly that and she possibly reminds him of his mother.
2) They are in a similar position when it comes to a guardian of theirs being harsh toward them and being the only kid growing up. As they go through ironwood and feel each other out, a certain type of unique understanding with one another is developed.
3) His ancestry. Again very obvious but worth to point out that not only is he happy to explore his jotnar heritage and learn abt who he is as loki, he’s really intrigued with the tranquillity homey feel of jotunheim. I think he feels this way about angrboda as well.
4) Her independence. throughout ragnarok, atreus seeks a specific independence and knowledge that angrboda seems to have that he doesnt but wants. While she has it because of unfortunate circumstances, he sees that she's working hard against her mostly internal struggles and admires that.
5) Her 💘
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cosmic-herbal-tea · 4 months
If Ahsoka sensing the impending Order 66 scene is any indication, it shows Mace Windu had a profound connection to the Force because it’s his death that is the very first sign of trouble. So much so there’s people like Ahsoka (whom has a conflicted relationship with him) who become physically disoriented when her senses explicitly senses Windu being slain.
Other characters like Jarro Tapal sense this too just before Palpatine expresses Order 66. Now there’s also the fact that Order 66 reaches people at different times and whatnot but a lot of Jedi got the sense something is wrong even before the first broadcast & it’s Windu dying & Anakin turning.
Given most Jedi in canon don’t even know Anakin died or turned without real conclusive evidence and Windu was a widely regarded champion, it’s easy to say that for many Jedi, Windu’s death was sensed all about. Likely because it’s at the fulcrum of a tipping point between the light & dark side.
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houseofpurplestars · 12 hours
Lucy rescuing Max, Max giving Lucy RadX
Lucy looking for medicine for Max, discovering Vault 4. Max trying to protect Lucy in the Vault.
Lucy feeding Max mac & cheese. Max offering Lucy oysters.
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fyonahmacnally · 9 months
Tag Game
Tagged by @appropriatelystupid
Three ships: This one is pretty easy…my number one is Supercorp and likely always will be. I got into fanfiction through WayHaught so they hold a special place in my heart. Tibette will always be my OG though.  
First ship ever: Geez, I’m not even sure. I think maybe the first time I became aware was Brenda and Dylan on 90210? Or maybe Joey and Dawson on Dawson’s Creek. The first one that drew me into fandomland was WayHaught though. I was late to the game getting into fandoms, without a doubt.
Last song: Come Back…Be Here by Taylor Swift.
Last movie: Oh damn, I haven’t been to a theater since before COVID started. HA. Okay, I’m gonna pass on the theater, but the last movie I re-watched was Ammonite.
Currently reading: Moonlight Howls by S.D. Sampley. She is a family friend and it’s her first book! (Her second in this series is out too.)
Currently playing: I’ve been mostly reading and not playing any games, but the last video game I played was Destiny with my wife. :)
Currently watching: other than the 5 minutes of KMG in the continental. HA – keeping that same answer from @appropriatelystupid because…yeah, same. Outside of that, whatever documentary catches my eye because I am a big nerd and love to learn. The last one I watched was Mormon No More on Hulu.
Currently consuming: A dark chocolate peanut butter Kind bar.
Currently craving: Chips and Salsa
People I’d like to know better: Hmmm, let’s see…(also sticking with the previous response - if you wanna play consider this me tagging you too and obviously no pressure to anyone I tag) @lovesastateofmind1 @fabulousglitch @chaotic-super @sssammich @casualkoalatea @kitch3nw3nch @humanonstrike
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simplywrong · 1 year
A small gifts for some amazing people here ❤️
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Don't know if you celebrate Christmas but still, Merry Christmas and wish you all amazing time and all the good things 🥺
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@sebastianvettelx @speaknowseb @kmagsy @bmwsv
Sorry if it's weird
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anonymousfoz · 5 months
I hate people that look at things from a decade ago to decide how to see a person.
Nothing to do with anything recently. it's just been a thought.
Like everyone was homophobic and transphobic a decade ago. Do you not remember the 2010s and early 2000s? Everyone had offensive humor on the internet.
You can't judge someone based on what a younger, dumber version of themself was doing. You have to judge them based on who they are now, not who they were 10-20 years ago.
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Harry Collett is a good fancast for Jon, Exhibit No. 1038376.
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Rhaegar Targaryen by Clark Ocleasa
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insocat · 1 year
thinking of making a new acc for actual posts while keeping this one as a rb one
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What I do now isn't what I want to do for a career. But in addition to paying me more than my last job, I've received more recognition in less than six months just doing my job than I did in two years innovating, volunteering time, and putting my mental health on the line for the sake of the company.
It's not a forever job. It taught me what I should demand from an employer though. Like... I really shouldn't have been putting up with the shit that I had at my old job, but I did because I didn't know any better. This job taught me better though and I really appreciate it.
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Starting to think I might actually have ADHD but idk what to do with that.
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kochei0 · 3 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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lazylittledragon · 5 months
can't believe we're all adults being forced into the club penguin level of censorship in 2024
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ukulelekatie · 7 months
I just revived my old iPod touch that I haven’t used since ~2013 after believing it to be dead dead for years and oh my god it’s like opening up an old time capsule. There are photos of me and my friends that I haven’t seen in years, taken in an old high school building that doesn’t exist anymore. I have games that are no longer downloadable on the app store. It’s running iOS 5 with the original skeuomorphism app icons. I still have the youtube app. My contacts app is full of maiden names and deadnames. The music app has songs I haven’t heard in almost a decade but still remember all the lyrics to. A daily alarm set for 5:30 AM (god I can’t believe I had to wake up that early in high school) and another set to 11:11 PM to remind me to make a wish. Reminders to finish homework assignments, or to write my application essay for the university I ended up attending, and one marking the release date for the final episode of Cabin Pressure. The last thing I googled was “how to draw people hugging”.
Possibly the strangest thing is that the tumblr app still opens, but it’s stuck in a permanent snapshot of 2013 where it won’t show me any new posts no matter how many times I refresh. My dash is full of old BBC Sherlock posts from long-lost mutuals who have either since deactivated or got unfollowed or changed urls so many times that I don’t even recognize them. Lady Gaga and Game of Thrones are the top trends. My profile shows my previous url and icon, with only 43 followers. I feel like a time traveler
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fyonahmacnally · 8 months
Get to know me!
This is for you, @chaotic-super, I don't know how you and Sam always talk me into these things.
Favorite color: Cobalt or Midnight Blue
Last song: Say Don’t Go (Taylor’s Version – From the Vault).
Last movie: Hocus Pocus 2
Currently watching: Time drag by at work.
Other stuff I watched this year: Not much. Rewatched a few episodes of Supergirl, 2 episodes of The Continental, and a few documentaries.
Shows I dropped this year: N/A
Currently reading: Lots of Supercorp fics on Ao3.
Currently listening to: The voices tell me to get back to work instead of filling out this list for Chaos.
Currently working on: A fic where Kara and Lena are in a cottage in Ireland. It’s my SCtober fic that is now a SCvember one.
Current obsession/s: Supercorp and anything Katie McGrath
Tagging - @casualsavant @appropriatelystupid and @inkedroplets
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obsob · 4 months
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i am a being capable of immeasurable love and whimsy
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